a 'J-.?-- x r r STVFif . ?iy -f l - 0,s JHV t HfV I lj( 1 "f ) ltV 1,1 T1IE SCRANTOiV TRIBUNJ-THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1901 t5 ymWWWZ vv 'rm -t(" . rpr'" SCSSfC WEST SCRANTON DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT SIDNEY C. MEARS HAD RESIDED HERE TirXY YEARS. Was Boin Near Kingston. In 182. Hla Children Are Among the Rett Known Residents of the City WU Hnm Connell Glee Club Hna Organ Izod Permanently The Membeir of It Mrs. Thomns Jeimyn Refused to Take Her Husband Back Re mains of Moigmi Wntklns Airive. Sltlnev (.'. Meats, who had lived In West Hcrmiton for Just tin even h ilf etnttiry iind who was one or the most widely known losldonts uf tlmt imrt of I tio (l(.. dlid ln"t nlgli.l t 11 o'clock, after v week's IIIiicw, with In gilppo. The deceased has botn on Bniiman's eieek. near Kingston, In 1S2J, nntl was ih"iofoie .-cvcnty-nino j"-'aisold. When lie ivtm eight jems old Ills patents took him to Michigan, tlii' Joinnv being niiirlo hv o utit mill Lilting oer two months Thev settled In Michigan, but letunied to this state In IS Id, rind in Is'iO Jh. Mean- -titled In Sctmiton. lit' -eived throuKh th'- Civil uiir as u member of the lhiBtticoi enips, ami wis with Shciimin in his miinh to tin" -on Ilo Is sin i oil !' .1 wile and the fol low ing ' hlliln'ii. all of whom at" lecog nlocl us among the niu-t substantial 1 III7011- of tin1 ollv. Joseph, James. IdIiii. William. Mis K. It I'.nkii and Mi.s .1. Alton Uuvi- Mi. Me tit lor inanv years kepi a pmnn stop m North Main avenue William Connell Glee Club. The Wlllinm Conm-ll fllee lub has become 11 poimanetu niganlntitm. 11 ml I hey uie now leadv to leielvc otiRaw ments to sing at 1 0111 11 Is and other pnblle giithoiing-. Their nest apptnr .nue will bt iniili 1 the auspices of the s.pnnMi-.moiIc.iu Win Vetti.ins" as. sedation, at theh tiumml t union In It.iiih's hall on Thui-clav. Apiil '" The iflleeis mill mtmhuis ol the lub ale is lollows lie-urlinl, Initio !i Siillv Mi plt-ldtjil. ll'llli II Puillip-. e r"titv. W. M lovvlii, s 1st nit uieriiv, Iliu'i V Ion.-. ttiiMinr tint inn an, lu-rpli I' Phillip-, i.viluftn PriiLi-m W. U. in- I it-l ti iiur- li.-.! ii 1 ft lin Ihnui. Vbi no, llovilm. 1 rhomi-. f 'M It leuis, ldwiiil f'utvcll, Ilirwii i:nn-, luikin linton-. I ilm -heridin. -Yiond tiliois lluh low- Ihcmi-'VI Mat ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT FOR f COUGHS 1 and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Black as a Color It Never Grows Old; Never Becomes Tiresome, Is Never Out of Place, and Is Always Becoming Black Dress Goods Arc more popular this year than ever. Every woman wears black some of the time at atiy rate, aud because of the brilliancy of the new Silk Waists, or the charm ing conti-asts which black offers with the dainty Wash Waists, many ladies, although not iu mourning, rarely , wear anything else. For these, among other reasons, our stock of Black Dress Goods is far above par today, and includes everything that heart can wish for, be sides many novelties which you have probably never seen. Come iu at your convenience aud look over the new line1;. They'll please you. For Tailored Suits WE SUGGEST m Cheviots, Venetians Vicunas, Zebelines Unfinished Worsteds Broadcloths, Clays, Etc. For Dressy Gowns LOOK AT Silk and Wool Baratheas Readonas or Prunellas Canadensis or Poplins Brilliantines or Soliels Westra and Whipcords Melrose and Granite Cloths Serges and Henriettas "! 9i 1 A French Corkscrews, Etc. And many other popular weaves which will claim your attention ii you favor us with a, call. Globe Warehouse kin. Ullllii.i I! Willi WU, John litem. William U"!"- . . ... Pint liaiwoa-Wlllluin W. I.vnim. Ttavt.t U. tlovlj, Thomw Thorium, JoMpli l', Phillip. Seeond Innov-Tatllo M. Eiin, I'. I'. tnM, Thorn. (I. l.vaim, Thomas nJcliHtti, HrnJmln ClrllBtlif, Kilimtnil Moc, Mew U. Motm. Tholr "elections me iik follows. "Poaee to the Koills of llic tleiocM." Dr. Cnllcotl! "Mnrtyr.s or thr Arenii." Uc Itllle; "Mnu'li." HorkerJ "i'nilhe of the Holdlen," llotetdlen: "Kuio nnde," A. U. Mm timer: "Pnldlcr'n Pnitwell," Jolmnna Klnkel; "ToiiHt," 'f.llniM'. "Clmmpamie Soiuv." "My Countrj "flu of Thee," mid "Atnreh of thp Men of flnrlceh" (WpInIi), miiim,'pd hy T. M. Wntklns! ".Saltor'H Chorus," Pnirv: "Cotnrndos In Aiin," ilmns; "Knthlepu Mnvoui neon," Cioiieh; 'Mohnny rtmokor," "fryir-y-lhu " Ste phtns timl .lonoa: "Abeiytwyth," I'liitv, "Hahel," Sleihens and .lones. Don't Want Her Huibnnd. Mif. Thomas .letmjii. of Decker'n jomt, Irid her hutlmnd nnnlBiied be fme Aliifimttn Owen 1). John ntJl.i o'clock Tiiet-dnv nUht on rhntKos oC mullrlous mischief and m-iklm? t Incut a. The defendant was held In tJOi) ball lor his appeal ante 1't emu I. Veteidny .Icrmyn iippenled to tin al ueiman lo Interrede tor a leeonelllii' tlon. but (he wife has in uo Mi hei husband. piPteitlns- to earn her llvltm by koIiis; out washing- rather than suf loi hli al u-e. She Ik willing to wlth diaw the pioserutlou, ptovldlnfr h" It-vi 1 ho -l and keeps tiwav trom her. This he has .igutil to do anil liffi the peine. Watkins Remains Aulve. 'Ihe 1 mains ol the late Mm nan Wat Uii.s. wno dlid .1 wceK ago In fulniado. arllNed In the elty at noon yehtJidav. and wtre taken In chelae hv Fuur1.1l Ohrctor r. AV. Toue. The bedv Mas tonveyed to Hie home ol ileKased's iiinlli'r. -H Aekei a"liue, llellexue. The f uncial seivlre will bo ilr a' the nousp this at let noon at S.M) oMork. lutfimenl will be made in Ihe Wash bin n stieet ien"liy. Opeiations at the Hospital. Ilvaii Wall" i.s, of nh.simi luft. a mtmbei ol the eitv iirttmvi'h imps, wa.- iipei.iiid on ;it Hie Vot ide hos pital jeteulin. AIiuxui ':'homa. of I)il"ion slieol. -ho wa.s opitated on leientl.v, fs ie foxeiirif; rapidly. Miss M..IV llobb . lio w- opei.ited on ueei Hv at the Srinnton I'llvale bospltal. It ieini.iSni? nleelv. Events of This Evening. MfiUnKOf the Colonial club ot ('.imp ITS. Patilotie Older hons of Ameiita, in Hed Men's hall. Lectin in Saltation Aunt hull hv T'hlllp liialMin. ot BloomsbuiR-. Meeting ot fon- of Tempoianio In ainm.in'h hall MeethiR of Ptide ol ,'Irruie Ct.t temple No. SJ. L idles ot the Golden ";aglc. in Younff Men's Institute hall. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The eiiteitainment and sin In at Mcais lull las-t etenlns. under Ihe nitsiilcei ol the Moses Taylor shter llilue, lliotheihood of Railroad Train men, atti acted a lntffo nsseinhhiKo and wan an enjoyable event. Ditife'Klsl U. Mi Jones' mother Ik cill leally 111 at her homo on Hellevtie shoot. The ietnalni or the lalft Mr.s. Marv Lacey wete Interred In the Wanhbuin wtreet cemetery yesterday iitternoon. Attorney M. V. Cnwlcy, tiding tm a landlord's agent, levied on the Rnoda and rhallel't of Mr. and Mis. Thomas Powell, residing at the corner of Pi Ice and Chestnut streets. After the levy was made, the Powells cm ted the pooda 11 way, and then they wete titieHled for larceny. Constables John Davis and Timothy Jonen had tiouble In IiiIiikIiik: them he fine the alderman, hut they weie nruilmied and each of them en tered ball In the stun of t00 for their appeal unco at remit. William lb Ink, a huckster, was ar 1 nlKiifnl befoto Alderman John bust evenhiK. clmtKed by M. J. Dottd with worldnff a tllm-llam pame. The latter nlleued thai he kovo Uilnk In pur elutHliiK' a bushel of apples for ninety iciitH, and that the huckster failed to deliver the goods or the ehaiiRe. Hrlnk denied the charse. The prosecutor lulled to put In an iippeatnncc tit the heailliw, and the aldeimnu disehm'Ked the 1 ttiie. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Cake Wnlk Will Be (liven Tonight at Auditoiium News of Aldei- men's Courts Other Notes. ilevci intists in this line of vvoik. Two ot I heir pioniinent members captuied til; os ul New Voik city last Decem bei. Hatlei"' lull oichestril will tlll nlslt tnusie tor the danrinq. In Aldeimen's Couitb. muic the police masistiates leielved thiii appointment on April 1, the non 1 le have bepen to think Hint the olllce ot aldeimtu tva" anoll'-lipd. The nl deuneii who did not leceive appoint ment .11 stilt IioIiIIiih: the office ol il deinien and have the liKhl to soi ve aotices and i-sur. vtiiiinrts as In tote. Uii-lness Mlth olher uldiimeii ".vlll be tallied on In the sum uiauuei a in the n 1st, llainev Noiavisli liad Vudievv lteillv fiiiested lor .isaiilt and battel v he lm 1 A Idoi man Myeis la.,t nlnht. Kell lv (nteied bail In thj sum of Ti)0 for appi, nance at n.'l teim of cuuit. Aiidiew Ueillj. uilested b IMtioI uiuii H.iltiy for hehiK diuiik and finhl iiu, in Leonaid's hotel, was (mod $5 Ii Aldeimin Ptdlei's com t yc.?teiday. 1") iv Id Jones viis lined 2 bv Alder man Fidln for talkniK loo loud iu the Inttei's ofliee wliili cotiit was in ea-s-Inn. J. imes MotiK a Miuimr man lesldlnr on Ineaker .stieet. was brought before Milt 1 man Fallt r bv Constable Seth Smitli 011 a wan ant svtoin out by L'lla St.tnlun lor asstult and battel v. It apptais that Mi-s Stanton had been Loefniif? loiiiptnv with Moitis' 01 other, ami Minus, not wishing hit In other to o with Miss Stanton, is ilkred to have slipped In r while she- vas on her wa home Monday night. After .1 -hoi t ber.ilnf, the ease was settled by .vim lis p.tjIiiR the costs The night loafei.s still ki ep on hanir 'hb: uioimd on the -fleets or in 11 tint of busints? pint t-, esptchlly on th Hollt pouh ol the P.iistol house. Tliey an in tin-habit of (oniealin"; on tins joich and expectorating .ipon the Mileivulks vvheie 1'idi on their MUJ" to dlffei nt ihuulus o tnlert.iinmf nts liitt ti walk This n"il-ance will have ttt be Mopped befote Ioi-r or .ti tests will be made. NUBS OF NEWS. '111.. 1 itlher Whitty imiriv v. ill hold .1 meetinf," thih evenins In tle-lr 100ms on West Mmkit stieet. Cl.it Pi'ie MtAlllstei, ol Bebnoiit Ter l.ue. has t ot 111 111 ! hoim altei i-It-ntjr fi lends at Not Ihumbei land. .Mis. O'le- Dtekfi, ot tJayuira ?litet, is 1Ir1u1v indl.spo'ed. The LudlOs" Aid soeltlv ot the Wavtif Avenue Pi 'tlJ.vtt.iian lIhucIi v.'ill hold , ite mi. mi yoclnl In the thunli pai 1ms ne.v' Moud.iy ei iiina. lep 1 learn and cake will be solved bv the Iadie. Mr. O. V. Palmer, of Notth Main rivtnue, ha.- letiur.vd home fioiu Wlinl soi, N. Y. Tln Wi -1 IHilrit v III pay Ps employe.' t. 0.i SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. James Connell Lodge, Odd Fellows., Install Ofucois and Enjoy Smok er Other News Noteb. .iiiiot.iii.il lull.., No. la), Imli p. mum ta il, 1 ut 1 Klil lillim. I Kl'l IU ininul inM ill.itioi. of otilicis Ut iiciiln, at lutilim'b lull, !! liming 1lif iiiiJiinij with 1 Mtiiil.Pi. Tin' tvent wis I irriM. .it 1 1 in L .1 In tin intuitu it. uf llic bt iki whu snv I hi' fullisin- nfliais iustallul: I'jt grin 0. .Iniili W. Ilaliiiibi iiolili. 'ijinl, 1ml W. Hum ; vlie ,'rjinl, llouirr Suit, h.h!. tin, W. V lush; .e-sliinn siiiotai.t, (hirlc -tone, trt'i-m 1. luilu A Kiti-ttr, niiioeoiitt l.u lo Kijinl lnl.i, I .til-, f. Nli.iuti, tlir lin' lii'l ill 1II011 .1 Mim! u ij, Ink lliuf iiiiln -i's wtie nuilu I'.' Dl.tikl pqiul dunil M 11 lt tl O'liiiinll, (ii.uiil Mji.-!i.i1 .1 ti. Mi ,Mt la mil Wiinl'ii A, llipe .Vlkin, Cunl Sri. HUi, S. I", lie 111, di.inil duililiiii I. , U H, - I, HlioU, 'llioiniA OilflK Unity MnAett ,111 j s, s ll.ukt.tl. 'Hid Hist ikurtc will l wurkul on Moiil lanilnlitc-. at, the mt inutuu itliki is to be l.i lil ,M"il T. Passed Resolutloiifa. At j tiiitthit, of Ciiliiinlius cuumil, Vuuu Mm's liiitittite, the tolluIni (Miliitiou wiia uiunl. mnibly .nil. .tf ill Wlierua. It lu- pkaacil the AlmiRiih i,u in 1IH iiilinite l-ili-in .iml 1111-10 lo talc Iroin uiir unk. llrutlur I) unci Shu, enc i,i thr 1110. 1 jilitr, cti'iiiiul i.ii'l bclotid iiieinlieit, 01 t tl iiiiiUii iduncil, .So ITU, )cung Mill's lntltuto, ut South fccnuti'ii. Mlwrcw, lb Ills ilriaLr, v. lute h.l tuin ot biir nolilctt, cffliiiiit ami toiuMt immlKiN U it Union., Ucbheil, AI houh it mauni ilu.l t,9 in. j it v,e hw lit luuiililc bubtiiUiicn to Hit hi uf 1,0.1, who docs all Ihlius fur tl.t but. Jli-oltril, I'ln; we Icril-r 0111 Icaillilt uni iithy to ln fimlh, brothtr 11ml hLtiri In Huh uil iliiktii 11; and he it (uttir llcvihtil, That a ("I'.i' tit tiie-i. icMilulions l Htil tu Ilm uiiilly; le iiiordul en thu iiilinitcs TUB HOMLIEST MAN IN SCRANTON 34 will m Die lunJoiiic.-t, Mid ethers ire invited lo CJll un any diugcUt Jill uct tut tt trljl bottle ot Ki niji's JliUim fur the llatiit anil lain.;, a Hinidy tint U Riinruntict to cure anil rellcic jll Chionlo nnJ Acute t'oukl , Asthmt, lliunrlilui jn.J Coiauuiuilun. piln Sa: intl OUt. This oiorilns Hie tiiukei City Col on d qiriitette will lvc .1 sttind 011 leilulnment anil cuke walk at the Au dlloiiuii'. This Mill be tin- Hist eol 01 ed cuke walk that has ever been held Iu Hie Attdltuilum, mid U Is expected that a laiRi number will tuin out to see the litest slvl"s In cake vvalkiiiff. 