rWs7TCir$f&r,n vt ,"-(-TT,..l3e mrrliix I ' '" ' ' , "i " r rTr x'S AjMilllVn1 JJMHL JttWfc rii-'&vaT-iflPKCaC. jiCi7MMr -WH-TRw -rjfcijVV lIm-.WM jj" ' li ij'V H , . a - fcT&s v , ? , . ;, f ,&' '-HimE " ' . ' " I 1 .." . " Mb i. . """!J . .v w " . Mai '$ W .. f.V 3j v . ;l THE b.NLY SCRANTON PAPKR. RtiClilVING THB COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD TWO CENTS. TWELVE PAGES SCRANTON, 1AM SATUUDAV MORNING, APRTL 20, 19031. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. $'&& tjifv& -v Hui Srimttie. SSSVUSilBHIBfllSfiiCBflKSHlSXHIPQAnS ; AGUINALDO'S ADDRESS rtie Filipino Chief Gives His Fel low Gouiurymen Some Good Advice. SAYS PEACE IS DESIRABLE He Has found That the Majollty of the Filipinos Is in Favor of a Ces sation of Hostilities Is Willing That His People Shall Enjoy the Libeity and Promised Generosity of the Gieat American Nation. General MacArthur Ordeis the Re leaso of One Thousand Insurgent Prisoneis. Hi L'ulinhe Nile Iiom Hi'' -oclafed 1'ip Manila, April lit. The following is Agulnuldo's address" to the Filipino people, made public this evening: 'T believe I am not in error In pie siunlng the unhappy fate to which my adverse foitune has led mo, is not a surprise to those who have been i'.nnllliir with the piogtes.s of tho war. The lessons taught with a lull mean ing, and which have icecntly romp to my knowledge. suggest with ineslst ihln force that a complete termination of hostilities and l.Lstinpr aic not only desirable, but absolutely essential to the of the Philippine islands. ' The Kilipinos have never been dls in.i.ved .it their weakness, nor have thev f.iltcied In loHcrwiug the path pointed out bv their fortitude and courage. Tho time has come, however, in which the llnd their advance along this path to be impeded by an itieslst Ihle foicc w hich, while it restr.iins them, t t enlightens their minds and opens to them .mother course, presenting them the cause of peace. This cause has been jovtiilly ombi.iced by the major ity ot m lellow -countrymen, who have .ilie.idy united mound the glorious sov ereign banner of the United States. In tliis banner they lepose their ttust and belief that under its protection the Fili pino people will attain all those prom- Wed llbeitics which they are beginning to cn1o. The country lias dcclaied un mistakably In flavor of peace. So be it. Then- has been enough blood, enough teats, enough desolation. This wish cannot be ignoted by the -men still In aims, if they ate animated by a desire to seive nit! noble people, which has thus deaily manifested its will. So do r ie.sptct this will, now that It is known to me. "Alter nintuie deliberation, T icso lutcly ptoclaim to the woild that T can not refuse to heed the voice of a people longing tor peace, nor the lamentations of thousands of families j earning to sco their dear ones enjoying the liberty and the promised geneioity of the gieat American nation. "fiy acknowledging and accepting the "oveielgnty ol the United States thiougliout the Philippine aiehipelago, as I now do, and without any reserva tion whatsoever, J believe that I am serving thee, my beloed country. May happiness be thine." To sjgn-iii,0 this- Impoitant sttp in the pacification of the eountiv, Oeneial lUneArthur 01 tiers- the lelease, on -weaiing allegiance to the United States, of one thousand Insuigent pws oiiois, Good Eftects Expected. "Washington, April tn Tt is belieel by the administiallon that the mani festo of Aguinaldo will have a decid edly good etiect, both in the Philippines and in this countiy. It will take somo time lor its dissemination among the riltplnijs, but it is expected do he 'of lonsldeiablo set vice and to make mote l.'pltl the Improvement in the .situation which .set in some time ago and has become ftilte inatked of late, Kspeelai giatiticatlon is tell ut the uniosmved tone of the document and the full ac ceptance It indicates of American utle. This it is telt will hi ing to the suppoit of the government many Filipinos who, whllr wishing 1or peace, have hesi tated to assist the Tali commission, In this countiy it is expected to re duce the uitielsiii of tint adniinlstra tlon and to cause le.,s discussion of the geneial polhy of the in the is. lands and moie consldmatlon of the important mutter oi the bet adminis tration to evolve for their government It Is to tills wo ik Unit llio Tuft com mission if. now bending nil Its- enei gles. AguiPiihlo, now ho has ac cepted American soveiojgnty, probably will he given consideiably mote liber ty than he 1ms enjoyed hltheito. His services will lie used as inr us possi ble in the pacification of the island". Tr.e extent, how over, to which ho will be permitted his fioodoni Is (or (len eral aiueArthur to deleimhie, with tho assistance of the Taft commission for the action of the government me Vii lest largely on the viows held by Jir irpiesenlatlvcs In the Philippines, Coincident with the Issue or the manifesto at Manila, Seetotuiy fioot made public tho topy leeched tinni General MdvAilhur, This mine to hand on the 10th of April and dltfeis slightly in phraseology tiom that made puhlle In Manila, Oeneial MncAithur In fomied the dtpaitiuent nt that lime that the manifesto hud been lueputed by AkuIiuIiIo with tho assistance only nf the two staff otliiois who weio with him at the time ho was captuiod. Scc jetaiy Hoot declined to be interviewed on tho subject of the manifesto, fuither than to say that It wus dlgnllled In tone and admirably constt noted. An Oat Meal Trust Next. Bj Inclusive Wire (rem Tl o Associated Preu Alroii. O., April 3D. 'flic contuimnatiou ot ho pivjfrt to ioiLM)lidatc all the inOtiienddit ui.Ml liluiils of ihi? country 1$ now auml. The Miriam luopcrtlis. tcu in iiumlxr, will be turned oicT to llie ( Wfoteiii rercil loinpjny at Iblueo m.M 'liun.'.y. 'Iliu mn ompjiiy will lumpcte wlllj Hit mvrUiu t.ical ompanj, bfltcr Luo.n til (lie ''Ojlu ejl Iiu.l " NAPOLEON LAJOIE'S CASE IS HEABD. The Philadelphia National Base Ball Club Tiles to Restrain Baseman. H.i llwlttihe Who limn 'Ihe Anctilr.l t'icv. Plilladeiphla, Apiil lie Setoml Uase mati Is'upoleon iujoie, thiough ills at torney, today filed Ills answer In the common pleas" court to the suit of the Philadelphia National league base ball club to lestraln hlui limit playing with the local Ameilcan league club. in tile answer Lttjole says that it Is true that on Apill JS. 1U00, he signed a. conttael with the plaintiff lo ttlinlsh his services us a base ball player for the season of 1M0O, but that he is un able to state whether the contiact, a copy of which is anneved to the plain tiffs iilll as exhibit "A," Is the actual contract which he signed, llc further stales that he insisted upon lerelvlng a sitlaty ot $3,000 for lust season, and that lie was ofl'eied W.600, which Manager Shettsllne Mid was the highest salatv the Philadel phia i lub would pay season, He had no opportunity to find this out until alter signing the contract, when he learned that Fltst Haseman Dele hanty's salary was $3,000, which ten dered Manager Shettslin's statement lalte and untitle. In the month of .Tnntuiiy, 1001, he (Lajoie) was offeied the difference between his" and Dele hanty's salary, vi., .400, providing he would sign a contract to play for tho Philadelphia ball club tills year and at their option thiougliout three seasons thei eaf ter. In conclusion, Lajoie eniphuttcally denies that he was induced and per sauded by his co-defendants, Piesldent Renjjinin F. Slilfe, Manager Connie Mack and Frank Xi. Hough, to sign with them, either on their own behalf as co-partners or on 'behalf of the Philadelphia Ameilcan league base ball club tor the cm rent season and lie asks that all the facts alleged bv Col onel Roheits on behalf of the league club be pioved by testimony. PRESIDENT'S TRAIN FOR WESTERN TRIP Will Consist of an Engine and Seven Cais One of the Finest Trains on the Tracks. By Exclusive Wire fioni Thr Associated Picn Washington. Apill 19. The composi tion of the special train, upon which the presidentvand his party will make the ten thousand mile trip to the Pa cific coast and lctiiin, has been deter mined. It will consist of an engine and seven cars. The combination baggage and smoking car "Atlantic," the dining car "St. James," two compartment cars, each witli seven staterooms and two eli aw ing looms, the "Omena" and tho "Diana," two twelve section dtaw Ing loom sleepeis, Uie "Pelion" and "rharmion" and the privatecar "Olym p'ia," which will be occupied by Piesl dent and Mis. McKinley. Tho Olmypia will be used only on tho tiip out. The letuin will be made in the pilxate car "Campania." It will be one of the finest trains ever put upon a r.iilioad trne. Tho Olmy pia, in which the president wjll go west, has been used bv him on several occasions. Tt is seventy feet long, has five private looms and one sola .ste tion. Two of the rooms contain lnass beds, huge minors, wardtobes and ev eiy convenient o. The dining and ob servation room is located at the lear o the ear. It is sKteen feet long and has an extension table and contains two cabinets. It is finished in ei mil lion. Tlie private rooms are in maple, mahogany anil koko, and the kitchen In Jhigllsh oak, The ear is lighted Avlthigus ami equipped with steam heat. Tho Campania Is almost a coun teip.ut of the Olympla, except that It contains a pallor In which is a side boaid, an olgan and a wilting desk, The compa; tnicnt cats in which tho lretubota ot the cabinet and their wives and other guests will linvcl, aie fin ished In einii1lion, elaboiatejy carved, and tho tooms ate painted in ivory and gold. The fellings aie beautifully de corated and the upholsteiy and di aper ies aie in hatmony with the geneial color scheme. The combined baggage nnrl smoking car is iltted up with a barber shop, bath loom, willing cahl i.els and a llbinry. RIPLEY CASE IN HANDS OF JURY Chniged with Being' nn Accessoiy Befoie the Fact in Goebel Minder, )l, l!iuiua W' Iiom 'the -Muiiiii 1'ir-k frankfoit, Ky,, April 19. The (lisp of f'nplnln Gatiiott D. I'.lpley, the foitner militia oillcer eliaiged with being an iicces'-oiy befoie the fact in the Goe bel assassination, is now in tho hands of the juiy. J, T. O'Neal made the closing aiguinont for the defense to day unci was followed by Piosecuting Attorney T'lanklln. The crowd In 'at tendance during tho closing ntgttments taxed tho capacity of the huge couit toom to Its full limit. Mi. O'Neal, for the defense, aigued thot Itlpley's gieatesl trlme was talk ing too much, and that by tiying to mulso himself over-important ho had placed himself under suspicion; but that when the evidence was sifted theie was nothing connecting him with the cunspliacy, Mr, Fianklln, for the pioseeution, dwelt on the (uut that the defendant atrived note Januaty Hi, the date on which tlui assassination, he claimed, was decieed, and that he was not heio Jauuaiy 29, at tho time Poweis gave Youtsey the key to the secietuiy or state's ollice. ' Judgo Cantilll oideied the jury not to consider the case tonight, but to take It up In the juty room tomorrow n-orning. No Foreign Meats for British Troops. B Exclusive Wire from Tin Aisocijted press. bondoii, April l1). asvicrlng: a question in the licittc at toinmoiw toiljv (lie linimUl trcioljry of the var otllcc, ford blanley conllriiicif th.) report tlut all tho coutiaUg now nuilc cccluileil the miiplyln,; of furelKM meati Ir) tb n.iit all I loop, in the Tutted. Kingdoa. CHINESE WILL QUIT HEWAILIJ In Consequence ol Iiiidci1.iI Decree Troops Must Leave Terrltoru Under Foreion Protection. OUTSIDE OF GREAT WALL Prnnco-Geimnn Expedition Aban doned in Consequence Von Wnl dersee Distributes Guns Captuied. Austria to Take land at Tien Tsln for Consulate The Claim o France Against China Amounts to $40,000,000. Bj r.viiKbe Wiie fioin The Avoi inlcd l'ii Pekin, Thuisday, April IS. In conse quence of strong repicsentations to the Chinese goveinment, an impeilal de cree, dated Tuesday, April 16. has been issued ot del ing the Chinese tioops at How-al-Laf (Hual-IjU?) to immediately remove outride the great wall. London, April 19. In a dispatch liotn Paris it Is s.iid that in consequence of the impel lal decree oidering the Chi nese troops to leave the teuitoiy con sidered under the piotectlon of the al lied forces, the Franco-German expedi tion has been abandoned). France will soon withdraw ten thous and troops from China. Vienna. April 19. In the lelclisialh today, tho premier, Dr. Koerber, lepiy tng to an interpellation, said tne in creasing commercial inteiest of China necessitated the establishment ot an Austrian consulate at Tien-Tsin. A fJte for the consulate had therefote been taken and payment foi it to China was reserved for the future settlement. Washington, April 19. An order ot Count Waldersee distributing1 the guns captured at Shan-Hai-Kwan. China, was made public at the war depait ment today. As the American forces did not participate in the movement against that place, none of the guns were awarded lo the United States. The distribution was as follows: Germany, two 12-oentimetie and three 21-contlmetre TCiupp. Kngiand, four S-eentimetie Kiupp and one l."-centimetre Armstiong. Austna, four S-centlmette and one-12-centlmette and one 21-rontlmetre Kiupp France, four 15-centimelio Kiupp and one l."-cent1metie Armstrong. Japan, lour lii-eentlmetie and one 21-centimetre ICrupp. Italy, two S-centimetic and four 9 centimette Kiupp and one l"-centi- mette Armstiong. Kussia, two 12-tentlnietie and tin co 21 -centimetre Kiupp UNIVEESITY RACES. Announcement Is Made That Six Colleges Will Be Represented. By Inclusive Wuc bom The Asmx'uiciI rn- Poughkeepsle, X. Y April 19. The Highland Amateur Hawing associa tion held a meeting lioie this niter noon on the subject of Ihe Inleicolle giate boat lares, to be held on the Hudson July 2. Announcement was made that st: colleges will be represented in the unl veilty race Cornell, Pennsylvania, and Columbia, the original membeis ot the Intel collegiate association, and Wisconsin, Georgetown and Syiacuso tin! veil sites, oa invitation. This will be the first year Syracuse has entered a i lew. The 'v.usily and ficshiuen tates will take place between l and u o'clock, ebb tide. The single scull and four-oared races will be lowed In Ihe motning. " AN OVAL BICYCLE TRACK OPENED. By Txclmhe Whf (rem The Aiuitnl rrs. BiocUon, 3Ia's., Apill in, 'the hce cit) oval blr.vcle track cpcneil todiv, 'the puixlpd cvint was i 2i mile motor paid race, l'l ink Ilutlcr beini? fiibMlhiteil fur "it llutlci ajulit llauy raMvvell, Xit hullei had been inhibit li mx rniwlalul by the llie.v rlo Hiilois' union In time Crunk ua not in toiidlllim und (Jkhvill did not lave tn ew it lihiHelf. fjlilvvell' lime u.n Jl:l!, Iliilkr l.nMilns one nnl, 1T"i ,vanU lie. lilnd iilin ' i Caft'tey Bieaks Recoul. By Kulutive wire fioni 'llie Moi!sted l'ies. Pii-tnn, Apill fn.-lulai .T. ( iffiey. ot the t. I'ltrbk Aliiletie nvticiilinii, lliinlllon, Out., won thi Mtuthon ion) i,it(i (.' milm) fioni. lilund to lloston tod iv, bicakhiK the conrMi li'urd lit Id I iv Idin, niadn In 1 1st eaiV i.ue, CsAwyN pievlom moid w-i two houi, flilrly. nfl.o ndinilei and foilvdour Kocond. (laflie)'s time in (ddij's iaro vvai Iwo hoim, twcnlj'two minuter, twinlydtiree and tnufidln seconds, i.icn mlmitri, twentr and thlie-lUtlu: b.'randj liottei Dun 1.V-.L ,vcji' moid Willi un )avi, o Hamilton, was foc'ind Hoise Trainer Killed, ft r,eliiIve Whe from The As.ocialcd I'tc" I eslnston, Ky., p 10 Owen Diadlej, a imminent trainer m el onuti of funoiu lacu lioiae-u, wa. vlif t at.d kilhd hy William Nicholas foiUv, Holli aie ,of piomlnent fan.illes I In i.iii'.e ii a lend if Ions ljndlnir Big Smelter Binned. C.v KYcludic Wire from 'Ihe Aoclatid l'ir Butte, Jlont,, Apill 10 fire at the llinu Sieelter todav caiiiil low;, citimaled at 5JO0 IM. The boilei, matte, sanipliiij; and engine loonu wcie entirely de-.uojed The iiniiuruc I3 about iHCO.000. m Killed in a Collision. By Fidmhe Wire from The Associated Prm. MenipliU, April If. st. llein, a Jjrti-oU lioite, owned by . L. iladli, a killed m a collision villi another hor-o at Montgomery Park today while eierci,in(f with Joekej t'oth ran. IVhrjn m stunned by llio full, but not wrioualy hurt, bt lkaii a valued at j.Wi. PROMOTIONS IN ENGLISH AHMY List of Officers Who(Have Won Glovy in the Soutlt African Campaign. By lrlinle Wire (rem Tlio Avoclatrd Pre". London, April 19. The list of officers acroiilcit promollonfi and honots for their service In South Africa prior to Nov. 29, 1900, when Lord P.oberts gavo up the command of the Ptltlsli forces In South Airlca,slllls uj) sixteen pages of the Gazette, Loid Kitchener, Genorul Puller, Gen. erul Fonestlor-Walker and General While ate made Knights of the Grand Cross of St. Michael's and St. George, (leneial Kelly-Kenny, General Sir Archibald Hunter, General Kitchener, bi other of Lord Kitchener, and Gen eral Lyltleton ate made lieutenant geneials. General Pole-Cm ew, Gener al French, Oeneral Ian Hamilton, Gen eral Charles 1Z. Knox, General Sir Wil liam Nicholson, General Atthur S. Wynne, General Charles W. II. Dough lass, General Smllh-Dorrien, Oeneral F. W. Kitchener, the Hail of Dundon ald. General Aitlnir Paget and General Hitice Hamilton are niude malor gen erals. doings oFfSi" STATE LAWMAKERS Bill Introduced Making' Loans Upon Salary Security Unlawful Move ment Against the "Growler.'' lb' Kvclmne SSne dour 'the Associated Piei Il.urlnburg, Pa , April 49. A bill was Inttoduecd in the house today "by Mr. Hosaek, of Allegheny, prescribing the manner In which the Fllnn neisonal legistiaflon amendment to the consti tution .shall be voted upon at the net general cdectlon. These bills weie also read In place: Mr. lv'irkei, of Allesheny, amending the ict ot .lime J"i, lSDJ, relative to the protection of pei-ons unilile to eaie for their own property, so .ih to eonfn lor.ciinent juiisdietion upon tl oiphani' court, emble additional person to pet), tion, .nUrsc the pawns of the guardim and autlione the sile of the reil estate of the war. Sir. Brown, of Clarion, providing that the arnual t n: upon, the premiums of foreisn in Miianeo eonipnn'C shall bo at tho into of 4 ppp cent, upon Ihe grews premiunis of every cbaiacter and flrseuplion received from business done in I'eiHisvb inia nillun the entire calendar jeai prc cedlnp:. . bill wn ilo liittodnced by Mr. Drown pro. vidhiK tliaf n btonv fee of $1011 slull be pud for enii cir, sleirnboat; or ves-.el, bolt oi birtrc upon which liquor h sold oi fiirmslml in l'enn. svlvania. Mr. Hull, of Tliilidelplila, pioliibitm? hqunr dcilcis fioni selling liquoi to temileh ti lc t iken from tl.e levim-, Mr. Yatc, of 1'iul.idelpliii. iniltinR if milivv. fid to loan mom v i.hen the wemitj for the nne k i falaiv or legulailv received remunen tiou en finniture