The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 10, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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. - - .. - c ,. tT.'j'-d
, H V 1 jl
l 1
John Saltiy, of North Scrnnton, Ex
pellet! from the Meeting He Is
Charged -with Giving- Information
to the Scrantonlnn Want to Con
tinue to Work Eight Hours n. Day
After May 1. Assistance Proffered
to President Mitchell Silk Work
eis Will Issue on Appeal for Aid.
The session? of the riiimtcrly conven
tion of tlip mine workniM nf district
No. 1 yt'stoidny vtie very busy ones.
The reports of Presldpnt ThoinnM D.
NMcholls. of Nnntlcoko. uml Sceretnry
Treanurfr John T. Uompsey, of this
city, wci-f icail during the nioinlnpr,
mid In the com ho of thendny'H work
a nmubcr of Important lesolullons
passed. AmoiiR tin.- latter was one as
xiirlnrj John Mllrhi'll of the support of
the men of Dlslilct No. 1 In the Uvriit
piocrcdlnss he has Instituted nRiilnst
lMltor Little or the fcrantonlan, whom
lp necuses of libel.
.Sei'iettiiy-TiviiMiicr llompsey sub
mitted bis report yeHterdny mornliiB.
Since the last uuartorly convention,
lipid at JJdwiiiilsvlllc. tin' funds receiv
ed mi addition of ift.S77.Srt. Seventeen
new locals weie tunned anil the total
limmbcislilp swelled Id l.".,tiOU iiipii. who
me divided Into one hundred and seventy-two
locals. The convention ac
cepted the report. President Nlcholls'
leport was in the nature of a tieneral
discourse on the standing of the ni
minlv.atlon and local conditions. He
told of the legislation introduced
to hi ills' about various needed
1111111118: reforms, the passage of
which was secured by the IcRhlatlve
committee, and nl-o mentioned that
several bills are still pending-
An important lcsolullon passed,
:ilter belnp siHimllted by the resolu
tions committee, prohibits all miners
nnd Inboreis fiom enteriiiR- a mine to
work on an idle day. This applies
Alike to men woikins on lock or coal.
,iiid nil 'lio violat it aie subluct to
a ?." fin". The object of I lie nieasme
is the emialh'.iim of w.ircs paid to
men in llie mines.
One of the tenures of
the afternoon session was the expul
sion from the lull! of John Sultry, it
North Scr.inton mine woi ker. He was
not present in the capacity of a dele
jMte. tint merely as a representative
Mine "Worker. The cause of his ejec
tion was the allegation that he fur
nishes information to the editor of the
tabooed Herantoniaii. Another resolu
tion passed (luring- the afternoon ses
sion was to the effect that on and
after Jlay 1. the Jllne AVorkeis con
tinue to labor on tin; eight hours a
ilny schedule.
This morning the repoit of tin; com
mittee on district by-laws will come
up tor action. As yet nothing has
been said on the subject of division of
the district, and it is expected that this
important question will be discussed
today. The ceneial sentiment of the
delegates Is for a division.
Will Appeol for Aid.
The special committee appointed lat
Sunday by the Central Labor union to
confer with the silk mill strikers met
the hitler's executive committee last
evening at Economy hall, and will
attain meet them at 10 o'clock this
morning. The Central Labor union's
committee consisted of Secretary Ueo.
Ootliler, O. S. T.utz, of the Carpenter.-.;
Humphrey Campbell, of the Machin
ists; W. A. Stanton, of the "'nr Build
eis, and John Devine, of the Clerks.
At ycstei day's conlercnee it was de
'Iderl to diaw up n set of resolutions
md send conies of these to different
.oca Is with petitions for aid. The com
"iiltteo will ptobsihly, today, discuss
he matter of securing a eonfeienee
vlth Superintendent Davis, of the Sau
juolt. A committee of glils from the Ptiee
nirjcr mill Monday waited upon V.ilcn-
ine Blis.-. owner of plants in Dickson,
Provident e and Dunmoiv, Mr. Hllss
Informed them that all dealings would
lie donp with his employes In a bortv
and that lie would not leeognlze the
union to the extent of coiifenlng with
any committee. He lias, however, e-pies-sed
his willingness to grant the
S-l:: per lent, ineienso oifeied by Su
peilntendent Davis to his employes.
A meeting was yesterday held of
the Priceburg local at which "Mother"
Jones and Organiser c. K. Thorn, of re, ueje both piesent. The
committee tenoned on the lesults of
Its meeting with Mr Bliss. This af
ternoon the stilker.s" executive commit
tee will meet with the Plttstou and
AVilkes-Baire stiikei.s ul Crystal hall.
Plttston, and learn from Seorelary
Morgau, of Patersou, what distribution
of nlil Ills local intends making1.
c.enerol Foremen's Conference,
Master Car litiilder 1,, T, Candeld, of
the Lackawanna railroad, had a con
ference with all of his general foremen
In this city yesterday, for the piupose
of considering seveial uiattois which
will he of Intoiest lo all the employes
along the line. The particulars of the
conference weie not given out for pub
lication, but Mill be In-lit in abeyance
for some time.
Those present at the conference weie
.Master Car nullder L. T. C.influld uurl
ili'iieral Foreman H. c, Smith, of
Serantou; Cieiieral Car nsHetor C, L.
The Finger Posts Marking the Many
By-paths of Present Day Troubles
Seem to Point the Same Way.
Lack of Nerve Force.
Day by day the columns of this
paper brine new evidence from Scran
ton people of the great work be'iis by A. AY". Chase's Nerve Pills.
AVhy they accomplish so much is easily
explained they aro prepared witli an
To uingle to restoring: nervo foroe.
They accomplish this object, which no
other medicine in the world bus ever
been able to do; that's why bundled
of Scranton people otfer their testi
mony, Mr. Samuel Itogers, of No, 12S Hyde
Park avenue, Scranton, Pa., says; "I
was in st urn-down condition, head
aches, nervous and hleeplug badly and
the nppetlto poor, I was told of Dr,
A. AV, Chafe's Nervo Pills and got a
box. As a result I sleep ami oat well
gain. I am very much pleased with
them and glad (o lecoinmeud them to
others. This I can do conscientiously."
Dr, A. AY. abuse's Nervo Pills are
sold ut'COe. a box at dealers, or Dr. A.
Y. Chase Medicine Co., TUiffulo, N. A'.
Fee that poi trait ami slgnattuo of A.
AY. Chase, M. D pih on every package.
There Is Only One
Which You Will Find
i .
mm ! '
Every Five Yards
On the Selvedge
Ask for the Genuine
And Insist
On Seeing the Perforation
TSundy, of Hoboken; Ceneial Foreman
ileorge Fa her, of Kast Puffalo; Cien
eial Foreman It. F. MeKenna, of Do
ver, X. .1.
Car Record Department.
The Lackawanna Car Itecoid de
partment, which was so soilously af
fected by the loss of their i coords in
the Lackawanna avenue fire recently,
is now in ship-shape i tinning older in
their new quarters over the First Na
tional bank, and in fact, everything
seems to lie in better shape than ever
before. Several additional clerks have
been added, and it is a veritable bee
hive of industry.
J'nder the cflicient direction of P. J.
Sweeney, the obliging head of the de
partment, the records are kept in a
faultless manner, and Mr. Sweeney is
as popular with the boys as was his
worthy predecessor, Mr. Sproule, who
is now chief clerk to Acting Superin
tendent of Car Service M. JJ. Casey.
Today'8 D., L. & W. Board.
The make-up of today's V., L. and
W. board Is as follows:
Wild CjIk. K.i.t S p. in., C. . Dunn, It) .
m , II. Bisbinc
wi:iXErm. aphii, in.
Wild OK Kast-U.oO j. m T. McCnilij :
.1 a. ni.. M. rmncity; S .1. in.. O'C-omiot, utli
lli'trrs liien; 11 j. in., II. Iniylincy: I p. 111.V
O. W. rit7K(T.ild: 2 p. 111., Oeoific llml; .", p.
in., C. T. Staples; b p. in., .1. J. Jlun.iy. with
C. Fljilliotomcn's ni(n.
Summits, Elr. n n. in., oj-.t, .lamrs CmUc;
fi p. 111., fa;t. J. Tlrmiicran: 7 n. 111 . utl, "f.
Ginlpy. villi Onrce rrounlclkfi's mm; 7 p. 111.,
raft, W. II. Nlrhel; 7 p. 111., o-.t hnm rijus.i.
tlnee encinr.; 7 p. 111., pjL Irum N.iy
Anj, rdw.inl tc.)li-toi; 7 ) in., wo.L liui'n
Co us J, Thoinpsnn.
Piilki V. 1'.. Sofor,
Pil-,LnisS ,1. ill.. IIon"i 10 .1. in , s. in
iinty; II. oO s ni.. Iomii; s p, in,, h:ipli,i: '
p. in.. Lamping: tn p. 111., H'lilnrr.
P.iKetmn nnsincT: 7 J. m., Uallnry; 7 j. in.,
Sinpfr; .:0 p. in.,; 7 p. 111., Masooin.
Wild dt". Wr.M r, :t, in., .1. Onli lean; I) 1.
111.. .1. i:. Va-tcK-; II .1. 111., W. L.ili.111; i p.
111., 1'. W.ill; '1 p. m .1. II, Mf Ciiin; ," p. 111.,
r. II-iKRcitt; 0 p. in.. Mill, uitli M. Cuinn.b'F
11, tn
I). Johm lcprul loi dnh Uiili
ISi iKfiii.iu .U.lii
Uivin's iidi.
This and That.
W. .1 .McLain, t ravelins: nasseiiRcr
iiKi'tit of the Illinois, Cential lalhnail.
was a i.iller at the Lackawanna, rail
load offices yesterday.
An oider was Issued on Satin day by
the Lehlfih A'alley Kallroad company
inereaslnt- the pay of conductors and
brakomen on passenger trains between
.Jersey City and PailTalo. The Increase
amounts to about .$! a month.
National Committeeman Frederick
lilliiher Is expected to arrive here next
.Monday and assume charse of locol
mine woikeis' affair.-. It is also
thought that Piesldent Mitchell will bo
beie tomorrow to attend the heaiius1
in the libel proceedings he iitstliuied
against Hilltop f.Utle or Hie Hcraulon
l.'iii, riaiuuel li. Morsan has became In
side .superintendent for the Delaware
and Hudson collieries op thin iliio o"
the liver, having resigned from the Le
high and Wilkes-iSarto company. Mr,
Morgan is one nf the best mining oill
ciols in tills pari of the stale, lie has
been with the Lehigh and Wllkes
Hnrre company for thirty yeais,
Wllkes-Ilari o Leader,
No, fi7(, ope of the new p,lseRer
engines nu the Lackuwnnnii road, made
ix record lecently, which (he riilhoad
men are still talking about. The train
lo which the locomolivo was attaclied,
was late leaving Hoboken, and Kugl
ueer "Johnnie" Tioch pulled her over
the Pocotio and Jeisey meadows, in
record bieaklug time, without an ef
fort, making up nine minutes of lost
time as easy as II takes to tell It,
No, fi, the famous Buffalo-New York
limited on the Lackawanna, railroad,
was overloaded with pass-engeis yes
terday afternoon, and an extra car was
necessary to accommodate tho patrons.
The train was made up of seven
coaches, and it arrived and
on time as usual. This train seems to
be the popular tiain on the, ami
No, '.!, which vim through fSeranton
at l.!i."i p. pi. every day Is also a favor
ite with the traveling public,
Two Train-Loads Passed Through
This City Yesterday,
Two tin lii-loads of soldiers, sixteen
cars In all, passed through Sciunton
yesterday on tho Lackawanna all
road, bound for the Philippine Islands.
The llrst section arrived at S.3.'i p. m.
and tho second at 4 o'clock, Many peo
ple were nt the station to greet the
boys In blue, but only one local boy
xas In tho regiment. Ho was Cluules
Johnson, of Mooslc, and he was ac-
Xew York Announcement.
Horner's Furniture
is tho subject of this nniioiuifcmont.
Tho term 'stands for everything that
isreliable and fashionable in Furni
ture, in both the simple and ornate
lines, whether wanted for town or
country homes. Two other impor
tant features are the moderate prices
nt which tho goods are marked, and
their unequalled assortments.
Dining-Room Furniture in all finishes of
Antique. Belgian. Flemish and Golden
with Tables.DinlngChairs.China Closets
and Side Tables to match.
Bedroom Furniture in all the various woods
and finishes, including special lines tor
country homes. Brass Bedsteads in over
70 patterns from Sn.oo upward. Enam
eled Iron Bedsteads from S5.00 up.
Latest designs in Parlor Furniture, Library
Furniture. Hall Furniture, Venetian Car
ved Furniture.
Couches. Settees, Fasy Chairs. Rockers,
Dressing Tables, Cheval Glasses, Writ
ing Desks, etc., in unequalled assort
ments, and all prices.
R. J. Horner & Co.,
Fnrnlturci Makers nnd Importer
61-65 W. 3cl St., New York
(Adjoining Kdcn Muaeej
Before buying, send for catalogue.
130 i-inii Ave.
New York City.
Tho Dickson .Maiiufactiirins Co.
Scranton and WIlkevlMrra, l'.,
Muuufaouu'or o.'
Boilers. HoUtlnEand Pumping Machinery.
General Office. Scranton, Pa.
eonleit a wnleonie reception by his
illative ami tiiunils.
Tho men me niembeis of the Klev
enih infantry of I'niteil States ienu
liu.s, anij have been Ktatioutnl at tov
eiiiorV Island for several months,
They wont to Butfalo over the l.aeka
niinn, anil will bi irant-iiorted across
the I'lintlnent over the Nickel Plate,
Illinois Cen'ral, fulfill Paellle. OrcRon
Stunt Line nnd the Southern Paelllo
ralliomls. They osiicet to .sail from
San Krunolseo uu Jlouday, April 13, or
the tiansriioit Logan.
On the Mains wet'" Companies A. 11,
C anil P, in ehai'so of Colonel Charles
1,. Davis, .Major Albert U, Meyir, I.Ieu
lenants Shehlou, Meyer anil Kuy, Sut
Kl'Oii AVilllams. t'aptulua Trnvl.s anil
(iiliovlts, Seveuil hulli'S woie ulso on
the train. There was 37J men in all
on both trains, and they were about
as jolly a j-'-l tn one would earo to
J!aii, of thvin bai' seen nrvU'e In
Cuba and I'tutu Itito, and mvuly all of
ihem seeniod auslmis 10 teach .Manila
as hiioit as possible.
Cheap Rates to California,
Parties dr siring to make tup to Cali
fornia, Aiizona or New .Mexico, either
for business or pleasure, can do so ii'nv
at almost half pi lie.
livery Tuesday, until April sutli, In
clusive, tickets markod "Colonist" may
be purchased via Southern Railway for
$11,00 fiom Washington, SIS.GO from
Philadelphia, and eorrchpondlnsly low
pilces fiom other points,
Tho Southern Hallway and southern
P.ielfln company oper.ito ihroush ex
cursion .sleepeis from Washington,
leavlnsr Mondays, Tushduys and PrN
days, tho Tuesday sleeper helm? avail
able for "Colonist" tickets. The beith
rate In these sleepers Is only $7.00, two
people belnff allowed to occupy one
berth If desired. Personal conductors
and Pullman porters ko Uu-ourIi with
each sleeper. There aro other new,
convenient and economical teatures
connected with these excursions which
may bo ascertained from Charles I.
Hopkins, District Passenger Asent,
Southern Hallway, SJS Chestnut .-m-cot,
I; lljCjgpRDON' f 1
fjLJr" 1 'J y ji
Is Worth
A bushel you can't buy
it for 38c. Neither can
you buy a pair of shoes
worth $j.oo, for $1.98
or $2.98, A great many
stores endeavor to make
you believe you can, but
you can't, Many shoe
buyers know by sad ex
perience that it can't be
done. We have shoes
for $.00 and they are
worth 5.00 and we sell
them for 5.00. They
are fine shoes. They are
the best shoes made.
We have only one fault
to find with our $2,50
and $3,00 shoes they
often spoil a sale on our
$5.00 shoes they ate
so swell.
This Week
We are showing the best
line of Union-Hade
(Union Stamp) Shoes
in the world at $2.00,
$2.50, $3.00 and $3.50
Step in and see them.
Look in our windows for
good shoes (up-to-date.)
Lewis. Ruddy,
j Davies& Murphy
330 Lackawanna Ave.
New Headgear,
Gloves, Neckwear
Are as essential to your
Spring outfit as your new
Our Neckwear Stock is
up to its usual standard.
Hundreds of beautiful pat
terns in all the popular shapes
are here.
The Young's $3.00 flat
Is equal to the best.
We sell thetn.
See the IV ew
412 Spruce Street.
Places in Virginia
Canhecomlortalily ana easily
reached ly tho
Steamers Mil dally etccpt Sunday from I'lcr 28,
Kortti Ither, toot of llcaih sheet, New yorfc, for
Old Point Comfort
Richmond, Ua.
and Washington, D, C.
Connecting lor All Points South .-uiJ West.
Through 1'uUets returning from Washington
by rail or water.
Tor full Information apply to
81-85 Beech St., New York.
II D.VAI,Ki:it,Traf.JIgr, J.J.BIlOWN.a.r.A.
At the Top Today
You may count that day lost that fails to .how some new merchandise interest to
public attention at this store. Handkerchiefs lead today. Some advertisers might
want to inform you as to the uses and purposes of Handkerchiefs but then many
advertisements are stupid. Our aim is to tell you something of the value, quali
ties and prices of the Handlcerchie offered in this sale.
r AAA 0 li
L? JMMI I IM 11(1 KerCn ieTSp,aln Llnen
w7ww ---
I -4- !yoo dozen Ladies' All Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs of a fine, smooth
-' quality, usually sold at 15c each, at 9c each or $1.00 per dozen. These
in i, Va aud 1 inch hems, and are unquestionably the best bargain in All Linen
Handkerchiefs ever offered the people of Scranton. 9c each or $1.00 per dozen.
I -4- '1a35o dozen Ladies' Hemstitched Kmbroidered Lawn Handkerchiefs our
-v'' 4 usual i2A c, ice and 20c numbers choose among the lot at 9c each or
$1.00 a dozen. Some of them are slightly soiled they were the top, open, boxes
for display, at the importers where we bought them, thus they were bought cheap
the little they are soiled does not harm them in the least and there is a great saving
in the price.
I -j-f- '2! 500 dozen Men's All Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, in Jl, yi and 1
L-.UL j mcu ileins at 12Jc each or $1.40 per dozen.
I gyi- A 500 dozen Men's All Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs in J4, i and 1
l-"! T" iuch hems, of a special fine quality, regularly sold at 25c each. Sale
price, 15c each or $1.75 per dozen.
Capital 5200,000. Surplus 5500,000.
United States Depositary.
Business, personal aud sav
ings accounts invited.
3 per cent, interest paid on
savings accounts.
Open Saturday evenings
from S to 9 o'clock.
Wm. CoxNi.i.i., President.
IIlnry, Ju., Vice 1'res.
Wm. H. Pick, Cashier.
General Agent tot the Wyoming
District lot
UlDlnc, Blistiri0', Sporting, SmoLeJesi ml thi
Repauna Chemical Company's
High Explosives.
Satctjr Tuie, Cips am) Ciploders. Room 401 Con
cell Dulldllis, cianton,
TIIOS. TOIID .....ritUton
JOHN D. SMITH li SON CI) mouth
W. II. UUIX1QAN WllkciDaire
In life is moie often due to ccluuleil
uerve force tli.ui to lack of cipitul.
Strong iiuim.' are the cajntal that
helps men conquer conditions.
When people loictlicir capital they
sctto work lo reuain it.
When e lose our nerve force e
ought to siefc n mean-, of jetting t
back, Thcie Is a way, certain ami
feed the er'es, waking them steady
aud strong us kteel.
We do not believe thev cau fail to
cure Nenoiii Debility ami physical ex.
haution; that's why we agiee to refund
your money if ii boxes du not cure
51.00 per box; fi boes WOO, mailed
securely scaled upon receipt of price.
Hook fiee. Addreis, Thai. MnniciNU
tn . I'lpvflniul flhlrt
i.nB ..I. I.m ,..(... II I, I. nli. o lilinnnLI ritrni.
Wi oniln aicnue and Spiuie atrcet.
CPraf.G.Ktfilfl.127 AVlii
M 21 l'lill&drlbU la. Dolj- (.tnufta SrUll.t (u
T K .flA ItlKaAAMA. Ihiiui. lllmtjl I'.ilhiiB- fftfPIOUl
I'lWWf, Elfltrtf 4UHI ItlQUU UIOBi HVff Vi
dittos ulnrlrttlupmtntt A bbmntn Orjvat.f
... A A I,, in J... n .. ....!. .!! A !
huk UT.nlk'at.l
My Uu thU Tpf.J
i Undoubtedly
to Scranton.
4. 4. ( 4, 4, 4. 4. f t 4.4, t h
Wu are nuw prcparcil to show you an entire NEW stock ol
i Carpets i
l Wall Papers and Draperies I
t Jiven item is this scarton'& .noods. and we are prepared to servo
4. ' yon promptly and at our well-known low prices.
Temporary Store,
126 Washington Avenue-
4 i"
Muuur&cturer r
485 to 4S5
N. Ninth Street
Telepliou? Call. '23.U.
DR. PENbTCN, Mil tiprme tiret, Ni-iiilcn,
la All Acijt and Chronii l.wai Mffl,
Women and (.bildrfn. (uuijllativii and
iminatiou lift. OfArc lloure Daily and S'Uidi
I a. u. t V m.
iis is
the largest purchase oi
Handkerchiefs ever brought
wAsii&ER avenue
r i t t x j,
i1 4"f
Said tUe bait to the fisli.
Or next thing you kuovr
you'll garuish a dish.
I came from the store of
Klorey 6c Brooks,
Aud I'm dangerous.
If) I i
211 Washington Ave.
Uooms 1 autl-M'oiu'ltfcB'l'a'g.
Hining and Blasting
Midaa,t Mooalosnd Huilitfalt Woiia.
Kltotrlo Uattarles. KIsotrloKxplodart
xplodlng blaata, bafaty Knataal
Reiauni Chenical Co.'s uxp'ViVc
t Imi Flf
i i t