vmimm fl5SlT?wT?f5?5-3f t C fr i THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1901. x I FSThand's condensed milk.wh WtyfWSMrESMoHYPOPHOSPhltBs ADDED 'X INHWwflHMMH x Tbi5 ;i the trade mark on every ran of Ihs jjoiiiiitte fj pT Dr. tlsm&s 1 1 aideBase$g Hlttk I It indicates the purest milk from field-fed cows condensed in scrupulously clean buildings, by a pro cess that preserves all the food qualities to which has been added phosphates and hypophosphites, the same food properties found in wheat the greatest body builders. It makes strong teeth and bones, firm flesh, steady nerves, quick brain and rich blood for infants and growing children. It is a wonderful restorative for aged or invalid persons. It is better for the table than fresh milk rich as cream, fnn1!,. THE DR. HAND CONDENSED MILK CO.,, Scranton. Pa. Ice Cream. EFST IN TOWN. Per c Quart LACKAWANI DAIRY CO 3 clepbone Orders Promptly Dili varod -;,.j37 Adams Avenua. Scranfon Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Office D., L. & W. Passenger ?tation. Phone T-Vu. ft - T I CITY NOTES j -" wii.b ur.c.rx vhactio; -m. iiiunuv iu11-ko I'im' bill U.H1I ill meet at J o'll.xU this ufui. imon ii tlic rollopc to liegm iMCtice. n. K II. PAY-DAY:-. 1 hi- Pehwarc irul IIn-l. vii twrpjny luul otnitay at Ihc Unle Oik, nniyti Xo. 1, CirbonJjlc No. t ami IVwiKrly p.. h. A, . I'.Ws The lvliwaic I.iciu. winni ami Wdtcrn employes nn the Itlooninbiiig livpion and llio amnion j.iulnion will hi UJ lutloy. TIio tiamnicn will be raid toiuunow. Hill 'HIE IllM'M U- I'jnily mI. (..r tbo bono lit cf tbo LaiKm uiru Iiosplt.il rlilldiru'i, waul un I'lwliy, Apul 12, filion by tbo 1 hlldiPii'-. Aid Mwine dub, at b20 ('iiliify armic All air in vito!. M'ON MF.I71INO. 'flic noNt icgiihi mooting of (be boird ot trade wltl bo bold at l.'.lj o'clock p. m. f-haip, JIimhIo'. I.uiKhum uill bo served at 1 n'Llock. A mnnbci it important matttu "ill lome up (or diMii-oion and a lirsc atloul. .Hue li doMnil. hmi .Mi'iirvn.n.-.i..iri rnn, ot "!" Inmc aictni, caught bl bind in a n.g "hcrd at ihc Holt nul Nnt woik-. ,c;Ioh1i.v anil injured it mi bully- that at thi- l.ukjn 'i bo. pital. .hpie ho mi, taVcii, aniputition wjo tcund lu bo iKccbai, "1AK1..V T1 KlAKI.ANn.-Mrpbcn lMnnliia rccnily .iirtetul 111 lliit ntv rn the iluiifu o liner, but nantod in Clciol.md to,- Imrhliry w takin to tbo latfr oily lilc laU niulit by 0ti(lio llnwill, vim c ,iiiu bou- jinioil mIiIi propor tcrruMtlwi piptis. fin uevouut of diMth in the l.tnilly our Moio will I). cluaSil y.itutiluy mi 11 !' III. JIl'.AHS S. HAOIJN'. s INSTITUTE AT JVIOOSIC. Last of the Senson for the Lower Lackawanna District. The laht lucul institnlo ot tho tcach !. of tho district rumpiislncr "'ld Kgrsi-, Jioosic, Taylor mid Minooku, 'NHl 1). held In the JIousli- Hifjh f,(.UOi hildlns lomonow tifti-rniioii, runi mwclnjsf at.Uo'chcK. Tlitr-HUljoi-h will he piuf. jnu.b v, Ff(-y of-Tnylor, Pioi, j. w, rnm. "' i i I, t$tf,4- T i r v... .-..i.t i ... i r 4 ( sale 1 $it nnn j J f 1 Vf lU j Ithaca Street Railway Co. 4- , FIRST MORTGAGE :jGold Bonds: t Per Cent Matme 1022, second mortgage Ab the ponds of this company are soll infj at a premium tho value of he firsts is beyond question, Bioi;way, V. V. WilktsBure, -f f 1 Crboncile. . t.t -f f t . 4 wid 0, CoinmoiiwcjUti IHJP-., -f Scrjnt'jn. -f 5 T I XMtWjr;- N mlngs, of Olyphant; Superintendent 13. D. Bovard, of Dunmore; IHss lizzie McMui-tie, of Jlooslc: l'ior. J. H. Oli ver, ot Scinutun, and .1. C. Taylor, county htipciintundont ot schools. The literary nn 1 musical li.nt of the pingiawimo v.ill be liirnlsheil by MIm faille Price, Jilts .lunniu LotiRhney, Miss Ijpi.u Uairolt, Miss Ethel TtckcI la& and others. BAUER'S BAND CONCERT. llaiur lud tho. meate-t siklo in tbo ln-liij ot his lamniu bind Lt nilit at tho l..Minni It is now tin Tlmtcriilli licinicnt band and out ot coiiil nut nt In tho now ilignilv o tho milllaiy orpinlzjtfcin, Ailjutinl J'. H. Atlicrlmi and o cial Iriindd upprjird in nnitonn and oiiupird pti'tniiiont 'oat. The buo-, pu-ontod a ?ila i 1 ojl-jm e with ininy bind-oinrly attnid 1a ihin anionic oc npant. All, illiam ( onnoll and paitj, Mi. Homy Dolin, ji., and p.uty, t. riuilis tin I'.mt llnik, Mr.. Doikwith. b-ii-. Dlatr, 1 tiller and otbci-, vmo amoi, tin bn IioMcm. Tin 10 was l lino an liomr botli nttu nnmi and ticninu: ami tho pha-nic ot ilu li tonci'; .h riu.iil in tliL mot limnKlal. iblo Ij.-liiou. Tho OMOlbiii vnik or tho bind .i nnoi m fully dcmuntiatd. 'Ibo pioe;i uinno iu. aiiod rr.oncdi tu plia-o the 1110.--1 i.n.tlit4, ..ml in it iiiltn- .111 Jtisi in nt v 11 niii-t Mli-Uttuiy. 'Ilu i-oloist, TranU l.itoii, ot Xow Aoik, m - io nhcd m I ill oiithii.iani wliiili a tully jnMltiid. Ill niio 1i,l, ni.i','nctioalli inipmiod In Im.id'.h and Iloibiblj Mint hi I nl appo.iianio in tin-, ilty. 'Ihctiuli Miiipithitli iinliti anrl r-npoib innifc "no fjuen adantauo in the (JuiiikmI "llni lu.iiil".'" - an ciuutr ho im,- "II llillido," fii-in "11 lioiatoio." Ilnl his lngfng of tin 1 mi wokoino "foipiilor .vuiig" Mas a Inuinph ut lr.11n.1t11. and arlii-tic JlincicilKllI. I! a mill ltllUOlO'l llirii; plo.lv iu.'l.i on a N.1.111I011 st.ijo. He icpt. ilcd a -tin a a an ciKriio. naiicr lid hN bind with the .pnct diKiniy tthn.li la Mioh a leioipiuibl- fiatnu of hi, oik. A uoditibk icnclitiun "I Hill ihaiinin,' rompu-itlon, -Mi. C. I.'. hmoib' -'l.loitiic City Mauh," n pnui. 'Iho oioitino 110m "I'ucl and lVninl" .h onu ut llio ln-t mini bu, but puhip-. tho audience likod bo-t the uhirl and lm, 01 tho llobo-piono uioitmo. "lr. Ihoiuis Mill-,' eoniol f.do, wcio the faioiilo nunibeis null mini. Ho pli.iod Midi ilicr sliidin? iiid rccptiond ta'tr. 'lb it the listen ci moio iklislitul i( tio ciiliio luoKiammo ai oildcnt fiom the I.ilI tint tho looall-i uole so iashtcnt that it i-oomod tho bmd could 11.1l ho ielecd until full lrptrtuiio coun -one iml all had been gone oier. TI10 fiuile, the "liiainl American fanta-ie," brought dim 11 the hmi-e, m lather bioughl it up on the tiot a-, tho ftrauis i-t "The Mil 'pin-'lcd lhnnoi" i.inc: out NOT AN ORDINARY CAT. Dr. Seiler Mourns a Feline with a Valuable History. In the eyes of tho average inun 11 cat lh it LMt and wliuii onci tlls-iipiic-irs tioin the doniPhtic hoarth-sldi- another will do just ai well. Xot ro, how over, with the favorite feline whkh lutb attdilenly de.i-erled the abode of Dr. Call Scllei, For a number of yeats the doctor has been enrryinrr un .some very interesting investigations and observations 011 the lower animals with a view to iletw mlne as ncemately as possible the in itiativu faeullles, the ad.iplii'jll'ty in surrouiullimh and thu Iniltienee 1 ; 'jiu h htiiroundiiiKs upon tlio .--jii. .! 01 mental development of itnimulp v. h'eli are as tar :ih possible removed frmi itrtllk-lnl icKtrainlniT Inilueni'iv. libs dog "lltifrK," who is wdi known iy moht everybody In thu central elty, n, one of his objects of uWrvntloii and has been for the lust three year.-i, whllu the cat, which ittiayed siwuy the even ing before laht, ia tho &eeond ami nioie interesting, as well af. valuable, objeet of observation, as the doctor lias b-en able to keep minute notes of iho Inter esting features ot the animal's develop, inept tor the hist M:c month.-.! in taet, since the Infuney 01 the eat. As u matter of conrfae, anotliei' eal will not servo to toiulnue mid bng to a eioiiii iiieso investigations, iimee tin ffilniunci.n of the dot tor's loss. SOLDIERS IN JAIL. Two Membcis of tho Thirteenth Committed Yesterday, Fur the til st time in seeial year., two local members of the Thliteenth regiment aie lodged in the county jail, because of their failure io pay the lines imposed upon them ot u milltaiy conn- jiuutiai tor non-utteiuiuiiue at drill, The names of the two unfoitimates .no .1, B, Wright and Krnest tlrlllUhs, and the lines, which weno imposed by M,nJor B. Hush Field over two month's ago, were only -' each, They will spend two days and two days and n half, to sppottvely, behind prison bais. POLICE AND ALDERMEN, MI1I..10I 1'ivtaok, of l'otoiliuig, nil artoited jitciday by l..n.touoiiiu otlleorii for jumping on a uiglnjr lieislit tiain near llio ay us tiitiliiKl, He wav tuud j"i uliloh his father u fuetd to pav. IU was aeuudimdy tommittcd to the county Jail. When the htarinj 111 the libel c. luousht bv Pusldcnt Jclin Mitchell, of tlie L'niUd Mine IW.rkus if Aiuorlci, vfiliv.t Uklurd kiltie, odi tor of ilu. Siiantviiiaii, j tailed jisUidi 3ftcn1w.11 bj Aldiruian KaNtri, Mi. LIUli., a tuinoy, John J, Muipl, inuird tor a cutinu ine until SUmday afirrnoon at a o'cbik and ii wa j-wnlul. GLENN BEFORE TWELVE MEN IS CHARGED WITH ILLEGALLY DRAWINO FEES. Common health Contends That He Fixed Up a Discharged Case and Then Drew S2.00 from the County. Effort to Have the Indictment Quashed Failed Cases Against Al derman Kelly Continued Emory J. Ehrgood Found Guilty of Assault and Battery Gnrvey Not Guilty. r'oi titer Justice ot the Peace Nicholas Glenn, of roll township, was put on trlul esterday befote Judge II. M. MePluit' on n tliiirgo of diawlns Ille gal fees Hum tho count;.. It Is alleged that the justice fixed up a tlctltlous case In whl-di Frank Shannon was de lenoant, John Polan prosecutor, nnd the charge iissuull and battery. The records show that Shannon was dis ehnrged and that Glenn drew tees amounting to .VJ.i.O. The common wealth's contention Is that no such com- was over begun und that Glenn fiuudulenlly secured the Sl',50. Thu Juty was drawn In the main court loom bM'orj Judge J. P. Kelly, and utter It wn secured Attorney John It. IMwaulH. who represents Glenn, asked to luiu the indictment ijuushcd on the ground that It does not clUiigc 11 criminal orfense. It merely Muted; Mi. Udwaids contended, that Glenn hud diawn fees for a discharged ra?c' which was perfectly legitimate. Judge Kelly refused to take Jtr. Ed waids' view of the- case and declined to ruiash the Indictment. The case was then sent Into No. 2 for trial iind after Assistant District Attorney "V. Uaylord Thomas had opened for the commonwealth Air. led um ds asked Judge JlcClure. to dis charge Glenn on the ground that the opening of tlm commonwealth did not charge a criminal offense. Again Mr. Edwards' leiiuest was denied. The cuurt adjourned tor the day at this point, and the taking of tiftlmony will begin this morning. The two cases against Alderman John P. Kelly, cha.'glng him with mis demeanor lu otlli.o. weie continued yes teiday. the district attorney not being ready to try them. Thomas Carey, Nicholas OverweNs nnd August Obot welis, of South Scranton, wete charged with assault and battery, lorelble'entry and detain. ir and malicious mischief by Feidl iianil IJmkley, the watchman at Guth clnz's pond, South Scranlon. The chin ge was that the accused went to the pond one day last January and binke the he. unci when Burkley ob jected they beat him and broke the Hours and windows of his house. Aug ust Ohun.-ilss pleaded guilty to break ing (he door in an olfort to get his hat, uhiih Mis. lluikley had confiscated. The otlteis denied all three olfenses ehaiged. Kdwald Scott. ;' wltuesn toi lite de tense, became impertinent while on tho stand and had a. 11:11 row escape from being committed to the county jail for contempt. The acuised were lep lcsented v Attorney John J. Murphy, and the commonwealth by C. Baleti tinti aid b. P. AVedenian. A eidict will be illumed this nioining. MINOR CRIMINAL CASES. I.1110 j- .!. Klugnvd, who w.k tuid Wodnc-diy for hittins his noichbor, fliailcs lahoaid-, un the head with .1 biiiro-fliuo at Mo-imv, where thoy llio, wa-, o.tinhy uluined sillily of as Mult and hittery. II my . Ilfiiaid xa iliioctvd to pa the in-,ti m tlio 1. 1-0 binuRht aam-t I11111 by (aaoo Illn ton. diuUo MiC'luio iiilod Widncdiv tint lln-!-nid ("Ulil nut be romiftod 01 the oftinio th'iiul, tho .-.tatutc id liniitations intorieninR. Maiy 1111 I).im, id Pi toe Mutt, Wtsl hoian ton, w 11 roiumod not Riiilty of 1 ilmeo ot as Midi and battoiy inetouod by Uilliam Ruduc, and tho litlor a diicited tu pa- the coslf. Alike sliuhltus and wife, ot West Scianton, woro ictiiiuoil nut Riillty of commiltiriK an as alllt and bitteiy oil T.liza l.lcwplljn. The county will piy the co-ts. Veidicta of nor kuiIIv woio t ikon in the 1 ies of Walter O'Connor, ot thi-s city, MiarKinsr him with as-kiult and bitter), nuhitniK mirliiet jnd Miiot.x. Iho prosooutrlx, Cathcrinn TulTy, bad no disne to puli the ta'0. O'Connor will pay tho ios.n, William M11u.11, ut Ninth soianiun, who wai tried tui hlabbiin,- Miehiol Mi.N'ultj, was lound guiltx ot .i'-r.ii.ikil .i-t.uiH and bitttiy. (Iiuigu uinuli, 1'i.inh 2towk and 1'iank Mohulie, ot ulx luiit, weie ictuiiu'd not (ruilt.x ot boiim nb-.tiiiited M. J. t.iuptbiii in stniiis' a wairint, lilt won- uiintid to par the ints. Maiiui Kuptohiti'.Ui was oomietod ot beilinc; and K'iiini-I, inimiiu .bisopli MihoUkv and was fund Tl and M'litenccd lu .-pend aixty dii iu tlio touuty jdl. John Oaney, who was lnod before .ludo put dy un .1 eluiirc ot fiiibiViUiiiont pioioncd by the 1'iiiiluitlal lii-iuiiio ivnipiny wis jr-tiiijy ru tin mil ll'il Bllilt.x. 'Hie lull o William I,uiit,'hi,iii, wiio ii iluised Willi burnluy by l.dltb I, SIiro, iiji turfiited Maturity, In. Iituni: lailfd tu appear fur trill, llio i-iiiii aclluii w i-. Ukui in the 1 w nt Mh'h arl inilh. ilnu'id with a-ault and bmuy by liCilO IlKllkll, ,1 11110-, i, ill iijli.'i, ut Suiilli Waihlnslou incline, w 11 found nut Btillty of .-illlni; without a lit cit-e, but w is diittti'd tn pix Ihotoil flio Municipal li-uuo piu-ioutnl thu cue and tilth agtnts ff-tl Iml tint (hex- buiiKlit liipior ut llallighoi'i pi ice lu-l June and dub. Hie ikltn-e n,i lint it ua.i iii'tlur Jimx i.alljphu, a coudti uf the .iiumd, wliu l.tpt tin. plao. x Midbt id not Ruilty w ii liken In the can; ui t. tui U -. Uaiiuki. tlio niili idc junk deilor. wlni i ilni'juj with lu'plfLlins t Keep buul,- nilli ilo ut junk loionloil In tliiiii, a ii'ijulu'd b.i law, lMllJ his itMMl tor Anthony lliiddv, ias M. 1 llinhh, who ii obliged bj Rubin W ibun, acnt toi the luubipi Itnsur, with enj ihpn 1 without 1 Hi uijo, Whrn unit jii un ijcd .biliii Mcboiichtln us 1 ti mil in .N". U, tbnid with .1-.-111I1 and bit' urv b,x Allen .IuIiUmjii. licoiite I'liupiii wh tentriircil to thtj dj)s in tin luiinty jail lor an as-ault ami battel- on IiumV' Kllllullil.. Yesterday's Mnniage Licenses. jbota Miiullo , Old Foijo I'lloinuu S-aiiati) , Old 1'orge Au-elo Cnncl , ,.,,,,1'oieot jty Mittic t iipKC ,,.,...,..,,.. ..,.1'aihondale lieoit;e I. Walter , ,,,,,,,.,.,t-runton IKIcu M. buhhliur ,,,,., ,., ."irantoit COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES, SbciliT i-olmlt jeteidjy atknowlcditd to Ger trude Kianti a deed tor a lot 01 land In Caibor, dilc, eobl a tlio piopouy m IMhIii Moon, 101 V'.ToO. Iliilurd Ut-wellyn xai jrtteiiLy appoiiited con tlable ot Vnndlliitf boioueh, o llll the xacancy UUiOd b, (ho KllHiV.ll ot 'UlOIIUs John, l., llOlil the boioush, mOTHER GRAY'S SWfBT POWDERS for lliildun Mothci Lirav, 101 jean j nurse in the Childien's Home in New Vcik, treated tliil- ili-rti filial" i--fllllv Willi .1 liin.rli. n.-.t. i-.ri.ni..! and placed in the drn? oits, called Mother (iiax'o sweet I'owdtrs for children. lluj- aie luunlet as milk, pbjsjnt tu tJkv ci.r nvtr fill. A ccitaln cuic fur ItMrWimi?, condlpatiou. Iifjil.ichi', trctblns and ,toriuih dUoitlcr nw irmuxe woims. At all druiglcti. JJe. mplg cut I'tU.n. VdJre.i Allen S iimtcd I.clluj, K V GOOD TEACHEBB WANTED. The Opportunities Which Await Them in the Philippines. Tho fallowing circular Issued by the War department nt Washington sup plies timely Information concerning the employment of school teachers In the Philippine Islands! In tlic "tnilnirllon of the TrMldftit t the Philippine Commission," d-ibM April T, IMO, au thority Is kIi on (0 thai body to exorcUe, after the llit of September, tnoo, eubject to the appro val ot tho tctrttary ot ar, and under udi rnloi nnd roiriiliitlon? M h ehnll prrscrlbc, pawcu ot 11 lofslMitlto tiatnro rclnllnit to the ctUbllshmcnt ot an od110Allon.il i" i si tin In llio Plilllpplno lib amlt. In aiodrdinop therewith, the eommUdon las nppalntcd )lr, Wed U Atklmon. nn e.tpcrlnred rducator Cf 5-prlniiflelil, Maw.! as Miperlntcndont of public Instliictlon, lm U at preennt enjaired In org.inljiiiB ctlnol n rjpldly as tho piollica tlon of tho; country and tli! imnlar funds will ad mit, I'rofiMOr Atkinson, In ansnor to the many In Tillies icRnrdlnit llio pmplojmrnt of teachers, lias iwutil a clriiiht to tlio rfloct tliat ciy few nppoliilnicnt will lip iiiude at prc lit 'ind that tin iippijlntots nlll bo rernilrnl to slyn contrails for tlino ,iear, tho mattor of tholr lor.itlon being enllrely In the hands of the general superintend ent ot education, lie adds Hut the toucher h will be icipilied air for prlmjiy uurk and by fir the liiwr mimber of taljrlos will bo .".' fuobl) por month and traellnc rpono from the United stalos. He .itales (hit the qiiilltlcii tlons icijulitd are! Pint Applicants must be cither normal or col Upo graduates. second '1 hey mut lute Mrnl cara' ftuctes'! till experience In biliool woik and be now en gaged in teaching. Thiol They mini lie pbnieally ioutid and oblo to willistand a tropical climate, and willing (o imepl whatCM'i' location nenlgnl them bv tlio eonoial np rintendent of education, and that the department of education desires to hear from only tlnwe who can fulfill tho aboxc conditions tho j .-iiilleaiiq boluir icqiuitod to attach to their applications ttioir tt'ttmonnls or copses inoioor. IT IS ALL OFF NOW. Attorney Burns Shows How Kipper Is to Be Done to Beath When He Gets Before Supreme Court. The argument to he dcllveicd before the Supreme court against the Muehl bronner net, xx'he.i the apppal from the Archbald decision comes up for hear ing, April 23. has been Riven out for publication. It was xvrllten by I. H. litirns ontl represents Ir. Burns at his best. The argument is in ellucidatlon uf fho lollowlng points: The act in riiellon in this tao i loial. (a Rreau.c it utily applie4 to three eult of the -tate. (b riicau.-o the piimipil nnttei Icsililod on aio not pinpti oiibjcet ot ila-tilird logi-htlun It U rpcclal. It) It lopiilatps for the piei-ent goxernor lhnii'. lb) It makes a special law foi recorders tor the next two jcars diOeitnt from the law ap pitiable to tho-e who are to follow. (V) It Is special aa to time. Thcie b; one go eiuiiunt fui to oai-, and another thcrcaitci. II 010 i, moio lh m one tubj:ct in tho act not i.xpiis-.rd In the title. f 1) The lopcil of a i-iiccincd poition of .111 .lit. (h 'the icpexl of all act foi the i,ooiiiinPnt of iitiei of the -tctnd ili-s, exrtpl thofe pit sorxod in teiini 111 this act. (0) The ic-tnactinont and cxtondiiiK ot tpeda.! Ini-i to atfut subjects other thin tho-o pie-xlou-ly aflpctcil by such lawn without iciitlm; ald 1 iw. 111 toll a3 icrjiuied bv Ihc ron-titutioii. sirantuii was nut a eit ot tho soend Ua at lh1 tlino 10-pundoiit wa-, appointed In dlsputliiR' the adx'crse deductions of tlic local court the appell.int is tnitdc to make 11 comment to tin- effect that "it xx-eakly attempted to s-hiik its own rehpunslblllty and shift It over to the shoulders of the lawmakers with a lumentaldo lack of that mental and moral cuuraBC which has ever been one of the chief characteristics of the judiciary of this cnmmonxx-ealth." This comment was auent the declaration of the court that the legislature was the judge of the necessity of classification, by which declaration It brushed aside the contention of the appellant that there were no "manifest peculiarities" about Pittsburg, Allegheny and Scran ton th.tt demanded a classification, giving these cities recorders as chief executives, whllu all other cities in the state are allowed to continue to have their municipal affairs administered by a mayor. If the legislature can vest the poxvers of chief executlx-e of n t.ec-ond-class city In a recorder, it can Hkexviso vest In a United States sen ator the powers of chief executive of a first-class city, and in a third-class city It might make the attorney gen eral the chief executive, the argument goes on to recite. A large part of thw argument is de voted to the support of the contention that Scranton xvas not a second-class city x hen tho respondent was. appoint ed lecorder. The governor's certifica tion of the ceiihtis, it Is claimed, xx'as only a pieltminury step to the city's transition. There xvere no second-class city oflici's to be tilled until the first Monday in April. "The city will elect the uilicer. to which It xvlll become entitled," and not to which it has betomc entitled. Is pulnted out us a bit of the Act of lis93 xxhleh controls this matter. It s in the assault on the act, be mutt! of Its uu-Ucpubllcanlsm, that Mr, Burns grows entertaining. Here aiv a few excerpts: HintC l.'euigo ruhd ,flotuii by 11 Mib-itituti;. Omeinor Mono uilcs Suantnn in the fame way, 11 there is any diflpiciicc in the dcRie ot liberty ulfinded the two titles lluton icrlalnly had tho adiantice. Th" kiiiK licked the faellltlon ot the Ions di(inc telephone, Our legislitois have proxed faithless, the heel of tin: bei-&oe ii 011 uur ncl.i. and Hie attention uf our Iwal touit has betn tu intently tixtd on tho aboxc and beoud, tint it lu been 1111 able to sue any 01 Its appaienl delects. 'luday thi att standi without pietcdtnt. It I-. a leRislatixc nionliolly; t l.e Illegitimate is. alio ot lh poliliial bo ,iud the unlet wonuu 01 the lecidathu tulh ut llarrtrtiiirg, 'I his r-uurt may givo it MniHc-'pecUhillly by dnettiiu that it be ieinianontly lntcribod on the statute book 01 this commonwealth, but it cm aim c.ut it out as a traltoious attempt to piostilute the poweia ot government to tho ues of tho political p.iitl.-.in, the tuio iciuitoi' 01 the downtall of It publics. " Its concluding sentence is a prayer; "Wo trust this court xvill not permit this uet to associate with the.iespeot- able htatutes of Pennsylvania." Jos fph O'Brien, M. J, Martin and I. ir. tlurns subscribe to the Interesting doc ument. TOOK HARNESS AND TRUCK. Beit Lee Had Them Billed to Buffalo but They Were Recovered, Mis, Hannah Lee appeared b;fore Alderman John T, Howe yesterday at ternoon and complained that her ton, Uert Lee. of 227 itayinond court, h"d taken some harness and a piano truck valued, at $50 belonging to hsr tiom a stable and xvas shipping It to Buffalo, rihe didn't want to prosecute him, hut she did want to regain possession ot her property, The alderman issued a bearch xvar rant, which xx-as placed in tho hands of Constable Bartlett. He went to the Lackaxx-anna freight station and found the goods packed ready for shipment and addressed to "Bert Lee, Buffalo, N. V." He took possession of them .ttid turned them over to Mrs. L-?e. IS FOURTEEN YEARS OLD THE ANNIVERSARY OF GREEN RIDGE LODGE, I. 0. 0. F. A Big- Celebration Last Night At tended by Upwards ot 150 New Officers for Ensuing: Six Months Were Installed by District Deputy Colvin A Social Time Followed and Addresses Were Made by Re corder James Moir and a Number of Other Visitors. The beginning of the fifteenth year of the pxUlcncG of Otren nidge lodge, No. F03, Independent Order of Odd Fol lows xvas most auspleloiitly cclchiated lrst night. In Odd Foltoxvs' hnll on Dickson avenue. TIicio were upwards or 160 of the niombcts nnd vIMtnr.q lit attendance and a most delightful time was had. Prior to the celebration piopor, the new officers recently elected xvere In stalled by restrict Deputy Grand Mas ter O. L. Colvin, nnd the following Inctalllns team: Orand master. J. G. McAsklc; grand xvnrden. A. Hope At lln; grand secretary, B. T. Jayne: grand tieusuiur. W. H. Trcx-crton. The new officers Installed, and who will scrx'e for tho next six months, fire ns follows: Noble grand, Milo Kemp: vice grand, S. E. Addyman: secretary, Frank Olvcr: treasurer, C. V. Jones; right supporter to tho no hie grand, Vzra Oray: left supporter to the noble grand, Charles Barroxv cllffc: warden, L. W. Lewis', conduc tor, W. J. Heckman; Inner guard, L. D. Van Auken; outside guard, M. T. Farpham: light scene supporter. Geo. Koch; left scene supporter, Joseph Danner: chaplain. Nelson CJanett; right supporter to vice grand, K. A. Singer: left supporter to vice grand, Oeorge Parsons. JUJNCH SEKVKD. After the installation a light lunch was serx'ed ond, when this had been partaken of, B. T. Jayne xvas unani mously cho.scn as chairman if the rx-enlng. He made a brief addn ss and called. upon 'a number of the visiting Odd Fel'ows