The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 15, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    st - 'hj 4v ' "trTg?ppi"'Taj 'fg"A-$'$zw?rfr'T'
' - i nT I I" ' ' ll'" t l '"
r- - . 32lr.
DR. HAND'S Contains tho
PHOSPHATED miirlmenj of
CONDENSED wlirnt diet.
MILK IT4k '"'
i but. Hun rmrrMrii mi k t i)..Pfni,r.
Ice Cream.
ftP Per
Uy Quart
2 HrboneOrdr Promptly Dltra
3f37 Adam Avenu.
i -
K VK.l I"l - IHNCi:. The Nnnlmi ouniil,
KualiU m C.ilimiliit. will hue ii annul ilaiuc
in tin' dull I,ihim- on M.iMiitiRtr-n amine H'd
nulla niRht.
!'U . 'Hi" O1l.1n.11r lid llml-n (
ll lln-toii. I'limmitli 'o.
', I'l.Miiinilli No .!, I'ljutioiilli Nil I. I'IjiiiouIIi
So. "i. .it I'lynu nth.
sCK SIHIM. lii- l-.ilii' I allelic ll.niv.
i mi foi'H 1 nt "" nth '"Miituii will she a.
"Sift," .ilil in lie lu uliK "f ('..linnlm- i lib
Imj i( on Ma-liinitliw nil AjMii J 1
IM,ll's 111- I icr-lll'li lohn riiiltin, n
'iiilui in tin- iinpliiy 11 f tin l'u.ik's foal,
ui fri..u-lv iimiiitl !nli .it well; mi
i itl.n. A mine . n pi-il mil ino nl lii Ice,
in-lilne il i" Imllv lint 'itnpnl nli-n v"i J"1
i rdi uniid ii(n'-itv n hi limne. I-'. lil"r
,IM 1 lit .
ii.mi io ui. surer i inoi Knpiiiiii'o fin1 l iv
1 -ii -itii'i l(t hid uiH' cf liii los, nit oil liy i
i.ui-n Ilidsi' in Mliudi. The iIor;
t pilul lti.:lih In it muiir, who i 't-'l :m
otin ot .-O'm tm II .il the lutrt IkiiiIi -liinv in
Mnlkau Mii nr- j.,inl-ii nv Ynk tilv. 'Ilio
do, Iiiil tn In- ln I.
ci.Mi.i.r i'o-r;'iiM;ii-Tin mm in ..i the
"imllo lIuIi :i-i tin ! st, l.ukf'- lr
Kin'KiL'iit -ii wliidi ia in dp jjlwn in M. J.tiki's
jii-Ii h iij-i- uniiht li.i Km pu-t)! ou u --
um ot the illiif oi Till liiillik, tin- wnn
'iMTIll t'U till'", who J- io 'r .1 'i ilmc ui tho
1 1 inri'n i titoit timiMit.
III MK Al - I.M'Ul)i:ii.--l link .liw.ll. the
1 Mi i:i iphri W3-- tuinfullr linuod tlimil the
1 ituls -iipI :irii In' an eiplnsicu ot tuipoiitii
in hii -tuillu in -pnuo .tiiit Mtmilii' .ittcr-iu.-i
li Hi" io. 'in i ui-hi tire but liflolu imuh
(I inline Kitlt"d, tin- tdii' i.. i vtnuiii-hiil 'n
tin lit tiiu finpitih
i i.i.miim. mi: mi. wh:k. ii.. iiurms
tm the t-iLiMiii flriinu llnii-i' .i-iiiilton lm
i if wck ,' inlliis Aniil J'., l'H, eie .n i"lluui:
Mc-niM, "."i.'.i -I l'; In -d.i'. rl-.'-I.Mj WVil
iu di. -1 M " .'. 1 1 ; Uim-M.1. H,.T d; Til-
Ui. "I'll !,.' ..'. Minidn. Sli:.:'.JI.i.7: lutil,
MJn I nil. pondm, vuol ) im . ii,
M il-i.. r,ni..' gl I II l.i: MMillN IN . Ilinidn if
I'llhlli Mli'tV Hill it.., 1 nil Mtlinlll- MXli ill
lit W I Mini. ui'tunUiiiii in ot llii linic.iii
il hi illli, Dr. .1. holh. h.'.ihli Minn; T. It.
I ii Ii-oii. Inntiliii'. in-p'tiii, ui. I V. (, .Mi.nii,
1 timliliii' iiiiirii.i, Mi" nun tfi .liuiw irds hihl
. mid ii ik." with tin." ntiui.iN i.tunliii!; In
'll in tin ll dill, I. I I l. tuv 111
Was Employed as a Section Hand on
the Dolnwnie and Hudson.
ilLfirs,'! Iliiiilm, i miiluyeil t,s n mc
tioii'hdiiil cm tin Piiii'Mirn ..u . llmlMin
lalliOuii. uiih instantly kllk-ii Puttinlc.y
inoriiliiir nt tin Kiiht M.nki't .slioot
io.sMhk in UiN id!.
Ill' nri;iih'on tip' in.ikillK
n'p.ihs, i. mi n tt.iin iiinin (ilnni,'. Ho
v .in warniil. lnil illd mil li-uvo tho u.inU
Mtiii'lt fiiuimli anil wan run down, llus
Iliad i.ih i in iiff and In- ivas otlu vwUn
hoii'ilily in.iimk'd.
Iloydi'.a w.ih niniiioil, ami loiucs m
io ami oiiiiii in AiiMiIii. Ho lmardod
M'itli Miohin'1 Shulnlili, oi" Von Stoicli
' ii3l lepoit I r Apul 11, I'-oi :
Illsli't Kiiipeiattiro V. diteei
I "tl ttinpenliiie tl
II latin- hiimiilih :
" -i i" I pel ienl.
P " 'I pir tent.
Nn prciipltallon: . ltlnr iloudi
AfcU for Kelly's union craokeia.
t-r n t
Wc offer subject to pievious
Ithaca Stieet Railway Co,
: Gold Bonds j
6 Pev Cent. Mattue 1082.
As the becoud lHOitBage
bonds of this company aie sell
ing at a piemlum the value of
the firsts is beyond question.
M BroiCwijr, N. Y. WilKej-liarre. -f
-t Caiheiidile. 4
-f I, d ind 0, Coiumunncaltli UUf , f.
-r bennton. j
ttftt TflTHTH
Local Fishermen Left Yesteidny for
Mt. Pocono.
Tin! tiont Mfttsou opens tnduy, inm
unynno nt th Lackawanna ntatlon
when ttio 8.40 train pulled 'mit yester
day oonlil not fall to deduce that nonie
thing of n. piscatory nature uiih In the
nlr. The plat fot m was full or men
armed with rod and b.ipkt't, reel imd
hall, who unaided the trnlii with blithe,
espeetiint nlr, iiHittrliif,' i'tlind., a they
did h, I lint, they "would netul 'em over
e. few, when we jet buck."
Alioill lirtcon atiRlfMH l"fi tor Mt.
I'oetino, and itmoutr them iva n hiiifill
p.nly, headed by th-a well-known
local tind nlnitod, ex-Wherlft
i.Mini'IeM Itoblnson. Amouir th" mem
hei of his train were Chief of Vollee
n-ank Itoblhifr. A'lctor Koeh. avld
Prllehniil, (Mint lea .Milter and Kmll
Sehlmpli'. They will lelttili Tuesday
nlKlit. al'tci1 HpundhiR I wo dtiys In
tempting tho wily tiout from the depllm
Id" I llO I'lH'OtHI t-tlClllllM
Only Two League Games Will Be
Bowled Coming of the Ccntuiy
Wheelmen Bowleis.
Tomoiiow nlKlit a i-huiiKe nill De
in.ul.' Iti Jim Inagito bow tint; inutehed,
;i only two Kiimes are .sctieilnlinl to
lie lolled instead of tlitve as has b"en
done, up to dale. The West Knd team
No. 2 will loll affjinst the; Din.velo team
on tho luttor's alley, and the ttlaislc
TiiiiuiiiiiflH will pi. to AVilkt'S-itarie and
tlioio inoyt the Vsl Kndei.s No. 1.
No aainoH .ire .scheduled tor either
(lit Kilts or H.iekua leamH, 1ml the lat
H'l' Uvo boivlers iiitonrl to keep in prae
tieo and will therefore meei tho South
Kii.intiin bnwlinic toaiii who ball from
l-iiub-jcher', alleys. William .'Molntor,
a uiciriber of the Haiku team, captains
the Koulh Seruulon men, who ai" le
puti'tl to liej a htrotiK' asprret?ation.
The vaeaney cauiod on the Backus
team by AIoiHlor plnyiip,' on the. oppo-i-Inj;
Klde. will Ik- lilled by Roll, of the
i:ikn. Thij ii the (irst time thai the
boys from Laubh'oliui'.s have mel .i
lciiftue team on eontral city alleys and
:i injr eiowu ot onlluiPiasts will mi
doubtcdly be out to Kreet them.
A bottlhiff event to whleh :ili lneal
lollowpis ol tho laiini! an lookiiiK foi -wntd
with a doal of anticipation
is the oorriiiiK mutch between the I!l
oyolo club and the bowlinir reprcsen
latfvos' of tin. Century Wlieclnieu of
Philadelphia The latter have an ex
ceptionally stums' team, but the Hi
cyel" I'luh monibeis an- mor.' than
satibtied that their own team tan give
them a fiootl fast run for the honors.
Dutlleld, of tho llioyele oltib, captained
the 'cntiu ies1 lor thit"- hiieoes-slve
linnniiu" man who c hi iiimo i .h lm
Couiciy. w.i .iii.iiuiicd biluie .''lm
T. Ilmip in pnlni- i oiirt .Mli-nliy morning
ih., with diiiiil.i iiir... di.'idiily - n Uii.t
ami 1iuj1,ii n windnw. 1'itiulnii.ii rioiiii"iin
and t,iiN jitc-lid him Saliuday lnoimni; eti
Wa!iini.ti'ii aiinne whetr- hr- was w ill.ini, atoi y:
1 ipiilly villi a latKe lom in hi Intnl. A
"until hoy iiifpminl 1 linnipwiii tint tin- nnki.nwT!
had thmvMi a intip tliic,it'li a plaN wind.iu at
'"t Mull.- i-tmi, mid an in-t.inl lain- NinN
limp llnnsr ilfrlirliiR that ho w'.n itii'i lln- iiijii
I'l-nieiy win tinrd sill.
Seu'C ml llldurwiv 'ind I'.illnhii.ln Mi .Million
artitnl .tnrph Itnin., of faibuii Mnot. at the
Pmii'ir pail. Mtintliv nioniini;, whin- lit1 wa
tmind lu'lnMiiK m a wild ami Itii'-ponslhle nun
nci. In. litiiirlir anil linldo" PNiiuiiuvt linn it
piiliee lirad'iiintrr, and altir liiinu iironouiueil
in ill" he w..a (Vuin In Hip llillhid- hump, lln
Mtn'ct", In in njiiu .1 illu-ion nn.l ditliii I,p
.an imp hN diad lallipr.
.Miifiil ." o'll.nlv Silnnli ill. ll. u. mi a likiflUt
tidiiiir .ilnni; l.i.l, n.iiiui iipihi. it a hiri!
leik lali- ui ..pi oil inlliilid Willi l uomin uo,v
in- lln" i-lieil Hi- wi aii.stcd li- I'ltinlnian
Unln mid wl. m nuamtii'it Louie n;i.lnti:
.Mm r. Ilwr cm hi" I nni-' 1 sifphm Mnilli.
tl" v. w tniul si, in.
.lo'in Hi irill, iiniiitniif liinn- Nij.i,ii. limn
on tin- iliaii- nt ihniilo inio ai.d iiol'Iu linn hi
t.miil, wi timil -1 nnd i:. default, luimmttid
,i tin inniilv Jill tor tm di Min.mi.K-i Ma
jor w.w .uii'-ti.l Mtuidi niuhl liv flnci ot Pu
ll, o Itohlim,- and l.init.iiint D.nU n a liy .In-liic oi Um IVnc Ilaritll, m Hut
i i, ilnodin; linn nitli Ihe liuuiy id Ts lioiii
.Mr". JliiU),
Mirlln J i. riihfilv Mlniiln mlneil lull In
the "inn oi sVW lm hU apppu.inn' it nmit u
niiMiti a ilniRi- fd onplt.if,v puieind ly Uiih
aid Utile. 'Ilio wan ml w i 1ni.l Inr Diheily
i mil astii lmt wa not cfiieil When ho heaid
of tl eIteii i he w.nt In fnrc the aldmitan
Hid Mil. rid lu.l
llotlllili I ' a- i.-iiimltlid in Id muni
jail in diim. 'i ,ii hail liy Miiiutp Howe
Sitnidii' n lln ilm oi tirpi. .ml m I
IkIom ml, hi. I. Pimel liiiiiiinin, 01 int. hiilp
i Milt, nil. tint Knli- int.'inl lm y.iuli-n and
madi a In." im h.iiihii, .ilatins; that Hit i i 1. 1
Hip liiwiunl ot ,i iIimUiik; house In' uiili'iiiilaleil
cieitinu'. lie rein.'d Id In id llutiltiini' i"
ni intrant i
mie regiet that comes of the an
noiini't'iuent tlie olllieis of the
Vi'deiul couit of the Western distiict
have held their last session In Scran-
ton, Is tlitil it means litis city will
be deprived of Hie pleasant pin lodlcnl
sojourns of the distinguished young
Jurist who has conducted most of the
omul's sessions lime, Hon, Joseph
Hulliiiglou. lie has ninde an exten
sive iicfiuiilntiinee among Heranlon
inns, and as those who have met him
will attest tills means that lie has
inudc in Soiauton a eoteile of admir
ing fi lends. Ills judltlul aliilily nnd
utiikliig peisouulltyvio with oiuh other
so ii seems on a moment's study. In
competing unconsciously for ndiniia
ticn, Colli aie truly ndiuliuhlo, ills
clin-est obstiiveis would hcHltate to du
ed. ti- ci litest.
A thing not infii'iiuenlly lemarked
of Judge Hiillinglon liy tlioxu -who
natch the pioceiMllims of Ids com I, Is
hit. tendency to ally himself, ns far as
the piopiieties will permit, lMth tlie
young luwyor or old lawyer inn.vper.
ienced In mint pmutite. Ho
feems lo lake the position that the
VniUd S-'tutes soveitunenl is mi much
more poweiful than tho uuforlunuto
Indlviiltial who is being pjosei utf-d.
tliat, If it comes to a pass whom the
defendant la in danger of being woistcd
by lent-on of .some neglect or over
sight or his attorney, t tic couit will
take a hand in making up tlie defi
ciency, Tim culprit, no mutlm- how
lowly or poor, noid noi fear that lie
will buffer In Judge Dulllngtoii's court
Just boeause of his ndvors-ury being the
most powerful government on eat Hi,
4 l. I M ii
Kiauk Couglilin. who has hoe., ..
lecled by ( Maniger V, A. '.May,
of the I'ennsylvnnlu-lilllstde company,
as his clilef cieik. is u young Sciap
tonlan who has worked his way up
from the humble position, of office boy
to on'- of the mo-l Important subor-
j Mention of Men of the Hour
Lai go Classed Veie Continued in St.
Ltike'B, St. Mnik's and St. David's
Churches, mid In the Church of the
Oootl Shepherd, Whoie In the Evening-
the Bishop Preached an Elo
quent Set mon on the Victory of
Chiist Over Death.
III. ISev. Hlshop r.lholhu'l Tallin!. 1).
T) of the ProteHtnnl Kplsoopnl illotese
of t.'entral PentiBylvanla, vl.lted thlft
eity yesterday and conHrinod claw' In of the chtucho.s llirouitlioitt the
fity and Duninore.
In Hie mornlnjr the bhliop enntlinio.l
a. clniM of tlfty-tliteo hi Hi. I.uke't
ohtireh, and dellveied an (tppioptlnte
t'ernion. addressing hlm.elf oripocltilly
to tlio.ii who had Juki, tetelved the iay
Iiir on of baud!-. This was one of the
Invseat elussoH ovi-r noiillruied In this
iihiiri h. In Ilio .'ilteinooii a daKS of
Iwonty-slx was oonflimed In St. Jlatk'f.
church, Oiininoio, and n claws of six in
St. David's church, West Ser.inton,
In the evfiiltur tlio bNhop louineyed
to (Ireen 11ldi;e. wlteie, alter admlnip
tcrhip; the rile of eonilrniatlon to nevcn
persons, he delivered u most eloquent
sermon on the winds of the- Apostle
Paul in ills epistle to Timothy: ".le.sur,
Cln 1st. our Ha vim, hath tiboH-dicd
After telling- what a menl Joy would
ovei.oprenil the world today if hoiiic
mishty ruler should piocluim that
physical death bud been tibollsiied and
w.os no more, lln- bishop spoke, in pint,
as follow i.
"Vet. my friends, this thliifj lias been
done. .Icsus ('In 1st has almlishcd death.
11 I a liMoiici fact thai He died,
nw 'drain nnd came back to dwell tvltb
JII M.sclpl"K fur forty days Thli
lender of humanity, this must perfecL
of men, tasted the honors and ukdiiIcs
of ilfatli lo the utmost, anil finally
f,raiiu d a complete anil absolute vletoiy
over them.
"The abolishment of death by ( 'hi lit not moan an abolishment of spir
itual dealh. because we know that
spiritual death threatens us nil. V
know thai r niusl always flfrhl the
tempter, and Unit we can never lay
aside the armor of liirlit and woid of
tlie tempter until we nie called lo our
finarl test.
"llofore the advent of Chiist. death
meant devastation and sadncs beyond
ail expression. It was? sometbltifr to be
feared and dreaded by all men. When
Chris I came, and by His. own triumph
oie r ilea Hi gave us the ladlaut hope of
lislnp even as fo rose and living in
His blessed kingdom for etoinity, death
lost much of the honor which ptevl
ously invested it.
"This fad. tins triumph
tory and as n result. In mv opinion, tho
little band or 100 christians who s-iw
Him dij to riow to almost countless
millions. It lias caused tho establish
ment on this earth of a trteat king
dom, the ihiueh militant.
"Death litis been swallowed up in vic
tory and a lesult, In my opinion, the
world Is lowing better every day
Nations are bjinmini mnic klndlv in
their lelatious, one to another, and a
sense of tit.- univeisal bioihcrhoo.l of
man and the falheihooii of Clod is
growing all the while. The practice of
the real virtues is becoming moie uni
versal also.
"Hut the .lawn ot a universal King,
doin of iJod on en th will not eonie un
til the men ivho believe In the lesur
lcctlon of Chi 1st .lo snnii'llilug In makt
the name mote lovely among men.
"Tf it is actually ttiie, as we belleio
il to lie. Hint Cluist came down from
heaven to earth, left Ibe peace and sei
enity of His heawnly hum and be
came bone ol our bone and lleh ot our
llesh: ii it is true Hint He died on
the cioss for our redemption and that
He arose tiom the dead and dwlt
upon the earth for foity days-, finally
to rise lioillly into he.uen' if these
tilings are true, I say, is llieivn slnglii
man or woman bclieviiiK lli-ni who
i .in say that he or she has nothing to
"tf we believe lhee truths as u-.
.-h.iiil.i believe thorn it Is not posMhli
for iw to believe them in a passive,
superlieial conventional sort of a way
as many of us do. It is not possihb to
believe I hem without being convinced
thai ChtlM has a diiect iliilm upon
us all and that we should spioad His
gloiious inline and blessed gonpe wher
ever we go,"
dhiatt nlllees that thp coal business In
this legion oiTeis.
Ills piomotlon, like that will, h came
to Major Inglls, ami on width Tlie
'J'llbune pievloiislv commented, be-f-P-aks
the i.-onsidoration which Cap
tain May shows for those who soive
him well, linth canie. to his oflloe as
boys, iiinnlug enands and attending
to such other duties as attaelt lo the
position. Step by step both weie pin
liuiled ns tho opportunities fop pioino
Hon came, and now. when Captain
May, by his own piomotlon, Is given
such an enlarged oppoi utility for car
ing fop his "boys," ho makes one of
them ills Miceessor, and the other ho
Hikes wlih him as his nisi assist
ant. II mote oi ihe men in eviltod posi
tions in the local coal anil i.illroad
business would emulate Oueiul Mana
ger Muy, in giving piefeience to (lie
men who aie Hying to noil; their iwiv
up Horn the milks, rather than to
tltn sons and roitsips of foreign stockholder1-,
there would be an Inceiulvo
to butler woik in the ranks and the would, hi the long nut, bo
gieal galliots.
Tin Si rciiitoii lilcyelu club i om of
the most thoroughly icpierontsitlvu as
tiocln thins of this city, and of nil Its
members tho one upon -whom evetyotm
looks as a lepiesijntatlvo Vilcyclo i lub
man Is Iho popular and oti-eictul
ptesidenl, Hoinaid P. Connolly. n.,
is probably tho most personally popu
lar man In Die club, and the faet thtc.
the association lite hides in its mini
beis over two bundled lollv c-ood fel.
lows, speaks volumes for tho general
opinion held of .Mr. Connolly. j
Time alter time bo has been re
elected as head of tlie organisation,
and the thoroughness mid euro which
ho CNeiclses in Hie pmiingcment of Its
affalis Is evidenced In the llo'ulMiing
wcseiit ceri'lltlon oi il . lob U
He Was Henul In the Elm Pnik
Church Lnst Night.
U. Dr. .Tiiliii IT. Unco. prcHldeiil of
Cir.nit ttnlvorslty, of Cltuitniioogit,
Tonn.. ud'Jirdoed tho congregation of
the Illin Park Jlclhndlst Ilplscopnl
i liureh last night. Ur. Ilnee In from
tills city, the sou of Uov. John I,, llneo,
ur foulli Heianlon, and the great
ihtirch win- thronqoii when he nn
noiineed I. Is text, shoilly niter S
' lie was liilioiluced by 1!e. Dr. Cllf
ilit, pnrtor of the cliuieh. mi no utran
ger, but Hither "one lo tho manor
boi n," and In th" eatut-c of his ser
mon never tost iho n Mention of tho
audi' nee. which he tasclnated by the
power nf his address. Ho spoke of the
intlU'iie" produced upon BunerutloiiK by
sublimely exprertvil thoughts, wlileh
he i haiaeteriacd ni "buinlng woids.
living words." Among those he classed
tlie famous utteianee of Slartin Mtthoi'
before tlie Diet of Woi ins. The spenk
t'r deelared. "His Ir.teringntors forced
him for a direct answer nnd he replied,
'luwls have eried, councils have erred,
prove to me out of Heilpttires that I
tun wrong nnd then r submit. Till
tin n, 1 can do no wrong, and heie I
stand. Cod li'dp me.' "
Lincoln's magnificent stiorl speech,
on the in rasion ol the dedicatory oxer
ls's"nl Oettysbiug, and fJinnt's "Let
us have ponce." to the suriendeted
Confederate ntmy. were also deelniol
"burning winds" by Dr. Ituee.
Mis. Vila Tiauger Denies Thnt Sh
Was Unfaithful to Her Hubband.
Other Divorce Cases.
Tlieie is lo bo a jury trial In the
ilivuiei: ease of Ucorgo II. Trallger
against Mis. Vila Trauger. Katutday
I he latter's attoiney, Cliiiciu'e Italen
tine, tiled a demand for a. jury ttial.
The dlvoicc 1 nked on statutory
grounds, and .Mis. Tiauger alleges that
the charges made against her me un
title, and auk,s. for a hearing befoie a
jury to demonstrate thaL fact. The
Tiaugeis live at (been Itldge, and aie
well known.
.lueob C. Cobb, through Attorneys
d'Hrieii nnd Aim (In, begun an action
Sattuday to secure a d!ori.o from
Miuy Cobb. They wen: martieii In .Sep.
tember lS-'.i."., and Cobb alleges! that his
wife deserted him in August, ISO".
An amended ilbel was tiled Saturday
bj Attoiney John M. Hauls in the casu
ol John XlchoN, of Uunmoio, against
Caioline Nichols. The oilginal llb-l
allegnj desortluii. but the additional
one clti s drunkenness, excessive smok
ing and ciiielty on the pail of Ills wile
as ndditioiiril lensons why lie should h
allowed an absolute divorce from her.
A rule for divotce wan granted Sat
uid.iy in the case of Xirliolns Tom I bi
son against Maty . I. TomlInon.
He Entuiert Bail for His ppe-ianoe
at Couit.
Uiehaid latllo, editor of the Si rnn
toiiian, waived a healing Saturday be
foie Aldeiman Kasson and entered ball
in the sum of 51.000 for his appcaiance
at com I to answer a ohaige of libelling
John Mitchell, president of tho United
Mine Woikejs -of America. Wade M
Finn iiualilled as his bondsman.
Little's attorney. John J. Muiphy,
asked for a continuant e on the gtound
Ih.iL .Mitchell was not present and lor
tin- timber re.uson that an important,
witness is now on his way heie from
li eland. Attorney M. J. Martin, coun
sel lor Mitchell, said Hie hitter's pres
ence was not necessary, that the hear
ing bad been postponed several tiuvs
at Utile's leipiosi and that It was time
lo proceed Willi Ibe oiso.
The accused was noi piesent, and
.titer bis attoiney had consuli mI with
hint by 'phono he announced that Lit
tle would waive j he. n lug and enter
bail ltd his appemanee at eoiur.
Appointment to Fill Judgeship Vn
ctincy Is About Due.
It Is epei led thai Ibe appointment
to till the vacancy on Iho common
pleas bench will bo made this week,
and thai .1. V Cntponlor will lie I he
appointee. .
Tho bill tie.itlng an orphans' court
in this county is noi likely to pass as
a sopai'ito uioasiue. Together with
similar hil'- tor Lancaster and Moilt
goineiv cumuli s II Mill be made a
pail ui tlie geiiuial Judicial y appor
tionment bill and all passed at the
same time. Should the apportionment,
bill full thiougli the separate bills will
be taken i'p nnd passed.
beais a deservedly esi client name, and and true spot tsniait
diip nro Hie two attributes most char
.uteihtlc of the iiiiiuin of the jisso
ciatlou, .Mr, Connolly Is hhmeli soniewluit of
a spoilsman, and wltili pot jn tlie tank among Hie club atlilnles,
novirtlii'lets bus a most vailed and
ecmplelo knowledge of athletic, oxer
clses of all soits. Wliother acting as
niioiec on tho howling alloys or ns
niastei ot coteiuonlfs al tho wrestling
matt lies given under tin club's an
pices, ho Is eiiuiilly at home, Ml. ('i)li
pidly N aim one of tho most aggros
sue mid lepicseniatlvo of Scrnutnn'H
business nli-n, us the. senloi p.n flier
of Comiollv Wallace.
Clulsly .Mathow.snn, of Kaeiiif vlll".
the . n met So anion Voting Men's
Cliiistian iissm lotion pitchir, wlio Is
now with tlio New Vmk base half
club, in the Natioii'il league, Is looked
Upon as the futuie Itiisju o tie dhi
nioiiii. 't'he m;iinpiiit,iii uow-spaper,-"
me piinting his piiiiiics and saying
nice things about his woik In the
buN. and al.eady lie i- a kumi nivniltc
with the fain-.
tin f'atuidiiy, iu an oNhihiikiu j,mno
at the I'olo gioiiiuU, agup.i the
Itt.ehesti-i bib. ot the i.'astciu league,
Jiutliewson pitched thtee Innings,
iniule a ileiiu lilt, sttuel; out live. men.
and did not allow a siuqiki hit. Ilu
"let himself OUt."' SO Id spent-!, ulltl
wilh noweunan. an old Scrantou
f.ivoille ui tho reeelving end, I'lmwed
his icniarkable speed mid cliiviivun's
Willi I lie hpueie.
Tlie spectators net ended lu ,t spljn
dld leceplion, anil already ".Matty," is
tl-.ey call him, Is n ravotid. with the
iiietiopollt.m base ball followers,
deeds am expected or tlie boy dtniitg
tho coiidng season and Ills earner on
the diamond will bu watched with In
iini'l bv M's inmiv S'Tnntou fil'nds
J'oiirltnlfil Itoni I'.ijtc t.
nioiili mnl ttty rnniidli wp will ifn iloini atnl rw
I. Willi nniln, nti.l vlirn thev Iip by the it
life mid i;tt llii'lr tKnti.t, I lor our. pli.ill not
If low I fol when I if.t tnv pinny I -lull Ihlnl. I
um (lie I.lnifi
Whinoi'ir tlfV p ti un"lli'i ilo'.r I helen
In inn In mid look lm' ll H oiilv .in.lli"i- npnl
until In the many Miii-imis mv t'ulhu hat pie
lined. Sii I s.iyi liml lile.s Hum.
Tln'ii- I now tniicli l.ilk ot nlliiikm wlileli l
snotlioi ii into for iz-lf-airlfln-, glilnm um-'s llfu
for unotlnl. hi Fpltll ) tan '" n grelt llnnii;;
pit'lilin.' li. The iiiiiltltinlci of tin1 Hue' trylni;
In finil (lod. lli?liu I -J' In my lwople, I l.o,
hue hiiuhl relief, (ur the linnlhle liRiire
of gnllt ii perilled on tnv roul Ik! timi lioutlng
Willi IU ii-d Iml brrtk until tin Mood dups to
Ilio lartli.' On a ttioll I mo imp with out
ftltitr licit nnni on i crocs, imp tint JJ'-, "Otn
tinlo Me all jo tb it Intuit nnd me he.wt lailrn."
I am tint. Ilerv 1 a towir n whWi In n c'lnll
toil ei o-nliont , ami I sm awvie of tin- iiurtnl
fait of doalli. tie i- tnuiiMcr mnl lie jlnilows
firiy ti p of my lite. I itn not want htm. I
nil atralit of Mm. t lnvti alraid of tilm (or
ji'Jt-i. N'ot nuieli now in I i, tnt I know
I shall meet him. ThIio ho has had tin liy tlm
Ihloit nnd twkp I ln. lool-eil lilm out of
(eimlcniiirp and while I dnii't want liira lo ;;et
im, 1 know I shall ow-Tcotiip him at latt.
At this point Hie bishop gave a won
derful won! picture of the ctucillxlon,
a plotuie Hint made men cower behind
their hands, and al Its close his voice
lung forth:
'Mils town nill t.ind toievir. Kieiy one here
int'st di", lull out of hi-' leptilrlire cnmci Hfo
cieilatiii(f. lip ond the ili-nie m my i-lly slatidi
a mwdl lompuiy. wliu have Rnne on lipfwp. I
ln'.iirit them all iiinki 1 little liv.tnit and won
(lend enr if I'd liml Ihctir iffjln. Tim Ins
I em htiklna: al me in the wdiy jcari since then,
and utleli I'll- wondi-ied it the'd lliow mi. In
the ill-t.iuio of a (iiniiot -dint from thi xt In
the Indian iutn the aares took mtny ciptken.
After un tiny win- ii-tiimeil foi Identification
bi Ihi-lr fatnlllr-! One old woman
(onl.l not liml hei little nne: in (ho line nf
wiitlnir childirii. Titm.' .ifnr time Mie pk-vd
lonl.lnrf with asoin'.'cil gne foi some i-lun of
recoinition. 'Ihire na? no hint of rpvnililaiice
in the rice rinilly a tnin slid: "Pon'l jou
know sume -onn you -.ins to limn in litlijhood!"
The w-iepiinr old woman fell io croonint; a C!er lult.-ih. Due line of it and a little nul.l
from the npthe iftuiip spran.c furwtnl iryinif
"M miiimii, mv iniimin.i!" only to be followed
h uiothir with the amc nun" on her lip. So,
too, afUr the e!lo we shall liml nnd
ktr.i lh- iKtr oti'-s in tho otler lmd.
Ordination Service.
Tlie bishop piesidod over the ordina
tion service this alternoon. 'flic pie
skllng elders assisting in the service.
The following woie called tt tho
rhuneel for deacons' orders: Jilbert E.
Barker, William D. Lathi-ope. Thomas
Livingstone, William McAlplne. The
bishop then with solemn authority laid
his Hands on the head of each young
man before him and placed the Bible
in tho wailing hands.
The following were ordained elders:
Judson N. J:ail?y, Carl Councilman,
Juelson W. Davis, John W. Johnson,
Grant fi. MeOhosiioy, Thomas 15. Mil
ler. Alvin J. Xcff. Cdgar I!. Singer,
Martin V. Williams. Dr. U C. Floyd
offered prayer.
The memorial service was conducted
by Dr. Oilflln. Memoirs were read as
follows: fieoige Korsythu read a me
moir of nev. J.odney Rose; Mrs. Wil
liam Kdgar. Mr. John H. Davis, Rev.
Dr. Sweet read the memoir of lllshop
Ninde. Dr. atifltn followed with me
moir of Mrs. Samuel Moore. Rev. J.
K. Warner lead the memoir of Mrs. G.
A. Place William Krisby, memoir of
Mis. William ituriisede. Dr. Van Clef I
read the memoir of c. V. Arnold.
Tlie evening service was devoted to
(ho Twentieth Century T"imd, Dr. W.
H. l'litiiu! presiding. II. C. MoDer
moll oifeied piayei. Ucv. Dr. Mc
Dowell, ot New York, mmle tho ad
dress of the evening, a magnificent ef
Saturday's session was l.ngcly de
voted to tlie beating of reports. Rev.
Joseph .Madison conducted the devo
tions. The bishop and cabinet have
had their pltins turned wtong-slde out
and upside down several times, owing
to visitations oj committees tiom
churches. Before the last general eon
tereiic the cabinet was tumbled little
with oflloial boaul committees. An ac
tion of that body, however, has ten
dered 11 Imperative thai any commit
tee, whether coming fiom New York
eity or I'odiink, has to be considered.
Honeo Hie ooiu'oionco will not close as
soon ns expected. It will terminate nt
ui on Monday. The appointments will
bo .iniiiuiuoi'd before adjournment.
Class Admitted.
Alii't the reading of tho minutes a
class ot joiing men was called bot'oto
the body mid admitted to the tltst y. nr
studies. Those-admitted weie: Thomas
Livingston, demy i:. limns, William
U. J.atliropc, Hurry I lamed, Webster
M. Doutoti, Coherl W. ISeidy, John N.
Austin, Louis D. Tyler, William Mi -Alpine.
William It. MeDermott unci
Clmilcs Seward,
Two cities asked for the next (outer
etiee. Wavcrly, N. V., and Curboudale,
P.i. It being tlie semi-centennial of tlie
Wyoming confluence, the question elic
ited mon- than usual Interest. The fact
th;ii the iiuiieience saw Its Idith In the
Pioneer city llfty years ago gave to the
plut'i. a stiouger attiaetion, and it was
selected, tlio vou standing 117 to ,"rt in
favor of Carbondnle,
Tlio (Oiniulttee on le.ili-ttloiing tile
I'onfoivuin was continued auolher year
and a leipiesL was made that Iho com
mittee endeavor to In lug in u, unani
mous luport.
.1. M. Coleman ami A. H Ihliik ,vi-i-wiilulrawn
Horn tho list of candidates,
lor admission on dial, the conference
to employ them for tlie coming year.
W. M. MeDermott was left without ap
pointment to attend si liool. C, P. Per
soneus was gianted supeiuuineraiy re-I.UIons-,
A iiieuioiinl to Joseph Han
well was uppioved tind roftirti'd to thu
Historical society.
Stephen .lay ivitd Hie jeou op . lumh
uiiisii'. J, A, l-aulKiicr lead a coiiipiv
heuslvt' 1'iipoit of tlie (onimlttee on edu
cation, It cinliodled Vijluabie lilslotleiil
Infoi mnl ton of the schools mid colleges
of .Methodism, J. V, Hone was gwiulcd
supeiiiuiuury lelallons, p. it. Tower
lead tlio lepoit of Hie i onuuitteo on
tlie stut'j f Iho chinch.
Dr. Spinguo Spoke.
Dr. Spiaguo nddrossRii tlio contoi -cjii'o
on llin woik of Wyoming semi
nary, mid tho confeienci.' ordcied that
thu educational money bo divided be
tween Kyi.iuuso univeisity and Wyo
inlug seminary.
Tlie iilblo society lepurl was piescnt
ed by If. fi; ilurued.
Tlio afternoon opened with a short
btisiuosK session, wlun tho repoits of
the renifilulng cnnimltteef were te,id.
Tieasuier Suidain piesented Ills irpoit
of the ilnnueliil teeeipts of thu year a I
Hie afteinoou session. Tlie repot I of
Wyoming district was us follows: Mis
sionary, $111,310; Church Intension. $1,
0J0; Sunday School union. 207; Tract
society, $115; Kieedincn'.s Aid. $7"0;
IMucatiou fund, 4C07; ltlble society,
? 3iS; Women's Foreign Missionary uoel
cty, $-.017; Women's Home sjlsslon
soiioty. $1,907: Picaclieis' Aid, $177;
Ate House-Cleaning
LJon't you think a nice Chamber Set would add greatly to fe
the furnishing of thu guest chamber or in fact any of your g?
bedrooms r We have today a better assortment of sets. 55
nnging from $2.50 to $20.00, than it's ever been our good 8b
furtune to have at one time. Bring a piece of your wall gp
papci. We huvc a set that will hurmonie with the color.
I Geo. V. Millar &
y -P'jssjMrsjjr -mi" --am5-- y in
fell D.1 Shape" Shoe. Jr
l Jj!tb:nlk:;;iiHiinilllliii;::;iiilt' ')
f ttT AL.WAYS BUSV. ty ? I
L, " Qentlemen : v 1
.m m
In our Korrect Sliape Shoes you
get $5 worth of wear, $5- worth of
style and $100 worth of comfort
nil for $4.00 only $4.00.
Ask to see our Oxfords.
ALL STYLES ! tesVs. ' aTid '
Aktrnni-r f1irV
yrcc Kni.ti nw trade
JJ Home Industry
;; Has Produced the
-c-ji 3
5 j lcjcji iiiouqis arc reuuy
Q get a 36 days' guarantee
g Bitten bender & Co.,
C5 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. 1
Title Guaranty and Trust Co.
No. 516 Spruce Street, Scranlon, Peniia.
Cupital, I-ull Paid
ICUMAj IHltli, INTini.W It. IkflJMOiK.
1MI.MAM I ll.M l.sll. l. MMIAM Xl.slllTi.
.1011V iiiiij.i;mii'( k id-ipi o-itrni.
(. S. .lOII.NsON'. l l.l's' lt"!!IV(S,
Hf.Mtl hVAI'P,
Abrnm Nesbitt, William F. Hallstead,
I'homas 11. WatUius, U. S,
i:.ainiiied and msuies titles to real est.tte.
Acts as Hxccutoi, Adminislutor, and,
H.ecutes trusts ot every description, . ,
ssumes entire charge o( ten! estate.
Keceivcs money on deposit atid allo-.vs uileicst.
Becomes sole surety on fidelity, court and official bonds.
Loans money on bond and mortgage.
From time to time will offer to the public high
grade investment securities.
I.. -V. Vatre
Andrew H. "IcCllntotk
Henry A. Knapp
Ralph S. Hull
WillnrcJ, Warren &
conference ilntiunl colleilluns-, JJ,'.'.');
l.'plscopal fund, 5"il:t other In tievokira . ,
.',07; total, ?.'."mi1- Th-te w.i-- a fill
iuu off In the dlstik t of l,-ri fo. 'bo
j ear. The Kiand total for the cotifei
ciiuhi Is as follows; nitiKhaiiitou ills
ti lot. ViT.MG; Chunaiifio dlsiilrt, $S,uii.-,
lloiiettlali. dlHliiel, C.l'JS; Olii-ontft ills-
met, .y.i.i.e; iiwejto iiisiriei, .j.-.-ji
Wyoinhu; dlstrk L, 5-i5,7l.
Tho lepoit of the seiruia.y lor the
dlKtiictof Wyomlnit. Itev. Austin Urlt
lin, D, U., piesldiPK elder, was us follows-
Ihobittioiiei.,-, l.Iifd; lull uieiu-ber.-iill
. l.'.nM, ijeiths, Ho; cbllditii
baijlb.eil, Ml; udulls bttptliced, H.1;
Sunday rcliools, SO; oflkers anil tc.ieli
ets, l,ii!l; seliolnis'. 11,-517; elimolies, 7J;
piobable vultii', V"-"?, 0; pursoims'es,
lo; probable viiuo, $IG,(iVi; pad for
building mid Impinvlns' ciiiuches an I
pmsoiiafit'S. ?3s,ii"rt; paid on old Indebt
edness 01 i lunch property, 7 .l'i; pi't.--cia
indehiidness on ihuicli imiici tj ,
Total Jteeeipte.
The total lecelplK for tho loiifeti'iieci
was; Missions, W.'.'iiil; fhun-h llxtou
slou, ?.',1J1: Sunday St hool union, ,!.;:,
Trait, $.'fia. rieeilinou's Aid. SI0.3J1;
IMucatiou, 8W; chlldienV fund, 5-1.-Sii;
Amerieiui IHblo society, ?i.'0j 'o.
nienV, FVueiKU Mis'sonaiy so Iely, SI,.
i'j'i, Women's I lonii Mlsslonaiy , ulely,
Itev. J. W. Trclbki pieslded ovir tho
afternoon session. The Foteisn MIs
slontuy society held Its anniversary'
Co. lJR-filSL"
ITimH, S
5-?.a DOMLSTIt. j
c 1 tr... A
lor your approval. iou
on Scranton Bicycles. SJ
5 O
-i50,oon 00
l.l.oia. I 15 -Ml 111.
I iriii.i r wxrii.'ijv,
I I v.Mi.'i:
Trust Officer
Knapp, Solicitors
later. -Mt C :. Moris pi.sldlu?. Mis.
Hiidley, who lived i-htieii In
India, mm- ji delimilful talk.
lii.v. Dr. .1. V ilson .'oiitliiuetl tli.i
ai lei noun aiidns-ts, lii.s suhieiii bhu
"Couseloilslie-s-." The M'lvicn imi
itowdoil, Dr. Wilnm i.s one of Hi,
strongest .speu,eis liml halo addies-eil
tin- loimiciiif. Ho bus the hiKlieh1
poirilhlo ideals, and prc'tehos putlt.x.
lotty livinj,' mid nobility of character
moie in.sistcml than any modern
Tlie .set vice nil S.lllllOay tivciiili
v.MK Kileii ovi'i !u the l'teacliers' Aid
sin lely, Addiesses neio niacin by Uov.
Dr. W. II. Pence, of Wilkes. Uatro
and IM. Or, .s, of Chicago. H
i,iu Kennrally louecdcil to liuve been
the besl ol the ovenluB seivlies. -
Captain W. A. .May and W, 11. Pe. I;
win- lunu'iviici visllots tonight, .rj.i
Williams. Mr. mid Alts. Duikiu and xeio at tlie set vices limine- the
dm. ,
Tlie West 1'IHt.ion chitieli has mi e--c-cllent
choir thm lendi-K-ii Hie "Hallo
lujah Cliouts" tonfifhl with .splendid
eiVe-'t. Miss Clara l.auKtoid, dmiRli
ler of Joseph r..ineford, and .Miss
IliiKlies saiiK' an cNiiulslle duet at the
nun nlnn' sofvki). Mls l.aiiKtord is a
pupil of Madame Tlmhermaii-Ilun
Him Pails . hurcli is to have nn n.
siMunt pastor, a brilliant mid cupdbl.
souii!? man. Itov, 1J. 15. Singer, foi.
nierlj of Mldilk-ik'ld, Otsego eounij,
N- V. H. p.