pw,- ' ,Jl--TJW J J ' ' fAH --H- .777; 'Tp f 'ri ,? prvift ;l45K.vWL i k -. . SMbinte. crantoii THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO SCH ANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 22, 1901. TWO CENTS. FLOOD AT PITTSBURG n Inundation That Has Gaused Great Financial Loss and DIs- comTort In tlie Smoku GItu. LOSS NEARLY $3,000,000 The Waters Near the Junction o the Allegheny and Monongnhela Re mnin for Twelve Hours at a Point 28 Feet Above the Low Mark. Fifty Thousand Workers Are Suf fering from Enforced Idleness. List of the Manufacturing Plants Flooded Loss to Railroads. H.v rNchi'ho Nile from The AMorlalcd PrcM. Pittsburg, April 21. Pittsburg and Allegheny are slowly emerging f''om the murky Hood. At 8 p. m. the rivers wi-re receding nearly a foot nn hour. The highest point reached tit Davis Wnnd dam was 23.S feet at 3 a. in., which means 2S feet at tho junction of the Allegheny and Monongahcla riveis. The water remained station ary until about ?. p. in., when it be gun to full. Conservative estimates of the lotal damage in this district is be tween SL'.OOO.OOO and $3,000,000. Fifty thousand workeis are suffering from I'll furred Idleness. While there hnve been gt eater floods ill this point, th"i was never one tliiit caused so much Unanclal loss and dis-comfort. This was due to the den-.-cr populiilion ciiused by the recent i lipid growth or the two cities and to the fact that all the manufacturing plants on the river banks were in .ac tive operation. Most of them worked n'ght and day until the rising water put out the lires and drove the work ers to higher grounds. Among the plants Hooded wholly or 'n part, are the Groctzlngor tannery, i 'allcry tannery. Standard Ico com pany, Armstrong, McKelvy & Co., Luty Schrnm Pickling works, McGraw's tannery, Carlin Foundry and Machine cdn.'pany, Pittsburg Provision com pany, "Walker's Soap works, Crawford's Saw mill, Charles Nut works, Baker Manufacturing company, Peter "Reside & Co., flaidsogg Mfg. Co., "Damascus "bronze company. Tower City Spring ermpany, Eagle Paint and Varnish company. Moirison Bros.' Stone works, Hall Pump works, Sicilian Asphalt and Paving company, pipe cutting depart ment or the Pennsylvania, Tube works, Jones & Ltiut,hlin.. the National Tube works, the lllba Iron company. Na tional Supply company, Keystone Smelting company, fllcrishaw Glass company. Spang. Chnlfant & Co., American Steel Hoop company, Col umbia Bridge company, Supeiior Iron and Steel works, American Steel and "Wire mills-. Pllworth, Porter & Co., A. M, Myers & Co.. Oliver Steel and Wire euinpiiny, Bei ry & Co. Planing mill, Mei'onway Torlry Co., Shefller Hi Idee woiks, II. K. Porter & Co.'s Locomotive work". Keystone Btidge works. Carnegie's upper and lower "i nlon mlll., Black Diamond Steel work. Pittsburg Sildgu works, "Wayne Steel and Iron works--, Carnegie's Slxty-f--r;orid strer; furnaces, I.ucy fuiuaees, Crescent Steel works-. Marshall Struc tural and Foundry company's works. Aimsirong Coke company, A. II. Humllton company, P.est Box factory, Shnunbpi'Kor Sleel works, Fort Pitt y TVmndrj and Zug's mill. Loss to Railroads. The loss to the railroads entering Pittsburg from Hood. landslide., wp'cked brl lyes, hcay tuww and tho iiterf.M-uiii'.- with tialllc Is rough ly es timated at $1,000,0 o. On the Fort Wayne the worst trouble was a snow blockade between Salem and Masslllon, Ohio. This began Sat in day morning and tied up the road lor twenty-four hours. At 0 o'clock this morning out? track was cleared and' trains began moving. The samo trouble kept the Cleveland trains of tho Pittsburg and Lake Krle late, live having been blocked at Wlndom, neat l.eavlttsliurg for twenty-five houis. The snowfall did not extend east of New Castle, but at Youngston, Ohio, it was two feet deep and tho drifts in tho cut north of that city were up to the locomotive headlights. The wreck of on Krle train blockaded the road, s-n that drifts form undisturbed, "Wtit r was two feet deep on the Lake Krle, tracks at Saw Mill, but trains got through. Big landslides occurred on the Pitts burg and Lake Rita, tho Baltimore and Ohio, at Hobo, on tho Pan Handle, on the South Side, the Bessemer at ser pral points, and tho Allegheny Valley near Franklin, Pa, Tho slide at Soho was ono hundred and fifty feet long and It required fourteen hours work to clear one track. Through east bound trains were loaded at Thirty thinl street, passengers being trans ferred by strcat car. At Soho, between .Mopaca and All qulppa, the Lake Ih'le suifered Us