r. cw3' " ' . - F "4 ' ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 190t --0": i- i t'uMIMiMj Dally, nccpl Sonelayi hy Tho Tnb Wi.Publlhlng Compiny, t HfU,CcnU i Month. '"tivV.sSuoi'tAim, iyiiof. " 0. i, UVNBtiC, lliulncss ilitujer. New York Ufflu. 1M NU Mjc,.tAm Bote Apcnt (or 1 orelgn Adtertlsln?. Lnlcrcd al the PololiV at Scmnton, Pa., as bcioncl-C'lass Mull Matter. .lhcn space will permit, The Tribune I olwaja (.lad to print sliort letters Irom IU friend pear Inj,' on current topics, but Its ruts U that IhC'O must be signed, tor publication, by the """ " icaJ nanvs and Hie condition precedent to ac uplancu is that oil contributions shall be sublet ti) editorial revision. Till! MAT IlillJ .OR AUVEHTISING. 'ihe followliiR table shows the price per Inch ailr Ititrrtfoii, epacc to be used within one jelr! Full DISPLAY. Position .80 .21 .111 .14 J .IS 1.1 H tlllll OKI ItltllC" MD IikI.cs ... JMiO " .WOO " I'ur cards of thanks, resolutions .ot condolciica and similar iniitrllnitiotH In the nature ot acl tirtMng The 'Iribtne inakis a charge uf 6 cents ,,nc- . . j - Ilatrs for Classified Adtcitlsing- furnished on application. TWELVE PAGES SCnANTOX, APIIIL so. 1001. The contention which litis arisen over the iilp.sllon of salaries vs. fees for the nlllelah of I.imkfi.Viinnu county hur hi'hIh the need of (date legislation to lirevent such complications In the Inline. An act piovldliiR that In eolin lleh with lens than luO.OOO population no nlllelal shall retain In fees more than the amount ol' the .salaries provided for similar .service In counties above the ir.n.iiiio line would fulfill the equities of 1 In cicca.sinu and remove all Incentive lor JiiBBlinpr with census returns or mishit; lialr-splittinp; technicalities as in when a Federal census becomes ef fective. Concerning Boycotts. . F"S nl! So.MK TIMK The Tribune has been rccelvlnB at frc (liienl intervals, with re iiii,sts to publish, resolutions pH.s.sed by various organizations, de- I Ihi'Iiik boycotts upon cerlaln enter prises with which the organizations b.ie li.nl tlllllcullles. While m in always Kind, ns space penults, to print coninninicatloiis of public mteicsl ulilch conic within the limits of honest journalism and are pinpnrly signed and authenticated, we feel compelled to fjlvc notice to alt conct'i ncd that we cannot print boy cott notices. Tin courts, with unvary ing uiilfoiinity, have held that boy cotts .lie Illegal: and where proof i.-i piesi-nt as to their ei-ei.it inn, the crea tors an liable to prosecution, convic tion and punishment. We lealizo that in a majority of Instances the men who pass tlioe lesolutlons are not II wine that they aic doing what the law does not sanation; but, unfortu nately, their tinfaniili.irlty with the law does not release this paper from lcsponsibillty when it becomes the M'hicle of tuitheriiiK an illegal pur pi sc. Theic is good ground for be lie. In: that under the libel law of I'dinsjlvania the newspaper advertis ing a boycott can be held to account in action In damages, when the victim of the boycott sees lit to seek redress In such a manner. , Mm cover, the boycott, as familiarly employe I, is almost Invariably unfair ami mi lust, since its effect is to take away value without due process of law. The mere fact that an employer of labor docs not entertain the sainc c pinions as to the conduct of his busi- III sk asaie entertained by the members of a union of workingnien who. In si'ciet session, sitting as judge, iury and executioner, decree that he i to be mulcted in punitive damages for his failure to look at tacts through tholi spectacles, does not constitute, to the average mind, a sulllcient justi fication for the punishment thus stibi tinilly decided upon. ca." lu point is that of that dls icputablc publication, the Sciantoniuii. No one can view it with greater loath ing tlirui does The Tribune, Jt repre-,-ent.s about .111 that is vicious in Jour nalism and it Is a severe rellectlun upon the 1 opinion sense and common decency of this community that a pub lication onducted as it litis been con ducted could acquire the oppoitunltici foi mlschlct which it has had during the past two or three years. If ev'r there was a stioug temptation tow-iid the nmulfCiiMlluu of summary justice It lias I'slstctl in ipfcreiu'o to this .iboiiilnubl.t paper. Vet .John Mitchell, Piesldent of tin railed .Mine Workers, cln se the pioper method of redress when he en tried his case against the Scraiitoiiiiiu Into mint. Tile law Is entitled to rciipcctllll obedi'lice, even ' when the liupiils" is slvoug to antici pate by unlawful means Us InovltubW ji,iJg.inront, , NY, commend John, Mitchell's oidei'ly tjte.tlivd to all who, when aggrieved, feel like taking the law" Into their own "h.tnds, t-' Hill about ballot reform to please I ho foy continues; hut the party circle to pleuso tho many Is in very little ' peril. Of Some Historic Places. lhLIAM' IH'I'O.NT, tu head of the gteat powder works at Wilmington, w Pelnwaie, who Is well .I'ili'U! ip j-iji.iuton. wliem he'lias rcla- i;"lu.'ii, has just .become the owner o ..itiftliicllei, at the foot of tho Hluu UlllfH' J Vlitrinia, the hmue or I 'res I - uYut,MadbOi fio'in blitli tu death, tilt; 0 vLjirc wheie'JicAvas born, to which lie FftViffghl his bilde, where he died, where J5,'ls; lypialn.s and Iters lie In a simple In- lj,iuio near the house. The widely ,-,4-itlv,u.i-i Uer. AVlUl.xm li, uurtjs, In peaking of the sale of Muntpellor, suys , iihtil J'ejTeiispti's lioni Montlcelfo, Is '' the property of a lawyer In Now VoilS; that 'the ruins of Ja,me<jwvu,,t6 first white settlement; belonu' TQ,a',lady ,ln Dayt'op. Ohio; and thatfho irst o'f.dn- dowinents and legueies enjoyed by-tho imjVejsity or that stuto iihops'thHt it' . ' has 'been supported by nortliiru men thu"Vi'e not cUueaitscJ there:" The Hun tl Slillniroli Paper ltiailltR .V, .275 .20 .42 In .173 .15 .17 .15 .11,5 "Old Dominion" ought to make n better showing thnn this. Happily, Mount Veuion was scoured for the nation by the women of the nation, As time pusses, Lord rtoberts' luck In getting otlt of South Africa before his lopiiliitlon wits forfeited gains In appreciation. Never was there a worse grave-yard of military prestige. Southern Hen's 'Race" Talk. TUt: AMMMCAN Academy of Political and .Social Science lms been holding Its fifth an nual meeting In IMilladel pliln. The pnpera o that city report that Its closing session, on Saturday afternoon last, was devoted to it dis cussion of race problems In the South and In the West Indies. The Ledger calls It nn "enlightening discussion." From one point of view It may be called "enlightening." That Is ns to the determination of Southern whites to keep tho negro out of all powers of government or exercise of the fmti ehlfe. The "enlightenment" on th'it subject was not an original oiitb.itst. Tho action of Southern legislatures hits already thrown a ray of blue lire, as of sulphurous emanations, Into the at mosphere of national politics, The speakers on Saturday afternoon were all from the Southern states. There fore the discussion, so called, was nn absolutely one-sided business, and the "enlightenment" was solely another statement of the Southern white sen timents which have brought about tho call upon congress to attend at Its next assembling to bringing the repre sentation of Southern states down to constitutional requirements. Hilary A. Herbert, of Alabama, cx secrctaiy of the navy, gave his opinion that "the great mistake of tho nine teenth century was universal suffrage and the Fifteenth amendment." He announced that it was a wrong to the negro because It interfered with "his habits of Industry acquired while a slave"; and a wrong to the white man because "after n few years experience he came to the conclusion that In order to save his civilization It was neces sary to defiaud the negro at elec tions." Clcorge T. Winston, president of tho North Carolina Qpllegc of Agriculture and 'Mechanic Arts, announced that "reconstruction offers the saddest pic ture In the annals of the English speaking race." People who arc not wholly blinded by race prejudice know that that "saddest picture" was sup plied by slavery in the South. He went on to remark that "the two races were closer together under slavery than they have been since." In a most Im moral and undesirable way only is that Hue. Also it may be incidentally re marked that, as the while slave owner had the power of life or death over his slave no negio being allowed to testi fy if a slave was killed the reports did not got into the public prints, as lynch Ings do now. W. E. H, Du Bois, a professor In Atlanta university, closed the one-sided discussion in what, from the brief: re port of his address, appears to have been a milder strain, insisting only on what all true friends of tho negro are wwi-klng for his better industrial education. Booker T. Washington, the great ne gro educator and leader, president of Tuskegee Institute, sent by mail a pa per to be lead on this same "race prob lem" In the South.. The reports in genuously state that "It will be pub lished in the annals of the academy" --safely out of the way of the general reading public, smothered so far as tho academy can do so. But Booker Wash ington's work and words for his race cannot be smothcied. They stand out already in the clear light of his coun try's and. the world's knowledge and approbation. He is worthy to bear the bonoied name of "The rather of His Country." Tlie authors of the now medical "science" at Jermyn have displayed good judgment In first trying it on the cow. Hampton and Its Influence. -m 'y O INSTITUTION of learning jk In this country has wielded Jl. 11 greater Influence In pro portion to Its years than Hampton Institute, Virginia. Founded in lSiiS as the result of the untiring labors of Dr. S. C. Armstrong, Its thirty-third anniversary, just cele brated, has found it with 2,000 grad uates on Its list, ti.OOO students In till, and of the entire nur ber scarcely one to be marked ot its' honor roll of men and women who have devoted them selves to tho upllttlug of their race. Although the Virginian and the fed eral authoiltles were Interested by Hampton's founder to tho extent of giving tho Institute a recognized stand ing and 11 certain amount of financial basis, the school Is still largely de pendent for support, and wholly for over gi oiling facilities for