" - W vt '-. riufl" '.! -v1, .Jn$iv,,. -t-irCrt -- t ' qt J!-"'! V - THE SOU ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 190 1'. 11 Religious... BISIIOI' CIIAltt.KS M. VOWTiKU, who presided over tlio recent Vyoitiliifr contvrciicc, lum profo i(bly tltu wlileHt cxporletico nn a traveler' or tiny fepresentiitlve of a icIIkIdus body In tills country. Ip lias made a Journey round tlio world nt least three time to say nothliiK of many trips abroad and UitmiffH Anier leo. Jlo has been almost everywhere It Is possible for a white man to set his foot and has visited all the mls Filonnry ntntlons mi the earth. In ninny of his travets he has been accompa nied by Ills wife, and their win, Carl. 3lra. Fowler Is a brilliant and liunil Fomp yoniun, the dauKhter of a family famous. In Mothodtsin, as hor father wast tho lute Kev. Dr. Luke Hitchcock, of Chicago, furl, iilt'liotlsli not much Hiciru than 'J 5 years old li'is taken de crees in sverjl famous universities li'iv and In IJuropc. lie Is a limn of unusujil cuKuie and having entered Ilia law .Is a'uieniber of the most cele brated law linns In New York city. IRItipp Kciwler'ti liorw; In Ttuffalo Is a1 veritable museum crowded as It Is li) every spot with rare and priceless cnrlos gathered In .all laucl.s. Many of these are gUx from missionaries and hrivf'tlirllltiR- histories. They comprise works of art In every depart men l, wonderful old stories, .silver whose his tory Is mhmled with some of the most irltlcnl periods In that of our nation ami the old "world, tapestries, marbles, llrcaruis, china, Invaluable to the col bi'tor by reason of its former owners, us manufacture and wonderful beauty, iiitoke, manuscripts and count les-s other 'icMSiucs which make tin- family Illl ohiK I'loni one episcopal residence to another, a pIlRriniiiRu 'of painful aii.: I"ty. Hlsbop Kouler Is workiiiR on the prepiiratlou of a book which will add Ki'eatly to the lame ho has already nchleved. s The permanent clerk of the Presby tery, 7tev. T5. t!. Webster, is one of the most valued men who has eer acted la nti olliclal capacity in the Lutkii wanna body. He is a cleiKyman ,.oC wiile lcirnliiK and intorestlus per sonally. lie-,. M. j. Cook, the nssi.stant cleik Is one of the most cap.ible men in the T'rtsbyteiy. but one of the hardest wi rKcd". He. win a niissonary on the fiontier in Montana, and now takes ifiiv cf tlnee churches, besides niau nhiiiK a farm. Tli" liiiancial return of bis l.ibors is small, but he is edu i.ilhis; a l.iiuiiy and doing; all the dit ties deiuanrled of him by his calling'. wi ,i On Tliurrday eveninp: of next week, April 2,", the various Yoiiiik' People's Mieietie.s of I'hristiau ICndeavor, of Scirinton and vicinity. Mine twenty five societies in all, will assemble in the l'cnn Avenue church, at which time and plai e the following pro gramme will be envied out: fwriit.v "V i .11 -. of (Jui-tiaii Koli .ir,f Iwi'tifi iiuitutt addio.,, "Twi-nlictli IVnliny Cilipniliip," A tin ltiinutr addie-. 'Twentieth Cent J'.mleaior o. iotii -," A Itn minute addict. 'I'ncntittli Century Clniiclic-," A tin iiiinuto aililio--. T ")ii it tli C'oiiUui Miinn-," A ten minute addie-.. The speakers on the above, subjects cannot be named yet; kuIHcc to say, however, the nit'i'tiiii? promises to lis one of the best that the union has ever bad. The meeting at S o'clock will be pieccded with a song service at 7.30 and short business session at 7,15. The annual convention of tho l.aekn w.inua County Sunday School associa tion will be held Fiiday, May S, in tlie Gren Kldgc Haptlst church, 17(8 Mousey avenue, Scr.iiitun, li v Itli nioi nliiH, afternoon and evening sessions-, at 10, j.Wi and 7,'iO. llach M.I100I in the county is entitled to two delegates in addition to tho pastor and siipeilutendent. Tf any of the.e wish eiitei tainmeui, please und names in advance to J lev. W. ,T. Ford, in IS Mou sey avenue, Senmton. The programme tor tho convention v ill bo une of unusual Interest and In cludes scch well-known speakers as Rev. Pis. Pierce and Lansing, of Scrnnton: Kev. Charles Itouds, I, D of Philadelphia; Mrs. .1. AV. Barnes, a pioniineiu stuto tst:nclny scliool worker; Secictaiy Cieoige 15. Mahy, of tho ( Scrapton Voung Men's Christian asso ciation, and others; and no school tn the count" can atfoul to miss this op portunity of improving the quality of Its tcaclieiK and increasing their ef fect ivenesx. Trv to have as many of ,vilir te.icliers attend as possible, tb The slxteeiitli semi-annual lonveu lion of tho 'Wilkes-Uarro conference of the lOvaugellcal Lutheran Mlnlsleiium of Pennsylvania will bo held in Tilnlty churi It, Lehlghton, on Mond.iy, Tues day and Wednesday next. The open ing session will ho at 7,30 Monday even lug and the closing ono at 7,110 'Wcdnes day evening. Tlio oltlcers or the mlnts lerium are: Kev, j. q. Solilonk.-r. llaalcton, preslduiit; Kev. YV, h, Ilutl tou, Ph.D., Wilkes. Ham', secretary; llev, J. .1, Kuntz, Fieclund, trea&urec, Professor Plumley,- of the School of tlie Lackawanna, was vomplluicuted In a fellcllous way the other night at tho Sore Lungs mean weakened lungs all caused by a cold and cough Weak lungs sooner or later mean consumption, Shiloh's Consumption Cure will heal and strengthen the lungs, cure cold and stop the cough. "I coughed for tjihid hemorthigM. Doctori u4 1 wts m Uit ttage of coniump tton. Htd clven up all hope. I finally tried biiitou and it cured me completely. Am today in perfect health." r MRS- FLOKENCE DREW. East Oakland, Cal. Mdloh'a Ouniuruptlon Our U told by U drugglaU at ItSo, fiOv, 91.00 u bottle. A printed guarauUe xaet with avery bottlo. If you itronut satlitletl go to your UrugKlat aud set your uiouey back, Wfi'c for illuttrated book on cooiumption. Sent without col to you. S. C. Wclla & Co.. LcRoy, N.Y. last session of the Piesbytuiy, us It was voted to urge him