The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 18, 1901, Image 1

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    iv iv!Rf .Nii""4 ' - " '" .V?5' fl
Ot ' A
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Measure Providing tor Completion
ot the State Capitol Lacked
Constitutional Maloritu.
Another Eftoit Will Then Be Made
In Its Behalf Bills Intioducecl in
He-use and Senate Mensmes That
Passed Finally Appicpilation Es
timates. ll.v 1 .elusive rt no fit in III- Avotl it'll I'lCvi
Hiirrlsburg, Pa Apill 17. Tho Pox
bill, providing lor the consultation anil
completion of tin- state capital building
ami .ippioptfotlng $",00O,0(m thou'iot.
and cicatlng u coiiiiulssinn conistlng
hi tlio govctnoi, State Tiimmjii'I
netl. Auditor Uoueral lluidenbeigh
Picsideul J'io 'JViu Snvilernhd Speaker
Mtitshall to i.nrv on the work, mis
.ualn taken i In the senate today lor
llnal passage. .Hid lli' llyrht against tho
bill, as It Is at piisent drawn up. "as
lenewcd bv Iho anti-Quay Jit publicans
and Domoci Us.
The bill on limit piss.ige was (
td. Li teas'. JO s. (hi votes less than
a (.(institutional ni.tjoiit.v. The totowas;
as tullows:
Un birkLllmh limb t, (illumines, l'iln.r,
lirlit, (.uli, i II iiilcnKuli. lltnltl
i uurli. I.n-i. Ma-K'ii.Mmlill'iuiiiHi, (nail, s.oti,
Ntd.l. - 111 it, MiiK.,11,11, Sllbel, V hi, W ul,.
li mi, W 1 1 1 i tin-. .'I.
s"i. dilii n, limn, I liui.lcti I nu i, 1 linn,
I . IIiIiii-, lit mil. II. m Hill it, lap, Milne.
Millii, llii'. -i-in s,lrt, A null tti. ii-,
Uelltl, Woods-.o
I'eiiMi' the Miti' was announced, Sen
ium Fox, s, eing that, the 1)111 ai de
ft, ittd, oii.mgcd his oto to "no." .so
that he (oulil moe to i econslder the
ott 1 whli h I ho bill was defeated.
Mi isson, ot Flic, who did not to
spond to his name on the mil tall, voted
no mil seconded Mi. Fox's motion to
tcionxiil 'r tlu- Mile. This was done,
mil .i special older mule tor next
Wednesday at 10 ",0 a. in., when the bill
n ill again come up tor llnal pawigo.
I Mi llirwll uli, ot I'lnlil lilili-l'rmlillns
H i Mi men n hi ,i miitiiiiiii'iit it tltitt iti),ti
io 11. iiiiliinlli Kt.uiii.iit, runi-jbaiii.' tiran
, ittnilcro
Hi Mi -Hctt, I In! dilpliii MiLini; it inlaw
tttl ior ui icnuti ti'lf!' pm, lic Hi') liunr' t
polchrc Ihirfln, ni rTiiiic In winch .iiiv iorjo
(lull line been iucmiiii-.1i intent d in iiuv rtme.
In nt pi lei if btiilal in ,i ttril-d (-.- cit, and
I ifiiiilnii; pin iltti- tor iolati)ii- of tho .let
lii li s(j(F, of 1 cliiglt Making it a mi-dc-ikiii'i
tn Mil, ecliini, aibcitl-.p. tti , lotttt
liikilt or jniliM iiritmp, ami proMdmu a pun
i-lniiiiit ol nupriinnnipnt by ecparue inn t-li-i
'ii ccnllmniirit it labfr not crcnlinf; ti o
'i ii-, mil to pit .i me not cticulinsr s,00l or
1- Hi U-i d till miLincr it nil-(lrnii"Uioi for
.mj tilcrhonc in tilt.ri.iili tiiiiiint to Irui-mit
im' iniiiitiis ol jidlii c I tttl ilniHtri,,' or lot
in. Hiiunc, mil piuMilin it tine or jut, les
Ih in t (Vrl not inoie tlim "i Oui)
Hi Mr. Uudl r, of W.ivliinnlon I imiik lite sil.
ailii- ol nuiiti (uiiiiiib-ioiicm .11 Inllown: In
i uniik-i (outlining 10 (um luptthtion or !(,
'too, cur lni .mil I,- Hi in ,0,000, Sam,
our. "Mil tinJ lis. thin .10 000, ; 0; m rK),K
tld lew tiutl "OOiTO, l,l)l), mil 70,000 .iiul
Ii -, tlim I'.o.OOii. Jl.jtn otftTOIW popuh
tirn, "almm rniuln nine n nun pmudul
Hie Mil rhill li' t JfPb to nnj lucal luv lis"
lalltn tlio fahrte. of if niiniclciiiir.
11 Ml. Vltltllill, of I IP1.1M nun I'iomiIiiir
Hut tlio ailjti'lli ilin if i no priiKilin,," tn ion
ildim .1 tninpike oi liiiiilii.inl mil fiei ttic imo
ftoni toll-, aid nil Kite-, f.h ill t"-t lio i io
motlin iiroiKiltn? (ii tin' situ, nitiiii If l,imi(,lt
itlllilu not lc- tlim two tcir-
The Um asoi'latlons lieu bill also
Mine up for dual passajji- but a num
ber oi i.enntoi.s iK'shed to fm titer con
sider tlio bill und It was made a spetlnl
otdir for net "Ved1iesdn al 11 ii.'m
The nomination ot .lude dnpenloi
to sitfiC'i'il Juilho Alfliliald In J.icha
w.imm (ount, was i onfli ineil
A Hi i the senate hud (leal ed tho al
endtir of bills on Hist und .second lead
liifr adjouininfnt was laUui until to
moiiiiw at Id oVlocK,
Tlie himate held a twutv minutes
FPssiuti tnnlKlit. IJuinpr tiutl time twenty-nine
bonne bills und t( a senate bills
woie lavoiably lepoiled fiom (ommlt
tee.s as i oinmitted, Hillteoii hills wete
received tiom lite houe lor mtlon, and
the piet.ldent pin ti ni hli.'ued sK lunn-e
bills whleli h.ic hern pasted liy the
n'tiati. Tho l.uae number of bills le
poi ltd tioui eomnilltee and those now
In ( onuiiltteeulll r-o the Keuiito plenty
of woik to dispose of next wccli,
Mr, nailer, of Indiana, Introduced a
bill ic'trulatltij? the ostabllHhllifr ol tlio
fees to be chat Keel by Mheiiits and to
provide foi tlio taxation and coilcH'lion
of tho .same The bill was ilinwn up
for tle put pose of lnliiKlui; till tho li ia
under one net,
Thcsenato adjourned until tonionou
morning at 10 o'clock.
Appropilntion Estimates.
Tho followluer bills weio loduv ie
ported from the house appioiulatioiih
lloii'o of Itofutjc, Mu,umi, tjllij Imjfi' i irit,
n,i0; Cottage hUtc hospital, ( .imulUvllli.,
t'l,(o, Ilailclui lm.pltJl, M '.,.. 'Iiiinini;
fcnioiil foi I tililc mil Jul ,it s,jttj( s'U.W),
Htiturn fcun' pcnltciillii, W.liiO, ctato ot
igjr b. Klnj, llinirlinr,'. M SOo, p ihlkilloii
I l,inii.vljiiU Atiiiiver, ir,f.o0; WcUiu Mjtc
inlttntljr, IJS,uon, Nitknil flu d, iflw.tji"),
Milund ho.pltjl, yiU,SlV7i, Hmitinifilon u-
niutoi), irffi-i.TTJ; Homo for liainltij In bimli
of Paf fhlldicii, I'lillaiJelphla, !ll,O0Oj I'mii,
kanli , sruwl thip, WMiio, utc ni
liidijcnt iiioJii?, $lf0,l"V! lllo-huiK tiopit-ll
m,uAi, soniicij- ono; "alloiv noun, nu, ji','5,.
Ooo, Wcitcru iHtiltintUr, V.o.oou, diititrncy
fund foi chronic Insane, sioo.OOi)
Bills Passed Finally.
rroMdinj: that cot of piocntioii in lourti
of quarters Muslon? ihall In pilj by iho peuon
or piccoua on whom Iho ro,t am or nui to
liiru-til, ami iruidln- Hut iieitons rcntcncvl
n iiiipihfniiicnt umiii li piupoHd au ihall
not lie .lisilurBul liCfoie tliu cplutlon of th'o
time fm whlih thi Ii4c Ucn HiiUnccil.
(Islni, i'ic wlailn if uli comity iiilUcis Ik.
oudiIii luvln,- lin than M),'m InluliiUnu
mil more than 2W,lXrj as follows; Pislilct at.
HiW'i ?l,000; two ai4i,tgiitstjtrict attunic,
l,&00; thi-iilf. KOin), coionoi, J.'.OOU; pio
IhonutM, W,(Ki ilirk ot (outrt, fl.OOOj urM'.it
of iiilb, $1,000: itnadvr if dvds I,OUO: liar
urir, Vo.oo"'. conirollv,! 1SJJ muhjoi. HX);
tivlnr, 'JIOO; tomuiitoiun. HOW: solicitor,
l,ivio: prhoii Mtuiioii. .2,ftf)! (leictihc si.soo:
Jnr coiinnlilcnfr, v"o 'H'O ''"l at piles only
to biiirnc (.omit).
1'ioiidlns for tlio tcmciMil f iillzos nf ttif.
supreme, 'tiptilor, totiinion pirn und orpliinV
eotirli tiirtnitiriitlv ilnqudllicil l roticti nr
phlilial nr trcntnl illnlilllli if pfrfoitn ttiftr
ludiciil ilttllei and ftntllon-, tilth Imlf piy for
ttirlr ttnrriilrril term, and the filllri! by tlio
gowrncr of tnnltcii 1 1 imal b) iti linioinl,
Proildlnif lint cnir-litlf of all lin- anil for
fflluics tn width inniilloa Imln? u poptllatlnn
of 1M than t "iO,f Ky InlnljIMnU ntc ctitltlnl bo pi Id liv Hip conntv tM'iir't lo n com
mltlro from the Inr 'isx-iatlon for tho mr
ihi'p iitnl (mppott of i hw lllirnri,
I.lmlllm; tho rmlil to ififiitr bj hvt or nthfi
nlv like poloti cf miwitrtl ltmU fold for
tae, to It enlj'Oiii' cir from Hie date nf llic
House Bills Defeated.
ni( iidltit; lie nicrcantilo appnlRerV icl of
Mty ", is'ii, ni j to proildp tor tlif eleitlon
(f cippt iImm In tin' piopli, invteiil of baltig
them appf luted la the county (ominilonctii.
He i lenflild lonnt) feme Mil. which m
defnled )e-teidai, was ir toiwderea ami pancd
Adjoin lied until oVloch tonlpht.
He Has Been Appointed to Lend the
Democintic Paity of Pennsyl
vania as Chaiimnn.
H.i l.tcluMit Wire fiom The A-ocitted l'n
Uaiilsburf,', Apill 17. Keptesentathe
William T. Cietisy, orColumblit county,
was unanimously elected state chair
man of the Democratic patty of li nn
svl aula by tho Democratic sUite com
mittee at Its annual meeting hold hole
todav. Sir. Creasy's name was the only
one presented to the meeting.
The committee ffot Into a tanprlo over
a lesolutlon condctnnlnp Senator O. R.
AV.cshbutne', of Ctawfoid county, for
his "hypoctisy, trcachety and infidel
ity" in joining the lanks ot the Repub
lican party, and another icsolullon re
pioaehltiK oeitaiti yenatots and ieire
.seittatUes tor having M)ted iitli tlie
Quay itepublicatis on sevctal measutes
passed by the loprisiatuie. The tesolu
tions wete finally adopted In the oiiff
inalfoun they eie presented. "Wnsh
butne'H natnoiwas tlie only one specillc
allv Tnentioned.
The thioatened contel oei tho con
trol of the oiRanization in Philadelphia,
was launched in the shape of a i evo
lution appointing a ( ommlttee to io
oikmiIzu the p.irtv in that city. On a
vhsi Mice vote it was defeated. A divis
ion vr.m called lor, which was uuiekiy
followed by a motion to adjourn, and
the motion was cd cat tied by
('li lit man Ctoasv, thus cutting off
futther .ic-tlou on tlie mailer.
The follow inpr nie tho new division
chairmen ,vlu cnnytltute '.he oxecttlUe
committee of the state oiKtmlziilIon:
Fltst dlsttlct, T. .. Jllnehait, of
Franklin; Second distilct, II. 13. Ctos
vfll, of cVmibiia: Thiid dlsti-let. John
B. Keenan, of Westmoreland; Fomth
district. William llosbon, of Venanfro;
Fifth district, D. .1. Driscoll. of IJlk;
Sixth district, J. G. Wcisser. of Snydei :
Seventh dlslibt, Itutus K. Ptilk, of
Montour; Kiirhth dlstiict.Barnet M'ans,
field, or Montoe; Ninth dlsttict, Cliailes
P. Donnelly, of Philadelphia.
Chnitman Donnellv ,is the only one
Princess Chimtiy, Trying to Get One
for Her Gypsy Husband.
11 l.idmiM Vtic fit ni the Aviocitted l'ie
Pails, Apt II 17. A dispatch Horn
Ttoudon s.i that the Piineess Chimay,
lotmetlv I'laid Waul, ol Detroit, Mich.,
wlto elope d lioiii hct piiucelv IniKb.iiul
with a Kpsy niusli Ian nnined Uiffo, Is
now in Imdon w Ith lite K5 psy seek
liifr an enf?.it?cinenl tor K!m at one of
the London tlteattes ltii,-o was n-pott-td
to h,te died in Caito, i'ypl, lint tlie
piinci'-.s sa.s that she slatted that le
pott lo stop the continual puistiit of
JUiro and hof-olf bv Ihe nniN.sp.ipi i,s.
She calls 1!i!,o her husband, and s.ins
that the )" have Iicn or had any lilldien,
notwithstanding icpoils to the con
ttai. She Intlmntib tiutl she will not
Ku b.ii k to Atactica, UIko, an ho is icp
icsi'iited as having the ntaiiuer ot a
gentleman, s.i.ns that the ptlncess will
go luck lo Culm, and that he may go
to America himself. The. appear to be
happy and loving as eer,
A Band of Flghteis Repulsed by
TuikisU Troops nt Ak-Tnsh,
1!' bidiilic Wiro fiom 'Iho Noelaled l'rc
l.ciudoll, Apt II Ifi. AcTOidliiR to ii clls
rutoh to the Dally Mall Horn Vienna
u hand of liulgtulans today Invaded
Tuiklbli tniiitoiy at Ak-Tash, In
They wcto lepulscil bv the Tiukish
tioois. One Jhilgaiiaii was killed and
tlio otlttis escaped.
No Tvnce of Willie McCownick.
Ua l.MlnsIic Win fiom 'Ilia .Woilatcil fiei.
Vi 'v 'oti, Apill 17 Vo tiai hi. beni had
nf Will it' MfCoimlcl, the inlk iUk 10 i (fold
lo, and hU tilhii Min todit hi n in
tin boy is ih id Mi Mil uiitilt k d-ilil lb it the
miauls if $.(M nnd H.000 for Hip iiliirn oi
(hi hoy ate i,iiiiiiii.
Wo io Bonds Puichased. .
It Ixdu.Iio Wiro from The Afsodaled l'n -s,
Waalilulcn, Apiil 17, Iho tte.i,ur.N dipailinuit
llle todiN f utcliaitit SJuOOTi) nf l-hoit Unit 1
(it itt.l., it the rito ol 111 r
U; lcluahu Mlroifioin 'llii Aoe!ateU 1'iet.i
Talllna; ItU I lain ul Caaleaville le.tculjj,
londuttor 1', I, (illhnan hid an aim uu.Iicd
Iho otonu'o Jury )ttciilai bchl Dald Mor.
can for Hit. allied 1,1111ns of John llohetU at
IMtMlllo iin,houe authcilllrt can (ml no
clalnipiH for tlio tody oi I'und Ilo)U', who
dldl tin io Mon la t,
Mlllam II IVrtci', j d,'ar inanufactuicr at
Pel l.lon, ivai airiitul on a thapso id ului;
lOU'itiiliit union labcb,
'I lie taso ol John 11. Iejr, aciiie(l of
live (asis of InriiidlarUiii ai Ilanour, will lumo
biforo the giand jury today.
In thu death vi little John J)o,le, at SUnan
doali, ljiil by liolliy nr, tlio loiutur't Jury
ciniinni Ihe irolley coinpati, Mhkli uitl b
tuiil by Ihe lio)'s iarenu
Kit 1'ianli 'lliuiher tad, ajtotint lector ot
st stcphcu'i, PpUcopal diuiih, Jl iril-buitr, wa4
)ert(lda' ordaiiui) lo the pri(thund li HUhop
I -ill.ot M the .pnti' liiQitln; cf tho ittihiltaconry
of lliirjr,
The liitSiirreGiion on tlie Island oi
Marindaque lb at an End.
Tlie Noted Colonel Abnd, Filipino
Lender, and His Band Sui lender.
Cebu Insui gents Defiant Two
Hunched in 'Movtutatns Elude C.ip
tuie Nntives Strongly Opposed to
Retu.u of Films.
By 1 eltniti lie from Ihe soctali 1 l'u-i
Washington, April 17. Tlie nr tie
patiment today icceived the folloNNlnR
cablegram from Genet al MacAUlttir at
"Colonel Ab.idn, InsingeiiL lender
Alailnduciu, nine oinceis, seventy sol
dlets, m$ stmill arms, suneutleied,
Major Ji'tedeilck A. Smith, Apt II 1.
o-ithed with Itnpresslve cerpmonv. re
lensid. Tlilfc- ends Insnnectloti their
"(Signed) MaiAtthut."
Cdiii, Island ot Cobil, Philippine Ts
lands, pill 1,7 One tlious'ind tioojis
In the Island of Cebu arc unable to
accomplish Iho surrender or capture
ol tho 200 Insui gjnt llllcmcu a, ho aie
banded together In the iitoiintains.
Colonel McCletnnnd , the teims tho
Insui gents offered ate impossible Of
the flftv towns, a dozen of the larger
have been oiganlzod under military or
der. The others ate believed to have
Insmgent governments.
Judge Tuft, nddiesslng the conven
tion today, deploicd the fact that Cebu
was the least pacified ptolnce. and
called on tho delegates to decide
whether 200 men would be pcimltted
to Intefere Nlth tlie peace and pros
perity of tlie Island, or whether the
majoilty would otgani7e and put down
tlie icmuants of the icbelllon. If the
people weie not icady, the commis
sioner would not supeisede the mili
tary by civil control.
The exhortation was not iecoied
enthusiastically. Tho leading Visayans
from the tNentv-four towns lepiesent
ed uiged the organization of a pro
vincial government and the wind-up
of the rebellion, and commended Colo
nel MrClernand's mild rule.
The island is to be otganlFid prob
ably as one province. The population
They Will Be Piessed by Fiance.
Geiman Missions Rely on
Their Own Government.
Bv rclmiic Wire fiom Hie Mintfd I u"
Tails, Apill 17 The nncln olllce
couth nr- the dispatch lioin Washing
ton saying Fiance will lake chat go of
the CalholU claims against China, ex
plaining that this nut Is in act oi dance
with her liaditlonal pioteetointe onoi
the Catholic missions in the tin east,
lint, Fiance, does not. Intend tn pics-,
ihe claims ol olhei Catholics llian the
Fieneh, unless ieo.ucsled by them to
do so. It is opec ted, huwoNei, (hat nil
the Catholics oi I.atiu (ountilrs will
place theii claims in bet hands.
Tho Ciciman missions In Shin Tung
icly on t huh own govoiunir ni.
Choir Singer Broke Down at Moment
Sister Died Tai Away.
l! I i lii. lip Will from I hi' i'k
CI Miami, H. Apill 17 In tin midst
ot song at TilnilN Congi. giitlomii
hi . in-l night Mts. A. A. I,angi(in,
i i '' HlitKor, .stoipeil siKlduily and
btl. the plnttotm, with stiouni
Inc, down her fnci .SIk-'ath a-sstoii to
the iliessn(T loom iiv lp r liusband,
whine she butst out Into hj-letli al i iy.
"Honn tiling aw till bus happen d "i-lie
ctii'd. llt-r liusband tiled to .soothe her
and to ussuie her theie wiih nothlng
wtony, hut .site was unable lo lesuino
her singing. Sliewus taken to bor hotel
in a caitiagi', and llieio silo ion iNuW
teli'gtam lioin .shtllle, X. c an
uuunclng tho death ot her sister.
.Mis. laiiuhdnu lett the pl.illouu at
MO'i o'clock, thce.Nui I monu nt thin her
sister cxpiied.
Steamship Auivals.
Mif I.Mltmtit Wire from 'Ihe soilatid I'urt
Veil Votk, Spill 17 - Nlliud lluainp, lliri.
poul, In ii.linloii, Antiicin, .ideilind, South.
amnion, and ( heihoma;, '.liledi Majestic, Hi.
1', Wistcnilsnrl, ntiip MoNllle r
ihcip klhhpii, ,it nrk toi (,laaj,oi. Hot
terdini nii 1. Ilollcnlim, n mU tli
llmiloi.iii Jlicnicii-dliil: Hot.iiii.tii I uNi,
.iwnl. li'Tbciirf -billed) l.uivr W dliebn
Pel (iiiiv-ii (from ll.rmeii und r-ctilhiniiloiil, New
otk. Somliatuploii niid, Nim l., cw
Guests of the Piebident.
lb I.JilusHn Who fiom 'iho Astodatcd l're,i
W.iihinston, Apill 17 I'lCidilcnt .ml Mu Nl, ,
hlnlcy ciitfrtiliiui u inse numb, i or juc.m ut
tinnier toniuhl, tl ) pail Indinliiirr ihrt follnu.
ini! Becrdary base, Alloiney t.'eiinl Kno,
Secietaiy Um,', .lu.tlco bra, Mr Uras Mij
IliUlicock, libs WlUon, Xllrs Patten, Ucncril
LVrbln, .Mr. llmiy T. itntt ami Mi Seett, Ml,
lawisucn I, Scott, Mr. Cltailcs A Mcim, Jbj.
Itarul, Jlr. St, Llalr Mch'hiuj and Mit lie
lit 1 a
Peusioiib Gi anted.
U Who fiom llio vsoiutcd 1'icai
W ithliiion, April 17 rciAloni liaie lini
fcianlid ti I lueiiui icinitiaiu m. tullour! Jjmcs
llioadtiriit, btieklon, i?..l; Il.'in ltldln, lat'ua
villi, s.'l: Ak' U. blimin;, Hippie cuai with
llllt,. il"
-palli), ;o
Mexico Sigiifa Peace Confeieuce.
11 Dsdujhc Wiro liom 'J he Aiocialed I'tut
'Ihe lliguc, Apill 17. Medio toda tljind Un
contention of the liaie icuiifeitiiie. China, Iuv
unbouiir .t'd Tuike uie now tho cult countrlij
tihlili halt not blfiicd tlu peaic couuiiHon
Expiicd in Bellevue Yesteidny fiom
Self Inflicted Wounds.
Ily Vx(1iiIni WIio fiom Tlie A'socfiile.l Pirf
NeN' Tot If, Apill t7. .lolm Albert
Skoog, said by scoiot set vice mon to be
one of tlio most expert countetfeltoia
ot nnitloin times, died In ISellevtte this
momlng liom his self-liilllutetl wounds,
Skoog, In thu evening of April , was
doteetod In p isslng some of IiIb "fileei"
money In a lower Mroadwuy btoker's
olllce. He wtift pm sued by a crowd.
When bis oapluio wan inevitable, he
shoL IiliiiHi'lc' in the head, He nulil he
was Albeit Johnson, but he was later
leleiitllled as John Albeit. Skoog. for
whom tho pollcu of novel al countries
h ul been looking for three enis. Ijet
tots found on his pet son lesultrd In the
mill on a counterfeltei's plant, which
ho mnlntlilncd In Broulclvn for several
e,ifs. I'lnli's to counterfeit money of
Deinnnilr. Scotland and the United
Stnlew Avoie seleu, also countci felts
teptesentlntr neatly WO.OOO.
Slcoog told his nelglilioiH thai ho was
a pliotogiapher. He had engngod hhn
folf to n rospoctable joting woman and
their nuptials were set for the ivar
Juiy Rendeis a Veidict Accusing
Samuel Shinn A Whitecap-
piug Affaii.
Hy 1 tilnlie Wire fiom fill A-?ftciatid l'ie-
Ttenton, Apill 17. The' colonel's In
nuest .'ippninted to luquite into tho
cause ot the death of Thomas F. Ap
plegate, the lnimer, whose body nnhs
found In his bain on Sunday morn
ing, Mnuh 10, concluded the taking of
testimony today and rondeied a er
dlct declining- the July's belief that
Applegate tame to his dea'th bv vio
lence and that liom thteats made bv
Samuel Shlnn against Applegate. that
he came to his death at tlio hands of
Shlnn was attested some time ago
anil still is in jail. Seveial witnesses
wete exnmintd today, including Mrs.
Applegate, who came to the eoutt
house In a. eaniage and mas oat lied in
a fhalr Into the court room. Mrs.
Applegalo is suffering from nenous
ness and heatt trouble. ,
Mis. Applegate was mm.v weak and
could talk but little. She. hoNoer.
told an apparently sttaightforwaid
stoty. Sho admitted knowledge of the
"whitqeapplng" of her liusband. and
said the "whitecaps" dicssed theni
soIn cs at her homo. Their inn pose, slie
said, was only to ttlghteu Applegate
into lratter tteatnient ol his fnmilv.
Mis. Applegate sa!d her husband
came home about ri o'clock on the af
ternoon of March ft. lie hadbion (It Ink
ing and was (iiiattelsonie. She went
upstahs to avoid him. Later she
heaid the door shut and then saw his
wagon leave the j,ntd. and as she did
not see him again pieumed he had
left the pi enlists. Mis. Applegate de
nied an; inipiopei 1 1 latlons with Sam
uel sdiinn. Dining tlie night after Ap
plegate litt, she lioatd some one snoi
Ing doNNtistaits and she assitined it
was Shlnn. although she did not see
him This bens out tho st.itemi nt ot
tlie eldei Shinn. who dis(ONeitd Ap-pltfciite''-
bodv. and llicu went In Ihe
aipplegatu house and found his
(Slilnn's) 'i m futl dicssed, asloop on
the lounge down-tnli-
Cliatles NImiii, colon d, testified that
be hod hein d Samuel Shlnn siv he
would kill Applrgnte If Ihe I ittoi did
not leae him alone
.lo.i ph Seattcigood, a it lathe ol
Slilnn's bv maiilao, also lesilihd to
heaihik Shlnn make llneats ngninst
Vpplegiiti' (luting lite day ol Match
o. and swote that be was sobei.
Captain ll.utnian, ol the Tienlon
police lone, who lyis been artlng nI11i
I'tosn tltor Ciosnlev, was called to the
Hand, it tit t It stifled hi lolly and bis nn
snnois iudic.tlid thai he was holding
luck some testiniuii, piobibh under
liisiiiietions itom the ptosnutot
They Will Be Witnessed by King
, Edwnid nt the Isle of Wight.
II I seln.iii' Win In in 'I ni hxinlul I'll
l.ciittloii, Apill IS. It Is eNputitl thul
King Cdwaid will witness tho Him mm
i,n cs betweti the two -diamtoi ks .it ihe
lseol Wight lioni ,"-ir Thomas Liptou's
steam acht Utln
Mr. William File. Jr, I hi deslgnei nf
Sluihiiock I, will illicit this jnelil dur
ing Iho dials, and .Mr. AVatson will
dlictl Sliannoi'k 11
It Is ininoiiuced that King- IMwtnd
nnIII icslgn l lie post of coiumodoio of
tho ltoval Yacht Sfiuadion to hecoino
lis patron In tilt- place ot the Into Queen
Vic tot la.
Big File nt Rochestei,
III' I clii-bc Win tiom llifi VnoilHtid rci
lloihe lor, V, 1 . Apill IS A Rtniral alum
cirlv thi'i (llmr-diNl inuriilnir called tho riillrn
dipalment Ui a at the New 'iorU Or.tul
rlwin at 1 -i-l lloeh".tet, llio lu.-s Niill ptiil'ild
to i oiiriih i il'le. 'Iho dops bate rm denl
lot i YittA ti mote mi account of i ttlLi of
Iho llllplu.tca
Good Roads Bill Killed.
II' I'jiJuiiU' Wile fiom 'Hie Aioclaled l'io
Alln, Anil 17 the awnihlv lonimitlrc oil
n.ii s Uilkia praitUally kllhd i.ny uttimpl to
pa. t 5,000 000 Rcod in.iN bill c piopo,cfl b.
AcmblMiiau I en if, of Monies, t !: dec I led
bv an nlmot iiiiiiiluioui tote lliat aa the lejU
litnit) lud diciiiil In icIum' i.uul )eg,itlun it
a tot iiiM' l stt Ji.; i,ood uudl li.lslaili-ii
on a laue uale
m i,
Fatal Rear End Collision.
11 I etudu Wins from flu Aisocutui 1'ievi.
lUnnllf, la, Apill 17 leai-end lollbion
cicuiird lu the dl liuiiU tld.-i aftetuoon b'tuim
u liei.'ht lialn t the lUiutUn and Wcavm
icjil Midi a Iti'Uht tiuln of tho niiin line ot
tin Southeiii lalluji. icsiiltini; in the delli of
liicniau MtlUlle, ot Dnnllle und Wctuu ciijiue
Small-Pox ou Lnwtou.
It I v,bisic Wire frcm The Awocialed 1'ie-i
'JUl'iiincUo. Apill 17. fie traitpoit I aw ten
ttrrhcl toda fiom Manila ami went into i.uai
antiut I luce cac4 if inillpo deulip. d mi
llii tcrrrl riuiinu the iotaj.c Ihe Lantvn
libit,-). 27 t f llcci a-d Too mm of the llilil iilntU
flGGordinu to Rev. Mr. Killie It Is
ot the Two-Faced Varietu.
Mi. Killie Tells of the Slaughtci of
Chi 1st Inns mid of His Efforts to
Hnve the Muuleieis Punished.
Seciet Oldeis fiom Li In the Inter
est of the Offendeis Ministers Aid,
Alnimed nt the Expedition Agninst
General Liu.
Hi l,dii,ii' W!r' from lie N.-tuuiul l'u-
Pekln, Apill 17. A inisloniii named
Killie (Ihe lto. Mr. r-rellej'. Ptesbv
tetlan mlsslonai v) bus lotutned from
Sun JIo, whotc Chiistlnns wet" binned
to death In Deeembot. Mi. Killl te
potts to (loneial Chaffee that .some
time ago seveial of his coin ells wete
kilfd. ffe had the guilty patties Irled
In file C'lilnoio courts, whoie tltev wete
loiiNictcd and suntenctd lo death, sub
i""t io T.i Hung Chang's slgnntuie,
Mi. Killie i amo to Vekln and saw I.i
Hurg Chanir, who said the men should
b" executed Inimedlatelv. Upon golnr;
to Pan Ilo tntce nncoIcs l.itci the mls
slonai. v found the men alle. lie spoke
to a judge of the Chinese rourt upon
the mallet, who llieteupoii showed
him a lottet from Li Hung Chang giv
ing eplieit Insti notions that the mm
must not be executed, sis then bad
only been com leted on the evidence
of Chi Isti ins, eonseqttentlv the evi
dence was untt uslwo! tin. "li. Kllllo
has a copy of this letter Tn the mean
time the French bad proved tho sumo
men gulltv of incondlinism and other
out) ages and demanded theii execu
tion, wheieupoii the iudge again
showed his oidets fiom LI Hung
Chang. The riench authorities replied
that if tlie men weie not executed
within oigbt this they would tako the
law into their own hands and punish
the Chinese olllclals likewise.
The ininisteis of the foreign powei.s
view with alaim th? expedition against
Geneial Liu Kuan Ting, as thev think
he will, probably laying waste
the villages ho liavetaes and killing
ritlve Clitistians, and that such ac
tions -will be, Uso,d as an cXc,u- bv the
mll't.iiy for fut thcr aggicsslon, which
would probalilv be the taking of Tai
Yuan Pu. the cupit tl of Shan-Shi prov
ince. C.iptEiin He eves, attached tis tho
Ametlcan legation heie, accompanies
the expedition to observe happenings
on behalf of the United Slates
At tod.iv's meeting of tlie foteign
niinisieis the question of indemnities
wan con-ldoied. It is now estimated
that 70,000,000 pounds will niter all
( I liins.
Natives Prophecy Trouble.
I'lklu. Aptil 17. Tiustwoilhv Chi
nese it-ports Unit ttooiis in laig.- iiinn
beis ate massing in Ihe pi ov luce of
Hh.iu-Sl, ueai the frontier of tho prov
ince of Chi-Li Well ttilotmnl natives
ptopliesN tuithi'i trouble. It in Impos
sible to aseeitain whether Ihe coutt ih
phobic a double g tine, or its aulhor
itv is In-ulIHient to in event the Chi
nee gene t.tls in ting In a inimnei likely
to ptoNoke hostilltlC'i
The fact thai lor inanv months llieio
hnw been nolhln,r In the suip- ot n do
facto .ovei nnii nt rtnois the latter hy
pothesis. Prohibit a deal will ib pond
upon th Ft.iueo-fJet mini expedition In
fill ting a sONi'ie defeat upon the Chi
nese, who Iuino liansgie-si'd the agtoe
uienl bv nteting inlo tho sphoie of Ihe
allies If Uieso olleudHt- ,n e nnoilgh
ly punished, II K lll.elv to ptodtuo n
good off if t.
The pal no ol the iiupi 's-, inli.iblUd
bv Count Von W.ildei'-io and his .spin,
was bin nod In the ground toilnv, .Mnjor
(bui'iitl Siiiwai Izliopf.Coiinl Von Wal
diift'i's i blef of -taiV, has dl'-appeuied,
With the exemption of the military
pipi ts t Not thing VN.ts (lest i o c d,
Geneial Mn on the Wat Path,
r.ondiiu, Apill K The Slnmliiiil pub
lishes thefollowlng ilNpalcli noiiiTlen
Tsiu: "The if poll Is (oiillinied tho
Chinese haNo di stinted a portion of
the tallwa biyond Pao-Ting-rn.
"Tlio Chinese asset t lhat Oruoiii) Ma
has n solved to loconiutenre hosti)U.;s,
under the inipiesslon that the allied
iTiniin.indei.s .no pi opining to send ,m
expedition au.ihtst SIun-l'ii fiom the
Agitation nt Lisbon,
I! I.vilufivc Wiit from Hie Asocial,,! l'n"
I Men, April 17.- i In jr'iliti..n .icain-i llio
rclia'Ioui orihrs Imo i hrmviia:, 'llu n'pnblh in
papm vlolinll' ill id. the po e lueni-o of a
letlci tilildi tin pontlrt has villlni In the
lalriJich al lWInu on Hip -iilijul it llu pun'
cntlnn of tui nllKloiis euln. Ill" nrnapapcrt
ihtlain llio poc nti.hl In halo niit III. proti .t
lhinu,:li Iho oiclnii nilici, lu loiiinililll nidi
tin uiuiiildaiit
Bubonic Plague.
Ill ImIkiic Wire fiom il' AsrOculril I'nw
I apa 'lutti, p.ll I'. MiIipii i3K el Hi
bulionlii plagno hup lepciled today, irilmlinf
thieti hiiropirnil Ihe roip oi three mn t hiife
ikathn had not Ian it riu.tdi'd vieio dUconnd
Jockey Buchanan Subpeiuled.
Ily l.veliisbe Wtru from 'Up .x.iited l'ic
l.oiidun, April 15 fho Imley flub ban 1 s.
pind. d W Um luii in, ihe pan It ati Jo.kiy, ,"or
crutlc (iciilic. ul Xnt M.rkel IViodi) tai
11 l'vcliblic Wiro fiom Um Aj-ociatid 1T
lliiboulo (daguc it ( ipp foun, one
ut the vtctinii beliiK the ho-pltal inalion
II il von Cabiktu, iiianaei ol Ihe e rile
.Mutual bite Insurance couipui, U vet) ill
'Hip Unbersily of W'aiviiv has boeu closed un
til biptnnUr, onlii to the agitation jnd did
i intent anions the rUulriiti.
"l'n)" PeWet, u inrnilrtr of the ("ape arsei.
II, lias I ecu rtiitcucril b the tiearon louil t
lliric teau' liupri.umnent and to par a hue of
IJ.OUO or uu'.irt tMrara iwiU.
Weather Indication Today t
1 (inn ral linetl if Ihe Metl w inker.
1 1 lltintr ( Iiiiic'h liiiplMti
I illpni i Itelu'ls Surrender .
blale Iiik!1iiIInii I'locrrilliU'.
2 ticncrat ( arhotidalo Ikpitttiinit.
J ltieal 11, I. it Xf. Swikliiiim -Hlki- at
an l'n I
Nttv Postal lle(,'u!Jlliiii
Nolo aid Cttiitiieiil
iJioril It l .X'ow .litilno ( npintii
Itidlna I'oiiinittlet' Amends llin I'lupo-ol
Ni a Ilillu iv (ltdinitie.
S-iuIoim of Up I'lrslntcii,
G Lonl W'nt 'itlinlon and -illiiitlnik
7 dun nl .Vottheisltili I'lhli'ihatila. .
S AduillKliuliie
ft 7 li iiit ia I -nil i.Diiitniiiial
10 Ical Ttiniinal I iiul llnoid
'UM of the Opinion in the Counlv lu iw
bin Indu.lild SVv .Ni b
- -
Position Outlined to Colonel Guffey.
Committee Fnvois Elimination
of the Pnity Clicle from
Official Bnilot.
IJi Ii1ii-.inp NNtif. fiom Hip Ni-iculid l'n -i
Ilarilsbttig, Aiu 11 17. The position of
tlie Demon. itlc nienilieis ot the legls
lnttiie on ballot lcloim uiitlinod to
Colonel Ctiltoy, meinbet of the l)i mo
ctatlc national coiiituittee todav at a
(onleienee with a committee ol Dom
(ict.itio seuitots and nienibois. The
c ouiniiltee favots the elinilnalion oL
the jmtv chile liom the bil
lot and the substitution ol the puts
column as pioposed by Seiialot Qtiuv
in his itileivlew last hatuielav with
Colonel Ciiifiev and State C'hali man
Hilling. Tt also nrfioos to aniond Ihe
Ikelei ballot bill so ns lo ineie.ise the
numbei of voteis tlnit a lu lp"i muv
outer the tntln booth with and In
sists that Hie gcucial leatuns ol the
aosislatico ( lause loriuhlng it
or the votei .mil the lulpei leni.iln as
It !-.
The conimillfi' told Colonel Gllllev
lhat the Democintic leglslatots will
agree to no other changes lu this bill
and requested him to so advise Senator tlioh nexl mooting. This com
mittee was (onipo-od of Sotuitois Coch
iiin. of l.vt oming, and Heinle, of Ccit
tio; ItepieseiilHtlNfs lkelci. ot Col
umbia; Dixon, ol lak, and Unci ih, of
W.i nc.
The Committee of Fifteen Visits
Seven Alleged Joints and At
test Seventy Inmates.
B rnhiMtr Wire finui Ihe Aunulrl l're.
New York. Apill 17 -Th (oinniitlii
ol flltcen uiideti si veil all. getl pool
Hiii" this nitenioon 'Ihetalds weie
niiidc on w.iiranls Issued bv Jtistler
.li'iiitiic and upin ovlileiue obtain si bv
lb1 'tan ol deti ( lives win king for lite
(otmnitlee utiilor 111 diteitlon ol f-u-piiliitondi'til
John Vi. Cull.igli, The each c.ts weie poisonillt inn
din lul bv iiifiiibiis ol Ihe eoniniiiti o,
a, spied bv 'no'i own ili'leellves and
)iolli (i t ii ot Um loguliii lone lu tho
pi-din t in wluih tin- raid was made.
It all twintv men weie I. ikon piison
1 1
In i ih oni l'.no did Ihe i.ildeis tall
to n, ill .iiiv i. nests and c C I'.I.'W
rlei, nl the t OIllAllllee, upenlv Pay
til mm.ites o.' the place nceiviil n tip
liom (lie pollie thai the pi u
abut t to be t nib tl
A lep.lllte ol tlio tnlilll Ntis fin ef b;. a' b'.ts' two nt the police otll
ilals ic piov I'Mi the places taltlcd
tee tot pool room-, but iildllv and
w dl re udii' I cd i Inbs
r.v niC the p' -n's t ildi-d 'was of
'The' vllen on Sixth uvvnii" VlUn
and two I'l'ic'ts weie anosloil Super
InlentlPiil Md'ulliigh dcl.ttos Hint Al
len had i oi Wt cd a tip In time lo hide
bis pai.iphorn.illn and got ihe usual
crowd of patrons aw.iv
Ellnul's Body Recoveied.
11 Who fmi'1 flf twcxhlPil l'ri
flaltlnifire. Vpul 17 -Ihe diuuil 1"I m H'n
r' I Und, ( .lioiiiii'.il niii In ml ttdiv I" Ok'
ltilns f th.i ilnn; I i" "i ihlldii. I niiiKn
' (V
vil.ldi wis lutiiril i vuei. a. ni"
.. . . .. U. It.. ,1. . l.rnL.
tat In ni iiiiaiiitt t-Ji'i. ii '' "
iiit mil enleicl Ihf In IMim. I" ilu ' '''
i. nu- of llu . ttifli mi Hi tip '""
Die, Tmctiou Deal.
Ih l,v lu.Uu Wiio fiom Inn .,.tiib.l l'i"-
.I... i.... ,ii itv. NN Nlelluii and 1 1
liollen hue ptiitha-d i uiiiltelllni- mliitH
in llui I'ill.bnti,' ami lliriiiliwuim iiuikhi i'
n.m III dial Was loliiplilid" II" M
Hal s-IOtl. ( I I lie oiiipatu
line, N M.ono.ot"
vtliiili iiiinmU tin
Dinkie Succeeds. C'oiey.
n Wiie treiii fiip Voi i tied l'n
I'iILI.iis. Miil 17 -V I bin cv ins
anifrlnlel frcneral tnpciiiitciKitiil "I He II inn-
btial Mcvl woii.i', 'Iip " mi" ininaii- ani
llowaid Avle m'l', W 1, f'orev,
wtiii In. him flu lul pioide-i t of Hi caintiflo
Slid nu pa in
Steamer Rnniona Wiecked,
11 llclultt Who fiom Ihe t.wdatl l'ie
MliniJlclb. At 1 11 IT t spot Id 'u Hi, I'imes
Ir..m Vaniomei rats' " rcTl ln n nled lira
that ll,n .slfumcr liamtna Nov up en l'i i?r nvir
llih ailiinooii l.n p'Ople vmc kill d and llw
toil tu. coiiiplitcb ttlllkcfj"
I) buln.lvo Win pom 'Ihe Ar-ociind l'u-i
i Plillaklplla riiilaJdphii (Am. iicui
ea,'tio), 10, WUvahie'toii, 1 l'litUilcliMi lii
tional league), Hi A ill t Nota tolled".
tt I'llnccion-I'iiniiton, l, lihijli, '
At llrickltn roi-tnt'), ti, lliuulyu, )
At CuiIilU Pkkiii-oit. U, si oe iolli'c,
At Oeo-KCtown-lleor.'etown,
At taut Oraiii N J
leaiK), i), st-acu-e. t.
A. ttt llaicn Valt, 1',
Cornell, 0
It.iitoii (National
linhiitt, o
McKecsDort Trouble Is the First
Visible Eruption of a Condition
DfiVfilopino lor a Year.
Many of the Small Concerns Ab
boibed lu the Combination Did
Not Employ Union Men The Pro
mote! s of Stilke Rely Upon tho
Anti-Combine Sentiment About:
the Countiy to Assist Tlieni in tbr
Fight Against the Steel Tittst.
) l.viliiilw Wiie ft . l,i tin NmjiiuI d I'll 5
I'lttsbillr.'. Apill 17. The .MdCc'Spoit
Uoilblc Is lite II 1st Nlslblo eitiplloil ot
a ( onditloii that lias been dot eloping
lot o'. ci ii ten, beginning Ntitli llio
fm unit hm ul the Auk tli an Steel Shoot
coiiipnii . Tim IndlNldiial compiniics
Hi. tl weie alisotbod had no itlilfoiiu
plan in tnaliiir, llio wot ken-. Thosu lu
lite tis-iic'latiou of stei sheet iitnnu
f.iiUueis iiuploNed mill mognleil
iinloii I.ibin, Those oiilslde weie lion
uiiioii. Tlie i unibluutlun took in till
When il (ame lo a st Uli inent or
scale last c.n the Amiilgiiimiled asso
c.i.illiin ileiniiaUd tluil. their scale b
signid for all mills This Ih" company
n fused, ihtlminc, iliut In xoine mills
the noii-iinloii nu ii iteie getting mote
than scales tales, and lhat It would bo
uiil'.ili to cut the in down to that of oi
g.niit d lalini. In the meantime, m on
Aiav 1 '. the lion-union iiictt signed nu
tgicciiicnt not to mnnlye dining the
yeni, and piov Itliug that the w.igcsthat
then inlcd should continue' dining the
c.u .
The scale c onti ovei sv. However, con
tinued, and lln.tllv ended in un agtee
inenl that the scale npily only to tha
union mills Since then the otsrauia
llon has been devoting its onetgies to
waid gettlm, the sheet mill woikots in
tho other non-union mills oigvinUed,
and lor tliat pin pose has considered
the matter ol throwing tho lpllls
"open " Alllls that aie'"open" aie those
in which oirMiil.f-il men are ieiinittiMt
to it oik with non-union men 1or the
(impose ol pioiog(ttiiig tlie seeds of
Iho liiiuiation of Ihe Uultud Slates
Stci 1 em potation tended to complicate'
mallei . 1 1 ineliieU d u. numbei of i on
(eins, liou-iuilou and organicd. mak
ing manifold the ililllculties of the 1 cbor
load ens
Tho pit dominance of Carnegie rum
pin. iiilliieiife in the new- coi potation
did not tt ml to make matters easier.
'Ihe tnleicsts of the Caineglu
loinpiuy weie i ulitelv lioli-iniion aur
had liteu since tin- cnstlv- battle nl
Jloniislcail In ivis. bV'lwetii the Amal
gamiiteil and tin Caiuchic Steel cotn
pau.v, liniited.
Rely on Anti-Combine Sentiment.
'Ihe tilllil lis oi the Atnalgnmiitcd as
sorkitlou have been i onsitlculng the
niatlei t'lielullN. The have decided
I hot In i ase ol a i,i mi al stt ike the
iiutt-ioiiiblne (iv will sv,-. ep over the
e mini iv like wlitlllie and that theio
will be .in tit. iv ol public sentiment
up tin li- sub" - nt li as was never he
lm., ati.'ivid on the sjti,. oi (.(liking1
body ol men.
l'teslilont Schwab ol the United
Stales Stn 1 " oipinatlnri. Is lu Flus
hing at Um ptesenl Unto. Flo could
mil been 'f-n, how oni r. iliif of the of
llilnls of tin Cat slid
that Mi. isi hw. ib hud not nntlied the
itoubli al b Keespoit. Il being illsitr and fuliiolv in llio hinds of
tlie lot .11 lll.ll'.rseis of tin Steel r"iet
iiimpiiiiv Askel II tho company know 111 io was nu oiriuulatloii nf
llouiestt.i I. Ihe seen opened his,
c ves and loplk il: "No "
The locnl inauageis of Ihe National
Tub"" (ompnitv, Steel ami
Who (ompai). AiiumIi hi Steel Hoop
oompnitv, Atuetic in Ihidge compiinv,
and the Ann lie m Tiuplnle ( oinpany,
i i"l used 1o discusa the niiitlt r. They,
lot the most p.i'il, will Itol b" quoted,
but 'iiy thai am' talk ot n gont il
stri'to thai would Involve the Unlt"'l
.-tt Uos Sieel i oi potation is ahsitid.
One of tlioui, who vlllihelil his name,
"Such lull, on the i m of the labor
Ic.tdtis Irt wild. In tho Hist plate, It
will bo Impossible to oiganio tlio men,
and In the second, mh Ii a condition
would not bo petniltttil to tome about,
Tho stoekholdcis could Iiul iltfonl tti
allow tint to occiil "
At 1 o'clock this mot plug a dlspatct
Horn .MeKeospoit sits. "l p to tliu
hotli nollllllg Ultttstial has iletelopi'il,
bill bcfoto (UnllgllL tllcto muv ho
' tumble, It Is snld 111" ronip iny has
ullltlont men to stmi tho bar
Thmo.aro uuinv sttikeia on tho sheets
din us-dinr the situation At 7 o'clock,
tlio lime allotted lor tho stilkets tn
le.sunio tvui It will have exphed, find
If they tall to KMiiiiio ,it llnu
tliev will be givoti their dlsi lunge. V
Is rumoieil Hi it somo ol tho men Mil
, attempt to to-uuuo wotk at that time
ttlicl If tills is litUfllptxI. the stllktu
will cmulnly tit io in ev i nt them ryu
Iiih into tho mill "
Pension tor Mrs, Bieckimldge.
Ily hAeliKitei Wiie fiont Ihe V-s-ociattil I'loi
WashliiBlon. Vtiul 17 - V (niolon of S a niotitli
todav vii dunlid lo Mir. lolm I llteekinrldgi,
witloiv ol the lumen vei u.-I'I.ih cf the Unit d
Statir. til Pieikenild.o was imjor of lb'
Ihbd Keiitiid.t volunlur lu Ihe Mcvican wai
It pension laniio uniam amounting to M,-K
Mi, llictktiiiliUi Is Tu ialit of a,'P.
f-t'--t---f-- ---f
Waihin-Uti, ill 17 -loiciu.t for 4
Ihursday and l'tldat: I.atern Pcnni. -
-f- nut a Im iia.ln,' lo idiniN' Ihurulat.r.iiii 4
- in utliriwiii oi niiilii, viaimei In noulh --
1 tart poitlon. fuoii t lilk eastnl)
- v.itul-., i nu aud i older.
t H t tt tttttt
- - - - '
.!!:, .v
J- - " J.rv ,