THE &CRA3STON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1901. 6c jtcrmifoii CrtBune PuMhh Dill. Kteepl Sn;ly. 1 ""i TrA me Fublbklait fJompatir, at Hlljr I'enla WonlK I.IVy 8. RICHARD, Hilllor. O. V. BYXUF.i:, Buslni Ktw York Office! l.'-O .Naasau St, k. H. VIIPKLVM). Sole Arnt (or 1 nrelgn MilmtUIn. inltttA al the PoMnftlie at trtnlilon. Pa, at Second Ulas, Mall Mailer. vvhen sp.ce vvtlt permit, Tlie Triliime l , tl.d to print iliort letter (rum lu filerid' in; Ail current toptrs. Iml It nil" I','"' M rmet be lor, by he wr tel ml mm! ami the condition tireinlml ' " ccptaiice la tliat all toiilrlh'illotis hall be ius In rmtorial revision. i m: plat iivip ion aovumisim;. 'the follow-in tattle lto the price per 'neli mill fnsrillon, spue to lie wed within one jear: 77.... .7" lo77l.t run I Till I IHSPI. N . I i ' llmi SOU inchr '"0 i,i,es I'.MI " .IffUl mid Paper i ltcirtinnj Position .i-rf " ,:.o .'.ii li .IiVi 21 l'i ,le .IS 17, .17 .if.j i I I "fir ards of fliant. resolution of condolence and similar conltlliiitlons In tit ratine of ail nil ulna; 'I he Irlbini" mikes i tltara-c ot cenia a line. , , , Rales for Classified VdierlilnE fmnlltid vn nilltatlun, TEN PAGES. Sf.'KANTO.V. AI'IML I:'. 1101. Mr. Cooper of Didii nitre, rl.ilms to Know a trolcl Iji Ick when In' 'h.tH tmr-i-hiiscti one, 110 mutter whether It l In tlic foini of .1 Cilpple t'lfcU nilKRPt or a municipal ilppcr. Ihe Party Circle. SENATOR Qt'AV Is I'teiilted w II la h tlt"tie lo uo-ouemte with the ballot it't'otinery who demand, among other Uilrss, flip Hbolltlon of tln paily olivle-ti roiivpiili'nf i' ilf.slri'd by two-tliiiiln, pui sibly l lirpc-fom t lis. of all tlu voli'ix In Pcniix.vlv.inia and one so tliuuiiiKlily sriounderi in custom that Its lemninl would Pritii(' pciirial ronfiiploit. It Is piobable that the Konatoi'i vvlll InKiicss to abjiiilon tlili teatine of tin present ballot law out of ilefemii't' to the hiiiall iniiioilty of dooti Inali'p on tliusliiiittt ilin scorn to lliinl; thai MiniKht hi 1 1 y volllij; l. In ihe nuttin' of a political li lino. Iia been nvoi-t-laled in the papers. Hut howoPl this nuij br. Il i riii bp taken for gi.iutpd that the parly clirl ulll i-'iiiain. Theie is not power piioiikIi In the cJinp ot Its opponems m imiis-p ll dllodRpiienl. lii'iieiMl Uotlu h.ii piilfiitl. eiin- Hided that ("leneral f)eV.'f.i mind 1 In a condition similar to tbat of the HVPiasP South Afiiian wai Suites, poudeiit. - Parents at the Institute. Till: I5KAI.I.V most liupoi tain ami Intel psiins- note that has appealed in ihe iepoit of Mils week's. Tearliei - Insii tule is Hie statement that theie has been "a larse attendance of patents" at its sessions. When the paieius in laise nuinbPis in any i oniimtnlty be ffin to manifest an Intel cut in school woik and in what, is being lit ought to the leaclier.s' attention, the next step Is likely to be ,ni advance mo the study of .school legislation and of methods enioiced b boards of tonliol, boaids of direetots and suiieiintendents. In communities nheie such p.uenial Interest has been awakened lefoims in methods have, mole or less i.ipidly, been set on loot. Possibly these ip foims may jot artlve at the elimination of politics fioni the contiol ot Ihe schools. That would Indeed lie a happy day. the Inausuiatlon of an eia of sood never yet attained In the conduct of the schools. The proposed lefonn In Philadelphia public schools, of piomolions i,y the tesiilts of the dally lecord of lessons and the leacneis' Judgment on develop InB poueis, Instead or by the willleii examination piocedtue, i ome.s fiom the intelligent interest of paieuts atoused by the success of the James Kor(tn .sohool in the (list place. That, as The Tiibiino has alieady had occasion to note, has become an object lesson, a model school, allowing the wisdom of the elimination of ihe deeply moied ,.v amlnatlon fad. In bonio other places, as has b, en n. coided fiom time to time In the public pilnts, cither grioil lesults liave come fiom Hip awakening of Inieiest In the patents' minds. For instani e, the nit. VPntlns of Hie throwing out of good text books and teplaelng them bj oiheis less valuable under piessuu. fiom agents of publlsliers. Such i ejec tion of the good nnil substitution or the poor, ir not positively bad, bus, as the public well knows, Mltivil up scandal is well as dissatisfaction, In ill wis -daies. Hut it Is only when patents House themsolves and display ihe 'milage of thcli lonvlctions ie Wnn or pi off! ess woith while liually (onies to pass, whoever may have bcnii 'ho ploneer,s. Theiefiiie, , again n. nut k, tint lopmtPil large attendance of talents at an Institute's ses.-lon Is for this city an encouniglng sign of Hie lines. Another evldenre of Hip buekward-less-of the sensoii Is given lu the a(. hut no ono lias dlscoveicd oil over in liiadfotd county this spilny. , CrneKl's New York (War, TUKIIR IS mote ot liss su,-, v. ptlse pvpiesscd lu ffiine ffJL njiaiteis at the opposition ti drveloppd In Xew Vork illy Ihe niceptancn of .Mi, (,'auieglo'i irt of $5.C0o,Wj0 op brunch llbuirles. I'lu opposition Is led by some or the luist tlioiiplitl'ul L' and papets i,' that big lomniiinlty, We full to s-ep why thetp should pot c opposition. Jly (ho In ins of his iioposcd sift Jlr. fartieglo not only iial's aibltuiy ipnditlon of the mini. er of llbwiiles lo be built, but an Dually jrbili.iry ileniand that the city oli nun in I'liall .sitppoit them: th-- tltount iieccvs'iry for the sixiy-flvo be- I np, 'i bus been loai J slipwn, not ess than ?.'0.W,0n( ,innuall In be 'nlsed L lii.N.itlou in nu ulread heav I y taxed cltj. Also, as tbe leaders of ,)" Qiiposltlon me ilgnt In declaiiiit,', Hip carp of ouuh public libraries, or n.v public tlbr.tty, fthotild b In churjrc of n bontd ii ' titistc appointed by the tliy snveinmont. The bill Ittttoiltiiftl Jt Albany pio- Ides not nnl.i for pliicltur the selwllon or site. Htiil. ftpiiiupnlly, all tnuttfrfl of lutlldlng lontiaetw and d'talta In Mr. Ct.inoBle'M liantlf, peisonalty or by lln tiKdltitn rf tonic one or more chonen IntUvlditnlly by blm, but fot planlnir the HilnilliMlmtlon of (he libraries wholly lu the lmnrtH ot Mich person or rot tioi nt Ion" iik he ma; nelert. This It-it vfn Ihe rlly government without power In I ho mallei : but liable for the On or so of f.nnutil iippioprlntlon In tettiin lor the JB.OOO.W)" ajlfl. The nieie stutenienl of the cap gives c"1"' tiiiii!nn f.ttil shnwlnc? for lite staml ink en ilHallist lerelvlng the donation. I.IIiihiIps ate good tint city IndPHund encp Is bftter. U The ai nttnib-r of eastern tourist'' to rallfornlii will have Interest In l-iitnlng that the Houthern Pacific Ttallrond conipany has eonrpleted It t new roasl line betwesn San Francisco. a in 1.08 Angelpx. shorlenlng the dls luiKP by one hundred miles and carry ing the unite through milch more plc liiies(ue HcoiiTy lltan that of the old rotttP. The travelei, nlso. will now lime Hie Pacific ocean bteosips In place of the alkali dftsl and the heat of lite lung San Joaquin valle.v River Vs. Rail. -w-HIC POPITiATt Impiesston I that steam inllway dovelop- JL inents have robbed the IHh- slpslppl tlvcr of much oE its ft right ttaule H shown by Major Town send of Hip ffnlted Staloi pnglneevlng nips to Ik iitoneotis. In an nddrpsrf delivered leientVy betore the Daven port, In , business Jle'n association he iiomted rin the eominere' of the I'ls-lsMppI and Its rulnelp.ll trlliutntles lu 'Mil evt ceded :i.l,PnO.0iil tons This v, nu e-i ceded bv only two river sy lenis in the woiM-.tlut of the Hudson ner and o ihe gieal lakes I'pftl is shipped fiom Pit tubing to Nt w Oilean." at tour-tei'llis of a mill I ei ton Itiniher fiom the St. Croix mil! to Si. at slx-tenllis of a mill. fi oil) SI r.oiils to New Oile.lns at ", ei't.s per btistfl. or about 1. 1 i ents per ion mile. Th rlie.ipesl in tl -toad nitf Hint Maioi 'i'own'eml has been able In discover is that on toil to the Atlantic seaboai.l on the Ohes iApeake and I'Dilo i.illway - mills per (ii mile, while the aveuigp v.UP on .-.I'. Hie railioad" of III I'nilPil States is 7 S mill'- liei ton mile The tons of ti eight uirilr-d on the l wio miles or the Mississippi ilipc aivaliotit 1.W,OA0; on the T.POO mlb'S of the Santa Pe, taking It as a tplcal railway, H.SOO.unO. The mil" tonnage of Hie livel is 4,60fi, O.iii.t'uii, of ihe lailroad. :i.'Ri),fl(M,O0(). The .nei.ige Heigtii rate on the liver is ioiisidei,".bly ui.der 1 mill per Ion n ile on the i.uliiiad, 1i mills per ton mile. M.ijoi Townsend. who lias had many je.lis' epei leni e in ihe ingineeritig blanch, latgelv in stipei vision of liver fit.o luubor iinpio ements, "evfii esses keen legiet at Hi inllure of the recent Kiiigiess to enact a rher and baibor It'll, and sa.vs the talk about such leg islation bring niadi- up mainly of steals Is without inundation. "This evil," he adds. "Is not as pMensJve as Is oidi ii.ii ily supposed. Tint which ive call a eieek may liue a LOinmei i'e moie lin pniraiH than) what we call a river. The 1 1 eight passing thloiigh Kill tan Kill 1 exceeds that of the Chicago liver, and Ntwton cieek lias a tonnage greater than the upper Mississippi. The last rher and baibor bill, notwitlistandliiB lis dimensions, i ontainec! more safe guiiids against impioper ependItUlP of public funds than any tbat lias passed longiess. To obtain an appiopi lation Kir an unwoithy object now necessi tate? a ioiu'MIpiI action of ihe tltl .etiM of a loinmunlty and a plausible dm toriug f the facts of the case, so as to deceive not onlv the legislative but the executive branch of the gov ernment." rndcu'iilpuly theie is some steal anil I'lticli waste In ilvcr and haibor Im piovenipnt us det"i,mln.-'d through log rolling1 In eongipss. BuL !t Is iniestlon able It' defeat of an entile bill, causing thousand." o! worthy government en tei prises to l.ingul.di until snbsfjqunt Iv levlved, l not a lemedy woif-e than he disease, Tlie re-built Lincoln monument a( .Spiluglleld, III., the tomb of the great niait.M' piesldent, Is lo w.Hl tin le dedlcatlon until Oct, I." pest Si Cov einor Vales and lite othei u'ioiieis of tli boa id of ooinmlssioueis in c'imirp of tlie numuinent giouuds h.ue de Id id. 'I'liey announce njso thai they have InvltPd Piesldenl .McKinley to niakfi an oi .i t Ion upon that occasion Utilizing Waste. ONK MASON why the palm of fndutilal supiPntaoy has (Oilie f i out Mlli'opr. to the I 'lilted States is sllotigly hinted nt liua dispatch fiuiii Dp Kalb, III., to Hip Chicago Itecoul-nerald tell lug how a mill of Hie American Steel and Wire company al that place lias wotked out the ptobleui of utilizing n tinnier waste product, As wlte Is drawn It Is bathed lu cer tain acids, piiuclpally Huliihitric. Kor itiany years the i itsloni at De Kalb was tn dinlii these ucld?, after they hud been used, Inlo the Klsliuaukee river. This method of disposal of waste not only was uneionoinlral but It was also gio.ssly offensive lo owner of pioperty abutting on the stieaiu below the mill and numerous damage suits wete threatened, In this situa tion Hip owneis of the mill bestirred themselves. Says the (IMpaUh: In lotinlilcilliR a plan In which tl.c.i uilgbl ftt tut of i)i nM without Injuiy to anv oiip t plan to ullllj" it ami -oil it wai hit upgii, Tlu aild f lumrd lilo a (eiiri nuitibfiiiiK twrlie unW. Into tlie UnVa ale thiouii irrtjin ouantitin ot vrj "lie itlikh it i-nliicl; caleo by I la- jild. plank la laid anos. a lanl- and (rein it aie nu pinded a iiamlar uf hanecra ifscmbllns ttcrl roll 'flit, luinfn dip iloan Inlii the add, nhlih tonii) In iijitjl, aiound tlie lunger. When the littu W ell loadd with Ihr ivpioiu cr.rttala il ii ilrann out and tliaVi'ii cer a drjin; table, on whlili tlic.i arc prrniliiod lo mmln until the ttcani plpea under Ihe tables hate thoroughly rilled ilu pioduit, when It u lrady foi tlilp inriil, 'the firt are bjuclrd, but the ccond, mi Inferior ctade, ate shipped by the cjr-load Id hull.. Cuppcraa U Died foi dr, in inaMni; inki. nicdMiiea, paint and for other purposes, and up to thli time there hai been a UJv demand lor I lie picilnit. 'Ihe cperatlon hat been going o ipiletly ni -trl i.ionthi, ibirln; wlikli tin pn- duillon of toppetai from the acid h beei biourhl to a aiuceMfiil alarte. Cartoids ot the material ire now belni? thlpped Irom here, anil the lompanr ti more urilert than It can fill. 11 Is this nhlllty to find new ays ot etonomliilng lu the cost ot production without ctittlhjr down the eniclency of the labor employed which dlstlnsitlshes Ihe Anterlcitn nutnufncttirer HboVe all uompetltors. The knack ot setting eetythltir possible out of u given sll ttatlon without spolllnir It Is tiecullatty u Tankee gift. New paving or asphalt, either the Tilnldad or Mrjimtidez Luke aitlclS, set on a concrete foundation, Is offered by the Warner-Qulnlan company to the city of Philadelphia, on a $1,090,000 con tract, at $1.9 per square yard. For re paying, $J.0 per square yard Is bid by the sunie company, while the lowest bid for lesurfaclng, submitted by the Vulcanite company, Is $2.03. These figures ate the lowest ever rpcclvpd In Philadelphia and they Indicate that the asphalt war Is proving of at least, tem porary bpncflt lo Ameilcan tnxpayers. ' m TOLD BY THE STABS. Dully Koroieop Bmwn by AJcohu, The Tribune Astrologer. Aitiolahp i J il f a. in.. Pot l'rida, Apill 12, I "01 Rf A (hlld born on thi dai will be of Die opinion that I'rofoiwjr llcnilenhall's pi heme to weigh the eailh oughl to produce good lcult When nome luople Ural nut how heavy the eaith I' Ihry may not ant It. eu lo the sold imc. irip hank note ale piol.ablv the beH thins In the itj.v ot rcmcdlcj foi the bluer. Ih lipping- lulls aie .il cainlns some roarinR. It is possible for "pink pills" lo make one feel pile. Many pi Kins nlll refulli tirtin esjpiesibiR rtpin-icin- upon Mjih llrfiise until the? learn Its effect on the sire of the 'Schoonei." fn the unxieiv to net on the Rioiiml ftooi many men laii'l in the damp cellar. AJacchus' Advice. Parties ho h not (eel like obsenliis Aibor Da.T ill due form un ronfrl a boon upon hu umiiIIv hi ptaiilm,; a cat. Oiiflin? Smdies o! Human Nature The Cowboy's Proof. TA' h" INCK. a .owbo.i fiom the umli of J the Unite fieek ("atde Compam, itu on tiial l Allhnie. ,Wb . on a (haige of shooting I a hMlmiaii on I lie lluilit.gtoj' lailroad with naenl l kill him. tie bad leiebeil lil.s pay a few dms lufeie unl "as ineagvil at tie time of the iloetma in ihe piLluuaertie na;titue of Ciitiinif ll,e coiwitv led. I. one eheinenll.i denied no intent to iei foute the bukeniaii. 11 told the coiut 'hi. Hale l u lute that he ilid tale out his ie. ulier and shoot atte.' the liral emmi had pii'lied lntn oft ihe tialn. he was meiol giittft a lire arrantrd bipinl. He anil a ftiend hail bien doivn the mail a fen milea and waMril to riae heck In the l.eient Ftalhiii to Uie lattcli. Ttealti r tint if tlt-y eie fottitd hi- mv of the ttaiit crer lluj Aoillii be piit oft, tl-e.i 'n ii'tuigred that if cue was pill off the t! tin he i.'io.iW no'lfy nU paitner by filing his reioHi nine 'Ihe tmiiauan, lib Nions of vri.jt he ftnnl.v nl'iieil was a liaunw escape itoui ileath, sltoik Ins head, .nut tho judue looked iinbelievins. Vnnie'.H i-onbov liicnd loiroboiated the titorj, but. snii that 1)U file filled (0 im.oo'f cted iiiee. Ihe deteiidjnl ji-ked the coin I to plea-e step mtliiide. The judge asked slut ' "I'll prn.e mv iniinieim', Mini hntioi, ' Vdnie '..ild. 'I l.e unlit a iiiioiis'aiid enl outside. Se did Ihe liil-i1, Unirna and spei f.itor" lame pulled oat bt, and, balding a posJJRe stamp belne, a 4h lingers of bis left hanl, ilippid otf encii ioi"i in Muusiuii. Set he u spectator lo suspind i blikoiv -tut fioni n I lilt id jlLinsr oil tMitl leet lie w-heelnl and at the ti nt shot till the tlnead. 'I'jkm' si lackd be tlum looseU in a pkee of wood. This be place) airiiiisi a pos' tnentv tiie atds awji Roriolni; .i wj'ch from a bc-sl-jaitdu, he opened the use for a mirror, shut mlrli bis bad. lo the inuV and diuve am tnk inlo Ihe wood v. Iliiout .t miss. 'the brakeman had bien luokins ott in op'ii mot llieil woiidei. As Vit.ce coialudrd the liraki titan atepped up lo the judge, and, ti-p-pirs; hi'ti on the Jim. iild: "en, yy honor, I sue- t was iiibiakei. 'li-at inati ia-n'i shootine i me." llen.ii 'luiie. No Benson for Such Eaate. CO.f.ltrSsl.- ROHI'.KT It. fllll' lell-. a alury to illiuliale tin- slotsness with whlcli jtraL bodies soturhnie mme. "line day in MSI," he Mid. I fuel Mi. Blaine, who had just been appoint'd seirelar.v of el lie. 4 'Kill,' he add, 'I wtnl ton to be my a-il. .int. f hate ouie to nlfu irui the appointment as asfcislant jeintai.r er tlale ' "f told Mf. Blaine lint 1 louhl noi dinde a niiltei of so nun It ittipotlanie, al least tu niiself, 'it a moment' nollic title he n inl-l-eiit, The appoinlnnnt. he deilared, iiiuld not valt. " Til lell von. Hilt ' he ,ald, pinllng out hi wttili. 'it i now ju't l o'clock. I mux Itnoit torn- duisloii hi 1 oMuik, I can't pi, I i lie lhln off a di lonjet "I told Mr. niatue IhaL iiiiuh as I appreciate,! tlie compliment, it would be intporSiWe for ine in make a drs liioi: within tin horn, and, finally he Kate me (went) -four lioutc to think the run lei oter. Within Ihe time I atitpted tlie ip-poiiiliii-nt. Mr, Blaine errmrd niucli pleHed lie taid b. ttiUihl nend no. n.euo lo the nftule at uiiie f,.r itumeiliale jiluat, and wanted me to lie reub tn lake ibarae of tlie oliKe witldn daj or to. ""iU ih.i in, name i.n wnt i it to lite vi ate fm loiitnniation s .is.iiant .-e, ri'taty of stale. Hi it daj the vnors happened to gel Inlo a tvianije our the appolntinent of a dooi 'icipef In lb- i)liti8s.ioti of this Important sih'i't t ihi-i became ninruissd. and, In spite of Ml lllalne's ri;einiK. to gel ine tarled, It ss.ta teatlj ihirly ila- later before m.i .i. polntinent was ciep taken up. I met Mi. Bla(ne lifiiiimlb iliuir.K thai lime luu never eiiliire, lo wmiU thai lie mlcht as nell bale given me a touple of iveekh lo think inet mi ap poinlliienl " His Self Eulogy Was Sufficient. TIIH ItKI'IRKMhN'r (torn the heme of iep leuitattes at tlie iloi-e ot the ptrsi-iit lomjiew nf .feint M, Allen, of tssiwlpp, will tifnilnale all hope of Wa.-hlnslinl.ini to l.tai tall fioni his lips more of those hiiittotuiis phiaaea of this wag'a invention uhlib, like tlie aallifs nf pool Yiitlik, nete wild to ffl Hie table In a roar, irlates the .New Vork Pieaa, One of Ida good Morles is tills: "lleioie my eleitton I isme home one and found thai while 1 had been oft on mv rait.pafjin the frailer of our patl.t had oi,.'atii'.ed a rieieland, Ilrndiicka and Mien Hub, and they sfie. to hate a meet Inj that itl(hl, I sienl, and when lhe, pot IhloiiKh upeaklwr Ibe.t tailed upon rne I eptfed my lonvictiens, and uid what 1 waulfd them to do for me whin ths ileitinii fook plaie, in about tno weeks. Theie wele a good inaiii' udoied toliti ptesenl, and I vtanleil o jet them imetefled; an 1 got the ben in tall on -bin (.'iiiiimiujt, an old, alitn lolcted man. Old ,ljm got up and said! "'Well, (entlomen, ioiup tend Mr Tujlor and Mi, uderson on th" poll I let of the day. I'iet'ee told you what aorl of a mm (leve land ia, and what t-oit of a loan Dlalue il, inj it doii'l look lo ine like no hriiet man o'lS'it to have any trouble in picking out beineen lliein two. ou have also heaid Mi. llc-n mate about hi.-fell; and In has leioiiimendcd hlrrtlt eo mucli liisrl el than Ine balaiiro ot ils c.n lecoinmend blm ilia.1 It ain't vsulb whlla fel me to aay antthirs muili about him'" FUNSTOJT VINDICATED. IV. )'. Curtis, in the Chicago Record Herald. .U'CMdm; to the beat authoiities there nas BOthioir in connection with the capture of Affijln aldo that viii lu vlulalien ol iiillltiij rtiiiieltc ooooooooooooooooo The TT it people's i Exchange. ArOPUt.AB CEATtlNO nOUSP for the Renell f All Who (live riooiea to . . Rent. Ileal Kilat r fllhtr Pronerlv to Sell er Exehtnre, er Who Want Situations or ' Help TkH Small Adrertlaemenla Coat i , One Cant i Word, Six InaertloM for Flvo , ie, , or bxrepc oiiiianons -, "."( "iiivn Are inserted rret. ooooooooooooooxo Help Wnnted Male. lUltNrksSMAKKB AX rAI'CRir.NCKIl IIAU O. .1. I.odeflck, Pl- ne maker wanted, mouth, Pa. WAN,n:D-,Ai'Am.B ma.v to cam: ron hor-ien and look after delalls ot a batn. Ap ply at olllie. Jonas lerng's Sons. TV'ANTKD-riRST CbSS STRNOOTtAPHER AND ' Remington operator! Rood aalary to the riRht man. Addiess Jfanufacluier. care Trlbuni. Help "Wanted Female. wanti'.d-oood fiinti. near Laurel Hill I'm'. i:o oiiovr sim:i:i', WASTKD-EXPf.RIHKCnt) DIKDERV OltU. wanted. Tilhuiie Bindery. WASTIID Cini, Krtlt GliNKRAT, IIOVSi: wotk. Apply with tcferenee lo Mia. V. It. Brook, 100(1 Mndin slircl. Situations Wanted. SlTtlATIO.S WANII.D-rO CO OUT WASIllM", and iitjnins the lirsl pail of the week; of lice tleaninc also. Call or addiev, I.. B , A". I Seniner atcnue. DOOKKKliPKIt VOUM1 MAN 2i, KXPKRI- enrtslj wants position as boukkeepei or iletk; r.ould al.-o accept pusltion ndtli civil eni;itieer: Iwsl letereiieeti. AdclieM box 10, Inbtme office. .siil'VriO.N WAVIF.D-BV A YOlfNC MAN '.'A years of nee, bfroti and active; has hurt one itstr'i e-cperienie as shipping tleik. Rererem.ei turntslipfl. Address rthtlipins Olerk," care of Tnbune ofHie. JIARltlllll WAV, 0 (IIIIDRIA', WOUI,l UKR position as steward, janitoi.l oretakei or vvotlc of itny kind. G., 'I'ribuce ottice. A. I'lRST-CLASS COACIIM IK WANTS A stTI tion with a piieate familv ; understands the iie nf hor?M thoroughly and veij' handv about house and carrfen. witli" (food rett rences. Vd dtes W. K., S.U Peiu aveniij, tre Ki hnell. Or'f: MARRIKD VOMX WANTS 1IOU3K woik. coik'lna; or work ot any kind; sl'ep l p.. Tribune nfttce. Sl'fCATlOX vYsATLD-BV A OPG "MAN S bnal.kiepei and Ijpemitei; can Klve reOr encea; snull halaiy. sddrws Wesley II. Weave., f.oac, Sullivan 101111I5, 1,1. SITUATION WM'i:il-ltV A Of.NG COLORED scntlerneji :is a cook. Can give good reir ence addles. William Pn.ninston. S0 Pcnn avenue. WANTED MAN' OP AUtl.lTV WOb'f.D UKl! position of responatWlit.v. Good salesinati. Competent to manage btislnea? or attend to ad eunitiy and i onespondence. Addtess l), (', , Tribune offiee. For Sale. " .sxV.NsiNysl,ev'V VOB SA1.K IIORSK A.SD WAGON. tlORGAN" stork home, suitable foi fajntlv use or liitht delivery, perfectly sound and without a bad habit; tanopy.rop, tvvo-ealcil sititej: hiiltn'.'-ri and lap robe, at ti saiiiOie. AppH to K. P. t thin, 6 Wjoming .ivenue. FOR S.VLE-ONl'.N' PUR. BLACK MARES, PPIt feet match bu'jlul inl kind. One To Seated I'luiti.n. One Top Bugv with sitafis ind Pete. One Two-Seated sleigh. One Ctittei with Sliott.s and P.tle. line Double Haur-at One hinslo l)atne. Ttubw, Blat.ketp, eti . et,., ill in hist ila.s oidrt. I'oi fm tin i partittilats tall oi atldi . TI', l.inaen slicel, Scianton. Telephone .ill. (,Jlt. CHAS. D. SANDKltsON. Wanted To Buy. WANTI.D-SCCOND-II.WD H.OI' MVCII1NLS; ueist he in ftoed mriei; slate psituulais is lo make and ptice. Addict's I. Al., ger.cnl de-liu-i, htianton. Pa. Booms and' Board. TABLK BOBl AND ItOOM" ton avenue. wasiiim; l.AItGB PKONT ItOOM Willi BOARD l'Oit IttO gentlemen. 110 Adams avenue. Money to Loan. HOVUV '10 LOAN' OX IMPROVED CITY REAL eidale. HENRY Bl.HN. .IR. I MAS. It. -WKLI.LS. IIIOMAS SPRACOE. MONEY TO LOAN ON BOND AND MOUTGAOE. any amount. M. H. Holsate, Commoavvcalth building. ANY AMOUNT OP MONIIY TO I.OAN-iJLtlCK, t.tiatlRl'1 Irana oi Uuilulng and Loan. U from a to 6 per cenr Call cm N. V, Walku, Ml 113 Ccnnell btuldin,'. Strayed or Stolen. 'Vaen. n. aesx , STIlYi:n OR hfOMlN-LAT EVENING A ioim blaik and white cat, Riwatd, no nuei-tltins, al JO.! Jeller-'On avenue. Taoat. LOsl-DIAVOND IIDIIMMIOi: PIN. l,mUI VI, tewaid if letumed lo It ill Mirion hlu-ei or the 1jk of war, Tlie object hn been dis. mM-d iinltfl generally anion; hluh legal llght.s, diplomats and tnllltair lawyers, and while theie is i geneial regiel that II wj neiessai.v In ue foi-Reiy mid deception lo nciompll-h Hie end de hired, sllnilil nu alls Jte u.eil and jilitlrled by every ivllird nation, both lit war and in peace, Tlui .eret service division of Ihe heavily and tins ditei lives ot tho Pu'toBlce department and the Dipaitment uf .ln-tlie do nut liesitate al any lime to adopt tti(h iikjmiips to teiute the delis linn and the anvil ol nftrliders against tlie lain, It is done evcrj day tn lime of peace, and In vvji it Is eperted. AN EARLY RISER, I'lOtti TH-Bits. "Pal," Mid a iuJiubpi lo one of Ills vvoikuien, "you taibt be an eart.v tltei, 1 find -oii at notk the Irst thing in the iiioinlng," "Indade, and 01 am, tor, It'a u familv halt, Oi'm tliluVliii. "Tlien, lour lallier was an eaily liei, fooj" "Mo father, is It V Ile lobes thai earb that II he vient lo bed a Utile latei Itr'd meet himself filing up In Ihe inornln'," PRECEDENTS FOR FUNSTON. V. P, Curl!,, in Ihe (hU.i;o Retold llciald Some one has found fevetul pieiedenta for I'ltn llon'a atiatagem in tlu' Bible, I'ur eatnp!e, In Ii, rhroniiles sill., 10 21, "the Lord "lid, who ktiall entice ihab. King of Jiael, - hn there, came out a spirit and stood befote the Lord and slid, 't will enilie him - I wll go out and be a lving spirit,' ' ' vud the land said, thou shalt entire mil thoul .halt pievail, Go out and do even so" A COSTLY LESSON, t lorn Ihe Chicago Record-Herald. 'the icbellion agatmt sjnc rii an autltoiilt hai been a LOotly experience for the native.-, uf the rhtllpplucs. t'iity thouiand I'iliplnoa lorui the lovvctt estimate of tlie war dspatlmcnl of the casualties sustained by the Piliplno forces; ",W7 tlfica hive been captured or wirrendcred and e05,. lfj lounds of amn.unltlon, u ebotrn by Imom plele ti Kit in, havtf been , . FOR RENT FROM MAY 1 . Store in The Tribune building, now occupied by the' Times. In cluding Desks, Steam I lent and Electric Light. Also l2oq leet of lloor spce on 4th floor of -the Tribune building, su'table for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Hnquire at office of Tub Tribune. KOIt RI'.M'-1I ROOM HOl'sE, MODP.IIN I.M-pi-ovrmrnls, 12.1 Midlon nveniir. POR HI'.NT-T-ROOM HOI -SE. WITH MOtJr'.tlN linpiovemenla, on (ncen llldoe street Ap ply tUil Sandei-son avenit". 927 GREEN RIDGP, STREET. MNT. ROOMS; modem linpioicmenl-.' steam bent Included; (uinislicil; v-fiy desliable roR REN.T-iti.p noPBf.i: vionsr, .;e hmj riaon avenue; 0 rooms, 1S; alo ITOS Pine sttcet, (I isjoms, .1t. BOTH SIDES NEW MODERN POUBI.E nOCSR. S'-'Silit) .Vottli Main avenue. D. .'. Reere, 141 South I'ilmote avenue. 2'J GRP.EN RtDOE STREET. TEV ROOM", modem Improvcmenta; etcam heat furnished; ilislrable; $25,00. Buiinesa Opportunity. "IP YOU WANT '10 MAKE MONEY" IN" stocks, Gtain el rottott on small invest ment", wnle to in Immediilel.v. Now is Ihe time to mako big ptosis 1 lovvti k Co , Chicago Mock Exchange Building. Chicago. LEGAL. TO HIE OWNERS OK REPfTED OWNERS OP property bounding; 'or abutting on both sides of Emtnet otreel, from the laekuvvanna Over to ItailroiHl avenue, on th" westerly lde ot t-'ounlt avenue, tiom Bioadvvjy to Emmet stieel. on Ihr westerly side of Voran coeit, fisint Krnniol lret to Uioadway, In the Eighteenth ward of the lCly ol Scrantun, Pa. Take ttolice, that umlei the duectioti of Coun cil, I will nuke Ihe nste"Tnenl foi lonstnnt iiig a. system ot si-wet" foi the drtinagc ot the abore nientloned ririitoiy, on Satiinlav, the 2l)th day uf Apiil, A. D 1901, at 10 o'tlock in the foienoon, at my ofihe in the City Hall. City of "cianron, Pa,, at wlilitt time and'pk'c yen may appear and be heard il vott no dc-lte. .IfrsKPH P. PHIM.lps. Chief Enajn-ei. 10 1HH OWNERS OR HEPU'ICD HWVP.RS Ol property hounding oi abutting on the south erly ide of Rroadvvav, fiom the fjckawattna liver to Pouith avenue and oil both nides of Dtoadway. from Pomth iveiiue to Itallirad ave tme, on both nides of Pint avenue, irom Broul stay tu )(k.iveann.i lliet, on both sirlcs ot O'Connor court, fiom llioidwav to the Lacku tvanna rivet, on both side.s of Thiid avenue, from Biosdaay to Lu?erne stieel, on both sides of Pom-lb aenue, fiom Btcawd-iy to Limine 5tree.. oil the west side of Dowdcll loiut, ftom Broa-i-way to a point about 150 feet south ot said Broadway, on the west side of Moran toitrt, fioni Broadway to a point about 171 feet south of taid Broadway, in Hie sKlh and Eighteenth watda nf the City of Su.uiton. Pa. 'lake noliee, that under rhe direilion of Coun cils, I will mak the afttescment for innstriictiotig a .svMetu ot seweis foi the drainago of Hie above mentioned tcnilory, on 1'uday, Ihe lPlh dav of Apiil A. D.. 1S01, al 10 o'ltod: In tli- tote noon, at mv oftiie in Ihe City Hall, Citv oi Scranlott, Pa., ar which time nnd place vou maj appear and be heaid if yo': so dcliie. If)s I'll f Pllll.f.lPS. !hief Engineer. DISSOLUTION OP I'ARlVKltalllP, lIMl'iill) - Notice is hfteliv given Hut the Jleadi-v Rtook Silk. Coinpanv, Limned, tin aiROtiation oi ganired ut.der the let of A-sembly appro cd tune . 1ST4, nnd its supplem 'tits, lot Hie pet pose of spiuniug ni.d ttunuf ictming nilk, bilk thread, aid Ile weaving ,-tid minutai tilling of silk labile ts heiehy aissohed liy Hie uitriij inous vote of (lie paittes ft interest, and tie foi lowing persons hive been .ippomied liquidating tiit'.reei: V. l. n mke, il. llenaul, A. L CoIliiLS ESP ATE Of AMOi, s, j.vii: OP 'IHE CITY of -siaiton. County of Lackawanna and Slate of Penn-jlvann, deceased. Letters testameulaiy having been graiitrd tn th undei-uened. all pcrc-us having claims ci demand.-! ugainat lbe -..n'tl f-lale will pteieur ll.mi for pajineiil ind alt ptrsor,-, indebted thereto Hre iequted tj make inituediate pjv nunt lo IRVIV T. s.", Es-eiinor. Milwaukne, la'kiwinna totintv. t'a. ELIZABETH SX, EiccutrU, 11-'. Wn-ltbiirn tirit, Scratiton, Ti CIIARl.l.s I.. IIAWI.EY. Atlniiii'V lot Eolate, llti-417 Coni.ell butlditg. Scianton, Pa. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. K. C. SPAULUING, Yoik. !J0 BROADWAY, NEW Architects EDWARD Ii. building-. DAYIs, ARCllirElT. CONNEI.L PREDER1CK L. UKIIWN. UlCIIirElT. PRILE building, li!f Waelun-;ton avenue, ci-anton. Dentists. DR. 6. L'. LILENBEItGER, PAt.'I.l Bt'lLflING, Spiiue alieet, Sn'anlon. DR. V. C. l.AUBACH, 11 WYOMING AVENl L. Lawyers. PRANK E. BOYLE. AHOMNEl -AP l.M, Rooms I-. II. Id ind IS Burr building. IT h. 'I It VI 'V. AVI 'Y.COMMON WE ti 'ill BLIIG 0.iT REPI.OGLE. Vroit.EY-..Ots NLGO tlated on letl esljtu vcuiitj. Mean building, tornei Wat,l,lngten avenue and epitiio sttiel, ttlLlAltl), WVR11EV k KVU'P. ami touittellors at law Hepubili an buildftig, Washington avi-iu..' JKs'slIA Jl'.ssl P. MiOllNESs ND LOIN, -.ellors at'law Couiuionivraltli building, lbomi V.i, iO and 51. i":mnD""w . ' vnoitNEv rooms 901101, Hill fiom. Meats building, L. S'"vrill-.s', ATIOIINTi.Vr-LU. uTauh of I ride building, f.iantou, P.i, PATTER'-ON K Wlft'ON, 'I IHflERs' NMIOWL Hank building. K COMLliiS, n-l' REPI'BIKHN BPII IHSO A. W. BLIU'HOLP, HPPiri; MOVED '10 NO 211 Wvi-mlny avenue. Physictnns and Sugeous. HI! W. E."aLM.N. ill NORTH WslMi)O.S avenue. DR, S. W, I.'AMOREAHA. Oi'l'll'E ..'' WXSII ihglnii avenue. Ilesidcnie, l',! Jfiilbiiiv, Chtonio di-eae, lungs, heart, klilitev-i and genilo uiinary oigans a .prclaltv. Hour-,, I to i. m, Osteopath, S iilTltTRltDi: ITVNS. Os'i;OPA'IH iV'xm'i" l.'fi Waihlngton Ave, Mwnton Pa. Cluoiil. Dl-rasrs a t,ps.laliy. dlflu ilouit: J.'.d Ic 12 m ; .u(l to j.!i p in. Hotels and Resultant, mi: l.i,h imi T" i IT-ani)"T7 i-it a kT 1 n avenue Rilca leasouabla P, ZCIRf.L'R. Piopiletor sCRWIOV HOlsl.. NER D., L. 4" W. Pis .Niger depot. I'onduiled on Ihe Ktuop-au plan. VICTOR KOCH, Plxpii'lui Scavenger, A B. BHIGGS CLll.Ns PRIVi llll.h AND cess pjols; no odor; only Improved putnpt uied. . B. Brig ga, rrooiietor. I cave orders IPX) Notlh Main avenue, or Elike'a dtug toic, col. nrr datita and Mulbcuy. Both telephonet. lor lttnt, Expensive Fwrnityire. 0 0 00 There are two kinds of expen sive furniture Pint The kind that is pur chased at a higher price thnu It is really woith. Second The kind that's made out "of costly and rare woods, beautifully cuved, and upon which no expense is spaied in its constitution and finish. The Utter is classed as "ex pensive'' because it costs moie than the ordinary, and there is an impression that such furni ture cannot be bought anywhere short of New York. We have Bedroom Suits. Side boards, Dining Room Tables, Parlor Suits, Library Tables and all the smaller" articles that go with them, of the very highest Srade, elaborately carved and ighly finished. Look them over before your next trip to the city. Hnil&Coeirnelfl i3i -N. Washington Avenue. Seeds. CI. It. CLASKE i. (.0 . SEEDSMEN AST) NHP.S. rrjmcii, store 'J01 Washington avenue; green houses, lf"0 North Main avenue; store tele phone, Ti!. Wire Screens. J0--EPH KUElTRIi. VEAIt Ml LACKV. AVE., Scranton, Pa.. manuncturci of Wire Sciccns. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING l'OK CH1LDHEXV TO ORDFR; alar, ladle' waist? Louis si,0emakei, 212 Adams avenue. MEGAROEB BROS.. PRINTERS' SUPPLIED, EN- velopia, paper bags, twine, vairhou-e, ISO Washington .itcntte, ?ctantun, P.i. THE vll,KnSBAl:RE RECORD CAN BE HAD in Scianton at the news Btaud of Reisrnati Bros.. 40K .spitiee and jli Llndi.ii; M. Notion. .'?2 Lackawanni avenu; I. . bchut7cr, 211 Spruce stieel. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect March .'!. 1P01. Por Ph'tladelp'ih mid New Yoik- u D. ft H 1). It., at 0 4) and l.i a. m., and 2.18, L27 (Bluk- Diamond Eipre-t), ard ll.:,0 n. in. hun days, D. L H. R. 1?., 1 .Is. 8 27 p. m Por White Haven, llirlelon and prineipil points m the coil ugioiK, via D. A 11. It. R., fill, 2 IS and 4.27 p. :n. Pel Pnluvilte, 4.27 p. '.n, Por netlilclitm, En-dm, Reading, lhtrtabiiig and ptlueipal ittli-rmcdutc stations via D. k II. R. R., 0.4J, 11.55 a. in.; 2.18. 4.27 (Black Dia mcnil Frp.esl, H.dt) p. m. Sundjvs, D. k II. R. R.. 1.56, S.27 p. tn. Pot Tunkhannock, Towtnda. Elmlta, llhaca. Geneva and ptlnclpil iiiteunediate tutions. in IL, L. A. W. It. R, S.03 a. m.; 1.05 and 3.40 V I"- For Geneva, Itotht.-ter. Buflalo, Niagara kV alls, Chicago and all points west, via D & II. It. IL, 11 ol a. m., S.31 (Blaik Diamond Express), 7.48, 10.41, ll..!0 p. m. Mindajs,, D. & H. R. R 11.53. S.27 o. in Pullman pailot and bleeping or Lehigh V.illev parlcts can on all tiains between Wilkcs-Barre and New Yoik, Philadelphia, Ili.lfalo and Suj pension lliidgc ItOLLIN If, WILI1CR, fieti Mipt., 26 Coitland sltet, New York. CHARLES K. LICE. Gen. Aal., 2n Cortlyl slict. New Yoik. r A W. NONNI'MVCHER, Div. P.ii. As , aTuth Bethlehem, Pa. Foi tickets and Pullman isolations, apply to .'01 Lackawania avrtiue, s.ranton. Pa. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western In Klfe't Pee. 2. 1W. South Leave hi i. ml on foi Nen Yoik at 1.40, S.iWl .".CO. S00 and 10 05 a. m. : 12.5-i. .ft!) p. in. l'or riitladelphia al S.00 and 10 Oi a. nt.; 1.5 and s:u p. in. l'or stroudsburg al 0.10 p. m. Milk acoomniDdatiou at .? to p. in. Ainve at Hoboken at ll.:tll. 7.1s. 10 .', li.OS. .t.15. 4. IS, 7.11 p. in. Auive at Pliilidelphia at Lis). .'I.2i, 0.00 and S.2' p. tit Attive fiom New Yoik at 1.10, (. (! and 1".2! a lit : 1.00. 1.52, 5 41, s.l", and II, JO p. ni. Piom Mloud-burg at 8 01 a. Norilt l.c-ve --..lanten fm Buffalo and inter mediate ht.itbuis at I 13, ii.'," and II (10 a. m . 1.55, 3.16 and H..i5 p. ir. l'or 0wego and Sn.iru.-e al is 15 a. in. and 1,15 p. in. For tiliia at 1.10 J. ni, and I.51 p. tn. l'or ilon. troj-e it P."0 a in: 1.03 and :.t p. m. l'or Nifhol-oi' at tun and 0.11 p. nt. Pot tlhg. lisinton at 10 20 i, tu. Auive nt S-'itanton from Burial) at 1.2'., '-'-". ''' am' 10 00 a. m.; 3.30 and S.fW p. m. I''0'" Oswego and Sirauiso at " S", a in.; 12..! and .s(ni p. in Piom I ttia it 2.6", a in ; 12.: s and 1...0 p. lit. I'inm Nlcbo'soii at 7.5U a m. and u.l n. in. 1'ioin Mm fo- at U,.'i a lit : '.':20 and SW p. m. Bloem-litue Leave stl:ln0n fpr Not th'iliibei land, al t: It, IU05 u. m.; l,5"i and 6e0 p. ni I'oi PI) mouth at t.O'i,, 8.50 p. in. Por Kingston al 8.10 a. in, Auive ,il Nnithiunbetlnml al P.-i." a. nt : 1.10, 3,00 and 8 l", r, in Vtdve at Kingston at 8 32 a. m. Auive lit I'lviiioi'tli nt 101). i.-i. 0.43 i. in. All 11 1 in Sratiten front Notthumbeilanil at o 42 i. rt. ; t'tl, l.'o and h,Pi i in. I torn Kingston at il.Oil a. n. Prom Plvinouth at 7,'n a, in ; th.'O and ..:. ! ni. ' ' SfSDVY fRVINS. soiitl-leave -i rant'iii it 1.40, ,lik) 5 50, l.MCi I, jn.:' l:i '"ll l-4'1 P- "' Noitb Kave Vtsntou al 1.15. I u tu, l.s-,, r, a0 ard ll.:Pi P- m. Illnom-liiiri. Division -1 tave srji,in al 10 u, ,, nt and a 30 p m, Delaware nnd Hudson. In Elb'it Nov. "5, PW. Ii.ite. ful 4 ailiulidilc leave .s'ralilou at il "(J, 7 VI : "v.. U'.U a. m; UMrt, 1.20, 2,, I.-,.'. V'i)' ii 32, T.'iT. V II. 11.11 Ji in i I Hi a, nt, "i'oi' lloiR'Mlale-ll -0 P'l a. in ; .' If and -.-."j '"V!" ilki Him -'''I'. 7 l. '. 'We. 10 11, 11,51 a in.. I -?' -IS' 'l'i)' ,"!7' " 0'7 ' '" ". "iwL "'.' it R r'i"ii -f '' "'''' j in . -'-'.s. J.'1? and II. 0 p. l lot Ptni.'Vlvanla 11. II punts -0 l, lUs a, nt.- 2 IS and' 4 27 p l'i. I'm Vlhanv ind all polliia nmtli d 2H .1 lit ind M! I" 'M-Ntn 'HtM.NS. 't ( ai Iwndali 11.00, 11.'.'! i nt; J It .,52. 5 47. 10 12 i. in 'Em Wlll.evllni(l.i,. I nt , 15, 2, i -7, e 27 ii. iii .... iii. .in ami noil l iioith .: .1- n m I'ur Hutie-dile-0 00 .t, in iml il.52 p tu LovsaI rati, to -ill point- "i Inlnd - il- i ""' 'iriiVoniUHI.. II P. V- Mi'"",. N V II . ( ltd-. D P. A Siiinmii, Pi Central Bailroatl of New Jeisey, sullntis ill New Yoik 1'oot ol f.ihcit) viieel, It . anl s'5"tb l'""1 IMETMII-E IN EPPICI NOV. '1. JWii. T-i'lH h'avi S. i.irit.ut toi New Voik, Nevialk, 1'IIaabrlh. Phllidel Ilia. Lasloii. Bethlel em, VI li'.nloivii. llaiuli (hunk and White llin-n al S...10 a in ; rpies, I u; cvpu-x Ji.VJ a nt sen Po'i' PltDti'm and l(lke llatie, S .0 a m . I In and .1..V p. in. s,iliilav, "I, p lit For llaltliitiiie ind Mahingtilt ind points houth and West via R. IliUluni. ..0 a in . I 10 ard .1.10 p- ni unlaw, Ml . m. I'u, long Bianco, Oiean Glove, eti . at S Hi j nt ltd 1. 10 I'. '" lor lleailliu, Lebanon ind llitriluig via VI li-ntoun, 4!0 a 111 and I 10 p in un,nt. 2 II 1 1. i". For Pottsvllle. S.?o a. m and I M p. 111 'lluuugb ticket, lo all points ei-i, -.ijuth anl weet at luwejl nlc at Hie vtalimi. 11 P. BVLDMI.N. G.11. I'as- Vii I. II lll.HVl'sl'N. lieu s,i,t Erie and Wyoming Valley. 'lime Table in Efti-cl .sept. 17. l'Viu. 1'ialiis tor llivviej and local poiuH, ninueil ing at Htnlcy with Liie lallioid for New Voik, NcvTburg and Intermediate polnti, leave S rJn ten at 7.05 a. m. and 2.2i p. in trains airlvc at tcranltn at 10( a nt. and t 10 p. m. FILEY' Laces aimd Embroideries Laces The trimming "par exce'j lence" for artistic dress adon ment. Garniture of rich anl rare loveliness. No other niii 1 terial will produce the san'. tone and finish in dress trirrl ming as handsome laces. J have now on exhibition large variety of vesting! flouncings, wide and narro edgings, in all the popular ari various kinds of laces, includl ing Arabian, Russian, Point Alencon, Valenciennes, Poirl Venice, Rennaissance.Torchou and others. Embroideries! We display the most exten sive assortment. Completj line of Cambric, Nainsookl from the dainty narrow edge! to the most elaborate designs! in wide flouncings and all overs. Irish Point Embroid eries in all the new patternsi Very choice and handsome. 510-512 Seen what we have in Odd Boxes of Stationery At prices that will surely in tereat you. The above may e seen in our display win- j dow. ReynioldsBros Stationers and Engravers, RAILROAD TIME TABLESi svstwawMnitaataMaaa PENNSYLVANIA BAILROAIi Schedule in Effect March 17, 1001J Trains leave Scranton: 6.45 a. m., week days, for Sunburjd Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Bait more, Washington nna lor ruin burg and the West. DflR n. m.. week days, for Hazleto. nnd for Sunbury, Harrlaburi Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington ana avmsDurg ana xni West. I 2.1s d. ni.. week days, (Sunday! 1.58 p. ni) for Sunbury, HarriJ burg, arniiaueipuia, aiaiuaiori Washington and Pittsburg arl the West, ror iiazteton, Nveii days only. 4.27 p. in,, week days, for Sunbu Hnzleton, Pottsville, Harrisbul Philadelphia and Pittsburg. .1. 11. Ill M IIINrON. Hen Si .1. II. V.OOI), Hen. Pan. .Vgt Tim Curd tn tfftct Dec, aoth, lOOO.l SCRANTON DIVISION HAVE YOU 1107' 905" Ml iSai'wb 80S h&h " Ifrgd jjDotca 3 JJ;. a Jy-ic ' .' ...I 7 ,W HJM.I.t. ' 00 " JlT.'PM "",", .1 "M W . . . radoiu, .i.,,, . loetn . 101013 68 " Hunroik. , " ... j It i H J03IMM " . Marltghl. "I. tfsil lO'.ilJSI " lV'nion I'aik " ., nils. louijM " viiimtwi amc ,, 1000110 " .I'ojntel'e.,, ' ,, not I, SJoIlS .Orion..,. " ., auiit ., . I')1H I'UsiantJti, " ., 3 IBS 3 ..... a-unii umoiuinte " , joe(3i ! iiy.11. ' Hue-si nt.. " . 1U6C .... FU OH II it " CartKilirialeVd " IMIKSt I . DWHSO " (ibo.i.lalo "70038stS ,,,,6tJluor - " ,wtilt Uildae, " 17 Ol '.ID ao.111 II Mnv Held lit "70Vtmil , .saraoiti II Mavllttd "7 onus 01 ,.. SS AS It U Jtlliivil "7 19311111 .. a sis vi not vi.m.i.i "i; us 41s a ; Ili'tMIOM ' I'.ilville "7 218 698 1' sil M.'i'l.M ' ottphani " 7e:i(Hi, ! ... ail s to in r.j I'rUti.niK " tsiimii' ....eon iiin ituovp raniosa- , , srvi a.-sm u I'roii.itiue r.-'itjioi . SO la.MOIl I'aiLI-laic .' :V 17 r. 3 6 031 ' 10 (11 1 v Setanlon .Al 7 (Oi 206 I, PV it IV 111 fM PV a.lliltansl Iffttua ln.ri. f mthrtntirtt t.,hta 65 pinri.cpt luuili,ii, 7 lOrin unily oaly. Hi llilnvtl'lj ViH7QUitiinii&a)tni. .vaii'iontitniiii Kile .rsnton 117 irpii-tnaii. ii'l UK 11 Mtitii'.ni ,g 1 ari.ono-r tmntij r 7 D.l ItsTiilesTei Mi)fr'.t ,ird lir I4it,.04l4 it 9 ull).a1fiogt( itlep't ttw I un. Hatter V cnt iter nillo. Liineat lliitea to nil Tolut Welti , c enotiiDOH, Cl'ir'i'r.l'nl. itr Vor'.Cilj. t. WttlH.I lt JIlH Scttnul k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers