$mfflfr'$4.$Affli3Ji ' sSW?KJ(P.!pv " ' ' ' ,'' .'. -' i.iri.' y ". THE SCJR ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1901. 2 mm 3. OtfiGe: BURKE BUILDING A NEW OROANIST. Dissensions In Choir of Trinity Church Result In Prof. Doorsnm'a Engagement. Prof. Charles noersnm, of Hrrntilmi, yesterday entered upon his now duties is organist unci chorister of Trinity lOplscopnt church, turn gave excellent jutlsfaotlou to the congregations. Ills appointment to the position wits on lercd upnii suddenly and the change R'lirt nut known to the Kcnernt public until announced In Saturday mornlng'a Tribune. T. CSrlflln Smith and Mm N. L. Moon have previously been chorister nnd n tranlst. of Trinity, and their many friends have been wondering why thoy (ni.vo been displaced on Mich short notice. A. prominent member of the church yesterday afternoon pave the reasons to a Tribune man. Trouble lias been brewing In the .-holr for some time. Mr. Smith baa been accused of partiality In assigning solo parts to the female singers and with being arbitrary. A number of times. It Ik said, he has assigned solo parte, to some one singer and when the singer has thoroughly learned the part ho lias taken it away ami given It to mother, thus causing hard feelings. A diorl time ago. It Is said, sixteen of the l.idy members of the choir went to Rev. i:. A. Sawyer, the rector, nnd told hlin that unless Mr. Smith was removed an horlster they would refuse to sing any longer. The rector tried hard to dls Miade them from their purpose, but ti no avail. Then, It is alleged, ho told them that he would remove Mr. Smith, but If lie went, Mrs. Moon, the organ Isl, would have to go also. This did not. suit the ladles, as Mrs. Moon Is very popular with them and has ever since Iter connection with the choir worked very hard, giving up much of her time to aciiulrlng familiarity with the large organ which has been in stalled lately. It Is thought the rec tor's purpose in threatening to remove Mrs. Moon was simply to prevent the choir from acting rashly, as there was not the slightest complaint against her, and It was thought thai she was to be used as a band to cement friendly feel ings In the choir, Be this as it may, the sixteen ladies were insistent on Mr. Smith being forced to tender his resig nation. None of the male singers in the choir tool; part in the demand for his removal. True to ills promii-e, on seeing that, the ladles meant what they said In re gard to their not singing unless Mr. Smith resigned, the rector asked for the resignation of .Mrs. Moon also. The two i catenations were received and the rector engaged Mr. Dnersam, who is a. capable organist. U will be remem bered that Mr. Doersam gave a recital in Trinity church in February. Eight of the young. ladles in the choir have come back, but was said yesterday by the reporter's Informant that eight am still obdurate because they feci that in injustice has been done to Mrs. Moon. , Mrs. Moon, as organist, received $100 a year for her services; Mr. Smith, as chorister, received $100 a year, making a total or $-'00. Mr. Doersam has been engaged at a salary ol' $2," a month and expenses. These expenses will consist of three trips a week from Scranton to I'nrbondale, with Incidentals, making .in outlay of at least $400 a year, in cluding both salary and expenses, thus doubling the amount that has beer, pair! in the past. It is to be regretted that a dissen sion of this nature has arisen, as just now Trinity church has a great, work on band and needs the assistance of every member of Its large pariah to ;arry It to a successful completion. Not Expected to Live. Word was received from Harford on Saturday that little Gerald Hammond, ?on of W. R Hammond, nnd nephew if Mrs. W. J. Lnwry. of this city, is -teadily growing weaker and all hops if recovery is past. On last Monday Dr. l.owry performed u preliminary ipcratlon, In which he was assisted by "Joe-tors Capwcll, of Scranton, anil iloovcu ami Johnson, of Harford, ivhen it was seen that the lad was beyond help. Removed to Scranton. Or. and Mrs. A. D. Preston have moved their household goods to Scran on, where tha doctor has a largo and ;rowing dental practice, being located n the Mear.s building. Mrs. Preston's not her, Mrs. S. S. Hards, is In Scran ton assisting the young couplo to bo--"In housekeeping. The doctor and his sHnitibie wifj have many friends, who sincerely regret their departure. A Birthday Party. The .MIses Haael, Dorothy and flol 'ii Peck, of this city, were in Way mirt Saturday attending a party given n lienor of iho sixth anniversary of he birth of Rnnsi Womincott. The lit ln hostess entertained a large number f her friends and provided many ell- I'.ivlons for their amusement. Bvirtfje Work Progressing. 'I&a'wiirk on the now steel bridge ivcr .Backet Brook Is belli? done with elerlty. The iron work on tho east tldo of the street car tracks has been HAVE TO GIVE UP, 't5 All Over When Nervous Sick .'.X.oailnche Comes to Young or Old. .'ivotything Stops nnd Nothing roos on but the Nervous Sick '"sxdneUca. ' anything will engender a dlsre- ;,','r iwr even life Itself It Is continued i-'U'VBI i;uted attacks of sick heael- , ..(.Yuti may he ablo to partially j i .h" it, but tlie I'higllsh lunguugo M.i fully do It Justice. It's misery ' ' i'l'iruteil, so condensed, so pros- ihui itll else is enveloped In Its , ', human Summers, of No, 1619 -.v.iti .'ttieet, Scranton, Pa., says: . .V W. Chase's Nerve Pills are a : 'Id cuie for nervous sick head- Minn were terrible at times. I nervous at tho samo time. Tho ,-j pills were recommended to mo .1 I got a box at Matthews Bros.' tug .store, No. 320 Lackawanna uve- .u, and they completely cured the jeudaehes and nervousness. This, I hlnk, Is recommendation enough." Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are old at GOc. it box at dealers, or Pt A. V. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. V. ( ice that portrait and' signature of A., ,Y i imse, at. u-i i '"i every pucKugc, Carbondale Department completed. Tho sidewalk Is made of Iron plates and on the outer edge of the structure running from the 1)1. building well up along (he Cnniinn street embankment Is it mibstuutlat Iron fence. Contractor Aloran has Mu lshed tho concreting on the cast side of the street railway, and this pari of the bridge Is now open for trallle. On Saturday tho wooden stringers gave place to Iron ones under the car track. Street car trallle Ik now Inter rupted at that point and three of the trolley cars arc. north of the bridge. The crews of these cars llnd consid erable! tlllllcttlty in making their trips on schedule time and there Is consid erable confusion on that section. When the Iron stringers are nil In place It will not take long to llnlsh up tho work on the west side of this bridge. Tho concrete will be put In and as quickly as possible tho paving work will be done without stopping trallle. ODD FELLOWS IN OHUROH. They Attended the Bcrenn Baptist Church Last Night The Sermon Appropriate. The various orders of Odd bYllows of this city and vicinity commemorated the seventy-eighth nnnlversury of the Institution of the society by attending divine services last evening at the Bcrenn Baptist church. Among the lodges which attended Carbondalo can ton, No. 10, Patrlnrchs' Mllilnnl, at tracted attention by their handsome uniforms. Itev. H. J. Whalen, J. I)., delivered the sermon. The same minister preached the annual sermon last year. Last evening Dr. Whalen based his remarks on two passages of scripture, first taking for the foundation of the address "The Great Commission," as recorded In Matthew xxvlli: 16-20, and the parable of the Hood Samari tan, recorded in Luke x: 2.1-;!7, In his address ho defined the rela tive places of tho church and tho lodge in the redemption of humanity, and said that to tho church, first, has been specially committed the special work and care of organized charity In cidental to the spiritual work. The lodge ns a natural outgrowth of our Christian civilization Is the hand maiden nf the church, carrying for ward that work taught In the parable of the flood Samaritan. The church and the lodge are not rivals, but both are engaged in the work of bettering humanity, the one being necessary to the other. The lodge exists only un der the eaves of the church. The church prospers host where she has the co-operation or the lodge. The doctor said Hint, while the church does do a good deal of charit able work, its mission is purely spirit ual and that the organization of lodges Is necessary to finish the charitable purposes mat the church is unable to attend to. "A POOR RELATION.' The Comedy Coming to the Grand on Wednesday Evening Next. The attraction at the Grand Opera House on Wednesday evening next will be Sol Smith Uussoll's great com edy.' "A Poor Helalion," in which that rising young comedian. Frank Kaenan, will assume Mr. Russell's part of Noah .Vale. Mr. Keenan Is an actor or the same quiet, natural methods ns Jius sell, whom "ne resembles. To bo poor and yet happy: to bo pov erty stricken and yet charitable: to bo out at the knees ami yet a. gentleman, these are some of tile unique attributes that arc combined in the sweet and unworldly character of Noah Vale in "A Poor Relation." Many Lodgers. The city jail Is tilled to its capacity each evening with vagrants who come to seek a night's lodging. This state of things Is bad for tho community. Tho tramps spend the day in bulling about tho streets. Importuning house wives for food and annoying them, and at night return to jail and sleep there, giving the janitor a great deal of extra work. When they leave the city they undoubtedly pass the lip along to their brother hoboes that Carbondalo is an "easy mark" and the "Weary Willies" Hock here. This state of affairs should be stopped. It is unjust to the citi zens, jf tho laws regarding vagrancy were strictly enforced the human pests would be forced to quit coming here. A Civil Marriage. Alderman S. S. Jones on Saturday evening performed a marriage cere mony, uniting Miss Vincemsiuo Chlodo to Dominick Kiglioinenl. The wit nesses were Gabriel Pugllano and Itev, F. Ccrrutl. Throe Girls. To Mr. and Mrs. .1. V. Sullivan, a daughter. To Mr. nnd Mrs. John Peterson, of Forty-second street, a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Cannon, of Pike Hi root, a daughter. Faculty Entertained. Miss May Kllpatrick, of Darle ave nue, entertained tho faculty of the ('mi tral High school at her homo recently. Tho afternoon was pleasantly spent and u. tete-a-toto tea was served at a number of small tables, Home from the South, Tho Misses ltlchinnnd, of lllchinmid Hill Farm, have returned from South ern Pines, . C where they spent I ho last I wo months. Mr. und Mrs. Wil liam H. niclmiond will remain In At lantlo Clt for the present. For the Hospital, j Tho ladles who htivo charge of the hospital benefit concert wish to ac knowledge the receipt of , gift of $r( from Hernurd Murphy toward (he en terprise. The Cottage Hose Company Fair. Tho Cottage Hoso company will probaby begin their postponed fair In the liiirku building on Monday even ing, April SO. The Barbers' Social. The members of the Journeymen Barbers' union will hold their first an nual social on Thursduy evening, Muy 1G. At the Opera House. Wednesday nlit "A Poor It-la. linn." Thonc s NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 THE HOSPITAL BENEFIT. Will Be Held nt tho Opera Houso To morrow Night Tho Pntronesos. The ladles having In charge tho hospital benefit concert which will take place lonioiiMW evening, have found that a sulllelent number of tickets have already been disponed of to necessitate giving tlie aifalr In the opera house, Instead of at the Bittko building, as first announced. Mr. Byrne has kind ly offered tho use of tho opera house free of charge. Mr. P.urke was warm !y (hanked for his tender of tho use of his hall, though It will not be used. ('. W. Kulkerson has offered tho use of any piano In his wnn rooms. A committee has been appointed to at tend to the ilor.'il decorations and other arrangements of the stage. The affair will bo a success from every stand point, and much credit Is due tlie Indies for their tireless work in Its behalf. i Altlioimh Hip concert will bo held In (be opera house there will be no re served seats sold. I'shc-rs hnve been selected who will see that all who attend arc properly cired for. The following are the patronesses of lb" bonellt concert: Mines. C. n. Man vllle, Ti. A. Bassett, Daniel Scurry, K. M. Peek. r t. Me.iker. N. H. Till ler. D. W. Humphrey, .T. V. Kllpatrick, S. S. Jones. Haydn Evans, J. I". Burr, T. G. Smith. P. V. Carroll. T,. jr. Smith, A. P. Trautwein, K. D. J,ntlirop, George W. Kcoiu-. G. K. Mills. A W. Reynolds, Kvn Smith, J. V. Loflua, IX L. Crane, J. P. A. Tingloy, M. C Elliott, O. T,. t'tley, Dr.vid James, George Btlrrell. Mark B. Campbell, F. K. Hennls. M. B. Miidlgan, George Kimball. K. B. Gard ner. M.-.ry Crane, C. (X Mellon. John J. Breniii.n. J. J. Thompson, Charles Perkins. Maurice G. Watt and J. F. McDm.alci. of Carbondalo; M. J. Shields, 'Ibr.mns Hunter. Wllllnm Walker. J. D. Stoeker, C. D. Winter, If. A. Willnmn, of Jermyn. Tickets may bo secured from am" of the iihovo or nt Reynolds' drug store. The Base Ball Outlook. Jt begins to look as though tiie base ball question was settled In this city in Hie negative, at least for this sea son. Unless more interest is speedily shown tlie project to have a semi professional team here will go by the board. A number of young men have been earnestly working to have a good team here and for a while It seemed as if their efforts would bo crowned witli success, as subscriptions to the amount or $125 were procured. A meet ing of the subscribers was called for Friday night and such a meagre num ber attended the meeting that the pro moters have grown discouraged and have about decided to abandon ths idea. It is to be hoped that f-onie one will lake it upon himself to bring to a satisfactory s-hape tlie work that has been laid down by Hie original com mittee. This city is large enough and "sporty" enough to have a representa tive team that will put up :i good game with any semi-professional team that comes here. It woidd scarcely be nec essary to go outside to get players. A manager up to all the tricks of the "fans" could also be found right in this city. A Successful Mission. The women's week in the mission row being- carried on at St. Bose church by the Bedemptorist Fathers came to a close yesterday afternoon, the linal services being held at :; o'clock. The large church held the grcatesf audience or the whole week, the drhiiig rain and high winds no' r.eleiring the faithful worshippers in tho .'lightest. The women's mission lias been eminently successful. The mothers and wives bad excellent ad vice and timely subjects delivered to them in tlie main auditorium all tho week, v.iiib tlie single women were similarly elevated In the downstairs hall. The men's mission began yesterday nit ruing at the 10.30 mass, although nt this servit.e the congregation was mixtd, In the evening at 7 o'clock a service lor men only Mas held, and throughout this week there will bo ser vices a i .".n o'clock each evening for the ytuner tox. U now remains to be seen if the men of the church will be as faithful to their rcllglcus duties as the won en have been. Suspects Discharged. The men suspected of being the ones who broke Into John Mohr's store on last Tuesday evening have all been discharged from custody, except Jam"s Brenn.iii, because of lack of evi dence to hold them, Henrv Williams, of Forest '"'itv, who was examined lie fore Alderman Jones on Friday, claimed that be could establish an alibi, as lie had slept In a hotel In Scranton Tuesday night, He named the hotel ami Chief McAndrew went to Scranton and found Williams' namn o-l tho register of the hotel, lie re turned Into that night apd roporteil his i'.ndlugs to Ahltirmun Jones, who then discharged Williams. James Williams, the rod-haired lyis oikt, Is Mill in the hospital, ami Is in a very weak condition, tho rosult of exposure and lusutllclcnt food, it will V several days before lia will be ablo In leave Hie institution, even with tho best care, and If complications do not set In, and when ho does ho will go in the county Jail, as Mayor Kllpat rick bus imposed a sentence of thirty days upon him for vagrancy, Trof. Firth Will Play. A number of Forest city young peo ple are arranKlng for a social to bo given in the opera house there next Friday night. Prof. John C Firth and a number of young people from this city will participate. The Coat of Clothes. One of Hie arguments used by tho policemen for a ralsu in salary Is that they have to spend too much for clothes. Some persons scoff ut this plea, but It is well founded. Hero Is a sample f (ho cost of their olllclnl apparel; Chief McAndrew bus Just MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS for Cliildtvii. Mother Orjy, fnr jean, 3 nurse In the t liiUlifii's lloimi in .'vw Vnk, lrc.ill iliil ilii'ii (.Harmfully ultli a uinidj, now iirriuicil umt plui-il in 1 1 io iliu:,- stoio, iMilcii .Mutlirr llr.i' (-wict i'oAilcrk fer I'liiUlim. Tiny are luiinlcw j mill., plejNiiil In Ukc ui.i1 mvi-r f.til. A 'I'lUlii line for iFU'lhlinon, constipation. lir.id.ii lie, UcIIiIiih; and Mum.uli ilioalci& uti.l irmuw wound. At alt iliusuUls, ir,c. Sample .cut I'ltlX. AiMii'Ki Allen S. Unn.tcU, l.iHoy. K. Y. bought a new cap and It cost him $!i.80. The man who usually pays a dollar for a cap thinks he Is dxlrava gaht and expects to get several years wear from ll.'hut tho chief will be for tnnaln It his lasts until next Knitter. All tho uniforms cost In proportion, as thoy have to bo specially made, TWO FUNERALS. Mary Stnkvls. Tim ftmttnl of Mary, daughter of Samuel nnd Annie Htakvl.i, of No. 4. was held yesterdny afternoon at 2 o'clock In 81. Hose church. Tho In terment was In St. Hose cemetery. Mary tllnd Saturday morning nbont 2 o'clock after a short Illness. She wni 11 yearn nnd I month old nnd hnd been In this country woven years, She w.ta born In Austria, Robert Mevln. Tho funeral of Hubert, Infant son nf Itobert J. and Anna Novln, of Dun dulf street, took place yesterday nfter noon nt .1 o'clock. Services were held In St. Rose church and Interment In St. Rose cemetery. fiobort wan but 1 years and fi months otrt. About three weeks ago, It Is said, he was taken seriously 111 from the result of chew lug on a p'ece of green window shade, which probably contained arsenic. Af ter he hnd recovered somewhat from the effect of the poison he continued III and death resulted from an ailment of the heart. Two Finall children sur vive him. The Library Site. Interest In the proposed Carnegie library las of lute icon allowed to Millet li;oe the councils passed a. reso lution accepting the off or of Mr. Car negie. Since the two bodies have re organised, however, nothing hns been dono or oven mentloneel to pnss an ordinance for the support of tho pro posed Dbri'ry, nnd In the regular ap propriation ordinance which passed llrst and second realing in elect coun cil on Thursday evening last no fund was provided for tho purpose. Noth ing further lias boon dene In regard to choos.ing a site for the building, although a subscription has been open ed by the publishers of the Review, which, after three weeks and to tho accompaniment of liberal quotations fiom ancient and modern authorities, hns thus far resulted in pledges of $3" being gathered, on condition that If the sum of $0,000 Is not realized Tor tho purchase nf a site, the money pledged will not be called for. The wave of enthusiasm has receded, nt least for the present. Signed the Scale. The Draymen's Protective associa tion belfl a meeting yesterday after noon in their new quarters In the Mur rin Luildlr.g on Salem avenue. Tho new scale recently prepared was signed by a large number of the local e'raymen, and tho association starts out r.uipiciously. Iho principal work of the vnlon will be to enforce tho observance of this schedule. Meetings Tonight. Select council. Common council. Olive Leaf lodge, No. lofi, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows, Federal union No. 720J. Patriotic Order Sons or America. Knights of Columbus, Carbondalo council. No. 320. Fnited Mine Workers, Local S77 af ternoon. JERMYN AND MAYF1ELI). A child of Ontario and Western En gineer Hall, of Slain street, was pain fully cut on Saturday afternoon by the breaking of a glass panel of one of tho doors. A piece of tho glass caught tlie child on the bridge of the nose, which was so badly cut that it necessitated being stitched. Tlie child was attended by Dr. Jackson, or Mayfleld. This evening, In the liaptist church, the llev. It. F. V. Pierce will give his famous chalk talk on "Our Boys." Dr. Pierce has never been heard in Jer myn, and all who listen to him tonight will feel that they have enjoyed a rare treat. As he talks, he draws pictures witli colored crayons to illustrate his thought. By this unique and interest ing style of address, and also by -his brilliant turns of humor. Dr. Pierce lias won Tame as a public speaker, which is almost national In extent. , John Clark, or the Fast Side, was taken suddenly 111 Friday night with convulsions. His life was despaired of for a while, but lie bus since consider ably improved. James Johns, of the Sweeney hotel, has returned home, after spending a week with Avoca friends. Mrs. (larrett and grandson, Walter Bray, of I-Ionesdale, are visiting rela tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Temby. of West Alaylleld, spent yesterday with Carbon dale friends. Mrs. Thomas Solomon, of Peckvllle, spent yesterday here. She expects on Saturday to join her husband at Johns town, where Mr. Solomon, who was for merly a resident of this town, has se cured a responsible position with the water company, Prof, and Mrs. H. N, Barrett spent tho week at their former home at Lakeside-, Susquehanna county. PECKVILLE. There will bo a regular meeting of iho Wilson Fire company on Tuesday evening. Squire Arnold In getting everything in shape for a fishing trip. The '.squiro Is a faithful follower of IsaHk Walton, and always returns from a tlshlng trip loaded down witli ttsh and a. new sun ply of stories, which are highly ap preciated by the members of the For est and Stream club, of which the 'squire Is an active member. A trout supper will soon bo in order. William Allen is spending a week at Philadelphia. K. 11, Barber, who has been very III, Is now improving, Arthur DemmliiE is ablo to be about again, after several weeks illness. K, K. Williams, of Depot street, hi beautifying Ids residence with a new coat of paint, Tho inliio department has a force of men employed In removing tho stono abutment at F bridge. Teamsters refuse to woik for tho borough at tho old rale of wages, HJiO, the union price being SI per day, Stanley Newton expects to leave this week for Niagara Falls, N. Y. OLYPHANT. John Davis, an old and respected resident of this place, died at his homo on Fouith street, Blakely, Suturday night, at 10.C0 o'clock. Deceased hart been In poor health for a long time, but wus not confined to the house until last Monday. Since then he continued to grow worse eyery day, until Satur day, when ho died. Mr. Davis was a native of South Wales, and was 71 years of age. He bad resided la Illukcly about thirty yours. He was DOWNWARD Fast Being Realized by Scranton People. A little backache at first. Dully Increasing until the back Is lame nnd weak. Urinary disorders quickly follow. Diabetes and Urlght's Disease. TIiIb Is tho downward course of kid ney Ills. Don't tako this course. Follow the advice of a local citizen. Mrs. William Riley, of 1014 Capouse avenue, says: "For seven years I had trouble with my back and kidneys. When I stooped, walked or stood long my back got very bad, I could not do hard work about the house without giving out completely. I felt all played out and had no ambition. I read a great deal about Doan's Kidney Pills and got a box at Matthews Brothers drug store. J took In all three boxes and they cured me." For salo by all dcalars. Price, i"0 cents. iFostcr-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho United Slates. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no substitute. an honest, Industrious citizen, highly esteemed by all his acquaintances. He was one of the deaeonn of the Susque hanna. Street Bnptlst church. Besides his wife, two sons and three daughters Mitvivc him. Tho funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon nt S.30 o'clock. Burial In Union cemetery. A number of gentlemen friends of A. W. Shnw, of Blakely. were entertained at a. delightful smoker held at his home on Saturday evening. After a number of games of cards refresh ments were served and cigars passed. The event was a surprise visit to Mr. Shaw. Mis. J. L. Thomas and itaugiiter. Miss Nina. Thomas, left Saturday for Mara thon, N. T.. to join Mr. Thomas, who has accepted a position there. Mrs. David Rlclly and son, of Scran ton, visited Mrs, William Wheeler, of Willow -street, yesterday. Benjamin Richards, of Providence, was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Jenkins yesterday. The Magnolia Dancing class will conduct their weekly social In Mahon's hall this evening. A meeting of the Kxcolslor Hosrs company will be held tomorrow even ing. All members are vpqueslcd to bo present as Important business wiy bo transacted. James AV. Kennedy, of the Olyphant Record, and Miss Jennie Kennedy re turned last evening from New York. TAYLOR. Deputy Head Counsel E. S. Whitney, of Scranton, instituted a branch of tho Modern Woodmen of America, on Fri day evening last in Van Horn's ball. The local order will bo known as the Olive Leaf camp. No. 73!)S. Tho camp commenced operationsi under auspic ious circumstances, enrolling forty eight charter members. The camp started In operation with the following charter members: John F. Tubbs, W. Jf. Bell. Robert J. Hooper, John D. Atherton, Frank Decker, Willard Atb erton, Kvan G. Watklns, Gomer Jones, John Davis, W. II. Oluistead, John K. Kvniis, John B. Reese. John M. Harris, James IJ. Watklns, J. W. Houscr, John W. Reese, George A. Hitter, I.emls Schulthles, Paul Cloinrnons, Thomas Ayers. U. M. Brownell, Stanley Miller, Charles II. Nichols,' M. J. Smith, David M. Williams, George L. Timlin. John R. Thomas. William G. Watklns, J. !'. Kraemer, W. G. Fry, W. B. Oisler. II. W. Rivenberg, Samuel Mlttlemnn, Rev. II. II. Harris, George Marsh, John A. Wood. Thomas McLaughlin, W. A. Fatzlnger, D. J. Phillips, William Lelp bam. James B. Powell, David M. Da vis, Benjamin O, Jones, James P. Law, Louis Reinhart, II. J. Cooper and John Richards. The ofllcers of the new camp are as follows: Venerable counsel, J. F. Tubbs: worthy adviser. J. K. Wat klns: banker. AV. M. Bell: clerk, K. G. Watklns; escort, John R. Thomas: watchman, Louis Schulthles: sentry, Paul Clemnions: camp physicians, J, W. Houseraud W. It. Olmstead; board of managers, Joseph Davis, George I,. Timlin, Louis Relnhardt: chief forester, John K. Evans. On Saturday morning the large three houso block owned by Thomas Will iams, of Providence, was destroyed by lire. Tho building Is situated on North Main street. Frank Lowery was tho only tenant In the building, and lost all of bis household goods in tho flames. Ilo had no Insuriine'.o. The lire origin ated In the northerly part of the house and spread quite rapidly. The tire alarm, which was but a short distance from the burning structure, refused to work, although many efforts were made to ring up the companies. Kx cllemeut grow high, and it. was seen that unless tho lire companies could be notified tho Odd Follows hall, which Is a largo wooden three-story building, and other surrounding properties were In great danger. Funeral Director It. J, Davis hurriedly hitched up a team and sturted for tho Taylor Hose coin pany's headquarters, and the llrcmcn were on tlie scene In a. short time, ac companied by Assistant Chief of the Klro Department- Powell, A stream was soon playing on tho Odd Follows' building and Hie Haines weio subdued. The llremen then turned their atten tion to the AVIlllanis' building. By this tlmo tho Century Hose company, No. J, wus on tho scene, and with sircains on both sides of tho burning building the lire was soon sotlen under control, The origin of tho II ro Is it mystery, The loss will probably reach several thousand dollars, which was partly covered by Insurance, Tho trouble ex perienced with tho alarm was the cnuse of the great headway gained by tho blaze, ami tho matter should ho thoroughly Investigated and a proper gong secured. Tho funeral or Mrs. John Fallon, of Old Forge, ocouued on Saturday, und was unusually large. A solemn high mass was celebrated at St. Kawrenco church by Rev. Father Jordan. Emblem division, No. r7, Sons of Temperance, will meet In regular ses slon this evening. Mrs. I'iriftith Price and children, or West Scranton, and Miss Sarah Will lams, of Clurk's Summit, wore guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. David AVIlllanis, of Washington street, yesterday. NEW PUBLICATIONS. f I I HIUMIIIM IWll 15he "Best Ten EH)er Tut Into a Matfaxinc EVERYBODY'S for May Ten Centtr Did you see the April number ? The May issue is better yet. Easy to Head. w, t1 Nothina io Skit). M year Yet it has no superior as a This 'Remarkable Everybody's Magazine, for 6 mos. llZU pag a month ot fascinating stories ana raaauic i"" of broad interest, profusely Illustrated with charming pictures. The World's Work, for 6 mos.- The new magatlne for men, and progTeislre women the best magazine o Its kind ever produce;!. Superbly Illustrated. Harper's Bazar, for 6 mos. Now changed from a weekly to .1 monthly. A tolume of, 100 pages, the final authority on qurblmn3 of good tatte in all feminine matters. The best o whit formerly cost four times as much. , These three magazines, each best in the May issue, to one address JOHN WANAMAKER., New IV, I rr aimammmtmiimmmmmm FLOOD AT PITTSBURG C'uiiclitdc d (ioiii I'.iRe I. roads was enormous and It will lake several days to rally repair them. Trains ore runnim; on all the road.J, but no attempt. Is belnR made to keep the schedules. The submorfred districts In PltlsbuiB anil Allegheny are today a scene of ab ject misery. Cellnrs, and In some In ytances the tlrst floors, of stores and dwellings are covered with water. Whore the Hood has subsided it has left behind a creasy yellow scum two to Ihree Inches deep. The residents spent all day trylnrr to restore their homes to some degree of decency and comfort. The damage to furniture and buildings in Allegheny Is estimated at abriut .MOO.AOO. It will take two months of hot Rummer weather to thoroughly dry out these houses. In Pittsburg Hie loss to residences, stores and goods and the cost of cleaning up will amount to about $l!."n,000. , At Carnegie borough, six miles from Pittsburg, the loss Is estimated at $10. 000. ol' which this Columbia. Bridge works lose .$:,000. The other losses range from $T,'fl to .$000. The AVcsting honse Klectrlo company had two car loads of finished material for Toronto, Cumula, upon the tracks near 'I'm tie Creek. They wore caught In the Mood and water gol into tlie cars. The loss may reach $S(.UOl). The Pittsburg base 'ball park is in bad condition. At noon today the llrst three tiers of chairs In the grandstand were under water and the bleachers were lloating all over the diamond. It will tako a week to put Hie grounds In shape. The report tonight from Rochester, Pa., Is that the Ohio lias ovorllowed its banks and a considerable portion of the city lying south of the Fort Wayne railroad tracks Is submerged. The riv er continues rising anil a steady down pour of rain continues. Tlie loss Io the various manufactur ing plants located along the river front will he heavy. Kxlra forces of men are patroling the railroad tracks on tho lookout for landslides. Wedded Under Difficulties. At Reaver Kails. Pa., the damage by the Hood and storm was considerable ami several squares In the north end of towns were converted Into a lake at Ninth avenue. Twenty-second and Twenty-third streets, ami the houses stand two and three feet deep In water. At one place tho wedding of Thomas Klui"H and Miss Clara Carter was to have taken place and the driver of the carriage had to wnrln Io the house of Miss Carter and carry the groom, the bride, and tlie groomsman and brides maid to the carriage in his arms, so they could go to the church for tho marriage ceremony. A couplo of large landslides have taken place on the lines of the Itlverview Street Car com pany where It asivnds Hie hill to Itlv erview park ami no cars ran all day. The water In the Beaver river lias been falling since morning, ami all danger of a Hood is over. N'n very great damage was elouc by the Beaver river.us it kept pretty well in Its banks, except at .Inaction Park, below Now Brighton, and thai polnl Is Inundated every year, and sometimes oftener. The Hist direct communication from Washington, Pa., tonight says chartler creek Is a raging torrent and has over flowed Us banks in hundreds of places. All iralllc on the Chartler's road In blnckrd by bridges being washed away and landslide, and the Lbiltlniore and Ohio is seriously crippled, No trains have beep running mi the Washington and Wnyuesburg narrow gauge, and the Indications are Unit none will he able to get through unlit Monday, AVuyiiosburg Is isolated, ami much In convenience has resulted. The Balti more and Ohio, between tills place and Wheeling, Is tied up and no trains are riiunimr. Many houses are llooilcil in the lower sections of the town, and thu water Is still ilslng. Fifty Families Homeless, The report from Steubtiivillo says the ofilo river reached lis Hood stage here this evening, and after touching Hie 2rt foot mark began in recede. Tho Hood Iiiik wrought great damage to properly In 11. is vicinity. Tlie Clove, hind mid Pittsburg railroad and Wheeling and Lake Ihio rullioad are now under water at Mingo. At Mingo .Ii.liit ion iho big plant ol the Nation al Hleel lompaiiv Is Idle because of high water, which Hooded the soaking pits, etc. About tifty families were renderi"! homeless by the high water in that ti.wn. "Little Italy." In tho lower end of the town, where two bundled Italians are housed, Is sub merged. In ibis tUy the paper mill, pot works and Iron works are hhut down on ac count of high water, b'ully llt'ty fam ilies In the low ground hem were coin 1 elicit in move from their homes. Parts of Bush ltun. Wari'ontou and Brilliant are under water. At Allaknuun anout twenty houses, were wrecl.ed by the Hood. Reports from up river points received at Pittsburg up to 10 p. ni. are nicagio, but for thu most part uro encouraging. oil City ! the only pojut on the Alle gheny river where tho water is rising. NEW PUBLICATIONS, 1 MIMTilll IIIIWII Cnfs Worth home magazine at any price. Offer to new subscribers : - .50 or three, for j It bud besuu to recede at that plnce, but now It registers fl.7 feet and rising. Along the Monongahola river rain Is reported at most points, but the river Is receding. Morgantown re ports 1" feet, railing: Greensboro, ttl.S feel, falling, and Brownsville, 'J2.-J. falling. Trains Behind Time. Today the through trains were run ning on all the main lines though most of them wore behind time. Tho Balti more and Ohio railroad experienced the most trouble. On the ninln line the company managed to keep tho track open Sunday. On account oE landslides near Laughlln station trains for the east were operated from Tblr-ty-fourth street. On the Wheeling division the tracks were under water between Kim Grove and Wheeling. To ward evening nil through trains wero moving but were greatly behind time. On the Pittsburg and Iakc lOrle rail--toad matters were In fair shape today. On the Pittsburg. MclCeesport and Youghiogheny division the line wus in operation today, although trains wore run slowly. The Pan Handle railroad experienced most trouble on the branch lines to Washington and Wheeling, the; tracks on these branches being inundated at nii'ny points nnd the telegraph wires down. The Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chi cago railroad was In the worst shape today ol" any of the Pennsylvania lines. M'he through trains from the west were all behind time on account of the heavy snows west of Crestline. The train due fit Pittsburg nt C.30 f,. m. Saturday did not arrive until 1. 10 p. m. today. Another due at L'.IO this mijenlng did not arrive until fi this evening'. Other trains duo this morn ing did not arrive until evening. WHEELING DEAD TO THE WORLD The City Shut Off from Outside Com municatlon Angry Citizens Shoot nt Big Steamboats. Uy i:clii-hR Whe riiiin 'I'lio Awn-Mini IN . Wheeling, W. Vu., April 21. The riv er tonight was forty-one feet four Inches and rising two inches an hour. The top noU'h is expected In an hour or two, with less than forty-two feel. This stage shuts Wheeling entirely our. of outside communication by rail and only the big Cincinnati liners are able to run now. and irate residents along the rivers banks are tiring frequently at the boats, because the swell from them is washing the foundations away from their houses. In Wheeling, Bcllalre, Bridgeport. Bouwood and Martin's Ferry about .100 houses have been entered by the wat er, most of iho families moving to tho upper floors. Nearly every manufai -Hiring establishment in the Wheeling district is shut down and cannot re sume until Tuesday. At Martin's Fer ry the water destroyed ROO.nufl brick at tho Belmont Brick company, entailing a loss of $20,1100 to $:i0.00u. There are smaller losses at olhor plants, aggre gating probably $10,000. Taking the loss to business, railroad landslides and Industrial losses Hie aggregate cost of the Hood In this district Is at least $100,(100, probably more. Above Martin's Kerry. .James Ford, a miner, discovered the Cleveland an I Pittsburg track washed out. Knowing a north-bound passenger train was dm In thirty lMnules, he returned a short illslnuce and succeeded In stopping lb" train from certain destruction. Tf Onto River railroad has a iiuni her of landslides and considerable! washed nut track below Wheeling, In volvlng a big loss and suspension of trallle for .several days. On tho Bal timore and Ohio's Wheeling-Pittsburg division there is a landslide at t'lays vlll, preventing through t radio be tween the two olti-' . Tlioro will bo much distress In the district, most of the losers by the Hood being the poor er class. Fnited Mates Senator N" B. Scott wh"s the Intelligencer from Washington, contributing $."uo for re lief. Much timber has been lost in tho hlttlo Kanawha river. A report from Marietta, Ohio, that a number nf people have been drowned near that place is without coullrm.i tiou, LIMA'S BREAD STRIKE OVER. Wnny Bakeries Open, Plenty of Work, Women to Bo Employed, ll r.uluiu Wiu- hem The .Wuiwlul l'ii l.iuui, 1'ini- 'i (i.lbrlin, Tox., April i. - VIk' tll'dll 1llill Ml"ll ll ll'IU' tl-llllill.lt '0 Man li.iLi-lii ai ' I'i'W I'l'in, mid die mi'll :it ttinK. Tin' ottiuis ii B .iwiitccl, luu will' iluwn U'fii' i-lliM' f hu'iea-cil uatroa brcjuie tlur.' me plenty of men iHfi'iins to woik ut llm '.i;ii tin- muni' arc Milling In uy. heme .1 the rllikjht,' I'.iLoM ui'( iimMhi; lnv.nl u lomp lilirm villi lliolr loimrr rniilu)rin. Ik- jpeit nf jltih l,j: Uianj.'i-'l. Maclilmrv ill! ho impelled and ueinrn will lie .impli'.vwl In the kikulM in ilio mar future, BASE BALL. l I ii.einii.iti--Cl.HimiJtl'PilttbinR caniQ pit poiicl en aivonnt of ran.. Ai St l.ou, II. II. r M Lenij 0.1110011 l'.1IS I elduc 0 100 4 0000-5 B 2 IIjIUik'o Mi-lliatt and Mcliol; Mrncffc ''." tliJiRC. I input JJmdlc. ttend.inie ll,U. $1.50 .50 $2.50 all for $1