The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 20, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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A Romance of the Culm.
IThe ulnner ol Hip follmilnir Mury, In which
,, bcru uunrilcil Hip ncioncl nli In Tho Ttl'f
line'n aliort iliiry run teat, prr-fiT In conceal her
Mriitlly Ik'MiiiI the pen-tunic "lion nf (lien
Imrtilo"! lint tm hccn Iclml i mxiitli I" Inform
tu of the lollnwlnit liliiK-ninlilt.'ul ilala, which nuy
isnltl our loailei In Milting the mystery of her
Itlcntlty: Who wn born at lllk Hill ot oll-umiul
Revolutionary down Knsteras ipriil I'" l'Jlly H''
III the Wjnmlnfr valley! I'Wili writing ut I'
tears nf aire (or Hie Iticotd nl the Times imtlei
ihe wlitR nl Hon. WIIIIjiii 1'. Miner! Innite lit-r
ilehut In Harper's M.iK.i7lne at l"i unil lim lnce
written many mtlelr (or It and lor other lend
Inc ni.iaui!liir. She lo. now, she. Inform in,
lltlnp; as HolniM uWrlbes no inimy, "on tin'
llletary reputation tho nilirht linvr made" i
atalcntcnt we arc not compelled to liellc!e. Tie!,
libraries and (own adornment nio her bubble.;
and ahc has given lllierally ol time, talent and
mean toward their (iirtheranec. It intuitu l
bo said upon authoilty thai nome thlnKiWthe
tory uhltli (ollows are real; the mmtw, mainly,
are fictitious.)
6LLUN LYNN'S homo fronted
squarely on the culm dump,
nnd she stood at the win
dow looking out upon It.
To her the vnst pile was
but un ugly, ever en
croaching thing looming; up
against a gray sky. Her
thought never Invested It with dignity
as the monument of the great toll
which had delved It out of the earth.
It stood only as the dark frontage to
her dull world. In these days she was
tilled with the unrest of this Ameri
can life which forbids content In our
estate. At least at least she repined.
Pate might have cast het lot anions
those other girls who lived In streets
so far removed from this grime of the
coal mine!
Her brother Hugh, up there busy
with car and mule on the summit of
the dump, looked to her but squalid
and gnome-like. Instead of the strong,
cheery son of labor that he was. She
saw him wnvlns his cap to someone
below, and looking along the road per
ceived It to be Griff, coming out of the
mine. He came tramping down the
way with the heavy step of fatigue.
The black of the mine seemed to have
dyed him through and through. Pass
ing the window he touched his cap,
with Its greasy lamp, to Kllen, and the
motion appeared strange and pathetic,
coming from one so removed In ap
pearance from all the graces. Ho
looked at her. Griff's eyes might have
been beautiful they were. They might
have been full of love and longing
they were! But the only thing to be
seen in that face was the glare of white
eyeballs through a mask of blackness.
Bllen had read of no lover like this;
he had no place among the belted
knights or courtly modern youth who
peopled her fancy. She smiled kindly
but not warmly upon Griff, and he
passed on.
Directly after, two grimy hands came
about her waist and faced her from the
window towards the kitchen, Hugh
had come home to supper.
"Now, Miss Hiddy Lynn, Griff has
gone by, and I've put on the griddle all
ready for the slapjacks, so turn 'em up (
"'"ji ""i i "in cu-an lamisneu.
This speech was every word of It dis
tasteful to the sister. First, in the Im
plication that she had been watching
for Griff. Second, that hated name.
Uuptized Bridget Ellen, she had reso
lutely banished the Hist title, and by it
none addressed her without peril.
Third, the buckwheat cakes, she had
cleaned the house from their morning
smoke, and now must that vile
stuutcher be started up again to poison
"Griff! AVIui cares for him 7" retorted
?'!c- "Al,fl 'f J-"" think calling me
Biddy the best way to get waited on
you re mistaken. As for those vile
pancakes, not one will I bake tonight
not one. The table is sot, and there's
Plenty else for supper."
"Mighty fine, Miss." responded Hugh
hungry, and now huffy. "A girl Is a'
fool that don't jump at Griff Howard,
not his etmal In all Scranton. Brid
get you were christened, and buck
wheats I will have, if i ,st bake 'em
"Oo it thou." snapped Kllen. and
she whisked upstairs nut of Fight
Hugh brought forth the bailor jug
and by the advice of his father added
a wlieen snleratus In hot water."