extending Its work, on the contributions of largo hearted and public-spirited friends of the negro and of the Indian. It Is to be remembered that Hamilton from the first has admitted tho members o! both those races on equal terms, and that never has any dllllculty oe cui'ted between tho students. In counting Hampton's nidlniton ot Innuendo it is never to bo forgotten thai Uooker T, Washington and his wife are both graduates of Hampton, that both there received the Impulse to devote their lives to uplifting their race and tho education of all their powers which has enabled them to do so, Tuskegee institute with all Its "Held schools" is tho daughter of Haniplon, A brilliant and distinguished party lms been attending Hampton's thirty third aninveisary. On Tuesday the liith, an Infoimal preliminary confer ence on education was held, participat ed In by leading white educators and clergymen from northern and a few southern states. On Wednesday morn ing the bourd of trustees held Its an nual session, while the lurgo number of vlsltois went, through tho trade school and shops where the young men were engaged In work. The trades that are taught ure taught thoroughly. Many young men learn several, so that when they take up their work among the Ignorant uegioes "the Hold work," so called they can build und teuch others to build; can take conttnetp for the whole ot a build ing. The newer halls, dormitories, and other needed buildings for the trade and rdticsitlutmt Instruction ot the Southern negro nro now almost Invari ably built wholly by the students. Tho teports ot "Hold work" made by John Lemon of Calhoun, Alabama, and by Mrs. Hooker T. Washington, following the commencement exercises on Wednesday afternoon, held the rio fottndest attention or all visitors. The telcgtapliod reports say thai Mr. Lemon has been Instrumental' In starting and maintaining u successful land company In tho Blnck Belt of Alabama, In 11 sec tion where tho (people live In acttntl slavery under the crop mortgage sys tem, which keeps Us victims In perpet ual debt. His numerous instances of tho wretchedness caused 'by this sys tem gave emphasis to the Importance ot his subleet, "Tho Homo as the Ccnlte of Life und Work," Although much has been done by the Northern school that has been established at Cal houn, tho homes nie still far from what they should be. Mrs. Booker T, Washington gave an account of the settlement work estab lished by her on n plantation near Tus kegee. The young woman, 11 graduate of Tuskegee, who lias gone to live among tho people on this plantation, keeps her two room cabin so that It shall be 11 model for her neighbors. She teaches the children In her school to sew, cook, care for the house und work In the garden. With their help she raised last year very fair crops of potatoes and other vegetables, sugar cane and cotton. It Is only by this getting close to the people that they can be helped to establish real homes In which can be reared respectable citi zens or the lepubUc. This is the encouraging side to the "race problem" In tho South. It comes again with peculiar significance directly following such talk as was made by ox-Secretary Herbert and others tho week before at the meetings ot what calls itself the American Academy of rolitleal and Social Science. The bill prohibiting the use of boracic acid and other Injurious compounds in canned foods, which was passed in tho house tho other day, Is another step In the right direction in the in terest of public health. While looking after tho much-abused oleo, it is a good plan to keep an eye upon the chemical preparations which are far more dangerous than tallow butter In its worst form. m . TOLD BY THE STABS. Tally Horoscope Drawn by AJacchus, The Tribune Astrologer. Astiolabe Cast: 3.21 a. in., for Satuiday, Apiil 20, 1001. iE $ A child horn on Una day will notice that the Biad (Ior scare has Hilisidi.il without tho death of a i,iiii:lc canine. If many men helieied all the papers said about them they would oidei asbestos cofHns in advance. Officially spcaliins, Mr. llatton seems to have dirtkulty In kcepiiiK his head on. If money could he lionowed as ca&ily .is trouble, collatciat would soon he a dins in. the market, A nur. can spend money hko watei In liquid ating his debt-. Handsome oners often enclose .n,v dull books. It's ao with men. AJacchus' Advice. It is better In shake jour caipeU than jour wintci flannels this wcjtlur Oiir Export Trade Continues to Boocr Special Conepoiidcncc of The Tiibune Washington, Apiil 10. 11H I'lslAL )car lf'Ot seems likely tu c- Teecd any p'cccdin,? jear in its iccoid of epoits from t lie 1'nitcd Slates. The steady growth of our cspoits hum .102 million dollars in IsTO to n5 million dollars in SsQ, 1,0.10 millions in IStii and l.:iol millions in ll0 lias been a subject of much attention and nittcli favorable inniincnt, but II seems thai I'Ml is to surpass Hie record of the year 190U and Miner the e'x'port liiriirc nearly if not quite to the billion and a halt maik. 'Ihe Match import and c.ipoit figures, just coinpliteil by the Tiftisiiiy 1lurp.ni of statistics, show- .1 total expoitaliou 110111 Hut ruitt'd Mates in the nine months eliding with M.111I1, HUH, of s,iiii,i;o,7, in- S(i,.