to continue hlH Sunday HcrvlceH nt the Taylor nnd Humnec avenue churches, where ho liui done ptieh valunblo work. One of the clergymen, In speultlng of the former church, t'omtirkcd cxpicsslvely that "the Tnylor church wants to die, It Is trying to die, but It doesn't want to be burled," Hence Profe.'isor Plumley's labor Is needed In that particular field. Religions News Mes, The ninth anlnveisary of William Prynn will bo celebrated at the ltcscuc inlslson tonight at S o'clock. Kev. David Spencer. V. D., will rend a paper nt tho Haptlst pastors' conference Monday at 10.00 a. in., "Method and S'lilue of Expository Preaching." Tho Kev. W. 11. Williams, drummer evangelist, will occupy the pulpit of the Welsh Presbyterian church, South Muln avenue, April L'l, 10 a. tn. Sub ject, "Hrenking Homo Tlfis." All are Invited to attend. ir: Dr. .1. H. Sweet will not assume his new pastorate In Oneonta until, next week. In his five years' term at the Simpson cluucli he has broken tho record a" "burying parson," whether or not he has made one as a "marry ing paivon," for during that period ho has otllciated at five hundred funerals. A convention of the Lackawnnna County Christian Kndeavor union will be held In the lower temple of the IVnn Avenue Haptlst church, Thurs day afternoon. April 25, beginning at .'."0 o'clock. Tho members of the so ciety of the Penn Avenue church will entertain all visiting delegates. All lOndeavoreis In the county arc urged to attend this convention. Tho Wilkes-Barro conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Minlsterium of Pennsylvania will hold its spring con vention in Lchighton, Pa April 22 to 24. Tlie Lutheran clergy of this city will attend tho meeting. Kev. C. G. Spleker, of Holy Trinity Lutheran church, and Kev. A. L. Ranter, Ph. D of St. Marks', are on the programme to present "Theological Thesis." Tho men's meeting at tho Knilroau Young Men's Christian association will be addresed by Secretary W. W. Adair on Sunday at n.45. The subject will be "The White Horse and His Kider." Tin; Simpson male quartette, whose singing has been a most enjoy able feature of the April meetings, will again be present and conduct the song service. A hearty invitation is extend ed to all men. On Sunday, at ".13, at the men's meeting in the Young Men's Christian association room, the address will be delivered by 'Evangelist John A. Davis, of Uinghamton. This is tlie beginning of a series of meetings to be bold each evening during the week, except Wed nesday evening, in the Voting Men's Clnlslian association room, conducted under tlie auspices of the Personal Workers' band, at which Kev. Davis will speak. Kev. W. H. Williams, "the drummer evangelist," will conduct Anti-Saloon league meetings tonunrow, as follows: 10 a. m., Calvlnistlc Methodist church, North Main avenue, Hyde Park, sub ject, "Kreaking Home Ties:" 7.30 p. 111., Uaptist church, Forest City, subject, "Tlie Young Man and His Company;" buuday, April 2S, 10.30 a. 111., Derr Me morial Methodist church, Wilkes-Barre; '.', p. in.. Methodist church, Duryea; 6 p. m., (.'nlvinlstic Methodist church, Uelle vuo; Sunday. May 5, G p. in., Welsh Congiegational church. Market street, Providence: Sunday, May 12, 10.30 a. 111,, Puritan Congregational church, Providence. At the I'enn Avenue Haptlst chinch tomorrow evening, the pastor, Kev. Dr. Pieice, will give the second Illus trated seimon In tho series on "Pil grim's Piogiess." This sermon will he illustrated with many handsome views placed on the screen by tho aid of a powerful electric stereopticon. The topic for the lecture seimon will bo "The Wicket flute, unci Life's Burden I lolled Awa " A brief review with lantern slides will be given each even ing, of the Important features of the ircceedlng seiinons, that all may have the outline of the whole stoiy. "Pil grim's Progress" Is an old story, but it Is aiw.iys popular. The Pcnn Avenue chinch was ciowded hist Sunday even ing to hear the Hist sermon of itho course. Firaw9s Services Methodist Episcopal. I'.Iiii I'.ok iliuirh I'ijjci iiiul .i,i.c uii.n hi li.wi J Prr.u'liini; .it R,:o by tlie ulor, ('. M. filtlin, II. ) i4h, imetlntr iiUit the pirjililni; miUic Sinichj silinol ,il -J p. m, .luiiiui Ioiriiq at SI, 15. Senior Kmoil IcdKi'f.it. 0.;io p, 111, I'li'idiiiiar frmiiv at 7.;:o y, 111., ser mon liy the putor. Smite, .it Hie Minion, r, 1 Pino ctrcct: smith mIiuuI nt n,.n,n ,1. m, j;p. vol III Iciriii. nl il.:id p, 111. .Ml .no urlionip. siimiNon MtliioilM i:pieopil iliurili Iter, II. ('. .MeDeiiimti. pitnr. llev, .1. P. SHcet nlll imidinl I lie nn lin nl the tl.iy, preaililug at l).:,il. In lilt rvonluu the ihnli, uniler the h.idei.liip of Piol. W, , Joiio, will lopwt thn prnii Kjsln nutate , ronrriidiiB which to inueli (jiomIiIc ininiiii'iit WJ heaiil, 'I III H ho llev, Mr. Sweet's lit Stnnlay with Slniunn cliuich, Ash Mieet Methoill.t i:plopj ihuich Iter, .1, It, Austin, p.nlor. Morning prcjdilng teivlec jc 1ll.Su, mbjeil, "Mvin Saerlfitea": d.is meeting .it lii.JO .1, in., J, ;. JUstcc,, je.tileri Suiitlay siliool Jt 2 p, lit., I!. W, stone, superintendent; Junior I.e.isne Jt J p. in., Mist Katlo llartinan, iiieilntriiili'iiti llpnorth league at ll.t,1; eienlng sen lee at 7.H0, subject, "Self Cnntiol." A cot. illil wekoiiio lo all, Vay Aug MithoilIU KpUtopal chinch Futicby sdinol at .'.) p. ni., I'lauk IMward-i, biiperiii tiiuleiit; priaciltg senito at 3.30 p. in. All wel. come. Ceilar .Uciiue Jlfthoiltst i:p,copal chinch P. P, Doty, pj.lor. Sen-lccs April 21,. JOOl. Meeting of lliolhcrhood at fi.l". a, m,; pleach ing at 10.30 a. in. ami T.'M p. in. by the pastor, hi'iioi Kpnouli Icauo at .'J.J.O p. in,; Kpwoitli leaane, 0.S0 p, in, A ioiiIUI Hcltoiue lo all. Court Sniet. 3lethotlit KpUropjl clmuh !. V. Ionian, paJoi; cla, D.r, a, m,, 0. 1). pe. Witt, leader, PieachliiB 0.:i0; Sunday chool, 11,13, 11. II, C'latK, tuj)eriiiteiulf nt; UrotlierliooU of St, Paul, U p. in,; Junior league, 0.80, Mr. I'ic-'l Klnic, upciiuUmlt.'nt; Kpuotlli league, U.U0; piv.u.lilii(f, 7.3U. Olliclal boatd luretiug MonJav, 7,30; pujer meeting Wttlnoday, 7.30. Sea'ts free. All welcome, Hampton sheet MellroiJiit l-'pUcopal chuich llev. James Wenninger, pastor. Pinching at 10 SO; .ubject of .union, "'(lie Ascension ol Cliriat;" clasi meeting at U.SIO; Sutnlay uthool at 'J p. u, j Junior league at 8 p. tu.j Senior league at B.30J leader, Amu Ulster, fcitnini; preaching Ktvlcc at 7.30; ubject of wrtuon, "A Logical Conilu-Jon." Pioldemc,MetliodUt l.'pUcopal chuuh-llev. Oeoige A. I'uic, paitor. lliotluihood of St. Paul lueeU at 1U a. in.; morning acmioa at 10 30, subject "The AJwtitagts of llcing Still"; Sun lay school at 2 p. in., C. W, Dau.on tuperln UuUtiit; b'pwoiiU league at U.13, i:. I.. Henjai'iiiu piolJent; topic, "WaUing wlih Jew." sub. jeet of eienlug kiuicii at 7,30, "'Uc lilidj, n- un usson 00 The Walk to Emmaus. j. e. Gilbert, d.d for i ... ,t. ti it Secretary of American AnHI Ol LUKC XXIV: 13-35. Society of Religious April ZU Education. CONTK.TT, Tim resuirrcdon of .Tcmij oceurrorl early In the morning of Stimliy, the ftrot tlay ot tlie .tewMi week. Py noonday Jenmalem win Uiciittj' agitated hy ttrange nntl conflicting in tnoii cotireinlng .train. Tim women had ie porlctl what they hid heutd yhl seen CM.uk xils 7), nnd tliolr lalrnirnt were icageily tepaletl nnil dlsi-uwil hy lite apoUle, Tho ntl tuev Hge of the soldier (Matt. nwIIIs 11). tle.pllc lite eftoiM to mipiircM It, (rallied cmrciirv. while tlie laboliood of the Saiilictlrlti (Matt, .swill: 12) win Imhuttioii'ly ciicnlntcil. One fait wu c tflhlliherl the tmnh of .loscph wa empty, Wlnl hail het.ouie of Hie body deposited there on l'l Way J Hid It, been tetoreil to life, or liait tl liecii AtolenV Ag.ilmt the latter aiuniptloii many objections ttilght liaie been nrgeil lht precautions taken (Malt, xwll: (K-firt), the Known llilcllty of Itofnan roldiem, tho tiller helpleiueM ot the apostle', tho penalty for lueaUliiR tin1 Kotnmnent seal, the fact, t mat no nirciM wem liutle. The founer anuinptlnit was Incredible lo frlcmls (Luke wlv: 1t) and nlimnl to ene tule. So the perpte.tlly lncrcaed 111 the day nd. ancrd, i;PISOPi:. 1'undef inh cliruimtiiiKvs an hit niedlato departure to Galilee, In olicdlcnrr to the word of JesiM (Matt, W: 10), rauld not lie nttetuplcd. Ileforc the teinmat of Ihe ,iposllr front Jcrtifalcm they inut he cnntlncnl that their laard U tdhn, ec tliey will go toith not only to abandon UN rattso an Ifs.t hut to bear a stigma lorever. The chief pilosis must not be allowed to tilutnplt again. The Mitcnirnt ot the soldiers nnd of the women )iiut he piotd true. In this riy city, where tnc mob called lor the destruction of .!en, follow Inc lllin to (lnlgoth.1, here wltnr-srs inut be raised up who will testily together nnd who will go fnttli to pioclalm their lultli In the ilsen Ixird. The lev.nu now In he studied roers one of the Incident") hv which Jcmis seeks to gain this Im poilant end and sotttics the lo.ial mppott of Ills npostlep. It may be dlilded Into two patt. The first, irises 1.5 lo 21, shows the bowlldcied disciple", the slate of Ihclr minds. The second p.ul, er-es ilo to .'!.".. shows how Je-.us reiealed lllm-clf lo Iheui and made tliciu witnesses. i in: ri:iiii.i:.i:u m&r iri.t:. I'OXVTttsK. Ninn; time in tfie .lftrniuou of Sunday, piohably about ,1 o'clock, two tllsclples set out for tie little ill.ige of Ihnniaus, about eight miles diitaut. Hue of tbeni was Cleopas (vop-R IS), a fon-ln of Jesus (John n!: i!"D, the htbliand ot Marj, one of the women who tooi I nt the cios. He also known ,f Alpheus (Hebrew nintp) the father of James, one of tiie apostles. The name ot the other is unknown. Most senolars think it was I.uke, as no other trason can he asnignctl for withholding it, while V)r. l.ichtfoot uiges that it was Peter (I Cor. v: ."i). As tliey jouine.ved they tuuier.ied ton lerning the tilings that had teeently ttansplte.1. This i,i, not MitpiMng. All Jews liad been li.iiued f i oni thildhond (111 ill. .i: 7; Mai. Hi: I'.) to tinke teliglous matters the chief theme of comers.ition. Uesides, the topic of Jesus and the empty tomb, now so Iieely tousidncd in the lily, vaa one of suptcmc toncern to them. They ai ted wl-ely In telliiug fiom the eeilenient anil srtking a iiilet pi ice for meditation, and, po-sihli, fot piajer, OJ.'IMIOS. While they mniersed JeMis sud denly appealed mid walked with tlitm, nihil-iiig- two ot III.- piinni-e, (Milt Mill: HO; John ii: I4). Tliey did not lecngnlyp Him, p inly beeause His torm wns changeil (Milk Ni: M) and partly liMU-e of a imfoiiou iulliuntc upon their i-iim (icise HO, Thtie si ems tn li.oe been Miui'fliiiig peiuhir about His leMiireelion bull, o (hit on M'leral oicasinn- He was imf known John :.n: II; :,l: n. Hut lie, di,. teuiing that tliey wcie .imitated and ,ul (veise 17), eii-ii a lie h,,d iieilieleil (John xii: u'fl). kinilly Innniml intu the -.ibjeet of their eon. eiilloti as one mspo-ed to lie fiiemlly, 'I hey ii'lmniil His ipieotion b, another, desirin? lo know if He was a stiangcr lit JrnKiIcm, ignor ant of what had come to pi-s. And Ho piessed them to tell linn what tiiiug. m.s questioning was intensely inteiestlng en hoth niile-. It .hewed I hat ,o tlitciples knew not tliat they weie won .Ii -us. And He doubtless eNpceird to help II em tn ill-coin- Him or to prepire Hum lor Hi-, ttalPitieuK V good teathir adapts his winds In I he stale of Iih pupil's mind. lli:i'l,V, 'I In j ihiit-foie pint ceiled t iihcn-e Ihe whole muter in an oiduly wav. 'lliey spoke ot Jcmis of N'.i.iK'tli a a piophet, i laiinlng for Him lnoie thin lnd hum lonununly con nded (Matt. xnI: It; l.uKe ii: in), mnltling for tlie tiiouient the uieai totifessiuii (Mati, Nii: lo). 