Z".i' 4f -V i'SpV' .firKh V"-"";'Br'V 5rj-Vt """"2 RSCT5C ((m v., av.cS, ,4 1'-., .,; ' i pl?ZTfTrK-1 FJl -1, 11 - -r.n tf'lJlT ' '"'' i - . : J .1 V THIS SC11ANTON TmBUNE-SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1901'. 1.2 MANY RETURNS FROM JURIES MOST OF THEM ABE FAVORABLE TO THE DEFENDANTS. Bencavnge Not Guilty of StenHng Geese Stnbbln-j; Is Successfully Laid nt a Missing Gypsy's Door. Two Move Plead Guilty of Main taining Slot Machines Baldncr Wa3 Only the Barkeeper Wife Sided with Brother Against Hus bandJudge Would Not Allow a Child to Testify Against Its Father Quui'lcr ."-osstloiiH i-iiiiu' l a 'lm yes toi'l.ty nn inr us juty liluH are con ccincd. Toilny oporl wlll'bc vreflvf-ti frnni the live- jurloM out al mljuui-n-nienl; pentonce.i will lo Impohcd nnd .xiiroty fuses hoard. Verdicts wrro returned yoMlonluy In it ininibei of rapes. M. ". TSoncavnBf. who wis accused of .selling: "wm which did not belong; to lilni. was toitnd not Bullly nnd I In.- roiinty was directed to pay the costs'. Andrew Feitlo,- .t liouriJinK luiti.se Keeper of Austin Height, was found not Riillty of the chai-Ke of feloniously woiindliiK Kate ShefsUI. 1-Vrilo nnil Ills witnesses convinced the .iury that tho other fellow did It. The other fel low was n Gypsy, nunied George "or mpl, wlio boarded at Kerdo's. Conupl liart dlsapepaied. Jacob Summers, Urn well-Unown Old Korpre meiohant. was on record as helnpr ball for Ccrruid. Just before the case was railed to trial District Attorney Lewis received a. note front Alderman "Wlllui-, which stated that throush a mistake Sum mers was recorded as bondsman for Ccrrupl. This fact and the fuither inct that Ccrrupl had skipped, was re porter! to Jmlsn Kdwards when the ease was called to trial. The judge did not- commit himself. OPFBNSB CHWRGI3D. Tho offense with which Fordo was charged was the stabblnp of Mrs. .Shefski diirinrr a brawl at her house. It appears Ccrrupl had broken some windows in Mrs. Slirfski's house, and slu- came over to Ferdo'f, where, he lxiarded. intending to demand that he make good the damage. A row oc curred and she was stabbed in the pi in. Her witnesses swore Ferdo did the ..lnbbinr. while Fcrdo's wltncsess swore it was Cerrupi. that ho sneaked down stairs while the light was on, inbv.od ii knife into "Mrs. Shefski and Micakcd hack into the house. Fcrdo ir, acquitted, Cerrupi is sone, and It is impossible to hold any one as his bondsman. A mil pios. on payment of costs, was entered in the case in which Constable Joseph F. AVoelkers charged Frederick lialdner with selllnpr llciuor on Sun .l,iv. The court records show that Fied Martin and not. Baldncr was the licvnei'O of the place. Baldner claimed he was only the barkeeper and that since his arrest he has given up the business. Alex. 'Wvsheloski was returned guilty or interfering- with Police Otlleor I'hnrlps Chccouski. of jroosio. while ho was attempting to serve a warrant. D. "I. Betts and P. J. Davis, of Peek ville. plead guilty of maintaining slot machines at their hotels. Sentence in Retts' case was suspended until today at the leanest of his attorney. Mr. Ctlroy. Davis paid a flno of $10 and osts. CL'T rtUBCKU iiosi:. Domino Mlkno was one of a number of Hungarian laborers at tho upper steel mill who cut lubber hose coup lings from care to make gloves for themselves, to piotect their hands when handling rails and pig iron. Mikno was caught in the act and when arraigned yesterday plead guilty. Jle was sentenced to thirty days In the county jail. Without leaving the bos, the jury in the case of Michael Ilishie, chained by Edward Ford with assault and bat tery, agreed upon a verdict of not guilty: lounty to pay the cosls. His hle Is fil years of ago and Ford six rnrs his senior. They vciked in ad joining chutes-' as slate pickers In tho Hellovuo breaker. Ford says lllshlo assaulted him without provocation and pushed him b.ickvnrds-M'rom his heat into tho chute. Ilishie admitted he gave him a little push, but claimed he was provoked into it by Ford call lug him vlla names. The ago of tho parties, and volubility of Ford when Rail Road Men In all departments of active service stand in need of the readiness of mind and momntness ot action which depend on a healthy nerv ous system. Let a railroad man be "rat ted," and every life depending on him is in danger. A great many railroad men have found in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery a valuable tonic for the overstrained nervous system. It buildB'itp the body, purifies the blood, nourishes the nerves, and induces a healthy appetite and refreshing sleep. ii differed for six years with couitipation md iudigcuUon, during which time I employed tv rral uhyslclani. but tbey could not reach my case," writes Mr. O. Poiuleell, of Kurrka bprings. Carroll Co., Ark, '! felt that there hji no help for me; rould not retain food on my ttiimach; had ertlRO uiid.would jll htlplcss. to the floor. Two year ano I commenced taking Dr. rieree'a Golden Medical Discovery and Hi de 'Kelletjand iniprored from tlie itart. Af ter Ukiuar twelve bottle 'of the 'licovery' I was able to do light work, and hac been im proving crer alace." Send 31 one-cent stamps to pay ex pense of mailing ami get l)r, Pierce's Medical Adviser in pajer coven, free. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. fliMsaMsstiSHBBW"""',a"B""""T JJJJJJJJJJJ"JJJJJJJJJJJJ "f"L """"raj"" " m A & on the witness stand, resulted In the ceso being laughed out of court. In tho case of Thomas Btirke, charged by Lena Hnrttnan, of Petersburg, with being tlie father of her child, the Jury was unable to agree, nnd nflar being out for twenty-four hours wore dis charged. A Jury was out ut ndjournlng time In the case ot Benjamin Thomas, of West Sernnton, charged by bin sister's hu.yband, William Green, with assault and 'iMtlery. The defendant admitted that ho did lay violent hands upon hist brothcr-ln-lnw. but used only what force wan sufficient to restrain him from beating his sister. Mrs. Green sat with her brother during the trial, and testified for him. JK.WS'TK KMITlf GASH. Another Jury was out In the case of Jennie fhnltli, alias Jennie Dally, charged with larceny by bailee, by Gertie Jones. Gertie worked for .Miss Jennie nl Miss Jennie's hoiudliig house on Center street. One night, while out for a stroll, some police oftleer mistook her for a direct walker and arrested her. Hlit sent her $" worth of jewelry down town to a pawn shop to iuIho monry to pay her line. When she got out she wanted a couple of dollars to lake her lo WIlkes-Barre. Mlsst Jennie happened to hove 'i. handy nnd let Gertie have II, taking in exchange the pawn ticket for the jovlry. When she came 'back from n visit to Wilkes-IJarre with money Hittliclent to redeem her Jewelry, she found that. Mls- Jennie had taken It nut nnd disposed of it. Miss Jennie's defense is that she bought the Jewelry outright fioni Gertie and had a right to do as she pleased with It. Tho pawnbroker testified that tho jew elry had become his property by the failure of (iertte to redeem It within the pi escribed time, and when Miss Jennie presented the ticket for It, to gether with money enough lo make good the loan and Interest, he let her have the stuff. DKNIUD THE CUAUGK. Henry Kennedy, of Carbondale, wits arraigned on the charge of beating his