The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 12, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Addiosb by Rev. Thomas do Qmchy,
D . D. Lectin o at tho Salvatlo.i
Army Bnnncks by Philip Giuliani.
Funeinl of Moignn Watklua St.
David's Church Notes Salmon Had
Regalia Arrested Harry Peters
Injuicd General News Notes and
Personal Paragraphs.
'J he members of the Continental riun
duy school held an unlet tiilnmcnt ami
social last evening In Jones' hall on
Key-sor avenue, which was attended
)y a larKO assemblage.. The feature of
the event was an iitldtc".f, by Huv.
Thomas d- Gitichy, D. 1)., pastor of
the Jackson tftrooi Hapllst church.
Tho remainder or tlio pi ogi amine
onslstod of the following: Solo, Miss
Vie Jones: lecltatlon. Mls Ksther
Plnnock; selection. d Phillips
and party; niitleul vein lion. Wiitlcln.s
Idinlly; .volo. alius Alice Phillips; terl
tntlon, Miss Edith Thomas; mio. Pro
testor Thomas Jenkins, lecltatlon,
Mis.s lUhel Him in: itisti'imonlat n.
lection, Mis f'laia Slppol; selection,
lihe i lub; solo, MK-s Sm.ih Ilvmn;
duet. Evans un-i Havis' mm Italian, Alice Pfafl.
Salvation Aimy Notes.
A 1jib audience mooted Philip l!ra
ham nt the banru'l.s on Price stieet.
last eveairK. when hu delivetod his
lottuie on "A .Mother's l.ovo." Mr.
Oraham is the f.-tl oi of Mrs. Wnldioti.
who vtiv icotntlv pardoned liom n
life sentence at Slapr SIpr.
The local mips will ivlebrate thei"
! tee nth annivei.-.ii. on Tiiesdnv and
Wednesday, Apill i. and 17. The ex
ei?Iscs of the tit.-a la wMl he held at
the hairacK.v on Price stitet, and the
'eoond day at th? Second TMisbylor
Inn (hutch. Amomr the vi-itoi.s will In
Lieutenant Ooieiis, Major and Mi v.
(Jalley mid Staff Captain Noble. Siv-I'-cn
othei Held olhceis will also lv
Outing tho aiini.'ci.s.iiy "Hicises an
i tfort Mil! lie made to lal'e the Mnall
ueht which stamL aqninM ilk- aimy
pioperly un Pi ice sheet.
Puneial of Moicau Watiims.
The luncial of Jloigan Watklns. the
oung man whose tem.iins were
b. ought heie fiom Coloiado, occurred
1 and COLDS
Lovely Ribbon
at Little Prices
for Saturday Buyers
Ribbons were never more in demand
than they are now, and they never were
as pretty as they are now. Artistic fancy
has had full swing among, the manufac
turers this year, and the perfection of
loveliness has been attained in a hundred
different wavs.
Now Look at
Fancy Stripe
Embroidered Ribbons
AH silk; four inches wide, no end to the
assortment, Cheap at 25 cents a yard. Satui-day
Satin Stripe
Taffeta Ribbons
All silk Tal'feta Ribbons,' with rich satin stripes. All
the new shades, because this is one ot the
'nTost fashionable things of the season, A half jCC
dollar Ribbon for only Jmjr
Satin Royale Ribbons
With handsome gold tinsel stripes, in a dozen different
ways. Four inches wide and the most fetch
ing swell ribbon of the year. Easily worth 60c 2 JSZC
uyard. Saturday only Ou
Tinsel Edge Ribbons
Rich and chaste in effect, for people of quiet tastes.
They are really very beautiful, and being of
tine quality, are exceedingly handsome. Woith J EEC
60c. Saturday OO
Globe Warehouse
ytsleidny afternoon from the home
of the mother of the deceased at L't)
Arltet avenue, Kellevtie. The services'
wcw eondtteled hy ttev. T). 1. lloplslns,
pastor if the Khst Welsh Ilaptlst
Tho pallheators and llowof hem en
Mete: William Morgans, David Mor
smi". William William, Thomas Wil
liam", John Join, Jonathan .tones,
'lln.nias Jones. AVIII Williams and Wil
liam Davles, Inte-ment wiw made In
the Washburn stieet cemetery.
St. David's Episcopal Chmch.
The rhlldtrn ale ieiuusted to hmnl
In their mite chests next Sunday, when
the in bos will ho n winded.
The choir will repeat the faster
minlc at lu-xt Sunday's sei vices.
Tho vestry has been elected as fol
lows: J. O. Hopkins, senior win den
and seeiotnry: Job Wliltehouse, lunlor
warden; D. T. Williams, ttotiiuior;
James Smith. W. E. Mouse. William
Nicholson and 1 A. Colon v.
A icmtlar meetlnK of the eholi will
he held this evening.
V. A. Colony and James Smith have
been appointed ushois tor tho church.
Paid the Claim.
To Whom It May Concetti:
Whereas, somo Ill-disposed pel. son or
persons have caused a false icport to
be eliculated pertaining to the death
claim of Thomas W. Thomas, of Hyde
Path castle. No. 'M, r hcievvlth wish to
state in behalf of Jlvde- Park raslle.
