t, a . j, XU1 j ' ' , V - ft -" v v" JVV ii v fmtttmt M d& THB ONLY SCRANTON PAPER KHCBIV1NG THE COMPLETE NiiWS SERVICE OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE CREATES r NEWS AGENCY JNTTHE WORLD SCRANTON. PA., WEDNESDAY 3IOHNLNG, APRIL 10, 1001. TWO CENTS. mihnnt. 4 .i TWO CEJ$TS. LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS Philadelphia Board ot Revision ot Taxes Bill Is Re-Reported to the House. SHORT SENATE SESSION Mr. Vnughnn Ptesents a Bill to Amend Boiough Act of 1851 Mr. Belford, of Philadelphia, Intio duces Henry Senatoiial Appoition ment Bill Mr. Coiay. of Luzctne, Calls Up the Postponed Bill to Al low Relatives of Almhouse Pa tients to Claim Their Bodies in Case of Death Bills That Wcio Passed Finally. lij l.xcliivve Mic fiorn Hit V-outi'd Pies lllilllshuig. Apiil !' Tho senate hold a shmt session tonight mil i Ion led tlio cnlondai nl Mils mi 111 st find second reading. This- bills weio Inti odni -"d: .Mi Vuiigli.m, nl Lackawanna VniciiiJIiiur tho boiniigh ail f is"' '' thai llio Inn koss nl a hoiuiigh, or tlio town council nr tweiiiy-ihe itialllled Iii-tuis i-nn niaUo application to tho iniiits 101 ti bniourh. previously incoi pnilotl. to become subject to the io siinlliiiis ,inil possess the povvcis and pilvileges i unlet ml by tho net of IS'.l. il-.ii a bill validating the indebtedness n' municipalities Inclined in the t-iee-t i . Hi ami rnnsti notion ot water woiks also a bill piov Itllng tluit the boaid of .IUV.-.MI1-., appointed under the new second l.iss ill ehiutor. .shall take lor thi basis nt the assfssmonl of 1P0I the s-es-am nts made by their piodcees oi s in iiilno md the assessois .so ap pointed sh,i iiiiioeeil, use said assess ment a- a bisis. to amend, classify, al t"i ur change the same s as to con tuiiii with the piovislons of sacl net and piuiocil to hear a i peal s thereon an iigulale d bv law. In the House. 'I he i'liiladelphia boaid ol ievsion ct tfiMs bill was re-repoi ted to the home tnda.v. with amendments Insert ed ,il a meeting last nlprht of the mnni iip.il ociipniHtlons lommltUo. The bill as aniendtd piovielis for the election ol the boaid al lbe Nnvomboi elec-tion instiacl ol the rebruuiy. and fles the tonus of the membeis at lliiee voars Instead ot foin It pi o hies nl-o "that l lie- mrinbcis ot the beiaid of ieision of taxes shall be and they ale hoioby established as i onnty olllcor-." The liill will bo taken up tomtviow Tor thlid leading inel final pnssn V .Mr. Hoilfoirl. of Phll.idt lph . intrn ihned tho lb-niy -entttniial nppoi tlonmeril bill The Indli lal appm lioniiKiit bill was ani'lldoil ill loniniiltee oil the whole, on motion or .Mr. P.iteiMiu. of I'.lair, bv 11x1ns the number of fudges in ISInil toiinlv at one instead nt two. altet which the bill passed thlid load ing and was laid aside- lot piinting. '1 he lollowing bills passed linnlly: .im ntllnir the genual i r.l pnration act ol 1 b-T 1 so as -o aiithni ie the lotma tion ( c oi lunation" for anv lawful iui0is nut otheiwl-o spoeillcallv piev.did loi by act of f sspjnhiv: te p.aling the .let ol Apnl 11. Ish'l. Ilv ing the i ompensatioii of tho dlioetois and count coinmissicmoi-s of the poor ol I'ainbila eoiintv. Mi, Coiay. nt laifi-iiie, i nihil up the postpum-d bill to allow lelutlvos or 1 1 lends ot pel sops who die In tilnis-hoit-rs and pi Nuns in laini llieh bod ies toi bin lal. Me xphtluoil that tho bill was intliuliued by the late .Ml. Colter, ol JlcKiM'i whose luin i.il took pl.it o this morning and suggested that It be pa-si-d -is a mullor ot sen liment The "hill pissed by a nte if Hi to :'..', aftei whieli the lniiiso nd .luuined out ot ies)i-el In tho iiieniory o Hie dec eased member. Bills Pa&setl Finally. illhmi7lm. l ill' lnuks In luni la iih' un I 10 -ciiiiin uf ImiiiN .mil iuuit.rii.1". mi ic.d i-t.itr-mil li Inii't Hull fiuuN in -u.li lii-iits mil mi-its lur-. iiul ill liiti-p.t In nini, Immk, iU. Iti'ic-ihii(r I lie .nl ul iiil -'. I'-'. lmnlilliu tin llio iinMiiiitiiiii .mil iii.iliilrniliii- nf t'int will., in (hatklN 'ii-it, I'nloii : 1 1 . I ItiililliMiii r jniiilii, Mliulunv uMiiiti in mi (u .n II if. Itcs to 1 .iiriil, I li nil. is aii-1 scntl lomuhl.-. Ilcclniiu .i li-ili-ituii el i ilinlti iii'-ii imii lutnidil nl In iiu uillilii -'in' m.'I The hill to piovldo lor .snli-t -suiilds upon passi-iiHet and tieltrhl flevaloi-" ah iudellnitelv pnotponed, The bill IniieasiiiK the mtil I lui IN renio t.o tioill fit t V i outs to M iis ilofealed, alter nuifll debate. Tho Foul (onipuNoiy edniatlon hill witr. u fided op motion ot .Mr. fluni .snii., hilnilelphlu. s-ti as tu piovldo rliat it 'shall not apply to ihlldien between IS and It. c,ii.s who tan lead in wilto tho ihiglNh laueiiasf lutolli i;intly and ale usulaily eiigagoil In any useful omplnMncnt or iieo. Af ter u.tdhiK the till! the thliil time, It was laid iihlcle for pilntlnir. The Choiv hill, punhhlii!,' by twenty yeai.s hupilsoiiinenl lor tlin erime oC nhdiictliK,' pet sops or dcpiivitnj them of thedt llbeity with Intent to cntmt nionc' or oiljor lewatd ftoni but U peiosous, theli iclalhcs or irlondn, wnb'iiuienik-d so tin to icpenl all eslst ing aeis lel'itlut,' lo kltlnapplnt,'. and 1 asstd thlid leadlnfr The Evening Session. Al the evening session of the huitsu the order ot business was bills on sec oil'd leadhmr. Tho Jlertena hill, tolat Inp to Vrescpie island hay, was amend' en to gio the eity of Krlo thn right to sell or donate the land and witter liont on Hie shotes ol the hay Tho hill ptovldliig that tlm dlsttlc-t attoineyri hi eoiimles whose popula tion does not exceed one bundled thouraud shall be paid a salaiy In lieu of fees and that fees upon lu-dli-tnientH shall icnutin as heietoforo for the hrnellt ot the piopor county was amended to apply only to eotin tivs liavlui,- a population of moie ilia. 150 000. Tho bill muMiip h unlawful tor flrst cotKlns to ho Joined lit innrrlnBO tind dpeliiiltift nil inarrliiKcs hereafter con li acted In violation of the not void wan amended so u to provide that Itshnll not beeoinc operative until .Inn, 1, 11U2. Mr. Coiay, of Lukoiiio, called up hla loiolutlon ashing- for Inlorniation fioiu Attorney Oelietal Ell.ln and .Secretary of lntei mil Affairs Lathi relative to the gtnutlng: of wnrtants to certain potsonn for stale lauds In the heel of the Monongnhelii jlvct. .Mr. Ueni-oni, of Westinoteland. salel It was lldlcttlotts to chII up the oftleet.i of the statn for anything1 that was of puhlfc record and was open to the In spection or evetybody. Air, t)lon, of JSIIc, uiged the passage of the lesoltt tlon. Mr. llosttek. of Allegheny moved to uineiiil the ipeolutlon ly striking' out the nnmes nf Albert T). Bovd and all pet.-ioiis mentioned as having se cuicd wan ants for land under and ntnntr the Monongahelii liver plnce- Jan. 1. The amendment wasndoptpd. after which tho i evolution was adopted. Among the bills which passed second leading was thai piovldlng for the lomovul of Judges of the .supieme. su pi'iloi, eninmou pleas and orphans coin Is permanently disqualified by I'msou nf physical or mental dlsabllltv to perfonn their Judicial functlous and duties with half pay for their uner plted t-ims and the filling bv the gov ernor of vacancies caused by such ic inoval. Mi. Iletidcison. of Allegheny, intto diieed n. hill levying n Iiik of live mills on oeiy dollar of I he actual value of tho capital stock of tnllllcl.il gas companies. The house adjourned at 10 o'clock until 1() o'clock lomonow morning. CUBAN CONVENTION RECONSIDERS VOTE Will Send Committee to Geneial Wood to Discuss Method of Pie- senting- Case at Washington. ft I cluiive Wire f 1 0111 rbe .Asorulrrl l'if H.uanu. Apiil !. The Cuban consti tutional convention today fbimally ic considered the -vote against sending a eominissloii to AVashlngton. the tinal vote standing "0 in favor of ic-consld-eiation to 8 against. The piograninie is now thai a com mission of live who shall in tho flrst instance wait upon Governor General Wood, discuss the situation with him and ask his advice legaicling the pio-ceduic- necessary m the piesent case at Washington. MURDER OF ADAM RHODES. A Well Known Citizen, of Parsons the Victim of Brutal Thugs. B.v rxdti-aee . lie from I tic As-.oclatisi I'rew. Wilkes-Ranc, April ft. Adam Rhoades. a well known citizen of Pat -sons, a small mining town thiee miles noith ol this city, was biutally inm dered on the public highway nt an e.nly hour tlii.s morning, llhcxides. witli a companion named Matthew Coo)3f, spent the evening in Wilkes Barie. Hhoi tly titter midnight they re lumed to IMisons. At the depot they jaited company to go to their tespec live homes, lihoades had not gone far up the stieet until Coopr heard him ft- I to went to his assistance .ind when he came near the spot where ho was lying he saw a man tun away. Coopoi picked up his lilcnd and tonnil him lo be unconscious and the blood gushing from a wound in tho nick. A doctor living nearby was summoned, but when he airhecl the man was dead, lie had been stabbed In the nee k, a wound six Inches long being- inflicted. The r.Mgedy is w lapped in moie or l.-ss mv.steiy. Cooper thinks the nun deied mm was held up a by a Hluvon iin who demanded Ills money, inJ, Ithnades, leslsting, was stabbed. The deiiil iiiiiu was S yeais of age and Is survived bv a wile and two c hilili u. I'm oner McKeo empanelled n juiy and will make a thouuigh investigation. ANNIVERSARY OF LEE'S SURRENDER. Obseived with an Elnboiate Banquet at Chicago.' Ill l,()u,ii- Mill fiom Hie Aniiiulnl fn Cnleago, Aptll 11. The nimiveixaiy of the hiu tender nf tienetal I.ee, at Ap pomattox, was celehinted by the Ham ilton club this evening with an elabor ate baiKiuet, to which .'!,"00 Invitntioni weio Issued and of which two-thluh wiii! accepted, The dinner was at tended by many of the alumni ol the Mhhlgan unlveislty and of the fnivoi slty ol Chicago, as well as tho niem-bt-iv of tlm club and Invited gnents. The ehlei -.poakets ot the owning wile lil.shop Dudley, of Kentucky, and 1'iesldeiU Angoll, of the University of Michigan. T'tesldent Angoll spoko of Gencitnl Giant In the uilenl." and llNliop Utnlloy dellveied the piliKljial sickliest, nf the evening. WELLS COLLEGE REUNION, Ui l.vhhiM' Win fitmi llif A?i)clitcil l'ri-s New Yoik. Al'iH f The annual le unlnii of the liastein tissoelutton of "Wells c-ollegi- was hidd at Shorty's to day. .Miss Helena Zanhos, tho prest dent ol tho as-bochitlon, occupied tho chair, mid nt her tnblo weio Prof, "WIN Hani M, SSoaiie, ol (.'olumhln unlveislty. Mis, firover Clevfthttid, Miss Melon M, iloulil, mid otheis. .Mis, Cleveland Picseiitpd tho plans for iclehrutlng the twenty.flfth aiinlveisav of Pean Jjelen V, Hinlth'.s touneetlou with iho col lege, iiml "WelK Piy" at Rulfalo, on JtniQ IS, was disc usetl, Rejuleve for Stoiti. lie l.viliiMH- Wiif fiom "I lie Cisochtdl I'ic.f. Iloetoii, .piil t The ctciutlui Lounril today lumcil a ) inlcvc ot tlilrt dats to liilgl .sloiu, tlif iiiiiidercr, who I. sili) to h diintr In tho bUK- inNou ul I l)0lU-ilo, Jlnl who hlil been cviitlciunrd to In put to ilc-itli li electricity tldn w.ek. 'I lie iPiplle RUiildl IIl Mplic al mid. nltit of J I,', Sale of Stock Exchange Seat. l)j Kwliisbc Who fiMii "llit- isiiliteil l'ref. New oi!,, Apill !). It wjs stated un the (.lock cm lunge tncJjy lut a ml hut been fold lor tJ8,W)H, The h.'M price paid keietolore waj i(irt), which i? olitulncil h) Ceor,e VV. 1 ly fnr sj Ht ' J. ATTORNEYS IN A SQUABBLE The Lawuers Enoaoed on the. Rice Murder Gase Induloe in Personalities. OSBORNE AND MOORE The Success of ,Mi. Osboine in Wringing Impoitant Testimony from Witness Jones Justice Jerome Overrules Objections The Lawyeis Continue the Dispute to the Door of the Couit Room. Bt' kelis! Wlrr limn Tin" oiialnl Pic-. New Yoik, Apill !). A featiue or (ho ennilnatIon of Vale I .lones in the day's session of Iho healing concern ing the death nf William Mutsh Klee. the Testis mllllonahe. was a line if riuestlonlng which led to a heated scene nt the noon iccess between At torney Jrootc, who lepiosents Lawyer Patiick. and As-islant District At tot -ney Osborne. The oause of the dispute was .Mr. Osbotne'.s success in wiinglng from Valet Jones ecttaln testimony against Patrick. Fiedorick Horse is one of Patilrk's lawvois. Prcvicus to .Tones' tinning- state's evidence. .Mi. House lepiOMJlitert the valet also. Bv a, ml ing of tho com I, Sir. Osborne was al lowed to ask the witness what he and Patrick had told their lawyer at their 111 st lntei view in the Tombs, Jones leplled that it was a complete confes sion of murder, difleiing not at all fioiu his story at the he..ilng. During all the long eioss examina tion of Jones, which ended only an hnut before leecst-, lit. Mooio made it appaient that his sledge hammer questions weio all directed at one point. He sought to show that Jones' stoiy wasi concocted at the instigation of .some of the men intetested in dls piovlug the second Rico will. Ho laid special stiess on Jones' conveisatlons w Ith Captain IJalcer, executor of tho Hist will. The cioss examination was full of Insinuations and ioci (initia tions, against Jones. Sir. Osboine and Mi. Battle, the latter Jones' special ounsel. , When at last Mr. Mooio said: "We me through with Ihe witness." Mr. Osborne, on the ichuttul. leaned back In his chair and asked quietly: "Jones to whom did you fltst tell the story of your haUng ohloiofoime.l Sir. nice? I mean the same sloiy you told here?" , "To Sir. House," was the iepl. The nuetlon apparently was a siti prlse. Sir. House flushed and looked haid at the table. Patiick tugged at liis beaid and Mr. Slooie spiang to hi feet. "We object In that Ue-tioti." he shouted. "We have some lights in this rouit. Anything the witness said to his lounsel Involves the pnsoner. It is a piofesslonal onlldence wIiIlIi must not bo teve.iled." But Justice Jeiome only said, 'Ob jection own tiled," and Jones then de scribed at length his flist interview with Sir. House in the Tombs' i ounsel loom. On Poll kit's advice, he had lold the tiuth, he said. Admitted Muidei. "1 told Sir. House that I iiiunle it d Mr. like," said Jones, "I told liim thai t gave him nieuuiy pills, whcie l got the e hloroioini and all about it." "Did vou tell him about lb. nvillc acid .'" "Yes." "And wiial did Mi. House s.iv ."' "He told Patrick that it would not do lor him to put nil the blame on me; that ho was as much in It as I was," .Mr Osborne bi ought out the tact that the talk with Mr. House utc lined seveial days befoie the dlsttict attor ney had the faintest Idea that the pilsoiier would make a confession. "What did Pntiklc sav to Sir, House?" srr, Osborne asked. "Why. he explained thai wo had put UIe out of the way because the charts worn conilnsi1 due fioiu Texas," .said Jones, Court then adjoin nod until '2 nMwU, A few minutes later Justice. Jeiome wont nut, and the couit ioc)in was eleaied of evc-iy one save lavvyets and repoitets, jij., Osboine atose 1mm IiIh Mdo of the table and stalled for the door. Sir. Slooie met him at a minor of the table, "Mr, Osboine," he began In a ciulet voice, "I waul to loll you that your oimduet in making Jones tell about his couveisullon with Mi, llouso was nnpiofes-slonal. It was not tight," The dlstilet attorney' face was crimson In a minute. "I only did It," he said, "because ot yoiu Insinuations that we concocted Jones' story, You have casl u-llectlons upon Captain Baker. He l" my filond. T guattl his leputatlon ns vcalnnsly as 1 do my own," At tho mention of his n.ipio captain Baher stopped torwnrd mid stood nt Sir. OHbeu m's elbow, "You havo not .stiuliglhmieil volir ense," lontliuied Sic, .Moore "You have only put Sit, Hoiiho in a hole, 1 toll you It wasn't fair." ' "I don't give a d for llio wav ou do thines up the stale," shouted sir, Obovne, lofeiilns to Sir, Sloont o- be ing a ieoeiU artlval in this city. "You attend to your own Mclo of the nise. If you had a piofesslonnl souse, of hon or you would not Intorfeii? with mo In trying tho ttiw oul of couit." Assistant Dlsttict Attorney Unnnn then stepped between the two nion. Amid a lunnlng lle of accusations nml leciiinlimllons Sir. Osborne went bade lo his ollke. Sir. Mooio followed him in fat as the hall. Furnaces Resume. Ily i;xeuho Mi from the Atootljiul l'ic-. fcharon. I'J., April ft The Ilia lila-t lurniic. at Wett Middli.tv. have rc.umcd ojuutiinn jllei m idline' el ovei one jeai. '1 lie ronnlc ami sharp-Wile funuu-.. I In- uld .lack. In the lit In- i Ity, will klait Mj ll. APOSTLE CANNON ILL. His Death Is Hourly Expected, Sketch of His Life. By Ktelulc Wire from The Awnclltrd Pifl Monterey, Cat.. Apill 1), l.KO p. ni. Apostto (Gannon, of the Mormon church, Is Hlnkhig inpldly and death Is hotnly expeeted. Salt Luke, Ulnli. Apill fl. George Q. Clnnnoii wnt hnni In Ijlve'rpool, Kn(j .fun. II. IS27. He came to Amcilcn In 1S14 and waH nt-dnlned an elder of the Mormon church In 184i". tn 1R48 he Jolnpd the main body of Hie Slot minis Horn Xntivoo. Ill,, on tho wnv lo Utah and ie.it lied hole hi 1M7. In 1S19 he went to California on missionary work, and In ISi'O wont to the Hawaiian Islands mid remained lliete for four vein". In IS" he established! the West em Standard In San fra nelson. In 1SiS0 he was matlc a inoinhor of the (luoium of Iho twelve apostles. He was a delegate In congiess fiom 1872 lo 1SS0, and Is one of the coltusclora to the piesldent of the Mormon chinch lc Is prominently connected with ninny ot the business enterptlses nf rtnh. CAPTURE OF A "NIHILIST" Ellas C. Katz Weeps When Con fessing Thnt He Wrote Tin en t-ening- Letters to Fenniman. f! l,uhi-iL- Wire fnim flu- snociti-il PiVj. Now Yoik, April s. Confessing lh.it It was ho who wtote the letter to (Teotgc- II. Pennlman thieatening to blow up the latloi's house, on Fifth avenue, unless 50i) weio placed in a hiding place whcie ho could Unci It, Kll.i.s C. Kat, IS oais old, is a prls onoi at police he.ulciuartois, having been anosited by detectives, who .shadowed him lor moie than twenty tour houis. In his confession,' iv boy said he wicite the thieatening letteis because he w aniod to laise nioiiev enough to go on the stage. Two letters were wntten to SIi. Penniuian, the first de manding V.00 and the second $700. One lettei was wtitteu Filday and the other since then. The letters wens signed "Nihilist." Sir. Penninian and his son-in-law, ftobeit A. Lewis, went to police heatl qu.ii lets today and confionted Katz. The lattoi btoke down and oiled befote them, saving that he legretted having caused I hem so much tiouhle. Aftei the hist letter was received. Mr. Lewis lepoitecl the matter to Cap tain Titus, ot the detective bureau. Under instiuctions, sir. Lewis seemed the monev, as dlieeted In the letter and loll his house at J o'clock mid night, walked up- Fifth aenue, turned lovv.nds iho Paik, and deposited the money In the place designated. The olllcers had meanwhile taken up a posi tion In the park, where they Kept the nionev- under watch and awaited de velopment. About a rntJitcr ol an hour after midnight thev saw a young man ap pear and walk up and down in the neighborhood of the; place where the money was, but for some leason he did not attempt to get it. Instead, he walked down Filth avenue and enteied a house on East Highty-eighth stieet. The detectives shadowed' the house all night, reliev ing each other at inlei v.ils. Thev watched It the greater pait nf the net d.iv and iinally saw Kat. come out and post a letter. By anaiigc nietit with the postal authotitios tho dote t lives soctiied the letter Kalz had post Ml and saw that II was atldiessed to .Mr. Pennlman. The letter -was duly delivered. The w i iter told Mi. Pennlman that lie. or, as he oxpiessed It, "we" would noi. bu e.niglit with such chaff or in such n gime as the detectives had planned. The loiter contained other eliieetiotis with tefeience to the deposit of Iho money and demanded S.700 instead of the original '0U The deter lives saw that the hatidwiiting was the same ami at nine took Kiitss Into custody. MORGAN WILL CORNER DEPARTMENT STORES. lit DviUwi. Win- tic.in "llii" Vv.iiUIpI I'le New Yoik, Apill ft. Ofllclal notice, of tho iniiioieil combination of department stoics was given today by J. Pietpont Moigan .V Co., who sollr.it subset Ip tlons to the stock of the Associated Sloichants' tonipany. The company is c.ipUnllssed at tJO,000,OOu and proposes to acquire) city goods businesses or In tel eMs In this and other oltlos. The pinspeetus Mates, i ha I a one-half in terest has been seemed In both tho II, 11, ci.illln company and the Adams Di y Hoods tampan, and that thn ,Ianti.s SlcCu-ety r Company's Tiveti-ty-lhlid stieet .store has been bought oulilght CLAY COAL BEDS TO BE DEVELOPED. lh 1 tliiiifl Whr fiom 'Hie S-.SOI liiltd l'n Pu Ili)Is, 14,, pi II I1. 'llio imiufii.t' coal jml Hie eliv led' owliril by the Clinton CojI rom p Hiv nlonj tlm I Jt branch of ihn husiptt hantia river am UKely fucn lu he dcvenied The iont pmv U ccinpii"il of kijiiio eatein capitall.ti, etho, it Is, tllri, tv 111 1 0111101 nee operation within thn e Mvtv ila.s, Thn tDivm ol Wet pui I. Inel. Ilaicn. Ucnovo and Milntrran will lie pnatl l-eiiclited li the o)cranon are (.tarl.il. 'I he film 'nf s-,cii,llifi U llivolud Kuiger Coming to AmeiicaP lb iln-lte li' fii-ni Ihe wirlitnl l'i". l-arl-, Mull 1l. l.t 1'ijhail, ulili.li In. i. iej h pnhlM ed .eviul leiiuilnblo klatiiueiiU ji In the pi ins ol Vlr. Kni?ri. illilis Ihc fob Io ln' ill-pittli fiom The. IlaKiic till. luornln,': "Ml Knifct'i'i. dtpaitmr foi lite 1'nllcd StJtrs lu hoen lived for M rt St. Hi villi let lino In I unman lull .iliout .lime e. 1 the i,uet of the ptniocralle pain." Steamship Airivnls, fli lxela.lv w'lre, limii flic Asioelite-l ri. Sew orU, Spill 1. -Cltaied: southwaik. Ant. vtcipj Ocinianle, lav ri pool; New Yoik, South, .million Anlvvfip Viriud: .Vooulland, New uU. Havre- Airbed: l-i I.wcoki c, New Yorl.. snulhamptoii Mrjvedi Kal'er willuhii Ier (Iiiam, .Ni' mk for ftieineil. Muqmol Vr. lived l.Uiiria, New iik. Iliciiun Mrlvril; KwiiIkIh Lultf, Nevv orl ( licrboure .sailed; Vndiilaiiil. soutliaiiiitoii, eev lork I'rivle Pnliil l'Ted I'aiiula, llanitnirv for Neff VnU SITUATION ON THE CENTRAL Tlif, Vote of the Oroanizations Is Awaited with Much Interest Everuwliere. CHIEF ARTHUR'S VERSION He Snys That Mr. Wfliien's State ment Is Misleading- Chiefs of the Railroad Organizations Wete Un able to Get an Interview with Him After Waiting- Five Days Mem beis of the Biotherhoods Are Re ticent. , lb i:cliiaiti- in Hum I lie A not luted I're-w Cleveland. Apill fi. Otand Chief P 1. Ai thin, of the Btotherhood of Locomotive Englneei s, commenting on the statement of Vice Piesldent Wnr icii, of the New Jersey Central, that the company was willing to tieat with llio nun, sild: "To say the loal, 15 1 r. Wai roll's statement Is misleading. The chiels ol tiie oigaiilzations icmolnetl in Now York for live days tiying to obtain a. innleu-nee with hlni. AVheii we were adtislled thnt 5Ir. Warren oil Id not talk with 11 , we lelt. Crand Chief Claik, of the Conduelot's Brothev hood. remaliei on the ground as the leptosentatlve of all organizations, f have not been officially advised that a vole is being taken today on the Hi Ike pioposltion, but the lepoil li ptobably correct." Mr. Aithur said he still had hope thai the ofllc ials of the company would decide to settle the grievances 01 tho men without a stijki . "1 am satlsllod that the existing- dif fciences could be settled within a. veiy shott time If the eompanv Would giant us .. heating," said Mr. Aithur, in conclusion. Bethlehem, Apiil 0. Jeisey Cential employes in the Bethlehems teluse to discuss the stiike situation. Uveiv thing is veiy quiet In this vicinity and the men aie all at work as usual. Haston, Apiil 0. Jeisey Central em ployes heieabouts die "saing nothing but sawing wood," as one of them put it today. The men admit the road is being polled by lopieseutatlves of the hiotherhood. but they won't admit that should the men vote to strike they will go out, for they are still look ing for an amicable settlement of the tiouble. Nothing is known bote of the leport that men aie being hiied and being sent along the lines to take the places of the employes should they quit, and no stiangets aie to he found about the hotels and districts whete lailioadeis- live and congregate At Wilkes-Barre. Yv'ilkos-Barre. April it. The lesiilt or thu balloting among the employes of the Cential Hailioad of New Jeisey on the Mi Ike question will not bo Known for seveial days. The vote of each division is first sent to C. W. Wnite, geneial chiiluuan of the gilovance committee at Jersey CItv. The brother hood men in this vicinity aie leticent, but there seems to be no doubt that a majority of the men on the division between Maui h Chunk and Hcianton have voted for a strike. The oxcep lionn woie old englneeis and some oon duetois. The .sub-giievance committees are much pleased with I he latest statement issued by Vice President Wan on. They say it is more conelllntorv than tho first statement and theie Is .stilt slmng hope among the employes of the io.ul that .1 stiike may be ctvoilcil, The brotheibnod employes of the Cential Hailioad of New Jeisey hold .1 Hireling at Ashley tonight. The gatheiing vva for the purpose eii learn ing some news from Now Vmk, but none came, and the meeting' Adjourned shoi tly alter 10 o'clock. Another re port Is that the lesult of the voting on th" stiike question was made known at the meeting. No Informa tion was given out beyond tho fact that tho hi otliorhoocls weio almost un animous for fi strike. What Sargent Says. IV01I.1. 111., Apiil 0. Fin iilt I'. Sar gent, grand master of the Htotheihood of Locomotive Fhemon, lelurued tiom Now York today. Uegaidlng the sit uation on the Jeisey Central lie said: "I do not eaie tn discuss piolubill tles, especially in view of tho fact that It will ho definitely known In a shoii time what tho action of tho men Is to be. Ofllceis of the dlltVrent brother hoods weio unable to obtain any satls actoiy answer fiom the lailroad offi cials, and so the committee piepaicd a clicular which was submitted lo tho men, by whose action wo shall be gov- tuned," - . . REPUBLICAN CLUB BANQUET. Bv llvtliu-he Hue from llii. ,oi Uteri ie, Philadelphia. Apiil 0-TIie twenty, first annual banquet of tho Young Men's Itupuhllcun club was hold heio tonight. Anions tlm speakeis weie men of national linpoitunco, They In cluded iiovotiiot Shaw, of Iowa; (env oi nor Stone, of Pennsylvania; Piilted Slates Senator Pentose and oiheis, (joveinor Shaw was tho orator of tilts occasion. ' ,' Suicide at Mt, Joy, III ,v(lii.ue Mil fioiu The ,,.oialCil l'o hancdtttr, iiiil f'. n ituknovvn iiuii.eviihiiilv a traveling nun, tomirillled tuiiide IhU mornlnj in tlio I'enn.lvanli btallon at Jit Io,i bj i,hoot' Ins Iniurrlf In .. t- head with a pistol, Then- w, UutliliiK on his body t) lea 1 lo liU idcntiti hut a btnh for a poati! older l.ited bj Malioii N'o. , rhiUdclihla. He uaa five ftet rle.Mii iniln'., tall, vvilstud 1'I poumh and ua- about foin vcats old Luzerne Postniasteis. 11 Kvduibe Who from The VocIalril l'ic. W'3..Miijtton. Apill n.-'lhc follovine I.uene comity pi-ilinastcm were-apiiointed luda : A II. Wolfe, ItogUter; W. II l.cuy, V8ta THB NKWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indlcitlom Tadt) 1 PAIR; MOHTHBA&T WINDS. I (leneral Central Italtroid Strike -sttnalioii Wyomlnp: t'onference Opens 'I'odi.t, WotU of the sliiti- l,e(rllator, Atloinejn Wtmsle I" Hie like 1 ae, 1 OeiieiaJ Oiihcndale IVpaitinent. S lioe-al C'ritnlml Coi.rl Procccdlnn. liill Mst for Civil Couit. Iaisl Jilglill Pi wlinc Seorrv 4 Tallloiiil. Note and C01111111M1I. ft 1 oial Intimate I oiniiilllet. 'Ilirn ifee "rlniir." I'ldenl Couit llenlna". li loul-w'nl seianioii and snhuihin 7 (leiidiil Nnitliea-tcin I'eiitujlvmU lin.iiiiiil and Ooumiou lal. fet il Wvvt in Hit Woild of I.Jli.n MAJOR BROWN WILL ACCEPT No Tiouble, with Pittsbuig's New Recoidei His Position. lit l.vilniM' Who finin I he kcnialnl I'n-" Piltslitiig. Apiil 'I, It was said tndav that .Mant A. M Ihovvn had piai llcally decided to aooipt llio ic-coitler-shlp nl I'ltlsbutg. While Ibis .111 notiiiceinent was not made by the 11111-lot-.himself. It comes limn some nt his closest 11 lends, vvho aie In a posi tion lo know. When asked totlav whether ho whs lemly to announce his acceptance of the locoidetsblp. Maior Hi own said: "No, I will not decision todav." "Nothing cm bo make publlt un done tovvaid as- timing the new office until a Supieme couit decision Is handed down. I will not wait that long, however, befnie making my ilec-laiallon known. I will pi nimbly be 1 early to make a definite statement within thiee or tour clays." Major P.iown, as an iiltoinev. M ois waiting tor the .Supieme court decision on the iliailer bill. lie be Hpvos that it it is favotable be will havo no tiouble In taking his office. Mr. Blown has si lulled the charter eaiefull and believes thai it Is en tirely const'tulional. "I believe that the chatter and tip pet will be sustained bv the Supieino eouti." he said. "I believe that it is constitutional. The question whether the leglslatme has the light to pass the chattel under the constitution la in contest. T believe the couit will de cide that It is legal. I am not dis cussing the advlsn.b)liiy of Upper legis lation, but simply looking at It fiom a legal standpoint." MR. JOHNSON WOULD INCREASE THE TAXES. The New Mayor of Cleveland Pie paies to Squeeze Corporations. By 1'vtliisivc- lrc from The- Kouited Prei Cleveland. April 9. 5Iayor Johnson has decided lli.it the corooiatlons do ing business In this city don't pay their just propoi Hon of taxes and lias taken .steps 10 have their assessments, Inei eased. A toi ce of t lerks have been put lo vvotk ptopating a list of all the big concerns together with blue prints of their establishments and the taxes they pay. "When full Intoiiualtoii has been ob tained the mayor proposes to go befoio the city boaid ot equalization and de mand that the cot potations be com pelled to pa.v what ho terms equitable taxes. The mayor. It Is announced, will make 11 special effort lo show that the steam and oleetilu lailwavs an- 11s sesst ti iur loo low. CABINET MEETING. New Attorney General Is Piesented to Hi's Colleagues. B llvelu.ive Nile lioni file Vwienlid l're Washington, Apill 0 The cabinet meeting todav lasted about un hour. 51r. Knov, the new attorney geneial was presented to his colleagues, 5Ittc.h of the time of the meeting was given up to a discussion of the in demnity vvhleh the povvois aie demand Ing ot China, Itepie.-ntatlons con cerning' the oNcossivo demands of smuo ni the powct.s have boon made by tho 1 'lilted States, hut without otfeet. No 0llici.1l eonfli mntlon has been teeelvotl hv Ihc government of tho inported re pudiation nf the Plait amendment bv the Cuban constitutional convention. The matter was discussed by the cabi net and It wni considered s-ttango thai tlur.mal Wood had 110I communicated so Impoitant a tact, If it weio Into, RETURN OF THE VOLUNTEERS. Pive Transpoits Bearing Tioops on Their Way to San Piancibco, llv I,iluJve Who fiom 'Ihc ocilnl 1'it San Franolcoo, Apill f'. Tlio ti.iu.s poit Garonne, bilngtng the Twciuy sisih A'ohinloef Infnntiy icsiineitt liotu Manila, is duo to attive lime lo da, Tho Thomas, sailing fioiu Na gasakl on Maith -M, a ml tho Kosen-c-ians sailing limn thnt pint on tho 2.1II1. will ho duo this week with tho Twenty-eighth uiid Thhty-llftli icg inents, and the K.iwtnii, with pan o? the Twnnty-nlnlli, Is nlco iwpootod to I each pint boioie the wuk is ctuletl, Tho Hi mil, with prill ot the Twenty ullllli and Thirt -second legiments, Conipnny r of the Twonty-Msth and ISC sick soldleis, Is out ion das from Nagasaki and will bo due In about a week. BASE BALL. t lAilii.ne W110 Item rii"" A-uiiaitd l'ie Vt I'liiladelphia - I'lilladtlphla (Salional l.iasut), '1; Moutiral t M I'lillaiklphU PliilnMi'hU ( Viuciican beaue), SJIj Caiteiet . A . 5. Al .NoifolU Uculoii (National leisne), ."; Norfolk, U. At Reoigelovvji-Ocoigcloun, I, Vale, l (tea iunhips UaiknocJ. M fhaticl Hill. r.-lehkhj 1! t'nlurjil.v V Noilh Carolina, i CONFERENCE OPENS TODAY Preliminary, Meeting Held last Night in West Plttston M. E. Gluirch. DR. OAKLEY'S ADDRESS Spoke to the Membeis of the Grant Aimy of the Republic The Con feience Which Opens This Morning Is the Fiftieth and Will Be Pie slded Over by Bishop Fowler, Who Will Be the Guest of Rev. Dr. O. L. Severson, Pastor of the West Pitt ston Chmch The Fiogiamrne t'01 Today. spisiil limii isiirl 1 miti-iiuiitUiit. West IMttstnn, Pa., Apill 1. The llf tletli session nf the Wyoming confer ence of llio .Method Isl Episcopal chmch will be in lull hlasL tomotiow. The piollinln.iiy meeting of last night was, as usual, devuled to the C.i.ind Atmv of the Itepubllc. A most atttaetlve edl Ike is the chinch In which the ses sions will be held heie. It Is C.otblc li, aicliileetuie and fiesh and tlnlntv and lastetul as to its Intel lor. The hand some organ was plaved tonight bv ills? Lillian llonfieltl. a blind gill, whosa woik was exceeclinglv fell done. l;ov. Dr. u. k. Sovoion, the pastor, has sm passed all expectations In his piepatatlons for the entertainment and comfoit ol visllois to this beautiful town bv the liver. At his home many of the prominent guests will stay tim ing the confei eiue. Among these aie Bishop Fowler, Pr. Oaklev and Ur. Mason. The bishop was not present tonight, as ho arrived late from Wilkes-Bane, where he wa the guest of Dr. C. K. Mogg. He -will opn the conference tomonow morn ing. The c hutch was lavishly decorated, tlio cntlie platform being hidden by splendid flags. On the platform were I lev. C. M. Crydenwlso, Pev. D. C, Paines, Rev. P. P.. Tower, Rev. M. P. Fuller. Rev. Dr. M. D. Fuller opened the anniversary service with prayer, after which Dr. Sevetson introduced the speaker, Rev. Dr. J. G. Oakley, of the New Vol k eonfeience, pastor of St. Paul's church, at Tarry town. DC Oak ley is said to bear a striking resem blance to Abraham Lincoln, at whiet he expressed himself as feeling some what afflicted, sdnoe he rather shrink" fioni being known as tho homeliest man in the woik. Ho spoko on the subject. "From tlif Metropolis to the Golden Gate, or Actoss tho Continent with the G. A. TI," and from beginning to end of his lectute gave the wittiest, brightest cleverest possible description of that meniotahlo ttlp. lie spoke to an audi ence which t toweled the building In the doots. A veiv laige delegation of (Stand At my men occupied the centei of tho chin eh. Tomonow morning the tegular ses sions of l he continence will begin at " o'clock, Bishop Fowler and his cabinet arlmiuisteilng th- sat lament. The pro gt amme is; 10 ). Ill- (ll.llilHliili. Illl-llli-i 'ii-ll-ll ' 1.. m l.ili-lual i.cion .! p. lit Committees' session 4 p 111 - Pi ntccovtul st rv ire-. Ill W il-mi, 1'ifl idinee, ft I., pie, iih nl. Toniniiow evening" will bo the annl veisaiv excti-lses of the Freedmpn'1 A lil and Southern Kduciiionnl so. cloty. Rev. Pi. C, M. 11. .Mason mak ing the address. Di. Mason Is piobablv one ot tie) veiv- blackest men tu the woild, but ho Is also a man of tnaivelous intel lect and gicii cnalniieal ability. 1IW adihess will doubtless be the most Inlet oslliif of the night sessions, II. C P. CHASED BY A MOB. An Intoxicated Man Is Diiven U Suicide by a Cm ions Ciowd. lit i:1l1t1U1) Villi fnxn "I lie s.uilaleil I'n- New Yoik, Apill A. Albeit Jensen, t mechanic, while suflcilng liom over Indulgence In ll'iuor, wiiudoietl to Pat teiy 1 1.1 ill today, whcie ho spent main bouts. Toward evening his poouiia actions atli acted the notice of a num. her of bo.VH who began teasing him, Jensen flimllv ttletl tn escape by tun ning aiv.i. The bojs followed, and in Jensen tan up llio.ulwn tho ennui lu ciea'setl until as many as :,on penpli weie lollowliiR hlni. He i.ill tlnoiigh .Mollis snoot c "West stieet with the big cimvil .velllnr at his heels. At last .1 well elicssed young man attempted to stop him, but befoie lie could get a good hold Jenser took a tovolvcr ft out his pocket anc Hied two shots Inlo his own head. Hi was taken to a hospital, wheie it w.i said then was no chanco ot recovoty Lone, Defeats Dobbs, Dr I lmlw- Wire from the Awociatetl l're ' Meiiiilii, It mi. piil ) llih Imij, 01 Oil t-iKii, ileleilnl II. l.l lu1ili In Hit- !vlinii li Ullil DEATHS OF A DAY. Ill I viiiiu Who uom 'I lie cnditul 'ie- r-obmibu-, l, Apill O.fliailes Itenlon I'la.;, supreme- tiTlai t the Oi-hi ot thu I'nltcd I'oiniiiiicial Invclei-, died it IiU home here- in da tiotii pu. 11111 )nia I'lilladelnliU, April II -Itiv ttle r.il.w. II l, tho c-hlet .illinium 01 tho I'niienitt u l'ennlvarila, tiled lenliv at hi, homo here, a&.ir 1 jcj, Hr. 1'ililc va 101 llflt jeits nlentftte vtith nlucalional mitlti in lhl ill, WEATHER FORECAST, W ahIii!,ton, pill tl loita-t foi ej-tein l'cnu-lvanli: 1'ilr Wedneslat. I tun's I iv paitlt tl'iU'It, pi-ohihl) ion hv .illtinooii. Iic.-li to tlll-k 1101U1 to n-Ttliuil veinil-. TT TttHTt tl ' i?r A. i iyi An ,J- -itf,v