wife. He claimed ho did not beat her, and that she It was that abused him. Hhc told 'that he had treated her so abusively ever since their marriage, ton yjL'ars ago, that she was compelled to leave him three times, nnd nil told, only lived with him three years out of the seven. Their seven-year-old son was called to the stand to testify against the father, but Judge Kd wards wouldn't let him. The jury was out at udjournlng time. A fourth jury was out in the ease or S. D. Musser, charged -with larceny by bailee, by Mrs. Emily lUiule, anil a fifth was deliberating In a John&on's patch assault and battery case, in which Jo seph Bolln and John Wargo were de fendants, and Patrick Payton, piose cutor. Henry Fonwick, of Carbondale, charged by his niece with being the father of her child, was returned not guilty, but directed to pay tho costs. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. Prank A. Snjilfr I.enov, Stisiith.inna tonnlj- Rnah A. lV.UI.rr 1517 Tripp im .tohn lewii Sv-ranlon Amelia Woacr Scranton Frank P. Jcuincs t'iltston Annip (lolbert 3H lies' ,ivi Michael ', Itntdiford Virhlulfl Aiiniv Kcunio.v Archluld rotor Ciabeit AicliUld Katie Daley i(lituld lVul &rotip.il OKI force Maiy Hoiii'il.i Olil KoiUr Itnbert r. Marsh Imnwi Mary B. nrennan CulioniUlc COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. The Uaj es-iloll.md injunction ac was ,nin postponed jcstM'laj-. this lime (ill mu Crida. Th application tor an lnjunciion to iclrain the labor unions from hoyiottinir ihc scranton iati wia not rrncwed ,C4trida,v, as was cptd. It will bo presctil.'d toilay or caily nct ccl-, Attorney Murphy -a.M. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Work That Is Being Done by the Bridge and Construction Depart ments of Lackawanna. The bridge building and construction department of the Lackawanna rail road are busily engaged in making many changes nnd improvements along the various divisions. A new double-tracked .steel bridge is being put in at Oak street, on the Kcyser Valley branch, whleii will per mit of heavy train q over that point. Xt'W bridges ate also being erected at Dover, Upper Hackensaek and Now. ark, N. J,, and at Klchflold .Springs, X. Y. Work has also begun on a bridge on the Oswego lino. At Binglinmlon new curves In the tiacks aro being put In, and a new train shed will be eroded at Bingham ton tor the lUiea train. A sixty-foot .steel, turn ubl.i has been erected on the site of tho old round house in Scranton yard and a similar turn-table will be put In at the Cayuga yard. The present tound houses at Scran ton, Great Bend and Syracuse iillt be enlarged to house the new engines now in use on the road. In the Scranton i wind house each stall will he length ened eight feet, a new roof will he built, and practically a new house erected. Today's D., X. & W. Board. Tho make-up of today's D., h, & W. board is as follows: rnnAV, Ai'iur. i. Wild Cat., i:ai S p, in., O, Randolph; M n, in,, .'. Moiir; 11 p. in., .1. llmMuil. h.V'UIRD.W, Al'lllh so, Wild ("aw, J'.asl-JS.TO, i. in., T. Mfl.ulln, .j a. m , .1. P. Mattel; 5 :i, in., II, Wallair; 7 a, in, A. I', Mullt'ii; S 1.', iu Iliih Policuy; 0 a. W.. II. I'nimity; JO a. in., t'iipitiiik; II a, in., O'C'ornor, ullli HjMciV uku; j p, ni., ), C.iioi 1 p. in., !. r. Miiili; .'ip . ni., I', ia anineli; ti p. in,, V, U. I.jIIji- hiinimitfc, llti-.-H a. in., ca-st, .1. Ieiinlsan; 7 a. m vit, ficoige rioniifcll.il : r p, rn., iat, W, II. Nlilioh; I) p: ni., cat, .1, ranltri,'; 7 p. in., went from f'ajtiea, Mil.aiiBj " p. m., -et luu i C'a)HSJ, Thompson; 7 p. in., ml tiom Say Ann, l.'divaid McAIIMcr, I'uller 10 a rn., I'. E. Sfror. Puihers-S a, in., Ilourerj 10 a, in., ,S, Pin nertyi 1I.M a. in,. Moiau; 7 p. in, JIutpli; V p. in., Lamping; 10 p. in., IVIdner, Pitatngir l.ntstiKfs 7 u. in., fiarfney; 7 a, in., Sur.-ir; 6.:;0 p. in., .Stanton; 7 p. in.. Magovcru. Wild Cat. We.t-10 a, in., p. Hastily; l p. in., ('. Klnsliy; !i p. in., 1', Wall; s p. m., tloar, Willi .lolin (I.iIijjjiiiS n'ln; ii p. m., .1 tlllllC). X01ICE. Iliul.cincii Sheridan, Maloy, W, l.aliut jnd k. ljolilnur will upoit at traiiinustct'a oilhe llili i, II CI llOI'll. llraKtinati II. II. PelYw icporU for duly ullh MtCaithy. praleinan J, II. Jonn icpoiH (or duty with Itohctty. llraUcman (Jcoiije HasBerly icpoiti for duly with Mullen. I Mc-llbtcr and rrevv will run summit cjvt 7 p. lu. flcm Nay Auf, April Co. This and That. Joseph Jackson has been appointed foieman of tho boiler shop of the Dun more Iron and Steel company, at Xo. 0, the position which lie held before being appointed boiler Inspector for th Pennsylvania Coal company, Tht tot- D0KS NOT DISAPPOINT. The Now Discovery for Catarrh Seems to Possess Remarkable Merit. A new ralairh cure has lecetitty ap peared which so far as tested lias been remarkably successful In curing nil forms of catarrh, whether in tho head, throat, bronchial lubes, or In stomach and liver. The remedy Is In tablet form, pleas ant and convenient to take and no special secrecy is maintained as to what it contains, the tnblot being a sclentlllu combination of Gualacol, Kti calyptol, Sangulnarla, Hydrastln and similar valuable, and harmless nntl f.optlcs. The safe find effective catarrh euro may bo found nt any ding store under name of Stuart'a Catarrh Tabtets. Whether the catarrh Is located In tho noio, throat, bronchial tubes or Hlonmcli, the (ablets seem to net with equal success, removing the stuffy feeling in head and niwo, clearing the mucous membrane of tin oat and tra chea from cnlmi'liul secretions, which cause the tickling, courjhlng, hawking and gagging so annoying to every ca tarrh surferer. XitMil caturih generally leads to ul ceration. In some eases to such an extent as to destiny the nose entirely and in many old cases of caturrh the bones of the head become diseased, Xasal caturrh gradually extends to tho tluont and bronchial lubes and vety often tti I lie stomach, causing that very obstinate double, catarrh of the stom ncli. Catarrh Is n systemic poison. Inher ent in the blood, and local washes, douche!-, salves, iulmtcib and sprays cm have no effect on tho real cans- of the disease. An Internal remedy which acts upon the blood is the only rational Irentincu and Stuart's Caturih Tablets Is the safest of all Internal remedies, us well u the moat convenient and sat isfactory from a medical standpoint. Dr. Kalou recently stated that ho had .successfully used Stuart's Cutairh Tablets in old chronic cases, oven wheie ulci'intion had extended so fai ns to destroy the .septum of the nohc. He says, "I am pleasantly surprised almost every day by the excellent le sults from Stuurt'n Catarrh Tablets. It Is lemnrkiibte how effectually they re move the excessive secretion and bring about a healthy condition of the mu cous membranes of the nose nnd stom ach." All druggislH sell complete treat ment of tho tablets at t"0 cents, and o "tittle book giving the symptoms and causes of tlie vaiious forms of ca tarrh wi'l be moiled free by addressing !". A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. tor office has been done away with and Jackson returns to his former positinn. At a meeting of the company, held in Kaston lai-t night, the contract for constructing the Delaware Valley rail way from East Stroudsburg to Hush kill, was let to .Michael