. , Vai'-ii''' '"' 'ATfiV?'.':j(ei!pi"'M's?v's'-S3'i3' J vf'SSS 7''"'' "y ' '? ' - f ( jy jt ?. am-- T"i- f ; U. L f .M- - v ' "T? " ' "V" 1 S THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1901. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA THE TRIBONE'S "WANT" DIRECTORY iv ia Cl BRADFORD COUNTY. Sptt'Ul ! Hi'' Si-Mntoli Tilbuii". Tow.tiidn. Apill 1 1. At Snyic it N clulmril tli'tt private dctcctlvcH 1110 hauntltiff tho ImrrooniH, mill whenever possible pictures tire liiki-n nf riillroittl men, while ch-lnklm. ami such tu lie USCtl US cVllItlllOO WllPII IIUCCH''ilt'.V. John Scull, one of the country' old est anil bent known colored men, died nt hlH hemic In Towunilti, uroiI olnhty two yeur.. Jle was born u slave In Sliuntimlouh vnllcy. ami In ISIS lie niutlu his escape ami went tu l.cllcfoiili', thence to I'lltsburi;, when.' lu- was cii Kiigcil a" a teumstor. ileitis- suspected by Ills foniipr master, lie donned lemtilu attlri; anil again iiiiiiii- an escape, Bottii: to Cttiiudu. After workliiK on Lake l-.'rlo for several years, he later went to Murrain, then eoIiik to HI mini ami dur ing the Civil war was In Troy, thin county. Afturwnrds he name to To wanda, where hu won the osteeni or many friends. Ho in .survived by a widow and one ulster. Mall contracts have been awarded to the different contractors lu Kastorn Bradfoid, and takes effect .Inly 1. A new law partnership has been formed by M. IS. Ulle.v ami W. P. Wil son, both of Towanda. fit. Rev. Kthelbert Talbot, of Scran Ion, save an excellent, confirmation ad dress at. Christ church this week. Mrs. Eliza Gate died at her dauch ler's home, in Ulster, on Wednesday, aged seventy-one years. Khr; resided at Say re. At a live bird shooting contest be tween F. D. Montunye, of Towundu, and Del Hieslns, of Sayre, for a. pur.-e "f $25, was won by the former. Kneh man shut at llfteen birds, at a distance el" thirty yard;-. The m-oic was ton to clsltt. The body of Charles Heemau, a sol dier, l cached Towanda tioni San Fran cisco, and was burled yesterday. Michael Conley, at one time a resi dent of this vicinity, has been arrested at Cleveland, Ohio, on a charge of mur der. Ernest Schoonover, of Terry, had his right hand cut oil' by a saw on Wed nesday. A local teachers' institute was held at South Waverly on Saturday. Frank glicimun, of Athens, has con sented to play DeOro, at Washington, a pool tournament for a. wager of $200, the winner to take t!j per cent, of the sate receipts and the loser 3."i per cent. The dates are for next Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday. Six hundred balls Is the number to be played. .1. A. Bull, a. carpenter, fell a distance of thlity tout and only lecclved slight Injuries. Floyd Wheeler, an Athens Kid, foil Into a cistern, with nine feet of water, ind "vas rescued with dltliculty. M t. Jennie Hamsdell, or Virginia, is visiting Bradfoid county friends. Deputy Marshal llallon and Attorney Koylt. woiis in Scranton on professional business lasi week. The billboards and lithograph win dows announce the coming of "The Merry Tramps," which will appear at Hale's opera house next Monday even ing, under the successful management of Wood & Ward. The comedy is writ ten for laughter, and the entire pro duction is far ahead of any and all farce-comedies now traveling. Twenty Mist-class singers, dancers and comedi ans support the play. Among the spe cialties the prominent ones are the Klmorc sisters, John J. Welch, Miss licsslc Bennett, and otheis. TUNKHANNOCK. Fpfcial to the S'-rantou Trlliune. Tunkliarinock, April IS. The Mon day club v.-Ill meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Burgei's, on Harrison street, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The programme is as follows: "Scotch l.ovlews and Reviewers," .Mrs. North rope: music, by the club; "Edin burgh," Mrs. Louis F. Camp: golf, club; music. John D. Carpenter, of AVilkes-U.irre, was calling on friends and relatives in town on Friday. Mrs. Reynolds, of b'crantou, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William firaliani, at this place, has re turned home. Airs. Maurice Jones lett Friday for Bangor, Pa., where she will make her future home, Mr. Jones is at a Phila delphia hospital, wheie he is being treated for paralysis. Mrs. Stephen Robinson, who hiis been vMting her mother at Russell Hill the past week, has returned home. Attorney John M. Gaiman, of Nan ticoke, spent Sunday with his Jaiully at this place. The different churches in town will commence their Sunday evening ser vices at T.b'O instead of 7 o'cloek for the coming sis months. Mrs, James B, KethledRu left Fri day for Pen Argylo, where she will mane tier future home, Mrs. William Graham left Kaluidav for Scranton, wheie she will be th'o attest of relatives and trlends. The Five-County Firemen's ronven lion will be held ut Troy, rtnultoril county, Aug. 1 and s, luni. WYALUSING. Ipecial to tt.e Scranten Tribune. WyaluBlng, April ll.-Mlsu Julia Hopkins is very ill. Arthur Adams, of Princeton unlver ilty, class pf 1001, has been lu town .'or the Easter vacation. Misses Leila Hallock, of Wyoming luminary, and Florence Fuller, of El nlra college, also spent thalr Easter cations with friends in town. Invitations huvu been received to iho marriage of Rev, Albert L. Mer ihtm to Miss Mary Young, of Avoiid.ile, S", J, Mr. Mershon was pnbtur of thu Presbyterian church at this place a few- yeura since. Miss Belle Decker Is very III with 'nflummatory iliemnatlsm, Mr, ami Mr.". M, s, Klntner, of Me uiupany, visited their daughters, Mes .iunies Fisher, Welles and II, 11, G'uy lor.l, lust week. Tio people in town are shocked by the sudden death of Mrs, Anna Host wick, of Blight's disease, nt her homo In this place, Tuesday overling, April i. She had given birth to a child only USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A powder to lid tluUn into the boM. ,ur '!, ..,! ...'Ill,l lir Itltll.' 1,1.1 t.,r .... . . ,.v. ...v....,, .,vmh ...... .iiii(r, aim un ueo l-4s,ij, II ,vu im.e- uliiiii icu, irv ,IKHA 'ntd.aw. It rail tin' leU anil injto n-w i L'liil.A'" cay. Cun t'Mllil dm, mvllcii. IU;K K-t, lllbUM Ull kalloUS tlwU. Hi;. I coin, and Minimi ut all piin un. K,,.j nil i mm ut. Tiy It I ljy, fo'cl by all Ulu'i. K.t.l !Ii.. .1 .1a. j ' . .i.l 'l.t.l I . h"' - ' , , Miu-. in ai iJai',,j;ii ,i,'n vii I' J III'U (CM, .l' HOJ, , t two da;. s before, which makes hot' de mise unusually sad. She was the youngest daughter of Iho lute II, J. Estelle, of Lacoyvllle, She was !M years old, and Is survived by her hus band, R. A, IJostwiok, two sisters and two brothers. The sad nown was received In this place last Saturday of the ilealh of Mrs. John lltimaker, of Farnilnglon. Minn. Xeuralgla of Iho heart was the cause of her death. She li survived by her husband and four children, the youngest a babe of thine weeks, ller many friends In Bradford county mourn the death of this woman. She was a very attractive Italy and a beau tiful singer. m " SUSQUEHANNA. Special to the SeMtiton Trunin?. Susquehanna, April 11. The funcinl ot the lute Mrs, Daniel McCarthy, of the Oaklund side, took place from St. John's Catholic church on Saturduy morning and was largely attended. In terment was made in Laurel Hill ceme tery. Miss Louise Curtis, of Wlnwood, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Curtis, of Jackson street. Miss Josephine Foley has taken a position at Forest City. At Pccksklll-on-the-Hudson, Wed nesday last, George O. Hammond, em Ployed in the Eric shops here ns draughtsman, was united in marriage to Miss Agnes A. Dunphy. Mrs. Martha. Boynton, the capable librarian, was in New York during the past week purchasing new books for the Young Men's Library association. The Susquehanna county medical pension examining hoard met In this place on Wednesday last. Quite a large number of veterans appeared for examination. Rev. Charles W. Boot Is enduring an attack of grip. A public supper will be held in Christ Episcopal church on Monday, followed by the annual parish meeting. Lanesboro's indebtedness Is only $355.87. The Harmony Brick company, at Brandt, is adding new machinery to its plant. Harrison S. Conklin, of Montrose. was in town on Thuisday. Burglars on Wednesday night broke into the postofllee at Starrucca, took $73 from an unlocked safe and escaped. The "Old Arkansaw" company ap peared in Hogan Opera house Friday evening to good business. The funeral of the lute Stephen Barnes, of Ararat, took place this af ternoon from the Barnes' hotel. In this place. The Grand Army of the Repub lic had charge of the services at the grave in Evergreen cemetery. De ceased was fattier of John W. Barnes, of Scranton. After a protracted illness of con sumption, Frank Bryan, the well known Main stieet cigar manufactur er, died at his home on Washington street, at an early hour Friday morn ing. He is survived by his mother, a brother and sister. In 'St. John's parochial residence last Thuisday evening, by Rev P. F. Brod erlck, J. W. Hawkins and M1ss Bertha Casey were united in marriage. Wood Barnes, of Hornallsvllle. is in town, called here by the death of his father. County Superintendent of Schools Charles E. Moxley, of Rnllslead, was in town Friday. Between Susquehanna and Lanes boro, Thursday night. Charles Tylor, of Lanesboro, was found In the highway suffering from a broken leg and other severe injuries. It is not known how he sustained them. DURYEA. Special to the Scranton Tilbune Duryea, April . The Ulaek Dia mond Social club will conduct a social this (Monday) evening in Dymond's hall, Jlooalc, to which nil are welcome. The Lawrence IIo.se company No. I attended the rair or the Century Hose company No. -2 of Taylor. In a body, Saturday evening'. Mr. William Naylor hay lite butcher shop and house supplied with electric lights. nhailes Uvnns also lias hi home and store supplied with the .same. Several of our town people attended conference: nt West, Pittrfton on Sun day. Misses Iteta and It cue ri.intee are vihltlns at the home of Miss IJthyl Uenjaniln. Mrs. David Seal is eonilned to her home by illness, as Is also Mrs. Ficd Dennis--. i m i OLYPHANT. Mi& .Mildred Smith eiiteitnined a lurpc Katherlujr of her little friends nt the home of her srandparuiitH, In Ulakely, on Saturduy nttcriiooii, be tween the houiH of ; mid ," o'clock, in honor of her third birthday, (lames and other amusements hlpcd to pass a. very merry tifurnoon and at -1 o'clock- lii.ii h was i-erved, The little liusttMK reeelved many pretty birthday Kifti. An illustrated lecture on "Michael AiikcIo" will be given in the Presby terian church Thunday ovenlnt;, April 25, A r.uo trenl is assured for those who attend. Miss Jennie Voyle ' spendins n week with Wllkes-Barfu friends Ficd Deny, of Carbondale, spent yesterday with 'relatives In Blakely. Mr, and Mivi. Wllilain Hownlls and datvphtcr, of Tayloc, were the guests of Mr, and Mre. T, l, Jones, of Licka wanna htrcot, yesfjrduy. Mioses Mary J. DiiMs and Mumle Wade spent yesterday at West Scran ton. Mrs. Mathew Mnukuy nnd son visited relatives at AVIIke.i-Harre yesterday, Thomas Kllcullen, of Newark, N, J is visiting relatives on Duumore Rtreat. A special session of the council will be held UmlBht to consider the mut ter of peimlttlnfr tho Dolnwarn and Hudson company to construct n nar ov i! tin so track across Dunmore stieet at srade. M, K. lloylo spent yesteiday In South Scranton. WAVERLY, Mr. Chi'ibly IntentlH to MnK an .. teKloii well iititl orert it wind mill lo KUjiply his rcslduncc with writer on Ai-iiileiny Htteot. Thi! rtiads whiuh in tnuny plucen wt-ro uhnost impassalilrj huvc improved wonderi'ully In the past few days'. An interc'Stlns: lecture whs delivered at the J've MethuilUt elitueh lust Tuesday vu-nlns by ln 1 Bird, of (ireen JtlilRv. Hi- Hulijort, "I'rotes. tlun to tlie lloni'V ya well handled. ey & For Sent. iH FOR RENT FROM MAY t. Store in Tlie Ttibune building, now occupied by the. Times. In cluding Desks, Steam Heat and Electric Light. Also 1200 feet ol lloor spce on 4th lloor of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In eluding heat, light and power. Knquire at office of Tub Tribune. si;m.mi:u iiomi:-on paradox mke-gem of the AdlrondaiKs-:!'.. miles nortli of Siiiroon Lake. Oottagq ol aeicn roonu, com pletely fuiniiiied, except Libia .ind bed linen and tibcrj lias four large, alty bedrooms -beds Iimo wire spilncs jnd insttics-so. Mountain fcirlnR water in Kitchens iMidcn tjutr. If desired; beautiful bccncry, channlni,' rlriu'S, boalliiK, tub ing. Two mails dally. f.ivrry comenienr. Price $-0O for tlu nwon. Curt her ruitiotdaiJ apply Sdinuel ft. Bcard-tlry, S'Jl Wellington alrcet, New York city. ion nnNT staves iioom ixat wmr aMj modem improt erne nH, including tlcim heat, iinproii'il (jus r.uiKi1, ctectiic Hiiht, etc; real reasonable. Call early. !i3 Jlulbeiry Mieet. FOIl ftUNT-IIOUsi: XO. lilJ XOUTII WASHING, ton avenue; 11 loonm and bath loom; all newly pjpercd anil p.ilntecl. Apply .it S!7 Lin den ftlL-et. rort nnxr-fi-nooM noii:; sto uutui'i itiect, Uunmnrr; liith, heat and cold natci; laundry neatly new. II. N. J'Milcl., .Til WuMi ingtcn dcnui. roit i!i:nt ii iioom iiokm:, modi:rn im- proeminl?, fi'J Madison atnuc sua oiii:i:n' nim.'i: stiskkt. ti:n- koom. modem itnpiovcmviila; te.lm lie.it furnthed; deflvable; 5.W. Real Estate. )12,noOWIU, S1.CU1IC A MODKItN, hTCAM. heated residence with bam and l.ugo lot, about one block mini cnuit Ihiiho Mpuio. for paiticulais fee W. T. Ilackett.IU'il IMalo Iic.iUr. 58,.vio nuvp a iioomy sii: M.iii:.vii:u houc, two blocks lioni couit bou-e fquaii', W. T. Hacked, Ileal LMate IKalcr. Itcd IMate Uvcliancr, WathliiBlon .icnuo. .(Hw-nuvs .sTnAM-in:ATi:i) nfsi: with a bun; onlv time Mocks liniu couit lmiii. 6fe W. T. HJCkctt. kcil IM.itc fleaicr, Ileal litatc KNchaicc iii.ouii iii'vs . nxi: iti:-ii)i xn: on- tiii: hill near Vine .-licet, with bun; toonis ,ne I use .mil plenty nt (hini; icciptlou lull, diuiim loom and stalls tumislnd in o.ik. Hit this r-mo. '. T. (lackett. Ileal IMata Dealer. sij,5di)-injYb tiii: Kixi:vr i.uCAiri) mka'm- heated H-idine in tho cit.i. This i -Iiouk hmsuaxc, but. 'in Hue. l'or paitiinlaiN -iv W, T. HacLctt, ltt.il VM.ite Dealer. iJ.UOO WILL BUY A WOlir.HX LUJIUMIOOM hou on JcRci-on avenue. This fcm lno good to bi: tuie, but 'lis tiue. Ileal i:titi! Ilcikr Hickett can fumi-h paitieukiis. :.,!;iio-iiijs a cosi:v. jiodkus kioht-iioom liou-f, located on Hie thidy ilo m one ( lhell)ot attraetite blocks on the hill. If tlu i what jou aio louklnir lor xei llctkrtf. r;o.v-lll'YS A VI'l.L IOT, WITH sri:i hc.iti'il le-iilonce, dt'llclillully hilcteil on tb sbadv Me of CIiv aienuo: as u laisain Hil-s knocks them all out. ll.ai IM.ifc l)e.',ler Hack-'t has It for Mle, ooooooooooooooooo S THtATKlLAL. 00OOXXOOX00 ATTRACTIONS TODAY. At DLn Or ML'sIC 'Hie Cut-( Pajloti -to.k coinpanj. Malincc and ntRbt. O.ME'l V Pied Irwin' DI? lltule-.pir -how. Matinee rii'I nisltl. The Corse Pnyton Stock Co. If any tun dm Ms the popuiaiity ot the ( oi e P.tjiou Stock coimiini, .i 1-lt to tiii. Aiidttuy of " Mii-.li- this alt-moon, when they bevin a weik'a ingaKcmetil In our clly, will sen- tu di-pel tho-c doubts If ,m one fates to seau li for the eatiie ol tltii popuknity, slit I atltntiou to tin slam lor en1.' pertoinianee will distotci the ifj-m. Mi.-s Edna E.ulie Lludoii is a leadine aeltess ot acknowledged ability ami ,er. Vitillt.i, and e(ty tmnibe-r of the Mippnitiii!; lonipa'tiy is :m ailist in the tine stnto of Inn wonl. ' Enry pioilr.ellon is i.udu with Hn jt.im i, in lo tiiiuij, toslinne-, lutniluH and ntlier details Hut thai ictillfc. the iulj.-ili.il I'to di.ilious in New Yuri.. Hie plats stleetid ate tl Inst of Meliopulltali HHics-e., and Him ..uali uUmimIi and iiililllKViil diieetion make tlie in llie most eoniplele cie-t altrnipteil by anj popular piUtd ininaci. The cngageintrit in this city will lw-,lu Jl.n day alltinoon by the pirrrnUtlnn el lli.it pipu. In slides, "Only a P.uniir'o Dtnahlei," whiili will he. t,'lteu tor Hie hut time in this my at tlie icsulalioti Coisi Piitnn piitff, vl.iili ,il night ai ID, a'J and 0 cents. Malllicea will be given dally, commencing -Monda;, wlun the ptbes will bo lu and VO cmt, .uul n iImiiko ot bill will be made at irj ier(utmiiiee, Fred Irwin's Big Builesquers. Fred Irwin's Ills UurU'tmje show, admittnl by piM and public emjuheie to be one of tlie spkicn ard tnappk-l ol the sexion, will be tlie licit attraction at tho Oticty, bcjinnlng this afteinoon. The pations of UiU populu- hott-sn can i Ml xsured nf theli ntoue.t'j worth and tomcllilna; oiet, fm lite name of I'rrd liwm has Ker bc;n tuunted a cuaranlie ol good faith in burlesque doings, and this pailleular show- Is cnmideiid the best that ho lis, staged in ict. cral seasom Ihe bill will be well balanced and miMtl with utmost nicely both as to ipttlii and iimntlty. Two Inulesnues will lw rtaged, "-ho Man with tho I'uniiy Touch" and "A dooil ihlni?," bcth written by W. L. Ilallautf, one of tho inoit original and amusing of l,-vnlietli century hunioiUls. An ttddltioml attrailion will be seen In Matlo lijiiison one of tho fimotts origiu-.l Harrison j;te-r, will thluo ui ptiuclpal boy in the burlctiiiii. lUtney lUtnaid, a ically gtcai Hebrew butnorLt, i.l be the stir lonied. Ian, and will exhibit cast, tide humor ami libitum. The- vaudeville bill will be far aboio the- auiagc mid will indude, nuion,- olhcn, the Eight C'oiiu1Ij, a nule'iless Itiim ol Eu oi can aciobiu. Hotian and heain'a two iciautoii lio.ti, jic witlt ll.ii organiiaii'M HiU sc.wiu, and tleir nuiiy lilvnds in this eiiy will hiyu an oppor. tttnlly to witness lh' act widiii ha- pli.vd tl.eni lit Iho bunt unk of laudeilllc ailiili in New- oik and clsohere. "Cm! Cailson." Atthui Douald-soD, who Is J'J.t i.ow- uukiu, tkutli a diitluet suecesi of the title role lu the ne'w Knedtsh comcly-diaiua, ciitllltil "('.irl C.nl ion." Iu about a blight a, li;t.tc Icfoi, liltu ui y plj,.i tow jppcj.b-s o,i Ibi A" 'I'Vati LINES J Q CENTS Real Estate. ?l::,(M roll $10,I)TH1S is no taiuy TAMl; it menu Hut 10,00(1 will buy a law, lit d rrn, ste.mibe.itcd double lninji with Iuru l-t and b-iru u.i pavnl aicnur, near Mulbeny atren and worth ifll.iXiO. Sec llaikctt. $f,00 tlUYS A MNi: IJOdM, fcTCAMIICAIKI) home, war fjiilnoy neiiiiaj Icinw r''. W, T. Ilaekclt, Ileal litule Dealer. $.M(O-V0Di:itN' SINttl.C, AT N'V Al'fl IM11K section. W. T. Ilukcll, Ileal IUto Ifrikr. $tio fi to ?jo)(pni)-iu,.siDi:Nr'i: iiinii:ii'iir.s In all paits of city utnl nibiuh., W. T. llackctr. I.OTS-St'l.riALIIAIKIAISS IX IIL'ILDIMJ I.OrS. V. T. Harked. ?!U0 III'VS UiY :'(Kt"l. l'UNX Avr.sn:, Giccn lllrfiji'. Wells .V Kralni. V-'."W IIUYS S-1100.M IIOI'Si:, IMIMtOVi:. ments lot J0ia!. Wmien street, l'ro. deni c. WelN ,V. Kealor. -cno nuv's oxi; uouni.i: holtm:, 7 and s looms, henlH for 7 and Sfli onu IubIo hotuc If you want to get the want you want to get, you want to get your want into the want getter. The Tribune wahts to get your want, because it wants you to get the want you want to get rents for if; bit 110x15.:. Deity street, Gicm Hidgo. Wells & Keator. $J,n50 nilYS 8-UOOM llOUSi;, IMPUOVr.MK.VlS. lot 2M(Vi, Prfcott ntenne. Weils c Km tor. Rooms and Board. LAKlii: KROXT ItOOM WITH I10A11D POB TWO sentlnncn. J 10 Adims atciiue. Situations Wanted. MIUATIOX VAXTi:il-RY A VO'J.v'fi MAN. AK collector; li.ii hid lour .s.at.-.' oxpciime with u leadinc; Orm of (hi; illy .uul t-.tn fimilli A Xo. 1 leleicnce". Addio- A. I.'. (?., T'libunc. situation wanti:d MII)DLi:-Ar.i:i MAX and wile, no children; cairtul; no ill ink or tobacco habits; wl-h cup ol stcntleinaii's n-si-delicc durinir .uuinici ; bel tefeiento. Addic-i C'aic, Tlibune. SITUATION W AXn:i) -BY V VtHM! (illtl., riote-taul, to do gciiei.il hou-cnoik. JU Putnam stieet, -Li.inton. Pa. SITUATION WAX'IKU TO GO OUT 11V TIIU day wa-hinc, lionlns' or cleanlnsr. L'all or addio4 Mi. Iln-x-ll l.'l'i Cedar auntie, tily. MAX OP AfllUrY. -J7. MAnilllU), WlXIi T.Dlf cited, with knowledge of Hie ait uf adicr-t!-inti, iiuiliaiilc with oiup cxpcriince, ile.-lre? tu eiiuae with t if lie t a minuf.it luting ot whole. .)le i'-t.ibll-litiieiit ol 1 1 1 K e tlopailuiciil -loie. Xo iciviiiabli1 oiler in any line ofletitiK ihinre fur iiiuuinlluii iifii-nl, Cuircspondeuie .-ulnl'. ul. Atldns Ilo 170, Deiu-iili, Pa. hlTl'ATlOX WAMT.D TO (,(l Of I' WAMII.Nfi and iioniii'i tho fiul patt ot the week; w llee tleaniUL; al-u. ('.ill ui uileti e fi. II., Ml Si'iuuer aenue. llOOKKI'.UPKIl OUNG MAX 2.'