Hospitably bidding his parent sit
"I to the table, Hugh poured on cakes
ot heroic size, and. under a growing
cloud of smoke, moved from stov to
table like a benevolent goblin. As this
gradual meal drew to an end Griff nti
peared and looked through the haze
upon his neighbors.
"Arc .you smoking anybody out 7" he
asked, laughing.
"Not you, Grlffy, any way; come vo
In old man."
"Aye, Griff, yo're welcome as the
morning and always was," responded
rather Lynn, as he moved to his cor
ner for pipe and evening paper, Here
h" spent his leisure seeking K!neo In
the shelf of books since his faithful
wife had died,
Hugh sat down beside his welcome
vlsjtor and uyed his handsome face,
now clean from the coal dust, and his
munly proportions with deep favor.
Hs spirits rose with the certainty
that ho would now got light on the
nilthmetli!. whose problems now hung
nQpHlffj IjjtVlew of tomorrow's night
But Grift's eye sought out tho corner
of th. room and Hugh responded to
the tonij,
"Von won't fight U. Kllon Lynn any
where in this smolu. She's getting too
eenteel to bear the sound of her own
name, or to bear the smell of tho oook
In'.v ,
Hugh was aware that Kllen must
b.j cdovq close by tho stovepipe and
ha njatlij hU remarks distinct for her
bopftAlf i
'oU've been teasing your sister,
Hush, I believe." replied Griff. "It
inusl, ba cold up there. Now go and
mnbo, up and coax her tu conis
down, 'J.
"(WA'dia won't como down for me
nor'-yoii; a riff, We're within' but la
borh) men. Try her with J. Charles
I'Mdehlll and his nejv bike. But It's
noth'lp!' to me," continued tho wily
lad,, ''whether she's upstairs or down.
Just tiiindlo my derby off that nail
hack of you nnd I'll be out on the ave
nue.'1' So i speaking Hugh moved audibly
Aorcaa. tint I'oor uu if to cany out his
full puriMise.
Out on the cvemio Ellon know meunt
btet"', saloons and all evil to u boy.
Sulks must Klva way for this time.
Her 'steps sounded on the stairs and
she Vanio down quiet and pleasant
with u IJglit, ktti4 touch on Griff's
klu'uMu's us she passed him, (or she
knew Hugh's talk had carried a sting.
"Now, let's make haste," said she,
"mil clear nway this table and bring
out the games, for we've got the right
iiiniil er Just' four nnd no more."
1'ndor her glrl'ii jungle all was
smothered. The big kerosene lamp
but tied strong nnd steady and shown
down on four goodly Scotch-Irish
faces. The blue of the northern seas
was in Ullen's eyes, and her face and
rippled hair came from the Jennie
Deans and Nora Crcenas of Britain's
oiir and story.
Orllllth Howard wit there looking the
tower of strength ho had been to Kllon
nil her Wo from tho days when he led her through swamps of "dis
mal fractions" at the school ant
gui.rded her steps from big dogs and
big boys. A few years back, himself
at the end of the High school, ho could
chirse between a clerkship and his
father's llnco as a boss miner. Ho
looted himself over, stretched his
,trong hands fcufore him nnd went in
to the mine.
The supreme object of his Wc was
to marry Kllen Lynn und they would
now ;-nve beer betrothed and she at
last 'n his homo had not a new ele
ment entered her life, making it all
.me unhappy tumult.
Ao tho head of Lackawanna avenue
stand monstrous Iron chimneys, like
giant gato-posts to the house of toll.
At night, belching out llamcs. the
guide the slght-scer to a wonderful
.'cent'. . , ,.
Hero Kllen went with her brother
one night to watch the giants of labor
:ts standing In the tremendous g arc
of the furnaces they drag the molten
it on seething from their Jaws. n the
midst of this great picture, J. Chnrlcs
Kdghlll Idled with his cigarette when
Kllen came. She attracted the eye of
the vouth without delay, nnd he gazed
nl her intently, After a while he noted
thai a Hying spark had lighted on her
skirt ami was outing Into tho fabric.
Hugh saw It also, and with a turn or.
his hand bent to crush it out, but Mr.
Edgehlll was before him. W"h
gallant dash he throw himself on his
kroes before Kllen and mode an elab
orate business of quenching out tho
danger. This act, romantically con
strued, had posed him in some slight
aoi.-io as her deliverer, and opened
up the way to u bicycle aciiualntancc,
after a chance meeting on the Klm
hurft boulevard. In these days, all the
world Is awheel, from the barefoot
darky in the south, who from this
chariot delivers marketing marvel, poised on his head, up to the
lady of fashion. Between these two
rxtrcmes, nil sorts of people ride.
So naturally Griff and Hugh, on holi
days, took many a joyous spin beside
the lithe Ellen along the glorious,
smooth boulevard, winding up into re
gions of pure air. Site, with more Jeis
iiro, went oftencst, and sometimes here
she had found Edgehlll after tho visit
to the furnaces and apparently by
chance, encounters grew apace. Ho
was the son of one of those men, them
selves diligent, to whom coal has
a wealth which will bless or heavily
curse their children, as the case may
be This particular young man had
embarked thus far only in the enter
prise of living upon his father. Some
pretext of business might be found for
him eventually. Meantime, he idled
the livelong day, full-fed on light lit
erature ami ready for romantic tepl
sodos to fall in his way. f'ertnlnly he
could not let this one, with such a
beautv as Ellen, lapse without result.
Fancv and imagination How to work,
and the pursuit of Kllen became the
chief business of his hours.
What he proposed to himself as the
outcome of the chrtse. no did not in
quire, but he was qulto sure that lie
wanted extremely to make lovo to Ki
lo,, to kiss those beautiful lips, and
to awaken the lovo-llght In those deep
And she" All through tho budding
spring, tliev skimmed awheel, till her
brain wiw (Hied with countless llat
terles and vague visions of an opulent
fin ure as his wife, far away from
culm piles i.nd strenuous loll.
Aeutelv conscious of II all, liiillUh
Howard fought with apprehensions
until that died down Into silent, angry
tli-spalr. The end cMme one day, when
he and Kllen wheeled up the boulevard
for the llrst time together in many
months, lie bail n few hours from his
work ami could not deny himself the
miserable pleasure "f being beside her,
closed to him as he felt her heart and
thoughts. When they rested at length
on the rocky bank, high above the
cliv, she would not have been woman
hail not her eyes drooped under tho
lovo and pain In his. Looking down
on those homes, a vision sweet as
heaven eamo to him of tno one he had
looked to share with her. But Ellen
tinned a moody gaze below, upon tho
strange Jumblo of stately homes and
black culm mountains,
"How miserable It Is to be poor,"
said she, thinking aloud.
"Yes, most miserable, for us if tho
money and houses are nil that mako
the happiness; but are they'.'"
Ellen did not respond. He longed to
take her In his arms and cry "Lovo is
enough!" but In her eyes he already
saw tho answer. "It Is 'not enough."
And so they lingered for a poor little
hour till tho westward sun reminded
him of a night errand In tho mine, As
he aroso heavily. J. Charles Kdgohlll
rtimu whirling up tho road, He hud
apprised Kllon that he should be thero
at that hour and view the sunset, and
though she hud mado no appoint
ment, ho now assumed that she Intend
ed to linger. Ellen hesitated between
tho two men wishing to remain and
but little perceiving In her unawakonou
heart the pain and fury and grief of
Oiil'C Howard, Sho sat upon the rock
the men standing bosldo It. Finally
shn said lightly;
"You will have to make iv rush for
It, Griff. If yon a''0 to be In tho mine
at tho hour, I shall only hinder you
and will como down more, slowly with
Mr. Edgehlll."
rii.irr mmln no word of renlv but
turned downward to the shado of tho
valley leaving these two on tho
Tho soft sunset drew on npace and
mi there In "tho sweet spring wlta
all her queen completed," ami under
her wooing ulrs, Mr. Kdgehlll drew
forth u sperkllng ring to place on El
len's linger. Tho moment, however,
was not so all propitious as ho Imag
ined He did not know of the dull aeho
that lingered In tho young girl's heart
because of her rude and cruel dis
missal of Griff. Contldently J. UhurU'3
stole his arm about her waist nut! drew
her to him with Intent to put on the
ring, Ah Ellen saw those eyes of no
particular color, and the waxed molts
titche upproai'hlng her face, u blind,
nervous,, but heavenly true Instinct
prompted her to draw back. At this
moment the ring slipped from the
young man's lingers anil dlsappcnrl-d
among the fern and wlntergreen ut
their feet. With deep vexation he
stooped to llnd It, and by the time this
was accomplished the voices of a group
of sunset gazers were heard who were
approaching tho rock. The spell was
broken, there was no further time for
tender cntrcutlcH or the putting on of
u ring, however much or little Its wear
ing might Intend. Mr. Kdgehlll. how
ever, refused to retain It, but opening
the little bag at Ellon's side he dropped
It herein, telling her he would live In
expectation of finding It on her linger
the 'next time they met. There was
now no time to be lost If Kllon would
be at home for her evening duties,
and the wheels were turned townward
down the swift and dangerous descent.
