qffiWKtflf& ?.ff)tf$ $&&lj V$ mWr('u:1 XSfimPFT? p WTTg; kvJ1.. -v m. iX ' THJ0 SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, APRIL li, 1901. 8 flf,it i HEWS OP THE LABOR WORLD IUOH BUSINESS DONE BY THE MINE WORKERS. (Till Appeal for an Eight Horn- Dity After Mny 1. Decided Not to. Di vide the District, but Increased the Number of Members of the Execu tive Bonrd All Persons Employed In and About the Mines Must Be long to the Union The Silk Work ers Odda find Ends. Hotli session yonoiilny of ilir mill's orkcrs' tiat-UMl.v convention at Oly t.Mit wok- lfit.'-y onc-., unil the ''nil if 'lin ilny foutiil n liirjic iiinnunl of work Itlll undone, sulllclpiit to iirolulily kopp ho ilrlc(tiit(?!i on the ko nil tmliiy. Miiny iinpnrtnitt tnmwirtloin oocuiTod.nmoni? Milcli were (lie ilcpleliui to leci VU t lot. No. t IntnU. nnd tin adoption M" lepolutloiis Piripmvfiliih the ntllolnltf In potltlon tlio operator for nn cluht bnu- diiy after Mny J. '-U; ul.-o t"n iiiillunH limiting II nhllirutnry on nil i.mkeifi fit ilic nilti'-s- in Iwoiiii nicin ti it. of the union. The now fllMtlci ly-lftv wen nlopleil nnd tciolullon.t 'owluninlmr IK- Scrantonlnn vote i.aeil lni'lnt? lie Hl'leinoon sersilon. They :ii,v at follows. Iielnt,- Intiodui-d In two fmiut t- mi Olyrlmni run! Dnniuoie Im-iil Uiricis 'Il.n i luiitmii in tu 'MilTiMl .nil I.miiiM ixn.il iik-wIhm- "f "'" "lirititJtl'Mi '"' th cluiKi- ill iiinilli.il lll-l. rlii'tiioii- Ins tl i:ilinl. Ili.it !. Hi'' Inil'il Mlw- WurKii H Vini'iliM ( llMiiit N". ' In "'" ' "Sim utii'U I'-rmlilcil at Ul.xplMhl. ulxi- i'r n '' -1"11 '"''"- lal .iiiiiiil t" .11. it"' -I" In lltc-i - wlm liny r.nx lie mm mini' III llii' rtilltli ll.-tllilK'l l.y 'lie .iln.M' iiKiilliiliiil Hicr. WlnriM. I'Im im-mWii. ' our oiiwiii'itiiii .iltil htnl villi flllmi Nn. n! In'- lii-i'll .llti-li-d I" I'll- rrfllor n! lli.il M'llmv inmiul known .e th i Miitonlmi. tin li lull' In1 ! licolxrtl. 'lint liNliin Nn I of tut Inili'l Mine WoikiM- nf ViiHii.J .I.-.U.- n-rlt I" 1" i'l fi-pin-u In '.Hi. mi HiK '-'' ifiSJl'Hi't "if iiiiitnnliti; hihI In- it lmllii i liisolxi'd. 'Ilnl Hi- inim-t ill l'i d- ! pu'xml nii .Minnui'i iikiiiIiiii- .nn) .ill mxImi it'"11 liiiiililiic Ilnl illii'lniH ilin'l. II'O miiiiIiiiii.iii. VI tlin lomnhifr iiieetlim n rosnltiti" i i ns p.i. eil Willi liueh ..liy iiipoIUon, In (In eifiit tin- i-imiur. !.-, liicinc'.i. sinlile lio.-n'-. iiimip 111111101.". nnd all oilipix finpliiye 1 In -uiv i-.'inaeilv u'ioiiI the mines limit li -lmm If the Illinois' union. This i ebullition Is In iliieet up-lii-i'llhiu to the stateincnl mtide nl n 1 1 edit meet inp of ll.e Intel linllon'M Am Mie.ntlop c.l Fliemili. Another n'Milii l ion's tost empou 'led I he oDWis of lids ilMiiet to innl.o an appeal tn h" npei-atois lot an "K'ht-li'.m- day lo go Into pfi'ect after May I. luring the afteinuii yve'dn p veiy hely (llsruvilou was piecipitated wnen the niattei ol division m the district ( awe up. President Xlcholls expressed himself as rd deilritiR any ruttiii5; up of the inrrllcry hut di.clared the work irieumhenl on tie; present distiiet ox. eeiitive hoard was too Krcfit, and sim ested the ineip.isir.fr ot Its nnniher. After a dial of .lrsnnicnl the motion was passed tu keep tli ditii''t intact. lilt Inn-i-n'e the nnmher of members of the hoatn from nine to eleven. The vote stood litN to ."ii. The ici-oliition also impowvis four of the f.vfeulive