The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 10, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Letter from Ocnernl Mruiuger SI 111
mnn Does Not Give Much Hope.
Officers Nominated C. E. Daniels
the Unanimous Choice for Presi
dent Resolutions on the Death of
H. D. Jones Prohibition League
to Give an Entertainment Events
of This Evening Other Notes,
T'itsIUoiiI (Mimlof J-J. D.mlt'l.s wu-
unanimously rc-noiiiliinted b.v the W'oxt
Sltlr lioiml of Irmle- last ovciiIiik to
sucrecd hlniHRll' sis the illrcotliif-: head
F-tlie orguiiUiitlon for tin tlilld term.
.Tonkin T. Uwhc was natiicd for vlri
presidem. Wulliu'c ll. Mosim for fc
rotiuy iiud AVllllnm Knrrrll for troas
nr;r. ;l'lii? btm id iiKu nppulMtcil itpoi'lnl
cominlttrps to lonfi-r villi tlii sttcot
rallHuj' company uith a vlow to liti
liro'vlus tho scivlri hutw-tvn llii1 cen
tral city nnd West Scrniitiiii rind also
to jitT.itiRi' for a inception unit socinl
nt tho iinunal iiienliiK, which will oc
cur next mouth.
Ill irxpousi' lo tile losnllllloil.s p.isscd
at. llio last iiu'ullntr relative to the rim
n I ti!,' of Ntioct curs nil iiIkIii and hotter
.sr'rvicc, u i-onuiiunli'iilliiii was wild
fioin Aliiniiiier Sllllniiin. which
struct! that It is liiipiacllcnl to nm ,i
crctter number of cars lo West, set an
ion than arc tun at piosent. owing
lo the frc(iiont ldocUadcs at the T)elii
wntf l.nck.iwaiuiii and V '.stern cru.
Infe. The business after uiidniirhi, Mr.
Sllllmun says, would not warrant all
niKhl (.nis and the s.inif ic.ison pie
vnis inoic fieipieiu trips on the
W.islibilin stioet Hue.
President Uanl -Is reporleil thnt Sev
ern! couucllmeu have in mind a pi. in
(or obtaining belter street cur service.
The poor service of tlie system and
llio over-ciowdi'd condition of Hie cars
as discussed by several members. On
motion (it liobert .1, Williams, n coni
mltce of three was appointed lo (in
fer with the roimclhnen and the streH
car lnanaKcmetil. limiting to a better
ment ot the service. The committee
named were: It. .1. Williams, IL ".
Morgan and I.. I Wedemun.
The following i evolution was
and adopted on the deatli of the late
Henry D. .Tones:
riir Wr-t Side bond w ir.uli" de-itcs licrclii to
publiily note n riiiou .aid logict over tl.e
ilralh of the Lite lleniv 1) lone?.
Black as a Color
It Never Grows Old; Never Becomes Tiresome,
Is Never Out of Place, and Is Always Becoming
Black Dress Goods
Are more popular tkis year than ever. Every woman
wears black some of the thus at any rate, and because
of the brilliancy of the new Silk Waists, or the charm
ing contrasts which black offers with the dainty Wash
Waists, many ladies, although not in mourning, rarely
wear anything else. For these, among other reasons,
our stock of Black Dress Goods is far above par today,
and includes everything that heart can wish for, be
sides many novelties which you have probably never
seen. Come in at your convenience and look over the
new lines. They'll please you.
For Tailored Suits
Cheviots, Venetians
Vicunas, Zebelines
Unfinished Worsteds
Broadcloths, Clays, Etc.
For Dressy Gowns
Silk and Wool Baratheas
Readonas or Prunellas
Canadensis or Poplins
Brilliantines or Soliels
Westra and Whipcords
Melrose and Granite Cloths
" Serges and Henriettas
'"" French Corkscrews, Etc.
And many other popular weaves which will claim your
attention it you favor us with a call.
Globe Warehouse
Mr. .tones m one of tlie" charter rncinbcM ot
Dili Ih-'ikI of ll.idc, awl Mticil hi ati official
opacity tor many jmi, lie did miidi tor the
welfare of tlio board und was active as .t iucni
tier tinlll n (iv months ago, when falling IimIIIi
tnmpollfd hi mltro-illon,
Mr. "oiion wh In tin tn itxtnjr ot
many ItiiprmcniMil- hi tl)de Pail,-, .iIumj- wmk
liiK actlir-l. for llir matctllt nrhAtirenifiil ft
llils strllbii of the ill). Ill weak as .1 rltlfcu
a MUwted by all who knew lillil.
ltfaoltrd, That tills iMolullon be tilide an of
nUI nilnut" on I he irtordi of 1 hit bo.nd, this
0th day ot April, A, I). 1901.
The following olUcers wore umnlnnt
eil by acclamation: President, Chillies
1!. Dnnlels; vlce-ptesldent, .leiikln T.
Iteese: secretary, AVulhice -!. Jloser:
treasurer, William Knrrell.
T. Fellows Mason, A. IS. Holmes, Dr.
XV. Uowland Davis. O. A. Williams and
XV. i. Hughes were appointed a coiu
mlltee to arrange for n. leceptlou ond
soclol session after the annual nieellng
on the second Titftsdtiy In Alny.
Events of This Evening-.
Th Moses Taylor Sister IikIkc
Itrotherhood of Itnllroiid Trainmen,
will hold an entertainment and social
in Mcars' hall.
Club dance under the auplces of
fOleetric t'lty Wheelmen. '
General News Notes,
J)i. (ieorge I). Reynolds assisted by
Dr. Arthur A. Iteynolds, yesteuhiy pel -formed
an operation on a son of Jlrs.
The club Will ineel tomorrow
(veiling in Camp No. 17.S, 1'. O. S. of
A. looms. Ued .Men's hall.
St. Cecelia's Ladles' T. A. I!, society
met in St. Lb'o's hall last evening In
tegular session and enjoyed u social
session afterward".
.St. Urenden's council, Vuilug Ab-li's
Institute, will tocelw holy (onmuinloii
tit rft.. Patrick's Catholic church at !
o'clock net Sundtiy morning.
AII--S Alary l.arkiii, of Wllmlnlogii,
Delawaie. is visiting her parents on
North Van Hiiren avenue.
Air. and Airs, .hunes Lamb and Ali"!
Alice AIcCorm.i, of AVIlkei-Hnrre, are
visiting at the home of Kdward Dacey,
on North Sumner avenue.
Dr. and Airs. W. A. Paine, of Wash
burn street, have ictutned home from
a visit with relatives In Columbia coun-
The Women's Home Missionary soci
ety of the Simpson .Methodist Kplsco
pal church will hold a book social on
Thursday evening. April U2.
The funeral of the- lute Alls. Alary
Ann Lacey will occur at 2."H o'clock
this .afternoon from the, 4'JG
Fourteenth street. Interment will be
made In the Washburn street ceme
tery. Conductor John Nicholson, of the
Ser.mton Hallway company. Is ill at
his home on Kynoti street.
flew Thomas de Oruchy, U. D.. gue
sin illustrated lectin o last evening to
the members of the H. Y, P. l. of the
Jackson Street Paptist church. His
subject was "ICvangellne."
James P. Davis, of Kingston, is isit
ing relatives in town.
The West Side Piohibitlon league
will hold an entertainment and lectin e
Apill IT. in Co-operative hall. p.
ni. This is the .second of a series of
tike mecttiiKR they contemplate stvlnpr
In tho future. Attorney Eminott D.
Nleholtp, olf Wilkes-Ham, will rCvo.
the nddi-ops. His siihjefll will he "On
Which Side Are Yntt?" Tho leastle
Is preparing a nrngriunmr. which will
he teatlj' for puhllcalloii In a nhoit
allium .School! ami William ItcKalla
heeamo Pillaged In n quarrel last even
luff and tho latter struck tho harnoss
tnttkrr III llio face. Hchoen was after
wards locked up. hut ni tho hearing
later he was discharged.
Tomoriow evening in the .Salvation
Army hall, Trleo Htieot, near Muln
avenue, Philip (Irahain. of HloomBhuiB,
I he father of ,lrs. "Waldon, who was
pardoned by Governor llooycvelt an
New Year's day from life Hontenea In
Auburn pilson, will deliver a toetuio
on "A Mother's l.ovc." tte Is a rooiI
speaker and was at one time a very
HUcecssful minister of the KvaiiRelloal
The Hoin of TiMiipoiaiico will meet
for reheat sal Thursday evening In
AIoi Rim's hall.
Thuro will h" a leRtihir seM.ilon of
Tilde ol lCleelrlo City ietnplc. So. Su',
l.ndles of the Onldeil I'jnisli', III the
Voting- Men's Institute hall. Thursday
evenliiR-, April II, at S o'clock. All
members are torittosicd to be present.
The borough council, aeedinp.inleil b.v
all tho other horousli olllclals, made
their annual tour of Inspection yester
day. The condition of thestieets were
ceitalnly In elegant shape for Inspec
tion, and no doubt after their day's
ilde through our muddy stieeN the
eotinellineii will be In a Rood frame
of mind to tuko action on the recom
mendation In the mcsMiRe of Htirsrss
Htirschcll that some pennanent inae
adamlzed sueets be made each year,
instead of tbe present poor nnaiiKe
ment. The council will meet In spe
cial session tonight, when the obser
vations of yesterday will receive at
tention at the bunds of the various
The bazaar conducted by the Ladles'
Aid society of tbo Presbyterian chinch
will be held at the home of Alex. Ury
den. on Dudley street, on Thursday
and Friday. Apiil It audi 11!, from I
until 10 p. in. .Mnny useful and fancy
articles will be offered for sale, refresh
ments will be served and a pleasiiur
proRrnimno of vocal and InsttumontuI
selections will be tendered each uven
linr. An admission fee of live cents
will be cliai-Rcd. A cordial Invitation
Is extended the public lo lsit tbe ba
zaar. A lai-Re number weie present last
ulKhl at the endue held al Washing
ton bull, under the auspices of the
Catholic .Mutual liene.voleiit associa
tion. The alfairs siveu by this society
mo growing- more and more popular
as is attested by the increasing1 number
in attendance at each.
Clarence .lacksou, of Drinker street,
while perioi mills- bis duties as fireman
at Murray's mine on Monday, was se
veiely burned by steam, about the
face and chest. At this time he is rest
ing easily and Dr. "Winters, who was
called, anticipates no serious results.
Le.inder Rnrton has leturned to his
duties a l Washington, T. ".. after an
extended stay with friends in town.
J. Harrington Young has returned
lo his studies at the University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
H. K. Rronson leaves today for Odes
sa, X. Y., wheic be goes to attend the
I'unoial of a lelutlvc
There will bo a mothers' meeting at
tbe South Side Young Vomen's Chris
tian association rooms, mil Odar avo
inie, tliis afternoon at '2 o'clock. The
mothers are Invited to bring thimbles
and needles, as we aic going to have a.
iiiiltlng party
On Thursday night there wilt be an
ice cream .sale at the association rooms
given by two of the ladles for their
talent fund. Mrs, ir. Finn and .Mrs.
August Kraft Invites any one to conio
and enjoy (l dish of leo cream for JO
Ou Friday night the Loyalty club
Mill meet, and Miss Smith, of the
Hahnemann hospital, will give a dem
onstration lecture on "How to Care for
the Slelc ami How lo Make a Bed."
All members of tho club are invited to
come and bring their friends.
A rummage sale is to bo held by
the association Saturday, April -0 anil
Monday, April 1'2, in J. D. "Williams'
minium,- on Washington avenue. Any
one who has donations to give please
send to tbe association rooms. 10JI
Cedar avenue, or send word, nnd then
the goods will bo called for by us.
N M the fair of the ("hutch of Peace
.Monday evening, ticket No. 17 won the
door prize, whleli is a beautiful -wine
A same of basket ball will be played
Thursday night at St. John's hall be
tween Prof. Tigue's Oynmuslum team
and the Defendeis, better known as
llio St. John's basket ball team. Tho
game will bo for a $."0 prize.
The Frelllght lodge, Xo. 2SD. Order or
Hurl (inri, will moot this evening In
Hail man's ball.
James Council lodge, Xn. 170, will
meet this evening in Frculian's hnll.
lo install olllcors, after which u bnn
ijuel will bo held.
The members of the lioyal Arcanum
will meet in Phaiimicy ball at
o'clcck this evening.
MKs Margaret ltlUcrlxck, of ,jor
scy city, has returned home, after a
thicc weeks' visit with friends on
this side,
Ptrlck Uuiu'tt. of Pittsburg, s visit
lug Ills paienis, on Prospect avenuo.
John ("iivln. of Piospcct avenue, has
untuned to the Lehigh .uulversltv to
lesuine his studio,",
John Purceii has rotuiuod lo Hiook
lyn, X. !,, after n week's stay with
his parents, on Piospecl iivcnue.
Tho Seiantoii Saongrrrundo will
meet for rehearsal this evening In
Athletic hall,
Tho (liven Uldeo Junior ll.iptlst
Young People's union will give an cn
tnrttilnincnt ami soolul in the church
Filday evening: ot this week, The en
tertainment will consist of pictuieH
irom "Amu Sftmanthu' Plciuro ilal
lery," und music am) rccltalious, nc-fiehmc-iits
w ill be feived. These
young people aio skilled In giving
charming little unteitalmneut, anil a
delightful evening Is promise i ,m v.-ho
Tho members of the Voiius Man's
club of tho Chinch of tlm flood alien-
iieru me busy removing- their appar
atus tiotn tho gymnasium piep.iratoiy
to holding their banriuet thee Sajur-
jj uell as tbo )uiuliomct, and olhm
no bailed to (all on any diujeUt jud get
ficc i trial bottlo ot Kemp' UaUam tor th;
'1 bioat and Lung, a leuicdy that li suaiantccd
to cure und ulicve all ( hionlo and Auilo Coughs,
AkIIiiiii. Uioiiclillli and Consumption. I'rUc. L'ie.
and OVo
Not a Patent, Cure-all, Nor n Mort
em Miracle, but Simply a national
Cure for Dyspepsia.
In these days of humbURRory nnd
deception, the manufacturers of patent
medicines, as a rule, seam to think
their medicines will not sell unless they
claim that li will cure every disease
under the sun. And they never think
of leaving out dyspepsia nnd stomach
troubles. They are sure to claim that
their nostrum Is absolutely certain to
cure every dysperltlc and ho need look
no further.
In tho face of theso absurd claims It
Is tefieshliig to nolo that the proprie
tors of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have
carefully rofrulncd from making any
undue claim or false lopiesontallons
regarding the merits- of this most ex
cellent remedy for dyspepsia and stom
ach troubles. They make but one
claim for It, that for indigestion und
various stomach tumbles sjtuurt's Dy
spepsia Tablets in a radical cure. They
g-o no farther than this and any man
or wNmun suffering from Indigestion,
chronic or nervous dyspepsia, who will
give the remedy a trial will Und that
nothing Is claimed for It that the facts
will not fully sustain.
It Is a modern discovery, composed
of harmless' vegetable Ingredients ac
ceptable to the weakliest or most deli
cate stomach. Its great success In cur
ing stomach troubles is duo to the fact,
that the medical properties are such
thai, il will, digest whatever whole
some food is taken Into the stomach,
no matter whether the stomucb Is in
good working order or not. It rests
the over-worked oigan and replenishes
(he body. I he blood, tbo nerves, cront
ing a healthy appetite, gives refresh
ing sleep and the blessings which al
ways accompany a good digestion and
proper assimilation of food.
In using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
no dieting is requited. Simply eat
plenty of wholesome food and lake
these Tablets nt each meal, thus as
sisting and resting the stomach, which
rapidly regains its proper digestive
power. hen tbo Tablets will bo no
longer required.
Xervous Dyspepsia is simply a con
dition 1n which some portion or por
tions or the nervous system arc not
propet ly nourished. Good digestion In
vigorates tho nervous system and every
organ in the body.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold
by all druggists at r0 cents tier pack
age. They are manufactured by the F. A.
Stuart Co., of Marshall. Mich.
Any dtuggist will tell yon it gives
universal satisfaction.
day evening. Th" piopt-iei jy of the
Oieon rtidgo ho.M ,-ili servo th sup
per. Tho lit pen Ilidge Women's Christian
Temperance union will meet this after
noon at 3 o'clock in tho Evangelical
church on Cnpouse avenue. Suject,
"Juvenile Work." All are welcome.
First Step Towards the Reorganiza
tion of the Department.
F. W. Zizlemonn, chief engineer of
tbo bureau ot" tiies, ycstciduy sent out
the following:
Olfiie of "upcimteiulrtil of l'iir.
Srranton, P.I., April ', 1001.
GrnPMl Order Xo. I.
1'init All appointment? for pcrnunrnl men or
cill men under tlie provisions ot oidinanie Xo.
77, fllo of (-elect council, lfifll, will bo mjila
after e.imin.mon (otetine' fitnen for llio po.
siliun, both mentally and physically.
Sceond The following oftUcn, aic lieul.y con
diluted :is cviniiiiinpr lioird. vU.: Eine-t Mil
ler, I. .1. SIomo, Charles fiinn.ll. Crude ltuli
irnon and V. V. (Icrril.v. 'fin i buanl will fit
mth Av.iit.inl Chief 11. ,1. Mowc, a.-, president,
e(iy .ltlcinoon trom 2 in i p. ni. in llio ottiei
oil t lie Mipeiintendcnt of llji-, bureau, in the oily
building, comiuoncms on the tilth iml.tnt. C.
V, MonK eleik ol ihii huiiMii, will act as ic
corder of the Wunl.
Tlihd- Applicinlif iimn the tellouiiif, mimd
companies uill lcpoit. lor e..nnimtion-i .i lI
lotts, iiiiIpsS pnenlcd, b.v tiro duly oi otbei
inuinidablc imii-p in v.hiih r,i-o they will ie
lort tlie earlieit date tollmvini; April 10, at i .
in.: Hoip comp.inv, Xav Aug llo-e com. Hook and I.addor companv.
lly eider of ,. llild.eock.
Pneetoi- of Public Sifelv.
P. . Zielmanr, Supeiintendent Ibiieau of
Dates for the examination of appli
cants from other companies will bo
announced later by Chief Engineer
Zlzelmann. Tho volunteer companies
arc to be disbanded as soon as the
paid men are selected.
Well Known Member of Elks Passed
Away on Monday.
Captain Augustus H. Hush, a mem
ber of the Scranton lodge ot Elks, and
a gentleman very well known in this
oily, died on Monday at his homo In
Now York. Cupluln Hush was tlm
father of Miss Isadorc Ttush, who was
for many seasons leading lady for
Itoland Heed, who died a week ago.
Captain Hush was a resident of
Wilkes-Tmire fiom IS70 until isn,
when ho moved to .Vow York city. I In
served through the Civil war as cap
tain or a company of the Sixteenth
Pennsylvania cavalry. Ho was Inter
captain of Company D, Ninth regi
ment, for several ycais.
He was a visitor at one of the re
cent social sessions of tho local lodgo
of Klks, and seemed to bo then In tho
very best or health, Tho funeral will
bo held today, nnd Intel ment will bo
made In ttorwlck.
I'VTllltK MbUVAY-IMtiKk liilliwii. oi
nil Wot I.Jikatvaun.i .iveuiu. died ll iiIkU,
alter a week's illiu&s ol pneumonia, IIp l.
in W'ext STanlun a. Iari.e number of yeaii and
ji will known and populai. 1 oi oicr tv.viny
jean, be wa-, ,i tniiled emplojc al Ihc bade
awanun fioiKln lion-e.
A wife, Ibieo chUdriu, Mauaici, Jill and
.leuinlali, and one sUtci, Mi, l'jliick llodd, of
llailroad avenue, mnivc him. 1h lUKial an
liviincrmenl will bo undo later, Pecjied w-
4 member of lbs Delaware, Iikiw.iniu anil
Wntcrn iliitual Aid assodatlcn.
JIRs. MARV Ki;t.l,V,-Mi. ilan Kelb, an-d
(il jcar, died on Jiondy iiijlit at her home, .'il.'.
Deacon btreft. .She U lunlied b.v two uii,.
William and Tlioina.
lh tuneral will ba bild at 3 o'tlock toluol-
low afternoon unit intetintnt at Obphdiit.
IMnaid, tbo i-jear-old .sou of i. and Mir.
I'atikk Welsh, of Mluookj, died Monday nUlit it
tho JlOiCa Taylor liospital of uppendiiitii, 'Ihc
funeral will be held al 3 oMoik thU altciiioon,
with Inteinient in St. Jo-iejili'i. (.emeteij, Jli
noola, Funeials.
Hie fimeul of 1'rcdrrkk Ualfpeiiuj will be
held Thursday at 3 p. ni. All ineuibei. of Colonel
I.ruii couiuil, Xo. 1015. ait- reiuested to nuct
at the Auditorium al 1 p. m Tburtdjy to atttud
the funcraf,
Excltlnrj Qnme Between the Stars
nnd Bloomsburg; Teams -Enter-tnlnment
of tho Textile Workers
Friday Evenlnrj Mrs, Mnry E.
Joell, of Parker Street, Injmcd on
Monday Afternoon Miss Gilflln
Made a Decided Hit with Her
Readings on Monday Night.
The North Kml Slats defeatod tho
nioontsbuig Nurinal school basket bull
team In the Audltoilum after a most
exciting and liercoty contested game.
The llnal score was I, lo II In favor
of the stars.
Ill the llrsl half Rvnns and McCltis
hey scored for the Stars, whllo Marcy
and ltelghard thicw baskets for tho
vlstors. in the second half J. Mcclus
key threw three baskets. His playing
whh easily the feature of tho game.
Tho line-up of the tenuis was as fol
lows: lllx'minblllg.
Ilnjoi bft roiwaid
llebdi.ird right foiu.nd
Vmy cmter ..,
WIIILimi led cn.nil .
Kilmer littht u.llil .
MM Invkle
I'. .Mrflu-kle
For Friday Night.
At .in entertainment to be given by
the Textile Workers' union at the Au
ditorium Friday evening the following
programme will be rendered: Opening
overture; selection. Misses Sultry and
l.oftus; violin solos, .Misses Mcllull
and Loft us: selection of comic, songs.
Misses Aniilo and ISmina Moigans; vo
cal solo, William A. Kynott: snugs
and dances, Mossis. Mulnnoy and Cox;
recitation. Miss .Mamie Kvuns; comic
address, Thomas Coyne; vocal solo,
Paul Kvnns; recitation and dancing.
Miss .lullii Mcllalo: elocution, Miss
Prlsellla Jones: song and dance, T. ,1.
Kvnns; rag time coon song, John Sher
man: violin selection. Misses Cousins
and Deaolo; buck and wing dance,
"Messrs. Sweeney and Hclfron: vocal
solo. John Hughes; song, Muinlo Ny
lnud; wire ska ling. Kdwtird Han lug
ton. During th" evening William K.
Burke, the well known song writer
and singer, will sing Charles. Henry
Aloyslus O'Boyle's latest hit, entitled,
"Just Because She Had no ITnion
Card." This will be the first time for
Mr. O'lioyie'.s song to bo sung in pub
lic. Miss Griffin's Readings.
Tlie entertainment given at tbo J'uil
tan church Monday night by Cora
Moiris Urillln was a glowing success.
At tills, ber flist affair in Providence,
she was erected bv an immense au
dience, tlie church being crowded to
tho doors. Mis Griffin's leading of
"Michael Strogoff" was wonderful in
its portrayal. The excellent mnnnor
In which she expressed herself In hu
mor nnd pathos excited considerable
The beautiful voice of Mrs. Lizzie
nughes-Biundago delighted the au
dience, and the gineeful work or Miss
Constantino nnd the recitations of lit
Miiud Weathcrbog created very favor
able comment.
Injured in a Panic.
Mrs. Mary K. Joell. of Parker street,
was seriously injured whllo on her
way homo nt -t o'clock Mondny after
noon on tho Providence street car.
Tho car win near Carbon street
crossing when Ibe was noticed be
neath the seat by one of the passen
gers. The passengcis. in their haste
to get out, trampled upon Mrs. Joell.
Her injuries consist of a fiuctiitcd
knee cap and sovoio bruises on her
right aim.
The North Kud Prohibition leagu-J
will give an entertainment and lecture
April IS. in the Auditorium hull, at S
o'clock p. ni. This Is tiio second of a.
s(ries of lectures they contemplate giv
ing in the future. Attorney Kmniett
"D. Nicholls, of AVilkes-Barro, will give
the address. His subject will be: "Tbo
Growth of Cities and Its Kvll Effects."
All poisons who love until, temper
ance and sincerity should como and
hear Mr. Nicholls. The league is pre
paring a programme, which will bo
ready for publication in a short time.
Admission tree.
Tho H. A. Mace lodge of Itallioad
Trainmen will give a grand ball this
evening at the Auditorium. The hall
will ho beautifully decorated with
bunting and palms. Over 800 tickets
have boon sold and it is expected that
the nff nlr will be one of tho grandest
bulls given in this section of the city
for some time. Lawrence's orchestra
will furnish music for tin- evening,
Tho timo set for llio heucllt hnll
to bo given by th i Ilrlshln Accidental
Killid, for the benelit of John Tlguc.
will be Saturday, April 3", Instead of
Apill 10, as was stuiMl in tho Tilburu
uf Monday,
Mrs-. Alice "Wall, of lit Ink avenue,
was arraigned before Aldeunnii Fuller
yestetduy morning on tho ohurgo of
assault and battery, preferred by hop
sister-in-law, Hiidget AVull. Tho de
fpndant was hold under sr.oo ball for
appeal a nee at com t,
Mrs. S. n. Henwood Is
friends hi Now YoiU iltj.
Thomas Connors to Be Turned Over
to Police of That City.
Tins local police have discovered that
Thomas Connors, who was takon into
custody with Isaac Posner for reliev
ing a mnn of $10 one day lust week in
the Hotel Columbia, Is wanted In Clove,
land, u,, for burglary,
It Is understood that letters were
found in his clothes which aroused tho
suspicions of Chief Kobllnt;, He com
inunlcated with tho Cleveland police
and the latter sent on a plctuio of the
man wanted In thai city, together with
a minute description of hlni. The plc
tuio was an e.iut likeness of Connors,
whose light name Is said to be Stephen
Funning and tho taton iii.uks men
tioned in tlm description were all
found upon his person.
Ho claims It is nil a mistake, but iu.
(tilsltlon iu pei it are being seemed.
A m.t pirll.v ui'ddim; took plate al the ke.t
tune -Hailun 1'attoi title ou .Monday
eienlni; al 3 o'lhxk, The coiitiactlnjj pailles
v.eie Mlvi Sarah Irthauo und Mr. I.uc bauc.
Ihc (crrinony wa perfonmd b.v lto. Klkauali
llnlley, 'Ihc brido wa attended by MUi l.htla
Kllleolt and tho (trooiniinaii was Mr. Arthur
llobh. 'Ihc bride uoie u. costumu of bluo Ijiis
ilowne and the biidefiiiaid wnm a eo.luiiic uf
light brown lansdownc. Alter tho ciieiuony ion
gralulitioni wi r!ciuled the )ouu louple
Many Stores
There is only one way of testing the
completeness of our Suit and Wrap De
partment, and that is by personal inspec
tion. True, we can give you a technical
description of the new arrivals, but even
then you have no idea of the beauty,
style, fit and finish that must characterize
every garment that enters this big store.
One number that will be very popular is an Eton
style at $9,98. The general outlines of the garment
are the same as the higher priced ones, while the cloth
is not quite so fine, it will wear fully as well. The col
ors are tan, blue and grey.
Another at an advance of two dollars, or the
$1 1.98 Suit, is made of Broadcloth, Venetian or Covert,
The style is Eton, lined with taffeta silk, and has Bishop
sleeves, The skirt is of the Florence design.
Just to give you some idea of our
millinery endeavors we will tell you about
our $5.98 Hat. It's the new shape called
Pancake, the straw of which it is made
comes in assorted colors, chiffon tucks
form a part of the general framework. It
is trimmed with flowers and black velvet
ribbon. The price is $5.98.
Jonas LoDg's Sods
; Clock's Be $tj
Union Hade
A Good Smoke or Chew.
A Trial Solicited.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
The Clock Tobacco Co,,
644-46-48 Wyoming- Ave.
Scranton, Pn.
anil I he riiosH sat tluiin to enjoy a irpdilin;
nipper sin u lij the ttmlcnt? of tho acjilomv,
.ifti-r ulildi limy left I'.Kinr.vville on the- 7.10
li.iln tor llioii- newly iiiini.iied homo .it liho
liiliir, iiheio .1 icieption J Hmliinl tliciil.
Tin' .il llii- wnlillni; mio: Mr. .iml Ml.
I-.1K- IMnt,, Mi, .nut Mik. A. W. (hiniill, Mr.
.iml Ml. .Minis Oakley, Jlr, ami Mr. I'lnl Ziin
nipiiiiiii. Mr. aii'l Mi-. Nininel Piicluril, Mr1".
IMvi1 Sniilli. Mr. Oiklrj. Jilt.- Llzin ami
mi.iI) Cllii on, ,U.ia llokhmillii', Annie Sum.
mei, Mai .1, li.uiv, .M.itllila. Sc lnniilt ; Mers.
1 1 1 1) i ami 'Miopias llolib-, Samuel IMu-e, Thonm
Winili-y, iMkley, Charles Angwlii, Henry
.Ml". ( hailes isiliiuiilt lui reiinncil hr.nie afler
..pomlimr dam nitli Inr mother, Mrv,
ltllih, al 1-ilti' f'aie.i.
MUs Miry II. I'.iikII wnl je.U'filii with
flienil .H u.inlon.
MI-.-IS Anna ami b-iiliu Homl, in I'miMeine,
Hienl jfUulay Willi MNs Ltna Minuner.
t -.u.ili .li'lni lin lolumiil lo her homo In
l.iicini'. alter i-pi ndlns: soit-rjl iwU with lit r
aunt, Mis. Ildil.iuilu WIIIIju, ou I iiniilt Mirot.
P. M. ihiiuli llolliKss luielluK at 7 n'cloil:
this i w uiiu KiiiIioiI (Onljjlli iuit''tl (i ii
hUiiuii Ak'iiI IVenilin lu iih'Mil lus liuii.o
luihl riioiU into ilo Iv.iw imiiiiih unupUd l
Mr. .mi I Mic, Vmlii-M Ti'iuillluei.
AHliili- .Soilhup, .1 luileut in inn lih'iliul il.-.
Ul tin lit i'i 1 1 in I iiuiirli.v ni Puiii-.ili.iuu, .mit
1'aitll IVllll III.-. pJll'llli. hen-.
L.i-ii'1- nis .ippii'piiairli ohsiiml in li..)li
ihini-liei. mi " ai tho iiiuiniuii ami cii-iuu
acivtiri. 'I lie piiliul ! Ilu' Millii'ilisi iliiinii iu,
liiMiiliiulli dnuialpil iillh rluiicis ami polled
, plants .mil Miijiinir ' rcuili'ied Li- llio
i hull'. In tin' umin,- the llei. . .
I oopii', piojihfil a reimoii lo iliihlioii, illiMiau'd
lij i unllca. t l In1 Baptist rluiii'li then. n.,8
upon the plaliunu a Uileiul and lioi,v auaugi
liieiu ul pjliiii, teuis and llomri. In the iumiii
In? tli" clwlr itiidoied llasiir nm-li and ilie
pastor pi r ai Inil upon "Tho Itesurietlloii uf tho
Dead." In the cunlti; an Ci.lei piograinmc :n
uudcied h Ihc il.olv .mil smnli,!, ulilili
uu Kieatly pio,nl h.i llio lariji' .mdii'ino prw
ml, tiotiiitlivt.indini; Ilu- iinfaioulilo iirithci'.
The iiumbuo ul tlio iXiMfjii Cudojior wioiety
Mill hold a Maim fii!;ai ind Uo iiijiii mhIjI
in Ilu- tlmri'h on t'tldiy eu'idn?, Iiexluiiin;; at 7
'tho empty in tin-, pljio .in- lapnlly
lilllnp up. -iiKo ,... 1 (hero bi'iu ikiv
iirrlwli in tomi eieiy da). Dillon is Iwouilnir
a mute popular lown (Oiistantly as u plate ot
ICsidencr, not only fur tho Miininer nioullus. hut
peiiiuiientli. lluo thine patcuU consider iu lo
i alius: iu u lonn is I he character of the ictiooU
Many Stores
Combined I
" ItEtS .V nunotJNtEn. Leasees.
A. J. DUl--I''VM.inJEer.
Thiiind.iy, April II. Liming Performance, S 11
Mntincf Porforninni-e; al 2.80.
Bauer's 13th Regiment Band
Ol l.'l PlKM.
MR. FEANK EATON, Baritone,
Xeiv Yoik rili.
lluipi't. Il.inrl.
I'ni'iV, 2."i rmU to I.Uti. C'hiMi-fnN matin.
Lie., :&r, oOv. fccittf on bile Tuvd iv al II J. in
Hungers and Leiscti. Local Manager.
At.ij this xvi:i:k.
'the Pccilets r.ivouli', Littlo
Irene Meyers
.supported by her ou nleol company in leper
telle. I'rohontlnn
TuoidJ)" Niirlit 'llio Lnsij,-!
UdliMvdiy .MUliic, ..Tin Niahts in u liar Umni
Uiiluowlay Mulit Two Orphnu
Matiii" piiie.s -10 and -JO cent'.
MionitiS pmo-i to, 2(1 and Sd lenlr.
ALP. C. IllllllilVUlOV, Maiugu.
Three Days Commencing' Monday,
April 8.
Mntinees Daily.
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Curo Iinpolency, Nlulit 'Kmisslon-!, I,o of lloir
iiry, nil iuMiik illfpiiseH,
ntlnctfiof rfd-.ahui.nnr
oxc-esd mid indiscretion.
A nerve tonlo and
blood builder. Brim;?
tho nlliU clmv tn nnlo
chcoks and retlores tlm
iVHro of youth. Hy mail
t fiOo nor Ihix. Q linxp.4 fnrL
$ii.BO, with our bankable frauranteo to cu-i
or refund the money paid. Woml for rimiiU
nnd copy of our bankable'O bou-J,
Nervita Tablets
Immediate Result
Ponittvolv i?iior.intood ruin for Loss of Powai
iiricocofti, Umioiclopnl or Slnuiilton Organs
Paresin, Looomntur At.ixlu, Nenoii. Pro-strn
lion, Hjstoii.i, K'U, In-.mlty. Paralysis and III'
lleriiltx uf L'xcos.lic tlriinf Tobacco, Opium it
Liquiir. By mail In iipiin paoluu-o. $1.00
Uix, O fur $5.00 with our bankable trunr
sutee bond to cure in HO days or rofuni
money paid. AiLlie.-s
Clinton & Jackson Sts CHICAGO, ILL
Suld by Mcliairali i; Thonuj, Dmsjlstl, 10
Laikaiiauiu annuo, tnuiiton, Pa.
tlieio. Dillon lannul ho ninpa.-ed by iny bor
outili In H-s publk -lioiil jtm and coip a
iiillimlor. A'aaiii. the icll. Ions (.hKi of man ui
I in fully met fu the Inn tlmuhA of tho ton
II mio gir the boaulies id Jjiwl-cjpi ami m
pmo air ot the couiiliv, Dillim l the place r.
ilujo tiling. I'lODi jireMiit iudlialioiis a biilM
inn boom mil mj'.ii hue , ho iuauguralcd u
older to find liouia Millnluil lo jcconimodai.
thou . ilccldo to -cildo hero. 'Iheic i plont;
of room lor a gicalir Daltou ami may it tpcvdili
be realised.
Iter. . W. Cooper left je.tcrdjy to attend Ui
Meiliodlst coiiKrince at Wvt Pittston.