The next few dnys wore spent by El
len In a whirl of indecision. Agnin
anil again tho took out the brilliant
ring lit tho safety ot her room, und
dreamed over It. Dltl the wearing of
ll mean In reality wifehood In a lni'ge
place among the roses of life? If so
why hesitate? Was not this the end
towards which all her young drenms
and hopes' had tended? Sho had never
fledged herself to Griff, so why hesi
tate? Site could not quite bring her
self, after all, to appear to Mr. Edge
lull with the ring on her hand, yet she
carried it always with her, and
thought that some near day upon that
enchanted height, after all due and dis
tinct asking her In marriage sho should
have him put it on.
(Tp there' she seemed always tending
now, but her next visit after tho offer
of the ring was with her brother Hugh.
It was a public, holiday, nnd Hugh had
looked forward to meeting various
others of their young friends up at'
Lake Scranton for a happy day. Early
summer clouds tempered the hot sun
as they tugged up the hills, but by the
time they reached the lake those were
gathering for a brisk shower. Hutming
for the nearest shelter they found It
already occupied, and slacking pace,
-heard a young lady remark: "This Is
ti mine holiday, and I expect the place
will lio overrun by the rabble to get
out of the rain hero are two of them
coming now." The speaker was tho
sister of J. Charles Edgehlll, who with
the elegant Miss Maud Pryor completed
the group.
After a quick half glance at tho new
comers, Mr. Edgehlll turned his hack
and began a rapid conversation with
Miss Pryor. It was the cowardly im
pulse of the moment on his part, and
whether he would have recovered him
self nnd tried to make amends can
never be known, for he was left no
room for repentance. Ellen's percep
tion of tho slight was as instant as the
act Itself. With a gesture to Hugh,
she was out in the blinding rain,
snatching un her wheel. . Then she
halted, nnd taking the ring from .her
pocket pressed it into Hugh's hand,
and bade him take It to "that man."
The quick-witted Hugh, waiting no
further instruction, 'sped back to tho
shelter where they had left J. Charles
Kdgehlll and the young ladles, and
throwing hack, tho lid of the ring box,
walked up to the startled group, say
ing to .Mr. Edgehlll:
"The one you offered lo rIvo tills
ring sends it back, she having no use
for it."
Pushing it into tho In-east pocket of
the speechless youth, Hugh strode out
to Join his sister in her return to the
kitchen and the culm.
And so all the dream vanished, while
the long hot summer came and dragged
lieavlly along.
Hugh, sharing the mortlilcatlon that
enveloped his sister, confided in no one,
least of all to Griff, who had never
been near the house since Ellon's de
sertion of him on the hill.
As summer ended and evenings grow
hi'iC Father Lynn began to miss him
"Tlt- lad never comes near us now, '
he complained cue night tc Hugh.
"Oh. r'.llon has e'ean killed him," re
plied Hugh, bitterly. "Ever since that
time ulit.i It was on with the dude
and good-bye to the laborln' classes.
There never was a man who thought
so of n woman as lie did of our Kllen,
Over and over I used to hear him
liuminln low in the mine that old bal
lot!: l! r.llon, (air beyond roiitpjir,
I'll ui.tki- a Birlaiid of thy hair;
I will Mini my hent fur ever nulr,
"He's glum as the grave now. I
wonder if girls over know what cruel
fools they can bo!"
And Ellen from up tho stairs heard
il all.
The days went on and brought the
llrst winter snow, with Its pnll so
strangely whlto over the deep black
about the mine. Into Its dangers
went down fathers ami husbands ami
sons, followed always by anxiety, for
mtny a llfo has gone out below there
in the dark.
On. day a sudden movement from
the toil of tho culm caught Ellen's eye,
A man flashed madly down the side of
the heap. Tho one thought In that
neighborhood of any sudden stir Is
Hint something tins happened In tho
mine, Something had happened know,
r'.llon knew It as sho joined the pale,
wild women dashing from their homes
towaul that black opening in the hU),
Otu of it shaking men wore coming
will a staggering man. Gasping with
fear for her father and Hugh, Kllon
seized one of tho black figures and
questioned him. There had been ft fall
from tho roof ho told her. Those near
est the mouth of the mine were run
unlng cut, but somo luy under thf
fall and ethers wore pinioned beyond
It, Who weto these crushed ami pin
ioned ones? The awful question
choked 'every throat. The man want
un with hit painful recital.
"Tim Langdou and mo was workln'
together. We heard the erackln' nnd
knew what it meant. I gave a, big
Jump .uifi gut away, but poor Tim
'iilek anil there he lies un
der It all." ' '
A woman hai coins up behind the
speaker with a tiny baby in her arms.
It was Margaret Langdon, Tim's wife.
Casting tho child to a neighbor, with
one terrible gesture she toro tho gown
nt thu nsck with a mad instinct to re
lievo her suffocatinif grief anil then
fell forward with face and mother's
bosom prone on the winter snow.
Ellen, Hying onward Into the mine,
by Heaven's mercy met Hugh stum
bling forwnrtl and helping their father
on. IJitt tho boy's sorrow broket from
his trembling lips at sight of his sis
ter. "Oht Elian. Griff, poor Griff, he's In
there. Ho might have got nwny easy,
but ho wouldn't leave father; ho Just
put his arm 'round him and dragged
him along. Father couldn't get on
fast enough alone, he Is Hint stiff nnd
lame, 1 was on this side when tho
root fell, and I saw Clrlrf comln on
with father, Just ns a he gave him it
great shove and tumbled' him on all
light to mo, tho rock fell, and, oh,
Kllen! Oi-lff hasn't como otitl Maybe
he wan only stunned and not covered
up, but nobody can go near there now,
for tht roof Is Just hnnglu' and crack
In', and old Donald says there'll bo
(mother fall any minute."
Hugh helped his father out and to
wards tho house, thing Ellon close at
hand. Hut she hntl kept straight on
Into that fearful hole urdor tho hill,
speeding unnoted through the dim,
dcsti'tcil plane.
At tho moment when Hugh described
this crowning net of Grllf's nobleness,
her heart awoke. "I will save my
faithful lover or 'I'll die on thy deatl
heart, Douglas!' " was her soul's cry.
At the lust outpost of safety, she
found their neighbor, old Donald, lamp
In hand, making for lbs mouth of tho
"Come nway, lass, quick' This is no
place for nny llvln' creature," cried
tile astunished old man.
"You can see the light at the mine's
mouth now, Donald, go jou out, but I
must have tho lump," end snatching
It from him, Kllen ran on. That ter
rible crumbling canopy wits above her,
but she Kept on, till the awful wall
of fallen rock barred her way. Hero
she paused and searched the ground
with her lump. And there, covered
with heavy fragments, lay Griff,
stunned und motionless. She rolled
I ho cruel stones away and, kneeling,
lifted the fallen hem! In her warm
arms, thawed tho chill ftoni his face
with her young kisses till he woke lo
life under that longed-for, blessed
touch, nnd opened dim eyes that rest
ed on her with vague bliss.
"Try, try to rise up, dear Griff,"
ho hoard her whisper, "and let us
leave this awful danger."
Slowly and with u dreadful effort he
struggled to his feet. Clinging each to
each, that they might live or die to
gether, they began the slow journey
towards the light. And the jarring
echoes of Death rested and let them
come forth to new life on the earth.
"O, Ellen, fair beyond compare," said
happy Griff, and took her in his arms.
New York, April "19. In tho midst of
her preparation for summer the woman
of fashion busies herself with the se
lection of Hlniy lawns and muslins,
with blissful Indifference to the exquis
ite spring modes which so recently
have burst forth In beauty upon her.
When she takes her exodus to country,
mountain or senshoro this year her
wardrobe will consist almost entirely
of whlto gowns, for white has been de
creed the color of summer.
The possibilities presented In whlto
ure too numerous to mention. Beguil
ing excellencies In dress greet you at
every turn and sho, who cherishes a de
sire to be smartly habited rather, than
a regard for her purse, overruns her
dress allowance with as much calm
ness as though money was no consider
ation whatever.
No material suggests luxury and
comfort us does silk crepe de chine. A
gown developed In this fabric Is very
elegant inset with wide Insertions of
old lace. The edges of the lace ure
Irregular In pattern and where the skirt
is made over n handsome lining the
crepe de chine is often cut from under
neath It. Indescribably enhancing the
effect of the gown.
In anticipation of the torrid days ot
midsummer many airy creations are
bong made. One particular design In
silk mull has tho skirt draped over a
drop lining or white taffeta. .The mull
is" overlaid with real Valenciennes in
sertion stitched over the skirt in lat
tice design with all the ends meeting
In points at the front. To accentuate
the effect tlnv carved pearl buttons
mark the junctures, making ft charm
ingly orlginnl design.
With pure white gowns touches of
color are gained In rosettes nnd bows
of louislne silk. This is very soft and
sheeny and Imparts an air of dainti
ness not to bo found In the other silks.
Sashes are in vogue and consist of a
narrow hand finished at tho back or
left side in a small bow and long, flow
ing ends.
An odd feature in bolts Is one of
silk moiissellup draped wide and full
around a white satin striped blouse
and fastened with a large rosette. It
may be mentioned. Incidentally, that
finely striped silks nro one of the nov
elty materials for tho blouse. Tho
whlto sflks show many varieties In
stripes and cpmblno almost nny mater
ial in those effects.
Going back to louislne, however, It
may be stated that It Is trespassing
upon tho province of foulard to a
marked degree and It Is not Improbable
that the latter has seen its best days
as far as fashionable success goes.
Louislne makes a dressier gown be
cause of the silver sheen previously re
ferred to, and, consequently, Is more
desirable. A pretty design carried out
in this material Is trimmed with cafe
an Insertion sowed upon tho bodico
to outline a deep round .yoke. The
skirt Is laid In groups of tiny tucks
three tucks to a group nntl finished
around the foot with u shaped Hounco
Tho yoke Is tucked and made very
smart with a wldo collar or silk over
laid with Insertion, Wldo collars ap
pear on all kinds of gowns and coats,
and tho prettiest, of course, are of lace,
embroidery and batiste,
A very dosirablo model made of one
of tho diaphanous fabrics shows a
tucked skirt and a deep plaited Hounco
with four narrow rullles edged with u
tiny ruche, The bodico has a loose
front In which U set a vest of plaited
chiffon. The sleeves are tucked ut tho
shoulder and appllqued with diamond
bhaped designs of point d'Arabe luce.
Some of the prettiest tdeoves show
tho undersleove effect only ut tho el
bows, whoro tho sleeve Is slushed and
filled In with lace of inoussolino puff.
Below this, as well us above, the
sleeve tits closely, shuplug down In a
little cuff which Ills over lite hand.
The stralght-arouud wristband has lost
some of Its popularity and Instead
thero Is a shaped band with tho bo
coming flare.
Fichus are being displayed In. gieuter
variety than ever. They como in grad
uated lengths and may depend from
either tho stock or a rosette nf tho
bustline with equal effect.
An Important place In the fashion
able summer outllt Is occupied by tho
traveling coat of dark taffeta. The
prettiest uie tucked till over nnd worn
with elegant collars or renaissance and
other lovely litems,
Bbrty-flvo Foot Light-house, a Re
production of Famous Atlantic
Beacon, Reared Under Dome of
Government Building, Fully
Equipped Surfmen to Show on
Lake How Seamen Arc Rescued.
Fine Display of Mints Presses to
Be in. Operation.
I'rotn the Washington Post.
During tho past few days final ship
ments have been made from Washing
ton of mnterlals for the United Stales
treasury exhibit at the Huffiilo Pan
Atno rean exposition. Most of the ex
hibit Is now on tho grottnjls,' other
shipments buying been made from
Philadelphia, New' York, Boston, nnd
from life-saving stations along the
The dlsplny will be In chaigc of Mr.
Walter II. Hills, superintendent of the
treasury, ami will bo tho most com
plete and comprehensive the depart
ment has ever made. Seven thousand
square feet of floor space has been re
served In the government bulldintt for
the trensury exhibit, but even with
this, Mr. Hills will bo more or less
crowded for room. About every di
vision of tho treasury, except the rev
enue cutter service, will bo represented.
Among the most attractive showings
will be those of tho lighthouse und
llfosuving services. In the center of
the government building, under the big
dome, will be erected a lighthouse
fort.v-llve fett In height, fully equipped
with" lights and signaling apparatus.
It will be un exact reproduction of oiif
ot the best known lighthouses on tho
Atlantic coast.
The life-saving service exhibit will be
outside the building, on tho shore of an
artificial llke. There will be a crow
of cloven surfmen, In charge of a lieu
tenant, nnd two surf boats, one twenty
six feet in length and the other thirty
four. In the center of the lake will
bo elected a mast, to represent a dis
abled -ship, and from this daily res
cues will be made. Lines will bo
thrown to tho mast from tho shore,
and the breeches buoy and other ap
paratus will be operated. Among the
curiosities shown will bq tho first life
car ever used In the service.
VENIRS. The mint will bo represented by n
coin press of the very latest pattern,
with a capacity of eighty coins a min
ute. This press will he kept In opera
tion, turning out souvenir medals at
the exposition. The bureau of print
ing and engraving will show a plate
printing press. Tills will also bo oper
ated, turning out lmndsomo exposition
souvenirs. The marine hospital ser
vice will show models of quarantine
stations, tho const and geodetic sur
vey will exhibit a miniature tide guage,
and other bureaus will have exhibits
pertaining to their particular work.
The redemption division probably has
the greatest curiosity to show. It is
tho old knife that for more than a
quarter of a century was used in the,
trensury for cutting, in two bills that
had ' been turned in for redemption.
The knife is a huge affair operated by
hand, and was displaced only a little
more than a year ago by electrical
machinery. After the money turned In
for redemption was counted by clerks,
it was cut in two lengthwise, and the
halves counted again, it was for this
work the knife was used, and during
recent years, when an average of near
ly a million dollars a tlay was turned
In. the man who operated the knife
did not have a sinecure. Treasury of
ficials estimate that the blade of tho
knife has passed through bills repre
senting a face value of between $.1,000,
000,000 and $11,000,000,000.
Another curiosity will be the first
ledger and journal kept by tho trens
uier of the colonial government, the
early entries in which antedate tho
signing of tho Declaration of Indepen
dence. It Is undoubtedly the oldest
go eminent record In existence.
The display of coins will be very
complete, embracing every coin Issued
by the United States, and some of the
finest made by other governments ot
the world, ancient and modern. There
will also be shown a largo number of
government bonds and securities, In
cluding some of the bonds of tho Dis
tilct of Columbia.
Mr. Hills will spend a largo share
of his time In Buffalo. after tho expo
sition opens, und will have as assist-
I '
We will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache,
Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness we can
not cure with Liverita, the Up-To-Date Little
Liver Pill, when the directions are strictly com
plied with. They are purely Vegetable, and
never fail to give satisfaction 25c boxes contain
100 Pills, JOc boxes contain '40 Pills, 5c boxes
contain 15 Pills Beware of substitutions and
imitations. Sent by mail Stamps, taken
Nervita Medical Co, Corner Clinton and Jack
son Streets, Chicago, 111.
Sold by McQarrah & Thomas, Druggists, 209 loick
a wanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa.
Special Diseases of Men
Do mtS'W Cente r
Not I'Hfinlk Them
Scatter iiHBPMi ' on
Faculties nliHtf Specialty!
If you r uDrlnpr from any cHm or contllllon ptctillur to men, or. It yu h be
dlwnnointcil in not letting ft permanent cure, I wint you to rome and hive a Mclal chat
with m. I will explain to yon MY SYSTEM OF TFtEATMENT, wlilch I hire originate
nl developed, alter my whole life's experifnee In treating tpecial dlaeaaea of men. I have
no bolts, specifics, free samples, trial treittmonts or electro medical combination! or striiHr
devices which do not. and ennnot'tntre dUeanes peculiar to men. My education, my experi
ence, mv conscience, my reputation condemm all such quackery. II you vrtlt pay me a
vlilt I will Kvc you 1'IlKE Of CIIAIWK a thoroiwh personal examination and an ho.nei
opinion of your caie. If you are Incurable t will Irlhyou so, and advise you to that you
will not be htimbuKired bv unscrupulous practitioners who claim to cure all. If alter "
nlnir you, I Bnd you curable, I will Imure you of a permanent cure. Inaamueh as 1 will
Kite you a written guarantee to refund ou cfcry cent you have paid me In ease I fall to
effect a cure. I make no charge for medicines, as they are always included In th Botnlnal
fee, asked, and you know to the tent, before you start what your whole treatment la gotna;
to cost, and I will make no false promises as to the time for the aake of felling yu aa
a patient, ns 1 promise only what I can do, and do as I promise.
ttNXATUIUt. Ult-CIIAnOES stopped III S to 10 days.
njflfiSIOSS and Drains stopped In 8 to 15 days.
ULCEUS. I cam not of how long standing, I will dry them up at one.
STRICTI'MS cured without cutting or dilating.
HVnitOCKI.K or any swellings or enlargements reduced it once.
l.MI'OTENCV by my system of trcatm-nt Is curable Irrespective of the time itandln? or
yo'ir hkc. , ,
nt.APDIlU AND KWXKY derancements by my system of treatment ihow ilgni l "
pnetnenl from the very beginning. . ,. ,
RHEUMATISM, being caused by Impure condition ot blood, Is cured permanently uy
SPECIFIC IU.OOI) POISONING, permanently cured without the use of lodldi ol Tolash
WRITE If you cannot call. All coi respondent strictly confidential and alt repllea sent
In plain envelopes. Inclose 2-rent sUmp to Insure reply.
OFFICE HOURS, 0 a. m. to 6 p. m. and 6 to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Permanently Located at
Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Building,
1 426-428 Spruce St
mils a force of treasury employes who
nro experts on matters pertaining to
the divisions they represent.
Special to the Scranton Tiibuni;.
Nicholson, April 19. Mr. and Airs.
"William Jeffers. of Lenox, and Mr. and
Mrs. will lam lirown ,of Foster, spent
Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. E. D.
The funeral of Alden J. Stephens will
bo held at the late residence of. his
father today (Saturday) at 11 a. m.
Itucl Tinffley spent a few days this
week as tho guest of his uncle, Carl
Mr. and Mrs. V. A.' Colvin spent
Thursday In Scranton.
John MacDonoush, of Kingston, Pn.,
was a. caller in town Friday.
The taxpayers ot Nicholson will have
an opportunity on Tuesday, April 'Si, to
vote for or against lighting the bor
ough streets with electric lights.
Special to Iho Scranton Tribune.
Uniondale, April 19. Burns Lyon has
been very 111 with the measles.
Hov. A. Kastman, pastor of tho
Mothodist church, has been returned
for another year. ,
Adel Curdlck and Noel Mapes are
employed on tho Eric track.
Mrs. Harriot Hoswoll has been spend
ing tho week with relatives la Scran
ton. The ninplp sugar and pancake social
held In the Presbyterian parsonagu
lately was a pleasant affair.
Hov. II. J. Crane and Theron Dim
nilck attended tho presbytery in Scran
ton. Several persons have fished for trout,
but with no success.
Hov. W. L. Slnaborry, former pastor
of the Methodist Episcopal church, now
IB 01
of Mount Vision, lectured In the Metho
dist church last Thursday evening. His
subject was "Conflict of Christianity
with the Oriental World." The lecturo
revealed a great amount of research,
and was very earnestly delivered.
John Clark will soon move his family
into U. Barrlger's home.
Mrs. Randall, tho fashionable milli
ner of Lake Como, left town on Thurs
day. Prof. A. P. Thomas, of Cartoondale,
'was a caller among friends here on
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
, Hawley, April 20. About the most
unique and pleasant entertainment"
given thlswintorwas the country dantw
given by the L. C. M". B. A. at tin
Maennorchor hall oil Wednesday oven,
ing. The prizes wore awarded In
James Hoggcrty and Miss Sarah Dov
ers, tho former receiving an applo pie,
nnd the latter a pumpkin pie. About
$100 was cleared.
Carpenters nro at work erecting a
building on tho lot of Thomas Nallin,
on Main street, where tho Are burned
tho former store.
Mrs. Alfred Decker Is 1n Washington,
D. C.
Mrs. Charles Ammerman and daugh
ter, Alice, of Honesdale, have spent
this week with relatives here.
Misses Isabel L. Atkinson and Lucy
Pellet accompanied Miss Margaret
Lambert to New York on Saturday,
from where Miss Lambert, In company
with Misses Annie Axleby and Brown,
will sail for her homo In England.
Wof.G.F.THE&&27 lAi'f
al rbllsdflphla, ra. Oal? tttraaa DpoUlbt
. v jJS ABrlfft.tlutrutfU rare alts fcyastlrrl'Sl.
I OjL nUruM,(fmh nm I U 10 dsyill lbtw,l
lfaMsL Blood foltoB, JUrfOff Dobltftr. toil lukMd,'
. LJtjOH Vsrlconla t Strtilant ( UU1, D.tlop.
mala,gbraakn f)rsMs.HB4 AirHworaTooUaisaUtifi Bool,
olpoilaiour? BudfMl aaa olootrioal tit. oilUoi IOfr.l