The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 13, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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OuffljP' '
,- '
v, j tfrTTmr vnffirj urpFSKK
lUnctudcd ttoni I'.ia l1
dot want them In the hwplUt corps or tlip
Ambulance. Tlicy ate In I nut In the field
and Ibey are to stay there, If llicy die, iliey
"iic to lie found Hud tbeic.
Wn xunt young men wlio tod in tlicm tlie
iwliijC ot conquest and lcloty.
W'c expert ou to preach nnd In prcjeli mir
doUrlnc. Wo also r-rpiel jnu to hate er'On.i!
frllowililp with the .Sm of Owl eury limiv. 1
U.0i I could cmplu'.lro thil. You will hae
plendld oppoit mil tics tor bacUlltlltitf. tl 11 the
euklrft thins In thn world to walk with Oojl
nnd liae a irood Unic, but It joil don t wall,
wllh Mm It Is a bad bunlnesH.
Wo want you to pnuili ovr doctrine and to
piiitllcc them which 1 harder .soinclline. Yen
an thn list men In the notld to Ime a lone
fine. There U no ii3 of a long face rwpl to
llend the funeral ol jour virlur. Unt nil the
tfnic walk villi (led. IVacli nil our ilntlllne.
u Imen't any jou need nKiloitly for. nor any
1i bo kept In tho d.ill:. W have never luul a
Khlsm because of our docttlniM. The miwt we
Imvi failed In I tint 'c fill lo IKi them.
otnc o llie too wi.ll,
French SnnctlficaMoii.
Don't be .tfiald about uc.ielilliR on snidttic.v
t Ion. I know vntt me timid about it. Whit I
uiidcMtind ft! l-mo (ll Willi all jom Ik-jH
i.d jmir iK'Ighln.r ih .onr-clf. J doii'l uie
what you f. ill 'it. but it will male you a happy
mid j conrtirrliiK ClirWIun. You tjn av to
jm people. "I'ollow lilt- a-i t iulluw Ulili't,"
ami .roil will be n s.Ue ivimplc.
If .xou'linil mi body ulticil ronortiiini; other
jinn and not vii(i'rii!nic tlieini'lei, tlnl tti'l
niK'tilK.illoii. If you Hud llnw who unwciiito
all lor tied and then when it ! uutilnl rati'l
-ri at It, thai in't unctlliralloii. 'Jhre itf
nly one pnnii In nil lh woild we on foul
anil tint i. our-i'lf. We cjn't fool (.VI, nnd wo
ihn't trol our neighbor. II ad. he lould ive
a pi city rorreil rt!nialc ot n.
Never mind about, the olbir i lmrci'J. uii
allend to ynur own tak. If ou ran help tin ut,
.ill iltrhr, but lint ln't .inr t.iK. Von .uv
In build up I tn' tliuri'li in whlfli you .in- mt.
Hoii't preach jour ilnitliK 'lln ileU cm do
Unit. If jou .in' not of iinjtliliiR r.c,
jnu can jueaili that tin miiiwis should riprnt
ami li.i.e faith.
1'ieaih, not ninfly ixlioit. Vi.ii aie lo put
tho Irutb sn lliat men will bo rI.hI In 'near jou.
Ih.irt tall, tw.iddlf. Ilii,' out nl the wmd of
C.xl bomrtliliiK li.n power in it to Liimkt
tl.nn. Cur snuiiuit loinplatloti ! bizlm.1-. Ho
linr the ihitito lo In- Ijj. Wi' Jio not at a
ileV mIicii" we mint be iwcrj' himr r bo il(.tl oil.
'I he picJchcrN poiil i hzino. Anothor man
who lias a cIi.iiim. In be l.iy h ll.o pii-Jilin?
tlwr and the liMK.p the tcl. ilume of
all In the woihl.
Ihrie Is .1 law on Hie sidf il tin Johns mill
and that. i habit, and jou want to lunuts tliU
liw early ninl hiltli It In your w.u;nii. It will
haw jou nib the kingdom. Ho in jour .slmjv
at 7 n'cloi'c in the inornins. b't 3 our wife pin
ret jour quiet. If you haven't a wlf., go git
viic. 1)0 lint Ret one Minplj' liee.uiv is
jiii-jr. !?hn nnj' Intk'-llde and jou'll iirnlubly
Kim her nmplv cause. I belioie in pood lilood,
select a wile ot good flcik and good inninion
Will Achieve Results.
h hho kc.iK pcopla out ot your sludy, g"rs
ahi'ut the work in tho chiirth and nuoothes
nor jnur Idiniderb, touelhor you will nthiev.
uiimciiaely inoru icsults in the KiiiKilom of Oil
than as it jnu both flirt out inln the woiM
with j our mouths wide oixn.
i!ct idiis not words! if you wiMk bnrd all
the week mi'j-Ix about fc'atuidaj- jou'll have tho
taint shadow ff a seimon readj. When you've
(niMohed it Ikw.uo of the teuiptir. When thev
foil tm it wao a criuon, thej ai-c trjin
io brae.) jou up. They know jou are weak
IV at! tho n'Tinim and !iddiiMO I've boon asked
in hue published the nnos mit Msuffht lne been
tli'o I liase prepared with most rnv.
The hihop concluded his address
lth iltin, practical advice concern
iiiK tnodt'H of work and with nn clo
qutnt tribute to the ministers' mission.
Thomas UvinfrMone, of Itarton, X.
Y., was admitted to local deacon's or
ilcts. V. C. Smith, A. 1. Decker and L.
i. Sprnguc were elected to succeed
ihenihelves as conference trustees.
The afternoon session was in chnrRc
of tho Woman's Home Missionary pocl--ty.
Mrs. W. II. 1'earce. of AYilkes
I'anv. Diesided. "Dr. AY. '!. Simpson
offered prayer. Mrs. CJeorpo Kul), of
Wllkea-Bano, &avc a most intereslinK
and (IcIiKliU'iil report of the work Sit
ihf: year. Hegardlnu; the bequestK re
cently tecelvcd, the silt of .'..lOO. given
by .Mrs. Crary some lime ajjo, was
nii-ntioned. This year the $5,000 gift of
Mrs. Eunice Davidge, of Xew.'irk Val
lej", was received, and $100 from Mis.
Htiaw, or Wilkes-Burn-.
Afternoon Address.
The address of tho afternoon "was
made by Mrs. K. K. Albright, of Dela
wai, Ohio. Site Is very familiar with
the work of home missions, and tvas
eomprelmnslve and entertulninir in her
itddre.s. The uvnni;eliHit service was
iTiiwdcd with listonets. Tlio work of
Itev. Dr. .1. AV. AYIIsou Is Iteeomlm;
mote nnd inoic; popnltir. Jils subject
wa.s "Purity." and he delivered a won
derfully strong address.
Itev. Dr. Seversun presided touiu'lit.
Itev. Mr. Hunabuiy offeted prayer. The
j-cssion was devoted lo the inlsslonure !
Itev. Dr. V. K. flaniewfll, who w.m
specially ooniniended by the lii-iilr-h
tjovernment. for Ills aid to the lewi
tion in 1'ckin, was the spealter thix
In the course of tin InlerostinK' Mnry
nf those thrlllinK' days, ho niiiilo the
assertion that the attacks on Urn
I'hrlsliuns wuro not tho result of what
would be culled a popular uprisinir,
but wore. Incited by usurplnpr govern
uients. In hubstuutlatloii of this he
exhibited otlleinl eireulars aiwl a copy
of the I'ekln Gazette, the olllelnl Chln
. o paper, in hich were utterances
utculutcd to Inllame the people against
the legatloners and native converts.
The hand of Clod was everywhere
evident in tho preservation of the peo
ple in the lesation, ho said. Hut for
i he opportune arrival of tho marines,
lie said, then would not have been
ti slnslo one of them left to toll tho
Making' Progress.
Ul'ihop Fowler is mul.Injr rapid pro
ku'ss with the business of tho con
ference, Today v lie announced that
there would ho nothing to do tomor
row, unlest! tho committees In ought in
their reports. This Is an unheard-of
thing- in the history of conferences.
The expectation Is now that the busi
ness will bs concluded by Monday
Hev. II. H. Benedict, nf Montrose,
will preach Sunday morning at his for
mer charge, Hampton Street Metho.
dlst Episcopal church. It was during
his pastorate that the present hand
some church edifice of the Hampton
treet conBivpatlon was built, Sunday
nlKht ho will preueh for Itev. Dr,
Peareu at the First Mothodltt church,
Mrs. C D. Simpson, Mr. C. M. Oinin,
: Irs. T. II. Pale ami Mrs. M. P. FuN
In.' weie conferenco visitors,
Heports from twenty conferences
heard from, show 1,WS votes for tho
new constitution, "Ci against.
Itev. Ilr, J, U. Sweet will go to
(neonta this year, and Itev, Dr. A. C.
MoDermott. of that city, will come to
Simpson church. A largo delegation
ni Hyde Park citizens filled up the
Methodist parsonage today, and thn
Mirrouudiug landscape, to urge the
bishop to return Dr, Sweet, which was
n compliment to the secrclnry. The
usual method Is for committees to
come to besiege the powerrt for a
change. If. C. V.
President T. D. Nlcholls, of the Mine
Workers' Union Hub Decided on
Four Additional Organizers.
Pirstdoul T, I). Nlcholls, of District
No. J, United Mine Workers of Amer
ica, has already decided upon the
four members of the executive board
who ho will make district organizers,
thus exercising tho right Invested In
him at tho quarterly convention, held
this week In olyphant.
TlioinnH Llewellyn, or Muoslc; John
Fallon, of Wllkes-Uarre; John V. Kear
ney, of Archbald, and Henry Collins,
of Cttrbontlalo, liuvo been selected as a
quartette of additional organizers.
They have not been, as yet, notified of
their appointment but will bn timing
the next, few days. This will make
the total number of organlzeis In this
district six, thu other two being It. A.
Courlrlght, of this city, and Adam
Ityscaragc, of Plymouth, vice-president
of thu district.
Tills sextette will mipervlse the en
tlie district, the entire Held being thus
covered. It will be their duty lo
make regular visits to the various lo
tuW, give Instructions, attend to all
grievances, and report Hie results nf
their investigations to the district of
fice. The two addltonul board nieni
beis which the convention decided tho
district needed will bo eluded nt the
next quarterly convention, in Scran
ton, when tile annual election nf olll
cers will be hold.
Check Weigh Men Allowed.
One nf the first concessions granted
by thu Krie Itailroad company lo the
men at their recently acquired collier
ies formerly operated by the Pennsyl
vania Coal company, is the allowim;
their employes u cheek weigh num.
The lattor's wages are paid by the men
themselves and his duties are to stand
by and watch the weighing of the coal
and see that every imm Is accredited
with the. full amount due him.
During this week a cheek weigh
man was appointed at the Gipsy Grove
colliery and General Manager AV. A.
May yesterday stated to a Tribune
man the company is will to allow tho
men at all their collieries to enjoy the
same privilege If they so desire.
Today's D., X. & W. Board.
TIip make-up of today's D., I, anfl
W. board Is as follows:
tr.tDAY, APlilb :.'.
Wild Cat a fi p. m.. M. rtnncrtj : 10 p.
in.. If. Dcheity; 11 p. m., il. flolden. with 1"U.
pilrlcV',; men.
S.UrRDAY, AI'RII, 1.1.
Wild Cm, Wert V2.-M a. m.. S. O'Connor,
ullh n,itir's men; '' .1. m., W. II. Itn
tbi'lomow, vita (J. T. MaplcV men; 5 a. in., T.
Doud.cdii; S n. m.. I. CivvumukIi; W ni 4.
!'. Mullen; U a. m.. O. Keaine.v; I p. in,, Ceuie
Hurt; 2 p. m., O. W. Kittcrald; 5 p. m.. .1. J.
Jlurrav, v 1th C. Ilirtholoinew's men; ii p. in.,
H. -I. !.m Un.
SumniiH. Ete. 7 a. in., wet, C. Piountollicr
0 p- m., east. .1. Cirriits; 7 p. in., west burn
L'ajugu, SlcLsni,; 7 p. in., vtt trom Caju.i,
I'ullui 1 V: Secor.
ruilien 8 a. m.. Staphs; 10 a. ui S Tin
n;ty; tl.SO a. m., Moran; S p. m., Muiphy; '
p. m.. f.nriipin(c; 10 p. m.t Widncr.
Passtiiger t'liglnea 7 a. m.. CJillny; T ,i, in.,
SlriKer; ft 30 p. m., Stanton; 7 p. in., JI.ii,'"nll.
ild CatK, Weot6 a. in , JI. '. lleiiiiigan; 7
a. in., .'. (Ilnh'j'; 10 a. m., .1. ..ihni;iu; It a.
in,, ,f. II. MstjteM; 1 p. m., V. i. Roj-cr,: 2 p.
in.. C. W. Dunn; : p. in.. E. McAllirttr; .", p. m.,
Lattair; 0 p. in., S. Wall.
Conductor JI. Ginle.v will inn . i in. Miinnut,
l'ust. April 12th, in plaeo ol W. II. Mil hols, ita
inir .Vichols' clew.
(,'ondur.tor P. t'avanaush will tall at nuporiu.
tendctit's orHto when tonvenitnt.
Ilr.iltnun VHn Urunt irpoit-. for duly with
W. A. Bartholomew.
IJrakemau Sa.ille hmiI tr duty with Con
ductor II. W. I'lUsu-ihl. 11. X.uiman tepuits foi ilutv with
Cnnductor E. M. lUllet
lli.iketn.iii 11. Timmon.-. will i.ill at li.iiinn in
ter's otlite lod.ij-. April 11'.
I'lit-mhhip Coiniiiaiulerj , Jfo. 217, Uc.idim;, P.i ,
ou Uood 1'iid.iy night, (rave nu inteiestimt; Jiid
ciriouvi rendition of tlo Kid Cro and SepuUlno
Oidci, in Hajah Tmiplc, whiili iniRiiliiiuitly
decorated for the rMMil. 'Hie prim olnirid
were s-iVfieiKn Coinm tinier Sir II. II. T. Hem
hard, Snior (.'onncilloi Mr W, Selnilt, .liiuiur
Coum-llliii- Sir Unit Wi-iitliliiiin, lllsli l'iul.U
sit A I!. I'jlm, Cluneellor, Sir llenjiinin Xke,
Piuiii.uit Si i (,'e.iio E, Itc-liihud, Jl.ilei of
CiifiiKiiiin sir W. Waijnir, Choii.l.r Sir I. I,
(iiliom. in aildilton to 1 1 1 . noutLlr-, fuun
I'rii-riiMiip Coiiiuniidiij-, V. t?l7. ,ind Mvtio
M.11 I 'Dlmri.llliti 1 1 V.i. IT. Itn.ti ,.ii.'il.ii rii .ilwil
a ih in liiitj.tHo tiDIU Itohi'iii'ind Cvliiinuiiileij',
o, .'.,. j lie iimu ronnniiuN oi iiimiiih now
li.ui ,i lutul nieiuhcrkhip 'oi I,00o, ;mii ;nt, ,,t i 1 1
Kionli'ir. lh" itfli'Mionial .ith-jelid vlili-pre.ld
inkiKt, and the iii'.il Ihioui; lncludi'd Snpniuo
1 1 muuiiiiei Mr .ii.iiii II. iiiuiunn, i;r.uul t um
inuliuei sir .Inn. Uiti'iu.leiifir, Supnine Srntlrn'l
sn Alti.d II. June, lirund Itrcouhr Sir (,'iuiko
II I'll iii, Pat tirand Cunniarul, ih Sii ErniK E.
Mil. Sir UeorKc W. Heiiin.v, Sii Tlicod'UF l'.i
c till i mil Mr If Waldnn Smith, oi Xew 'oil,
and lliputj' flr.Unl IViimu.iiideiii Sh Imuii;i I)
(.innii and llliiur E. I.ijlor. An (lilini.iti lnu
(iiet IoIIhwiM I In i Uo of lh louuiil.
.li.Jili Ki'i.v (omiiiuiildj-. No, p.", at Willed
Rule, on Apill '), eelihialnl ill louitemih an.
nhviwiy with a sr.ind imiu'ii and liainpi, i,
Plate., veto ljid foi IWO, and lu.iny appliuuils
fur tit hot 4 wem dii.ippoiutid f.M lael. nf loi
Ai'rr the splendid euinrit ninl fiat, lies, s,r
William II, IIllUi .umiiih'ii the dulj- n( tna-,lini.
tir and mailu n vciy aldi and willy nfilor lln
bilulf ii tlni lidlen ot the Dauuj. ot M.ih.i nf
thu i oniiii ind, li. (lemge V. MeCord pu'enlnl
on Aineriiau silk llau. T'nlteil si.ttrm iritula
t.ou nle, end two silk injrl:er.. The rlmpirnt
nllormv Sii lljiuii ii, llaliu llio lieiu
tiuil Kilt tor thu louiiiiauil In a p.itrtotle p,ieli
that oni It, d eiilhn-i-.Mii. liuml llei.m.1, r
tir (uiko II. I'l'ito iLpondeil to tin. t,,.i.t,
"The Ladies of Malta." The wittiest uunib.-r
of the Wilkiddlilio I ar, Sir Paul .1. Sherwood,
paid liibiitt- to "'I In. l,iat," in ,tu addieij tint
I.qit tlu .mdii-iue in a iuii- of lunjhtrr lie ,
Sir .1, (', TiiuiJiit ropomlid to the inottn nf the
onlei, "hi lloe hiiini Vim.i," iu a luilllaul
and thiMlin? oiatiou. Tho ia,t hill w.u ikio.
latid Willi tiiuliriN, lln.':, liannertts tuutli.u
i.nd rlettiiial efltus m a to pioduen a Menu
if meat lieaulj-, Tho cou.niai'd Imat3 a meni.
liershlp of 3jf, with It,te, In the hands
ot LommltKi'rf,
At the pecial coi,oiatior, uf the uraud iom.
rcaiidety t,i Pcnnlanli, luld at l'iltsliur',
Match 59, with Past firand Commander f-ir David
T, Mchillu in tho Occidental clulr, Hicntifn
candidate) received the I'att Comma nder's deutec,
ThOM in attir.djnte icprtsentcd eleven coinuund
eiie HotJld Comamiidtry, o. 5'), ot Wetiitilj, 'j,,
U rteatms a special fund for conliihutluii to
the Kulithti ot MalU llo-plul innii, ThU iom.
mind enjojs tho dUtinrtion ot tieln nauuil in
hmor of Cictaid, the rcetor of thn Onkr'a llttt
liopltil, at Jiumlem, in th rlcviiith ii-ntmj-.
Anutita Comnnndcty, N'o, s?, llenovo, l'.i,,
will ukbratu in Hut anheuaiy on April II.
The jear lui been ilijiatteilnd t,y harmonj-,
growth and prnspciit.v, and Malta lug von Um
gcod will of all the people of tho lonu.
Tilune Oomrmtideiy, -Vo. 201, at Altoona, 1'J.,
has a c!ay almost load)-, ami c.pecti to elcit
the last applicant at it reit convoeatiou.
'Union Made" 6hoi
At Malion' 33S Ivckawann avn).
people arc killed every year hi this
country by CONSUMPTION. The
fault is theirs, No one need have
consumption, It Is not hereditary.
It is brought on by neglect. You
have a slight cold and cough, You
do nothing to get rid of it,
will cure a cough or cold in one
"Shtloh'a la an unfailing rure for coufttis,
throat and lung trouble. It will cnte con
mraptioii. It la a remarkable remedy,"
A. E. SAI.TKR, M. U lluffalo, N. V.
fllitloh'A C'ouaumptlnii Curn l aold by all
driigKlat nt 3Ac, flOc, SLOO n ttottln. A
frluteil gnnritnlrn c" with Try bottle,
f you arei not flotlaflrd am tit your ririifglat
auil get your money liHck,
Write for illustrated boot- ou cont-amptinn, Sent
without eo lo you. S. t'. Weill A l'n l.cRoy, N.Y.
A'otr York Announcement.
Horner's Furniture.
We hid fop your putronago on
the following grounds:
1. Our slock lvproxpnts- tin pro
ductions of tho BEST MAKERS
0X1 V. in niltlilloii to goods ol' our
own mninifaetiue.
'-'. Our as-oitiiients nrc it-- uotn-jilr-tc
in tin; plain n ml incxpnnsivu
Kootls surtuil to the modest home, tis
in the itioio uluborntu and nrtintic
linos rei'tiiied for tho more preten
tious homo or iminsion.
:s. Our prices ore the lowest at
which furniture of etnndurd qunllty.
nnd beating tlie .stamp of style and
merit In its appearance, can be manu
l'aetured and .sold.
All tho latest designs and flnishcn
in cac-li and every lint. Ineludlnu
the fnsliiun.'iult. lislit woods mid
clt'ects for siimnior fiiriii-sliinif.
R. J. Horner & Co.,
unilture 3lak(-i" nnd Importer,
01-65 AV. 'Hid Si., New York
(Adjolnlnit: J'den Mnnet.)
A Tinlt to tlin ettabllhlimentof K..I. Horner 4
Co., brings, on in touch with tnonthlne that i
new and woith ureintf in tho Funilture world.
Xiiwupajier Comment.
Before buying, send for catalogue.
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Cure Impotency. NiRlit Emissions, Losi of Mom.
oiy, nil wu-tinir (llneater!.
effects of rolf-uburo or
oxcoss unci indiscretion.
A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brinirb
tho nink clow to nnlo
cheek-; nnd icstoros the
tiro of youth. By mntl
50o nor liox. 6 hnxps for
S2.50, with our bankable gaurantee to euro
or reiuna tne money naia. Mnn tor clrcatar
nnd copy ot our bunknblo euarautco bnuri.
Nervita Tablets
Immediate Results
Po.iilivoly Riiitrnntood euro for Lo-ss of Power,
V.-iricoculo, Uiuloieloped or Shrunken Organs,
Paroiis, lioronmtor Ataxin, Norvons Prostra
tion, Hystorln. K'ts, Insanity. Pumlysis and the
Results of KxcosivB Uso of Tobncro, Opium or
Liquor. By mail in plain pnckiifre, $1.00 a
Ihiz, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable guar
antee bond to cure In 30 days or refund
money paid. Address -
Clinton & Jackson sti . CHICAGO, II."
Sold by Mc0.irrah & Thomas. Diugsists, 203
UiiLiUMnna annuo, Reunion, I'a.
jmj ..' ' im l B l
w w
ml y"( II "-Mf
Outfitters to Men ana Boys,
115 Penn Avenue, prt,
IF i
Is Worth
A bushel you can't buy
it for j8c. Neither can
you buy a pair of shoes
worth $.oo, for $1.98
or $2.98, A great many
stores endeavor to make
you believe you can, but
you can't, Many shoe
buyers know by sad ex
perience that it can't be
done. We have shoes
for y00 and they are
worth $5.00 and we sell
them for 5.00. They
are line shoes. They are
the best shoes made.
We have only one fault
to find with our 2, so
and $,oo shoes they
often spoil a sale on our
$5.00 shoes they arc
so swell.
This Week
We are showing the best
line of Union-riade
(Union Stamp) Shoes
in the world at $2.00,
$2.50, $3.00 and $3.50
Step in and see them.
Look in our windows for
good shoes (up-to-date.)
Lewis, Ruddy,
D a vies & Murphy
330 Lackawanna Ave,
General Agent for ths Wyoming
District for
Mining?, BUstinc, Sporting, Smokeless and tn
Heptuno Chemical Company's
High Explosives.
Eitetj Fiue, Cups and Exploders. Itooro 401 Con
nell Buildlns, Scranton.
rnos. roiio
ki units
Every Time.
Boys' Novelty Suits,
$2.50 to $5.00. New
creations, handsomely
Men's All Wool Suits I
and Top Coats, $7.50 to
Shoes, Hats, Furnish- s
ings for men and boys at
economical prices.
Bright Ribbons for Spring
Spring is high carnival time for Ribhons. The whole realm of dress yields to their
tempting thrall. And that is why we have made such exhaustive preparations. Now
read caretully. We want you to seuse the force of our words. Our stock of Ribbons
is absolutely complete. It contains a wilderness of the best styles made in this coun
try and Europe Soft Finished Liberty Satins, Houselincs, Taffetas, Satins,
Gros Grains, Polka Dots, Stripes, Plaids, Floral Designs, Persians and Dres
dens. Aud women recognize the truth about our prices, Thousands are won through
mere contagion. They catch the impulse of econony from others and buy at Con
nolly & Wallaces. Every yard of Ribbon sold beneath the roof is sold at a lower
price than you can buy it elsewhere. That's not mere verbiage. It's irrefutable proofs:
1,000 yards Soft Finish Satin Taffeta Ribbon, very fiue, 4 inches wide in all the new
and popular colors. 10c Yard.
Joo pieces No. 1 Satiu aud Gros Grain Ribbou, in all colors, on ten yard pieces, the
very best quality. 12Jc Piece. Usual prjee 20c yard.
500 yards Fancy Corded Striped Taffeta Ribbon, solid colors, divided by delicate
hair Hue stripes. 3 inches wide, in all colors. 10c Yard.
500 pieces No, ij Satin Ribbons, in all colors, on ten yard pieces. ' Same quality as
the No-1. 2c yard, 18c piece. Usual price 4c yard.
250 pieces No. 2 Satin Ribbons of the same good grade, iu all colors, ten yard pieces.
3c yard, 28c piece. Usual price 5c yard,
250 pieces No. 3 Satin Ribbons, in the 3ame standard grade the best. 10 yard
pieces in all colors. 5c yard, 40c piece. Usual price 7c yard.
Colored Velvet Ribbons, satin back, No. 1 aud 2, so much in demand, the best im
ported quality, firmly woven
your eyes open when you buy Velvet Ribbon. None but
Wallace's. And prices are least.
No. 1 P eces of ten yards, all colors and black and
4c yard. White and -Uxors 45c piece: 5c yard.
No. 2 Pieces of ten yards, all colors, including white
The Famous G. F. Black Velvet Ribbons, satin back none better. AH widths from
No. 1 to No. 40, at the lowest yard aud piece price quoted by any house in the business.
Narrow Persian and Dresden Ribbons, Nos. 1, 1 y aud 2, so popular for trimmings.
Five splendid assortments, ten yard pieces.
Lot 17 Cents Yard, 65 Cents Piece
Lot 210 Cents Yard, 95 Cents Piece
Lot 3 12& Cents Yard, $1.10 Piece
Lot 415 Cents Yard, $1.35 Piece
Lot 518 Cents Yard, $1.65 Piece
Capital $U0l),000. Surplus $500,000.
United States Depositary.
Business, personal and sav
ings accounts invited.
3 per ceut. interest paid on
savings accounts.
Open Saturday evenings
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Connuu., F3resident.
Hunry Blun, Jr., Vice Pres.
Wm. H. PhCK, Cashier.
Cur. Sitientli "l. ami li.lm; I'liif,
AmciiiMii 1M 111. S.S.M l'cr IM.v and L'linanl.
i:miH"ii I'lin, ijl.til 1'it lljy anil rjiwiwl,
-i'chl II ilea to ramllics.
SrioHei Victoria
Bioult.1), ilh Kn. foil 271b Street, New Vorfc.
Absolutely Flroproot
in the cm.
tvr of tho
anil thcalie
First class
in all its ap
pointments, Uuiirulv
ncwr thiougli
J PJau
Room) b-
CIOBD! W. l(tVIT,ri,l.:m
with or Ithout bath. In
,, li, 11 r i
uite, with or witliout bath, lint aivf cuM wntu
amlteleptioiic In c , eiy room. Culilno uncjccllcd
J For Hiisliiess Men X
4. In tho heau ot tlie wliotcsah 4.
!J dlstrtcu T.
Fr Slinpitui's 4.
" .. mlnutca walk to Wanamalterv, -f
S minutes to Sleel Coopar'a Illg
Btoro. Kasy of arccas to the creut T
4 Dry Oooda Bturca.
J For SlBhtscer.s
f One block from B'way Cars, elv T.
ins easy tianaportutlon to aU ""
J points ol Interest. 4-
4. Only ono lllock from Uroadway. 4
ROODUSi $1 Up. Prices Keutoiubl: 4
l'BUiiriiat4t iu it't'j irrnu ryfeuu.i iu
UUrKAM.ifrt b CMt-i 1 (v 10 4ajHiftH,4fcw.i
MtaA.1 I'uUab. NfMuat llrblltll. Ijiat MmbLimmI.
I ILhH$ tttllrftftl btrlflurt (9 fulUf I BiltfrUp
I IitilJttrMiiW Ortfin,t4fijrSiiroTfUiollfX ngl
4& " ? EBillrYjW
SWSfSKi Ti urn mil U'MSlBKKSm
ifeEr-Juii' in ffitPTCTuiTillllfi)
from edge to edge. That's vital. Worth your while tokeef
Wc arc now prcparcd'to show
Wall Papers and Draperies
a.vta in;iii is nun otdaun j juuus, n,,. , v. ,v- ,,.,i,v,l iv owi 1
-ou promptly and at
Temporary Store,
126 Washington Avenue-
ilHIS ft
Slanur&cturor.H or
485 to 45f
N, Ninth Stroot
Telephuqj Cull, '2;I33.
J'lijflcian nd Surgeon
311 Spruce St.
Ttniplr (imxt llulldlnfr.
Au atuto or.d cUrmiln
uikj.isca of itifti.
mi ouj 1 liildren,
IM.TV. .Ml u1jm ol the UtT, KiJiif',
llljildfr. Skin, llloixj, Nrrvcf, Womb, t'je, Car.
Ncr-c, Thrust, mid I.uiiuj. Ciiufiy, Tumors,
I'U'.'.j, ltiituii, Ij'oinr. Illn'uinatlsni, .tliiiu,
.Catarrli, Varlcoielc, Lot Maiihuoil, Mjjliily
l'.nil-jIoii, all female Di-ciiCr, lucvrrlioca. ctu.,
liuiiiicihea, S.phlllls 11 loo J I'oisoii, ln.ll.cro
tlon anil jouthlnl hibit oblittratnl Surj,i r. r
lllf. riillfiJij, Tape ami Stoinsih Woiiiu. ('A.
TAltltliOZO.Nh', Siiclfio tor talirrli. Thr-
months' trratment only fi.ix). filal (ice in
ctilic. Conaultitlon and rxaiiiinatlon tree. Ot
ftte houra dally and Sunday, 8 a. m. to 'J p. in.
the worthiest at Connolly
white. Black 40c piece!
at 8c yard or 75c piece.
127 AND 129
rr,PfT,rT,rr'rx'TrTTT t
you an entire NEW stock of
onr well-known low prices.
Don' I Be Too Fly
Said the bait to the fish.
Or next thing you knovr
you'll garnish a dish.
I came from the store of
Florey & Brooks,
Aud I'm dangerous.
211 Washington Ave.
Booms 1 and?, Com'lth BTa'
rilning and Blasting
Wraat JIooilond RuabJklt WatkM,
Itttrlo lUttorlea. ElaatrloRxplodtr
liioatuK Diuta, narciy ruaaai
Roiauni Chemical Co.'s
-j 1 1
. -j-f aaj-i
!iL ( ik.- W-ftN.
jift-, y
, j, .