The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 18, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    V ' ; Mjf'c j
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" POl'b'l-All tUIAUtStl IIOUSi: (or llio ncnt-
" Ht ol All who line llnur to Kent, Kenl
Mali' or Otlicr I'lnpcrty to Sell ur EvJutiKC, f
.. I'ho Want Situation or Holp-lliw -null Act-
rrll.imeiiU Cwt One Cent a Wurd. Six Inter-
. loin tor l-ho rent a Wuhl-nxci pt Mlinlkni
Varitul, Which Alf lnrrlcil 1'ice.
, 11K COUMV OMMf-IOSr.HS or Lel..lttanni
comity hiiehv mI p nutlie to the tixpajMl
t. the e'it of Cirbmutitu thai the) will lieu
ppeal. nil the slite ami county vr-nii'nt tor
Id illy at tlio city lull In Carbondulc on. Mom
'aj tfext, April 21.
nd on the follnulnR diy, Apill 21, thov Mill
- Willi appeals it the Jinn place in laid city of
'arbomhlo for the follow InR dltrlctS Carbon-
'ale township, fell toutehlp, Viindllng, Mi field
md Jcitnwi borough.
,r rofitii'.ii Momii?.
.tons j. nuniitN.
Mlbd - County Commissioners.
W. ti, 1MMI.I.S, Clerk.
Tito Ninth Semi-Annunl Session Con
vened Hero Yc&teiday Sixteen
Sunday Schools Send Delegates A
Tine Address by Rev. D. L. Davis,
of Mount Caimel.
Tlio Sunday School union of the
W.vomltig Association of Congiegu
ti'ipul churches held thiPe sessions
MMitnlu- In the First Cuiigiegatlonnl
ilinx'i nl llii; illy. It -vm the ninth
M-nil-uiiiiiiil meeting of this union ami
i! legale. :i m sixteen riunda.v schools
ptesjiiied tlnlr credentials. The otll
ioi s ot the union uic: President, Hew
I J. A. liojl, Seianton; vice-president,
."Mr. Ciiltlth .fenklns, Plymouth; sec
icttir.v, .Mi. .1. P. 1 les, Edwards
dale: tiensiner, .Mr. John Jenkin, Ed
win d.sdah .
The president being nn.ihlo to at
i -nd on account of Illness, Mr. Jen
I ins, the leo-piesideiit, presided, and
Hi Illltli E Thomas, of Heianton, was soibe. Tht- morning session be
- aii with niionlnir ceri'lse.s IntdudltiK
n M'tliitun lesson by the Rev. ,1. C.
l.nk' of PnaldjU', followed by prayer
by lte.s. rit.irey, Luke, D.niM, ot Alt.
i tirinel, and Hull, of West Plttston. A gieothiff to tho delegates was
I'Xtended by the pastor ot the local the- Hu. M. C. lllllott.
A (onnultlee on ltolutloll was ap
pointed, miisistiiiK ot William Uoh.ser,
Plymouth: !' ' " ' u"e. r.uldale,
iMid Kev. W. T. Williams, of Suiant
Gl IIIUli H Thomas, of Scianton, then
lead a napei on "The Uel.itlon of
tlu riabbath School to the Church."
This, was followed by aw .iddte&s by
the Ri-v. i:. ,1. MoirK of AVilkeb
Uaiie, who gae sin.h an excellent nl
drcss the piexious aftetnoon on "Re
ligion ah Je&us Taught It." Ills ad
diess yesteidav dealt with the subject,
" Lqiilpmuiit ot the Sunday
Srli"! I TV iriier."
The tcic::,!t' in atttiidaiKu weie:
rroin Mount C.iimel, Jtov. D. L. Da-
i-, pastor; Puritan C.'ongieKational
i lunch, Seranton, dim lotto foiiha
dine, Ciiilllth n. Thomas:,
Re1. J. C Luke, p.ihtor; Hdwaidsdale,
3. J, Jenkins; Pllsiim, Plymouth, LJen
Jainin "Walttih. Giillith JenkiiiM, Wil
li im Rosaai , Puiitan, Wllkes-Uane,
Abner II. .lone-, William J. P. Wil
liams, Kcv, i:. J. Mouis, pastor; Elm,
PlMnouth, Aithur Bellows; Flist,
West Plttston, M. Peterson, ltov. 12.
C. iKnl, First. Caibondale, Thorn. is
Lee, U.'V. M. C. Llliotl: Phelpsvlllp,
U. II. Uutkind; Nanticoke, Umma
Tiajcr, Mis. 12un Uaus; L.insfoid,
Ttcv. W. 11. Stacoy: Ainot. P.e . W.
T. Wllliains: miissbiiifc-. John Mc
Kechnie: Welsh Hill, Miss Annie
Watklns1 .i.e'iiian a.Miue, Seranton,
i.v.ui T. iltipk :'S, David Pike.
I'lii' atU'inociu session beRan at -n't
loik with deotlriinl oPiclse-. Tlu
lii st paper on the piogiamme was to
hao bfcu load by LTins V. Hvans, ot
Sii.intoli, on "The Place of Music,
'Vocal and Iiistiuniontal, in the Sun
day School," but Mr. K.uis had not
.it lived, and the Re, D. 1. Davis, ot
Mount Caruifl, duIILicd tin .iddn-ss
mi tiie tlicmc. "The Importance ot
Toncliliif,' CoiiRiORdtloiuillsin in the
Sundii School." Mi. IXuIh said:
In livienluc llii lull oi the liUU r of -"ii-inalloiulbm
w. hud Hut lli iniKo il in
aiitklil mi;-iiluti)li, piniljiLiI in Apotollu dale.
