Hi-. V V- ' '.( '- i. -' " f . ft r . THE SCHAJVTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1901'. 1 7 V f,W, NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA COOK TIGHT AT PITTSTON. Washington and Buffalo Birds Strive for Honors. tUl to the Sainton Tribune. Pittston, April 17. Three buttles of a big cocking main took place at Ollsliam's hull, Rrownton, lust night, between the hours of It mid 12, und the light wound up with a wrangle over a. decision of tlio referee. The tight wan between Buffalo nnd Wash ington, V. C birds, and the stakes were $70u a aide. Fully four hundred lovorH of the brutal sport were In at tendance 'and many bets were made. About twenty-live fi lends of the Buf falo birds weru on hand with their pockets well lined with greenbacks'. El.iyen battle were to have been fought and the event had been looked forward to as one of the biggest that hnd ever taken place In this) vicinity. The tlrst buttle was between a Burfulo yellow-legend, blue-red, hlx-pound bird and a Washington "Jup" called "John Mitt-hell, the Peace-maker." Al though the hitter was said to have a record of winning four lights without ever receiving a scratch he ran from the Buffalo bhd and lost the fight, l-'oi- the second buttle Buffalo had an other blue-red and the Washlngton luns brought fonvatd a dun-colored bird, which proved a furious tighter, and won qui in ten minutes. Two brown-reds were pitted against each oilier for the third battle, whluh wus progressing nlti-ly when the Burfulo bird's handler picked up his charge and his opponent cried foul, claiming no one had n right to pick up a bird unless authorized to do so by the urn plic The two oflU'hils failed to agree on the decision, and the affair broke up In a wrangle. Agues, ugt-d o mouths, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Owen MeGarry, of Upper Vinson, died yesterday afternoon, af U'V an illness of measles. Funeral Thursday at .'I p. in. James Thompson, employed as a I canister for Grocer William Drury, was this evening united in marriage to Miss Ruse Loftus, of Mill street. r The ceremony was performed at the parochial residencu of St. John's Ro man Catholic church by Rev. Father Garvey. The bride was attended by her sister as inuld, and William Gil roy acted as best man. Patrick o'Mallcy, of Carhondale, is -pending a few days in the city. The kitchen end of Vogel & Deni Ing's minstrel company's private ear took lire from an overheated cook stove whlls on a branch at the Cork Lane station yesterday. The damage was slight. ileibert ganders, formerly deputy postmaster at Pittston, but for the past lew years manager of the Cudahy Beef company's plant at New Castle, Pa., has bejn transferred to Norfolk, Va. With his wife und family he will spend a few days with relatives here. John rilnlck, a Sturmervillo Polauder, received severe burns about the arms, legs and back by the explosion of a charge of powder. Charles F. Reufer and Miss Pris cllla Cnclirun, both of Marcy town ship, Here united in marriage Mon day evening at the home of the gioom's parents. Rev. P. F. Ettwein olllciated. Dennis Brady, aged G3 years, died at I AN IMMENSE STOCK OF I NEW WASH GOODS Open This Horning. 5? We feel confident that customers will pronounce this the 5i largest stock of Wash Goods ever displayed in this city. o $ Silk Striped Grenadines la beautiful clocked stripes of rose, nile, Z violet, blue and black, made to sell at 75c. Our price 48c 5 Simile Soie The rnostdurable of all waist fabrics, in mellou red, res- O ea reea porcelain blue silk, oue way with lineu weft 50c S Dotted Swiss White grotiud with broken spots ot black, blue, piuk, 5 green, etc. Very light and airy 50c W Hercerized Printed Foulards As haudsome as expensive silks. Two Cjt Hues of elegant high art printing 25c and 39c Silk flusl in -Exquisite styles, plaiu colors with pretty figures and spots, in seventeen colors 50c gZ Silk Effect Crepes Overshot designs iu dainty pastel shades of maise blue, leaf, berry, cherry; grey, fawn and black 48c " Satin Stripe Foreign Dimities Printed figures and plaiu colors. j Johnson's riadras Ginghams The best cloth iu America 25c 25 Sheer Cloth Ginghams Light weight and durable , 25c W Chambra Madras L spots and plaiu colors '25c m Barnaby's Madras Zephyrs 15c India Dimities Fifty pieces, all new , 22c JJ Printed Swiss Muslins New styles 15c to Linen Batistes 10c, 15c, 20c, 35c up to The Largest Selection of Wash Goods at 8c, 10c, 12Jc and J5 100 Pieces Printed Lawns at , JJ 50 Pieces Cotton Challies at., sg Madras Ginghams 2,500 yards of fine 33-iuch goods iu lengths of 5 2 to 10 yards, a genuine 15 cent material, for , MEARS&HAGEIMl 4 5- 17 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, B ukkmhm:c1i '.4 'v.am-ysi''i ,- - -,vjius his home lit Duryea yesterday after noon, The funeral will take ploce on Friday at 8.30 with a requiem mass In St. Mary's church, Avoca, nnd In terment In Avoca cemetery. The Brothers' base ball club has re organized for the season and have so- cured now uniforms. They are now open for engagements with any ama teur team In this section. Address nil communication to P. It. Schmultz, 43 Center strcot, llughestown, Pittston postolllce. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Scnnton Tilbuiie. Tunkhannock, April 17. Miss Joe MoKown and MIsh Jean. Simpson wcro visitors at WIIkcs-Barre on Wednes day. Charles' Stckler, of Wllkes-Barre, was calling on friends and relatives In town on Tuesday. Mrs. A. B. Mott, of Denver, Colorado, who has been the gufcst of friends and relatives In town the past two months, left for her home on Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Graham, who has been sorloufily 111 with pneumonia, is Improv ing slowly. Joe BIMings, of Carbondule, was called here on Tuesday on account of the Illness of his father, Jerome Bill ings, who has typhoid-pneumonia. Mrs. Callle A. Bogart, the Tioga street milliner, was doing business in Wilkes-Harre on Wednesday. Edwin Steele, or Norwich, N. Y a typo in the ofllce of the Wyoming Democrat way buck In the 70's, was calling on friends in town on Wednes day. - The Keeler house stables wete con sumed by flie about 2 o'clock Wednes day afternoon. Five horses were burned in the Humes. Flying cinders also set fire to at least half a dozen other build ings on Tioga street. A general con flagration was oniy prevented by prompt action on the part of the hose company and citizens. COURT NOTES. In case of Mary A. Itundle vs. Mn Klnney & Stephens, feigned issue to determine the validity of Judgment en tered by confession on a judgment note, the jury, after remaining out all night, came into court on Wednesday morn ing and reported that they were unable to agree, whereuion they were dis charged from the case. The case will probably be settled by the parties. In re assignment of F. I,. Foster & Co., rule heretofore granted for dis charge of the assignee, and reconvey ance of assigned estate made absolute. On petition. W. S. Hubbell was ap pointed guardian of Lizzie, Esther and Ralph Lutes, minor children of G. W. Lutes, deceased. In re petition for load in Nicholson township from old fair ground east ward along the south bank of Tunk hannock creek, N. P. Wilcox, G. L. Bul lard and E. D. Clayton appointed view ers. On petition of Eli Acker, guardian of Frances A. Rice, a minor, order grant ed to sell the real estate of said minor at private sale. On petition of Cooley Klntner, a minor over the age of fourteen years, II. Stanley Harding is appointed guar dian of said minor, his former guardian, Perry S. Billings, being deceased. The case of Foster W. Bush vs. L. G. kk :2:K::;;K:::ots::;:::;:&;sasuis:a:Ju ...Ji. Stephens tvna on trial when court ad-'I Jottrned on Wednesday. It Is u case or assumpsit for wages. BROOKLYN. Special to tho Scraulon Trlliuno. Brooklyn, April 17. Frod Green has moved Into the house recently vacated by F. II, Tiffany, Who moved to Hop bottom. S. B. Eldrldgo nnd daughter, Edna, visited Scrauton Saturday. Mrs. Mnry Stephens, who fell some weeks ngo and Injured her hip. Is able to be nround the house, with the aid of crutches. O. M. Dolaway attended tho funeral of his mother at Elk hike1 Monday. We learn with regret that Rev. Van "Woert Is not to stay with us another year. Isaac Towkfcbury Is able to be on the strcot ngaln after a long Illness. Amml Ely has begun operations on his reservoir, which will supply water for several families In town. A large wind-mill will pump th2 water Into tho Khervotr. Misses Maud Waldle and Grace Mc Keever have returned home, their school term at Hopbottom being com pleted last Friday. Tho Infant son of Iia Johnson died last Monday nnd was brought here for burial Wednesday. The mother, Mrs. Johnson, was burled last Friday, the runeral being held in tho Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. Johnson had lived In Brooklyn until about a year ago, nnd many relatives, schoolmates and friends mourn her sudden death. The funerul of James Pcckham was held from the Presbyterian church on Monday. Rev. It. L. Roberts spoke in a very fitting manner and a selected choir, rendered several selections. Mr. Peckham was 77 years of age. Nearly all his life has been passed In Brook lyn. He was a member and elder of the Presbyterian church and his life was that of a devoted and sincere Christian. His wife died about seven years ago: later he married his slster-in-law, who survives him. He also leaves two sons, Jay D., of this place, and George T., of Scranton. SUSQUEHANNA. bpcci.il to the Srranton Tilbunc. Susquehanna, April 17. Daniel Mc Donald -will open a grocery .store In the Brown building, Main street. A young man named Keenan was on Tuesday afternoon brought 'before Jus tice Williams, charged with assaulting a Hungarian from Brandt, on Cana van'a island, that morning, and rob bing him of $12. The case was ad journed until Friday, and afterwards settled out of court. The electric lights went out on strike last night. Charles -Taylor, of Lanesboro, who was assaulted on the highway, between Susquehanna and Lanesboro, on Thurs day, -is gradually recovering from his severe injuries. There -are rumors, said to have some foundation, that the protracted local labor contention is now within a mile and a half of settlement. Several extra llremeu on the Dela ware division of the Erie have been laid otf. John J. ltyan, of Main street, is see ing the sights of the Quaker city. On account of the illness of Miss Giveney's mother, the Misses McGiv cnoy and Blisli, of Binghamton, will hold no dancing school in Susquehanna this week. Tho rush of immigrants westward on the Erie still continues. Local fishermen are catching a few trout. Charles Vun Benschoten, of Equl X0 35c 75c 15c 334c 4c 10c .A -..rfjg-;.-..-.. , S.. sjj,i,i,--. DOES NOT DISAPfOINT. The New Discovery for Catarrh Seems to Possess Remarkable Merit. A now catarrh cure has recently np peared which so far us tested has been remarkably successful In curing all forms of catarrh, whether In the head, throat, bronchial tubes, or In stomach and liver. The remedy Is In tablet form, pleas ant nnd convenient to take and no special secrecy Is maintained as to what It contains, the tablet being a scientific combination of Gualacol, Eu calyptol, Snngnhiarlu, llydrustln nnd similar valuable and harmless anti septics. Tho safe and effective catarrh cur nmy be found at any drug store under name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. Whether the catarrh ls located in the nose, throat, bronchial tubes or stomach, the tablets seem to act with equal success, temovlng the stuffy feeling In head nnd nose, clearing the mucous membrane of tin oat and tra chea from catarrhal secretions, which cause the tickling, coughing, hawking and gagging so annoying to every ca tarrh sufferer. Nasal catarrh generally leads to ul ceration, in some cases to such an extent as to destroy the nose entirely und In many old cases of catarrh tho bones of tho head become diseased. Nasal catarrh gradually extends to the throat and bronchial tubes and very otten to the stomach, causing that very obstinate trouble, catarrh of tho stom ach. Catarrh is a systemic poison, inher ent in tho blood, and local washes, douches, salves, inhaters and sprays can have no effect on the real cause of the disease. An internal remedy which acts upon the blood is the only rationnl treatment and Stuart's Catarrh Tablets Is the safest of all internal remedies, as welt as the most convenient nnd sat isfactory from a medical standpoint. Dr. Eiiton recently stated that lie ifad successfully used Stuart's Catarrh Tablets In old chronic cases, even where ulceration had extended so far as to destroy the septum of the nose. He says, "I am pleasantly surprised nlmort every day by the excellent re sults from Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. It is remarkable how effectually they re move the excessive seciellon and bring about a healthy condition of the mu cous membianes of the nose and stom ach." All druggists sell complete treat ment of the tablets at HO cents, and a little book giving the symptoms and causes of tile various forms of ca tarrh will be mailed free by addressing F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. nunk, is the guest of his 'brother-in-law, James Tinkler, on Cross street. Carpenters report that some new and much repair work will be done in town this season. The Erie Rnilraod company will here after allow a portion of its Susuue hanna machinists time and a quarter for Sunday and other over-time work. Moody post, No. D3, Grand Army of the Republic, this evening held a very enjoyable and well-attended social and camptire in Knights of Pythias hall. The invited guests included Moody Re lief corps, the wide-awake auxiliary of the post. The programme included a fine musical 'treat, refreshments and brief addresses'. The occasion will long ne remembered by all of the partici pants. Following- is the decision of the Superior court, in session at Pittsburg yesterday, in a Susquehanna county case: Commonwealth vs. William Church and Frederick Burdick, appel lant, from oyer and terminer of Sus quehanna county. Judgment affirmed. Mr. Skogland and children, of the Oakland side, are visiting friends in New York cty. A number of Susquehanna people are preparing to take in the Pan-American exposition in June. The prospects now are that Susque hanna will this season see some crack-a-jaek base Wall playing in some other town. MONTROSE. Special to the Scrantnn Tiilmnc. Montrose, April 17. I.iKlit business lias thus far marked the second week ot' court. In the case oC commonwealth vs. Cortis Stone, rule for now trial is dis charged. S. S. Noble, et al vs. McDonnell & Kelly, interpleader; verdict for plain tiffs. E. J. Nolle vs. McDonnell & Kelly, interpleader; verdict for plaintiff. In re division of Harford township into two election districts. Filed opin ion and order establishing1 plnces for holding elections und appointment of election officers. In 10 division of wards In Kusriuc- hannu; died affidavit of clerk and bur gess and list of borough olllces. Same day filed decree of court and same marked nnd conllnned nisi. J. 15. Commit vs. A. t Walker, suit brought to securo payment for a reaper and binder alleged to huvo been sold to the defendant. This case is now on trl.il. It is expected that the next case to be taken up will bo Temperance Stone vs, the borugh of Montrose, trespass, Hon. D. C. Tltinan Is In Now York city this week purchasing goods for his West Auburn store. lOx-Judo Ilurdwell, of Tunkhnn noi'k, is a visitor In town today. "Fritz fitoln" ut Village hall last evening attracted a lurgu audience. The play was presented Iu u maimer reflecting great 11 edit upon our young people who took part, nnd Mr. Collins, who had tho leading role fully sus tained his reputation as a comedian of unusual ability. HALLSTEAD. 0ptdl to th Scrtnlpn Tribune. Hallslead. April 17. itcv. I.. W. Church und Hon. S. n. Chnso are at tending tho meetlpg of the Lacka wanna Presbytery at Scranton. Hhv. Colwell has been returned to ills Hnllstcad chuige, to tho satisfac tion of his congregation and his many friends about town. Ho is a capable, uctive and popular man, and wo pre dict a successful and happy year, Alllo Ward, of Scranton, was homo to spend Sunday with his family here, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Flynn nvo happy over the arrival of m heiress at their home Saturday. Mr. Harmon, of Towandu, is work ing here as a wood carver In tho chair factory. Wurd Ives Is doing jury duty In Montrose this week. Lou Tlngley, of Tlpgley, was enter tained Sunday by 'Mlba Alice Brown. Ran Terboss is this week moving Into one of the Jewett houses, In Jow ctt court. . A horse belongA? to Gy Smith stumbled and i'k Sunday evening, breaking both to the wagon. -&c".i. .5-" JONAS Spring Sale 1901 the week at the astonlshinar oriccs which aDDear below. You will marked with'Red Price Tickets. Dress Goods All Wool Novelty Dress Goods, in plain or mixed colors, plaids, checks, stripes and small neat designs; choke variety of shades. Con sidered good value at 59c. Sale Price 23C Fine Quality, Wool Cashmere, 3b and 45 inch wide, specially adapted for shirt waists and morning wrappers. It is a heavy quality, with a soft, mellow finish and comes in all the new spaing shades. Sale Price .... ZoC Siks Ilc.tvy cold and Habut.il Mil,, a!o Mlk pougce stripes, in white, led, pink, turquoise, giey, black and while, regular Milne, liif. M SAM! I'KICU ,y' 45-incli all pmc silk satin stripe piciu dines. In scirr.il wldthR nnd Ml Inc. )(Or SALU I'BICi: OVi' Domestics, Linens, Wash Fabrics. Etc. Light, medium and dark ground Calicoes, regular value 7c. Sale Price 3 3.4c One case tine Dress Ginghams, mostly dark patterns, regular value 10c. Sale Price. 5c Best Quality Lining Cambric. Sale Price .. 3 7-8C Specially good quality of fine unbleached Muslin, bale Price Fine yard wide Hill Muslin, regular 9 cent kind. Sale Price 46x36 fine quality Bleached Pillow Cases. Sale Price 32-inch wide Fine Dress Sateens, medium and dark ground, fancy figured. . Percales, light and dark. 32 inches wide, regular io-cent quality. Sale Price Kxtra Heavy Blue Stripe Ticking, 16-cent kind. Sale Price Fine New Pongee Wash Dress Fabrics, latest patterns. Sale Fine Silkoline Summer Comforts. Sale Price Notions Water-proof Skirt Binding in all colors, yd Dress Stays, assorted sizesjand colors; set Stockinet Dress Shields Sewing Silk, 50 yard spools, black only. Ajax Pins, M. C, & S C. Sale Price, per paper , Hose Supporters, pink, blue, red, yellow and black Adamantine Pins, per paper . . ; ic Ribbons One and one-half inch extra quality Sat in and Gros Grain Ribbons, all colors. Sale Price oc Two, and two and-one-half inch extra quality Satin and Gros Grain Ribbons in all shades. Sale price: Mc Five inch all-silk metallic finish Taffeta Ribbons' Sale price Three and one-half inch extra ' quality Satin and Gros Grain Ribbons. Sale price Lace Curtains and Draperies Nottingham Lace Curtains,, with pole, 98c kind. Sale Price 79c $1.40 kind. Sale Price $1.98 kind. Sale Price JONAS It created some excitement among the passersby who were returning front church. The horse was not Injured, and the wagon was repaired so as to enable Mr. Smith to reach homo safe ly. - AVOCA. The muuiage of Miss Alice Baker and Rowland Jones was solemnized in the Primitive MethodlBt church yester day afternoon by Rev. T. 13. Wilson. Tho brido was handsomely attired in a steel grey gown, with pearl and white batin trimmings. After the ceremony they left on the C o'clock train for Monti osc, where they will remain for a tow days. Upon their return they will resido In tho south end. The members of the Ladles' Mission ary society of the Langolifte church tendered Mrs. D. T. Smythe a pleasant surprise on Tuesday afternoon, -when they invaded her home and poured congratulations on her in hunor of her natal day. Mrs. Smythe Boon recovered her self-possession, nnd during their stay tor the remainder of the evening did not forgot her duties as hostess. By her admirable and courteous man ner every one felt at home and every room and corner was filled with a sociable group who meet only on sucli occasions. Rev. Mr. Smythe wan no loss surprised when ho returned from tho synod at Scranton to And such a gathering. The dining tables, were soon laden with nil the delicacies that tho ladles have of tho gift of preparing, and for a few hours ample Justice was done" to tho palatable collation, Tho following were present: Mrs. Angus Howell, Mrs. AVtlllam Mitchell, Mrs. .1. II, Andor.son, Mrs. James AVcbber, Mrs, Margaret Alexander. Mrs. Allen Mc Donald, Mrs. William Alexander, Mrs, David Cranston. Mrs, Wallace Par sons, Mrs. Jumet) Urown, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. William Dick, Mm, D. L. Sande crs, Mrs. David Da-vis, Mrs. Charles Alkman, Mrs, Reuben Danks, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Thomas Morton, Mrs. Will iam Brown, jr Mrs. James cjrahnm, Mrs. William Brown, sr,, Mrs. James Morton, Mrs. Charles Warren, Mrs. William Laird, Mrs.. R. Laird, Mrs. J Robert uraiisioii, .ira. Marry Johnson, Mrs. Robert McMillan, Mrs, James Alexander, Mrs. James Walker, Mrs, John Connor, Mrs, Gushing, Mrs. Oli ver, Mrs, Daniel Boone, Mrs. William Whi'te, Mrs. AV, F, Pier, Mrs. Robert Cranston, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs, James Borthwick, Misses Carrlo Snyder. Jen nio AVhytc, Lena Renniman, Jennie Allen, Jennie Young. Mrs. Smythe was presented with u set of bolld sliver tea spoons and a set of hemstitched table linen. Tho funeral of Dennis Brady mill take placo tomorrow moimlng at 9.30 o'clock. Interment will be made in St. Mary's cemetery. The Sons of Temperance will meet this evening. The marriage of P.vtricW McAndrew and Miss Anna Davis 'vas solemnized In St. Mary's church ye&terday after noon. Rev. M. F, Crane performed the cciemony. Mr. and Mis. McAndrew will teslde In the North End. LONG'S The Great Four Days' Sale Was thronged with patrons yes terday, but we had planned for a rush, and are prepared to supply all demands for the remainder of They are first-class goods marked Silks 21-IikIi I'oulawU-, twilled. . tpiallly. 21-inch Satin Foulards, $1.23 qualltj. 21-Inch I'eau dc Savant, $1 qullt. 21-lncli Colored Poplins. ?1 quality. 21-Inch Hemstitched Satin Stripe, !fl qu.illt.i. Special Four Days' Price, 89c 5C 5C 3C 4c 8c 5c 18c $i-i0 Sale. Bigelow, Lowell o ody Brussels, .'... 1.69 made, laid and LONG'S OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO s THEATRICAL. 0 00000000000000000 ATTRACTIONS TODAY. ACADUJIV OP MUSIC The Core Pa Ion .Slock company. Matlncc anil night. (iAIETV Froil Ir-vlri's Hip Burlesque Matinee and nigh. show. Corse Payton Company. The Corse I'nyton Mock company, nW filllni; a woik's encasement at tho Academy of Muiv, at the' matinee joatcrday presented the society drama, "A Runaway Wii," and last cvcnlnp, "Only a 1'armi-r'a Dauiditri" vai the attraction, and procd a (treat drawing caul. This attrrucon, "Woman Aiplusl Woman" U tho otTeilng. and tonight, "A Dc-pcute Game" will he iilwn. "Call Carlson." Aithur Donaldson, who U to appear hcie at the I.jccum tonight in the name part of "Can Carlson," Is an actor and eliiser of marked null ity. During his profe-lonal raicer he lias eunir tlie principi! male role In fifty-nine operas and V.-.s alto enacted lolea n rorly-four dramatic pieces. It is a pie't- gojc icconl It will be conceded when it i known that Itr, Donaldson U Ivnly !i0 jeara uf jrc. Tho Carl Carlson company include! many well known plaicrs. Their names are: William liechtcl, Robert M, Kdwards, Itobeit Summci' tvld, paUd Elmer, Fenwlcl: l. I.eadi, L'dward Illlwood, William Pe Verne, II. 0. Thome, Har old Parr, M1.-J Jane I-cnno-i, Miw llejie Harris, MU-, ltd llail.111 and Mis; Annie Mjck-Ucrlclii, Tommy Shearer Company. The Tommy Shearer company Mands in Ilia fiont lank oi irncrlolio OTKaniutloiu, and it! work nlw.'i) wins applauso horn largo audience?, TliU is J-i to the la. t that it contains tho best talent, and pnents ! failed lepcitolra of I03alty plaj.-, wlilcl. are uulu'ia!Iy popular and worthy of liberal pationit. Specialties aro in troduced each evening between tho actB, by artists envied tor thU feiluie, making tho poriormau(.n partlculaily inleiestlnc; and amm in.;. They come to the Academy of Music all net weik, piCM-nliiiff "Tho Viclorlan Cross" Monday evening. Tho interest manifested In the engage ment U very in irked, and the indications arc that the tcpinany will reecho a ioy.il reception lure. ''The New Dominion." l'ew actors or plajs r.ae made so instJirUne. oia an impression as Mr. Clement has in his own work, entitled "Iho New Dominion." Noth. Ing like Dili) refined Ceimin baion has tcr been pined on the &ta;je before, hv.Ui from the stand, point of tie actor who poitrajs the rhaiactri, ami tho pl..yii,;ht who concched it, Mr, Clement has Iho utmost reason lo feel pioud of UW woik. It tand and will long stand, us one of the neatest, cleanest cut, and iuot fas cinating pieces ot ihaiacter woil; tho fcUgo cf the last ten yeats has produced. Tho play will be ecn at the ,)ccuu, Sat urday allcinoon and cicnlue for tha benelit ot tlit) International Correspondence School Ssxlal, Kduealivnal tnd DciieflcUl society, Facts and Follies Company. Uegmniiif May Uliocll'i l'ad and Follies company will be at tho fialely for Ihrco days Tho entertainment jUcn l divided into thro parts, opening with a one-act comedy entitled "Tim fcullivau'i Chowder," which ws written SONS. rind the verv down for the Spring Spring Sale 1901 thines vou need ; Sale only. i Dress Goods 54'incli all wool Victoria Suitings, made of the best yarn and guaranteed fast dya in beautiful line of colon. Four Days' Sale A Price : 45C 42-inch all wool Serehs, steam sponged and shrunk, ready for use, guaranteed to wear and will not spot, regular value, AQ 69 cents, Sale Price 4oC 50-in. Canadensis Whipcord, 48-inch Melrose Suiting, in all the new spring shades, in cluding black: regular value $1.25, Sale rtw Price 89C Slks -45-iiidi Idjfk (Jrcnadlnw, in plain trxl (ancle", .1 htylcs in nct dejifng. Regular value, 81.00. Sale Price, 69c Stilting, tpitlal tVMnch heavy all-trol ClicWots. 4 WC 6 10c 7 i-ac IOC 7 3C 13 !3C Price is i.ac ; 97c Tapestry Curtains Fringe top and bottom in green, red and blue, fit. 98 kind. Sale Price $1.69 $2.49 kind. Sale Price a.19 Window Shades In standard colors 2 feet wide, 6 feet long, good spring rollers, regular value 12 i-2c. Sale Price 7c Wail Paper Sc Paper. S ale price, double roll 4c ioc and 12c kinds. Sale price, double roll 8c 15c and 18c kind. Sale price, double roll 10c, 20c kind, Sale price, double roll tsc 23c kind. Sale price, double roll 18c 35c and 40c papers. Sale price, double roll ajc Borders and ceiling to match, Carpets tin tire line of Tapestry Brussels, made, laid and lined with a discount of 10 per cent, from regular prices during Four Days' lined. Special Price $1.10 7 SONS. and staged by Jamea I'. Leonard, who also p)J" the leading comedy role. Tho second part of the programme consists of an olio of high clas andeilli; acts introduced by such well-known people as Shattuck and Rcrnard, who will b" teen in an up-to-date travesty sketch: Thompson and Gaiter in a neat travesty, "Something Do irift"; Dennett and Rich, clever Bingcrs and dancers, and Lottie Martin. The performance) concludes with an up-to-daie (taiesty entitled "Fads and Tollies" or 'A Night on the lloulevard,'' which is handsomely ataged with special seenlo and electrical effect, and iutioducei the entire company, including u hoot of pielly girlsin gorgeous eewtume... Special attention has been paid to the intro duction of qu.utette.-i and ensembles, and the music ii said to haie been made pcciI fen tuie. Two Grand Concerts. The United States Marino band Will ghe two concerto, afternoon and eiening, of April tl'i at the Ninth regiment armory at Willles-Barro. This is tho first time that the band has toured tho country since its re-organlMtlon." They will be accompanied by Miss Amy Whi.!cy, -. representative- American soprano. Tht band numbers seventy-Uva men. SPRINfiVILLE, Special to the Scranton Tribune, Sprlnffvlllo, April 17.-G, P. Stan Mel Thomas Hawke were at Montrose ttu iattcr part of last week, taklnfr down a derrick which is to be placed In the ITawke quarry here, Mis. Cordelia Carlton, of Kason hill, has been sick several weeks -with bronchial affection. The otlleera of Lynn encampment No. GO, were installed last Tuesday evening as follows: C. P., A. P. Miner; H. W., T. W. Strlcklrtnd: II. P.. 3. It Mitchell; J. W.. S. O. Culver. P. C. P. J S. Greenwood did the Installing1. Thursday evening neStt the offltvsn of Maplo lodge, No, 992, Independent Or. der of Odd Fellows, will be installed a follows; Noble ETand, IS. L. Button; vlco-grand, C. 13, llurdlckj secretary, E. R. Lake; trutftce, Ira A. Strickland W. 11, Emmons ha moved to douth Montrose, and Iu ac"dltloH to furmlnr will run a meat market. Ray Culver and Clark Giles are doinsr a land otllcc business clipping1 horR. Will West has formed a partnership with W. M. Lathrop In the meat ttid and will have two horses on the road; II, R. Lathrop is moving- the uoua recently pujehased, and -which -wan vacated by Cyrus Carter, to hifi own lot. This malcea ono less dwelling- whero thero should be more. Work is moving' now on. Stuart Riley's house, tho frame being up tho forepart of tho week. Contractor Tutlle knows how to push a Job when necessary. Mrs. Phlnney and two children, of Eatonvllle, are vlsitlnsr at the home of Mr, and Mis. Ray Culver In this vil lage. Ira A. Stiickliind Is a man who has a dread of disease, and lias sjodsjed minor ailments more op less, and now, at the age of sixty-three, Has contract ed measles.- He is now cdnvaUwinnt. William P. Tyler lives at the cwt of the first hill to tho east, and has h. Htm close by the roadside. Not Ions since soma jer&on made away Drfth u bag of meal, and this Is the aecond OrH