P. McGrath. of Worcester, .Mast., who is to have it lendy for operation by July. Air. Mc Grath is a responsible railroad builder, having, with others, built many of the electric lailways in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Especially in Xorthnnip tou county. There were a half d07.cn bids for the woik. The contract price was not made public. Work will be commenced in a few days. Strouds burg Times. Jangling Nei-ves. Are you irritable? Do you sleep badly? Is It hard to concentrate your thoughts? Is your Hppetite poor? Do you feel tired, restless and despondent? Try Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound. It will do you more good than any thing you have ever tried. Sold by Matthews Brothers. v v vi v v V v v v v i v v v I Spring Opening Today f I Richards & Wirth's I Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, 5; 5 326 Lackawanna Avenue. We extend a cordial invitation to our friends to attend the opening. We will show the cream of fashion in Young Men's and Boys' Clothing For Spring and Summer Wear. Besides a very elegant line of Neckwear and Furnishings. The Entire stock is brand new and all Union-Made. 3 326 LACKAWANNA AVENUE I $25 to $30 SUITS or OVERCOATS MADl: TO MEASURIJ FOR $15 Headquarters Rochester, N. Y. -ff J? Garson Tailoring Company 406 Spruce St., Scranton. New York Announcement. Horner's Furniture. "Wo bid for your patronage on the following grounds: 1. Our stock represents the pro ductions of tho BEST MAKERS ONLY, in addition to poods of our own manufacture. 2. Our assortments are as com plete in the plain and inexpensive poods suited to the modest home, as in the more elaborate- and artistic lines required for tho more preten tious home or mansion. 3. Our prices are tho lowest at which furniture of standnrd quality, andbenring the stamp of style and merit in its appearance, can be manu factured and sold. All the Iat?t designs and finishes In oach and every line. Including the fashionable light woods and efforts for summer furnishing. R. J. Horner & Co., Furniture Makers nnd Importers, 61 -65 W. 23d St., New York A tMolnlns; Kden UTiinee.l A iMt to the entahliahmmt of R. J. Hernar 4 Co.. bring you in touch with nvorythlne that In new anil worth nrtlng In the Furniture world. Xeuapaper Comment. Riches in Your Grasp, That's what joii r.in hrin; by joining the Poo. pleV Coimnei d.il .-uscclation. It brings to jour floor agencies businwi opportunities and load of mail, A "OoJ ;nd" to agents Send a flu ctnt piece for partieul.ii.-i. T.0ri,i:VS COMMKRCI.Ui ASSOnATIO.V. Auburn, X. l'. (SATURDAY,) AT ft J y & i Headquarters Rochester, N. Y. A PERFECT FIT, HONEST FABRICS, SUBSTANTIAL TRIMMINGS AND ENTiRE SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK. OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus $500,000. United States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday evenings from S to 9 o'clock. Wm. Connei.i., President. HhNRV Hhi.iN, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. H. Peck, Cashier. California Oil. IVe liaic a fuel ela proposition In which e are ollcrlm? charter iiieinlier stock at 11V. )Lr share. 'Ihe company owns VISn acies fitu.itcil in the er,y center of the creat California oil belt, and h.ia options mi additional ground. Wo me offcrintr Iic.imii.v stock to raiie money to put down wells as quickly as pot-iihlo. The stock U iKin,.a!.rui.i1itr and rairics no ini1lvldu.il lia bility. We furnish the uiy highest rcfeicnc.es. IViite for particulars. THH KHNDRIJK PROMOTION CO. Denver. Colorado. NATIONAL BANK ? l, " " ,t " t g t it h n n . IT if Hayes & Varley.3 tt K it 42 1- 12ft Spruce St., Between Ladies' Shirt Waists We are making an excellent display of white and colored Shirt Waists, styles and makes that are con fined to us. The White Lawns are made with small box plaits, and rows or clusters of tucks, new Bishop sleeves, collars detachable. Our special price, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25, up to $5.00. Colored Shirt Waists Made of Chambray, Mercerized Ginghams, or Madras, in plain or stripes, with sailor collar or shield of white pique, Bishop sleeves, etc, 50c, 75c, $1.00. The more elaborate ones as high as $5.00. Colored Dress Goods We are showing an extra special line of the new Spring shades in Venetian, Vigoreaux, Satin Cloth, etc. special price, $1.00. MVl)l'llil"l'4VimiM'iMi'4"llUMMlli)ll)l)llll)IMtlM , I NEW -. -tf -r w Wc arc now prepared to show you an entire NEW stock ofM ! Carpets I Carpets Wall Papers . 4. t Evcrv item is this season's goods, and wc arc prepared to serve you promptly and at ! WILLIAflS&ricANULTY j T j Temporary Store, 126 Washington Avenue- BELGIAN HARES run rujAftURK and ritonr. The moil beautiful and affectionate nf all do mestic aiiimaR: I lie finest of meat for the table; cleanly ill lublls; cjost but little lo keep; lc.niire small amount of attention and spwc to Ihe in; nnd are TIIK MOST WON DKltKIH. MTTIjI: JIONl'A'-MAKKHS IN Till'. WOULD. We can tell jou lion- to cam f-'iOO AYEAUtronianiiuottneniof 2'.. Ifjouluve a wnall luck jard, a shed, liarn, or an empty attic, and will dciotc one hour nichl and manihu; we can start jou in an EASY. KAS CINATIS'l and PROriTAniiK BIJSINK. The finest home eniplojiueiit for boj-s or women. We .'hip health. fine pedigreed Mock hr pic"a to art- point and guarantee safe delivery. frnd (or particulars. BOSTON niil.fJtAN HARK CO.. IS Hanover Sticut, llihtou, Mas'. ' " ' " 1 t mm . n n n n Washington and Wyoming A M 4 J i i 3 i x S s 1' tTT W TT T"TT T Tt STOCK. s - -- V. w m T- ' - and Draperies I our well-known low prices. Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 43B to 455 . SCRANTON, PA K. Ninth Stroat, Telephone Call, 2333. NEW YORK HOTELS. Cor. Silrntli Ft. and Irvins 1'lace, NEW YORK. Ameilcan Plan, !.".iil l'er Day and Upwaid?. :uiope.in Plan, fil.00 Per Djy and L'pward-t. ' ill's Special I'atM to Timlllcs. J t. Tiiumi'tiUJN, nop. Hotel VICTORIA, 27th Street, Broadway and 5th Ave., New York European &mgmj&S Absolutely Plan Fireproof I (a the centre of the Hoppla inl theatre dUtrlct A lotlem riiucUvi Hotel. Complete In all Ita sprelntv inrnl). I urnlstiliis and dccorttlont nawthroucliouu Actcii Inn.l4tlr.uv fr 500 ?u.-.tftl 10 ulte vrlth tlri(. Hot an I lc.14 wain atut ulcThune In everjr room, CkUlno un.icelktl,J QUORQE W. SWEENEY, Prop.' ---'-- For Business Men in tho heart ot tut wholesale district. For Shoppers s minutes' vuk to Wanamalcers; S minutes to Slearel Cooper's Ble Store. Unsy of access to the irc4C Cry Goods mores. For sightseers One block from B'way Cars. glv. ins easy transportatlou to all points of interest. HOTEL ALBERT NEW YOKK. Cor. Jlth BT. A UNIVERSITY Pli Only ono Block from Broadway. ROOmS, $1 Up. PesTAnN.i'.e 4 "f f 4' f - f r 4 Every Woman: Isln'vrc'tlTliindaliouldVniiw n bom ibe uon4ciinl Ai'ViL nnirnnn spray lhein;iTlMlb;rl. JnjU; it.ni na.i Stirltmi. llit SAl CSC- .lUtl 1.UDTSUKI1I. i&-. itlHtBtrtiaiHsii; 'or II, II hniMlinoi Sllbl'ly tbo .11.1111 L'l.. aen l.ttu. otlier. hut tend fttu m i fur 11 ilftMau..! luwik ft,ltd.U ClVM lulliaitUuUrandliir.tiiiiuln TaluaUctoUdlei, il "lIlVKI.fO.. llgpiu 669, Timed VJ'., Sew "lOik. iilk ;!g 7 . 7k.v t: I -6 .,s.-lr wv.tT -nar.i" '. -''4.w.m Itkiuui druifttt ror It. VVa&nCiy-" X My '"wrm. jr "T ' w ".iZTH v ftms .' 'mwy -N