'I in. ji ilmicli iO ill nnMtiiutlou NJ
mh i l'.d luil.i. t lie In .lei us iltin,
llo i lull c. I ill Aiilloih, llie .hiiuli in Coilntli
iiinliun lhi .iifi'iluiii. All Iho iIuuIuj-, how.
rtfi, iu in I'll' "liip, I .ii t thin U no ti;u
nt .iiij viyjulai! "ihun-li hiu.ikr llim tin'
T lie fact tlwt all women suffer during
tUe birth.liour a great many women
to accept a degree of suffering which is
altogstlier unnecessary. Sometimes it
is hours, sometimes dajs before the
struggle is over. No medicine can ab
solutely eliminate twin from this time
of travail, but l)r, Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription can and does make the baby's
adent practically jninlebs. It acts upon
the organs of maternity, giving them
strength and elasticity, It produces
ghj steal comfort and mental cheerful
ness. It ib an effective tonic, giving
the mother abundant nutrition for her
"I belleic I owe my life to Pr Tierce's reme.
die, ami h ivc long fell it my d'Uy in acknowl
edge the Iwncfit f lecelveil fro.n Dr. l'icrce'4
tnorite Trocnptlon ,iml ' Ple-mnt J'elleU,'"
ta Mrs Maria (. Uajzcl, wrllini; from llrook.
laud, 1), 0. "Six cur aga, alur tile birth o(
one of mv rhihircn. I wan left in h weak, run
down cciiuliti'i.i. My luallli seemed utterly
-iie. I.ilewub burden I doctoreit with three
lUereul physklans an I got no relief I began
to set none, and to add to the complication, I
fuu.r':ij terribly from constipation. I chanced
to aer one of your advertisement and concluded
to try Hie ob'nc remedies. I commenced to lake
Dr. Pierce J-'aioritc Prescription and Pleasant
1'elUti ' and began to improve rlcht an ay, ami
contiuued improving and gaining iu slrciiKlh
J cannot express the relief, it was ft creat,
beTrt moiitlis later my lilllc da ur liter wa born
without much trouble I feel that I would never
htuetieeiiable to einlua my confinement only
for the. lulp due solely to Dr. fierce medicines,
she was a fine, healthy child, and the only one
! have ever beeu able to uursc '
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant PelletJ cute constipation.
Carbondale Department.
lornl eirnnltitluii. Hut tlil orlghnl f.vslrui
uai devtrnjed ly the cvnnlltliteil fjlcin vvlilth
Kovcrnmfiit mid oilier Influenced lonlilbulnl to
Hut Hit re tame a tlno when Iho rhurcli heifaii
tn i memo fmiti &b,niill. llii lililletliioo wji
In the I'efoniullon, M my ufmiiKm tmliU'
nrrd lo rdire l uturii to pilinlllvo KoveliuiKiit,
but pi'r'ieutluli iilleiidid tlnlr elimK In jOihIiui,
1'niilJnil, III tin 1 rt2, il lunr-li mmplcteij
and pirpoinll.v (unanlieil h iitjbllshed and
give rise to mniy others.
Iho church In .-tmuiy, KiirHihI, Rallii'itd in
1WC. The esUblldieil loim of nunlilp by the
.National itmuli wn Imhlul upon, vvlilth jniouut
nl to Ijranny. It dlssenllni; ivuin
biles to bIvc up tin ir purpose, itnl vvilhout
fonnt nf the pioiil. It Iniposid minlslcn and
puMiei Upon tonttiCBatiiini. Mill pcrnecutlons
were nudiri'd, and to cm iP them and to oi
ship fjod ircordlnc to His dlclulcs of their ion
srluite In the jolluwIiiK Jtar lliry llnl lo Hob
In Lcj tleu they spi lit chvrn eiM in live,
pi up and hidincv, rejoicing In their rellsloui
llbrrty. In 1W0 a portion of that llttlo iliurch
conununlty til sail for tin Uestrru Lonttniiit,
landing; at l'bniouth, Mi Dec. 21, and ho
tiMCii loJa and ItlO m rc Man ;n,iO) I'jutm,
inilKratirl fnin the Itrlllsh Mf, to Hut tlihly
ruin?reBatlonil churcho! wire orsinled within
tint period. .Now Ihcro arc l onsrcgaliuinl
churches iu cvcij rtnU in the union
As a iJcnuniliiitiou il Ins ihvajH been i great
fictn In the Rionth and cpinioii ol this Kieal
irpuhlic. (.onKioprithiiilM'' hi'! tIwts hellevnl
In nlmilloii. Ihiv live lahorluiidv and with a
lart,i ineniiro nf II khl.i held with pirilkl Hie
porlmcc tho' filucalion of the ptople illi their
-piiittiil nlllkitlni and niliio tilvatlon. 'IheV
oriitlintiil tin loini'inu school Haliui of our
mintrj. .di'i coIIcru like Hirnid, lie. Dart
niuiilli, Williams Uomlnin, Mlddlcliurj, Aiuhcii-t
and scores of Ilic Miialhr culleiti'i ol tin- ct
aro hei
inl, ikiIii, liei nii-sicnin work slaud-i puni
Innitly lufoie the vvoild. Ilei i-l soiictlis hivi
nnde Huh mirk in the i vanKcliilion of the
world A vci.i uiiiivtK' vvoik. Mlli iieh n his
toiy it ikmandi our iltinlion bv tiannillliiiK
ti poslultv ill tint l.ikn.'i le It ""I ill
is I ihlieil foi It. It is inip.,rt.uit. thin, to teiih
tin- iMhb Riiicritlcn lln-c futs hv luipiuit
and v iiioik imlhisi-
riun, Tfiain, without am doubt Iniuln- a i uad
cm inlruU b tin- miny ililnn luiih hum inim
beiloss qlllltira. wo i in pinuihv w im nil inn
nir above IU pnllij m oviiiiuuiil. It vv h the
(lurili of Iho iw lislnniiit and tin piuiiipln
of (joverninint tinlmduil in tin Smpturil lemli
imrs and in Ihe prutiio of the pintulii limes
ale ih il'. Mho vlnibl1 iliinih uiuvirsil is mm.
pusnl uf all thtiM. who publh Ij iijiiti-i their
futh iu ( hnst is llicir Lmil mil 'ivioiu.
All riirislhns niiiillj lolatnl to Iho
lle-ul ol the church lie njinl in all lUhls and
piivllcitPs iml should In m loiiiuumioii ono with
ir other. Self Rouininml of the hinl ihmih mil
tclluushlp nf the ihmches at lugi No pope
or bi-hnp, bul smiplv pi tin nun who nio 'it
npirt to the .sen In as p-tor Hid tciihoi. ilus
Is inotlur hupoiluiit fcatiue of vvhv vo should
teiih CoiiRictfithiinli-m in nui Siinih) school'
lla historv, worl. and uniipuu s of crovcrn
mem o til Ioi illv tor 113 to it In cm bn.s
and B'irls iul wi tnid In iinilnd all piious
tint the idol nf self ffuvointnuit f the ihuiili
his pcniK itirl vni thtrnushlv our piople, and
this is roadih siu whin we nunpirc not is with
tho illusion nf the loit ihuich. Ihe
pipal division bis II. "'it cliiuihos, with i.TiHi.
tiOU intnileis; t.pisinpils Iiivl liV-'M ihuiilus,
with ii.WOihKi liunibir-; Iho l'risbjtiiiius, 7,511
churchis and rt.0mi.IHK immbni., mil LotiKiof,!
tiou ili-l.-., iliunhis mid il,oi)i),IKiO mciiilnii.
We aro told lint the I on,Mi'itiunil t bun h tf
of the I'mtod s(ars ne sever il linns of litr,
thmiiKti Ihiir nit inn 1 1 lonniiN. rniphisiri'il the
inpoitaiuc of nioie sv-tenutie iii-tuiollou uf
tith iu the iloitiimj and polity of tho Itlnh'
lid Invv the iis(i uiillllis tn hi iiisvviiu!
Iiv livnu dnwn snine pi in tint wuiild In fi isilik
ami life i lull, mil I iln in t Uinivv nf mv pirn
nunc 'ii ml piaetli il thin tin httlo
Villk nf A ll.'-tlln,'- lln-s, nihil tin '1 llllli il
of tied," unl piillishnl In Iho I niu-riK ilnnul
biunliv s., H 1 1 mil l'uMi-'hiiu niiitv.
Whin thill we ti n li il ill ould hi
fiininl out nl .In sunila nhool siholu. and
11 lit in stlld.V l Mjllli tinu iftll hllmol hnll,
but .is pas-ihH tin. 'viiiild tint hi i piiipn u pU
to the ,iiustiuu i iiplml iu the suhjeil, I wouhl
-ij tint llvi niiniilis' nt tho turn illnttod Ioi
tin stiidv it the hsnii, nihil i nil suinliy u
cvnv otlin Mind i.v. I ni iMinple, o the mi
I piluteuikiit ihw l hi lull tin ni tov u minim
In fun the ilo-e ol th" lcsoii, 'u would b
utidii-tood by euh teuhu tn Kive l lo-jn
iu Lui Riiatlonihsm 'Hun I would hive i
puitiou ot tho liiiu on iivicvv biuuli let apiit
hi' tin nvk-v if tho htsniis ni ri'Kua."tinii.
ali-i'i. tint would iw iLcn a inu nitiii-( iu ur
dcnoinlnittou unl miKi Ihcm iruuvo tint inn
S'CK.ilion.iliMii i. not onli i li-iiiio but a lulor
tinl st-inils fin pawn, pnuaiss and inlhiiiiio.
I his liipht pirtt I? Kti-wmj apiu. It is m
clhoi deinoiiinitloiis buiiR miwii Ihuuhiswiic
to sdcit llieh nvvu ji isiui-. Iiidiviilmls cpiis
lliemtclvcs. linn ht es an-i tu the nieisin.
nf ippoituiutv and li"l" md luoiruliU into tlu
itij Him ol lie joulh Iho priunp'is nt full
uin-' ilmni'l ill unl si Rile whil lnimvtll y ivl
In tin vvni M lindiiii'
Alter this addie."S', Mi. Hvann was
imain called foi," to lead ids p.ipor,
but he was not piesent. A call tor im
promptu speeches on his silbjeit, "The
Plate ot Musk. Voi til anil liisliuiueu
titl, in the Sunday School," was an
hweied by slio' t addicssos. Rev, M. C
Elliott, nf this pity, said that ihls was
an iiro ol music. Ho lookid upon mu
sic as Liinmegatloiis looked upon pub
lln tpeakiisi, that they must lOino up
to the stundaid. Music is n pottion of
woiship. It liad beeu his experience
to hear supetintoudeuts nt Sunday
uliools aiiuounm the siuni' lij inns
Suiidny alter Sunday, until tin puiul.s
Kot In at lily tired of them. Muslu has
Us piopei place Iu the Sunday fdiools
a.i much as the teachers. Rev, E. J,
Mollis, of Wll' es-Uaue, Rev. D, L.
Dials', ot Alount I'tuinel, uiul ollieis
spul'o buelly on the sllbJcLt.
Tho louimitteu on ici-oiullolls pio
eentt.fl ii hu'irty oifeilns of tluinks uu
tno liospilallt.v, Rood will und kindness
rihown by the peopl" of .'.tiliun4ul)
to ilit dcleijutes, after whivli the fac
tion adjouiued. Tlio im.iuiity of tiie
tlclt pittfs wont to their icspectUo
he Hit f litlep this seyslou.
Last ovViiiinr tin lt, E. U. Heal,
ot AVcst Plttston, anil the ltov. J. E.
Reese, of ScuuUon, dellvoiod ml
diesbt's. Meetings Tonight,
Select co'inril.
Oeoifre L'. Randolph camp, No, 13S,
Sons of Veterans.
Division No. G, Ancient Older of Hi
bernians. United Mine Workeis, No. b77.
Lo)nl I'lUhollo Henevolent nssocla
Hon, Drandi No. 77,
Itoyal Airnuutii, Caihoudale council,
No. UJt.
Ladles' Auxilloiy Tinlnmeu
"Mother" Jones Coming,
A tneetlntj of tho Sill' Woikers'
Union Is to bo held next Sunday af
ternoon and Mother Jones has piom
Ucd to bo In attendance, unci deliver
lecture. Her object s tu keep the.
members of tlio union Intcicsled and
to give such advlco and Mippotl uj
the union needs.
Taxpayeis, Piesent Your Kicks.
Tho county conunlssioneta will meet
In the cflty building on Apill ii to
hear appeals fiom taxpayers of Cai
houdale township fioin tho boaid uf
revision. Tho commissioners will prob
ably sit In the council chambers.
'Phone :
NEW, 286
OLD, 0423
John Mohr's Grocery Stoio ViBltetl
Tuesday Night Scared Awny.
For tlio second time within twenty
four bonis btitKlnrH made nil attempt
to ply their vocation. This time It wns
down town, near tho business liPiut tit
the city. The fiiotery store nf John
Molii'M, cot nor of Lincoln uvenuu and
Ninth Ohm ell street, wns the setne.
They cut tho In we plate rrlass Iu tho
front, window', not moic than twenty
feet ttwny fiom an arcs light, and In the
shadow thrown by n Iutro tree on tho
corner caiofully removed the rrlnss
ploco by piece from the sash and stood
It up ttffalnst tho tree. So slick wciv
they at tills woik that not a particle
of glass went Inside tho window.
They wore hard nl work nnd had just
removed the last section ot the pane
whin Avon W. He. nnds, tho dtugglst.
nuno walking up Lincoln uvctiut! on
his way homo. Tho clock was striking
midnight. As Mr, Reynolds drew near
the man started on a run up Church
street. Thinking that pet hups they
weti! ohailnp a car. ho kept on and
was about to pass the stoic when the
ffllttor of tho frl.iss .standing against
the tiee caught his eye. He stopped to
e.Minilno it, and then saw the open
window. Without losing any time he
tinned back to Main stieet, wlioie he
found Carl G. Schroodor, Frank Brown
und Olllcer Boll. The quartet went
back (o the stoic and Ml. Mohis wa
Nothing iu tiie stoio had been dis
turbed, and It was evident that Ml.
Reynold, had just come along In time
to prevent tlio bold thieves fiom carry
ing out their plans'. Oilicer Bell hati
miidc his ltgular patuil,past tho stoio
.1 short time before midnight and was
citing his lunch when told of the at
tempt oi This shows that tho
thieves evidently weie lamllial' with
his loutlne. A cleik In Mr. Mohr's store
said yesteiduy that the day before
tlnee "holxips" had come itno the store
at ailous times, singly, and evidently
for tho purpose of sizing up the place.
Xo ai rests have yet been made In the
Michael Joi dan's Back and Neck
Bioken by Fall of Rock.
Michael Joidan, of IMUbiook street,
was instantly killed on Tuesday after
noon by a huge fal lot lock stt Ik
ing him while ho was at work In the
Wilson Cieek mine. His back and
neck weie bioken. His body was cou
vejod in the ambulance to his late
home. Ills wife was jnostiated by tho
shock when the news 'was bioken to
Mr. Joidan was bum in Cincinnati,
O., but had lived heie nioie than a
scoio of voais. He was -13 yeais of
age. He is suivived by n widow und
lice ihlldien, the oldest II eai, and
the oungest sK months old. ,rnn
sisteis, .Mis. Alice Teutel, of Cincin
nati, o. and Mis. Michael McGutl, of
this iltv, jiho mourn his untimely
death. A son died about a joar ago
as ,i icsiiR ot being kicked by a mule
in tiie mines.
Veiy High Praise for the American
Opeia Tioupe.
Tho Gloveisvlllo, X. Y.. Dally Leader
ol Apnl in, savs:
"The Giiiud Opera com
pany scoied a success last night
at tile ICasson. The beautiful opeia of
"Faust" was peitectly enacted, and the
demands, for eiicoies wcio freciuent.
The pioductiun wus one of the llnest
tcer given in Glovei.sville. As .Mar
gueiite, Madame Dolaniotta was
chtirinlng. and her beautiful soptano
oiie held the audience spellbound.
Hci enunciation is simply peitect and
her gr.u etui acting left nothing to bo
debited. Mr. Gutttou Baker in the title
lole ol Faust Is a lino tenor. The
giedt ioo of Mepliistu was played by
Henii C. Pe.ikes,
Mrs. R. W. Allen Expires at Her
Home in Brhnfleld, Mass.
Wonl has been lccelved heie of the
dt nth at Uilinlield, Mdss., uf Mrs. R.
W. Allen, sister of Mis. George S. Kim
ball, ot tills city. Mrs. Allen w.ib for
mally n icsideiit of Jcrin-.ii, and was
givatly esteemed in this section.
Mr. and Mis. Kimball weie both out
of town yesterday when Avoid was le
euhed. The news was torwurded lo
Took the Prize.
Miss Susie Jitdwln took Hist piisse at
the- progiesslve cuehrc paity given to
Soiosls on Tuesday evening by Miss
Martha Singer, A delightful time wns
had by all tho oung Indies. Miss Leah
Levy, of Spiingfleld, O,, was the gmst
of honor.
Chillies Hilling and Miss Sadie Mtioio
weiu united In inairluge yesteiduy
punning at Jessup by the Rev, Father
Laffeity. Miss O'Hoylo was
biidesmiild and John Kennedy was
It's a Short Road
from a cough to consumption.
Don't neglect a cough take
when your cold appears. The
" ounce of prevention " is
better than years of illness.
'I suffered for er from couch, bronchial
and lun trouble, Kaitcd blood frequently.
hpciit yiai in ll-c DAotas and ether parts of
wett but c.t oo relief. Returned ecit and
began latins bun on. A few bottle con
pliicly cured me, 1 consider it the greatest of
With I", L. Camp A. Co., Bioiers, Buffalo, N, Y.
Hhllob'i Consumption CurcUaolu by all
drugclitti at aac, QOc. Kt.oo a bottle. A
5rlntod (.'uaiituteo goo with eToryliotlla.
f you nro not (juilslled go to -four clrutp;lal
ituit Kf t your mouey back.
Write for llluslratcd book on cont jroptioo. Sent
without cost to )uu. i9.C. Wells A- Co , iKoy, N. Y.
best man. The bride Is an accernpllsh
ed yoitng lady of Jcsnup, nnd promt
rent in the social life of her homo
town. Mr. Hillings was for many
yearis bend clerk of the Wilson House
of reckvlllo, but Is now a popular
hotelkeepr-r hlmsejf. JHo has mnny
friends In Lackawanna county.
After the ceremony the party drove
to Carbondalb, whcio a weddlnr? "up
per was enjoyed at tho Harrison
The Mortality for March.
Tho following Is tho roport of tho
secretary nf tho board of health for
the month ol Match, 1001:
Theiu were sixteen deaths In the city
dining tho month of March, tho same
number ns February, and a decrease of
twelve compared with March, 1900. The
number of deaths by wards wete ivh
follows: First ward, one; Second ward,
live; 1'hlrd.Avurd, three: Fourth ward,
two; Fifth ward, three; Sixth ward,,
two; total, sixteen,
Tlio causes were: Bronchitis, threo;
heart disease, one; septicaemia, one;
grip, one; congestion of liver, one; In
testinal stricture, ono; leucocythemlS,
one; convulsions, one; nephritis, ono;
apoplexy, one; old ago, ono; hanging,
one; membraneous croup, one; sepsis,
There were five bodies In ought to tho
city and four removed from the city
for Interment. Interments In the city
j wete as follows: St. Rose cemetery,
lourieen: lunpiewooa cemetery, tour.
Contagious diseases wore leported ns
follows: .
Diphtheria, Fourlh watd, one; Sixth
ward, five; total, six.
Scarlet fever, Third ward, two; total,
There was one death from dlpnthei lo
in the Fourth ward.
Nuisances reported to the sanltniy
ofheor, tverrtv-ttve: abated, twenty
two; under way, three.
The carcasses of two dogs weie or
deied burled.
Here's a Chance, Girls.
Grocer John G. Heese has a unique
Invitation leposing on a shelf In his
ptore on Sixth avenue. While un
packing a case of egers yesterday morn
ing he enme acioss a llght-biown
; specimen of hen fruit covered with
writing. The inscription Is In lead
pcrcll and says:
"Mlllvllle. Delaware."
"E. T. Foirv, single, would like to
cr.nespond with a nice young gill of
Only this nnd nothing more, but If
i:. T. Ferry doesn't hear from some
joung lady It won't be because he
doesn't know how to advertise.
Clerks Will Take Active Steps.
The Clerks' union, at their meeting
in St. Rose hall on Tuesday night,
transacted considerable business. A
committee from the Central Labor
union was present. A committee of
clerks will watt on merchants who are
not adhering strictly to the early clos
ing movement. The Cential Labor
union committee pledged tljat body's
active support. It was decided to have
a May yarty in the Burke building
either on May 2 or 2. Committees weie
appointed to arrange lor tin: event.
- The Best of All.
John W. Vogel & Arthur Deming's
big company is said to be the most
conspicuous minstrel oiganlzatlon trav
eling, piesenting a long and vailed pio
grammc teeming 1th crisp bon-mot?,
witty llings und new magnetic features,
up-to-date, up to demand and up to
eveiy expectation, giving equal excel
lent enjoyment to everybody. This
eompanv of merry-makers will appear
at the Grand tomoriow night.
Excursion for Silk Workeis.
The silk woikeis of tills city aio to
liace a day's outing at Lake Lodoie on
Juno 24. Committees have ben ap
pointed to look after all details and to
arrange some original ideas for tho en
tertainment of the picnickers. This ex
clusion will not Interfere in any way
with the one which has been arranged
by Superintendent Frleder for July 6.
Tlio silk workers will co-operate with
him to make his excursion a success.
Will Be Married Next Week.
Cdibondalo is about to lose another
of Its daughters On next Wednesday
Miss Annie Biennan, of Dundaff stieet,
and John Phillips, of Seranton, aie tn
b married in St. Hose church. Miss
Brennan is a. popular young lady and
is an active winker in the beveiai soci
eties of St. Koso chuich. Mr. Phillips
is a Using young business man of the
Electric, city.
Attended Anglo-AmericanSupper.
Mr. and Mis. H. A.' Purple. Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Watrous and Mrs. R. A.
Sawyer wetc in Foi est City on Tues
day evening attending tho Anglo
American supper given by the ladles
of Chi 1st Episcopal church. A verv
pleasant time was enjoyed.
New Delivery Wagons.
Duane W. Humphrey, the Salem
avenue grocer, has a handsome now
delivery wugon on tho road. It Is one
ot the ilnest In town.
John Chine, uf Dundaff street, also,
Is spotting a new delivery wugon. It
is painted a pure white,
"Uncle Tom" Once Moie.
The Grand Opera House will luo
two ono night pluys next week. So
Smith Russell's famous play, "A Poor
Relation," will be one, una "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" will make its third visit
to this city this winter.
Rheumatism Keeps Him at Home,
W, H. Brokenshlre, of Garfield ave
nue, Is confined to his home by a se
vere attack of rheumatism,
At the Opera House.
Tonight Vogel & Deming's Mln
stiels, Tomorrow "Faust."
The Massing Throng.
Mis. Emma Porter returned jester
ctay to her home in Elmlra.
John Reese has resigned his position
is clerk In the Erie freight office.
Alderman S. S. Jone-s went to Ca
dosla, N, Y yesteulay, Ho will to today,
Henry Collins, national committee,
man of the United Mine AVoikeis of
America, Is in Harrlsbuig.
Altred Jagger, of Port Jervls, a
tormer well known Cirbondallan, Is
visiting trlends In this city.
Miss Blanche Hubbard returned
Tuesday night from a week's visit
with Blends In Honesdale.
Mrs. Edwaul Mitchell, of Seranton,
Id Isltlng her niothar, tyrs. Mary Mc
Donald, n Dundaff street.
Mrs. Ada B. Johnson, of Bingham
ton, who has been visiting Mr. and
Mis. Charles Bliss, returned home yes
terday. Miss A'erna Hlgelow, of Niagara,
who lus beeu the guest of Mlos Mar-
All Seranton People Have to
Do Is to Follow Their
Neighbors' Advice
and Act Upon It
Promptly. .
Our, loaders tunc no exoumi tor go
ing astray. The way Is almost fenced
with guide posts In Sernnton,. Tihy
ate on every highway und bywny; ho
who mns may lead. Investigate this
Mis. Patrick lhmlj, of WS Hampton
street, Hyde Park, Fuys: "Dull pains
hi my back for two yeais bothered mo
a great deal at night und the constant
stinging made me so neicous that I
.could not leop for liours. If I turned
In bed a craiup-llkc pain caught me
In the small of my back and It was
somathlng terrible. In the morning my
back felt liunu and soie and no weak
that It would haidly stippoi t my body.
I lclt thed and languid and had little
ambition to do any work. I saw Doan's
Kidney Pills advertised and so highly
recommended that I got a box at Mat
thews Brothers' drug store. Alter the
treatment I slept well nights, had nioro
ambit lor. when doing my house- wink,
'and seldom telt any pain In my buck
und kidneys."
For sale by all dealeis. Pi Ice, 50
cents. Foster-Mllbuin Co., Buffulo. X.
Y.. "sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name, Doan's, and
take no substitute.
tha Singer for some time, returned to
her homo yesterday.
Mrs. Margaiet Watkins, ol South
Main street, who has been so seiiously
111 tor over a week, is so far lecoveicd
as to be around the house.
Miss Ellle Dolph, of Honesdale, who
hat. been visiting her patents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Dolph, of Thoin street,
has returned to the Maple City.
School ropoit for the month ending
April 4. Those who have no maik bo
low 90 are as follows: Senlois, Hilda
Battenbeig, Sumner Davis Junlois,
Svvick, Mury Jenkins, Ida Giles, Coia
Nellie Evans, Maggie Marsh, Aloiuo
Davles.. First year. Stanley Hills,
I Rignnld Houghton, Harold Davis, Bu
l Ian Sprngue, Anna Lawler, Willie Gll
Ibert, Nellie Blglln, May Hognith,
l Gladys Sony, Katie Monahan. Gram
mar, tenth giade, Preston Badger,
Willie Allen, Charlie Paikes, Ida Pon
dered, Susie Davles, Bessie Jones, Lucy
Vail, Inez Stone, Seth Sptague, Bet
nard Bell, Henry Shields. Ninth giade,
Angnes Frease, Nora Muldoon, Grace
Phillips, Floience Miller. Lulu Wall.
Intermediate, eighth guide, Olive
Adams, Alice Jones, Maijoiie Mum
loid, Beinicc Long, Ada Failey. Sev
enth grade, Lee Stone, Stanley Evans.
Mary Davles, Loiretta living, Minnie
Paikes, Edna Majnaid, Delia Wade
uian. Vera Whitinoio, Minnie Oakley,
Ola Gilbert, Alice Yaint's. Sixth giade,
Frank Loughnoy, Aichie Ateiy. Eloisi:
Shields. Margaiet Jenkins, Ethel Bell.
Piininrv, tilth grade, Anna Puckey.
Wilie Davidson, Avitis Jones, Walter
Minnlck. Fourth guide, Bay Ciainci,
Bell Pi inn, John Adams, Alice Eb
diin, Silvia Blake. Thiid guide, Hal
oid Dodson. Lester Jones, Alice For
ked!, Mildied Foisehner, Annie Hiti
vey.Alta AVa demon, Annie Lap.ilha,
Eddie Rossar. Second guide, Alt'icd
Vcale, AIcn. Muldoon, John Kelly. Mil
died Gilboit, Maigueiito iJutitl, Albeit
Lung. Ralph Symour, Cecelia faule.
iCniiie Blake, Blanche McHule, Joseph
Dougher, Iiene Smith, Thomas Doud,
Walter llei.jauiin, Helen Daidson.
First giade, Joseph Day, Willie Baw
ling, Mildied Pr-yor, Annie Fedorszak,
Stella Griffiths.
Justlc-e of the Peace Kiefer tendered
his dleislon Monday ecening in the
suit of A. J. Gavin against Richaid
Ccle, of Mayfield. He gate $11 to and the costs, amounting to
$4.7.", weie placed on Cole. The defen
dant will piobubly settle, luther than
continue the litigation.
Tho social held iu Assembly hall
last evening under the auspices of the
Ideal orchestra, of Mayfi'jld, was huge
ly attended, and the ntf.iir pi mod a
success, both socially and financially.
A. J. Gavin was a Seranton isitor
Mis, W. S. Badger spent jesteiday
in Seranton,
Mis. AV. L. Houghton and daughter,
Constance, were tho guests of Mis.
Theodore Townseud, uf Carhondale,
Mrs. Fled Johnson, of Noith Mulit
street, iecent)y icceived a letter fiom
her husband, who Is at piesent iu
the Klondike. Ho states that he Is en
joying tiie best ot health and Is pios
pering. Mis, Thomas AVilliatns, of Thud
stieut, was a Ca rbondnlo visitor yes
terday Mr, Walter 13 my, of Huzlulun. is
vlHlting lulatives heic.
The music pupils of St. Patrick's pa
lochlnl iicudeiny are piepurlng tor a
lecital which will he given next mouth.
About thlity membeis nt tint Rebecca
lodge of Odd Felluws attended a meet
ing of that lodge at Jul my n last oven
inging. Rev. Father McLaughlin, ot Hyde
Park, has beeu appointed by the bishop
to nsslHt Rev, P. J, Murphy at curate
of St. Patrick's church, Bev, John
Ruddy, who had ehaige of the parish
dining the absence' of Fathei Muiph,
returned to Hyde Paik on Tuesduy.
Mips Maiy Davis left yesterday for
New York to met her hi other, Augus
tus, who has been in England tor the
past year.
Miss Maine Murphy, of Wllkes-Kuire,
Is visiting her home mi Duumoiu stieet.
Evan How ells, ot Taylor, spent yes
terday In town.
The condition of Mis. Mary Mason ut
the Sei uiiton hospital icmalns un
changed, Miss Mary Gilllgan, of Chicago, u
visiting lelatlves ut this plate.
A number fiom here nttvuded the
Knights of Columbus social ut Scran
ton lust evening,
Mrs. Edith Coon nee Decker was on
Satuiduy last summoned to the bedside
of her father, G. W. Decker, of Hones
dale, who is sei lously ill.
Mr. J, D. Ajlcsworth wns ugaiu
called to tho bedside of her mother,
Mis. Slayton, at La Plume, who Is se
iiously 111,
Miss Manic Wells returned iioui
Taylor on Tuesday from a week's visit
amonir friends theie.
A huge number attended the Instal
lation on Saturday evening ;if tho fol
lowing ofllcets of Eleottlc Star lodge,
No. 490, independent Order of Odd Fel
lows: C. C. Cook, noble grand! George
A. Sherman, vice ginnd; A. A. Davis,
secretary; B. F. Evans, treasurer; J.
W. Ulumdes, tight supporter lo noble
Rinnd and J. W. Leaeh, loft supporter
to the noble grand; James Holgatc,
warden; A. D. Hoblnsoii, conductor;
J. It. Cook, outside Ritiudlnn; James
Keller, Inside guardian; J. K. AVold
ninn, right siene supporter; Hot man
Cole, loft scene suppoiter; E. M. Leach,
chaplain; W. G. Lotson, light support
er to the vice giand; E. ft. Calkin, loft
suppoiter to the Ice gianil. After a
sensou of speech making and tho clos
ing of the lodge, reficaliuieiitM weie
Arthur Itldguiiy, of Seianton, visited
relatives here on Tuesday lust.
Mis. Arthur LaMotit of Seranton,
was a visitor at her old homo and at
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. AV. S. Finco.
At Weber's rink on Tuesday uv cu
ing occmrcd tho baohotut's ball and an
event which niaiked the Hist iinnual
ot the Bachelor Knights, mi oignnla
tlon of much prominence and was one
of the most successful events ot the
season. The hall wns olalifirately dee
oiatcd with national colois. At. 9
o clock the guests began to nn Ivc and
by to o'clock the specious rink was well
crowded with young people. Mlss,Knte
Reardon, of South Seranton, an ac
complished pianist, furnished music
tor tiie occasion which added much to
the pleasure of the event.
.At the session pf the Piide of Lacka
wanna lodqo. No. IS, Anieiican Prot
estant Itdles' association on Tuesday
evening Installation ot olllceis tor tlio
ensuing ttm was held. Dlsti let Dep
tify Mis. Piper, of West Seranton, per
foimed the leiemonies. Following aie
the newly Installed ollleeis: Wot thy
mistress. Mis, Ellen Daniels; deputy
worthy inlstiess, Mis. John Thomas;
assistant seel clary. Mis. Eliza Jones;
lecoidlng secietarj, .Mi1-. Margaiet
Davis; tlnaiiclal secietury, Mis. Lydla
Winterbiun: tieasuiei, Mis. Sallle AVU
liams; eonduetiess, Mis. John Evans;
assitant conduction, Mri. James
Stone; Inside studies, Mis, Eva" Davis;
outside studies, Mis. Chniles Cuitls;
chaplain, Mis. Sabina Fisher; lepio
sentatlve to giand lodge, Mis. John
Owing to the stt Ike of the Switchmen
on the Lackawanna load, the Taylor,
Pjne and Aichbnld collieiles had to
suspend opeiallon.s jcstciduy ioi the
want of big cats.
An inipoiliint session ol the AV11I
lains division, No. til, Sous ot Temper
ance, vv ill be held on Tuesday evening,
Apiil 2o. when Gland Worthy Pa tri
al eh and Giund Sciietiuy .11111 a lepie
ientatlve of the giand division of Phil
adelphia, will be piesent.
The committee, on fair of the Aineii
i an Piotestant association lodge No.
118, ha u decided on a date." October
month is tlio time selected. A Joint
meeting' of the ineinbeis und their
wives will be held In Reese's hall on
Tuesday evening next.
Dav i;l Reese, one of our popular
young men bus had a new studio built
in tu ills home on Kailio.ui stieet.
Messis. John and AViliiani Bailey, of
South Siiuntou, called on the Evans
family on Xoith Main stieet jestetduy.
Lackawanna A'nlluy council No. hi,
Junior Uider United Anieiican Me
chanics, will meet iu their looms this
Mis. Ceotge .1. Powell, or Old Foigo,
is quite ill at her home.
.lesslip'.s new Hie illailll system was
Icsteil jesteid.ty and was found to
vvoik satisfacloiy.
J. T. Dewe.v, head bookkeeper at tile
Stc'llick Cieek lolllciy, is spending his
cMi.i time thus hi caking in a
valuable pointer bin! dog. Mr. Dewey
is a hustling member of tho local For
est ami Stieain t lub, and is a crack
shot. An intuiit child of Mr. and Mis. Les
lie Giosvcnordled Monday. The fiineuil
was held at the house yesteulay niter
noon, lutei inent was made in Piospect
iMiilsllal Kioftt. of Meiidale, X. A",
is spending a tew diiji, in town.
The Missus Muzette Edsall and Jen
nie AVildilck weie the guests of lileiids
In West Plttsou on Sunday.
Emily, the youngest daughter of Mr.
anil Mis. Richaid Gl.ty is dungeiotisly
il! ot diphtheiia.
Mr. anil Mis. Geoigc Winner, of
Blakeslee, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. Thomas Diake.
Ruv. and Mis. E. L. Kuiitew, of AVest
Nautlcoho, weie visilois in town dur
ing the week.
Mr. Hugh Miller Is seiiously ill at
his home,
.Mis, John It, Edwin d.s lias bioken
giounil lot it new duelling.
Special tn the Seranton Trlbunr
Hillfoul, Apill 17, Mrs Million, uf
Siisiiuohunna, it isitiug her ulster,
Mis. Y. W Osi'-rltout.
Jack Biiggs has gone to Monti oso
u spend a tew .lays with his Mend,
Hiland Estcbinoh.
Captain Winner, of W.nerly, spent
sevinal dajs at tho homo ot A. T,
Mr. Geoigi Doloway attended tho
funeral of his mother at Moutioso,
II. S, Estuluook was in Munliosc,
Thin mIu.,
Mr. and Mis. B. F. Hlno and Fiioml
Hliie attended of Mis,
Chailes Wells, iu Bino'hunituii, April
I" J. Whitney was Iu Seianton,
Mr. and .Alls, Will Caswell, of Biook
lyn, visited her mother, Mis. Foisyth,
Mi. and Mis. C. R CJsbotn ictiiiued
ti theii hoinu In Nicholson, Sunday,
Mrs, Uaboin has been helping- eaiy for
lier father, wlio has been eiy low,
but is better at this wilting.
Cnwoll McCouuell is helping Miss
Clara Tillany.
Mis. 11. S Hstebiooke Is ciinvtiles
clng. Miss ClaraTlnany was Iu New Mil
irutl, Wednesday, to ste her biother,
who s sulteilng with u stiokc ot par
alysis, m
Tho Best Cold Cuie
lb ono ou can take without Intel i up
Hon to business. One that do?s not ot
tect the head ur healing like the con
llnucif use of quinine. One thill cities
speedily and leaves you fc-'llng tresh
and clear-headed. Such it one is
Kiatise's Cold Cuie I'llce, M. Sold
T... .,11 ,1. Il.rktl lH
UJ Ull l "C,. v.v.
None Other Like .
There is no tea on the
market that possesses
the good qualities of
machine made Ceylon
India tea. It is PURE,
Wholesome, ECONOM
ICAL. Why use a poor
article when the BEST'
is at your disposal?
Ceylon Tea
Bold only in Load Packet.
noc, Oc. and 70c. Per LI).
l 01. Sixteenth ht. and livinj I'lacc,
.iniiii in l'lin, .!."0 Pci Day ami Upwaids
I'limpcm rim, st.tW 1'cr l)iy alul Upwards,
special Ititca to ramihea.
Hotel Victoria
Broadway. Sib Are. tod 27th Stmt, Ntw York.
Absolutely Fireproof
in the ce.
tc-r of the
hoppln k
and llieilii
dlatrirt. First clasi
In all its ap
pointments. En t Irely
revv through
Rooms si p.
ele or en
nd cold water
SK0BOS W. BiratNKT.rroptl.jn.
'ilte. with or without bath, hnt i
Htli-iihonelnevervTwim Cuisine unexcelled.
lor Business Men
In tho heart of tho wholesala
For shoppers
x minutes' walk to Wanamakers;
S minutes to Siegel Cooper's Bis
Etore. Bnsy of access to the crca;
Dry Goods Stores.
For Sightseers
One block from B'way Cars, giv
ing easy transportation to all
points of Interest.
Cor. 11th ST. ft UNIVERSITY VU.
only ono shock irom wroaaway.
Rooms, $1 Up.
Prices Kcaionibh
f 4"f-"f-f-f,-f-f-----f-f'f'f''
- IttIS A BURCJUNDEn, Lessees
A. J. UUITV. Itanajci.
Thuisday, Apiil 18, Messrs.
SWEDISH (ny D. B. sorhn )
OF THE Arthur Donaldson
DECADE. Supported by .i Matchlc-s Tn
I'llcci SSc, 60c, anl 75c,
JJanagtrs and Lessees Local Manager.
Corse Payton Stock Co.
in ni.i'i:iaoim:. ninscNiiM,
Ihursdjy Matinee "Woman As-dii.t Woman'
'Iheifdi) fttniM-,.,,,.,. ."A PopcrJte Oamo'
fridiy Mitmee "A oble Womm"
I'liday llvcnini; "liidnapicr ct New VulK' MAT XK.
Tlionms Sheirer nnd rompanj
hupporllnj Miss ILbrCHEtl.
ALF, U. llEHHIMilOX, MawBtl.
Tluee Days CommenclnR- Thursdnj
Matinee Apiil 18.
Fads and Follies Burlesquer;
New Yoik, Apill IT.-J. AV. Wlllaid.
lawyer of Bedfoid, Indiana, died at th
Clarendon hotel heio today from ui
oeidose of opium,
Mr. Wlllard was one of the bes
known Oeiuociallc politicians und oi.i
lots In lndiaiu. He was tho sou u
,, .. ,.. smi.i willaid, vvhu died ii
olllcc In 1SU1. lie wus giaduuted ftoi
. . ...I i.iuopcall law schools, tiavele
widely and set veil several terms Iu th
legislatuic. He was about rlfty your
of age.