. UVf'UlU. eneed; wants position as bookkeeper or clerk: would al-o .inept portion witlt ibi ensinrer; liel leleieme-. AiMie- bo- 10, Ttibune iithn'. sin at ion HAXTUb-iiv orr, ms -j .tears ol asc. ttuiia; and .utile; has had otio 31.lt'.. eptlieutc as hliipplue; eieik. Iteteiruii, luinished. ddte-i "."ltippin; PItik," cue ot Tiilmiir ofliie. MAIiltll'.D MAX, XO (lllI.DItUN, WOULD I.IKi: position .is tcw'.i!d, jiultot'.i i.iielakei it wink ol .my kind. 0 T'libitt'e nltue. stage, tot' while he i- a i oiiipatatiul. ,oluu n .ui (urdii "() he ha- alteady betn ateipteil as a toutlis-ht l.tiotlle. Mi. Duiiald-uii'ft peisintiity (width is distiuetly filo.i-in-,-), li.is li.nl nun It to il, Willi the acclaim thai has been eotuhed him, add'.d fo lids he lus ,i commanding: stage tu -s. ence nnd ii bt.uitifully uiodtilatite baritone ole. Mr. iMialtlson will be seen at the l.jccum tiCN: Tl.utsd.iy night in "Cat! Cailson." Ilete ate the litlts ot tome ol the songs Mr. Donaldson will sing: "ll't .swing heng," "Hail to the Latni of Our Riilli." ' Me- Mothu's Lull iby." "Vision.,'' "llcLdiallcii," "-.Mj Natiec Lam'.' "I'lie Riui Cod," etc., etc. TABLOID JOURNALISM. Wonderful Success of the Ingenious Originator of the Idea. A Marnier Low In the Puitiui. Hpcently we litive licen ticuted tti un exputlnifiit in dully Jnurnnllsm, Alfred Harms. vturtli litis given us his Ide.t of what the twentli-th-c-ontury iifWHpiiior Klnuild be. lit; e-ulls it "tubleiltl journal" ibiil." I.iktt everytlihifs' lie1!!-. It litis lit-en tulkfd abuul, foiidenuu'il and nprnvt'd. This in an itjjt- uf tabloids, wliiuh In only nnotlpT name fnp i-oneputratlon. Vo take' our liiftlieiiic-' In tlie tot m of pills .ind rnpMilP.s ami tiibliibls: wo take our nourisliment In tin lurin of an o bolh-il tlown to a it-.i mtiij even utir intellectual pabitliim must i-iniie in a .similar foini, it Is all rli.tranlorixtle of tlit rush, hurry, .supi'rllelallty, and tlio df.slre. to avoltl tioublo, which wero tin' tllstlimulshiusr tialtit uf tho cen tury Just vlosc-d. If a man m bluN, In; take his eapsuli) beeaiiM. lie van absttrb It anywhere; It dues not iMtibi him In lost. oven a minute lioni his business It is so dullghlfully .slmpl'i; ami so, In the saint! wuy, he ean snaleh a meal out of a spoonful of beef tun. He can alho read the history of ihe world in ono sitting lu Homebody's "The Unl vcrfre at a Cilanee, in I'oluic'd I'ara graphs." A man of unusually keen pfreppuous and wllh the audacity which Is spelled senilis wlwn It ins, .Air. llarm'sworth saw in London a mine ho :ic-h anil bo easily to be woiked that Its golden possibilities wore btngKuriu?, ICtluea tlon In l-.iiKland had Siucecctled admit -ubly lu ttiHiIng out, every year, an ever-lncreasins host of half-baked sciolists of both sexes. Tho board schools, the uets of Parliament, and Ihe over-KC-alous ciliieuiional oilleers had enabled them to fjet hold of a .-nnntterluKi and with tliu "Threu Its" tliey acquired something which hail not been piovided for by parliament or boards of education, crude, imma ture, raw, antl unable to csslinilalf, the little knuwlerijju which had been tabloidly furnibhetl to tlteni, the result of education, in nine cai.es out of ten, was to give them a vtigtio longing fop soniethlng which they could not de line or exptcss. 11 hail giVt.-n them as nlcallon for what they iincw not; It hail btincil iasious and tuoused de fires which had shadowed across their inlmls, but never assumed substance. Tho "work'us kid," whoso past was a Slim vei-olk-ctloii of staivatlou anil torture, ami whose untielpaUon of the ttttuiv Mas equally Joyless, save way SITUATIONS WANTED l-REE. BRANCH WANT 0FFI3ES Want Advertisements Will Be Re ceived at Any of the Following Titices Until 10 P. M. Central Cltv At.nilltT .'CIH.UT, foi. Mulln. s'.ieei and Wclnler aM-ruie. GI-.STAV I'irill'.l,, ikVl Admn .iM'nue. Well .sde nUtlllGi: W. .ilIXMXs, lot Soiilli .Main vc, ioutli Stmiiton I'llllll I,. Ti:i;iTL ;:u Collar nit, iVoitli Scranton - UKO. W. PAVH, Cor. Xcilli .Main atrliuo and Market oticet (been lfldiic niAKI.I.'S I. .lOXI'S, 1357 Dickon annue. P. J. .10IIXS, h'.'il Orren Midge street. C. L01INKZ. for. Wahlnplon incnne ami Mailun tlucl. I'ctcrobnig. W. II. KNi:ifi:ii, 10I7 Inlns uvenne. Illllimoie .1. 0. tlONi; k f.OX. Wanted. -NWS.V. ciiANPf: or , i.iei: ti.mi:-tiii: patuca Plantatiuii of llondtuas, Central Ameiica, oITcm IndiKenifnts neve-r btfoie- lieaul of to men evltlt u Mititll iiitioi'nt of tasOi who tle-bc steidy eotplojnicnt with an iuUrrftt in all the invest. nients of the company licsUlcs a title to ten ac-ies or mole of land in Paluia Valley. Amount lull..' st'Cineil and gocd waaes. Call or .llMle P.ittlea Plantation romp my. Dime Uink llbly, Stanton, Help Wanted Male. Waoted A luiitlif and cneijretic omu man ot thutuiu'u Ifte.il acipialntaiicc and wilbroiiiidcd iie--p.ip"r epriet)ee to take a iipon-ihle position on a well r-lablMieil Xmf lien-tern Peiiijlvani.i daily uew-papei. d'he- "PituKet.-- tale 'liiliui.e', M.itlnt; .iRe, ,'peiieli(e and pay rspn I'd MAXA(.'i;it-m;i.i milk j'ihm wants capaht.i: man tu llll.in.i';.: In. mill nfi.ei , t.iklna dit,r. Hon nt mi-ince; 'alaty s,.Vi jihI HUi.il om-n.i-sinn; scoil ufeii'iicts and M eai tio,ulreil. Ailthes io mi,, Phil.nlclp'iia, Pa. iiahxi:maki:i: - ax i:iM:itiuxci: Mi nes, mikei M.iiili',1, O. J. I.oduitk, I'll inontli. Pa. Help Wanted Female. waxti:d-i:xpkhii;xci:d uixnuitv oiitr, wanli'il, Tnliune Illuileit. Tor Sale. pop. sam;-oxi:x pahi m,nc MAitr:. pi;it. teet Hi. ill. li, mi'iui! and kind. One Two Seated I haeli.n. One Top Dungy with -shafii- and Pulr. Hue Two-Sealed Sleigh. One Ctittri Willi sllM , anil Pole. I Hip Double. Ilatn.'-s. line SiiiKle Maine, .- Itnbe.-, Itl.inkits, itc., ,i... ill in ntt ilas onlir. I'm l'utther pitiiiulais tali or addte.. 71", Linden ti(ft, "ciuiiton. Telephone call. (r.M.'i. CIIAS. n. sxdi:p.ox. to the "board-school boy," who (illicit ly foigot his multiplication tabic- and his grammar, but who never forgot that not every body worked. In a wonl, he win ted to be amused. Hero was a constituency ready made. Mr. Harm&worth gave the world his world of London, a city, lomeinber, with a population grenter than that of any .state of the American union, with three exceptions "Answuts." It was exactly what had been demanded: it was tlie answer to the iiiie.vpiv.s.sed dc sho. It was nclthi'i- vicious nm- vir tuous: It did not elevate, neither did It tlemoiallze; it was not witty or en lightening; It was simply common place, dull, trivial, nnd exactly Milled to the mental requirements of Its read ers. And that, after all, was the seciot of the iilntuentl. century commercial success to give tho people precisely what they tvanteil, Urrantl boys anil factory hands Invested their coppers lu "Answers." They lead II at their lunch, nnd It was iho Attle salt to their hunk of tliy bread and wiiicfd bacon. The errand boy took a tabloid, one of Mp, Harmsworth'.s paragiaphs, as he went loitering between ihe bank ami Lombard stieet; tho young eleik In the Interval between nieasin lug halt it yard of ribbon, lurclvely smutched u tabloid under the counter when the lloorwalkor's back was turned, Mr, Hurmsworth was tho I T, Banitint oi L'lmlantl, lie turnlslied a "refined en tertalunient." He gave his leaders amusement; he ptovlded them with "jokes." i i . . Cheap Bates to California, Parties desiring to make trip to Call fornla, Arizona, or New Mexico, either for business or pleasuie, ean do so now at almost half price. Kvery Tuesday, until April -nth. In-elusive-, tickets marked "Colonist" may bo purchased via Southern Hallway for J44.no from Washington, 546.50 from Philadelphia, and correspondingly low prices from other points. The Southern Hallway anil Southern Haclllo company opera t through ex eurslon aleopera from Washington, leaving Mondays, Tuesdays and Fri days, the Tuesday sleeper being avails able for "Colonist" tickets. The berth rato in these steepen is only $7.U0, two pcoplu bslng allowed t occupy one berth If desired, Personal conductors and Pullman porters go through with each sleeper, Tliera are other now, convenient and economical features connected with theso excursions which niuy bo ascertained front Charles L. Hopkins, Plstilct Passenger Agent, Southern Hallway, S.'S Chestnut street, Philadelphia. SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow u rouih to tun until il -.el U.eond the reach ol nudiclne. Tltcv often toj, "Olt, it Mill var w," but in most cj-se-a It Mill wear thci.i dwty. CouH they be induced to tiy lit sucCrtSlul medicine called Kciri' IliU.ir.t, hkli ii told on a resit I ve guiraiitcc lo vme, they niiM limuediately sec the ccellcnt elicit nttsr tat.lut; Iho Hrst do.e. Price We Jul ,W. Tila sl.o lice- At all iiiii$iti. 1 3 25 INSERTIONS Money to Loan. IIONKY TO LOAN OX IMI'IIOVIID CITV ItllAL fstntc. IIKNtlY'IlllMX, Jit. (.HAS. II. WIM.LKS. THOMAS M'llAfiUi:, Tllli IH:NX MIJTITAfi MI'P. ISislJHAXOi: COM liiiiiv will ban upon fliTt inottffatie upon irnltally lenled ii,ipoillra .inv iininiint, for term ol veino, ul low late of Illicit I. Cipwi'll, Atloitiev, IMull lltllldliu. HrltAiailT-l.tlANS IS AMOUNTS fVl TO slmknM ut I'i tn I', per cent; piyinciiU inniithtv, fiml-onnually or jcmly. Inteio'l en bakiuce. W, M lliiniicll, Ally, SOI-" JleiiM HI-4. JIONHY TO LOAN OX 1)0X1) AXD MOI'.RIAOI'.. iny uinount, M. II. HoU.ile, Coimnoimcallh liulltling;. AXV AMOUNT OP MOXIIV TO I.OAX-iJUICK, ttmlRlil lcnm ui nulliilna: mill '.oau. At fioni I to C per rent. full on X. V, Walker, r.ll-.'Hj frnntll buildlnc. Lost. tosT-niAMOxn tionsi:siioi: nx. i.ineii.M, reward if iclurncd to fl-JO Marlon stieet. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. li. U. SPAULDIXG, U.il limiADVA. MIW Yolk. Architects i:i)waru ii. ijavi--. Aiiciinurr. (.o.vvixi, InilUllnr. i'Ki:i)i:nirK i unowx. aiu'IHTKit. piiui: building, f.'i! IV.irhinsti.n atotiie, Scianton. Dentists. iik. c. i:. i:ii.i:xiii:it(ii;i!. p.mi.i iiuildino, Spiiicc street. Mian(ii. Pit. ('. C. LAUDAfll. HI WVOMIXG AVLXUlk Lawyers. euAvic k. iioYLi:. attoiim:v-.t-Tw. IIouiii U, II. t" and is Hun- building. P. K. TltACV.ATT'V.fOMMOXWKAL-lll 1I,(,', I) 11. IfLI'LIHILi:. ATniltXUY kOAXs XKiiO. tlatcd on nal e,lale -eeutite. Men, buildiiie', i ul lu r WasbiriHton atenue nnd Sprue, sfiuii. Wlf.l.AltD. WAI!UI:n A- KXAI'P. AT-OR.i;v: .mil louiisellois-al-Utt. Uipuhllcatt bullilirii;, Wn-liiin;toii ateuue. ,K.s-sUP .V .ir.ssPP, ATTOIt.NUYs AXD ((IPX. -ellois-al-liw. ftiiiiiininweallii biiihliii.', Iioom, 1!, -.'(I and SI. LiiWAHD w. tiiam:k. ATIIIUXUV. (KIJ-lXll, ulli (loot, MeJts bulldliu;. ItlHIMS L. A. W.VTHL-. ATTOItXKY-AT.I.Att'. no Mtl) i.l Tt.ido building, Su.iiilon, Pa PATIUItSOX A- VII.(0. TltADLIfs- VM'IOXVL ll.inl; builditi.. C. (OMKGV.s. lilil JIPI'PIII.IOAX 111 ILDIXG. . W. r.lItTHOLP, OFPK I.' MOVP.I) TO M) 'Jll Myoiuimr avenue. Scavenger. a. ii. Dittoes rrxAxs piiivv vaults and cs pools; tin c.dot; only iittpioted ptiinp iweil. A. II. IttiRKS, pioptietut. Leate ottlei-s Itmi Vurlli Main avrntte, or Ulike's (IriiR store, u'l ihi Aditii and Mtilhetiy. llolh lelejihone. Wire Screens. .IOsKPII KPiriTr.L. ItP.AR 511 lACh'A. AVI!., Seranton, Pa., uunufji ttutr of Wire SereenK. THE MARKETS. SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. Tlie follow in-,' miotatlons am fiuuMici I 'Iho ipntinr uy .t, s. joniaii ,v. I ., nmuis Mr.us buildtn?, s, i.intou, Pa. Telephone Ul-iU-J .luall C'las. In,.'. Uieii- litcie Janv- In-.. est. i-l. Ameriiuii -uaa Ili'i lirls lll't Amtr. T.ibiini l-iO'l l-Ju'j l-'sij AKld.on si's i.'i'i it's All Ill-oil. Pf , fi'i !"i"t t'V's lliiolt. Tiactlou -'; M s! ISiilt. .V Ohio " 'i.i'1 '' Oilil. Ti'baieo tut.. i;l, (i,l4 fins. ,t (lido K.-'A !) !''.; i hie. & fa. Win -j: :;: -ii i iiii.. is. k i iio! U'lli i-j'4 -i. piui ii",'.; ir.ii lit'; llnel. Maud r.'.'i l.'ii'i l.M'i Del. ,t lltidsoii IT!)"; lsp'i lei's Km .'.- I'ee , Pi wtj t'i I"'.; Liinl-. k teli Iill's Pi'i's l"Ui Man. P,l,-i.il(i Iis'.i l-i l.'7'V! Mel -liaillot ho, li.'1'C luT1; Misso. I -ai lln be' !"!' !"' IsltltliMII P.Kil'e .... In ilU 1'l's Notii.li, k West .-.! .'i!'.'. ,11 'i Nnlhtin 1'ailll o-'s llTs I'SJi N.ltlh. P.KItle, Pi" II.'.. t'li's 'Vj V V Cn.lial Ill Ill's HI Unl. ,v We.tein Il'i :!IT4 .ll'j IMniJ li. It Ii"t H7 Hi'.- Hi-aiiini- ity ."; .-ir si'.; IL-ailliis 1 1 . . Pi 7o Ti.'i T'i riiiiilliriii It. II -s --'h 'Ji's bitilli. II. I!., Pi- 711 u s)',i til-1, 'Unit. 1'i.al k lion Hj ul M'i I', l.catliu- I!!' I.!-"; U I'. ... I. -.ul ii, Pi 7t.'i 77'.! in', I". s. iii.Mht Jil'a -Jd't :!0'.. I'liloli I'aiitie 'it H' li I'nloti Paelfe, Pi- -i',s W M'j Wabash. IT :" I'Hj :-!"s Wnliiu 1'nioti lr."j til lU'j ("el, Puil ,V Iron 71)1 J'i il'i Am.il. t'opnei- Ibi lli.'j 1I,Vh I'LOnle'.s fi.w Hi ll-J'j HHi (lln't. lliiij, '''"j l ' Vi M' .).,li 17'. Iii J itM': l-V's I.V.'-i i v Is)' 101 12-'t H.SI.. la.'l ll's 3!'i n it j .!', 151' i 'til iw; .:.,'; in',; Js'i S), ui 18- iiH in'; sv; 77!a lb) hit; ii il li'S ro-as Paiitii ,.,., i'i I1U ii'i Am. far I'otunlry P))i -JO f.l't t', S, hletl 1 1 17 17 a ItVs vi:w YuiiK liitAiv iAiii!i;r. Open. III3I1. I.I.W- t loi. V.IILAT, luiv !. nt. In." Mai 7""k Tti-'t Tii'i Vrtli lull' i.'Hi ,'o'; ,1"4 7011 C.-OHN. May I. ,'i '. P".i 4"'i Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. stocks, l'lUt National Dank Scianton Savings UauW ,,,,,, Third National Hauls ,,,, llituo Deposit and HUcotttt IlitiU., Economy Light, II. & I'. Co. ,,.,., Uet.4. Trttit na(; !K'ioll Co Clark fanover Co., Pr. ,..,.,. Scranten iron Pence & Mfff. Co. ,., S'crantim Axle Vuikn , LaUta-.vanna Pally Co., If. ,,.,,. Count- PavliifM llanli k Tuist On,, first National Paul, (CaicomlaJc),, Stand aid Prilling co ...,,, Tiadcrs' National Hank HiKi.ttu Dolt and Nut Co noxns. Scranten Pau?n-;r Hallway, Srtt Moit-tasc duo r:o , pcoidirj Mtcct Kalbvay, fiut rnort- iid, dua 1913 People' Street Hallway, OfDoril moitsage, dqc 0jl UM.S0U Minulatturln-,- l.'v Lai i. ronushifi bebcol S cr ce-nt. City of biuuttn tit. Imp. a p-r cent ,..., , SiUotOD 'fraction 9 per cent IliJ. AsUi liu1) ,., -00 ,,, p-h ,,, m . . 1W .., Hi ... HM ... Oi 20 Sf) iM Jft US . . 100 ... 1U 115 Ma 1W 1W 113 Scranton Vloesale Marhet. (Poiieelcd by II. i. Palt. i7 UcU..ntu Aie.) Tlutttr Ci4li -l Old. J'ailc.i fili, X'jJJI-e : Uiliv. Iie-'b. Sllsa-J.'ci old. I5jIc-. CENTS 5 ftC? V8 PROFESSIONAL Physicians and Sugeons. mi. w. i:. iiteniie. AI.LUK, 313 SOUTH WARIIINOTO 1)11. H. V. L'AMOHEAU.V, OITIfP. aifl WASH. IliKlou ateinie. Ite.sldcnee, 1318 Mtllbcrre flirotilo dlneaM. lung, heart, kldnejn in'' Kenito-itrlnaty oigana a specialty. Uoura, ; fo 4 p, m. Osteopath. s. cijiiTittini: i'.vass, ostlopatii. m am: l.V, WasliltiRlon Aie., Scianton P.I. Clironlc Diseases a specialty. Ollleu llottH! S.S0 to tl in.; I.Gl) to 1,;) p. m, Hotels and Resturants. tiii: i:li; capi:. nr, and in prankhs incnuc. Rales leasonable, P. ZCIOLI'.lt, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSK. XKAR D.. L. k W. PAS setiRci- tlcpot. Conducted on the I'uropfin plan, VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Seeds. O. R. CLAIIKP, CO.. SUUDSMLN AND NtlRf erymen, store 201 Washington uvenue; ffien bouses, 1TOI Xoilli Main avenue; irtoro tele phone, 7S2. iMiscellaneous. imR.sXMAKI.Ml FOR ClllLDRKN TO OUDIIR: also ladles' waist!. Louis Sliocinikcr, -itv Ad.im.s avenue. MLOAROEi: RROS., PRINTKRS' SUPPUC8, KK- elopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, 1MJ Washinstoii avenue, Seranton, Pa. Till'. WILKKS-IIARUi: RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scranton nt tho news stand of Reiman tiros., Mil Sptiteo antl ,i(tt Linden: M. Norton, H2 Lackawanna atenttej' I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spittle slieit. LEGAL. TO 11113 OWNKRS OR KUPUTUD OWNERS OP pioperty botindine' oi aUiittltipr on both ftidf of Kuiinct fltreet, ftom the Lackawanna river 'ti It.iiltoad acnue, on the westerly side ol Fourth avi line, from llrnadwiiy to Kiumet street, on the we-terly side nf Mnran limit, fioni Emmet sired to llroadway. In Hie Ulifhtcentli wartl of the iCIy of Siiauton, P.i. Take notice, that tinder the direction of Conn, tils, I will make the ase,iuenl tor constmcl lug .1 system of sowcts for the drainage of thr above uientidiicd tenitotj, on Saltuday, the 20fli day ol Aptil, A. I)., 1WI1, at It) o'clock in the forenoon, at my oilieo in the City Hall, City of Siiaulnti, Pa., at which time and place jou may aipear and be heard If .ton ho destte. JOSEPH P. PHILLIPS. Chief Engincet. Tl Till; OWNERS OR REPUTED OWNERS OF piopetly bounding or .tbtitting on the south e t ly sibli oi Uioadway, lioni tlie Lackawanna ilier to Pouttlt tivenue and on both sides of ltii..iilv.iy. Hum I'nmtli nienue tu Railroad ave nue, on both sides ol Pii-t atcnue, Irom Broad wav to Litkaw-aniia titer, on both sides of O'Connor touit, troiti fltoadway to the Lackt, w.ihti.1 tiver, rin liotlt sides of Thltd avenue, trom Uioadway lo Luirne stieet, on both tides of Pcutlli .iteiitte, lioni Uroawday tn Lucerne stree!, on the wo-,t side of Dotvdell eottit, from Broad way lo .i. point about ISO teet south of saiT llio.uln-.ty, on the west pide of Moran court, from lliiuilwuy to ,i point about 17.1 feet soulli ol said Uioadway. in tlie HIU and Elglitecntlt wauls of lite City of eranlon, Pa. lake notiie. that iiuder the direction of Coutt rils. I will mike the .i,e...mcnl for construction!! a s.tsleM ot -ewei. tot the druinatre of flic above li'cfiHniuil linlliii.v, on Pilday. the I9IU day of April A. ll pull, at It) o'cloek in the fore- t u, at. my oitite in the City Hall, City of bunion, Pa,. ,l width time antl plate you may appc.it and be heard il oti so delre. .lOsEPH P. PHILLIPS. Chief Engineer. Dlss-OLL'TIOX OP PARTNERSHIP, LIMITED - Xollie is licit by yiten that tiic Meado flnwk Sii': Compinj, Lintlled. an association ot. i.iuuoil ur.dei Iho Act ol A'Sitnbly approin' lint" -.'. 17I. and lis supplements', for the pin po-c oi splnuiuc and iii.iiiiifaetiiiiuc silk, silk tliu'.id, ai.d the we.ttlni: and manufacturing of -ill! labtits is lieii-by tiiiwtlted by the unani mous tote oi lh patties in interest, and the fob lt.t.iuK person- lrivi been apinted llmildititu tiitsiees: W, M. Van P.tke, II. Itenard, A. L (..r.liiis Chccff Pull cie-am. Ual"e, LaL VV -letn fteh, tl'i I.V.J nnib stale, H'i lo bn. Hems Pit bit., choice manovr, $2,53a2.fi0. I'e.i lle.tns Per bit., fhoico marrow, .!Ha-i.6). Mtiliinu Peans P.'t- hu., S'.iOai.fj, Hircii Pras Per Int., M.j(il.43. Onions Per bit., fl.10al.60. Klciir nrt r-'tent, r-e't bbl Jt.lij. Itetl Kidney Ite.uts Per Int.. 'JJ.ISa-.'.jtl. Philadelphia. Live Stock. I'liil.idelpbi.i, Are.il II. Lie nlocs. teecipt fof tin nt,!.-: Cattle, :I,I1H: sluep. 7,iVJ3; hog-a, ,!,I17, Cattle uiled a shade higher, paiticula.lv ,i Ibi- bist ni.id.s; best, l'i.37aii.-J-.i choice, IJJ.I-J .1.-M- cord, -; mediuni, l.t7aLSi: com mon, siV),i,7,-, hherp and Lambs Dull uul iraitito .unl prices ti trifle lo.icr; sheep, cMia, "li a-'', .-. ilmiu, lij'ii-.i Rood, 4'sal3iM "is. Kuni. Ji'.-i le.i ii'inuioii. .!vl',p.; lambs, Sai,',Ji-.: prli'sT lambs, l.n.c-. Hosts Pinner on all -ji-iiilnss .unl mail.it cinsril steady; western, 'i s5,i-. : ,st. ic l.oj;-. not on the niiikct; (at cov e( lielltr iliss in t.ilt imptliy at J'ia.iajc, ; lliin oils, S,i-l!',r, ; teal i.ilies, dull and eailcr at 4'i iiilji.; fMi.i choke Ininijlni." 7e,; milch eowa i:i .-"iienabh tenuc't at !i25iIO; die-sed sleet, i'i.i sije.; ihe--td i en in oulln.,iy dimand al .",'t lll'.e. Buffalo Live Stock. i i-t iit.n.iin, Apiii ii.--iU(rtpt3-r:attie, );;, i Its' slurp and Ijiiili., ;, i.iu; hof.'. 13 erv. slii nteiils faille. IIII tats; sheep and Iambi, li i.iu; Iiors, 7 His, ('.itlle-l.'nehinsed; cilu, r-l'oito tn (lra, ?j,7.1.iil; lambs, i holer lo et:M1 Viily,; Muni sheip, ihuier lo ctia, n,o 2 1 llocs-lli'Ji.i, 'il.ii; pi-,-., is.-,,fi,i.i,, MOSCOW. Tin- Ladies' Aid society mot at th homo of Mrs. V. n. Oardner Tuesday llfll'I'IIOOIl. . . William Davis, of Dunmore.. spent Kaster with his parents. Professor Hnsli and family are spend liifv a few days in Oouldshoro. Tho MIhcss flraco XohUi and Isitir Gilpin, of Nobletown, were i-allets tn town yosferday, Jlrs. Hhedd, of fscranlon, was a vis itor hero yesterday. Mrs, Slraton, of Bliifrhamton, ,N, y is the guest of .Mrs. Kannie Brown, Tho American Mechanics held distal latlon of olllcers Wednesday nlg-lit, fol lowed hy a clam hnko. FINANCIAL, ,w' v $200,000 United Railways of Sf. Lotus, Mo,, 4 Per Cent. BONDS. Yielding Investor 4.60 Rudolph, Kleybolt & Co. I Nassau St., New York,