The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 20, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Third Specimen Appeals to Be More
tike a Human. Hand Than Any
things Else Who "Will Solve This
MysteryP Man Who Wants to See
the Janitors Organized Notes
About tho Churches Funeral of a
Child Other Matters of General
T;nrly yesterday morning Pattolnun
1'homas Jones, who li dolngr duty on
tliu West Linden "Uteet boat, lepoited
to Lieutenant Williams Unit another
hand or fool hud been found near
where the other two cto unearthed
Wadncsduy oveiiliiff. In tin- lcltilty ot
h. Robinson's Sons' power hoife,' ut
the ond of Horth .Seventh .street.
It wis also lepoited that a number
ot other bones, which elosely lusctn
.ln those of a human bolnp, wore aKo
uneojthed by boys at Hie same place.
The latest find icwembled a lnimiin
)"ind moie than the pteions ones
nuiinjr the past two days the stench
n rising Horn this dumping giouud has
been stifling. It is recUold that there
was once ,i cemetery on the present
.site of the Jit. Pleasant dump, and pos
sibly some Bia-vcs htue Riven up their
itanv people hae visited the scene
since the first dlscoveiy wjs made, but
a majority or them turned their heads
Thcn they received a whltf of tlw nau
beatinff odoi. What the hands or feet
belonc to is as jet a mysteiy.
Class Social.
On ThuiFdav evening the pastor's
Bible el.iss of the Fhst Baptist chinch
held their annual business meeting and
social at his home on Hock street. An
la.bor.ite programme Yias lendered,
comprising addresses solos, duets, and
quartettes T.ater, a bountiful lepast
was t-ened by the joung ladles pies-.-nt.
During the evening Frederick V.
Nelce icad a long letter from one of
the absent members of tho class, who
is regaining lost health in the old
unrld. lie told of his life theie and
i da led many funny adventmes. clos
ing bv wislilnK the class individually
i long and happy life. A flashlight
u is taken by Rav Moigan.
The lollowlna: attended lie v. and
Mi S. F. Matthei.s. Di. and Mis.
n. 'J. Bcddoe, Jli. and Ills. Bryant,
Mis. and Jlis 15. C. Willlums, !Mr. and
fis. .lames, ill. and Mi-. G. Thomp
son, Misses Julia Long, Ituth Beddoe,
Annie tmggar, r:a Phillips, Mabel
f)ci shinier. Via Jones, Bertha. Powell
and Bessie Williams; Mcisrs. William
'!. Phillips, Kohcoo Hatch, Arthur K.
Urown, Fiank Magoyetn, William. II.
curtrlght, Fiederick V. Neicc, V. P.
Long, Chailes W. Matthew-, Itay Mor
gan. At Simpson Chinch Tomoirow.
ltc. J. 1!. .Sweet, pastor of the Simp
son Methodist Episcopal church, who
has bien tiaiislci icd to Onconta, T. Y.,
will pie.icli tonioriiiw nuiinlng. and in
the evening the choir will the
eM client musical progiammc which
w.ts icndeied on leister .Sunday. It Is
.is follows:
1 lv nin
mlimj, "I Innw I It t M lirdecmer l.iulli,"
JIim llelui ilioum mil Ohou.
Irnoi 'olo, "Jlic Lord Is Itiscn Indeed,"
Mi. 1 hum is Abrnn
s upturn lo iilitisr.
nlhem, ".i II Hnjiu to Dawn"....M It loMcr
limy Wiitclty and Clion.
t horu;, "1 oi Vnir Pi it Sake" 1 I; licUon
Clnldien't, Lliou.
nllicra, v"Iill the Tomit luth Kfr-.,"
5eo Win, Wanon
Children and Choir.
UjIi quirtrdt, ' CluUt .io-" (bj icipio-.l)
Pimiuon 31 lie Qiuititli.
i nniincciiient'4.
Inc. "Christ Our ri-ocr" Muni Wilioa
Misses ..i Kittli, Ann i .loiir, U foiiP.
mhtm, "Jhe l!i.urrotioi" lU.Vitul
vpnnos Mi". .1. II swift, Mts Win, shop,, Mr TIio. brinn, Mic- ln Kiltl",
Helm 'Ihouui, Holl. llioiuis Ithodi Clail.,
tlulwl Jones
ltcw Alices nna Jmiis, .lis-ie WilcU, Jliry
lrnc, Maud Tliiiiia, 1 loiencc Witiiun
reiiors Thorn la Aluim, Thoiiui Ihoinis, Ibiii
llirtnun, A. II, HldRwaj, W, . .loncs.
IUvnv-H. WrlKlcv, II. Atl.ei, . bultcn, A.
( hike, Tlio V, .loncs, W, 1.011c:, lu II ivies
Dircttor, W. W Innri; oripniM( Willi 1 I)ii,
Installation of OfHceis.
At tho meeting of Silurian lodge, No,
76.1, Independent Older of Odd Fellows,
held In V. I). Ivans' hall, South Main
ncnue, last evening, the following ofll
t'ois weio installed lor the ensuing
Nohlo gland. 1). T, Moigan: vice
Aland, W. J. Thomas; secietniy, J. T.
llvans; llnanclal secietaiy, David
Oadwgan: trustee, Hon, John T. Wil
liams lcllcf coinmlttce, D. 1, lii.uler.
Ttecnrdor Molr was pie&ent and de
llcred a shoit addiess, Sevuial other
local Odd iOllowH nlso particlpatcil in
tho Installation and meeting,
The iccently oiganUecl gloo pluli,
composed of members of Siluilun lodge,
entci tallied with a uunilier of selec
tions, Kelieslmients were seied and
a smoKer followed.
Steamship Tickets,
at lowest latis. Apply to Muigau
Thomas, 1U8 Jackson street,
Jackson Stieet Church Notes.
This week we bid fmewoll to John
Thopias apd wife and Penn Moigan
and .his family; v.q alieady leel our
J pts,but we hope It is lot tho best.
The vestry Is now closed tor jepalrs
and In a Utile while will be tastily
pslnted and adorned In beautiful col
ors, We have u ery good aitlst doing
1 ho work.
Tho Baptist qung Ptople's union
air1 up and doing; they aro rushing tho
j-eason by having announced a stiaw
beuy testlval, for which tickets me.
now- for sale.
The pastor and wife will attend the
May meetings hdd at Spilngfleld,
( and colds
Mass., and he will pleach nt his old
palish, tho first church of Chlcopeei
Though we want Vlntondalo to glow,
wo arc toath lo part with our johiib
men and good families.
The Ladles Aid has plenty to do,
find desire thn ladles of our church lo
ccmo and help them In their woik.
Wants Janitors Organized.
There is n local janitor who linn sent
a communication to the West Seiantou
ofllco of Tho Tribune, urging that tho
Janitors organize. Ho would bo glad lo
leant the sentiments of others along
this line.
"I believe we have gilovances, loo,"
ho Hays, "which .should lie lecaenlrod,
and I would like to call tho attention
of tho JanltoiB to the advisability of
an understandlni; In regatd to our oc
cupation." If nnv of thu JanlloiH aio so dis
posed, they can communicate 'With the
man refetred to, through The Tilbuue
bi.uich ofllco.
Funeral of a Child.
Hiv. A. It. limner, of St. .Mink's
Taitherau 1 hurch, ofllcliited nt thu
fuuetal of Mr. and Mrs. Shjalmar Carl
son's young child yesterday afternoon.
Tho servicer were held at the house on
Jackson street, nnd interment was
made in Iho Washbuui stieet coint
loiy. The pall-beareis wen Ouslave ('ail
sonl lamest Audi en, Xels Johnson land
JOvan Andren. Charles Larson and
Helldlng Johnson acted as ilower
be.ners. The Galveston Honor.
Major Galley, who was one of the
first members of tho Sah.itlon Amn
io enter Galveston after tho now
famous flood had swept over the city,
told of the heart-rending scenes en
countered during that period, and Illus
trated his talk with stereoptlcon pic
tures at the Salvation Armv bai racks,
on Price street, last evening.
Tho lecture proved to bo quite Inter
esting, and was listened to by a fair
sized audience. The visiting membeis
will leave the city todav for their ie
spective homes.
Events of This Evening-.
Mieting of the I. F. 43. club at 7 11
p. m. at the home of JINi Cm tie
Flovd,' U'18 Rock street.
The Sous of Temperance Glee club
will meet at 8 o'clock this evening in
Mot gau's hall, coiner Main avenue and
Jackson stieet.
Members of Council No. 4'C. of the
Junior Order United American Me
chanics, w 111 hold a special meeting In
Co-operatie hall this evening to make
arrangements for attending the funeral
of the late John Vipond, -which an ill lit
held tomorrow afternoon.
Gospel meeting at the Young Wo
men's Chiistinn association 100ms.
South Main avenue and Washbuin
Othei Announcements.
The stile quaiterly convention of the
Sons of Temperance will be held in
St. David's hall next Wednesdav, April
24. Among the speakeis will be Mis
Fannie C. Mont and T. T. Jones noted
temperance woikeis.
Tho membeis of Hie Klectilc Citv
Wheelmen w 111 hold a stag pat ty at
the club house novt Thutsday even
ing. Apiil 2"i. Charlei Haitley, Iho
well known ventnloquist, will be the
chief enteitainer.
The ptogtessive eudiie and social,
under the auspices of Bianch )7, La
dies Catholic Benevolent association,
will be held in Meals' hall next Tues
day evening. Apiil -'3.
A ichearsal of the William Council
Anthiacite Glee lub will be held to
morrow afternoon. All members aie
lequestcd to be ptcscnt.
Given Away.
Fine large itose Bushes of the
choicest vaileties given away today.
Mears & Hagen.
The funeral of the late Mis, Mai ia
Cousins occuned yesteiday atletnoon.
Services weie held at the house on
North Main avenue and inteinient'was
made in the Dunniote cemetery.
Lackawanna, council, No. lir.l, Koyal
Arcanum, held another of their Intel -esting
sessions in lvorite hall last even
ing. The attendance was laige and the
meeting an enjoyable one,
Elmer, the j-oung son of Mr. and
Mrs. chailes K. Sweet, of 411 Docker
court, was bitten by a dog on Thuis
day. The injuries aie not consideied
Mrs. Lucetta Jewls, if 007 Hampton
street, entertained .1 numer of ti lends
at her home iccently.
The Women's claas of the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal chutch met In the
lecture toorn yesterday afteinoon and
made arrangements for the reception
which will be tendered ltev. and Mis.
.1. B. Sweet at the r lunch next Tues
day evening.
ltev. Father Ituddy, who has been
solving .11 Olyphant lor some time, Is
again engaged In St, Patilck's pailsh,
ami ltev. Father McLaughlin has been
tiansfeued to Olyphunl,
The newly oiganlzed rhh t-vvuUt class
of tht- Y. U C. A. will meet on Mon.
day and Pilday evenings of next week.
.Mdcimaii and Mis. John I. Kelly, of
South Seventh stieet, aie vlstlng lelu
tlvoi. and ti lends in Wajno county.
William Neave, of Washbuin stieet,
who vas opeiated 011 leceutly at tho
Hahnemann hospltul, Is slowly iccovei
ing. Eva Spaneenbeig, of Nlnlh stieet,
who was attested for enticing men into
her hoiufe and robbing lliem, was lined
j by Aldei man John yesteiday.
Tho executive oniniitteo of iho
Young Women's Chi 1st Ian association
are making prepaiatlons for iccoivlng
the annual (oiitithutlnns low aids the
JOIl.s U'ONp. John Vipond a well Inoiwi
employe ot the LacUuamu IUIIiojJ i.Mupai,
died at tl o'clocU joterday mornin; at lib home
011 Sauth Bromley avenue, after 4 two vtcls' ill-iie-u.
He unhed by hU vlle, tluw. tlilldren,
mother, uther, two m$ter, Mr, ltobert Wall.i
and Mi Ucllc M(ond, and one brothei, Iicoiko
Vipond. Tho fumial will take plate tonioiun.
atUriioou. Inteimei.t v. ill lo made In the I'd'.
C-.1 Hill teiiietcr,
Jllli. 1HMI.Ii I.DHAIII)" Mioitl) befure "
o'clod. Thursday iiiornlne occurred the dealli t,l
Mrs Kduaidj, Iho Kilo o( lion. Daniel i:daid,
it her home in Kingston, of heart, tioublc and
genual dtbllltv, .She vua Loin at Merthyr
Tj dv II, South Wale, on Nov, SO, lull, and ten
j i-a is lattr tame to tliU country and took up lur
iK-lduiu near I'otUWlU'. hha was married in
lauuar;, 18J.', to Ilinlcl rMninda at Mintrevillo,
"5i.liu.vlUill lounlj. Shortly aller their marriasc
the icmowd to Uautlllc aail icaidtd there tor
upvmidi ol tnenlj-four er, rnorinp fiom lhfli
to KlnRilon. Ueecaed l (tun bed by her lnn
kind and three ilmnlileM, Mr. T. b. Sew fib
Mt. P. ,f. Cobleluli, cf KlngMon, fltid Mr. Wallet
Teeter, of New orkJ iiIko Iwo Utrre, JI. .Tone
Sllmf, of l'ljinoiilli, and lr. JUrle Monrun, of
llajotine, X. .1, ln lunei ll will take flare thh
morning, viltti senleeiat tin' lioue) ty llci. Di
1. C. Cdw-irdi and Hci. I'. Von King. The Imilil
will be )itl ite nnd ylll be In (tie family vaull nt
lumllle. The tollrgo will lene In a tpcclal nir
I lUNK I'OWl ll -tiiiil l'oer. aRed ID
teat, died at the WeM. Slde hopllal rhurnliij
night -iflei a prolraeted lllnesn, l)etea"d m
lenldeiit of Old Toi-gp and w.i lerelvid ut the
hinpilal before tail ClnUlini. Tin remalm ne'e
lemoted to the limne of ilereifil'4 iaient In
Did Koigp Jertlerdaj.
V. Glenoid c tit til of Mi and Mil ,1. .1
While, of 4"il helnul Vuel, dlrd rtenj,
luicial iinnoiintrnienl. lil.-r.
I In1 funenl it the hie lluiy 1'. Ili-owu, joii of
Cibln A. Ilroirn, will he held at Iho HoI lYlnlly
liiitheian 1 hurch llil afternoon at T o'ltortc, S'er-
(l Ait -it 4liA llrtlljA fjrtrt Va1I. Ill .Ia UiJ .ilmnlix
an -t in in' nvn-Vf -v tv'iiii 11(11- ruirv .riiui.
lit J oVIocL.
runeial of the Late Kiss Abbie Wat-
lotis Interment Mnde in the
Dunmore Cemeteiy.
The leinaius of Miss Abblc W'ntioiis
weie consigned to her last testing
pluep in Dunmore cemeteiy yesteidav
nfttinooii, large mtmbeM ot sorrowing
fi lends and lelatlves being In attend
ance. The funeial was held fiom the
family lesldence, 011 Smith street.
Di. David Spencer, hei foiiner pas
toi, now- of the V.lakely Baptist church,
olllclatcd and pleached an eloquent
soi mon, in the conise of which he left
many consoling thoughts with the n
1 owing famllv that will make easier
the boai ing of their gieat loss.
The pall beaieis weie Russell Kim
ble, Hi nest Finch, ttov Weaver, John
Woodiuff, Ilany -Hogai t and Selden
Brady, sr.
Religious Mattel s.
The many fi lends of ltev. A. J. Van
'loft legiet exceedingly his departuic
lor Ashley. His gonial nature has
been the means of forming many warm
friendships within his own church and
also Willi thove altlllated with the other
(hutches lu town. The bist wishes of
the people of Dimmote go with him
lo his now work and their piayor will
be that In his efforts there he may be
as successful as they have been here.
1L is expected that his .succcs&or, Kev.
C II. Newlng, lot mot lv of Susque
hanna, will occupy the pulpit at to
monow's services,
Tiipp Avenue Chiistl.m chuuh
Pleaching both morning and evening
bv the pnstot, ltev. .T. D. Dabncv.
Morning topic, "A AValk with Jesus."
livening topic, "The Unseen and IUei
nal. Sunday school at 10 o'clixk.
Men's meeting at ll tfl.Uvervbodv made
Peisonal Notes.
lMwaid Snyder, who has bicii ic
nevving old acquaintance in town din
ing the past soveial months, left -,es-letday
for Tiny Ridge, Minn, wheie
he is luciatlvely located. He was ac
companied on his 1 etui 11 tilp bv Ilenty
Uloes, who goes on a combined buM-nc-s
and pleasuie tilp.
Mis. Kdvvaid Gaglc and jion, David,
liave leturned to their home at New
Haven, Conn., after a visit of several
weeks with her patents here
Mis. W. n. Con ell, ot RIakely stifet,
has recoveicd fiom her tecent illness
Mis. W. 33 Rone, of Yatden, has
Given Away.
Fine laige Rose Rushes ol the
choicest varieties given awaj todav.
Meats Ac Ilageu.
runeial of the Late John Emus Who
Was Killed at Washington, N. J.
Other Intei ments Bievities.
The icnialns of John Funis who was
killed at Washington, TV. J., vvote cs
lotday morning eonsigned to their
lliinl resting place in the Cathedtal
rciuetoiy. The funeial took place Horn
ills lalo home on Reecli stieet, and
movii to St. John's chinch, wheie a
solemn high mass of ieiiileni was cele
biated by Rev. V. J. Melley. Rev.
Father Dunn was deacon and Rev. M.
,1. Fleming sub-deacon. The dotal of
teriiiEs, which weie many, spnke sl
lentlv of the high esteem In which the
deceased was held.
The llower beaieis weie Maitin De
v annoy and Rdvvaid Ilcnnlghan; the
jiall beareis weie John FInneity, Ste
phen Finnei lv, P. F. McCann, John
O'Hata. P. J. O'llaia, and Uhniles
Tow nsend.
Other Euneials
The funeial or AVIlIIe, the sWieon
months old son ol Mr. and Mi. Peter
Kuhnei, took place .vest el day aftei
noon at - o'clock fiom tho family tesl
dence on Pittston avenue. Set vices
over th temalns weie held in St.
Maty's chutch by Rev. Peter Ciuist.
Intei ment vvas inailu In the Twentieth
waul cemeteiy.
Sei vices over the lemnliix of the
elghteen-months-old .son of Mr, and
.Mis. Michael Mota vvete held jicsteulay
altoiuoon !n St. Maiy's church by Rev.
T, SI 1 .ml), imminent was made In the
Twenllmh waul cemeteiy.
Given Away.
Fine huge Rose llushi s ot the
diolie-it vailelies given away nda.
" ,v Uagon
The boss, barheis will meet Sunday
nfic'iiioon at y o'clock at lloffnian't.
pailois, Beech slieet and Stone avti
line. The hciiimon I'lioial union will give
Us thlid annual lonceit nrxt Tuesday
ivctilug at the Hickory Slieei Ptesby
lerlun chutch, with tho assistance of
Hauei'.s full oichestia.
Plvl&lou Xo, ai, AiiiifliU Older of
lllbetnians, 'Will meet Sunday aftei
noon in Phui-maev Jmil.
The membeis of SI, Petei s boclety
will meet Sunday utteinoou In St.
Maty's hall, on HIcKoty stieet.
James RIdgway, of Cedar avenue, w
lecovetlug ft 0111 the effects of u full
MistuliKil by him a low das ago. Hu
will bo able to 1111 his place In a tew
daj s.
Allow a Ausli to run until It gels beyond Ihc
reaih of medicine, lhei oiten a, 'Oh, it will
wtar awaj," but In most iasi-6 it will wear
thuii awat. Could the bo judiucU lo Irj the
iucieiu-ful medium tailed KtinpV llaUjiu, wlilUi
ii wld 011 a I'ositba uu.irjntiu to ruie, thev
wruld iniiiitdlanU we the c client ilui utter
UMtiK thu llut duc. I'rk' Jit. uud WK Itlal
Uu Inc. VI all diujjlitt.
Cause of the Fhe Is Not Definitely
Known Officers of 'the Notth
Scianton Bank Elected Marriage
of John MvGloln nnd Miss Bessie
Conway Funeial of Mrs. Marion
Cousins Notes About tho Y. "W.
C. A. AuxiUniy of the A. O. H.
Oignnized Other News Notes.
Flic was dlscoveied lasL nlfiht about
10.80 o'clock in the kltohcn ot the dwell
ing of John McDonough, at McDon
ough avenue and Lauiel street. Tho
family was out at the time and the
origin of the flic Is n mysteiy. but Is
supposed to have been started ftotn
the kitchen stove.
An iilfitm was tut tied lu by some ot
Ihc neighbors fiom boK SI, at the cor
ner of Rilck avenue and Oak stieet,
but befote the 3N'oith Scianton com.
panics ai rived on the scene the whole
lower floor -vvsi'i a -uuu-s of flames.
The dwelling was totally dostroved,
lite llremcu devoting neaily all their
eneiglos lo saving adjoining piopeily.
The loss Is about $1,000.
Officers of tho Bank.
Hon. ". J. lewls was last night
lected inesldent of the North Scianton
bank. The other olllcers chosen weto:
James Fitch, vice-president, E M.
Syntonds, cashier, and Hon. W. J.
Lewis, V. Hllss I,. W. Mores, John I.a
Uai, 1 J. Jordan. James Fitch, J. R.
Fish, J. Jt. Athetion and Adam Spizer,
The bank will be open and teiuly for
business Monday moinlng.
Social Matters.
The marriage of John MfOlolu, ot
West Scranton, nnd Miss Bessie Con
wav. of this place, took place Wednes
day afternoon at Holy Kosaiy church.
Rev. J. V. Moylan performed the ceie
liiony. The bildo was attended by
Miss Jennie Connors, ol Moosic, and
Michael Ncedhnm acted as best man.
Alter the cetemony a wedding feast
was seived at the bildo's home. Mr.
and Mrs. Mcflloln are enjoying .m ex
tended wedding tour.
Marquette council. Young Men's In
stitute, defeated the John Bob
O'Reilly council at a game of ptogres
sive euchte Thursday night in the for
mei's rooms on West Market street by
j scote of lb"! to 156. Following the
euchie an entct tatnment was given by
the Maiquelte council to their visiting
f 1 lends. Dancing followed.
Funeial of Mrs. Cousins.
The funeral of Mis. Matia Cousins,
wife ot Mr. W. J. Cousins, who died
Wednesday morning, took place yester
(Ijv Afternoon from her late home on
Xorth Main avenue, Rev. G. A. Cure
officiating. The deceased ivas a joung
w oman prominent in churoh and social
affaiis. She was n membsr of the
Piovldence Methodist church and a
quintette from thf choir of that church
sang seveial diymns. Interment was
made in Dunmoie cemetery.
The pall-bsarers were cousins ol t lie
deceased fiom Talor. They weie:
(Jeoige, Charles, James and Trank
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Sewing school Satutday afteinoon at
I It) o'liOek
Goipei meeting Saturday evening at
7 10 o'clock. All aie welcome.
Jtiuloi meeting Sunday afteinoon at
.! !0 o' locU
Monday evening, shiitwalht class at
T !0 o'clocU. All who wish to join this
c lass may do so at this time. We espe
cially invltp the voungoi membeis of
tho association to avail themselves of
tills piivilege.
Rev. Geotge Li Ah loh Bible study
dust,, Tuesday alternoon al I o'clock.
Tho study in the "Book of Daniel" is
gi catty enjoyed by all who attend this
dass. "The Tlihd Chapter, or. Golden
Image." Is tho subject for considera
tion next Tuesday. You aie cordially
Invited to join us lu this most intei est
ing and uplifting study.
Miss Wescott's embioiderv class
Tuesday evening at 7. to o'clock. All
who vvihh to join this class may do so
at this time.
Junior Bible class, Wednesday alter
noon nt 3.30 o'clock. The study on the
"Dispensation of Conscience" w ill bo
continued next Wednesday. All young
girls aie Invited to Join this class.
Kltchen-satdon Thutsday afteinoon
at o'doi U.
Bible Study, Thuisday evening at
7.10 o'clock. The Sunday school lesson
and C. I. Scolleld'.s coirespondenco
"The nellevct 's Two Xatuies," will bo
the studies ot the evening.
Wo espeoinlly invite nil members of
Ihls association to avail themselves of
tho association pilvileges. All othei s
who wish to join the classes or b.-conie
mombeis of inc association may call
on hecretaiy at 100ms, 2018 Xotth Main
Given Away.
Fine laige Rose Rushes of the
choicest varieties given nway today.
Meais & Hagen,
A laigclj attended meeting was held
last evening in St. Mais hall for the
puiiinsf) of oiganUhifi a bianch of tho
Ladles' auxiliary of the Ancient Older
of Hibernians, .Miss Maiy O'FIora, as
sisted by .in oiganldng team tioin
Branches Nes, t and J, vvas pie&ent.
A society vvas foimed and tho mem
bers will meet at a later time "to elect
Mis, Chailes Miller and daughter,
liiaro, of Pittston, aiu visiting 11 lends
hi Piovldeiue.
Mis. John J. I3vans, ot Deacon stu'ct,
is 111 at her home,
The Band ol Hope of (ho Welsh Con
Siegatlonal Sunday school Is pi ep 11 Ing
lor a grand cantata which Is 10 be
given June 18.
Floionce, the youns daughter of Mi.
and Mis. Fduawl Moian, of Leggett'-s
slieet, was laid to est yesterday af
teinoon. Sen ices weio held at the
house Interment was made In tho Ca
tltedial lemeteiy,
Miss Maty James, of West Maiket
stieet, is seilously 111.
The Noith End Stais will play the
High W01K& basket ball team on next
Tuesday evening at the Auditoiluni.
Views ol N'oitlj and South Wales will
be given by J. U. Williams, of Wllkes
llaue, Tuesday evening at the Welsh
Methodist chinch on Wayne avenue.
Tho entertainment will he for the bene
lit ot the Cluistian endeavor soilety.
' At the regular weekly meeting of
liieui Ridge lodge, No. bOJ. Independ
ent Older of Odd Fellows, Thuisday
evening, two candidates received the
Initiatory degree.
Fiesh mint and ciess. ilieen Ridge
Pineapples and sttawiiciiles. Gieen
Hldge Mm kct.
Miss Grace Wind, of Mouse' avenue,
has lettirned from New York.
Now potatoes, ciictiinbcts and toma
toes. Green llldge Market.
Oysters and clams. Gieen Rldgc Jim
het. John 13. Audi us, ,R ot Yonkeis, N.
V., was the guest of .Mr. and Mis, G.
H. Hesslor, over Sunday.
Chickens and tin keys. Uteen Rldgc
Bermuda and green onloii". Gieen
llldge Maiket.
Mrs. 03. C. Dlintnlck has ai lived safn.
ly In London, where she litis gone to
Visit her daughter, Mis. Ree.
Head and curly lettuce, Gieen Ridge
New uspaiagus and celei v. Gieen
Rldgo Matkel.
Yesteiday vvns "I idles' dav" at tho
club house of the Green Rldgc Wheel
men, nnd was taken advantage of by
vety manv of the fair sex. Among the
lady .bow lets making large seotcs, and
thoioughly enjoying the game, might
bo mentioned Mis. W. L Cntr, Mis.
13. D. Given and the Misses Hcssler and
ZurlHeh. '
Onion sets, 5 iculs a ipiiut. Gieen
Ridge Maiket. "
Wltlte clover and lawn s-c'd, Green
Ridge .Mm kct.
Given Away.
Fine huge Roso Bushes of Iho
choicest vaileties given away today.
Meais & Hagen,
" ncis k ntinativnton. i.scej.
A. J. DUFf V,Miueer,
om; moiit om.y,
Wednesday, April 24
llivid llelisco's Homantltf -ind lleili'tic Di inn
The Heart
of Maryland
lliu'd Uelaso"'! Coinpiin.
The Thrilling llelfrv Stem- s(Cns SiluiUoiis
KVLltlng ( linnves
PRICfS Jic, ofc . 7.'. and S 1)0
Seats on sate Jlondi.i. April 2.'. ll 0 a m.
One Night Onli, IIIHISDW, M'lilb lo
1 unU Vlihee iirpwnn
Wary Mannering
In I citeiitci Totd and Tduartl 1 11up a
J)nmiliti n-sion o
ill. fcord'tt wideli Itcvoliitionuy Tlomance.
Snppoited bv an adequilp tompanv of talented
pher. itaKnificeuL -peiil eely b l.rnrst
f.ros ind Artliin Voegtlm
I'Hlll.S Lntiir lowci floor, SI '0; ho and
lojre Mat', S2; ImIioii. fii.l foul ion-, M,
bkom, last fom io""1-. "Jt.: bilionj bo ind
lose sells 'I.'iO, Ritlirj, .Vii
Seats on ?alo '1'iiodaj jt ') .1 in
Manager and Lessees. Local Manager.
a 1.1. nits wr.rK.
Corse Payton Stock Co.
iv itLPEinoinr
Tlun-djj Matinee "VVonun gairnt Woman"
riiuiniUv Kvenms;... "A Uiwperat,. (.am-"
llida Matinee -."A Noble VVom.m"
Pildji 1 lenJns: 'iidijappei of New Vmtv"
am. m:t M IN
Thomas Shearer and Coinpauy
Mipportins Vlli-j ISMU.I.l-K lfhTC'IIFK
AU. CI. HrltlilNGlO.Y, Manager.
Thiee Days Commencing Thursday
Matinee April 18.
Fads and Follies Burlesquers
ll Be I
Said the bait to the fish.
Or next thing you know
you'll garuish a dish.
I came from the store of
Florey & Brooks,
And I'm dangerous.
W I i
211 Washington Ave.
K X ft X . K r. H K K K t K K
; Clocks Best;
Union Hade
A Good Smoke oi Chew,
A Tiial Solicited.
Satisfaction Guaianteed.
The Clock Tobacco Co,,
G44-40-48 Wyoming Ave.
Scianton, Fa,
The Great Sale Continues
And the Bargains grow bigger day by day, a we.
get the stock in shape for selling.
Our Trenton Store Stock
Represents the best there is .in Medium and .High
Grade Dry Goods. Trenton is not a cheap
town, and. trash' could not be sold there.
Now Look at These Prices
And as you do, remember that they're for good
goods, up-to-date in style and perfect in
every respect.
Skirts and Bedspreads
Ladies' Colored Underskirts, while they last, each 25o
Ladies' Colored Mercerized Skirts, each 75c
Ladles' Colored Mercerized Skirts, each $1.30
Full size Ciochet Bedspreads, hemmed nnd ready for use, each.. 75a
Domestic Department
Cloths 2 yards by 2 1-2 yards in size !j!2.00 and $2.50
Cloths 2 yards by 2 1-2 yards in size $2.50 and $2.7(J
Cloths 2 ynids by 3 yaids in size $3.00 and $3.25
Napkins, good liberal size to match all Cloths, per dozen $2.25
Drapery Department
Nottingham Lace Curtains, worth 75c, at 40o
Nottingham Laco Curtains, worth $2.00, at $1.20
Odd pairs, only one pair of a patterns, in Nottinghams Irish
Points, Brussels, Swiss, etc., at Just One-Half Regular Price.
Rope Poitieres, worth $2.25 at 98a
Silk Department
A mixed lot of Silks in plain colois, fancy checks and stripes, '
pelisses, etc., worth 75c. to $1.25 per yard 49r
Rack Dress Goods
Pine French Pierola Cloth In five pattems,woith $1.25 yaid at. 6O0
Six fashionable shades of fine Crepe de Chene, with satin stripes
that were SI. 75 per'yard, now 98a
Four patterns of Black Grenadines that were $20 per pattern,
now $0.00
Two patterns lace effect silk Gren adines, were $20 per pattern,
now 30.00
44-inch puie silk, plain mesh Grenadine in black, worth $1.25
per yaid "' 85ar
Fancy Dress Goods
One Case Batiste Brilliaute in light and daik colors, woith
12 l-2e at 7o
50 pieces fine Fiench Ginghams in checks and stripes, were sold
at 25c, to close the lot at 15a
46-inch all wool Vigoieaux, fine finish, best make, complete
line of colors, woi th 85c, at 60a
45-inch all wool fine French serges, complete line of colois and
well woith 45c, to close at 31a
One lot 40-inch Fancy Mixtures, large assortment of styles
and colors, our tegular 50c line at '. . . . 31a
Flannel Department
One case fancy checks and stiipes Outing Flannel, woith '6r, at. 2 l-2o
Twenty pieces cream Baby Flannel, our 25c quality, today at. 4 19o
4-4 Bleached Hill Muslin at 6 l-2c
4-4 Bleached Fruit of the Loom Muslin at 7c
4-4 Unbleached Muslin, Extia Weight, at 5c
Art Department
Embioideied Shams, pair 50a
Buieau nnd Stand Coveis, set 45a
Sofa Pillow Tops, each lOo
Ladies' Suits
Lot 1 About 25 suits for ladies and misses, sale price $3.08
Lot 2 Ladies' fine Tailoied Suits, good assoitment, at :$6.98
Lot 3 A few of our $20 and $22.50 suits fiom close. $9.08
Gents' Furnishings
Balbriggan Underwear fofr Gents, woith 25c per gaimcnt at. . 15c
Gents' Cambric Shirts, stiff and soft bosoms, all sizes, good as,-.
soitment of patterns, woith 75c, at 39a
Gents' fancy Hose in polka dot and fast black, mcitenzcd heel
and toe, woith 15c a pair, at 10c
Genth' fancy stripe 25c hose, fast colois, at 2 pair for 25c
Hosiery and Underwear
Ladies' diop stitch Lisle thread hose, fast black, woith 40c, at 25c
Ladies' impoited fast' black Hermsdoif dye, split feet, mocha-'
feet, and solid black, all regular 25c hosioiy at '. . . ' 21c
Ladies' ribbed vests in spring weight, shoit and long sleeves., , 21o
Muslin Underwear
Ladies' Fine Muslin Coiset Coveis, woith 18c at :...., 10a
Ladies' fine Cambric Aprons, full size, sale price 2 for 25o
Boys' white tucked waists, with linen collar and cuffs, woith
50c, at 25o
Childien's Umbrellas, woith 50c, at . 39a
Childien's Uminellas, woith 75c nt 49a
Ladies' best Gloria Umbiellas, 20 inches, worth $1.50 at $1.00
Taffeta Silk Umbiellas, with peail and silver handles, worth
$3.50 at S2.25
Colored Silk Umbrellas, worth $3.00 at , $1.50
Gents' 28-inch English Gloria, trimmed handles, at 50
It, & G.( Tomson's, Wamei's, C. B., W. B., at a dibcount of 25
per cent.
Ribbons and Laces
Fanoy Stripe Tafteta Blbbon 4 inches wide, all colois, woith
12 l-2c and 18c, at lo
Impoited and leal Toichon Laces fiom 1 to 3 inches wide,
woith 12 l-2c and 18c, at 4c
No. 1 Satin Black Coloied Velvet Ribbons, at 15a
Tine Tuckings, woith 50o a yaid, while they last tor , . 10
Pulley Beltb In Velvet Satin Ribbons,, asfcoited sizes, at ,.,.,. 15e
Hook ond Eyes, with snap in blacks and whites, per cnid,,,. 2a
Belding's Knitting Silk in 1-2 ounce spools, legulai-35c kind at. 15a
Beldlng's Silk Twist, 10-yaid spools, assoited colois, dozen
spools for ,.,...,...
All Silk Taffeta Seam Binding,
piece. ,,.,....
Coiticelle, 60-yaul spools silk,
noiticelle. 100-vaid spool silk,
200 pieces of odds and ends in prints, light and dink grouuds,
full fatandatd and fast colors, good lange of patterns, have been
6c, closing price ,, , , , l-2
Ono pnse standaid Anion Glnehnrns,' all styles, fast colors,
woith 6c. at
Globe Warehouse
t . , , , , , 5
full 9-yard lolls, all colois, per
,.,.,,, 8q
all colois, per spool , . . , , 3a
in colois and black, per bpool,, 60
3 1-21