. Kramfir&'ypimmimni- wwmiA smi i j i , w,77;w m' i-1; " i v t-- p'- "irVMj.v,Vn,rTvfw t ' " J T " 'i "f ! V ' 1 .. ! - jv i- r- . r THJU 8GH ANTON TlUBlJNE-FRIDAY, APBIL 12, 1901 .- ' 11 .1 tmi Montitr MAnnwAnn sroup. GOOD TOOLS lessen labor and make wh.H is usually hard work cisy. We have a complete line of first-class lawn and garden tools. Wheel barrows, rakes, hoes, shovels, forks, spades, etc. The prices aic reason able. Foote & Shear Co. 1J9N. Washington Ave Ixxxxxxxxxxx; Lewis, Ruddy, ' i'TTr i r I 330 i'M JMI I Lacka. Avenue. 330 rK' ftiuf&iij: . .'v !"! , r.;-.iyi ,5' r Spring Coats .-r lulilirn. In ill the nf shade-, of Mil" and nio.lr. I . I.UJIy I'mrllsli mill Mrv rlioi t in hint- mil icds lnr (lie tw .mil (i.iir-,vr.ii-i.Mi, Mnii- iliv-N-y unc-i iu i.!mo .mil velvet i'.IIms lor tho .ililii- clll ilr. n. '1 l.i Mi.iw 11, il-. o lunch wu.i tMs Mat .mil the lluj.'li'.li f-.illiii- bv clilliliin in .in enilbsj vaility as will as llioso of Molln Mul l'iim-. .New Mine. New I.Uli,-, ,il Th? Baby Bazaar, 510 Spruce Street. Repairing Done Gratis. LACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. " oooooooooocoooooo 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 Social Gossip ooooooooooooooooo Mrs. T. K. Clarke and MKs Clnrltc Kavi' a. beautitul reei-ptlun yesterday at their home on Jefferson avenue, when nutnv membm-f. or the most exi'lu.slvo rlrcles wui'v. entertained In u graceful w.iy. Ditrhm- the afternoon thu engage ment uf Miss rimUe to Jlr. Howard Van C'uinpen, of Mlnno;ipolls, was an nounced. The ikeiirations weie particularly charming. The dinlns room was hprlntr like and di-llRhttuI on this tirst real spring i'ny of the yoat, with white and green. The table botv a centet piece of whit. tulips, the waxi.-n beauty of their petals contrasting pleasingly with the dellciite green with whltlu thty wore surrounded, The trappe was uifi-ctlM- with tlia 'rjhtul punch bowl surrounded with a ': pietty airangemi-nt of fruit, inter mingled with given. Mrs. Clarke nnd her daughter re ceived In the front drawing' loom. Mrs. K." it. Jeimyn and Misses. Flora and Helen Matthews assisted in entertain ing the. guests. Mrs. A. M. Decker and .Mis'. Rlclmrd Matthews were at the table iu thu dining loom. Mlbs Anno Hand and Miss Aide Mat Miewf, served trnppo, The vpddlnu of Mi.s Kn.nm Uiiclioldl.', il.uightcr of I'atiolnmn Oischcldle, to Charles Graff took place yesterday afternoon at St. Mnry's par ish notice, the ceremony being per formed by Rev. IVter flu 1st, pastor of the. chinch. Tito bride, who was beautifully at tired, was attended by Miss T.ottle t-inyder. The groomsman was Albert Kuehn. At the conclusion of the cere mony a wedding huppep was served ut the home of the bride, 1122 Irving ave nue. Mr. and Mrs. Grarf will tede at Stone aventto and Wllllow street. Invitation for the m.inlage of Miss Hilda itale .Snyder, of West T'lttstou, u Mr, Albert Woodhouse Ulandin, of Hopesdale, o(i Tuesday evening, April ;:!, have been received by friends In the residence towns of the brldo and S'room. Til wedding will take place ..t tho home of the bride's uncle and flit, Mr, and Mts. William If. V.'hyto, In this city, Itev. Mr. Hnrrlngton, iif Tilniiy Protestant Kplscopal chureh, n st I'ltUton, olilclatlng. Th- baaaat given under tho auspices of thu Ladies' Aid soeb'ty of the Peer. nyUilan church ut the home of Ales llryden, i-n 'tudl.iy street, Dunnmio, wi. lutgely wieti am nK,t. rr.10 '-vcious looms .-re thronged by nianv ImiieiK of the beautitul who enjoyed - artls-tle dtcoratloits. Flowerlnjr t unts.haridsomt palms and feins made x 0. cldcdly pretty bpckgrottiul for tho nagm!?;;!; young ladU-s .ho were to ItidiTstrl.uisly tryin? to inak the fair a success. Manv of the hawUnino plects 011 sale foun I ready buyer. Mit I I I BMfr-, I .asiKBP?' i i " M; ' M tiBw "W I I I I tPV. l)l('JlJJu4'P"Jm?!,WJlJUIJlfc"JXTW iP still tunny lemnln for tonlght'r. visitors. The camly booth wns liberally patron laeil. as were nil the various depart ments. It will reopen torlny at S o'olcek t.tnl totnnltt open until 10 p. nt. A 1'ndlnit fentuio of lni:t night wm Hie singing- by MIps tttiby Yost, ami a feature- tonight will bo the vIhU of the Green Ulrtrto Wheelmen's nttar tettc. " The members ol the Oioph Ultimo Dancing club will bavo n roclul nt the Green Nidge Wheelmen's clubhouse this evening. PERSONAL, Ales Moldnmi. ol Jlolilnmi, Kelt A. Lo., Ins returned from n business trip to New York. Mt. W. !i. Hpcccc, who has been confined to llio 1imic by Illness tor the pist week is Inv piovlim. ' Mi. mid Mm. I.. W. Pcllavcn have returned fiim I'lorldn, mid me v-Mling Mt. Sejbolt, ot .leftcrMin avenue. Cjptaln M. V. .tolm-.cn vmi cillcd to Ms liome In New Jersey on Huijrtsy by the cloith ot bin inollier, Mrs. Anne Vull Johnson. t)r. ami Mil". II. II. Kiue, ot I'lilt.idclphl.i, tune iftmned home alter tpendlni; K.ilcr ltli Mi. and Jlrn. I. W. Burr, of Monroe ientie. Mm. W. J. Ciomlc, mIiO iceently reltnrned uf. tn i.pcndlng: the winter al her liomc In 'ir. kIuI.i, waf summoned tionie. ogAln Ut week by I lie- serious lllnetb ot dcr eUUi. Among llio tlianjre Incident to tlio. closlni? ol tbe Paiirol home, wo note the removal of !. II. AtiBle, who Is now nt home nt "The Jcffrrion." Mr. Angle bad made his home at the Puurol lioiiw lor the pjst twenty e.ii. P. II. Murray nnd nephew, .1, I). Fleming, luve returned Ironi the Pacific toait, where they spmt the l.il uioiith In nttendliiR to the n-t-tlliiR or the c-Utc of Mr. Murray's father, who died la-it l'chnniy ot Spokane, Vh. Jtcv. )Mcr 0ler. vvln ban been ronHiif.tlne a minion .it the Syrian church on Chestnut uticet during the Iii.vt two wcckn, left lvt nlfht for Wllkfu-UHire, wline be will condurt u mission ut the Sjrlan rhuieh In that city, lie will thin leave (or l'lancc, whero he Is ?Ulloncd. Announeeiiicnt (ard have been leeelved in tin city of the marriage of (icoiifc Maclean Plaek, of hnanton, to lllss Marj' KIlMbeth Heynolds, of L(le. P.i. The reremony wsj perfouneil at 4 p. m. Wednesday al tVc home of the bride's parents. Mr. mid Mrs. lll.iek will be at home at. 321 Jef ferson avenue alter May 1. K. n. W. Searlc. ileik of the new federal cuit, us iu the city jctcrday making ji racnemenlfl (o trr.rifei- his nlficp from suuc hinna to apittmei.ti In the Kovemrnent build inr. At I hi tloac of the first (.e-islon of the now i oin f, wlibli will begin at llarrttbuig on May B, Atloinej Searle' luailqu.irlern will be iu Snantou. LAST NIGHT'S BOWLING. Black Diamonds Defeated in Two Games by Bicycle Club Many Ladies Witness Boiling. Ky cor.tWvitier to win one game from the DIcyclR club bowlers last night the J31ucl Diamonds reduced the leaders' jiurc-ontttgo SO points. The club roller?, however, won two out of the three Karnes by an enthv tot.il of 22S4 to 2224 and thus sent the Diamonds below the AVcst Emlers No. 2 In the percent age tablo. The leutcue ftaridinp Is now as follows: OII. I..I-1. P.O. Fllcyde club .. . n llaikus.lub 7 Wot Paid No. 2 7 Hlick IliimcmU -S Wot Knd Wheelmen ."1 U1U .in; .ill .117 1M U Last night's bowling was unique, in asmuch as it was one of the first league matches ever rolled in this city at which ladies were present. Numerous handsome women watched the balls shoot down the alleys from tho side lines and the clapping of daintily .loved hands that followed every strike and spare proved great incentives ,to the muscular youths handling the big spheres. Captain Wardell had the night's high average, 167 1-3, and Duf field made the highest Individual score, 196, making a speedy finish of three strikes. Shryer led the Black Diamonds with an average of 165, and was also the night's second men. He distinguished himself by culling several bunches of three consecutive strikes. The detailed scores follow: liicvcu: cbi'u. Putfield l.'l 174 lil-Ut Mitclull U-l K'- 107 40t Van Womiei 1.ii t!l t-li iill rttiper hv IJ1 US 4M Waulell 1 17'i 137 ji Totals . Peavei ., (ioimau . WVttling Shr.ver .. K.i . . . . 