x5r (j-kJt, ' 'V i i 'P A"V '4', VILE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, A PHIL 17, 1001'. "S TiflKE rME VO HEAD IT ALL, GREAT CLEARING SALE Of the Entire Stock from Our Trenton Store, Open at the Globe Warehouse This Morning. The sale will continue for a few days only. A few price facts are eivcii below, but there are hundreds of other bargains which lack of space prevents us printing. Early -omers will find a bargain oppor tunity here, such as has rwver before been presented to them in this city In the Cloak Department We will offer a large line of Ladies' and Misses' Spring Coats, in a full range of sizes. Our Trenton Store price was . ft $4.00 to 5.00. The sale price is P 1 .VO Udics' Suits Regular $7.50 and $8.50 goods. - 0 Choice during sale P7. VO Ladies' Highly Tailored Suits Were $to.oo and ,, $12.50. Clearance price pO.vO A Marvelous Silk Sale 20 pieces Colored and Fancy Silks, in stripes, cords, jn plaids, etc, Were $1.00 and 75c a yard. Clearance piice 4VC 25 pieces Blight Taffeta Silks, soft, heavy qualjty, ACi worth 69c. Clearance price 4VC S pieces Blade Satin Duchess heavy, firm cloth, best III. 00 grade. Clearance price 5C Short Lengths of Silks all kinds and qualities in len gths . for waists and trimmings. Clearance price, yard 4vC itlack Dress Goods 9 pieces best Half Dollar Black Cheviots, Clearance price 5DC 7 pieces .12-inch, all wool. Pure Dve Gtanite Cloths. Trenton Store price 59c. Cleaiance price j"C to pieces 5o-inch Pure Wool Black Cheviots. Trenton . Store price 69c. Clearance price 4-V C 8 pieces Black Cheviots, ,2 inches wide, strictly puic , wool and worth 90 cents. Clearance price 0"C Unrgains in Notions Corticello Silk, 50 yard spool, bach , 3c Belding's Button Hole Twist. 1 o-yard spools. Dozen.. 5c Butlons, all kinds, 2 dozen cards 5c Genuine DeLong Hooks and Eyes, card 6c Blanket Bargains Grey or White Wool Blankets, 11-4 size. Regular - $3.25 quality. Sale price $2.2(7 Strictly Pure Wool Grey Blankets, $5.77 kind. at pz.y5 Hxtia Size All Wool Grey Blankets. ( regular $4.75 quality. Clearance price 4M.0 l;ancy Robes for Couch Covers, large assortment of colorings, $1.50 goods, at p 1 . IV Dress Goods Department so pieces jjS-inch Whipcords, complete color range, were 22 cents. Clearance price 1 5C 46-inch Henriettas, full color range, pure dye and a won derlully good value at 42c. Clearance price x"C 20 pieces Fancy Mixtures, 40 inches wide, best half dol- dollar grade in up-to-date efiects. Clearance price 5 1 C 44-inch Storm Serges, blacks only; best dye and finish. ;o cent quality, at . OV C 10 pieces 4b-inch Granite Cheviots, color line a little . broken. Best 75 cent cloth for 4yC .jO-inch All Wool French Serges, lull color range, weie 45 cents. Cleaiance price 51C 40-mch Fancv Mixtures, best styles and colors, were ,i sold at 75 cents- Clearance price 0C Linings, Ginghams. Etc. 1 lot Odds and bnds from the Lining Depaitment, includ- ing lawns, cambrics, grass cloths, etc. Clearance pi ice 3C 1 lot fine new style Ginghams, none worth lcssthan itjc Q a yard, Clearance price OC The llandkercliief Bargains Colored Border Handkerchiefs, 5c kind, at, 2 foi 5c Swiss Embroidcied Handkerchiefs, I2j4c kind, at 5c Swiss hmbroidcred Handkerchiefs, 15c kind, at, 4 tor... 35c Men's Coloied Border Handkerchiefs, i2jc kind, at.... 5c Kibbons, Laces, Etc. Satin Back Black Velvet Ribbons, No. 1. I he piece.... 18c Satin Back Black Velvet Ribbons, No. ijj. The piece.. 25c Satin Back Black Velvet Ribbons, No. 2. The pcice 30c Colored Baby Velvets. 10 yard lengths 18c Nainsook Tuckings, the 50c and 65c a yurd kind, at 25c General line of Laces and Embroideries at fabulous 1 eductions. Hosiery and Underwear Ladtes' Black and White Fancy Hosiery, 2ic a pair kind, at 15c Ladies' Fast Black Hose, high spliced heel and toe a pair. 10c Ladies' Medium Grade Hose, fast black a pair 7c Children's Fast Black Hose, very strong 6 and 6Ji. 6c. 7 and 7i, 7c 8 and Sj-r 8c Fine Quality Ladies' Medium Weight Vests, long or shoit SlCCVCa t ft, 21c Art Department Special In eveiy line. Embroideio 1 lush Point Sets, Fancy Silk Fringes, Cords, etc. Yarns, 10c. Skins 3 for 10c Men's Furnishings Men's Fine Balbnggan Shirts and Drawers, each 15c Men's Fancy Outing Shirts, all sizes, 37 1-2C kind, at 15c Men's and Boys' Cotton Sweaters, 2 ror 35c Men's Heavy Random Grey Underwear, all sizes 15c Men's Fancy Halfllo.se, polka dots, silk heels, or all black. Choice, a pair mc 'ew Spring Prints Best Shirting Prints, legular o-cent goods, at c Fine Full width Percales, in blue, garnet and cardinal grounds, the 10c goods, at 6c Flannel Department ',. i case Outing Flannels, new checks and snipes 2 1-2C hideidownsiu all the good ettects, 37 i-ac goods, at 25c Duckling Downs, soft and coy, ibe quality, at oc .Good Domestics 4-4 Bleached I lill Muslin u 1.3c 4-4 Bleached Fruit of the Loom Muslin 7c 1-4 Unbleached Muslin, best known brand 5c Heavy Fancy Ticking, all the new patterns 8c Fancy Feather Ticking, best 18c quality 12 1.2c '.V Great Corset Sale ' R. & G. style 101, worth $i, 00 per p.m. now 75c Thomson's "K" btyle "R. H." Nursing Corsets, $1 kind .it 75c Warner's Health Coisets, $1.25 quality for 05c Warner's Coraline Corseta, $ i qualify lor 75c , , Warner's Nursing Corsets, $ I.;?; quality tor 5c Warner's 444 Corsets, $1.25 quality for 05c '"'. W, B. Corsets, style 412, 75c quality tor 50c W. B, Corsets, styles 412 and 302, $1 quality foi, 50c ., All of our Half Dollar Corsets at 35c ' Misses' Ferris Waists, 75c quality for , , . . 59c C. B. Corsets, style 259, $1.25 quality for 95c Thomson's "E" Corsets, i, jjs quality for , , Si. ig. Gloves Reduced Our famous $1,00 quality Kid Gloves at 50c. Other qualities at proportionate prices, lixtr Special values in Ladies' Muslin Undeiwear, Draperies, Lace Curtains, etc., crowded out for lack of space, 3alc Begins This Morning at 8 O'clock. Globe Warehouse WEST SCRANTON DR. SWEET'S .DEPARTURE WILL CAUSE GENERAL REG-RET AMONG HIS MANY FRIENDS. During the Five Yenrs He Hns Been Pnator of tho Simpson Methodist Episcopal Chinch Ho Hns Mntlc Hundred's of Friends Reinninn of the Lnto Rev. P. J. McCnfficy Will Aulvo This Morning fiom the South Other Events Inteiestlng News Notes nnd Peisonnls. The many ft lends of Itev. ,1 U aw cut, D. 13., iMotoi of the Simp sun Mctliodlsl KplsLUpul chinch, ii gU'L exceedingly liln uniutfoi 10 uiui. until, unit lntlinute that v. lint Is Worn Scmniou'H los Is Oneonta's win. TI1I1 Menial clcisyiniin lui.s so liiBi.tllutoi. himself In llu hu.11 is and lives ol IiIh pailshloneiH and all who Imvc conii' In ccmt.iot wllli him, that hit di'iuiUne will be morn like this liiouk ItiKof hump ties Hum a itu'ii- it. 111s ltp to another chaise. Thi'ii' Is not a tnou popular pnstoi in the city of .Sot anion, nor the Vu UiIiia oiintoionro than Dr. Sweot, am; to say Unit lie will ho missed Is bit espiessliiK: It mildly. The Simp-ion chtuili nevci hid a moio ealons pni. toi, the needy on- .1 11101c uneiKellc rh.implon, or the newsp iper men a better lilond than V. Sweet. Oiillde ol .i tew pel son", tho mem boishlp and loiiKii'Kaliou of the .Simp son Muthoillst Kpi--top.il chuioll wci lu.ictle illv uimnlmous for Hi. Sweet'1 letiiin. and II is ivRruttnhI( that lu will luio this city Willi the thought of anv obfr lions to his Ktliin, os ih l.illv altei the noble si.ilo"s he lias p'lloimi'd (Uliiiuv the lle e.iis ol ids lustoiatc. The Lnte Father Mcdffiey. 'I lie ((Itislvp annoiiiueni' nt In Tin TiIIjuiic M-stoid ly ol Kev. KitileU .1 .Uil'atii death was a sowre shod, to his lelutivcs and fiidid", wiio Inu hoped tint h would ifjjain hi-, lost health. Hi- was lust in the mime nt llle. and much was cpeit(-d of him lioin on Oelobei Jv. ISTI. in Din illo lie wa.s leaiod In the bt boiiii intluiiKcs, and .nun .1 few p.irs In lln printing luislntss, lnthfi Mi - 'aft lev dei Ided to entei tile piift hood He enleicd St. Mat- s i olle,;e at HlKhltnid Pat!;. Haltlmoie, and utter a tlioioiiffh couis-o in preliminaiy woiK, went to st M.ny'b emin.ny. On Xo Miubei S, 1SH7, lii a;.i-, old. lined a pi list ot St Joseph's "ockty for the ooloied missions, and sti iis iu-i mass at St. Patnek's r.itholli' dun ill on .I.KkMm .stieet sboi ih- atteiwaids Decea-ed then -went to Wilmington. Del., wbeie he leniaita-d about a eai, and 110m theie to Xatehi, Jlis , ,nid lati r to the (.'at tflccticai siliool ol in htnn turn at .MontRomei, Al 1 . wlit-re he was taken ill about a ear iro. Ho was lemoMd to Atlanta tin , wluie h died on .Mondav aftriuou Tho lemaiiis weie shipped 1101 tli o teuhn and hip expected to airho tills 11101 iiiUK:, act unit aided h lle T Ji Donoxan, ol .MontKOinei . Ala The I uncial scihcs w 111 be held at St. I'at llclv's Catbolle ihuicli at ! It) oVInok tomoiiow nun nliif.. when a solemn IiIkIi mass will be suns; 111 honm ot the dt.ul PI lest. Tin both will In lutein d In the Cathediai irmeten. r'athei Mi('altit IsmihIiuI bv bis II muK Jir. .mil Mis. j,tn jici'nrtu., ot ijl Sfianton su:it. Hi tee sisus, f'atbciliii Hllabith und Anaslasla, and tour biotlieis, .Joseph i , TianeK AVilli.nu and D inicl J., ol HI Kailinad avenue Funeinl of Mis,. Jones The funei.il .sen Uei uei tho lemains ot tho lite JIis, John S .Joue.s -weii in Id osteida atttinoun at the house, U7 BelluMii- stiet, and weie attended bv manv Uio-Iouk fiieud nt the de 1 eased. The 1 lei K men who .spoko weie (lev "William Davis, pastor of the Bi IIpvup W'el.sh Cahluislie Alt thodlsL 1 lmuh, of whieh deooa.sed was a member, Itev, Wllllaiu Moians and Ittv. John M01 -K.tns. The iiall-heareis were John S D.als, Voi trail .lames, T-tWis Uobortfi and John T. Jones. Robeit Hobrta .an John .sanuuls at lid as llowois. lteaiei-t, Inteimiut was made in the Washlniiu .s(n-et iemelei.. Ice Cicam Social, li he 1 loam mil In I was lumltnird b Miss, s Mallie lfut,lus, Jennie l!uln -!, ,lai Cow en and Noinia Jones 1 l lho home of JH-s Noima Jones, ,!l" .Nut Hi riumner ae-miie. luil cenlnif tin llu in in ill of the I'hmoutli Con L,u;atlonal iliuiih. A line iioRinmni( Wat nudeied lv mmm of the bcht tal uU ot the West Side, whlih wits ,ih lollows- l'llllli .-. llu, sillltnl Ml llini- ltnllil' siilo . . .I.luiri I tii.li 4 I'l ill "iln . , Vllllil lolKu Jill', "Wul. nt III III in,'" Mi. -is V inn .mi! Muul I. u . J 111. ' I'l mo sulll. , Mam! I, nn nul In in llolu iU M.l, , 1 s ,IJ t lllllll I I 111 Villlll lun.'a t sunn siuili" l,h ii-i lliiln--, III. Itltllll i:,. it 111. 11 I'hiiii Ml., ll II in 11 .Limit 1 I' is ..Millie lluglii-, .Itlllllilll llul, ll.'-o Ih, ,111 1, Steamship Tickets, at lowest Kites, Apply to .Mwgnn Thorn ib, UJs ,liiiKon Htiei I Events ot Tliis Evening, m eoitd annual ball of fit. Paul's fioii rer ioijis at .Moils' hall. Aiiiihuu.iiy itilobiatlun in Salvation ai.uv bait .11 Us mi Prim Mi tut, led by Colonel (Wiiirf, ni Plillmlclphlu, as tlMii h Ala J n and Mi,, liallen, aUo or Phll'idriphln. mil stun Captain No. bk ol rialtlmoie. SpiclM meetiiu, ol il PalileU's ihuicli il.uli AH nit uili'-i is ,oa in. Uliested 10 attend. -Piohibltion leagiu enle. latnmenl and lis lino In Coropoiatht hell Nmlh Main avenue Rose Bushes Given Away. For 11a1lict1l.il s see our ailvt'itlho- ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT FOR COUGHS ana colds TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. innnt on uuolher piiRe of this paper. " AteaiH & llOBeti. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The hulldltiR commllleo of Hie hoard of control visited tho publle schools In West Seratilon jestvidiy nnd ohteived he needed Impioeemt nts ut tho dirfci- nl hultdlngs and rioiiuiIm. Mii. UcnrRo II. Reynolds, of Noith Main iivcnue, entci tallied the Tttosduy Mtfrnoon Cnid chili yesterday. Mm. Juno .TenkltiH, of PIttlon, ipent "eildday with Mr. nnd Mrs. II. J. .Ittfjlies, of North Biomley inentie. The I. AV. Jl. iilrcle of thu Hampton lieol Methodist L1ixi opal chuiell In Ites th" memberu and fi lends to a ie eptlon at the rhuieh tomono.v even-ii',- to Hull- pastor, ttnv. Jamas Hon ilugu who has been lelurned, ,0RTH SCRANTON NOTES. Membcis of Whltty Society Given Bndgos Thoy Won Thorn in tho Becent Membeiship Contest. 'I'iic mombeis of the father Whlt- Total Abtlrionco soel"ty conducted I splendid entertainment last plsht II St. Uaiv's hall, the occasion beliu, the jiK'sentotlon of two pil.e badsos to Tltonias Hornet and Thomas Nolan. I'hese badRos weie locentlv otfered is julos to be awarded the two nieni icis seeuiliiR the most additional membi'is lioin Jan. 1 to A pi 11 1. The jadRcs ate of sold and mo handiouio lj oiiRiae(i. They weie loimnlly itesented bv Rev. J. V. Moylun, and weie acceptetl with bilef lemaiks by te-si. Nolm and Homor. AmoiiR those who took ji.trt in Hie "iilei ialnment which lollowed the pre sentation was AV. F. notice, who saiiR sevet.il .songs Biuglats Ate Active. Kitifilais w"ie .iRain actli" 011 Mun hiv nlRht 'ii this p.ut of tin city ind they weie oilRln.il blilRlars, too I'h'V loweied the .11c llRhts In the iiinltv in whiili they operated, and pioceecled In demolish them. The lit tle eanilv Mow kejit by Mis Maiy l'oid. on AVest Mniket ttuet, was biokcn into and lobbed ol .1 small juantity ot cIr.u. loiiaeco and eon fcctlonarv. An attemjit was ali-o made to hieak Into the house ol Thomas Dm kin. uf West Market stieel. b uutiiis out a linnel in the until doot. but the lainily was .noued and the buiRlais were seated nwaj . The most excltinR game ot basket ball eer played in the Auditorium, was seen thete last eeniiiR' between the two rial local K.tnih, the Ciack erjacks and the Noith Kml Stars, .ihieli testiltc 1 lu a icltny foi tne Stars by th scoie of J-0 Flank Eans tlnew the field b.u. I.et. and McCloskey tlnew a basket on a foul for the Slais The tea tuies ot the same weie the all 11 (Hind iilalnR ot Hajdn D.ilc and Chailes itiller, foi the Ciaekeiliils The New Bank. 'Ibe Noith Set an ton bank. In Hi Auditorium, is now finished and llu b ink will beqrin business on Monday with a caiiitnl ol f.y.000 The tiirnitute li.d l-eautilul Riill woil;, h the Munt;ane-c steel "-af", I'laKci- 11 model looking institution The bank Is now nptu the in spectlon of tin public and eery lit el ! loiclialh nnit'-d Ii m'ike the jilaco a visit. Then will he a meeting fur the eli c lion ol oMens and dinetots this 1 ennv Rose Bushes Given Away. I'oi piiultulais sn nut nchritise nu nt 011 anotbei page ol this p.ipoi. ' Mi'ais 4s Hagen. Notes of All Kinds. Hi W F. Davhs hi-, bet 11 i.illid to i2dv udsdale. wheie he will ullliluto at the fuiici.il 01" Mi. Itiehaid T2dwai.ds, 1 deai on in Hie r'aptist ihiiuh 'it that ldaic A spfelal 11. et Hug of Loc U I'lilon N(. P"i0, Fiiiteri Mini AVorkfii. or America, will be held l'rlda, cm nlng In St. Mr-i' l.nll. Miss Blaiifhe Uallsl.'.ii, of Oak f licet. Is Nlsiliui, lileiids in Hauls buig. The hallo of the Noith .Main Ave nue I'hiiMian ihiiiili will give an ill lei taiiunenl and social at Hie Audi torium this evening. The iift 111. eting of Hie Provid-mco. camp ol M.lioalee will be held Sat in day evening in the Auditorium. ntlirm Kownu. and .Turner Favot su,, wen nue-icd Uonuav iiIrIiI for being 1I1 link ami dlsoidctjv al Iholr bo.iidiug Iiou-m 011 Uriel, nveniit bv Patiolmau AV.ilklns. They veu 111 i.ilgned licimo Aldeiman ridUr is ti'idiy lnoinliig and fined s ' iipb'io, which tliev juli! "Mini Wlnniu',." will !) the theme of the servhf fills ovunhu. In die Ptiivliienie liesb Uiiiiu 1 lull ill DUNMORE. The Wonuiu's Ml.ssloiiai.v sot It tv o the Pioriiv H 1 Ian (huieh will meet 011 Thin sdu aflunoou at 2 ud o'clock with Mlss Maiy HaiiRlit, ol Hl.ikcly stiet 1 A book, eiitltUd "Tin Ito.Mi Hpii.s. Inr," hni- hern wiitltn hy Hev c, 11. Fievei Copies have bteu'lelt on s-alo with .1. f!. Hone .v. Sou. wheie they niav ho hail at cost of publishing llietu, whieh Is leu eenlfc a ioji. Tonlglil Lmlgo No Ml,, Tmleiiendent Older ot Odd Follow h, will hold their sen I-iinuual liihtiillatloii of ofllceis, pejiulv (Hand .Master Colvln will bo piesent and odUlale. Alter the ieio uiouy an elabniale bauiiuei will bo i.u takeu ul by thot-o pivsont. The bill leieutlv iiitioduced at II, 11. llhbllK,' atltCllllg Hie C'letlluu ot olllmi.s ill Dunmoii veotfiil.ij iasspd final teadlim In tho house Itev. A. .1 Hmightoii is sppiKlins a fmv das In I'hlliidolphla and lialli 1110 IV, Sevoial Jiildien uf W .1 itiuli- ot Ajijile avenue, aie III wllh measles Mia. N A. Ford is vlsltltu, hui sou, t II, Fold, of Drinker stioot. Tho employes on tho AVyomiiiR dlvls. Ion of tlw llrie lallUMd will lie paid to il. 1 Mi.s Joseph Knight is II' 'H he-- hoim on lll.ikclj .stitet Ui. Stanlon, formuilv loc.it ti lieu but jeiiently of the Fnlveialty of I'enu sylvanhi hospital at Philadelphia, Is calling 011 ti lends In town. Itev. C. JI. Haves and He;- William IMff.ir, foimcr jinstois hoie, vvtie ls itois in town ositri!ay. Ales. Jciftty s 111 at his home on Grovo street. Mt9 leU May, of HuUfUeajd, Is Lylt- Inir Iter Unrte, John Jtny, of riiitlcr all pel. Mis. A, J. Miuniy nnd daughter, Nellie, nte spelidlitR it few dn.N.s In New York c'Hv, Itev, Hi', Hltd will delher his tete hrated Icctuie. "The Ileal or the Com nieiclal A'litue of a Hoy," lu lho Dis ciple (.hutch, Tilpp incline. Diniinoie, on Sunday .cnlnir. No one should mis this, as II Is fiee. Rose Bushes Given Away. For pnrlUtlliMS see our luHertlsu nielit olf nuothcr piiRO of Hits paper. " Meius ,t IIiircii. . CREEN RIDGE. Mlss U 1 ilea J'eck. of tloscliiwn, left yenletdny to resume her studies at Marshall Kemlnnty, I'hlladolplilit. Onion sets, , cents a uiiait. flrcen UldRo matkel, MIkh TjI.Io ltoblnsou Is MllbstltutluR at Otammnr It .school, No. :;, lor MNs Cora M. Oilllln, who Is 111. Iaw n und clover seed. Oiceu HIiIrc mm ket. Miss Stella Seymour, fm-meily oirhh lst at the Flint J'lesbyteilan chinch of this city and a leader In musical illcles, who left Sciatiton some yeni.s ag-o to make her home In London, Hns lund. and who has spent some time In South AH lea, will speak on mission work In South Africa ut the Green ItldRo Piesbytertan chut eh tonight. Sweet pea nnd nnMiii turn seed, fi cunts an ounce. Oteen UIiIrc market. " A. (.'. Lent 11. of Hansom, visited Gi ceil UUIri filonSls yestoiday. Hoth 'planus. Gicen HUIro market. Mr. and Mi.s. S. H. Gregory, of Lake AVInoln, sient jestoiday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, of Mousey avenue. Hot and J3uck sh id. Gieen IIIiIru market. A leiltal will lie j,len In the A.sbuty 31tth(idlst I'plseopal chinch, Friday evening, tby Pro). G. II. Cut lei, assisted by Mrs Hdward 12 f'hao and Alficd AVooIei. Piof. Caller Aah at one time oiK.inlst of the 121m t'aik chuich, and has m mv friends who will be glad to hear him again. Mis. Chaso and Mr. AVooler nit both lavoiitcs Gaiden seed, all kinds. Gicen Uidf,e imiikel. Gteeu llldge camp. No "5080. Model 11 AVoodmen ot Amei iea. w ill meet to niahl. Thwe will bo a smoker alter the meeting, and thev will deeldo 011 a ltanepiGt to 1 e held ne't month. Sev oial candidates are to be initiated. t'ucuinbeis, tomatoes, watei lies, new potatoes, lettuce. celoi, asp.11.1 guv, spinach, etc. Gieen Hldge mat ket. on Kishop Talbot will be at Christ's church, coi nei Washington inenue and P.uk stieet, next Fildiiv evening foi the pin poso of continuation. Tie Green P.ldge Woman's Christian Ti r.ipeiante union will hold its tegulai 11 eetiuj, this afternoon at 1 o'clock in tin L angelical chinch 011 Capouse incline. A lull atendance is dcriifd. All aio weltome. Rose Bushes Given Away. For jiarticulais sn 0111 adiitle ment on anotliet page of this papei. Ml .US iV llaB'un. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Hon. John P. Quinnan Fiesented with Gold Cane by Division No. 22, A. O. H. Othei Notes. Division No i.' A. O 11. htld .in e.itei tainment and smoKerat St Tohn'a ball last evening, dining which the 1 lesentation of a handsome gold mounted oane to Hon J. P. Qiilnran look jiKce. Fpon It was engiaved "PiescntLd to th' Hon J P. Uiiiuiian bv Division No. JJ. A. O. II , April hi. lltui. Piesident .,1 P. Coiii i, of llle Liek wanna Cciuiitv Ancient Oii'it ot III b'liii.'iis, made il.c jni.s'ntation ad iliiss a:.d the toi- iniaster v,.is p, vt. Missill, who ii.tde the opening speech. Uriel adrticstiis voie alo made by Hlohaic Gnnics Philip Mcllugli, Dan iel cat iihcll and Chailes T. iioland, while vocal so,os wile lendeicd bv Mcsis. Duihet nl.d Klllke, ot -Vicll-Liilu. aim James AVIiPe. o." Ilvde P.uk. The j lo'Ml! odliiis ot llu division au Picidiiit, y. .1. Ntalon, vice riitside.n, Daniel Galvnr lliiiiiii'lnl ti cietin.v, .1. F. I.aftetlv. icioullu.' setU'tni.v, J. 'I'. McGiath: ticasuici, J. J liiincs Division No. "- lb In Hist class standing and has abo'it one bun dled i.M'irtbels Hcjnesi ntatives ol in ailv r vt 1 v division wci jeesctil last iti-Aln. Installed Officeis. Tlit unlabels ot M. lime's Teuijiet -am e society met Mondav night and in stalled the lollowing ofllcers; lesl dent, .Miv. Council, vice-pic-ldem, JIIss Kate Joiflan. lecoidlug s(eiotuiy, JIIsh Hll.i .Mi Gulniuss, iliianrinl sectetiiry, Miss Wlllltioil Duikln, tieasutt't, .Vliss Kate Whalen: tiiislecw, Maigaiet Mi -Hugh, Anna JlnVii, Maigaiet Hiowu, Gettliltli Mctheiilid Ni llle Kent li- .Ml.ss Miugaict Dill Hill, one of the (halter uicmbiis of tin 01 uutila t Ion. jieiloiuud the liistallatlnu 1 1 lemony. A i'l a- tin Installation an eutei mining piogiamme was lendeied. Miss nibble Ne.uy fiiinished tniislc 101 lho 1 vent. Base Bushes Given Away. I'oi mil tic obits see our adveitiie ineut on nuoihi'i ji.ign ot litis paper, " Ah 111 t .V Hum 11. Odds and Ends ot Newt. Walter Kessler, ot Hll.s -dde, hid his right Ie, hiokeu above the kiux es. ti-ul.iv. Hi had the same leg liioketi about ri month.s ago 'Ibe nunibeis ol tin Hi 1 mania SU I, and Hiiiillelal soi'li t will hold their ivgiilnt ninnthlv nn (ting this tnonliii, at Aiut's hall I.adlis aiiNlllaiv, Aiuiuii Dulei of Hlbdinlailft. will meet at I'liainutcj hall this evening. The nionbeif. ol the Snanton haou gn 1 iinile will meet tor luluaisil ill Allilutli hall this L-VLitlug James Conmll lorlgc, No. KO ln,e jiendi'iil Older 01 Odd I'ellowti, will mei 1 in uvula) st-islnu this ionns- in ' i-. .i.A. .:,. 1. . 1, 1 l ll-:ilW II & 11,111. .hiiob Saar ot Mone .ivmue, bit lm Pattit'on. N J jisteul.n, wlnio he Aht bo emiiloved in one 01 lli. 11115,1. liiiiiliino sliop.s ot that 1 hi The A'oiiiu, liuplc's I'liniai iinloii ni ihoHIckoi.v Stud Pieobviurian cluiicli have auanged 11 tun! lumett (.1 he In Id oil Yiiffcd.iv viiiine. Ai'ill JO. Piole.1101 C l: Diiiiiau Is llu rill 1 ( tin of iht hedv nul I'.'ist riiciisMs have marie tlitse ntei l.ilniueiits cagiiit SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE" .Vllo 1 couili lu mil iliail 1 k.i, 111 11 ul llu uacli ui nuilirliif. Diet viku u. 0,1. Ii ull 1 v.nr tvMi," I u In una im. it illl ucji ; tllfll JMJJ I 1 Ull UK) In' IlllllUdl lo nj llu kUccrvMl nuiliiiiic rjlldl Kcuiii llilsiiu alii I U bold on 11 imllbi liii iiilec In ,uc, lU,i would Irniiic-illaltl.i net- the rvillriit (But odii tatlup the flii "Icic 1'iiie i'ic jnU JiA 11 Ul tne fii-c. " icii,iV Special Diseases of Men 13 MY SPECIALTY. Do mk JP Center Not MJm Them Scatter MWp1m on Faculties li Specialty If you ir 6ilTeiiiiit from am ilLv.no or coiicllllcn peculiar to mm, 01 if jcrn lilts Vn nliJppolntpit In not ki-UIiik a pctininicnt cure, 1 nant lou tit come iikI liavn noilal chat with mc. I will explain to Jon MY sVST-t OF 1 m:TVn ST, whlrlt I have orlalnatid nil doielopcil attcr my vliolr Hfp'd ftpcilrmi' in treating .pedal diipae ot mm. I Mvc no bolt, (peilllcs Irco iiamplps, trial tiftnictiln or eleilin nieilical loinblnatioiii or similar device -nlilclt dn not ami rinnot cure lliae piulhr to men My eiluratlon, my porl--net, mv cniiclcnrr. my rrputatloii condcnmi all mirh qujilirrr. If ,ou will pi) mo hll f win civc you 1 III B OK C'lIAUOK 1 tlmroiisli pmonil etmiiln illon nnd an honMt opinion of your case If you ara incumble I will tell von o, and aiM" you so that 30U will not be liumliiiKiicil b) iinurupulnui prietlllnncM ho rltlm to rure ill. If nur e,m n"'ff you, I find you iiirnlile, I will Imure im of a prrintini-nl ruie. Inasmuch ni I will she )ou a vvrlllcn cuarantce lo nfund on net) irnt jmi havi puld tne in cav I fll to effect a pure I make no rharke for mc-dliln, , ui tin) tro alu Initmtcil In tin nominal fee, aalccd, and )ou know lo the cc-nt, Indr" )oii olart what jour whole treatment Ik Koine to coit, and f will mile nn fde prniu,iH ih to the time for tho vvke of gcttlii )ou at patient, m I promlic only wlnl 1 nn do. mil do I promise. WNVAnilUi. UISCIIAHOKS topped In "i In 111 daj. J:MIS;I0NS and Dralni btopprd in '1 10 13 daM 1'H'I If 1 care not of how lone atunhiv, 1 will dry them up at once. sritlUIUtE cured without cullinc tir dilatlntr IIMlKOCI 1 1! or nnr Mclllni;i nr onhrKcinntj riduced at onrr. IMI'Ori.NCY by in) "stem of triutni nt In curable irrespective ol Ihc lime ltaiicllug or your a'e. ntiMini'U AND KinM.Y ileriiiKrment bj nn Rjitcm ot lieilmcnl show higi of Im provement fiom the vif) liritinnihir nilKUJISrisU, lielns cjuimI by linpurp eondllimi of blood, h cured pennanently by me SPI CIKIO ni.OOD l'OISO.MNO, prrmJiicntly cured without the u,e of Iodide of t'otash or Meicur). VVRITB If vnu lannot 1 ill Ml 101 rest Miilcucr itiietb conriilintlal nnd all repliea sent in jihlii onukic Inclose Jcint nUinp tn Insure reply. 01 I If n 1101 US. 0 a in to ft p 111 ind C to 8 p m ; Siundi), 10 a 111 to 4 p nt, DR. MACKENZIE'S 1A Permanently Located at Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Buildinj, 426-428 Space St., SCRANTON, PA. TAKE ELEVATOR. fc For this occaMoti we liavc added to our stock hundicds of recently lmpoited Rugs, most exquisite productions of the last. The very best kind of Kerm.ins, Irans, Sinai, Tabriz, Mousouls, Cabistans, etc.. and we will bell these at gieatly reduced pi ices, it is worth vour while to come and see the lew most beautiful Silk Rugs we have in our present stock. Our Iaigc stock of Wilton and Arlington Rugs arc of the best quality at lowest puces. We are selling the best kind of China and Japan Mattings 20 per cent, cheaper. MSeiiEUIH BROS. & CO., looked K.ivvrid to On tliis cicciisum ltuii'is lull uioliisli.v .vlll l' 1ks nL .ml Jliss lit. 1 lib Mom- ilociitlonlst, will In- In aid . MINOOKA. 'I'licnii.if I'lvni. llu l'-vmii-iilil sou ol Alls laitltt l.vdi'ii, ot Main stint, v.is ii.iintully imuioil a w d i.vs 111,0 vvhili' fnolliiK vllli ! d.viiainiti' tap, v.liidi Ii" pliKcil up In il"' MkIii. 'I'l tliuitil) nu liiovMi nil UK lii'lu limtl nnd .iiiiitlu! llnuiM "-o li.ullv liuc-i.itid lll.it .illtpllMliim vv.is iii'ic-siiv. 'llu- S-i. J1.sr.pl1 AtlililK sccicly Meld .ill iiitciliilniiiciit lii-t rvcnlim al ilieli' lull! on Mniu sti rl 'llu .Utrili v 11s oil .tit laliil and i " I1' lt-'llt; l'r"' KiiiiniV' vvns H mli 1 'I Tin .stilk' vsliMi look pUin .11 tlto f.uillVMiOil 1111110 ol tin Deliivv.uo and Hudson nimii'il M011d.1v vviim -illv liutoiil.v MtllCll. vVoik Wits l,.'lllll"d ut thu ciillloiy .vostouluy. iiss Miisaiot r.'riiH. 01 n" sticit lo.lMS till I'lilllMliMplllil tills lnoinlti', vl 1 1. die v HI 1 sldo pi'i i.iiini'till) , .M t' Lls'ik lll'ldl' !' illlsllliss ti ip to Itlilniiniid.ili' vosionlio 'llu imiii'iv'snl" luivt ciiiiilivlii'd l' -puns oi tin lO.lds BURKE'S LATEST SONG. "The Cuiie ot 11 Pietty Tnce" Is Just Oil the Picas. w 1111 mi i' nut in ' iii'f-i wilt?, TIlO I'lllM "I ' I'll'tt.V I'.tll," Ih usi nit tit miss mid pitiinKs to lu us 1 out .1 liii ls Ills lllM SOUB, Tin Ulll 1 Mlioill'l Il.iM' .M.uiied l.iill!. Alio Tin lliolodv N tuiii'lul. mill llifii "''Ii !l ",,lu "'"' " ,l" lUlitful Mvltif, to it Tin souk will If MiiW ul tin' Ai.ul oiiiv 01 MiihU Kitdaj iiuinoon .nul ovo'liilil, ! JiU ."'.lill"''. '" "'" ,'"'-rt I'a, ton iiinijtinj HOSE TO WEU AGAIN. Ailllioiu I 'ft ti, w lie- owl I'o .Mai.v Itoso, V(if sliiil .i""l Kill. J '"I " '-' 1'st IjJ. Ml,- l-llllll lill,Mlllllllll. WIS Jisti'lduv i. ililiil 11 niiUllnMi IkcllhC ill Will ,Mlh. t-'iu.lll .1 lid Is, Wl00 llll.s- luiid nop. 1 uil tlii.-i lllo nn lull, '-i-i, J sji'i. itolli 1 -bidti 011 Allan's avriuif, tills A WIDOWER TWO WEEKS liiomi hli.iitui k mil I' K.-a UUli, ol Tin imp, Vi'lf ul" maiitnl .i 111111 tliiKO IIiciim'. Ill- who died on U10 mi oiul ot lln. inoiitli, und lid luihii.iiid 1,11 d .Inu I!' lust OBITUARY. VII. s M villi I I V IIIHV.I II 'II. ii' '"I PlilUill llllil 11. 1'lill h IIUIIIMi II llu J. I il al Jul- lu iluiil 'Hi i l 1 " 11 ici iciiiiinii iuwiiIij: linn llu ' iiliu 'l in n.11 liiiiiikL I'ulmll. ui ilii.iiui !' ii IbUiliiuil vtjll I linn!' ill II iMi'liil"H. IV no con' Ui (,I II VI 111' II in- ni,. I II Hill I nm.JleW.WW! V ' fl'Mg.ta SIXTH ANNIVERSARY SALE 124 Washington Ave. A MUSEMEJVTS I YCEUH THEATRE "- mis i nuiiui'Mii it. uaicci V J 1)1)11 i, M.uugir. Thmsiility, Apul 18, Messis. MOFFATT eS PARK PRESENT THE GREATEST SWEDISH COMEDY DRAMA OF THE DECADE. I CARL CARLSON (ll Ii. U sorlin) IMIIOIIl CIM. Ill VI swil l sM I I! PIIOM sWTIil Aithur Donaldson I Miptioiirii ni 1 tun mi-, c n I'll liflf , Ulll 1' ACADEHY OF HUSIC, RKIs&nUKdlJNIll'.k IIAICRY A. UROWM Maiucci-s anil Irfjstc. Locil Jlanjijcr. VII lllls Wl I K, Corse Paylon Stock Co. IN lll.l'll-U-llll Pill slAIIMi lu -ih I.H.11111,' 'liken lioin l.ifa UuIikmIiv M il in t KlIlllUIV Wlln Wiilni-uii J m unit. Onlv n Ininiii's luiigliiir IIiUImIiv Mil 111. .. Who 111 gj 1 11c I Womin M.itm inlctiv- lo ml JO com iMiiln run -111 Jrt .nul ,J) ii ul iewGaietyTheater AM' 11 IllltlilV.IOS. MJtidjir Tluee Dnyb Boginniu Monday, Aptil ID. Irwin's Big Show. Matinees Daily. J.nl IJ H.US ili.'il 01 Vloiirliy JUT a ivcc'K'i illn.i" llo lu, 1 sin .it Kiir llifillili, ol .'H l'i 1111 .(Miiiic, Jli.l tt 11 .ill cvpirt in,iiui Tha tm nil vr In lull lid- jllc-iiinon 11 2 o'clixl ,u, I v. ill l.l . ill 11 I'nueiius. I lii 1111111 il ui llu Ill" Ml I. I Ml4l9 Hill I ill I'lm 11 I " li'ilill. tlllo Jlllllluull llir) tillku ulll U lull .t llu- lnviv., uu bouili S'jiil ililliu, .mil d liiiiilin v III Ii uU'li in i lilmliilU ut Iiii'iiiinit Itc v, J, Il Siioct, jij3. Ii 1 1 1 1 lit sii"1- 11 Vluln.ilM l.pU. ,.i iliimn, mlklate Hut Inn. 11 ul llio till llailiil s9lam u t-lit pi in -it s.y. ii'ilnl. llil aitcrnooii l)i, siM, 1 mil niii.l'ict ivlni. d id. Iiou-o ui Imi.kii rt 11 1 . 11ml fmciiiuiil villi In tuuk m IVii.t Hill iiiiiJiij 'llu- luiiilll H llu' l,ili Mi. Ihilnlii liuli, .ml-, will tiki tiJic it I. in 11 1 1 ul iliii nfn-r. lu. 11 siijlii, will lii 1. mini I11I ai iu liciiv 111! Illllllll .Ulll .llV Kll I'lllil Jlilll. UK lllllllllllit Ulll ! lllllll 111 lllu VV Jll nil s J I y lllllll l Pensions Gmnted. U U.iiUjHt- VMti' Hum Ike Vwoi iji 1 Prc. U.l.llUirlDll, l II V . I! I, t S, 1 1.11I1 lu. linn ami 1 I 1. Mi uu It ii I hui lUlll -i II.'. Ill' . inn -mil 01 '. J lllllllll lu Pull 1 I. II lllllll. I M JDlMl