The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 16, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    y tw vf
71 '
I "
tptcM lo llic Scrnntfin Tribune,
Montrose, April 1.. Thu ctcmd iieik"
of April term til com I opem-d lit this
place today, Judgo Daniel W. Swirlo
Mrs. J, 1). McCoUum lum a i lived In
toun and oputicd the family icslduttcc
on Alapln sttcct for tlio season. Judge
.McCollunt Is pvpocti'd lionii! tills weak
to help Lcloltiati- ii lihtlidny minlvor
enry of tils vciiuwililu inutlici, Mm. Pol
ly McColluir.
Tlir- coininet'tcnieiit exorclse-i of the
Motitrotc IIIrIi s-chori will take jtlticu at
tlip tuniuiy In this plain on Thmsday
Al'dl-il,!!.- lnl 'I 'lMlla Vpfll ' plflMM
J numbers sixteen.
Aldcimun Mm on Kusson, of Scian
ton. Is said to be negotiating lor the
nobby turnout, including hoise, cai
i lu go, etc., botonqliiB to Unfiineer J. "V.
Spcnee. of the L.iickfiutnnu and Mont
Editor J. If. nudd. of tho Forest City
Xcu., was a vMlor in town on Satin
dav, Tho labt has taken place
and all In in leudlnesi tor the splendid
pie.hentatlon at Village Hall tomorrow
and Wednesday evening? of "Ft Hz
Stein." a ichbiatcd play deallnc; with
the war of 'lil-V., by Clmilet Collins,
Got man luuipdluu. assisted by foin"
OMPllcnt local talent. Tickets are for
yale at Me.Causl.init's. It will be given
under the auspices and for the benefit
ot Captain II. I. IJe.mlsley camp,
Hens of VetciuiTs.
Tracey 1'. Djuow, oL Hlnghamton, is
calling on ti lends In Montrose today.
Claitnce 1'piiss. of Jon is Long's Sons,
t-'c r.inlon, was tho guests of fi lends In
this place on Sutuid.iy.
The pulpit and altar chairs at the
"Methodist Episcopal chinch have been
handsome ic-uplioNUued by IV. 11.
Dennis & Son at the instance ot some
of the ladles ol the chinch.
Mis. T.i1oi, who has spent sesoial
months with her sibtei, Mm. J. P. T.u
ht II. Ii-tt today lor Jiudtnid. Pa., to
visit her daughtei, and Horn theio she
will go to St. Paul, Minn , as the guest
of friends.
Mm j. J. Hannas, alter .spending
the w Intel In Scianton, lias letuined
to Ik r home In this place.
Mis-. Fiances Tyler letuins this
v eek to her home In this plate, alter
-ndiiiK the winter at Uoimantouii,
Pa., and Vineland, X. J.
Mis. U. II. Coon and daughter. Mrs.
1 dgai Coi field, are .mending the Wj
eiiiillik, lontciuntu at West lJltt.ston.
P. 11. W'ulsli, of Franklin Furnace,
-. J , has lieui assigned to the duties
ol mail agent on the Montiose bianch
the Lehigh Valley l.iilioad, -vice
llde Ciockti, deceased.
Atloinpy I'lankliu M. CSaidiner, of
Finest City, is puitesslonally engaged
litu this wei'k and is islting his parent-.
Mr. and Ml-. D. V. O.iuliinr.
iiev. Ii F. Wheelei. D. IX. ot Ithaca.
.. V., piesiding chit r ol this dMiiet
of the All lean Methodist chinch, olll
i i.iteil at Zion All lean Methodist Epit.
r jpjl ihuicli last CM'llhlgr. The lite of
, b.ptlsnf was adminisf-icd to Mi. Fiee
and Edwaid Dewey Slaughtei.
The funeial of Mi-. Phuebp J. Wasli
lniin, who diid at Elk 1. ike mi Apill
Ii, was attended fiom the Methodist
thuiPh In thi.s id.uo this ,iflrnnon at
1 n't lot K lle. Chailes .smith, ol New
Milloid, ullleiated. Her enthe family,
(oii-lsting of -d thildien by her llitt
in.ilii.ine, weie piescnt, i. 'Silas K.
Dolovvaj. of New Ym k llv; John "IV.
Dolow.ty and Mi-. S.uah I.'. Page, of
Hlnghamton, X. Y.; fltinge S. Lioloway.
ol Ellmai, X. Y., . M. Doloway, of
Biookhn, and Matthew Dolawaj, ot
Elk Lake.
How I'.iili-r Aiithouv T. Miodeilck Is
Utt inline? Foit limn,' Deolloii at
Vl)i a
Heoige, of l)loiil, X. Y.,
s -visiting tel.ithe- in this ill it p.
Eben Fluninieitelt i etui nod to his
fflmol duties ai the Siiantcin Duslne'36
.MlIeKu toduv.
i'Iju'Uio A. Duulc i etui lied t" Itll
m.i, X. Y, todav to lesuine his studies
in roini.ll unheiMlj.
The m Ullage ot ,I.i. Whitehead and
MI.-.S 1 uey Hlodgetl. of .Meiio, X. Y
ocuiuicd at the Uaptlst pai-tmage in
Montiose on Thuistla, April 11, 1D01,
Utv. E. K. Thomas otlklatln
The luueial ot the late Alexander
Fiulth was hugely attendul Horn the
house jet.telday alttinoou, Kev. A. L.
Hen ,111, V. D.. of the Pieshyteilan
church, (Ondut-ting theysi'ilee.s. The
inteinient was in the Montiose ceme
tery. KelallviM fiom Sciantoii, t'ar
bondale and Eethlehem weie piescnt
at tht.
,leor'e C. Hums Is iceeiving congiat
l Ullo'is 1 1 urn his lilends upon his ap
polntnunt as postmaster of Montiose,
hc .s. S. Wrjfjht, whose nouilnatioii
Bmt'i Sneak
To the," is a sign to be seen
on the front platform of nutiy cars. It
tequircs all his thought, nil his energy
ana all his strength to pilot his car
through qrowdeil streets. The strain
tells on nun, ana
i Qttic when he gets
"rattled" and has
au accident. The
surest way to sus
tain the physical
strength cr.i' nerv
ous force requited
by the tnotorptan
or railroad man is
to keep the stom
ach in a condition
of sound health.
When the stomach
becomes "weak,"
food is imperfectly
digested and the
body is depricd
of its necessary
nourishment, The
nerves arc "nil
strunfj" and the
body I weakened.
The timely use
of Doctor 1'ierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery when
the stomach is
i .i. ji . in .-
"ClU ,! -
establish the body in vigorous neaiui.
It cures diseases of the stomachy and
other organs of digestion and nutrition,
nourishes the nerves and purifies the
"1 buffered for lour ears with inin iu my
slonuch so that at times I couMn't work uor
cat." write Mr. rrauk binllli, of Granite,
Chaffee Co . Colo. "I wrote to ou about my
blckues-. and was toM to me jour tuediciue,
which I IM with good results I only used four
bottles of joiir'OolJen Medical Wscovery.'aiirt
must say that lam entirely cureJ, ond fl live
, HVn HUH, IUU fci.. ...... .-.. .
medldue to auy sufiercr."
dviser, in paper covers, is sent jreit on
CSipt 01 S oiie-ceui siaiaua tu uf
ipensc of nuiliug only. Address Dr.
V. 1'itrv.e, tiuiiJio, -. .
fulled or conlli million by the United
Staled senate.
f'poclnl ninssoR aie to be eolobinted
by vliltlnir priests In St. Muiy's Cath
olic church nt 5 and G o'clock on TIium
day morning.
' m
Special to llio Sfranton Trlliun.
Xpw Mlltoid, Apt II 15. H. .1. Tiffany
iiuffercd ii stroke ot paralysis on Fil
day morning, and as ct Is in it criti
cal condition.
Kobort und Flank Hniby, of Walton,
weio guests nt 'the home of Mr. mid
Mis. F. O. Indeilled, a few das last
Dr. and Mm. A. E. Snjdor enter
tained their bi other, Dr. D. M. Snyder,
of Duninoic, one day last week,
Theion Shay, of this place, and Miss
Abble Casey, of this township, weio
united in maiilage on Wednesday last
by Ilev. J. S. Fagun, at his parochial
residence in Great Bend. Mr. and
Mis. Shay ictiirncd from their wedding
lour today and will icslde In New Mll
foid. Mr. and Mis. A. J. Ci osier, of Thomp
son, were guests of Mr. and Mi 3. D.
Van Uusklrk, Sunday.
Miss Mnudc Trumbull lotumed Fil
dav lioin a five weeks' visit ninonir
Seranton und Peckvlllo iclatlves.
Miss Helen Mooie, of Klngsley, Is
visiting her giandmother, Mis. Jj. W.
Miss Maude Aldilch, one of New Mll
foid's popular young ladles, and B. F.
Wateiinan, of Hallbtead, were married
at the Inkle's home on Chut eh street,
on Wednesday at 4.3(1 o'clock. The
wedding march was l endured by Miss
Inn Aldilch, sister of the bride, nnd
the cei oniony was pertoiined by Uev.
15. X. Ives. After a wedding supper
was seiid the bilde and gtnom drove
to Hallsload wbeie they at once took
up their lesldence In a nicely fur
nished home. The bilde will lie great
ly missed fiom the Piesbyteiian church
societies, wheie her helpful effoits have
been oiy much appi eclated. The
niombeis of the choir piesenled her
with a handsome lug for a wedding
Miss Nina. Mooio and Miss Lottie
Woodhouse wete nppointed as dele
gates from the Piesbyteiian Sunday
school to attend the Sunday school con
vention at East New Mllfoid next
Special to the Seranton Trilume. '
Hopbotlom, Apill 15 An excellent
piogiamme was tendered at the school
ccmmcncfment, which occurred Fri
day evening. The music for the occa
sion was tmnlshed by Messrs. Conrad
and Piibee. who gave some most
pleasing selections on the violin and
comet, with Mis. E. M. Tiffany as
accompanist; Mi. nienn Marsh, of
Factoillle, who delighted the au
dience with Ills banjo selections, and
Mis. Tiffany and Jits. Carpenter, who
saner a oiy pi city duet."
The woik of the pupils from all de
pa linents of tho school was highly
commendable. Fiom the primal y de
pailniint the doll diill, In which the
little tots appealed as nuise women,
was both quaint and pietty, and "Up
side Down," in which the peifoniieis
appealed to be walking on their beads,
war cstiemoly funny. Tiom the In
tel mediate depaitmont the Milk Maids
diill was a line example of giace and
beauty, and showed excellent training.
Fiom tho high school department theio
wtio excellent locltations by Misses
Knte Maliei, Edna Brown and Mabel
Jttfets, besides the essays of the
giaduates. They, of couise foimed the
center ot ntti action. Miss Kathryn
McNulty irad an essay entitled "0er
the Alps Lies Italy," w Inch was nicely
writtun, picturing Italy as typical of
the lealm ot success beyond the moun
tains of difticiilty. Deborah Davis' es
say was a t'ompiehenslve sketch of the
life ot Queen Victoria. Stanley Ketr's
oiation, entitled, "Westward Ho!"
showed considerable knowledge of the
problem ot civilization, with which our
country is struggling.
The pioductlon of the graduates was
followed by a short address by Prof.
Elkanah Ilulley, of Kejstone acad
emy, to which the audience listened
with much interest. The graduates
then leeehed theli diplomas, and an
otbei ear ot s-Uiool woik was de
elated complete.
Spcttal to the Si ranton Trlliune.
Faetoiyvllle. Apill II. A't tho tegu
lar meeting of lied Jacket lodge. No.
B24, Indepeiulent Older of Odd Fellow s,
hel'l '..ift Satuulay evening, th- inllln
toty dtgiee was ponton ed on one can
didate, and tin oftlceis wore installed
lor the insiilng teim. Deputy Crand
Master E. K. Stilt (levant, of Lacpyvllle,
was piescnt and conducted the Install
ing work The tallowing ofllppis weie
Inducted Into oillco: Noble grand, It.
II. llolgate; Ipp grand, It. H, rtey
nolds; seeretan, W. W. Bind; war
den. W. S. Hoss: conductor, W. Pat
eison; outside guaid, 11, E. When
lock: Inside guaid, A. O. Woodruff;
light .suppoitcr to nolile giaud, J. ii,
Ciipwoll, left supporter, V. H, Chuse;
light supporter to vice grand, M. C
Rhodes; left siippoitei, E. J. Oilflln:
chaplain. Purdon Knapp, This was tho
last visit of Dopnty Grand Master
Stuidmiiut as the Installing officer.
His Huccessor Is L. F. Camp, of q nnk
hannock. Jacob Place bus letuined from tho
west with n tniiload of flue hoises.
Thev weio shipped to La, Uiange and
bi ought over fioni theio.
Mr. Alfied Bosslter leaes this week
for Buftalo, where ho aIII spend the
Pnulowna llebekth lodge will hold a
ugular meeting thU Tuesdciy tvenlug.
Under tho auspices of the Epworth
league the, Utopia Concert company
will give one of their fine concerts at
the Methodist Episcopal chinch npxt
Wednesday overling. Apill 17. Tim
admission will be U5 cents,
Seveial of our townspeople have
been attending the confeience ut Pitts
ton the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Coiutqey Snyder, of
Dallas, weie pleabant callets liLe last
The dairy men of this K'ctlon have
nguln ullovved themselves to gobble up
the tempting ball tin own out by the
Scianton Dairy company nnd have
abandoned the butter faetoiy at this
place, and stalling with toduy they
will haul ther milk to La Plume, nnd
deliver It to the above named company
until another stiike Is naiguiated.
CeoiBe E. Stanton lu opened up a
fhst class bakeiv in ib 'I'M Factory''
tc i3P
Tor Bent.
Store in The Tribune building,
now occupied by the Times. In
cluding Desks, Steam Heat and
Electric Light.
Also 1200 feet of lloor spjee on
4th lloor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Knquire at office of
The Tribune,
SUMMIT IIOMC-On l,irado bke-(lrm ot ill
Aillromlacks 3',0 miles noilli ol Khroou
I.jKc. Cottuifc of loom-, coiupletilv
litrnltlicJ. ewept tiblo nml Iml limn "i"1
slberj lias four Unsc, nliy ludrooim bcili
Imo wire spring uml lmtlifiv". Mountain
kpilnc water in kitchen! (tuulcn spate, If dcslrfl;
heiutiful fcenen, tlnnnlnj; ilrbiw. boallnft, lWi
in. Two imilU ililb'. licry coruinlcnr.
1'iico $200 for Ihs f 1-011. Pntllier pirtlcuhn
upply Siiimnl II. Ikdiiklty, ..'U V.ililiiRlon
slicct, Xcw orU cli.
roil ltbVT Secn loom (Ut Willi all modern
imprint monte, liuliidinsr 'trim boat, im
pntMil pjs rnine. rlcdric Hula, ill.; rent
leisoiuble. Cill cjiIj. fi3 Mulberry street.
1011 ItKM Ilou-o Xo. bIJ Norlli W.islilnft
Ion ncnne! 11 iodias and lulli room; all
ncivly papered and piliitcd. Apply .it J31" Lin
dca elicit.
1011 HUNT 1J lloom hou'.o: 310 llntler ftiect,
Dnnmoic; bath, licit jnd cold witrr; laun
dry iieirb new. II. X. ralriel., .Ul WjMi
iustoii .mnuo.
FOB HUNT ll-ioom houe, modem inipioe
ments, ill Maillson acnue.
ft!U GKEEN' nillGi: britKnr, ten rooms, modem
improvements; steam heal furnished; desir.
Seal Estate.
U.OOO ill .srcuie .t modern stcun-lieated
rcldcnco with barn jnd laige lot. about
one- bloclv fiom court liouc tquiu. For
piitictilais see W. T. llackctl.ltcal Estate Dealei.
iS.JOO Bujs a roomy btemi heated hou-e. to
bloiks fiom lourt houic Minio IV. 1.
Ilukttt, Ileal IMato Dealer, Real IMUo E
hius,e, Wa-hincton aicnuc
?S,000 Bim steam heated lou-e with i barn;
onh thrro blocks fiom oml houe. Ve
VT. T. Ilackctr, Heal Estalo Dealei, Ileil L5ljto
11,000 Uu-, a lino icv-idinto on the hill neir
Mho --treit, with barn; rooms are Hrgc
anil plentv of them; leteptloti hall, illninif
room and f-nln furnished in oak Sec this sine.
. T. HacUtt, llul halalc Dealer.
buililiiiff. He -ivlll also conduct a
lunch 100m and ice cronm pallor in
connection. Vegetables and fiult fiesh
fiom tlio gaulens will also bo kept
in teason. The ouenlni? o such a
place of business in our town tills .1
long- tolt, and should rojrhc tho
pa nonage of the people.
Geoige Cobb, of Scianton, the gonial
toiiboiial aitiht, who forineily conclucl
oil a .shop heic, will oi.en a s-hop in
this place aualn in the neir futuie.
rinnles Haap, avho has bocu .1 lesl
dent of this, place for seveial ieaib.
will moo hib fumily to Scr.mton on
May 1.
Quito a number of the rJncamumont
members of the Inb ppiidert Order of
Odd Fellow fa' older anticipate going to
Scianton on the cenlng of Apill 22,
to attend a special session of the
grand encampment of Pennsylvania, to
be held in Odd Fellows' hall, '209 Wy
oming aenue.
Deputy Grand Patriarch A. A. Blown
Installed the olllccrs of Factorvville
eneampment. No. 246, Independent Oi -dor
of Odd Follows, at a tegular meet
ing held last "Wednesday night. The
officers tor the ensuing toun aie as
follows: C. P.. J, A. Brltton; senior
warden, A. G. Woodiuff: junior war
den. Chailes Packer: high pi lest, H.
J. Crisman: sciibe, E. S. Hinds; out
side sentinel, X. A. Gardner; Inside
sentinel, S. C. Kevnolds.
Mr. and Mrs. S. X. Simrcll, of Seran
ton, spent Sunday heio with their par
ents. Gcorxe Walton, our new and enter
prising mot chant, will, with his lam
lly, occupy the residence that Charles
Haag will vacate about May 1.
Sfioial of our tltUens -will attend
court this week.
Owing to confidence no services were
held in the Methodist Kpiscopal church
lust Sunday.
Tied .lucket lodge will most lUtingly
celebrate Odd Fellows' annlin.sary at
their hall on Fildny oveiiins, Apiil 26.
Special to th S ranlon Tilbunf.
Foiest C'itj Apill 15. John J. Kelle
her has purchased the Judsun Lott
property, on Hudson stieet, which ho
line occupied for the past beven years.
David h. Healey has purchased tho
confectionery and cigar business of
Mrs. P. NV, Guiihulls, on Main stieet.
He Is having changes mado In tho
building and will um a Hist clas lio
ci cam patlor,
The series of teliglous meetings In
the Bnptlst chinch contluue to diaw
good sUed (ongiegatlons nightly,
The fair of tho Foiest Cltji bund be
gins in the Opoia House tonight and
will continue loi a week. Tomoiinw
night the Star Dium eoips will pio
vlde the piogramme; Wednesday,
Hoggarth's bund, of .leiniyn, will as
sist; Thmsilay, the Foiest City band
will play; Fildny, the Vandllug band
will be heard, and tho Jernijn Citi
zens' baud has piomlsed to close the
fair Satuiday night, Theio will bo
dancing each oenlntf.
("leoigo W. Mnxoy, a Foiest City boy
who H a student at the Univeislty
of Michigan, In Ann Albor, Is gaining
consldoiable fumo In debates with stu
dents of other colleges. On Apill f,
ho was one of a tl Jo pitted ugulnst
the University of Chicago, to debate
tliei question, "Itesolved, That the
United States Should SuuMdUe Us
Merchant Mailne," und tlio Ann Aibor
boy& won.
The Kastor muslo was ippiated at
the Piesbyterlan church last evening.
A largo congicgatlon ,u piescnt to
enjoy it.
Missis. John It. Pell and John It.
Hiulii weio In Montiose Satuulay on
Lrs-lncJis lor iho i'ooi district.
4 Lines Q Cents
More ThanThrae Llnet, 3Ce'ntmforEch ExtM
Bcnl Estate.
Sl.'.mo tluji Hie llnesl loenleil fleJlil'hialcd
usldeme In the cllv. 'Ihiu Is Mronir l.jti
Kiiitio, but 'lis tine. i'or imlltiilam lire .
I'. IlarUclt, Ileil IMiilc Ileiler
s.,,u(io HI Imv i inmlcm rlaht'iooiii hoiife
on ,terreion airline. This eims too good to
bo tine, hut '(l tme. Hml IWatc Dialer
Ihckitt lmii ftirnlili pmlmilaM.
iJ.KW-Modrrn slnsU'. at Xav Aue I'atk necllon.
Y. 1. llackett. Ileal IMnto llcalci.
,fciXllus a i my, iiiodnn ilRht-room liouc,
looted on the rtmh tide of one of Iho
most ttrjetle bloeks mi tin hill. If this
is what joit aio Iooklntr loi ten,
yriOO-llujil a fill loi. with tuinflini!eil
usldciiep, dclluhtfullv llltaled on Hip bIikIx
side of ( laj aienue! as i lurpriln Mils
l.iioiks them all out. Heal IMate Dealei IlacKeit
has It tor mle.
ll,0i)0 1011 $10000 This Is no filry lale; It
means that $10,000 will buy a lame, mod
em, steam healed iloublo house wllli larRo lot
and bun on piicil .ixciiup. neir Jlulbeiry ttioot
and worth $1J,00. bi.c Ilaekett.
t,J00 lluis a nliie-iooni, sle unhealed housp,
near tjuliuv avenue; terms easy. V. T.
Ilarkctt, Heal hst Ho deiler,
J,o0 UP TO ?-,0,XK) Reldencp properllw In all
parts of cltv and hiiburbs W. 1". llnckett.
1.01 "-peilal birKUlns In buildins lot". V. T.
ssOu lima lot l.OxlbO. I'enn aienue, Oiecn
llidA1. Wills " Kcttor.
j.',300 Iluj s Sroom hoiuc, iniproiemciitn, lot
IOnIJO. U siren ftiect, Providence. Veils i
-si.COO Dm s one donbln house, 7 and. 8 rooms,
lenls tor V and 3: one ftluclo home lenls
for '-b; lot 1IU1V. Detly plioet, f.'reen nidi;
lell-. &. Kenlor.
J,0'iO lltna S loom hon'e, improvement', lot
2siC0, Piescott avenue. Wills k Kpalnr.
Situations Wanted.
MUA1I0X WANIHD YoiniB man in jeai,
iilii.s n position as bipvrle lepuiei; llf-t
fIns rcfeunee. M. A. C. Tiibunp offke.
frlTU.VIlOX UANTKIl Uv i. yomm man, as
col It i ton hw hid tour jiiis oxpniertp
Willi a iciihri? Pim of l!ih its. i,nl ran fiiutl-li
A Xo 1 rclerenecs. Address A. '. (! , Tribune.
MirAriOX WW1KD Middle aged mm and
wife, no ililldicnj careful; no drink oi
lolucco habits; wWi pare of gentleman h ipsi
ilinec during Mimmer; bet referencea. Addieis
Caic, Iribune.
SIUJ.MION M.ttlEll-llf a jomifr girl, Prokst
ant, to do general housewoik 212 Putnam
street, Sainton, Pa.
SITUATION UMtD To (;o out by the dav
vvaslmu;, nomiiK oi i leaning. fill or
addicts Mrs llussell 12P) Cedar ivenue, dlv.
MN o abihtv, 27, miirieil, well eilucatpd,
with knowledge of the art of advcills
ins, lucclianic with s.omo eTperieuce, dmiiis
to niKaco with cithu i mai.ufirtuiinK or whole
sale pilih iehincnt or hic;p department ilore.
No reasonable oiftr in mv line offerinB chance
for promotion refu-iil. Correspondence fiolnlt
ed. Addresa Ilo J 70, Dei nick, Pa,
MAlirtJI-D man, no chlldien, would like pc-sldon
a steward, jmltor, uclaker or work of jiij
kind, tl , riibuno ollice.
AOADi:lY 01' JIUSIC Tlio Corse Vajton
Cdiipanv. Jlitince and nii;hl
li 1I.1V l'trd IrvinS llic Burlesque show.
Jlatincc and night
Coise Payton Company.
The Coie I'ajton block company opined a
wnk'r! eiujiireini nt at tho Aiademy of Mu-11
jestenliy iftenuon to .111 inoriiioustj luge auli
nice, tho play pieaented tor the matinee was the
beiutlful phy on rural life entitled "Onlj -v
l'jrmer'a DiiiRhtei," and g-ive icillent sills
faction. Mr. Corhelt, very will known lure in
poranton, bivin' plajed four weeks straight
with the Davis Stock md with other flr't
class companies in tho Irulnur. loie did some oi
ceptioiuilb line woik and was the teiiplin 01
much deiervid appliu.-e.
"Woman against Woinm" was tiie bill pie
ce rted list cveuiiifr. Hiniboine scriiciy was di,
placed .hhI cMpiisite rostunies tiioroutjhly in
keepinp with the pla weie woin. The iintui"e
performanee this afternoon will be tho society
dronn, "Yonns Irs. Huthiop," will be pro
dured. Iho spechltiea intioilured bitvveen the
nits are cntlicly new and novel, and highly en-
Ii win's Burlesque! s.
lied li win's biff iliow bcjjin ,1 tlncc' n
gaRcmenl at tlio Caiet the iter veieidav aid
give a pleiidiur entert ilnmeut Tlio company
contains talint well known in the vaudeville und
burlesque world Intituling Maiiu Harrison, I.izic
an, W, 1.. Iliounlns mil ollieis well cruipp(l
to amuse. Jli-s C.nio Mmtill won murli ap
plause in lici rendition ot hongs with magic Im
ttru Jiiompimmout, and tlio Itiuvvniiipi kivp a
livil.v i-kdrh intltlcd "The Mui.v Tiamp." The
btar ait ot Hit olio, lovvivei, souus to Iiivp Ikhh
the act of the Cornalli!1. the nnriellotis icrobals.
An rntirtJinlug tuui wis (ontribulcd by John
Honan ind l'.itiuk Ivptrmj, who lneiviil mudi
applause for tluii Irisli sketch, 'liny are Si 111
ton jouni? men who havo bien 011 tho stauc foi
tho lut two jtar.s. llenldea their number in tne
ullo both appear in the sketches with whlili the
perfoi minces owns and closes.
The elo.ins (.kitih entitled " nood Thins,"
was 1 riro jnd 1 icy emliiiK- of .1 merry pie
urannne, lielng muili sti 1 for to the first bur.
IfKiVie. llio Iivvlu coinpmy will be at tin
dalety todi and lomoiTOW afternoon md even
In? A Swedish Dialect Play.
swcdish dlaleit pli bwe lajhcd of late owing
to the diitli of writers of this i-tylo of lomcdj,
thciefoio the auiioumiment of the fotthcotnicig
ptoduclioit nt ' fail f'arl-on," u brand new- ji.
Ill 1 11 at Nuinlln-nlju peisuas-lon U awaited with
some Intense. "Carl lulvou" will reteivc Us
initial piodiit lion in this illv at tlio bjeeuni
Tl ursdav night.
It will be poiliajcd bj .1 iiiilullv srleitcd
rnnpany lieadevl b tint fiwedWi diilut com.
edlan, AlHiiil llonald-oii Jlr ponaldson i d
iharaeter aitoi of ablliij who brings to hlj
woik a high biritone Mueo of great swectueM
and powir Ho will introduce .1 nunibci of e1
frctlvu songs dniiiij lliu picness of the plaj,
v.hlch by Iho way ore fiom the tame pen lui
In,' liecii fumbhid In Dinle II. f-orlln lliu
Mi piltluir vonipiny includes man v ill Known
11 mes Jlin Annie Muklieiliii bilna; the lead
Ins feminine meinbei, Seats aie now on sale
tpiual to the ieranton Tribune
Haw ley, Al'tll 15. Mi. John Stone,
who has been In a ciltleal condition
for a week with blood poison, Is ie
pcrteil about the same,
Ml&ses Ullen and Irene niahop en
tertained Miss Heltll Bishop, of Hones
dale, last week.
Brunch No. 32C, Improved Order of
rted Men. raised up chlets last night.
Mu. fcS. T. Palmer t,pent Sunday
out of town.
Mis. A. H. Avery and JIis. W. O,
Money to Loan.
MOVKV to loan on Improved cltv leal itate.
i has. ii. wkixi'.s.
MOSI.V 10 I.OAX--On reat estate, lito ir
small amount, ii rniei rate", I to it per rent.
I'ay tcinis IIourIis i. Van Deiiwn, illfiMU
"I HIS Pciui Muttiil Mf Inviirinci1 Com
pitij' wilt In ui upon Ilrst moitiiuse upon
crnlt illv looted piopirlles uij- nmmint, for Irrm
ol, at low I ilu of Intciesl. Cipwell,
Atlottiiy, Paiill Hull linn.
siUAlnilT loans In amounts 0 to i100.i1
it Vi to u pei ci nt; pavments nionllilv,
FPini'iiiniiiltv ur voilv. Intcrpsl on balanct.
. JI llutiiicll, Atlv, .101 2 Jleais niiltf.
J10XI1V to loin on bond ami inorliiw, any
amount, JI, II, Ilolsate. Commonvve ilth
ANY AMot'NT 01' JIOSI'.V TO 1.0 ,S-(ukk,
ttralriil leans or Ilulldlnir nnd Loan. At
fiom ! to b )i, tent. Call on X. V. Wulkei,
311-313 Connell building.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Heceived at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Cential City
AMU RT hClll.UT. comer Jlulbcriy
street and Webster avenue.
Ot'aTAV I'lClII.L, 650 Adanvs nvenup.
West Side
&l OlifJi: V. .IIIXKINS 101 South Main
South Scianton
II1KD L iKltPPn, V) C.dar avenue
North Sci-anton
OLO. V. DAlls, corner North Main
avenue ind Jtirkit street.
Gieen Ridge
OIVTILKS P. J0V1S, 15'7 Dluksou
P. .1. JOIIX, P20 Green Rhine street.
('. 1 OHi:., corner Mabhinton uvp.
miiu and Marion slice!.
W. II. KM.Pn.U 1017 Irving avenue
J. 0. BONK k "-ON.
CHAXCi: OP A UVK IIME-IIic Patuea Plan
tnllon of Honduras, Centril Amcriia, of
fers inducements never before heard of to men
with a small amount of cash who desire fteiilj
cniplojment with an interest in nil Iho invpjt
inonts of the companv besides a title to ten acies
or more of land In Patina allij. Amount lully
MHiirrd slid good wanes. Call or address 1111100
I'hnlation pompiiij-, Dime IS ink lllda;, scrintoii.
For Sale.
roll SAM' ("ai loid of jonner found horses,
vuihtiliit? Itoni 1IjO to 1090 pounds. 221 Oik
foid comt I JI. Field.
Rooms and Board.
bVlK.'i; fiont room witli board for two gentle
men, HU Adams avinue.
Knapp ai rived fiom Now Toik cits'
Morton Hnilow went to Scianton
Tho young child ot Mr. and Mrs.
John Currnn died yesterday of pneu
monia. W. C. Knapp was at Lake Ailel on
Miss Delia Pieison, of Klnibles, was
in tow n Inst Monday.
Special to the Scianton Tribune.
Durjea, April 15. -The Plttaton i:ico
trlo Illuminating company will fur
nish electiiclty for all the buildings
whed on Back road.
Mr. Michael ltendoo has opened his
new hotel tu Lawrencovllle.
Mr. Waller Naylor has pui chased all
the wood left In Millet's giove.
The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
George Brown, of Foote stieet, is crit
ically ill. as also is Miss Alice Brown.
Mr. Lewis Kendoe has removed his
family fiom Plekrell house to the
Law rence company houses.
Mr. Dan Dills visited in Scianton
Mesdames William Shales nnd John
son Handall visited In AVest Plttaton
Toysteln Bros., aie lemovlng their
dry goods from Cohen's ttoio to for
mer postoflico building.
Jangling1 Nerves.
Alt' you illitahle.' Do ou .sleep
badly? Is it haul to concentrate jour
thoughts? Is your appatlte poor? Do
you feel tiled, testless and despondent?
Tiy Ltchty's Celery Xervo Compound,
It will do you more good than any
thing j'ou hiuo ever tiled. Sold by
Muttheis Tbotheis,
Wall Btreot Zlevlav.
New Yoik, April 15, It vva.s plainly to be seen
today that the Inttuential atiuiihUKO ot piolej
sluiul oi.etJtois in stocks who havo led tliu
Kieit bull luirkct this jear tliroiubout wile link.
1111: jli nbnipi shift Ironi tho IiIrIi prind lalb
load sloiks into tho Industrial ttorks cf all
urades down to many that arc 111 tin. stock i.
il info categoiy o "cats and doss" ery
Imovunl adv-iucis weie elleitul In ininv ol tluso
and the uufilliiiK lollrivvlnff of outside spiculilori
which has quickly followed this liadttship for
niiiiv wnk-s pist continued its' doulo rupoino
todiy. A uiy nolible teatuie ot the nuiki't
was that piorlt taking- In tho railroad list per
ristcd thioiudiotil tho buov mt tlso unotiu; the
spiiijlties. llul the opiiiluir pihes In the iail
loaiU ur tIlop mulo duilni; the lirst hour pioveil
tu jm the highest In viry many iascf. Iliilroid
stocks generally chivv tut losses on the ill' ul
tl.ouh un illort wa inula to biiiiiioii. tliini at
lliu list liltlnff souio ol them liom tiie Idest,
NiW oik (Vntral had needed to Ill's 111 tho
last I10111 nnd was nude to tell 011 llio uil and
list tale at ISi'i, the closing hid dumpily bitik
jjaln to JJlVt vltli Ul'i askrd lis fai tho
mist conspicuous movement of the day owln.;
tu Iho euounoiu volume ot tho dialing In
Amalgamated toppn. The floik fell luik ,u
intervals oil iiotlt takin-; ntur its vvidu opui
Ina; at 117 to liO, compare d wllli 110 at sum
i!.,v' close. n the llnal dealings it was iu,liid
up throucli a Hood ol unriini.-. In lilJ,, 1 oine
at the top nulcli. Tluie wire notable upvaid
ihoviiiuuu in all tho lias ktoiLs, led bv Cuu
olldaled Oas nnd Hiooklyn Union (la-, Willi id
vaiucij 01 fj'j nnd 10 rupntlvtly. IVople's- t.aj
lioj at onu tiuiu nearlv S iwinls. I line wire
.rains ot I'j in Mitropolitau Mrtit r.ill.vaj
l!4 In 'ugai, T' in Chicajo leimiiul, S in tho
pieferred, I'Vi in Ccloi uio I uel, and I tu
Ti.niio.-vo Coal, Other gains ot I to 11 olnts ain
accounted tor bv such ttocL .is Iiiluiulloiul
I'ump, Toai and I'aciHi Land lmt, National
lead, Anierlc in I.iiueid Oil blocks, Sudoral
alt, Amciiiau fciiinf piefeired. Olinose an) Xvr
ik Alibrake. The onlv really notable ud
value in the railroad list was in the bUh
prued coalers, riivcland, Cincinnati, Chit 10
uml fct. bouUi, whiih lose 4, and MeMcan Na
tional, vvbiili was- lilted 2's on lariie bujiuc.
lluiliuk'toa was ut one time carried 'i'i undir
Paturdav and Rock Iiljnd '2 points'. Total calcj
todaj, l.OW.IOQ slnrc. The Iwnd m.ik.t wai
ttionj. Meslcan Cential Incomes Veins In notable
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Four Llnet, 6 Cents for Each Extra Line
Help Wanted Mole.
Wanted o
A bilnht ml rneicetlc jounft mm of tloiough
larat mquilntatict! uml villTmmdil luvvspipt
pspcrleiice. to tike a iPfpoiislhlo position mi a
well efluMI'lird Xoilliwulern IViiilaIviiiiIu ililly
ne.vpaper. Aildirsi "Pioneer," aie I illume,
stittn brp, ppeilcme nnd piy espetled
v.. .. - -
WAXT1.D-A first r'is co it maker. Apptj I'. I'
Jlidicll, Avota, Pi.
WANTIID V (tlenjanpiiir. Dunn k Ilium, Hi
Connell Uiilldlnir.
Help Wanted Female.
WAX-!!'.!) Uxpeileiifid biudeiy Kill wiutnl.
Tribune Uindciv.
LOsT 1)1 iniolid liuiHrxlinu pin. i.llieiul uvv ud
if ritiuncd to 1120 Mailoii btrret.
Certiflod Public Accountant.
K. P. M'VUI.DIMi, 2J0 1III0IV, M.W
KDWAnt) ii. iiavh, Aiininhcr. io'i:i,i
IHIIIhUICK 1 HltllMN. AnCllllH i. I'llll I.
buildinif. I'.n Waslilnjlon avenue, -o ililoti.
1)1!. C. II i:iU:'IIKltfl!'.U, I'M 1.1 HI H.DIMI.
tprucn stixct, ciantnn.
im. r. c lAUinrn. ir. vmmio vm.m'i..
inxu k. iioTiii:. a noKsnv-vr iav .
Rooms 12, II, 10 and 18 nurr bulldlnir
v. it. TiiACY.vrrr.coMMoxwKAiririii.iu:
tlated on leal estate ncuiitj-. JIpus Innldinjr,
oincr Washington avenue and Sprine slio,(.
IUini). vVAItREV f. KNM'P, VrrOllNIIVs
and counsellors it law, Hepublican building,
Washington aMiiuc.
Fcllors-atd ivv. Coiniiioniveallh buildinif, Hooiih
10, 20 and 21.
00.". IX)4, Ptb floor, Jlears building.
of Trade buildlnsr. f-cranlnn. Pa.
Bank buildinc;.
211 Wjcming avenue.
1I11111111I nnd a. Luce bllMliias tunieled in
t'liiou P11 illo touvirtiblo 4s Tolul i.'les, par
viltie, rnllcil Stati -3 old Is riRis
tind udvanced ind do. coupon declined 's i
uut. on the last tall.
The following nuotalions lie finni-hed tiie
Tnbunp In U. S .loidin k Co, iiouih TOI 710
Sii.ns btiihhn?, irunton, I'l. 'iilcplmne uiKM:
Open- UIrIi- liovv 1 1 s-
hi!r. et. el. lur
Au.ene.111 Surii 1I7H I'll l7", ll'V.
Iimni 111 li.btcco I jnt 1 o'i IJi't li'J
MlIi . To. .i S. Ie .... iV.'i U'.'s Irt'j uit
,T. S I. I'r tu. H IU 'i-.
lliooklvn Traction UT, ki Ml .'.'"i
Halt. Ohio tll'i .)" 01 "I
('out. Tohicro lVi HS 47'j l"'t
Cleo. & Ohio 17 4T9h 17 17
Chic. eV (i W i!.i'i .'I'm 22 .-".
Chip, II. ft Q 1'W'i I'll iss lss-
Pt. I'aul 1" Tii-1; IViS loi
Rock Isliwl Wl 1'i.lJ IT."1! I'l1.
Dchwarc k Hudon ....isl'i IKl'.j 17S'4 Ks'j
Kan k Te l'i M ill 0'i Mi's
l.iuls. k lsll lin'i 1I1JVI lOfs I'll
Manhattan Ue .H'l l-'i'.j USji UeVi
Met. Traetlon Co 170 171 170 17!
Missouri Piclfla 101 101 lOHU 10.1 'i.
southern Picltte In't -! J"iH
Norfolk & Wratein ol a ,"J7s SJ'i "!'.
Nertli. Pacific m inn oi's ii"'1m
Xortli. IMiiflL, l'i 07 !7 ni.lj W.
X. Y. (Vntnl lil'S V.2 IW'fe Vh
Ont. & West il '.'1 ,.l" .H'..
l'cnnn It. H T'71-: lis"i 1'iii1 1171
I'ailflp Mill i'l -"'a .'1 -'"'s
ltiadlns 7lj ..7tj .o'i a'j
IteadlnB. I'r Tij-'b M'i 7n 7n
Southern It. U '2n is-K Jjik lt
Southern It. It.. Tr .... fil MU S)'i snl
Tenn. ('. k lion sVJ ivi if.i.. i.7ii
17. S. Leather IPs llTs l'i 11
U. S. Leathei, I'l 771 7u'i 77 7U
II. h. Itubhei '.ii"; 21 20-d JI
Union I'Klflp PI PCs ! ''.'I
I'ttlon l'ailfle, IV 'Vh y yva eH, l'i .'i'l 10',, ,'iij Wi
Uisliiu Villon . ... nJ'j Hi '2 H!
0. 1 I s mi., sri S71.
Mini. Copptr Ils'j 14. 117 l.'IU
l'ecplo's 01s IU I m til' lll'i
Teas Paritlc- I l'i l's I". Ia
Am. Cir rouiuhv . ... Jo'i Wi'i .'il 'i.U
V, S. St,rl Ci Is is I 17.,
U. R Steel (o I'l . .. 'li'.. 1'V, Ol'j Pl'
M.W YOI'.K llllilN' MAIIKI.l
Dpi n- 1 ow I los-
V. tll'Al" it-r- "1, ci. in.
May 7'la4 T7', 7'.,s 77
Julv 7n, 7njs 7'l'i Tnij
Miy t'fj l"a t' s I i'j
Bcrnnton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Baaed
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Did. Asked.
rlrst Natloral llauL 1JW)
hiranton bavings Haul. J30 ...
Third National Hank lJ
Dime Deposit and Din iuiiI II ink.. J7i ,,
Economy Light. II. 4, l. Co 40
1,-irka. frmt bale Deposit Co. .... 1 VI ...
Clark k bnover Co, I'r ,.,, L'i
Seranton Iron Fence .V life. Co 100
biranton Axle Works 01
Linka-vanna Riiry Co., I'r, , 2d
County bating Hank k Trust Co,, IM
First National H ink (C'arLoudale) im
htundard l):illlns Co JO
liadera' National Hank ,, 145 ,,,
Eiuuton Holt and Nut Co 100 ,,
Seranton I'asrnzer Railway, Brit
MorUaajc, due I'JiO 115 ...
People's stieet Railway, tlrst inort-
(,-aac, due 1013 ,,,,.,., 113 ...
I'coplo's Street Hallway, Uencrtl
tnoitsagc, duo 1021 ,.,,,,,.,,,, US . .
Dickson Mamiiaiturliu? Co , loo
Lacka. Towmhlp ixhool 3 per cent, ... 1'JJ
City ol bctaiitcn fct. Imp. a per
cent. ............ 102
bcrantou liuclion 0 per icnt 113 ...
Scianton Wholesale Maiket.
(Collected b) II. tl. Dale, '27 l.JcUw.imi UtJ
llittln CiiJi'i iv, old JiijJIc ; liefh, '.'a'J'ie.;
daii.v, tush, iHiUX; old 11 iK
Cl.ifst. Full ctoani UiUe.
1'fcjv Wf4lllH fll'll II1. 10 IV nuitiy
still, ll' lo In.
Ileitis Vet bu , khoiee iiunoeir, fcjailiilO
j'11 lleans-lr Im , iholeo inanow, JliaJO
Mvdiuii ileaiii-IM bu . sj4,ij.i,-,
llicin Peas I'ei bu., sl.JOil 4u.
Oulous-lVr lu., l.lOal.Vi
I lourllfsl patent, pel bbl., $llj
Red Klditj Usauv-l'ci bu , s.'ijj'co
Philadelphia Ginlu and Product.
riiiUdvIphia. April 1 Whrat-1 inn. '3e.
hiuheri lontrait srade, April, 77'ia77';i. Com
Meidy: So. i inKed April. 4eatiii, Oats
sicud.v; No. white clipped. J:lWe. Hut lu
ll 4 epiiet un J t.o. lowtr; fan v western cieam
ei, i!K.i do. do. pilnt, SJe.j do. nearby do,
ilc. I'tTgsl Inn, icwd diinaudi ficoh nearby,
lie, do. wrstein, lie ; do. southwestem, II' ;
ftsjP Zap
Physicians nnd Sugeons.
1)11. W. II. AI.M.N, 511 XOinit WA8IIINQTOV
Inrjlon nveiiue. Ilenldente, 1113 Mulbtirj.
Chronic dlfraec, tuiiK', heart, kldnfjn ami
Itenilo nrliniy oii?mi a spetlaltv. Hours, 1
to I p 111.
b ci.itTiinii: rvvv. osrroi'.vrn. us axd
121. Washington Ave., strjtl0, ia, ciironhi
HImssis .1 hpalillv. Ollkt llouis: S!10 to It
in.; t.-o ii ;o p in.
Hotels and Bestuinnts.
nil! 1 I.K I M'l:. II". AND 127 FtlNKMV
avctuu, Itads uiisdinble.
P. XbUIMlll, Piopiietor
sflUMON IIOI -i:. Ni:lt I).. I. k W. PAP-
t-oiiBer depot, t'oiiilmliil 011 the European
plan UCIOll KOdl. Pieprlctor.
(I. II lAIIKI, k CO. !-l I.DsMEN AND .Nttr.S
iijliitn, stoic 20 Wvhliuitnn avenue; ciccn
liumvs, lllVj Xnlli .Mum avinue; klore tele
phoii', .2.
11 imu.i.' fi-iAVs- iMiiw vui,rs and
ids punts, im odoi; onlv improved pumps ued.
, II. HiUi;s, pumieloi. leive oideis ll'lo
Niilh Miln ivuiup. in I'.id.e's ding (.tor", cor
net 1l111i" .ind Mulbiiij Id Hi tilepliones
Wiie Scieens.
10-1.111 Ku.iir.i,. 5ii:i! .mi i.xlkv wi:.,
'(luulnn, Pi, iiiinufiiluui of Mie sucen'.
Hill ssJIvmsij 1,, ! im.lilll.N IO ORDER-il-n
lulus' w iNc 1 mils shoimil.ei, 212
ditns .ivenue
jiiuuK.i.i: mios. piiiNri.r.s' ?i'ppi,ir, rs"
1 elope, pipu bill . t'vliip, WaichoihC, 1,0
Nasjuiiptpn iivinup, cii-Hiiton, Pa.
Illi: WIMCP'-IMIiRI ll'iOIID CN DE 11 l)
in Siaiilo'i .1 tin new- st nidJ of Rilsnim
linn . luij s.piu,p and V: l.iml. 11: JI Noitou,
.'2 I likavviiiiu avuitie; I Sthutzei, 211
"punt sli-l.
'IIIKI.l. will be 1 spedil elcetlon In tl
seventh wild on Wednrnlav . 2ltli daj of Apill,
Pfll. foi Hip pinope ot helefting one peiwn to
-uvp as Silei I Coun'ilmui tor mid ward, kv
Idiu I', lioclie, usifrned.
.TME VIOIR. Cltv Rccoidei.
bu.ii.lcii. P.I . Apill n. 1W1.
In ose Mulh'v. Dei eased In the Orphans'
('(lit uf I ukaw .una Count v, No. ), Scilcs "C "'
NoIkp is luieb.v ivrn tint the undersigned,
.111 Audiloi apfiiinted bv the Orphans' Cotirt of
I,H.k m.-uiii.i (uiiTiH, to wlioin 13 referred the e -(iptlons
1o the lirsl and pailial account of
fioiBP JI MulUv. eecutor of the twtate of said
ilicrdrnL with aulhoiilv to rlsss upon such e
ciptloiiv ind report to and comt, will attend
to the duties of Ins appointment at his Office in
the C'onnill llulldiiijf, City of Seranton, on Mon
1l.1v, tho Ihirteenlli day of JIav. 1P01, at I) a.
pi . at which time and place all persons intci
(fled aie requeue 1 to present their claims, or
he loicvti 'Id' tiled from doing t.o.
.IOHN JI. II RRI"?, Auditor.
do southern, 11'. Cheese Quiet but steadvj
New ork tiinev full crcames, fancy email, l.'a
U',c ; di. do. fiii to choice, 10Vjall?ic. Ue
Hi it Sua-ars (Juiet bill linn. Cotton Un
iliuiiceil. 'lillovv Sleieli; clt prima in hosi
leuls, jo.; lountiy do. do., barrelj, 4,W5i..
( ikp-. oijo. Live I'oidtij Dull awl casiei;
fowls, Up; old loosttm, 7a7iie. ; winter thlik-en-.
Haiti,; i-piltifr ililekens, 21a iOe.; duclu, I0
lb Diessisl l'oulttv Quiet but Ivrm; lowN,
ciioi(p, lO'ac; do lair to Rood, nVsutOc.; old
loosliis, 7!,.e.; loaslirg ihiekens fiozen, ,
as lo (rtiilllj; fiojcn turkevs Villc. an to C'ml
in, ducks, lOilic. Receipts Hour, 1,000 li
nds nml l,070,t)0O pounds in s,acks; wheat. 7S,0)
busliclie; 10m, 101,1)00 bushels; oits, 32,Ou0 lmh
lis. Miipine ids II lie it, 31.000 bushels; 1 1111.
4siKV) hushils; oils, U,000 bushels ; fiom, du 1
ml weak.
New York Grain and Product.
N'evv oik. Apiil II rioui Quiet nnd tin.
(I inked but udid 'tun en ill grades in sjiii
pilhv witli win 11. Illicit Spot tlrm; No 2
led, 70V. ( " b nfloal; No 2 led. 70Tni. ih'
v.itor; No. 1 noilheiii Ihilutli, MTlic- ' ' '
Uloil; cplinis cteily, opuninpr deeloped firm mil e lo-ed at 'jo. net -ldvsnce; May closed
77i ; .liit, 7i)'4p.; iptmlKi, 7371. Com Spe
ll. in, Nli, 2. IDV.e. ile.atoi, and ICHe. f. 0 I,
uhiai; rptlo'M Kiieiill.v linn all dav; dosed
dim .il 'li. net idvmce; Mn do-ed 4JV.c..
lulv. Is'io.; f-iptimbei, lli. Hits-Spot dull,
No. ', .iiie.; No ', ..'ie.; No. - v Idle, .13)i..;
N"o. 1 wliile. lO'ie.i truk iiiisid western. ,0a
.it's ; eptlons quiit bit steadier on backwmr
scll'intt lepvilR nnd tin- ilrniuess of coin. Buticr
--slpidv at tin' deiHii: tiesli eieimeiy, Ibajlc,
tiiloij," UUuI.I'bi.; Iniiialion iieamerv, 14a)i ,
sleilp diiiv, IS i20 fheisi Maiket hteodj
fimv hue colored, ll'iell'ji.; do. do. "Idle,
llill'ic.: famv siuill eolmrd. UUalJ'.r., do
do. wliile. U'alJ'ii'. l'i?4s-Mreniti late and
1'iiiiisvlvanii. Ilil1': kiuIIkit. IJiIJiC
wisiiin atut i.e. tl'.i.. wistfin. usnlar packen
Cliicnp.o Giain ana Product.
Im iko. Ipiil II I (rial iiilurps told fin
tluiiilly hlhil toil 11 but Iride In tliem vci
quiit." -Mav win it elorcil 'jo, hichd und Vlav
corn it 11 'like uaiu while ,fav oats 'hovvisl a
ehkslnc; 1 illv 01 'ic- I'rovi.lors ehised 7'j
liiiclu r In IV. lovvei. f'auli quotations vvers is
lidlovvs: I lour Quiet ami iinituingeil; No, 1
spiina wheat, IVliJ(lic.: No. 2 10m. ,
i, 2 jellovv, ll'iill'ti.: No. 2 oils, St)V5iJ7e ;
V.i 2 while, 21'jp.i Vet 1 white, SalOi.;
No !! rje. "'' S"1"' iiulliiB barley, lis-. I lair
In clioleii malting, .liaise. ; No 1 lla secJ, M-w;
Sn 1 1 101 1 hurst cm. ?1.M, prime timothy seel,
s, si); tms poik, ifll,204l4.ri; laid, M 1lYtl 5"!
short 1 llul, sides. HS'uMO; dry bilteel nhoiild.
el. 7i7'Jc.t sliotl clear slde, Kl"'ia8i,
whltkc.v, fl.27.
Chicago Live Stock Mftrktt.
ihiias-o, Apill 11 Cut lie- Herelpls, Jl.OfW, in
(ludhuf .1)0 leun; finely iseept nifdlum tei
lian. Hum top, -saJS, good to pi Imo teci,
aii, poor to medium, $l,P0jl 05; sloe kin nnj
leedors, riow, medium weak, fJ.TSal.7.1; rows,
.'.71alf.O; helfeis, ?2,7."iit,75; c-inuem, $.M0aJ.J0,
ImlN, ,7'Ml VI; lilies, liJJ0; Tes fe
tiers, ifl ilal 15: 'lesis irraw dteen, Vi,
'lits bulls, n2,7JaS.'J0. llotn RerelpU tcdr,
2l,ixi0 ; tommiovv, a),iW; eitiinateil le(t over, eipencd sleadv, closl easier; top, ka'ii;
mied und lulchcrs, $5.0)18 50; so-id to cholca
he-ivy. siltKaiiJl; lough luavv, DOaO; IIrIiI,
s1"Ciul.l7ii, bulk 01 fules, I0lafi.l7)j. Mifip---ReiciptR,
21,0011; .sheep, tlowi shorn cnort, iflf'O
jj III, uleady to slow; Coloridoj moslly, J.1 f,
k-peid to iliolco wclhets, !j.,7oa!; fair to clli
mived, $1 coal fO; vventent sheep. sl.75a1; jeat.
linss, si mal 10, nitlvc limbs, W.iiiiiS-,; w(t
ci 11 I mill-, s-,j5,.-,.
New Yoik live Stock.
New itk, April 1"' lleeves Ixuvsrul fur;
maiket Ktiad.i, tfir, j. Hal ill; bulls, -J.144 2
choiio to funcv IU do., S4 Oail.Oi); iovw, ?;
.; 711, eholce and etra fat, do., $lal JJ. t'alvis
Mull.. t oiud weak te 2ic, lower; closeii 2)
lo 'sk. nit, lull) Vk) calveis unsold; veali, 1
71, choice ind estia, $.1 S71ia(l. bhee) Stead 1
lambs, I'mAm orl; sheep, iJJ.i'i; culU, WaJ6)
t, ,'nd shicep, frllftilV); imshora lanitw, Vn
11; (. ifil do, uelal2")j iptine; lambs', $U3 p'r
heid llojs-Markit timer ut l I3a0 (0
East Liberty Cattle,
l.u,t Llbcit), April n.-Otlle-Mrudy, e
tu, $o(aVai.75i prime. $.i25i3IO; good, MJj:''
lioi;s lllght 1 i cxtiu lieavy, $3 ail:afl.3i; auo.l
til inediuiiw, SeiWul U; heavy orkeri, $0.21
u .0, llaht do., .s.nniiO; gooil )l. (0 000
sklti, -5al SO, lougtm, l 2V1J.70. &hcep-61ow
best clipKd vritliii. 4 Vsil u); common, r'a
.:;); choice mbfr 'ilOa5.'lo; comnno to g-eol
11; veil i-jlee, i1.u'J.
Oil Market.
Oil Citj, Apiil 13.-Ci.llt balance. M Mi tt
tltle-atci. no. bid; ehepmeilt, 1H.10U baiTfUI's)
iTJfe, s7,H7 t.irrele; run,, 112.101 baiteli; 4
tia.'e, M,IW luiul.
ii- .-' ,1.