Ijj.1. ' WHwmnn- rg'l'm:- -,- .-;ys.i'i- -w ivj,'. -.., , w.--rtfrtuiv-.r-MTfe ' EKF ."' Kv7 T THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, APRIL 13, lOOl1. 5 ooooooooooooooooo Social 0-' s Gossip ooooooooooooooooo yHK WKKK hit.- been rather fj dull, .rus most or lliu Mantel1 VJ victors fctuincif 16 school unit college, or their homus. The dance Blvon by Mr. and airs. Henry Hclln, Jr., at Mm lllcyrlo club, wan tlio most notithle event of tins pan ten iluys. On Wcdnut-iliiy iilftlil Mr. run I all. O. 11. Jurmyn Have a liuautltul dlntier diince uX tho Connlry club, about forty KU(;Mls'"bolnp Kiit'irttilncd. Tin; decora tions weie In crimson. The bcmiitlftil lueepllim given at inn homo of Mr. and Mtf. V. W. Viiteon on Jlonduy Inus been much compli mented. It wiih mic of tin; moist tasto ful affairs of tho swoon and wan k1vo.ii In honor of Mr. Albert Wiitsnn'H llnnoc. Miss "Wheeler, of Htitland, Vt. Miss AVIieelcr l'i u .vounK lndy of rnroly lovely per.-unalltly. Mrs; ('. S. Wohton and Mlhs Alice Matthew attended the Wells college luncheon at Sherry's on Tuesday, when Miss Helen fiotild win ii stiest of honor and an nltunnut. present was Mrs. Grovcr Cleveland. deorffi T Walter, of il'i Madison iivenue. and MNs Helen M. Sohldnrr. "t ifi'z Olive street, wore mai rieu on .ThlU'sdny afternoon at the parHotiiirje; of the Penn Avenue Ihipllst church, on MlflHn avenue?. Kev. U. F. Y. Tierce, the pastor. ollielntinis. lr. and Mrs. Wn Iter, "will reside at theh new home, j2 Mulberry street. Hyion M. Shifter, and Miss Ito.sn C. Kaineh were married on Thursday evening at the new re-ducuce of bis father, 0,eore Sniffer, 1704 Xorrh Main .avenue, by Kev. (ieorrw A. Cure. The Ktiests included only n lew jailmate friends. The bride an I i oom repre sent well known and estimable fami lies of the North Knd. and their new 'homo will be welcomed by the- pcopl'. of tjhnt .section. The Lyceum souvenir dance, to he held at the Hicyele club house on Tues day evening next, promises to be olio of tln most pleasant, events of the coming wcel:. Mu.-lc will be furnished by Hkiit's orchestra, and Clark will supidy tiie lloral decorations. Not withstanding the elaborate prepara tions, onlv a limited number of invita tions have been issued, as tho Lyceum ushers expect to make their llrst social n never-tn-bo-forgol ten occasion of en joyment for their triemis. The pat ton -i sses are: Mis. Mary T. I'hclps, Airs. Titiln J. FoMer, jus. .lames P. Dick son, Mrs. '. I. Fiey, Mrs. V. Francis Ouutt'-r. Mir. UcoiKf M. Ttullsstead, ."Mrs. (!cor-,v I!. Sanderson. Mrs. H. Mm line-ton Sivelly. Zvlrs. II. II. Cos ton. Mi-. T. II. Clarke, wife of tleneral Munagei ClaiUe. of the Delaware, , Lackawanna and Western railroad, mid Miss Clarke save n beautiful re ception Thursday at their home on .Ijpfjjri.'oii .avenue, vvjien jmany membei;R of fiii.- most pxrclu&ive. circles were en t'Ttiiined in a sraeeful way. During tlu aliernoon. the engaKement of Miss i.'hii-k'eto Jr. Howard Van Campen, of .MiniK'apoll'., was announced. Mrs. f'laike and 'her daughter re ceived .In the front drawing loom. Mrs. V.. 'ft. Jermyn and Misses Flora and Helen Matthews assisted in enter-talning- the guests. .Mis. A. "SI. Decker and Mrs. Illchaid Matthews wore at the table In the dining' room. MI.-.S Mine Hand and Aliss Alice Mnt- thews served fr.ippe. Jlnnley ratered. v ry eiijoyulde affair touk place Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Hfiijamln Saniter. on Madron avenue, w ln?u ii party was given In honor of the- 'Misses Klauber. of St. Gall, Swit zerland. A large number of young peo ple were present and spent a thorough l pleasant' time. ' Miss Kveline .lunes, of Adams ave nue, gave a dancing' party for the iWhclor Maids' Social club at her home last eveninc. Miss Myrtle Harvey, of Wyoming avenue, eniertaltied at curds last even ing. Mr. and Mi... John 11. Phillips en tertained ..Mr, Phillips' Sunday school eiis.si. ;yo, 1 ,,f the Puritan Congrega tional eimrch, at their home, op AVayno avi niio Thursday evening The mem bers of the class had a very pleasant time, and spent the evening In playing- 'games singing and other amuse- ' merits.- Those present wore: Mi, and Irs. .lohn H. Phillips', Mr. and Jlrs. Isaac .loiKS, Sir. and Mrs. F.dias Roberts, Mi, and Mis. Morgan J. AVulklns, Mr. and Mrs. John Orler. Mr. and .Mrs-. Daniel Moigans, Mr. and Mrs. it. O. Lloyd, the Misses Annie H. Heese, Martha Iteese. Maud and ICIise Phil lips and Mary Powell. VI! iovcmeaits of Kmk m Mc-.-r-. ,1, J, Willuma anj l, G. Uroolcs lue Kim mil iiuiii a tilp l'i lliimmla. .IdIhi ItMiinU, 6t tlie linn at ItkluiiH.V Wirth, lu lotuuinl from Vrw Ymk lity. lli'iiry .Mio, i. Mullii'riy nutt. has u-turiicj to lil IU'I. at (iiuinlli uilli'W, Slortinur W. like lian ii'tiunod lu .ile ollocc, I Meldrum, Scott & Co. : SJ SPECIALS IN. New Foulard Silks B ft Jtffe : IS ft New Waist Silks New Lace Collars and Turn Overs. Liberty Silk and Mouseline Ruffs New Kid Gloves Fine Silk and Lisle Hosiery 0. $126 Wyoming Avenue. $ ;u;;;;;:;u;;::;:;;;;uc":::::;;;;;;;;; After fpcnrtlnp llio Easter caution Ulh lilt pr cnti.. Mlsi Cora llalileni.it!, ol :tl" New utrcot. is mil for Ins I ron i route liuriil m Lot li nt lirr liamU, .Limn Mnltcioii, ii (iltidtnt ul l'rltiiiton, liM roiio back Id Hit- nnUir.illy, nttir rnjoilne tlm lKlcr Hcipjon wllh III i.tmlly In this illy. Itoliett (lurdner, ot ()ulni,v uvnmc, Ip(I. for Ku ftr WiMlnt-uliiy, nltrr "pcndlnif tlm lliiittr vc tl'rn at the liolnc of his uiuiiU in IJulniy .ave nue, Alter Mriif lotaktl on IVmi incline for 1ent ctio yoaM. t)r. 1. II. ILml li.u uinoi-l hit uIHcm to the Mi'oml lloor of Ihe ItooVeiy luiltdliiR, at tin1 .orntr of W.idilnglon nvtnue and Spnice dtrctt. UN suite u( older eomirlM"( tluee Ijiro and handsomely futiiitliul rnom-i illi-cct.y orroM tlm lull fioni the nnln clll.-'! of the lr. Hand Cimdcnipil Milk coinp.iny, Ml Xi.IHp fl. MiAiiih.in t-Mml m Satmdjy on (he New York for Southampton. Iruin which pUru ,ln; will Ui.e hliainrr lor I In re, I'lUtice. .Ml.-w l.etnhaii -will llt tin ptlnclpal eltlrs of i:niiie, uml nlll he fonc devcriil month?. Her mother and sdsWr, 'l'liru.i, aieoinpinlt'd her In New Vorl. They lll lil In .N'w York ami I'linncclliul fur vvenl eek -Wlllii'vll.irre Nei ". LITERARY MUTUALITIES. Tor Tlm Tilhutir. I live In (lie wine m,i , Hie .Hine diy. llti K'hv.ud of Knglaud, with the hillllniil. Kubei, ltli the welt-Jiitintlni'd (V.ir. While dally the-prota-cin of tlitlr ivy.il par.intrim holdi, my iitleiition and e.dls foith my iimm.out,iKcd rvri. mint, liny In tluli tuin conddcr me nd m.r etUlemi" .i lldlu as they di (he dust uloni In tin- itrmt while they idle. Without inv li.ifi.ulorl.il or military honor to mlwj mo aitl. llclally to tlirh- notlie, I my ihmt hope Ii lw ieiilcd Into their home-, or to (jtjIh the slightest. leotins in an,v coiner of their nod.il rtielcwiiic. And for I he iumiii that, pollth.il loj.-ilty and political peaMiitiy are .eimited hy a Kfr.il KUlK CO ali)liitU Ihed hy the law el pretiilent llmt I cither dido may em ro.M tn thu uthci. It ii pood lo know, howcui, lli.it onu's iliancn to dwell in tlm Mine and inspiialloiMl light of pM.it suns sliinlnj fi cm out the spaces above .mil he.ioivl him ilon not depend oil political or socl.il latlng. 'Iliele are cither sj-slenn in whow- mlar billlianiy one may still 1uk uml he vitalized, Take In point Ihe domain of let td.. Here Is royalty in piupofc-tiibeil and a. iiwel-ciowncd .! in the puiriOtM c I.'dwaid and tMlliim and Nicholas Coronation in IhH other world ate ol Ire iiueiil nciunejiie, and ioal proRreu are all the while taking pl.no liefmc our adnilriiu; gur. Here nl ain lines ol lecr Imt till nspecte-i liljjuit.nie.' princik, nobles, hnighU of the Bar ter, the upper sentry a sradc, too, of peasant!-,! j yrt here lll he found no caste condition, no eoiidejiendliii? altitude. l'lom uiigtity age nimiicd Homer to hlmtdc thread bear book lour, donii the puiml and up .'gn.in, thcie ii an unnbnti'iicleil .ivcnue ef iiiteieuiir-e. Not :.ll citlcni of thin ioj.il republic aie mutual in their endowment nor cqiial'lu theii attahiuu'iits; aj much variety hero :h ibiuivLin; but rcc-oif-nlinif, a they do. rath the other'.-, viivuij; power, and les-pertins each I lie other's nil mil gift, Ihe result Is i delliditfnl .'lid -.oid-'ealiiiij fulloHship. --o Do vie HOiiicliiitcs look upon out liiiruo'V aa ill a seme beinir loval w-piilelucij llo the tvpe and leather remains of mediaeval po.'ls, hfliclafti and chuu'linien ever "ilojid ilim in theii relation to the p.iil. .i do (lie ertlgti-s in Westminster Whit iflmttly place then aur llbraties ought to lie! How we (liould tear to pa-a their portiU niter dark, or to sit tin rein nt twilight when the shadows .no most nuincious and ileep. In point, of fact our booVioum is the catuue.t pot in all Ihe liouJe. II is here we ?re miv.t vvonr to Rather at the ciiit.iiii hour nt day; and it L here we lake lefiac vihen the earc.- of lite ptc.vi i loct, or vihi'ii the bonda cf eartldy iiieiulihip .lie snapping on IhN --ide and tint. Tlieie is i !.iijjonei .nd a iloenes about book. filk-liil vvliieh piecludis the thought ol mould or ashes. Wit and Idoin never die. They cannot even be .said to show age with pacing time. A book hiving vitality enough to last bejond its own day, and to find a pi ice on the slielt ot any Ii biaiy, sie.it or snail, has in so murh become immoilal. . Hbl.ili, then. i- a place of lile and not a tomb. .s it eoiKcni-i lliu arc.it men of letters, .the book-room Mir-iild be bkcneil to a lull of stite. and as it louecms tjioe of ihe le-cr raul: to the lereption loom of ,-omc large hoiue of lioxpitjlity. in the one ca-o we approach the (hione of intellectual jiomp and dignity with le-erve, .vet witliniit ilib.i-ement. In the other such geniality and warmth oi vvelcume sleet n at the thresludd, (hit, once for all. vvc know uurelvth to be on tonmioii siound vtth our host. In either cie what oneness with tlvs eitgeUl ically incaib begins lo reveal itsdi, and vie, Willi the revelation, we are mi longer nki.-hed to ,'ct an increased value on our own little sclve. Tlie procure on my ehelvci of Will shakes peare. of Monl.iigne, oT f.'oethe and otlurn of like rank and dignity makes ot my 12ll sfudy .1 veritable throne room. Within these nitrow pror Inf U lliey .vet being an iiKGiitcM.ihlc put oi my own ilomain I am no longer a plobiau but u peer ol the le.ilm. 5ly ronnades me pott ntal e not of one race or one elan, not of a lUy or an age, but. of evt-ry rate and every cl in and of all the ages that aie jel to be; and when they neeive me freely into Iheir sjmp.ithetie circle how can I be anything liss than a. biother potentate? Whins, THE BRAVEST BATTLE. The bMU.t liaille tint ever was fought, Miall I tell j oil where and wluuV On the maps of the vvoild you will find il not? 'Twas (ought by the mothers ol nan. Nay, not with cannon or battle shot, Willi a svvonl or nobler pivi; Na.v. not vvilli plnniieiif. word or thought l'lom mouths of wondctfiil nun. lint deep in a welled up woman's he.iit, A woman that would not vhM, Hut biavely, silently boie her pan-- l.o, (hue is that battlefield; .No marshaling tioop, no bivouac nong. No baimei to gleam and vvaie; Hut oil! the-e luttle.s they but ho !otia', I'roin b.di; liouil io (lie grave. Yd, faithlul still as a hildgc of si ir, She lights In her wallcibup town; I fghts mi and on lu the endless vvai-, 'Hun dhnt, llloiin, goe3 down, Oil, ,ve with b.mnrn and battle shot. And snhllirs to shout a in I pul-e, I l ell .von the Muglle.st vii lodes fouglit Aie fought in theo silent vvay. Ob, spotless woman In .1 world of hiuie' With splendid and silent sioin, 1,0 bad; to Hod a white as joii eamu- Tlic klnglicji w.urlor born, -Joaquin Miller, 4" fr SCIENTIFIC SALAD "Inacciirale Unoivlcdne U n ihitigrroiu thing, H.i In all thing! let lit lie Herniate." IIIAVI1 iledilvil lo iiri'Mil today ill plate c.f the U'lial (onglcmeialc of Useful Itiluiiiu tlon of geuTil Interest a moie Milist.mtl.il mid tontrelc dluli than a iuIjiI ivlikli I Impo may uovritheks-s pldVe ns pilat.ibl" and inli iivtlng to the teailciil of Tho Tribune :i my late ef fort In tho shaiio of Ihe Sclcnlllle S.itid miy have been to them, and I limy lieie meulloii that the re-ideri of (he Sal id would givitly aid me In my task by asking iuelloiin (not luecssirlly ior P'lhllcatlon), v.hlclt II possible will be an avirtcd In lull In an larly Issue of the Silad mid tin If terelpt. fli know lodged Inuneilliilely by null. All such communications must, howevir, lis it matler of comae, bear tlm wilbt'd roireet. name and addri'srt as ntl cruise Ihey innnet be (akin inlo condilcrallnii. Hay Fever: It's Nn-tuie and Treat ment. Tin re is peihaps no coulparallvel.t tillling all meiil, tilfllng enl.v, hflevr, lo him vvlm doe,j not hiiflir II pang , which lias icielvrd so unit It altenlloii by lh" general public and the medicn piofesslon as will, than tint peeaillar dlsia'e of the lesplialoiy organs ronimoiily called hay lever. Iml also known by .1 number of ollur names, nil of which imllealc the Mi'iid cause ot (he (louble; and no ollui diseasi Is Miuouml. id by siuli .i multitude of contradbtnry theniles in legird In lis ciisilloii and to many siiprt. Mtltions. (viafhedia stale inent.s, and eiiotii'i'is ileiluilloini from itMittleiintly establi-ln d fai-ti as to Us tieatincnt and tlie possibility of a nue of this strange, priiodieally lermient and to the auflerer nut only painful and )ihvie.illy tic luesslnp, but alio moially di-generallng tuiladv. The i(cpe of Hits article, i, however, too lim ited to allow nt .1 lengthy ilisierUlion oil tlie various theories ailvunes.-d lium time (o lime on the minute pathology ot (his affection, and I tan only give a mere outline of them. History The lln-t devrlplloii of the sjmpli.nis ot hay-lever wai given by Itostocl;,, in l-t'', and a further paper by (he tune aiithoi. 111 which he gave the affection the name of "Summer fj. tanli." appeared lu 1S-J?. These papers weie follnvrnl by .1 short i.ih.i- on "Hay Asthma," by Gordon, in 120, ami by similar emu by :i number of English authoillies-, in all of which Ihe affection wan ascribed to the Intiodiiction of pollen grdns into the nn.il clumbers. In IMi-J, I'l.ucbu', of Uiit-ten. published .1 ijollectlve in Vistlgatlon. ami he was followed hj inuny otiieis. who aby epie-.si'tt Ihe opiltien that emanations from (lowering plants weie the sole cause of lliu uficetion. In lMi'l, Ilelmholtz, 'l.e gnat German phy.icht and physiologist, pub lished his tleory of hiy-fevei, vvhieli was tint, an he hid by 1ulcm3copic.1l examination of the nj.s'il discharffert tliscovcicd certain vlhiios, he (cne-luded that they were the ejusu of the! af feilion, and tint by destioyini; them with germ b idtri, ,lhe disease could be cured. This av-cr-tlon was, however, not stibstitillalcd by estend ed trijli", jiust as the various bicteiii and mlcrocoeci proclaimed by moie recent nntliois as the catwe of the iliseise, failed to subslimtiate Ibelr claim as sole orieinatom of hnv-fever. Morill W.vmin. in 157.', described the di-ease as if. is prevalent in the United Mates, and was the first to mike mention of the fact (I1.1t there weie Iwo distinct varieties viz., tin; 10-e cold in May and .tune, and the hav-fever in Aupust and Siptinilxa-, and finally. Marsh, in IS77. published an es-ay, which at the time of its publication aroused considerable discussion, both anionic tlie Kcneial public and in the medical piofcssinn, In which he reiterates Hie pollen llieoiy of the causation of the ilieie, which hid been ae lepled a.s piovcn by all tho aiiliioi-s befoie him. Ill t?7S, llr. .lutld, of 1'lnl.iilelplii.i, Mibinlttel n !,'iadua(ion thesis to the (acuity of The .letleison Medical college, in which he expressed his opin ion that the disease is not altogether due to pollen grains, j)ut j5 ln01(v ol (,,. nature of .1 nervous antctioi), ami to lilm is due the honor of Inline: been tlie fiil (o have ihe beaten trntlc tor a new line of investigation. Not until Daly, of I'ltl-miic, liSl. called at tention l the tut dial other than esleinal causes eoud pioduee hay.fcvci, and that by the lenioval of 1 such i.mes Ihe ib'seise could be p.-r. niniently cmed, wis fl,e Uiih in tlie pollen theory shaken; but it needed the1 ore roltoi.it ion of many of the funnmsl aulhoilties ot vnuiiia and lUnow lo est'dilish the fad llimlv tli.it pol- lm or other dust tloatint; in tin .itmospheic w.i but 01111 of the eNeilantd proihieinif an .itt.uk of Hie ancction, but by no mvaus Hie only cri14i11.il caiiso oi the disease. Symptom; and Varieties the .sjiuptims of hay-fever .lie .so well l.uowu to the Miffuer and are so .nitich "lihe tlejse of an nsRr.n-.itcd rtul prolonged cold in the head with which most I'vciy one i-s finiiliar lli.it it seems unlit icssaiy lo de scribe (licin beie at all but, vvli.it is not known so well is that the .uttieks in difltienl, iiitll vidubv diifcr from cull other niiiiily in ihe vaiidy and elm a I ion of (ho symptom., in the periodicity or non-peiiodit-ity, and in the pop ularly accented or aetu.il cseillns inlhicute which produces the attatl... 'Ihus vie have the. ha,v fevcr, hay-asthma, m autiminil t.ilunh, whn'.i teams with iiiivai.viin; rcunlintv at the end of August, and lasts, v.ilh olivhL variitioii 111 tin: intensity of the sjiiiptmns, until Hie lu-l tioot appears. A.s its twdtiuif iause, rdhn mains, and parlitulaily Ihe jioll-n of Ihe raijvvntl, lie nninetl. Tlmi we lure Ihe soeilhsl 10,0 cold, which is also regular and iMiodiij in its appear ance, and comee on .it ihe tml of May, lasting as lone; as the loses aie in bloom,. Us ivxillnn iause: is supposed to be pollen 01 the 10, e. Ilic forms moie rarely met with .lie the "horse told," winch Is ilevilopetl a soon as the pi tient eposes hlin.-cll to (ha ini.uutloiis Horn a hor.se or isow; the 'peach told," the t'veiting cau.-e of which is saitj to be the down liom the nidus of thu tiuit; tho "s'ioiv eobl," wlin.li ia nppuently caust'd b.i the slurp, told air ptoduced by the ev iporatioil from Hie surface of ihe snow; the "mllltis' cold," ur i-lluna, evellcd by win Jt Horn- in some cases and tye Hour in otheis, and .1 vaihty of otlnr tonus in which Ihe at. tacks are excited by a, variety 01 iib-lanic, iml fiu.illv j 1 mm oceasioually mil with, the unlit fuiin. which i iml due to any (ernal iiiilant, but is bronchi 0:1 by stual iiein nieiit. lu .ilbllie.' lull r lorms nt the ilie'.ic, lliu at. tucks Usually last but a lilmrl time, fioin ,1 lev minutes, as in (hu foiui eau-eil by sexual e-tileme-nt, In a few tlivri, ,n in the peadi cold, Why so many illfbivnt e'elllus causts 1,111 pia duco the siuie symptoms In dlllt'renl Imluiilnil.s is impossible to say, and we must fill back up upon Ihe convenient explanation, ldlru.vi.ir.is, width in irallty is no evplauuloii at all. 'I lie smptoms in the loiie;-coutiuueil allnk of hay fiver ami lose rold vary fiom time lo lime, belnt; iuleu-ifiiil by evpiuiiit. 10 ilu.l, l.r.il, tli.uiKlits of 1 old air. the iiiKe'stlou of hot or Midily spleid loud, ami oilier cvi-ltaiits. An iiijpullon oi the 1as.1l ciiltles icveals no speeit'ie pathoiitficil tluni of uructtite, and the condition ot the mucous memlir.iun is Ihe same .is l noticed In an ordlnaiy acute eold In (ho lead, vl.., Intense conucstion of tin mucous lueinbiane, ireneral sivclllnif of the tU-uu, wllh ptofiL-e wateiy and iniieous els(i,iire. 'Ibis ton. Kfstion extends into the liaso-phu.viiKiMl i.ivlt.v, ami later ir.volves the nus;eal ,i. will as tin, traihcal nuiious nicmbraiie. 'Ihe Causation ol Hay l'ever The c nisei pro. diiclni; this aftei Hon, a, lias alieady been lndl rated, mut be looked lor in .1 iluuiilo ilUciacJ condition ot the nasal eavlile, loKetlitr ullli i vitiated action ol (he uervci etntus, ami an e. citing cause piodurlnp tlie irrilatioii 01 the small lie no ecnteii. width aie eoiiiicileil with tho brain and spinal lord, but may an iiidipemlelilly vs little biaills, o tn speak, ami iiiilueuie, as Hill an be influenced, by tlm limited Jit.i. of the bodj In whtth lliry send inive lil'US. Il.iu u lave, In reality, thice Mtuii, whltli iinisl ad In ion junction to product' (lie attacks, and if my one of these fartori Is tcuiQtc-il, Hit: dLscast, fails to make id appearance, In thia way only lau we explain the immunity liom .111 attack ol li.iy fover by the removal of the patlint (n n locality free (torn the excitant, and the immediate ie turn 01 tho symptoms when ho is exposed to the dtdt-teiicuj Influences llnatliu," lu Hie atmeispherv, or tho Immunity 01 others hi whom tho palho lopleal condition in the nine cds(, and who are alao surrounded by the s.11110 fiiitanl, but who, ticvcrtht'Uii, do not bultei, ou inf 10 tlio tad that their little nerve ictitun aie not .ilttud. Tho flrit of IhcMi laefors, viz., (he diseased toudl tlon of the nasal chambers, may eonipiUc any of the vaiiouj chanKis luinnl in ordiniry nasal catarrh, siuli as, deviallou of the nepluiii, 01 the prcssuic of loi cluu bodie, ililnollthi Oiose stouts) or olpl In the nasal ilumbeu; Iml above all liyper-scmltlve aicas on (he suifaie of (he nasal mucous membrane, which may icatllly bo. dislln-ful.-licd by (heir bcighUucd color and b till fact H1.1l a slight elevation nt Hie Mirfaee Uirottghoiit llielr cxlriil occurs when they aie touched wllh ,lhe end t.f a probe. 1hce nver-Kcnslllve spots me, tiowevir, In most eases tllslrllmled all over Ihe niil timcons membrane unci pattlrs.1l.1rly on the 'epluni nr illvltllnff vvall listwcrn the Iwo lnol r hainbei-s!. They are iisnilly Isolaled nt. .1 i'oiltlenihle iHliiiite nnu fioni tho oilier and vary In miiiilier from four or llvii tn such a mum be'r Hill toniillnir llicni I Impossible. In (heir nppe.1l.inre mid behavior Ihey ate very pcctillir mnl It likes n Httonir liichl ami a ipililc rye to Ife.ile Hun, for only when touched with the etui of the probe will they nuke llielr appearance on (he linlntl.iiuetl Kill late of the mm oils mem Inane betwem the utlacks of lily fever, as email ted clti.illoiis abolil the a of u plii-liead, to irmilii vWhlo for a lew fcconds only, alter wliMi they aie ole-ciiicd by the netieral Inlkuuma. Hon nr latiejistlou of Ihe mucous mcintu.tiic snr-i-outidiiiK Ihe spol touched by (he probe, which letulls almost Iminedl.ilety Irom the iiKclianleat local lirll.itlon, 'Ihe second factor convlfts In ,1 illraril, or nt least ntleietl condlllon ol (he small nene-cenlerB, (he vitiated at Hon of which Is Induced by (he luitntlon of the distal nerve tthirs In Ihe nose. Thlit allitallon rIvcs tlso lo (lie train of near and remote symptoms by lellcx action. This can reatlll.v be tlcinoml luted by touchlmt one of tho hyper-sensltlvi' areas In Ihe luwe of a haydever indent at .1 time when tie It not Mifftrliur from an attach, for the 1nrclt1nlr.1l Irritation wilt be luuniill.ilelv followed by Hie appearance of nil the early mplonis-, n ml such 1111 artlllelally pro tlm ul 11K.11 k will last ftoin a few nilniitts to sevei.il hours, and, In some casc.1, even for day!, tliounh It be the middle ot winter. vtry little nenl he slid about the third factor, the external In Hunt, as IL is of the least Im portance, for, us his already been mentioned, a IniRe variety of diftcrent substances will cause an atl.uk In us in my' different individuals, and lm particular polleii-irr.ilii or emanation from plants; or inimals rait be tluerletl out as tho one width Is Ihe nftendina. stihsl mce in till casCi?. Tieitmenl The treatment must be dlrceled to Ihe allevlalion of the svmptoms ilurins an at I ie k. ami tlie siibienucnt removal of the ills-cased condition vrillilii Hie newes, together witli itcncrat medical treulinent null a view to conoct Ihe sib 1101n1.1l iiclioii of these iierve-centirs. My experi ence has shown lint no other llun ,1 palliative tnalmcnl Iv indlcaletl while the attack lasts, and .iiiv niensiiie iiiideitakcn (or (ho radical cine of the direction during that time will not only piow useless, buL DKirr.tr.ite the ntuptoms and increase the siitleilni; of tho patient. 'Ihe most relief i.s obtained, and in many easei Ihe ntlaiks me cut short, by, frequent sprayinit of (he nisil i.ivilies with the autleptie solution made tioni my anti,cptie l'.iMllks, to as tn i-c-move all ofleiidlin; parllcles which mav bavo Kiliitil access tn the rcnsillve aiea. After the mucous membrane has thus been cltanscd, it has been recommended by einlnenl authorities as well as by laymen (bat a spray of .1 tour per i till, solution of cocaine should be blown into tho nostrils, and small pledgets of cotton, situiated with the cocaine solution, should be introduced between the scpltim and Ihe swollen mucous membrane of tht; sides of the nasal unities. The cocaine, it is true, acts in contract Inir the bloodvessel 1, and in thus .shiinkiner the .swollen tlsiic opens the respiratory poitlon ot Ihe nose, at the same time dlininishine; the mnnlnic of the nose, and In this way (jives Kreat iclicf to the sulTcicr, if only for a short time. 'Hie cocaine solution .should not be diopped Into (he nn-lrlls, nor Injected with a syringe, as in tint case, but ,1 small portion ot tho n.isii mm oils mimbi.uic is acted upon by it; nor should the application be made ot'tcner than two or three tines i div, btc.iu-e the frequent contraction and csp.uisiop of the vessels, tine (o (he drug, hive (he- eirtct of eauisiK .1 loss of tonicity, anil the swelliiiL,' of the turbinated tissue is increased in stead of diminished. Kvperieneo lias proven, however, tint the ue of cocaine in hay-fever is vtiy injurious, not only bccan-o the sufrrer Cuds but very temporal relief, and, lo prolong it, repeat? the application unlit he cannot exit day or hIkIiI without his tociine cotton pledgets wedged in the nail chambers and continues the piaetice even after Ihe peiiodie attack Ins ceased, but also Ivitutrse the above 'mentioned aetion of thu tlru permanently robs the tissues of theii vitality and rei iiperatiro power, if applied at fitquent inteivals and for 11 lontf lime, and this piotluecs a condition which ii closely allied to na-al cil.mli anil is by 110 means as ea-ily over-lome-. Small picci.s of fine suiRio.il spouRC, rut lo tit closely, should lie introduced into the nos (ills, so as lo filter the Iiispticd air and keep all irrif.iuts out of Ihe uis.il eavitic-. These pieces of sponge should be worn thy anil night, and if kept clean by frequent washing do not In the least Intel lire vvilh uvul rcspii.ition, and give gic.1t iclicf. Inlernilly, Ionics, and In the (lint tlage atio pine ait well in reducing (he febrile condition; while in the litter stages, when the asthma has set ill, iodide 01 sodium, together with bromide of sodium in lalhrr large elo-es (ten gluin.s of each thice times .1 da.v), gives maiked lelicf. In some cases, pa n ion kuly 111 those wheie the mil ralgiu lie.nl icln is very seveie, morphine, Iipo deiiuatically. is the only ding which will give relief ttoui ihe sutfeiiug. If a foicigu botly, ihluidilh or polvpns i.. fomnl In Ihe 111s.1l i-avity, Il should be letuoveil at once; but It i woi.e than useless to treat a swollen condition of the tissue while the attack lasts. After the attack has subsided, however, all pithologic.il conditions should be icinoveil and the sensitive vieas should be destioved with (ho galvaiincaulery satire or hi any other suitable manner. If th" gilv.inoe miery or tlurmoeaulcry Is ii:e-tl I piocted hi Ihe fnlnvTlntf inannee: 'I lie anlciior nisal cavities hiving been well llluminilcil, a piob; is i lit induced and its point Is run river the -nifjee of tlie mutatis niembtaue. ,s soon as .1 sensitive spot is louchid, it will show ilself by ciiising n minute elevation of the .sin (ice, ami immediattly after a deepening- oi the color of the suriouuding mucous membrane, ns well as lachi.vmaiion of tlie eye on the same side. A Hue cautery knife, healed to a cherry ltd heat, is llun quickly intiotliieeil and wllh Its llaltened point pressed against the sen sitive spot, lluis destroying the supertleiil layer of the miKoiis inemluanr. Coealne t'lnnot well be used In ,inicsthcli the mucous membrane, because its depleting effect sreilly inlerfeti-s with the illstliignishliig difference of color between the spot to be liinnod and the surrounding mucous ineiiibiaiie, o that it Is clitlirult, if not impassi ble I" locale the sensitive aiea; nor L it neces. cuy lo u-e cocaine, as the 011e1.1l ion is nol pain ful, but cm e.tvily be borne by the patient with out any anesthesia, in most eases .1 laige nunibir of these ,pols are found on Ihe suffice of the sijitum and the mlddln turliluiltd boiic, but not more thin one slwuld lie opt rated 1,11 at one s(. ting. As soon as Ihe m-miIi nit inflammation has .subsided, vvlili li 11,11 illy ivnirs in three or four day,-, another spot is to be c.iuleiied, and this Is to be icpc.ited until nil have been obliterated. Othtr r.uislic-, Mich as chromic 11 Id, acetic acid, or nitric acid, may be u-iil for this purpose, but nicy an not .is silUfadury ns ilie galvano eauleiy, because their action r.mnot be limited as nciuutcl. tudei no ciiiumslanee.s should Ihe lieallliy niucoiis miiiibi.iue be e-aulciicd; mid the nn.-1.1tor Hiould be qbsolutily ciitnlii as n the loeitioii ol the hciisiliie s)iot befoiu appl.vlng the caustic. After (lilt iho exun is In bo 1 re.it ul, like one of niillnaiy bypei I rephle cilairh, wllh tilt, auiln'piic spray and tho ictline solution until all tl.iii of eluoiile Iiiilimiiialion has ili-sippciicd. Nerve Ionics, and paitlcularly tlilute phoephorln .11 Id, in tciediop doses thice times i.day, should be givui fioin time to time, as well .is Ktiieral licatmcut tn coiiic-l any deviations Irnm Ihe gelitlal good health ot the patient should bo III stlliucd, so as to piothice n letiun to Hie normal loiiditltm of (ho vlliatnl lnrvetenliiP. 'Ihe liualli of lime during which the loci) trealmeiit should bo contlimotl varies in dlftertnt caes Iruin a fuvv weeks lo many montlks, ami in the 1 ise 01 ha.v-lfur the general treatment should be kept up tor ut least two eai. Tor, xs a mle, thu mne-iinUrs will not letiun tt their normal coiiiliiiou In. 1 tew inonths, o tint vvlitu the next hay-fever season after (he tiealiueiil comes aiuuiu) the pitlenl will, in a mle, have .111 attack, al. though toy much modified lu ilurartrr as well as lu duration, and It is oulv in tho nit-ond or Hiild season that iiitlln iiiuutiiilly 1 in bo ex pceted. Hut, imfottuiiitil, human mtuie is so lornicd, or tleiouiiisl, tint in hay-fever, u in many other milleis of vital iinpni lance, we. ,ue but too pmne to cmulali the cvample 01 tho devil in tho old mv-; When the devil was sick, 4 monk lit would h, Hut win 11 be got v.-ell (he devil .1 ninnl. evas he, and malcd 111 Iho nu-tr.t to piovlde 101 the liitme. iii wllh (he hay.fevet- siinerei. s long as he ha. Iho itlaclr, when nothing can bo dene but slightly allevlato hk sufteilngs, h is only too lead lo submit to anything to I tun. I, but uttir Iho l'n.t tiosl conns ami hu again fctU like hiniM'lf be think?, uneoiuse loiisly pcrhaiss, it i a long timet until .Muust, ji.il, perlia), it will not eomc agiin, ami fall, In employ the period ol Immunity for la.vlng Ihe fonnditlon tor a permanent tine. --fail Seller, l, P. ' m lii lSfl Hie piihlle hlkh schools of the l"nlt?J Males giaduatcsl 'jo.dll Ik-.s uml Stj,12l glili 'Ihe Ij,vm an taken from school cailier Hun M.c gilts and pul to wvik GOVERNOR YATES One of the Thousands Who Testify to the Great Worth of Paine's Celery Compound. PSSi- V.. A V01 rflV .lHVWMi UHE&2frr "" A ;. 'etiIIVVVvc9UvcvivA V u lltW"ll MBp f - - ' a ..n .. '.'?MLiiIMMVrkiJMaa1t ftlll IXXIH iWXWUll JWcii-CsSSSsri----.,: '.? !.. .Vs2I lMlWM.3lviMaaexvt.AVi BHcS5sJ5-5i--------:" ;;:: :i ....-.. 2i.niVi1llCftM&SKvSfwvvuv Bsi-...;;;:.,;;.v.. .V,.. V.V " Bs-7v!-V.''NV.-.;:iT;'Vi'jV;': iSSSSv-;'.,-:'ft!:';?i':;i':.v IBfi'SB8iv--:'.'-:'-:-:wsM3fi lPBifil'iMBiH!BWtM-;:?.:.::.v.--N HDliKr-'-'.! ip:..'':::-xlH2 Ciovi'iiior Ulchard Yiuok is the j-0n of llichurtl Vulesi, tlio war govonior of Illinois. Yates is to Illinois; xvlint ltoo.scvelt is to the onergolii.'. aiubltlouR, pro Krebive clomeia in the Kas.1. One of tho nicis-t e'cinvincins- tspenkers In the "VVe'st, ho Is n. whii of Kicut. pcrsonul ninc;iH:ti.siii, na an incident during- tlio Piesidenfn inauRiiriitinn lereiittoa at the AVlilto House showed. The Ham ilton i.'lub of ChlcMKO wore rccoive-d by I'rcsident AIcKinley In tho Kast Room. After tlio introduction, Hauls Examiner Lamson i-anjj "Illinnis," the lust line chanficd to "True to Yates and JlcKinlcy, Illinois." One' fiourcc of Gov. Yates' gioat strenKtlt with all idasses is liin wll iinftness to rcK'osnizo merit and to em ploy the best means, without feur or favdr. Needins- n sprlnjir wmedy for hliu self. and knowing I'aine's celery 00111 pouiul by roiititiition, and bellevlne; It to bo the bt'-u sprint- temedy obtain able, hu used It witli such excellent results that hi is willliij; to add his name to thu many others In ro.spon slblo.posltliiii.s who have publicly on dorsed Palno's celery rompemnd. COOOs0000 THEATRICAL. ooooooooooooooooo ATTRACTIONS TODAY, AC.VDKSIV- ll i"i il.vns coniiiny. JLtiuep ami tdldil. UAH'rV -llutveij llurle,quei. MjIiiicv .Hid night. Cor.se Payton's Stock Company. Coise IM.vlon h.is thiff ciwiiuiile. one for the wason in llrcolljn, the Corneily conipany, rind Iho Stock cuinpiiiy vvhieli will give lx iiiatincin niul .six evening imfninurieis nt Iho Ai.idniiy of Music, eitiilliK Jlemilay innlnci- wllh tin sre-it t,insatlonll irnivdy drain i, "Only a t'ariiu i's Daughter," All idivri will ne sueied In that lihtial ai.d iiURiilfiieut liiiliiier lm- which Mr. I'avlou has made! a very rmliulo uiiutiillou, and whiih h.i ncvir hecii ccnnhcl hy aiiothi 1 popular pil't'l organliatlivn, and is uiclv ceii.ilett hy hliihir pi iced companies.. 'i1L. only complaint that eau lm Tiitde nK.iltist thu peiforriuiKCi is that he ejivea too iiniili for tin money. Tho uual V.iy Ion prices: Matlneeo, l'l and U'l) eeuU; eveniii-,', ID, ii and f,o iintJ. Il win's Burlesque Company. I'rcd Inviu'd Ins lliulcsquc riunpariv, J tiouu o liuuioiits and pretty women which has no inpnlor in tno comic field todiy, 1 hilled (( Huee da)4 al the (laiety thealci, i. nlnf ilou diy nfiftuooii, ami will chaeo awac dull e.no in 4 fashion peHiillar to Jovial lnirlisiiu.i.-i. 'llio coin pauy l tilialul of good eomediaiis and naughty, pietly sirU. Jlirlc llanlson, oi.e of tlu live orirtimil IVirrUon SUIcr., mnl a roguUh hclle, will head tlm ioiplice in twn 9l.lt, 'The, Man with Hie I'uiiny Touch'1 und "A fhvod Ihlnjr," vviltltii hv W. 1, ll.illjuil. aid with t-iid made, ty Oiorc rosier. II in eight t'oinallas, .1 wondeiful oelellc 01' I'll' ropeau acrobat, .110 tin kt.it , of Hie sKejtv Mil. A magnificent et 01 llvini; plilures will he -hovrti and Ihe olio will invlude Hal my lliruaid, ihe jolly Jew- ictnedlan; the IhonnlngV in 11 novel dlitteh; C'raiu Jiiicll, u. xwict fui;er, and half 1 dozen cithers. IIonai ami Keaniev, Iwo ricratiton boys, who are now' will tnowii uittro polltan favoiltct, are iiicmbeu of HiW uiiraulza Hon, and ecciipy an important piddoii in the olio. OF Chlcajjo, III., Feb. S, inoi AVells, nichardson it Co,: tiC'iitlenieti T have used Paine's cel ery compound and llnd it an excellent remedy. Very truly yours, ItlCHAItD YATES. The moie liitnlliecnt portion of evoiy community arc the ones who beat recommend V.iinu's celery compound. They hax'i; look-'il inlo this sricat rent cdy. followed its remarkable achieve ments in the cases of friends, neigh bors ami relatives!, and know Just what to expect from Its use as a neive and brain strcnifthener niul restorer, and tut Ideal invli,iirnt!' for a lun-dovvn system. Theiv is less ho.sil.itioii nowadays nmoiiK well-iiil'ormi.-d people in attencl lr.g to the beKinninprs of poor health. It is well known that desoase is pro gressive and cumulative, insy to drive out at the utait, but a menitct to life when allowed to entrench Itself in any organ of the body. If people would consider headaches, i-lieumatisni, tieu ralgiu, sleeplessness, ludlguntlaii and languid feelings In their true llglu and as seriously as they deserve to c, and make a Maud against them at unco hy means of I'alne's celery coin pound, there would be a w underfill PLAYS AND PLAYERS. .Iivle Millwinl, vvlm his hem tlm It.iiJirmr wo man of the Hmplre .stuck company, New orlc, tor thu piL year, .vesterthy oiiill,v Willi Ailluir t'ol lins.lnaiiacer fif Ihe I.0111I1 11 llrmy l.ano theatu', pun-hand thu llnsllsti iluiits of the fiawionl Stotldanl ver.ion ot "In tho I'alati.-of the King," now heln piajeil hy Viola Allui at the Theater llepiihllc. MUa Mllhvaid will appcit hi MKi Al len's pirt in tlm Knsllsh ptoviueis. sln will re main on this .ldti ot Iho Atlintie tn innchido her viisaeciiirnl with Chules riohinan, jppeailng in ttiti revival el "Plplouiici" heloit illuming In her home, .Mr. f'ollln. who came our In siipir intend Iho picdiittioii or "Hu- l'rhc ol I'cau'." will al ciiil letiun to l.ondeii to iiianje tin tour fur his iinv siar. Pc Well llcpinr and Han Hah ait 10 uppe 11 in tin cotton plihinev Mine Sunday alli-inoon In "I. mle, 'loiu'.s rdiin" at tin Ac-ton' I'lmd hone lit ut Iho vi iihliiy. Hopper will pen-mutr tin iiwi I'nilo Tom and Pil'. tin' Jl.ivo oniier, l,e';iet. Neither v.ill lnltliiiic lib, pall. Mary Manuel Ins, th lio.iiillf.il ouws uctieis who lii-came xvldilv known Hirmuli htr live jeais' mji-viu as Iho Icidlnif huly of Daniel rrolnnaii's I.vciuui Tln'Jiei stock loinpany, ol v- Yotlt, will'liiil.e lm- UNI appellants' in llu tll as a star at tho Jeynimi theaui, llmrwlay veulitg. April 'Jj, in a ilumniic version of I'aul Iciccler l'oul'M vviilcly reid llevoliitioniry novel, ".lanies Meiedilh." .Mi Manuerlin; will come here nup ported lv an extraolilliiny stinnr; company of v.v' 1 Known pl.iyti. 1'i.mlt .Mclvce, her nunajcr, iia shut her pliy a iitvt ilaliia(e pioduetion, ami It will priivcanatiraciien of iuuiu.il lnUrel to ill iIimcs oi p'ople. ' m PITTSTON. Special 10 il.e craiitou Tribune I'ltU'luii, Apnl li. -IMrtaul iloi.sei. si , of llait- fluct, At .'hie. leoelved seuitv hmius iei Ids lace, while at xvorK at Poxton -anl IliU alier noon. 'iho Iibouts iniplojul at thu IXcter Machine woiKs, Wed I'lltstoii, vvrnt on fttike lids morn lit,', heeaiiso "I Hu illstliaiRi el tl'ife ol Hie iinpUijii wio uln ideii themselves Hum vvorl. .veMc-idiy In .itliml a luurral, vvilhoiit dr.-l euu bidiini,' iho I'll 111 111. A his toclviiiSf main is ai.nouuicd to taKc plan hut IsalueJay between llnnalo anil Mah luiflou Mnl-, cr 1 ata'sc 01 M,;ii. It will ojms oil ul Clti.luiu' lull, Hioiiiitowti. Tl illy liiwid et rivl.lon ot taxes 0nd appeal ha.i been cluing lu Ihe town lull this week, l.cjring propel ty licldeia Horn Iho tliffercnt wards. Today waj voal con pontes' day and proved ven ILLINOIS diminution In the amount of KldnM liver and heart dlf-ense. Any one who leads the heartfelt, emphatic letters that, have appeared fiom men and -women who oxx'p. their health and often their lives to P.ilne'H celery compound, will ho impressed by the .sincerity in every line. This gical moilet a scientific Invlgor alor and health-nialter Is doing an enormous amount of lasting good thes spring days, lis siii i-ess in making people well has had no paiallel In tlu history of medicine. It has cured thousands of 1 uses of i-lieuniutlsm ant iiuimilgiiu many of long standing ihnr have been despaiieel of by friends und physicians. ' Compared with other 1 emeriti's. In petiiiaiioiit lines stand out as a moun tain cIocj beslUt- a mole hill. If .ill the men and women who have got vl I cntiiely of nervous debility, thieatciieel nervous exhaustion, sleeplessness and such niganic troubles as kidney, liver and stomach diseases by its help din ing the past year alone could b brought ttigi'ther, what nil .11 my of grateful people It would make! 'nine's celery compound is tlie most temaikable medical achievement of th lam tlfty .veai.-. T-ilie Ii now, 'ilsi .sprliii,. iliM.'io-liliB Mom tin fact that a lepicseiit.iti Ii 1111 the C1il1.1l la.hoi union wis present in M-t h'..it coiioillii M .'ic 1101 hi oil will. out plying II. ele ju,t than- of Hu puhlh' bunhii. kind i,ilit llejci was pic-eui lu the Intciist nf Hit l'i hum Iv.im.l Coil itiiiipaiiv. The triennial e-tesj-iiiiiit 'il tlnct- .v.. Us axt placed the uiui. lMliy'i, coal posevsicn .it 11 Ihliltiitss oi li)!i irei. 'Hits wir llr. II011M assc-d it ln ledui-etl to t 1 l.iil.lili',' tho dltleicucct Iwluuii tin tun limine S had lictn vvorl. ed out in tho iiilfi-vniliiu thren jix.i Tin I1I101 iiuioii's ileiiato hlrenuou.lv c,li,i'eted to thlf. Alex-. TiiniunAuii, a member of the bond, who by tho vvw is a I'rniMjlvJnln. ninp.inv mini Ion man, moved the ilifuies uawd liv Hie eonipiny be adopted, Liikn Connors wn nudeil tho motion, hut ('hiiiman 'f'lioinas Mm pliy Aiiinilisl It. 'fin sef.slon hioko up in a, wralujle without liUiliiiiS a decldon. 'lliu emplnyi-s ol Ihe 1'ilUlon ulrcet depittnient, who rauuc In jti liom .Ii) tn ft', went 011 strike! vtiirriKiv because, as thev laimeii, tlm nliter. lounnlisioticr showed paillullly in sivinj Inoiilis uiui o clav Hun tho other men. ( oluied peoplo who v,ere rnndiirtingr a disoid.i l,c housci here, weio taken in hy tho police li.t nielil. Anions Ihe numher was .tniilt) Jonc.s, of tstianloii, Jlr, iny KatJii, nif.i of Itthcit 11, L'aton, n I l-auius , iin'i, dietl nt c ci'ijnil; last night, a( 111 .1 .Is we.ks illness wllh liver trouble. v li'l.bar.il and lle claiiuhtciii uiirvlvv. The fiiiiri.il will luko plite Siiinday .illeinofin nt 2 o'cloo, Mth intcrnicnt In I'ittslon tcir.elciy, 'Hie followinir f-'craiilon joinu; people we. I iiK-nt al a society dance) at tho homo ot M!s I'eilniilo Iliirfhn, of Deliwan nvcinie, v, I'iltsloii, list cvculiiirj Miss Maiy 1,'e.iilurt, Iho, Xje, llalpli Williams, Wancn I'ierfon, Itiuiieri, 1110 cuiiinl lo the cllect tlu(. i:Vl ii.v Hiuiliit'cr Me,veiis, en hli relliiiiient from tli 011)11', .iipiopililcd maps ot Iho city anil othci allied and nlo iaiupeieil with importart hoo'i. II is mIiI iho councils will 1 1I.0 lh nialttr up for invctiaatlon. Itcv. IMwaul fi. Ileal V..H Installed into tht pastoratu ef thu WW I'ltuton Coninrgationd church, Widr.t wlay imiiii;, SEAUTY, Ul GONQUERQfl BELLAVITA Aa-senio Beauty Tablots and Pills. wri foetlr tafo niul iriiarauieml treatment forRllflcuj U.-eirdorf. Koatorsj the bloom ol)outh to tided lacsf '0 di.ya' tro.ilmnul 0P0; or) da,' $1,00, by mall sunn for circular. Addroji, iv ITA MEOICU. fl)., Clinton Jackson SU., Ckk Bold by McClarrata efc Thoroa, Uruc lats.. tOi IicKuwunna vo., acranton, I'a,