'Ihey lefeiidl lo Ins niiglily died-, ,ui-I wold-, the pioof- of 111- pmphelh- ili.uaeter tt(s li: 1-2). They lelated Hie stmy f . mriliioii M-fuied at the instigation nt'lbe ihlef pticMs and nilers, and deilaied tliat they h.vl tiusleil He would toihviii Israel. 11 this tliey meant, whai all I lie ili-i lpU, li.ul epitleii. Hut Jius would it-e Ills gieal power in Ine.il,. iug the Itoiuan ,ioke and n-loiing tm tluoue of l).ii Id. This was tho scuet of their soncw. Their hopes bid died at Ills cio-s, They went nn to sny that was the thlid diy -hue Ills onuu lion, that some of tlie apostles had said He We should Hi fend llirui. What We -Iioulil l.euin fiom Them." Baptist. I'uiii Aienne Haptlst chinch, l'i nil aienue, be tween Sprui e and Llinku stltets, Pieatiiiii:, inoiuing at IO.::o and ciinlng at T.W by the pas tor, ltc. Itobeit f. V. I'ietce, P. I. Motning prajris in the lower trmple at !M3. Theme of uioiuimr seimon, "Lite's Metrj- Side, of the fio ppl of ihiirfulne-s"; Snuda.i Ililile mIiooI at home i lunch al - o'thnk, and nl Ihe Anieiuinii mii-Inn, on I'icsiotI aienue, at :i..ii) p. in.; oung PeopleV nieetiug in the lower temple at I...A lu the eirnlng the paoi will glip llie seimid seimnn in the Pllgilni' l'iogrpd spiles. Topic, "The Wltkil fijle nnd I.i.e's lluiden Itolhd Awa.v," illiistiated with many heautiiul steteopliioii xlews. Ihlef ciaugtllsllt' afteisiueel lug at width lie pastoi will use ciajun skttthes ami )hs. I'ietto will sing, bj- leqiicl, "Take tlm Woild, but tlite Me Jrcu--." I'h.-l. Haptlst thuitli, r-outli .Main aienue':, ', Mathews, pistnr. 'llie ti-nil Sibbitb serilccs morning and eiruiug, II. SO a. m, and 7,:;0 p. in, ill the haseiiient of tlio WcWi llipllst tliun.li; Sunday seliool, '."0 p, m Pljuiouih ihunh, llr, lleddop, supciiuteinleiit; P. V, I', I, scnhe, i..:'i) p, in. ut lioille ball, Piatcr meellrg Wel nesday eicnlng, 7,::0 p. Ill, All ate wchuuie. .lac t f"ii sticet Haptlst ihuitli Moiuiug piairr merllng at O.'M; leader, William Pfothcrne, Pleaching scrihc at 10,30; Hie pislor, Itev, Thomas do (Jnulij, D. ,n will pipaeh, Sunday .clioo) al J p, in., Chailei Hnllej .superiiitiudent, Li ening senile al 7 sliatp, 'lliis is the peoples' senice; good singing, addiess "'I ho su Tliat Hinders." You aie all iuillid to attend all the serilccs of our chinch. We will welcome jou, (heen Hidgc Iljpti3t cliuich Moiuiug prater meeting at 10 oMock, Pleaching hy the pastor at 10.. '10 a, in. anil ,'M p, in, Subject In tlie morning, "The Persecuted and Their Itcward;" in the tuning, "Ho Ye Now Hclieici" Sunday school at 11,11; meeting ot tlm Junior society at 8.S0; piajer meeting of tlie Senior society at (U0, Mcuiull.it Uaptist cliuiih - lie pastor, llci, W, P. Davis, will pleach Welsh in Ihe morning and Huglish lu the eicnlng, subject of the cym. ing seimon, "Why Sumo Itellgloux llodif Piac tlce Until Spt Inkling uud huuieisiou." Ilthl echool al 2 p. in., aupciiiitcudeut Daniel Huns. lilakcly llapllsl cliinci. Her, Diild Spencer, D. ),, pa.tor, At 10.80 a, in, the pastor and Itev, Jaiue.1 llay, of the P, M, chuiru, will e.Niliaugo pnlplti; 11. Ii, IMblo icliool; MS p. in., l, y, p, 1 ,; T,so, eicnlng tcrinou by the pastor. Hitij--liody wtlcoiiif. Presbyterian. 1'iist Ptesb.iteiian church Son iies lu.ial a, in. and 7,u0 p, in, Dr, Mcl.eod will picach uioiuiug and eiciiiiif. Strangers welcome. second Picshjtcrlaii chuich Serilccs 10.S0 a. in. and 7J10 p. in. Hi. Iloliliisou will 'pieaih luoinliig and I'lenlng. The subject for the eicn lng seimon will ho "The Mi.ter." All are cor dially United. fiiun ltldgo Presbjteiiau church Bev, I. J. Lansing, pastor; ltd, L. It, l'o.-tci, aulstint; 10.U), erice of worthlp with scnuou by the pastor; subject, "Couiage;" l;', bible school; H.U0, Christian Ihideaioi; 7.50, sen ice with bu llion by the pastoi; subject, "Cepuinc Satiation for Iteal People." AH luiitcd ami welcomed. Providence Picsbjtetiaii church The pastor. Itev, Dr. (iulld, will occupy Ihe pulpit at 10.SO a. ui. and T.tii) p. in. Suudaj school at uoou. LndcMior meeting jt c;: y'thsk. was ntlif, hut some of the aposties had fotitul the srpulcktiie empty and had failed to seo Tesu, Or, hi It fly, they had followed the for tunes of it gte.it prophet, eNpectliig temporal Miicrrlgnly through Hint and had nunc lis ills, appointment and he wlldennent. tih: iii:m:ai.i:d ji;sl.s. ( HIP 1 1; Hi:, 'I Ills (iindld slalriuent haling been made, Je'lls may speak", Ills Hist woids, "Oh, fools!" h.ush In our tongue, slguldeil In the oilglual, "without undcrstAtulitig," Ilo is astonished that tliey do not jet know the moan ing of Ihe pioplietlo wools, width plainly ie f n red In the Me.slanlc lelgu as splilltial and not lenipor.il (PmIiii pnw: S; l-a, lit: 2d). Tlirn He had tcpe.iledly eNplalned (.Malt, : fl; ill: Ut). It was Italetd Wnuilcrful that .1 whole peo ple should inlsluterpii't their own saircil liouks. and that a ii.iliuii.il fallacy should he so deep seated as to suivlvc the lime .leais ot ituislaut t'flott In oierlluow It! "Ought not Chilst to Hitter" He aked, Was tint that in Imtnnny wllh piophctii; ultiraiKo? (s,i: IIH: l-!i; Xctli. Niil: 7). Was tint thai Willi h .sou deploie (he icty way lo Ills alter glot.i ? Thee opening words wcie followed hi iiuiu"1oiis ijnottit li.ti-s mill e. n.ltloiH, hegiuiilug with Miwi s and imi nlng tliiough the ptopheK sef.lna: fnilh ihe olliee, woik and charaettr of Messlali, nil haling been fulfilled in lllm-elf. This method nt sermoniz ing, oceup.tlng a long I lute lu the highway, was imitated hy the apostles (Atls nniIII: 2.1). Why do so fiw preach In our time? What do men need but to know what the scriptmes teath on any wibjttt? Anilhlng else In a pulpit is a disappointment an anxious minds and ttouhled hearts. IHtCAD.