-Pi'fp'-Atr' f u " J- J tTa- Tl Tifr-f 'I'TiJW- Tfrs FTf" jttji,1 -c ftfJn.wW(i ' iv-i-t-f" v swiP v I 4. 1. 1 ' r s '! V ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNJB-FHIDAr, AlUUL 10, 1901'. VALUABLE Food Properties of Milk arc lost in the ordinary method of condens ing. Dr. Hand's proccssretnins every food clement of the richest milk, and has added the bone, ncre and Mood-building phos phates nnd hypophosphites contained in u diet of whole wheat. I'or these rcjsons Br Hand's Condensed Milk is tne most refreshing drink for the table the most valuable food for infants and grow ing children th-j greatest rcstoralhe for mva .valid or need people. JJetter J re esh milk; rich ns eioam. free booklet. THE DR. HAND CONDENSED SCRANTON, PA. mmsMmm MgffifE MBiHlllimHIllHVinBM Loul Arthur V aires: President " Orlando S. Jolmton, Vlca Pre. Arthur It: Christy, Cashttr Capital, Surplus, $100,000 $100,000 f - f pniiij i;i wm 5oO bPRUCE STREET . Court House Squaie, SCRANTON, PA. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts A l IIIMilI.U In its Cliirfcr to icccpt .ill nnnncr of 'lmts; lo ait is Keieiwr. 'Irusltc, dinrdun, AOmialstrj.. tcr or Lxct utm. Till: VU'Ms of this llinK .mo proln t (tl lij 11m- lluluirs 1 hunt. Alum S-.lcm DIRECTORS , I . A. Watres. O.S.Johnson Win, F. ItallstciJ I!. P. Klnff5bury Icrett Warren ug. Roblnion lnl. nRptn Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. 4E. Per QC Quart. LACKAWANNA DAIRY CO 3 elcjifcone Orders Promptly Hall voracl I .r-.137 Adams Avenue. 4QEDS H"-- CITY NOTES 4 4 -i"0 (.11 i". 1 lie niiniRCH of tlie I'Jditiici I ittttnlnii iiii-Mou .Kl.noilil,e with Kiitilmlc i w lcuint ol sjnu Hum .Mi,.. J ijiuco II, Svju. . . Mill. Hie slilrt iM ilw Will IllCtt tills lUllilm' .It 7,1'p O'lluil,. I ii ,111- nuil piiinusik- i iliilniinn will In- In M iii Hit HUh iiluol jiiilUoiiuni 1'ilily, .piil Jii, .a I rLlifill OIU Ill.-I It . A I. .lilt, of Mi M in M mm I in.;' nulinmum' ot ".liniu- .Men illth" Jt the lociinu il 'JhuieiUy nlsht will l .in i. idu.-!ri of .uiilun ii . iiiiiIoi tln ililu KhIu-IiIi ot 1'hjU --"it UniLi. 11,11 'llli; 101 MClil'l.in 1! - D.j.uiv I m l sill,-, Mllsiul CI 111. I Gll,l li llnl III llli-lllt I lli nun iiiiilli ilul b, Maliuli, tin' intuitu 'it i- iiiieliil I'iksjIij lu .(nut ji-Uuliy in .in uli-nu chilli -iiiiIi ioi in la ,it Niiil,ni, Ill MM M,l SMII.'llio sjuth Siile oiiu- Wo tin n .i tlm-tlin .iMiiiiliini iiumli will Inn ,i i biiiiiugi' wlc .it irt) V,ilihi,'ion .iiiiiiir, whiili ill uin siiunlaj jl i ,i in Am one who lm . jiIi tor 1 1 io t-.ilc , iu.u,i to kikI Hi, in ,li JUO WjslilUKtoll ,inilli n oit) rom.r: s(ji niii.i url, ,i,All u.il Mr, 'lliouiis Ijncli, of OM loisje, w,rii fiiigag:eraeut Extraordinary. 2 GRANO CONCERTS-2 BY The United States Marine Band of Washington, J). C, T I Musicians, Assisted by Ml&s Amy Whnley, Supiano, AT THE iN'inth Regiment Armory, Wilkes-Bane, Pa. Afternoon and Evening', Friday, April 26. ... Children under IS, S5c. PRICES Matinee, 50 and 75c. i iiiuw Eveniner, 7Sc., 1, 91.50. LARGEST. BEST PAID AND GREATEST NATIONAL BAND IN THE WORLD, liutrt under Hie uiinagciuiut cl Keystone Lyceum Bmeau. Viiftun it I 'o well' Mui'c Hvi. jHAftK., SMsTO N' Ih.m to-day's Write far the MILK CO., rretnl jrstcrJjy on complaint of Miry Cuiick, ol thi! miiio iilni", who ilutntij tlicin with J-n ai-iult and luttcij- (ommlltid on her li"t Jion iliy. Ilolli wi-ii- lii'll in 41(10 bill by Alderman . S. .Millar. A SI.ir.II1 iMA'y i-piilc fiom a linnmitli'E loc joMcnlay altcmoon mM flic to t lie- coimco of tho rpsidriuc of Dncrtor ot Public Worfo .lohn 1". ltixho, of C.ipiiw arnuc. An alum vrn tiiimil in fiotn bof (.2 at tlio comer of Pipw-i1 iiMimr ami I'liilpa i-lrcel, but tli bla.o w.in rtiriMii-hul befoio the aniMl of the flu ioinp.mil-.. The d.inngp done r.ii ricpiilm;;. 1 sliglil. I1IC1.1JIJ DlsCIIUtlti: I'M'I.Its Miitm .1. Motnshin, a pin ilc of Compan' I, l.leienth Uni ted bUtct infintn, has jut necned a cerlifl tato of hotioiablp dicharAc from the authontics at Vi'iini;toii, D C, in lieu of the one Hut was destroyed by file list jeir. Jlr. Monnnlian, ai it will be remembered, beicnl under ricnral Jtilei in the I'or to lttrati tiinpiiKn, and h ell Known bv the cituens oi Diiiimoio. TONIGHT'S EVENTS. t'oncctt in tho Anbury Methodist T'piaeopti cliurrb, fjnin ItiiUe. Tho .lowinh ( liuil luqui sonely ill meet to. nuht in the l.imlen street trmple nftcr senirrs. 'I Ins ccniiiK Srinton iivtli, No 17, will bold a Mnohu to toinnie,iiioralc the sucLe-fiil driwins licUl two week-, ipo luiv Mr Knlciit should be pit'int, as then, will aUo be s-oine impoitint Inmiic'i to ti in-iet tint requires the ittinllon of all members THE SPEAKEASY PROBLEM Police Magistiate Millar Believes It Can Be Solved by Making Them Disorderly Houses. Police Alagisti.ilo . MilUr be lieves lli.it the Milullon ot tlio speak c.t:.y ptoblcni in tbis lty lies in the passage bv Loundls of m ordinance iii.iltinc; jilaci's - hoi o intoic.itinK' liiiuai.s ate fcold without .1 license ili3 otileily bouses and tonilcrintr the ii qupntetsi ot tliote loi-oitb liable to ar- JCSt. "It this warn (lime," .saitl he yester day, "and 1 belieo it can ho done un der the ait of 1SC7, l think it would have the effect of wiptns the sicito pottlon oC these places out of exist ence and thus ieinoc unlawiul com petition Horn the dealett tlio pay SI, 100 a car tor the iiilillome of sell ins intoxicants. "It would bo possible after a var iant was .seemed to call tho patrol mukoii into herviie, diivi- It up in ttont of tlip.sp place.s and loud into it cvivy pprsoii Jouud inside, pioptiotor, l,rvr tendpf, pattons and all. If u number of laidh of this elmi.tcter wimp made null if tlio pattons wete all lined lnav ily tin- backbone of thf speakeasy in dusliy would, in my opinion, lie btoketi. I'ooplo -wottld Keep away from Ibi'in toi tear of uiii'st and their pio juIpIihs unuld give up the business be cause of link ol tiado It not tor tear of the law." lit I'lttsburs tlu general police onli naiice ptovides that "plaics wliete in toxiiatiitK liquuis are .sold without 11 e'lise, slinll be ileemed and held to bo illsoideily Itousus," Power is given the (omniiltliiK iimylstiali- in tine all pci m its lotind lit the pl.iie not less than 'i oi moip thnn $100 fin' oai it ollense and in dft. ttill ot pa, tin nl of tlio tine It liiithi'i piovidis tlu shall be impi Ih oiu'd In tlio iiiunty jail loi a pi'iiod not PMiedinp; slt, (la,s. m NEW PISHING CLUB TORMED. The 1'oiouo Jlounlaln Ttiiut club lias been oisanlzul by a number or Jo ial aiiKlpti-. It has its piesaives In Coolb.iUKli township, Monioit county, it ml Is. to asl; tli .Mouioo lourt to yi.uiL It a (hat tot. The tuioipotatois tin. ls-.IiiiIhh K, X. Wlllard, lloiirv llclht, Jr, f. II. Wellos, .lames II, Toney, (latiett 11or.ii I, t loot no M. JlullsU'iil, Hatty A, Contnll and ciiaik'ri S. Woslon, of this city; li-aae H. I'.tsc .md T. V. .leitfs, of '''obyhanna. Low Rates to Buffalo and Return via Lackawanna Raihoad. On .it count 1' lno PaU'Ameiliau ex position tlio following lound-lilp inles and uiiniiBeinentswIll bo In olfeel ftoiji Set anion! Reason tickets will bo .sold, loninu'tuius Apt II tin and on eveiy day UiPtatter ilutlng' the exposition, lim ited fur letuui until Nou'tubur so ju ilitt.ie, JU.'.'O. Ten-day tlcketb will bo sold, ..oiniiieiiclnis Apt II 30 and on every day theteatter durlns: tho exposition, ?S. Flvo-clay tickets will be sold, com meniiiKr Apt II ao and on every Tuesday and .Saturday tbei patter dtitlug- the ex". position, W. All tickets will be liou oted In sleeping or parlor cats in con nection with proper Pullman tickets, except the llvc-day tickets, which will be ItonoiPd In day coaches only, Cbil dieu between tho ages of five and eleven yea is, one-bulf of tho abovo i.ttes. You'll Find Fashion and Common Sense realm es lit Muhuu'b Shoes. 3'S Lacka wanna aenue HATT0N CASE IS PUT OVER NOT TO BE TRIED TILL THE NEXT TERM. Because of tlio Illness of Two of tho Counsel for tlio Prosecution It Was Necessruy to Grant a Continuance. Case Against Ex-Councilmnn Si mon Thomas Also Goes Over Sini aell Sent Up for a Year for Horse Stealing Busy Day with the Three Judges in Criminal Coutt. The bribery chsp against ex-Select Councilman Simon Thomas, tho perjury en so against Harry C. Hutton, cx-sec-roUiry to Recorder Molr, ami tho Ml nooka, election cases yesterday -went oier to the next, term, owing; lo tlio mot that Attorney U. C. Nevcomb, tbo is in each case, has not yet recovered from tho aflllctlon to his eyes, which has kept him out of coutt for a. week. Tho Illness of K. U. SttltKe". of counsel for the Municipal league, was also ad vanced as a reason for postponing tho Thomas and Hutton coses. Ryioti rilmtell, of Scott, was found guilty of stealing a black lmue from Mis. Ciuoline DavciiporUund sentenced by Judge Swarlz to pay a Hue of $10 and spend a year In the county Jail, The mate disappeared from the prem ises of the prosecultl.se in May, 3900, and some weeks later was located In Sim lcll'i bain. The latter claimed bo bought the animal from a. Mr. Upp stoin. of Green Itidjre, but the Juty did not believe him. Thomas Eutke, or Peteisburs. was tiled b"foio Judge Swaits on tho chargo of 'being 'the lather of Lena Hartmann'.s child. He admitted be had been Intimate with the prosecutrix, but that this was moio- than a year ot lot to the birth of the child. He denied that be bad over made a promise to miitry bur, and tiled to show that she was alter the wrong man. The jury was out at adjourning time. ORDIN ESCAPED. Andicw Orbin, of Old Foige, who was arraigned on a similar chaise, ptetetied by Tackl.i Opista, did not Ime to admit or deny the allegations of the ptosectttrix. Her own testimony showed that the offense was committed Hupp years ago, and that tho defend ant has been about Old Forge all this time. JtulRo Swarlz ruled that the statute of limitation barred the prose cution, and directed a verdict of not guilty. Christian Ashman, of Olypbant, was charged befoi e Judge Kelly with cat ry lng concealed weapons. Constable Ben jamin Hart is the prosecutor, told thnt whn he went to an est Ashman, last Feln-naiv, for assault and battel y, lie found him with a irvolver in bis over coat pocket. Ashman explained to the cotut and jury that.be lotind the 10 oIer lying on the floor of his son's bod loom, and not wishing to hae it lying aiotind wboie the children might get at it, be thittst it in his oveiroat pocket, Intending to put it away. When ho came down stabs tho constable was waiting for him, and thus it was that the ieolver happened to (lie on his per son. Tho Jury thought this wasn't n half b.td stoiy, even if it shouldn't bo tine, nnd biought in a vortlict,of not guilty, county to pay the costs. J. J. O'M.ilIey was attorney for the defense. VinitiedtKeau, who was charged by the Municipal league with keeping a speakeasy at the corner of Lai eh stteet and Jelterson avenue, plead guilty. Agent Wilson was requested by Judge Edwards to make a statement of tlio circumstances in the case, whiih bo did, much to the chagiin of the de fendant, who -was expecting to be let olf under suspension of sentence. Kho was lemnndud until Patuulay for sen tence. iosi:nfi:ld not guilt v. A verdict of not gulltv was dlierted in the case of Bcinaid Uosenteld, of Dickson, charged by Constable lteese P. Davies with selling liquor on Sim day, It was show n to the satisfaction of tlio commonwealth that Rosenfeld had sold 'the saloon to another long- be foi e the time of tho biingiutr of the piosocution. Tho ictiiin in the case was made by the constable on evidence furnished by delexlhes of the Munici pal league. Charles Naptoskoski did not have- es sential wilness-fs' on hand to substanti ate the chat go of pot-jury, brought by him against Jacob Chenoskl, and a ver dict of not guilty wns dilPoled. The county is to pay (lie osts. Chcnoski was alleged to have sworn falsely at a beating In a boatd bill case befoio 'Squlto Thompson, of Moosio. IMwnid MiGulie and Miles Ttoss, charged with 'breaking into a baiu.tiid .stealing dogs, weto found gullt, hut ictommended to meroy. tlaitotl Harvey, charged with fiaud ulenl voting, was found gtiilly, and .sentenced lo n fine of $1(1 and slvtv days In the county Jail, Vi'i'dii'ts of not guilty wpio lelunied in the assault and Htttery cases against Henry Pioteo and S. A, Gil by, lite lar ceny and lecelvlng case against tlllby and the foieibln entry mid detainer case against Pierce. The iniinty was tilled d lo pay the costs In the assault and battery cases, and In tho fotelblo euliycase the iinsiiutoi',.TtiiucHt'ijoppi', was dliccted to pay the cosl WVATT NOT iUUn II. V, Wynlt was lctntned not gulltv uf assault and battery on his wife, but tho Jury directed ho pav the costs. is. D, Mussor, dunged with lauenv by balleo by Ihnlly Ruin, is on ttlitl bpfiH'o Juilgp Swait!. The pto-ecullon alltges that Jlussei- took a piano away fiom tilt) house nnd sold It, Tlio de fense is that sho bought the piano fiom him nnd failing to keep up tho payments ho took li away, as pnr tiKippinont. William .1, Hmius j l.-iuUd nllly uf iiiniutnlniug a slot machine at his hotel In Olypbant, and was souloneod to pay a flno of $10 mid costs, A Jury went out I'toni Judge Til wauls' cout'l jiibt betoto adjoutnmont to jias.s upon tho .ase of M, Obeno vago, of Hcrautnn, chniged bv Peter Woleo.skle, of CJicenwood, with oli lalrlng money by false ptclonse. Wol coskto alK'gcil thai Obcuovago sold hint lour geese which belonged to a Mis. Kmllb, of Mluooka, Mis, Smith claimed tho .ecso nnd leroveied them. Obcnovase alleged (lint he bought tho geese tiom Mis. John Coyne nnd Mts. Mai tin Coyne, of Mluooka, The two Mis. Cojnes louoborated him to tho extent that they sold him lour geeso on Ihe daj he soid four to Woleo.skie. Jacob Hallow, Minnie Holbliue, Heti iy Ogg, John Sailor, Ilany Sailor, AVI1 llam K. Weyand, John Jot dan, John Murphy and I'otor AUabaugb, chat god by 'James Jim t ay, sr., with sleiillng toal 1 1 om the Oluuay dtlft, wore al lowed In go ftec, Jlr. Muiray limine: agreed to withdiaw the ptosccutlon. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, GIVE PERFECT DIGESTION, SOUND SLEEP, STRONG NERVES. A Popular Remedy for Dyspepsia Which Has Made Many Remark able Ctues. The spring of the year Is the lime for blood pttrlllers. It Is tlio season when we think we must dose ourselves with sai-snpnillln, bitler and tho endless list of so-called iblootl purifiers and nc'HP tonics. As a matter of fact, thrio Is but one possible way in which lo purify the blood, and Ihut Is, through the stom ach and bowels. Pure blood tesuli from wholesoma food thoroughly diner I Impure blood from poor digestion and assimil ation. When the stomaeh refuses to wotk pioperly the food remains too long a time, fermenting, forming gases, shown by sour, bitter tnstc in the mouth, bloating and ibclchlng of gns, and distress and dlscomfoit generally. Poor blood, weak nerves, sleeplessness und a general don't care feeling can alums bo traced to Imperfect diges tion. This is thu reason why Stuaifs Dys pepsia Tablets are superior to all other sptlng medicines "and Wood piulllers. They give poifect digestion, tho food does not lie In tho stomach for hours. They give a vlgoious appetite, sound sleep, strong, nerves, and wholesome food well digested lruUces pure blood, and In no other way can tho blood bo puilfled. The idea that a medicine, in Itself, will puiiry the- blood when tho stomach and digestive organs are out of order Is nonsense. Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets aie used by thousands In preference to "bitters," "after dinner pills" and "blood purifiers" because thev i oino vc the cause" of thp impure blood, and you do not have to take them foiever to get lesults. Dyspepsia is an obstlnato disease to cuin and a remedy must be designed especially for It and nothing else. Cute-alls will not euro dyspepsia. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets aie not claimed to cure everything or any thing except Dyspepsia and stomach tiouble, and for lhat it stands alona among patent medicines-. Anyone suf fering fiom nnv trouble with their di gestion will tlnd these tablets will give immediate relief and a peimanent cure. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are pre pared by tho J?. A. Stuait Co., of Mar shall, Mich., and sold by druggists ovcrj where at HO cents per package. No dieting nor change of habits is le cjuired, they digest the food. A veidict of not guilty was taken hot ore Judge Kelly in tho else of Rcnnlp Welmanovltz and Bennie Roth, charged bv V. Landau with secreting pioperly, with intent to defraud. VERDICT DIRECTED. Judge Kelly ditected a vol diet of not guilty in the case of not guilty in the case of Isaac L. Hnrris, alla3 A. Hauls, chaigcd by L. Ft eedman, of New Voik, with laiceny by bailee and embezzlement by consignee. Treed man alleges that his Arm consigned to Hauls on memoiantlum $1,000 worth of fuis and that ho lofused to return the goods or their value. The defense contended that tho piosecution having failed lo show that the goods had been disposed of, could not maintain either chaise, and the com t ruled the point well taken. The jury in tlio case of Heniy Fen wick, chaiged by Mary Whittington with being tlio father ot her child, went out at 30 o'clock yesterday morn ing and had not returned at adjourning time. On motion ot Attoniev James II. Touov, icpipsenllng the Municipal league, a ntle was gianted yesterday lo show cpusp why the gambling de lees eapluted in the laids on Geoige Wilson's and Ftank Ti eon's places should not be chstioycd. A verdict oi not gulltv was letuiivd in the ease or John L.unbroskv, ot Aichlald, chaiged bv Vicloiia Wor ban with assault and batteiy. Capiases worn issued lor Pat lick Mc Androw, Vito Yetso, I'atiick lloeho and Jos'oph Karolin, defendants, who tailed to appear when called for tilai. Yesteiday's Marriage Licenses. nlliom . 'Ihornlon i", W. JiirKel t, lulic Mi 1 1 iii- JJ:0 Kdilli l. All andir Mul-r.iww :.J2 0ilcsl. I'lltonelU lsi iw;,e 122 Oak bt, Mhlncl 1. IJoiul 119 S Van Huron ne, httie t.illiqhu 'JOll. I'li.e.-,! LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLB. L'luler thl holding short lottns ot inti'ie?t will be pilhllshid when jrcoinpjiiiiil, foi publiia. lion, by the wilier' -i name, 'Ihe 'lYibune docs not shaiinio r".mii-ibilit( for oplmom heie i'pii--ed.l A Letter to the Retail Meichants. 1 ilttor of Thi! 'i'libiiiie Sii: I ttil) some ti. iillimii. Ji-i-v bini i a;u. in this cil, silllnj ,i h.itiiu of letleia for the rollicliun of ruioiinls. In oidu lo iiilrit -t l'ie inuhailU tlih iidn of the "Villow Colleptini,' Idler," I Willi id aid, j,'hfi! the iiKnhililj to in leit.uiil (lilt Mine is -..iriitloiidl b. tin 1 1 till Men bant.' .inn ilwii, .mil lint I ,ii' him .iiilhoiily, as siuel ii) ol the sVi.iiitnu i,.olI i tlt.ii. to n-e my mnif ill lonneclicn wllh Idi woih, c01OPInii tho iinpirwloii llut 1 fjvoird tho bolienic and advised the niuihiul-i In buy .ml u-u Ihciii. lb' al-o !, tlut lie i- an. Ifil7id by Hi" fetalo aisoihtion In hll them, tliruby icmevlutT the idea, tint tho itiliil Mil thaiiU' jociJtiiui of l'iiii,-i.l.iiiii h .it the lui ol his content. I would like to notif.1 the nu'iclianls ot f-crjn. toi .md ltliill, vi lot' llut m it HI' the inn ehiuU of Ihe Mule, llut the lit tall M. iilnnls' iinotjalioti ot ScMinnii liii no lonneitlon what i'iii willi I 111- Kcntkiiuti, iioi Urn's it ilc on. iiiend its meinhcin oi injone ilii- to u.o the -.-liin, as we llilnk we liau i much bclttt one of oiii' ou, whiili om iihiiiIkts use dec of cost. I'lirlher, 1 am secrctaiy of tie Itcf.iil "Men hauls' .i-oi I ill. .ii of IMiiL-vlvinia, ami in pLimit has em linn given by tni.i u-io mntiectril wllli Sji I aiscilitlrm to ti-e itn ninio in t-oniiLrllon willi .mi bin It Minnie, Our .i-mmi illons liiio oluceis who .up liiowit; thill .iihlu',, n)K.in on all he hfatlnuei). but who 1s the Stile lluslm-j MuiS J'tolutUo s.ii iillon.' Wlnt btiti iloei il lull fiuiu' It dots mil late who lis ulliins no or whin) il.-- In. id ulltto Is the upiijdoeen't t,iiti tillur ' Mluw mi lo u tu Ihe mi ulniils ot IViui U v una, lliiio is nnl niie elate ase.i Itlloii In I'. i.ii-ih.uili. .mil llut I-' ihe llel.ill Jh iclunt.' -.-.mi iallcii of I'litiis.ihauu, Ji thcic is a Mala llnsineoo ilin' J"OUiton, wjll wmie (mo kindly (ell mo whcip it can be found in tViunjhJiii.i, cuept upon (hell jellow iclliii onl.t, belling at M lentil a pul ( jl-o iindcibland this mill cnjhiU iulioui;e f loin the miKluiilb, bitjiiM' hN fo cjllei asn ilalioit U backing and stjppoi tingr iiiIjIii pro poipd collPiliou i now bpioto tlio liouiO at IlittUbiui;. 'this t alo iktlaio enlhely faW. 'the lolly pr moie Itel-ill MciUnnts' a-,oiii-tlutij of tho elule, baeluil by their stato awoiii tion, aie tint promoter ot tlut woik, 'ihcie nivn wa.1 a bljto lliiineb Men's .Vvociilioii In l'l litis lunlj Hill bo pleaicd to areno tlie point villi tho ccntltnuii it ho will call at my chlce, 2U Lacka wanna avenue, at nty time. J. W. ItlllenhoujC, Sccieti Hit til Jlercliantj' Asfocijtion of I'cnn. f.vhaiiia, turcUr Itcljll .MtrchanlV As-ocla- lion of Scrantoti .stiautou, April IS. HATT0N NAY JET PAIL ACTION ON APPROPRIATION BILL POSTPONED. It Was Rumored That a Plan Was on Foot to Curtail City Clerk's Duties nnd Assign Thorn lo the Recorder's Secretaiy and the Ordinance Was Accordingly Held Up Central Rapid Transit Ordinance Very Much Amended Opinion by So licitor Watson. Tile appropriation ordinance camo up on third and final leading In select council laBt night, but when Clerk La velle lwd Ilnlshcd rending it, Mr. Vaughan moved unexpectedly thnt ac tion bo postponed until the next meet ing, and the motion was carried "by a vote of eleven to nine. Bcliind this un expected act-ion lies a story. When the ordlnanco was llrst culled up, Mr. demons moved fltat council go Into committee of tho -whole i'or tho purpose of amending it so as to leduce the salary of the mayor's secretary, who. be said, was not entitled to St.fiOO a year, as tho duties pertaining to the offlco would now be less than they have been in the past, Tho motion was defeated by tho following vote: Yets Finn, MorRin, Jlerrinnii, Coiurove, Oil. ter, Olemoni, Vaimhati 7. Niv-Oostillo, JteRin, Mehin, Wanner, Shea, Ri-lineider. Coleman, O'Boile, O'Mallry, MeVn drew, Chillpiuleii 11. Clerk Livplle then began the reading of the ordinance and while iho was doing so some one whispered to Mr. Vaughan that a plan was on foot to ship the city clerk's office of all duties except those of a merely clerical na ture and to place tho work of drawing and Issuing city wanants in the bands of tho mayor's cletk. ACTION POSTPONED. Mr. Araughan Immediately pioceeded to riklrmlsh around for sufficient vote to socuro a postponement of action on tho ordinance until tho next meet ing and that die was successful can bo seen fcy tho vole on tho motion to postpone, which was as follows: Yeas ruin, Ito-st, Kan, Jrorgin, Jlegin, Met rlmin, Coxgnwc, Olivei, demons, Vaughiu, O'Mallev U. X.is Costcllo, Mdvin, Chiltrnden, Sehneidfr, Shea, Sclnoedei, O'llojte, McAndrevv, Wagner 3. Tho reason for the postponement of action was explained after tho meet ing by one of the members who voted in favor of it. Ho .said that an at tempt w'otild be made between now and next Thursday night to secure a sufficient number of votes to re-consider action and to so i educe the sal ary of tho recoidei's secretary as to render it unlikely that he would agtee to take upon himself the work of thawing warrants and paying them. He said that a reduction of the salary to $600 might even be considered and stated that the friends of City Clerk Lavello could ho expected to rally to the suppoit of such a proposition. The ordinance awarding a franchise to bhe Central Rapid Transit Street Railway company passed tirst leading after the amendments offered by the railway committee, and excliibively mentioned in yesterdays Tribune, had been adopted. THU AMENDMENTS. These amendments provided that the woik of conbtiuction shall not be be gun until an ngieement has been signed with the Abington Turnpike and Northern Boulevaid companies by which the latter shall agieed to let the tiacks extend out Market street; that tho right lo impose a license ta.x not to exceed iUe per cent, of the gross leceipts shall be lesened by the city; that ialluie to complete any pai : of the load shall work a for feiture of Ihe franchise for lite entire system: (hat at the end of forty yeaia the fiancliiso shall revert to the c!ly and that cms must be startfil liom leiiu'nal roinls at least eveiy twenty miiptl 's. When these amendments had been adopted as it w hole, Mr. Finn moved lhat tlio lime for the reversion of the lranclilso to the city lie made twenty tlve years instead of foity, but the motion was defeated, Mr. O'Malley then offered an amend ment providing that the company should chaigo not mote than threi cents as a, iato of faie. This amend ment was defeated without discussion by the following vole: YtJS nV(fin, Mineulci, (nynne, O Milky, Mendrc 3. .l Itoas, Finn, ( OsUtlo, l'.v nr, .Mnrsui, Mclvin, Wagner, Wno, .Mcrrnii m, Oliver, Scluoe der, Chmoiiy, O'llo.vle, Viuthan, Clilttciidm II. Jlr. Vaughan moved lhat action on the oidinauii) be indefinitely postponed that tho amendments might be printed, and the motion was eauiod'by a unani mous vote. Oily Solicitor Watson sent in a. batch of opinions, and all weie lead and ic celved without comment. The most im puitant one, mention of which has al leacly been mado In thes-e columnb, de ilatcd tho ordlnanco piovldlng tor tho pavlus of Providence nnd and Court street to bo illegal, 'becuuso of the omission of Diamond avenue fiom llr list of sheets to bo tiavi't.seil. THU Tl'HXPlKIJ PAVE. Another opinion set forth that tho city would bavo no legal light to com pel thu Abington Tut uplko company to pave- Webt Jlaikot stieel at tho com pany's expense. Tho company, ho said, was hound by tho Ininis of its contract only to keep lliu io.nl In good lenuir. HUH another otilulon tlcclaicd that I tho notion of the lecoulor In oi tiering a special election to till tho vaciincy ' caused by the resignation of Select councilman John II. Rocho was' sttictly hi nccnidauott wllh tho law. Adjouriiment was Inkoii, on mollou i of Jlr, vaugliau, until next Thursday night. Committees fiom tho Conhal Ltbor union and from Typographical union, No, 112, were active aiotind tho con I. dor townids tho latter end of tio meet lug, lobbying against the passago of iho Kti c-c t tallway franchise ordhi.inco, lie muse of iho opposition to it manllesled by the ColUety Engineer company, whieli is a sitting iUeud of oiganUed labor. Otgans for Sale Cheap. You can buy a. good second hand Or gan us low as $10.00 at Guernsey Hall, J. W, Guernsey, Iop 3H Washing ton avenue, Scranton, Pa, Terhune Union Shoos, ihe lamoug Shoo for man, at Jlalion's Shoo Store, V2$ Lacka. 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