-0,inj in eecs.s of !.i-t ve.ir vvlikh hold Ihe highest iceniel ill the hlstiii.v of 0111 e.vport Hade. o Another inteieslnu lai t devrloped b.v tho M.nili figures of 0111 loieigu iiuiiuicuo is that im poita seem likely to .bow a elciidcil ileeiea-e in llK'l as eoiiipiird vvllh ll1!. while Hip cpoils are .showing the liteiei-P above indicated. The tiftiucs of the- nine months ending with M.111I1, 1'sll, show- a elriic of s.ii.-.'jij.ii.H in Ihe im- potts, as i-ompaii'il with IIhw in the innpspnnd. itig immlhs ot Hip picieding .veir. 'thus the p ee.ss nf rvpoils over iiupiuls In the nine months under discussion ic more than siDn.eiiin.noo gieiter thin hi Ihe eoiie-tponiling meuilhs of last jiyr and tai be.voml the lUme-s of auv pinnling .veal. 'Ihe cse-c-s of epulis iivi r iiupniis in the nine months ending wilh Miuh, 1'nll, is mIii,is7,'M;, .Is against MH.-s-il,!,!;!! in Hip 1 11111 spuudlng: mouths nt 1'infl, .111 Iiuiimm' ol 12,sli,i.7 in (bo. net i'viisi of it,uu our impuils ha Uic nino iimiilh.s ol l'.'UI as 1 1.1 1 t with the tcities- i,-ndiiig puiod ol 1 lu lival veai I'nni - u The faiini'ls .no appju'iillv Ihe chief lii'iicft-i-iath'i ill this IciiiilKihle liuieap in our e. pulls, and aic, ill the tl-1.1l v r.i 1 l!i, rliowlng Kit, iter gains In llulr cpoil.s tli.iu aic the ininiilicliiiiis, vvho rceonl In IWi and 1'jml snowed .1 greater pcuentago of giinvth thill those cnsagcel in ngriiiilltiip, 'Ihe nniljsls of the In. lu. 111 01 st.itlths of Hip Mai 1 li cportafluns ol dniiieslli' iiieehaudlse h.i not jut been 10111 pletcd, but lh.ll of the eight mouths ending with IVbni.ny showed 1111 Incit'.ise of eight -eight million iIoIIjis in the evpoitatiou nt .1g1l111llur.il piodiuts, and hut iJ.doO.iiOl in manuf ittuics and proeluets of Hie mini's, fuiivas and rbhciip, 'this ilievk In the emu Hi of the iiuilatioti oi iniinif 11 tines ,s ii.oic .ippacnt tlun ie.il, being line ill part to Hie absence of Utl.-li(.i ot expmts In the Hawaii 111 Hinds and to tho scpaiMtiut! 't tlit' Hade of I'urm Klin fi 1,111 tlio tegular stateihents of foicigu luinmeiie in t lid ic linn lu Hie Inn cm of statistics, while the tcnipoiary reduction In the expials to ('hint, due tu Hip dUttiihe'il conditions in that 1 win dy , aUo accounts fur the lae;k of giovvth in tho figures ii'latliij to tin cioitatIon of manii (ji lines. it "Hi" icihatioii In the Import figuics 1 hugely due in Hie icdiiiliun in Hie piiep of nntcrlali impoilril b.v iiiauulailiniis, .tnd ihciii elilily in the elass, uitleles lu .1 iiiide loiiihtlini, "which filler into the ailoi.s pi e ews o iloiointlu Indusli.v. i, while I lie liguus of value aie luateilally icdiierd, the iiillitltics of thess parllculat artulei iiupoitid fur tie in luaimfai'. tuiliig show little iciluclloii. In India tiibUr, for instuiiei', Ihe fill in value of (ho inipuiH diirlui,' the eight niunlhs rudiiu with l'cbiiiii), 1001, as lompaifd with Ihe saine inoutlm of Jfino Is from Iweiit.v-oiie mil lion dollars 111 lml tu slv iren inlllloiis in IIkHj jcl lha uimilnii lu qiuii tity U only from (hiit.v.tliree million pound in lmo lo thiily-lwii million po U in ni, shovvlns that ,je eliief icduellon is u ,0 nthc! uthcr than the ipiautlty iiupoitid. lu raw- till; the value- uf linpuitatioiii tails il per cent., while Hie quantity I ills but i per eciit., amj lu olhei lniKiilatloiu of iiunufieturcis' nutvrialj the leduclloii 111 value is giculci than in quantity. TALKS BY THE PUBLISHER When to Advertise How to Advertise Where to Adver tiseFiat Ratcs5JoJ Attlini'U IN nil: Adilsor ,iy: "A srcil iiuii.v InnlltiK iiilieillwii an vjrlomly con ililciliii iht,iii4 out of ttcttslMon ullcwtliir on (iccminl i,t the fit tli.il when Ihc.v cotiiiuie lintM with tlnlr iicIrIiIiihh they find Hint when olio iiibcrtlcr piji in tenti .1 line, iiimtliir one p.ijs 10, nml nimtlicr inn ao, und nthen -1 ccnU per line, Huh ilctnoiulrtitltiir. tl1.1t cicn lnrRp ncnrpiiprrn uiiofp lute Mircti nrc Mippixril to In' stulilc in.ikc nil M1M4 11I prlcii In illtTcicnt nib Witlwn, As I hue nflti, hrirliifoli' imlil,f It ll 11 plcnsiire to du IiimImoi mUIi 11 11rM.111.1per 11 lime r.ilci ,nn iilmiliilrly and poiltbcly alike to nil, There U .1 .itlf.u linn iil.iut II Hut plDiliirr mi my coihi'Iciim nml trfiHilne sleep. Hut when an Hihcillvr knows tlnl In I111 hern swindled ,ind !hh hern iliiiued 'li cciili 11 1 1 tic while othen li.ne lieeti ili.uired S, 12 nml in cents for cei Ice In Hie ime piihlii.ttloii. It Is not lery atNf.ielory. t helleir lli.it 11 rcioliitlwi U uiiuliil,' In the .idu'tlnlhir Held tint will upset thliiRS ory t1111trri.1ll.v-. It Is rij likely that a l.iit!P miinhcr of lemllntc adierlbers will drop out nf the newspapers unless they aic nccorded hcttcc treatment," "On tho Level." The Tilhune Is dolnc ImmIiicss on the same 1 1.1 sin as the .luiun.it, mentioned In the follcming story from tho Advisor: "'I hi re miclit not to ho Inside rates for any one In the advertblnB hnslnetJ. All patrmn ought to ho lieatril alike. "It was not loinr ns;o that in ndicitiVr staled to the Adihor that he could eel .1 late hi Ihe Journal six cents lower than the publMied rat'. 1. ml of the piper. "'Die Ail I-oi- nlfrml in ml up il,non In cash In tin ctfeit th it he could not get the rate of si 1 t-iits a line lowri than the published price of the paper. The Advisor Indicated to the .loiun'il the advertisement upon which the i.itp had been ouolcd. 'Ihe paity to whom this oiler was made, lefused to aeiepl it, and the 1ciiirn.il backed the oiler nf Sl.Oon by .isreelnir to rai-e the amount to .3,000, or ?10,6ofl, or any other sum. ""I bat is the way for a newspipcr to do busi ness on the level trcatinir cvciyhody alike. It is tin kind of a policy that wins In the lonj run, and it Is the only kind of a policy that will wcai." When Where How. The paragraphs above show vvhcip to adveitlse those below show when and how to advertise: The following item 13 from a Missouri paper: "When we weie publishing a piper in Jit. Ver non, III., in 172, on the second door, a store opened in Hip loom under our olilee. 'I lip senior propiiplor camp up stalls und eontiailed for thice columns of spu'e for twelve months, with locals in every issue, lie 1em.11 keel tliat it was a snap In git into a town where other men did mil adveitise. The llrm started out on borrowed capital, lu tlnec jean, il hid money enough to stall two stores, one in S(alia and one in St. loiiis. It dissolved pirlncislup and each partner took a field to bin a If. livron Nugent was the pailner who made the contract, ami is now- the senior member of I). Xugent ,t Brother, the great M. boms house. He not only owns his own store, building- and grounds, but Ins civitcel a nice little cottigo homp tii.it cost him "JST.OIH). Vp must siy tluit some ol the old mossbacks who were in business in Jit. Vcinon before Pyion iigent ever sivv that place, and who never ad vcrtlsid, aie still in business nnd grumbling about dull Made and Inrd times," The motto of Hip Siiiamento Hep is that: "Newspaper adveitising piid jeslerilay, it pays today, il will paj tomoiiow. It's the best plan to adveitise eveiy d.i.v." To iiiheitisp. just .1 little (00 little is like at tcniptimr to draw watir fioin a well when the rope useil is not quite long enough to rcaih the water. Mure fail Hies ipsiiH from advertising a little loo litth-than hum advciti-ing a little too much. Pi Intel s' Ink. When a Censiis Go?s Info Eff?c Kdilor of 'Hie Tiibune. Sir In the ItcDiiblic.i'i of the lili instant is found what is aid 'to bo an "anablical re. view" of Hip opinion ot Judge Hi-aver, in tlu Lewis e.u-e, be "one of Hie best known attui I'oja ill Nianinn" Il is the opinion lint is atl.ukiil, alHicugh Ihe deeisinn is tin unanimous de, Ision of the se von judges, of Ike Superior eoiirt. .'II ot whom hive beiu betraved Into conclusions adverse to those of the best known altornc;. .Iiielgp Henri's opinion is 0110 of uuiommnn I'leainc". Ih deduces coucct Icsulls, and en-foiei-s the collect .ipplication of the law. The question is a simple one, anil only appears com plicatid when it encounters the .-ophistical touch of a lawyer. 0 In inirMi.iiiip nf the provision ol tho l'ederal constitution w huh inpitrcs the laking of a de cennial eeiisii-, emigres p.wsed an ait, appinvcd Man ti .':, lS'i'i, diiceting the Inking of the twelfth census, establishing a census oDie e in Ihe do partmenl of the interior, witli a lite f ollleir, lo lie known as Ihe diiceloi' of Hip iriisiis, ami suppl.vlng him w-lili the neec.s-ary .i-oisiimce. in the way rf ,111 .iilant diiceloi-, slatislu i en, eleiks, etc,, and aiithoii7iug him to appoint sit. pcivisors, rmimei.iloi.s ami special agents; the boundaries if supervisor' ehslriils lo 1 nnform In Ihe hoiindaiios ol eoigicsion,il ehslriils. The pie.sielent is rpqiiiied In appoint Hie iliicNtiir Hid nsitanl director as sunn as practical alter lh p.,Nsage of the ail. 'Ihe supeivisni,.s ire lo ho appoiuled al If s-t iK months licfnir the lust da.v nf .tune, IfiiM. Ihe cnunieiator Is 11 quired to complete his rnmiii-Mtlnu of the tcrtitoiy as. signed to him and lo mako letiirns to Hi" super visor 011 or brfoic Hie Hist elay of .lul.v ; and vllhiu two vvc-dvs, .is ir.speits lilies having eight tliou-iiiil ei inriie' Inhabitant; und the hiipcivluiM aie tci'idiiil In upon to Hip dne'ctor acioidlng t" his liisti'illniu; and the only volnui's tint Hip iliiectoi- is leqiiiud lo piepaie ainl publish hip the census icpiuts, whiili aie to be piihllbi'd not liter linn the Hist dav of .lul.v, P'O! 'Hip line un , however, is ,iuihot!rd lo piiut, puli. Iih and ihtiibiite, I111111 lime to linn, t ml let ins ot tho pieliiuinaiv and other risulls of vjnoiij inlniiiiitiou icqiilteil b.v Hie 61 1. 'Hie ciiiiiini.i lion ot the population is to ci.iuininfo on iho lust eli.v uf .liiiic, l'ln, and slnll be taken a of thai elite. All ailuil counts ale Hiricfoie made tiud iitiiriied to ihe siipriviinr 011 01 lirfoio .lllly lllstl illlll W'lhlll two Wicks ,ls H'tlli's to lilies ni 1 'gld thousand 01 uiuic luhibliai,l.i, l.vci.v inlelligint pi'i-nii, nun oi- vvuuiiii, who reads Hie newspipeis knew when Hie iliiectnr and assistant ellrri tot wne iippnluud li.v the pn-al-dent, whin the supi'ivUm- loi their own inn. incssidinl di.llict w.i, named, mid lu uirue ic, stilete'd loe.iliins it was known who 'he lira, meiatnis weie, ,uul Hut tlii'rp cnunii'ialnis were linking Jouiue.v.s in (he iwlghboiliooil, and 1 all In'-,' at homes for Infinni ilion, whiili could pot bo tefiispil vvlthdit a viol ition of Hip law. Cveiy one knew Ihe tliilig.s,cseiit, possibly eamlidales fur olilee, who shut their ije, and even eluseel lliclr cars lo tin shunts ot Ihe Imjs on Ihe lutinlry olnets: ';cip comes the (euin nnn." n 'I Ids eciisiH, lliiii taken, binds Hip federal coiiils and all ricpiit ncnts ei the federal gu ciiiiui'iit, b.v Its niniiiii.iHoii as of the lli.-l day of Jinn. The Siipiriiii eoiirt rf I'cnm.v llama, in its jii'lici.il vvinl'iiii, las dcilaiiil that it "is In In' li'siilnl to as ihe besl e'vidcnep of (he popiilaiinii of 11 iiiunlj in e.w of ilassillciiinn of lountlcs l,v piiiul iunn;"'.iud that "Hie 1'nlt I'd Mlt.'s' ili'icnnial eii.siis Is Hip only n'lh lal deti'imliiation that vvp now have." This nukes Hie ci'iisiis as binding 1,11 the state courts as 011 the fideial (nulls, and iiecessaril.v eaities vvitb 11 Hit' uniform luii-liin Hull given it b.v the dif f.iilil bi.ll'i lies of Ihe fedeial giivi'iiimiiit. 'Ihe hiiiden of Hut "all il) thai iiitleUm," which Is said to be "fuiiihlc und ehaii.sive," seems lu be lint .lud,'p lli'.nei used Ihe vvonl "aimouuec nieiil" instead of ".isce'itJliinient ' i eiaiiil. niti'in of the lupi't' books will show that the (indention of the pliiutilt was that the an iiouiie clue nl of Nov. '.'. paul, w.n eonliulllug, and all Judge lli.ivir sivs upnu Hut siibjeel is in defcieiiei- to that eonli'iitiuii and lu absolute riiudialioii ot it. T,e eoulintion of Ihe de fcitdaiil was and Is irjili'-all. tlit the a.-i-'i tatiimcul of lliu puiulation. ai.d II" t Its Jil linuiii(iii"iil, govcins. Tho vvuid "a-n il.liii' iik ill" Is aiiihiguoeii, and It is imt penciled Just in what tswiH il is und in the article. The nstcrtatmnfiit of the population Is of the first liy of Jmiei Ihe fiet Is not nsierlalned ns lo any other ditp. Ihe , initial loiint was tnadi between the llrst day of June nnd (he hrst diy nf July nml was Iheii, nl least, In the uu. I"dy of Hit supenlsor, and uiiild liave hern (iislh, .tsi ei tallied by any 1UU11 lnliretid, rs. pdlally If Ids Inelhntlon In rim foi a louiilv othen was dependent, upon the population ol the fouiiiy. If, ns sal.) lu Hip article, Inik.ivviiiini ce nitty lms had .1 population i,r over l."iO,otr) for sevin or rlRht jenis, then Hip only uhmmi It bus Hot nlTeeteil the (onipeimitlon of county nHerr Is that the Siipieine court ileilelrd llial popiilalloii Is toiieliislvely lived by the ih'ieniilal leinui, and II hi happens Hut ,c population teat tied the tleclslic mark shuilly after the icilsus nf IS' HI lids Is the good luck of county oHIctis, but II In a gloss Injustice to the peeiplc ef the goinil), and practically an lubltiiat vlohtlon of the con flltuHoiial piovltlon und of the act of tS7rt, and ought lomr. a(re to have been remedied by Hip legislature. It Is misfrcted that "the torn, pieleel ilseertalnnienl and puhllcotlon, so that It liei nines public pioperl)" ought lo govern the change In classification. ona only units to be Itiformcil tint a public t, wllli'iill opernlloiis miller It, Is public property Imnii'dhitrlv upon Its ttikliiff effciti that the completed ascertain, itient miller the ait iin-mrcd, hi view ol the law, on June 1, IIW, of which the court was bound to lake Judhlal notice; ami that the actual rompleleil ascertainment In fact was not later Hun July first. It Is obvious, thciefoii, that the emoluments, nl 11 r miiity officer elected In November, II KM, Is not diminished by the a-1 of eongiess; ami that Article 3, See Hon 11, of the Pennsylvania mnsM. tution has 110 njipllcatlon. It Is equilly obvious Ihlt Ihe act nf entities, by virtue of the del lsin of Hip PeniHvlvaida fMipicmc until, lp-o faclo, changed the il.nsllicitlon of lu kavv.nin.i mini ty, and 1,11 the Ih-t d ly of June, I'lim, tr ni-f n til Il from a nullity of lcs than IX001) lo a counly over ISO.WKi. Ilveic is no retioaetlvo effett. The aseerlain meiit Is lu law of the lust day ol June,' and II Ic only Hit law lliu need eoiiiern ik lint t ii'ii.aiknbh fialuip 'of thp Intrtview is the nllu-lon lo the Iowa e.np of Male vs. Iti.is kamp (,7 Iowa, ,sM 'I hit ,asp , c..ntly in point foi the defriiilint, und we Und II cited In defendant's piper hook. It was L'Otitcniled Ineie as heie lint Hip censii's fof ISimi had not been nfllililly announced. 'Ihe mint held tliat II would take Judicial notice of Hip tcsiilt of a national census, citing autlioi. lly in its suppoit. Hie u'siilt of a nation il census is (lie lesult on the t;rt dav of June, and theic 1,111 he no oilier result under Hip ecu. mis nf li-po. or 1000. as both acts arc .similar in this respect. L. T. Griffin. !cianton, Apiil 10. NUBS OF KNOWLEDGE. The Manchester (I'nglund) Unity of Odd Pel lows is ripldly approaching a membership of a million the latest return show 032,530 mem bers. 'Ihe purchase of niae ninety is a flrst-rate indi cation of the growth and cxpinsion of business. All factories miking maehineiy ate now crowded with oiders. About foity-cight miles horn Peadwood, S. D.t is a mountain of good si.e which prospectors say is almost solid coppci. A compiny capitalized for t5.iKiO,oflO hat secured control of tho moun tain. The men interested say it will be the lich est copper mine in i.ie world. Attempt is being made to free the sticams of Louisiana and IToilda fioni the water hyacinth llundieds of shifts and small vessels have been caught by Ihe w-alci hyacinth, and aic unable to get out of the steams in which they were used. The drainage canals in New Orleans aie in peril, and the logging induv.iy of Southern bouisiaii 1 in dan jer of destruction. Half a dozen leading ai lists in Xevv York have planned a l'J-stoiy studio building, which is in tended to be the center of hohemian ait 1 iu If-. Theic are to be a dozen studios with living apau ments anel two elorcn with bachelor quaiteis at. tu bed. Tlie piojcct grows out of Ihe elirli cully in seeming kitchen accommodations in connection with studios. Miaw is put to stiange u:-s in Japan. Most uf Hie horses aie shod with it. Kven the eluinsi csl of cart hoisc. wear stiavv shoes. In their case Hip shoes aro tied around the ankles wilh stiaw lope, and arc mad of the oidinaiy lice straw, brtiidcd so tliat they form a sole tor the toot about half an ineli thick. These soles cost about a half-penny per pair, and when they arc worn out they are tluown away. v The only club of Indian women united with flic general fcdeiatiou is one on .1 littln islmd in Maine, whoso membership is onthely made up of squivvs, the asaoe'iatiou having been formed for tlie purpose of pieseiving Indian tra ditions and folkloic. This club became a member of the Maine Stale federation soon alter Its foi mation, and last year paid its dues in Indian biskets the work ot its members. These were sold for a sum consideiably In excess of tho amount of the dues and the surplus was duly to tm lied to the club. Scranton's Business Houses ....... I THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS I . . I OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. THE GLHOOL WAGONS ARE A LWA YSLEA DERS REMEMBER THE NAME AND STREET, 313 TO 325 N. SEVENTH ST, CLEAN SHOP. CLEAN TOWELS. CLEAN BARBERS. DIME BANK BARBER SHOP WITH BATH ATTACHED, SBC, SCRANTON. PA. FURNITURE. liny il of Itl'DIMi'inN' lie will trust ynu. l'lir.ipr,st nl them nil, (or cash; easiest of tlicin nil, tor time. ".'it I'cnn acnuc. G REEL'S 'IlieOlel llcll.ilile Pawn Ilioker, 107 l.ick.inanni .ncniic Mone-y Inanoil on ili.uiiomN, watiliis, JoHoliy, iiiiisic-.il inslniiiiiiit.s, iiornaiul piopcii I'lh.llc run. inn .lli'l I ii.iiic-.fl umllili'iitiil. TRY SMOKEEZY, Aluultilrly Lotus Ihuii.e liller 1'iz.iif, 1 cents- r.iclii s.l.ul icr liuiulii'il ALBERT WITTE, Cnuirt Sirme ttiwt anil M.islilnslon ainiiie THE LINDEN OUICK LUNCH. OP. WINDSOR HOTEL, ShIIh the lust S leaks, t hon anil I. in, i ho- In the lit), Tiy n .mil Im loiuliiceil M F, WYMC3S, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, llli .IjiIsoii Miert, '.'.'j W)oiiiiiik e. lilli hy Ttlfiilione Hee-elie 1'ioinpt Atte-nlloii PETER STIPP. 1,'eneul t'ontiaclor, llulliler unel fle.ilu In lliiililin? l-toiie-. t'eiiienliii? et ccll.iu u .-ic clall), Ttlcplioiio '.'JW Olilee, ;,.'7 Wjsliiiiutnii aieuiie ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. E, JOSEPH KUt-TTEL. le-ar Oil I.acK.nv anna avenue, liilllilf.U'tilici nl' Wile Sued" i'l all Minis; lull) piepueit tm llic spline; ti'json. !c nuli all kinds nf puich MlOIIUi. ill'. OLIl UUOUi Hlfsll DMLV, GOLDEN GTE CASH STORE, .1, I'. Ilojcr, Piupiietoi, ile-Jlir in hue liioeei ics and I'lolidollj. I'llio i'liram told li) Ihe lioi aii IViishlngtoii un'iiiic, THE NEW WALL PAPER CO. Has no old aoodj to oil, otf. K'.iy t) Ic U new and u;i-oilj(c. Our piun II luucr linn any ol licit, aoa spruce street. NEAR PENN AVE, Expensive FMmitiureooooo There are Uvo kinds of expen sive furniture First The kind that is pur chased at a higher price than it Is really worth. Second The kind that's made out of costly and r.ire woods, beautifully carved, and 'upon which no expense is spared in Its construction and finish. The latter is classed as "ex pensive" because it costs more than the ordinary, and there is an impression that such furni ture cannot be bought anywhere short of New York.' We have f3edroom Suits. Side boards, DiniiiK Room Tables, PriVIor Suits, Library Tables and all the smaller articles that go with them, of the very highest rade, elaborately carved and highly finished. Look them over before your next trip to the city. HilUConnell 121 N. Washington Avenue. Furs That We Store... Receive protection, insur ance and actual benefit from the process employed. Re pairs skillfully, esonomicallv made. Furs called for and delivered free. Free storage when repairing is done. Attend Our Special Sale of Ladies' Tailor- riade Suits. From 25 to 33 per cent, off regular prices. BRESCHEL, Reliable and Up-to-Date Furrier. 124 Wyoming Ave. "Lender's" Old Stand. Piano Tuning. H. K. ZERBE, 507 rre-.srnlt jii-iiuc. Ilfst local irfncnrr-, SECURITY OULDWQ S SAVINGS UNION, Home otflie. eoS20'l Me-irs llullilinx. ti.ui-.iit-! a Rcnct-.il liiiilelinj uml loan business thioiighoul the- ft.iti uf I'cniilidiil.i, FARRELL'S TRANSFER Mme-s 1'icislit, ruriiiliiie aur tl.iggage. hafM, Pianos nml .Machinery. S2B LACKAWANNA AVE. M. A. FRIEDLANDER S CO. Iue moled ilirli- Milliner) Ki-tahliMinicnt to Mti Aclami Aie.. opposite com t Ivnise. JAMES I. QUICK. Plumblnj. Tinnipc, Hm rutins, tliulrn 'I'ooln, La,wu tsccil. Plows, 'Phone, old osS.', new Ji'Vi ."')' I L.ieK.iuaiiii.i aieuiie. WILLIAM JANKO. L A OPP, K ', g DEPOT. MERCHANT TAILOR. 32a NORTH WASHINGTON AVE. KepaiilnK .m'l piesa ins ilone .it hort notice. AJ I O OPEN A N M N Q N A DAY" AND NIGHT, H. L. GLEASON, LADIES' TAILOR, RECENTLY WITH GILBERTS, HAS OPENED AT 510 SPRUCE ST. Ladies, you can Pt a pet-feet fit heio without elBiit or ten fittliiirs, and tho wiiikiiinnislili) Is the best to lio hud, nlso the pi lues ate niodeiuto. YOUVG'S HATS, LOUIS H. ISAACS, 4IS SPRUCE ST, MANHATTAN SHIRTS, 'FRED H. WINTER. 824 CAROUSE AVENUE, Maple I, Untiles and PiuwsIuih A hid lino of reliable, eti , ineluil elaili Kellar c Harris. ManufailiiifiJ cl II iiiim, and dealeri in llono KiiiliUhlUK (,'oi'd.. lunik- an 1 'li urlln;; II Us Lcpalilng pioiuptly atieieled tu, 'Iclepliono l-i 117 l'i mi Jii'inn, Siianli'ii. Pa. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I find 'IViiants for I Imply lions"!', Lmpty lloim-a lor Tenants, lolleet liuils. Look ttcr and Iiuinc Piiipeil)' and Huddim-' WILLIAM G, LOOMIS, IIhuiiis I and ." lliu liuildiii; COMMERCIAL QUICK LUNCH PARLORS. Ucanllne. Pun loud. Polite Mieulloii lt-a tollable l'l Ices. Open da and nlht. iJJ I and vOJ tspiucu rtivct, .iautoii. Pa FINLEY'S Annual Sale of New Spring Hosiery It Is cusloiiiiiry wi.n us at this sea fson to rIvc our ti-udo a Special Hosier; Offering ut tmiiHiiiil viiltic. We have spent 4 vupt imimiiit of time a ml much cam In milking our Heleelltms for tlila event, nml Imve scuiiicil 11 line of lioulery mir liitHaliifr till inen'ImiH efforts of unnre. ccileutpfl excellence, unequalled In) .seiii'liiK (iiullt.v, t'P-TO-DATH IN 8TYL.K. Our muck Hose are nil of the cole' bra ted "llermsdurf" fust black dvs. Ladies' Black Hose al 25c Thin lino of Hn.o Is iiHiteliicss, afl thin pi-li-e. Wo rIvo you the greatest value obtainable. Ladies' Black Hose at 35c or I! piiliB for $1,00. I .Isle thread, drop Htllfh, mnelty Htrlpos In various Widths ,-inel MlykM, umiup-slloiiably tho he'st Viileu in tho miiiket, und aic well worth ROe. Ladies' Black Hose at 50c At this prlep wp outclass them all, UiiMirpaisbPil In eitiallty and stylp, com prlhcs nil the diffeicnt weights of Lisle ' nnd Colon Uosc, Ip pTttln, fancy and lace effects. Fancy and Lace Hosiery All the latest novel effects In Sllki Lisle and Fine Cotton. Children's Lisle Hose at 25c An unusual opportunity to secure excellent value for your money. A KPliulne IlriniMlorf dye, hlffh spliced heel, double foIp nnd double knee; sizes ." to S'j. Actual value, 45c. Men's Hosiery Wo have a splendid but gain for you in regular ""' number, now 25c. Kino assortment of the latest things In fan cy litilf-ho.se, in all the new colorings and various qualities. 510512 Lackawanna Ave P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. The Dickson Mauiifacturin? Co. tcrauton and Wlllcei.IIarra, ' Jlauufactui-on of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY ENGINES Boilers, Moisting and Pumplnx Machinery. General Office. 8cranon. Pa. I PRANK M MnVCB I f rsnir ivi . mWJTGrr, ICONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. I aao PENN AVENUE. .Tobblnt? of all ltlndu promptly attended to. i:stimaii:s rjIKIIRFUM.V SHRMITTEP. THE HOME SUPPLY CO. Itrlalls fiirnitur', livMini;'.ind floor eoverinja for cash at uholmlr prle-es at 724 W, LACKAWANNA AVE,, SCRANTON. WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, REPAim.NCi A SrLTIALTV. P . GROSS, 4S2 SPRUCE. JAMES J. MURRAY, Sueeesoi tt. the Hunt ,. Cornell Co., in tin r.nd sheet niol.ll nml nml icnlil.itlnn. Carton fiiiii.irc.i, irpafM and cenei.il III. work a (.peeialt), Nn, 1IJ a kawamia aienue, PALI, MK.Mll'. :,27 AlNmo AVK.NUE. STEAM DYE WORKS. ami I mull llrj I leaning ami Itrlinithtng (louils called (or and eielltcrccl. 'reihiiip loniieciion, MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S. RADHVS I S3 PENN AVE. ALEX. HAY, HOUSE, SIONAND DECORATIVE PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER, 321 MULBERRY ST. MLANE, 222 Adams Ave. Easter Millinery WOLF A WENZEL Praclleal Plumbers, Tinner, and (ttH le-M. 1 uinaeea a Ispe e I d 1 1) llci'aiuiiir prompt!) il.uic, 240 Ad ini 4it, be un ion, Pa WILSON A COMPANY, l'aslil"iiildi Tailors I Hotel ,lerni)n flullding), !-. pniic xlioit, miiiiioii, 'j. Milts prcsdeil, ." i cut.,: piuis i..s.-i'd. Id iinlx. I lotlimj; re . Palied, icllid tm and delhcieel New Phone, !, JIM I I ..WW, 111.11 .1,1, WH.I.I.M w H. A, RIEFENBERQ, Pliunliiiiff, riuninw and lliatniR, i-ole agent for llouaul 1'uin.h.c Teleplionn .(1. .117 Ltujen tret THE CHEAPEST Ilea and rpiieUst ptaeo in the eil) to lni ).nir .-ii'iin II,.-1 u- usL. nijiiiing hut Oak 'ian I.iathor md ttisi ilas wnikniaiiship. 127 Linden etreel, opposite postotliic, DR. E, V. BEARDSLEY, OENTIST, Formerly with Dr. Hill, 321 SPRUCE ST, MRS, SARA ALLYN, MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT ,VT. .Mil ,, lliilhliii: Parlon opm Mondaj, 'Ihuitala) and hatnulay crnin;. V & x h m