most serious landslide, One bundled feet of the west-bouud track was enri'Pn fifty feet down the steep bank, tho whole face of the bank slipping Into the river. Cm the lines of the iVnn syhaiut and Haltlmoie and Ohio to "Wheeling groat damage Is repotted, and both lines were tied up for several houis. Five miles of the Plttsbuig, Bessemer and Lake Mile tracks wcro sltlier uml-r water or mud. The bank was continually sliding down mi the tracks and a large force of men could not keep thcin dear, The damage In telegraph polf-i and lluou along all the I'onlti'ucil 1141. i, MYSTERIOUS SHOOTING. George F. Stover Found vlth a Bui lot in His Head. n.v 11clule Whu from Tlir Associated Pre. Philadelphia, April 21. George F. Stover, aged 47 yenrs, a rignnnakor, of 2310 Dauphin street, died In 11 hospital this morning from a bullet wound In the head, which he received In a mys terious manner. His in-yenr-old daughter, Annie, Is being held by the police ns a witness, If not for a more serious reason. When Stover was found Inst night by the police on a lounge In his dining loom, it was supposed he had received 11 fracture of tho skull, and it was not until after his removal to the hospital that It was found tho wound wan caused bv a 22-callbre bullet which had lodged at the base of the brain. They Immediately made an investi gation and took the dnughtcr into custody. She emphatically denies any connection with her father's death. She says her father was lying on tho lounge when she went up stairs to prepare to roceiva company. Her mother had gone to a grocery store and her other sister wai absent from the house. Upon Annie's return to the llrst lloor she heard a sound in the yard and upon opening tho door load ing to the yard found her father lying on the ground unconscious. The young woman says she dragged her father's body to tho lounge and ran for the police. This all took place be foie the mother's return. The police scout the theory of suicide because they cannot find the revolver: neither do they believe that the man could have been shot by a stray bullet llred promiscuously by some one. PLAGUE PRECAUTIONS. Recommendation Made by the Spe cial Commission Which Investi gated Conditions. By Exclusive. Wire from The Associated Preu. Washington, D. C, April 21. Tho surgeon general of the Marine hospital marie public today the report of the commission appointed by the secretary of the treasury, consisting of Drs. Simon Flexner, F. G. Novy and T. F. Parker, for the independent Investiga tion of the plague in San Francisco. The report is dated February 20 last, the Investigation having begun a month previous. The commissioners report that they found local physicians divided In opin ion, 'some holding that plague existed there, and others that It did not. The commissioners say, however, that by February 16, after a very thorough personal inspection, they were con vinced "belond possible doubt that cases of bubonic plague were occurlrng among the Chinese." Between Febru ary l! and February 12 they found six deaths from this disease. The commis sioners make this recommendation: "Your commissioners feel sure, from experience 'with plague In Hong Kong. India and San Francitco, that once it is established that plague exists among the Asiatics of a town, every Asiatic who has fever should be suspected as a case of Infection with plaguo until the disease Is pros'on to be other than plague, and every dead body should be treated as a plague cadaver until bac teriological examination on glands, lungs and spleen (including animal in oculation) has proven the absence from the body of the bacillus pestis. Only 'by such caution will It be possible to avoid missing actual plague oases." REWARD WITHDRAWN. Father Mullin Besieged by Mounte banks, Clairvoyants and Fakirs of Every Sort. Dy r.ihi-.lio Wiie (inin The A."Oiluled l'ro. New York, April 21. The $10,000 re ward offered by the Bov. Father Mul lin, of the Church of the Sacred Heart, Highbrldge, for the return of the lost Willie McCormick to his -parents and the arrest of his kidnappers was with drawn by the priest today. Falh 1' Mullin said ho had been compelled ta take this action to escape a horde of mountebanks, clairvoyants, fakirs of every sort and cranks of all degrees who have besieged him since he post ed the money. "I have had no time whatever for tho performance of my sacred duties sincn I offered tho toward," said Father Mullin, "l have had letters from all over the country and there have awaited me dally scores of per sons pretending to know something of the lost lad. I have withdrawn the reward temporarily ns' I have work that must be attended to. If there come any news of tho boy within the next week that appears to give hope I will at once renew my offer and In cieasc the amount to any sum that will produce the results the capture of the kidnappers and tho return of the boy." WASHOUT ON D. & H. One Hundred Feet of Track Washed Away Near Dunne. Dy Kxcluuip Wire bom Tho Asociatcil Pirn. Schenectady, N, Y April 21. A seri ous washout Is reported on the main lino of tho Delaware and Hudson rail road between Duano and Albany, about one hundred feet of the track having been washed away by tho rain. Another washout occurred on a branch lino between Normansklll and Jselley's station. DEATHS OF A DAY, Ry I'.uluslw Wire Iioni 'I he .Wuil.itcil Pros. Ifcnr-i, P. I., iil Ul. Porinci j.irtn-r I liailc ('. Muiklr). 4 irlurc.r)iif. limine In l.l- .IWUir- polillc .lllll lOllllC'll it H. IIMJ! ulii tluti' huh 1, illul Iju- I i,i iilulu jftrr j ns iii j' lii Inline in Iji'i'iucliittn. He .is s- ji,n it .uc J'i'1 I1.11I Miwl 111 itililt 1 1 IV ir,-i Mil IhlilllhiUll. Ill al'HCll 1.4 tomiiy ticitniri, emmtv hi ciii) ami u.ij wiir iluli'il 10 lie .1 ni' koiuu-. New Url., 'ii! . I! I'.aiiiK . TJii'ly, i..IIP I'f ft. .l.'U'llie'i l!..ll'.ll' ,1 itl.iillc 1 Inn i-h In the I'.lijl''.. licit 1 iU ,i(t v ,jil iilvts ;' imj ' 'i'K III lilt iMioililjl n'4'linu, J'lj'jluili; ill cilllKll. SNOW STORM IN THE WEST Northern Ohio Is Goverert with a . Mantle oT the Beautiful. P0G FOLLOWS THE SNOW In the City of Cleveland Telegraph and Telephone Service Is Crippled. Every Available litan Is Engaged in Repairing Poles and Wires. The Trains on All Railroads Ar rive Two Hours Behind Time. Street Car Traffic Delayed The Ef fects of the Storm Are Felt in New York. P.r Kxcluihc Wlie doin 'llic Associalfil Pic". Cleveland. April 21. The llerce storm of wind and snow that swept over this city and northern Ohio throughout yesterday and last night gradually sub sided today. It was followed tonight by a fog so dense that it is impossible to see from one side of the street to the other. Notwithstanding the heroic ef forts of the telegraph and telephone companies to icpalr their prostiated lines, there has thus far been little Im provement to the service. Not a single wire was working on any direct route between this city and Buffalo or Pitts liurg tonight. Throughout the day big gangs of men have been at work on the various lines resetting poles and stringing wires. Kvery available man has been pressed into service 'y the several companies and while the repair work is progressing rapidly. It will per haps be several days before direct com munication -with points cast of Cleve land is fully established. Trains on practically all roads enter ing tho city continue to arrive from one to three hours behind schedule time. This is especially true in regard to the lines from the east. The fact that there are no wires to facilitate the movement of trains Is responsible to a large extent for the delay to tradlc. A number of -suburban electric lines, running east and south from this city, are still tied up and will likely remain so for many hours to come. Tr.ifllc on the city street car lines continues to be badly crippled all day, as a result of a deep snow and slusn on the tracks. So heavy is the snow and slush in many places that the most powerful sweepers are stalled in It. A largo section of tlie city is still cut oft from communication by wire with lire headquarters. Scores of fire alarm boxes are out of service, and seven (Ire department stations are without tele graph or telephone communication as a. result of tho general prostration of wires. Trains Are Late. New York, April 21. Owing to the heavy storm which has been raging in U10 west all traffic rnst of Cleveland lias been delayed from two to .seven hours. The Grand Central depot pre sented a strange appearance this af ternoon as the belated western trains lumbered in several hours late, with tl.eir roofs and steps encrusted with snow and ire. Friends of the long overdue passengers hung around the depot all day and rushed to meet the -weary passengers every time a train came In. Disappointments were fre quent as most of the trains were div ided Into .several sections at Duffulo. The Atlantic express which carries oil the mall east of Chicago and which was duo at 5..10 a. 111., arrived seven hours behind time. Tho New York and New 1'higland express duo at 2.5 p. m,, at rived In two sections, the first sec tion being two hours and twentv minutes late and the second section live hours late. The first section brought with It a 1-ako Shore train from tho west due at 1.30 p. in. Most of the western trains on the Pennsyl vania railroad were also far behind their schedule time. fJreat difficulty was experienced in getting tho trains through cast of Plttpburg. At the gonral postofflce this evening It was said that nil mall matter east of San Frnnelsco was late. The 4.1." n. in. train, ono of the heaviest In the service, carrying all the northwestern inall east of Pan Francisco did not get In until 11.30 a. m., making It six hours and forty-five minutes late, All local trains carrying mall were ulso late. Considerable property was destroyed along West street In this city, owing to the flooding of cellars. Large quantities of perishable produce were Mcrod In tho cellars along this street and much of It was destroyed by tho water, which In many places was waist-deep. In several of tho old fashioned houses where there werp no cellars the water came above tho floor ing nnd office furniture could be scan floating around lr the stoies on the ground lloor. Miles of Wire Down, Puifalo, April SI The deluge of rain that has followed In the wake of tho big snow storm of yesterday continued last night and today, leaving but lit 11 r n( th" foot of Mww that C"vcicil the ground yesterday afternoon, lieports from along the Miuthcni shore of Lake lh-le say that the damiiRe to n tilt there will be great. The wet snow clung to the brunches until tliey gain way under Its welghl. leaving only the ti links Mundnig. Telpgraplii'1 com munication with points iivst along the I.aU- ."-'hole Is being slowly iv-.tHli-llslied. The los to telegraph and tele, plujiic runiianles U groat, miles (if wire being down. FAMOUS BLIZZARD OUTDONE. Snow Storm at Erie the Worst That Has Been Known hi Sixty Years. By Excluilv Wirt from Tlie Auoclalerl Pru. Krle, April 21. The snow storm on Friday night nnd Saturday and the sleet slnrm on Saturday night waq tho worst know here In sixty years and surpassed the famous blizzard of March, 18SS. There Is twelve Inches of snow on the level and during Satur day nearly every trolley line in the city was knocked out. Today trnfllc was resumed Irregularly. Wires arc down and crossed and telephone com panies are blocked. Suburban stage mull and trolley cars were abandoned. Saturday night there were two fires from crossed telephone wires carrying heavy currents Into the buildings. lie. ports from outside the city, west, east and south show snow three feet deei and great damage to fruit trees from the wet snnw. There were four freight trains on the Lake Shore road at Olr ard this county. The heavy snow plow went off the rails and tore up 200 feet of track. At Swanvllle and Harbor Creek cars .lumped tho tracks and at Westfleld, today, seven cars on a freight train left the rails. The night Erie and Pittsburg run ius abandoned when the train went off the track at the west city limits. The thermometer was at no time below H'i degrees and today rain has bean falling. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Date of the Hearing for the Position of Department Assistants Has Been Fixed on June 3 and 4. Il' Kxclmhe Wiif from The Ancialftl Pio. Washington, April 21. The civil ser vice commission announces that the examination appointed for April 31, 1901. for the position of department as sistants in the Philippine service has been postponed to June :t and 4, and that this examination will be held in any city in the United Slates where postal free delivery has been estab lished. Competitors in the examination, in addition to taking tho regular ex amination jcquired for this position, may also take one or more of certain optional subjects, for which due credit will be given. Particular attention is called to the fact that 'Within a. few months it is probable that a number of financial agents will be needed. These agents will bo selected from this examination nnd the selecticnH will 'be confined, as far as practicable, to those who have shown proficiency In the optional sub jects of bookkeeping and finance, and who have passed the regular examina tion. The salary of the position of financial agent will bo about $2,000 per annum. Tho entrance salary of the position of department assistant will not be less than $1,200 per annum. HEAVY RAINS IN CONNECTICUT. Serious Damage in the Vicinity of Winsted. Dy TJ-scliuhe Wire ficin The Awichlcd Trc. New Haven, Conn., April 21, Re ports from around the state show that damage done by the Hoods resulting from the rain 01 the last thirty-six hours has been very serious. The worst situation Is at Winsted, where Highland lake threatens an overflow at almost any hour, Tf such occurs It Is feared a terrible loss of life and property will ensue. A score of wash outs have occurred on the Central New Kngland railroad between Winsted and Hartford. The train leaving the for mer town at 1.43 this afternoon was unable to reach Hartford as a result of two landslides, .which havo cov ered the tracks with sand and rocks. At Satan's Kingdom, .1 few minutes from Winsted, tons of rock have fallen on the tracks and a hundred men havo gone to the scene to clear tho way. Tho men will He obliged to use dyna mite to remove the debris and It is not expected that travel will bo re sumed before tomorrow morning. At Darby the Nagugatuek river bai done considerable damage to property along the banks, flooding factories and cutting off communication by u num ber of highways leading to tho city. The lower portion of the city, inhabit ed by the foreign colony, is. completely under water and on several streets boats have been called Into service. GIRL STUDENTS POISONED. School Became a Hospital After They Ate Rhubarb Pie. By nclulie Wire from The Associated PreiJ. AltooiUi IM.i Apiil 21,-'llio llollldajbburs M'lnliur.t an cnUuMu' hchool tor girls, uat tunifamifil intu a lioplul today tliortly aflci the ttmli'iits luil lurUkni ol the noon luncheon. On tlie ini'iiil mil iliulurb pip, ot ulilrli twenty sticii ut the nlrN parlcok, 'I he count was easily Kent, fur Mch who ale of the plo hhoitly after. want licemno ilolently ill with tjmptonw ot puUorliiB. All Ihn 'it,icl.tii in tlie town ieie r.itkd to t'ie triiiiiiiiry vllliln lull an lionr alter dinner wa ilnUlied. 11m, jflir a short search, icniul Hie pinion In lie ilinluih and uac the nerrvirr antidote. TliU riming all the cilli .no loiiblilciiil out of ilmger, though sl- ueii) Mt'l In tlirlr hemp In Alloniu In a prrcailous rendition. FIRE IN BROOKLYN, Several Firms Burned Out In Most Instances Full Insurance Carried, fly Km In. Iw Une limn llie U-.01l.1Ld l'i c . New- cik, pill 21. (he 011 Walton (ien in I In' U llll.iin-loiii,- I'llinii nl llmiiU.iii ivh'ili 11. mmil cult llil inoiiilii:.' i'.iutiI an olliiialid lni. ef alniiil ."iU.kvi mil ihi' wu'ul Hiiii Imiiud mil 111 nm-t in.-l.111u- idnitil lull iii-111 Htv c. 'Ilu !itali"l lii-il'. ni' Ihe V'Nli lineman lion umL. t'i.u. and Ihe ouii.t or- Ilu- Imil'lln. Kia.un1. IMK', 11 Haliliiii.111. jiiinpid tin 11 nlii.lnv. .111.1 liai'iimd hi. knll. Inlm il'liih-i, 1 I'I'-imu'i. (ell Hamuli an open luuhv.ay and Inn Hind liU lr". 'II. im li.(i inej , il it tl'uualil lUI'liol luwn. MINISTER WITS MEMORIAL He Is About to Make a Move ot Far- Renclilnrj Importance to Ghlna. ADDRESST0 GOVERNMENT Will Be a Comprehensive Document, Dealing with Administrative, Eco nomic and Financial Questions, Taking in the Range of Govern ment Affairs Will Present In De tail the Best Features of Western Administration as Applicable to China. By Inclusive WirJ fiom The Associated Pros. "Washington, April 21, The Chinese minister, Mr. Wu Ting Fang, Is about to make a move of far-reaching Im portance to the affairs of China and one which cannot, it Is believed, but engage the favorable attention of all the foreign powers interested In the affairs of the empire. He Is preparing a memorial to the Chinese government, based upon his Intimate acquaintance with the affairs of the western world, and pointing out wherein there Is the opportunity for China to adopt an enlightened and progressive policy, which will bring her into harmony with the sisterhood of nations and at the same time will relieve It from the present perplexities which are crowd ing upon it at all hands. The memo rial is a comprehensive document, dealing with administrative, economic and financial questions, and taking In praettcally the entire range of govern ment affairs so far as there seems to be a present opportunity for rehabll ating them on modern and progressive linos. The document Is, however, most conservative in character and purpose ly avoids radicalism and extreme re forms which have Interfered with pre vious efforts to bring about a change in the existing order of affairs. The memorial will present in detail the best features of western adminis tration as applicable to China. The document Is practically completed and soon will 'be laid before the imperial government. PHILIPPINES TARIFF. Will Be Promulgated After the De cision of the Supreme Court in Similar Cases. Dy Inclusive Wiie from The Associated Tress. Washington, April 21. It is not like ly that the new Philippines tariff will be promulgated until after tho deci sion of the Supreme court In the Insul ar cases. It is stated at the war de partment, where tho matter has re ceived consideration, that this decision may make it unnecessary for the gov ernment to establish a system of tar iff rates in the Philippines, although the department has proceeded with the work of equalizing the rates and receiving and considering suggestions as though the coming decision would lot make any change in tho present conditions. Some months ago the war depart ment published tho tariff as prepared by the tariff exports In the Philip pines and approved by the Taft com mission. Interested parties, especially manufacturers and shippers, wore In vited to examine this proposed tariff and make suggestions and criticisms. Tt is Interesting to note that of the 410 paragraphs in the proposed tarlfC only thirty-three paragraphs have pro voked criticism or suggestions, Kven these nre In a mild tone and nearly all take the form ot suggestion. PITTSBURG OR A DIVORCE. Wife of Baltimore Insurance Han Chose Latter Alternative. B Excluihe Wiie from Tho Associated IV-s. Baltimore, Md., April 21, According to tho testimony of Harry Cook, an Insuinnce agent here, his wife would rot leave Now York to live with him in Pittsburg, on the ground that the Inttcr city was slow, smoky and dirty. Ho was granted an absolute dlvotce today In circuit court No, 2. The Cooks were married in Minne apolis in J8SS, and went to Now York to live. Mr. Cook testified that he made 7.'i a week, but this was not sullllent for his wife in Now York, and he accepted a bettor position In Pitts burg. He has never hoard from his wife since they parted, CHILDREN TRAIN-WRECKERS. Pour Arrested While Trying to Throw Open a Switch. Py Ilicluslie Wire from The Associated Pre.?, Kaston, Pa., April 21, The attempts to wreck passenger trains on the Le high and Lackawanna railroad near Bethlehem and Haugor, this week, re sulted In tho arrest today of four boys residing at Haugor, They weio Joseph Coinonle, aged H years: Nicholas t'opi. mile, aged a; Krank Yuiucola, ngod 10, and Doniluco t'apelo, aged 10, Tho boys were caught In the act of throwing open a switch, They admit ted their guilt and .ild they wanted to see the engine go oer Hit iMiik. Steamship Ai rivals II; .li-l0 Mil. Hull III' I.-". Ijllil I'll-'. VW' llk, plil -Jl.- lllll 1: I," 1piltjlll1', Ilu v ic j I uil'ila. I.iwiji'iil uiid )iii,'n,i'ii.n: Mai ii'i'am. Il'iliidnn .in I IWi.lnfii- lli.ili,i ad I '.i -i: 1,'iiw-ii l.'iuini.i, II. 1 moil lot lli'ilm'.. and No 'luil.. "ill! I'a.-ig: llli lu. .'.i ink fur Hi. nun. tj'inii t.iuii Vili d; --ii U, i i ik oi' l.luii'xil ail iiii'i'dd, bill. il: l.iunlu, l.h(luiiil, Ntu 1 "i ' . I ii;i'ijuii i rlud; Ajju u Vkur.j, rw 1 k THE NPaWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Today: RAIN; COLDER, 1 General Flood Ho Much Damage, In I'ltls- Inirc Snnw Klonn at Cleveland Impede Travel. Ilencflclal l!llcct ot ARiiinaldo'ft Addrrn". MlnUtcr Wu to I ho Chlncso Government. 2 (leneral C'nrlionihlc Department. 3 Local Director Hitchcock Hopeful, Scimon by ltev. Dr. Simpson. 4 Weekly belter on -Municipal Affairs. 5 f.CK'id Argument of the Hcspondciil In the Hipper die. Mention of Some Men ot the Hour. 1 Probably Kalnl Slabbing at Diintnoic. il Local West Rcrnntim and Suburban. 7 General Northeastern IViinfljUunla. Financial and Commercial. S Local Sentence Day In Coin I. XeiVH ot the Labor World. TWO BANK OFFICIALS COMMIT SUICIDE President nnd Cashier of the First National Bank of Vancouver Shoot Themselves. By Kxclusiie Wire (roni The Aocijted I'reu. Vancouver, Wash., April 21. Charles Brown and 10. L. Canby, president and cashier, respectively, of the First Na tional bank of Vancouver, which was closed yesterday by the controller of the currency, committed suicide, night, two miles from this city, by shooting themselves with revolvers. Their bodies were found this morning lying together In a small clump of bushes. Both used the same weapon, and Canby evidently died llrst, as the revolver was found In Brown's hand. Kach put the muzzle of the revolver In his mouth and blew the top of his head off. The fact that Brown's bicycle and an umbrella, were found a short distance out of town Inst night led to the belief that they had taken their lives. A searching party started out today, and after several hours' search the bodies were found. Canby, upon being told by Bank Ex aminer J. W. Maxwell on Friday even ing that the 'bank would not be per mitted to open Saturday, went out In the yard behind the bank and attempt ed to Hboot himself. His revolver failed to explode. After failing to shoot him self, Canby came back Into the bank, and he and President Brown left to gether, taking a revolver with them. "When Kxamlner Maxwell confronted the 'bank officials with the shortage of $S1,000, both men admitted their guilt. It is said that Brown and Canby had been speculating In stocks. Beside Brown's body there was found a pack ago containing $25, and a note saying that the money 'belonged 'to his daugh ter. Upon Canby's body the following brief note was found: "My Dear Wife: I feel what I am afoout to do is for the best. Forgive me, if you can, and try to live for our dear children. God bless you all. Good-bye. Ned. April 19." Brown, who was tifly-four, years of age, had lived in Vancouver since 1SG2. Canby was fifty-two years of age, and was well connected. A brother Is a paymaster In the United States army. Another brother committed suicide by jumping off the wharf al Vancouver several years ago. , While Bank Examiner Maxwell, who Is now in charge as receiver, has made no official statement. It is known that the bank has loaned a largo sum ot money on Insufficient security. Accord ing to his report to the controller of the currency, there Is a shortauo of $S1,000 in the bank's accounts, and It is understood that a considerable portion of this amount was loaned to Brown and Canby on their personal notes. About a year ago the bank reduced Its capital stock ftom $100,000 to $50,000. At that time about one-half of the so called bad assets were "charged off," nnd have been carried as an asset since that time. The heaviest stockholder is Colonel Stephen Jnslyn, of the regular army, a member of General Shal'tor's staff. Colonel Jnslyn Is stationed at San Francisco, lie was stationed at Van couver when the bank was organized In 1S8.1, and over since that time ho has been the heaviest stockholder. According to the last statement, Is sued in February, the bank had depos its amounting to nbout $230,000. CREEK RAN DEEP WITH BEER. Revenue Collector Emptied 100 Bar rels Left on His Hands. Dy Eiclueiie Wire from The Aioeiated Press. llelUfontc, l'a April 21 MjIIIh'w Volk, pin piletor ot tho Itooiiihiui, brewuj, who w.n Bianteil a brevier's liieiiia; at tlie leconl llci'ii.( comt, was unable to r,iln the $iTO necessary to pay the llcen-o Ice anil coU of prouirinc name, lie rlovil tho brcucrivy and Ml fur i.tliei cliiiif. The fjlluro to lenew the lliciie left the In ternal revenue lollector with about Hul bairelj of lifer 011 his hands, Ileitis pow-cil of no leg it iraiuut In fell tho ttut or ulie it away, the cnlictur Milled tho 111 liter by erupt) In; tho it hole lot into .Spiiiiff cm-. CHASING "BOXERS." The Indian Imperial Service Troops Engage Robbers, Oy L'xilu.he Wire fiom Ihe Associated Trcsa. IMI11, April St. Ilrliwdii-r (imeial A. J. 1', lii'id, iLninumllrc the 'lliiul brli;ido of Ihe ludii lupeilal Miiirii uoop. in ( I1I11.1, who Is now ai Mian Hal liiuii, eiu a lonipiti) of Punjab iiifjnliy to ill. in iv a band in lulili.'in In the tiiUhhoihiKul of I'll II111;. loric of "IIomi-' .md ii'lib r.. 1111 10 tuau a tl.oi.? tioui:, as l.aki'd Ilu Indian tioii., killiiu.' Mijor llriiunln:, anil I'lio "iiii) and wniiuuiiu olhei.-. 'I In' I'lilllpail lllli.llnl o I'll ili' Hi in i.iii'liii'uU bill' been sent In, ni II il Kuan. ilc "IIiimiis" aic appir'Nlb well .111.1 'd with intuli'in lift'. Rain at Winsted. l.l l 11 Ill-Ill- Wjl 1 I'lil '! ii l. an' II .1 l'i -. wli-lid, 4 .it 11.. ',11 II -'.' i II iiMm'. lb.' lllll Hupp d I.iIIIik and i ii ii''' 1 u ilii'd. al 1 2, l'i 1 l.l ' Muiutj.i ) liji h" I'.u aeilialo lUi'iai ol till iilllltftMk i'f I III' lltl 1- I'lvl'l. 'I III' UU.lllU lie ti'll In lie i' iu.'iiii' . but 'In . Ii.ial J n. IiimciiI. 1 1:11 ill. imi'io.'d. AGUINALDO'S NEW HOME Private House Is Now the Prison ol tlie Insuraent Chief No Vlstt to flmcrlcn. END OP MILITARY RULE General MacArthur Has Great Faith in the Benefits to Como from Aguinaldo's Address nnd Hopes to Establish Civil Government by July 1 Colonel Crowder's Good Work Agonclllo Is Ready to Coma Into Camp. Dy Ilxclniiie Wire from 'the A,oi intcd rii'. Manila, April 21. Agulnnldo has been removed from the .Maliicimnn Palace to 11 private house, Xc. r.B Solano street, and the guard over hint has been modl lled. General -MacArthur says the effect ot Aguinaldo's address to the Filipinos undoubtedly will be beneficial. Agulnnldo composed It without help. The original draft. In Tagalog, wu? translated into Spanish. Does Not Wish to Come Here. It is believed Aguinaldo Is sincerely desirous of peace, lie Is not anxious to visit the United Stales, ami It Is con sidered best that he remain hero pend ing complete pacification. The insurgent prisoners at Olongapo will be returned to Manila. Meny pris oners are released dally, in c-.oliung for guns surrendered. General Trias, who surrendered March 15 at San Francisco de Mala bo!!, is accomplishing much in secur ing the surrenders. laieban In Sumac, Malvar In Hatangas, and Minio In Abra province are still heading bands largo enough to be troublesome, but It is al most certain that these three leaders will surrender within atnionth. The precise date of establishing civil government has not been fixed, on ac count of administrative difficulties con fronting the commission. It will prob ably be delayed until July 1. Colonel Crowder's Good Work. The work of Colonel Crowder, the military secretary, has brought a rec ommendation for promotion, and prob ably he. will be made a (brigadier gen eral of volunteers. The outcome of the trial of tho mem bers of tho Mando-Ducat secret soci ety, who are charged with burying alive Filipinos who were opposed tu the Insurrection, has elicited the fact that in one place the parish priest and the president were the chief offenders. Persons refusing to contribute to the insurgent cause were buried alive by the direction of the president. Tt Is probable that all tho ringleaders will be hanged AGONCILLO ON ANXIOUS SEAT. Will Swear Allegiance When He Is Sure Aguinnldo Has. By i:cluslie Wiie from' The Associated Picj. Paris, April 21. Agonclllo diplomat Ically holds back, "not having received official confirmation of the report that Aguinaldo has sworn allegiance"; yet c he admits being engaged In writing 11 paper addressed to the American peo ple, ftatlng how be thinks purification ton be best and quickest obtained. The moment he is satislled that Aguinaldo has taken the oath ho will call on Am bassador Porter to say that he con siders himself an American citizen. This will a waken rather curious icc ollcctlons, us the embassy has closely watched his every movoiuent.nnd when he came to Paris, about two years ao, a detective followed him everywhere. It' ho had done any overt act Ambas sador Porter Intended to nsk the French government to expel him. If Agonclllo swears allegiance he will Im mediately revisit "Washington, NOTE IN THE FAMILY BIBLE, Abram Nesbitt, Millionoire, Rofuses to Honor Claim of Mrs. Richards. By Uscluslie Wire fiom Tho Wulatcd l're. MilkeS'lliue. Apill il. One day la-t no k Sirs, l.'eoicc P. IticliariU, ot Plymouth, a town mar here, in lookins oiei tin family Bible, SJ) khr found a judgment nolo tor IvM.OOO in fai.T of her late husband, and fclinuil by Abram NV btlti president of Ihe l-ecimd National bank of this city. The, nine was dated Maiih a, ISM, four dajs be'forii Mr. HkliarilV death. Whin lliu note nan presented for payment Mr. Nebltt pronounced it a foifery. Mm. Itiili. auli then daciil tin mailer in the liamh of Iht at Ionic), Mho imtllicil tlinqkink pic-ddi'M Hut a suit would IoIIom' unle-s the note nui paid Mr, XeibiU at nun vugaveil ('mu:iriiiaii Palmer to hok after hi Inti'int. Mr. Xi-Jnlt U a mlllionilin uud a 111-11 of the blithest iha ail 1 1'. Coal Trade is Featureless. By Kulusiie Who I10111 'llie .Wodated l'iei. Philadelphia, Apill SI. 'llie f.cdisrr in Ilk coil illicit) tomonoiv will wy; Tim iinlhueite coal trade U fc.iturclck", Ilu- aioMaucu ot ,a ktilku look from thti inaikrt lal utik iWiatcicr It may havo pieilously had. nnd it h been inov hi!,' along without u" ileiilopiiiuit. I'rlie. ire Hed, diiuand i lijht and tustomcrk, ai i uiiully tho case in the spiintf, arc ouleiliijr .H lilili-10.1I a po-nlble c that iiiitilliiieiit of out put b.i tho lonipiiiltii U bum,' infoited. Theio I., m ieaon o belieit' lime lllll be any thlnao in Ihe piiiKraiiiini' of priic hiicloforc. laid iJoimi, nliiili H an alliance ot 10 ionl per ton liiunthlv upon llie Apill fUiui's mil II thu M.iuli Ifjfiiin aie .ualn reached in beplcmbcr in 11. "- ttfftt t-f 4 WEATHER FORECAST. - Wa.luii.'li'ii. iil '21 I ere. a.-t for ra 'mi l'i nii-'huiiu: Him and tolder 4 lluiidi.t. TU'mIji fan prulialil.i wanner; 4- I111.ll 10 hll-k 1.11IUI1 Mllul-. tttHttttttltttttt ', ::m$Mm$&i -lume tfe.iii -