511S 2il lid 4Jt 116 4.-.J til- loO Hi .ft-, H.0-. too llbACK niAMONP-!. Ill Til If. ltd 1IU isii ITU 171 tin III TutaU Til 7.-') Ti0-i:2l The n-alch was scheduled for tonight but as some of the teem howlers par ticipate in a whist contest, which Mill be held ton!.;ht. It was thought best to have the bowling Inst night. The linekus team will roll iu the Ellt alleys "tonight and the two Wilkes-Rarro lives will bowl each other. Cheap Bates to California. Parties desiring to make trip to Cali fornia, Arizona or New Mexico, either for business or pleasure, can do so now nt almost half price, livery Tuesday, until Apt II aoth, in clusive, tickets marked "Colonist" may be purchased via Southern Hallway for $41.00 from Washington. $46.50 from Philadelphia, and correspondingly low prices from other points. The Southern Railway and Southern I'aclllo company operate through ex cursion sleepers trom Washington, leaving Mondays, Tuasdays and Fri days, tho Tuesday aleeper being avail able for "Colonist" tickets. Tho beith rate in these sleepers Is only $7.00, two people being allowed to occupy one berth if desired. Personal conductors and Pullman porters go through with each sleeper. There are other new, convenient and economical features connected with theso excursions which may bo ascertained from Charles &. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, S2S Chestnut street, Phllqtljlphlu. " Guernsey Hall, 314 Washington ave Scranton, Is the best and most reliable place to pur chase a good Pinno. It will pay you to call and get prices and terms. J. W, Guernsey, Prop. Ask foi Kelly's union crackeia. TODAY'S EVENTS. I'upjRtoiy tritlcei iu the I'lut Frevbytcriiii iliureh this vHlijns at $.13. A full attendiucs U dt'iired. WEA.THEB YESTEBDAY. I.ocjI data for April 11, 1001: lliliot Iciiipeiatuie Luwet teniptrateic ,., , lltlatbc humidity; u. in. ,.... S p- .Iu ,,, ,.,,..,. '.. pirvliiutU'ii; Mrtltor cm. 1, SI d(',TCCi W pr cent, to per cent. EXTRAS MADE NO ATTEMPT BEJEOTED COMMONERS DID NOT ASK TO BE LET IN. Mr. Al worth Suggested Tht the Matter Should Be Taken Up, but He Wna Cut Short by n Motion to Adjourn Chairman Chittenden Denis Graciously with the Demo crats In tho Matter of Committee Chairmanships Mr. Boche's Be slfrnntlon Beccivotl. No formul attempt was mude b the tdvcntcpii rejected commoners to bo admitted fo seats, as was expected there would bo, when llio new com mon council hold He. first business ses sion last night. During the nfternoon they found they coutd not secure 11 majority nnd deserted the plan they hud proposed of trying: to get In with the consent of the present body. 11 Is likely they will now go to cotttV The council did very little business. An ordinance was Introduced by Mr. Coleman levying license loses us fol lows: Venders of vegetables, Ilsh, etc., from wagons, Jlo per annum! venders ft 0111 bnsko' "N per annum: venders from tempo. lands, 3ir per annum; ven dors o nit medicines. $15 per an num. euders shall not locate within one hundred feet of any licensed store, and no pctlpatetlo vender shrill stand In one locality for more than five min utes. No license Is to be issued for less than the yearly rate. This meas ure was Intioduced nt tlw 'request of the Kelall Grocers' association. When the totttlne business had been finished Chairman Calpin asked If there wan anything further to eomc before the meeting. Mr. Alworth re plied that they might take up the mat ter of admitting the extra councilmpu. Mr. Coleman moved to adjourn and the motion prevailed. There were but a few of the "extras" about the coun cil chamber. chairman Calpin did not announce his committees as was expected ho would do. When nsked the reason for the delay he with the usual smile remarked: "Great bodies move slow ly." SELECT COMMITTEES. Chairman Chittenden of select coun cil announced the committees of that body. He did not recognize Mr Roche, as a member, leaving blank the places on committees that are to be given the "gentleman from the Seventh" when that gentleman Is selected. Mr. Roche was present but did not sit with the body. i:ight of the nineteen chairmanships woie given to Democrats, each of the ten members of the opposition, except ing Mr. O'Bcyle and tho member-to-be from the Seventh securing one of these honois. The committees are as fol lows: K-Uiiiuti-i Wasner. Mfrnman. Oliver, V.iush.in. Mien. I'lname O'Malley, W'jgncr, Meniinan. Morgan, Cvi ove. Pile Department Oliver, Finn. Schneider, V&uglian, Shei, Judi-.'iaiy Waaner, Mernman. i:an, Melvin, bight and Watci ('lemon-., Mmg.m. Finn, Melvin, Cfjfrovc. I.iws and Ordinances Melvin, Clemens, Kvam, Oliver, MoAndiew. Licences f,'ogiovr, Scbroodcr, Fvaii", Meni man, Costello. Manufacture llrgan, Finn. , Schnei der, O'llo.vle. Public lluildiiics Schiocder, Vtoss, -clincidv, O'Malley, lteg.ui. Police Morgan, Finn, Wagner, Co-itello, Pavement Schneider, Poc, Mrrriman, Itegau, McAndrcw. PaiLs Mcrrimati, Wagner, Morgan, McAndrew, O'Malley. Printing Vaiighan, Olivet, Schioeder, Clemon-, Cos;rove. Hubs Shea, Clcnion.', Schioeder, O'llnvle, Oliver. Hail'vajs Vvan, Ho.---, Clemens O'Malley, Co tello. Stieets and Bridge Finn, l'vjni, ?hroedcr, Vaughan, Itegan. Scvvrra and Diain? Hoys, Silnceder, Morgan, O'Rojle, Shea. Tae., Codtello, Melvin, Finn, sihnclder, O'llojle. Tie.iMirc-1'1 Accounts Mi Audi e, Vauglun, , Morgan, Oliver. TO DRAL WITH CHASKR. Messrs. Melvin, demons, Evans, Oli ver nnd McAndiew were npponted a special committee to deal with the "chaser," and Messrs. Wagner, Merrl man, Evans and Melvin to pass upon the recorder's communication announc ing the appointment of heads of de partments, which communication was refened because council did not want to go on record as recognizing the ofliee of delinquent lax collector as a sepan nte oil!;--. Tbe rc'sr .ilou of Mr. Roche was le eelved and ,u eepteil, after Mcbsi-s. Mel vin, Olive" and Clemons had expressed regret at his departure from the coun cils and nppi eentlon of his worth as a legislator, Mr. Melvin said: "it Is, with tegiet that 1 see Mr. Roche leaving: the coun cil. Ho Is an able man and has proved himself lit. not only to sit In tho de liberations of a city's council, but bus given every evidence of ability to fill a chair In any legislative body, ho It oven tho Vnlted States senate. The citizens appiovo of Recorder Moil's action in .-electing him for his cabinet, and when .Mr. Rocho has hud opportunity of showing hlrt capabilities, they will huvo cause to say of him. 'Well done, thou geod and faithful servant.' " Mr. Oliver seconded these viuw's In a few appropriate words, and Mr. t 'lem ons paid ti Unite to tho excellent woilc Mr. Roche had done In helping to put tho city In shape for its recent trans ition. "It was Mr, Roche inoro than anyono else," he added, "who per suaded the iccorder to recall his veto of tho reorganization ordinance, and It was ulso Mr, Roche who framed the supplementary reorganization meusmo. There Is no gainsaying: that there is excellent rouncllnianle timber In the Seventh waid, but I doubt If It will bo able to send a man hero who can nil Mr, Roche's place." SPECIAL "ELECTION. Thero wns some discussion as to how to proceed to fill the vacancy, Mr. Clemons otfered 11 resolution direr-ting tho iccorder to proclaim a special elec tion, and it was refeuetl to the judic iary committee and city solicitor to learn whether or not this wus the proper method. Ah regards the clause of tint now nut, providing that no ordinance or tcso lutlon shall bo passed Anally on the samo day It Is introduced, Chairman Chittenden ruled' that this would nut prevent a resolution fiom bclnjr adopt ed forthwith by tho body In which It originated; the other council could not, however, pass It on the Mint- day. New measures were liitio'liiccil an fellows; Wanted. A blight 1ir.1l enptgellc )oung titan ot thorough local ninualnlatico and vull-roundrd newnpaptr experience to take n "trtpomlhh- ponlllmi on 11 Wvll established NotUicnMcin Pciimv.ivanU dilly hewtp'IKT. Address "pioneer," lati Tilbur.o, (dating uge, expel knio nnd par riprcled. Mr. Ross An ordinance for flagstone sldewalkH on Washington avenue, be tween Eleoftio and flrnndvlew uvo hues. A resolution requesting the city Holloltor to furnish councils with a written opinion n lo the power of councils to compel tho Providence and Ablngton Turnpike nnd Plnnlt Rond company lo pavo AVost Market street. Mr. Schneider An ordinance for flag stono sidewalks on the westerly side of Plttston avenue, between Roaring Drook bridge nnd River sttcet. Mr. Chittenden An ordinance pro viding that unenclosed reservations, adjoining public streets, shall be con sidered ast sldewalkH for all police pur poses, so that tho police nmy have un questioned power to pi event loafing thereon. An ordinance amending tho nuisance ordinance by making It 11 nulFtincu to tin on' pieces of electric light carbons on the streets or to spit on any ilngstone. wood, brick, bouid or asphalted sidewalk. INSTITufFfNDS TODAY. Addresses That Were Delivered Yes terday Before the Teachers of the City. The teachers' Institute Is rapidly drawing to a close. 'Yesterday wns the next to the best day, and this morn ing the final session will bo -held. Perhaps the most Interesting lecture delivered yesterday was 'given by Pro fessor T. O. MendenhuH, who gave his views on "The Interior of tho rlnrth." He refuted the generally held theory that tho Interior of the earth is com posed of a molten mass and contended that the earth is a solid compact mass down to its very centre. Ho admitted that tho temperature of the earth In creases the farther down one goes, but claimed that it does not necessarily follow that it must bo liquid. At tho afternoon session the pro fessor spent over an hour In recounting some of his reminiscences of Japan, where between 1S70 and S7, bo was professor of physics in tho Imperial university at Tokio. Miss L. .T. Kglnton continued her talks on the "Rational" system of teaching' reading at the morning ses sion and gave an interesting account in ho nfternoon of the pension idea as applied to the teachers in the pub lic schools ol the borough of Brooklyn in the city of New Yotk. In the morning an able address on "Success and Failure in the Business ot Teaching" was delivered by Pro fessor H. S. rulnam. of Towandn. Many teachers were failures, he said, because of their inability to discipline their pupils. The musical features of yesterday's programme were varied in tlielr nature. They included .sight singing by a class of children ticm No. S" school and choruses by pupils of thu High school. A violin solo was reacTorod in the morning by Mlsj Million Hill, aged 14 years. TERMINAL IS PURCHASED New Trolley Road to Land at Tri angular Plot at the Western End of Roaring Brook Bridge. Tito triangular tract belonging to the Piatt estate, at the westerly end of the Roaring Rtook bridge, has been pur chased by the new rapid transit com pany, and there. In all likelihood, will It have its terminal. One of the plans for the terminal sta tion contemplates a station' platform twenty feet below the level of the street, so as to permit the company's tracks to be extended beneath, Instead of above, the Delawate, Lackawanna and Western roadway. Work on the road is about lo begin in earnest. Henry ,T. Conant, W. W. Churchill and E. P. Dee-Kor and a corps of engineers' of Westlnghouse. Church, Kerr & Co., of New York, who have secured the $1,133,000 contract for elec trical equipment, came hero yesterday to begin work on their contract. They are to put up and equip the power houses, and poles and wires, construct the block signals and tele phone syrdems, and make the electrical connections between the rolls. Chler Engineer McNaul, of the King Hridge company, of Cleveland, O., Is also in the city preparing for the con struction of the hi Idges. These will be of steel and :i,000 tons of material are to bo used In them. One al Avocu Is S20 feel long and .sr, feci high at one point. OPENING OF THE ARMORY. Grand Militaiy and Civic Boll Is to Bo Held. Aftet .1 gieat deal of dt-libuiatlou us to the niosi befitting- means of cele brating the opening of the now aimor.v. the oillcers of the Thlrleonth have de cided upon a bid nd military und ehio ball. Representative (Ulceus of Scranlon nnd vicinity uio to bo iuvllod to co operate with the inenihii.' ot tho regi ment iu making pivpuiiitlous tor the tifialr. It Is piiipchpil to make It the grandest event of Its kind ever wit nessed In Scranton. A meeting of tho nirangeineiit committee will bo held nt the bop id of trade iooin next Mon day night ni S o'clock, Governor Stone and slnif, Major Gen eral Miller und ttalf, Genrtai fioblu nnd slnif, the colonels of tho different Fpniisylvunla icglmeiils and men con spicuous In tlm nation's council will be invited to tho ball, Tilennlal Conclave Knights Tem plars, Louisville, Ky,, August 27 to 30, 1001. iim ixnilxvillo and Nashville rail load have issued nu elegant und cor rect map of tho city of Louisville, Ky,, showing their tuimlunl facilities tor Moiing of any prlvato cats that will he used fyr sleeping purposes at that point during thu conclave. Thu no pommodatlous offeied by tho L, & N, R. It. for the handling ami storage of prlvato cars Iu tho city of Loulsvlllo Is pot equaled by apy other Hue, All their storugu trucks uio located in good neighborhood but a shoil Uin ta nee from tho center of the city and convenient to Mreel car lines. Any coininniiderle3 who expect to have their own curs, .r any delegates who expect lo attend the meeting, can receive copy of thu mup and uny other Information deshed by applying to John U. rtuike. G. P. A.. Hoi; tiroaduuy, is. Y. '. L. Stone, G. P. A,. Louisville, Ky, NO BEER AT DANCE HALLS BALL BOOM BAB HAS GOT TO GO, SAYS HITOHCOOX. Will Be Considered nnd Treated Unlicensed Groggeries Difficulty May Be Experienced In Closing Up Some of These Pisces Order for Sunday Closing Issued Formally by the Director, with Instructions to Serve Copies on Saloonkeepers. Other City Hall Doings. The ball room bar has not to go. Orders were Issued yesterday by Di rector of Public Safety Hitchcock dl leollng Superintendent of Police Rob ling to Inntlttitu a crusade against them at mice. Complaints have been lodged with the director that balls nro being held nightly. In vmious parts of tho city, at whloh thero Is no end ot turbulence and .immorality s a result of young men and women being made chunk by the bovorage there dispensed. It was news to the director that In toxicants were being sold at danco halls, and he expressed surprise that It hud been permitted so long. It Is understood that the director proposes to tr nt these ball room bara the same as uny unlicensed saloon. There Is Just a question ns to wheth er or not the police deportment can Interfere with these bars In every in stance. In the central city, the dance halls, or at least some of them, tiro situated over hotels or restaurants, and by an arrangement between the lnndlord of the hotel and the owner of the hall, the dance hall bar has been made part of the hotel premises, and whatever intoxicants are sold at the denco are sold under authority of the hotel keeper's license, TO ISSUE AN ORDER. The order under which the police closed all tne bar rooms at 12 o'clock sharp Saturday night is to be issued In printed form from the public safety department and copy served on each saloon keeper in the city by tho police patrolmen. The order reads as fol lows' Oflke Department Public Sii'ely. Seiantoii, Pa., Apiil 0. 1001. Older No 1 (Police). All hotels and saloons wlieie intolcallng li quors arc sob! will be resulted to cloc and quit lusiticv limn ptly at 12 o'clock, midnight, y.iti.r I i j- ni.'s ntid un alp closed until Mo.il.iv morn ing. In order that the police may be satifllcd of full and absolute compliance with these i emulation-, all curtaias and other shades J.d'ncd to obstruct a full view of the interior of bar an I saloon v ill be iai-ed or removed dirim thu Fine. ' Violators of the law will be tieated and held to answer as keeping dUoiderly bouse?. A copy ot this order will be served upon the proprietor-- of all licenced holebi and Mloon". Py order of F. I,. Hitchcock, ll'uectoi- of Public Safety, l'l.ililv ltobling, Jr.. Supciintendent of Police. Recorder Moir is preparing invita tions for proposals to do the city print ing. The new law directs that all or dinances, Instead of only penal ordin ances, as heretofore, city recorder's proclamations, all oftlcial reports of the city officers, all notices for open ing, widening and paving streets and other like Improvements, all viewers' l epulis, proposals for public work and supplies', shall be printed In not less than three and not more than Ave daily papers, one of which shall be n. daily newspaper printed in the Ger man language. TO LET CONTRACTS. The contracts aic to he lei to tho lowest responsible bidders, ag ate measure, per line, for each thous and of circulation, the basis of circu lation "to be the average dally sales for the six months next preceding the month in which tho advertising: is pub lished, There being' no daily pi in ted iu the German language it is the Intention of Recorder Moir to let the advertising contracts to three of the tour English dailies. The estimates ordinance al lows only $2,500 for general printing end stationery. It will cost much more than this to have tho city's advertis ing dono according to Iho mandate of the law. it is being' contended uy Recorder Moir that a councilman who resigns may servo until his surres'sor is duly qualified, nnd he will expect the select council to recognize Director Roche until the now man from tho Seventh Is elected and sworn In. As told else wlieie, Sir. Roche forwarded his lej ignatlon to pelcet council to be read at last night's, special meeting:. IN THE FEDERAL COURT. Walsh Cose Given to the Jury Just Before Adlournmontr The case of Walsh against the In surance company wns given to the Jury by .ludpe Dulllngton in United States court, yesterday at 5 o'clock p, in. Tho closing addresses and the Judge's riiuice occupied the stealer I iu l of the day. Mr. Hubbaid closed lor tho iletunsp, and W. S. McLean lor the plaintiff. At tho conclusion of this case, u jury was called to try cases In llio district court. Assistant rnitd States At torney Miller announced that the caso of the United States aguiusi Mot thu V, Koesler was ready, but tit tho ie- fl4--fft 4- 4'fft4' - - I Gorgeous : That's the word that 4- beat describes our nobby neckwear. X t Economical J Ts another good word tor tho they're worth a f dollar they are yours for f ... 50 ceui3. . Derby four-in-hands and Butterfly ties are the race. HHH l4-IIHtfs THE UNCERTAINTY t ' ., ,ji,wTfM-' CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. quest of her attorney, who wrs engaged In tho local court, he would usic to have It put over until morning. Judge BulThtKtoti consented unit the court adjourned until 0 o'clock. Martha D. Koeslor Is chuiged with being "Tile Turkish Medical company ot Scranton," which advertised and sent through thu malls medicines to be used for alleged Immoral purposes. Thero are five Indictments nnd foity counts iirjnlus't ltr. New Tailoring Establishment Opens Today. The Garson Tailoring company, of 10(1 Spruce stieet, will open their doors today, and will show an elegunt linn of smart fabrics for the spring and summer. This company mnlntnlns es tablishments In several cities, and are able to buy direct from the mills, and the customer gets tho benefit, " Organs for Sale Cheap. You can buy a good second hand Or gan as low as $10.00 at Guernsey Hall, J. W. Guernsey, Prop., ill I Washing ton avenue, Scranton, Pa. May Patterns and Designers toady today. Rcvans, lis Wyoming avenue. Ask for Kelly's union crackeis. The Scranton Gas and Water Com pany and the Hyde Park Gas Com pany. in accordance with the policy of these com panies to reduce rates fiom time to time a.i may be vvai ranted by increased consumption, notice is hereby given that, on and alter April 1 next, the price of gas will be one dollar prr one thousand cubic feet consumed, subject to the following discounts! rive pfcr cent, on ail bills where the consumption for the month amounts to less than twenty-five dollars; ten per cent, on all bltU where the consumption fur the month emounts to twenty-Iivo dollars and up wards. Provided tho bill i paid on or before the 20th day of the month in which the bill is rendered. By order of the board. G. B. HASP, Peciftary. SPECIAL. SCrtAXTON CAS AND WATF.lt COMPANV AND Hjde Talk Gas ctmpany In order to encour age the lsc of gas foi fuel puiposrs. notice is hereby given that op. and after April I nct the price of gas to used will be one dollar per one thousand feet consumed, subject to the following special discounts: Ten pet cent. on all blllswln'ie the consumption for themonthaniountsto lesstliau tvventy-flvo dollars; twenty per cent, on nil bills where tho consumption for tno month amounts to twenty-five dollars and upwards. Provided the bill is paid on or before the 20th day of the month in which the bill Is tendered. A separate meter, furnished by the company, Is ncccssaiy. Ily oidci of tho board. C. II. HAND, Secretary. Albatross Illumined Striped Waistings. A beautiful shirt waist ma terial, 27 inches wide, in all the prominent shades which Spring 1 go 1 has brought forth. An Albatross make with beau-, tiful illumined stripes, 2 to, 2y'i yards to the waist, made to retail at 49c the yard. Spe cial cut for a few days 39c a Yard. Clarke Bros Ladies' and Gent'5 Suits to Order S 13.50 up to S35.00. All kinds of repairing', cleanlne, and pressing' clone while you wait. King Miller, Merchant Tailor I Oil b.VPil.s Ail GKNTf.r.MUN. 435 SPRUCE STREET. - - - t "- t 4- -t- : Our New Store I We would be pUacl lo hnn ou pay . lb u v,H iu our new ?tou- and 6-c our -f Idea ot what iiiilitiliili'. .1 moduli, up 4- 1 ludato .toil. 01 a, J FURNITURE X s inn many yeatV rpcileiira In ciii,u -f the people 01 s-o.uiluii enables n- (- . x I. now tueli wjw, and rmi uin.Uiu'i . SrowliiK liull.en piou-a nut Prices Right. Reimmbtf Our New Location, 513 Lackaw3iii3 Avenii!, M.L.BARRETT sV " Of the weather this time - of year makes one appreciate a certainty, Your pocketbook and fancy will be satisfied to a certainty with our Green Valley Rye Cold type caunot do justice to it. Is what the baggageman says, then away goes your trunk slam baug across the platform. If it was bought here il will stand the strain. Suit cases, grips aud hand satchels of all kinds. NRAD'S. 305 Lackawanna Avenue. A Second-Class City with a First Class Stock OF Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereati &' ConneH, 132 Wyoming Avenue. SEEDS Lawn, Timothy, Millett 325-32? Penn A?enae. fip The Gunn Sec tional Bookcase Of Grand Rapids. The Banner Sec tional Bookcase Of Canton, O. We ate sole agents for this vicinity for the above cases. Need we say more they are celehinted the two best cases manufactuied. Bookcoses of this character All a want simple in construction perfect Jn operation. Made in quar tered oak, mahogany or Imita tion mahogany. Write us for catalogue or bet ter still drop iu and look them over, CREDIT YOU? CERTAINLY! rot ECONOMY !221.223.S25'2;37 WYOMING AVENUH. Clover Ml n &&&' ,;st lKW ,- .i.'a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers