The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 18, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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While Playing Ncnr tho Mt, Pleasant
Culm Dump They Found the Bones
o Either Two Right Hands or tho
Feet of Some Peculiar Animal Dr.
Raymond's Skeleton Stolen by the
Yellow Kids Prohibition League
nud Salvation Army Rallies Fu
nerals and Accidents.
A' numbfi of boj.s were pliiylns near
Mi'.'.SIt. .Pleasant culm dump, opposite
K. -ItobliiKon's power house, last even
ing; when they uncnrthc-il what ap
pears to he the hones of two human
liandb,, yet tlicro Is much doubt In the
minds of those who have seen them
UN "'to wliother they arc really hands
or 'the feet of some peculiar anlnuil.
When tlie discovery was mudo t'u
ltdlniau Thomas .Jones was notified,
and when lie arrived on the scene a
curious crowd has assembled and all
M'L'Uied- puzzled regarding the exact
nature of the bones. The ttndlnps were
turned over to Lieutenant Williams,
who later exhibited them to a num
ber of people at the station house.
They appear to bo two right hands,
sawed off at the wrists, yet Uie
thumbs are missing, and tho hones are
r-xactly like lingers, yet the tips of
them have whal-mlght be called knobs
on them. In what appears to be the
palms of tlju hands the flesh that re
mains un the bones is bunched and
quite thick and from the Inside re
.anble an animal's foot, while tho out
side looks exactly like u. human hand.
Several physicians examined the
findings, but were unable to tell what
they were. The deputy coroner was
unable to solve the mystery, owing to
Jiis lack of knowledge along anatomi
cal lines, and unless somebody volun
teers to unravel the mystery Lieuten
ant, Williams will send the hands or
feet to some medical college. The
llndlngs .arc to be sion at the Jackson
htceet police station.
About tho time the above discovery
was made. Lieutenant Williams was
informed that a "ghost" was seen in
the rear of XXw Raymond's, ofllce in the
"West Side bank building. He told bis
Informants to notify the board of
health, and when further inquiries had
been made the alleged ghoht had dis
appeared. When the doctor went to
lecate the ghost he discovered that
tlie yellows kid had stolen a skeleton
which he kept closeted in tho rear of
l-.ih ofllce.
Soon "''te' ti' .! '. disappeared
i ud could not be found, and a ft"
11111111161 later the hniuf or feet were
umirt Whether or not the find
ings belong to the doctor's skeleton
lias not yet been learned. If they do,
it is probable that the boys who car
ried the skeleton away tried to con
ceal their theft by throwing the bones
In the place where the hands or feet
were found. A number of other bones
were also found at the same place.
' St. Paul's Annual Ball.
The annual military ball of St. Paul's
Pioneer corps was held in Mearb' hall
last evening. Members. of the corps
appeared in." their natty uniforms and
the Iad!esWQre "becoming gowns. About
one huncTfe'd'couples participated In the
grand, march, which- was-Ied by Daniel
Leni.haii -aiid.JMiss Hannah Graney.
The programme was made up of
' plqin liuadrllles, waltzes, two-steps,
minuet landers, Yorks, five-steps, Sin
bads, and other dances, and each one
was, thoroughly enjoyed to the excel
lent accompaniments played by JIIss
Kate Reardon.
Thp affair was In charge, of the fol
lowing officers and committees: Mas
ter of ceremonies. Daniel Lenlhan: as
sistant master of ceremonies, Jolin Mc
Andrtrw; floor manager, Harry L.
Ttulney: assistant floor manager. John
F. Langan.
Floor Committee Patrick Laffert'y.
Michael Rattle, Thomas McGulrc, John
Kelly, William Sharp. William Conway.
oils, of Wllkcs-Ilarre, who gavo n
strung temperance address on the sub
ject. "On Which Side Are You 7"
Selections were rendered by the Sons.
of Temperance Glee Club and the three
divisions of children In unison, who
make up the Loyal Crusaders. Recita
tions were given by Miss IJctlth Anna
May, Miss Thomas sang, Rev. Jones
offered prayer, and Chairman Hlnmatt
and Cloiner D. Reese also spoke.
Rev. McCnffrey's Remains Arrive.
The remains of the late Rev. Patrick
J. McCnlfroy, who died In Atlanta, Ga
on Monday, arrived In this city yestui
day and wore taken In charge by. Fu
neral Director M. F. Wymbs, who re
moved them to tho home of deceased's
parents, Mil Scrantim street.
At 0..10 o'clock-this morning n sol
emn high mass will bo celebrated at
St. Patrick's Catholic church on Jack
son street. Rev. T. R. Donovan, of
Montgomery, Ala,, who accompanied
the remains to this city, will partici
pate in the services. A number of
local priests will also assist in the
mass. Interment will be made in the
Catholic cemetery.
away a largo quantity of lead pipe, ga
fixtures and plumbing supplies.
Miss Jennlo Collins, of West Lacka
wanna avenue, Is visiting friends in
Contractor William It, Williams Is
making extensive Improvements In his
South Main aventto residence.
Mrs. Robert Cooper Is seriously III at
her homo In Tripp Park.
V. C. O'Hara, of Price street, is
spending the week In Philadelphia.
The choir of St. Patrick's Catholic
church hold a special meeting last
evening, nt which matters pertaining
to their Interests wcro discussed.
Conductor Benjamin Bennett, of M,"
Luzerne street, employed on the Lack
awanna railroad, fell from a freight
car recently and sustained severe In
juries. Jx-Unli Marshall of Ninth .street, em
ployed around the Oxford, fell from
one of the chutes recently and frac
tured one of his ribs.
Police and Aldernmnic.
John Coollek, of Scrnnton sheet,
was arraigned before Alderman Kelly
last evening for throwing stones and
striking n boy 'named Linco. He was
held in $300 ball.
Joseph Sullivan, arrested at I o'clock
yesterday morning on Main avenue lor
fast driving and cruelty to animals,
was lined $3 by Police Magistrate Da
vies in wollce court.
Gus McMullen, w ho was found asleep
on West Lackawanna avenue early
yesterday morning, was lined $3 In po
lice court.
John Gleason, of li0 Cameron ave
nue, arrested at the Instance of his
wife for asasult and battery, non
support and making threats, was com
mitted by Alderman John in default of
J600 ball.
Mrs: Ellen Randall, of Pleasant
street, was held in $200 bail yesterday
by Alderman John for assaulting Will
iam Granville, of Tlghe's couit.
Entottnlnment Conducted at Athletic
Hall by Young People's Union.
Dog Bites Young Boy.
An excellent entertainment was con
ducted last night In Athletic hall by
the Young People's union of tho Ger
man Lutheran church of Christ. A
well arranged programme was ren
dered, Solus were sung by F. Scheuch, Miss
Iiniina Scheuch, MIks Ida Fuhlbrugge
and chailes Berghausir. A duet wus
sting by Miss Helens Glasser and Miss
Ida Fuhlbrugge, and the feature of the
evening was the exhlblton given by the
two ucrobats of tho Scranton Athletic
dub, M. F. Kaiser und Charles Berg.
After the entertainment a very pleas
ant and sociable time was spent.
Boy Bitten by Dog.
The lo-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Weston, of Hickory street, was
painfully bitten by a dog in the right
hand yesterday ufternoon. The bpy
was on his usual route delivering news
papers when the animal attacked him,
and snapped at his hand viciously He
wus taken to Dr. J. J. Walsh's office,
where the wound was cauterized.
Salvation Army Celebration.
The local corps of the Salvation
Army yesterday began a three davs'
celebration or their sixteenth anniver
sary. During the day a number of vis
itors arrived, and after a street pa
rade concert at the corner
of Main avenue and Jackson street last
evening, a rally wus held at the bar
rack on Price street.
folonel W. J. Cozens, Major nud Mrs.
Galley, of Philadelphia; Staff Captain
Noble, of Baltimore, the L'astcrn Penn
sylvania Held unieurs,.iind a number of
lesser lights in the urmy were present
and delivered addrc-ses.
tnts evening at 7.30 o'clock a m,
meeting win ue Held in the Second
i-resuyicnuu enurcli, which will bo
conducted by C,olonel Cozens ami staif
Tomorrow evening, at the Pii,.,.
Three Funerals Yesterday.
Funeral Director Price had charge
ot three funerals yesterday afternoon.
-At y.10 o'clock Rev. J. B. Sweet held
services over the remains of the late
Mrs. Evu .1. Muii", whose hus
band was laid at rest last Saturday
afternoon. -Many sorrowing relatives
and friends were in atetndance at the
services, which were held at the house
on South Main avenue. The remains
were taken to the Chinchilla ceme
tery for interment.
The pall-bearers weio Samuel Pol
humus, Hurry Barros, William Coons
and Mr. Neeley.
At L',30 o'clock Dr. Sweet officiated at
the funeral of the late Harriet Sloeum,
the services beinlng held at the house
on Division street. These services were
also largely attended. Interment was
made in the Forest Hill cemetery.
The music was rendered by a quar
tette composed of Mrs. Albert Lewis,
Miss Martha Thomas, Harry Wii-.Ioy
and David Hughes. The pall-bearci's
were W. W. Davis, John Randolph,
George Carson, George Florey, How
ell Harris ami Louis Stephens.
Rev. David Jones-, pastor of the First
Welsh Congregational church, ofllclat
cd at the funeral of the late Mrs. Eliz
abeth Richards yesterday afternoon.
The services were held at the house,
IMS Luzerne street, at .'1.30 o'clock, ami
Interment was made in tho Washburn
btret cemetery.
The pall-bearers were D..B. Thomas,
Thomas Lewis, Daniel Evans and John
Told in a Few Lines.
The Orpheus Glee club will meet for
lehearsal this evening ut 8 o'clock at
their rooms. AH members are urgent
ly requested to attend as important
business will be transacted.
Local union No, 1331, United Mine
Workers of America, wilt meet at
Nowisky's hall this evening.
Moltke castle, No. 26S, Knights of the
Golden Eagle, will meet this evening
at S o'clock In Freuhan's hall.
The members of tho St. Aloyslus so-
'ety will meet in regular session this
events at Pharmacy hall.
Semi-Annual Installation of Officers
and Banquet of Odd Fellows.
Ohter News Items.
John Boyle O'Reilly Council, Young
Men's Institute, Will Visit the
Marquette Council Early Morning
Shooting Annoys North Scranton
Sleepers Doings in Police Circles.
Initial Social at the Auditorium.
Stockholders of New Bank Meet
and Elect Directors Other Notes.
John Uoylo O'Rsllly council. Young
Men's Institute will meet Marquette
council this evening at a progressive
euchre contest, at the luttcr's hall, on
West Market street.
A handsome silk banner will be given
to the winning council. The Mar
quette members have arranged a pro
gramme for the evening, which will be
as follows:
.VI'IrtM of U'lcomc .... William ttiott
Ki'dUtlou Jo.opli McAudrcw
I'ociii Patrick Cur.ll olii John fillli&y
Ucndliip v..,........Jolin IIUkIiis
Declamation . John Kelly
solo William P. biiolt
tpiidlnj: Ijines L.Miott
Duel Tho?. CUrkc und Strphtn Ujtln
SebcMon V. M. I. quartetd
Selection St. Mary's orchestra
Solo W. C. Ljnott
A smoker and dancing will also be
enjoyed after the rendering of the pro.
Target Shooting.
Persons residing near Park Pluce und
Bulls Head have of late been hold
ing target practice in tho early hours
of the morning, trying hard, to hit the
bull's eye. The noise has kept uwake
many of the residents of that sec
tion. ,
A complaint has been mode to the
police und arrests will follow shortly
If the shooting continues.
"u'Mfti1, 3LaJor D'- Pllty will spe-il
rii.iW , "piv.-iiu( .Jiurror, naving
been . wn4 tho scene shortly alter the
srrcat Hood,, which dqvuwtuted tho entlio
., ,.Ph'illn Carlln Buried.
The funeral of young Philip Carllu,
whOKlled on Sunduy at his home on
hcruntou street, occurred Tuesdav at'
tcrnoon, ami was attended bv many
friend of the family. Short services
were-Uidd at St.- Patrlok's Catholic
ehurohv und Interment was made in
tho Cathedral cemetery,
The-.flower bearers ami pulMioarers
were Harold glutei, James Kearney,
numuw i Carlln. Frank Cummlngs,
Jolm.'Suyder, Waltor Deckelnlck, My.
ion JUumhouse, Murtlnui. Scanlon ami
f Prohibition League Bally,
The second of a seiies of rallies under
"ffii!1, ".', Webt.Sldu I'rohl
bltlBn league was conducted In Co-op-eratlVO
lirtli last evening, and attracted
a goodislzed audience, many of whom
were children, who fonr. the several
dlvlsrons of the league,
Tlie1 'feature of the evening was an
address by Attorney Kmmot D. Nlch-
Events This Evening.
Reception to Rev. James BennliiKor
by the I, W. H. Circle ut the Hampton
Stieet Methodist Episcopal church.
Meeting of West Side Reliables at
Seashore candy store for reorganiza
tion. Meeting of St. Patrick's Ladies' Irish
Catholic Benevolent union will be hold
this evening in St. Loo's rooms.
Meetings ut Camp ITS. Patriotic Or
der Sous of America, in Red Men's hall,
corner of Main avenue and Jackson
The Sloeum lodge of Odd Fellows
met last evening and transacted rout
ine business.
Robert Morris lodge of Ivorites will
hold a social session after tho rgul-r
meeting tills evening, at which E. E.
llolmtlmii will lead the ripper bill nud
explain Its application to the various
iMinlcliml departments. A jionuiul llr.
ass i ousslon will follow,
The young ladles of the Sherman
Avonuo mlsinou of the Plymouth Con
gregational church, will continue tho
supper this evening, which was also
conducted last evening.
Dunmore lodge. No. S16, Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows, held their
semi-annual installation of ofilccrs
and banquet last night.
Large numbers were present from
sister lodges to assist in the ceremony
. itu ijaiiuue ot ma elaborate refresh
ments which had been prepared for
the occasion.
Tho grand ofticeis who officiated
weio: District Deputy Grand Master
O. L. Colvin, Grand Master J. G. Mc
Askie, Grand Warden A. Hope Atkins,
Grand Secretary G. F, Dsan, Grand
Guardian L. W, Lewis. The ofiicers
installed were: Harry Edwards, noble
grand; Christian Keller,, vice-grand;
Harry Kisser, recording secretary;
George W. Harper, trusted; support
ers, to noble grand, Richard Webber, Keller; supporters to vice
grand. George Okdl, Frank Spencer.
New Branch Organized.
A new branch of the American Pio
tvstant Ladies' association Was organ
ized Jn Mason lo hail vierilay. It
will be known as Lady McKlnle
lodge. No. 17.
Institution was elfcoted by the fol
lowing grand officers: Past National
Grand Mistress Eliza Davis, of Scran
ton; Past National Grand Mistress
Mrs. .1. W. Blackburn, Past National
Grand Vice Mistress Maggie Jones,
of Plymouth: nitrlct Deputy Grand
Mistress, Muiie Davis, of Green Ridge.
j no otneers ot tlie new lodge are:
Mary Powell, Sydia Van Horn, Lydia
Jackson, Ida Powell, Edith Ethel Jack
son, Ethel Jackson, Lottie Reber,
Annie Colter, Elsie SlegK Mrs. Brady,
Mrs. William Colter.
Police and Aldermen.
A small iron express wagon was
stolen from in front of William Chap
pell's stores yesterday. The case was
reported to the police and a search
warrant will be issued for the arrest
of the party who Is supposed to have
taken it.
The police are working on this case
and have their suspicions of the Iden
tity of the thief, and also of the man
who committed the burglary at the
Notch. ,
Simon Monxuboski, was arraigned
betore Alderman Myers last evening
on the charge of assault and battery
prelorred by Michael Shorrmoksl. Mor
scaboski was held under $300 ball for
appearance at court.
Funtral of tho Late Head of Mormon
Church Is Largely Attended.
toy Exeluihe Wire from The Awoclalcil TrM
Salt Lake, Utah, April 17. funeral
sen-ices were held1 this nfternoon over
the remains -nf Apostle George U.. Can
non, of the Mormon church, who died
In California lust week. Tho cere
monies, which took place In tho taber
nacle, commenced at noon und con
tinued until 2 p. m. All tho high dig.
nltnrles of the church participated. The.
Immense seating capacity of tho tabor-'
naclc was taxed to Its utmost und
hundreds of people wero tinuble to
President Lorenzo Snow, the head of
tho Mormon church, wus the princi
pal speaker.
After the services ut the tabernacle
the body was taken to tin; city ceme
tery, where interment took pluce. The
casket wos folldwed to Its restltfe
place by tin Immense throng.
Of the OntU' Stock from Our Trenton 5tot.
Sale Now On.
Charles Mclntyre and Kate Wlldey
By Excliutie Wire from Tho Aocitcd l'rcj.
Philadelphia, April 17. Charles Mc
lntyre, aged 33, and Kate Wlldey, aged i
'JO ...AH.-. .... M.J n..H..l.ll..l.l ....1... I.. ..
uu, nctu Jiuuitu ttatyii .Milieu luuuj' 111 tl
room nt a small hotel here. TJiey
engaged lodging late Inst night und
were not again rccn alive. The gas
was issuing from the Jet In the room
and ftom the fact that the window
and transom were tightly closed It Is
believed tho pair committed suicide.
Mclntyre was a clerk In a railroad
freight office. From letters found on
the bodies it Is thought the woman was
in straitened circumstances and that
Mclntyre was endeavoring to scent c
a position for her.
Miss Louisa F. Chambers and Louis
Charles Mack United in Marriage.
By Cxclushe Wire from Tho AMOoIutuI Pica.
New York, April 17. Miss Louisa
Frolinghuysen Chambers, daughter of
F. F. Chambers, of the Delaware,
Lackawanna und Western railroad,
was married today at noon, at Sonjcr.
vllle, N. J., to Louis Charles Mack,
son of Adolph Mack, president of the
Rnritan Woolen mills.
Checks aggregating 50,ii00 were
among the presents. '
Initial Social.
The second part of tho Initial social
was given last night at the Auditor
ium,, under the direction of the Ladles'
Aid society of the North Main Ave
nue Christian church. A very inter
esting programme was tendered, after
which the ladles suned n delicious
Those who took purl in the enter
tainment were: Miss Llbble Daven
port, who rendered a piano sol In a
most pleasing manner, followed by a
vocal solo by Miss Carile Parry, which
was also rendered In an excellent
Tommy Morris, the well known boy
tenor, rendered several vocal solos In
his sweet voire, and others who took
purt wore Mrs. Vlzzard, with a solo;
Vivian MacCulloch, who recited, and
Emma Patch, who gave a vocal solo.
1 and colds
.' TAKE '
' ?" ' ' in I nil
Other Anonuncements.
The I. F. C. club will meet at 7.13
o'clock Saturday evening at the homo
of .Miss Currlo Floyd, lias Rock street.
Tho Women's class of the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal church will meet
In tho lecture room tomorrow after
noon. Tho ruille for a watch for tho benellt
of Mrs. Brown, of Lafayette street,
which was announced for April IP, has
been postponed until May 1.
The members of the Simpson Metll
odlst Episcopal ehuivli will tender a
farewell reception to their pastor, Rev,
J. B. Sweet, next Tuesduy evening, and
en Thursday evening, April 25, tho lu
dies of the church will hold a book
The menibcis of Blanch till, Ladles'
Catholic Benevolent association, held
a meeting last evening at their hall on
Chestnut street and made urrange.
ments to hold a prngie.sve euchre
purty and social at Young Men's Instl
tutu hall on Tuesday evening, May H.
Charles Kollnr, formerly of this side,
h-iK returned to Shenandoah after a
vltlt with his mother on Chestnut
Miss Murcellu Arthurs, of Itallnmd
avenue, was tendered nit enjoyable
party recently by a number of friends
Burglurs entered the plumbing shop
of Lincoln Williams, at the corner of
North Main avenue and Prleo street,
e.arly Monday morning and carried
Borough Brevities.
The (lie alarm about noon yesterday
fura box ;:i was caused by tho burn
ing of some underbrush in tlie Ger
man cemetery on Williams street,
which endangered some of the wooden
lU'iid-ricces theie. Neptune, Electric
and Independent companies responded
and fcon exthmuished the blaze.
Charles Holllday, of Hawley, was a
visitor in town yesterday.
Michael Mellale, who was injured on
the Lackawanna railroad recently, is
able to be about again,
Drugglits J, G. Bone & Sou huvn
been appointed agents for the C'uuutd
St-'anisliip company.
A meeting of the stockholders of the
new bank was' hold last night. Elec
tion of the directors took place, the
following being chosen: John R. Ath
erton, Valentine. Bliss, J. B. Fish,
James Fitch, Patrick J. Jordan, J. A.
LaBar, W. J. Lewis. L. W. Morss und
Adam Spltzer. They will meet Friday
evening In turn und elect officers.
Miss Charlotte Carlndlne, of Wayne
avenue, is in Carbondale, attending the
sixteenth semi-annual convention of
the Congregational church.
The Clerks' association will meet this
evening in Leonard's hall, on West
Market street. AH members present
will receive their union curds for the
new quarter. The meeting night will
bo chunged hereafter from everyThurs
duy night to the first and third Thurs
days of every month.
A meeting of the ludles of the North
End will be held tomorrow evening at
St. Mary's hall, for the purpose of or
ganizing u 'branch of the Ladles' aux-
illary of tlie Ancient Order of Hlhernl-
ans. Miss Catherine it. O'Hara, county
president of thu Ladles' auxiliary, and
representatives from Divisions No. 6
and lri will bo present to aid in the or
ganization. .Mrs. Richard Williams, of Oak stieet,
is slightly Indisposed.
Mrs. It. S. Al worth has returned
home' from Carbondale.
Mrs. S. R. Ilenwood. of North Muln
avenue, has returned home, nfter visit
ing friends In New York city.
Miss Stella Seymour related in a very
interesting manner her experiences at
tho mission station of South Afilcu, ut
the -Wednesday evening prayer meeting Mrs. K. 13. Robatluut has Just re
oi me ureeu jiiugo xiesoyiunun turned fiom u ten day visit with
church, held last evening. Miss Soy- friends in AVIIliamspurt.
moiir described tho different classes of Mis. W. II. Aukersuii und llttlo
natives and ihe work done anions: daughter, of West Pittstou, left hero
thum by the Fuigllsh missionaries, in on Ihe 6 o'clock train yesterday for
an earnest and pleasing fushion. At Butte City, where she will join hor
thu close of the meeting the returned husband.
missionary was greeted by many who
had known her during her long resi
dence In this city,
Onluu sots, 5 cents a uuurt. Green
Ridge murket,
Miss Ida Glsmlcr Is visiting friends
at Lake WinoW.
Both 'phones, Gieen Ridge market,
Roe and Buck shad. Green Ridge
niaiket, y
The Sanderson avenue pavement was
Hushed lust evening, to the relief of tho
residents of that street.
Sweet pea nud nasturtum seed, ,1
cents an ounce. Green Ridge mill bet.
Garden seed, all klndrf. Green Ridge
Mr. and Mrs.- Charles Cobb and
daughter, Louise, of Mousey avenue,
tiro visiting friends in Wllkes-Barre.
Cucumbers, tomatoes, water cress,
new potatoes, lettuce, celery, aspara
gus, spinach, etc. Green Ridge market.
Allow a cough to lun until it KcU bfiond the
leicli of nit.ililr.ev 'ilicv ofttn wy, '"Ob it will
urar away." tut ; In moU cuc it will wear
tluin aujy, CcuM they Lo Induced to try tlu
tucevttful iiicilklrjii Cjllid Htinii' DjUain, willed
It fold on a kk.IUw gujrantn.. to lure, they
would imuKiliaUly see the cufllcnt enVa after
ULIiuc tho tiitt rtW. I'rkc ,'3.'. und We,
tUc inc. At all drujgM
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Prltchard spent
Sunduy with Mrs. W. H. Ackersou In
West Pittstou.
