-'" --"- ' ..B.- -- - .-.. .. .-... T ilf " V cisrrav .?- -y ? v - - -p-f. -- T 7"v - , X 1 l-( -" -$ rf ".'- J-H-" "r -V i. s O m L1IE 8011 ANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY. APRIL 12, 1901. m i 3 OtllCC: "BURKE BUILDING; I THE PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE A POt'lLAK HXARINO HOUSE tor the lleni. ' tit ot All Whi line lltiuf lu llcr.l. Ileal l.,tatc cr Other Piopcrty t'j.MI er r'Mlnnsc 't Vlio Want felluatlnn or Help Theje Sin ill Ad terllHnitiitu t'-ot One Cent a Word. ''I In'cr lions lor The rr.t mWurd-IIic-.l.l hiluatitni Wanted, Whliti re IiifCllcd I'ice. io whom ir mv roNCniiN-i. F.nr.vx A. Wiitlcu. of (.iilninilili. xxill lilt I"' lrprn M lor ('cl-le t mill I. till I'J 111 wife, NilHt Mav Want ii. nbo haxing lilt my l-cil nnd l.iid, Vptll -. l'i. Ethan A. W.mui. HOBSE THIEF CAPTURED. ,'onsttiljlo Piorcc Arrest s Man for Whom Two Rewards Aic Offeied. con-jtubl'- Henry PJeice ycstcidoy moinltig got liotd of t ho man fur whom ho bus hit n looking for iieuily twu weeks. Ho xcas xi I rf'Htcd on a wiurnut i harping him xxlth tin- thctt of 11 soriel man- rrom I. t: Potijamln, ot Simon, Wayne count. Several times Mr. fiem- has (tliuii'-l h.itl his hiiiitl on the nllogtil thief, hut each time. ut t-i veM nliiy. he has dlsuppi au'iJ In the nick of time. I'ut Mr. I'lnm was same and hliletl his tlnif. following up nil ' !nr ' l"i Hioiv aie tx.o towards hanging tixtr thi thief's In ml. one nl iM m1 hv ilk' tux not nf thi' lnuse ol :" .illil n lex-'atil nf SH h; tin- t. utility commit-siuiu-iv i 'onstub!-.. Picric ciptuicd lil m. tn. tliow ii.iini' l Sp.inyoiibnig, In the xl'lniiy ol (Ir i'ii Ridge. Hi; at once i "'; him to Smith t .111.11111. xxhcio n. x .i 1 flint li.nl h't'ii Uhih il foi lii 111 .on! glx 1 11 to I'k'iif to s-ixe. I'l-nsltleiublo cnntioveuy h.it- arisen iiv"i tin plunder of this IhU'f. lie hi ought l!i" Molon hotso lu thl city Hinl ilisiotl ol It to Mi-1-. L. II. ny tlft. t'oiist.ihl Pkue ami Constable K. .( Ncnry fiioh rliilinod tht- hoi-bc :ind the kittir tool; It away ami imt It m iinutht'i' slabli' ConitablP Plono not a search xa riant anil ret ovi'tt-il 'bo horn'. .md tlf-n tlio ownrr put It. coiihttiblc Nt-.ny l-l ought hiilt before Milciman .loni'H lor the towanl offorcil iy licniamln tor thr- iPtutti of thu liouc. 'riii- Mtlt xa:- heard l.it Sattir Jay am! Alth'i man .Ion h Ik to yixe his rrtllct today. Tlio taitum ol the tliitl'mtix ntlll furtlif-r romi-lk-atc mat tf t. IMPROVEMENTS BEGUN. fhi Summer Promises to Be a Busy One for Outside Work. The liis-i of tlie outs-hle xxurk -xxhleh u ill be none in this city this; Mimmet .ai btKUn yeirter-lay morniiif? xxhen tin- '.'ailiondale G t& icnrpany started to exit nil tue lk.Thth .-venue main. This bosinniiifr but toie-hado'.x.s l.x ti.m.ie additions v r.ich they v, ill make ti' their r-'l'e km.". Tl:e biimiui r prpniifeh to he a lahly artlvo "lie iru cut.sldo tx-ork. Th Jluspitril and F.illbluok t-lrt.et.s f-txver e.ill be s-tai ied hh.-ntl ami the work at the junction 01 Canaan and North I'huivh stiei Is will also oeeupv some tune There will b.- the ihlis-hiiu,- up r: the w(,ik mi Seventh avenue and ,-iobably on Ninth avenue. a C mn (iliuau Davis it maklns a li .id tlht In. the ai-piopii.itlun of s"uO for that 1 llrpii.Si' It is (Uite IIK-'Jy that tbei- xxill be .1 pie.U d'-il ol liiipiovemcnt xvoik lone Cut. other tleet.s lliiuimt.ouL the illy also. W'th the unlit 10 lie done by the x.atei lompa.ues ii'rt the 1011--mietlon woik on tin lalhoatl tlieie I i-nnil'i In l-i lot1- 01 uuls-ide uliiploy nif nt. Macliinists' Hopettll. Thu 'n-cked out iiiael-lnisth at AVatt.s' l"il! wtie sn-atly choei " yevteidrty by 1 he riiinoui-i 1 mem in Hie Nrnv York 1 pfr.s tint th'' "inimltttv whieli they I id spin to Alb my had been MUeos 'ei in tPturim; ai audknee xith the - 1. lis ol the load, a eumenuencu of i.iell w is ll.'it Supeimti lldfllt of Mo- I . i" we 1 Sl.ii'k x at desp.tteliPil for. Mi. .lfi kha.s ni..ik' the effer to the ii'i'ii of time ami a tiutiler tor all x fit pi 1 101 mod on Sunday and over-mil-. Although nothing will be ijlvon mil by tl'e nmchltiUts, othei lehable Miiire-.s o:' Intotn.ui m s-tale that u;attei i.ie now helim fpecdlly ml Ji t'ti-d, and it woelil nut be MirpiiMnK II all uatteis ot d's-pute are llxed by .ituitihy 1 voulhK in time for tlio men tn resume' woik at their us'.nl jobh on Monday iimii'lmr. .S .stati n.ent wa- y--aenlay made 'hat the nffi r til oeitim- x-ill not li ..1 1 opti -1, us- the men have other pxlov iniets,. It is alto said tiutt ,111 out-of-uixvii ill ui has- olle'i-'d to hh" all the kihed-out men. hut .is they aie PiopcMty owner.-, xxttl- all - tbcii Intel exitt! hue, It Is baldly III.-, Iy th 'y . inild een-lder such an ot ter exei pt nf a hist uMirt. The Mate n.eni Hint the men have other Riiev-,'iii.-C! bts-llu not KelthiK extra pay Is 1 reliably true, but there if not mueli 'lUettlo'.i but that II tin eompanv rnn- 1 i-uutl ibis ilint the pie.-Cllt tioulilu ' mild be nujusied. Tlio Ik law ,uo 11ml lludton eomp,iny has .ilx-ny.s been llb- ml to Us. men and they aupiei ka- thlh lael mi friri-tiuly tlvit the- oivj Hat! all ilt ptccale ihe Idea thai llity .ire tiyhiG to Kivc tli toad tiouble. Krnni Hi" kcjliinliiK 01 he t-ti ilfo they have xvkluii it dslnctly .-i.ueil tint they do rot want c ciumj trouble 1 tht. 1 cad in any way. but only wished to net ,1'iuit they rnnsukr-'d their due, Xt is, believed an 1 hoped hv the mou nnd I'ltlx-nu generally that the mid of tins week will fee the end of the ii-cubb-, The wihi. policy of nmdlnK a conmiilUe of Ihree 10 A'buny lui-j helped Ihe matter nlons-. Will Preach to Odd follows. Itev. U, .7. Wlmlun, D, D., pastor of the Rcrcuu tiaptibt ehurnh, will de liver a turmun to the uirlmio oiders of Odd Fellow h lu thi.s city at that (hurcli mi Sunday. Apill 21. Lust yo.ir rtn- Dr. Whulen preached to this fra iei(nty and hit sermon met with such ftppiob.xtlon that ho wus the ununl moub choice of tho loduoa this year. At the meeting of Hid Patriarchs' Militant last evening steps were tuken looking toxxavd making arrangements lor thlb service. Thin will be the bovonty elshth anniversary of the order. Ju&t EscapedyBeing Ciushetl. .The firm of T, Walker & Company have just puichated a large tufe ami il Is now installed In their new stoia on South Main 6treet. It wa put In late Wcdnewlay. Wlillti it was beln unloadtd thtue name near beluga trag. edy, Peter IJIvenburg and Lafayette Kll him' iirovtj doxvn to the store with the Carbondaie Department. . Bafc 111 thu wugon. IMvf'iibtllK jumped out nml wont Into thp utorc to Inform the iiropi lolom of tlio arrival of thu htronp box, and Kilmer proceeded lo drive doxvn tht- little alloy-way at tin tddo of the sUoi'p. Ah lu- diovo nvor the t'lirbHtono the front of the amin, of ciutrsift roso lu the air, and a liny nameit Ulmiluy Muiimoii and lilvenbtii 1 a 11 lo the wagon anil wivo tin1 1 oar .wht-pl u .thovc to Hot It oxer the ctiili. The. naff by thlrt tlmo had sained speed and, iih the tullhonid xn. tltmn, It lulled rlfihl out of thu wntton. Munon xxas almost ttntler It at It left the xx.ir tin, hut by .some unexplained elietun .stance the .safe did not hit him, Ki-nzltii; hln head and body only as It loll. U ctrtiek u heavy plank, xxhleh tlptllted Into the fare 01 a spectator, but. did mil IiiiipIi him. t li - nml onmltitr wllhlll an Inch of hlf) eeb. File sale wum not tlmmiRiVt by Its full unit xxiih put lu the stttue all rlslit A BRAVE WOMAN. Mrs. Outtnm's Courages in the Fire at Cincinnati. This week t IJramntle Minor, the leadliitr tlieatikal paper of Hit count) y, (ontalus mention of some Intel chHiik Mils in Hi,. (, r the late Mrs. I.eon aid Outiam, formerly of this city and Flsicr 01 Ocou;e II. and .Tumi's Paul. 01 the Mliit-iV and Mechanics' bank. We Kixe the notice below: "Mis. keoiiaul Outram, iirolessloiially Ituoxx'n as Anita Hlpley. died at Albany, N V March 31. alter having undei i?oup a stliRieal o)eration at Hie Al bany hospital. Mer maiden nam-- Mas Tinm.L Hlpley Paul. She xxas bom in Albany in December. IMJ'J, and man ied Mr. Ouliiim Oelober -', I'.iOU, In Hoston. Her piiifi-ssltuial i-iiguKcmc-uth had been with W'.ud anil Vok"s. lius Hill's com panies, and this season xxlth her liu baiid. in the supimi I nf K. II, Sothern and Virginia Himied in "Hamlet." On the occasion of Hie bin nine; of Hie fit and opera house, in Cincinnati, last x Inter, Mis-. Outtnm .stood by the side of Mr and Mis. Sotlieni, in the heait of danger, and assisted the audience lo escape oxer the foot 1 1 '.'.Ills, she con tinued w itk the company until slc xxefks u!?o, when her illness, that she hud borne with ewtinoidinuiy htII, compelled her utirement She xxas loxed by all xxho knew her for her brightness and sweetmssof disposition. Her M'in.iiiis were intoned in her fam ily plot in the Alban.e Rural cemetery." REV. I-TR. PITCH HEARD FROM. The Missionary in China Writes That Ho Has Received the Box Sent Him. The "Pastels' Call' of the Kiist ri"sbyteiiaii cliuieh contains this month the ii-lloxxins,' iiiteiv.stinrr x-x-Caet lioni 11 leU-r liom Rr-. J ,. I-itch, miisionai- in China: "A box was put among my things by the people at the Piesb teiian Mis sion Pic-ss in SlianeJial, as keiine through in Noveinbei. Xolhlng xxas said as lo what it was, mul Iiidsed they xxoult! not kiiuxv. It remained amoni, my boes until 1 linally got si itlod In le m Tsing-Taii, when toiiml it was the Inns evpeetul bo;: tiuni C.nbon-dal-'. And allow me to thank the ladles tor all Ihe ii kind thoiightluliiess to us in sending out that bos. As it tut nod out. It xx. is lo'tumitelj (lel.i.xeil. lor hml il armed xxhen It should haxe. it ixmild be nuiiibei-d aiuong the other things destined to make a Hner bnnllio. All the things weie in good eomlitioii e-x-eeit the box of i.imly fop the boys, xxhitli xxas tompietely melted by -ill that it had had to go tliiough xxlth this biiiiuni!." THE BRIDGE ARRIVES. Woik on the Racket Brook Impiove ments Now to Be Rushed. The steel girdeis and tiameixoik tor the new steel Inldgo oxer Haeket Biook has at last ai lived in town, alt r n aily u month's tilp from the works In Piti.sbms, lniiu!iie.s have been sent all ovur the- eountry for the Ixvo missing box cars In wlikli they xveie shlppni, but 110 tlace ol them could bo found until IJuglneer Kupp was Infoiniid tint thv weie- In tlie yaul axvaltlnt. his plcasuio. The work of getting iheiu out of the bo ears will reiiiin ennsideiabk' dl plomaey on ihe pan of couti.ietor Thompson, as most of them ate very heavy pieces, all ol the glutei s being twenty-six feet long, xxlilk "1 o-v thai will span the footpath x li. -e.isiire lorty-si.'Veii lem in luiifei:- A huge fore j of men xxe . ,i;-t"i in tu work estenlay 10 gel thiiig.s In shape to 1 ophui- the pieseiit structure witli thu new steel bridge. Ft 0111 now oil things xx 111 be lively 011 thai part of 1 'Inn oh sito't Impiovinp Sidewalks. Tin sidewalk around James ,1. tior man'a geni'i.il store on South Main slreei Is being taken tip. Air, ("ionium tiuu.'inphite.s i.ilslng and gratllug tint walk ami making .1 number of Im pioxemeuts on the Seventh axiinm side. Willi the objeel of I'lihauelug the alitft of his propertx. It h too had that a niliuhci of otheis e.tunot sen Ihjlr way 1 leur to do Hkew iso, as theie uro lots ut opportunities for it mound town. Four Feet of Water. N'o. :i mine is reported to be dimmed out. Tlieio Is now four fe'et or water In ths mine and the overlloxv Is 1 tin ning tliiough Into the Poxvdeily mine. Pumps are actively at woik attempting to keep even xvlth tlio stieams. Somo of these pumps are now siibnieiged, but they ate 1 nattering axxay Jtisi as steadily ab ever. Getting in Shape at No. ;i, The building operations at No, a shaft at a getting along finely, Tlio new engine 100m Is nox' cumplute, us Is also thu new tower and the geneinl lemndellng that has been In piogiess blneo the flu? itestioycd tlio buildings Is now almost done. Three Weeks of Idleness. After tomorrow the xvorkers at No, 1 mine will have enforced vacation of about tin ie weekb. This is deemed necessary by thu company In order to connect the now bleaker and to put up the n plane. Pay Days These Days. Tlio Dekiwaie and Hudson company paid at No. 1, No. ' and Powdeily mines. Today the miners of the upper side will gei their envelopes. Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 EUCHRE BY THE WHOLESALE. A Piogrossivo Party of Great Dimen sions Last Evening. ' iver J'ili euchro players enjoyed their fux 01 It" uaine lust cxeninp at the lltnke httlldhifr. The Yottnp Ladles' kVimiuuiilou Tnblo ansoelittlt!it of t!t. Iltwe ctitirc'li held their hfcoml profries slvo etielne paily of thu HCimou ami eviry one of the km tables mt tip In lom,' loxva xxiih otcupled, while many late-eomi'i!' eotild not be accommo dated. Mr. Juiikh P. Lofiim win the geneinl iininap'i' of the event. The sanies were iitni'ted at S.UO mill twelve panics wero plrynl. A number of liHiiuVnine prlaeu xxeie Ineenllvea to hi lug out the bet (Mil that the plaei could muster. I Ml l'Jfl a aw.-lsted by tin; follow- itig gciitlemtn. Mark Campbell, John I5ienn.ui, Aninou Sehwailz. John T. l.oilus. i". II. Norton. Michael Uronnnn, Aiilhony .1. PaUdeii, Michael McDonald, James lJuilte, John Coland, P. F. Con ner, F. P. Cliirord and P. F Carroll. Tlie floor committee consisted of D. L. Walsh. Flunk Hoylan. M. J. Iloran, It. J. Kllhullen. "William clink. Tlio prize ivlnnots. fifteen in number, -were: Alls. James Loltus, cut glasts. dish: M.ss klzio O'Or.uly, culler piece; "Will I'elaliev, Iuiiiij: .laiv McCune, piilm: .Miss LIkjIo .Murphy. Ion ofcoul; J. V. D-'ti.e, piittiic; Miss Mary Cavan augh, fountain pen: Mrs. J. J. TSrt-n-niiii, pipe Miss Almoin Hirs. silver pa) ( r kii'te: Miss Anna Madlgnn, nap kin ling; James Pace, silver blotter. Miss Jennie Fox. window seat; M. J. Hei.in vui.c J. J. Farrell, hand-p.-.lnted dish: Mis. G. "W. Keene, fruit dish. Alter the avxarding of the pilzcu dani-'ing xxas indulgrd In till 2 o'clock. Piofcfsor Filth frinished the music. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY. Miss Myrtle Pengelly's Anniversary Remembered by Friends. In honor of the aiinivecsary of hur 1-irih a number of iriends of Miss Myitle Peligelly tendered her a sui pilse paily at her homo on Blrkett stieet Wednesday evening. The sur prise was a complete one but Miss Ton gelly gave all a mesf cordial welcome ami by her unbounded hospitality made the evening a very pleasant one indeed. Social dlveisions usual to such occa sions weie indulged in till a late hour xxhen retioshments wete solved. Miss 1'eiigelly leecivoi! soxeial pietty ro- meiiibiauces. The tolh'V.ing xxete piuselit: Air. and Mis. W. A .Williams. Misses Olive Pen gelly Ai-u.i Pengell.x. Bessie Jlilbud, Mattie Wood. Lira po Evsms, Lena l"t-k-y, Ollxe Lie. Lillian Rklhols. Minnie Sampson. Florence L'olxxell. Floienee Osboni" and Hannah '"isborno. nnd Mesfis. Ft ed AVinllek!, Hany States, Ihailrs AVhiteloek, Hairy Hall, J. N f iekler. Horace Shoi Is, Huitv Keglar, Fiank Gates and Alva Mm 3:111. A SPLENDID PLAY. None Should Miss Seeing "When We Weie Twenty-one." "When We Were Txxenty-one," which will be presented nt the Grand on Sat in day evening, Is admitted by com petent judges to be the best play pro duced in years. Henry Miller, the actor, exeti goes further and says, "It's the best play I have ever seen," and Mr. Miller's position and expeiienee make his opinion ot value. Miss Floienee Wleklite. xxho takes the leading paitot Phyllis. i,i South ern gill of beauty and talent. Her llrst aimeaiance on the stage xxas in "On and Off." under Charles Fi oilman's ijianugenient, but that nstutu dlscov ei er of ability soon adxanced the young .Ktiess to Miss Julia Marlowe's com pany, which she left to join N. C. Good win, where she became the understudy for Mls Alaxlne Hlliott as "Phyllis." Carbondale Cases. On 1 he tilnl list for the three weeks' teiui of common pleas court, which be gins Mondny, May 13, appear the fol lowing: MONDAY. MAY 27. Thomas Il.Spruks und otheis against William Klnbac-k; replevin. W. W. Watt against John McComb: ejectment. TCRSDAY, MAY Si. Kiess Stationery lompany against Fell township school district: assump sit. Young Lady Workeis to Meet. The Young L.u'y "Workeui of the Fit. si Methodist Fplsenpal church will meet this afternoon nt 3 o'clock at the home- of Mrs, R. R Fowler, IS Come teiy Muet. und stay in session until fi. As a matter of absoiblng interest to Hie lieml-cis xxill oome up, it is cm ci toil that each one of them xvlll be piesenl. Lecture on "Henry Clay. Attorney c. II. Horton will deliver a kvlure on Henry Clay at the High school this evening lu the assembly loom. Ii xxill be under the auspices of the Literary society. A short musle.il piograiimi; will Iih rendered by mem ueus ot the tiockity. This Is a public meeting and all aic Invited. A Local Burned Out. Luc.il No. l.tiOO, United Mine WoiketH, suffered a sex'erci loss by thu Urn of last Monday night at Pugllaiio's Columbus hall, This local, which is called the Italian local, had Its meeting place tlieio and all their books, papers and propeity wero destiuyed. Tin local xvlll hold a niPeting on Saturday even ing at McTlghu's hull, whero it xvlll mushier its tutuici place of lendejvous. Meetings Tonight. Poor boiud. uider of Ilullxxa Couductois, Divi sion No. I'lb'. Junior Order United American Me. c'hanlcs. Companions of tlio Foiet. Ameilcan Legion of Honor. United Mine Woikeis, Local No, Sik T.hu Royal Circle. At tho Opera House. Satuiday "When We Were Twenty One." Thurstlay Vugel & Demlng's niin stiels. Clyde Whitfield's Funeial. The funeral of Clyde, the eleven year-uld son of Councilman Whitfield, who died un Wednesday cenlng, will be held at hU paieiits' icsldeuce on Saturday afieinoon. Lixxlng to Rev. Mr. Chaffee'o absence al confe.rcnce, the Rev, Dr. Whnlen will probably con duct the services. Interment will bo made at Maplewood cemolery. A Unique Parade. "The Two Merry Tramps" company struck town yesterday for their op pearancc last night at the Grand Opera House. In the afternoon ti street pa lado Avaa given, confuting of eight mu slclaiis with blond-colored uniforms with yellow tilmmlngs. Their nether gnimi-nts conslsteds of tights, which worn met at the knees by cavalry boots. A Wittered nnd flayed individ ual headed the hand, tie xx'as accom panied by a bicycle. It would hardly be correct to state Hint he rode It. as his principle occupation white the pa rade lasted was to stand on his head on the saddle, twist all over the wheel and perform a multitude of astonishing tricks on the bike. A crowd of wor shipping Minn II boys followed In his wake all over the route and breathed an unanimous sigh of regret when It was nil tliiough. The trick rider's namo Is Lo Fevre. This parade was a novelty, indeed. Will Remodel Office, On Mondny next workmen will com mence to remodel tha oflice of Alder man It. J. Delcvan, on Helmont street. A new floor will bo put in, the walls xvainscoted, the celling papered and a general renovation will ensue. The work will tuke about 11 week to complete. The Passing- Throng. Miss Nettie Gibbons, of Avoca, Is vis iting frlerds in thir, city. Walter Birohsr, of Seraiiton, is the guest oi "Willie Price. 011 South Church .street . Mis. Alex. Gillies is quite 111 and has been rcmox-ed to fknergeney hospital for treatment. Miss SSana Wood, of New York city. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. VS. McMinn. of Belmont stieet. Rev. J. J. Grlflln. of Scranton, and Rev. Father MoflUt. of Taylor, weie visitors In town "Wednesday. Mis. F. K. Aminerman, of Carbon dale, is the guest of her elster, Miss Jc-sic Alexander, in Avoca. T. Dickinson, of Spring street, who has been confined to his home for the past two weeks by Illness, is able to bo out again. AIlss Elsie Rosser. of Wilkes-Bane, bus returned to her studies after spend ing the Enster vncation at the homa of her grandfather, John Nlcol, on Cemetery street. JERHYN AND MAYFIELP. An interesting case was recently heard by 'Squhe Kelfer, in xvhlch Richard Cole, of Maytield, was called upon to answer a charge preferred by Andrew Gavin, of Jermyn. Attorney II. D. Carey represented the plaintiff, while Attorney P. E. Timlin defended the ease. According to Gavin's state ment Cole had taken some ttone and several feme posts from his (Gavin's) property at May field, and it was to re cover the value of the pronerty taken that the action was brought. The de fendant admitted taking the tonce posts and stone, which he had pur chased from Mrs. Murray, tins agent of tho Mullally estate, which adjoins Gaxin'a lot, and who claims half of the dividing line and fence. The xvhole thing finally resolved itself into a cpies tion of til If, and the justice of the peace will render a decision in the mat ter at S o'clock next Monday ex'enlng. The Maytield Institute will be held on Saturday nltcriioon and evening. Apt II VS. The following progiamme has been prepared: Afternoon session Opening song: paper. "Reformed Spell ing." Miss Amy Williams; discourse, "How to Secure Better Attendance," Prof. M. J. Lloyd: recitation, "Spring Chorus," Miss Annie Williams: paper, "Rhetorics," AIlss Louise Walsh: paper, "General History," Prof. F. K. Bush; doll drill: paper. "Moial Training." Miss Sadie Mahoney; demonstration, "Revolutlonaiy War." John Hart; vio lin solo, William McCartney: paper. "Primary Arithmetic," AIlss Eva Quinn; oration. "The Duty of Patrons." Prof. J. A". Delaney: paper, "Advanced Read ing," Prof, Charles Webber; instru mental solo, Aurora waltzes, by the composer. Miss Annie Grady: oration, "The Two Principal Aims of Teach ing," Pi of. J. F. Dooley. Evening ses sionOpening song; paper, "Primary Discipline." Miss Martha Walsh: zither solo. Prof. M. J. Lloyd '"oration, '"Char acter." Miss Annie McCarthy: paper. "Child Study," Miss Nora Barrett; sextette; oration, "A Fair Field and No Favor," Miss Alice Quinn; paper, "The Teacher's Piofesslon," Superintendent J, C. Taylor: duet; paper. "Piimnry Reading," Miss Knthryn Joyce: reci tation, "The Doctor's Story," Miss Lot tie Lewis; addiess, "Cause and Pre vention of Contagious Diseases," Dr. Byron H. Jackson; vocal solo. Prof, W. A. Kelly; dialogue, "Seventy-six Versus Nineteen-one," Misses Mary Donnelly and Claire Walker; dlscouise, "The Duty of Patents to Aid Their Children to the Full Advantages Olfered by Our Public Schools," Y, T. Cure; vocal silo, Miss Katie McGovern; dialogue, "Tho Dutch Giocer and the Agent," Alessrs, Chailes Miller and James MeNultv. Sessions open at 2 nnd 7.30 o'clock le spcctlvely, D, H. Krlse, chairman. William Benslng. of Archbald. a man well-known in this borough, died xvs teulay, after nn illness of several xveeks of abscess of the lungs. De censed ix as a bt other of Mrs. Joseph Tennis, of Main stieet, and George Bousing, of the St. George hotel. Ho had for the last seventeen yeaisxxorked In the DelawaiP and Hudson colliery In tills borough, and was held In high es teem by his fellow-workmen. He is survived by his whe and sevetal oh 1 1 dron OLYPHANT. With thu exception of Messrs. Hollar tin and VMIIIam?, all members wen present ut Wednesday night's t?eson of the school board. The llrst mutter to be coiisldeicd was tho report of the llmincu committee, with tcforenee to the mcuiieiutlou list of exTax Collucloi Hoban, The commltteo leoomniended that ths list hfc sent back for leviMou and a motion to thut eftect was pnssed, A number of bills xvcio passed for pay iiicnt, as lollowe; ; u, McDonnell, ,6; John Dempsey, J?0; Olyphant Light department. $S; V. II. McCann, 13.60; Father Mathew society, $15. A bill fioni the Olyphant AVater com paiiy tor thiee months' wuter rent, Bmounting to $51, xvas letuined for es planutlon, and the supply commltteo directed to atk tho water company to Place. ,1 nieler In the Cential school building. . eonimunicallon was leaij from the boaul's attorney, James .1, O Malley, wjilch stated that the case, uf the board versus C'asay & Kelly had been leferred to t icf'iec, nnd that a hearing would be held in thu near futuie. The secietuiy amj treasuier woio 3lcn powei to make arrange inentt; with the Alerehants' nml Me. chinks' bank of Seiauion for the pay I Scranton Business Guernsey Hall ia thb eear place in aanNTON TO BUY A PIANO OR ORGAN Don't (all to conic an J sec as creat bargains arc waiting for you. J.W.GUERNSEY, PROP. 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE, SCRANTON. PA. In New Guernsey Building. DAVIS STEAM DYE Co. 319 PENN AVE. Ciootlq called for mil drlhrrrtl. Cleaning, UjclnB and I'rc-slnt. ALL WORK OUARA'iTrED. PHONE 373G Golden Gate Dining Rooms. Deft 23 cent mi-al In tho flty. Hxe Meal TicUls. $1.00. Sunday dinner a pperialty. Hfine-madc Vastly. 244 ADAMS "V-. W.J. Barriscale, MANTELS. Fireplace trimming1'. JSLEOTRIC. COAL AND OAS QRtTES Tflinjr for floor?. TRLOHON".. 3ISW'HIQTON VE, W. A. HARVEY. Electric Wiring; and Fixture. niedrlc Bell and Telephone Work. 309 noMMONWSOLTH BUILOINQ. J, B. Woolsey eg Co CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dealers in Plate Glass and Lumber O"- ALL KINDS. Kingsbury A Scranton. Manufacturers' Aecnli MINE AN Li MILL SU -'PLIES. District Agents for John A. RoebllnR's Son Co.'s Wire Hope ind Electrical Wire. Gutta Perclw and Ituliber Mfg. Co. 'a BclHnp, Paiklnp. Hose and Mechanical Ruliher fioods. Kuoxxlton Packing:. farter's Oil ( lotlilnc. loom aiO Taull Bid. W. H. GORDON & SON. Horse Shoeing and Oeneral B!acksmltMn; Wagon and Carnage Building jnd ltubber Tire ing. 339 AOAMS AV NUE ment of warrants noxx- held by the teachers. The funeral of the late Mis. Maiy Kelley, of Green Ridge, was held yes terday afternoon ut J o'clock The buiial services wero conducted by Rev. John Ruddy i.i St. Paliiok's church. In conclusion the lemains were taken to the Catholic cemetery and interred. Miss Sadie Raymond and her excel lent company appeared at the Father Matboxv Opel house lust evening In "Old At kaiisuw," before a huge and well pleased audience. The membeis ot the Juvenis Danc ing class and their fi lends enjoyed a delightful social in Million's hall last evening. Lawier.ee's orchestra, fiom Peranum was in attendance and cits, coursed music for the dancing. About tifty couples wero present. Mrs. I. F. Kan-i and children have returned to their home In Aichbald, after a vlit with relatives heie. Mrs. Alary Ma&on, of Lackawanna slieel. was taken to Hie hospital at Scranton yrctoiday to receive treat ment. Rev. VS. J. Ha ugh ton. of Dunmore. wus a caller In town yesterday. xVilllam Lawler. one of Jessup's old est and most esteemed residents, died at his homo in that place on Wednes day nlqlil. after jybrlef illness. De eoascd was born in County Mayo, Ire land, and came to this country about forty years ago. He has been a resi dent of Jessup ever since. Uesidee his wife he is suivived by eleven ehildien. The funeral will take place tomornw mnriilncr at 0.30 o'closl;. Intel men'. will be made in St. Patiiek's eemeteiy. Olyphant. PRICEBURG. Airs. Heuiy Dleiks. of Cannalt street, spent yesterday with fi lends in Providence. The Misses Bertha Steffon and Remi Kraft, of Cireon Ridge, were the guests of Matilda Schmidt on Wednesduy af ternoon. The Misses Hummel have returned to their homo at Yates, utter' spending several days with Miss Li.zie A. Wrlghtson. Miss Reheccn Weir was visiting friends In Providence yesterday, Cottage prayer meeting will be held this evening at 7 o'clock at the home of James AVatkins. on Throop stieet. Select council will meet tonight In Foley's hull at 7 o'clock. A pretty church wedding was held yestordav nttcrnonn at t o'clock, the contracting paitles being Mr. John Husband und Miss L'ltea Dawe, Tlie ceremony xxmr performed by Rev. Wil son Huntley at the Pilmitive Methodist ohuic-h. Thu bilde xx-us attunded by Miss Muqglo Slmms, nnd the gioonis man xx'as Air. Daniel Diet Its. After the eeromony the bildal paity wont tor a drive, after xvhlch they proceeded to thv home uf the bride's parents, wheie a reception was tendered them. Mr, mid Mrs. Husband are, wol and tavoi ubly known in this town, und havo the xvull-wlshes of many friends for their tuturo liapplness. TAYLOR. SiDuethins in the line ut a mutlt.al treat is olfeicd this evening to those desk our of being present at the fair of the Century Hose company, No. 3, which is in pi ogress at Weber's link, Tho Taylor Sliver Comet bum! will be present with ihf Ir choleeft musical gems. An additional programme of musical nnd llteiary numbeiB xvlll be given, consisting of a solo, John Wash burn; f-olo. William Pi ice; recitation, Miss Saiah J, Price; olo, Aithur Morgan. The Avoca Hose company, which Is seventy-live members stiong, i. Ill be present in a bod. The following citizens from this bor ough have been draw 11 to .rve us tn. verse jurors for May term ot court: Third waid, Hairy Smith, John Ti. Ludgatc, John J. Shea; Fouith ward. Richard Watklns. The school deposits for the past week at No. :i school of North Talor Is as tolloxxs: S. J. Phillips' loom, V?,?!.' THESE ENTEIPRiaiNQ DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OP EVERY OHARAOTEFt PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. Brotherhood Wine Oos rinr Oltt Poll it, llurminillcs, Hint sjiilfiiiM, family 'Irade Only, P. H. FRENOV, 40a OONVLL ULOO. Breschel's Great Fire Sale tS4 WYOMINQ AVENUC. Vow llolint On fine I'nts nml .ill Klmli nt XnkxxiMr. BREUGHEL A CO. Scrqnton Laundry, 3ZS WASHINGTON AVENUC. Calk by trlrpliono icrrlxi pioinpl nltnitlmi WILcON eg WASB&R&. Spectacles, MADE AND REPAIRED. "flint's .ill." S, H. TWINING, 131 PENN AVE. DIAMOND SHOE SHINING PARLORS I'm kiillii nii-I f.'cnM ALL iiHIiVES.SC 433-SPRUCtS-433 Hanleys Bakery, 420 SRRUOE ST. Fucccsior In HUNTINGTON We make a fiicial(y of line lirc.nl stulTt. Order lor fraluk, Ojstcrs Ctoquellci, etc., promptly Tilled. A lull line of Lie L'lcain and kes. Eurek Plating Works. S'ilxcr, Oold, Nktccl. Crppci .mil llu-a. Lliandcllera Itclitikhcil. 331 DIX COURT. REtR BO. TRBDE. REIFMAN BROTHERS, Wc t.ury, .1 complete Muck of iiexx-p.ipei, peilodic.ils iiuciIiics and liook. 40S SPRUCE ST"?ET. IMPORTED CIGARS Fresh arrivals daily. Finest Key West Goods. DEAN, 40BCONNELL BLDG. Txx 0 Phones. GOODMAN'S SHOE STORE. ?xox at lib Utekaxwrnia axe. SOUVENIRS QIV -N OUR ruTOM'-RS. The scranton Vitrified Brick and tile Manufacturing Company Makers ol l'axir.g Brick, oli. . If. Dile, Oei-fMl Salea Attenr, filtlci 820 Woslilnirton a Works at jy Aui, Pa.. I.. .V W. . K. I!. Miss Bessie James' 100m, $1."0. This makes oxer S210 for the above school tc be placed in 11 Scranton bank since tlio saving mink h posits eame into exif tence. The AVatkins family of musicians paillpipated -in the entertainment of the Continental Mission Sunday school last evening. Arks Edna Cuip. nf Oiove stieet, Is visiting her uncle at Diow college at Madison, N. J. Invincible eonimandeiy. No. "'1. Knlghta of,AIalta. xxill meet In regular fesslon this" evening. JY.00S.C. Alls. Giant Ruell and ilaugliter, Alabk. of Scianton, spent Thuisday with friends- lu town. Mr. and Atis. AVIIiani Stevenson nu ll! Now Yoik city, whole the fnimer will purchase the spiing goods lor Mc- Ciindlo & Co.'s stoic. The tuneial of Llenige Pi lee xxas hugely attended, tlie house being filled with friends of the deceased. The floral tiibutes weie many and vetv beautitul. Dlstiiet Deputy Grand Master O. L Colvin und statf of Uiand ofliceis xviji install tho ofliceis-clect of Dennett lodge. No. 907, Independent Older of Odd Folloxvs, Into their tespectlve ofliees this evening. Refreshments xvlll be set veil ut the close of the installa tion ceremonx", and it Is hoped that a good social time will be enjojed. Alls. Thomas Kvans, ot .leimxu, at tended the funeral of Geoige Pi lie es teiduy. The following is the piogianmie m be given at the Methudist Uplsoopal church Satm day evening by Miss Lena Banett, of Susnueliiiiiiiu, a sludeiit ol King's School of Oiatoiy: .lusle: lead ing, "Roddick Lee" (Vlckois). "The Guardian Angel: riie Cieed of Hi Hells;" music; "Song of I'hlldhood:" music; "I!elsha7.K.ir's Doom: flic Splmilng Wlieel Song," music: "The Sparkling Scene " "Uducutlng in a Purpose," The local ti'iicheis' Institute will be held in the High school auditoiium on s;,itutday, Apill lu. All pan mis ol tlie school and those Interested hi siliool xxmk aie Invited to attend, FLEETVILLE. AVIII Green has io tinned home after a liiiigthy visit among Sirunton .mil Caibondulo trlcnds". AVIntoii liiundimc anil sou, llownid, of Pcckvllle, weie visitors lu Inwu last w eek. Owing to the tain Siituida. County Suiieilutc'Udent; Taylor ami '.. T. Cure woio the only speaki-rs present ut the Institute, They eneh gave an luti-iest-ipg talk un penmanship In the alter noon. A good-sized autlleiitii came tliiough tho mud ami niin to hear the evening programme. Supeiluicndeiit Taylor tend up excellent pipei op "Teai hlllg as a Piiifcssliiri " Hr Pax I sop and Mr. Cure mudr .1 texx lemaiks iiitn to the point, SpoLlal mention should be maile of Ihe neltatltius by Alkses Nina Robinson, Glelinle Gibbs, May Rink und Tessle Snilih. Mis. Leonard Stanton died at her home, Monday, ater a slmit attack of pneumonia, fc'eivltes woio held ut the Haptlst chureli, of which .she was a member, AVednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. W. J. Guest oMU'latlug. Shu Is survived by her husband, xxltb whom she had lived fouy-slx yeais, and Un ee ohlldton. ' ' ' I. OLD FORCE. Juiob rilexxnit, of Nichols. ,". V., la the guest of his sou, T. J. Slevv.ut. Miss JK-Ait, of PUtston, wus the guest ot her ennsiu, -Miss Ltzzle 13oth vxlek, cm Fiiia. All. Harton Liilku, ut Aloosle. ami AIlss Xlaryaiet Jones, of this place, weie united in maniuge on Tuesday u( the Atethodlst Upiscoiial ehiireh par sonage by the pastor, Rev. Robert iteidy. Tho bilde was ulllted in u diess ot pale blue, with white trimmings. Houses! THINK! Am you fully tiiiurcdr If not, mil nneii F. L. HtTCHOOCK & Son. FIRE INSURANOE AGENTS. MM anil M Onuiionn-fillh Building, fCllANTO.V, t'A. Only (lrnt-rluM coniinlc rcpiMi-nti-tl. Clulms picmptly Mld. O. S. BLOSS EgJMr THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. ITLCAOSTHSM LL. L. izOMMAR, Dull'llnij Contractor. Kmplnj. union in-ii. lMlnutM rliferdllly glicn, Kemfideltne anil rcp-ililng 1 rpeclilt). 320 WASHINGTON VE. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE Wilt tell all tlmlr ramplcs of tine Imported Marlon slilrtu for mm 'at CTc; xtorlh l to 2.S0 Cold Medal Sr Photosrni'licr I liildron' Artlt. FOR SALE BUGGIES and W.r. OK8 ol all Unda; alv, llotLej and Building Lots at lurpiln'. HORSES. ci.ii'Pnn ami GROOMED al M. T. Keller's L'tknTannaCarrlisc Wirk. ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN. A ntTitltj. Pr. 'Jroxntua, Ilimni I, 01 ir Glohi- Alore. flout', t la S.30 p 111. Consultation too. M'hom !iS-iO. HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL PROFIT. BERNHARD, jeweler. 311 LACKAWANNA AVhXL-K. t-DWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR. BUILDER ROOM SB COAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON. PA. the scranton umbrella Manufacturing company ,. We cany the farget -loik of liniliiclMf, I'ai ,nuU and II indies; xc ,ilo nUCOVCU umbiellas .111,1 im.ifols and make llicni up equally 113 good 0SmSm uiiccs tu bi' loxxir lhaii mix' jiou-e (n the tity. Wo repair nil our good" lor one xeai 1 1(1. 1. en I ll.XIIC.i:. 313 SPRUC" STREET. She xxas attendctl by her sister, Mts Bessie Jones, and Air. Jesse LaBar bt other of the gi 00111. acted as best man. Their uiativ fi lends wish them success hi their new life. Robei t Johnson made a business tiip to Scranton on Tuesday. NIAGARA POWER HOUSE. Twentieth Century Wonder to E4 Seen at Pan-Amei lean Exposition. One of the thoroughly Interesting side Hips to be enjoyed In connection with a visit to the Pan-Ameilcan ex position will be the tilp to Nlagaia Falls to view the xxondcitu Installa tion In the big power house of tin Niagaia Falls Power eompanv. It is ibis station that will supply the elee tilc energy to be used on the cxpoltioi 1 giounds, and an Inspection of It wil bring the visitor in touch with Hi most mm velous electrlcnl power de velopment of the present time. The power house pioper Is a beaull tul stone building nearly CUO teet long The tiont section is occupied by tht company's unices, and to the leai sti etches the one-story sctlon known as Hie dynamo loom. Beneath this 100111 tlioie Is a gioat slot, over luu teet long and 179 feet deep, cut out ui solid lock. It is this slot, or wheel. pit that lot nis the home of the ten power Jul tin bines that give poxxer to tht dynamo-, or oenrrutors in the station These tuiblne.s ale each of r,,u00 horse power capacity, and tbey aie connect ed to the dyjiuinos bj a tube shatt which extends up the whcel-plt. Th cunstiuetlon is .such that the weight 01 tho shuU anil the lexulvhig parts ot the dynamos juaetlcally llout upon Hit' xx-aler thut passes tliiough the tut bine. Tlie weight of t iiejt. pans is many thousand pounds, all adjusted win such nicety that time Is but the least possible Miction The water that supplies the tm bines h- taken fiom an Inlet canal eoimeetort xxlth the upper Niagara, liver. This canal Is 1.130 loot long, luo foot xxide at the tall end and ISO feet will at Hi outram c. Us not mat depth Is twelxn teet. Passing fiom this Inlet canal. the water goes Into pen-stocks and I-i-anied down (ho wheel-pit upon tl tin bines, tljj head being ubout I'M feet Alter passing tliiough the turbines an. developing power, Hie wuter Hows hit tho bg tunnel tull-iace. Tills tunnel Is li.SUU foot long It reitehes from the power hotihe to the lower Niagara liv er, where the stioom of vxator that lloxrs from It may be seen Intersecting the river under the upper steel arch hrklgj just below Prospect Park. Tin tunnel passes right under the main part of the City of Nlagaia Falls at a depth of about 2u0 feet. In dlmcn slims the tunnel Is about lh teet 1' indies wide and 21 teet and '. Inches high. lis form Is lhat ot a hors-'shoe and troui end to end It is lined with lour couises of -.lullieil brick lu or der to ussiiro permanency. It Is this station thut will be tlio great power house of the Pau-Amerl 1 an exposition. It is 11 mugiillicent sp'claelo to stand on ihe visitors' gal lory in this power house and look upoi thu whirling dynamos as they make 2Ji 1 evolutions every minute. Tho avei ago person Minis it dilllcult to renll.e that llieso uiaehlins ,110 goner ailng a fiirie that Is being transmitted miles and miles nwjv to the l-'xposltlou giouuds, thorn delight all within the gates by the xvondious efitcis oieated when used Ir nny nf its possible fonus. Hoxv won dei fill It will bu lo look upon the high est electric light on the top of tin F.leotiical Tow or and slop to coiisldet that the fmee that gives it Its lemark able blilllancy la developed by mean of turbines located deep down In Hi big wheel'Plt In Nlngura Falls! Tim Hloctrk- Tower will be aut loot high The wheel-pit vviieio thu tutblnes ai Is 170 feel deep. The distance botweet the two Is over twenty miles. Think ot It! Oirin 13. Dunliip To Cuio a Cold in One Day 'lake Lvalue lliviuu ijuinluc falltll. S.i:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers