The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 17, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    JJpxZfir,ir " a MHKjtJ ? r " "' r ' f -Sfisr ij ""
"Wft &' ? A W '(UV'NTf1
-vn,yitfi,'1 j"'w . h '
H In the Matter ::
ot Archie iitay.
'Mm1'tP.F'Ui''f '.''""''"'' '""','
Slin buen tclllnir him.
About yomiK Aiclilo Orny,
ii ml lie biul been IlsU'iiliiff
ltli tlmt Hinlltnff comlo
w cnslon the nuorcft-ful lover
of thirty fccla toward tho
defeated lad of duo iml
tw enty.
"11 was Mituli a blow to hint," slm
confided. "1 was so miry for tho poor
icllow tlmt -"
"You piomNed to bo ti nllor to liltn.
AVtiwi't tlmt ItV" lie Intel rupted.
"Don't IhiibIi, lliuiy. Yon wouldn't If
you lirid ,ieen how linul bo took It, anil
jet bow nlrc lie was nbotit It. JIo ."aid
In- didn't want hip to lepio.ab niyneir,
ihnt 1 Jiudn't lfii Iilm any oncouiiiije
inont. Jlc .lift loved mo bui'inwe be
couldn't boln It. Wnin'l a nice
wny of putting' HV J don't believe !-ou
ever wild (inyllilui; as mvoot as that to
"No, I suppose not," lie niuijnurod
"Wo iis so cnRer to tottvlnio mo T
world If.nn to love bini Unit be Slew
quite eloquent."
"A very Daniel! A liiinlel Webster
eome to com I," be Internoliitcd.
"In fact lie wouldn't listen to nil ex
planation. All I could b.iy was yes and
no at Intervals."
"You wild too murli. All bo wanted
ou to say was yes," lie jrilnned.
"Anil tlieu he told me that he lovod
uic'iiioie than life, and that through, all
eternity lie would caic for none but
me. W.iMi't be hilly'.'" she conrludi-d
.softly. She did not think so, lint hbe
w anted blm to contradict her.
"Veiy." as.sented the well-s-.itlsiied
one coidlally. "Ridiculous on the face
of It. Nobody liut a hnlf-siown boy in
the calf ukc "
"Hitny!" There both nirlness
and leproof in tho tone. "I didn't think
you would soy that you of all men.
Don't you remember when you told mo my eyes weie "
"For Heaven's .sake don't mention
It," lie Interrupted luistily, looking
around In alarm, "duppose somebody
should bear. I never claimed to lie per
fec t l,et byfrones be bygones."
"And now you can't understand an
other talklnp: the same way. lflven if
you have foi got ten so soon It's not very
like to say so," she told him with a
beseeching, wistlul tenderness.
"Out ou asked me and of course
I bad to tell the tiuth," he explained
v lib unsmiling ejes.
"Oh. bnthfr the truth: T hate people
w ho .ire always telling it when it Is
i npleasajit lor other people's good,
ol ( ours c."
"I hope the converse of the pioposi
tlon is true that jou love those who
.no spaiing of It. I have always found
It wise to us'e it with the strictest econ
omy. T quite ngiee with you that truth
Is a much over-rated virtue. Give me
for choice one of the good-notmed,
kind-hearted Hoars."
They seemed to hae come to the end
ii'" the load, conversationally speaking,
and now sin., balked back to the older
of th- dn.
'He's veiy iniKh m earnest."
'do Is my sistei's baby when he
I I ies," he mill milled.
"And just the nicest boy I know."
' They can't both be the nicest. 3Iy
sister sajs hei ihlld is the paiagou of
She risked pleasantly whether tho
child took after his uncle, and lie In
toymed her that he must dillldciitlv ad
mit such to be the case. She said "Oh!"
An iuteocctioii is a lory cxpiesshe
pai t of speech.
The subject of Auhibald i'!i.iy, Re
jected T.oier, stcintd to lascinate her
.is a topic ol omeisiiilon.
"He's not so my .stioug, eithei,"
was ,t net opening.
"Xot iiL all j 0111117 loi ,i balj ton
months ; cstei d.iv. He'll bo a man be
toie his mother," the unsjmpathetie
one ausweied piompilv.
"You Know well enough 1 moan
Aullli Liia.v," she pouted.
"Oh, I beg pardon. Thought you were
rcfenlng to my nephew. No, the other
Ini'imt Is jioL so veiy young, t don't
know nn.vbt.idy who Is gi owing older
any fitsler tliiin ho Is. Jlut when It
comes to eonsldei lug him as n lover
wouldn't It be well lo loll him lo go set
u leputiillonV"
"Thnnk mu, I don't want u lover
who Is gtiiy ut the business without
having boon tible to Unit n glil to liiiiny
"Aiehle rtultl (imy sounds anoleiit
onollgh," he solllofiulze'd.
She ret used to be plncalod by his
wretched pun and tilted her chin Into
the air a trifle lurlher.
"One would think that a. ceitaln pio
llelency und delleaey In love-making
would come ton man with uNperioueo,"
he iiuggosted.
"I don't see It, sir. The llrst stiong
and iibidlng love of n ti no hearl "
"Was that wbnt be said'.'" inqultud
the mnn with Inteiest.
"Noer mind. sir. Tin sony T told
you about him at nil. 1 thought you
vould undei stand, but you seem quite
"1 am. The oigtin In question Is
dangling at u young womun's bell
along with Aichle's."
"You know you don't mean that," sho
said soitly.
"Don't J" Thoinjht J did."
"Dut I like you to pretend, even if
you don't mean it. Do you lind It much
t limbic'."'
He leaned foiwnul in hi ch ilr and
smiled. "Xot the slightest in the
woild. The hard thing Is to keep utvay
fiom the subject. AVhen 1 am not r.ay
liij; it J'm looking It."
"Oh. I don't know. It led lo you,"
she piotested. "You aie too haul on
She loked at hltn susplcous'.y and his
face wns so serenely innocent that she
convicted him on the spot of, laugh'ng
.'u her. To punish him sho recom
menced on the 11. I,.
"Aichie Gray says"
"Hang At elite Oiuy!"
"1 believe you'ie jealous," she ven
tuied tentatively.
"I know I am," he .smiled. "Willi
youth, good looks, and plenty of check,
how far can one not go?"
She mined over and rumpled his hair
"You poor old shy, homely"
"That's enough," ho ti owned soveie
ly. "I would have you know It Is your
futme husband .sou are slandeiing,
"And who ha a better right than I?
What do mmi suppose r am going to
many mm for""
"To get lid of me, I suppose," be au
sweied meekly. "But tie caieful; I not .tel said the t.ital woid 'obey.'
Sufllcienl unto the day is the evil theie
of." She smiled swepllj at him. It was
one of her ways when sho was about
to plant one of her din t.
"Archie Clraj "
He groaned. "Can't we talk about
something moie inteiesting than
"As what'."'
"My native modesty foihids "
"You aln man!"
"Forbids me to bolide for a mo
ment "
"You meant join self. You Know ou
"That Aichie ami I "
"You did, -uu did. Tlieie's no use
living to get out of it."
"Tml in the same class but while
Auhle's enslaver is heie "
"Heat, hear! tlo on. You'io doing
"Let us consign Archie and hli mem
oiy lo the limbo of of "
"Of forgoltulnes!-, and diink the ac
tor of gods fiom Venus' eyes, ior lure
m a single look nil heaven lies "
ITe stiuugled to his feet liom the
deep chair and bowcu with an elabor
ate Imitation of old-time revcience over
tho little haml extended him to ttlss.
She chipped her builds. "Ihnvot
1'oelry, too. Kyes lies, t didn't think
you had II In you." Then, suspiciously,
"I think you said something about ex
peilcnee n minute ngo In connection
with prollelcnoy In such tilings. At
your ime I sttipoc "
Sho did uol llnlsh, but tbn tmiillcu
lion was plain,
"Not veiy much," lie alil com
placently. " piesume "Veiy man hint
to experiment a bit bcfoie he finds Ills
other self. Happily nice glils don't go
through that mill, however."
"Don't they?" Sho said It cuiolnssly
enough, but something In the tono
struck hltn and he looked up lu time
to catch u, curious Utile smile on hor
"No, of course not," be said with
She maintained an exiuesslve silence.
"Tho tivci ut;c man makes light lovo
a scene of times, hut we cannol con
ceive of the budding rose of woman hi
such a connection without feeling a.
sense? of loss lnepaiable." ho said with
"Do the inon you speak of make love
to e.ich olher'.'" she asked with u little
laugh. "Or lo each otbel's slsteis'.'"
Sho looked sit him with a s-wlft, tun
tullWng smile that sol blm on the teu-ter-hooku
of upptchcuslnii.
"What do you menu?" he asiccd sus
piciously. .
"I menu that men have not quite a
monopoly on lollv," she told him gen
erously. "Doubtless we lune all made
our little slips."
Somehow he had losL his- set cue com
placency, .1111 she was wo.ulng U with
manifest enjoyment.
"I am not afraid of your slips," lie
laughed nervously. "J know you have
been qullo 1'iee lroin from that soil of
She smiled again and looked at htm
with a roguish challenge in her eyes.
"How do ou know?" the dimples lu
her cheek teemed to be asking.
"1 hae Implicit confidence in you
the utmost conlidenee," lie reiteiated
se erely.
"So I had In you. bill it seems 1 was
wrong," she said dcmuielv.
"That Is quite dllTetent," he pio
tested hotly. "In your nso I should
consider It desecration lor Bui what
is tile use of talking'.' You aie only
trying to leave mo. Wo both know
Ho Availed for her to ie.ismio him,
but sho only laughed a gay little ripple
of amusement.
"Such faith is te.illy touching. It is
beautiful, but you must leiueniber -we
are not angels, only very human wo
rn ii. Hesldes-, w ithout us you men
would lind it impossible to to cniry
on vour lliil.itlon."
He rose fiom his seat and to
walk nervously up and down the loom,
while she followed hlin with smiling
eyes. 1'iesently he slopped aggro-sixe-ly
in fiont of hei ihali.
"My Loid," she liiuiniuieil. with
hands folded meekly in fiont of her.
"Do you moan that you have ever
done that sort of thing?"
"What sou of tiling, mv liege V"
"You know what I mean the kind of
tiling that other gills do?"
Her face was radiant "Jf you would
explain moie dellnllely "
"Weie you cer kissed toi in
stance?" Her cms llutteied to the giouinl. lie
saw that she was blushing luilotisly
and dated not look up.
"Weie you?"
No nnswei.
"Weie you, Hlla."
"Yes once." It was s0 low he static
caught the woids.
"Tell me about it!"
"Theie is not much to tell,"
"Then you can tell it the easiei "
"Vielter not ask."
" Please!"
"You will not like it."
"That is for me to luiU" "
'Well, we weie alone in a p.uloi
and "
"Yes?" His voice was Minim l.
"The usual thing happened."
"The usual thing?" he gasped.
"Yes, the usual puliminai Ies h the
light love-making you hae mentioned.
If you have piacliccd 11 ,i sioic of
times in older to utqulic the pio
ficiency and delicacy wei en' t lliev the
woids you used? tlin you don't mod
me to specify."
We have imported from Holland 2,500 large Hardy Hybrid Rose Bushes, which
we will give tree to our customers
Under the Following Condition's :
With a Purchase of $1.00, 1 Rose Bush
With a Purchase of $3.00, 2 Rose Bushes
With a Purchase of $5.00, 3 Rose Bushes
With a Purchase of $10.00, 5 Rose Bushes
With a Purchase of $5.00 1 Crimson Rambler
No customer will leceive more than ; rose bushes. The mialitv ami vjiriptipi am ti
most desirable two years old bushes that we are capable of selecting, and with proper care
will hlnccnm l-iic oaoco ' ' '
will blossom this season.
cneuil Jneq
U I rich Brunnor
I'nul Noyron
Lu Franco
Mabel Morrison
John Hopper
Fisher Holmes
' I Fisher He
' i Otitis. Lai
0 ViimieWc
U. IN Wl
P "Auiorimle
i. w- .w
JSuroiitfes Kothsvhild
Mrs. John Lnins:
fulls Margottiii
Coquette (ies Blanches
Margaret Dickson
I'eau (Ies Blanches
Marquise de Castellane
.Madam Victor Veichir
Ueueral Washington.
Haron dc Housettiii
Lacka. Avenue
Today the Great Four-Day Spring
Sale Commences. This sale will
give the people of Scranton an opportunity-
to save money and at the
same time buy the new Spring
Every item advertised during this
great sale will be sold at from io to
50 per cent, below regular prices.
Red Price Ticket will make it
easy to find the advertised
Dress Goods.
All wool Novelty bress Gootls. in pUin, mixed colors, plaids, checks, stripes mul snull neat designs, good vaiicty of sludes;
considered good value at 54c. Side PrlCC, 23 cents.
Fine quality Wool Cnshmetc, 36 and 45 inches wide, specially adapted for shirt waists or house wrappers. It is a heavy quality
with a soft, mellow finish, and comes in all the new spring shades. Sale PrlCfi, Ii CCIlts.
54-inch all-wool Victoria Suiting, made of best yarn and guaranteed fast dye, in a beautiful line of colors. Four Day Sale
Price, 45 cents.
42-inch all-wool woisted Serges, steam sponged and shrunk, ready for use; guaranteed to weai ; will not spot. Regular value,
00 cents. Sale Price, 48 cents.
50-inch Canadensis Whipcotd, a8-inch Melrose Suitings in all the new spring .shades, including black. Uegulai value, $1.25.
Sale Price, Si! cents.
2.1iiich Twill Foulaids, quality.
24-inch Satin Foulaids, $1.2? quality.
21-inch Louisine, $1.25 quality.
24-inch Peau de Savant, $1.00 quality.
21-inch Colored Poplins. $1.00 quality.
21-inch Hemstitched Satin Stripe,
$1.00 quality.
Special Four-Day Price, 89c
Heavy Cord and Mabitai Silk, also
Pongee Stripes, in white, red, pink,
quoise, grey, black and white; rcgu-
lar value, soc. Sale price 39C
45-inch all puresilk stripe .satin Gtenadines,
in several widths and stripes. Sale
price 89C
45-tnch Black Grenadines, in plain and
fancies, three styles in neat de
signs; regular value, $1.50. Sale ,
price 09C
Suitings Special bvinch heavy all wool
Cheviot Serge, specially adapted for
tailor gowns. Sale price p 1
Tailor-Made Suits, Separate Skirts,
Children's Reefer Coats.
Ladies' Black Pebble Cheviot Suits Double breasted 4ckeb,
Ufleta silk lined and silk faced, one-quarter inch talTeta bands,
with six rows of stitching: skirts, percaline lined, graduated
flounce and taffeta band, same as jacket. Real value of & g
these suits is Srj.oo. Four days' sale price $10
'Ladies' Eton SuitsMade of covert cloth; jacket is silk
lined, has L'Aiglon collar, bishop sleeve; the skirt is of flounce
design. This suit comes in blue, tan and grey. Q Q
Regular value, $13.50. Sale price .pO.VO
Ladies' Separate Skirts Made of impoited Cheviot Serge,
black only. This skirt is of the seven-gore cut, is made with
full flaie and has seven stitched bands ot ribbon. Q
Regular value is $10.00 Sale price ipO.VO
Children's Reefei Coats This coat is made with sailor col
lar and is tastefully trimmed with braid; the colors aie red,
blue, brown and tan. Regular price is $2.00. Four t .
days' sale price p 1 ,49
Muslin Underwear.
Ladies' fine muslin Diaweis, hemstitched with yoke t .
band: good quality, well made; worth 19c. Sale price. 1 4C
Ladies' fine cambric Corset Covers, square neck; ,
worth loc. Sale price OC
Ladies' seersucker Skiits, fast colors, made with ,
double ruffle and tuck; worth 95c each. Sale price .... OVC
Infants' fine Slips, made of fine cambric and long cloth,
embroidered yoke gathered at the neck; French style.
Regular price 25c. Sale price JAjC
One and one-half inch extra quality Satin and Gros
Grai n Ribbons in all shades. Sale price
Two, and two and-one-half inch extra quality Satin
nud Gros Grain Ribbons in all shades. Sale price
Five inch all-silk metallic finish Taffeta Ribbons at
the extraoidinary sale price
Three and one-half inch extra quality Satin and
Gros Grain Ribbons in ail shades. Sale price
Linens, Etc.
Large assortment of White Goods rang
ing in value fiom 6 to S cents. .3
Sale price -. . . . 44C
30-inch wide India Linen, a. plain white,
good loom. Regular value, 10c.
Sale piice C
Bleached Twilled Crash, 18 inches 7
wide. Four Days' Sale Price ....... JI&C
Nothing so inteiesting to housewives m
this: Our entire line of Tapestry Brussels
Carpet, made lined and laid, with a dis
count of 10 per cent, from regular prices
during this Great Four-Day Spring Sale
Will also continue the special price for
four days on Bigelow Body
Brussels, made, laid and lined . . 4) 1 . 1 "
Linens, Etc.
Table Damask, sS inches, good, firmly
woven cloth. Sale price,
23 cents.
Full sue Honeycomb White Bedspiead,
Marseilles pattern. I'our Days bale Price,
69 cents.
Jonas Long's Sons.
"(lit on." lie coni.imlutl lio.u.sely.
"Tlieio ic.illy Isn't much tr, tell. Tlt
said he iiu- ut- lind met s sweet a Rlrl
.i 1 was, Hint 1 ns as piftly ns I ttns
good, ciuil Jum tho Mini of kIiI ho
"Ami then 7"
"Then ho lusHkil 011 M-.mii inc. I
illdu't nuuh Mint to, lint "
"lint jiu let him'.'"
"Wolf, ho ii.adi' Mich .1 point r,r a and
I tliniiKhL "lie UKs wa-. mi such srieat
"Of ciiiuse nut,"
"I told him that 1 un-ti'i in the
Imliit of b'"lii(? ikissoil hy young men,
t' I had tuner hol'oie. but "
1 llttl fin this onie " he mi em oil blt
tuly "t lot ju-i this (in, c I'm Rind,
deal', you'ie able- to uudei.stnnil
and sjmpathle with nn- out ot your
abundant expeiieine. I never would
a.ivo limed to tell you hut for that,"
ho cnulided.
Ue ,'ioaned lu .sphlt at tho uiluin
tnse his uunphti'eiit idiocy hail glvuii
"Well, lie oulil do It, sitnoi to be
lion id I let Urn, nud then I"
"lit had Hie lovelies! huuvn lialr
and ojvh, and the dealest inntith. I
thlnU 1 mil L been 11 teeny bll In
loo ',lth him, lor "
"Von don't ,-et inueli foii.udet," he
Cll'd 'llli illently,
"I'lonilhO not lo lie mail, Hairy I
Kl&sml film."
"1 .supposu that h all," liu h.ild wiiu
Kilm lioiiv.
"Yes, thai s all." .she niisveted ie
h.ctfiillv. "lie louldn'l May any Ihhr
ei iiviuii'i Ills nurse hail to tnlto him
walkins. Ho was tho Mjetest Ultlo
lelloi,', ,ii),st tinned live."
I'loni mkoi- Inability to hllli
st It the ell..s.ulwlled one was Hlk'llt,
llih emotion? weie a bl-ml of 1111 hit,
l ef. '!elii;ln, ihuKlin, Hlinme. J'iph
"htly lie Inushed luetully, and ,,iid
with '.iiolof.etle all-
"Kaitli, miy (Ueen. 'Umu a bad live
n-.lllllle.s jull ai- III . t jiuppoKo tile
punihliment w.w nirulo to IIL the dime."
"i:netl, hir. Unn't jou thlnU you
ilesened it.'" 'I'hen her laitKh jaiib
out Kle"Ulll. ' Von .silly bov! Do you
UilnU II tli"ie had iKen auyihlns of m.
prjiuiiKu to (ell 1 should have ,s,it them
and mi4wii'l uieeKi.v all jour luiper
tlneni iiini-tlnnsV"
I Mippn-e I w.ic an iiiiofjimi. lie
Mie wa ioumm,i 'he buttons m his
.at IwlHtliK, iheiu loiiud umt louiid,
und iiu well, under the I'lieumstniiees
hi was wllllns,' lo htvo the Kltuatlon
liiolonyed, (veil If li ltml 10 go homo
bi.tloulisp, lie liked that air of pro.
pilntoiKiilp in 11 Riil; that Is, in tho
tJqlll fill, 01 mills ,.
'The. luil Is .miu wot 1 led mo,"
h- .ulmilliMi
Vou iliouylu mu u bia.en hus.syV"
fho iidUccl.
Me smllui. ".No, 1 didn't think thai.
1 waa in hu auxloiih seat lice.iuso 1 did
not seem to be tho Hint. Shouldn't bo
bin prised it it w.ib kou1 for me. IIn.
I didn't think you hud It lu you, littls
V 111 sen I lune. letter diaw back
while there 1 tunc"
"I f an'i. I'Vlcn in over my cats, mid
l don'L even iiant to Ret out
we belons, don'L we, dear'.''
She nodded. "Yes. we belong."
And if An hie tJiay hail seun
tollowed he would have gioaned
mlslitlly In spliil.
The New Cult.
1 In re s 1 Momlcttiil ilixloi in (loo-ilifnj loin,
N.imcil At,Jtlio AIkc Viij.i'Ik 1 lltoiMi.
lint lufs in .1 nunc.' Hull em slul.i'-jiiMrc
not. -ml
Hut the l!i it is jillei- or orini,'i uv till,
Mi le just .n iMpii-Hn ui.I ilolicile ton,
, tin lo-1 tint is purpli m jii isTfeii er blu?
It n,n f-o in IhN ca-e. Anil jet ArjIIio Hiwn
Vi pioml 01 lici iuni- Jii'l li''i fame .imi Iioi
Vml sho uis llnii icioiis ,trn! jnoij lu niuile
'1 lie pe.iliuii nhc belli in lint niiijlity t niijde.
Uiai 1.I1P iukciI JS;iiu-l ilHIois nho till juii nilli
I'lOIII tilth I Million llUMl. ml llOtll'M 111J jucf,
And II fi-ll to nil' lot .is I unit, up .mil ilonn,
Tn stop ocr Swiil ij- in (loosriwuy town,
nd It fill lo inj lot on tint ilir In IjII sidi
Willi nu lihifnl Dial liurii'il mo like Uu okl
M. k,
Ami 14 no ellur iloctm ws Lnoun in Ilie tonii,
riif Kiout ARJtlie Alko Ansilli i OreiMi
'a sinniiioiiril In lute iml umo lit my roum
l.ool.ins happ .mil smcoL h j lotn in liloum,
full Ji Holed ,i!nl In .1 nijialo of 1111,
Aii'l 1 nlio lo lie eroioil li, ew-n Ilui llnr
Anil I told I11T MrilKhtniy, mil in itonls Hunt
.on) pi ill!,
'lint I jiut Minted somrtliln,? to ullop tuv piln;
lb J l 1 illiln'L uri Hut () iv IIm ui.mtlc. el
Anil I inieil a tied !(. lor I lie tolloi. hroil fool".
Willi Hie rfiuo uf 11 lilillinlil she 111. I eti lici
1 Uuk,
lil iliiii-lnl I iT'i-li 01 lirr (iil nod loijuo,
And mI down Insula me, iml, i loli u nr ej's
UiobIii." womlioinlv solium ml ilriliiiinly ii t,
slii ip(l liiin flloiKO j ililuo iinknowii
' oiiie of lid m jihI I Hiv urom
'llul rn-i' to inj lips like 1 ie nf llu M1,,
1'iom tlif u'Miil ill-i ii.Ioih linn ii,tlij In nu-,
I'nr loiiiiliu miliiKil mi Inli'iniN llu i e
Ami inulo inn jilft liailj Pi mist lll-l In -nui,
I (flowircd at Inr, md lie smllnl Uul. it mn
imiiii ji lo ij', "ll'n all 1UI1I, ilm'l jou
sool" '
I lit II ill lilli'lililil, I nnillj vllil
Tor lifiitu'.s .j 1,1', 111 11I nu, ilm'l kjiI nil I'm
Hut Jo something foi nu, this mliiuie, u-lit
'fliU pun i'1'.-i "I1 like J two lmlikil jilew."
"He sllint 6iul roollul a momnil," lu. iiil,
With .1 w.iw 01 Iter liamt and .1 lo-s of Inr liful.
Ihtit leliiwn; n-iln iniu bileni'c-, t-ho sit
In manltlenit pose Uk.i my eiJiuliiMtlui's iat,
I In n I Minted 'ml hotlj, and mI.I in ilfulr,
"1. Iiu nie somclldiii? lu else iu; ilm't jt lliojo
ami .stJU'l
llrln- 1 niulu In t kku nu , put j 1. nite lo mj
(,'et a Ijitte.iny nm 01 in old Lillj 140 it,
ul battel my buun out; get a Ihrcsliln; nu
ll ii 110
nl llncfcH tliLs tlilns out of in1 hch an I
split lit
P J i eld tiling 111 lie noild and Ie ejiiUle?
iia up and do onuthllif ; I ti It mi I'm -Kk!''
'I hcu idm otnul Ini 1)0 and liu lull pulling
nd riulltd like llu in temlnu: out cf . Ilp.c
ml iho lnurnrirod ami luiltirtil In pucoI win.
nliif ai,
I'hniiiii; iom3 of lhcloih: onto e-ich pliuu.
'till nt M, rpiitu eoiitum.lod, 1 U hail, and
A lionld a,pktou 1 lie noiiun uj nud!
Tor Mic lolled on In tpoceli, like (lie nave cf
the sea,
And huikd the whole- bod of dctiine at uk,
And Mound up b. imiis ' I heir'a nollimc
hit the).
Whtli inn think oii in fc t M i- pioof that
i on .lie not.
A Ittll" irlh'Ltiuli will nnke it ill plon
lint no 111111 oi uoinin 1 m tifi line piin.
ItV 1 until and cU ln-.ii n, 1 triil. of om (hot.
Whin mu llilnl. joil hale pain, it 1- pioof urn
hue not.
It h nnh ileprullv thwuliiu tin- tlutli.
i.muiu- laics in llii smic'i and hmhnJi of
I oiiini." 1 ,11k to I11-1 'iniii.'.i -, nnu Uiiii t ou
riieie is jn 1 1 1 i 1 ir hut lhi' m that (hot
maki-i us trn.
A-, Utr u. tho Hieht, wliuli i null 1 iM,
for llttlit is Kioss Ihnt ou know it is not.
'lit.. Imnnii'Ut soul taki' i-oftiiltion, jou s".
And the Kiiiiii'iit si"': mil lliov Inn thots
lh'i li
st Ihr ie.i-.on is id tin, old, it mrle hut 1, yuril
To show llul, jour notion ot jnin K
'lo pioie It, I'll hold 1011 in (lot 101 .1 -ipfll
And JuUi iiMiou will Jlnslt. and all will be
ttli'ii hi 10-e, .-'In loiltd it.iiinl mil -jld -
Hold 011 to tliof
When mu Ihmk oii no It . it i inont tou
lie not."
Iteatlliod, 1.I10 slo id foi 1 influent ol luei,
1jokimr oil inlo iiii'"thtii williout moie ado
tdioo'c In 1 featheis and liked to lint lulf-open
dooi ,
lul plu.-j'il on llit Ihio-hold In lill me onul
'Vou thlnU ton an -it lr. Imt jou v oii aie
Jut Lei p llul In 1111111I aid j 1 1 s 1 hold t ,v
Ifti sit pi diisl an iv ami 1 heud them id more,
Hut tho lurlfiulct time iml hukid in at (In
And huuillK Iloloundll, ho slid mill -1 milk,
'Whin I Ins the .olio, I Hikes 1 hi,,- diink.
A H( liom (I liuiih, 01 hot uhi.-kv "ten,
Is aloiil Hi- liaht thlii, mi, I'm lhlnl.ii u for
lie luoiulil 11a i pitthu of hot, ste lining si ml,
Anil sihl there wis mile, Ii II tt uaii't fiiouali.
Mid tilled iiij.ilf up mi I ho helldirolli lie
And line alui) ieiknl at the uiluole. npuiht.
Net dai I iiielied iioin He. dm tor 1 note,
Willi a hill fer U 11 ns; anl ui Jnin and
"lit for tat U a iiuxiui as old as tin sphinv:
I 1111 iiille ui'll todii, hill I pild for ihe iliiuls.
lit .-lill I im iiiiuditil of 'ill Hut jou .s.ihl
U jou I ilkul nu to ihJtli on a piin tolured
And Mint 0ii (I11.l1! told 1111', ol loir-.., Hunt he
N) ( lmud join philosophy all Knit to ou:
II 1 in- imt dik llirie lias iiuthliiir In enrs.
And lint In Ini, o thin Ihofait is tie id Mire
V1111 lull l a liaiiihiui llititi is nothing hut
Wlllll JOU lllillk oll Hllit lllolll, l'i pioof
mu ilu nol
W". Itohj, M, II, in Medu il Aieiu
Why He Ptosp-eieel,
A tiilaiu mill i liili'id, lint he illnl Mid
l,o hit two pin,, liouiot nun
id, rne 01 I ho oiis mis j, hlniMiiilli. Hut.
IIm otl.ei becanio a plijoicun. Ami alter thai
Ihelr f.thii' tml lu'eii taken treiu them llwi
I'lotluis in nit then J..nm. in other hudn.
And the Id iiLsinllli v.ould l.Jio piospercd.
Hut il Ihfil Hill one s.ked him I10 1 hit lathei
nnde ml, n.l tho liat'.oiiuili h-nUIiitf angrily
upon Mm, aiwnitl, "llu iu- huiij, " Ker the
hlaik-niitk in. an hoiet 111 m.
IlliMliut, piisiiill, Mheu 1 I.OIM' i is iiiImIiu;,
nun itithiitd and handed tho hljck.-iiiltli, tiy
Ihr: "riil- man niuj' tain ainr Ids tuhn."
Si tin I1I41 Iciiiltli ilid talie ait.T his utlil, hut
v.htthci- he (aui,lil up wllh lilni the wh. lelkth
And at the oue time, in kit onn eltj, 0110
luqulrcdt 01 tho plij &k hu by Mint incaiue hit
father died. Am the plii-lilan inrcrtd his fair
and ucpt.
Hut vliik he wrpt he eou-ideied, binn? with
in Iilm-, If- "Ii I -11, 'lie Imujrrl,' thin
bh ill 1 hock thl- in in .md iie Mm piin, and
il i 1111- otfiie to lelitie pain Xeierthele-a I1
ihil-,1 till Hi.- tttith " t,
Ih I- id, Ilui lire. "fv nthei died of heait
lilliui" i .1 ir.iiii he wept, the ruicstionir
m pma; mill him
I lu 11, In'- hi in. told, nu 11 1-ml, 'lloiil.tlix,
-line his ,'illur died 01 In ill filluie, this jjunil
phishim md loiini. -in lutli mule ot
kiiithttl di-ei-i-" s thej le-oitni unto hlin
Vml Ike pliiHilui In one 1 -pteidbt. And Im
looked .it Iiiiin wl o i ime, and couched ont
iml -n 1 Ad tune, .md ill in oiilerl on" hundied
tlt.ll His. And llu Ri'e j;li. Hi, lor the ph-iel,m
Mas 111 linn -u in in I at tipipliu M'dieil Vie
Takiug AdvnntHgc of the Occasion.
line mis a ei, uirienl oul himeil iiieilk il
nun in riueaijo, who had 1 leiv luae xollowim,,
One day a liiiillemau lioiu Ten- t-iinc to hid nf
tie to ho (Miiilmd In onlei It, lind out whither
suimtMiia- was Hi iintl.r with him. When ho
iiinc Into the loom he mind ill Hie. ihaiis oeni
pied When hi tin ills a. ti-h'iid into the (lo.
ttll'f, pill lie ollue he said "lliitul, I Illla
1 .mi- Iron 'fiiis in onk'! tn hwe jou eituiiiA
me " 'the iKeloi iid: "Let nn' Irel jour
I ube " llu ' tin 11 nld- "Dirloi, I am
uiy mueli ii'incilKd .ilioiil uij-ill " "ntlilj
out join lonui " 'Hi- nun was lei.i mudi hut. lie vailed 1 r tit tin- doelor
-it down and I n did Mm si pn-i ilptlou with I ho
words, "Two ihllire, pk,ie " 'llm 'loun pud
tho ln dollir-, hut illdn'l lile 11 il all. llo
wtiit donn. tills I .-. Hie diua- stole and tald t
Hu- ihik, "Am Hiiro mv lintilass doetoi- in
thil (own " I lie tltrk uhl, "Iheie aie lull x
ihui upslali- "1 hue 1'loii then. I 1.1 tut
all the a fiom Tetli, III onlu- to he eainiui'il
ml lind out wliillm Ihi'U' Is .initliluK- Hie mil
Hi' Willi me " 'I he thuhKlsL lot ktd at him ml
laid: "fhu is .1 dot loi- heie he ki iiiiiki of
lllllln.... who Ins iu-,t h kuh pi.nlkej you In1
bitkr (.a down md ie Mm." 'llu in in went
down ami i i uiiioiluri itt enoutdi to (ell Itilllnst
what tirittiuiiL lie hid ircilt'cd .it (he ntlur
.-Ilui', liilliiiKs tluu mid 1 iilm lilo oil mi
iitih ot ilolhlna', ihasid him .uoimd tho rooni,
pmmkd lilni and piiuhed him, eimined Im
licjil, md his liiu, eli llnopml nu hum- un
1 lull in ixauiliilmr llu. 111111, Win H lie ut In ild. "Ilnie I- liotlnns the iiiatli r
witii uui; jiu'n- ill ilahl " I ho nun then
sihl to him: "pulor, nil lino nude nie tho
luipk't mill in thoi woill; what Ii the bill"
Hllllm:i tnld him MOO, wldili the man er.v
Klldl plld. tnaiikiiii, Hie dotl t luo-l pinfuC'Iy,
When Doeb the Doctor SleepP
I'tOplu foiKe1. tlnl the donor lueds 11. -i. and
klup .n lu-ll a! Ins piliou. In nnuy eisti 1
pti-rn liken -Itk mil aiiilirull iIjj ami the doe.
tor Mill he 1 life in (he lunlns, inrlupi
Jil-l liter he Ins Itlllid 111I11 1 lout; (In 'a lahoi,
lie uiiifht ju.t ,n well l.aie lu 111 1 Hit I In tliu
nfleiuc' hi iv 1 ulr I'venliitf,
Hi., lollimiiu; littlii iiuidoto hi- two nonli,
and IIm leaders ol 'I he lleallhy llouio are brivlit
riiiiivk lo jppreiliti both of them;
V ll.i-loii phytklali a lalled nut of 1 Aiunl
liiiihii ihe olhei nli,lil tn aii-wir the lele.
pholit. "Hello! what is ill" he .liked, tl!i
ple ...i a nt tlm tdi 1 ot lo i In j: hi-. I'omforlal.le
bed. "Itahy Is uyinp, dolloi, whit chill I
dot" time aero, tin wire. "Oh, p'llups If j.
pin," niu;i;i.sliil the tlotloi, Ktiiuuili q the
10I10 ot a jounj molhu, onn 01 his patients.
"No," was the 11 ply: 'Tin tiue it tan't h
Hut" ''l'iilui- he lu ihe loin," retiuned
Hie doelor. 11III1 will iiitulalid -olMtuik. "So.
I don't think m," upl'id llu ii.oiher, ' h
iloeoi'l lit Hut waj " "Hum pirhaps lu.
liuiitfij," .is a last 11111. "Oh, I'll ic," 1.11110
.no-.- tin- win. ami Hun ill wa -till, 'l
I it'i Mrnt Iml, to bid ami wa-, soon iKip
a.iln. Vhout hilt an lioui atttrnnd lie nn
jwiLcncd by the liolent liilna- 01 the tel
phone bell. Jumping out 01 Iml and pluin;
the rrceixr to liU tar, lie was eiictred In 1I10
lollowlns niMMS: "Vou are iljht, dHtrr,"bilr
i kuu(,i," ilialtli). Home,
- -. -