No. IMfi, that I was paid the death claim
In full by the above-named ensile, t
would alto wlh to state that the same
castle donated the Mini of live doll. lis
to me and my lamtly previous to my
liusbLnd's death, for which I letuin my
sincere thanks in Justice to Tlyile P.nk
caxlle, No. 2 Pi.
Mis. Thomas W. Thotnav.
Optician Regalia Arrested.
William Tlegalia, the optician, who
landed on Simon Si haeif optic tc
centlv with telling effect, was aiie.vted
jtustewl.iy at the Instant e ol the har-nevs-m.ikcf
anil att.iigned hetote Al
deiman John lo answer ch.tiges of av
bault and battery antl tin eats.
He waived a lie n lug and tuinlslied
ball in the sum of $"00 for appearance
at court. A counter Milt has been in
stituted bv Itegalia beioie Aldeniraa
D.tvies against St hum.
Piactuied an lnjuied Leg.
While Tinny Pelei.s, of Fiueenth
stieet, was letutulng houiu on l.uetue
stieet last u tiling lie stepped on a
collide stone and fracluiod his leg,
whk h .had only lecently been vpiainetl.
Dr. J. J. Kobeits happened to be
tlrlving by and assisted Peteis to the
West Side hospital, where he Is now
being caitd tor.
Fied Struening, of Chtstnut street.
is building a tine new double house
on Bromley avenue, We.t P.nk. with
all the latest impiovements.
.Mrs. W. V. Curry, of Elmhurst. is
visiting at the home ot Mr. and Jlr.s.
Fied Slruetilng, on Chestnut stteet.
A petition is being circulated looking
These Values.
to the pavltu? of South Main avenue
between Ox fowl and Eynon streets.
Mrs. Jemima Jones Gordon, of South
Hjde Park avenue, has leturtied ftoin
a vHt tilth her husband, John J, Ooi
doti, In New York oily. She will shott
ly move lo the metropolis to reside.
I'ainp ITS, Puti lotto Order Sons pc
Ametlcii, Initialed seveial eaudldales
at Its meeting1 In lted Men's ball, last
evening, anil wows nftetwards entoi
talned by the Colonial club with a
varied programme of vocal and Instill
ineiitnt selections.
The children of St. Paltlck's m plum
age attended Hauei's band concert at
the Lyceum yestewlay iiftcinoon and
en toyed the excellent pi ogi amine pio
vltled. St. Leo's battalion held an adjourned
session In Its looms, lust evening, nt
which several inottois pcitalnlng to or
gans'iitlou woik was acted ttpnn.
The membeiH of St. John's German
t'nthollo (liurcli, Soittli Jlaln avenue,
has placed an order for a now pipe
Tlie woman's class of the Simpson
.Methodist Episcopal church will moot
this afternoon.
The meinbeis of T'llde of Elect! lo
City temple. No. SL Ladles of the
Golden Eagle, held a business meeting
and social session In Young Men's In
stitute hall last evening.
Miss Edna and Tudor Williams, or
South Main avenue, have returned
home fiom a visit In Wilkes-Parte.
The Sons of Temperance Glee club
held n lchearsal hi Morgan's hall last
The Women's Home Missionary soci
ety ot tho Simpson Methodist Episcopal
chin eh will hold a book leeeptlon and
social In the chinch on Thuisday even
ing. April IS.
The funeial of S. t Mears will tal(
place fiom his Into residence S.ituiday
afternoon .a :! o'clock,
runeial of Tiedeiick Halfpenny
Took Place Yesteulay Afternoon.
Addi ess of Mis. Biadley.
The up tlie late Klitleiltk
llalfponnj, who tlkd from iniuries u
euived .1 Mioi t time ao in the
eo.tst mine, took plate jestonlay after
noon Horn his int.' home on Florence
htiet t. rieivlofs -were, t (inducted at the
lioni" and also at the I'llniitlve Metho
dist tluiuh, nit Hast M.itket street.
Ke. Let's, or the l'liniltivt- Methodist
1 Inn cli, olllelntetl, assisted hy Tie v.
Foster, ot the PieMiytuiIan mission.
The tuneial was lately attended by
relatives .mil fi lends ot the deceased.
Theie weto a laiKo number of hcautl
tul dotal pietts and ntuncinus boii
iuet. The italNlit:ti 1 1 i,iii' A .1 tii-kita.
fellow. T. Shaiplts, J. William-, itob
eit I.lttlejtihn and Robert Mionsnn.
Colonel T. 1J. Lewis, No. 101.".,
.If. O. f. A. M and Local Xt. 1004,
rniteil Mine Xo Uer-. and the Throop
AeeliUnial lund at tended the funeral
In a bod. . Intel ineiit as made In
Dimiiniie ceinetety.
Successful Social.
The .Memorial iiaptist ehtiuh held a
ery sueiesstul .social AVcdne.sdav
eonini? in tlie ihurtli p.ulois-, n latge
number being piesent.
Ticket Xo. "'it! was tin- Imky one
which won the embioltleied quilt. Jo-s-eph
.Ion 's bolilliiK' It.
0er lu"..r..'i was le.UUed Horn the
riullt, wliitli Is ombrolilereil with jellow
silk placed in hitch way as to lorm
many beautiful designs of the b.ilile
.ship Maine ami other plenties.
Mis. Bradley's Addiess.