'flic ijunkci Cliv iiunlrtte me very ilevci mllsts in this line of vvoik. Two RKMAKKABLE SUCCESS. Of n New Catavih Cmc. A la mi' ami constantly InotcUBlng tnaloilty of the Ameilenn people, are eatairh suiToreis. This Ik not entirely the result of our clmiiRcnblo ellmnle, but because model n Investigation has clear! v in oven that many diseases, known by other names, are tcnlly eti tairh, Formerly the name tjatarih was applied almost exclusively to the com mon nnsal catatrh, but tho throat, atomaeh, liver, bladder, kidneys and liUcstlncs me subject to catarrhal dis eases as well at the nasal passages. In fact, wherever1 thoio Is mucous memhianc theie Is ti feeding; mound for eatarih. The usual lpinodlefi, InhnlerH, spiays, tlouehes or powdcts, have been jiuictle nllv failures, us far as anything more than temporary teller wast concerned, because they simply dry up the mu uoits secretions, without Inivlnn the l-o-motest effect upon tho blood and liver, which are tho leal courees of catittrhul dlseuijts. It has been known for manv years that the unheal cute of t-atairh could never come fiom local applications, but from an Internal remedy, acting on tho blood ami impelling- the itttmihal poison trom the system. A new Intel nal prep.iintlou which has been on the market only a short lime, hasi met with remarkable suc cess iu a senulne. ladlcal cine for ea tat ill. It may he fount! hi any diug store, sold under tin.- name of Stuatt's Cu tmrh Tablets, huge pleasant tasting l07enges, romposed ptlndpully of anti septic Ingtt'dients. lmcalyptol, (Jiinla tol, Kaiigttlniirla, ll.vihanlln and simi lar ttit.urh s)tellles. LV. Alnslee, In speaking ol the new eutuirh cine, says: "I have tiled the new tatarrh lemedv, Stuait'.s Cutaiih Tablets, unon thlity or loitv iatlents with temarkable satisfactory lesults. They clear the head and thiont moie eft'eetually and lastingly than any tlouehe or Inhaler that I have ever seen, and although they me until Is called a patent medicine and hold by diug gibls, I do not hesitate to recommend them, as J know them to be fiee Ironi cocaine and opiates, and that even a little thlld may use them with euUie safetv." Any suftcier liom nasal tatmili, tin out or bitmchlul tiouble. t.ilanli ot the .stomach, liver or bladder Mill find Stti.u t's Cnt.11 th Tablets lenimkably eflettive, plea.sant ami convenient, and jour thugglsl will tell j-oit thev ait-absolutely fue I10111 any injutioiis diug. uf our couiifil. iml the -jim- tiiinli'hdl 111 the ilnh tupii-.. VI. .1. lituij.. vt 1 n,ii,iin, 1 v viiiii.lij, t ouuniltii Bteezy Bievities. 'I In VlllWII MirlltllllllOt wllllllC.I t"l lllllMlill Umoin.w inniln; in Atllltlle Illll. I. ('. I'llwinl, sun ol ( tines. IMwanl, liad the IliMilll- I 1141 1 M hi- 1 1 K 1 1 1 h Hl'l Hll-lii-d oil' while it woil. In the Vli work" lUitiukit. Mr. I. I. W 1M1 j. -uinniorii.il to jttruii tho liuirnl infiiil "r. Iooli Itiinic lin I. tin iiiil lii ln liomr on t'cilir ,tv t nut' .nln j. Mt munllis' -,tiy ut 1'iils lilt ft 'I lie Vruiton Athletic luli v ill inert in regu lar s(fioii till? i-KTiinjr in Vlhleliu lull Tin niiinljria ot the St. Muvslu.- sorn.tv will lin it tit I'liimiiiN hill this ennuis Imril 11nt.1i, No 1.1, limtrtl Mine Weikorn nt Atiu 1 11 j. III moil this tftmnv it Vrtiitki'ii hill DUNMORE DOINGS. Council Meets 111 Special Session. Betnil Clerks Effect Organiza tion and Elect Olnceis. Count II met In hpei ial .session ju-t night, with all membei.s piesent ex cept Mr. Uiogan. t'litiiiman Pujton, of the 1 .1 111 trad connnlttec. icpoitcd that all lompaules liaving iule.s in the bor ough would comply with the oidinanto taxing poles, with the exception of the Dunmoie Klectiio Light. Heat .mil Power company. who claimed that their tontiact with the borough exempted them trom payment ol ti lac tor a peiiocl of five jeats fium date ol pins ent lighting 1 minuet. " The matter was leltriid to the bui ougli attorney for an opinion. Mi. Mc Laughlin leported that many tticets In llio Sivth waul Mete onlj ji.ntitilly provitled Mlth hldevvulks and guttois, and moved that the boiough attotnev and engineut dinw up .111 otdiuanee coveting the matter, piov.Iiilng for the laying of walks within t-ivly d.i, or the borough would piocced to ilo f-o. The stnet eonunis&lonci icpoitcd tho bridge on Apple .stieet to bo In bad condition and suggested It be tlagged hihtead of planked, as heietoioie.whicli .suggestion was icletied to tho bridge lommitlee. Mr. McLaughlin moved tliat the stone eitihhlng mnehlne, iccentlv purtli.tf-ed fmm M'eais .t Flvnn at a cost of $1,10(1, be placed hi pioper .shape to begin woil; mi May 1. The tmnier ownei.s agtee to stipei intend the etcotiou and .staitlng of the machine. Alter a lengthy discussion of a pu posecl oidlnance repealing Section .'! of tho sower 01 tlinance, which section pro vides tor the building of all sevvois ex cept the titink sower, the council went Into committee of thu whole, that H, held 11 s-eeioi .session behind ilused doois. Provloim to this, Mr. McDonald had ptesunted a paper signed by counsel for the exceptions to the viowus' la pot t, slating If the part iclatlng to ()m lateral .soweis was lepeulid. namelv, Section " of tho fcttwer ordinance, that they Mould withdraw their oblcctlon-. iml thus take tho matter out of court 1 and allovv the construction of the trunk j sower to bo commenced at onto, I The connultleu icported favoiubly on i this ordinance, which Immediately passed on thin! aud llual reading. This will still loqulio the slfciiature of Huigehs Buischell before It becomes cipetatlve. aud fiom his actions Inst night it might bo Infuitcd thru he will refuse to algn It. IN A FEW LINES. The jutumngo ?uo nt Hnian & Healy's old stoieroom on Chestnut btieet, under tho auspices of the Ladles' Aid tocletv uf tho Methndlst liplscopal church, will he opened Ihi.s utuinoon and contlntietl the balance of this week. A huge force of woikerf. have been en gaged In piopailng' tor the sale, mid It is expected a laige .sum will be 1 enl isted. The Holall Cleiks' nssociitlon have, organized In town, ami elected the o. lowing ollltcrs to bervn for the eiiMilug teim: IMst jut'.sldeni, John Mauley; inesltlent, i'. H. Krause; lli.st vlte pie.sltlcut, John (illllgau; .second vlte. piesldeut, Peter Mauley; recording iec retury, II, A. Smith; lluunclal socie tal y, P. J. O'Hoia; guide, William Miller; guardlin. P. Wnlkci. The Acme dancing oIa-8 will icopen dancing echool Filday evening, Apill 12, In Washington hall, OPENING OF CONFERENCE ItWlmlcil from I'jkp I lilm-clf, m wo t)rlltvc It will In- iiroflUlito lo 111. Itev. A. F, Clinffeo then spoke of the vvoik In which he had been engaged for some months, that of compiling a his tory of Wyoming; confeience. lie ic. ferret! to the necessity for llnmiclal aid and reciuestetl that the numbers of the conference send their photogiaphs for the volume, A uiiunlmous vote .j.ivo upproval to his rcriticst. Itev. Dr. Chapman, lepicsontlng the Iloston TbeoloKlc.il school, made ;i brief mid eloquent nddie.ss In tlm in. tcrestB of that Institution, lie was fol lowed hy llev. Dr. James Monovv, the icinosentntlve of the Ulble soeletv. The repot t of Itev. Di L. C. Flojd, ptesldlng elder of tho lllnghnmlon d'ls Hict, was beriid, II was mi excellent, well written ami bright In Its outlook, showing much ptoiHuble wotk. The names of eldeis weie called, their chtir acter.s passed mid repents tteelved. Itev. C. II. Have-, presiding elder of the Chenango district, gave his lepoit. There were 1,00(1 1 unveils dining the year and $l,M0 raised tor lcpalrs anil Ini)rovemenl. Itev. J. F. Winner, of the lloiiesdale dlstilet, in his icpoiL told of encourag ing events. Theie hail been many te vlvals. anil Incidental to one It was stated Hint a man and Ills son, who were about to open a -aluon nntl who had secured the petitions ot the le uulrod number of "good tillens," sud denly found tils com options of life changed and decided to open a stoic tor di j" goods Instead ol wet. '"-noon Session. Tin a 1 session was devoted for thu II un to statistical wnik. llev. Dr. M. ). Fuller uiesldcd. llev. J. L U.iee oti'eied puijer. The mem bei.s of the confereiue pi evented their financial icpoils, and the meeting ad journed with tho benediction by Dr. Sweet. Committees wete in session until A p. m , when the address of the afternoon whs given. Tho Pentecostal set vlte. Is ,1 novil ten lure of the atternoon sessions, (e elded upon last jear. The.v weie ui langed dlillim- !!shoi Xintle's visit but a Cow weeks bctoie his dmlh and aie held under the he.u lv- iippmbatlon of HIshop Fuvvltr. Itev, Di. .1. fi. Wilson, of Piovitience. II. L. is in chtige. and if the pimulse of toilav Is fullllled It is evident that the meeting- aie to be a gieat slice oss. It was "tiggested la-t jeai that the pc oplc of a eommunlt.v get Utile henelll Horn a ciinteience held In lis midst. They me asked to enteitulu the visit ors and nru cuinbcicd with maiij" cities during their -taj". vet the statistical and business sessions otfei -mall Inter est or value to those not illicetlv in teiestetl. Hence it was decided that a leal evangelistic sei v It e should be held eveij" afternoon, that the minlstei.s in their ific.it annual meeting should leave behind them some agitation of loligiotis effect. Dr. Seveison prosified over this meet ing. Itev. Di. P.ace, Dr. Hani. ISiv Stephen Ja.v and Thorn is ondueted the music. Dr. AVIIson spoke with impassioned letvor reg.11 ding Hit bapllsm ot ihe llolj- e.iho-,1. He was In aid by a ciovv ti ed house . llev. II. (' McDtimott pieslded to nisht at the uiinlvei-.u v of the Fi octi llion's Aid and Southern Hdiliutionul soc ietv. Others on the- plnttoim weie llev. J H. TUte, Itev. J. 15. Cook and 11. I? Benedict. These constituted the lonteieiui ullheis of Hie -octet v. Dr. Mason's Talk. Tin -eaker ol the evening via- llev Di. M. C. It. Mn-on. of cine liin.in. Di. Ma-on Is rieihaps, with the exception oi Hooker T Washington, the most lelebiutcel aud cultmeil man of the colon d nice. He spoke on "Chtisllaii L'dut.iHon, the Solution of the Kuce Fioblcm III the South." He begun bv lemaiking 011 Ihe wonde-iful spliit of Chiistlan inogith- which I- dlsplaved in mahitnlnlne the suppoil uutl the up llliiug of the blacks This soeletv lias i-ctit out a.fifu) j mms men unci women f'lnistian teatheis to no Into all the waste and dc-ohite plate- of the South to give their talents and their lives to l.iise their tellow-ctealtues. The jouth me bains educated in foily-seven si liools, where indiisti Ial Ualnlng l.s Slven to moie students than in anj" oilier set ot institutions In the whole South. Thev are solving the Mi-called uegio Plublem. Mote tliaii a .scene of ihe best giaeluatcs ale in Atiita, and many mm a aie piepailns for vvoik in the Duik Continent. Two nu dlcal giadu ates sue to aid iu establishing a medi cal hospital In Atliea, under the eliiee liou of liishop Hait7.cH. Tluee Qiiidu-ate- are teaching caipoutij-, shoe mulilng, pi lilting, etc.. ill AH it a, The speaker, in tin Inteivlew with a Tilhmie cmiespoudent, when asked lo gin ding his opinion of tho book, "The Ahum lean .Wgio," lecentlj" puhllshetl, slnteil that lie was utteily at u loss to conjecluie Mr, Thomas' point of view. The kindest tiling which could bo saltl of the book was that It Is a malicious illstoitlon of fails, p.ittleuliuly hi Its attacks oil the educational Institutions ol the South .mil the outlook tor the colored intv 11. V, CONFERENCE NOTES. llTuit- iik In ill,' liuik' to t'Ci.illilc l,i-liui limlu lo piak in l.lin I '.nl. 1 hurt Ii i-niMi) nUhl Tlie ulilosl nilnisUi in rftntite work 111 point of Mil 110 111 Un noli 11 tu c is Kcv. Iliuuus lLiicjiiii, whu w 11. j.hnlltiil in l'i.'. It l" ilu- piivile uilnlun of iinnr cii 111 lin 11 until el tin. Ii'iilei.j tint tlicio will he nu il.iiiy... in the tlitrhls 01 the confinntc this )iut Hot Pi !-lini,on. of VOitnv 1 1, null, is urf ei tie 11101 miiiht iftn men vt tin- imif.sutie. It it cay to. see tlii nvor in which lie f held In his (tnnir pirUhliiiiiis, Iii'V, V II IVarec lut liotuht a InuoVimi' pioiilv in i.izcnovlJ, X", ., whrro he" will oniiil tho tinrriur with hU iqioiIj lufure til.h' t.p ri.'iilLiue in hh iiilnrr Immo iu lllni,lmnlini. In," thf llrit lime in icnlv fcrl .Mjis, hit, I V ViiieM 1II1I not lUcr lli! iiminin to 111 iKc .. motion rrgartllns the !nr of the lOiiicuiKi', 'I his vi.ir the vein, it the vttn.111 uilniiUi' U tin III ill ik.ltll ll,iin-Ji) meht will rhionlcli llic annjv iiJtj vi thu Church Kvitiiilon toiltti, whin Jl . I I Jul pre.iilis tnul T. II. Ptk, 01 Ihit dt.i, luiU- the .nlilie.- lie is tne of tnr vcij IkH tpcaUrs in this vallo, rlcsmt In dktlon, it tlriiii iu llictght ai.tl pleasant 111 maniiei Touioriow inornlnif will bo tat.cn Ihf vole on the c ! llli.ll I'OiiMilutliill, two !uiioitaut iUCa (iont whlili lll.i IlJinii..'s nhiwt, will not "ilwvit." 'Ilicoo are tho ctfrUtiiiif quillou uf v.uuiiu'h uiIiiiL lun to the mm Ml iiifiriiioe ami (lit oil 1 r tuiirtiiiiiie, ril'n-iiil.'ilK.n. 'Hid Itiimfr It brought up only h) lilt ins ol Hie i-llikm,- out cf the toe) "mile" in the piuutaplt un ilelt E.ile adniU.lon II I P. Apostle Cannon Impioving. IW KmIusim; Who fri'in 'I ho .Vutijtcd I'rus Jlmacicry, lk, Apill 10. Vpontlii l.ioo ej. Cannon, ot the Mormon church, who is sulcusly ill, iillicd iUghtJy toeljy. " "f-f-f-f'ft-f-ff-f'f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-t" -t-f -f -f I m Health ( tVW Is all Important. The tlaughter of today becomes the wife uf toinonow. now essential then tlmt good health bo hois. Oood health, which alone (brings happiness and vigorous posteilty. The mechanism of women is liner than that of man. She Is naturally higher strung, nntl when the dual functions of her life are taken Into consideration, It Ik little wonder that the delicate mnchlnery bleaks down under the burden laid upon It. . The majutltv of women need un aid which would strengthen them for the stiess and strain they dally meet. Such an aid Is found In Warner a Safe Cuie, a simple vegetable piopinallon, which has secured the highest cniloiHetncnt among women In nil walks of life In all pails of the clvlll.ed wind, A few bilef extracts fiom recent letters fioin grateful women: Virginia Townsend, 211 Mirimrrlmrn SI , llrooMvn, 'llnnuirli lie elks Is nt bi lint Ihi.mn horn it i mljtre In IS'J.1, I wait errt.il It it llhtnl with female troubles. I Muni liunclioils of flollirs with iloitors VTllliitut n lief, but Warners Safe Cim- rutnioil my Iieitlli in two inonllis. Christensc, Countess Chefould, "lllC! ClwioM " Chleit;,.. 111. for the- pnl tin veins I hive meel u i tneillrine evcepl W mill's s'ife Clin-, mil IImI Ihit it kfeps me In kouiI he lit li. Ii Is i nniirkibh" Ilfcitbfi unl I clntrtulh rflvo it ni) hurt onilun-eiiient . w. rife sample i.f M VltM'.lt'S hAH: fl'ltl! unl piri-on, ur bv Ictttr-WAUM.It'A hl 4---f-f"--f " - 4 - f - f - - - f V II iST V? -ss-- viSiZL r. .a ERECT F3RM Style 960 aneldnvb find blue khateen; ERECT FORM Style 96 - cat; tieavllj' boned; tor tally CAUTION lleineinber Hint tlrely tlltretcnt from nuy othei In "at gooci, JjOok ioi uif iviii'iiu tliu Inalitf of iei y pair. Ml,, nl -ill the eUWi-limenl in oi niton. On lnd h n, name ami price- diicct to us ami ui- WEIN GARTEN BROS,, rvfityyitKi'.i'.ttri! r. r. r. . r. t. V-, Wm W W, " w, - - wV r r - . TRY i Clock's Best I Union Hade Tobacco ; A Good Smoke oi Chew. A Tilal Solicited. Satisfaction Gutuanteed. MANUFACTURED BY The Clock Tobacco Co., G'M-40-48 Wyoming Ave. Scianton, Pn. fr 4- $ ! ! H 4"I' OBITUARY. 1 PH Mill III lm V 'U- !" - ' Hi ill Mitel, IMi. nil ItuiMj. cikd If dit lil.lt. aUn a wee'k'i, iIIium ot piicuiiioiiit I'm the li-l twilve Han lvC iml wi niiplu nl I'J I1" lklav..tn. kit l.i.i ami t aid Wfttni Ilillionl fempiin a i twilcliiiMii. and tvi piovtil him ..It inibl triiitwnrllit Ilo w t a iiiiiubii or Mu lli'Uwaie, lackivvaim am1 .lini Vluiuil ,ul i nioii of Neilh Vni'tita lin w .unhid bj hi, pauiit', Mr. an I Ml' 'Ihcmu lluilcly, and tho filiv.ln tirotlnri. Jiul kilters)! John, lliomisj, I'uili!., Jonjil, Xniti". Nl!ii. hntlirjii Hid tiiuluu'. He uniil will le In Id at li oilutl t-..lunlav inoiiiln Willi .-civiie .it llalj I n-n ihiuih .ml iiltlineil al llic ( alhtdial iiuieten llll's l'Ns- Wfll known -nd lamilin ic.li'rnt of Wi.-t Sirinion, litus I'.vaiin, dit.1 jihlenlaj al ill i homo of his diii'hli, Mi, Mlinl Jinlan., o.'u .Noilh Jkikti'a euilll. Jl.i.aud v. is born iu l'liea'llu, hutli Mali-, in -ii, a.nl v aa 77 ji.iis of ape. Il hid lived hereabouts tur b rly vi in, .an) niikul o., a tiultu of -li i i 'ihe, lullov.iiie; chllUieu survive him: Sli Ulml In kin- tnul Mi. .lelin firilCilit.. o( Oltpliarit 'Ihe tiiuer.il will t ilto plate Simula) 11(111110011 nt " o'eloiL. Inleiiinit will bi mule in He W lkltbuiii itliit le'ineleo, .11 MilS .l()M.j--llie kith 01 .liiil.iu lulu-, alt ueil iml lipeilnl 1. Illin 11 it-l Seranlnn oiiiniul jrstenla.v inoiunu at hi. home, -- ( lit stunt sired. PieiMni! wa. btl jeais 01 ai," aud foe tho tu.t II1I1 lv t ii3 livid In U,oi Sii.iiilon V vvlilivv anil bis. elilhlrtii hiivivi him II ii- Ii.11c1.il amiotiiuciueiit will bo mailo lain. MIIS. IfAMi: il. MMOMOV Vt 'tin seran ton prlvatn hospital, Mrs. Jeuulu O. bltncnton illod. jujteiday afUmceu. bhv t.a Ui jcat vt ae, 1 Caa i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 X 4 4 4 4 t s sV 4 4 4 4 4- 4- 4 4 4 4 4- of Women 4 Iiillinn Ramsey, I'ririiih nl, Penvcr r(nliic,v C lub, Piuvir, t'olouilu, Jh inothir Millirtil fiom winkncMs pccii. If it t to worm 11. She Iml tuiitlnuil lurk .lehe anil lienliche anil wis ulinont. an iut illil, bill Warner's silc Pine tout pletelj' nstoietl hei. Annie E. Hniper, rr. bine fctn-ct. .iiiuontiih. in, r hive fouinl Wmnri'is Stfe Cure won ilirliil nnvily lor buknelit nml iiuniemus I. litis woiiun are nfl'lttiil with. It tones the intlio iijsIciii anil picverils colils. Ine inn lii I. CI Hi: ii iiltiie ttlviu on upiillcitloit in 10, Uoihislii, X. V. - f4 - -f-f-f---f-f-t--yf-f-f-f-f-"f T Uf uric i till lowbu-teil effect whlclt tin veiv swi'lle-l motlliti s arn de HtiniiU fur their newest crcatioas is Rivin the fullest ndvanlaBe bv tin V II. ruct Ioim Corsit. The Vrecl t'orm is hiRienic. It Ins not striin thu bust or abdomen, but place s all the procure on tlia Iiiis inrl Iml. liitLsrli. keepint? th iboiilders In a tine poic. ER "CT F RM Stv'e 701.- Ileivy front steel Of whito anrt drill lean" hip .rorei! $1.00 ERECT FORM Styo 72.- 1 1 1 1 peiiil; hen. finnt steel. Mule ol imported Diamond H.l tieii in Mliile and (lrab....$1.50 ERETT FORM Stylo 963:- Mulc of imported c'outil; full -ored. bias cut; foi jttmtl. 'jlen- dei fleruies SI 75 ERECT FOM Stylo 959 Improved -Of French Coutll, in hlto ami drab; full ttored ind lias cul $2.00 -Ol esimbea y French Coutll In wb.1 to mil gored; bins cut $i 50 - Oflmpoited Coutll; lull gored; blrui developed figures. . ..- S250 Hie "W. B. Erect Form" Corset is cn- the) mittket. 'liieiu citunot bennolher 'iy " t-i..i. w. it -...., If tout d.-ilci" dita not have them I n rlnc'e win ace urn. .-. -.- ... 3T7 Broadway, New York. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUn THEATRE L" HUIS .V. nURGITN'PKn, Ismscm. A. J. DL'l t'V, JIanacl. lur-ilav, Vpnl II. Tveulus P. iluiiuaine. ' I : Ultimo Perforin nice at J i 4TH RMUhl CONCERT Bauer's 13th Regiment Band Ol l"i Pieces xIoits t MR. FRANK EATON, Bniitone, iiv Voik ("ttj. MR. THOMAS MILES, Coinetist, lliufi's llintl i'ih vi, Ji icnts lo l.irt C hihhen'h uiatine', IV., J ! uHi. .sials oi hlh" 'llle -ill ui II I Hi. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, KBIS& BUROUNRnR IIARRV A. HKOWI Uanageu and Lrt.eei. Local Manager. Ml This Wiek, Tlie 1'. etle I'avoille, r.ittli Irene Meyers f.i.pinli'l bj hei iwii Mint diinpanj ill tqier. loin. 1'ifM.nllu. 'Ihinilav l.veiuirf "Ihe Coiner t.ioe-ery." I lidav Kvinnu- "Umlei 'I wo Vlaits" t-iiuidi.v laming "Ilm Whlto Hat" .vcvt Vn-Vlitlnti. Ptlly. CORSE PAYTON STOCK COMPANY III Itipriloin M Uln e piici. Ill mil JO i out I'.veiilns piices-l, JO ami '.' miiis SMewGaietyTheater AM'. (! lli'UKIMilUN, Maniisl. Tluee Days Commencing Moutlay, Apiil 8. BOWERY BURLESQUERS. Matinees Daily. P. J. HONAN, Merchant Tailor. 319 Lackawanna Avenue. Ilir unialiis will be tent this moinin' to firem biiih, Wesiiiioielaiul luiua.v, toi intot incut rmieials. ll.u liiiual ol I'liiliiKI. Iljlipniu) whu di.'.l irum tin iMuu of injuries uttlvcd in the Pan i.u-t initio li-t wnk. will take nlaio this after loi.ii noiii the limne un lloitncu t-treet ut i ii'ikitk. .VII nuiuhrre oi loloiul l.iuis finiiuh, Nu Kill, aie 110,1111.(111 tu attend in a Ih1 'Hid" will null ill llic auilltuiium at t p. ni ltllllltl.V. Ladies, j out hilling oullll will not be cumpleto without u pair of our stjllsh shoes. Jlahua't, shoe stoie, 'ii Lackavvanu.i avenue, ', "s i7b.Vo - : It . 4 iiiJ. ,1 -Lt.. , blSMsVl'u t V-'