rp!'W,"siw'ni..jVr'-'.-i'r5i'jws5tflr f-'BV'W JfViy VW!J4',Ta-?JtK' miiww' . r'mi " rj-i? mjho- "-! 'V"' V Cfl" ''"V-y!- J, ? J.'JVj"., '";?RT.i"M?& ". IV" Ml".:.- - t,j;? v 'Wit THE SCltANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1901'. ;xxooooooo; nu troDciw t!Anmv.uui stohc. Smici Is what you set when you use ft, Gas ltuneo. You have heat as Intense us you wish It instantly, and can do away with It us quickly. Wo can supply you with C5s I'.ttnges and Heat Plates. roote oc onear o. w JI9N. Washington Ave O :xxxxooooooo Lewis, Rnddj, filurpliy , - isri i 'ihuimjmi r i.- 'i i'i LiJLtva. flraws-. i i Avenue. , ''Hi TrTiil .77. F t'" i ' i:viiy?4 Spring Coats tin" children, tn .ill tlio nenv shades ot liluc .incl inuili. D.'i-iili dly r.uglMi mili t.ii ilU'L-l m 1 ilno ami leds tor the two JiuJ fourr.ir-uld-. Moil' dicy one in Uic mrl Whet loUuo fci tho oMtr cl.il- llldl. 'I lie t-tiaw II il"; o much "ia this jcar ami flic llnsliMi sailor by ehildrcn in an entile t.iiicty as veil as those of Mualin .iii.l l'niif. Now Stui c. New Gorilla .It Tb? Baby Bazaar, 510 Spruce Street. Repairing Done Gratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. o oooooooooooooooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 So&ml t 0 0 a&sifl oooocoooooooooooo The tir."- annual ilaucu of the hycuuin VMiers' club, aivun at the bicycle Club houi.e, on "Washington : venue, last nleht, w.tb a decided tuicoc.js. Many foiiples vcro in attendance and the handsomely decorated ball room pre sfirtled a beautitu! upputtraucc duiing the: progress of ever dance. Bauer's orehesiti.i w.-th prefi'iit and furnished thu nisht muuh'. The palronctses of tho affair were; Airs. Alary T. Vhelps, Alif-. Rufiih J. Foster, Mrs. Janie.s V. DleHsun. .Mrs. C. h. Frey, Alia. P. Fran cis Gunfiter, Alif. Ueor.' At. Hallstead, Alts. CjeorAC U. SandtThun, AIr.. If. II. Slvelly and Mis. H. II. Cotton. K. T. Ilichanl.:, K. tiunster, .John liunib', JJarl Parker, T. )''rt:d HukIhv, Sam Finc-burfv and John C;ilf,allon were the committee In charge. ' The prucramme ot the ilanoo made unique and handsome bouvenlis). They rsontnlned on the that page an excel lent HUeucfs ot Alaimser A. J. PuiTy, of the Lyceum thtater, and spattered throughout the pages were plenties of Aluud Adam, Alary AInnnerlnsr, Ada Uehan, Kleanor Atorctti and Viola Al lvn. Anient; thoao present weie; Mi'jcs .lulia fenkt, 1.MH 1'inbeii,', L'lnittliis t'ellott!', Nirjpict iiuiild. UrJie f!, lline, All-c, lllne, Idi J, Uine, MUi Duke, JimIo Mtkel, o; , Kingston; Helen i"iuntcr, (aulc L, Di'W'ilili-, JUy Jlughts, Ainu IVwcli, Maud schumw.i.v, fii.t Watfon, Mable C. i-pcn, Minnie WIImii, unio (Ireabn, lattlle Ihupp, Oliw ,aiU, llctsi'. Dvnijamin, Miry t. U'lteillv, Mih ft rant, (iiitio McIUlc, Mjry T. Horn, Mirgarct McOulio, Mr. pd Mrs, (i, W, Puis, i.. U. H. Uielink. ul ,tngt.toa; Miss Fowler, Laura Van PIclI, Mi. Mm Fuhrmao, Com Kicliaids, Jenne Paiii, Mis, II, Uanlnston Slvcllj, Helen PiUimr, Jlary lief llty, Joilo Coibetl, ll fouk, Mi, cclnwll, Horcnco Ha&s, Alien Olldon, Mb Kruijetaeiii MUi Zenlw, PliIDIpine 'fropp, Mary ti, .juliliaiii tho Mcurt. J. S, I'arrle", V, V, Malllivwr, .1, W. it. Uurua, Aicli IVan, Itoboit l)il, lieu, JJ noil, W, II, (Urdinur, It. Majall Ueamiiunt, It, M. Kimble, M, A, itoc .1, I.. Duke, .Well Uiown, Charles Horn, rvl Maer, RobtiL Klple, i.voifcv Coar, Mr, bhcrtall, John Orimtli-, u, 1 Lij 1'icrioii, 1'rargk Claik, Unmiot hirkMood. tan I'lihniun, Jinios llusluu, Jmuc-i Cuininlniji., I.', M, Jllnimkk, Tom rnun, Dr. I', ('. Lunger, II. Harrlnston Siully, John J, ("llm.mln, II. U.u lici, K. A. Cuiiil., James CoiU'll, Will fool,, liank Cuuk, C. M, I'ordb.im, llupcit Ihonus, Ait Iladcntnuli, Mr, Frhnier, laiemc Tiopp, i.Vornu Madigan, Alien Duiaud, llaiu ("iltlitli, I.', J o'JJonnell, iJeui'o Emus, IJddic Harper, a. i.iant, Wilkts-Hairei 1.. II. O'ltejlly, b. U. rnitr, '&. M. ssulth, 'llwmw rijuajhin, lid. llyin, lUrry V, Cluk, Call i'kuv, UllliJiu 0! Uiidurtir, J., f, lftu., P, I', Ijnull, John Cinci, m. M. Whittleid. Wms,k Alyrtle Fruunfelter, of South " do Paik u venue, entertained a party nf frUmls ATopday evening at her home in honor of her birthday. The usual llvcrsions Incidental to such events were enjoyed by the fullQwins young people: The MI$m Kreeje, llulij, HowilU, .lutie, ir.tri, I'lli-r, nwciu, i'raunfelt.r, hwltui, Kwin, 'avis, I'm! Joim, IUum. O.-.uis, U:ttvll, Hi1'1 lm?m$& iaMawn3iu am mi VwlEv-, t"nm, Miller, .tone. Mjct, Bromi, Mont, frlclicii, Weill nnl Oliircl, ot I'HMcm. A delightful nlfalr nan given at the parsonage, of tho Pciin Avenue Haptlst church last night, when Rev. Dr. tnul Mis. tt. 1 Y. Pierce entertained tho ofllcciH of the church unit their wives. Fully lUty persons were present and spent a delightful night. A general time of Hocliil enjoyment was spent, at the conclusion of which nil present paid tribute t-i the ability of host and hostess as splendid entertainers. PERSONAL. Mi. UlltaMli A. Scull, of this tilj', U icn!' Ins i few cIjjs In lloiicsdtlc. Ambvo 0. Haas on Internal icmmhip ottlcliil or bhanioMii, ivus In the eliy jes(rril.ij, 1'. tl. Wither. uH!ilntcitilrnt of nr perlce on tlio Jcrrc.v Coiti.il Mlhoad, w.i? In the city jestuelnv. U L. Vdn Wotmci led jrliMcliv lor llnftulo, N. V., to accept, a position with l.ic Lie'iucvjiiiu Icon .ind Stcii cornp.iny. Colonel r. I. t"ltnlminons loft .cilndjy lev HarrlAtmrtf to attend tlie meeting of the Demo cratic elate ccnli.it committee to be held today. tei.rct.iry Dolpli U. Atlieiton, of the board ot trade, loll for Detroit, Midi,, ifsterdiy on ' Short butlnrM trip, lie will return Saturthy. Will D, Corbett, tlic le.idlni; man of tlic Coihe I'nytoii Stock company now pUjIns a wick's engagement at tlie Academy ot Miisli', li welt known In this rlh. for a Ions time Mr. Corbett played tho leading parts In the Old I)als Ptoik compuij. A TALK ON FORESTRY, Delivered by Mi&s Mira Lloyd Dock Under the Auspices of Green Ridge Woman's Club. Alias Allra Lloyd Dock, the well known authority on Forestry, Bvc a mo-)t delightful and Instructive lecture last night at the board of trade rooms, under the auspices of the Green IUdfje "Woman's club. The lecture was lllus traled and exquisite pictures, thrilling with the life and beauty of the wood land, were shown to a. large audience. If. as some great writer bays, "A tree is a person," surely Aliss Dock, who is tho only practical woman forester in the world, will go far to Induce her heaters to love these "tree people," She is a graceful, attractive- speaker, and she told much that her audience diri not know about tho art of forestry and its utilitarian value. Incidentally, she paid a glowing tribute to Dr. Roth tuok, to whom, she said, is largely due the great advance made in forestry in this state, as compared with other states which have done far less in much longer, time. She also compli mented the governor of Pennsylvania and the legislature, poth having .stead fastly encouraged the preservation of tho foiests. She spoke with scathing denuncia tion of the devastation created "by those who "clear ui the ground," and by the telephone piople, who leave wreck and ruin along the beautiful woodland path&. In Arassaehusetts, a man who cuts down a. tree is fined ten dollars, and indeed the shrubbery Is ; iwii! luuieui-eii uv raw, ! .2!-... fnAl AP !A l-.t.l'.-.... ,.... .... ii.- iijuiw vi iiiu juuitui lie: iltl peculiar to Americu. and which Sar gent has said is responsible for the axe and the trotting horse: of the lam el also as a distinctly American shrub, and deprecated their destruction by the forest paths. In the description of forestry as studied and applied in Europe, Aliss Dock gave most valuable information. She had followed a. course laid down for her by Sir Dlterich Brandls, and had made a close study of tho meth ods employed In the Black Forest region, where the trees not only furnish the means for public improvement,, protect the water courses and prevent eroston of the hillsides, but aho fre quently lelieve the townsfolk of all taxation and oven pay dividends. Tho great contrast between Germany and America In this respect was re marked, in this country women's clubs are among the moit potent factors for thu preservation of the forests. Aliss Dock fcaid that General Oliver, on his country place at Oliver's Mills, has- a German forester, who works on the plans laid down by the Black Forestry association. Her lectin c concluded with a plea for better roads and for more interest in the State Forestry association. GYMNASTIC EXHIBITION. Given by a Number of Children in Finley's Hall. An interesting gymnublic exhibition was given last evening in Finley's hall by the gymnastic classes of Miss, Maud Al. Aliokle. Drlllh were pel formed in inarching, In the um: of dumb-bells, In dian clubs, hoops, balls, wands and tambourines, and the children's class, composed of tots of both exes ranging in age fiom 5 to 7 years, sang a lOiniiM in accompaniment to suitable exorcises Allien proficiency was shown'nd the 2CW spectators upplaudedhcartily. There were four classes, us follows: Oiildicn's i'liv -Walter lluike, llojle. Duikc, liilpli tiolcNniltli, Udwiad (""old-nntli, Hilda Zi'iuke, frame Wnlie, Kdgar Kci, Helm Cob. ller ami llaiel !?-hidt. Uo)V cla- Harold lliilkt, lrins fllcbanJ, fiuy Hodprs, I 'ail "Voidt, Thomas Unvry, jioy Diehl, Kail Yot, Albert Decker, Juhn Hnddv, Itajmoii'i Hodjis, Beilraiu Sinitrr, Otlo I'rne. iei, Ui'lKrl O'lliltn, Donald lloiie, Hiram An trim, firorgo Ihiplica and lloidley llacen. ,lr' (lacs Until Carson, liutli William, l"or. ci re lleutli, l.lsle Molr, Helen Kieeel, l"tlu Voti, I.illli! Jiachofcii, Iluth liuhcrt, Mamie hehuheit, I.ouiw? Anubrust, S-icll . Pinsen, FalUo TrifP, Klhel btair, Nanu I'rb-e .unl Myr.i Mnith. Mlvci' rl.i-ElUibclh Hose, Katlieriuc ""rludt, riorriuf hiiiiwilen, Kiln i l'unci., Khic llaiiicn, ( l.arlotio Ilnrulow, Ilacl HoUger, Mlfi Caiollnc IS, Ilrial acrompinlrd. Wanted. Five hundred men und women to at tend the free lectin e and stureoptlcou exhibition on Honduras, under the aus plees of the Patuea Plantation com pany, to be held at Grand Army hall, Svindsor hotel, Perm and Linden ttreet, thin evening, April 17, at & o'clock. All w elcome, " To the Riders of Cleveland and Cre scent Bicycles, We liayu received the agency for the above two populur wheels for VJOl, we will ijo pleased to have you come to us for any repairs your wheel may need, or If you contemplate getting a new mount wo will take pleasure in showing you the new models, I'lorey & Brooks, , '-It Washington avenue, WEATHER YESTERDAY, Local data tor April Id, IMI: Highest temperature (Vi degrees lament temperature , ,...,,.. a degreca Hilatic humidity; 6 a. in , M per cent. S p. n M per cent. No putlplUtiunj weather paitly iloudy. Ask for KelW's union cracktr. COMBINE GETS ROUND REBUKE JPBESUMPTUOUS COMMITTEE CALLED DOWN BY COUNCIL. Selectmen Pass tho Estimates Ordi nance ott First nncl Second Read ings but Not Until They Bestore the Money Taken from the Record er's Secretary by the Estimates CommitteeThe $2,000 Appropria tion for Support of the Military Companies Is Also Reinstated. Select council last night administered a sound rebuke to the audacious esti mates committee, which was so rash as to refuse to raise the salary ot the recorder's secretary to $1,500, after the ex-secretary, who more than any one else should know what the office Is worth, appeared ibeforc the committee personally and besought them Individu ally and collectively especially those of them Who have friends on the police force to vote in favor of the increase, Air. Alolvln, Democrat, not content to let partisanship ibllnd his sense of right and Justice, graciously led the light to restore the SUOO which the committee lopped off and add another $300 to It. Air. Oliver, one of the sextette which effected a combination to rule tho esti mates committee, rose to explain why the salary had been cut and why It wag not expedient to Increase it. He did this In an Interesting little speech, t-'ald Air. Oliver: "Tho salary of this clerk was origin ally $'j00. "When he was called upon to aet also as the clerk to the chief of police an extra ?S0O was allowed him. The position is now shorn of this extra work, and by reason of the division of the executive duties consequent upon tho formation of new departments, his regular work i materially lightened. Tho work this clerk does is not worth $50 a month, but because of the dis tinction and dignity which attaches to the position, the committee was per suaded to allow hint $1,000. WHAT SALARIES COST. "The sum of $197,23ti, or eight mills of the ten levied for genera! city pur poses is used to pay salaries. It Is time to call a halt on new offices and salary increases. The services rendered do not warrant this big outlay. This attemot to increase the salary of the recorder's clerk is an imposition. It is nothing less than looting the treasury. Wo should 'be more thoughtful and cautious in spending the people's money. The lire department calls for an increased expenditure of $35,000: new ofllcos must bo provided for, and next year we must pay off every cent of our big floating debt, which amounts to more than $150,000. When this in ricase in expenses is brought home to 'the people in the shape of increased taxes there will be a reckoning:. Re member, we must face these people" Atr. Alelvin referred to the extra work of drawing warrants, which the new charter puts on the recorder's clerk, and gave this as a reason why the in crease should be granted. Air. Clemens argued against Air. Alelvln's motion, saying It was impolitic to challenge the work of the estimates committee in the matter of salaries, as the committee i supposed to have made a thorough can vass of the salary matter and acted a its best judgment dictated. He moved to Indefinitely postpone action on the proposed increase, but his motion was lost by the following vote: .jm Mcsrs. Finn. Kv.in, W.iruci, 0lcr, Clemon", Vanehnn, Chitlemkni 7. Naji, Mos-in. Itn-, nitillo, MniR;m, Regan, Mehin, Schncnlci, Him, fo-;iroi Schioeder, O'lloylp. O'Malley, M.-Andrew 12. COSGROVE CHANGED. On the motion to adopt the Alelvin amendment the vote was eleven ayes to tight nays, Air. Cosgiove changing sides. Air. C'ofctello though to get $300 addi tional for cleik hire in the controller's office, but Air. Vaughan spragged him with one of the most unrestrained criticisms ever heatd on the floor of the councils. "We are annuyed here constantly," eald Air. Vaughan. "with appeals fiom this offic-i for additional elorl: hire. They are always hollering for a jalse in salaries. I've beeii tn that office frequently, but I have never seen any one working there I do not like to talk this way, and wouldn't if I was not forced to it. The controller has a long communication In one of today's papers telling all about the hard work In his office and how the now charter Increases his duties. "If the 'ripper' bill increases his du ties, it also Increases Tils salary $500 a year. Now he comes in with a sneak ii! resolution for $300 more. I think Ir gets enough. The whole appro priation in tlie -ity controller's de paitmnnt with the exception of $100 lor stationery goes tn one tamlly. Be sides that he gets $ti(K from the school hoard. The law ays the controller must he an expert book-keeper, Every hody knows tho present controller Is not an expert book-keeper. Who ever saw the controller in his oIIIcdV" KNTRA DUTIES A AIYTH. Air. Chittenden remarket! that lie had reen the controller In his office, but had never seen him at work. Air. Oli ver !ald ho was of the opinion that all this talk, about extra duties im posed was pretty much of a myth. It was only reasonable to suppose, he udd oil, that the incroated number of offi cials would lighten the work of ail tho offices. The vote on the motion to grant the Increase to the controller was as tallows: Ajea Mcsn. tustello, Morgan, Begun, Mel u, Co.-sriAe, O'llojlr, McAncliew 7, Naj s -Mcre. lto-, rinri, Uw, Wugnrr, Schneider, shea, niiur, in breeder, tlemoni, "tauglun, O'Mulley, Chittenden 1 J. An amusing and remarkable incident then occurred. Air. O'Boyle offered u motion that the salary of the city clerk be Increased from $1,300 to $;',000. Air. Vaughan moved to indetinjtely post pone. Air, O'Boyle began to talk about the good work the city clerk does and how he above -any city official should receive consideration when salary rais ing was in order. "That's all right," said Air, Vaughan. "No one s questioning the value of the city clerk's services. If he just whis pers that lie thinks he is entitled to more money he can have twenty-one votes to give it to hlin, The city clerk hasn't indicated that he wants more (Hilary and I doubt If he wuuld take it." Air, O'Boyle chimed in: "Just tiy him. Alaybe he would take It." City Clerk Lavelle all the time sat at his desk with downcast eyes blush ing like a school girl. No one seemed to know how he felt uhout the mattor and as he recently declined a raise In salary it was questionable in the minds of many If he would accept a raise now. After making some excuses for the embarrassing thing he wns about to do, Atr. demons asked that the city clerk ho requested to state to tho coun cils Just how he fell about the mutter, "ir he Is In favor of It, does uny one know?" asked Air. Oleinons, when Air. Liivello's heightened blushes told that ho could not very well say he did not want It, out ot consideration for Air, O'lttiyle, If it was Hint he did not want It, or was content to get along with out It. "if ho wauls It, he can have It," Atr. demons ugnlu broke forth. "I for one ran bo counted upon to vote for It, If the city clerk or somebody for him will only Indicate Hint he Is necking It." "Ale too," wns heard from nil parts of the room. Air. O'Boyle Intimated that the mo tion did not emanate from Air. Lavelle, and the next moment the chair had decided It lost, The $2,000 appropriation for tho Na tional Guard companies, which wns emitted from tho ordlnnnce at the Ilnnl session of the committee, was re instated last night nfter Colonel L. A. Wot res had explained the grounds for asking this allowance. Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Alle gheny each allow's $,"i00 it company for the support of the regiments In thoso titles, Colonel Wutres went on to say. Pennsylvania, as Is qtllte notorious, Is not at all liberal with its National Guard. lit Now York every regiment, und oven separate companies, have ar mories built at tlie expense of the stale. Pennsylvania merely allows $200 a year to each company for armory rent. This will fall $4,000 short of pay ing the expenses of maintaining the new armory. The members of the guard, many of whom are laboring men, cannot afford to put their hands In their pockets to make up this defi ciency. AIONEY FOR THE GUARD. Colonel Wat res pxpressed the firm belief that the taxpayers will npprove of nn appropriation to help defray the expenses of the soldier boys in their new armcry. The $145,000 which has been paid for the armory has been contributed by the taxpayers of Kcrnn ton and it is the taxpayers of Scran ton who are subscribing tlie $10,000 that still lemalns to be paid. On this ac count, tho colonel said, he had no hesi tancy in asking- lor tho appropriation. It would be appreciated by him, per sonally, lie said, and by every one of the five hundred boys comprising the companies located In the city. He hoped councils would take the broad gunged view of the mutter that the other lar,ie cities of the state take. The motion to allow the appropriation to stand was made by air. demons. It passed by 'the following vote: Ajcs M-ire. llosj. Vain, K.in., Mehin, W.ir ner, Schneider, .vlirocdor, Clenioiw, O'Malley, Me Audi en', ( liitteiiilen 11. Xaj? Mii Co-.tf.Ilo, Mokj.iii, ltogjii, shea, Cc'trioip, OHnoi, O'Hojle, Vaughan A Air. Regan tried to transfer to the improvement of Third street the $1,500 appropriated for paying the city's share of repaying upper Lackawanna avenue, but the effort was defeated. At the suggestion of Director of Pub lic Works Roche a special appropria tion of $0.17.59 was made for Nay Aug park, $512.59 for plumbing and sodding at the music plaza and $425 for plumb ing at the ladies' pavilion and the sal ary of a janitress. The ordinance was passed on first and second readings and will come up for third lending tomorrow night. THEY WILL GET A SALARY Superior Court Has Reversed the Court of This County in the Lewis Test Case. At Pittsburg yesterday the Superior court handed down an npinlcq0tevers ing the court of this county in the case of District Attorney AV. R. Lewis against tlie county of Lackawanna, a test case brought to determine whether or not the county officers who took their seats last January were entitled to fees. The decision is to the effect that the officers now serving are to be paid thu salaries piovlded by law for counties having a population ot over :50,U0O and loss than 250,000. These sal-s-ries follow Pistiiet attorney jl'K) l'lrt j-nihtanl dNtilrl. snloriiey l,Sw) Second a.ni'-t.iiit district attorney 1,'JXi Mieiill f,,f)Oo Prothonotaiy c,('W Cleik ot the CoinU l,fM KfeMcr of Wills , (ioo Hcc order of Deed-, f.nCio County li'iMsUU'l 5,(ni j,:m mo i,wo j.ooo l, .',00 .'JO 1,0il I,s00 dis- IVnnty Snrieyor dainty Coinmi-iorrisi County .ii'illtois ulicic then- n ,i i out toller County Sulleitor Coiuner County Diiertoij of the I'ooi July 'inmilloMoner , CVunly Controller County llctccthc As these salaries indicate, the trlct attorney, sherllV, treasurer ind clerk of the courts will be great loseis; by the new arrangement, thu fees of these offices In this county amounting tn from three to four times us much as the salary. The register of wills gains under tho salary arrangement, the pro thonotaiy will about come out even, and the recorder will sustain a slight loss. Thu conmiissloneis believe they are entitled to the $2,500 a year, and have been .drawing the salary on that basis since the first of the year. They have had tho best legal advice obtainable on the subject, and have been advised that the law gave them the $2,500 .salary front the moment this county passed Into the class or over 150,000. They did not take ndvantage of the provisions of the act until January 1, but yester day's decision of the Superior court In dicates that they are entitled to It from June I last, The opinion of the eourt of this county was written by Judge R, AW Arehbald, Judge Kelly concurring. Judge H, Al, Edwards dissented from their decision and tiled an opinion con taining his views. An appeal will be taken to the Su preme court 1 1 am tho decision of the Superior court, In order to have tho case finally adjudicated. New Spring' Dresses, Have a likeness made by Seln lever, before your latest costume bhows signs of wear. If what his patrons say Is time, the three dollur (a dozen) por trait Is Immensely satisfactory. The Journeymen Curpenters' Asso ciation will meet on Friday evening, April 26th, at thu usual hour, lnsteo1 of April Wth. By order of the president. "" C. II. noblnson.Bec'y. Coursen's Creamery-Butter Reduced. Five-pound boxes 25c per lb. Coursen, Dr. H. r;. Ware will rtirrn Monday, .'ml - SWITCHMEN GO OUT ON STRIKE QUIT BECAUSE TWO MEN WERE DISCHARGED. Lackawanna Ynids Bereft of Day and Nlfrht Force as a Result of the Day Force Turning Out Strikers Have a Meeting at Night and De cide to Continue on Strike Extra Ttainmen Called Out and Strikers Threatened with Discharge If They Do Not Return by Noon, About one hundred switchmen, em ployed lu the Lackawanna railroad yard In this city, quit work ut noon yesterday because two of their number, Allchael Hcnity and Patrick Toomey were discharged. Their services were unsatisfactory to the company, Super intendent Clarke says. Yardmastcr B. E. Knowies dlsnilsiod the two men and placed two men from Hoboken In their positions, and when John Murray was asked to Instruct the new men In their duties, ho refused to do so and quit work. The others learned of what had occurred and re fused to continue, In consequence there was somewhat of n tie-up In the yard during the remainder of the day. Thomas Timlin, of tho Switchmen's Brotherhood grievance committee, waited on General Superintendent Clarke later In tho day and asked for a reason for Henity and Toomey's dis charge. He was Informed that their services were unsatisfactory to the company, and that their discharge did not affect the others. WENT TO THEIR HOMES. Tlic men loitered around the yatd until nfter 4 o'clock mid then repaired to their home. What little switching work wns dour: was performed by brakemen, conductor.-! and englnemen. Yardmaster Knowies would not discuss tho trouble, and Superintendent Clarke stated that there was no necessity for the switchmen quitting work us the discharge of the two men had nothing to do with them. He further stated that the mtlti would not be rslnstated, and that the question of their membership in the Brotherhood did 'not enter Into the case at all. An order wns posted last night on the bulletin boards directing additional trainmen to import 'ten' duty at 7 o'clock this morning. This is taken by tho men to mean that they will bo called upon to perform the duties qf the -striking switchmen. It was learned late last night that tlie action of the Scran ton switchmen had been communicated to all tho switchmen on the different divisions of the road, and that a general tie-up is not an Impossibility. The question has already been dis cussed as 'to whether or not the offi cials of tho sw I tollmen's brotherhood will sanction the strike, in view of the fact that tho men, apparently, went out without authority of the national offi cers. AlEN HELD A AIEETING. The switchmen met last night In Carpenters' hall, the meeting being called to order shortly after S o'clock by Frank Jones, the union's master, and remaining In session until after 10.30. It was decided to keen the proceedings of tho meeting entirely secret, and therefore all the queries of a Tribune man at the close of the session were met with silent shakes of the head and the remark that nothing could be given out. The committee which saw Genet al Superintendent Clarke during the af ternoon is known, however, to have made Its report, and the nature of It proving unsatisfactory, the men decided to continue on -striko until further developments arise This much was intimated after the ses. slon, but no more "You can draw your own conciu .sions."sald one prominent member significantly' "as to what will be tlia lesult of Air. Clarke's answer. It Is not hard to arrive at an opinion regarding our course when you con sider all the facts in tlie ease" Last night a notlco was posted at the station and about the yard, read ing as follows: Xutiio K hereby giceu.lo all person hucto tore engaged lu tl.o .ul service of this com pany on tin' Scr.inton die Won, and now out on ..Irlki', that, utiles they icpoit for duty at rr bctoie Vi o'clock toon, on Apill 17, lfiOI. (belt filacei will be pcimanently llllea by Hie employ, incut ot otiicis. . IMward M. Pine, Siipciiutciidcnt. The night force failed to appear for duty, and the company had to rely upon its subordinate officials and clerks to do tho .switching. At various times during tho night small parties of strik ers were about the yard, evidently look- The fads and fancies of the hour are here shirts with 4. attached culfs made from good quality cheviotothers X with two pairs of cuffs X plaited bosomsome plain " X colors, all good style and X 4- quality, $1.50. f X An unusual large line of X 4- the $l,oo kind loo, - : "on ffflr : 4 I Negligee j Shirts i HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT WE HAVE IN Odd Boxes of Stationery? At prices 'that will surely interest you. The above may be seen in our display window. , . REYNOLDS BROS. su"Zsef THE UNGERTANTY iPsbc Wm?m ' v Iff C"'" CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. Ing for Imported men, but they evi denced no disposition to Inlcrfcie with tho men at work. Chief of Detectives Adamson and a dozen of his men were about the yatd nil night, Miss Ethel Newcomb's Finuoforte Reeitnl Takes place Tuesday evtnlng, Am II 23, at SI, Luke's parish house. The diagram for reserved seats will open nt Powell's music, store on Thursday morning, April IS, and will be for subscriber' only on Thursday and Fri day. The New Gibson Pillows. Those pillows nie vtnmped fiom Gib son's latest copryiight drawing, by special permission of the Life Pub lishing Co. The greatest pillow suc cess on record. Cramer-Wells Co,, 130 Wyoming avenue. Guernsey Hall, 314 Washington ave. Scranloti. Is the best and most reliable place to pur chase a rood Piano. Tt will pay you to call and get prices and tenna. J. W. Guernsey, Pi op. New Developments Aie Expected. Fiom amateur photographic', circles conies the familiar report of tho cam era's snap. "lis a snap, indeed, if the printing, finishing and mounting Is done at Schrievcr's. They Do Not Breathe. All that stands between Sclnievpi's photographs and actual physical ani mation, is tho breath of life. " Ask for Kelly's union crackers. For Gentlemen. ".Makes Life's Walk Easy." Style and Fit have kept them in the foremost ranks; but service has added the reputation which always crowns an honest effort, we claim for these shoes all tho service that can be found in any shoe at any price, all the pre vailing styles, and a shape which gives the wearer the satisfaction of having the highest grado u shoes upon his feet. $2.49, $2.98 and .$3.50 PBR PAIR. Clarke Bros Ladies' and Gent's Suits to Order $13.50 up to $35.00, AH kinds of repairing, cleaning and pressing done while you wait. King Miller, Merchant Tailor ior i,apii:s and oi:ntm:mi:x. 435 SPRUCE STREET. A Second-ClavSS City with a First-Class Stock of Cut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereati & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue, mm Of the weather this time of year makes otic appreciate A certainty. Your pockctbook and fancy will be satisfied to a certainty with our Green Valley Rye Cold type cannot do justice to it. It makes no difference how high your pride is, the quality and style of our Negligee Shirts at $1.00 are high enough to match it. N 305 Lackawanna Avenue. SEEDS Lawn, Timothy, tvlillett hi l Fii 325-327 Penn Awnue. TI ose Who Aro TjooMiir for Reliable and J pcndable HI TlaM; a Miort Kf.iriii, if they will cill hern fji'. Most pcreons li."c a l.into for choice tliinps, on tlut is wli.it wc cell, Manhattan and other milti, 412 SPRUCE STREET. An Appeal to the Prudent knowing that you must have a pew Refrigerator nest month, why not buy It now and save $3 or $i on the In vestment',' Wo handle all tho good makes tried and proven galvanized Iron hinges, clean able ice chambers, removable waste pipes, automatio trap, adjustable sliding shelves, etc. To Httrit early buying, we have made low prices the In ducement, $5.98 up. CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY! THl 0NOMY 21.223.S25t227 WYOMING AVENW Pcacoclc Clover SKSkrVciHHiiiHi. ,nM xV-VVjI1' KLEflLjL jm .i-.jl-W ,,-;.