The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 13, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    3? 9 i
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fSm&ilLm tris 5-
An Excellent Combination.
Tho pleasant method nnd bcucflctal
effects of tho well known ictncily,
Svitoi1 or I'icio, manufactured by tho
CamfoiikiA. I'm Svjuii' Co., illustiato
thovaliicof: obtaining the liquid
tivo principles of plant. s known to bo
medicinally laxative nnd piosentitur
them in tho form uioibiefiutliltifrtc tho
taste nnd acceptable to tho system. It
istlicono pi'rfi'ut slioiifrthcniniT lna
tivo, edonnsinj,' the M-dom effectually,
dispelling voids, hcud-ii'lies and fevers
gently yet pioinptlv and enabling one
to overcome; habitual constipation pcr
muui'titlv. Its perfect fiocdom fiom
ovcrv mijclioiuible' i-unllty and aub
stanco, and Us netinc on llie lrldncya,
liver r.ud bowels, without weaki'inn;;
or itrituiiti,r thani, mnko it. the ulcol
In the piocoss of tnaiiufautminif flp;8
:uo ured. as they aro plo.i'-nnt to tho
tabic, liutthi'inrdiuiiial quulilic-of tho
reni'dy sao obtained from hcimuniid
other 'inoiii.iUe nlnntt, by :i mct'uod
known to the Cwifoiima I'm f-vuut'
Co. onlv . In older to gel its boneiieinl
olVei'tstinc to avoid imitation-, piense
rcnieuibi i the full nutnoot (hoCompany
riinted on tlio fionl of uvcry package.
vjujsvilij:, ky jrnw, n. t.
Irr'aluh '11 Drut'i'Nts l'rltiil'Oo ptTlottlo.
ce Cream.
C rtnirf
ni! r, jrir tivin
I.RWilW.a '
ujsn i ' !jv. a t
'tjci i ut rOrflwuI'roranUv I Ivoroi
,-jf.'7 Adrnu Avenue
Piano Tuning.
ii)7 I'rr-nlt jicmi". Ileal b cal
Scranlon Transfer Co.
Cagpaye Checked Direct to Hotels
.ind Pnvate Resiliences
D., L.
W. Pass&ugcr
-f .
l'A'i T)- The UcUwarn in Hudson com
f jny paid j(tcrdij at the niiilon an 1 CoalbiooL
nlnct-, al Carloudjlc
ruiun MiNbiiii ls liio ijii,mu niiu1
Minstul (Oinpiuv, conipo-cd nl tuiritj flvcjoun;
Mornon ct tlii oil), will ttive i inln.ticl p.r
loiriiantc in Mi n' hill un Mij i.
UHbl f. MI.-Ono of the uuhi Kaniis ot
unlit In the tnies Iwlnj plijnl among llio 1)1
i, ule club munlieib tool, pl.ic li-l nilit it
the club. II nab mcU alkndcd ind bin-kl.v con
K'tcd. Nor llir. 8MI -Hut Lfi, who dilic tin.
( pi.M w icon, dislu-. U3 lo aiiuoiiiKi. that lie
is not tin. Hilt In, id lij.vnund lourl, who
was aiicslcd Ihuiil.i in complaint of hU
Mrwilts WMI'U-0 Hilt nl un-, II I' Kuly
ml 1 I'. ilitili-. wuc ji-tndii uinuil ur, vliw
is in the nnttn of uidcnlns Sivintli tliict.
Irn will leprrt on tin Mound mi Mn 'i it
,0 uVluiK.
Id flOsi: I HI.V. l a mullus ot the
llutiliiia' ami l utters' union lirM i ftiv nlphts
i;u tin Mrintari wa dirnlcil to uotlf.i all tho
! Hi litis In Hit tily to rime thill idups it i! !,u
iikil. mry night cxeipt hiiuiilaj.
aN'-IA INQL'IVl.-loriuci lidiciu will run.
did an inpust In iho dins n u not Monlij
uiiin; at his nllice on houth Miin ihuip This
llu i.i-e vim i hi a rliilu wis buined to iK ith
ilil iiivntlu a(,o in Sm,tli birautu.i.
I OMl'l IMI..N r.Vlh- HMlim MNMUNT. - Tho
i ml in, it llie CatholiQ guis Woiii i'a club
ill t ud(Jf itfrrnplimcptii) uifcitaiiiii cnt lo
iii lining fjeds in (j dub Imusi on Nmth
liiiiauaunui', nexi Jiday night.
t .", ,
110 Ulil oi'ilJIAnb'MI.I.D.Ml.-llio net k.ii,
i nii.mldy .unttfii,'.ol,tIie ImiU ut link w II
W hill in ,MoiiIiiy 'ill J,MS norp, nkte,ul oi it
oMuiK in tf iuylit,'8' hirctotou. I.uu li
-- i ti,4.
We offer subject to pievious
Ithaca Street Railway Co.
(Gold Bonds:
0 Per Cent, Matuie 1023.
As illft fldennd lllmf-nnrro
...... t,bw
Doium ot uusj company ate sell
lnaa piemtum the value of
thsj-nTsts 1b beyond question,
-f M SinCvij, II. V, ff llks Bjrte.
4 - Cilbondjle, 4-
4 li $,U)iP, C'4fiuaonwelli UUg , -f
f Strantcn. -- -f
" '
& 4 -f 4- -f
Sin r- :( -n.
ITVr Jt-
will l.p sened it 10 -'eloot. 1t 1 espccled tint
Iti" new limr will tillliif out I litgo mil In
trriiftd nllinilmii.
Lnekuvinni Telephone comimij ivllt tChdir i
Irtipllon lo lit pilrotu id tho I'.vcliinec on the
lolirlli lloor cf the llepubllrin ImlMliiff en Mmi
rhy next between the hoir of ;'. ind B nnd 7 ntul
l'l i. in. VMlnri will 1)0 flnWen over tho pi nil
nml Irilllitiil Inlo the tnjdcrlM ot the imllili
"ltd, SPCUv ON l)EUIint.A trot i rom
bed lor tomorrow nlclil, when Olitiln Umiid, of
Juu oittcl(y, will deliver t ttcrroptlcnn lectuie
st Guernsey lull. "Ilelslii'n" will bj lib subject
tml tho vlem uhlclt arc to bo lUed, It li
expected, lire evrfpllonall) tine 1 lie leituie
villi be rIicii under llie ruinhl'ieil mcplera of
Amen IoiIro, Independent Ordei of B'nil Il'rllli,
And the locil circle of the ,lpivlh ChiiltatiiVla,
A lareo attend into U expetlid
On account of death In the fnmllv
our Rtoip will hj tloM d Hntutduy tilt
15 p. in. MI'.VKS R. HA013N.
Havo Been Made by tho Eiio Since
It Took Chaigo of the Penn
sylvania Coal Company.
Impoitant change) consequiMit upon
Die abiinptlon of tho Pennsylvania
Coal company by tho Kile, nie tak
Infj place every day. Among the mobt
Important (Miati;os that have thus
taken place aie the ttaimfer of the
purclmtilnfr, shlnnlnK and auilItliiK de-
pailincuts to Xevv Yoilc, and tho uoll-
tlon of the dcpjttinenl ol ciiglnci.r
lre:. (.'. r. Knvnse, who w.11) ut the lioad
of the luncliaslnqr ilcp.u tment, has
brn tians'iciiijtl to Mow Yoik, totn
poi.nllv, at Kasl. "Wilson V. Decker,
who w.ih shlripini; aeent, in relieved,
and William ronyth, who was chief
of the mechanical enfjhieeilris clepait
ment of the mints, duels his occupa
tion gone by the consolidation.
A". A. May, general manager of tho
combined coal companies, has, taken tip
his headiiuarteii, In the Dunmote of
fice. Tiank II. Coughlin who, for a
number of ye.ns, ban been a cleik In
the Hlllbide Coal and lion cotnpan's
olllcey, hub been liosn by
Man.icor Jlay as his chief clerk. The
Hillside ofliccs will soon be tians
fened fiom the Coaul of Tiude build
ing to Dunmore.
The thlitv-tour coilleiits of the
Pennsjlvnnla-Hillslcle company, to
gether wllh tho Feinwood and Butlei,
wlilcli icccutlv came undu tho Hill
hide companv'b contiol, and the in
depHiident collieiies contilbutlng to the
Ihie, minod dm In? the month or Match
otr half u million tons of coal. If
the output was continued for twelve
months, it would mtl,e the I3iie't, an
nual tralllc in coal 7.00U.00O tons, or
as much as was mined last eai by
the Delawuto, Lackawanna and West
ern and Uelawnro and Hudson com
panies combined.
Teaeheis Adopt Resolution Asking
for Pay for Twelve Months In
stead of Ten as at Piesent.
This jtai'b teaeheis institute was
bt ought to a close ic&teid.iy morning
with a session which lasted fiom 9
o'clock till just pieeielv noon.
An able addicss wa. dellveied by
Tiofosor W. W. Giant, ptincipal of
the high school, who pleidcd loi it cog
nition toi tile individual stliolai liv
the teachei. The blight pupil hhould
bo singled out, he wild, and advnntrd
Instead of holding- him in check bv
keeping liim in the same class with
pupils less blight and moie blugglsh
than he.
Civil Engine er A. li Dunning-, of
this city, g.uc an lulu ostitis? lallv ex
plaining In an easy, mulct standable
way how butvcjois and ongincci.s do
it gieat manv thiiisv-. He eplaiiud
how the height oi kills and mountains
is obtained and how points on the sui
tnce nie located in the minis. Jle told
.something about the lonsttuction of
biidges and of llio vvoi kings of the
telephone and illtistiattd many of his
points by dlagiams, on u blackboatd.
Piotessor T. C Mcndi nhall gave a
delightful little tcu-mlmitu talk in an
entirely dlffeient cln noni unjtlilng
hu hud said bctoie. He told the ttuo
stoty of the oiigiu of tho immottul
poem. ".Maiy Had a Little Lamb."
Tlieie wah a little lamb, hu said, who
tollowed Mary to school and both of
them lived in New England.
Ite.solutlons were unanimously passed
requesting the s-chool buaul lo i nu
fidcr a school jear as twelve nioutlis
instead of ten mouths as at pi cent
and to pay the piesent monthb tuiluiv
for that poilod. The lesolutions jil-u
contained u clause tpies-,ing Kiatltl
i.itlon at the lo-iippoiiitmtnt ot Hi.
Xntliuu Schuelfir .is btato bitpuln
tendent of schools.
It Is piolmblo thut Supetinteiulent of
Schools Howell will go to Ihooklyn
in the near future- to investlstato pei
soiially the "national" system of
teaching leading explained duiintr the
Institute by Mlbs Hglntnn, with it iuw
of lecotiiinotiding lib ndoptlou In this
Popular Clay Clement Will Appciu
at tho Lyceum.
Tho miinbcis ot the tntct national
foiiispiinilencu Hthools' Sochi), Ht'iu
tltlal and socloty have so
cuii'd Clay Clement utul his oMvlluut
coniputo to piesent "The Ni w Domin
ion," a Southern id) I, ut the Lyceum
next Satuida ut let noon and owning.
Those who saw Mi. Clement on his re
cent visit hem aie delighted to himr of
Ills letuin, and Judging from tho ad
vance sale of tickets he will be giectcd
by laigo audiences, The diagram upens
Wednesday moinlng, and tlioio will un
doubtedly be a itish fur bents.
Mi, Clement 1j nian waiiu admir
ers In this clt,, mid lie undoubted!) do
berves a ilatteilng leieptlon, Hjiechl
iirinns-tm'nts have been made by the
society lop the peifotinance, and tliu
btage decoiatlon-s and actisfioilts will
lend Kttater billlluuce to tho piodue
tlou. v
Will Reopen Today,
After being closed for a few weeks,
undei going extensive lemoilolliig, the
store of Itlchuuls cc Wlrth will leopjn
today with a complete new stock of
tine union-made clothing, hats and fur
ulshlngfc. Miss Mini Lloyd Dock,
un authoilty on forestiy, will give a
bteieontlcon lecture at the Buatd of
Trade rooms, Tuesday evening, April
lb, at 6 o clock. A limited number of
tickets, at BO cents,, can be obtained at
Sandei son's drug store, or of Mr. Ath
erton. m
WALSH'S $10,000 CLAIM.
Comely Young Lady Who Was Dep
uty Postmaster at Muhlenberg
Tiled for Detaining Letters to Her
bcene Letter Wilter Goes Free.
Pour Months in tho County Jail.
Maltha D. Kae3ter Is Let Off with
tho Payment of a ?100 Fine Ob-SiBter-in-Law
Jones Sentenced to
The jiuy In the case of M. K. Walsh,
executor, against the llojal Mutual In
stil ance compinj, came in csteiduy
moinlng in the Pulled States Circuit
coutt and leported that they had
agreed on ;i verdict for the delendant
This saves the company noni pajlng
510,000 on the insurance policy and
nbout $J,000 In intcicst and costs. At
thu last trial of the case the etdlct
was for thu plnlntltf. The company
was lopiescnted In tho piesent ttial by
City Solicitor George M. Watspn, and
Xnthtinlel Hubble, of Cliicugo.
Judge nuillngton was engaged lnost
of jesteiday In the tilal of the case of
tho United States against Miss May
Benscotter, of Muhlenbeig, Luzeiue
couiit, who was chaigcd with detain
ing it letter belonging to her sister-in-law,
Mis. Ltonit H. Benscottoi, of
ItoGsevelt, Lu?tine county.
The defendant Is a comely young ghl
and uppaiently ot more than oullnuiy
Intelligence and icflnement. Hi i lathti
is postmaster at Muhluibug, and a
leader In local politics. She was deputy
jjostnustei, and did most of the post
ofllce work-. Lcoria E. Censcuttei is Hie
widow of tile defendant's biothei, who
died In the United States .limy seivlce
dijiing the Spanish vvai.
Theie was some ba,ek p-iv due the
dead soldier, and some toiicspondenee
waygoing on between tho widow an 1
the Federal authorities togaiding this
and a pension, for which application
had been made. The widow was also
.in coirespondence with a joung man
st ullkes-Baiie, who was a nutse in
the hospital in which hei husband died.
The widow complained to the post
otllce authoiities that letters addressed
to bet woie being detained and that
not a. few of them bore evidence of
having been opened. Inspector Hugh
P. Goinian wus put on tho case, and
upon learning of the connection be
ivveen the widow and the family of the
Muhlenbeig postmastet, and that nil
mall foi Rousevelt passed tluough the
Muhlenbeig postoflite, he suspected
mat it was someone at the Muhlen
beig puatofllce who was detaining the
widow's letteis.
He (Ked up , decoy lcttei in a house
of lepiesentatlves envelope and had It
postmatked AVashlngton. D C. In the
letter proper he enclosed a gray hair.
This was placed in tho pouch loi Muhl
enbeig, addicted to Mrs. Benscotter at
Roosevelt. The pouch from Muhlen
beig to Roobuvelt, in which the decoy
lettci should have been foiwarded, was
examined as soon as it ai lived at
Roosevelt, but the letter was tnl-slng
'lho next day tho inspector went to
Muhluiboig and made inquiries fot the
letter. Aftfi some fussltur, Miss Ben
scotter took it out oi the duivvci In
which logisteicd letteis uie kept and
turned it over to the Inspector. It bote
evidence ol having bi en opened i.n I
io-seaIcd. and when the Intuioi was
examined the gi ay hair was found to
be missing.
Miss Btn-colter claimed that the let
ter must have accidentally gotten Into
tlio iiiuwir with the registcied Iclteib,
and denied cinphatlcall) that she had
detained this oi anv otlici letter. An
other decoy lettci, similarly addiebbcd,
was sent Into the Muhlenbeig post
oHlce. with fniall bits of mat ked paper
enclosed. This, however, wus never
found, and comt ruled It out of the
As-isUint United Slates Attorney
Milltr conducted the prosecution TIih
deioudant'.s attonicjs weie John T. and Michael Cannon, of
Wilke s-Uaue.
'J ho jiuy was out for two houi.s be
foie it could agieo to ictutn Miss Ben
scotter guilty. It accompanied its
finding with a locommenrlation for ex
ticmo meioy. Judge Uuflington heeded
the lecommtndiitiou to the extent of
suspending sentence.
Fiank 11. Jones, accused ot detain
ing and opening letteis while tt cleik
li the Stiaulon postoillco pltad guilty
and was sentenced to pay a line of six
tents and spend lour months in the
count) jail. His attoinii.s, H. L. Tuy
lor and A. J, Colbom, ptesonted a
lengthy petition signed by man) ot
the most pi eminent men of the city
asking the oomt to suspend sentence,
and ex-1'o-tuuiHtur Fiank M. Vandllng
made u pusouul uppenl to the bunic
ludgo Bulllllgton, In iiassluc sen
tetu e, said that as a man ho could not
help but be moved to the oxeickso of
the gteatest i leniency by tho uppeuls
that had been made to him and by
tho knowledge that had tome to him
ot the suiti i lug tlio young nuiii and his
luuilly hud onduied, and hi his niput
il.v ns judge he hud u duty to ptitoim
and mainly lor tlio detuning ctfiot
which it would have on othcis who arc
dully subjected to the temptation that
pi oved too sluing tor joung Jones,
ho would luivo lo Impose tt penulty.
When tho Judge pronounced the
winds that cunilni'd the young man to
jull, the gui) -halied father or lho lad,
who hud woiktd so haul lo save him
tiom going to Jill, collapsed In bis
neat Just outblde tho lulling and
sobbed aloud nnd plteously,
Judge nuillngton w.ib so moved by
lho puthctlu sight that ho had thu
lather biought to him In the elcik's
loom, uml theie talked to hlni for half
un hour, ofteilug him .such (ousolattiui
us he uiiild Thu judge volunteeied to
wilto to thu nttoiney guiieiul utul beo
what could bo tlonu iibout the ease.
Maltha D. Kuestoi, tho Sciauton wo
man chaigcd with helua "The Tutklsh
Ding lonipaii)," which used thu malls
for tho dlslilbutlon of matter Intended
to be used for luunotal pin poses, plead
guilty and was sentenced to pay n duo
of ?100, which she ptomptly dlil.
David itldler and John Ilalton, two
Jothi Graj'i Swtct Powders for Children, tur.
cfi'fully used bv Motlw Gra), (or jers a ncreo
in the thllJrcn's Home in Mw eik, Cure l'.
urlshncM, llJd stomach, TeiUiliip Diordei,
I'lhtv am tu pleasant to the tstte and lurmlcM
4iniu. ciauircn like tii'iu. Oier ic.u.
llbll' aim ruiiw- iuw u ive jriu uv irJ) HOlirS,
lit uialt of iuu.- ihQ utvvi' tail bold by
all uiusjuu, -(.. .hu loua). sample hiel.
Address Allen S, Olusttd, Lo Itoy, N, Y,
Of a Now Catarrh Cure.
A laigo and constantly increasing
mnjorlty of the American peoplo atu
catarrh BUltercis. This Is not entirely
the result of our changcablo climate,
but because modem investigation has
clearly proven that many diseases,
known by other names, aro really ca
tarrh. Formerly the name catarrh was
applied almost exclusively to tho com
mon nasal catarrh, but the throat,
stomach, liver, bladder, kidneys and
Intestines aro subject to catarrhal dis
eases as well as the nasal passages.
In fact, wherever there Is mucous
membrane theie Is a feeding ground
lor catutrh.
The usual remedies, Inhalers, sprays,
douches or powders, have been practic
ally failures, as far as anything more
than temporary relief was concerned,
because they simply dry up the mu
cous secretions, without having tho re
motest effect upon tho blood nnd liver,
which mo the lcul souices of cutarrhal
It bus been known for muny veurs
that the radical cure of caturih could
never come fiom local applications, but
fiom an internal lemedy, acting on the
blood and expelling the catarrhal
poison from tho system.
A new internal piepnratlon which
has been on the nuuket only a shoit
time, has met with icmurkublo suc
cess as a genuine, radical cuio for
It may bo found in any drug storo,
sold under tho name of Stuart's Ca
tanh Tablets, laige pleasant tasting
lozenges, composed principally of anti
septic Ingicdlents, Euculyptol, Guala
col, Sangulnailu, Hydiastin and simi
lar catntih bpcciilcs.
Dr. Alnslee, in speaking ot the now
catuuh cure, sajs: "I have tiled the
new cntarrh lemedy. Stuart's Catarrh
Tablets, tipon thirty or lorty patients
with remaiknble satisfactory results.
They clear the head nnd throat tnoio
(ifectually and lastlnglv than any
douche or inhaler that I have ever seen
and although they aie what Is called
a patent medicine and bold by drug
gists, I do not hesitate to recommend
them, as I know them to be fieo fiom
cocaine and opiates, and that even u.
little child may use them with entire
Any sufferer from nasal catarrh.
throat or bronchial trouble, catarrh of
the stomach, liver or bladder will And
Stuaifs Catanh Tablets lemarkably
effective, pleasant and convenient, and
your druggist will tell you they are ab
solutely free from any injurious drug.
ot the Low ei tow n, Luzcine county,
counterfeiters, plead guilty and weie
allowed to go with a warning. They
weie caught using counterfeit nickels
to work" slot machines.
Mary A. Jackson the Penn avenue
colored woman who sent an obscene
letter to her nelghboi, Hannah Win
bach, also escaped sentence upon en
teiing a plea of guilty.
The ease of ex-Poatmuster Isaac F.
Tilllnghast, of La Plume, who is re
sisting the payment of $141.87 sur
charges was continued, when the de
fendant's attorney, is K Holgate,
showed that the auditor's statement of
the claim was not admi&sablc as evi
dence. After leteiving the Benscotter ver
dict, the court adjourned dually.
When Gills Woiking in Bliss Mill
Left for Their Homes They Weie
Yelled at and Followed.
For tho first time in some weeks an
outbreak of violence on the pait of thi
sti iking silk mill glils took place yes-
teiday. It occuned at Dickson City,
wheie so many of the distuibances
have taken place duilng the strike.
When the few glils woiking in the
Bliss mill left for their homeh about 6
o'clock, they weie gteeteel with angry
cries of "scab" and "blackleg," and
were followed for some distance by a
number ot girls and small boys, some
of whom added violence to their verbal
abuse. No one was, however, injuied.
The management of the mill has is
sued a wan ant for the an est of LUzic
Stlebler, who Is accused of being one of
the rlnglcadeis, and tomorrow four
moie warrants will be swoin out for
other alleged leadeis of the attack.
Mr. Bliss said last night that the
giiJs at the Dickson City mill had de
cided to go back to woik, but were dis
suaded by "Mothei" Jones, who hap
pened along just after the decision was
anived at. He further chaiges that
Burgess Kennedy is icsponsible in no
small elegit c for the violence, because
Of his failure to make any effurt to give
tho woiking gh is piotection. Mr. Bliss
goes tuither mil sajs that Buigess
Kennedy bus been guilty of calling one
of the mill fm emeu oppiobilous names.
The Textile Woikeis" union has de
cide d that II will he wise to send but
two or tluce delegates to the national
convention which Is to be held May 'J,
at Holvoko, Mass., Instead of having
upresentntlves noni ouch of the locals.
It is likely that these delegates will
be selected duilng the coming week.
At 10 o'clock this morning the unlon'n
executive rommlttoo will meet with
the Central Labor union delegates, and
dlseubs means of Inoienslng tho btrlk
c'lu' exchequer and of seeming a tpu
feietite with Supeilntendeiit W. MI.
Davis, of tho Sauquolt mill, Chair
man Gothlur, of the Labor union com
mittee bus Mated that eneigetlu effoits
will bu made next week to come to an
ugi cement with the supeiiutondent of
thu Sauijuoit, and tluough him the
other operatois, Tlio Suiuiuolt haul
hill; local met yesteulay but liuns
uited llttlo business of inipni tauce,
Commute Will Meet Tonight to
Finish Its Task.
The ostlinutes committee of councils
will mtet tonight to undo bomu of the
ridiculous things In thi way of salary
laUiug It did on Tuesday night and
to complutu the task of putting tho up
piopiluticui oullnuuce In shape,
Kunn talks fvlth niembeis of tho
committee jesttiday it wus gatheied
that the majoilty will not move fiom
its position ugalnst lecognizlng the ad
ditional olllcers eu'uted by the "chus
ci" to tho ie-orguniAitlon ordinance,
Fiesh Vegetables.
Southern vegetables of every de
scilptlon aio now arriving, and we
will hdve n good assortment of every
thing In the market today. Pierce's
Mujket, 110-112 Penn avenue.
, Ladies' Wash Neckwear.
A new exclusive lino of washable
ftieckwear just nn-lved. Cramer Wella
t'o ,- 0 Wyoming av enue,
i- i
Ask for Kelly's union crackers.
Alfred Mlckles Tried on a Charge
of Suggesting the Making of a
Fiaudulent Marriage Certificate
for Finuk Compton and Carrlo
Heglin Mrs. Sophia Miller Tiled
on a Chargo of Keeping a Speak-
Easy Verdict Taken In a Number
of Cases.
Criminal court piuctlcally wound up
yesterday for the week. Today surety
cases will bo heuiel bv tho Judges.
Bofotu Judge McClure In No. '2 Alfted
Mlckles was tried yesteulay on u
chin go of fiaudulently making a mar
riage ceitlllcate, which he picscnted
to Canie Heglin, a girl of fifteen. She
believed that this was all tho foimallty
necessary to many her to Fiank
Compton, and they lived together for
some time as man and wife. M,ss Hog.
lln's mother piosecuted Mlckles for his
pait In the deception.
Mlckles' attorney, Frank E. BoIe,
raised tho point that he could not be
hold, Inasmuch as his client did not
actually fill out tlic mnrilage cettlfi
cate, that being done by young Comp
ton. It was shown, however, that
Mlckles had dictated what Compton
should write and, In fact, hud suggest
ed the whole scheme. His late was
therefoto loft to tho 1ury to decide. It
had not tc turned n verdict at adjourn
ing hour.
Chuiges against Compton ot foremv
and ot having unlawful lelations wllh
Canie Heglin wcte continued until the
next term.
Henry Stanton was tiisd for having
committed nn ttggi.vvated assault and
battery on Martin Odonduhl, both men
being emploved at the Johnson No. 1'
bleaker, at Olyphant. Stanton admit
ted hitting ona blow, but pleaded strong
piovocatlon. The juiy was out at ad
journing hour.
Before Judge PurJy in No. 3 John
Kulick was tried for cilmlnally as-
saultlng Mrs. John Matlock.. Both pai-
ties live in the big brick house at
Scranton and Seventh streets, iv here It
Is alleged the offense occuned. Kulick
says it Is an effort to extoit money
from hlni and strongly denies the
charge. The veidlct will bo letumed
this morning.
Mrs. Sophia Miller was ehatged by
Constable Joseph Woelkers with keep
ing a speakeasy on Kim street, South
Scranton. She was defended by Attoi
ney M. J. Donahue, who asked the
couit to give binding lnsti notions to
the juiy to acquit Mis. Mllloi, on the
giound that it is thu theoiy ot old
common law that a woman acts under
the direction of her husband, and that
it was Miller, and not his wife, who
should be held icsponsible for the
speakeasy. The judge allowed the case
to go to the juiy, which will letuin its
verdict thib morning.
Mis. Mary Mota, of Caibondali1, was
tried before Judge Kelly on a charge
of being unfaithful to her husband.
Mrs. John Rega, at whose house Mib.
Mot:a and heriuisbandboauled.was the
prosecutor. On Sept. 17, last, Mrs.
Rega testified that she saw Mrs. Motz.i
and a man named Joe Vullell occupy
ing a bed In her (Mis. Rega's) house.
The defense was a geneul denial and
an allegation that the prosecution was
due to spile. The Juiy was out at ad
journing time.
Geoige Nichols was tiled on a chuige
of assault and battel y. Petio Itoola,
an 11-j ear-old Syrian boy, being tho
piobecutoi. He alleged that Nichols
kicked him. The latter denied the
chaigo. A jury was out wiestling with
tho case at adjournment.
'the case aa;aimt Jennie Ttubbini, who i be.
ins prosecuted b Mrs. W. P Dugirin, wrs
ajrain called loi trial )etcidii, but owius to
the abs'nee of th" difendant it irai continued
Mis Kobbias it now supposed to bo in cv
Muhae O'Connor and John Walsh are tlnrurd
with celling liquor without a litcmc by Itobtit
Wilon, agent lor the Municipal league. Tht
case against them wai continued yeatcrdaj.
The tnse of John ()uaekenlio, diarijcd bi Clan
Talnier with defrauding boarding house keeper,
uj.s also continued.
Verdicts of not guilt) writ' taken m cases
ifcilnst pctci M'k, who vras clnrgcd with filao
pictcnsn and John McNally, hiccnv and itcciv
ing. Charles P. An.'lc was proaetutoi in both
Ileniy Vtaltlicr, oi Wot Scranton, pleided
guilty to telling liquor wilhout i license and will
be sentenced out wcU. from todiv. Itobert Wil
son of the Municipil leigue, was the prosccutoi.
Anthony Both, .m3 lomiited of ulling liqiui
witlniit "i lireiKO nt 101 I.uztmn sheet. ThU
wa anothei of Wllssn'a cjit. lloth ofleied no
tiideine in ld defeiiM
John Ilartwlik was iiturncd not guilty of ha.,
lug abu-ci his wife, lieo llirtwnk. They lino
inaih up and tho court pciiuilttd n verdiit ol not
guilt) to bo taken. Tlio county was diluted u
piv the costs,
William Moun was tuimd guilti of pointing a
iciolvcr at Ids witc last Ihanl solving night aim
thicatcidng to kill her vihlh Jealous cf her,
Ho wad leemnnieiidid to tin: nurey id the cour'
and Judge Ivelly ultasui liim upon his tumlli.
iug OO to kcip th,; peaie.
Thomas Ciuy and Nicholas Obcrmi-3 Hue re
tinned not ruIII) of the tlurte ut assault .ind
battel), foiclblo rntiy and dilalnri ind nn
In ions muchief pufcricd bv Pirdiiiaiid lluikl r,
Augud Obuwehs was loiuid not guilty ot asbiult
and batten, but w-j t initio! it thu uthu
two chirgic.
James Callaluu, eluigul with iinliitoa, uur
chief by liattic , Siydci, did not appear tor aid his bail wan foiteiltd aid a capiu
i-ak-d tir him.
Williun &jia,-e was acquitted of a cliirbc if
fil-e pretenses, prcliiud b) 'llioiuas llc-sci.', and
the luuut) will pay tht iot.-
Maniago Licenses,.
iuuk l', Uiblill Calbuudilt
,ina I mills lind.,-ns rjiluudiie
Michael W, Duikln ,.,.,, ,.,, luhhald
Mary l.ilgallou Viehbald
Meo Oikoviu ,, , 01) pliant
Annlo llelthei' , uliplyni
John MtCllulu ,,, Ijckauiuul
lirtdgtt L. Harding , si union
County Commissloneis Adopt Impoi
tant Resolution.
Tho county conuulsaloncih, ut it regu
lar meeting held ycaleieluy, udopted a
1 evolution reducing the occupation ns
bt'bbiiiont on mt'chuulcs, clcrkb, iiilncia
and laborer.-.
Mint'itf, meclmnlcd nnd cloiku liavo
In tho past been usbesiiC'd ut the rate of
175. This wus reduced to $60, uml the
assessment on laboieis, which has lieie
toforo been $S0, will in the future bu
only $10. The loss in revenue to the
county will be very bmall.
Mahon's Shoe Stoie
16 the placu tn get Shots today, Vour
spring suit vvon't bo complete unKiss
you have a pair of Mahon'o styllfh
shoes. 3JS Lackawanna avenue.
i After House-Cleaning
g5 Don't vou think a nice Chamber Set wmiM AA rrtli. in
the furnishing of the guest clumber or in fact any of your
bediooim ? We luve today a better assortment of sets,
ranKing irom -a so to 520.00, titan it s ever been our good Se
fortune to h.tve at one time. .Bring a piece of your val S
papef. We have a set that will harmonize with the cotor. "
1 Cfo'vxvfrYiaAV
M Geo. V. Millar & Co ,34 wromhu frennB g
2UCU' Y XTHiBlclI . VU, W.ik ! and Look Arouod 3F
?- ;iip - -
Qentlemsn :
In our Korrect Shape Shoes you
get $5 wotth of wear, woith ot
style and $100 worth of comfort
all for 4.00 only $4.00.
Ask to see our Oxfords.
c 'i.
jJM '.
Home Industry
X Has Produced the X
J5 1901 Models are ready for your approval. You ?S
O get a 365 days' guaramee on Scrantou Bicycles. B
H Bittenbender Sc Co.,
126 and 128 Franklin Avenue.
Baby Carriage Weather
Has been Rather Slow Coming
But Is Here at Last,
As, we nre prepared for it with a new
line 01 up-to-daie Biiby Carriages awl Go-
ClU'iS of every description.
If you examine our line and we hop?
you will you will be surprised how little
money will purchase a good vehicle for baby
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
Title Guaranty and Trust Co,
No. 516 Spruce Street, Scrauton, Peuiia.
C.iplt .1, I'till I'aid
1I0S!S iOllll,
W II HAM t. II M 1 Ml
JOHN wnil- Hill It Mil Ck,
lll.Nia A Iv.V.VIT,
AMllli:W If MiiUtirOCK,
I1RM M-llll I.
.lei-i pi i) 111111
At lit sl IDIUM-UX,
bxucunvn cojwftim'Gn.
Abruiu Nesbitt, William h. Hallstead,
'llionuts H. Watkins, O,
lj.Niniilies ,ind insures titles to estate,
Acts as Executor, Administrator, and Guardian,
Uxecutis trusts of every description.
Assumes enliie char-, e ol reul estate.
Receives money on depoit .unl nllows inteiest, "
Becomes sole stitety on lidelity, court and ollicial bond;,
I 0.1ns money on bond and mortgage.
From time to time will offer to the public high
grade investment securities.
L. A. Wntres . , ,
Andrew 11. flcCliiitocK , . .
Henry A, Knapp ....
Ralph S. Hull
WUIard, Warren &
m "mrs" -j-ii
Aon yfil
Shoe -.Jfd
wi It
tl r
.Ai UJ ,
$150,000 on
i.vnu:rr wahiikn.
I. A. WAlltLs,
5, Johnson.
Vice. President
Trust Officer
Knapp, Solicitors,
lUIUta-! U