The Rev. O. K, Lyman and wife, of
the Court Street Methodic Kplscopal
church, have returned from tho con
ference. Mr, Lynmii will be with us
for another year,
Board of Pardous Meets.
By Etclusbo Wire from The .Undated I'rctJ.
Iljirishtirj, April W.llic board of pardons
met today and heard argument In tho eayj of
(irorgo W. MeJImray, ot PitUliiiifr, under sen
temc of death, und the ShamoUu loumlliii-n
uriWiiB four inoutlij 111 prison for lirihciy, 'Iho
board will ruett tomorrow in executive session
to 'JM upon the rail a.
.1. II. ANGLC The many fiinids ol -T. jl.
Angle, who for the past eighteen . seals ih beta
a Ksident of thli city, 'v 111 ltc pained to hcJr
ut his death of mult laii.i;itis, ufur a unef
illmfc. He pjKied quietly any at S.SO o'lbwk
11.-4 cenlug. Ilia ilaughtir, Min l)aid M John,
jud her daughter, Mls St. Johr, of Ilarkonuk.
X. J., weio hi uttcnAwc ut hU bedside skill
till .'lid faithful attention were urable to ihu
tho dheas? which removed one win, a truly
cue of r.ituic'd noblemen, a man lou'd and le
Nemd by all who kntw lutn. Mi. Angle In-, tw.'n
connected with the i.jcl.iwanni Tniit .'i.d Safe
Dtnoait company' bank lor Ihe ujt sKUen
(ar. Hit clu-irlul, Mimiy disposition and larc
v.oith ol ilur.Klci uul.c lilt lo-. iin.pir.ibl.'.
'the mneral (.enlcei will be held fu.ui ihe
"Jctlcrson," 2W .JelTciMin aeuut, and will pib
ably bo this lThtiri).i) ci oniug. Dclmllc nnliic
will appeir in the ecnliig pipei.-.
MISS ABIUK ArUol. -Ms Abbie W.iduii-,
daughter of Mi. and Mr. John Wa'tr.iK one
cf Puniuoia's bei-t known young ladlo. pjs..e"
uwjy at the family l.onii- on smith sticj. !-,
tenia.;, ullir .in illueit of Mitral ni uitlii cf
consumption. During her lorn; illness -li. wa ,i
lilimikably patiti.t miITcim and 11- ileitli will
b mourned by a Ijigc eiule of fiiciiilt to whom
.-.he ondeaicd hertolt b; her .nmy .f.iliu.y ti.iit
of character, she took a viy at tin.1 i,'.lriti-t
ill chinch matter, bona: olio if 'In' liiit num
ber of iho Dudley Stieet llapll't ttuw'i. she is
(.united 1" her lulhei and nmltitr ami the b'l
1 i.vint; biuthers and tWtein: Ida, Mi-Mi'. liell.i
an1 Ann.), and John and ChJllo. Tile ftmci.ii
will ot ' ii r tiom the timlly iclilcne at 2 nMuei,
liniioiiow afteiuoou.
luiinv r.. nrtnw.N.-nan; i:. iiimxh. r
In-law ot (.'corse AWtrtiii.cin. ol "! Xnilli ll.nL
I'alk .itcnuc, died Wciluejdiy eHiiuiK, April
17. lie is curt hul by hi-, wile, one dauphin'
anil one mii, lra(c and In In. 'flu fuueial will
otcur t-atutday. Smlem will be hold in 1 1 , ..
trinity Lutheran thmih, (oiuei Miilbeu.t i-titct
and Ailauu arnii. fertile at the Iioii-p at
1 ii'dn-.t;. Intirriient will be made in the Dun
mule ceinclriy. Mimbeii of I'oeouo nil,., "Ji'i,
Impiouil Hrilcr of Ktd .Men; membem of Camp
iJ'.', I'atiiotie tiid:i Son-, ul Ameiiu, and mem
lteiii ol l'.ilnleiV, Loi-al uuimi will please take
not lie,
Mil!-. MAitIA i t.M.-. Tliu dealh .d Mif.
Maiia f't,u-lii, ol Xoith Main at nine, oenni.-d
lutiiil.i) niiinlu:; at n u'tlnek at lm- botpe,
attir an lllnov. ol a ftw tlaji.' iliutluti. ,!
ciomhI w.i -J7 jiais ot ane mid N Minltul hi
ker liiitliiiud. The Inner il will l.'.ki- plan- I'lidiy
ufteii.oon at 2 u'cloik liom the hmne, with hi
ICriiicut at Diiumcic tnnetei.t.
Wlllliiu, tliu lii-iuoiitl, i.ld .son nf Mi, .ml
Mii, Peter Knhiier, of l'ittlou annuo, dl,d .tot-
Kuliy moiriin .-.I II. .Ml uilil,, ,.iici- lliu-e
wttiks' il)U'. 'Ihe tniitidl will take pine I'll
day afti-mooii at 2 n'tb ek limn the family rrti.
dome, Inteiineiit will be nude in the 'Inuitietli
waid (inieleiy.
An infant ihild of Mr. and M, 1'i.iuk .loiin,
ol tho West Mountain, died .le.teiday and will be
bulled in the lambila mnckiy thi- .iflnu"iii.
'Ihe (uncial nt I'l'iliDec, the ,1011111. iIiukIiIci
of Mr. and Mm. Udttaut M"ian, o la-Kgills
tnet, will take place tnuinrmn- uflernooii it
...'.'( o'clock. Iiiliuuiut will be iiiade in the
(athcdial nnH-lei.1,
The funei il of -I.'Ii it liiuil.-i, wli-i wa killed at
WajliliiBti.u, X. J., 'luosdiy, w
take pluce fiom Ills lninie, 151 Hoieli ftioel,
I'rldjy niornintr at 0 uMoik. Seitires will lm
held in et. Juhu'b ihuich. South ue. Intel,
menl will be made in the I'ark Citliullu
Twnily Auuiican bill-polei lute caikd Hum
Xew oik to Join Jaiuc A, flillcj'a clutij ami
nieniuerle In Kuiopc. Mr, llailey dedarej tlut
lie cannot Und anjithcre In Kuropo bill-poitei-j
who can do In work Mtisfactoiily. 'Ihe men lie
lias engaged arc all under coutuet tor the toa.'on,
will have (heir tiatellm; ctpenei pild ami ,ue
to recelte iiom fr, to ou per iiioutli wagu.
Tlie sale will continue for a few days only. A few price fact
are given bilow, but there are hundreds of other bargains which lack
of space prevents us printing. Early comers will find a barqaln oppor
tunity here, such as has nu cr before been presented to them in this clti
In tho Cloak .Department
We will offer a large line of Ladies' and Misses' Serine Coats, in
a tun runtfc oi sues, uur irenton store price was
$4.00 to $5.00. The sale price is
Ladies' Suit1- Regular $7.50 and $8.50 goods.
Choice during sale
Ladies' Highly Tailored SuitsWere $10.00 and
$12.50. Clearance price
A Marvelous Silk.Salo
20 pieces Colored and Fancy Silks, in stripes, cords,
plaids, etc, Were $1.00 and 75c a yard. Clearance price
35 pieces Bright Taffeta Silks, soft, heavy qualjty,
worth 69c. Clearance price
5 pieces Black Satin Duchess -heavy, firm cloth, best
81.00 grade. Clearance price
Short Lengths of Silks all kinds and qualities in lengths
for waists and trimmings. Clearance price, yard
Black Dress Goods
9 pieces best Half Dollar Black Cheviots, Clearance
7 pieces 42-inch, all wool. Pure Dve Granite Cloths.
Trenton Store price 59c. Clearance price
vio pieces 5o-inch Pure Wool Black Cheviotsi Trenton
Store price bgc. Clearance price
8 pieces Black Cheviots, 52 inches wide, strictly pure
wool and worth 90 cents. Clearance price
Bargains in Notions
Corticello Silk, 50 yard spool. Each ,
Belding's Button Hole Twist, io-yard spools. Dozen..
Buttons, all kinds, 2 dozen cards
Genuine DeLong Hooks and Eyes, card
Blanket Bargains
Grey or White Wool Blankets, 1 1-4 size. Regular
$3.23 quality. Sale price
Strictly Pure Wool Grey Blankets, $5.75 kind,
Extra Size All Wool Grey Blankets, regular $4.75
quality. Clearance price . ...
Fancy Robes for Couch Covers, larjje assortment of
colorings, $1.50 goods, at
Dress Goods Department
io pieces 6-inch Whipcords, complete color range,
weie 22 cents. Clearance price
46-inch Henriettas, full color range, pure dye and a won
derlullv good value at 42c. Clearance price
20 pieces Fancy Mixtures, 40 inches wide, best half dol
doilar grade in up-to-date effects. Clearance price
44-inch Storm Serges, blacks only; best dye and finish.
so cent quality, at
10 pieces 46-inch Granite Cheviots, color line a little
broken. Best 75 cent cloth for,
46-inch All Wool French Serges, lull color range, were
45 cents. Clearance price
4o-inch Fancy Mixtures, best styles and colors, were
sold at 75 cents- Clearance price
Linings, Ginghams, Etc.
r lot Odds and Ends from the Lining Department, includ
ing lawns, cambrics, grass cloths, etc, Clearance, price ... .
1 lot line new style Ginghams, none worth less.than iac
a yard. Clearance price
The Handkerchief Bargains
Colored Border Handkerchiefs, 5c kind, at, 2 for
Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, I2c kind, at
Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 15c kind, at, 4 for...
Men's Colored Border Handkerchiefs, I2c kind, at....
Kibbons, Laces, Etc.
Satin Back Black Velvet Ribbons, No. 1. The piece. ...
Satin Back Black Velvet Ribbons, No. i. The piece..
Satin Back Black Velvet Ribbons, No. 2. The pciee....
Colored Baby Velvets. 10 yard lengths
Nainsook Tuckings, the 50c and 6jc a yard kind, at
General line of Laces and Embroideries at fabulous reductions,
Hosiery and Underwear
Ladles' Black and White Fancy Hosiery, 25c a pair kind, at
Ladies' Fast Black Hose, high spliced heel and toe a pair.
Ladies' Medium Grade Hose, fast black a pair
Children's Fast Black Hose, very strong 6 and 6yi. 6c
7 and 7'j, 7c. S and S'i
rme Quality Ladies Medium weignt Vests, long or short
Mrs. Day Is Worse.
n.v Cxclushe Wire from Tiie Aisoclated Vfttx
Canton, 0., April IT. lha condition ol JIii,.
H". It. l)jy )i) agiln dunged for the oro und
licr ton. Stephen, liai Lccn .ummoned home fiom
school it Atliillv, N. C. UnUwrablq ,jmp
toms deidopol todjy and whilo jn Immediate
termimtlon is not epeclcd, hope ts Bfowins U51.
Pennsylvania Postmasters.
Py Exclushc Wire from Tho Asiodatcd Prcfs.
Wii.htajtcn, April 17.-U S. NctrU wJ todiv
appointed po.lin4tcr jt Irurk.iillc, l.iucruc
Riches in Your Grasp,
Tlut 'a lut ion can brim: I' jonmij,- I Ik- IVO- I
ple' CVninirriial atoiriatioii. It l.ilngs lo junr
noor agennts, uiijimsj opportunities ami imil
of mail. A "God bind" to jbciiIs. frmd a fit a
cent piece for p.utlailii.
ri:ori.i.'s commuki iai. .Mor-i,viioN,
Auliuiii, N. V
and Li'voi
25 CTS.
Bold by all drugKletg
or eent by mall.
Nf'M )edlctl Co., Ctjl
Sold by McGarrah i' Thomu, PruzcUt), '.'W
UclawMuni avenue, Scranton. Vt
Art DoiNirtnient Specials
In every line. I3mbroidereJ Irish Point Sets, Fancy Silk
l:ii ges, Cords, etc. Yarns, 10c. Skins 3 for
Men's FuTnisliings
Men's Fint Balhiiggan Shirts and Drawers, each
Men's Fancy Outing Shirts, all sizes, 37 1-2C kind, at....,
Men's and Boys' Cotton Sweaters, 2 tor
Men's Heavy Random Grey Underwear, all sizes
Men's Fancy Half Hose, polka dots, silk heels, or nil black.
LtUoicCt s pnn .. g
Now Spring Prints
Ikst Shirting Prints, regular 6-cent goods,- at jc
Fine Full width Percales, in blue, garnet and cardinal
grounds, the 10c goods, at
Flannel Department
1 case Outing Flannels, new checks and stripes 2
hidenlownsin all the good effects, 37 i-2c goods, at
Duckling Downs, soft and cozy, 16c quality, at
Good Domestics
.j'.j Bleached Hill Muslin 0
4-4 Bleached Fruit ol the Loom Muslin.... ., .'.
.j'4 Unbleached Muslin, best known brand
Heavy Fancy licking, all the new patterns
Fancy Feather Ticking, best 18c quality
A Wrrnt Corset Sale
R. & G. style 101, worth $1.00 per pair, now..
Thomson's "K" style "R. H." Nursing Corsets, J
Warner's Health Corset, S1.25 duality for
Warner's Coraline Corsets, $1 nualitv for ,...
i;..- m...: n . . '. . 1
vv.mici a nuiaiiiK uuiacts, p,S quality lor. ,....,.,., , V5C
Warner's . 14-j Corsets, $1.25 quality tor oc
W, B Corsets, style 412, 7 5c quality for 50c
W, B. Corsets, styles 412 and 302, $1 quality for 50c
All ol our Half Dollar Corsets at , ,..,., , 35c
Misses' Ferris Waists, 75c quality for 59c
C. B, Corsets, style 259, $1.25 quality for ,..,... 95c
Thomson's "I:" Corsets, $r.js qu.ility for ,. $1 iy
Gloves Reduced Our $1,00 quality Kid Gloves at 50c, Other'qualities
at proportionate prices. '
Extra Special values in Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Draperies, Lac '
Curtains, etc., crowded out for lack ol space.
Globe Warehouse
O .2l
13 IOC
$1 kind at
K '
, .l- --.
(J? if