The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 11, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    lrtfr 'i.'S-v t- r. jriV,
.r -it-
M '''' ?&-
An Excellent Combination.
Tlic plrabant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Syiujp of Fiob, mnnufacturcd by tfio
California Fio Stiwjp Co., illustrate
ihavaluonf obtnlniiiff the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
iiicdicinnlly lnxulivo unil presontinjf
themin the form inotrofri!sninir to the
tnsto und acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect streiiRthoninir laxa
1 ivo, ctaansinfr the cytitcin effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevera
jjcntly yet promptly mid enabling one,
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every object ionnhlu quality and sub
stance, and its acting' on the ltidueyn,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
lu tho process of manufacturing figs
arc used, as they aro pleasant to tho
taste, butthemedicinal qualiticsof the
remedy are obtained from scuna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fia Svrcp
Co. only. In order to get its beneticial
effects and to avoid imitations, pleun
remember the full namoof thcCompany
printed on the front of every package.
Forsaleb; all Druggists. IJrico60c.perbottIo.
Ice Cream.
9C Per
0C Quart.
3 cle pi. on Ordari Promptly '-l vzai
3'37 Adam Avenua.
Scranton Transfer Co.
Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels
and Private Residences.
D., L.
isau:r hand roxn-.ur w hi.-
ii ph thK .itli nuiuii, (liiltlion lll l
I'll Ki-CMlt tlll.ll;
ll.l tll.ll
I'W-DAYS. Hi- I)u!ju.iil .in.) Iliilvh ..mi
juny pji'l .c-iui!.i .it Hit IipIih'ju'. t'ou.w--lnni,
l!lUmo:r . , II ill iiiim- Nd . mil
4tjiti:noii 'Junml Jt V II..' 11 jiif
IV.UTM' lOUuliHOW N'ICII'I'.- lm.Mii Kill.
t!L will ImM .in 'mpi?! in lni nihil nmi&
. ,llt 111 tin- Ci' '"r dip unknown 1 11.111 inuml in
lnt cru'k ilu 'S.MV linnc IhujKi'I.
twicer; ixciiui:
't Ciiunilu-i .Ii.Iiii Ucic
ns On Ymir.e .Uoii'j,
..inir ioi Mom iv nlglit Jl
n I.iUuuomii aumii'.
-Tlii- mUirp Ujul.
O'liilll.v rouni U-,
will pi iv .i m it'll
ll.i l.Htit'-. incnb
MVlli M;itVl(-i: I'.XAMINA'IIO.V.- Supuinuu.
it m r,t Mails Loul, Si hint, ontiilni ti'il .1 ilfpnt.
.iii'iiial iMiiilii.ition .'.t tln rounril .lnntlHf, in
tin1 uty lull )vlinl,i.i, 'll.iitidi .ipplli.inis tur
t.oiitloni .i-, i.iiln iv 11V1II ilul,-, jikI thiei- tor
pl.ici". u- (.kiUdl lilmni li'iilc tho uMinln iUmi, jur cn .out on to WVIiiimtoii muI ilu.
rowtlti will lie uiincimre.l litu.
LVU'IIU) l '1 111: MI.T.S.--i!rimin xiliiul.i,
r MinoolH, mid lli'iiiml Jli'Xnlty, of tin- crulnl
. ilty, rccrtiiil tr.Mtiiiint at the l..uKaw.ui'U
1io. Hal .ti-ntenlay (m inning hmmvmI wliila at
woik in the inlii"!.. One n JleVulty'., tinm-i-.
v.n bailly IticratKi, while Mlnin.U'-i tl.i.n,b
. was j.0 liailly miitilitiil liy ) piir of mil whlili
till upon it ..inptil.itluii was iminil to lie
m cc.viiy. nr.M.u, wi:i:K.-i-iim niv nth t th.-
"1st of April tills lar lr..i lnvn n.i a-iilo r thv
M'lf-ileiilal wt'.'k nt (lii ritnuLe t'riltinton mis.
nicn. At lojst :in cnli lay will ! spent
in pra)ir, liv ci'li fu'iMnl ot tin; niK.iun uml pfi.
nal ecuillcix .in- also cxpcftul, In wiln- ihit
hprrial (ontiihutiniis to tl.i nmL nuy In.- inail-.
Contributions ,inj ftatoinvnlis of how tho wtil;
was spint arc to lio Milltui tu 1ir.iiliuutir. "Ii
Thiril Mitet, N, IV. , Vaahin'toii, H. ('.
l.oral data lor Apiil lit, vin.
lllKhcst tciiipLTiluro
Ijiwt tciiipciatiiu
7jpatio liniiiiiJity;
W 8 a in. ,
! p, m
J.'jiiiull, ;i liotiis, tn.lod s p, in.,,
. If ihfc'rooi
. ... iiiiir..-s
si por ii'i i
".J (i 1 1 nl.
... 0.01 nr,i
We offer subject to previous
Ithacv Street Railway Co.
:Qold Bonds;
6 Per Cent. Mamie 1032,
As the second moitgnge
bonds of this company are sell
Jng nt a premium the value of
the firsts is beyond question.
-f CS UroiCwiy, N. V. WilUs-Uinc. -f-
f Carlondate. -f
-f 4, 6 uul t, Coniniuiiwealtli Did.-., -f
-t- Sci-sn'.ou.
ttH f 4 HHtft
Subject of Prof. Mendenhall's
dress Last Night,
I'rof, Mendenlmll delivered his cele
brated leoture on "Welching the
liarth," lust nlnhl In tho IIIbIi school
atiilltorliim, beforo a very lawo audi
ence. Tho subject matter of the leo
ture was lurircly selentllle, but Prof.
Mendenlmll nrewMited It In mieli a
mannei' iih tn make It euslly tinder
atood by thou? present.
lie was Hont to Japan by thr tJultod
Stutea trovernincnl some twenty years
nso to conduct (lie experlinentf) which
resulted In the ilimt dftetiitlnntlnn of
the wolfiht of the Klobe.
If It wero po.tslble to Hurt oitl Just
what the Interior of the earth consists
of, Hitld Dr. Menilnnhall, the problem
of llmlliifi: the cxucUvctfrhtof thu earth,
with a knowlcdce of ltd rilmeiiMlon,
would bo a. very simple- one. It would
bo merely n problem In ordinary tulth
mt'tlc. Hut no one Iibh a knowledge of
thu Intel lop of the earth, tuitl hence
othoi- method had lo be adopted.
He then described the Hewral moth
odH which have been used lu dotermln
ItlK the Weight of the globe. The one
which he adopted wns the flndltu? of
the attriictlou of force of gravity for a.
pendulum nt the .sen level und then the
added attraction at Ihe top of ti high
mountain, the celebrated volcano, Kripl
ynnnii, in .lapan. lly flirtitraetlon tin
attraction of the mountain could then
be tisrertiilned ami then by a compari
son of the attraction of the earth at
sea level and the attraction of tho
mountain, the weight of the earth could
be found.
Kxcellenl inurtlu was furnished by 1 lie
High School orchestra, tinder the lead
ership of lror. Derman, and Ralph U.
WIIllauiH wing with splendid eftcot tho
"lldiideleni'.s Souk."
Court Will Not Appoint Viewers to
Condemn the Part of Abinjyton
Turnpike Within the City.
'Judge II. M. Kdwards yesterday filed
an opinion dismissing' lite pptitloti for
the appointment of viewers to con
demn the portion of the Ablngton turn
pike which lies within the boundaries
of the eliy of dernnton. In his opinion
lie says:
Certain rMid. nl ta..p.,ytri. ,t tlie ..oiitily fi'l
petition un IM, 2-', l'jui, ni.i.xing tor lliV nti
ilciniMtlcu) )1 tint pan ol the l'ltfiiilrnn- anil
Aliinq-toti 'rmiipikc Ijipx within tli iltv of
."ci.uiton. Tin; proroi'di!i oil hiniighl hikIiT
the Act of .Inne 2, KS7, I. L. JoU. 1'uitu.t-t
in wilting win- tiled on lxlnlt cf i-itim of
the ountj, of the mtinty rommtssioncrs am) of
the Northern llouK'ijnl company, olijcitin? to
th" .tpiHiiiitinciit of vJi-wiiA. Tin; objection 1"
inn ot Mich .1 ihiiaeter (home of IJitm i.iUin
linllntis of I'ca n!yj that (owtil he diiJpoinl of
now in well a-i on exceptions to the report of
ihe iruer., we allnwul the piotis to be eon
nMeicil us cuepllons to tin- Appointment ot
iewei.. and in thi- uuy Hie iw i jtrsnH
lielun" (lie touir in bane.
' si it w
Tim) o.M-ep(ioiw pii-heni ihrnuelits fui on.- con
liiK'iatloir First Aftir a npoit of viewn- lefustnir eon
ilnniialion in Lunfiinird by the eourl, ian the
taxpayers .ifain piixwed nwl ask- for mother
icw, and un they continue lo do ihi-. until
thty secure ,i tavoiable report! The meie stale
incut, of mirh it proposition proves Its iinieasoii-abli-nuss.
Ii this, can be done il would be pos-.-ibl"
by using due ditigenee. to hide three
pioieediniTi evriy uar in our court. 'Itie fLt
that the recinil may bo rumoved lo Ihe cunrenie
ourt would mike tery little diffi-i dice, bcouu-e
in cii r,t u n iidverae ivport of vicncie onlv the
rrirulanty of the proceedinais would be tmedd
nod by the appellate tribunal.
Second -If one adieise repoit is final and con-
lu-ivu mi. the tupaycr without further rem
edyV N theie no tirn in the ltitmo Jit whitH
tl.ey can nc-ain nioxc?
lletwrui tlute two riopo-.ttions ihrre Is a mid
die c-ourv. Wuh cluiifccl i ondltiiyiu., we i ,.i.
r-ee hov jiMice would be lulcrw-d h the ap
lxiiiitiueiit of Mewers in a second proceocliiur to
lomliMim i runipikc. Conumuvltlm thangc in
iu..ny rrspectt .ind new i onditloiw anV. It
inij be thai we h,ne Ihe pouei upon pielJiuliinry
pnmi of fuUi (hiniRal coudltiniw to afipoiut iv.v
icwers but we aie unable tu satisfy ourschts
that we haie surh authoritv. We '.ue of tl.o
opluhiu that ihe unu-cly of the lavpavciv i bv
an appeal to the Hgi-tlitiue. An iinieiidiiicnl to
the Aet of lS'-T, providltiK tliat aftn the pxplu
tum oi, inij. fivo years tioin Ihe confirm i
tion of .in admo reiiorc of viewer, and upmi
piool ,,f new- and illfletent coiuJitiurH, the couit
miv appoint iewtis ete.
Kiileitainlni; tliese iew, we hilii ibat Ihe
pititiuncrs aie not cntitkci lo the appointment
of ucuei as prjjcd for in the petition.
We considci ihit the exception or the Xoilhein
l.'oulfi.ud coinpaiiy i without merit, h. far as
the ex-iiptiou i baicd upon the allecation thu
the appointment ot vitwci-, would lie un lie
UitiKiniriil on their toiporate nchts an lewis
of the tmnpikc.
In older tu hace the nird in piopec lup
let ionnal ixciptlun be tiUil nune mo timci .n
ot Xov. 12, lWi.
The petition to appoint iiower is di.-merd
.it the co,i uf the puitioin r...
Interment Made with Military Hon
ors at Berwick.
The funeral of tho late Captain Kush,
who was so well known this city, was
held yesterday. Illtuuliatie V.ervleus
w.fe ;onduetei over the lemalns In
New York city by the sevetal fraternal
uiKiuui'.uiiiiiiK in wnten lie was a mem
ber and the body was taken taken to
Herwkk, Columbia county, for inlor
nien.l Ooiupany U, of the .Vititli regiment,
Wllls-ll.u ie, of which tho deceased
was formerly unptnln, attended in u
body and llfil a salute over the giave.
Ft oil i". II. mil ,mi V. .S, flould, of ihe
local lodge of KlliH, of which t'liptnln
Itush was a menibep .nieiiiled th? sor
vlees nt U-ji'wlck.
Isadora Unsli, il.iughiup of ihe
deceased, and hor daughter wore in ihe
city last night on the way tn Ntw
Voik, afier attetullng the burial,
Fell horn a Step-Ladder,
Kcrtiutou, Ja April 10, Iwn,
I'etiiisylviiniii I'uMialty Co., Hoi an ton,
iicnllemeiii .Spam me the time It will
take you to icul this loiter, hhoivlng
iny apiuociatlon of your haud.-oino
treatment, of me. If It were not for
your agent, who Induced mu to taku
out my accident policy, I would bo out
tho one hundred and twelve ($U2,riO)
dollars and titty ceuth, which I ar; now
trying tn willo and thank you for, and
also thap' , to the agent,
I thl' , tho llrst thing r thought of
after fa. ling- fiora the step. ladder and
bicitklng iny wiist, was that I 'had an
accident policy, and lint 'satisfaction l
derived from the consoling thought
Hint i would not suffer a financial lasi,
as well as buffering physically, I think
helped mu to get well sooner. Thank
ing you again for the draft and courte
ous treatment I received at your hands,
I icmaiii, Very truly yours,
O, Edwin Mitteer.
Oflice or a. Kdwiu Mltteer, electrician,
70J Wchiler avenue, Dunmoro, X'a, '
Oxford Ties
for gentleineii, patent leather, vici kid,
nisswt patent leather and Russia calf
for thote who wish to dress well. Our
Unci will study please, you. Jlahon's
shoe store, WS Lackawanna nvenuc.
Chamber Concert Postponed,
Hemburgcr fjunriet concert f post
poned fiom April It until further
According to the Stories Told by tho
Witnesses for the Defense, in tho
Case of Walsh Against the Insur
nnco Company, the Party Insured
Wns a Sort of Tottering Wreck
When the Policy Was Issued.
Many Old Criminal Cases Disposed
of in the District Court.
tn Us attempt to vitiate ihe policy
on which Is based tho suit of Walsh
against the Uoyal Union Stutual Insur
ance company, now before the federal
court, the defendant company yester
day, through llfteen witnesses, told a
rather sensational story to support lis
allegation of fraudulent conspiracy.
Patrick Hutler, the party Insured, se
cured his policy Nov. 0, 1S A month
later he was teported 111 and on dan.
7, ISO", he tiled. The policy which was
for $10,000, was written by T. P. Ciull
len, and the physical examination was
made by Dr. I.. R. Kd winds, who was
appointed examiner tu the suggestion
of Guillen.
A number of companies. It appears,
were regultuly topresented by Guillen,
but he was not a regular agent of thu
Royal Union. He turned tho Butler
arpllcatlon Into the Jtoyal Union
through Its l'hilatlclphln oflice on brok
errge. He never wrote another policy
for tho Uoyal Union.
liutler gave up his posiliot. as door
tender tn the mines, In .lime, ISO'!, and
after loafing about for awhile, secured
a Job t.iklng cfite of Dr. Kdwanls'
hot m At the tirst trial of tho case,
Dr. Howards testified thai the llrst
time he ever met Kutlcr was the day
he engaged him us hostler. This was
s.ow.11 months before tht! doctor exam
ined him for tile insurance company.
On the examination blank il was stuted
by the doctor that lie had known Hut
ler for two years. When this discrep
ancy was called to Dr. Kdwards' at
tention yerturduy, he said he had made
a mistake In his foinier testimony and
since the first trial he had come to
iccall that ho had known Duller Imigi-r
than at first testified to: that he bad
met him "When Brady the baby,"
which, to the best of the doctor's mem
ory, wa foine tuo vp:iis before th?
Guillen, on iMo-is-exuniiuutlon, was
asked to explain how he bad come
to recommend the acceptance of a Sin,.
COi' risk on the llle of a miner who
war out of wok and who took a job
.is caretaker of a country doctor's
horse. His explanation wo thai ho
understood Butler had ictired with a
As to why Butler letned some in
teresting testimony was adduced from
a number of witnesses who had Intl
innttly knewn the old gentleman. One
and all testified iinetiilvocaly that, it
wa because he was incapacitated by
miners' asthma. First he had to quit
mining- and tako a job as door tender,
they said, and then he had to give
up the door-tending and look odd
jobs outside of the mini's.
Dr. A. r-. O'Malley. ot Wllke-narre.
testified that Butler came lo him tegn
.lrly for treatment and ihat he tteal
ed him as t "P. P.." or poor patient.
as his books showed. The doctor ni;v
er leceived any pay fuim him and
once, out of charity, gave him an old
overcoat. The doctor feKtliied that
Rutler was an nsihmati; incurable.
The plaintiffs side endeavored to dis
credit Dr. O'Mulley's testimony by lay
ing grounds for the implication Unit
he was hired by ihe insuiance company
to testify falsely.
P. J. Hllbow. n cousin of the plaliuilf,
went on the stand and told that on
the day preceding the first trial of thu
case lies went to see Dr. O'Malley to
find out what the doctor was going lo
testify to, and that the doctor told him
he would get out oi town if liilbow
would give him .?:'.")0. which was the
amount the company was going to give
him for testifying. Hllbow, so the
claim is made, reported the matter
to Walsh and Walsh reported It to his
attorney, Jlr, JleLean, at Hotel Jer
myn. An attempt was made to show
by Walsh that McLean had said to
him: "We can win this case without
the aid of the scoundrels," Inn Judge
r.ufllngton would not admit il
At the fanner
plaintiff secured
tifal of the ens.
a veulici for the
amount uf tho policy. Judge Acheson
granted a new trial
It is likely the case will bo given to
the Jury today and thai the work nf
the district court will be then taken
Too grand jury yesterday telumcd
a true bill against Mary A, Jackson,
the 1'oun avenue colored woman who
is charged Willi sending an obscene let
ter through tile mails to Hannah U'lu
b.ich, of :)S(i Penn avenue,
The bill against IWnrtln P. Golden
and Patrick t'olleran, charged with
bi caking Into tho Parsons postolllce.
with Intent to tub it, was ignored.
David Uldler, one of ihe l.oworlown,
Luzerne counterfeiters, plead guilty
mid was remanded for sentence.
Hoeauso of th fact that thu
court business uf tbeso parts Is to bo
turned over to the new olflelals when
the middle district court organizes In
.May, noils prosetiules wen entitled yes
terday in all tho eas.s Unit have been
hanging lire and which are not to bo
piosecuted, Tbeso cases number twoti-ty-slx.
They aio additional counts
against defendants who luivn been
tried and convicted on one count, and
counts against parties who,, in tho
opinion of the United Stales attorney,
cannot be convicted bec.iu.--e of tha
dmith of witnesses or the Ilk-.
j. iic iieiuiiiianis in ineso cases nro;
,1, Green, Adolph Ulalr, John Walsh,
Anna Rownaiiowskl, Paul lTrbau, Si
mon Nnrusisys, Georgo Czep.uus, i
Kiowosky, Wellington LaVelle, Philip
.Sehwarls;, Htauljy Jntfe, Austin Glb
bops. John Molasklo, George .suubuch,
Abe Yarowbky, H, Ynruusky, II. War
ner, Charles Yniowuky, Joe Alperl,
PasiiualoOiHiteeiulleo, William Uoson.
fold, Charles Sherman, Patrick t'ava
nnugh, Alexander J. ritrulf, Jlnudnll
Kreedman Hephumnli L. Kill, A. G,
Tllllnghast, George Pennington, Melvyn
Maiy School Children An Sickly
Mother Crav' SAcoct Powdou for Children, tticl
liy Mother llray, a ihiimi in c,1illilrn'j; Home,
New Verb, Itif.iU up 4'oMi hi 21 hum,., mre .'e.
i.i i-lii., lli.iibclii', hluinji Ii '1'iijulilt'f, rri'llilic
Dbonlcra. moo ainl n-tcuUti; the llonils, .iml
Vtioy Wuiniii. Mu. riir.ifo Miiuiiu, MciiJ :i,
Cc, hj: "It I; thi.' Iie.t medicine in tin- unil.i
for children when teveiMi 4uil tonipliliilng,'.
Sold by all diiis'.-ts er by null. '.'Jc, ,Saiiiplu
tc-iit ntl.'i:. il'hc Allen !. tllnuUd, Ulloy,
N. V.
Business of tho Dr. Hand Condensed
Milk Company to Be Extended,
At a. meeting of tho stockholders of
the Dr. Hand Condensed Milk com
pany, held tit the eotnpany'H olllco last
evening, It was voted to duel-ease the
capital stock from $200,000 to jr.OO.UOO, lu
order to furnish capital for it. moto
rapid extension of the company's busi
ness, lu Ihe seven mouths ot the com
pany's existence the output of milk
placed on the market has multiplied
more than tenfold, being now sold
throughout portions of Pennsylvania,
New York and New Kngland, Wher
ever Introduced, tho sales are Increas
ing steadily anil rapidly,
Of the proiKised Increase In capital
about half has already been subscribed,
practically wllhoitt solicitation.
Number of Highly Interesting- and
Instructive Addt esses Were
Given The Musical Features.
The iniisi Interesting bcj-sIciiis of Ihe
teachers' institute so fur conducted
were those of yesterday and though
the sun didn't eomn out to brighten
things up until late in Hie afternoon,
the teachers didn't allow themselves to
become dispirited. In fact they couldn't
become gloomy with two talks by Dr.
F. H. Green on the programme.
The pitnelpul feature, of the morn
ing session was a continuation by Dr.
T. I'. Mendcnhall of his lecture on "The
Kiruio of the Hartb." The llrst man,
he said, to make the claim that the
earth Is not perfect sphere but is
slightly flattened at the poles was Sir
Isaac Nhwioii, the discoverer of the
law of giaitatlon. He met with a deal
of opposition to this view, but lived
to see hli theory gi-nerally accepted by
M'lcntllle men,
Dr. Green continued bis talks on
"Language and Literature" at both
the morning and afternoon sessions
rnd was most enthusiastically re
ceived. In the afternoon ho told of n
literary pilgrimage which he and a
friend made in lSf0 to (In- birthplaces,
hones and graves of "Otoe of the dis
tinguished colerie of men of lelteM
which New Kngl-md has pioduce.l.
During the litcraiy ramble he and his
lileiid vihilecl .Tnines Russell Lowell,
Dr. Oliver Wendell fTolm"s and John
Gieenlenf Whittior and ills account of
these visits and of his personal obser
vations of Ihene 1'iinioiiK men were
most inteiesling,
Dr. Gren urged the teachers to nsv
cr bting their misery into the school
room but to te always bright and
cheerful. lie urged them lo try
tee a bright side lo everything.
Miss L, .1. Kginton continued
talk on "Rending" durir'g both
moi:s. in (he afternoon then
especially huge number of
was an
piesenl and In response to a gencinl
re 1 1 nest she gave a gonral outline of
Ihe "Rational" system of teaching
leading, which is now in use in tlej
Hiooklyn public schools. This sys
tem, she said, besides teaching' reading
in half the I line of other systems,
transformed a young child's school life
from "a dreary monotony into an open
sesame ot leal d'dight."
A feature of the nrternciou session
was th" appearance of Miss Mildred
Green, n most cliaimlng young woman
who has been rejected to represent
Ihe Scmnton High s.cboo In the elocu
tion contest to be held with the Bing
hninton High school in Ihe latter city
tomorrow night She recited with
dainty eliaim and ptciunncy two selec
tions, cue telling the stoiy of (he old
gulden gate and the other recounting
the iiilvetiluies of "Llsbeth Ann and
the ragg'oty man."
The musical pui t uf the pioginiiimc
was furnishtd bv u triple ladies' quar
tette under the leaners'hip nf Miss Cor
delia Freeman. Th" Indies- rendered
several selections Including a swinging
oieaniy barcarolle and were roundly
applauded. Theie was a duet by Miss
Freeman and Miss Martin, and selec
tions by the High School orchestra.
The Annual Meeting of Congregation
Held Last Night.
At tho annual meeting of the congre
gation of the Adams avenue chapel of
the Second Presbyterian church held
last night, the pastor, e James
Hughes, prcenled his report for tho
past year.
He lolerrod to the flourishing condi
tion of tho chmoh and to its growth
during the year Just passed. Several
otgunlza lions, Including a .Men's Hlblo
class and a Men's improvement society,
wero formed and the Interest shown by
the members was very encouraging,
Rev, Sir. Hughes reported an Im
piovement In the spiritual tone of th
people living In the neighborhood of
ihcf chapel and asked for earnest sup
port and hearty co-operation of nil the
mfitnbers of tho congregation. Iteports
were hoard trom tho Sunday school,
the board of management, the t'hris
llau Kndeavor society and the several
other ofganinations connected with the
The treasurer's i opart showed the re
ceipts for the year to have been 5:',J0f),
of which nnintuu SCW was given by the
parent church and f lull by the Kinder
garten association.
Florida Limited.
Thu Vloildn Limited, which Is one of
the finest trains In exlstonco and Is
operated over Ihe Pennsylvania and
Southern Hallway dining the wlnler
mouths, will bu discontinued for this
season on April 1-, south-bound, and
the last ttalu north-hound will leavo
St. Augustine Apt II I.". The Southern
Hallway opmateF two other fast trains
daily all Iho year round, with through
Pullman drnwliuw nam sleeping cars,
between Nun Yolk, Philadelphia, Ual-linioi-i!,
Washington and Flwldn points,
which iciw Philadelphia, streut
station, at V.'.'O a. m, and CO.' p, in. All
through trains ocr the Southern Hall
way have dining car service.
Tho FUulda Limited s one of the
must popului trains of tin- ag..-, and
has done a remarkably flno business
this season, and will be icsumcd next
winter as hctciofoiv. t'hniies L, Hop
kins, Tiistrict Piissengcr Agent, S2S
Chestnut sttect, Phllntlulphiu, v.111 tako
pleasure In furnishing' all Information.
Guernsey Hall,
nit Washington ave Sctauton. Is tho
best und most rellnblu place to pur
chase a good Piano. It will pay you
to call and get prices and teims. J. W.
Guernsey, Prop.
A beautiful picture of "Queen Louise"
will bo given to every purchaser of
"Queen Quality" shoes during the
week, at -Muhnn's shoe store. S'.'S Lack
awn una avenue.
!. Moore, Andrn Pohtod, John
Hclnnlilt and Wllllnm P. Maine.
Term Begins on Monday, May 13.
Among the Wcll-Known Men
Whose Names
Have Boon Drawn
from tho Box in
the Lntcst Batch
of Jurors are Colonel H. M. Boies,
Captain W. A, May and E. P.
Kingsbury -Many Business Men
Are Summoned.
I'llc following Jin on hae been
diawn for the ihtoo weeks' tenn of
common pleas couit which begins May
Travel se Jurors, May 13, 1001.
II. W. Tnjlnr, btiher, llliUlj.
V, I). iiiciici'i, f inner, W.ivul.i
Tliniii.ii ICIndiew, l.ii mu, Miili-on,
llany Smith, nilnir, Taylor.
'1'hoiii.n MoDoniiUI. laliutel, iiunnuitn,
W.ilttr 'Humus, i.lnmlft, Hu.nilcii.
Andrew (lavln, liooklcccpcr, l)iitiiiion
Piliiijii Hall, clcil,. Scrjntnii.
.Mlrtuel lancli, inutomnn, Diminnir
John I'htlllpi, nihil r, Dnmnolo.
.lo-erti Zl'titny. Idoilaiiilth, A'untoii
liime-i A, Hand, sunriiit eiwlciit , Mnosu,
IMIIIjiii If. I'lie.t. ilreiiMii, lllalvcly.
Ara Powell, i lcrk S'crimtoii.
Tliomns S. (Joli-iii.iii, cmpil hyei, Seiam.m
'llioinac Piirry, Jr., foicman. Fell township
A. J. Cuvlcy, mere limit, AicliluM.
I.. J, McN.illy,, Scrjnlcm.
J.imc Tluilcln, Ji., tlninllli, SrrJiitoii.
lolni I').ui33au, lliTinan. Scr.mlcn.
Wjlter l-'iey, f.itnior, 'reti.uti.
Jainiii Mttll.Min, blrlendel, Ueiidh.'im,
IjniiH ,7. Wnlnli, sjli'Jiinii. 01 vplnnil
Charlc. llioun, haiber, M'iuw.
Augutl S'cliimpfl, hotel, Scl-Jliton.
I.ouij Moii'l, lloii-t. Scraiilon.
(I. M. I'mlccr, lumer, W.-oerb
li.l lliiecker, butcher, Mri-ow.
Wllllmn llciRi'n, mine liov, Mjjiirld.
Dell Cariienlur, f.irrncr, Scott,
M. Judife, rontwelor, ScMtiten
T. A. Ujrdner, (oniliii tor, Su.inttn
'. M. Peck. Inmlirr .is'.-nt, Cirlmndal
Jcnkln T. Itoese. chil ongincc r. Scrmitim.
Moisn Kleluid. fiiiner, Spring Bmok,
Kdwiid Choughcr, uliorer, Srunlon
M. I". KoUri, tin her, Serintc;n.
1!. A. V.iuMciii, elvik. Scr.inlon.
.l.jliii t., I'oiini'lli, eleik, Stianton.
Michiel K'.'.irin,r, miner. Scr.inlun
John HohIn-oii. jr., ininer, OhphinC
l. II. Millie, liootkefper, f'eeluillc.
Thoiiu-, J. Jcme. larriage tilinrncr. (Si i niton,
.lohn I'. MrDotiuiiRli, n porter. Sn.inlon
.JuiHt. Puyle, hliCk-nilMi. Stunlon,
P. C .lonlin. I inner, Scot I.
John Iliccldield, contr.ictm, SVr.infon.
fli.irles ItieliinN, rnachinist, Ser.mlnn.
Walter W. Uronnln?, ileMiun, SiT.inton.
.Mm II. H.iltenheii;, rrinirncr, Arelibild.
M. L. Wjj.e, l)cx.kl,ecper, Sirantrm
Ilenrv II. Jordan,, Sernnton.
H. T. Kdrnonds, (rent, Mirjfirlil.
John MeSnlty, luilcher. South Ahinstnib
P. A. Ilarretl, reporter, Seranton.
Janice W.cttj., miner, Scranton.
.amci rnlli--. hlack-mith, Il'iiimore.
Jwlm Wade, lelmraphri, Scranton.
Traverse Jurors, May 20. 1901.
William If. ltolhs. cleik, Scr.inlon.
II. M. Doii. sent. Suanton.
William Fowler, rler!, Scianton
riaicnce flnhhird, huckster, SYotl
1'rcderick Warner, coil engineer, Scuiilon.
Cieorsc Mcljjfne, fanner, Madison.
James O. Kweit, teamster, .lermjn.
Ilohi-rt 1'. Koehlev, ripar-maker. Seianton.
W. V. (liitlitlis, miner, Jermjn.
I luili-ij U'. Oakley, fanner. T.a PInm.
J. ('.. F'eck. lirakenian. Moscow.
Knos SellltP, finner. Million.
f'lurlcs W. Kiiufiuan, re-,tauranl, Naanion.
O. I", lliglin, lanitor. Dunniore.
John fJ. Iiuilfijtr. eleik. Tailor.
Julian I l.n t man, pl.iitcier, S'cianton.
I!. W. Pirne, InMirancr acjcnl. Carbondda.
Michael Itolierts.. miner, Jeiinju.
Willi.un II. Xcubcr, foicman, Srr.intor
P. W. Tiftanv, merchant, Palton.
'Ihmnj-. Kiarier, i irpenter, rcuhiglon.
I.. II. llolprale, btudent, fJ flume.
John 1. Ilrown, 'lcrk. Serantoii.
WiUiirn U. Maiple, cicil engineer, ' laraon
.lame-. T,.uiiran, fireman, Punniore.
(ieoifie Iloiuhl, inniilclcr, S ranton. '
I". 1". (it'll I tv, holel, nciantou.
II. A. Couirn, j;ciit, Seianton.
fhirles Iliiiiuii, epie-.s clerk, Suanton,
Mithael Walh, miller, Seianton.
1-Mu.iiiI S., ilerk, .lermjn.
II. A. Kauihohl, manager, Scranton.
A. i. Ilui click, clcik. Suanton.
(iirin llnentiile, lilxuer, D-iIniUc.
Authoiiv 1', Coatcllo, miner, Scranton,
! W. II. La Hue. farmer. Sow ton.
Michael O' hotel. Scranton.
Henry McPonald, laborer, C'otincrnn.
Frank L. rarr, mere hint. Si ranton.
IMwin Hall, paintei, t'arhondale.
Pat Id J. Divh, clerk, Scranton.
If. P. Cullacliir, rltik, Scranton.
Albert S. S'eiia", hiines?-mikcr, OljplianL
P. I". I'arrell, fuenian, Scianton.
1'iank Couth, iniuraure nsent, Scranton. Mc Hush, fneman, Scranton.
Is. W, Iwi-i, Mac kstnitli, MooMc.
Kicil ILitivncr, ciRar-maker, Scianton.
F. 1). llclcrar, lil.ul..initli, filenbuin.
Tliimn-. T. t'-ojne, M'lmol diicclnr, Jtlnooka,
Fiank Dohrity, opetatcr, Slismw,
J. II. liutler, master niechaiilc, Punmore.
John l)am, niiner, Scranton.
('. W. Palley, farmer, Scott.
Ilfiiiy lliuu, fiieiinn. Piicehuipr
Fred Stum', mill, dt'.iier, Scranton.
Fia ('. Iliowultifr, ina-xin, Scranton
II. P. Kingsbury. ecretaiy, Stranton
William Whltlakir, linehinist, r'crantcii.
Poll W.iimi, clcik, Scianton.
Traverse Jurors, May 27, 1001.
James ,1, Kelly, lihoitr, Wiiilcn. t
l', K. Ilniie, me reliant, Scianton,
IMward HiirIic-., furomn, Ihutmoie. i
John Kaufman, rleik, Scranton,
Rue llasbni, itifptctor, ScranUn.
iiul-t II. Caitir, ntndenl, Scianton.
W, P, Albro, Kent, Scranton.
lalw.Hi! A. Fuller, contr.irteir, Stiiiuton,
Lleniel Winsliip, farmer, Oovlniiton.
Duilel Shea, mill hand, Seianton.
W. It, Sajie, tinner, I'.aiiiicttm.
.Iinus P. Vi-Andrew, fun man, Wiiiton,
II. X. hw.nts, cnirinicr, Mti-cnw.
Itlihud Walking stiidi'iit, 'fajlor.
P. l. Iamb, car"''tci, NTanton.
I!. ,1, Howard, libeu-i-. Oljphant
Tlieiitiai .1, Price, agent, Scranton.
John It, HiiriMl, aierit, Stuiiluti,
II, S. Kirkp.ilti'k, tellir, Scrantun.
Lcwi-i Dttilc-t, clcik, Scranlon.
IMiranl J. Column, riiglncer, Si'iantcrv
John r.ldcrkln, miner, IlicUuii tlly.
Adam Thompson, lalioirr, II ild Mount,
Aaron Lewis, miiur, Sti inlen,
W. II. Seclcy, ctiiclmoi", hciantmi,
Sltrllnij Ilianc, jeonian, ItaiiiOin.
John 'ficniey, ialiorer, Scranton.
p. I'. Itc illy, mill hand, Sciautn'i.
IhotiiH Waul, hhorci, Flmhuist,
(ieune Kiuii, iiH'iclunt, Punmoiv.
II, (), iVuuen, uroctr, Stiantnn.
(Icoricv ,V, Van Vlitl, uiiiier, Fleetiille
Jo.i'pli Andiewf, painter, iMltou.
Michael J. llliiay, liotel, Wintcii.
John Kraut, laborer. Scianton,
Y, A. IJe m, lumber dialer, lultnn.
Juhii J, fcli'J, miner, T.tjlor,
Fiank T, I'arpenter, liiiictcpcr, S Union.
i'Jl.woitli H. Mjcrs, euslncei, Cailiondalc town
John Heap, mlntr, & union.
An-hbild Miller, clsik, Duniuoie.
John O. Mills, carpi ntcr, (JjTboridjI.
IV. II. Slglln, farmer, Clifton,
(ieoijrc II. Pi.vor, ilerl., Scranton.
I). J. Mclnde, book-latpei, Ituaiing li..,-il,
Tbouiat l (iihniitiii, tcichei, I'arboinlale.
John Kailj, miner, lluniuore.
William Fiitnuulil, baibt-i, ncranlon,
John P. I'amplitll, gt nutal coil In-pCctoi, tai-
bond lie,
John Shcruood, book-keepei, s'u.iuion,
William Ken my, (digraph opeialor, Klmhuul.
L. W. I'ailridtce, poetnutter, Klinlturtt.
Thomas Mulilirone, miner, Strantou.
Mutiti Mjlonej, miner, Scranton.
Jon'ph I-'tsli, book-Keeper, Scranton.
W A. May, siiiicriuteudciil, Serii'tou
Its the Little Things I
After all, "It's the littic things which count." in the
artistic home furnishing nnd arrangement. This store
wilt always keep you in touch with what is new, nov
el, artisticstylish in "little things" as well ns the
big things. We have groups of 23c and 50c novelties
and it's really surprising what you can buy for these
Geo. V. Millar
Va,MJ!!V""' "Uir5r' ir
y 4H9
!-.-'- im 'wmm. w
1 W At-WAYS BUSV. ) f
) . . , f
l. i fientlemen : I " ,
In our Korrect Shape Shoes you
get $5 worth of wear, $j worth of
style and 1 00 worth of comfort
all for 4.00 only $4.00.
Ask to see our Oxfords.
a -a
-ffH U IW TfiADE MARK ffl ihC
5J Home Industry JJ
X Has Produced the K
5 1901 Models are ready for your approval. You 55
W get a 365 days' guaraaqoe on Scranton Bicycles. O
k Bitten bender & Co., 8
g 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. S
( Don't think because it's cool weather,
' that we're not making and selling- a whole
, lot of Ice Cream and fancy Ices. Keep a
' ' wagon busy carting it around the city.
Tho best Ice Cream, of course. If it's
a syrup flavor, made from the purest of
' , fruit pure, no matter what the flavor.
Any flavor any time if you order it
. , .vpccial. A good many flavors all the time.
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
Title Guaranty and Trust Co.
No. 516 Spruce Street, Scranton, Penna.
.ltftl, Pull Pnld
Tiiosuh num. ,simi:v n. McCm.viock.
NII.UAM r. H.t.l.iri..H. AHISAM NIMIITr.
Kins i:i.i.r iioi.uimikk. J(i:iu o'iiiiii.n.
(). S. .IOHNpO.Y. AI'ni'ST KOIII.N.SO.N,
lll'.VIIV . hXAI'l1.
Abram Nesbitt, Wllllnm l;. Hnllstead,
Thomas H. Watkins, O. S, .lohruon,
lixamines and insures titles to real estate.
Acts as Executor, Administrator, and Guardian.
Executes trusts ot cvrry description.
Assumes entire charge ol real estate.
Receives money on deposit and allows interest.
Becomes sole surety on fidelity, court and official bonds,
Loans money on bond and mortgage "
From time to time will offer to the public high
grade investment securities.
h, A, Watres .....
Andrew H. flcCIIntock
Henry A. Kunpp , , ,
Ralph S, Hull
Willnrd, Warreit &
SUiiliut lonuoij. buliouiu, f lall.' Miminii
Alfoufo Apo.tolico, mawii, Sajiilou.
MvnU MIIIuuij, liuiMt r, Suanton,
l- ff..- x-plv's union viachcia.
& Co. !2
t ? V
-- wiivrv . tl
Ice Cream
(ii;oR(ii: k. Minn.
i:vi:hi:tt waiuskn'.
I.. A. WA1UKS,
Trust Officer
Knapp, Solicitors
Swell Spting Footwear
for iMfli inonilwr of the family, a
-Mahon'H blioo stoif, :u$ J.aokawaiiiih
-s p
L it . ' v ,. "
Vtafciza-aE . !-'$.- j jl -