ollleeis to act p. uH irlet orcranlsfis. t'lesident Vlcholl'i will appoint tin Mildilirnnl memhers. The icmniiHler ol th" afteiuoon was taken ill in debate on the new dN tiict airl loial by-laws, whit h weie 1 rieutcd at the I-'dwv.rdsvllle enn- put ion and h.ive li"ni under eonsider-,-iliiiii durir.K the tin to month? slnee, I; was finally deeMed lo miopt the dlstiiet by-laws, while ;)ie loeal bv law.s iMTfi lefeircd tn 11k different lo-i-.iis for arpiovnl. llanv (hanp-i-s in ihe sovrrnineiit of the riihtilet are m ule by these by-laws, tile otlirt'is b'lliK qlvull .tic-eased ex letitixe )ioweis. Today the convention will come to !. close. This n-oi i.iriK the place for the iipni i mention will lie voted upon. I'.irboudale. Pittston and Pcinnton are all aftei tie honor, and a spii-ited con test aninmr iho deleK.ues Is assuned. With the Silk Workers. The committee of Central Labor union lcprpsentatives chosen at Sun day's meetiuK to confer with the strik ing silk mill KlrW met the laiter's cx cuiivi) hoard in Kcnnuniy luill yester day monilmr and diseiihsed witli them nie.iii! of i.ilslns; funds lo stiennthi.'ii the lextile wnrkeis' tieasury. The general situation was discussed, and it is likely that today or tomorrow the Central Labor union lonnnlttee will wail upon Supeiintcnd"ut Davis, of the S.iiKiiuill mill, and cndf.ivor to bring about n eonferenee between the lalti v mil Iho sttlkers. The eM'cutlvii eomniltlee if the lot .t I union yesterday went to Pittslon nnd ihete met with lepresentatlvcs of tlio I'lttston anil Wilkes.-Hart f locals, Tim t'uuillllous In the three cities wore dis cussed and the matter of division of tin Piitersoil aid talked over. Today and tomorrow iho Sauquoit striltvis will meet nnd elect delegates to the national convention at Holyoke, .Mil"", oilier ltnportant business Is al"o lo ionic up for .lotion. Today's D., Ii. & W. Bcmid. The maltp-up of today's D., Tj. and XV. board Is ns follows: ri;r.'MM, ai'wi. in, MiUI l-JL, l'Jil S p. Ill,, O, llJinlolph; 10 li. III., II. .1, I-Jll.lll. Till II-DW. M'ltll, II. Wild i '.ni, i:.ni-i.'.;i) j. in., i;. m. ii.iiici; .1. in., KrUluin; I'l .1. 111., .1, fliiiklnrti II i. in., A. (!. lUiiiiiilti; I . in.. .1. v, Uiivinu; 1 r. in., lluji. ultti U. A. ll.iillinltiiiidw'rf hum.. MfUiie; 7 p. hi., wtst liinii uyuffa, IlKmifauii. t'ullit I'. II. N(il. I'uilifr S J. in., (lousir; 1U j. rn., y. Tile wily; 11. 'f m.. Mnrjn; 3 p. in,, Jlmpliy; u i. in , l..niiiln;; 10 1 1. in,, Wliliur, i. ij.i i i F'tiii tiku ? I nl f.'.iHiiAKi ? .i .i N0TICK. Uidkciii3ri . llcjley will ;u out mUi ion Juctor .1. V, Ptxine. Ilukcinan .1, J. hmijuii will upcil at tivin nusttirV oSitc, Collieries Shut Down, The sjponcor and Nay ,us colllorlcs at Duimwre worn Idle yesterday owlntr to the fact that u luiK'i nuniher of their employes were not provided with worklnsinen's cardu from iho local to which they boloner, A committee from the local was pres ent yesterday moniluir at each place and called for cards befoio the men en tered the mine. A large number had either not brought thotn or neglected to procure them, and aa u result the commute t I MllllltV "I HI ( 1 IHIIIIVJ f Ht (li, -ii vii i n p. in., Sui.tonj 7 p. rn.. Maovcin. V.liil l'.i. W(l,"i a. iu,, J, H. Meters; 7 ,i, ii t;..li-. , nftli T. I'lUpjtiick'a ineni li u. m,, M. .1. UiiiiiI;mi; 11 a. in., 1'. Oil auaugh ; ;., in,, I. i.lriley; 8 p. in., John Cilufaii; l ji. m., .i. u. ijjeigi. u i. in, i, u. iicgvrs refused lo ei them work until cards were shown. Unther than run with a small force tile owners decided 'lo clone down for the day. The local held meeting Inst nlRht, when a Inrffe number of cards: were Is sued, and It Is likely everybody w 111 he prepared lowoik today, THE BICYCLE TAX LAW. Colonel Oathnua Takes Steps to Test Its Constitutionality., Colonel Herman Ostiums: proposes to tost the constitutionality of tho nut of the legislature which places n lax on bicycles. A case Htsited was yesterday Hied In the prothonolary's olllcc In which ho Is the plaint Iff ittul thu county of Lackawanna 'tho defendant. He recites that In 1900 ho owned u bicycle and was taxed one dollar for It by the county. This tax he refused to pay, and n warrant, was Issued for hltu and lit then paltl it under protest. The present ptncecdltiRH will determine: whether or not lie -will sol his dollar back. Colonel Ostium! contends: that the net violates Article 'I, Heotlon 20, of the constitution and vailous other sections or It us well. He Is represented by At torney C. Tliilenllne, and the -county by Alloiney If. Ij. Taylor. BOSSARD'S THIRD TRIAL. He Wns Twice Convicted by a Juiy, Yet Escapes tho Pennlty Due His Offense. l-'or the llihd Unit Hurt y t'.. Mossnid, who now icsldos at Kastou, was put on 1 1 in I yesterday before Judge II. M. .Mc t'lure for belli? the father of the child of iJtace Hlnton, of Clifton township. The ulfeiiRp was conunltti'd nt Slroiids htiru. where Mls Jllnlon lived with Kosmnd's Kfandp.trenls as a servant. lie was. tried in Monroe county and convicted, Inn beloie .sentence it was shown that the child was born at Miss I Hilton's father's home In this county, and new proceedings had to he boirun hen. Al Ihe .lanliaiy term he was tried hi'le and convicted, but tho veidlct was set aside and a new trial granted on the Ki'mind that more than two years hmi elapsed between tin; time the of Tcnse was commuted and his ariest, and that thetcfote the statute of limi tations intervened. After the evidence wns In yesleiday, Judge Mi"lure ruled that the statute of limitations pre vented a conviction, and sent the jury oul to pass upon the question of costs. Tt will leport its verdict tills morutntr. Pistiict Attorney Ck'cio CSeaihart. of Monroe county, and Attorney I'lnronco Halentine conducted the prosecution, and Attorney II. L. Taylor appeared for the defftivp. EMORY EHRGOOD ON TRIAL He Was Charged with Striking Charles Edwards of Moscow with a Horse Shoe. Kumo .1. Kin-good, a icMdent ot .Mos cow, who is famed for many and varied exploits, was tried befoie Judfre J. P. Kelly yesterday on a charjre of assault inn' and almost killing Charles Kd wanN, who is a nelirhbor of Khrsrood at Moscow. Tho assault was committed on October 2 last. Khrffood has a mill at Moscow, and the boys of the neighborhood broke a number of windows in it by thiowinor stones, lie had a hon of Kd wards ar rested for the stonc-throwiiicr, nnd this caused some trouble. On the day ot the beat Int? Kdwards returned home I'mm this city, where ho is employed, and found his son and Kbrfvood en KUffed in an altercation. He declares that IChrgood began to talk to him in a loud tone of voice about tho trouble, and 1-Mwnrds told him to go 'in thp house and he would talk It over with him. Khnrood went in ami Kdwards started to tollow hlni. lie had reached the door when Khr jrood threw a horeshoe, which Mtuek him on the head and laid him low. Tie was unconscious for a Ions time, and was taken to the Moses Taylor hos pital, where he remained for a long time. His injuries weie oC a very sori our nature, Khrsood'.s vuislon of ihe trouble was somewhat different. He says that ho letreatPd into his house to get away from 1-Mwnrds, who threatened him, and th.it l-Mwnrils followed him to the. door, and flndin;? it fastened kicked in a panel and forced off the "button," with which It was secured. Khrirood had a horseshoe iu his hand for luck. When the door dew open he saw that his luok piece had taken a day off, and he struck Kdwards on the head with It. I'Mwards was nol rendered uncon scious, he declines. Tie hud plenty of llirhl left In him. anil joining forces with Mrs. 1-Mwnrds and their hon they i?ave l-:iui?ood an awful heatiiiR. Khr jjood was defended by Attorney Frank Donnelly and llalph Levy, and the commonwealth was iepi-oeuti il i ,s hManl District Attorney nt Thomas and Attnt-m .. i i i hi The case was '.riven lo - u 1 P in John '! ' N i hai'Ked with etn- I'm; nioti. from tlm Piudenllal : Llie usiuaiK'o company. Thecasown.s- mi trial beiore. Judgif OeorKa ?. I'urdy until ."..ill), when it was Riven to Iho Jury. Picfoie court adjourned In tho main cotut room n Jury was sworn to try the caho of James fJallnRher, of VM rioulh Wntdiinctnn avenue, who is chin aod by Hobert Wilson of the Men's union, with si'lllni; liquor without a license, At ll o'clock yesterday JudKo Mo dule charfied the Jury In tho r,iii of AVilllain Murray, of North Meranlon, who Ifj charRed with felonious wound luff. The Jury had not agreed al ad Joiunlnpr hour. Charles Watosky, a .South Sidn Junk denier, wns aniil(?nei, (hurenl with receiving Hlolen Roods-, but. tho theft of the soads found at his junk shop was rot established, and a verdict of not Ritllty was directed by .Indue Mo Clure. John P. Holnnd, chained with embpa-zlc-ment by John Harvay, plended Riill ty. Sentence was deferred, Benjamin Howie, who pleaded RUllty of Iniceny and jecelvlnt?, was sentenced to under go an Imprisonment of thirty days In the county jnll. William Lawlur plrnd fd guilty to an Indictment oharslng: him wltli lurceny and retelvlng. Chief of Pollco McAndr.iw, or Carbonilale, was tin. prcsoeiilor, Lawlor was son. tenced to thirty days in the county Jail Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. John l.cpula , tj)iu,M Aui;uitu Jlruncyk .,. Mjjncld I'-lsquikt Dallt'to ,,..,OIl lor'i) 'fhona Pomlolo ,........, ..Ol.) Koru ltoliiit & Crull ,. ........Strjiilon Anna Drown , Strjntoii Jului UusUaua , I'rktburtf I'.lIrA Ilmu ....... ....ii. i... .....i...rrli-cburff .Toicpli Wlucld .i.....i,.i....i..i.i....SVranton Doninlc I'ilcsiugR ...ui.i....it....i.4..ycranton ADVERTISED LETTEBS. lltt nt lillCIM ninr.ltilliK llticilldl toi .11 dij Sirjnlini ilolli(.i,l ljil,.iu.itita muni., I'J.. Arult Hi I'.'H. IVlmnu iiillltirt trn- Hum li-t Iom will plfJ.'C wy aihrttlml ami gbe iljlu ul IN. Czta It. Jtliiile, l'.lin.itor. Ilirtj V,. 'Aimi.111. ils Xfllln ILutii. Mellle M. Ul ilr. Mil. I'hdic llojil. Arthur K. Itklkr. 1r. A. 11. IllnS li.im, Mis lllt. Ilrotnoii, .Mr. 1. I'rtiy lloonc, Cli.ulm Itailii!, '. V.. Hiom.ii. Ml MJrirnrrt Comiiit. Jli-i. M. f.. tliole, Mr. Conn. 1!. II. (Villi, Hi'. M. Cildrlr. Willi un U0.I1I. Ml liiotjte llivln, 1).iiil r.t.in. Mi" I'. I'ssc Itnsr. M. A. yiiml. v.'. li, riniipii, .inpii (iniiii.ni iittu'l ttiiti' Ion, Aiili.i (ilrvrn. s. W, ltr.nni.in. UirJoti lliipnriiii li), .Liiiim Hmicj, tl.itry llliiiv, llr.mt llolhuati, A. M. HowHI. .tintite ,l(ilinvn, ltoM' .Indc. Ilrmy .lnn, Willi nil II. .Inliiiftin ' Kfj-slnri Aiilonntlr ".iIiki ronipiny, Miiulo Ki-hl. IMndnl Kcllcy, ilciry Knmi'ili. Wllll.ini Mltln v"0i lurid, lanilw, T. I! Mliii.'j. inh llnfiir, M . l.ii-, I.ImIp SlerM. il. Poii'.vi Mujir, Mtli Mark, Mr. Mrriirin, Her Un Mrmny, fhrlMlne .Mniiliy, '. li. Mlllir, .Ijine Maii.tRli.in, Iiuli .1. Mnrpli.". Tlionii II. Mmtlii. 11. MoMjstrr". Iliiiwin O. Minn (-t'i'cll). .lolin I). Minrjv. Willl.im Morrison. .Ttwle rk, W. It. 1'ryoi, Henry S I'rilfhotl. I'. I!. I'.uiritl. .1. I", rimcu. ilittln tviciion, Cir.1 tney i-'nliiiliy (i.pri 111), flititei- Peniul, Joseph Hoi hi. dVoiirr- llnlicils. Ilnlur.i lllitiie, A1II.011 Km knell, I'rtiT Itilph, Violi-I tliill, in Itnlilliin, Xiiiliun 1). Itlil.rv, II 1 1 tit II, II1111I,, Mis. iliii'titi IIikIip. s'mlt It Minitirnl, .Litiiri, .1. S.m l.otlfilrd Siilli-r. fnloii nil iiml ltetlnins cninpiio i:. W. Tlioiniwm. II. A. Ttvicily, .lolm .1. 'I lor, (icnrci' 'I'm mn, Mr-. II. Tijlor Mr. I'l'lll. It. Whips S. .1. Winnl. 1. II. Wi-lkir. V. .1. I'. WilliJin--, Hen Wiimvi. Mi. .trnnlp Wimllinelei, Mamie Mjll-er, II. 11 Mil lion I '). West Scrnnton Station. .Iniir.1 I iirunlM,. Mi i,t lii 1.UW.IIH..I j f Mi: I'jii Tulnwet I'.ixiiill.. Mi" Mi.ili Hlii, tnuiei lir.i-tti- -mil I'llii IUlli ill". -Iui.')l '. r,i.in, Venn '.imniiila. Mi-. IIdm'iiiI W. Hull, Ml-. IMw.inl lliiw.iul, Turn, ttdili-tly. ll.iuil h. .(iiiiik. .Mi... I li.irle-1 Iiiioini'. Tir .Snriti M.iin .ivc line; Ituliclt l.jnoli. Au-hUilil mine; MidiU'l Oliver. Aulibilil mine: Willlim r.illiwni, .I'J -oiilli Ninlli vtrret: Il I.nln llc.Miolil-, V'.l) North M.im :iei:ue; Jn-cpli KlilimN. II) U.-ilo I'ml. .ii-nne: .John MniMi, luiiv luel; Mi l.ii.o tViliii'ite. The Best Cold due is one ,miu cun take without Interrup tion to biihlnes". fine that doas not ef leet tin head or IieariiiK like the con tinued use of (itlnlue. One that cures speedllv and leaves you fcJlluR- fresh and clear-headed Such a ono Is Kraiise's Cold (Jure. Price, "1c. fold by all fli-UBKlMt.'-. Ask foi Kelly's union urackeis. NEW YORK HOTELS. WjS51fsTES HOTEL (or. ilerntli St. .mil In in; I'l.ur, NEW YORK. Ann nean Plan. s'l..'0 fVilln mrl l'uvjnN. riiroxin Plan, M.'VI I'u- Un .mil I'pwatd jicc ial ll.iti"tii r.miiln.. T. THOMPSON. Pi op. Hotel VICTORIA 27th Street. Broadway and 5th Ave., New York European lfegH Absolutely Plan jgSy Fireproof In the centre ol tie ehopplnp and theatre district A Modern rir.tcUs Hotel. Complete In all lt pp!i ' i lent. 1 urnl5liln;s ami decoration nc UnonltoiiU Aictm ttioilatlou-i fr rgj j-uits; 151 slIi-i villi baih, Hot ani toUl w atcr an I telephone in every room. Cuisine un(.el!e4. GEORGE W. SWEENEY, Prop.' f-f-f-f-f-f -f-t--f-t--- -f-f-f For Business Men In tho heart ot the wholcsa! district. For Shoppers S mtnutea' walk to Wanamakers' S minutes to Slegel Cooper's Big Store. Easy of acccas to the treat Dry aooda mores. I For Sightseers One block from B'way Carst. fflv lnir easy transportation to all points of Interest. HOTEL ALBERT NEW Y0KK. Cor. Ilth ST. ft UNIVEHSITY PI Only one Block from Broadway. ROOIIIS, $1 Dp. pfCis Ueaionshls LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES Biliousness, Constipation, Dyspepsia. Sick-Koau- acho and Liver Complaint. SUGAR COATBU. 100 PILLS 25 CTS. Sold liy all drupalats oraent by mnll. NcrrlUMt4lcilCo.,CblcXQ Sold by JkCirrali k 'lliomai. UiujilsU, 0 I.aiKHwainui aidiuo, fe'ii-anton, l'i, --O The Cheapest Shoe Store Shoes and Oxfords for Men and Women At S1.S0, $2,00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, In Russia Call, Velour Call, Patent Leather and Patent Kid, al1 styles, all widths and all sues. It will pay you to see them before buy ing elsewhere. Special Bargains for Today, FrIUay and Saturday; MEN'S SHOES. Men'., l.iMiml jihI o ("air, lunJ.,i-Hiil. '".i'l Isliocs at ipl l'i, Jlui'j l(,l.i I uli l.w hUe ,H 9l t''. .Mcu'j Vltl KIJ, UUliir-Unul tl.M iw- H ilen's Drcs. Slioos at t'S mil, H.-:l and $1,19. Men' WotWiis fliers at ii cciiU, J,'i anil !fl W. MYER DAVIDOW, ' IF Wheat Is Worth $1.00 A bushel you can't buy it for 48c. Neither can you buy a pair of shoes worth 5". 00, for 198--or $2.q8, A great many stores endeavor to make you believe you can, but you can't, Many shoe buyers know by sad ex perience that it can't be done. We have shoes for 5.00 and they are worth $5.00 and we sell them for $5.00. They are fine shoes. They are the best shoes made. We have only one fault to find with our 2,50 and 3,00 shoes- they often spoil a sale on our 5.00 shoes they are so swell. This Week We are showing the best line of Union-Hade (Union Stamp) Shoes in the world at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Step in and see them. Look in our windows for good shoes (up-to-date.) Lewis, Ruddy, I I Daviss& Murphy 330 Lackawanna Ava. New Headgear, Gloves, Neckwear Are as essential to your Spring outfit as your nevr Suit, Our Neckwear Stock is up to its usual standard. Hundreds of beautiful pat terns in all the popular shapes are here. The Yoiing's $3.00 flat Is equal to the best. We sell them. A See the New MANHATTAN SHIRTS - 412 Spruce Street. The Dickson Manufacturing Co. fccmnton nd WllUeiHarr, I'Ji Manufacturer or LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY EtSQINES UollcM. HoUtlng anil Pumping Michlnery. Oenerftl Offlce. floranton, P. fyuilMufjam Myer Davidow, 307 Lackawanna Avenue. LA.DIES' SHOES. I.J.U0.' 1'itent Leather M.W S1km at l."t' Uiilio' llux Calf, liiuli-cut, ifLWi hUooji ,it !.'' I.idlf' if.'.liil aU l.JO Ore Wiocs ul SI ii oml H.W. Ijdios' sil.rai ln,t Plii'fS al !ii trill. I-jiJIiv." Iluttou !,!") uosat T.'i uiiti. rhlldieliV hhiHii at 4!) uml "ii ii'iil. -MlrtM" 1'alnit Lcjllu-r Sinn's al ifl.li. Hoys' ami Yuit)i' bliwM at PS ct nl. Wu Imy cluup fr cali 3ii.t cll ilicjp for ra,h ri.l.v. ho Cheapest Shoo Store W LucKinvanna a venue I SCRANTON'S SHOPPING CENTER. Special Exhibition Of Fine Silk Waists Exquisite New Kinds and a Bargain Lot We have acquired a manufacturer's entire sample line of choice Waists, repre senting every nevr and novel idea in Silk Waist making. The most striking effects are shown as well as the plainer and more' subdued styles for quiet tastes. There are no two alike in the lot, so those wh buy will have an exclusive style of their own. Prices range from $4 to $21 which are based on the manufacturers' cost of making the garmeuta. You save the manufacturers' and the retailers' profit for instance, a waist that ordinarily would sell for $10.00, we offer to you in this sale for $6. There are multitudes of pretty one? to see. Will you look them over? 100 Ladies' Spring Jackets The Spring Jacket should not be left out of the Summer wardrobe especially if you intend to travel or sojourn at a suburban resort. The evening breeze at moun tain, lake and bsach is toued with just the degree of chilliness that calls for a light coat. One hundred Jackets of the best styles we have had this spring at $.00 each. That's the story. Most of them were $10 and $i uoue were less, some were more. Black, Tan and Covert Mixtures, nearly all lined with silk through- (J g f out. Ktou, Fly-front and Reefers 4c).UU The Handkerchief Sale Continues Another thousand dozeti arrived today these are chiefs in y, yi and . inch hems and are even better and fiuer than the first lot we offered CONNOLLY I OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus $500,000. United States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited. 3 per ceut. interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday evenings from S to 9 o'clock. W.m. CoNNia.!., President. Hi-nuv Bt:ux, Jn.. Vice Pres. W.m. H. PiiCK, Cashier. HENRY BELIN, JR., General Ascnt tor tho Wyomlnj District lor Mlntne, liUstlni;, fportlnp, Smolelm una th llrpauno ChtmUil Coropanj's High Explosives. Ettj ruse, Caps ind Exploders. Room 101 Cou ncil DullJini, Scrinton. a(u:ncii:s: TII09. roni) I'ittston JOHN B. SMITH ll SON Plymouth W. I!. MULLIQAN WllkcsDarr The Cheapest Shoe Store DUPONT'S POWDER. iHfflf aHB iVi,t'Aiu - tKtK p.i ffP-v 'H mBEBamSm 9c & WALLACE, I NEW STOCK. I f We are now prepared to sliow you an entire NEW stock o l Carpets I l Wall Papers and Draperies j t Every item is tltis season's goods, and vc arc prepared to serve J 4, " vott promptly and at our well-known low prices. 1 t WILLIAflS&ricANULTY Temporary Store, w m v mmr m 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4 -t ! i I"i I"I ! -i Lager Beer Brewery ManurtictaroM r OLD STOCK PILSNER 486 to 455 N, Ninth Street, .PA Telephone Cull, 3:iW. DR. DENSTEN i'lijslcian and Sureeon 311 Spruco Kt. ,ii-,ple Court CuiMinir, KGK4NT0N, l'A, Ail acute uud ilirci.io illv.'siu of men. w.j inu JliJ rhildren. ( IIIIOMU NCKVOU-i. IIICAIN AND WASTINU IHSKASI-'S A M'l 17. 1AI.TV. All ilLcii ot til l.twr, KiUney.-, litwiUtr kklu, lllooil, Nfrvff, Womb, Di'. Kir, Sou, Tluoat, nil I.uue-. ,iiif, 'liniun, J'ilci, K'l'ituii', lioilri-, Itliuin4tl'-uil A&tlmu, .(.atanli, I'atkoct-Jc, Let Manhood. Mliily KuiKsioiis, all l'cinjlu DUi.it'os, ucoitIio. en:., (iuruorlira. Syplillll'--, lllood I'oIkiii, ImlUcrr tlcu and youthlul luliIU iiUlterjlcd. Mirp-u, 1 Its, lr'illi'p"y. Tjih i1 Stomach Worms. CA 'I'AltltllOZONi;, hpn-UVj lor Outairh. lliK uiontbs' tiratmciit only WW Trial fire in pIHcv. 'CoimilUtion uml c.nilnatlon itet. Of. tuv houiu daily and Sumljjr, 3 a. m. to 9 p. in. DR. DEINJSTEIM. ii sis at Less Than Half Ladies' Pure Linen Handker each, $1 dozen 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE h x m - . 4 f f 3 M'l Be loo fli Said the bait to the fish. Or next thing you know you'll garuisU a dish. I came from the store ol Florey & Brooks, And I'm dangerous. 211 Washington Ave. THB NIK POWDER CO. Booms I an.i2.Com'UkBTd'ft ORANXON, VJu rilning; and Blasting POWDER Mrtt l llooalu ana Rum ll Worm. I tAPLIN RAND POWOBR CO.'S ORANOE QUN POWDER $ Sltatrlo BUrlej, Kleotrlo Hxplod.r sploillug blstj, naf.ty Fun uu1 Ronauno Chemical Co.'s uxol'.Vt. ?f ! ., 5