or ehitlc'3 of anj- description tint slnll be permitlrd to reimin on the pnm i'es or in the possesion ot owner it the rite of InlfiPrr gieiter than si )ier cent, annually and five per cenl. for collection. Mi. Hill, nt Alleshenv, teculatinff (lie oile of olenmiig'-.rmc. llie bill i? imihr to the Snj der tneiine. cYeept th it il doe nut oonlun an Injunrticn ihiie and pioiubit the coloiing of oleo to imitate Irnttcr. A number of senate bills passed sec ond leading, alter which the house ad journed until Monday evening at S o'e loc k, m BICYCLE RACING SEASON OPENED Ovei Seven Thousand People Wit ness the Exhibition at Chtules Kiver Paik. By I'TcIiiiive Wiie from The Aoi latrd fie-e Uoston, April If. In the opening bi cycle races ot the .season at Charles lllver paik, William Stinson, of Cam bridge, defeated Johnnie Nelson by a trifle over one lap, and Hobby Val .thour, the southerner, by one and a third miles, his time tor the twenty-five miles being 10,31 i-4 .seconds. Theie wei e present over 7,000 people, and one or the finest exhibitions of pluck was exhibited when Rtlnson, after having lost tluce-i-iuu'tcis of a lap In the loiirth mile, because of an accident to his motor pace, continued gamely nnd shortly nrtor he regained his pace made up the distance he had lost. .Nel son hail taken the lead over "Walthottr, and after the latter Stinson went, clos ing tho gap hotwoen them inoh by inch until ho had passed him. II was not until tlie seventeenth mile that Stinson passeel Nelson, although he did not succeed in getting far enough ahead of tho Swede to lap him until the twenty fourth mile, Stinson for the thst tlmo defeated Nelson hi a race. 'Wnlthour was tho tavotlte, but the cold weather nppaieivtly had an 11 effect on him after his Mci In wat mcr climate. FIERCE TIKE AT TAYLOR. At :! o'clock this morning a fletoe. file was raging on Main stieet, In North Taylor. A three honso block Kiwned by a Mrs, Williams, of Ptovi- donce, was totally ne.siroyed and the Odd Follows hall hud caught flie in soveral places. Tho Williams house was valued at $1,000, and the Odd Fol lows' building at WOOD. Tlie onliro (he flglitins force of Taylor was on the scene. Chinamen In Potatoes. lb LAClushe Wiie fioni TlieAiaovIaled I'lfM. PUt Wimp. V. V, pill l'i. A pu(y of nine t hluiiiiiii wic laptuicd in .1 cir 01 potatoes at llou-e's l'oiul, X V, tndji. The cai of pota toes wa3 loidrd at Dmki, X V , ami wj-, shipped to 'l.iiiihetu, V. II. 'iho riilnunieit were prob abl.v seeicled In the cai it Burke, wlilcli ib luJi Ihe Canada line, u innvenunt point loi niiiglius them acrov A Foituno Left to Missions. Uj i:cludve Wire from The .Wotiilcd liel I'iiiladflplila, Apiil ID. tinder the provbioin of llie will of I.liJbeth Steele, who died ictently Im entile) estate, amounting to $,Oi)ii,0eiO with Iho evieptlon of JfHW.imO, vi ij bequeathed to the boaul of trustees of tho 6)nod of the llet'oimed Pictb.vtcriau tlnireli in North America, to be evpinded in laii'in; out the woik ot foreign mUilon in conueitlon with the ihuieh. Pennsylvania Pensions. By Etcludie Wire from The Associated Prc't. W jMiingloii. April I'J. Pensions of W a month have been 'lOJitiii to WillUin :re, of Alden station, I ,u.(i ne loumv, and leiiule FvhUbach (uldow), of PlaliivvJIle, l.tiuis eoiuuv. GOVERNMENT AT PAN-AMERICAN Arranaeinents for the State, War and Navu Exhibits at Buffalo Are Nearlu Completed. H0BS0NT0BEAFEATURE The Hero of the Menimac Episode Will Be Connected with the Navy Departments Represented There. Marines, Artillerymen nnd Infan try Will Give Dally Exhibition Drills All Bureaus Represented. By I'rclmlve W'ne fiom The As-odatrd l'ies Washington, April 1!). The .tr langements for the exhibits of the state, war and navy department at the Ifuffalo exposition aie now practically cr mplete and these three departments have but little more piepaiation to make befoie the opening of the blgr fair on May 1. Tlie navv's exhibit promises well, on account of a number of new featur connected with it. Probably ttho most inteiesting will be the piesoncc at Buf falo during the exposition of Naval Constt ttctor Richmond Pearson Hob son, whose daring feat of sinking the Mcrrimao during the Spanish-American war, as well as his work of rais ing the disabled Spanish vessels in Manila harbor, has aroused great In terest in him throughout the country. Lieutenant Hobson recently was or dered to the bureau ol construction and repair for "special duty." It has been the desire of those in charge of the exjositlon to have this young heio of our war with Spain connected with the naval exhibit during the summer, but Admiral Bowles, dblef construc tion otlicQr, was loath to deplete his al lcady small bureau force to allow Mr. Hobson to go to Buffalo. However, he has now yielded to the popular desire nnd Mr. Hobson will bo connected with the navy department's lepresentation theie. Secretary Iong has authorized the use of a company of marines, fully equipped, who will sot up a camp at the south end of the big government building. Secretary TlooL also hos agieed to send a company of coast artillery about' sixty men who will set up a camp neai the mat hies and give daily exhibition drills. These twx organiz ations will aim to present in the most loalistic style the daily lound of work of their lespectlve bianclies of the service. Tlie exhibit of the state department has been shipped and is now on the gtound. All th" buieaus of the de partment will be lepiesented in some manner, and theie will lie seveial piomlnent t entities. MILITIA WILL USE SHOT. An Effort Made to Piotect Innocent People fiopi Long Range Bullets. By lAclusive W'nv trom flic A-nocuted Press Columbus, O., April 19 Adiutant Oeneral Ovger has decided to supply tlie Ohio militia -with e artridges loaded w 1th shot, instead of bullets, to be used when the tioops are called out for riot duty. Thp shot aie put into tlie shell in a elide, with eight or ten in the ex act center. JXpeiimeuts show that the center shot goes sttaight to the mark, wliilo those In the ciiclo scatter. Oeneral Oy ger says the new shells ate jeaionably effective at sbott lanee and will not Mil Innocent people nt a great distance iiom the rioting, as is often the case wlune cattridges loaded with balls are used. TORNADO IN FLORIDA. Several Houses Demolished John Peteis Fatally Injured Forest Trees Tom Up by tlie Roots. B Kveliive 'Vne bom The AiocIaled Prej Mlama. Fla April IX The, hamlet of TUscuyne, seven miles north of here, was stiutlc by a tornado this morning, seveial houses weie demolished, John Peteis was fatally iujuied and Wil liam Cook seveiely hurt. Po.tei.s Is a pt ospomiiH vegetable fanner. His liousQ was completely demolished. Mr. Peters' head Is badly crushed and his body was pierced by several pieces of wood, Mr. Cook was thrown fifty feel and painfully Injured, Tho tornado is thought to bo local, Kvery forest tree In Its path in this vicinity wns totn up by tho roots, DEATHS OF A DAY. Bj exclusive W'lie from Tho Associated preM Jvriv Voik, Apnl 10. George Coppell, wninr partner of tho Ann of Miltlind, Copptll k Co., picident of tho Wiicomln fVutial Rallitwi' company and a financier prominent in many tail, load and other roipnutioin, died todir at his home In tld city. Up v i ,i je.irs old. Ashcville, X. C Apill l'i.-ruloncl A. 11, into, of the linn of , II. Ilelo iV. i4l piopn. dor ot the palla-, (l'ai.) evv aid the Ual. vctoii 0'ea) Ncvvi., died hero todav, Colontl llelo vvai a ili-tiriguUlied offuir ill the Confeder. utii arm, lie wa badly wounded dining the war and bad never fully recovered. He i foimeiiy Ic piesldent ot the A;ot!jtcd Prm. Philadelphia. April l9.-r'v Judge William HcK. Willi jniion, ot liuntiiiRilou counly, died at the heme of hi son. Captain Oeor.'o HcK. Wil IIjiiuoii, command inl of the schu'lkill amenal, Hits cii.v, last night, Mi, W'illianKon served a term in tho btate tnialo and ai the appointee of Governor llatinai vvai nx lnonlhi. pieiidrnt judge- ot llio court of Huntingdon and Mittliu count IciS New oik, prll 19.' llonet.t lorn" 'amp'-iii, delcttive, ainiy veteran ami lite iver, died to day at Mount Vunun. .. Captain Sampson bad ilcen liiedalj for meritorioui j.eniie, a in inliLi of them loi i.iv )n- life, one beiug and ed to Mm by congicfe. He aided In the arrr-1 of Mis. huiratt, MUs I'lttpalrick, Vdvvard Pajno aud )r. f-amuel Cot, who wcia chanced with being implicated in tho plat to avv-wliuto PrcU dent fdiKoln. Captain sjmibon was bom in lliiijlaiid iu IS.!, THE NEWS THIS N0RN1N6. Weather Indication Taday : RAIN: NOHTHZAtTEHLY WINDS. 1 Oeneral Aguliialdu's Addtc-M to I'lllplnoi, Kiiroiyiii Alliance Afalnt Atnrrlra. Attaint In China, liovemuietit IMilblt at ItufTalii. f 2 ( t'arbonelalo Pepailment. 3 Oeneral In tins f.and of rivvveia, " i Kdllorlal. V Xnte nnd Comment. ( , f. Local oclat and t'eroonal. One Woman's Views. Scientific HaUd. 6 T.oeal Amilverjar.v of lltatiie f.udje, Knlgiiln of Pl1lll. (,'olp of the (.lyid-nicii, Silk Strikers tlcfihe Pavls' Ullei. 7 l.ocul-IIoanl of Control Will Re dike In Lev:. Last XIkIiI's flonlln; Mitelin. 'Piolley Car Meeting-. Local W'eit scranton and siiliuiban. 9 Ocnenl Xortlitwlem Penrnjl'-mla and C'ouimeielal. JO Moiv Winner of the Second Pii.e In Tlie I ribiiiie't. ""hort sloiv Contol. It I.ocil llelisioU'i Xevvs ot the Week. Sunday School Lesson loi 'lomoriovv 12 Local Court Proceeding. Newt In the World of Lilior. SIGNING OF WARRANTS, Recorder Moir Explains His Position with Beference to the Matter. Other Side of It. A question that Is Just now ei eating much discussion and comment in city hall Is, shall the city wait ants in the future be drawn in the city eletk's office ot in the recorders oflice? liver since 188fi all warrants on llie city tieasmy have been diavvn and signed by tlie city cletk and issued from his office. Tlie ripper bill under which this city is now operating pro vides that all wai rants shall be signed by the recorder but makes no piovisiou as to who shall eft Aw or Issue them to the persons entitled to leceive them. Itecorder Moir while he says that he has not yet atrived at anv definite ton elusion nevertheless piactlcally ad mits that he will not sign any war lants diavvn by the tilty clerk. The councllmanic friends of City Cleik Ia velle who do not like to see htm strip ped of any of the functlonn of the office, which he has tilled so long ami so well, maintain that the lecorder cannot take upon hismself the power to dtaw anil issue warrants until the resolution passed in 18S.1" conferring that power on Mr. L.avelle 1s repealed. This icso lutiou tends as follows: N II ii lieiebv icaolved bv- the jdect. council of Ihe city of Scimtoli, the (ouiiiiou council ion eiitiinpr. from and aflei (he p.i--ji;t of IV-i-, ifiolution n(y wai rank, idi ill be prepared, xigned and iiuvicd bj Ihe i ity clerk and connteriigned by the city oontmllt i . T3x-Clly Solicitor Vosbtug is autlior ity for the statement that all tesolu tions and ordinances passed while Scranton was a city of the thiid elass, lomain in foree and binding. Of eomse tliat pot tion of the lesolutton which ptovides that the city cleik shall sign the wataiuts is inconsistent with the rippei bill but il is held by Mr. T.avelle that the tost of Ihe lesolution stands as law until repealed by resolution, Itecorder Moir when seen yestetd.iv afternoon by a Tribune man and asked lor an expireisou of opinion on the subject said: "1 want It undeistood thai ibeie Is no peisonal feeling in rav contention that the dtawing and issuing of tants should be done In my oflice. r have no elesiie to strip anybody ol any duties. 1 shnplv feel that if r am to sign the vvairants as ptovided In the ripper bill they should be eiiawu in my office and thoioiiRhly sciulhiiied either by mjself oi bv a clerk whom f can hold dliectly it sponsible. "If I attach my slgnatute to a war rant and it is dlseovered that It was diavvn for too laiee an amount II is 1 and not tho person who diow it who will be held tesponslble, I umnotsnylut; that the warrants could not be piop eily or correctly drawn outside of my oflice, but 1 do say that mistakes nilglu occur and that it is not loasonable to ask mo to bo sponsible for what somebody else docs. " am under heoy bonds to the city for the proper and faithful peifoitn ancp of the duties of my oftlce and shall not consent to being held lespon olble for something I would h.ue no Knowledge of," - i i - Steamship Airivals. lly l,(liila Wile flow The V-uilitcrt Pk Kevv Vork, prll in, rnved: Xomidie, ctpool. Cleaied: aderlaud, Soutliamptou; Campaula, l.lveipoolj KaUilu Maiia 'llierii.ii, llrenien la Southampton ami Clmboiiri; As tenia, (il.tfovv; Ain.-ti'rdjin, flotleidahi via llouloi-ne; Phoenicia, llauibun,, Clieiboins Ailiiuli AiigiHe Vlcloiia, NVvv oiL tot Ham. lima;. Silled: Columbia, lliiiiburs lor New oik, liviipool Ariived: flennanli, fiom New ork, Uinvvheid Pai.-d- fieoiisie, Vne V'k fot Liverpool, (lenoi AtllM'di 'Irave, Sew Yoik via r.lhr.ltar and Niples. Pi ml" Point P,iid. Illllgalia, Vew ork for HanibuiR, I'le ot Wight Passed- I'olfdim, Itolterdjm wi v York Geneial Buttevfield's Condition. By llxiliKhe "Vim from 'Hie AwoiUted Piew evy Voik, April in. It was wid at tho ie. deneo of tienei.d Jlnttulield Inday llut bis urn did' u vvai nmeli iinpiovd BASE BALL. At Hdsltn - II H I' New York , . n 0 il 0 0 0 U 0 0 J t 2 Uoatou 1)1)11 'Oililv-T 14 J llatteiiei.-la.vlor and nowciniaii, NicIioIb and hittridae. t'mpire-O'Pav t lliookljn ft II II, Philjiiilphla , .OH 001000 1-J t 0 lirookl-n ... .0 1 2 100 - X-1Q ti 0 llatteriei Townvend and nought; iliCanti and Mcfiiilie. I'nipiie (olpan At SI louii- It H i:. Chicago .. 0 0041 .", 0 u 0-S IT 1 t.1, Louis . . 2 0 0 ' 2 I) I O 0-7 li I Hattcriea Taj lor and Kilns; Howell, Nieholj and Itjan, Umpire Kmle At Woiitr (exhibition gainejl Woieester, 10! S-racuro. 0. Worccci, 0, Providence, 4, Ri'itrn, 1; Holy ( io, 3, AFRAID OF AMERICANS Admiral Ganevaro Thinks an nili- aiiGc flaainst flmerif.a, Asia and, ftlrica Mau Be Necessaru OPINION OF SPECTATOR The Annoyance of the Poweis Is Due to Conviction Tiiat Competition with America Is Nearly Impossi ' We, Her Wealth and Energy Belnp Too Gieat America Willing- to Take the Philippines but Unwill ing That Any Other Oovernmenf Should Control China. lb l.Mlu'be Who fiom flic Woiiitcd 1're-a. London. April ID The Speotator to moirow will discuss "The Continent and Anieiica," Liking as a te.t a por tion ot an Intel lew with Admiral Count Caneato, at Toulon, which the Spectator believes lias not attracted, thp attention It deserves. f Admhal Cancvaio In concluding' hli ntterane'e teg.ndlng the triple and dual alliances having given Europe thiity years of peace, said: "This fact, would, peiliaps, lead Ku lopean nations to consider tlie possi bility and necessitv of uniting against America, Africa and Asia, as the fu tuto of clvilis-ation will icquire itiem to d6." The Spectatoi does not consider this the nash outburst en the "man in tlie stieet," for Admit al Canevato has been Italian minister of foreign' affairs. "His, utterance." the Spectator will say, "coi responds exactly with that ot Count Coluchowski (Austro-Huiigar-ian foreign minister) and with alt the lecent trend of affnlts. The annoyance) of the continent with America, which is veiy deep, is based upon three rea sons, the first being the dread, or rath er the conviction, that competition with America is neatly Impossible, her wealth aim eneigy being too great. Both aie employed, the Spectator thinks, to monopolize trade and so to contiol in the end all the wealth of the world, an idea not without advo cates even among ourselves." The Giant Tiusts. Tlie Spectator mentions tlie giant trusts and protection and refeis to thn Ameiiean as "not scrupling to com mence ti!ck and severe reptlsal If Eu ropean governments fence them off with tariffs." "Second reason," llie article will sav, "Is that Am'Mica is sadly in the way in As!.-. Tlie whole action of the Wash ington government In the Chinese mud dle points to the conclusion, that al though the Americans took the Philip pines, they are not willing do see anv but native poweis in contiol of the. richest countries in Asia. "The third le.ason ts America's al titude In South America. She will neither take it not 11 anj body else. "The total icstut is a bitter dislike of America, mixed with clieacl. Our oh-1ec-t N onlv to awaken the Ihiropeans 1 1 om ,n Illusion, to Induce the-ni to iu eie.ise their Meet and to peisuaile them to think steadily mil what they aiu dolus. They nuiv lelv upon il that tlr (oiillnent will lose nothing by want oi plannlnc,, and that, when the alli ance against America ol which Ad mhal CaiU'vaio talks is iransmuted Into facts, i will be mil ginwn and fill' armed" . SNOW IN KENTUCKY. Fieshets Which Bendei Many ram- ilies Homeless. B,i I'vtlushc Wiie from 'Ihe ".s.ociated Prr-it. Ky.. April l!". A heavy low stotm lins been laghig thiough out Knslern Kentucky since noon to day and Is still falling tonight. Two das of heavy lain pi reeded tlie snow stoim and In ought on neshets In Pow ell's vallov, which lendmed twenty tamllies homeless in that section. As soon as the water lecetles they vlll be abln to letuiu to their homes, Theie is two inches of mow In Yellow Creek valley, anil It Is a half loot deei on the mountains. STRIKE AT STEVENS' MINE. The Miners Aie Refused a Demand of lOPerCent. for Difficult Work. Br K-cihuthi Wire fiom The Associated Picsi. Wllkes-lhine, April lit. Tlio mlneii at the Stevens colliery, Plttstou, de manded 10 per cent, tnctease in wagen for a illllleult piece of woik In a gang way. The demand was T-jfused and all hands, some 20 In nuuiber, struck, Tho flvo hundred mltieis employed at the Hany H. cnlllcuy of the Temple Iron rompany, who went out on stilkn last Tuesday, totuitied to woik today. The (onipany made no concessions. F eight Train Collision. " Pi Litcliuiie Who fiom 'llie Woilated P(fi Cunibeiland, W , Apill l'. V bud on col slou ot fulfill tialus iiiuiitd todiy at CioU' Villi., on the Pittbui' divUion of tlm Baltlmoin diid Ohio. A liunihei of box e n and steel hop. pers who piled up, but. the heat- ensrinei jifld llie tracl; and weie but littlo damaged. An ui-knowu inloied man ma killid Ant-Scalpeis Bill Passed. ' ll l.xilu'iva Wiie iroiit 'the Associated Pie,. Albanv, Apiil l1). 'llio antl-ialpern bill iui pacd both linnclic-s ol the ftate leRUlatuie. lc nuku the- bulu' and i-elllni' of nllu-av ir trimboat tlcketi. In olbei than ralbva- or steamboat computus or Ibeii aseuu unlawful. WEATHER FORECAST. f 4 - Wiahnigloii, Spill JO. r'oifcat foi Sat. 4 f urdav and Su.ida-: I'-e-toni PennvlvanU 4 4 - Ham .Saturdav, nmtbeaslerl.), i-liittliif f- tv nortlivrteil) alM. Sundiy, (ur 4 4 and vvaimei ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers