vx ?Ji.V-v Fa's Hi I.i .,- k ':', w. rv. K r. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1901, EV'J-2 .- 3 jjOillce: j BURKE V BUILDING Carbondale a' .i! PEOPLES EXCHANGE A Vol'tt,.Ul CM'AHIXa 110USK for the Bent n lit of All Who lime Rousts to Kent, Ittil I tiu or Oilier Property tu Hell or Exchange, or li. W.mt SltmtloiM or llolp Thofc Small "An 'llleiiiclit Oit lnc IVnl a Word, fclx Inscf lloiiS for I'lvf Tents a Wuul Except SltuatKM i Jiftnl Which Are In-crted '-ce. . .a .- 'nil! iTHWJTV I O.MMlHflONI'.UH of Ijtkawalina loiinlv htriliv irlvi' notice to the luxpjym. tin- tin- of I'arlioml.ilc thai they will hr' cipil mi' the Male "nil county as-i-wncnta lor .ml illy .a tlii city hall In CuhomlJlc on More. .I iv iii-M, April i.'J. . , , .tli.l on Hie follow hip 'lay. April 23, (hoy II li.il.l nie.ih ut the Mine pl.ice In said Hl.y o i .iihninl.ilc for the follonliiff iHttrict: ,'lr!"!'; il.ile li,nhlp. Icll lonshlp, Vanillins, Sld.'llclcl iiml .Union Imiiuijdif, .IOIIV IMINMAX. .1. I'Ol'IIM'.K MOI1HIH, .Itlll.V .1. DUUKIN, Atlce-t ; County Coinnilil'iiicrj. V. (!. PA.VIIll.S, Oil.. THE "SUSPECTS" EXAMINED. Two of Them Appear Before Alder mnniJones One Sent to Hospital. Two or Hie men arrested on- sus lik'lon of having committed llio bur'g lury mm Tuesday night whr-n Jolfn Mnhr's store wns broken Into were ar raigned before Alderman Jones yester day afternoon. The henr'ng excited ureat Interest as 11 Is seldom that men iin before courts In thin city on such a ii'ilniis chm-ire. 'riii- two men were brought In. about I'.l.'i o'clock. They were (he gruy-sulted iii.-iu and th'- i-ed-liulred one described hi yesterday's Tilbuno. The red-haired line Is a dangerously slek man and eoiilil scarcely stand he Is so weak, lie had a temperature of 104, and when In- stood up to be identllled he nearly rtdl over. The man In grny said that his name was Henry Williams and that ho had lived fn Forest! City for eleven years. He dill not know any one In this city excepting Henry Hex. Chief AleA.udrew detailed how he hud arrested AA'lilinms on Tuesday morning for Intoxication and afterward let him go 'to Rive hi in a chance to sober up. lie hail arrested him again on Thurs day morning as he answered the de-t- Tiption of one of the burglars given by A. W. Reynolds, who saw the burg lars run away from Alohr's store. . Avery AV. Reynolds testified that the only description ho could give as to the two burglars was in regard to their height and dress, as he did not see tholr faces. The two prisoners' .ap parel milled with the clothes worn by the men who fled at bis approach and their appearance with their backs turned (here the two stood up). Mr. Reynolds was not able to make any positive identification. He told of see ing Williams several times on Wednes day night, once about twenty minutes ljefore the burglary was committed. Harry Wells, n special officer, said that he had seen Williams before on Alouday night. The lost time he saw him was about half-past eleven. He appeared to be very drunk. He saw him again on Tuesday night nt about the same time at the depot. When the otllcer saw him he was with two other men and on their being ap proached the two men separated and ran and eluded him and Officer Carden. He was not able to make any more positive identification thun Mr. Rey nolds. -Ofllcer Carden said Hint he saw Will iams on Tuesday night, as related by Air. Wells. He nlso would not swear positively that the prisoner was one of lie men who tried to get away on the railroad tracks as the light was in his eyes, William Alainwaring said that he saw Williams on Monday night talking n'ith Harry Wells. He also Identllled the red-haired man ns being with Will lams on that night. He saw them .igulu Thursday morning chasing through the freight yard. It was about Itllf-pasl four o'clock. Williams was tjieu taken back to the city juil Toy tablet' McAudrew and the examination of the oilier man begun. Ji said that he wan .lames Brennau, iii1Tl that he used to live in Scranton, Unit he wns z years of age, that his parents were dead, Brcnnuu was a most dlsrepiituble-luoklng man. His stock of red hair was grimy and mai led through long disuse of a comb, his luce and hands were black with dirt andheevlnced not tin: slightest interest In his suroiindlngs, Ho had a tem perature of KM and was badly broken up with sickness. Ho said .ills last place of residence was at Ucnevu, N. Yi where he wyrked for a furmer named James Htinrheud. He claimed to have come tu Carbondale about a week ago and that lie had been slek In the shanty where he was captured ever since his arrival. Ho said he had come down town for the first time, on Monday night, when he went to Pr. N'iles tu have medical treatment, and from the doctor's oillce In- had gone to I lie city jail for lodging and spent tho ititilit here. Jailer Killeen corroborated Ibis statement. He said ho hud never 4flen Williams before ho met him in Jan. tit tin. couclu'jioii of his examination it ias dtiemed bust f,o' take Brqiinan i2 the KmcKsency hospital, us it wu? 'lisllynpereeived that,. lie jvutf In great iVted '6f treatment. On'hls arrival at tile institution ho showed more signs H life than lte had before uml ha made Sr,, Humphreys. After nfty years Dr. Humphreys' Specific)- enjoy the greatest popularity and largest sale In their history, due to IntrlHslo merit, Theycuve the sick. No. ... Cure. I'rieci, 1 KLVKUs, Ccinjcotioiu, IntljiiimjUoiu,,,, ,-J.'j a-trWUlOJsi, Worm Krvcr, Woim Colic 23 a-TUETIllSO, Colic, (Nyluif, WakffuliicM,, ,U t-UIAIIUIIOt'A, of L'hlUlreii or Adults V, 7- I.'UDCIIS, C.ilili, HrouchilU 23 SNi:Ult.V.(il.. 'rooUljfhc,,K4f4Che "55 U-IH-.AUVCIII-:, SIORMIeditiche, Vertigo,.,. ,-.;, loiins'KI'SIA, lndl(tbtfii, WfjW St'ouueh, ,ii ilfVnW.iiU tilt I'AlNr'Ub I'b'IIIOIIS.., .-J, li-StVlUTKS, Tw l'rofuo 1'irioilj , ,i U-CltOUl', l-AHYMIITIS, llojrenci , ,-jj N-SALT UIIKU'l, L'rjsipclas, Eruption 23 ItllKI-'MAilbM, Itbcunntlc I'jliu 23 l8-5IAbAltl.V. Chill, r'tver and Ague 2 I'J-tlATAIllllf, lullucuu, Cold in the IIcjiI.. .23 2O-WII001'IN COU0II ,.' ; J7-KIPNKV PISUASK , 25-.r:ityous pepimtv ......j,,.,; ..,.l,i) .W-UItlNAUV WBAKNESS, Wetting lied 25 77-CSitll', IUy Fever .2.3 bold Jtf diuj(itsv or ?ntl.on receipt of price. iWDr. Huraphreya' New Pocket Manv,Ql;of all Diseases mailed free. tluiupIiuV McdlfJr.e Co:, Cor. WillUm an. Muv bM,t Xe' VorKV" , w r artment. a .vlgorouH fight against being com pelled to lilke' a bath. Hls'scrtrplcfi against clcanllnesR were overcome. At tho hospital It wiih said that ho Is threatened with pneumonia, Williams was brought before Alder man Jones again and -had a second examination. His claimed to have spent Tuesday night (the night of the burglary) In Heranton mid he gave a list "of places he had been In. Ho was taken back to Urn Jail and at 7 o'clock lastevenlng Chief MeAndrcw went to Scrnnton to hunt up the truth of his story. A COMPLICATED CASE. Alderman Morrison Had One That Might Have "Stumped" Solomon. In Alderman Morrison's rotirt Thurs day night there was an excited crowd of Itutlans and churges and counter charges were preferred and withdrawn and preferred again with sturtllng In formality. A Utile 15-ycar-old Italian girl acted as interpreter and although die, could not nlwaVs be depended upon to give her translations In regard to Hie exact language used, she was espe cially apt In changing the Italian "cuss words'' .Into their Knglls-b meaning. The trouble arose over the visit of two Americans ("white men," us th Italians called them,) to the Italian colony. While tho visitors were talk ing to Ralph Angolta two little brown faced luds at play kicked up some dirt that settled on the "while men's" trouners, For tills Angolta chased and cuffed little Tony Walk I or and Tony's gfolks got him to go to the alderman and lay an information. When the case was called on Thursdaynight An gtdta sprang a surprise. He said that Tony and Tommy Watkior bad as saulted him and that they were aided by Sam Perrine and Nick Folettl. Ho swore out a warrant against the four and it was this that caused the mix up. While one Italian was being asked questions by the alderman, through the Interpreter, about one assault he would give answer in relations to the others and to make the confusion worse when the girlish Interpreter would give her translation the whole roomful of Ital ians would upbraid her as being loo literal or too partial or something else. It was evident that the Italians pos sessed better knowledge of the English language than they pretended to, but everything was in a state of chaos. The alderman showed wonderful powers ot endurance, but after a lot of wasted time he discharged the two boys and held Angolta in $300 bail and Perrine and Folletti In $2110 each. Angolfa fur nished ball, -but the other two could not and were taken to Ser.-nto.ii-by Constable, Pierce on the 10 o'clock train that night. At the Chinches Sunday. At the First Congregational church tomorrow there will bo the reception of new members at the morning ser vice. Tho theme of the senium will be "Peace." The evening theme Is to be "Church Unity a Farce." A welcome is extended to any and all. At the Uerean Huptist church the pastor, Rev. II. .1. Whaien, will preach both morning and evening. The even ing service will be of a special char actor, as all the lodges of Odd Fellows ot this city and representatives of out-of-town lodges will attend to listen to the annual sermon. Carbondale can ton. No. 40, Patriarchs Militant, will attend in their full uniform. At Trinity ISpiscopal church there will be holy communion In the chapel at S a. m.; murnlng prayer and sermon in the church at lO.IiO a. m and even ing prayer and sermon ut 7.30 p. m. At the First Methodist church, Rev. A. F. t'hatfee will begin another con ference year tomorrow. In the even ing the beautiful Kastor cantata, "The Risen Lord." will bo repeated. At the First Presbyterian church the Rev. K. K. Riley, ol Susquehanna, will preach both morning and evening. At tlie .Second Presbyterian church the Rev. William Holllnhlied, of Forest City, will preach in the afternoon after Sunday school. At St. Rose church the week's mis sion for women will come to an ond this evening. Tomorrow evening the men's mission will begin at 7 o'clock, under the charge of the Kedemplorlsl Fathers, and continue for a week. Meetings Tomorrow. I'ierinanlu. Singing society. Knights of Father Mat hew, K. E, Hendriek lodge, No. Ml, llrotli erhood of Hallway Trainmen. Central Labor union.. Draymen's -association, C'igarniake'rs' union, No. Hill. Hrothcrhooil of Locomotive lOngl lU'Cfh' Lodge No, Jot!. Repairing the Hoof. Wurkmon were busy yesterday erect ing scaffolding on the tower of the Municipal building, ptvpuraiory to re pairing tin. slate roof, a portion or whirh w.-ih blown off during tho se. vere storm which caused so much dam age around this city sa-vornl weeks ago, Had p. Fainting Spoil. Peter McCuue had a fainting spell on fcouth Muln street yesterday moni'liiK and, falling to tlm sidewalk, was ren dered unconscious, Ur. Jolin Nll-.'s was sent for and applied restoratives, after which McCuiio was taken lo his home in u carriage, After Thirteen Years. .Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah ciuue io celved a letter this week from their son, who Is now in Cripple Creek. They had not heard from hlni before In thir teen years, Draymen to Meet. A meeting of tho Praynieu's associa tion will be held tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the Sons of Temperance -hall. Husl ness of importance is to bo transacted. U. M. W. A. Meet Monday, A special meeting of the Local No. S77, United Mine Workers of America, is called?or"Monduy afternoon at a o'clock )u their hull. Critically 111. James Dnrkln, of Powderly street, Is lying in' a very critical condition. Hs is suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. O. L. U. to Meet. The Cenlrul Labor union will meet at McTlgho's hull tomorrow afternoon ut I o-'oloclc- 'Phone : NEWf286 OLD, 0423 A QUARTETTE OF MARRIAGES. Kegler-'Kralg. Chut Ich M. Kralg and Miss Jennie S. Kegler, two well-known young people of this city, were, married on Wednes day In Hcthnton. Tho ceremony was performed iby Rev. W. J. Ford pastor of the. Green Itldge Baptist church, In Rev. Mr. Ford's parsonage. Tho couple will reside In this city. King-Hudson. On last Wednesday Charles King, of Pike street, and Miss Sarah Hudson, of Mnyfleld yard, both well known ydung people, went to Port Jervls, N. Y.. where they were united In matrimony. They will return to this city hi a. few days and at once go to housekeeping. At r. King is employed In the Dela ware and Hudson car shops and is popular a nlong bis fellow-workmen and oilier associates. Their many friends will extend hearty congratulations. Durkin-Gilmartin. John "lurklii and Miss Mollle Oli martln, two popular Archbald young people, well known In this city, were married In St. Thomns.' church Wed nesday, The ceremony wns attended by several people from this city and the young couple's many Carbondale friends hasten to extend felicitations, Clark-Hull. Ray W. Hull, formerly of White's Valley, now of Waymart, unci Mlsa Bertha K. Clark, the teacher at Far view, and a daughter of Airs. Alary (Mark, were married at the Honesdalo Alethodlst Upiscopnl parsonage by Rev. (i. A. Place. The bride has lived at the homo of her uncle, John Shaffer, at Farvlew, and the groom owns and operates with his brother il fine farm near AVaymarl. Withdrew Charges. Ronnie Stone, a small boy. charged George Grady, of Greenfield road, with assault and battery before Alderman Atkinson on Thursday night. Stone sells papers on Sundays. lTp to the time the boycott was put on the Scran tonian Grady was a patron of Stone's, but after the boycott Grady told him he wouldn't want his paper any more. Last Sunday Stone went up to Grady's house with his bundle of literature, and Grady told him to get out, ns he saw in the said bundle a number of copies of the tabooed sheet. Then, ac cording to the boy, as hj did not move fasL enough, Grady accelerated his movements by placing his foot with some swiftness near the skirts of the boy's coat-tail. At the hearing Grady produced a. witness who testified that no assault whatever was committed on the boy; that he was told to get out by Grady, and that -he got. As the boy could not produce corroborUlive evi dence he withdrew the charge. The Roster. The details for Frank Keenan's com ing visit in Sol. Smith Russell's funny play "A Poor Relation," at the Grand were completed yesterday by Arthur If. O'Neil, tho advance representative. Air. O'Neil says the cast supporting Air. Koenan this season is a strong and expensive one, comprising such people as George P. Sprague, George B. Aliller, John Cumberland and Allsses Vela Henderson, Alarcus Atorlarty, Kate Lung, Kitty Doollng, Marlon Sprague. Will Bo Married Wednesday. On AVednesday afternoon, April 24, at 5 o'clock, Atlss Anna llndglns, daughter of Daniel Iladgins. of New Cemetery street, will be united in mar riage at St. Rose church to Frank P. Gibliu. son of Mrs. Alary Giblin. of Dundaff street, Aliss Hudgins is one ot Carbondale's most popular young la dies and Air. Giblin Is a trusted em ploye of the Didaware and Hudson company. Now Stamps on May 1. The Pan-American stamps in one, two, four, live, eight and ten cent de nominations will be placed on s'ale at the poslofllco Alay 1 until October .'It, lliol. The stamps are not intended to tin sold exclusively In place of tho regular stamps, and customers must ask for them to get. this series. Stamped cards or envelopes with the new stamps printed thereon. Mr, Adair in Town. W. W. Adair, secretary of the rail road branch of the Young Aten's Chris tian association in Scranton, was in tills city last evening and gavo an ad dress In the lecture room of the Pres byterian church, speaking on the Sun iljiy school lesson for tomorrow. His exposition of this thenio was interest ing and 'nns enjoyed by a large num ber. An Afternoon Event. A niiiuliti' of the members of Pro gressive lodge, No. 'jti, tho ladles aux iliary to tho Hiotlierhood of Loeoiuo tivu Firemen, met at the residence of Airs. Friend Osborne, on Porter ave nue Thursday afternoon, to become ac quainted with Airs. Henry ciurk, of Hornellsvllle, N, Y who Is u promi nent member of tho order. At 0 o'ch ek a bountiful supper wns served. New Choirmaster and Organist. Rev, R. ,. Sawyer, rector of Trinity Uplscopul church, has appointed Prof, Charles 11, Doorsam, of Scranton. choirmaster and organist of the church In place of T. Orlflin Smith and Airs. N. L. Aloon, who havo resigned those lespeetlve positions. $120 Profit. The Rerean Haptlst church netted VH) over all expenses by the Lynmn 11, Howe moving picture exhibition on AVednesday night. Tho church pooplo feel highly gratified over tho great success of the venture, Meetings Tonight, Ancient Order of lllbarnluns, Divi sion No. l'J. Foresters of America, Court Golden Eagle, No. 14. Shield of Honor, Diamond lodge, No. J!. Music at Congregational Church. In addition to the solos and other musical features, the quartette and chorus of tho First Congregational church will be heard In the following anthems at tomorrow's services: Morning "One Sweetly, Solemn Thought' (Blcrly), Miss Benwon, Mrs. Dennett, Messrs. Itoo and Jones. EvenlnK "I'm a Pilgrim, I'm n. Strantjer" (George W. Marston)( con tralto, melody and trloi anthem, "Be hold, How Good ond Joyful" (J. Clnrk Whytneld), bass solo and chorus. Need of a License Tax. Tho Merchant-' nseoclfttloh members are feellni? rather sore bccatiso of the failure of councils to pass tho license tax ordinance Intended to keep out fnklrs, ns tho need of such a tax Is very apparent Just now. Three men. claiming to represent the PUro Food company, ot Columbus, O., have been making a house-to-house canvass for spine days, protending to sell superior groceries nt lower prices thnn local merchants did. True to their prudent Instincts tho housewives bit at tho Imlt presented nnd the canvassers reaped a rich harvest. The merchants, of course, do not like that, but feel especially aggrieved because the olly-tongucd agents told their best customers that tho foodstuffs they wore buying from locnl grocers worn poor, adulterated, Inferior goods and not tit to oat. And, strange to say, the women apparently were 'beguiled Into buying by scandal ous tales like this regarding reputable men who have lived here nil their lives. tf tho license tax ordinance had been passed In councils such frauds as these could not. thrive on tho credulity of ponny-wlse-pound-foollsh women. An Evening Party. A pleasant party was given In honor of AHee Alary Thorp Thursday night nt the home of Mr. and. Airs. William Collins, on Upper Brook street. For several hours games, music and other scclul pleasures wen; indulged In. Sup per was served before midnight. Those pitsent were: Airs. L. Lawrence and Allsses Rose. Cornell, Atuy Rutan, Alay Bate, Emma tJtley, Alnbcl Kenworthy, Emma Col lins, Alaud Collins, Hannah Osborne. Edith Carey, Jennie Gunsaulus, Alamlc AVllls, Alice Collins, Harriet States. Cairle Sllsbee, Katie Solomon, Owen AVilllunis, Maine Williams. Pearl Lock wood, Allnnle Sampson and Atnrgarot Spafford, and Alessrs, Harry Gleason, Clarence Becker, Harry Keglnr. Alolt Dolph, Ora Lee, Kirt Lee. John AVede man, Richard Budd, George Build. George Eaton. Conrad AVelble, Fred Gleason, Lawrence Lawrence, sjnines Courtney, Joe Utley, Harry Brownell. Edward Cawler, James Collins and Harry Atedland. A Concert Wednesday Night. The last number in the Sons of Tem perance lecture course will be given in Temperance hull, In the Alurrin build ing, AVednesday evening, April 24. The concert will be given by the celebrated Alitchell Arale quartette, of Scranton, assisted by local talent, as follows: Ladles' chorus. "Tho Lonely Rose" (E. Hermes): violin solo, Robert Gard ner; recitation (selected), Harry Den nis; vocal solo, Natalie Fulkcrson; recitation, "Nature and Philosophy," Frances AL Kelly; vocal solo, AUss Eunice Bryson; ladles' chorus. "Down in tho Dewy Dell" (II. Smart), first sopranos, Allsses Alay Kilpatrlck, Clara Bronson, Airs. AI. O. Abbey: second sopranos, Allsses Isabclle Stanton; Jen nie Butler, Olga. Stephens; altos, Allsses Lulu Foster, Nettle Bayley, Sadie Alil ler; zither solo, Prof. J. F. Crowell. Those not having course tickets will be admitted at the door for ten cents. The Passing Throng. Airs. Oliver Chapman, of AA'est Pitts ton, is visiting relatives in town. Aliss Carrie Lover, of Grove street, who has been so seriously ill, Is im proving. Allan Stanton nndson. Earl, of Jer sey City, aro here ns the guests ot Richard Udy. Aliss Nora O'Hearn, of South Alain street, Is .home from a pleasant trip to New York city. Airs. Ralph Giles and daughter, Alir-l.-im, are visiting her sister, Airs. AI. O. Abbey, on Terrace street. Aliss Alay Gaughan, of Seventh ave nue, has returned from ten days' visit with relatives in Hancock, N. X. Allfs Lucy Robinson and Alaster Raymond AA'ilson are spending a few days with relatives in Forest City. A. L. Avery, of Scranton, superin tendent of tho Aletropolitan Life In surance company, was in town yester day. AA. P. Lynott, leader of the Atozart orchestra, Is now connected with the local branch of the Aletropolitan In surance company. Alisses Lulu Foster and Sadie Aliller havo returned from Pltlston, where thQj have been visiting friends and at tending conferenco Airs. AV. R. Rorse, of Taylor, who has been the guest of AV. R. Jones, ot AA'yomlng street, for the past week, returned homo yesterday. Airs. John Smith has returned to her homo on Canaan street after spending Ihreo weeks In Dr. AVheeler's private hospital us the result of an operation. Airs. Emma Quick and son, AVIIllum, spent Sunday In Carbondale with hot son, Lewis. Tho former remained to care for her son, who Is quite sick at this writing. AVnyiio Independent. JERMYN AND MAYFIELP. Rev. R. F. Y. Pierce will deliver his famous chalk talk on "Our Boys" in th First Baptist chuiy-h Monday uvoning. There will bo an excellent op portunity for many of our townspeo ple to hear tho eloquent doctor, whoso high reputation as a public speaker is well known. Tomorrow morning Aluyllower lodge, No. !l, Sons of St. George, will at tend service in a body in the Aletho dlst Episcopal church, where a ser mon will be delivered to them by tho Rev. AL D. Fuller, pnstorof the church. Ill the First Buptlst church tomor row morning, the pastor, Rov, Mny-' nurd Thlmpson. will preach on "Es tablishing Confidence and Goodwill In tho Minds of Those That Are AVith out," In tho evening he will glvo the second of a series on "What Baptists Stand For," taking up tho subject of "Buptlsm of Believers Only on Profes slon of Faith." Two wore baptised last Sunday evening and four tho pre ceding Sunday, Air. and Airs. AV. H, Tennis have moved into the property of Mrs. Ann Davis, of Aluln street. C, L. Bell and family leavo on Alon day for Brudley Beach, N, J., where they will spend the Hummer. Tho CltlKens' band will attend the fair at Forest City this evening. Air, and Mrs. Richard Brown and Miss Polly Solomon were Scranton vis itors yesterday. There was considerable excitement yesterday afternoon along Alain street, occasioned by tho actions of three men. The niun would walk along a few yards and then stop suddenly and confer. At times one of the trio, who appeared to be somewhat excited, would gesticu late wildly, and as before stated, a Ciowd soon gatheied. Just then, your coriespoiident huppeued to be passing (and. Investigating matter.'! found that SPRING CATARRH MAKES MISS ANNA BRYAN, OF WASHINGTON, D. C. 4t !-3-3$--S$$-$-:v-3-vs 5rC:$$$$$$C:C$$$0&:$$ AUss Anna Bryan, a favorite cousin of AVillium Jennings Bryan, is well known socially in AVashlngton. D. C, where she has a host of friends. Aliss Bryan recently studied music at Fairniount Seminary, of Washington, 1). C. In anecent letter to The Poruna Aledlcine Co., of 'Cbluinbm, Ohio, she says: ' 1459 Florida Avenue, N. W., Washington, D. C. The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. : Gentlemen "At the solicitation of a friend I began some weeks ago to take your Peruna and I now feel like a new per&on. I take pleasure in recommending it to all who want a good tonic and a permanent cure for catarrh.'' Anna Bryan. MRS BERTHA KOCKLER. 177 Guinott street, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: "Peruna and Alaualin have done me very great service, and I recommend them with pleasure to all who suffer with nervous catarrh of tho stomach as I did. Should such a disease over attack me again I shall immediately take Peruna. I now feel very well and have a good appetite all the time. I tho three men who had unconsciously attracted the crowd's attention were Councilman Rowling, AVheeler and Al bert Aloon, who are the street and bridge committee. Tho councilnieii were simply making a tour of inspec tion along the streets, to ascertain tlie rendition and Improvements needed. As such a thing wn.t never known be fore it is no wonder a crowd was at tracted. The wild gesticulations were made by Councilman Aloon, who was trying to impress upon tlie oilier two the necessity of the crosswalks on South Alain street. The Artesian Hose company received their new uniforms from Philadelphia on AVednesday evening. The suits are of a light brown color, with dark brown braided trimming and look quite at tractive. Tho people of the borough will now await with eager interest the first appearance ot tho lire laddies in their suits. OLYPHAINT. Frank Kelly, son of P. J. Kelly, of Race street, was quite seriously scalded In the engine room of the Lackawanna Valley house at Scran ton on AVednesday night. The young man is employed us engineer at tlm hotel and was making snniu repairs op the engine, when the cylinder head blew out. The escaping steam and water struck him full force on the lower limbs. Ho was removed to his homo hero yesterday afternoon and last night was resting easily. There was -i. large attendance ut the lecture on "Sacred Art," given by A. V. Bower, esq., of Scranton, al I lie Blakoly Baptist church last evening. S. J. Evans went to Hawley yester day, where, he directed a play pro duced by a company of local talent In that place last evening- Airs. Thomas Moliule allcnded tho funeral of a relative at. Pltlston yes terday. John Roche, nf Soiilll Siraiitou. cir culated among friends in town yester day. Regular services will be held in the Presbyterian church tomorrow morn ing and evening. Rev. "R. l Ham mond, pastor, Episcopal services will be held In Edwards hall tomorrow afternoon at 3 80 aVclook. Rev. K. .1. llaughtou, of Duuiuore, will havo chnige. Mlsess Collu Swift, Lizzie While, Alanile Foote, Kathuillio Foote, Thom as Prleo and Richard Foote, of Arch bald, attended tho Juveuls Dancing cluss Thursday evening. Rev, David Spencer, 1. !., olllclated at tho funeral of Aliss Abigail Watrous at Dunmc-ro yestortlay afternoon, Aliss Anna AValsh, of Put sops, who lias been the guest of her sister, .Mrs. John Jordan, of Blakely, returned home yesterday. James Cahany, of Jetinyn, spent yesterday with relatives In town. Airs. AV. J. Schubniehl returned home yesterday from Letoy. N. Y, Airs. AV. J. Brown and children, of Allnersvilel, are the giffts of Mr. and Airs. David Tlnsley, of Delaware street. Airs. P. .1. McNeely, of Duumoro btreet, Is very ill. Mrs. Rollln A Sawyer, of Carbon dale, was n visitor In town Thursday. pmCEBURG, Alias Sal'ali Ellleott, ofScrauton, visited Mrs. Dawe, of Carpialt street, on AVednesday afternoon. Preuchlng In tho Prlceburg Primitive Alethodlst church Sunday morning ut 10.30. Subject, "Entire Sanctltlcatoln; PEOPLE WEAK AND NERVOUS have gained in weight. I i-ccomnicnde.l Peruna to an acquaintance of ours, and he is making remarkable pi-ogres-:. I looked so badly for a. lime before t began your medicine, that now when I meet some of my friends they say: 'I was very much worried about you, but .now you are looking so well.' I shall always keep Peruna and Alanalln in the house as family medicines." Airs. Bertha Kockler. AA'hat It s and How to Obtain It." Evening service at 7 o'clock. Subject, "The P.lood of the AInrtyr's tho Seed of the Church." George Decker has returned home after spudlug several days with frieudS In tlie country. Air. Hill and family have removed from Carmalt street to a nice home on the boulevard road. AUss Maud Vosburg has returned to her homo in Alimldale. after spend ing some time wlih friends in Prlce burg. PECKVILLE. Pe-.-kvillo Baptist ehuro Services ln moriow a I 10 a. m. and 7.S0 p. in. Air. Evans, of Scranton, will preach morn ing and evening. All aie cordially iu viled to hear him. The ladies of the Alcthudlst Episco pal church uro beginning their prepar ations for a grand all-day celebra tion of the Fourth of July. There will be patriotic musi -, orations and file works galoie; fancy booths and re freshment stands will be open all day. A genuine old-fashioned celebration lis anticipated. Tlie choir of the o.Mthodist Episcopal church will lepcul, by request, their Waster muhlo on April 2S :iud gratify a host woh desire lo bear it again. Murshill Kroi't't and Air. Hughes, of Merldnle, N. V., returned home yester day, after spending a few days III tl u. Oscar Imnlnp and Thomas lliimfonl are sucker lishing al Klwr's pond. Missrs. S. V. Arnold, .lohiph It. Hell, Frank Ronlamin and .Air. Alel.ockllni leave this nioi-ninu to lisb for trout in Wayne i ounty stream-'. , St rvk-es hi I ho Presbyterian church Sunday al in.uM a. in. and 7.::o p. in.. Rev. S. II. Aloon. 1). !.. pastor, Tlm paslor will exchange with Rev. W. S. Pelil-siin, of Nanlleokc. All welcome. I'. V. Mace. Jr.. of I'tica, N. A'., Is isiting ills parents, Air. and Airs. N. V. .Mac, of Alain strict. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Deunlson, of l.,lli'iOM'ii, N. V., .no the guests of the hitter's patents, Air, and .Mrs. I V, Alace. .-.... - i WAVERLY. vWlllluiu Warner, of N'ew York, spenl last Sabbatli witli ills parents. When tho Rev. Air. Gmlshall caino here to take charge of tlie Methodist Episcopal church, ho had many illlll cllltles lo meet, but he lias success fully met litem all and the church has been unusually prosperous since he has had charge, In consequence, his many friends me-very much pleased that the recoiil conference at West PUtston de cided to return him as pastor for an other ye.ir. Henry White and Air. Sunfotd havo alieady received more applications for boarders for tho summer season than they can accommodate. There are sev eral other parties, however, who intend to take boarders. .Mr. Truman lilled the pulpit at the Alethodlst church last Sabbath, in tlm absence of their paslor, Rev. Air. God shall. .1. P. Sherman, one of our council nieii, is improving Ids property op Alnlu street by laying a new stone side walk. Our stieet commissioner in busily en gaged repalrlnu the roads, Charles Finch, tliu luirnessmaker. has moved Into the new dwelling of Albert Johnson, on Carbondale street. Rev. Air, Botsong will have a sale of his household effects, April 27, prepara I Thousands of Fair Women Are Never Without Peruna, the Rational Catarrh Remedy AUss Alnrle Coats, President of the Appletim Young Ladles Club, writes the following concerning Peruna: Applolou, AVls. The Peruna Alcdlclue Co., Columbus, O,: G e u 1 1 c in o n "I llnd Peruna an o x c o 1 1 u n t spring and sum mer in c d I e I n o and am glad to call the attention of my friends to II. When that languid, tired fooling comes over you, and your tood no longer tastes good, and small annoyances Irri tate you, Peru mi will iiiake you feel II ko another person Inside of a week. 1 have now used IL for three seasons and find It very tellable and cllicnclous." Alnrle Coats. Mrs. AI. Wots-el, 21 South 17th street, Tt-rrc Haute, Ind writes: "Peruna Is the greatest medicine on earth. I feel well and that tired feel ing Is all gone. AVhon I begun to take your medicine I could not smell, nor hear n church bell ring. Now I m smell and hear. AVhen t began your treatment, my head was terrible, all sorts of buzzing, chirping and loud noises. Three months ago I dragged around like a. simtli now I can walk us briskly as ever. I am going to gn and see the doctor Unit said I was not long for tills world, and tell him that Peruna cured me." Mrs, AI. AVotzol If all the tired Avomen and all the nervous women. and all the women thai needed a tonic, would read and heed the words of these three fair ladles, who havo spoken right to the point, how many Invalids would be prevented and bow many wretched lives be made happy. Peruna restores health In a normal way. Peruna puts right all the mucous membranes of tho body, and In this way restores the functions of every organ. If It is the stomach that is out of order, and the digestion impaired, Pe runa. quickly makes tilings right by re storing the mucous membrane of tho stomach. If the nerves tingle, if the brain Is tired. If the strength is (lagging and tlie circulation of blood weakened by flabby mucous membranes of 'the di gestive organs, Peruna reaches the spot at once by giving to these membranes tins vitality and activity which belongs to them. Tlie pelvic organs are also lined with mucous membrane, which in tlie female sex is especially liable, lo derangements. Periuul is an absolute speelllc In these cases. The women everywhere nie praising it. No other remedy has ever received such unqualified praise from such a multitude of women. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from tho use of Pe runa, write at once lo Hi. Harliuan. giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you ills valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Harlman, President of Tliu Harlman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. tory to bis leaving here. He intends to preach his last sermon in about two weeks. His many friends regret his resignation. JESSIIP. Thomas Scanlon, a well known young man of this place, met with a terri ble accident, yesterday, having his tun legs and one arm amputated hcneaHi the wheels on (he. Aloosio Alnuntnln railroad, where Air. Scanlon was .em ployed as a hrakenian. The Nonpareil Dramatic company Is making arrangements for tlie produc tion of "Shamrock and Rose," which is In lake place ut. the SI. James hall Tuesday evening. April 2". A social will follow the play. General admis sion, 25 cents, Peter Burke, n contestant tu the St .luincs bazaar, will conduct a social in Billings' hall April 20. Aliss Alargaret Alunley. of Hill street, is suffering from a severe attack ot tlio grip. Airs. Albert Budas and daughter, Evangeline, of Butte city, Alon., havo returned homo, after spending the past few days as the guests of Aliss Ben Donnelly. Tho Alt. Jessup colliery Is idle today owing to tin! shortage of cars. Tlie new flro alarm system Is In read iness. THOMPSON. Sfitclil to the Scrnton Trlbun. Thompson. April 1!). John .1 Pot ter, miller and manufacturer, of Gib son, was in town Tuesday last, C, Al, Lewis made a business trip to Blughamton AVednesday, Aliss Rosa Collier returned Wednes day from Portlundvllle, N, Y whither she went because of tho serious Illness of her father, who died while she was there, Airs. Lottie Potter is having her resi dence on Jackson stret paiuled. W. H. Walker, commercial agent of Hlnghaniton, stopped for tho night with his sister, Airs. N. S. Foster, and was away today. Rev. P. R, Tower will visit his sister, .Mrs. Oakley, at Kingsley, for a few days, going tomorrow. Austin Benson, a prominent railroad man of Kingston, N. Y visited Ills aunt, Airs, Knlo Thayer, and other rel atives lit this place AVednesday and Thursday of this week. NERVITA PILLfe Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manbood Cure Inipotcncy, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem nrv. all wastilii? dleousos. uilotfoctsotfulf-ilbusoor 60 PILLS SO CTS. I'leesj and iuilliciction. A nerve tonto ana blood builder, Urlnu tlm niuk clow to nulu I'liooku mid rcsloros tlm tiro ol 5 out li. II j- mall IfiOo nor ihix. 0 boxes for .BO. with our bankable imurantea to cure or refund the money paid. Semi for chculai aud copy of our bnukublo Kiiurautcu bond. NervitaTablets EXTRA STRRNOTIt lintnedlete Result! (YELLOW LAUiX) i'oaltlroly Kuaraateed cure for Loss of Power. varicocele, undeveloped ur Miruuken urgam, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous, I'roitrn lion, Hysteria, ft, Insanity. I'urulvtls aud tt Ik-suits of llsceiike Uto of Tobacco, Opium o! l-i'iuor. By mail in plain puckuiie. $1.00 u box, 6 for $6.00 with our bankable guar antee bond to euro in CO daya or refund money paid. .Vldrcsj NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson St-i . CHICAGO, IU , Sold by McUarrab & Thomu, PruggUtl, SO! LaiLjnamu tutunc, Scraiitou, l'i. '"fe Ikls Ml1 Marie I'nalc. WZR iir,KW w! FJN R2 V