The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 19, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    !," vJjfa43f jB
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ONIce t
a rorubvn nottsi: for iii ujn.
lit of All Wha (live JlnuiM to Kent, Ileal
IVInte or Oilier Property li Sell ur Uxdmnijc, or
Who Want SltuitioiH or Uelp-llie-,' "mill A'J
trrtlcmeiit Oit One Cent a Word, felt Irucr
tlnnn lor Hie f'enti n Wnril I'teilit Situations
l anted, litcli te Inverted Irce.
i m: roLsn t uiii'-siom:iis oi i,hIiijhii
i omit v IjcilIix idr notice to the HtpaJ
of tlu t;lly rl C'uhondilc tlul tliey will li'r
upifjU mi tlui title mid county uvcinmil for
whl cltv nt the illj I nil in Luliondile on Mou
lin nivt, April "-' . . , m
vnd i.ii the follow hit? iliy. April 2J, they will
ImM it mull nt the tunc- plate In aid city oi
faihondile for the folio lnjr district: i''"!0'';
t tie tcmiMilp, Ml tonhlp, nulling, My field
ami Jernijn l.orouglu.
,1011V Pl'SMAN.
I. LOUllllIlt MOIiniS,
john ,t. numus.
Attrnt . County Commissioners.
W. (1, MMI.I.s, Clfik.
Solcct Council Does a Little Business.
Two Ordinances Introduced.
Select council met In special session
lust evening nt S.30. Piesldent rictch
or mid Counellmen Thompson, Battle
ii ml Da is v ei e present. The llrst bus
iness done was the Inttoductlon of tin
lucllnance by the committee on police,
i onslstlng of Battle, Thompson and
Davis. It piovldes that the yoatly snl
n y of the chief of police shull be S7S0
and for p.itiolmcn $7S0 each.
Mr. Thompson Intioduced an oull
ii.iticc which, ns Mr. Fletcher io
maiked, had a. familiar ring-. It was in
the councils last teim, but was allowed
to die. It pi o ides lor the levy and
i ollectlon of u license tax on all Aims
.md eoiporations maintaining poles
and wiles, on the public stieets of the
city of Caibondale. It was, leteited
to the license committee.
Pile No. 1, Intioduced by Mr. Thomp
son, was then taken up and passed
Mist leading. It was about to pass sec
ond leading when Ml. G. F. Swlgeit
appealed for the eecutlvc committee
ut the semi-centennial celcbtatlon, and
said that he had noticed that the ap
ptopiiullon oidlnance, which was the
bill under discussion, had made no pto
ision for the olllciat guests who would
be invited to be piesent at the cclebia
lion. lie said that the committee did
not ask the city to giant an appropria
tion lor the eelebiation but he did not
think It was light Tor the executive
committee to have to pay tor the entei
talnment of the city's guests out of
their own pocket. Ho asked that
home provision be made In the otdi
uance for this puiposc.
Piesldent Fletcher leplied that the
city solicitor had been asked to give
an opinion on this ijucstlon and that
he had rendeied one, saying that such
a piorecdlng would not be legal. The
bill then pasted, second reading. It
follows: i
File of select council No. 1, intro
duced by J. Thompson. Pioviding for
the annual appiopilatlons for the fiscal
j ear Horn Apill 1, 1901, to April 7, 1902.
bulion 1. He it outlined by the eleit and
i minion cuiuitlK of the Cilv of C irhondili, oil
it U liueb) oidaincd hv the authoiiti of the
Mmi, 'lint the folluwlns appropriations be .m.l
aie hciebv made foi the lUnl jur beginning
Vprll 1, 1UOI, and ending April 7, 1M2:
Vlivoi';, ulirj ?
lica'.iiiu'b eilm Tut)
i untiflllei'-, niIiiv W
Citi lleikS feilu.i
Ut Soliiitui'-. ilm
I Kil. ol f'uinnioii Couniil, sduj
J" I
Tit I'llgilKIlN FllllV .
i hut of l'iie Pepiitnunt,
r llJiy
linilui ind M tt ion
I ibi u a-M.thtiin .
I ilj Aivois ind KititjiiU
lunula Polite
suhl Pollic
It 3 ml ut lle.iltl
-i-tnnH t) Lit Lnginecr, incident ili ml
Huhim-. . , ,
uiineul tunl
I ml
I'niiilii,', KlirttUlnic and ititlonc. U,i
i in, I tin n.v 1-MH.iillrn ind llonul it
II, .111.
I III rifij u tll.i 111 .VKJ)
U .ur lent, eti
In-, and ileum li,-l.lnu ,.
Il lllLS, iti
Hull, ling bii.Isi j.iii-r. lti.Kcl biook, ind
Iiiipiuumu. u loniiLtlliu Ihuiili
and C ml ill -.tlccN
1'iinillial md innioit ut lunJid ik'bl
-LHCIa alld Willi luUlaP .,
it'-, Mine 1 -licit InipiaMtmnts .
lUpiiniu' and giailing .-licil.-i ' . .. ,
I, Sal in-.!,, tin lion-., judgincnta an I df
UIMs of Ktloil. i " O
( w 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' I'lW'l tluil-
Hindis in ut buildinga
I It) Willi
Iliuid of nil-doit it ins , and ..ip'd-i . ,
1 lUlii; mil gliding b i luntlntittUin of
lliuul.lin lnel In suuntli mime, writ
uf IKIiwaiu in I llnd-un riiliuul
Unuiiii," Ninth lunne, liilwion W Mining
und l Inn i It ttuct-,
I .-n.pll illu.i it c it uidliuiHi'!,
1, 0it
Sgugili ,-iini.init biiib.i jipronihtril .sil.OOO
rih' No. ".' then passed ihst and sec
und leadings without question, it is.
Hie uf 'ileit Conned .o. .', Introduced bj I,
I'. Iliiuil.
An urdliunie providing for tho lev j of Uvea for
thu Ibeal ,ur lomiurming Apiil I, 100I,
'-(etiuii 1, He it nulalnei) hv the Mlcit an I
"foiinnoii tnnnrlls cf the city ot, und
it U lurch; ordilmd by the authority ot the
time, iiut Mm the puipoae of defraying the
i in i nit e'vpom of tho city t tax Is hereby
levied upon nil piopcitiea and otcupatiun with'
in (lie limits of tanl lit, Ui-iblc foi city pur
pusev s-cvcii (7 niilU on the dollar of valuation.
t-ci. J. Ihat foi the purpose of gcneial levenue
i iMl tax or onc$l,00) dollar II htrebj levlnl
upon all male inhabitants c( tho cily over 21
jiaci of age.
Mi, J 'lhat (or tho purpo.-e of redccining tho
pilntlji-il nnd iuti-rnt of certain outstanding
bond jiud for the ujment ot inttiiat on tht
undid di In of lhi lit), kpeeial las ii h-ieb;
livkd up9ti all propcity and occupations wiililn
' ihu lluiin of this ill), laxablo for ill) pin-po-Cs
Ji.i'n!(.l) mills on tin: donar oi valuation,
,A'yy .Oteik Moon said that thu
i county cominlssioneis weto lomlng to
this city next week foi the accommo
dation of the tuxpuycia of this section
und wanted bomu loom in tho city
, building to hear appeals fioni taxpay
ers. jTlio motion was made and carried
that' the city clerk bo instiucted to
uilte to them und tender the use of the
st-lect council loom for both Monday
und Tuesday of nett week.
Mr, Thompson moed that tho rules
be suspended and thut thu license com
mittee report forthwith on tha oidi
' lunco talng poles und wites. The mu
' Joilty of the committee consulted and
imported the ordinance favoiably. It
wan ordeicd printed.
Mr. Davis Intioduced a lesoluttoii
liistiuctint; tho city ticusuier to icfuud
'-tlio-nwiH'j paid for taxes by Frank
Carbondale Department
Mollnuto, whoso lii'tlltnli tititl ullldn II
caino tip trist Monday ov'enlng.
At o'clock this council adjourned
until S o'clock on Monday evening.
The Centuiy Club's Social Tunctlon
Was ft Notewoithy Event.
The "povuity tea" or tho New t 'en
tut y club, held Wednesday uvcnlng at
the home of Mis. It. H. Kcynolds, on
Wyoming fdieot, was one of tho most
delightful soclnl events nr the year.
This was one of the meetings of the
club In which the membeis weic pilvl
legcd to Invito their gentlemen fi lends
and they tinned out In large numbeis.
Mis. Hoynolds ptoved to bo u most
charming hostess and tho evening
passed delightfully.
The menu caids were unique. Ap
ptoprlato to tho occasion, they wcic
hand-wiittcn on wrapping paper, but
still were dulnty. Aioutul tho seiil
loied edges was a fancy lrind-glldcd
nmiglnal decoration, and at the top
of tbo first page a bilglit new one
cent piece was gummed. The menu
and programme was ns follows:
"Voiir vippcr ii like the Hidalgo's dlnnei,
rv little ment md i gicit ilnl ot liblu-
l) M"
"simple dut l-i best." Pllnj.
Ilultre 5 - 20
llouiliofsde Jlorus Mndwiili de I.itiue
Coquldleo do lhiicoli: Siuio Piqiunte
Pain dc Mils. '
Croquettfi de 'New; poinmcs de (eue,
(.rlee; Tailine".
1'iriiie do Ah' Mutes Sioii il ruble i
Monnn-e de lormtoei
Pales dc lnuncncc; inningo Xoix siiccs
1 7J
i i:
I 1-!
J T'l
( afe .7,:
I lOWCH '"
Mone; IcUimcd .10
Slim) J
POsl' PltWIIIAl,
'If I ehince lo till, a llttlt while, fi.rgio
ine; 1 had It from I n fitliti." Hrmj Mil
Miss Duller 1uiliiii.tii-.s
"Club Women" Hon. J. 1'. llonoldi
"lie to hei Milnii erj Ulnd:
lie lo lur finll-, I little blind "
"Wiinen Who eU an! Men Who Wtep,"
Miis Muiion Ciam:
"llnl, oh ,xe lurds of lidiea inlelleiluill Inloim
me hub, hue they imi hinpiikcd jou ill"
Hi urn
"Negbcled Ilfine-." . . ..Mi-. (J. II i-impnii
' knociv is J'MI pli i-i, theii'o luhod.i at horn "
- Pope
"Puicrh" Ml-. I, A llaselt
".ot lie who Ins little, 1ml in who i hCi
foi inure, U poor." scncti
"Side hacked ' llci. I luilis fee
"It la pool tpoit tint i not woitli I i .ndle "
Those picsenl weio: Messis. and
Mesdamos V. T. Cohillc, T. 1j Mc
Millan. It. If. Ueynolds, Fiank Hub
baid, C. T. Meaker, N. II. Hillei, It. D.
htuait, A. AV. Reynolds, I V. Bun.
JI. G. Watt, G.. B. .Sampson, Chains
Lee, H. C. Wheeler, I-,. A. Bassett, It.
A Sawyer, J. V. Rejnolds, A. P. Tiaut
weln, J. S. Nlles, William Bionsou; Cauie Geaiy, Jennie Buller,
Marlon Ciane; Messis. J. U. Stockci,
Wilson Geaiy: Mescaline, M. Q. Mc.ik.
ei, W. A. Manvllle and K. A. .f.idwin.
Will Have to Move.
William B. Fuller appealed befoio
Aldei man Atkinson jesteulay .ulcr
noon, on a wilt Issued at the instance
of a .Mis. Heat don, to show cause why
he should not vacate a house and plot
of land bo has enjoyed lent fiec tor the
past year or moie. Mr. Fuller dislikes
publicity, but he has of late Ix-en lot cod
into the public eye Ihiough a chain of
clicumstunccs too stiong for him to ic
slst. So he appealed ycsteiday attei
nuoii in Hip alderman's, com t. Mis.
Heaidon ald that he had occupied her
house lor the hist seventeen months
and that he was still unwilling to pay
lent and would not pay it. When Mr.
I'lillci's tut ii came to be hcaid, he sii';
rfe.sted tint Mis. Reunion mlglit still
wish to keep him on hot place, as hi
was a good tenant and took' good uio
of the house. Mis llcardon saicastlc
ully told Fuller that she might ns well
gle him a deed to tho place and be
done with it. Alter quite a little talk,
Mi. Fuller was Infoiiued oy the aldn
mau that II he wan not nut of the house
by Satuiduv night he would be dls
piissfssed, as till llt2 pinnt.u't, of 'law
had been gone Ihiough with
A Quiet Wedding In Tiinity Chapel
o" Wednesday Evening,.
Miss Aim t Peiiciiei'. daughter of Mr.
and Mi. Henry Pcmkcit, of Hospital
t-tui't, und Chailes Vmk weio united
in mat lingo on Wednesday evening.
Tho leiumony wns pmtoimed by Rev.
Rollln A. Sawjer In the pi city i Impel
lit Tiinity chui ill and the only attend
tint vvtis Miss Anii'lla l'etickeil, slsler
ot the bride.
The bride is well known In this
city. Fho Is a young ludy of ability
and ol u pleasing disposition. Last
tall she und hvr .sister, Miss I.llliun,
went on the hinge, tho young people
muring under tho nanio ot tho Mui
ston sibteis, Mr. Yoilc, tho ri ooui, wns
a member of the same tioupo us the
Maruton slsteis. He Is an nctor of
ability and petsonally is a genial gen
tleman Although he has teslded heie
but u tow weeks he litis inudo many
wtum li lends.
Got Huit at Silk Mill.
William Malloy, the son of Mi. and
Mis, John Malloy, of No, I, while- at
woik in tho silk mill, In some iminner
got his hand caught In ouu of tho
laigo wheels, which Injuied It so thai
thiiteen stitches were neesssiuy lo
close tho wound.
Caused Excitement.
All Insane woman caused considui
uble excitement on Belmont sheet jes
tuiday moinlng. Sho was taken to tho
poor tnim this tifteiiioon, Hr liisuu
jty Is believed to bo but a tempoiary
Tool House Consumed,
Tho tool house ot the (Jamtuii ceme
tery was set on the by a spuik fioni
a locomotive on Monday unit entltely
consumed, together with ltt entiio con
tents. Chicken Thieves About.
Thieves enteied th& chicken house
of Allen White a few days ago and
stole tourteen chickens.
Moved Up the Hill.
C'hatles Cleft, of Curbondale, rtus
moved his household goods lo No. 1
on whui Is known us the Flood faun
Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
rive Ancsts Were Mado Yesteiday
of Suspicious Chnrncters.
'Phut the police of this city ore not
tiolnu' lo slund around idle und allow
btuglais to bieak Into stoics and offices
with Itnpttnlty was evidenced yester
day bv the action of Chief of Police
McAndiew and his men, who made live
nucslH of suspicious acting individuals.
These in tests weto liiiule in an e.t ra
ta dlnaiy manner, or four of them wore,
and II Is believed that the hutglailous
entrance Into John Mohr's stoic on
Tucsdiiv night can be directly linced
to two of tho suspects ut least.
Theie ale seveiul shanties up above
this city along the lnllioiul tracks
which have been empty for a long time.
Repoits came to Chief McAndrew on
Wednesday that In one of these aban
doned houses a gang ot tramps had
been making their lodging. Ho Inqulied
what these men looked like and found
that one of them wns red-headed und
another whs dressed in a. gray suit
with a drab felt hat. Tho men seen
lunnlng away from Mohr's store on
Tuesday night by A. W. Reynolds an
swered this description. After mid
night yesteiday morning the chief took
thiee of his men ami stole up to the
shanty. There was no one there, but
theie was much evidence on hand that
the place was- occupied.
The chief and his ofl'teeis settled
down to a long wait: Shortly before G
o'clock tlnec men cumc strolling in and
the ofllcers nabbed and searched them.
What was, found could not be ascer
tained. While the ofllceis weie buirV
searching the pilsoners, two moie men
cume along: and weie about to enter
the house when thev saw the Dotlcc
men by the aid bf the faint daylight.
They turned aiound and ian for the
tiack. The shanty Is- located up near
Wilson dock mine and stands on a
high embankment. The olncers called
on the fugitives to stop. Not heeding
the call, two bullets were sent after
them. Just then the pin sued ones had
leached tin- cicst of the embankment
.mil it was too late to stop. They i oiled
over and ocr down thu steep decline
and on i caching the bottom picked
themselves up and bolted out of sight.
Tho thtce pnsoneis had been left In
chaige of one of the oillceis, who ealm
Iv Iniil them that il they tiled to get
away lie wouldn't hesitate to shoot.
When the ufticeis l etui ned after their
fruitless chase they look the tlnec prls
oneis to the city jail, whete they were
locked no. The red-headed man was
among the bunch, but the si ay-clad
tiamj was one of those who escaped.
Dining the Olhcor C.uden saw a
man on thu r,tieet who answeied hH
deseiiption and he ai tested him. About
o'clock a jou th of seventeen or eigh
teen, who was also suspected to be
long to the gang, wa.j giabbed near the
city building.
Theie was a healing given the first
tlnec jesletdnj- moiningby the major.
Two of the men weie disehaiged, as no
one could be found to Identify them.
The lid-headed man was committed
for thiity and lemanded back to
his eell in the city jail. This illumin
ated specks of tlie "hobo" claimed to
be eiy sick and his claim Is .well sus
tained. He was piostiated on ills cell
mnttiess, and he was evidently In such
bid shape that it was decided to leave
him wh-ie he is until ho is imuroved.
The lcd-he.ided man .it the hcai ing be
fuie the major pioved to be either very
ignotant m ety diplomatic, lie said
ho did not know who he was, noi vvlieie
he was bom, nor the name of the last
town he visited, nor how old he ia.
His loticeiue kept him in jail when his
two companions weto disehuiged.
The giav-elad man wus identified last
evening bv a man who is somewhat of
a st i auger himself, lie said that the
in Nonet's name was lletuj- Williams,
of Gioen Ridge, ",i good enough young
tellow, but ho will go off on teals."
The polite, however, believe they have
the bin glai. s. The pilsoner's friend
sn'd that he had been all over town
ti.ving to get a healing tor him, but
that no one would pay any attention to
him. 11 he can keep his patience bottled
up his dt she will piobably be giatllled
tills nioiniug.
Giancl Opeia Coming to the Ginnd on
Tile Anii'iican Giund Opeia com
pany will appear at the Opeia Houfo
I'ridny evening. Gounod's "Faust"
will be pteseiUeil. This piomises to bo
tho musical event of the season, Tho
compiuij' Is most highly lccommended
by the pi ess und public everywhere,
The Ninth Adiiins, Mass., Transcript
"Mmlumo Lielaiuotta as Muigueilte,
Glutton Uaker as Fuiiht, Henry f.
Peakes as Mephisto, vveto all ginceful
und dellglittul singeis. AHss Camp
bell sang the lole of Selbcl in excel
lint style, Ilany Wllllums as Valen
tino did sumo lino woik nnd ills acting
in the death scene was magnificent.
The lonipany is one of unexpected ex
culluiu e und the audience was de
lighted. They should havo packed
houses cveiywhcro."
Mibs Skinner Returns Home.
Mhs Olive Skinner, who was to a
gieut extent Instiumental in the oi
gunUution of the Hpwoith Leugue ut
Glrdlund, Wayne countj", and who luis
been tho efllclout piusident since) Its
oiganUaltou, has Just closed a seven
mouths' teim of school theie and la
turned to her home lu this citj
An Extensive Traveler,
Mis. T, H, Watkins, of Scianton.
wiih the tucst of her sister, Mrs.
George W, Cross, on Luuiel sheet, jes
teulay, Mis, Wutkiiib has just 10
tunied horn a, hip. which Included
the pilncipul points on tho Medllei
taiifun Sea, IJgjpt mid tho Holy Laud,
oceiijijlug seveiai months.
A Baby Dauc liter.
The many tiietuW of Dp, J MIssgtt,
or Philadelphia, lotnteily of this tity,
will bo pleiised to near of the presen
tation to him by his estimable wife
ol a bouncing baby daughter.
At tho Opeia House.
Tonight Amei lean Grand opeia com
pany In "Faust."
Dog Fight in Town.
An attempt to pull oil' a dog light,
between two tull-blooded bulldogs, was
inudc lu this city late on 'Ihuisdav
evening A bum near the lailioad
tracks huh Hie scene of battle, and
about twenty local sporlu flipped Into
It by ones and twos. The dogs were
both from this city, one from Dundaff
street and olio from Main trcot. Tho
battle had arottcn well under way and
tho does were chewing each other en
thusiastically, with the Main street dojj
gettuiff the butter of It, when tho cry
arose, "Look out for the cops!" and
moat of tho sports fled. Policemen had
pot the tip and had arrived on tho
scene only to Und tho place neaily de
serted. Tho owneis of tho dogs wero
spotted, however, and It Is said that
another chapter of tho brutal cplsodo
Is to be told.
Park Commission Meets.
The p.nk commlssloneis met lust
evening In the mayor's tooin In the
city, building. Tho committee was ic
oiganlzed. The Grand Army mombets
wore nil retained from last year. They
me: J. W. Alexundcr, Robot t Me
Halo and Alva Dalej'. Tho new mem
hero uio: W. W. Fletcher, piesldent of
tho select council, nnd William J. Col
lins, piesldent of the common coun
cil. Mayor Kllpatilck, by virtue of
office, Is president of tho park commis
sion, and J. W. Alexander was re
elected secretary.
The business done was chiefly giving
the power to the secretary to continue
the paik Improvements. Rlohard Udy
was ro-appolnted custodian of tho park.
The question of having the fountain
supplied with water1 was referred to
councils, on account of tha money out
layed on it, it amounting to $150 last
On Thursday evening, April 12, Miss
Lydla Duff j of New Cemetery street,
and Richard .1. Fenton, of No. 4, were
married at St. Rose's church by the
Rev. Georgrc Dixon. The bride woie
a costume of navy blue, with hat to
match, and was attended by her
cousin, Miss Lizzie Decgan. The beat
man was Thomas Hunter. Mr. and
Mis. Fenton will reside at tho home
of the bilde.
Two Weddings.
Married, at the Piesibyterian manse,
Apill 5, 1901, by Rev. W. H. Swift. Ed
win d W. Murohy and Miss Eliza S.
Thompson, both of Cai'bondalc.
Miss Maggie Hessllng, of this place,
and Peter Eveiilng, of Carbotidale.wore
mauled at St. Magdalena's chuich on
Tuesdaj. Wayne Independent.
Congiegational Visitors.
1'ev. r. J. Moiris, J. P. Williams
and Abner H. Jones, of Wllkes-Bane.
v.eio guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Jones, on South Chuich sheet during
the convention of the Congiegational
association. Mr. Williams la a
brother of former Congressman Wil
liams. Seml-Annual Convention.
Tho next semi-annual convention of
tho Lackawanna, County Chilstlan Ln
neavor union will bo held on Thuusdaj'
afternoon. Apiil 23, In tho Pcnn Ave
nue Baptist ehuich, Scianton. The
piesldent ot this union is M. D. Lath
lopc, of Carbondale.
A New Dime Museum.
A dime museum is th" latest attrac
tion on South Main street. A man
named Buschell has leased the stoii
vvlieie the Evening News used to be
issued and stocked it up with wonders,
as per the laige painted cloth signs
dlsplnj ed outside. -
Will Elect Delegates.
The Sons of Temperance will hold u
special meeting on Saturday night,
April 20, at 7 o'clock, when delegates
will bo elected to the grand division,
which meets in Scranton, April 21,
Meetings Tonight.
Junior Older United Anieticnn Me
chanics. Lackawanna encampment, No. 16, In
dependent Oidei of Odd Fellows.
The Passing Thiong.
Miss Maggie Craig spent Wednesday
with her parents In Archbuld.
Mls-s .Maitha Singer, Isaac Singer
and Miss Leah Levj', of Springfield, O,.
attended the social of the i:eelsloi
eiub In Scianton last evening.
Thomas F. Williams was auested
jesterday on a warrant swoui out bj'
John Forschner, who chaiges Wil
liams with making tin eats and wants
him b,ound over to keep tho peace un
til tho next term ot couit. Williams
appeared before Justlco of the Pedco
Kelfer and waived a healing, enteiing
bail to npepar at com t.
Charles Peteison, who suceueded W.
R. Dodson us ticket agent at thu Dclu
waio and Hudson depot, has lesigned
the position and is succeeded by Rob
ert Ajies. of Yate.svlllo,
Owing to the absence of thu lector,
Rev. C. H. Fessendeu, who will ofll
cliito at Steillng, Wayne countj', theio
will be no service lu St. Junies Hpls
coicil chuich on Suiuluv.
Hogai th's band went to Foi est City
on AVudnesdiiy nlsht to tho band fair,
whcie they gave the evening's enter
talnment. The Citizen's band will go
up on Si'.turdav evening.
Thu Twentieth Centuiy Sewing eli
de will meet at the home cf Mrs. Bui
ton Paik, on Third street, this even
Ink chief of Police MeGinley and family
have moved Into the Stanton piopeitj,
op South Main street.
John Reeso and family have moved
hum West Muylleld to the corner of
Riishbrol; and Fouith street, Jermyn.
Walter Biaj', of Hazleton, who hoi,
been visiting lelatlves hero for the
past two days, left yesteiday for
Mis, John Prllchard, of West Mny
llled, is confined to her homo by Ill
ness. The little child of Mr. und Mis.
Thomas Hockadaj-, who died on Tims
da j', vvas buiied yesteiday. Rev,
Thomas Cook, pastor of tho Piiinitive
Methodist chinch, officiated.
Oavld Wuddol, of AVIIkes.Baiie, Is
(biting lelatlves In town.
Mis. Albeit Mason, of Jeiinyn, spent
yesteiday with Mis. Heniy Buddie, of
Mis'. Bildget Ltiwlcr, of Hill sheot,
1.1 heilously III.
lMgur Blent, of WilhesrBuye, wus
u vlsltoi' lu town yesteidaj'.
Roy Kellv letutned hoinu jestciday,
after spending a week ut Mill City.
V. W. Han Is leturued lrom a busi
ness hip to New Yoik jesteiduj.
Mis. Fiedeitck Lloyd, of Blakelj-, Is
voiy III.
The membeib of the Pilniltlve Metho
dist chinch arc poking anangem .fts
foi a fair, which will be held In
Llojd'a hall, on Lackuwunna stiect,
the lust week hi Muj.
He sure und attend the lectin e on
"Sacied Ait," bv V Huwer. of
which form the biceilitig-grouud of the disease microbe.
Tho best blood-purifying medicine, at any season of the year spring, summer,
autumn, winter is Dr. 1'ierce's Golden Medical Discoveiy. You don't have to
take it on tiust. It lias, cured thousands of men and women of pimples,
blotches, salt-i lieum. teller, rheumatism, ulcer, sores, scrotula, and other forms
of blood disease, and cttied them peimiincntly.
"For about one year and a half my face vvas very badly broken out," writes Miss Carrie
Adams, of il6 West Main Street, Battlecreck, Mich. ,-I spent a great deal ot money with
doctors and for different kinds of medicine', but received no benefit. At last I read one of
youi advertisements m a papei, and obtained a bottlu ot Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
cov ery. Before I had taken one bottle of this medicine I noticed a change, and after taking
three bottles I vvas entirely cured. I can well recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery to anyone similarly afflicted "
"I feel it niyduty to write to j ou of the wonderful curative powers of your 'Golden Med
ical Discovery,''' writes Geo. S. Henderson, Esq , of Deiiaud, Lee Co ; Florida. VI had a
bad sore on my right car and my blood was badly out of oulcr. I tried local doctors but
with no good results Finally I wrote vou the pafticulais in my case and you advised your
' Golden Medical Discovery,''which I began to take. From the first bottle I began to feel
better, and when I had taken eight bottles the sore healed up. I wish you success."
l'For three years I have suffered with that dreaded disease ec7ema," writes Mrs. J. Koepp,
of Hermann, Oregon. "I was told to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which I
did, anil after I had taken fourteen bottles I was permanently cured. It has been a year
since I stopped taking your tnedicitic and the disease has never appeared since I think
our medicine a wonderful cure, and hope others suffering as I did, will take it and be
relieved of their suffering."
"I will forever thank you for advising me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,"
writes Mrs. Jas. Murphy, of Fonda, Pocahontas Co , Iowa. " It has cured uie of chronic
scrofula of twelve j ears' standing. I had doctored for the trouble until I was completely
discouraged. I also had chronic diarrhea lor twelve year,. I am in good health now
better than I ever was in my life, owing to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discoveiy. I took
several bottles of the 'Discovery' before I stopped."
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, not only ptnilies the blood but by
enabling the perfect assimilation of food incieases tho ntitiition which is con
veyed bv the blood to every organ of the body, so producing vigorous and
robust health.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist the action of the "Discovery."
Accept no substitute lor "Golden Medical Discovery." Theio is nothing
"just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs.
to obtain tho host modern medical work Or. Picroo's Common
Sonso MediGai Adviser, containing moro than ono thousand largo
pages and over 7QQ illustrations, is, sont FREE on receipt ot
stamps, to pay expense of mailing ONLY. Send 31 one -cent
stamps for the cloth-bound volume, or only 21 stamps for the
book in popor-covers.
Address : Dp, 17. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. V
MM'iHi II mMhMiillimLliiii'irtHltol'WIi I'itJIi if1 ' ''li '
Sciuntuli, ut the Ulukely Baptist
chinch tonight. The lectin e will be II-liis-tiute-d
with one bundled views of
the masterpieces horn tho Annuncia
tion to the Asi ension. Admission, 11
und 21 cents.
The Hist eNciltsion of the season hum
this town will be the- joint exclusion
of the Tajioi Silver Comet baud and
Hose companies .No, 1 and Centuiy No
2, which will be urn to Mountuln Pink
on Juno 7 Tickets tor tho exclusion
nio lor sale by the nienibeis of the
above oigunlzatloiih. Hveiy amuse
ment incident to such occasion will be
piovided by tho committee,
F. B. Allison, of the Plttston Young
Men's Clnistlun association, will ni
di ess tho Young Men's Chilstlan asso
ciation' band of this town lu their
looms this evening, on South M tin
sheet, when a full ultendiiiuo of mem
bers Is teouested, ,
United Mlnu Woikers, No lul3, will
meet lu regular session this evening in
Jones' hull, on Union sin el.
A building boom Is pioiuised in our
town dm lug tho summer mouths.
Among one of the most pleasant loia
tlojis js the Johns and Thomas plot on
West Giovo sheet, whmo n number ot
large buildings will bo elected
Art" Ico cieam social will bo held in
the Flist Congtegiitloiiul ihuiili on ly
Thomas Haddock, of Noith Taj lor,
will build on Lincoln Heights plot..
Tho Aichbald lollleiy will remain
Idle dining thu ptesent week, owing lit
lepalib being niude on Hi" mini hestle.
Mis. Alficd Walsh, of Hazleton, Is
vlsltliiff lelatives in tuwn.
Funeral Dhector T J. imls was a
business callei in Tunkhunnock jjstu
da Mrs. Thonius Evans, of Piltstoii, wliu
has 'been the guest ot lelatlves lu town,
bus i etui ned to her home.
Miss Muilio Wells, or lialk's, Glfttli.
who has been tho guest ol It lends lieu,
has letmned home.
A social will bo held at the Welsh
CoiiBicsatloiiul chuu Ii mi puj night
Thu imiltipltcntion of
velous. Competent authority assorts that
one of these minute cicatttros will moduco in
one day, if the conditions ato favorable, some six
teen millions of descendants, and in three days tho
production will approximate fifty trillions. "Wo
may compute tho number but never
it. Wo have no concrete mcumtro for such figures.
nppiehcud in Homo measure the amazing rate and
rapidity of microbic increase remember
in this twentieth century the population of
tho entire world is tlgtued at less than one
billion and a half.
Tho one emphatic point in this statement
of marvelous multiplication is this : " ' tho
conditions arc favorable" Tho most danger
microbo cannot injure man unless the
ditions are favorable. It is conceded that wo inhale
these microbes every day without injuiy, that we
receive them into tho body with the water wo drink
and 'the food wo cat and suffer no haim, the reason be
ing that the conditions are not favorable to microbic
propagation. It becomes a gieat question, thcicfore:
What are the conditions favoiablc to tho propagation
of disease miciobes in the human bodj ? The answer
is, unsanitary conditions. The same law rules the
blood that l tiles the brook : keep it pure and it is
healthful ; let it stagnate and become fouled with
decayed matter and it biceds disease. Tho prime
necessity for miciobie reproduction is dirt. Diit,
has been defined as "matter out of place." The
grease which collects in the kitchen sink is diit, just
as much as the dust which accumulates in unswept
corneis, and it seems perfectly proper in the scope
of this definition to speak of dirty blood.
I Tf you want to keep your blood in condition iin
favotable to microbic multiplication, get lid of the
dirt in your blood and keep lid of it.
effect, the clogging and effete substances
Save ono cant a day ton thirty"
one tlays ami it will cnablo you
lie iieini and otltei dillutciis will be
sot V l ll
Miso .Nillle Moses 1 is iiliuned to lb i
home ill Oljplinitt atli i visiting i lu
ll ve.s lieu
1)1. W 1. Van UuskllU. of Oljplt.illl.
lulled on ills niotllel, Mis, Vail Blls
klik, on Main stun i slot day
A vciy uuiet manliie vvas .soleniu
Uecl .it Uio Cahaiy Baptist puinoiiuRe
ji.sieid.iy morning at i uMoik. The
louhaitlng pintles weie Mlns Mtll.v
JouiM, Uie hi i oiupllslii il it uighter of
.Mr. and Mrs. David A . Jones, ot Nuilh
Tujloi, and John II Thomas, of 111"
Aichlmld Rev. pi 11 II Hauls, pas
mr ol the ihuuli, peilonncd the nup
tial (i'ilci, alter which tin newlv
weildid couple ilepaitid Immediately on
the Delaware, Lackiwaniia and Wcst
i in uiiiu tor New Voik and Philadel
phia on u wedding imti Op their iu
uiiii Ihej will so lo hiuisekeepliirir lu a
neatly luinlshed Urn Aichbald.
The Sowing ciulo of tin Cahaiy
Baptist chuieli will conduit an U
i team social on pay night All Uie dMi
i Miles ol the rttMbon will be setvod. All
mo invlud.
Lost A p.ilt l spu tin ic.-i, liitueen
I nloiisluel und nlli.v l em ul thu willifj
sheet. Fllidci will please letuill Uie
Willie til Hums' new.-, si, nnl "
The im.iii.iui ot William 1). Wullsci
iiiui Miss Agnes, dttuglitei ot William
I'lUler, took pltici nil Wcilltesdaj Uf
tcimouiit the icsldiino it tile iuoiu'h
imilliii, .Mi. Mail i Walkei. I'm!
Walkti w.h lite bi'sl mint and Mb
11. inn. ill (iim sham tho lnid"smald.
Rev. l)..viil Speiuei, U U.. w tin
Ijllill.llllli, Cll'IMVIIl.-ll Till
uilUd toi-jetlur a lug- loiupauj and
i lie wedding tui'jHL wa, an ciijojablc
Mi-. I In. Ii.u Mi Millun. .ii Itu-i, lu. l' ,
1 il',l ji ri. I u .,) I M I, !ui uu Vrd
l.t t i ,
IS v J ll-il lie I. . l mi. . 'I
J. i Ii i ill,' I .1 .. I. ii v i Hi I 0.
tho microbes is mar
For it is, in
that foul the blood,
I urn: ind iiuiuIii ot the iliuuli in th
pi-lu .md his ivllu a v u wauu icieptiou at
llu pu ,' lil i Minus l"nt dellihtlul
irnlii- wis penl 1" Hk-o pie-eut
Id. I N llilln md IM' i llimlln aro on
jiiiv tliK ieK
Mi Mbut limit 'f 1 linn i, " '" ,l"'
iiik at tic hniie "I l.i I I'lUliU, Ml. and Ml
Pinlil I'liio. uu llioik llml '
Mi John M llnherlkon, "I Nmtli Miin sticd,
i, in stotlind, idllul Iheli bj tin dfitli "I
lm mother.
lliv I'aik'i (.ocial (.) Ii- Riven liy the lujil
limit i uu o'ini ln lufil iwlpoiifd iulill
viu, I". Hind, of liitenwool, vu i nlli
in town vetcidij alternoen.
Mi, Willhni Mcvenou Iija leturued fuui Nevi
luih cits and-has a lan-o rlnplj of new tjouli
tl Jtif ilndle i. fti.'.i kloie.
Cheap Bates to California.
Paitles deslilng to nuiko hip to Call
foi nla, Arl?ona or New MeMco, cither
for business or pleasuie, can do so now
at almost half pi Ice.
Cvcry Tuesday, until Apt II SOth, in
elusive, tlckots inuik'ri 'Colonist" mav
bo puichosed via Houthein Railway tor
?lnn ftoni Washlngt m, $l51 fioni
Phiitidolphla, and coirospondliigly low
pi Ices fiom other points
The Southern Railway und Southern
Bacilli, company opeuuo tluough e.s
uiislon shepeis tiom Washington,
having Mondujs, Tuesdaja and Fii
liijs, the Tuesday .sleeper being avail
able oi "Colonist" tickets The beitt
i, vie In tiles' sleepeis is only S7 00, two
people lulug allow cd to occupy one
beiih It dc.dicd. Peisoual conduct jis
,ul PulliU'in poitets go thiough with
caih slot pel Theio ato other new
eniivenlt'iit and economical fahnej
louueited with theso ixeilislous whlcl
nni.'. he usceilaiitcd hum Chillies I,
Hopkins, l'lsttict I'assongei Ahnu
Soutliein Railway, S2$ Chestnut slice
Plillnd iplila.
The Piesident'r. Tour.
Jl. twlu-iv W' i' own llu VwJilalril Pu
tl itluiijU'ii. il I' - Uu ilit.iidrs if ill
IDttuttiii't, loci i tlu pin-id,, uu I ii
ii)i,iAtt ami in lilil'iii j.i)c.:N I1 ilinu,
nun '. ri.p- Mill lu iiiki'I ml I , i
Will "Hl s. i.liv luui o s, i.n i,
i ou.ualh p unit I
-.- niyyuFMflJ