-Tlic teaching wa haiilly done when Ihum.ius was teiealed. Tn cive loom for the inoteiu tustoiu of hospitality Jesus appealed lo be moling on, but ihe disciples ronsliaiued Iilm to larry witli Hum, as the day was far spent (Hen. .nIv: 3; Ails mI: IV). Tiny ha I hraid enough to tniiiiuie Iheui that (hi.- -hanger was nuilhy to he a guest, and they pNpcftcd to know inoie Irom Him who knew -o unit ii of Ihe seilptuic ami ol the Cliii-l Ihey loicd. and who, best of all, siemetl anlous to lead their minds to rest. Will not every earnest Uutli-seeker welcome a i-oinpclenl Insliutlor,' 'Ihe looms ate secured at the inn, and shoitly the ciening meal is ready and the Hnee are sealed fit the fable, Theie is no n pott of Hie conici-atlon. Were the two silent IMenris foi BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS. By Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D. Ft om Author's Notes in "The Sunday School Lesson Illustrator," Published hv & Co., Chicago, 111.) M.iiiv beautiful le-sons ate brought to our at (liil-tlan tini.,nion-hip-. The Iwo di-tlph-. lu tilked tif Jpsii-, whtn lo: the Jla-lei tlrew near fellow ship and i-ontcration is liallowed In- Ihe ioniilti of thee disciple.-, who-e he.uto and hope, a t ills, with Jesus, a home with Jcsii., and a fp Second, we notice the iiuportautc of f'iuist tliim to loie liiiu, hut spend the bonis ill ctupl.v, speaking of tlieir laud and His cau-e lo edilicatiu -pake ottcn one lo another," Head Mai. :i: IB. Thlid -Vote al-ii the Icsmiii on Olni.-ll.iii ton bowed down, Hie tli-tples' ejes weie holilen, but that He tould biiug to liieni the tonitmts anil liiilh. Do we ntctl Jtsu- mid is mlni-liius.' T ami hope, for eieij- he.ul and pmij- need. routtli- Note .Hsu tlie le-sim of Clui-tiui co edge, the dl-clph-, listened cagiili to the tjieit stiuctioti. He opened to lliem the Siiipluie-, and and (Ley beheld the l.imh, the Lmil, Ilic Llie. -u- Hies. Je-iis hoe-, fa-h i jos aie no .Ie le--oiis oi the le-uruttion. -Ir-us tmiis mil tliouglits awaj- fio'u Ihe tonib to Ihi on the tc-uiieetion s,(. ot tlie giac. He walks w'ith His di-ciples, tomifiils abides in theii lionies, blerv-es their meeting-, and biings jo.v to tlieir beail-. Vole al-o the niaiij upciicil tilings luriilinned or taught III the le on todi;': oreiE St jiii tin. I'a. Mashbuili sticet Pie-hueiiau chuicli Itev. John P. Mofiat, I), P., pi-loi. Seniles 10.:;il i. in. and 7,:M p. in. i Hible stlmnl at 12 in, ; Young IVoplc Soeltl.v of ("hristlan Uuileaioi al (l.'.'O p. lu.: mhjctt, "Walking i.ltli Jt-u-," leader, JIU-s Mutha Phillip-. Prajer lueeting Wrilw da.v, 7,".il p. in. The pi-tor will cNihange pul pits wllh tlie ltd, W. I', lilblinu- at the inmii lug senile. Tlie pa-tor will pieatb lu the eicn lng. Spoiial inu-ic in Hie evening: solo by ..-s sailor, wllh oii obligalu In (itoigc Watei.-. All wehonie. Sunnier Avenue Picsbjirilm ibiuili, t outer iinnnrr .iienue and Pilie -licet Mi, lle.alnl llrouu will conduit, Ihe morning .-en he al in.::u ii cloth, Mr, IV, I). Plunilf) 'i,, pieaih at II p. in. Mindly school at J p, pi. Hand ot Hopo on Tiiesila.v and Thmsda.i ccciilng.. Mid-wttk pi.ijer senice on linhie-dii ciening, T.l'i, A welcniue to all, Adams Aienue t hapc). New- nU -Heel Mr. W, J. T'oney will pic.it Ii al Iii.Jii a. in, Mr, Hughe, will alsu lake pail In tlie -eiihr, s,m, tliy seliool at :i u'cloil;, Mr. I hindler, Mipenp tendent. Ml. hughes win leach the Sleu's Hible this,; I'liii-tian LndeaMir ntlcly it H. 13, 'Ihe lte, James Hughes will pieaih at 7..MI p. in, On Monda.1 ticnlng at 7,11 Mr. Allen will lead a paper on "Lltilihiiy" at tlie men's meeting. A ultll.il iuiilillon is R I wii to the geueial public) to attend theso serilce-. ( apnusts Chapel Pitacliliig lti.SO a. m. and 7,il p. in, by the pastor, llev. U It. I'os er. SuiitLij siliuol, .1 p, m. Senior Lndcaior, (l.,(0; Jiiuior Lndeaior and singing, .Monday Pienlng; piajer nieetiug, 7,:iu 'llun.-day ciening; leading loom open I'liday eienlug, All wehome. Episcopal, SI. I ul.o's Palish Pel, llogti.. Isiarl, 1 p. lector; Iter, II, J, lliiighton senior curate; llev. M, II. Nash, junior cuiate, Second Sunday altel Raster, St, Luke's diurcli 7.S0 a. in,, holy commun ion; 10..10 a, in., morning piajer and sniuon; 7,:i0 p. in,, ciening piajer and sermon; n.lj a, nl., Sunday school and Hible classes, St, Milk's, Putuuore S a, m., holy coiuuum. ion; 10.r,U a, in., morning prajer and seimon; 3 p. in., Sunday school and Ililile t laves, Ikist L'urt Mission, I'Hv-cott in t'tiue j.:;o p. ni, S'uiiclaj' Khnol and Hible Uas-cs; ,'!.U p. in., eicnlng piajer and seimon, South Slclo Mission, I'lg slieel .,,:!) p. in , sun. diy acli'sd and Hible ilis.-n, si. Ueoigc's, Olyphant i',i) p, m., suiidiy silio)l and Hible claoes; U.tlO p. m,, ptnlug piajer and seimon. St. D.nid'ei ilmrcli The lelehiailon ot livly t'ciumunluii, 7.00; .Matiii'. lllany and seimon, lu.50; eunlng ung, 7,."0; Sunday nhool, 'J..'i. ( hnst'a ihurch, corner Washiugtuii aienue and Paik sticet Itev. I", s. Hallentlne, paslor, Ser, licrs 10.80 a. in.. 2.:0 p. in. and 7,::o p. m. All scats fire All welcome. Reformed Episcopal, tiiace Itefoiiued L'pistopal (hutch, Wjuuuug avriiiio. below Mulbtnj Itev. (ieoigc f.. All Is. h, pa, lo Prajer and praise senile, V.S0 a. in.; diiiuc" worship, 10.30 a. m. aud 7.U0 p. in., prcaihing by the pastor: A. m., "Tho Sabbath sign," i:'k. ;0: li; p. in., "Jlen'i, Tithes and Hod". Windows -Studies In Malacbl," Mai. 8: 10; Sabbath seliool al li in.', Y. P. S. 0. H. at i,) p. m. Lesson study, Wednesday eiinlng at l.'M u'ljock; prajer imvllng al S uMoi-k, Seats nee. All wi Koine. furllicr instruction? Did ttc loaie them to re tted on Ills foimcr woids? Alter little Jesus rhanged Ills allltmle Irom that of a guest lo that of n host, Taking bread, He litoke It (Luke hi 111), and blessed and g.uc It to them l.uku Xllll0), Simultaneously Ills foiui thanged, their eyes were opened and Ihey knew lllnit -Mid behold hi n moment morn He was gone! WONDI'.lt, 'Ihe two, led alonn nl Hie lalile. weie filled with ny nm! astonishment. Their ddulii's nie Icsolvrd, their frais aie dlMiils.rd, their hopes are loilicd. Cleopas and Ids loin panlons liislnnlly tct'alleil their emotions hy Ihe way, which id the I line lirlttur cspies-ed lu Ihe other. "Phi not our hearts burn within usr" they said, 'Hiey had felt tnc suhtle Intlu cure of tlie wniideilul Petsoii and the glow of Ihe heaienly trullt width He ilclbered (Jcr, .nn: i), while their own reflet llofts had awak enett meinoilcs nnd wanned and sblfietl their spirits ( Psalm nnxIn: It). In alt leathlug there Is this thiie-lold power thai ol Ihe teachet, lli.il of Ihe suhjerl. that of Ihe study-all wtouglil Into a llle-gliing aud CNpauslic force. And so Jcsiw, tme Muster of the highest arl, had Hist pi pp ueil the soil, then deposited the seed and allPtward giien time (or Its reieptlon. lie knew the laws ol man's spiritual life and oh rued thrill, lln u-ed truth to make them (ret (John i Hi: '',!), and led them gently on until tliey weie iciuly, nnd then appealed, to their astonishment. Oh. for teaccn like Him who i an open Ihe wool mid adapt it to the doubting ind Irouliled and help them find the l.otd sitting by their side. COM M slON'. See how Hie pi oofs of the ipsiiiiprllnp tuultlply. I'ir-t the Itoni.ni soldlets, ncNt the women, now the tlfstiples hate had islons Hill inn. I luiilliiu caili other. Three tlases n unlike will pour llieli tomhlned tcsti inotiy Into an oici whelming urgumtnt. Ve men of jar, set trj watili; .ie women, seeking Ihe lontlj wllh aneclinu for the dead; jc men, going to ihiiiiiaus, sad and dlsheailened, we hear your wolds: "The laud is ilsen. Indeed," It oc i lined, as wp might, suppo-e, that tlio two dis ciples hastily lefl Kiuinaus, returned to Jeru-a-lent and sought the iipn-tlr', who that night had ..'atlieied in an upper mom. Tlioj- went lo bear gl:d tldincs, but toutul on anlial the torn piny icioiiiug and sa.ilng that Jp-us had ap lieated lo Simon (Luke .Nlv: ,':t). While they were adding their tesiimony a still giealer sin-pii-e nwalled them. Jp-ii, Hlm-elf skn in their mlil-t and said: "Peace he unit, jou" Luke nnI : ,"U), nuking Ids llltli appearance. , Kevcl tendon lotlaj. I'u-I, we nutite the hlcs-ing- of tnlioiieil in our loon, walked Ingetbei an I 'I hi- is nlwajs the wuj-with oiu l.onl; Cluisli.m te.-emc and loiui-pI of the .Master. The toinpan- s 1 aim- t.ne nnc, led to a walk with Jesus, il wllh Jp-us. lin (oniiiMitioii, Hod foigivps 1 1 , - many, wlm sillj. seii-cle-s, sinliil t oniei-itinn, in-te.nl ot li and piofit. "Then they tliat feated tlie Lout t fen. In their onow of he.nl, saddened anil Jpsiis inuld see tliclr ntctl, and was nc.ii ai hand consolations of His gi.ite and of tlio wool of Inn lie assiucil tint He is cci ncai witli help un-el. lu thill iunoi.iuti.. hut aiiNioiis bu knowl- rc.ulirr who wa- ptrsent wllh the neees-aiv in tliej -aw liiilh the pioplictj' .mil Hie meiept, alnne for Iki-lti llij, llieit ilaj -peaks its lit in;, lealilics their sotinw-, o S( III" II Ill's I Mil'.lHTVMHMi, HUM!:. i:vrs. iii.'Ains, Evang'oltoKJ Lutheran. Li.ingi Ileal l.iillieiau Vt'uiid sund.iv after i:.lttl. Uo-icl, folill, Nlll-H.i cpl-tle, I Pel pi, H:2I '".. si. Mail.'-, Wa-bhuin and rutuleeiilli .-licet- -'tc-N. A, l ll.iuiei, I'll. P., pi.tur, seititc-, 10 :ifj a, ni., 7.MI . m.; Ltilhir league, u.."i) p. lu.; Sundry ,t hmd, I.' in, ; Mission Hand, ,-utuilij-, -.-" p. in. Moinlu, sctihe, "Clnl-t Our I'A.nupli! I'litu lllgluiiitisiiess"; ciening senlte, 'Ihe (,'od ol IVate Make You P.iiett." Holy I'lliiitj, Adams uicnue and Mulhenv sliect llci, (', ('. Sileker, pa-ior, Nuiite., 10,;,i) a. in,, 7;0" p, m.j Luther h'lgue, i! .'ill . in,; suiidiy -ebon!, PJ in.; Mission Hand, s itmii.it, 111 a, ni. st. Paul'.,, shun annuo llci. . t . ,, Liner, pasior. senhes, n.:,i) a. in,, 7.::u p, m,; suinlav chool. -J.:'!) p, n; ( att'ilietlial lii.tim lion-, ::. II p. in.; I.utliti Lcigne, Wcdne-di.v, (!.ii p, ni. SilouV, Mlllllii ,imiiUi Hi v. V P. XIpIiii inn, pi-loi, seiuic, 111 ni a. in. I miuiIij m Imol, ' p. m, Chilst t Inn , li, (edit .ntiiue ,iu liinn -tuet tlCl. JaillCs Wltkc, pistol. SiMlIlC-, Hi.. (I .1. Ill, "..HI p, ui.; 'iiiiiIiv H-lmol, V p. ni. st, I'.liiV, l'i i'm ui( .ui inn- Hit. ,li,ui Han ihdph, pa-tor. St n he, 1u,.'.0 a. in,, 7.:,i) p. , ; Sunday stlmnl, 'J p, in. Cnianuel Ci-iunu-l'nlMi Lillheiau ihuitli, lce3n sticet llev, I'cirliniiiil siliebutlci, pa. tin. Pleaching in the lleiiuiii language at 10 a, Hi Sunday nIiooI, ' p. in, ('late Kuglisli Lulhcian cliuiih (Umi.i.iI stund) rumor M ull-ou aienuo ind Mnllieny siieti Hcv. Lulher lles Waring, uioi. ii.;,u ,i, m., .iniilaw stl.ool; pi.;a) a. i Iliiue woihlp, subjot of cimoii, "'Hi" liu.'ii slitphenl"; i,.-, p. ni., ), I. ", C Ik; 7,.:u p, in., dlilne wuiship. A gos pel song senile, with tlm ,,iy nt .ome well known soiii... The public . ronliallj luitleil. MiscoUtiucous, Zluil I iiilnl Kiaiigclical ihuitli, 1 pju I apou-o axeiiue 1'ivjcliliig al 10.:)0 a. m, and 7::o p, m. by tho pastor, llev. J, W, Me-senger. Subjects, "Oilrst's Hold" and "f lulst a a Leadei," sun day sihool, iijioj Senior Lndeator, iUO; Junior Kudeaior, ,1j piajtr meeting, 7.0 WeducMlay eicnilig. St.lK flip and (tiljbotly ticliome lo all seniles, f'alvaiy llefoimed ihuiili, Jluiuoe aienue uud liilisuli .Heel-Itei. M.111..11 L. liui, pastor, sen ices Sundaj, pi.S0 a, 111. and 7.S0 p, m, sun ilaj school, ,r, a. in.: ( liil-ll.iii Ihideaiot, il.n p. 111. Wedlifilay itenlng piayn inei-lliig, . p. in,; laliihlsiu, satuidaj, I p, in. Moiidug str lire will be in ihaige of Mr. Adah, seticlaiy ..f the Itallioad Vouug Men's (hi Utiju a-.iiilalou; cteiiilig seivlip in chaige of llallin.ul Vol p Pel-lous-. 1'iist ( luu h i( hilsl StleiilUu, .110 Idjin, ate Hue, sundaj senile,, 10.J0 a, ni. ami 7.0 p. m. ; Sunday st hoi.l, ll,,1 a, m.j subject. "I'loballuii Alter Death;" testimonial met lings Wednesday I'liiilngs at a o'clock. 'Ihe I'liucli I also opeii eiery day timing tho tuel;. 'Ihe fllblo and all Cluisllaii Seieiito litiiatuie I. kept in its rea liiiblio leading loom, "sdmie and lleallh, with Key to the sctiplure," by Maij lliktr Kddt, will be loantd to lutcstiuatoii, without ihaig'e. Vi.itois and Ictteis of iiiijiilij- aie weKuiued anil giun couiteous. atlciiliou and iiifoinution ftce. All Soul' rnlieisalist clnmli. Pines ,,icet, near Ad ain an line Services 10.S0 a. 111. and 7.S0 p. 111. hcrmous by llev. II. II. I'aluhlld, of Xoilh Hlooinlleld, X. Y, Sunday Uiool, II. IJ a, 111. People's Piohlbilion ihuiili Itvi. Dr. lliid, B9liDH.lVSHIH9sMHBMI HxQV3BStKirHlHrTnXI THE FAME OF HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BY AlY OTHER "4ln COMPLEXION SPECIALIST. ? 1V r V- The most imitated woman in the world 9U Ht js Tiik iJiscovF.rtKR or Face Blkacic MME. A. RUPPERT'S , BaceT3leach Removes Permanently "" PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES, ECZEMA, MOTH PATCHES, SALLOW NESS, and WRINKLES NOT CAUSED BY FACIAL EXPRESSION. : : : : : Does not cover up but removes the blemish. Riceoleach BRIGHTENS, CLEARS and BEAUTIFIES the CONPLEHON - It Improves A Good Skin and Works Wonders iuHh a Bad One. ITS MERITS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER. USED AND RECOMMENDED BY REFINED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE.' cAbsoluieb Harmless and cAhvays Success fttO Drop In ind "k to have Mine. Rupptn's Face Bleieb shown Is yotf and have lis merits, manner of uslnisnd wonderful result explained, 1,0 you will be sttlsfled It is want you need for your complexion. We always carry a full line of Mine. A. Ruppert's Gray Hair Reatoratlvc, Egyptian Balm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap and Hair Tonic. Call nntl liuve tlieir murlU explained tn too. Ask for Mine. KuppertV. book, ' HOW TQ E BEAUTIFUL." FREE. Jonas Long's Sons SOLE AGENTS. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In KTitt, Mmrli II, llfll. l'or l'lill.it!fi)lii.i uiiil New V01I, Ml II. t II It. II., ill 0.15 .iml ll..V .1. in., sii'l 'MS, !.-' (Ilhil. liMiiiiuiil i:.iii'), mil ll." p. in. f-uu-tlnjs, II. & II. II. It.. 1.5S, 8.27 p. 111 For Mlillu llaicn, H-1.lclou nntl piin.'ip.il poinn in tlio coal legions U D. . II. 1!. It., 0 l, '.MS .mil 1.27 p. ill. Tor Polt-,iillc. 4.27 p. m. 1'or lletliloliriii, Kuslrn, Itc.iilinir, HjiiIi'jiii; ami piiiitii.il iiilciint'tll.ilc -I.iIioik ti.i I), i: II, It. I!., 11.17. II..T1 .1. in.: -J. I S, 1.27 flllJik lii munil i:p;c), ll.Wt p. 111. Nincluw, I). ,t II. It. I!., l..Vi. h.'27 p. 111. Tor 'lunkliiiiiiciLl., Toiianda, l'.lmli.i. Itlnci, ficucia jncl piintipil iiiliiinc'illalt; stutiom. u I)., L. fc V. It. II., S.0S J. 111. 1 1.01 .mil .!. 10 p. 111. l'or (!cii"i.i. Itn.'lio-toi, iluf.ilo. 'l.igai.i rail. C'liitauo and all ptiliil 11111, l.i I', i II. It I! , n.:,i a. in., ::.ai dil.11! iiuiiioiui i:pi.-M), 7.iv, 10.11, 11.: 0 p. in. -unilj.i., 11. &. II. It. It., II..",, S.27 p. 111 Pullman pnloi ami slccplns 01 l.c-liiirli Valley p.iiloiu L.ir on all 11.1I114 liclwpcii W'ilKci-IlaiiP ami Vim- iu! 1'lul.iilrlpliia, lluffalo anil Sin-I'l'li-ioil Uli Ip IIOI.I.IN' It. Wll.ltl It, lien. Nipt., ! t'oillaml i.lrppt, New Voil. CII.MII.r.S H. I.Ki:. llfii. I'a-t. AkI., 2ii Coillaucl slUTt. Xcm Vlll. A V. VO.NNKM.U licit. Me l'Js Ant., Sctitli llcttilrliPin. I'a Tor tlil.ct-, .nut 1'iillriaii iP-rrationi apply to rifi l.iitl,aiv.ilin.i ait'i'tii, ScMiitou, I'a. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Matluin ill Niw Voil.-rool of LilitMly slipi-t, N It., unit Soulli l'cii.v. tiii: TAiu-i: ix i:t"n:c-i' nov. 2.1, ik. 'I'nii'H Iciip Scullion foi Xpiv VotK. .NcmjiI;, riUabclli. I'lillacli'lplil". i:.i'luii. Itpthlflitiii, .. lcntoiMi, Mnuili C'liunk anil Wlilip llairu at MM a. 111,: t'pio-". l.tu; cvpii'-K, a.S0 a. in. .-cu. d'ait '-.l'i I' l'1. Tor I'illstoii ami Wili,i-llanp. S.lio a. in j l.iu ami :!..'ii p. Mui'la.. 2.I.", p. in for llaltliuoiP and Ma.lilnslon ,ud polntn soulli and Wtt ia IIpIIiIi'Iipiii. r..:o a, ,,; 1.10 ami :...7) p. m. Sum-Ij. y. p. in I'm l.ouw fliaiuli. Ocean (lioio, cu , (ft s::o i in. and 1.10 I1- "' I'tir UrailliiK, Li'luni'ii and IUiiMuiik, ila 1. li'iito.Mi, S.::o a. in. and 1,10 p. m. niihIj)-., 2. 15 p. in. I'm I'tillsilllo, S.MI a. in. and t.10 p. m 'llnouuli Hi Witi lo all point- ou-l, suulli and ,,. jt. loiip-l rait-, at tin- t itioti. II. P. IIM.PWI.N n. I'a... ,:jt. .1. II. Ol.ll U'sr.X, lit H. Mipl. Delaware and Hudson, lu IMIrtt S'ui. Si, lllilti. Tiaiii- foi (.'.iilioliilalo Iimp EhijiiIiiii ut il.jo, 7,.i,l, ..i:i, I0.l! ' "i t -'",. ''-'0. -Ml, ...i-, i-t1, H..1.', "" 'M'i ll'1'1 !' '" I I" a, lu. Vol lloiit'-dilP-i'.'-'l I".!" a. in.; 2. II ami 3. 'fl l''l'o'r M1U- Ilaiii-U.l'. 7.IS. s.i.i, )..;$, 0.n HVi J. in.! I.-. -' l,"i' '-'"t "l(.".l, 10 11, ll.l.U p. in. l'or I.. . It- " point--"I", ii." J. in. I -.'.'e, 17 and II I'. ". I'd l'tui,.)!anii It. II. wii.l--il.li, H...S a, ,.: 2.IS.11.1I 1.27 P. in. , I'm- Albiii) ami all puiiiis iiuitli-o 211 a. m. and :i '' p. u- .-I XIIAV Til l.x I'm 1 ailioiid.ilt' l),U", II-'!! a. in; 2 , :t ,-,, S, 17, III..12 I'. I"- I'm WilUra-HJiii " H-M ' ni.; l..i, 1 2, 11,47, S.27 p. 111 Tin haii and polin. nmtli -.' IJ p. in l'or IIoiicmIiIc l'.l1' J lu. Jl'd ,l,i.' p 111 l.uiwM late t all points 111 I'liiml -i.ue and L'auida .1 II. Ill llllll K, II. I' V. Mlian.i Y II. , l IIOS, II. I'. A., N union, I'a. 8EASJITY, UE GONQUERUfc BELLAVITA Awenio Beuty Tablets nnd PUU, A pur. 'ectlyisufoiiiici Bimrayli'L'iltiiMtnient fniull sklo UsDidore. Rettorcitlie bloom oltouth to laded laces, 0 diiyfl' treutment Mo; 30 days' Sl.00, by mall 'eon forrirculHi. AildieM, . . .. .., t":VITA MEDICAL CO., Cllaton & Jickion St.. Cbtctf Sold by McGarrah 4 Thomas, Urnij. jlat3,, W) Lackawanna, ave Scranton. I'a, pistol. 'i.pm will lie ICKilIal' iU'at!iilli' Ullicc oil .-.ililn III alliiuooii ,tl .1 i. 111. ill Moid lull, llllMkrl stllC-l, (ill'fll HMlil'. Mlllllii. ''li Hill i;.'.-nl uf I'liliililtiou and HIk!iIiou.iii's MakiliK Miif j'liigii--'" Ml .in nrliniiir. i'linililip .Mrtlu.ili.l 1I11111I1, I, inn llidt.0 llci. li. I.c'cs, pailoi. lluiiuns -uliji'tl. "IliO lllllllllllKp'. Ol lllllll.l.tl'lll t"; t'M'llIll Mllllld, "ilul-llaii I iliin.liip"; " W. I., nui'iiiiir, Hon tlai r.ili'ii'i. lupit, iitptiilaiitt " All aio lul t.u ii- ll.lliii.ili 1 1.1111 li. .Noitli iijiiiiii I'lt'itlilus 1 '.l lln pa.iiu, lln, II. . t lliui'i, 11 a. in uud 7. n p. 111. Nilijul., "lllusloi.V and "l-iulN ot Mil." hiindi.i uliool, M a. in.; I'. ('. I), u.li p 111. ,11 aie luluum. A SpUng: Tonic. l.u'i liody nuoiU ,i tunic in the spilne; ut lliisi time lliu xytitcm i-ran-s 11 tonic. It Is liuusf-i'leanliis tlnio for your body, l.li'hty'n Celery Nen s Ciiiiipouiid will tiiuo up your nerves, blond, Uliliieyw uud liver, uud till you with health uud euersy. Sold hy Mat thews Hrothers. MME. RUPPERT V y s-i-i.v i.. , For thirty years a sticcessftfl career RAILROAD TIME TABLEm. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Schedule in Effect March 17, 1901. Trains leave Scranton: 6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunbuvy, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitts burg and the West. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton, and for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. m week days, (Sundays 1.58 p, m) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. Tor Hazleton, week days only. 4.27 p. m,, week days, for Sunbury. Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. ,T. It. IIUrCIIIXSON. fien. Jlirr. .1. U. V.OOl), Ren. Pass. Agt. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In i:tTcct lleo. 2, 1D0O. Soulli I.caif Srianton for New York at 1.1", ,'t.Ot ii.tin, 8.00 and lO.ai 11, in,; 12.55, ::.M p. 111 l'or IMiilnilt-lpliia at 8.W and 10.03 a. m.j 12.3i and :t.:M p. 111, for StiotuWimir at 0.10 p. ni Mill: accommodation at, 3.40 p. m. Arriip nt llobokcn at .!. 7.IS. 10.28, 12.03, 3.15. l.l'. 7.1') p. in. Auliu al PliiladelpliU at 1,06, 3.2J, li.tui aud S.22 p. 111. Airivc fiom New York at 1,10, I1..I2 and 10.2.1 "l. in.: 1.00. 1.52, 8.41, .li and 11.::0 p. 111. liom Mioudsburer it 8.93 a. 111. Xoilli-I.t'OiP 'iiianlon for lltiftalo anil infrr nieilialf i-latlont al 1.13, C.S5 and 0.00 a. in I..13, ,i.4S 111.1I H.tB 1'. "' l"r Ojivcso and HuaiiiM' nl tl..f '. I", ami l.aa p. 111. J,.r Uilca al 1.10 a. in, ami 1,51 p. 111. Tor .Von Iio-p at t'.uo a 111; 1.03 and 3.18 p. in, l'or Xitliol-oi' at tuo and 0.13 p. in. For Hius: Ihiintou .it 10 SU a, 111. AnIic in Scranton Iroi 1 lluflalo at 1.21. 'J.ii, 3.1'' and 10.00 a, in.: 3.::u and S.0L p. n.. I'io.ii O.iicgo and Sracuso at 2.33 a. in.; l-'.Si and S.00 p. 111 From Utlca al 'J.ril a. 111.; 12.jj and !'"" p. ni. Kioiu Mcliolson at 7.riO a. m. ami H.00 p. in. 1'iom .Moi'l'.op at lii.Ou a. 111 t f:.20 and 8.00 p. ill. UIooui.uuik rdii-ion- l.paio Sctaiiton for Vorlliiniiucilaiiil, .11 ".I"'. 10.03 a. m.j 1.33 a.i I 5 JO p. in. for I'ljliioutli at l.Oi, 3.40, 8.30 p in, l'or liiiKtoii at o.lO a. 111. Arriip ii Voitliuniljcilind at 0,.'I3 a. m.; 1.10, .00 ami S.r, 11. in. Auiio at Klngiion ut S.52 a, 111, Arili. nl I'liiuoutli at -.00, I..12, O.li p. in. Anil hi St'iuiiinu liom Noilhuinlicrland at fl.U a. m ; l';.:i.i, 1.30 and all 11, in. from Klnston at II.Oi) a. 11. 1'iom I'ljmoiitli at 7,35 a. ni.; S,2i ..lid B..11 p. ui. ,1IXI)AY TltAIXS. .Soutli-l.caiP Si union at 1.10, 3.00, 5.30, 10.01 p. 111.; t!..'il and ...10 p. in. Noilli-I.iaiu Scinntim at 1.13, rt.31 a. m.; l.ii, .i.H and ll.tti p. m. Illoomsliini.' DIil.loii J.i'Se Scunton at 10.01 1. in. and U.3U p. in. Erie and Wyoming Valley. 'I'liuo TaUli' in llircit t-'ept. 17, 1000. Tialni for Hiwlcy and local poinU, cowni hi" at llaiilcv wllh Kilo 1all10.nl fpr New York, NiwlmiK and iiitiiimiliato points, leave Simii Ion ut t.Ui a in, and 2,2.i p. m. 'liaiu-s .iiiiiti at Nianlou at 10.30 4. ni, nt fl 10 p. in, , y . . - Tlttic Card tn effect Dec, 30th, tOOO, SCRANTON DIVISION. !2J1 205 9)1 Kt.mmi hmh MATIONS tsidb jaajsnsj. lj,l PM . . . 7 10 . r. X.Y.,W.I.dlt.I,rl Hi PM 10 1 105AI- . 11) to law " ..io3iiiu " I'atUoiIa ,,,Lt, HlarllHllt. , " 1're.tou llirk, " Ai'lnivuod.,, " ..IMutelle,,, " ,t. .. 1. ...IDUlliJ " .... 10 00 ii J) " . .. iioilS ' 10.il 12 31 a mil n own n -Mill . .U(WH... 1'ltHMlllt Mt, Liiluntlitltf. .1'iii.sL ritv. . PM auiui " I'mbuiitlaloYd 6 40 ,av J a oi U1UU.U -- , 1 uiotuiiiaie . 11 lino llrlilie. IIUUIII II .Musrlrld i ll. " 17 061 415 .8 S3 1 834 : rjuin 11 " .eifJI IHMIllC'i ' -u.jii.-iq., 1 ui tiiu; 7 071 .Jn lillll . " '7 001 .6 21 IMUOl " .It! 8 0 1 1 til " lli'Uliald.,, " 17 Itl IVIiltou , 7 111 1'ii.tlllK. " 7 ui ,l)l)iluuit. . l7S; I'lKvOllri!,, 7 Uli luioop. , " 7 SI 1 Ploslrti-litv.. " 7 3JI I'ail. I'lact'.. " 7 Ml iff e It, 11 ii 111 1; " IIDICI " Ikhiium " 8 3110 1s " s :s,io is 11 3 j ni it ' n : 10 IU l. M m M.I11UU Al, 1 104 i'4 IV 1M PM PAjl A.lJItlOD.I halt 1 Into I'.rboud.lo for Sliltcld Yii.t aS pin txtn't riiiiidi) ,n.l 7 Mjpui buaijty only, iirliiw Hll.iiiol.1 )ird700ll)ilada0urm- .ItlilitLini 1 train If tre ct.o ton ot7 00pm Bond.y on) loi.i'lu.-llloll.)o. iu I'.tiMiiiotlc, tirulvt .1 715 iii., ind iraliiltavit M.ihIJ Vtt.t lor l'ulioao." t4ii.ia ilill, rrlilti at LtrUot.ilitg tO.Miiu. ltales a vent per mil, ' I.oneat Itatct tci all Voluta fV)t. . C. 'HOtHSOH, 0.3'ir.M'rAi'nl. TorlHitj. tU ' (Wu IPJJIpu"- ....I OMto'i S:iL " !! " jlta I ifiscU" " JOOfllitl.,.,. T Ot.. . t' . C.WUIH, 1'.'. Allot. ic-c.oin). r. 1 V .1