to speak. The prlnciral addiess xvas made by Itecordcr James Moir, who K one of the best known Odd Ftdbrixvs in tho state, and xvho.se happy upcechrs mako him so much in demand at such af fairs. The lccordar complimented the members of the lodge upon the pio gress they had made dui ing the past fourteen years and then blanched out Into a general discussion nt the princi ples of Odd Felloxx'ship. "No one but an honest man," said he, "ran be ,t true Odd Fidloxv. for honesty and truth form the foundation of the organization. A title Odd Fel low cannot be a bl'ot. He mus.1 be broad-minded. A true Odd Felioxv can never bo u tiaitnr, for lovi- of country and loyalty to tlic cmtnt ry'f tl.ig' are ,tai!Rht in the lodgf room." The recorder i-ald that he had mxi-r hiiown an Odd Fi'lloxv, t.n xvlio li.'d been dining his life a faithful mem ber of the otganizntion to "go over the hillh to the poor hcuse." They are tilxvax's helped and as-Isted by their brother members, he said. OTHER ADDRESSF.S. Otheis who made brief .addtescs wcie John G. JIcAskle, AVIlliam San ders, V.. K. Sanders nnd John T. Hoxxc. (ireen Itidge lodge of Odd Fellows xvas instituted in Hornbaker'h hall un the night of April H, 1S!7. by District Deputy Giand Master John T. Hoxve. with txx'enty-txx'o charter members. This number has grown to 123 members in good f landing. It numbeis among its members some of the most prom inent citizens ot '.Jreen Ridge and best known citizens of the city, and is recognhied as one of the leading lodges In the state USED THEIR TALENTS. Ladies' Aid Society Contributes to Building Fund. The Ladies' Aid society of the Grace Lutheran church last night gax'u a so cial at the church and announced the results of their "talent offering." About two months ago each of the ladles xx-aa given a five-cent piece with Instruc tions to invest it ah be.st she could, the proceeds to be devoted to the con gregation's building fund, The society pledged Itself some months ago to give $1,000 to this fund and with the "talent offering" pro ceeds they are enabled tu exceed their pledge by over $100, About $200 was realized from tiie talenth alone and the ladies now in tend to pledge themselves tor another thousand, A general jubilee xvas held last night, a hymn of rejoicing being sung when the sum of the ladles' contribution was announced. Miss Jennie Kaufman sang a number of selections in splendid Mih.v and Mrs. C. 11. Van Buskirk, president of the society, gave an Inter esting address. Rex, Luther Hus Wailng, pastor ul' the church, spoke enteitalnlngly. Fif teen members of the society told of the means by which their talents giew. These ranged all the xvay from baking bread and making candy to sewing uud selling apions. " i KILLED AT THE WEST RIDGE. Prematuie Blast Inflicts Fatal In- iurles on a Miner. Anthony Caspar, of 12-t South Flliiwre avenue, revolved iujuiies ut the West Rldgo colliery yesteulay morning, which icsulted in his death latt even ing. Caspar, who xvas 2T yens of age, xx'as nt work In the mine, xvhen a blast exploded prematurely. Tho flying fragments of coal struck him with ter liblc toice, und xvhen companions came to ills rescue they found him lying under a piusti of debris, bleeding treely and moaning plteuifsly, He xx-as taken to the Lackaxvanna hospital, xvliero it xvas fwind that hi- hud hitstalned n compound fracture of the left leg, and that several libs xvere broken ami one lung ruptured. He died at a.'iO o'clock, He hud no relatives In this conntiy, und hit, io mains xvill bo taken ilmiai of by trlends, 1. 1. . . BIG CONTRACT FOR ICE. Wyoming Valley Company Secuies a Fart of Lodore Output. The AVIIkes.Baire Record yesterday morning sayt: "A contiuct xvas yes terday concluded botxveen the Wyo ming Vall?y Ice company, of thib city, and tho Lake Lodoie Impiuvemeni company, under the terms of 'jiich thu former secures for a term of f?n years 10,000 tons per year ot Luke Ixidoie Ice, wuwwwwww its the Little Tbings f After nit. "It's the little things which count." in the artistic home furnishing and arrangement. This store 2 will always keep vou in touch with what Is new, nov- 5; el(. artistic stylish In "little things" a(s well as the SE big things, we have groups of 25c and 50c novelties S and it's really surprising what you can buy lor these IIIUtllllK. i? Geo V Millar & wmMMmwmmwmwmwmwwft -nrjiBsM-5pp-"- J.DSK Shape" SrToT M K ::::idbuSifMgiinniluii::aqKr rm flf At-W AY 13 BUSY h s; 1- l, i uentlemen : Rj ll In our Korrect Shape Shoes you Iv II set $s worth of wear. $c worth of style and 100 worth of comfort all for 4.00 only $4.00. Ask to see our, Oxfords. LEWIS & wFsmirrmrig! V. ' ' ' W I ALL STYLES I (r. JZ feyt TRADE iLlHM l Home Industry Jj X Has Produced the U, ;! SCRANTON BICYCLE 190 1 Models are ready for your approval. You get a 365 days' guarauiee on Scranton Bicycles. x I Bittenbender & Co., S 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. 0 54J MANUFACTURERS, - J THE Title Guaranty and Trust Co. No. 516 Spruce Street, Scranton, Penna. Capital, Full Paid . . BOARD OP DIRECTORS. 1UOM.V5 ldlil), .XTRi:V 11. McCLINTOCK, finORf.B B. PMITH, wilmam r. ii.uin:M. .nn.i NEt.r.iTT, kverett wathien. JOllX UELLrs U01.Li:XUl.LK, ,10.Krii O'BKIIIX. 'IUOMAS H. WATKISSL O. S. J0II.N0V. AL'flUiT IiOIIINSOy, . A. WATHES. lllXlil .. K.VAPP, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Abram Nesbitt, William F. Hallstend, Thomas H. Watkins, O. 5. Johnon l:dinines and insures titles to real estate. Acts as Executor. Administrator, and Guardian. Executes trusts of every description. Assumes entire charge of real estate. Receives money on deposit and allows interest. Becomes sole surety on fidelity, court and official bonds. Loans money on bond'and mortgage. From time to time will offer to the public higfc grade investment securities. L. A. VVatres ..... Andrew H. ricClintock . . . Henry A. Knapp ..... Ralph S. Hull , . . , . Willard, Warren whloli let iciwiirfulilp for it: uliaolut"' piully and heavy, lasting quality. Tlio toiirmse thus uLiiuvil by the "Wyoming Vulli?y coniii.iiiy Is sulllelent to hiipply a lurgp pint uf its tiiuli! hi "Wilkes Hani'. "The oiinti.icl was nosnllatoil by Clpoi-tre It, Mrl.cui ami Pr. II. N. V011111,', of Mils ciiy, and ghes the com pany the fxclusilvo rlfjht to the hah; ot" thlH Ice hi thin tonltory. Tho l.alto t,oJoie company eivolcil last winter 0110 of tho most up-to.ilato loo plants In tlu rountiy, ombudylm? ilia beht fen- tut ess of the principal hou&us on tho Hudson liver. It Is one ol the largvt houses in this s-eotlon, and by means uf t)ie tunioua Clliford machliipry lias utoivil an imnu'iihe supply of ice, which rn account ot its. line quality mid pur ity, hat. cieatfd a considerable demand lu Now York; clt, and Is soon to bo a prime faotur in the market of the I.aek uwann.v mul AVyoniliiR: vulus." DIED ALONE IN HIS HUT, Pathetic Ending' ot an Aged Heimit ot' Old Forgo B010113I1. Vatrlck C'oniiois, uueil i;o yciisi. was the nnme of the mail touud dead In a luil, on Wednesday, at Old Foige. The man died as hu llxed, uloue. No un could b.t fuund w could thiow any llsht on the question uf huiv loiiu he had been dead. The Indication of the body indicated that it was not more than a eouplv of day at the niosi, Connors, had been III a lonu tlnv An inquest was not necessary iu the cn-c. Tile hut iu which In- lived was about -1x3 teet, und would scarcely admit an other person Hut little is l:imwn of his lelailsc.-. ss Co m Wjomlm Avenue m 2" 1 nr3 - -y : REILLY V IMPORTED ii"i iiump.Mii. iflLEATHERS' MARK I Ul I ..... $150,000.00 President Vice-President Vice-President Trust Officer & Knapp, Solicitors. The Queen of Dress Fabrics, L4NSD0WNE. Ask for the Genuine and Insist On seeing the perforation ttt ! 111 JViaAV i C i ' i i ii I Ulllli ad dl .. .. ." 'V MN.(. . ... . Every five yiiids. on the Selvedge, Fire at Williams Grove. IV t'xilutnc IMrc from I lie AMCclatrii Vst'i luili.lc, l'i., April II. -rue todjy t il. Ullls lilulf, ills' Cl.ll.'M.' I'iUilc TCjOlt, .ll cllu)iJ MaiUc-'i IiotiJ, n imllion, luni A 'I tin otlu'i luilWlns, Hit' lii ii Ktimtlfl e sl'i.'no. H.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers