The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 17, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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KUATOU3, It Was Held Last Night nt Which
Matters Pertaining to the Strike
Were Discussed Valentine BHsb
Jlarf Gone to Virginia Whore He
Will Inspect Sites for a Mill Of
ficers of the United Mine Workers
Go to HarrisWg D., L. & W.
Hoard for Today.
'l'h ii.iTiitoid if (lie HlIU mills Iti tlio
tiMTlloty Jx-'twr'pn Korcst i-lty and 'lay-let-
uffoi-leil 1- IHo Ktrilte mcl last
nlKlit In Ilia Hotel .Icniryn and i1Ih
,ussrd tin.- Munition. No notion was
mkpn by Uiom rcBunlhiK n mcottiK
with tliulr 1'iuployoB and the coshIoii
lonsl.stoil merely of a eomimrlKon (it
tlttlii and Bi'noiul tloliiiio on the sirlKe.
Vtilcntlnu nils.- was not jirewnl ul
thu moulins. Hi" Mi yoHtoriliiy for
VhRlnlu, wlii.ri- lio will (.olott and ln
Hlieet lln Mt f'"' ''Is Xorth Hi'imiton
mill, which Is to lw iii'iwtl rliortly.
Alexandria will prolmnly lie tins ulty
to which ho will HanKfor the plant,
which In orlRlnally InUntlod lo ninke
an ndalllon to tin; Dk'lwin mill. Sii
loiintoiulunL Davis, of S-'iiuiiioli mill,
wis", however, proKvnl. mid all'i' thu
nioctliiB hrlolly remu'rknl thai tho mil
(lion rciiiahiH nnrlnmRi'il.
IJ'f lull fur New York city later in
the- nltilit. Deputy Countable MeDoti
i) id c( Alderman Millar's court. yes-
I onlay itm'felud Hti.'lla Oprnvltdi. of
t-'i Iciiburu, who Is one of lliu strikeis
ohai'Kcd by A'alentlne l'llss with creat
ing a rtlslnt banco at Ills Dickson mill,
fche will bo Blvun hoarlns al II u'clock
this ufternimn. AlftlliiBS will bo hold
rlils attcrnoon ot tlio Pavrsburj? and
'.Mlnooka locals, and business of Import
ance is Fchcdnlod lor oaeli sos-slon.
Went To Harrlsburp.
Vi'cMilf'iil T. J-. Micliolls and Kccre-larv-Trcasuroi-
.lohn M Dcnipse.v, of
restrict No. 1, United Aline Workers
,f .nierlca, accompanied by Hoard
.Members .lohn 1'. Kearney, of Arch
bald and Henry Collins, of Carbondalo,
l'ormlnjr the district judicial y roni
niittec. led tlio city by the !.!" train
yesterday niornlnjy for IlnrriKburjr.
where they will endeavor to further
the pas?asc of several minim,' bills.
II is not likely that any member of
the committee will leave HarilsburK
before Friday, as they lealize thaL
now is tin? time for active efforts to
push tlio bills through the senate, as
they have all passed the house. AmoiiK
Hie measures In inic-stlon are those pro
viding for the welKliiiiB of coal, and
lisliiB a li-sal Ion at -'-Mil pounds, pro
viding for a check Welshman, for the
lection of mine inspectors, and an
other dealing with mine accidents.
This last one stipulates that a medi
cine chest must be stationed at the
foot of each shaft, furnished with all
tlio necessary appliance" for keeping
injured miners alive until medical aid
i an bo secured.
A secret meeting of the district
board was held .Monday afternoon nl
district headquarters, and a large
.uiiuuiit of business transacted. A
i. umber nf committees were appointed
by President Xlcholls to look into
various minor local grievances re
poriid. Organizer 1 1. A. Courtright is
in charge of affairs during the other
illlcials' absence.
Today's D., L. & W. Board.
The mnke-up of today'a V., L. and
W. board Is as follows:
'JI'I.SIIAY, A'.'llir. if.
Willi I '.its. t:.t!t s p. in., .1. Jio-iir: l i. u-.,
A. II. Koc.
wi:d.niuav, apuil k.
Uilrl Cats, P..1SI IJ.iiO ii. in., A. .1. Laitln;
:; a. in., II. bnuislini'.vj S- a. in.. U. iu'.miic.v;
h a. m., (S. Hull; 10 ;t. in., J. .1. Muim;
II ii. in., 0. . rURir.iUI; ) p. in.. O. Vt-e;
;i . in., .1. II. McCain; S p. m I". I'. Sluuii,
i; p. in., 11. UUlilu?.
Mimtnits, i:ie. li a. in., iMt, .1.; T
a. in., wct, 'Jiorge Kiuunli'lKiT; " p. in., r.i-t,
W. II. Xidioli; (i p. in., cil, .1. r.iniaK; 7 p.
in,, wttt tiom Ca.vuK.i, AtkLanc; 7 i. in., wo-t
from C'ajUKil, 'llioiupMiii.
Puller 10 a. in., t II. Fccor.
Pushers S a. )u., lit uvi ; It) i. in,, S. Pin
rcity; 11,'JO :i. in., Mor.iu; 7 p, in,, .Murpliy;
! i. m.. (.ainpinK; 10 p. in.. WMncr.
I'arni;i.'r llnirinos 7 a. in., G.ilTnoy; 7 a. in.,
Miierr: fl.HO p. m., frtnnioii; 7 ). m M.ikovciii,
Willi fats,, a. in,. .Inliii C.ili.iuan;
5 a. 111., .1. 15. Mulct's; 1U a. m., .1, Ginlcy;
3 p. in,, M. CVirinuitv ; ", p. in.. .1, It. M.kIois;
t p. in., P. Ii. Horms; Xi p. m C. W. liuim;
6 p. in., 15, JleAUiitiT.
William ltaflorly, with Jjiiirs Uaiugjn, it pom
for duty.
Ilrakviuan .lolm J. Lansan will call at train
imi'ttrr'i oOec.
' Uralirnun James XoalU will no uat with 1 1).
Ilralicnun Martin Gulden rrpi'iU for O. W.
This and That.
Contractor At. .T. Kuddy lias Just
completed in a vary satisfactory man
ner tlio work of masonry mid brick
construction upon tlio church of St,
.lohn the Kvangclist, in South Scran
ton. The following' employes of the Ponn
vnnla t-oal company have been re
movid from olllco; Joseph Juckenn, In
spector of boilers; Christopher Ijatifal
dell, iusjjcctor of atoclt, and David
Schoonovor, inspector of .scales. Tlio
lOiiu i-ompany, which controls tlio
I'onnsylvania, already has men holding
these positions and these will bo vo.
iiulied to do tlio additional work-, Tlio
One of the most prevalent, nnnoylng
,ud irritating troubles is Itching files.
.Suffering ones do not bellovo thoy can
bo cured, because they have tried so
,rmny jpmcdlcs that failed. II Js now
an admitted fact that Dr. A. W,
Chase's Ointment never falls, and to
impress upon Scnuiton people the ab
solute surety they have, Matthews
Uros. are authorized to guarantee sat
isfaction or refund tho price paid.
.Mr, P, J, Aianley, of No. 016 Diroli
street, Soranton, Pa says; "For eight
years I hrul been a sufferer from IIcUy
lug pllef, Some nights I could not
Hleep at all, and In hot weather I lost
its of time at work with them, tlta
Irlt.'itlon was so great. J. tried every
lilug with no success until I got a
Jox of I)r, A. AV, Chase's Ointment at
Alalthews Jlros.' drugstore, temporary
licadqunrtci'H corner Washington and
backuwuuna avenue, I used part of
tlio bov, and have seen nothing of tlio
troublo since. This result 1 consider
wonilerful in tho light of past efforts
and falluro to cure. It's a great oint
ment," Pr. A. AV. Chase's Ointment is sold
at ."Op, a box at dealers, or Or, A. AV,
Chuso .Medicine- Co.. Huffalo, X, V.
Kce that portrait and signatures of A.
AV. Chur-e, ai. i) n,u on every package.
general supply warehouses at Dunmot-J
tiro to be clone away with nnd separate
supply houses aro now being erected
near N'o. 7 .rimctlon and No S breaker..
Will Assist in Special Services in the
Y. M. C. A.
Thu I'lM'fcoltul Workers' bnlul of the
Young Men's Christian association,
one ot the most successful and aggres
sive organizations within tins associa
tion, has had a continuous and success
ful work for tlvo years. They havo led
more than two hundred young' men
Into tho Christian life, nearly nil of
whom htivu gone Info the church of
their choloo In this nnd other cities.
The workers have Invited ISrangollst
John A. Davis, an nggresslvo young
man, formerly a pastor In the Baptist
denomination, to co-opcruto with them
In one week of special meetings In the
temporary rooms of tho association,
810 North Washington avenue.
.Mr. Davis will hold his Hrsl. mooting
on Sunday at n.-IS, and on each evening
during tho week closing with a grand
rally on Sunday afternoon, April L'8, In
Guernsey's .Music hull. This meeting
Is open lo young men of all creeds
and classes who want to lenrn how to
innko the most of life for both worlds.
Kule to Quash the Indictment Grant
ed by Judge H. M. Edwards
in the Ames Case.
-Mis. Annie Ames wilt mii have to
face ii jury at this term of court. She
is charged with unlawful lelations with
!r. C. 15. Knapp. of Finest City, in a
hotel in this city. Dr. Knapp is now
f.erving n, term in the county Jail for
his sluiro In tho offense.
When tho parties were arrested II
was at the instance of Airs, Ames' hus
band, but. aflor the conviction of Dr.
Knapp Ames desired to be lenient with
Ids wife and at his suggestion tho
toiirt allowed a nolle piosoitii to bo
entered in her ease.
Alis. Klizabeth Knapp, tlio wife ot
tlio doctor, did not like tills turn of af
fairs, for slie believes that Airs. Ames
is moi'o guilty than tho doctor and,
desiring to so- ber dealt with as the
doctor was. had Airs, Amos re-arrested.
When, the case was called for trial
yesterday morning, Attorney Joseph
O'lirien. who appeared for .Mis. Ames,
moved to quash tho indictment. This
was not allowed by Judge l-Mwards,
but tho case was permitted to go over
until tlia afternoon on account of the
absence of witnest-es. "When it was
again called ATr. O'Drien addressed the
court and said tlio ease ought to bo
l.eld in abeyance i-r a nolle prosequi
"This is a most peculiar case." said
Air. O'lirli-u. "and becaus-e of thai I
am in doubt as to just what order to
ask your honor for. By permission of
this court a rule of nolle prosequi was
enfeivl in this very enmo ease after
all the facts had been rnnvnsscd and
made known. The court decided that
the best thing' to do under the cir
cumstances was lo granf a nolle
prosequi. ;uid tills was done. There
has been no change in tho facts since,
no newly discovered evidence and no
no hint fhat any misrepresentations
were made to tlta court. It Is a novel
and unheard of proceeding to come In
here with another indictment based
on precisely Hie same offense and com
pel this defendant to go to trial merely
to gratify the spite and malice of tho
prosecutrix. As I view it. this matter
comes close to contempt of court."
Judge Kdwards said that the matter
whs of siiificiont importance to bnvi
it decided in tlio interest of donning
the proper practice in such ease and
granted a rule to show cause why the
indictment should nnt be quashed. TTe
made it returnable novt Wednesday.
The case was continued pending the
disposition of the rule to quash.
l,it- ot letter. ii'n.aiiiii.s uncillcil tm- tit die
Sciiiiit'Hi pestotller-, UicLawaiuu eouniy. 1M.,
Apill 1", I'.''1!.!, calling tor tlnp lrttT
will pleas? say ailvpiti-rd anil qiu date nl 1M,
15',i II. liipp'li, P. M.:
Ales. AtahnuicK.
AIh. Win. AiKifci ll.iiini.iii, Mr.-- Ami llu Uli.v,
Siuliiy lluli", Win. Honlrii, Itanifm Hallow, ..r llali, Mis. MarwuM If. Pmllonir.
Connuuirn Watrr Co.. -Mi-,. A. P, ( l.ui;",
Clawl,- 15. flarl. 2, Mik. J. O. I'lihnun. Mi.-.
J. W, Clituty, MiH Sailic Cainpln-ll.
lomgc A. Dh'ksrii, Mis-i Ji'iutlo D.T.igtici t v
.r.uni'N A. TIiod I)r..cli, Jllx Maiy lluikln,
.loo Dliksoii, Mix. Piaiiii Dunn.
r.utt'rpiNe laust Cnart Jfrno, ili-ii Hi lc l..nly, l'.'ialer.
1 1. It. IVloy, Mrc II. M. lYirtll.
Win. Cuvldiis, MUs HeiuictUi lliM.ln-'. liir
lalte fiimhicr. Ilirry liaihcr, ,1. J. ffifi-n.
I'ri'il llcwilt, JIKi Xrtliu Hewitt, Jli K.UIe
Haulier, (icoign Hollniiiii, 15. II. Hall k Co.,
('. b. llo.vt, lllnici' lloibi', Mi.-s S.u.ili llarilj,
Miw S. 1.', lUwKy, W. A. Hue, Mis. I'.lhu liar-
ills-', Danltl Jnlin?on, Ml-,. 1.'. T. .leuiilnvi.
NI.-1 Matgarit Klmblf, IlarrifOii Koki'i'.
Tho. J. r.Jre', C, 15. l,Jns', llaviil bawrenrj
& llro.
.l.imr-4 M.ilom-y, Wm, C. Merrill. Miui.v 11 m-.,
T,ucy Me-oii 'IVathr-r," JMw.uil .McMillan, Ml.s
Jfullr MuAiuIirwy, .lolu Mi C'uriiUL'l,, Tlif-. Mi
(Iralli, T, 11. MiAvo.v.
Mi. lli'sii (CMallcv.
.Mr. ami .Mrs IVUn-in.
( ora lne (Jiilmhy "-pfiiil."
.1, P., JIiw, II. lllnli, AU. Ilkii.lnl. M. I.
Hi'in.v It. Smith, Hoianlon (iiaiiiUi- M.iililna
Co., Ml" Stoil., Ira Sniitli, Miss Alien Mi'M'ii-,
llirni, Pr, slruin; "rpmlalM on rataith,"
Thi'OuW Stanton, I'li.uuy SniHIi, .MI- .Mulllri
I, Miiitli, Cli.1-. 15. Siunniiii, rHliltitmi Sdiiiol
i( .louinall-tii, ('. . iott i-aro W, C, Mitihell,
ilaiy Sitilc.
M, ,1, Tinner. Mt.. Iliimii TiMliome, 15. C
'fiKKtr, Mis-i Lillian '(liuiiinon, Jim. Asnn 'lay-
lor. 11. H. IVrullllmi',
If. Van Sioy. Jlattin Vt-iui', Ml-.. .1. II.
(leoi-a C. Wilson, Maltl.nv .1. WalUiv, 'Hi".
Williams Jllvi Xi-lll.i Winn, Mis t.emia Waitncr,
Walter W.tBilo, ro, Wilbur.
i.lnyatini Apollo in llruui '3, (lilaiJo Vuto,
l,inn.iiln flallui'ct S, Kictt filoiaiuil, Caloijiin
IICIIW4 III Hoa.Ulo, ItOIIU'O ill fiiu-Cipc, .III .I-
liuiigt, Cifju'nMi Ciaile, fiiovaiininr, IIii-mi, SJfati
luim Itailaiilcjiiis, Arnho ftaplmcKi, Julijl.tii
Kuiiolat-l;', Aniho S.ueti, Wilim Sauiujlc, tt.mU
law I'awtoiki, I'ul.a Aloplnz, Antotii Slani;cn''l:ll
Aaolpli Drineiel, Atiahaiii D.nn, 1'r.iiii tick Meil.
ive, Jun frlJnUiwir, UtlrK lrjiilcnlii, Antono
WiucrtJs, Joicf 'lioniiiiwiu, Ptlek Kiyulcwliv,
J. Konabld, Sapii l.iwxuky, Wjilfflm l.esien.
bky, Amu Ziiill'.ciwLI.
Jwan (irciyk, .Josef Siailnury, Ijiiji. I'lilralozlk, Ifiiatnsko, I'auel Papuci, .laiua MkluJ
ta, Andiej MiuvMcl, Sefju lligoio, Diinljiiik
Mjlmo, Jan He.'iis, Haiya, .loliait l'auliu,
Wawrynlcit Jtlchalik, Jnzaph Kueln, Jlaiy Uji.
koikj, Jank Luke..', Josep L'rbian, Jrliy Kouiect,
(lilannfi JainucllI'), Mm, Mail lOnthr, Martin
Matkewlj, Km, Piter I'jnuUcn, l'ow.
it j .Scaajlu--, Vui Litluriliki, Mlthonna Jolian,
West Scranton Station.
Cluiliy M. .loiii'K, Katiu liliucr, Tliua, Mi An
rhen', '. L. Nasun. Jos. llegju, .lohn J, Tliomp.
r.inIr,-StanUlaw Ukdul, IVppIno PI Xiro,
Adam lH'k, Tiaiiai.-. M.T.rmrlej. nohan lllkloi,
Waleulcy 01jblsi-iJ, .akoU Pancikl.
Onrrott Howey on Trial for Fraudu
lent Voting; In Dickson City Bo
rough by Means of nn Ilcgal Tax
Receipt Dnvld Androws Pleaded
Guilty to a Charge of; Statutory
Burglary Gottlieb Elnrd Tried on
a Charge of Stabbing His Brothor-in-Law,
John Neuremberg.
Court, yesterduy continued until
Thursday the casus against Jtnrry C
Itntton, chnrged with perjury, and Si
mon Thomas, charged with bribery,
who tiro being prosecuted by tho Muni
cipal league. The continuance was al
lowed because of the Illness of '. O.
JN'ewcomb, one of tho attorneys for the
Municipal league.
Konstant Swanowskl was charged
by Agent Ttohcrl Wilson, of tho Muni
cipal league, with maintaining a gam
bling machine at his saloon on Lincoln
street. I'rlccburg. The accused alleged
that ho did not own the place; that It
was conducted by his l'ather-tn-law,
and that the machine wore never the
property of cither of them, having
merely been loft in the place for a.
few days by the man who owned It.
Tho jury returned him guilty. buL rec
ommended him to the mercy of the
The case against Iiernard .1. Kelly,
charged with embezzliiient by Stephen
Dyer, was continued until tho next
When court adjourned for the day
Vassll Tuikr, was on trial before Judge
Kelly on u charge of aggravated as
sault and battery preferred by Knnko
Kiel. The men live a I Olypliant and
had a row one nigh I. after tho meeting
of a si.ciely of which both arc ment
f 5 anvil Howey was on trial before
Judge SwaitK in court room No. ;: at
adjourning time for the crime of fraud
ulently voting. The parlies live in tho
borough of Dickson City. Tho conten
tion of tlio commonweal lii Is that on
I'Yb. 1! last the defendant voted at the
election held in that borough Illegally.
Tluy contend thai tho defendant was
ehallenyed and that he produced a
bogus tax receipt. Thy defendant
claims that he voted in good faith.
and that the receipt which he pro
duced was a valid receipt and offered
in good faith: that the board accepted
Is at a legal receipt and permitted him
lo vote.
Dovid AnihcwM pleaded guilty to a
charge of statutory burglary. On Jan
uary 111 last he was going' along West.
Market street, Xorth Scranton, late
one night. Ho picked up a stone and
throw it through the window of the
store of 11. Atlas and then entered Ihc
store where lie was arrested by an otli
cer. Andrews said he was Intoxicated
at the time and did not know what ho
was doing, lie will bo sentenced next
Ilosarlo Tcdesi'o was found not guilty
of discharging a revolver at I'asqualo
Jordan. The men live at Old Forgo
and Jordan is an olfloer. On January
0 last at a lato hour Jordan and other
oflicers went to Tedesco's house to look
for a man who was wanted at Dun
more for murder.' When they rapped
for admittance Tcdesen thought lie
was having a visit from burglars and
opened a window and fired in the air.
After he found out who his callers
were he opened the door and allowed
the isluirs to search the house. Tho
jury said not guilty and placed the
costs on the county.
Joseph Loboski was by directum of
tlio court returned not guilty of the
theft of four loads of saw dusl front
1 he mill of William Arair, of Throop.
'I'he jury was sent out ti pass upon
Hie question of costs and divided them
equally between prosecutor and de
fendant. ffottlieb lOIard was tried before
Judge Kelly in Xo, : on a charge of
felonious wounding preferred by his
broilier-in-law, John Xeurcmberg. Tho
men reside at Mlnooka and In Febru
ary last they were drinking one after
noon at Nouremberg's house and the
latter accused Klard of having beaten
Airs. Neuremberg. the slsier of Hlurd,
years ago, when all of the parties re
sided In the old country. A quarrel and
a tight followed and Neuremberg-, it
is alleged, picked upa large buacher's
knife. Klard alarmed for his .snfety
drew a pocket knife and slashed Neu
remberg In tho stomach indicting a
wound which for a time It was thought
would prove fatal. The Jury was nut
at adjourning hour,
1-toburl Medio was returned not
guilty of having stolon a dog from
itobert lloniii. lie sold It to Fox tho
bird man, Medio did not deny having
tho dog but said U followed him and
It was such a nuisance that ho sold It
to Fox lo got rid of it.
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
liioigo Mullwl Throop
Ti'ie-a K.i Thleop
Paul ApulU M.itlel.
Susie Ve.-;lli" Ii Ii Sl.i.v Ik'I'l
Ailaui liiiinaii"lkl nirantoii
I'r.Mila Y,iihwliu.-kin , S, rant (.n
Vil.nii Wonl.i ,,..... In iii.mi
Katie seliioiioil; , , Jinuyti
.Mm .1, Mnruliau , , Siianton
Pilla Mitilh ,.,. Ilimnioro
i:.-?i(l Kills lloildtd ,,.,,.., Su.mtou
Itoic ItUi'l, , ....Siiaiitoii
Al.tliony ,,,..,.,,,, , Soiantou
S.u.ili .1. I Kelt. , S. union
Victor Slaike , ,. ...Su.nit.m
M.usjioi lo.a- , Siiaiitoii
CL.alcs Hilling ..,,, IV. I.villo
Komi (Vllnjli. , IVil.vilJe
l. ,1. MolTatt, wlw was iiraihiilnl from the
School ol the Lackawanna, jcbtctilay tci;Ulciul
with Prolhonotury C'opclmO as a stuilcnl-Rt-Uw
in ilia office nt Attorney O'Hrlfn and Jlirtln.
SaliqjtlJti I'iuano jeatenlay inlereil bail in
the suiii ol !', Thomas ijuiclc liccanie his
liomliinan. .lohn Swallmv alo tnteicd hall,
Michael lliiiiU lieuoinlns euuly for him in tho
sum of WuO,
Tlio case uf Jlnlln P, I'lynii asaliitl Counr
Tri'Jurcr .1, A, Scuntun, in which the amount
ot tho liipior liu'ii-e lee ii nt itsiie, lun hern
appialeil tu the nliiiliit' nuut hy the attornrri
(or the plalntift, Jtw,iu D'lhlcn, M, .1. lljrllii
ami I. it. H'Jius',
Director Eoche Instructs the Super
intendent to Go Ahead.
The delay In getting the appropria
tion ordlnaut'o through committee and
councils leaves tho dopurtnient wlth
ot,'. money and nearly all ountslde
work Is, as a consequence, at a stand
still. Director ltoche, however, deemed
It regret table that tho park should not
bo put In shape before the outiugr sea
son Is at hand, nnd, yesterday decided
to go ahead with the work ot cleaning
it up.
Director lioohe, Superintendent of
fork 1'hllllps nnd Landscape Gardenrfr
Alfred it. Kdgerton, -of Philadelphia,
had n conference during tho day con
cerning Improvements to be made dur
ing the coining summer. Mr. Kilgorton
will ntlvlso thu director later on ns tu
how tlta available money can he best
applied. Mr. Kdgerlon Is under con
tract with the city until next October
lo tlo this work,
Chosen at a Meeting Which Was
Held Yesterday.
The board of directors of the People's
bank met yesterday nnd organized by
electing Cyruns D. Jones, president,
and (i, V. lleynolds, vice president. As
horcloforo stated, Henry M. Ives, for
merly of the Scranton Savings bank'
nnd Trust company, will bo cashier;
AV, P. Kennedy, of the Third National
bank, will he teller; James A. Wyncoop,
doorkeeper, and Arthur Dunn, of Dunn
& Dunn, will ho solicitor.
Tho Institution will open for business
on May 1.
Thought the Sentences Imposed on
the Gambling Machine Men
Were Too Xight.
A vigorous protest was entered yes
terday by 13. H. Sturges against the
light sentences Imposed on the men
prosecuted by the Municipal league for
having gambling machines In their
Monday, Ulchard AI. Owens, or Oly
pliant, In whose place; a machine was
found, plead guilty and a fine ot $10
and costs was imposed. Yesterday
morning Thomas Foley anil tyron
Fallon plea-d guilty to like charges,
and received a similar sentence. When
K. Menzel was called and pleaded
guilty, 12. Ji. Sturges arose and ad
dressed the court.
"What T have to say," said Air.
Sturges. "applies not only to this man,
but to all of the other men accused as
he is. We do not care to either perse
cute or prosecute them. Our motive is
to honor and dignify this county and
this court, and to purify this commun
ity. We would purge it of Its outlawry.
We would protect, the peace and dig
nity of the county and our homes by
inculcating In these men a. higher re
spect for the luws of the state. 1 sub
mit to tho court that this fine of $10 is
not commensurate with tho offense. It
costs us many times $10 to secure the
evidence against these men and to se
cure their conviction. T also submit to
tho court that it Is encouraging to these
men to continue in their wrongdoing
and discouraging to us in the work wc
have undertaken." ,
Judge H. M. Kdwards, who is on the
bench In the main court, room this
week, consulted with Judge J. P. Kelly,
who was also on tho bench at the time,
and at its conclusion Judge Kdwards
"Tho court is always glad to hear
from both sides regarding the imposi
tion of punishment. However, the en
tire responsibility rests with the court
and not with the counsel. Judge Kelly
and f, after consultation, decided that
the object of this crusade aga.inst the
slot machines up the valley lias ac
complished its purpose.
"IL has been the policy to be lenient
with first offenders. If any one re
peats his offense after once having en
joyed tho leniency ot the court, we will
bn Inclined to impose the full penalty
of the law. Wo think, however, that
tho lino of $10 and costs, with the de
struction of the machines, is suflicient
at present. We will therefore impose a
line of $10 unci costs."
Programme to Be Rendered in As
bury M. E. Church.
Professor fJeorge 11. Carter, formerly
uiganist at Klin Park church, assisted
by Airs. Kdward K. Chase and Alfred
Wooler, well known Serauton vdcallsts,
will render the following programme
at the organ recital to lie given Friday
livening In the Asbttry Methodist Kpls
copal church, Urcon Ridge:
i;icie ii. w. i:ini
(a) Choral.
(hi Minuol iiutlii.i;e,
(i) I'lh'ie a Notre llmie.
(Tii'in Sulk- ilothiiuic l.y L. lluc) iiii.iiiu,
"the lli.o uly Suns" tJray
AP'ieJ Wooler,
riirouiatiailic l'anta.-ic Ihlelc,
Ailagf.i in II flat Mcrln'l
fProm the Sonata o. 0. Opiu l.'.'i
"Mini- Me Thy Wiij?, O I.oril" Tericntc
.Mr". KiIh.uiI 12, (Ii.ue.
M'lih,' snu IT.auhiiiii'C SenUdii Clad;
1 1 ivn lire - I2in j ant ho VYhcr
"Hope Thou in Coil" Woolei'
Alueil Wrxilti,
Iiileime'.o llin.
Mailiu Itoinpota' Wnllciihaiipc
"O Divine lliil.'emi'r" , fionnoil
Ji is. IM.v.uil 15. Clincc
Ci.nlle, HMisr, ".Iwebn" Ooilaul
To Give a Concert and Ball Next
Thursday Eveuing. , .
On Thursday evening the choir com
posed of Caledonians and their female
friends will maku their Initial bow to
the public al (iiiernsey hall, at S
ii clock. As this is their first appear
ance, and much has been said of their
musical ability they should bo greeted
with a large audience,
The prosrumnio will Iio inado up of
finely selected Scottish songs una will
coiiiain solos, duets and quartettes, as
well as choral singing, Scottish music
Is always sweet, soul stirring and pa
thetic, and interesting to every lover
of ninsc, It should bo doubly so when
Hindered by a choir of this kind, After
tlio concert a ball will ho held.
lu P. Gaylord was arrested Monday
night by Patrolman t.ona Day on thJ
charge of violating tho blcyelo ordin
andi by ritling with an unlit lamp.
Magistrate Millar discharged hhn yes
lei day.
Anthony Voikow.iy was arrested on
Monday afternoon by Patrolman itoss,
who found hhn wandering around tho
streets acting in a very peculiar man
ner. Ho was found to be Insane, at
police headquarters and will probably
bo sent to thollllslde Home.
William Connelly, on being ejected
from u Wyoming avenue saloon early
yesterday morning, pulled off his coat
and challenged all coiners tu combat.
Patrolman Parry arrested him and
yesterday morning ho was fined $7.C0,
in default of which ha went to tho
county Jail for thirty flays.
The. case- of Stella John versus HUii
nrd liradlt.y, of ltuymond court, whom
she accused of assault and battery
and threats, was heard yesterday af
ternoon by Magistrate Howe. A re
volver, razor and hummer, which llg
urcd in the Incident, were, all produced
us nvldoncc. Tlio cuss was amicably
settled anil Itlchard discharged.
Tho case of lllclmrd I.Utle, editor
of the Scmntonlaii, against M, D. Fla
herty, was continued until nest neck,
when Ii will be tried before Alderman
John Harris wnn arraigned before
Magistrate Mlllnr In police court vts
lerday nnd held In ?,,00 ball for court
on thu chnrgo or larceny of a gum
machine irom In from of Wvorolt's gre.
eery store, March M. As will bo re
membered, Joseph Welsh was then ar
rested by Putiolmon Cannery, hut Har
ris made his escape. Ho has been out
of the city since, but on returning was
nrrested Monday night by Lieutenant
John Davis and City Detective Jlolr.
Cannery idnutlilcd hhn.
Thomas J. Mack, u Jesstin saloon
keeper, was held In $iiOi) ball yesterday
by Magistrate W. K, Millar. Mlko Kor
kost a claimed that on Monday, during
the festivities of a christening, Muck
assaulted hhn with a palrolinan's
baton. A deep wound was cut In his
head, seven stitches being required at
the Lackawanna hospital to close II.
Mack waived it hearing.
Delaware, Lnckawnuna nnd Western
In lllli'Cl ller. '.', 11X10.
.South Lrave Sci'Jiiloti for New Vol Is at 1. 10,
R.00 ji.GO. S.mi am) 10.0,1 n. in.: aCj, ,'j,:;. . m.
1'or I'lilUilclplilu ;il ami, , m. i,r,r,
anil 8.X) p. in. I'or S'louihliine; nt li.lti p. m.
Milk .ii'coinni'niatlou r,i .1.10 p. in. Anlr nl
IMioU'ii at H.:ai. 71-, to.1.'!'. Vi.t)i, n.lj, i. v,
7,10 p. in. Airlve ut Plill nlclplila at I, ml, .1 s;
(1.00 ami t.'J2 p. in, Anile finni xuw Vnl; nl
1.10, rift! lo.i! ii. in.: Loo. L.vj, .-..i.i, i,-,
anil lL.'JO p. in, 1 "I om r-'tlnmUliiiq; at $M a,
Xorfh Leaie S. union lor Ilullalo nnJ Uot.
meillate tl.ilt"ii al 1,1.1, i!."a nm n.wi a. in.:
1,M, IIJ.I i. if. 1'or n.vrj;u nnJ
Syi.uii'.e nl (i.:i it. in. niul l,i" p. in, .-r
l'tie.i at 1.10 ii. in. nml 1..V, p. m, p,,,. y,,m.
tioi' n( I'.IO it in: 1.0.1 nml r,.IS p. in, pr
NIclioKon at l.uo nml 0.1.1 p. in, Pot- film;.
h:,intuii at 10.20 a. m. AiiIm; in Scranlon tn
UiilTalo nt !.'.!". .'n. j.1.1 ami JO.Oti n. n,.: :i,::o
ami S.0.1 p. in. rio.ii O.moko ami S.iraui-i. at
i.o,l a. in.; li."i nml h.(H) p. in I-"i-in Ltif.i
ut 'J..V. n. in.; 1".',.'W anil ".."0 p. m. I'toni
Moliol-on at 7..K1 u. in. ami (l.0o p. hi. I'toni
Mnnlrri-i1 at u. in.; 'l.-O ami S.( p. m.
UlcioinOiiilir lllvlilnti Siianton for
N'oithiuolwrlauil, nl II. IS, 10.0.1 a. m.; t.,11 nml
ii.B0 p. in. I'or Pbinoutli at 1.01, .1.10, KuO p.
in. lot- Kliiir-tun nt. KIO a. m. Airlve at
Noi'lhiiiiihi'il.iiiil at ,ii.:f .i. in.; Lin, 5.00 ami 8.1.1
li. hi. Arriio ut Kington nt S.M n. in. Arriie
at Plvmouth nt 2.00. I .:;'. 0.1-1 p. in. At live
in Seranlmi fiom .Voilhiiiiihcrl.ind at 0.12 a. n.;
li.Ro, -1.M) i.V p. in. I'rom KinsMon nl
11.00 a. in from IMiniotilli at 7..15 a. m.; (i.vo
ami 3.S.1 p. in.
St;.N'DAV 'fltAISf.
Smith Lte fierjiiton ill I. to, a.O. ,j..10. io.i);,
p. in.; a.:-.! .mil ".l( P- m.
Xoith--I.iave Seinnton at 1.15, h..:.l a. in.:
l.S.l, fi.lS ami ll.W p. in.
Wooiii-araix.- Oivbion J,tuc Siraiicon at 10.01
n, in. and ti.00 p. m.
Xehig'h Valley Railroad.
In I'lFrrt Mai ill li 1101.
For Philadelphia and New Voile via 1). A- II.
H. I!., at 0.1,1 and 11.35 n. ill., '.MS, l.J"
(lilack Diamond lSxpico). ll.UO p. m. fcun-day.-,
D. ,t II. II. It., l.M, b.27 p. lr.
I'or White Haven, liizli-tnu and poin'.
in the coal legions via I). K II. It. P., 0.13,
2.1S and I.U7 p. ill. for l'oltavlllr. 427 p. in.
1'or Itctlilt'hein, liittr.n, itc.iling, llarrlshiiri
and prinelpal intermediate stations via II. k, II.
II. It.. 0.1,1, 11.33 a. in.; 2. IS, 1.27 (lll.itl: Dia
mond Espies), 11.30 p. Hi. Sundays I), k, II.
I!. ll 1.3S, S.27 p. in.
Tor TunMiannoek, Towamla, Kluiii'.i. Ithaei,
flcncv.1 and piiniip.d inleimedl.itc station, ill
1)., I,. .V W. 11. 1!., S.ilS a. in.; l.oj and .1.10
p. m.
Tor f.'eneva. Uoi-lie-ler. Itnllalo. Nf.ic.ira PaUs
CliiuRO and all points, via U. A- If. It. II.,
11.55 a. in., ':.;' ( Diamond l'.:pii), 7.!c,
10.11, 11.: p. in. Sum!"-. 11. .V: 11. It. It.,
11.53, S.27 p. m
Pullman parlor and i-leeplnsr or l.oliiah all"y
parlors eai on all tiiiins lictweni Wilkrodiiiie
and New York, l'liiladvlphia, Ilullalo and SSu
poiisioii llridgc
IIOLL1K It. WILIIUR, Gen. Supt., 20 Cortland
street. New York.
CHARLES S. l.i:i:, lien. l'.is. Agl 2fi Cortland
fctrcet. New Yotk.
A W. NON'NTMACIII'll, liv. Pais Al Sotitli
llethlcliem, Pa.
For tickets and Pullman lr-fervallnna apply to
COO Lackawanna amine, scianlon, Pa.
"Delaware and Hudson,
lu UllCi t Xov. 25, 1500.
Trains for C'arhondalc leave bnanrop ut o."0
7R1 S..1", 10.PJ a. in.; 12.00, 1.20. 2.11. .,-,-
5.20, 11.52, 7.57. 11.15, 11.15 p. m.: I.n; ;,. ,,,, '
For Honei-dale 0.20. 10. IS a. m.; ,n j,,,) -,,,
'''For Wilkes Hane-lLl-', 7. IS, f.l:i, .;;., m. i.i
11.55 a, in.; 1.2?, 2.1$, :;.K!, 1.27. H.IO.T.LS to. II,
11. SO p. in. . .
For L. V. 1!. I!. poinU-0.1,, II. ,1.1 a. m. ; 2.!-,
1.27 and 11."0 p. in.
For Pnin-jlvania It. It.,1, j.
in.: 2.1S nnd 1.27 p. in.
For Albany and .ill points iioilh o.'o a. m.
nnd u.52 p. in.
rnrvCaihondale fi.uo, II.:"." a. m,; 2.11, .,12,
3.47, 10.52 p. in.
Fur Wilke.s-ll.ine i'." lI..i- .1. m. ; 1.55. 1.2-.
0.27. ?.27 p. in.
lor rvluanv ami iiuiois iiuiiu.,..i p. in.
For lloncsil.ile-0.nil a. m. and ;!.,', p. m.,.t rates to all iMitiU in United Stat, i
and Ca.ii Ida.
.1. II. Ill linn iv, ' i . .., vuiaii.v, . ;
II. W, titOS, 11. P. A., Siianton, Pa.
Central Kailroad of "New Jersey.
Station. in N'iW Yolk Foot of Llheily sue. i,
K. It., ami South l'eii.v.
timi; vaiili: ix i:t'i''i: t nov. 2.-., 1000.
Train leave Sciantou lor .New Voik, .Neivail,
.,.,., -. 1. 1,1.11 ut.. Iithi.i. l!jton. ni.ltitnt.iM,, .it
lclilmvu, 'Maueli CliuiiU and Wlilte Haven at .'..'u
II. 111.-, CXpiCS l,i"j "t'"'-i ""'' . "I. ,-i"
days l.l'i !' "'
For Pilidon and ilkes.ll.uic, j.,;;o a. m : l.,o
unit ;i,;i p. in. .-.......-.-, -.,-. !. ,, 1,
Fur llaltimoie and Wuliliiatiui ami poin -couth
and West via llethlehinl, S.tiO a. in.. I to
Hid .'1.00 P- 01, Siinij.i, 2.15 p, in.
pot l.oni; iirauuu, uu-,m muu, eie,, aL S...0
a. in. ai"l 1-1 I'- '"
For lliadlne;. LiIuiioii and llniiMiui, -via A',
liiilovvn. (".SO a. in. and l.lll p. in. r-'undav .
.? I'- ',. , . ..
lor roiisiiiu, .s..., .1. , 11, 1 ,iu i. hi,
'lliioush tickets to all poinU ea,t, ..outh and
vust at loivo.-l rales at the ttaliou,
II, P. IIALI1WIX, thn. Paw. An.
J. II. OLIIAl'SIJN, lien, sUp.
Erie and Wyoming' Valley.
Time 'faille III Ltfeet Sept. 17, lllilll.
Twins tor lliwle.v nml loeal poinlx, lonue.
inu nt Il.vwloy vvllli Krio rallloid lor Xeiv YotU,
Nevvliurs anil Intcrinedlnlo points havi' Pnan
ton at 7,113 a, in, and 2,25 p. in.
Tialns uiiivo at fc'ei'.inlou at 10,,;0 a. in. ni.d
9,1ft p, m.
Timt Card in effect Ilic, ilOlh, 1 !)()).
ua ax. vx
,1 Af.i
?' ca f
"s,a: la
... '....' ,...l7IOAr.N.Y.,W.(illit.I,v.
.8 W.
I'll fM PM fV
ID IV,.. I'ailniila . ,l,v. .... S 051 50
I0I0U63 ' .. lUnioi'L. . ' .. . g 111 Si
, inji la s " . stai'iiciit . ....awjts
,., lOltlltSI " .lltkton I'iuL. " .,,.281111
I0I.1U C! " . .VMnwoo.1. ' ... 3416C5
tUMUlO " . .I'AVIIIlllc.., ", ... 2M5II
,,.. umIiui, ,. ..Oiaol ' ... HUSiJ
,,,.,,. 'Jlllli ' I'leuiHIil lt. .,. HOIS M
..,.,.. OIHIIIV " Unloinlnt'.. " ... 3tMf81
,...!.. ';ilt: " I'onet lit; . " .. 310CI1
,,., PM (llll-.M " lailionilatoYit " itU3iS)i '1.
,,..a uiullW " , r.iilioinliit,. " VUOSI16 51
,.6ffi UU! ,.; ' . V. Mil,. Hi l,li-. 7
,a 1H wiMli u " . .i.irnt'iu id. " i wa ii m
.ivlli- (I Y
,,..682 KOMI II "
,...S 9 8,1X11 OS "
,...0 Sll Mil 01 '
..Jei'in)ii. .
. ..Melil.ut.1..
. Pi lei-1 hi I
. 'lllloo
PillU I'Uiu
..faei iiutoll..
" l WS ItibUI
" i vt a l ui
" 7 US 610 Bl
" 7 1SH6n
' 7 8.18 61)6 1.1
' 7 8i mtiil
" 7L"J4 076ii
" r :u I lo c k
" i Ml Ml 31
; .ui uu sa
,vr. r io i MB 35.
, ...u a.i.,,
,...01? J'l I
,...611 81311
....111 xoi
.it ec sin, ii ui
hi ii, .vr '
I10KI, "
hum '
,,..809 H.IHIOIH '
,.,.B0- 88.11.110. "
,...6ta HajiDt.i -
... iw 8l0 I'H.Y,
'P.M 1 M
A.l.llltnnal , ritlim li, f'rl.nnHaln fnr ll,,hil.l I...I
8.45 piiitvrept Kuu.ley. tint 7.60 pin cuu'lay only, sirlvlui,'
Gt MavMct.1 ar.l70llinnil8.alpni.
Itatos ;: cciiti per mile,
I.onest lintes lit nil Points VVrnt.
. c- rNDrnsoN,
Cjl'll'iM'i Ai-il.
oiv Vviiktitj.
l"T. Allot,
fecrtatvu. I't.
fIL'PFV MAt.T 1VIII9URV CO.. Itochetr, X. '
4Hi4 5 l ! i- rrrrr-i-r-rnTTrvrvarr .
t W'c are now prepared to bliow you an entire NEW stock of
: Carpets I
: Wall Papers and Draperies 1
Every item i? tliis season's goods, and we arc prepared to serve
4. v on- prompllv and at our well-known low prices.
Temporary Store,
126 Washington Avenue-
jiti22iitt ! !
United Railways of
5f. Loiiis, Mo., .
Yielding Investor 4.60
Rudolph Kleybolte & Co.
1 Nassau St., New York.
t&-3Z& J?l
Before buying, send for catalogue.
h c, rint?nmsi !. vmu a ye.
i. j. .aviviw, , New Y
fork City,
becomes l.uittiiiil, Irritiilite anil dc
spoiiiHnt, iliroiiRhlom of tiervcviKor.
J.lfe si-ems a mockery. 'I'he coinage,
force, vigor anil action which charac
terize fnll-hloivleil men, ore lackiiiu.
haw kinillcil the llslit of hope lit many
a man's face. They 1iriu vigor to the
weak ami ambition to the despondent.
They permanently cheek the weak
ening iliiiins feed thu nerves, enrich
the blood ami make men over Rcner
uliy. SI 00 per box; iihoxeS.l.tlO, With a
S-J.U0 order welue n wiitten guaran
tee toiefiunl the money if no cure be
effected, Hook fiee. l'i.,, ili;uii.lNE
Co., Cfevfl.ind. Ohio.
1'or Bale by ,tohn II. I'licll"", 1'li.iriiueUt, corner
vyjumln;; aicnuo and bjiime street.
liv-NO'l'll I'll t! .NAM i:.
rlimvIF raWoU
Schednlo in Efl'ect Mnrch 17, 1001,
Trains leave lacranion:
O.'iS a, ni week days, for Sunhnry,
Hnrrisbure-, PlUlnclelphin, Balti
more, Washington and for lMtts
burs' and the West.
0,38 n. m.i week days, for Htisleton,
and for Sunbury, Hnrrisbure',
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg' and the
,1.18 p. iu week days, (Sundays
1.58 p, m.,) for Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
tho West. For Hnzlctou, week
days only.
1,27 p. in,, week days, for Sunbury.
Hnzleton, Pottsvillu, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg',
.1. H. lit ICIUNMIN. lini. Mr.
J. 11. V.OOD, Uili. IV.S. .tft.
i f S!& " rifr TpaWTMl Ff ' ",lfl,t BS
rsjiiv i r
-tWs W
The timh was when doctors lliouchlr.onsutiititioncoiiltt
not lie permanently cured, but since they hiive discovered
the powerful curative iualitics of Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey the best . ipkihi doctors
agree that ll will pee f I I E2 C fj in fin-
cittiy cure " u o n -sumption
ant! all diseases of the throat anil
vc nave thousatitls ot gMteiui patients
write us they mm have been
I'tiretl nftcr MV thev werev
Riven up by
the doctors. " v .
Slr$ .' Attrlielr Itd up b.T tttartl of our belt
phltlcUni, litln thmt nd Inns trouble, miiI pro-
. . .
nouncea r ciin oi inonrftDiA rnniumpnon, my tutr
ttrted the unotjoar Porn MiltWhltker. Hti taut
tka iMrtm bottfeii, and In to much Improtld in
auenilll that w am All (line quite Imnrful.
MRH. I1F.I.1, HIIAlll- llharloltc, Mich.
"lt KK, If ou i iliW ! tun Hon tllf ui ll lll rH
r vi tinthirs to ifiin how 19 regain health, eattgy and Tiiatlijr,
It Ulh flfitjr W!ilVfjUtMy the Cofnnmnt it t nAi
riiif, 1 hli It a gtitranttr. All ilnifjtM inrleroceM.erdlte'l
)im botltc. IWue subttltulci. tb?y At llui!oiwj, Sh(
(or frf mettkftl liooktrt.
"K 5'jtjl',J,4jlj Jl ! 4 Jf
Capital $1300,000. Surplus $500,000,
United States Depositary,
Business, personal and sav
iugs accounts iuvited.
3 per ceut. interest paid on
savings accounts.
Open Saturday evenings
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Conni'U, President.
Ht'N'uv Brii.iN, Jk., Vice Prcs,
Wm. H. Pixk, Cashier
Places in Virginia
C.inbo cotutortahly and cisily
i cached by tliu
OLD 001101 Ll
Steamcia fall daily cTfr-pt Siniiijy fiom Pier M,
Korth Iliier, looL ot licit h street, Sow l'oik, fur
Old Point Comfort
Richmond, Ua.
and Washington, D. C.
Connecting for All points South and West.
Throiiuli licUcts rcturniiiK from Washington
by rail or water.
I'or full Information applj to
SI -85 Bocch St., New York.
ll.D.WAbKKll.Tiaf.Mgr. J.J.UItOWNVi.l'.A.
li CO.
ltooms 1 and 2, Com'llh DTd'f.
riining and Blasting
Kltotrlo flutterlos, Kloatrlo Krplo,lri.
splodtaa; hUnti, afty fun uJ
Repauno Chemical Co.'s
I'ktMvIpbli, l'. O.lj Utrmt bittrUUtt Ij
4prlf. (MriiiUrlvfMr ftlioliy will lrliilf
PviiiHi;,! ytt nnhooJ,ku-ii'0"'iiSMrirUri'vr
rlUS()t lQttitf')niil Drunra wrgtt.'
ih-4 furrd I t IU il;.3l rn -rarlkal4 ?frt
IbuoitlUl intrU'nt In Ctrummr,
1 7frtf
Ipoiti(Trr irtfJl! -tl,eiili'lft-ii4. SfBtlon (bit
7. !'- ivriHHii "iruiu n4
I Mean at Jlooilo mad Huih Jl SVorii.
i A. Ui
v ,