SrmwssrW ")! V' ist9(rtflfcjv',,'ai ''A7Tf-lT ."& A THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY. APRIL 10. 1001'. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA FOREST CITY. (rial lo Uii' ?cunlon Tribune. Furcst t'lly. A bill fl.-Tlir Kusti-r .Totidiiy social, which uiipiicmI thr- mrly ipvliiR socliil i-entt, was Kifiitly t-ti-nycd hid ulRlil. Thmmiw Oiiwb-y and rhoinaH Junes won- llio Rcncritl mini- A If icd Uiivls la vImIUiik In Taylor. Those w full t" attend tin? ion tfit In the- Opoi-a Iioiiho Wednrsdny llBht will miss a line- ticiil. Thr- Tvo-li-innnif Is a follow-M Instrumental lolo. Miss Owi-n; n-iidliiKs. "Hpitnlfdi Tutlu-r," "Invr-tillonw," "Mc-nsiirliiiT thr inbv." "A Similar Oihp." Corn Morris Jrlliln: vocal miIh. "Tlio Heavenly loiifr." Mr. Joshua Johns; loading. Christmas In Hie Qiiarlers," "Doupt iicn," "Dlllldiilt Kiivo Maklim," Coin Uorrls Orlilln, vocal solo. "Thine." 'omIuiii .Tohns: icnuIIdbs. "i'iiiw scene" from "Leah the Kornnkcii." by spe Inl rerjiifbt). hcoucs from "llonu-n and tullct," Ualeniiv scene, Potion scene, .'nblniiii. I'nrti Morris lirlflln. lovepli Jt-niiinus ri'ttiined to bis itudles at I.chlsh university Mondny. Albert Hiwni. of New Yoik city, nn aid resident of thi town, spent the Stealer pal t of the past vm-k Ik-ic. Dr. 1). Dwyer, who is co'.'cctiiiisr the noney lo pay tb- new policeman Is Indlnir little dlllli'iilty. All who plfds d themselves lluu lie has called upon paid the llrst six months in advance, md it Is ptobnblu ill it our nev guard ian of the pcaiv Mill f,o on duty mI th in a week or two. Tlieie are neither vacant houses nor meant stores In Forest City. A ti.ivelllng milliner looks the town v it fioin head to heel Inst week en-lciivoiiiifi- to tlnd a suitable pin re to llsnlay a stock of woods for a few .veeks, and had to give up the .lob. rivery man who handles real estate Is hilly besies-od with house hunters, but here will be lltll" mnvlnB this sprliiB, dinply because those who usually ml irato with tin- coming of the early birds can llnd no plncc to move to. Constable Xe.iry. of Caibundale, wai 'n town Monday looking1 for John flu who recently murdeied bis mother and brollier at Sunliury. He had rcceiwil n tip that the fellow was Tiding here, but when he inn his ipiery down founil him to be an inolfenslve chap who had never been within gun shot of Siiuhitry in ids life. THOMPSON. city, visited .Susquehanna friends last evening. , , Messrs. Ki cdcrlek CI. Oakley and hel Inn lillililnn ulll bn enmloved ill Bill- lalo during the Pan-Amerleun expo- sltloii. I.. Clnirles Henry Newlng. pastor ,,- llm Mr.llm.llul nhlll'f'll III till pllU'O, and lle'v. M. UoiirIHoii. pastor of the Metho'llst in u.imanu, -n toilay for West I'lttston, to uttond the Wyoming conference. About $l.nn In cash has boon raised bv the members and Irlends or the Avenue Methodist church, In Oakland, during the past conference year. Mm. Thaddeus Udell, of the Oakland side. Is critically 111. Mrs. Katheiln I'errlne, of Buffalo, Is th'j guest of her sister. Mrs. .1. A. Smith, Oakland side. George Smith, a Hindi-ill at Syra cuse university. Is the RUesl of his pi.rents, Mr. and Mis. .1. A. Smith, Oakland side. HALLSTEAD. Widow' claim In c'Ute ol It. II. nUledce, tie- fl-J0, Wlilow' claim In ulatc of I'. M, Cogjswcll, dci-cunl. f1 Pinal accounts tiled ami confirmed niu as. fob loJ! 1' iiiiomit of 0. O. llMlilinfr, triulec, lo mII mil Kbitf! of Hannah ItcttHiclmeri do' scaicl. I'lnal ac-wntil of A. At. Pcw'ltt. adntltibli.tlot ol calati) o( I'. W. DcWItl, deceased. 1' iiiconnl In ctrtti of tsi.iel Wall, iloif C1. i-podil cull Us ol (e mill w illtoclril lt be tmlcil In rnrloiyilllc l-oroiigli. Auililoi'j ippotl in rlnli- ot .John Wlbcy, it- ccuril, fllul uriil tniiflrmi-il nll. In llic miller ot rontPsUil llfTic nf, a II OfllM' WH CMIlttll lit I. II. I'otmtftik t-M- till! U.tnitilng IIoiko. nl TiinKlMnnocK, but tbc upill t.ltlnn for license lor 1,11. llou-c, nl KJdorjxillr, VI ltlll"-ll. In ifl ilhblon ol M notion lpnhl into two rii'illon i!:Mticl. til? vli- irporldl ailirrelj to piojrtl. H0PB0TT0M. (o tin- a.ranloii Tdlmiic. ThoiiiDMin. AlHil !). Allen O. Miller, if Wyoming seminniy, has spenL.his KuMer vaeutlon with his parents. Mr. (mil Jim. .1. II. Milior. He will return to his studios loinonow. i. ". Sneiicer, of rfcriinti-i-, spent I he Sabbath with hN -niMn. U. '". Spencer. . F. Speiiier was doing inii-iiie.-s In tlie valley the di st of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank II. Smith, of Ciiijionclale. spent the .S.ibl-olh with !e and Mrs. 1'. K. Tower. Miss Ag.ies. daughte- of Ml. and Jirs. Oscar Stone, of Jackson, is dan gerously ill, with little pi osped of re covery. At o'clock this evening will occur Hie marriage ot Louis K. Clark, of Kdella. to Miss Victoiia. 51. Gelatt. diiughtcr of F. M. C.el.Ut. "Miss A'iu Ule" has been the ellicient housekeeper In her father's liouse for a number of ears and a leader in the work of the church, and is held in high esteem by the people of Thompson, who will wish for her a prosperous tuture. Her pas tor, Ttev. W. II. French, will perform the ceremony at the bible's home. Mis. II. L. Tower and sou. llobe-rt, of Coicntry, X. Y., is spending the neck at Host cittage. with her aunt. Mrs. V. fl. Tower, while her uncle is at conference. ,Piof. J. A. TiuUcr and F. d Spat Us spent the Sabbath in Binghamton, piobably admiring Kasier hats. Mrs-. T. A. Stevens, ot Keuka. X. Y.. is viiiting her mother, Mrs. It. debut, win- is sr, years old, and "as nun it as u ci ickcl " Mla Minnie Cielati. matron In Km la eidh-gi:. Is hum this we-1!? to ai-ten- her sistei's wedding at hee lath er's. F. M. tlolati. The patterns of the new ei earner are encouraged bv 'it3 work done by the new plain and th: amount of milk Is luci casing each week. William lihindln repi-cn-uts Thomp mn at Montrose, tills we ';, ,11 .uior. SUSQUEHANNA. !ri lal to tlie "uJiiton Tiihmif Susiiiehaiuiu. April !. Pi of. John A. -iiphin left today for si piotes.sionnl ilp thiougli the Delawaio A'alley. Tin sad "moving time" has arilved, iiid a large number of our townpeople ue "not living where they now le ?ide." The wheeling In tlie submits is exe iitbie. In the AVIndsor section fjir ncra aie tmiilile to get to the milk t.itlous. Tlio executive committee will nieoi u Moutroso Apt II SO, to urrango the iiogr.imme for the coming Susriue l.ilinu .utility Cliilstlaii Kudeuvor uon .cullon. ' Mis. i hallos Henry Xowlng is the jucst of lelatlves at West Pittston. Keystone lodge, No. SO, Ladles Auxll Hiv to Brothei hood of Locomotive 'lienien, this evening held a largely mended and very pleasant calico hop md reception In Opera House. Mis. W. II. Stiacher, of this place, leputy great l'oeohonlas, last even ng Installed the officers of Mlnnetonkn ouneil, No. SO, D'lughteis of Poeohon- as, of llnllsteud. .MIim Annu Pooley, who has been HI U her home In this place, has io- to ninghnmton, where she Is sniploycd. Miss Klston, of New Yoil; Spedil to lie ScMnton Tribune. Hnllstcad. Apill . Miss Bessie Har ry, of this place. 1ms secured a situa tion with the Stowe Manufacturing company in Blnghumton as stenogra pher. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hall and family left Monday for Seranton. where they will reside In the future. William A. Kinney and aunt, Mrs. J. It. lingers, wcio In Blnghamton on Satutday. Mr. and Mis. Charles Oordtss ar rived home Monday evening from their wedding tour to Syracuse and other points. Fred Boblnson. of Blnghumton, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. G. AY. Wnrrl. The public schools reopened Monday after a week's vacation In honor of Kaster. Maltland Hays, of New York city, conductor In the Pullman service, is home for n brief vacation. Miss Jessie Van Loan left Thuisday for a long visit Willi Washington. 15. C lelatlves. T. II. Hays was in New Yoik on business Inst week Monday evening buigbns broke into tlie store of F. E. Sands & Co. They gained entrance by "otcing tlie front door with bars. Merchandise, consist ing of pocket books and sterling silver articles was stolen. The casli reg ister was carried to the tear of the Dr. F. I. SmiJ.Ii bain and theie the cash ilr.'iu'pr nt- the leirlster was pried open and one dollar in pennies was taken. Mr. Schmidt, clerk in the stoie. hud re moved all of the cash before leaving the night previous. Tliere are strong suspicions of the guilty parties and arrests may follow. Miss Hazel Ross returned home Mon day from Xew York city, where site has been attending a conservatoiy of music. Miss- Grace Harding, on Monday i veiling, entertained Mrs. Earnest Bead and Misses Marion and Lillian Church at a warm sugar party. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Spencer, of Lestershbe. spent Easter with i datives here. Hon. James T. IJuBois sails from Km ope Apill tit. and ai rives hcie April Misses Lorettn and Genevieve Mc Cormack. of Seranton. spent Knstei with their patents here. They re turned to school in Seiantou Monday. The Deestrick Skule, a coming at traction by local talent, now holds the boards at the Young Men's fhilstl.w association. fpeclil lo the Scrtnton Trlbua. Iloplintloill. Apill Jl.-'lillll ItoillMU li.n Rhi-n up lili poilllon .mink ut Sb lioNon mid rc-huncd lr bU tionie bete ulifff be tin tArn ilniRC of tlio iii(-reuntl!c lnlni" owncil by 0. I'. Tib f,i:iy. Hi', ininy filrntt lino hio plc.i-i-il In lui'e liiin ifbiin nnl ttlfli bini mucw In lil ii'-w unilrrUUIni;. 11 U nnilrthliiml llml W. II. Hiovmi will open .i nurkrl t-rgltinitig bndnfn .i oon h the bnlbllnB U npptl(-d with imH pqulpniMil -rl... I'lnnt.i Mjn.lnlln unit (illllril (.tlltl. (if nlnxlumlon, will cho on enlrrlalnincnt In tlio rnlur.i1lst chin, li Tncsilay evening. Apt It trt. Tlio comp-tiw. which convUls ot flvo iiimliiiiiv. li nrtompjnloil by nn olooutlonlst. aiiH tomc-i hiulily rtfoninipmlprl. Thflr entertainment will no doubt be to nil who attend. S-chool c1mc this ech. Tne loimnenicnieiil inttruhimeiil will tic gben in the I'nhei-ilUt c litirch Friday eenln.-. Piofror K. Ilulli-. of V.Nlnlm u.'.lrllttf. Ulll llrlllPl tllO tOmniCIKC' nient. addrei,. ti. U. Mai-li, bo of Keystone iicudcmy, will contribute lo the nitwit .d put of the programme. Mr. and .Mr. IMvrlti fijitlner hive left Mielr home bcic to iho Willi theli daughter, Mr?. Mron Strjthlaud. Mr". O.irdner's continued III-nc-s nukea thh incur necfa-Jiy. Mrs. Marlon Tlttn fpent Sun-Uy with tin ?!' ter at N'lehobon. Hev. llomaa pirailiril Ida f.trewcll -ennnn at tbe Methodic chiirili ritmclay inoinlns. Saw Wtlmartli visited bin bom-- lieie on -inday. HOME TESTIjMONV f, BEAUTY, HGONQUEROfi BELLAVITA Arsenio Beauty Tablets and FilU. A i;o fectlytiufenml guurantet-d treatment for till kla disorders. Reitorc: the bloom ol outh to faded facet. HI di.yo' treatment Mtoi 80 days' $1.00, by mail Sona for circular. Address, , .,- SRVIT.i MB01CAL CO., rilalon 4 JicklM St.Ckkf Bolt by Mcaarrah ft Thomas, Drug aiata., 09 Lackawanna ave., Bcranton, I'a. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... DXANVFACTUlten BT ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. pr NOT E TH E X A M K. f i ... i ... '- i ti I PITTSTON. Special t" the 5cranton Tribune. Pittston. April 0. The (list aftci I.enten event here was the ball In Keystone hall Monday evening:, under the auspices ot nie t-atner iiatnew w-clety. The only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Tlgue. of Kulton stteet. aged thiee weeks, died Monday morning1. The Younpr Men's Christian associa tion's building tund now teaches .W3, '.Mi, a subscription for S'.'.'iO having' been tecelved Saturday. Joseph I5oI-.slws-kl, a I'olander, died in the hospital Monday from the re sult of a fractuied skull, received In the Heidelberg: mine two weeks ago. Dr. Charles II. McDovitt, of Gorman town, is tlie new resident physician at the I'ltston Hospital, succeeding ur. Drake, recently tesifjned. Tile Pittston school bou ril lias te eideij to liieiuuRe the treasurer's .sal ary iioni ?4r,o per year to f 1,000. The Sii.s(iiehanna river is now lour leen and a halt fe'-t above low water in in k. Co. II. Nlutli ie.?inient. wn Inspected Monday by Major Millar, of Kernnton. TUNKHANNOCK. Spmal to tlie- firaiilon Tribun. TuiiMiiniPik, Apill P. C'ouu .Nu-f.: I.nelli .Mt'..nder -. Oil. II. .Mesandn; ilboue, f.'ae fontliimd to .bine term Cuiiuiior.we.ilth v, William Wilernion; de-er-uon i:it" continued to dune ttini. ilii t ic pelhivii fl Ihlit.i one oicijeei. of the poor of Womlns county tettlnir loith that a poor home wa much needed lor tlio .uconirnoda tlon oi poor and ludlci-nt pcisns ol iid county, ti... .mi in.iil, nn outpi- that at .in election to ti- hell on the Tnrtday lollowlnff tlie tint Momliy In Noiember the qiiMilon of a poor bou-i- hotihl lie mitiniitlfd lo llm qualuted voleu ot Ilia county lor their decision. Commonwealth i. P. 1". mltli; .elllns liquor illegally. Case nol piOv,ed. r-n.i,,r.n...ilHi . r,.il Mtltrr pt at., tuner . w. ... V.I ....... .. " . .-. ....- -- ". - -- iloia ol Tunkhannock township; nuisance. Case nol pioaeil. piitaiico haling been abated. Cuimncm.ftdtli . Iloland MeNabj ibvcttlon. Hail ciiteiel for apneaiaiice at June teim. I'oiiiinoiineallli . Chaile. I.eltoy, Hail en-ti'ir-l toi .ipc.iuiien at dune trim. l)n million of Ihe tupenUors of .Monroe tonn khlp, a iiiandamuii was directed by Ihe couit to 1,-y a kprcial cash ta' ot llic mill, lo pay the tid'ehledneM of lint towpship On petition, William Mllehaui JS nideitd to bo dlechiik'cd bom bit. Hint as giiaiill jii of Kent fiary, a r- i.i r. A .i,r. lul f.ili Ii.y ot mn- nntl ond lialf mills dlie.ted lo be leilc-l lo pay the Indebtedness Itu'uricd In I.rmoii township. lietuin. uiiu nude by John W, Oiay, 6beiift, of real ctato bubl iy jilin under esccutlon as tullo.if Stella 'Iraxit i II, M, Trails, land In Lemon tOllllillU, lltniy llaidins is. Aloiuo llecbe, lam) In Lem on township. Iiuin Coolluupli i. Ilaild Donley, land In Eaton, Jamei W, l'iitt i'. C M. Ma.inard, admltiVra tor, land in I'actoi.Millc. Abiam Nrsbltt is. William 1'icrr, William Freer.' Jr., and Matthew Freer, land In Monroe. U. b. I 'oil uni w. Ira Fliodhead, land la Mill (II). : A" th; ahcie w-r confiimed nbl and will be lonnrmid uu)iittl.v on Ihuitdai, April II. urlcs wf-licn mc flUd. Vldo4 claims wcie conliiimd nUi i Ivllous: ARIEL. 8peel! to the Scnnton Tribune. Atlcl, Apill 0. Ledie hlnioin-. of W "uiins scmimry, is spendlns; a shoit lacalinn wllli Id rairnK Ml', lilitli Simons, who ha been spending a fen- day wltb fricnd.s in llunninie, letuuio-l liomc "li Thui-dav. Mr .mil Ml. John Reynold jie the s'.i.'-fj of thn litleiN pii-'nt. Mr. and .Mr. (ieoigp I'.i.itl-. ltr. .mil Mr-. 1.. II. Santonl and cliiidi.-n. 11.,cl and ('.ill, win' bale hecii li-itinK nleiidi bere, leluinerl lo their home in NklioNon on 'llinisday. On Tuesday cienlns P.ev. Mr. Han .ford Kaie a lecture in the stbool biiUdlue on "IIuoiirIi Xew Knslaud on a Wheel." While (,-oiii(V tlnoush Xciv Unslantl on n wheel Key, Mi. Smfoid kept bis cm and e.ies oput. He i-iled many placed of inteiest, de.-c i Ibinic leiy iMirtnlly Id journey and niiing much ttiat win liistnrital and luinanltc. interipeised with fli-hes of poetiy. eloquence, wit and humor. M... i. 1!. .iii llncsm .mil ebildien. I.ejd and Heler, letl on TIiuimIjv lo Mslt. Mi. an Hoei-cn's patents in Soitliiiinlierlaiicl. An Kaster .servke was held in the thool Imihllns; on Kaster morning:, April 7. A fine nmn, .iimi.p U-.1Q Qil'IMl. Hev. b. 1. lloesrn leu iesiein.ii liinni. ins fin the Wiominc; confeiente at West Pitts-ten. s.-sSS,s,ss,sNOtf5.Nis y A THEATRICAL. 6 ooooooooooooooooo ATTRACTIONS TODAY. At Alir.MY Iiene M.iers company. Jlatiwv and niht. tiAir.TV Hioadnaj niiilcsn,uri- -Jlainite md niglil. 'Little Lord Fauntleroy." I.illl iiene Me.ui, now appealing .it the Academy of Mii-lr, pie.entins a tejieitoiic of Ida inetiopolilan sue Ltn-tt, U most tcitainly pioiing herself a stions diawins caui. .w cam i-c-fotinance she lias Riien o far, the theater has been packed to the doors, and the pio5pccts aie tint mch will he I he c.ic foi the Im1.hh c of her riiRaRemenl here, any compauy as stiotu as the bene Mcyei-s compiuy could -.iily plaj Seiantou tor at least two week.-, and ciowded hon-cs would Miiely lie tin- le-nll. c-tenlay atteinoou tor the niatliiec performance. "Mtlle koid fauntleroy,' a toincily Horn the pen oi 1'iantcs llodK-ou Uninetl, was irCM-nlecl and 8jo Rieat Mti'faction to the iiumen-c lieuoe piei-ent. !at cieniiiff "Hie llnslpn" was Ihe atttaitiun, uud was recelied eiy faioiahly, the xccneiy di plajed in the produclion was magnificent, 'i Ids aflcinonn for the tint and onlj lime this weak Hie old taioiito comedy drama, "Ten Nights in a liar Boom," will he piesentid, and tniiighl "The Two Orphans" will be the attraction. It seems uio-t inciedulous to beat of a child baldly let in her teens playinff tlie part of "boube, tlio iillml Bbl." In ,l10 "T" Orphin-"." l.lllle heiw pKiid thn pa it in a lahion woitlij of the highest pi ti.-o. Bauer's Annual Conceit. Tln tali- of seats lor Iho annual conceit of ll.ntci'i Thiiteentli JUsinieiit bind at the b.i ccum on Thiumlay .itteinot.n ami ciciiIiir opened fesleiday monilns at Iho Lyceum bo-c olflre and tli" laittn inunber niaikcd ott during the (list hour was sufficient lo guarantee the fcucces, of the concert. 'i'heio aic still many ilc.liable eats lelt for Ihe oienln conteil, The Kheine to allow childteii to attcml tne matinee on Thim-div afternoon upon 15 cent tiii.rt is uiceliiii,-' ultli iipular fainr und all appreciate the fact nuii an oppoituiilty for the jouiip; to listen lo fine muslo n the 00111111?; inatinee ai ci...- t.-pl. t richtnm otfcied. In uddllioii to Ihe laried fiiidrumentul pro. Siaiiimo pienentfd, the solos by 1'iank II. liton, ibe celebrated New Yoil. b.iso, will be en jojed b.i all loiers of miult-. Change of Date. rations of the lltockway enlerttiliuiieiit ioure me jopcrtlully notified that Iho date of the lee line of Itcv. D. J. btaflonl, P, I)., on '-.Mac-belli," 6chedulcd to appear heic on Monday cicnlnsr, April 13. lias been ihansed lo Tuesday, April !tl. Felts will be placed on kale Saturday, Apill 20, at 0 a, m, A. .1, Dufty, Manager, Broadway Buvlesquers. will. 11 iniilnre and eienlntr neifoiliuuce to. day the Iboadway Uuile.queis Lfe llielr iw C.'ieuient at tho new flaietj', Bowery Buvlesquers. Ilcrlig & P.-amon's "Honery nuilesqueis" will be (he attraction ut the new fiaiely the last lidf uf this wc.-k, A tpeeial heat U in stole fev theater goer, tipecnlly foi tliorc who want :i hearty Uugh. Of thu many tmrleeque oiganba. ii.'ni, ih injd las bi-ifton. rone ha3 left a letter impression than the llerllg' k Seamoii's "Powcry llurleiqueii"! not only ha this com. pany opened a new patli for the elaborate pro. Unctions on tlie l'uileque laae, but it has iil.o won honou foi h oilgliitllty, luuelul iiu-lodleii, and combination of a Hire and ,iacitul ro-ned.. "Chop Kjuy," us one of ihe bmlesques l called, pic-euts u pliliii(Siue, l:-leldoieoplu view of lite In the far wsl, lh olhir entitled tho "?ldek Stan.'' pieicnti a stoiy of i:K)pllaii life. Andy l.ewists tlie thief, .Milril by Maud CIIIoll and MlM Mutlc Hichuioiid, tlio tharmliiB roincdieiinej proentlng' the tatue.quo Adoniij Tajlor Trio in mufclcal selections; l.'auipbcll and faulfiold, 1 1 M cleier Irish coiiicdlano, and Ihe New Yon: iv.,... 1. a iiwl.,1 I.Mliire II. e builc-soueis ilitlO- ducc the Ladlfo' Zouaio Jlilll. which has pioicn a meat i.oielt.i, intioducinar ns it doe. a scol iipicseiitation of the marines an;i toldleis In adjunction ST,-IU tlio allied aimlci n'alius the ..,N. K( lvLln. 'Il1.1t 11il tiuileAoueia oojuh-m the elnncnts of iiuccu may be taken for gianlcd fiom i piolracte-I iun in New Y01V cit, Mat. t J.M.. 1... ..I. mint. 'Iklll.iljV luce ujiij vv. ". ....E.-,.. II Af r. e & S seranton people testify Tell their experience make It public for the pub .c .J. What g; '. better proof can be had? The evidence of friends and neighbors. The testimony o. people you know is proof for any skeptic. IDoan's Kidney Pills I Are endorsed by Scrantan people, who will gladly tell you of their merit. Tell you g '. t , Mi!A fhp nrhino- hack, streno-then a weak back, remove the lameness from i a lame one, drive away those weary, tired out feelings, remove the cause of every LS Kidney III, cure Diabetes and all Urinary disorders, act directly on the Kidneys g; f and Bladder. ISCRANTON PROOF! Hickory Street. Mi.-, (.'huiles Draper, of 424 Hickory sdteel, wiy.s-: "I had aching in tho hii.ull of my bach all the time, and if I did any extin hard household ivotk T always BOt u deal wot so, as I also did when I stoud on my loot lor any length of time- or walked far. The bloating' nbotit the body T am sure also came fiom my kidneys beinfv unable to do their work properly. I begun tislns Doan's Kidney Pills, sold at Matthew Rrm-.' ilriiK f-tcno and ifeeived beneflc within three day The treatment An ally cuied me." Von Storch Ave. Jlr. G. X. f-'hllds; of 150.". Von tftoieli 1. venue, employed at Short & lliggins' lobaeco factory, suys: "I have Mtf leied more or les-s with dull pain across the small of my back for some time. I doctored and used various kinds of medicines with iittle or no te sull. I read quite frequently in our city pnpeift about people who wore cured of kidney complaint by Doan's Kidney Pills, and 1 tried the treatment, t consider them the best lemody tor kidney trouble on the market and r have told a number of my trlends about them. They have my endorse ment, and 1 Mill t?ludly 1 "commend them til any time." So. Washington. Jim. .1. Itelraiid. of 4it: South Wash ington avenue, s.iyit: "If 1 stooped dining' my housewoik I had to put my bauds on my bark before I could rise. It hint nie at night so that 1 could tiol gel healthful lest. I used lo turn ovei and over and then get up and ti. v all kinds of luiy.s in secure a lest ml position. There was such pain in my side Unit T could nol lie on It. and I bloat-il m my body, limbs and feet. I v.ent 10 il.itllieiis liiotheis' druu j tine and p.ol a box if J Joan's Kidney Pills and tired them lesjularly. The ttealnunt completely cured me." For Sale by AH Druggists SO cents per box. Foster-Mil burn .Co., Buffalo, N. Y. THE MARKETS. 'I bo Mlluiiitic; iiol.itiom Tiiluiiio b. M. . Joiilan . JIc.ns liiillilliis. Sciaiitmi, I'a. 0H-H- .Stnciioau Miaai ... Aniciicaii Tolucio Alcli.. To- & !? I1' A . T. !i s. I' . I'l llioukl.ui Tiactioii Halt. A'. Ohio t'i-iit, Toll u co .... riu-J, k Ohio ( blc. & (!. V. ... tlilc. l. i J St, 1'iul Hock bland Id-Uwarc! fi Hinbon Kan. : 'IVsa, I'l . bonis. N.ili Jlanhattaii Mel. Tiaclion I . Jliuiiii I'ailflo ... Niutlicin IMillle ... Vorlollc : Wciflii Noith. Pacific, I'r .Willi, raclln-, IT . Out. It West I'cnna. II, It Pacific- Stall Heading Heading:, Pr ....... Southern II. It .. . Southern It. lb. If 'lnn., U. .' Iron ,. If, S. bcatlier I', s I.c-alhfi', l'r r, s. iiiibiier ,.,.- I'nloii PaiiWu in . ..Iti'.fi ....l-.'lft .... iU .... IMU .... '. .... ni't . .. I.Vi ... HI .... 3 ,....1'i .....IMVi .....14'! ,...i;i 0i iai 127',', Ii'ii'.i Hi'. VI .... oil',, W I'llB ."J IMli W. .11 7l'-i 27 .... 7.s'i iU'..- 1. 7Mi I" , ni an- fiunbhccl "Ihi- I'll., looms ,iVi TI"! Ti-Irnhono 10O.1; IIIl-Ii- I am- ( In. l-st. 1li! l'.idi HJ HI bl'a dl'i m III I JI 1M 1M"i HJ'i 1711 :.7-), lli 1 2i.T IWl'i Hi I VI fiil'i fin fll'i :i.i'4 l"li :;i.''. tiiJ n'i ct. 14li fj7"; lll'4 'IV j ,SI IM 47 till J.i"'a ) I IU 17n' ."i'l ll)l4 I'ffllj p,'l mill r.3s ant lil. IH.? .llJa ri75a iioli ln'. Ill 1J7'i uHi HVj IU?i I'lU l(l. J-lv ir 17'"-i .71 Jill Usi, HH 1li!'k :.)ii! Dolj .!l" W, 1:1.1 J I.acl.a. 'friiat fate Depolt Co Clark & Siioifi- Co.. Pr. ......... Seranton Iron Fence li Mfe. to. ... b'cranton Axlo Works Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr. ...... County fc'avlnca Bank & Priist. Co,. Kirat National Dank (Cartomlalc),. Standard Drilling Co. Tiadcrs' National Bank Seiantou Holt and JC11I Co BONUS. Scrantcn Pasiinecr Hallway, But Mortgage, clue W10 Peopled btrcct Halbvay. Brst tnort- cae. due 1013 .,...... People's btrcct Hallway, Otncral mortBEc. due 1M1 r.l, ll.nllloi ll.tlt... I.O. ........ Lacka. Tonmhlp School 0 per cent. City ol Seranton St. Imp. 6 per tent . "J Scianton 'liactlon 8 per cent IM l'Jj 100 Oj 20 son au us ... too 113 115 llu ... IM !() IIS 1W 1'iilon Pacini-, Pr M5j H'abadi, Pr ,.,.,. 'f Wc-tein t'nloi niU (). f, 1 ti-.... '' IVOlll' fi-'S I'VI Tcaa I'.icillo ,..,, dJ Am. Car I'oundiy 'J-''4 I'. S. Slccl Co IT I'. S. Slc-d Co., I'r .4., Hi's i;V VIlHK C.IMIS VI'. his. Mar , ' Juli- ' I OI1N. May , I' Til is' J 70'j d I" T.V'c 21'.. Ill S1Ji mi w; 77 lit'.;. Sll'j U'c III TS' lij'j la TVi I'' !rf7'H Sl"-i ;i7!i HI Ti'a 7.i-1 7tHi n-1 IM. 7a','j SI 'J IHI'i !,,,J, I1 ill IIO'I llllfi 10' i Mi'j HI MAllliUr. llllc bow el, ol. 77'.. T'.b 77'. T5J4 to I'l I'lll ( lo. lu.; 7li ill I'l Bcranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotation Based on Par of 100. SrOCKE. Bid. Asked. rirt Natlocal Bank 12W ... c ..n ku4n?l luuw JuQ ... Third National Bank .............. m ... flint licporlt ami im-voui 1 ni.. a 1 Kconoiny blijht, lb & P. Co 45 Scvanton Wholesale Market. (Collected by II. (I. Bale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.) buttii-Cicani'D. old, 2Ua2h-.s nob, -.'i.iJ'Si.; claliy, licsh. 2l!ia2.'c; old. loalSc. Cl.ct-.-c Full ncani. IJaHc, 1'Kgs Western dish, II to 14'ti.; ucaioy itale, ll'.i to lfdi'.-, BeotiaIVr bu., cholco luaiiow, $2.fija2 1.0. !., ll.rsIVi tm.. -'4.'a2..W. Medium rteaii.-P.-r bu (1.40a',4t. tlifen Peas Per bu., tl.IOjl.4S, Onions Per bu., 1.4UjI.C0. l'loui Beat patent, cr bbl,, lied Kidney Ilean-Pcr bu., 2,l5i.'.;o. Hew Yorlc Grain and Produce, ew Yoik, April 0. I'lour Mjket .ilehleil tn (bo lu-ailni'cs in wheat anil closed, latlui ural; ultli a llshl tiaile. Wheat Spot icaks Xo. 2 led, ib'.e. 1'. 0. li. Jflnatj X11. 2 ted, ',6tv, eb'- . ...... s-.. I ,. .pit. a... llnliilli iil.. f. n. li. options ilculopeil (uonoiuiud wi.ikne,. nut iienincii aijaiii cutuy, 1 ius,-ii H--h .mi .... 1-V. net Inner i May rlosul 70c; .liilf, 7m.; Sep. liuibtr, 731-- Coin s-pot bleail.i i .N. 2, 4)',;i, clevalor ami 40T,c. f, 0. h. altoat i i-ptlons ob loisl tlio dcclinr loi- u lime but in Iho hour suddenly in-uiruil 011 ilgoiom (IiIuko bull supinrt tiii'l ilosni Htm at only '.i. iw-l l",; May closed 4.-.; July, lAi-l .S-plcnibil, lu. .i. s...-, ....Lrr, V11 '. .4(1 lie i 'll. !I. .ill.'-.! lltll. r mu. .......... .. . , .-- . . , -. Xo. 2 wlille, imici Xo. :i uliltc-. B.V.: Hack western, S0a-1lljc-,; luck while, .)l'i3Uj oplicni dull ami weaker Willi the otbci 111.11 kot... llutter Strousi fieb cicaimi.v, lUatic; ta- lory, llallUc.; Imitation cieanieiy, lilbV:c,i tlate dairy. IJallc. ( liee.e Steady i famy laigc roloied, ll'ialHii'.; tancy laise while, llalllii'i fauu ytnull coloivd, li'ial'J'.jc. ; .mall white lancy, lialiVic lisp Iciilli talc and Penn. tulunla, ilall'ii'.i louso uriitiiii. llallUo.; wc.tctn fteeh, lie; koullicni, 1a-'i?i.', Philadelphia Grata and Produce. I'liiltilelphla. April . -Wlieal-'ic. 1-wiei; con. luct uudc Apill. 7i!aa7iH-. I uin utflct but In in; Nn. " inU--d 4pill, lab'tc-. OaU-riini; No, : blle ilippi-.l, -i'. Hnlli'i- I'iuii. s""l lUiiuud; larci we-tiiii cu-aim-n, 2i'.-.; 'I" 1I0. piinl-. -JJ'ji-.! do. nr-.nli.v J".. '-!' biiit--I'ltiu, tali- ilciiiand; licit no lib, I.S'ii.t ' ' nv-luii, lie; ih. i-jiitb-'i'-lnii. I"' i ''" roiilhiiu, l.V. ( Iii-i'm' bull and wim!., Ni-a Vmk lull cii.niis. 1.1111.V -null. UaliUi-.t ih. il". Mil to chiiiii', I0'..ill"ii. Itelliml hiisai- -lluu hil in pilnH lihjln-i; inmii . "-V7i; nine, M,tO; pimiluiil, "i.l"i: jiunulaUil and .. l.1.:!V, collll-llic.lli-ls' , s-,,11; Nn, I, ri, Nis. 1 and .1, "M.i'V, Nn. t, l.f"': N". 3, m.oi, No, li, M.HI; So. 7. M.TU: .No. -. I.i": N'. " Sl-j; .. III. s.:nj N, II, t.43: Xo., U and II, M.tO; Xo. II, 13 .md to. s.::i. 1 ult 01 Mm-. Iin.'ci; iiiiihlllin; iiplniib, S '.'-l'"'- nun; iltv nihil- in liouJieaiN. 5o.; iimiitii do. do., baiicb. li".."!.'.; uUc-s, 3'ji'. bh l'n'' liv Mi-adv; lowb, I0.il2i.; "Id lociotri-. i'.i v.: . ..t..inl. .i.i.i.i.,1. !,.ii.i. .i.iiiur 11I1 kens. ....on.. . ....! j i,ir.. . -iiv.r. niliK-. Ilres..-d pciiiltit -I'lini, booiI ili-nund; iowls iliiilci", b"j alii. 1 1I0. tail' lo uootl, U'aKll.i ; "hi ioosUi.i. T'-c; loj.lius ihlikrm, ni-.iiliy. Ilallc-: umteili do". IUjI.V.; tinker., wnu-ni ihoct t tin.,., liulic-.t iluck.5 ncjiby, IIjI.'Jc-.: we.lein do., im I2i-. Ilecc-ipt I'loiii, ;.') bairds and l,-I.-OOil pouiid, in ..uksj wheal, f',il bu-hels; coin. 2I2.U0D InislicH; ojls, 7t,n00 liinb-U, Milpiiifiits Wlieat. ,M1 Im-hlls; n-in, 'i,i.hi lui.liilt; oati, T.Oofi Im.liels Chicago Grain and Produce. I liiiuco, Apill 11. WVakii'M hi nheat due put-li- In tl iMicCMIImi of a bcaibli soieinniiul noil inllueiiicil tba olbii' ideals loilay Mil lli'i neie los-i; lluu thrlr lenter. Mai wheat 1W1I l'ic. Mjv com -j.i , May oal "i.e., ami pictliiniis --'.c tu OV, lower. Cash quutJliuii weic a.i lollow: Plum Ka". Xo. .1 .piii'S t.lnal, l.T.i7Ji-., No, 2 ud, M(ia72i'.i Xo, .' coin, 43i'-.j Xo. 2 lelloiv, 41Ur,; Xo. i pjH. 21i',.-i-, n."'l while, S jjJrti.. ; .No. !i v.tilte. 28a2'k.; No. B, Sir.; booiI feeding- bailey, lUili,; Ijir lo ilioico liialtliis, I'lutc-.i Xo, I Has kuI, St. 31'. a 1.3c. No. I iioilhiieiliin, I.MU.aili; puuu- llni nlbv stnl. .il.ioal.n; iiu-ss foil., s.-rnll..'.il; hul, V.23JS271,.; ","111 ln'1' M,"! !'!JS-,,! ,,1J sjltnl shiiuhleis. n-iijii'ti : .boil (Ud til'", 'fX.-iViSKiiji whiskey, CI -'7. Chicago Liyo Stock Market. . it.. t...ii ti .1 .nl.. ir.t-j.liil. l.ihj. 1 I I Hiiii", ,l'l,i ". ' .....,-.-, .- - Mcnlv lu t-tioni;; buimI In piiiiu- lvii., sMi,.i).., poor lo iiinlliuii,; .lotkiij and feed cis. .tcadv loi- good. ...7-1il.Sl; cow a, tJ.e3al.uO; lii-hcm, J.83jI.W; ciniiiiJ.. WaJ.TJ; bulb, jJ-jXi 4.10; c-jIicv, Il..-)j3.b3; Tc-xa, lisl trri. Sl.-M 5.80; Tca ttecis,; TcJ-s luill. tJ.T3j. llogi-lterrlpU (odj, IS.H00; lomoiio.v. JJ.nOUi estimated lelt ou-r, .".ibW; fall ilc-niaml. Kcod cleaiauie; top. V'-H; inied and butihoir.; good In choice hcaiy, -r3,n,ij.Ut lough bcaiy, tJ.ijOaV.iO; light. .7'ao; bulk ol hik-s. M.03j,0.1. Hicip-lteceipt.-', H.imi; tltadv lo i-low; good to cholio ncthcif, iltOVu; wllb CM'oit, t3.ru3.21i Tail' to cholic ml.sed, Vl.f0j.fl; wrotciii .-beep. ll-OO-C, wllh rxfoil, SVI3a3.2.1j .iiailinss. -il.0O.i5.l3; intlic lalul", tl, 7-313.10 wllh clipped up tu M.21; weslciu laiiili, yi.0 wllli clipp-'d up to 2i. -N.,-N -V AV FINANCIAL. ,''N kW S $200,000 United Railways ol St. Loiiis, Mo., 4 Per Cent. BONDS, Yielding Investor 4,60 'Rudolph, Kleybolt & Co. 1 Nassau St., New York. Coal Lands for Sale On Gieat Kanawha River, Wesl Virginia. Will he sold at a bargain Coal equal to the best, Cheap trans jiortation by rail or river, For fur ther pnitlculars address, Kanawha, Care This Paper. New York Live Stock, New Yoik. Apiil 0. llecic All roii.isiK. Uiiui; 'oi llus xiead ; calic. h-iv little dons fet-liiii;; u'jl, -jkaniO..). s-hecp-StcJit liniilx, itioi'sr; tomincn Id lair tdiccp, iflal.Tc .ouiii-cp lop llml lamb, ss3.40jI-.vO. Oil Market. c i I Citj. April O.-C'icdlt bjtaiei. l,.ij; i tllKJlr ollfull 1.1); slilpnicnli, tm.7n.i hirre' aieranc, W.'Jtiij bnieli; inn., 9T,i bine, aieuse, 1 03! bjn b. A V