f ,n XfiTsrprrrrT-Tjr5i7;v;;TT7p f?i,T" TT-fX Jtrj?,-' TO? iW'5TW ":, i. 1" i - V' "v ,".v trv 'i.iiVv K r H J. ,'' r THE SCRASTOX TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 190H. 5 ' Mmtfdt Social Ii HB past week was not laid down In tho calendar us bolnff a. con tinuation of Ix-iit, nnd yet u Boodly portion of society', at tenst thi Presbyterian end of il, lias beon dcyotlnrr Itself somewhat tmiinl niously to Rood works In the sluine of promoting the xu'lftnr- of the Presby Ifty In fcshIoii in the First Pn'rtby terlan criuix-li. Tho Indies, In particu lar, $pcnt about hair the time In pre paring food for tho nilnimurri to out during the other half, Klaborn to lunches weie pervert In the church, und the member, of tho Presbytery were lavishly entertained In various homes. There Is some reason for the sus , tdelon that to the excessive hospitality of tho entertainers Is duo the prolonged sessions of the Presbytery, which only by a heroic effort was brought to an end Thursday night. Adieus) were spoken agitln and aguln, and still tho luclhmn lingered. One reverend gentlo lnan finally ltrt. tho lnt afternoon ses sion with such precipitancy. In order to catch a train, that he took another minister's hut in place of his the other, by the way, being a prominent pastor of this city and In his haste neglected to carry along his own over coat. He missed tho train, returned to the church, corrected his mistakes, nnd jltiitlly pot away from town the next day. The following ladles are patronesses of the benellt performances of "The New Dominion," to be given at the li.vceuui this afternoon and evening, for the benellt of the International Corres pondence Schools' Social, Educational nnd Beneficial society: Jlesdames T. E. Taylor, J. A. Lansing-, Outlier Kel ler. J. A. Connoll. Theo. Wolf, O. Ivl". Ilallstead, P. JT. Spencer, C. T). Simp son, H. H. Brady, T. H. Watkins, T. C. Von Storch, C. P. Matthews. T. T Penman, 13. H. Ttlpple, J. S. McAnul ty, Ueese Prooks, Wlllard Matthews, AV. n. Mr-Clnve, II. A. Knapp, E. G. 'Join-sen, John I,. Wcntz, T. E. Jones, AV. -U Conncll. C. O. Sanderson, L. (3. l.aiJnr, James Archbald, John Jerniyn, Frank Jermyn, George Jerniyn. Ed. .Tormyn. AV. II. Dickson, K. T,. Fuller, 15. Hand. AV. II. Jtarple, T. J. Fos ter, F. o. Barker, A. J. Connell, R. J. Foster, F. J. Piatt, J I. M. Boles, II. B. AVare. S. S. Derman. Aliss Drusllla rhillips was tendered h pleasant surprls.1 party at her home on Mylert avenue Thursday evening. Games were played, refreshments s-orved and an excellent time enjoyed )ty all present. Among' those In al tewlanoc were: Jllsses Nellie Bush, Nellie Brundage. Lottie Morn, Grace Shotto, Mame Harmon, Annie Hislop, Knima Goulsby. Jane Ray, Daisy Deener. Ira Hislop, Emallne Taanyon, T-.flie L.ee, Belle Gorton, Drusllla Phil lips, Ethel Zlert, Messrs. Joe Moran, Henry AVetmore, Frank Perrls. Jesse Gurllmrn, Robert McMillan, William AWdeman, Albert AVilcox, Norman Bush. (Jlmi-lem Swartz, George Dixon, Harry Ilinkley, "William Shoemaker, Edward Phillips, William Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Zlert, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips. Miss Mae Talndubury, of South Main avenue, entertained a number of young people at her home Thursday evening after an enjoyable trip to the mine.?. The guests were Missurf Flora Lewis, Eva Lewis, Berlin Follows, Nell Brown, Edward Alldorf, Arch Deans, itnlph Allyn, George Lewis and Robert Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hancock, Jr., cave a progressive euchre party AVed ne.sday evening at their home on Lin den sdrcct, in honor of Mrs. James Cas terllnc's guest, Mrs. Dyer, of Syracuse, N. T. Mrs. A E. Berry, of Gibson street, entertained at dinner a party of friends on Thursday, In honor of Mrs. H, H. McICcclian, who expects shortly to re New Dress Goods Just received a great variety of new fabrics for dress and street wear in latest spring shades. Heltons, Tweeds and Homespuns Double X fced and plain mixtures, Oxford, medium aud X natural greys, browns and blues 75c up to $2.50 X Oranite Cloths For street or fine dress wear, W 40 to 50 inches wide 50c to $1.00S Poplins, Whip Cords, Armures, Prune! Is, f Vicunas, both light and heavy weight, $ 1 . 00 to $2. 00 fi Silver, Natural and Oxford Greys Com- K plete assortment 50c to $1.50 X monairs in black, ever. J5 Sicilians Heavy, stocky and firm 50c. 65c. j 75c and $1.00. g Taffeta Mohairs Full silk fiuish; in apppar 5 ance. service and beauty they excel all Mohairs. J5 Very light weight, 40 to X to $2.00. Z .. J,. ixew urenaaines, crepe tie Chines and figured Crepe Foule $1,25 up to $4,00 ft Cashmere Taffeta Silks Cheney Brothers 5? famous goods; 27 new shades, Poulard Silks An immeuse new line, more X beautiful than ever. ) jjMears & U 0-417 Lackawanna Arc. rfta v ::i:s:;;:;i:s:aso;:i;;:aio;:y;:;;;:i;;;i;;) tetysvaonaX wep side at Red Dunk, N. J. Among thoso present were Mrs. II. H. McKeehon, Mrs. AVllllnm Fields, Mrs. H. Brown, Mrs. F. I,. Meyer, Mrs. George Okcll, Mrs. C. Mlrcher, Misses Ruth and Christine Meyer. Mr. Frank C. Fuller gave a bvitutliTil dinner Monday night at the Country club, in honor of Miss Post, of New York, who has been the guest of Mlsfi Belln. Tho decorations were In red. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Belln, Miss Belln, the Misses Archbald, iptnln Davis, of the United SUitc.i army recruiting sta tion, located In this city; Mr. James Blair, jr., and .Air. II. D. Merrill. The mnrriuKC of Miss Frances Fruit to Mr. Andrew Nelson AValkcr will take place, as before announced, on Monday afternoon at three o'clock at the Second Presbyterian church. A reception will follow at the homo of the bride's mother, Mrs. Benjamin II. Pratt, on Mulberry street. Mrs, Thomas Dickson Is in New York after having spent the last few weeks In Atlantic City. Mrs. Dickson will not return to this city now, but will go to her country plnre at Mor rlslown for the summer. The Misses Richmond returned last night from the south, where they spent the last two months. Mr. and Mrs. AVilllnm It. Richmond will remain In Atlantic City for the present. This week, a sweet and gentle spirit passed out of our city and left the world poorer for Its going. The beauti ful life of Mr. Angle, which has just closed, carried a benediction. Mrs. T. C. Aron Storch and Miss Boies will be among the ludles from this city who will atctud the alumni dinner at Dana hall, Morristown, N. J on May .1. Rev. Dr. It. F. Y. Pierce and Mrs. Pierce gave a pleasant reception Tues day night to the oflicers of -the Penn Avenue church and their wives. Among 'tlTe delightful dances qiven this week were those of the Knights of ColunVbus, the Lyceum ushers and the Excelsior Social club. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Peck are now oc cupying their elegant new colonial rest, dence at the corner of Jefferson ave nue and Olive street. Miss Katharine .Kennedy will return next week from ' Newport and Glen Cove, where she has been visiting for some weeks. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. re. B. Jer niyn are sharing their anxiety regard ing the condition or their little son. Will In m. The concert to be given by Miss Ethel Newcomb, on the 23, Is attracting a great advance sale of tickets. Miss Alice Matthews and Miss Ger trude Spraguo attended the cotillon at AVilkes-Barre Monday night. The marriage of Miss Truesdale to Mr. Bissell, or Chicago, will take place the middle of June. Mrs. AVoodln and Miss Jcssup enter tained the Senior Friday Card club yesterday. There will bo a delight eotllliim at tho Country club in the course of a few weeks. lovemeate of People Air. llany Ilyndnnn Iik lrtuincd fioin At- lantio City, Mr. and .Mrs. W 1). tlieen, of Pelanare stitet, promise better sale than X 60 inches wide, 59c liu 5 ' H K . Hagen have returned from Cllfoinl, nlicie they hire been foi Hie hut two nionm, Miss Holes Is In New York, Mr. Charles Dul'ont Knilt Is In Monliose for a day or (wo. Mm. I'ninres II, Svan airbed In the rlly from New York last tiltht. I'. V, Malthcw.., nt the Hole! ,bimjn, I suffering- from 111 health. Mr. anil Mr. .tnlm 1. Poller nnd d.iitiililcrs wiled lor Kurope lhlt uirk. Mr. J, b. CrAHfoid irtmiml l.i't ntglit Ironi I'loHdl, where slic penl the wlntei, Ut-Shetln" Honlmon accompanied FVnalor Find' ler to Xetr York jwlenljy nllcrnoon. Ohnlc.1 P. M4rlon hut relumed from p thrco weeks' vMt with trlemli In Washlngtnn, U. U Deputy Rcvcnire collector I.011U K. fliWuirff, of WilkesdlirTe, wu . lltor in this city ymlerdjy. John ,t. Colllni, of the Collliry Krifrlneer lulnt. Init department, kit yctcrdjy for u few ilajs' Ml with. hi parents In Philadelphia. MIm Ptullne O, Hill, of tho Seranlwi College of Mmlc, ttm culled to llufTiito on lnilnr, Fil d.ry. She will twahwnt a!ul ten davs. Itev. KrancU J. Tobln, of St, Josepli'a semlrnry, Ilaltlniorr, Mil,, a former claAMnate of the late I'athcr Medftiry, afler attending the timcril nnd paylhjr thn list rnarU of njmiMtliy to the be lened family, i-clrirned home Tlmrsd.iy afternoon. Ho w accompanied by Tathera MiCiHhr and Wclbers and Uev. Ilanlol JlcIIale. Joneph V. Murphy leturncd to ll.dtlniore yclerdav. HER POINT OP VIEW fj TIIK clmrcbo.f M'hluli Imve not a 'blflboii miss a Kfc.it Oenl. llelng a MutbocllKt, allbougli n more wo man, trio writer of this Is competent tn nuthorlze such a statement. A bishop Ik a groat ins-tltutlon, and whether or not the early founders ot tho Christian religion were right In all their Ideas they made no mistake In retting up a bishop the very first thing. Now a bishop has u certain halo about him impossible to dellne and equally Impopslblo to classify. It sets him apart, inaken him distinctive among men and in all denominations, whether he wears vestments and mil linery In profusion or wh&ther he looks simpl.v clerical lir the doleful black coat nml white ncclc-cloth of the fra ternity. His otllco somehow drawa about him an invisible guard ot dig nity and men instinctively doff their hats at his approach and defer to his opinions when he speaks. When he has almost the power of life and death in his hands, the clergy men under his temporal y rule, self- effacing as they must seem from the voluntary vows they have taken, nat urally yield every appearance of def eienco and obedience to his wisdom and decrees. Wo who aro not thus bound and others who by no force of religious government or precedent acknowledge any superiority, may smile a little at. this apparent humil iatoin and perhaps may even criticise if sarcastically, but after all there Is a glamor in acknowledging the author ity of a superior In the religious world just as In social political or military life. G The private in the innUs, often looks up to the leader of the hosts with a sentiment verging on idolatry- Tho other oflicers. when not influenced by Jealousy, arc apt to entertain the sumo sort of feeling. Tt Is the natural inner yielding to recogniced power, tho god like quality in man that separates him from his fellows. It was this supreme control of mind as well as matter that made Xapoleon's grenadiers weep for love of him. It was tire greatness of his rank, as well as the magnetism of the man, that caused Loc's f-oldlers to go mad with priae anu joy at tiro sight of Ills su perbly carried head. Hero In democratic America we aro rrot supposed to look the second time at royalty or to envy rank. Vet wo run enthusiastically after our own rulers, set them up In shrines and kow tow to them for a lit IK lime and then pitch them down and erect new idols. When we go abroad we aro as eager to chase after the nobility as arc the nutlves, aird at home we display a deal more energy In that direction. The su perior has u ehurnr. In tho political life, a great leader compels similar adulation by tiro sheer force of his superior ability. Wo may turn again and rend him when anothoV popular man comes along, but wo always lravo some guidon to follow which Is held high in some strong hand, benath whose sway we bow. In society It is the same. AVo fol low the popular fad, which Is to wor ship In .somebody' train, perhaps not tho monarch of wealth, of talent, of beauty, of brilliance alone, hut surely the monarch icpreseirtlng power and influence. Thus It Is that in religion the un conscious bending to authority when vested lir some great dignitary Ik only a lopetllion of tho Infinite, longing to roach upward anil grasp something beyond what 'we rtow know. Perhaps to a degree 'the thought that In him is snadowed tho Master Himself, en ters somowhat Into tho feeling, but even more Ik tho purely worldly de sire to bask In tho light near the throne to catch some faint reflection, or else in some occult fashion to labsorb into the fibre of being tho richness ot some. oiner me wnicii nas muuuu'ii tn a higher altitude. 'file bMieiji seems niunent Institution church olllebils, niunent us Ik b to be u jimru iior- tluui most o,thir lb'lni; thus jipr- ', i!u liiututlons nf uii'ii and things itpom in clYoct 111 tn less nml to oxu.lt his ofneo tiro uioit, Iliuicc It lmiiciiH that when ho Is tho nioslillnsv olllcer of si niei't InpT, the pincpctlinfrs arc rather cer tain to he I'hurueti'iisioil by Rreat 1Ik nily, tho trivial olomeut holng clltnl uatcil anu useli'ss illsciisslon cut blrnrtj. Wc may ctltlclso a mountain; wo may say It Is too ruKKi'il nt the base, tno illlllcult nf ascent at that "towered citadel." tho .summit, tno massive to he available for tunneling, too lofty for tho valleyh to appear cnmmeu.surubly extensive but our i.rlticlsms do not ffeet tho mountain, II Is alt theso gusilltles which eo to nmlii? It gicut that show It to bo tho irountaln it Is 'o do not pause to ciltiolse ami Bruin hlo about a inerft hljl wo, who nmst al ways bo In (ho little valloys und never on the mighty mountain tops. It' tho mountain weie iinl Rivnt and mighty and htupejidotts tfbovo all other things wo should not complulii about Us ex tent, and It would not have made epochs in hiMory and nmrUed the dif ference In races and the fall of tmtlons. Thus tho fact that ya ciltlciso, some time vaguely, often In Jealousy, the leudere of great ohurches, Is an evi dence Hint these leader.? are wondrous ly colossal among men for "to ho great h- to be misunderstood," said Emer son, and he knew, Down deep In our being, whether we nro jich or poor, bond or free, believer or agnostic, our heatts inuko silent obeisance to these men, who may wear no visible mitre, but who still in their own personality embody the possibilities which llo In man. und the Inner light which Inspires great thought and purpvec, Saucy, Uess. 4 4- 4 SCIENTIFIC SALAD "Inaeenrale Miowlodie I a dinucnnu thlnff, .N) In all things let u bo iiccurite," llrattf lit of tho Salad would Rrc.illy aid rno In my lak by .vkliiR rpier-tlorn (not nun airily for piildiciillon), wlilcli li ranlle will l,i nnwered In full In nn early imit of the Weekly Halad and their receipt acknowledged Immediately by mail. All juuh mnirminli.i. tlom mri't, bowei tr, n j. riieOer of covr'e, be.ir the writer's torrwt name nnl nddriM olliemtifl they cannot lis trken Into ton Hldei.illon. IS tr WItON'll for coming to inirry? Thlaqirtv tlon is nkc(l li.r one of tin readers of tins Scientific S-tlad oml li.u been l.pj ami Ah iutl for liiimlietll, luy thousand, of taii, l'.v philosophers, fcclcntlM.it, rutiirallL, telljloirs tcaehprs and l.iv-iii.il.ri In utl liu Miilou boar iiiRS from a inorjl, ethical, IijrIciiIo and politico economical standpoint upon ...i' welbbcin? and piosicH of the Iniinm raci'. I rniut, tlicieforc, content rn.Hclf at this time, and In thU limited ipiw, nltli a tncclncL l ileincnt of the moil pioiiilnenl fn;U In connection with tho qtnwtlon, m tho.v arc known to cxM and Icuc to th reader to theorize about them nl liN leisure. In alt the prominent and impoitant, ami In many of the minor piR.ni viteriiit of religion me einicai uvti Mildly forbid the ni.irrl.iRC of blood lehtlon-t (ninsingnlns) und in thu Mlble, in well .11 in Hie Koran and tho other Hell Known wrlttfii ami lradltlun.il coiby of Il-IIrIoih liw.s many references will be found pointing to the cIl cIIclU ot comuiiKulnlty upon the ofKiintr, and -K.vljy In the tecond and third generation. It U an Indisputable fact that all the useful, wcrful and cnduilnt; products cf nature aie tho result of the union of opposite or of elements which mc not like each other. Thus m uhctnUtry, the union of acid's !i.ne produces sail and minerals and in ph.wlcs tho oicetiio euircnl li prodmed by Ihe in lion of one clement, actlnif nntiiirotilstlially upon another in their union, 'flic number of llht'.ti.ilifiim which may ho cited ii legion. In oriraiile r.aluiu 11. tm been pioicil beyond doubt by cuoftil and long continued observation and by ciiefullj conducted csperlmcnts upon animals nml plants Hut the union of members of the same f.imllv has a deletttloiw effect upon Ihe oIKprinas. As hli Iking examples may be lited the facts that ftult trees of tli'e same fjniily (for instance H.ullet pcu), when pljntrd In nn orch.ml by themselvivi, witlicut the admix. line of ftult trees of the same tpcLics but of dlltcrcnt families. bear fiirit whlcli is mii.iII and inlerlor in fjuallly, ns well as In num bers, and is apt to fall from the stem before it is fully ripened, and also that in flowering and yeel bearing plants (as for instance in tlw ca toroll plant) through fructification by pollen from members of the name family seeds will result which when plained produce plants ot slow and stunted growth bearing seeds which ripen very lute and lire incapable of germinating and produc ing new planus, thus causing tho extinction of the family iinle-s liny have been fructified by all (noii-tautlly lelatcd) pollen. Among the animals anu especially among the higher ciaswi lc which man belongs the physiological fact Ills totig been established that the offrpring in licilts a ceitain amount of the individual family (Mood) and late peculiarities, both physical .ittd spirituil, liom cjcIi parent, wlilcli Inheritance finds oxpicshlon in xarious ways, some times the one Ir.iiMiillted thiough the male parent and sometimes the one belonging to the leniale pro genitor pudomimting but making up a sum lutal of pcuillailties, iudbidually similar to Hut ot both parents bill ssentlally dttferent in itself, if Ihe pucnts are. aliuis to each other, tliat K if they are not blood relations; and this diftorcrice is the instill, in the num. of tho union and action upon eai.li other of (hcnc. in herited stiajns. On the ollui hand, iC the paictils arc Mood irbtimis (first cousins, for Instance) the offspring will inhciit a double amount of family or blood and i.ua peculiarities which will naturally oxer, lulince Ihe cflcot of the alien strain transmitted fron either grandparent ami consequently a moic or les prominent want ot proper balauce borl; in the physical and spiiituil s:iili,uiti(s of lis llle lonillilons lnn-t he the result, Tnipei.iineiil and euinple.xions ale only spiritual and phytic a I eiitixloiis ol indixidu.illty as dc Imil .iboe anil us such Uu their rr-spcctiic in liu.iife upon the Indhidiulily of the oilspibii; hui only in the piopnitioir of parts to the whole. Infection of Wounds by Perspiration of the Hands. M. K. ti.-ievcl his mlopleil this melliod of 4eiiliinpj his haiuK fir siirsicjl pu.e.eduui: Washing nnd Fuubbnur m it It !.o,ip .Did water for fifteen iniiitilr.-, then twi.-bin. vnlh a p.ul of sterilicd etaue inipiesn.iled with ether, then ntviiii; them ilh nincly-fne per rent, alcohol, nnd finally vr.ihlii them wi'h flciiliznl water for flvis liiirutttM. ,No uillinc'i eould be ohtaiuiMl fioin the hinds aftei this metlioil of disinfection. Hut Mhi-ii the bands u-ir- made to peispirc fictly ailcr such a 'ahinj,- tc trau-piied lluid al.i.s icb!ed a puie and irulrnt eultuie ol the Sta phylococcus alba.. The author concludes: (I) lh.it it N po-ihle to uhtain absolute sterilia lion of the hands; (2) that 04 soon i1. perpr ration ot the hands beitirH, infection of the wound is povlhle; (8) that, as il is impo.-ihlo to disinfect the opeialhe aie'a, the lips of Ihe cutaneous vound should always he protected; (4) disinfection of (he hands should be completed l'.v their immersion tor ten minutes iu n ino- per cenr. solution of taiiiiiu lo inhibit the sweat Ihk; (j) gloves should be wom in seille opera tions where mere manual deUeiity is not an im poitant factor. X, y, Iftdiial iloumal. fly a close raleulallon this wa.hinit ot hand', whlili of coiusii is but one of the Items in Ihe piepar.ilioii ot tin- modem siiircoii for nn ordinal- i'iciy-d.1 opeialion.would ixcupy .It iniiiulrs, time ciioim-h for tin- p.illint to iic If the cuo is one of uiffeiuy oi time ciiuiirIi to perioral most nt llin intliiiuy eeiy-d.iy operations tint tin- piai thinner is called upon to perform fioin bi'ltiuiiiiit; to end. It Is well enough and advlh able that a suh-pou sliould have clean hands when operating, hut he should not fowl that his time is simply wasted when, ,m fo fiei)ii(nlly happins dropr of penplntlou fall from bis blow iiniiolleed by him lulu I ho open wound limine au opeiution. "CleanlluesS ts licit tn godliness," as Slern in his Horn of T)eotiun jjit, but it tan liaidly be plieed net to Rodllness when it U e.mied lo such an extreme by Ihe siuiteiiu lh.it lie neglects lo luvo his instnuniiils e.f the he,t ouilir.r, shaip .nut in pericit worUIni; euilcr In lii-t ellotls to hue lliiiu and cwythlns eli clean and sleiillml, II is refresh In;; to heir such a man as I'rof, Warton in Popular .Silence NeiNS express his opinion and letleil tho oplnbu of many other independent IhinUers on Iho sub. Jeit when ho sa)s; "flierr Is meat tlaiv,-er uf tin' lneclcrioloaic.il eiao lamllnt; Its devnlies In .1 1,'i.inmiic, fioin whiih ttlileatlon will be dllll cult if not luiposslhlo without les.s of piotlS". 'I lie eaim-sl imesliaaton are prone, in their en thusl.iri'i, In lahe loo iniicl. lor guided (the vili i.c-hicr father to the thought), iinl it will not Iw .u all stuprbhiK Iu fmd tliat many steps will lino to he iiliate, many liiKcnlenis and pinmls ins ili niies jhjiiiKirii.il, II should bo borne In rulirl that uiliiosiopic lire i; in the iiriiu bene lie cut to huiiiiiiily; that the taifcttrs tif.soe iuh.l Willi ilu.'.i.-o .no Lompaialhcl lew, by couipaii. sou Willi the olbcif, and that in the ease of thn bacteria tliat liawi been liefmitely identilird with speiille ili-eiisei, it h.i I'CM'r been utisf le-lofilj doiiiKUslialid lhat tlie'.v aio the causo and not thr producl in aiiclt fa-is uf il.iae. Although oinr facts aie positively limun In baileiloloxy, jet the eoncliislons elraun iiuii limn are mainly i"ii Jnliiul; and in this, as in olhcr flelda, It Is not ;.t ail uullU'b tlul Ihe n'Nl BeniM.iliou w l see. I l.o pie-iiil teachings t ill civ. n rut and a ifc-noi.il rceatlini; of Hieuiles lal,e place" . The Toxicological Detectiou of Ar senic nnd the Influence of Selenium on Its Tests, Hv W. II. Wilcoir. II. I). The author' e.pcn. iiiciiIj no to sho tl.at; while selenium does not irlie any result per so with the aiar.li test In the abWneo of aiscnlc, ,et It has n most decided effect upon tho nature of tho mirror when arsenic Is picscut. The proximal half ot the mirror is of a UTinilioiwed coloi, while tho dUtal por tion has tho Usual appearance of the arsenical mirror. Thu author examined many of the sam ples of contaminated beer from Manchester during tho recent epidemic of periphrial neuiltle, and iu no rasa were the) cmlouj minora obtained, such as are ghen ly selenium and aisenio combined. These facts piova that the poisoning could not luo beta due piluurlly to .-elculuni and, second, illlly, to arsenic, as lias been suck-estcd by so many of the daily pjpem and ccu dlsciused ut Icnalli In luedle-al and other sclentlllct publici. tkih.' The epidemic i there and 2 elite kail syAtokHVSV r . Jonas Long's Sons r The appreciation of our Great Spring Sale has surpassed all expectations and the last of the Four Day's promises to be the most interesting of all to our patrons. As may be seen below a number of new attractions will be marked with red price tickets to day, while the former list will continue to present the same remarkable values. The first of today's additional Spring Sale offer is Books ' Copyrighted editions of the popu lar authors, regularly sold at $1.50, will be found on our tables at $1.10. The catalogue most celebrated comprises the of the recent novels. Uncanonized: A Romance of English. Monarcliism Potter, Uncle Terry: A Story of the Maine Coast Munn. Eben Holden Baclteller. Ralph. Marlowe, the Successor ot? David Harum Naylor. Stringtown. on the Pike Lloyd. Alice of Old Vincennes Maurice Thompson. The King- of Honey Island- Thompson. Senator North' -Gertrude Ather- ton. Clayton Hallowell Van Pragg. In the Palace of the King Craw ford. Checkers. Like Another Helen. The Gentleman from Indiana Booth Tarkington. The Master Christian. Corelli. Mrs. Clyde Mrs. Van Renssler Cruger. The Cardinal's Rose Sutphen. The Girl at the Half-Way House. A Heritage of Unrest Atherton. Elizabeth and Her German Gar den. The Solitary Summer. The Visits of Elizabeth. The Expatriates Bell. With Rint? of Shield McGee. A King's Pawn Drummond. The Last Refuge H. B. Puller. Milly Thompson. St. Peter's Umbrella. Stationery Royal English Linen, sale price per box 17c Glazed Bond, sale price per DOX 1 i C Vatican Vellum, sale price per box 17c Grecian Parchment Bond, sale price per box 17c Cream-laid Antique, per lb. . 17c In be found to satisfy public opinion and so anal her bunion waq looeled upon the patient and enduring' bark of the' innocent but much ma ligned cl wholesome heierape of the people of the Anglo-Saxon uee. The Becquerel Rays. A new tcchtdcil journal, KiichlioB"i. Technischc blatter, to be bsiiert within a few ilis, will C'ltitairr on intciestins arllclc lonceining the' latest iay. In 1S9.",, a 1'iencli chemist discovered ias ema nating troni the element uranium, which pov se-scd piopertlcs similar to the llocntfc'en lajs. They weie railed Hecepieiel raj. after their 'J is. ro.eier. Hut while the dbcoveiy of tlin Ilocnt rcii nioiisisl Rreat interest in the whole chlllzeil wurhl, leading to radieal chanj.es in lucdieal iliasmosis, the Uccuueiel rays were only emptoycil in a eiy limited way in phjsic.il , labors tot lei, and an asertioii by the ITenth seientist, lieinar eaj.j, that they were not emitted fioui uranium, but Irom a new element, made no Impression. Itecent epeiiments by the licrlin IIIkIi School of Technology have proven this assertion that a new clement is responsible for the llecepjercl ravs ami the interesting; tact has been oh- served that theso rays render almost every trans parent substance luminous in the darkness. These rejs mahe it possible, ro tell ifi'iiu ine diamonds fioin artillclal ones in the dai!;. This will proio of greal piao tieal importance in testing, The is. peiinicnls have also lesiilicd in obtaining, tor tho Hist time, laiccr quantities of the new element, which has ik-monslialc-d that ras emanating from a larger quantity mahe the air such a conductor of eleelilelly that it is hoped thin property can he utilized in wlieletss telegra phy, flxperinients for this puipn-o are bi-inic rua'do iu the llerliu institution, but the deepe-t secrecy is maintained concerning them. It ts tilled lhat the result, wbl soon he hid befoio the emperor, which smns to indicate that the. elbcoury is regarded as one of meat linpoilaiuc. The Zodiacal Light, Tin' Zodiacal light, so called bfcau-o it 1 1. nil -is the Zodiac, is a phenomenon of Hi heau'iis that probably iery few people have witnessed, as even sea captain, who havit sailed .noiind tlio earth a iiiiimxr of limes, state that they have nccr seen it. Sllll its eMriico Is i well authentic iteil fatt. Quiet rrecntly il. l.eou llienuer has been stud; be llui UkIiI fioui the nbwrutoiy nf Manou, Auatrla, wlieie, Judalnsr livm his account, the uppoiluiillli-s for ubserUiiR it must be exceptionally fine. Ho states tliat at buiu, on the seal level, wlieio tho most faunable pulods for ohsemtlon am from .lanuaiy to Much and iu September and Oclnber, the srodiaral liirht is, upon faoiablo niKhU, from four to ,l limes as IhIkIiI as the nillU.e w.i,,, and upon such cicainnR some elclit or ten times ss luleiiso, lie ili-eilUs It as j I'.uaiuld of light with Us ba-o at iho place where the inn has set ami Us point vi-omIui; thu 7odije. 'J lie apex, ho sa.is, Is se-aresily ills cemible at hiil, but ineieaus in ntctis.lt x I.Uir and .'ixes lise at .1 point oppo-Ilr to 't kcrorul tono of llulit which Is tailed the unll--.odlae, Tliis pciiillaiity was nolcd by Un.iMti tn 1SJI and by lluinholt in leO,!, M seen from l.ui-sin, il. Ilrnnner sa;s its brightness is otten niieii that up to loity decrees in height it cntliely nbsciucs, to thu naked eye, the stati in its immediate vicinity, and tUit at Iho same time thn unlbnillacal light l.s three limes is bttitlit as thti nillliy way, l'iom a spectroscopic examluitloii ho auiies al tho combi-iou that iho lin'nt is retlcclcil solar lighl, Tliln bo veil lies Willi the poUiistope, whleii separalu llrj pnlilUid Iiliht trom the oidiiuiy u. Ilumbolt, in reitiTinu to it, tint w-heu il is eceu ficm elcutions nf iinm r,000 to l.'.O'ii) feet at the equator it oilcn exceeds in bright. )ies tho moot brilliant parts ol the milk)- xx.iy, an I II. I-lals coi.tirms; this by eayiiif that when a qT.1 xiew can bej golteii ol it iu the inter tiophal zone it is the most beautiful of a' I phenomena. Mlbc-rmau catrc to Iho conclusion trim hit observations that the phenomenon had a clo-o attaint) with the arilucncc of shooting sUu ami the appcaaanec of the Auroia ilorealis. He rc uurU 'n a memoir presented to the Academy tics' Sciences that, whenever there is an affluence of shootins etars there is an Auiora bore a 1 1), cither luminous or merely cloudy, in the mean latitudes, and that numeious facts make him think that suclr Isalxi the caiu with the zodiacal lllil.t. It is also stated that ltespighi, iu 18b6, or thereabouts, Jicertaincd by spectrum analysis that the brilliant nitrogen ray previously ills coercl in the Aurou llorulis vxl-tcd iu tit; NyS VVssrfV WfWVSVSVAisw'WvAS4 . Men's Furnishings Harris' Suspenders, in the semi-ventilated elastic web bing; regular price, 00c; sale price 30c Madras Shirts, with cuffs to match; sale price 45c Black Half Hose, white feett fast colors; value 12 l-2c; sale ptice 10c Brown and gray mixed Half Hose, regular vnlue 12 l-2c; sale price 3 for 25c Hosiery And Underwear Misses' Past Black Cotton Ribbed Hose, double knee all around; high spliced heel and double sole; sizes 5 to 9 1-2; sale price 19c Children's Shawknit Hose you would have to be an. expert to find, the cause for the half price on this lot, al though the maker says they are seconds regular value 35c; sale price 17c Ladies' Black Dropstltch and Richelieu Ribbed; also fancy Hose in colors blue, red and purple; sale price, . . 21c Ladies' Summer Vests in all sizes, made of fine bleached yarn, nicely trimm ed neck and sleeve in high neck; wing sleeve, low neck, no sleeve; sale price 9c Gloves Ladies' Berlin Lisle Gloves, in all shades and sizes; 3 button length 15c Ladies' Pure Lisle Gloves, 2-clasp; 3-button; in tan, brown, mode, grey, white and black 23c Ladies' Silk Taffeta Gloves, 3-button; 2-clasp; all shades and sizes 35c Misses' Silk Taffeta Gloves, in all the leading shades. .. . 23c Infants' Wear Infants' Silk Embroidered Caps, nicely lined and well made, each 23c Infants' aud Children's Short White Dresses, with tucks nnd ruffles and deep hem; good width; sale price. 25c Children's Past Colored Percale Dresses, yoke trimm ed; bolero effect; sale price. . 25c KKKKMKKKXXnKXXKKKKKKKKXMUK i Meldrum, Are Showing Handso'me Mew Lines of Coaching "" Sun Umbrellas Also Exclusive Novelties in Fine Grenadine and Chif fon Trimmed Parasols. 126 Wyoming Avenue. iKKUKoHKKHsUKtKKKHKnUS rmllacal lulit. l'iom the,ai lant deduclious, an-.--uiei'tcd by fj place's indisposition to admit that rmllaeal ln;ht mlxlit be a wide extension of the niu'rt atmnsphcie, liamhossuu camo to the eon- ilu-lo'i that the lishl was in reality i ?odlaeal iiuinra, It can hariiy be uc'lioiied but fiat the tun must leient InvesliKalors, owing In improved I otiiniiii.ls and methods, am neater lo Hi? truth thill I lie otheri Slill, a Iho case n;w stands, there is no lesliiitlon upon one's choice ot an explanation. Plfiltt JOoctOlH, A ilciuainl has leiii made lot pn)siil.ius lhat ran minister lo a plant dlneased. It is thoiiiiht lo be ;i mailer or ualioii.il impoilauto that exeiy ayilrultutal district should ha-e Us rciru iaily ediiiuted pi ml dm lot, rhosu biislni-n it would be lo alleud tn and cure plants that are llut'ilr-ncd Willi disease or luxe been stricken with II, 'V,0 this end II. is suux'-ted I li.lt wc should luxe oehools of piai Ileal plaul pilhooe;y, whero plijsiel.ins iniy tui taught In tirat plints just -as In xeteilnary seluiols they am taught to treat horses and oilier animals. This is eeitainly a valmblo ant timely tuggc-illou and shuulcl seriously ensane our liwmakeis and imlllulhins nf leamiii','. -specially as It eouhl he added as dii luipoilant braneji to tin- newly et4blllied pro. fi's.lon (new in Aliierita) of foiesstry, A well rduratid and reicntiflii plant doctor could he cf cien gri'-tter nule'tial benefit In th Uiiner aud planter than Ihe elciiiuiy sniteon is niw, Lead Sponge. nru inc. e...s for uukiiiii pities ot p.nous lead lor use in accumulator oi u at Id fllleis liar lllely been paleuttd in (Iciuuny by Itlchaid Itauer. In plaio cf tiealtng: the mcllrd lead by i fcl gas or vapor, as is often dune, tlii lurciitnr iisch 4 tiiaifihl whlili by eonlail with the uiellt'd metal s volalllUcd and penelrales lliroujjli the mass during tho eoolinic. Sulphur is best adapted for this puipose;t bu the prop eily of (oniblnlii'V with tho lead to fomi sulphide, and this sulphide when clKomposol by diluto iiyclroeljl.il ie acid leaves a tcusi of poious lead. In piaetleo the operation in eairien out as fob lows: rim two halves' of a platd mould uwi belted and j. .null euautity of melted bu!(Mnir U introduced, so that after' tooliwr the tides ot the mould aro lovercd with a, la.vcr ot sulphur, Iho lead, healed to icdncss, is then poured into the mould; the sulphur is Vapmi.c'il and pene trates into tho mas-'. Atler cooling-, the plate taken from the mould Is romiwrcd of load, sulphide of lead and an excess of sulphur. Tho latter is removed by a preliminary washing and the plate Is then treated with dilute sulphuric acid, xvlil' It decomposes Ilia sulphide and leaves a plat: of puic lead, which is citicjacly peroui Boys' Clothing Boys' Vcstee Blouse and ,( Double-Breastcd Suits in flf- teen pretty new Spring nov elties, dark and light pat terns, well-made and trimm ed, beautiful materials, and strictly all wool; sizes 3 to 8, 9 to 1G; special price. .. .$1,98 Boys' Laundered Waists nnd Blouses, with attached nnd detached collars; all the , pretty new shades for dress " wear; light "and dark pat terns; Garner's beat percale; sizes 4 to 12 years; special price 50c Boy3' Hats in all the new shapes Alpine, Golf, Teles cope nnd Crash styles; colors nro brown, tan, pearl, blue, white and stone; sizes and styles for the large and small boy; special price .......... 50o Boys' Knee Pants in an ' endless variety of patterns; dark and light in plain and fancy mixtures to match coats; also plain blue and corduroy; sizes 3 to 16 years; most all double seat and knees; special price 50o Leather Goods Good assortment of Pocket Books, in all colors; worth 49c; sale price 39c A choice assortment of Pocket Books in, brown, tan, grey and black; some plain, some mounted; worth 59c; sale price 45c Nice assortment of Belts, in patent leather; seal grey, brown and tan; sale price. . . 19c 19c Empire Combs, 25c kind Buckles in imitation silver and gold 15c Scott & Go. ynyvj wm nnd well ll-ls. adapled fur aceuimilaliiia and othei To 'Remove Stains and Dirt from the Hands. I'liee a cm unity of sal soda in a. slullow dish, iu a warm, dijr place, and cxivoso to tho air.t, liesic cullon will soon follow and from a coarse, biiup.v mass it will soon beeomo an impalpabbi powder. If now the flngcre aro moistened willi water and applied to tho i.urfato of tho deslee.it Ml sodi a small quinary will adhcie. Apply Willi a llltlo water to any surfacfl lo be cleansed and the result will appeir nuirleal. Dirt wll. ill.sappear, vvllhout injury lo tlm skin, if ih p.Hl be all rln-ed ntTl) ,1. a.ve, Xcnlal Oil", and bah. The Sizes ot' Coal in Commeice, ' Thi sizes of anthracite coal and tho siisens Ihniugli which they aie made, aro as follow., nays .steam Kiiadrieerius: Coil which, runs lliiniiu.li a si icon havint; a mesli .'Mil ot an inch iv failed bailey; -!, rice; IMti, buckwheat; ,?, jwaj l'i, chestnut; i, stove, 234, egi;; 4j, tjTlte; 7, steam. Coal bejend this lUo li known at lump roal, lllluminous coal pa vies over bars I'j Indies apait; hituiuiunus nut coal passe( Ihiouiili bais I inch apait; slack- eojl pjs..' Iliioufili luis ij of .m incli ipail, Deiiuitious. I'OUU. l'i)4'l 13 any substance vvhhli, fwheri liilioilucfd inlo a linnif mvanl-ni, may in ut II bed by llo orsauisiii lo fiiinbb'il jfltb the i,.Hnsaiy matetial for biiildiusr new tissue, thus proihicliiij- grow lb and development, and tin re placo what has been Used up and discarded as vviste in Iho life proce of the organism. Tluw wn hive a Rieal xailety of aiticles of fod and ili naluro often Is tho only means of ijlilin Biilsliim; and classlfyins somo of the lower or iranlsms. Tho main anil most reliable distine. lien lietwccn aniiral -ami xeseumo erganieiiu 1 that animals feed on organic) suhsUnres, hilo vesetables feci only on inoigaiiiu mate rials, sucli a salll, minerals-, tvaes and so fouh. Pari Keller, Jf. 1). T ' I l . Many School Children Ara Sickly Mother Cray's Sweet I'ov.'ders for Children, ue. by Mother CIray, a nurse In Children's Home, N'rw York, Ilrcak up Colds iu 21 hours, cure IV verbhr.esa, Headache, itoiuaeli Tioublej, Tecllilna Diserders. novc and KKuUtc tho Uc-wels, and Destroy Worms. Mrs. t'nilly Mjionn, Ucrid-ii, Ct., savsi r'lt is tho bc.-t medicine in the worM tor (,hildicn when fcveiish and eoinpJainin; Sold by all di-UKslsts or by mail. Mc. tainnls sent FHEt. Addicss Allen S. Olmsted, Ulty, N' v . ...