Mi.-. Mary Seott Biuclley. one of
Amenta's well knuwn lnKslonai ies,
jut returned Horn India and other for
eign countries, j,ac n very mlenstinpr
talli at the Methodiht Ilpiseoptl chinch
l.i-t eeninsr.
Her . subject w.i.. ' I'll, cm That V.e
c.inie a Ither." A Utgj number iete
lne&eui and weie deeply Intel ested in
the atldie.s fiom beKiniiim, to end.
Mis-. Biadley is .said to be tine of the
must eloquent leutitets upon the htase. She piocd lieclt
hllfli lat eenlufr.
II. r tle.-cilptlou of ibe life of a mis
ionaiy in India among: tlie unchili.ed
natives of that countiy vvas-t most Ivlrl
,ind poweitul. No iidini'islou was
cnarROtl at lht door, bat n sliei- nim
iner with taken up.
Cake Walk at Auditonum.
Tlie cake walk Kiveu evenlnpr by
the Quaker City ciiai telle was. a eiy
up-to-date aflair. A laiue trow'd
Un tinned the laige Aittlltoiiuiu to wit
ness the siand walk, in whleh Mr. and
Mts-. Cal WiiKiiei, nf llinKlmintnn, par
ticipated. Mr. Wanner is tlie well
know a and ianutii.s cake walker who
.aptuiccl HiM mizf nt the cake walk
contest at Matll-ou Stiiaie Oaiden last
Othei.s wbo pai tlelpateil weie Mr.
anil Mis. Iluiiv Williams-, also ptisie
walkeib. Tlie wall; .stalled at 10 o'clock-,
led by Mr. William anil Iftt. The
indues snue tlie llij-t vhl.o to that
couple. Tlie M-ioiul nlM' wan eap
iin.d hy I'tnf. Taylor and Loiettu
r'.iitei, of this dly. The Judges were
Dr. Jl. S. Saiiatlei.s, .loiil.s V. MoiiIr,
Itany nation, Cuil lialpli and lMwnid
The tllililieil of Hie Uol UuMiiy
atitdninv i?ae a lntiHical ueltal yes.
teiday uftei nocm in St Jlaiy's hali on
Wcs,t Market htieet,
Thlh eieiiiin,' the lo-;ille woiUei.s w 111
Khe an ciueiiainnu'iit in the Audi
lurltiin for the beuellt of llielr union.
Tlioio will lie a MK'ilal -civlee tills
evening in tlio I'rovltleuio Pletdiytetlan
iliuiili, piep.uuloiy to the snciauients'
of the l.nrdV Kupper uinl baptism of
next Sabbatli. Ui. fiulld will kIvo a,
dlscussltiii on Hie t-ubject, "The r,perl
eme of Hie ll-clples on the Sea, and
fit. LeKsoiih."
"' lit aaine ot uak(.t ball w ts
I k.yetl lest nlelit at bl. .lolmV ball
bi.iMiu dm Ucioudei.s aptl Pioie.sor
Tlmie'h team in (hf sjiie.s ot tiie
ir.utthfs oi a Vm pi lie, wts a i'ery
iiHeuiliiif? oiui fiom the tait to tluihli.
Tin playei-h weie lmd up ah follows;
Defeiukri -I'tinneiB, Snyilur, Kinft,
ecnteit: 1 icndoisast.Moii u(y, suardn
unit Jloland and MeliUyiv, forwaids.
TIriicV TiKUe. Tliomtit, Irh, teuteis;
liftriik, Bliliaidotii, guards IJenJa
niln and Katiluoul, lorv.urds. The
htoro was DciemleiJ. S, Tlmto's. 2,
ii ui'll ai ike lumJiomcot, ami ctlitri
tti iioIUU in roll on jny druUt .mil nt
trie a trial batllu of Ktun.'rt llalvini fur t he
'ilnuat jinl Luiiut, n rrmcil) Hut b KUjuiitrctl
to turc ami icIUvo jll I Inunlu jinl Aitltc Cuu,lu,
Akthim. llronUillij jncl l.uiijuniUI'ji). 1'iUc 'iW,
and Wu
Not a Patent, Cure-all, Nor a. Mod
ern Mhncle, but Simply a Rational
Cure for Dyspepsia. -
In tlieKc days of litinibtigKoiy aiul
deception, tho manufacturers of patent
medicines, as a rule, scorn to think
their medicines will not bell unless they
elulm that It will ctlie every iIIhciihu
tinder the sun. And they never think
of leaving' out dyspepsia ant! stomach
troubles. They aie sure to claim that
their nostrum Is absolutely certain to
elite every dyspeptic and he need look
no fitrllicr.
Tn the face of these absurd claims It
Is refieshltiK to note that the propile
tois of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have
eai efully refrained fiom malting any
undue claim or falbo representations
lejfardliiff tho merits of this most ex
cellent remedy for dyspopsla and stom
ach troubles. They make but one
claim for It, that for Indigestion and
various .stomach troubles Stuart's Dy
spepsia Tablets is a radical euro. They
K no farther than this and any man
or woman HtirferlnR fiom Indigestion,
chronic or netvous dyspepsia, who will
give tho remedy n trial wilt llnd that
nothing Is claimed for It that the facts
will not fully sustain.
It Is ft model n discovery, composed
of harmless vegetable Ingredients ac
ceptable to tho wcaknest or most deli
cate stomach. Ita great success In cur
ing stomach troubles Is due to the fact
that the medical properties are such
that It will digest whatever whole
some food Is taken Into the stomach,
no matter whether the stomach Is In
good working order or not. It rests
the over-worked organ and replenishes
the body, the blood, the neives, creat
ing a healthy appetite, gives refresh
ing slpop and tlie blessings which al
ways accompany a good digestion and
proper assimilation of food.
In using Stuait's Dyspepsia Tablets
no dieting Is roqtilied. Simply eat
plenty of wholesome food and take
these Tablets at each meal, thus as
sisting and resting the stomach, which
tapidly t .-gains its proper digestive
power, when the Tablets will be no
longer tequhed.
Nervous Dyspepsia Is simply a con
dition in which some portion or pot
tlone. of the nervous system are not
piopeily nourished. Good digestion In
vigorates the nervous system and eveij.
oigan in the body.
Stuatt's Dyspepsia Tablets aie sold
by all diuggls-ts at r0 cents per pick
age. They are inanufactuied by the F. A.
Stuai t Co . of Marshall. Mich.
Any dtuggist will t '11 vou It gles
univen-nl satlstattion.
i'lic bfifkets weio nuiUe by Connets 1,
Snyder - and Boland I. for the De
li lulu s, f nd for Tigut's t'.im, Uatch
foid 1. The Dofondet.s will play the
St. Jum ph'n learn of Minooka next., Aptil IS, at St. John's hall
lor the championship of Lackawanna
ii'unty. Alter last night's game a so
cial was held. Pi of. T. J. Kennle Cur-nis-hod
the music.
The Catholits llebef and Uenefielnl
association will meet at Pharmacy hall
this evening.
iieneral Giant uommandeiy, Is'o. 230,
Knights of Malta, will meet in legular
teflon tlil5 evening at Ilartman's hall.
A ilatih of sixty boy and forty-nine
giii.s will icceive tlie fir-t liolv com
munion nt St. Mary's iteiman Catholic
church Sunday morning at tho 10
rilccl- m isfe at the hands ol IJev.
Peter t hilrt.
Chaiged with Maintaining: a Nickel-in-the-Slot
tlaiiy Oblmger has again been ar
tfcled loi maintaiiiing gambling de
vitfs. He it, charged with being the
ownei ot a nickel m-the-olot machine,
which Agent Itobrt Wilson contiscated
ii'ienlly at a Lackawanna avenue
mi loon Aldei man Fuller held him in
i:.'ic bail for court.
When r nested for a similar oliense
last summer, Obllnger pit ad guilty and
et raped with a line.
lld.s -vtMOS ,s II.U.I U. II..H -itinoii s
llati ilit (I it 7 u't.lui.k 1 -t iiIkIiI it UN huiuo
in Muni 1-liinp:. Up as a uiiuit ot Niqut"
li inn i itiurit ni ilic o)-ninp ot tlie W'lr of tin
ItotHlllnii, wild! lie rnlctdl ID ft.inpiiix I', Ouu
IHimlml .mil 1 V.rt -Iti .l Pum.-ih uii.i Vt.liiiitt. ii..
Ilo a inii-lciril in i-. a .-n't nit n,', J"i, lk(.2;
I'lOliliik'.l to f ii -t lioutin nit, .luh u', l-l.l, .iml
utt i iitW.n.i tiiiii us. 10. lk(.l. I" Viril II,
lti3, llo ii liui-.ttii.l but Mi . IsVi, Jlltr
liivtiis mtm.1 til-, totiiili.v U10-.L honor ilil.v. llc
wis then oiltirtl tin- iHi-itlon ,H atiit fm the
l) I.ncKiw.uiin ami W'tnliiii loinpnn,
whiill hi' .1t'tC.t(il all' 1 htlil until .lull', I'HH), at
width time lie kIkiicI un au. uni m ill lu illli,
lie alwiis to..!, an lrtbe ii)Uie-.l III Hie wilfne
of llic tiiivn, a-, will ) In piilltlii.. lie wa?
ill til. I hy I lie m 01 W.i)ni. iounl lw
the I't'Ui' i,f itprtitnutbo fui two Unus an.l
tins f illt 1 1 the ullne of county ti.tniiiilli'iiiiiii lur
lutten ,mji . Hi' "ill lie liilnl 1, a 1 iit ill
ilu ot niin.N. Imuial imtlcc lit.;.
Mil-. WlllOW llMllll.1l-.-VI o'll.itk
.utinll inoiiilut Mi. .litlun, llnatl. of "-M
rluity htn'i, 1k 0. aflu a llu,'tiiif. illnt-t,
Dmin'.l wis "j yr-. i.f ni;t' u'ih to llil,
illv .iljeii'. lLiilj.eii;ht jt ir .inc.
she I suilvtil lii i hush aid in I "K (hihlitn,
Il.ti iic Vliiv, 1,11., smli, M ifcub". .lulin ami
Tatilil. 'Hit liuitiil iiiiini,itciilflil will Ik hi hIi'
I in r
Mir -i llltlltlil, Wile n llif Uti' ll'lluillv
Sthimilti, ilinl at tin In mi el lu i iluihtii.
Mi Iiiii DiiliimuMi, (!7 Itlii.i' rtritt, t I-ik.-.I...
it II.Jn it, in I im, Ml .linn mid mi n;
will h. ni.-.L l.itu
Oilc.ll riin', .ill , Hi ii'l Mi- ." hi
I,' l tine, ri 217 Willi un kIriI, illc.1 V. U U
allt U.OOII .Hid i Uriel Hint. The Itun-ul t.iil
t.i't iare SiIuiiIjv at i o'clock luni tll3'n,
Vr. iml Mrk. I'llne li.uo Ihe siiiieitt suiii.'.i
in il enliie t ii miuilty in Huh Mil litipiv ii'nt
Hit li ratal if Hsu kti LIi ty Mr.ns mil til..
.l.iM at b oMocl toi.Kltow ultcinoou, Ai
ilcco will be lumhicicd at the uuill.i itriikme
mi r-outli Jlihi afU.e hy t. ,1, II MCtl J).
1 , ct the Slinisou JlotliotlUt KplxDpal cliuirh,
nl IM. John . Modal, II I , ot the
hum Mrect ruah.itfrisn (liiiuli Intciincnt will
bi audi In (hi! lamllv plot lu Kiest Hill
stlliCtl i.
seitkii old tin Kiiulas ot I lie lenl in
luiic! will hi. I'd. I thiii i.uninf; Jt the Iioiih, '.'.'i
l hcliiut jliect, .mil will he coinluclctl y llev.
Ii, I'. Jones. .asloi oi the TaK'nutlo Coniiv
BJtlnrl ilniith tlr Kinillis will lw taken lo
Villus Itrouk tomoiii.w iiioinini. on tie S o'clicl,
'Hie tuncul ot the lite 1llu rwiir. will t iVe
l.ltte at '.'.' ti'dnil. itiintuioM .iltiiuoon. Su
iiis will mo lit Id at the homo m the iIiiikIiIli
il the iktcanJ, ii. Olud .! iiklu-r. .(.'ii Ntrtl.
)l il.n'1 couit. liittiiiunt till) he fiu'le in d,t
.,hl,un rtutt timotu.i
Pennsylvania Pensions.
Hy I.Mlwhr Hlie Horn 'I lie Vssotlactl l'u.
VVarlilnclon, ..ll II pension of $12 i
lllnnlll las lC(U T.I!llnl riirlMbii KoMti, li it
ton. luime luiint), on.l une of J mouth lu.i
lurii KiMiUctl Levi S, Hells, ,ilciu?ie, LuiLavwma
The Woman's Missionary society of
the Uieon ltldgo Baptist chinch will
meet this Afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. The
meeting will bo nddtessed by Mrs. AV.
W. Grant, who Is u very Interesting
speaker, and It Is hoped that many will
nvat! themselves of lliht oppoi Utility to
hear. her. Mr.. John Williams, whose
splundld sopiano voice Is alwa list
ened to with plcastitr, will sing.
11. V. Klllam and family have moved
to their fat in, In Vlke county, for the
summer, and Mr. and Mis. Aithur
Monies have taken possession of their
Cnpuusc avenue home.
Ornn Out, of Cireett TUtlgo stteet,
and Mis-? Florence tlower, of .teffeison
avenue. Have l etui tied to their studies
nt Wyoming semlnniy.
The Amity Lltotniy and Debuting
s-ocloty held Its tegular nieellng at tlie
homo of I.eland Maish, on Columbia
avenue, last evening. The following
ptogrammo was tendered: Debate
"Resolved, That Illsmatck was a
greater statesman than Gladstone."
Tho atrirniatlvo side won. Its members
weto Charles Tobey, Utissoll Ilowcr and
Wan en Van Ttlarcoin.
Charles B. Tobey has returned from
a trip to Foiest City.
Mis. l'urstll. of Grand view avenue,
spent yesterday in Catbondale.
Attorney C. S. Woodruff and family
attended tho golden wedding nnnlvei
sary of Dr. and Mis. Whcaton. ot
Wllltes-Barre, Wednesday evening.
Mr. A. OS. Thomason, oC Not th Park,
Is in Alliens on business.
The members of the Amity Llteinry
society will iouinnj- to TIald Mount
Satuiday All otheis wishing to go
please meet at the corner ot Papouse
and Sunset avenues nt a. m.
Flore Xlsk Killed by Fall of Roof
nt the Nay Aup Colliery Other
News Notes.
1'luio Llhk, a mlnei at the Xay Au?r
eolllety. w.ii instaiitlv killed nbcuit 1
o'clock yesterday by a fall of ioof.
Cot oner Kobortb was notified of the
ease and instructed Undertaker Tetch
w oith to take chnigc of the teiiiains
task in suivlved by a wife and three
ehildten. The fuiioial nutlre will ap
pear later.
Want a Station.
A petition is beim," laisel.v siyned lu
town, leciucsting the, Latka
wanna and Western liailioad company
to eicct a fielRht unci p.ittiiKer stn
tlon in the boiouKh.
Tt haw btea under consldi l.ititn. sev times ineviouslj, but lur some
leason the deuot has never material
ized. IL is Mfe to say that this is lln
only town of 13.0U0 pupulxtlnn on tlie
line ot the toad at which no ti.ilns
top. It has been sURffC-sted that a con
venlent location could be lound at the
?oot of Smitli stieet, wheie the pcmi
pany already has available land foi
that purpose.
The alaini of lire about noon , ester
day was paused by ;i blight blaze In
tho hand.s'ome new les-idemc of James
Okell, on Montoe avenue. Some hot
ashes had been dumped in the cellar
and ignited some refuse, which, befoie
it was discovered, filled the house with
a denae smoke and binned thiough the
floor. The Neptune Hose company was
promptly on tho s-cene, but fortunately
the hand btigado hud made It unneces
sary to put a stream on. The loss,
which is trifling, is fully coveted by
Miss FVtnnlp Jlillnle spput vostciday
with triends in Uonestlale.
It. M. Law has returned home, after
spending the past two months In J'ttio
pean travel.
By Geneial Consent It Is Respective
of Home Rule.
sn luliu I., ltjinliint in ihe t'orniii
At tin- head of tlie executive power
ol tho Dominion of Canada is the hinc;
ui Jihigliiml, Ktiide.I and advl.sed by his
pi ivy Ltntncil, whoso history is coexist
nit with that of the iok.i1 authotltv
ilself. Thiough this pi ivy count il, of
which tlie cabinet in only .i committee,
the sovcieifju c.xeuises that contiol
over ('.itiaila and every other colonial
clepr ndeiicy which Is necet.-.try for the,
pieset vation of tlm unity ol the eiu
plie anil the tibseivanie of the obliK.i
tions tliat lest uiiiiii it as a whole.
Uveiy act nl the iiaillauient of ('aimtln.
is siibjuL 1n the levlew of the hint. In
rnunell, ami inay be i an led tium the
f'anadlan tuiuis, under c ci tain lesal
limitations, lo the Judicial LoinniUlce
of the pilvy LoniRil, one of tlie c om
inlltees vvhitli still r'iie-,ent the Jit
tilt inl poweia nf the .un lent pi ivy louu
( 11 of KiiKland.
The pjilliimi lit of il i eat Mtilain i
suveiekn body limited by none of the
eoilitltilllonal til' le'iil checks which ie
sliltt the legislative power of the
Vnitetl Suites contjiess t an still, and
does initially, legislate, iioni time to
time, lor Panada and the other coin,
nles oi the emplie. lioin a puiely
lesal standpoint, the lcKlMattvo uulliiH'
ily ot this great unsumhly haa no llm
itatittii; and if might be eauled so lar
as not UH'ioly to leiitralii any of tho
legal powerrt nf the Dominion as set
torth in the iiililsh Noith Ameilta ait
nl 1Si7, lint i)v-n to lepial Ihe rtuvls
ioiih ot iiupetlal stalule, In whole
or In pint.
Hut while. the soveieign of Cheat
Hi '.lain, acting with tho advice oi tho
pi Ivy couiuil and of the gieat legisla
tive i mini II of the leaini, is legally
tho pai amount iinthoilly In f'anaila,
a.s in all other pottlona of the emplie,
Ills' pre.iog,ttiv"s .no piactkally le
stialneil within lenaiu well utidei stood
limits', sn far as concerns those conn
tiles to which h.iv been t cteudeil leg
Ishitlvo liibtltntlniiti and a veiy lib
el al system of lomi selt'ijov eminent.
It is now a lecogniied ina.Nim of pir
ll.imentary law that It is unconstitu
tional lor the impel lal pailiument to
c;lri.ito tor i be domestic affalta of a
colony which has a lelslatuie nt its
own. In uny review of the leslsiatlvo
ails ot the Dominion, the government
ot llngland has for many yeais past
fully iccognUed those piluclples of ei ninent which fonn the batls
of the political freedom of t'anada. Xu
act ot tlie pailiament of tlio Dominion
can now bo disallowed unk.-.s it is In
dh eel ttmillot with Impilal li cities to
which the pledge ot ljii',-laiul lias been
solemnly givui, nt with a statute ol
the Iiupetlal leglshiltlia which applies
dlieetly to tho dependency.
Tho gtiieial iitlu s thai no act of
the impel ial paill'imeut binds the i ni
nnies, unless un Intention so to bind
tlicm appeals either by exptess wotds
or nectvsaiy linplltatloii, Tim Imper
ial patlinmcul may legislate In mat
tots immediately alfvcting Canaila; but
it is ttndetstood that it does so, as n
liile, only lu icipoii'so to uddiesses of
Are You
strength and
her people thiough their own pailia
ment, in ouler to give validity to the
acts of the latter In cases wheie the
lliiti-di North American act of IM7
Is silent, or lias to be supplemented
by additional impeilal legislation.
itetween tlie paient rt.ite antl iti
('anadiaii dependeiiey lime is even
now a loose svstein of lcdeiatinn un
der which eacb author
ity exeiclses ceitaili atlailnlsliative
and legislative functions within Its
own limits, while Ihe
c'lHial niiihoilt contiols all the incm
b.'is of ihe fedoiatlon so us to give that
me.tsiue of tinitv and sticagtli, wl.h
out which the empire could not keep
Representatives of Pnn-Ameiican
Exposition Making1 a Collec
tion in the Islands.
l'rom die llanilJ, I'. I, 1 lints.
"Ponj" Moore, the well-Miovvii
lieul manager and newspaper man, has
arrived in Manila liom the states un
the Yuensang, accompanied by V. S.
Longnecker, of Buffalo, X. Y., for the
puipose of organizing the big- Filipino
exhibit tor tlie Pan-Aincilcan exposi
tion, Iiuffnlo, which opens May 1st
of this yeat.
it is Moote's intention to sccine lt)0
people heie. women and children. This
numbei will include types ol as many
of the ntimeious tiibes of tin island
as it is pcsslble to get together, with
eveiything in the way ot chess, im
plements of war, pc.iic and the tiatles,
vocations, etc., eharactei Izc them.
Tiips will be made into the t.n in
terim, where timilitions will permit,
by Messis. Moote and I.orgneclcer. The
Mol'iimedans of the i-dund of Pulu will
be no unimpoitant paif of the aggie
gation. As complete a collection as
possible will be made of the woods,
llnra, Insect, leptile, aniin il ami bltil
life ot the Island-.
The .school .sjsicin of the Vlliplnos
will itl-o be demor.stiateu. The Uncle,
(.cations antl protesslons of the na
tlvis will 1 e rhoivu bv natives at worl;,
innteilal in cpiautitios for till'' puipose
being a. nig pal I of the eollet tion. Th
ttilUitlon Is not iitleii it'll as .1 puiely
cinuseinunt featuie nf the exposition.
It is to le mainly luiiiistiliil. Hope
inaUltif,. toi which the Philippines ate
noted, will be one ol ihe big te.utiie-.
This exhibit Is to he the ino'U impoi l
ruiL one at the r-oltlon, and will be
made under tlie supei vision
ol Dhcttor leneal lint h.iiian, ot the
The so.ite u'seiv Hi tin the i hlblt
iineis Ititii aeie--. If v. Ml be laid out
as a Filipino village wllh a Pioad
street down the tenter Minn the liont
entiuiRe. The bl.iltllligs lining both
Miles of this stieet, will be rallve con
st! notion nl" bambtiii mid ulpa,
tllles of whlfh uiuieilal will be tnKeii
ii tlie states with the exhibit. A
lliealer will he a feitiue. lu it typical
Filipino nets will be given, A Filipino
slilngetl iitliestr.i will lurnlsli the
music, and both a biass baud und a
eaiuboo band will luinl.ili liiu-h tor
the niit.dile. rillplno ciulos will oi
eupy a huge imi'iini bitllillng. Tho
IlldUI-tli'S ol the ptnple Will be it
hlbiteil hi the i null I bulltllngs built
tor the pin i le-" Wnlei biufnloc-, the
small nillve poults, tlie game mi Us
iml other tow Is and aiilllials will he
allowed to ii.n about tho plat". A till"
line of native vi liile- and boats will
be fliown aim. Mr, Morao e.petis to
leave lur home about Apiil nth. Tht
sanction of the goverumelU has be -n
giitnted for Ihe eolleulou and lemuval
ol he uNlilhlt fioil the isunds.
Iot Pjopeily Appi eclated by the
Mnkeis of Our Xavvs.
,Usjii.Ii.i H lrl. "i 'l"-v liuiii
While the last iciuuiy la-lniicied to
the steam engine, the pieeni setmi
destined to btlllR tho -teamboat as a
means qt iianspoiluilon to an equality
with the i.iihoad ouiii.
Incomplete Koveuimeiit icpoitr- placo
the annual tiallli ol the tpeis of
Alllt'llea ill sonietllllif ovel HO.OOil.nOD
tons, li Is, howevci, certainly mine
than Hi. ii limine. The total Height
tiaflie of the i ii oat Lakes aniouius to
l'J-i.OOo.OOO tons: but as all of this have
one hike port to elitel another, the
tlKlllCri aie divided b two, giving tho
ttatlle on the lakes UJ.ono.Oflo tons. Tho
liver tiallle, however, goes hugely to.
ami tonus fiom. the haibois of the sea
i oast, so thai the same mle cannot be
applied. Ptoli.iblj 100,000.000 tons woiilti
be a talr estimate ot the toimaue uf
our ilvcis. exclusive ol the coast hut -bors
nnd Inland wateiways wJiich um
I KBHSMroillifiltvPiB
Womry mnd Run uownr
Nr&rW everyone U nowndars. And It In perfectlt
natural that you nhoultl bej for wlntnr, while appar
ently bracltiB, In all the time impptnn your utrenKth.
H InaveB pvoryon In aprlng in u fiiKgcnl out condition.
YAWN1NQ, physically anS mentally, bent dcaerlbe
It. Thin In especially true It you have had the OBH
or other Illness so eommon to the winter months, Tu
carry you through tho spring period of rlinnceibln
tifr.nlrir in r7hri vntl mn nmtll mlhr'1
lay up energy for next vvlntur, you need
Tho standard of purity and eircillenen
for nearly hulf a century. Wo recclvo
thoiiiH mis of written endorsements frpm
gruleful patients who huvo been helped bj
Hem Is Just one of tbou.tantlfi, -wrtlton
I'"cbruury 26, looi:
Gontlfment-lUfTordimoareat plearare M th4
prettul Um to report to jou Ihe great txneflttl im
dorlvlrtr from your Pure, Malt VS hbkey. 1 m Id
yeanold and enjoytlie licit of htalth. Abouttcn
jean ago I found my itrmgtU was faillac me,
a,nd the thonfht flaiiiwd eerciM myolnd: "Am
1 now to be an liiTnlld tlio rotto(Birll(7" M
good common Minse told mo Uiatnnatlnecdetl
wbi a tonic and tUmulant : tomethlng to Veep ui
mystroriKlb and ward offdlieaw. I was reconl'
mended to try Duffy Malt Wbltkey. After twn
or UireCwceki I noticed change coming oTtrme.
Nature teemed la be taking on new forces and Ufn
and strength were returning one more. My tired,
worn-out nervous system Improved, my brain lie.
camn clear. I had dellRntful sleep, and would
awake refreshed, feeling that life as not t, bur.
den, My appetllelsexcellenkeyenightlair, hsar
to your rurc Malt Whiskey. I am satisfied it 11
prolonging my life; nota life of misery, but on
of contentment and happinett. I shall oontin'J
to Ut,e it, wllh the hope that I will yet poas tli
century mark. Grateful lyyours,
EZHA GOULD, Park Douse, Newark, N.J.,,
Tonic and
DUFFY'S contains not a drop of "Tzxtfk
Oil." the most dangorouti Ingredient
which Is found la other whiskies. Ovr
7.000 doctors prescribe und endorse it a,
the only absolutely pure alcoholic atlmu.,
lata. Prominent hospitals use tt exolu
slrely when a stimulant and tonic are re
sold by all druggists nnd Rrocers, or dl
reot, ft a. hottl. Government medicine.
Htamp marks the genuine: beware of 1ml-;
tatlons. tbev are Injurious There la none,
"Juai iih irnod as" Duffy's: it has no equsl,
Duffy Molt WWsKcy Co., Socbcatcc K. Y.'
Managers and Lcsacci. Local llanajcr.
All 'I his W'ct.1., Ilie l'cirl( l'aionte, Little
Irene Meyers
sippoiteil lit,- lin (Win scleit cominny in upp
tola i'lfscntln
'llnustliy Ktciilncr "Hie Tomer Ororerj'."
I uiln l.veniiij "Under 'lwo Fits'."
suiinlit i:tiun.' "Un' VMntc Hit."
Ml mm Muk Mitinte Only.
In Ticptrtoire.
Mitirrt pucis- Id nml 'JO rentt
Licnln pmis-W, -'I anil 1-0 eents
AM', li. HKKIlINOrO.V, .Manascr.
Tluee Bays Commencing Thursday,
April 11.
Matinees Daily.
Merchant Tailor.
319 Lackawanna Avenue.
' .
Clock's Best 1
Union Hade if
A Good Smoke or Chew.
A Tiial Solicited.
Satisfaction Gttaiantced. j
The Clock Tobacco Co,, S
6'M-'l(i-18 Wyomlns Ave.
Scinnton, Pa.
aims of the oiean. The aveiaire dls
laiiii' ti. t veiled by Height on the lakes
is Sll inile-i, on the rivcis piobabl.v
mil veiv uiiieh inoio than ITiO; .so that
the mile tuniiiiRo hot no on tho ilveia Is
imdiablv one-fnurih that of the (irent The mile loiinatfe of the Orient
l.altcs amouutr. to loity per cent ot
Hit total niilo toiuuiKc tarried on tho
i.illways; that of the rlverM tootH un
auothei' ten per cent; so that on tho
inland waterways of .moilc.i, exclu
sive of hailior.", bays, and salt-water
soiiuiN, is homo fully llfty per eont.
ot our Inland conuueiee,
,s't fai tho government lias hoeii as
lavislt in H.s donation lo lc
has been In Its appropriations tor tlm
hupiovemeut of our ilvets, with lha
ilitfeieiuo that it onus the watet ways
antl dou.s not po-sess a single line of
lonneeiiiir,' i.illway. Almost eveiy nnvl
Biiblo rivet In Anieiiea is paralleled by
l.illwny lines; yet, oiii" ilvets do not
only holtl tlieh ouu, but tor the last,
decade their tiallle has shown a
mat Iced nereae The tallioads of
Long' Island and southern New Hns:
l.uicl, fiom Hulitliitf steamboat competi
tion have taken to the water; and they
Hud t to their interest to Incie.ise tho
fleet of Sound McMmett), both lu num
ber anil inaKiiillceiu.0,
Tlie Hudson ilvor laimot he ap
pioaihed on either banU, fiom New
YoiK to Tioy, wlthoui c'loshlnir one or
uitae i.tllioad tiaiKs; jet the traffic on
the wateis of this ilver exceods thac
of the entile sysleip of the Mississippi
vallev. '1 ho t.illio.itls have built uum
heiless titles, and so has ilver tiallle.
i:.n li lit'iiiflts by competition with Hi'
Postmaster at Black Walnut.
fly FirliiiHe Mire fiimi Tlie l0i.Utc4 l'ie..
.ililnsl.)ii, Vpnl 1 I. W. sirou.l wot m
ilij u.iwliitcl p4tiu4itii at Ulaek Walnut Mjo.
mini evuut;, . , ,. ,
i.vs rfifcj Jju v