The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 09, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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nut MouKitM tiAnnwAnn stokg.
VBto your strength do
ing unnecessary labor
when so much can bo
saved by the outlay of a
small amount' of money.
ERS save time, labor and
sttongtb. No Btooplng
ovei no twisting. A
lover operated by the foot
docs the work.
Foote & Shear Co.
119 N. Washington Ave
Lewis, .
Ufeu '? I'1, j i
330 I'-lM , i ?('
UVx ,i:fWiOT,
Repairing Done Gratis.
'flu homo ot Mr. and Mrs. W. AW, tin Mmiioe avenue, was thrown
open yeMoidny to a large company of in honor of Mi-s AVhecler. of
KuiIhikI, 't., the lionutiful (laneee of
Mr. Albert Watson.
The receiving paity stood in the west
parlor, .hicli, with Its walls hunpr In
blue brocade and its lavish lloral dec
orations, made u pleasing: liuckginunil.
Miss Walsou w.ih the ki'ucIoum and lair
yoiint? hostess of the oi-casion. She Has
attired in liliny white, and was assisted
in receiving by Miss Wheeler and Miss
About the rooms weio .Mr. and Mis.
W. AV. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
AVattou, .Mis. !'. L. Mdlowan, Mrs. 'I'.
'. mju Stui eli, Mrs. K. W. Gcarhart,
Messrs. Albert Watson, Hates of Brook
lyn, and Miller, of Now Ymk.
The stately residence, which is one
if the oldest and most substantial In
the city, was elaborately decorated
with Florida sinilax, palms and ferns.
The Turkish room, with its rosy lights
and lUMiilous llttiim.s, ns extremely
attractive. Miss Pcnn packer. Miss
Amy Jos, up and Miss l'llitli Hill add
ing to the general effect by their pres
ence at the frappe table.
The dining room had ns a table outre
au arrangement of Annunciation lilies,
Mrs. Seldcn Ultilr, Mrs. Woodln. Mrs.
Waylaud and Mrs. (lllbort V. Mitt ray
presided dining the hours of receiving.
They weie assisted in serving by iS3
Helen Holes, Miss tiertrude Heekwlth,
Mls.s Helen Powell, Miss Kvelyn Mat
thews, .Miss I'aiulaco Watson and
Miss Alice Knapp. ISetroshinents were
fV'ived by llanley. Hauer fiirnlslied
.Mr, and Mis. Wutson have been en
terlaiiilng a house paity tor several
days, composed of Miss AVheeler, Miss
Wilson, or Jersey city; Messrs. Hates
and Miller, of .New Yoik,
Mr. and Mis-. Ileniy liolin, jr., gave
a In ipe reception and danco last night
at the Hlcyele club. The decorutlons
were handsome, Holland, of Philadel
phia, was the calcrer, Hauer furnished
the music, Muiiy out-of-town guests
were present.
Mrs. Heiij.miln ). j.r,m , lhMl,(,
Imitations, to tlin niiirnage of her
daughter. Frances, to Mr, Andrew
.Nelboii A..lkcr. on Monday uftuinoon.
Aim ::, at y o'clock at' tho Second
I'rcMbytcilau church. The ceiuinony
will he lollowed by a reception at the
home, of the injures mother on Mul
berry street.
The Hrt country danco of tho F.loo
trlc City Touilst club, which was hnld
lat nlylit at St, .IoIui'h hall, South
t-cisuiton, wuh a splendid success, tho
lull being crowded by tho merry dan
cers. The grand march prlzo was won
by Daniel Kelluy and Miss Kutlo Tler
lioy. The affair was u charge of a
oiutnlttee consisting of the followliig
niembpis: Master of ceremonies, AV,
A, MeCiuIrr; asslHtant mas-tei of core
rinnles, .1. T. Carter; Hour committee,
W. It, Timlin, J. A. Ithyup, J. J, Oa
nugh. P. L. Shuelran, T. S. Osborne
id P. . Murphy. M. J, Hoonay uct
p'l as ptoniptpr. Muslo wns furnished
by Prof. Thomas J. Iteunle.
In honor of tho birthday of i her son,
Klnier. Mrs. Kelward Evans, entertain-
-d a large number of young folks at
Iter home on North Bromley avenue,
stcrduy afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock.
Washington camp, No. 4 so, Bugle,
I'Mfe and Prum coups, gave a lively and
pnjoyable Kaster bull last night at
Music hull. MVe rooms were :tiptopri?
ately ileccrated, and Professor John
son fttmlihod tho dance mUslc. Tho
committee In charsc consisted ot V. 1'.
Julian, chnlruiunl A, Ij. Bahr, 0. A.
Snyder, F. AV. nice, ,T, V, Ilolh, It.
Chnse, if. Sanies, AV. ,T. Molster,
Humes. II. AVelss, !'. t Miller, A. J.
ltiunmen, V Dleslng, James P, Loilgor,
I Kellornirtti, H. KlelVr, AV. Frantz, t
AV. Horrman, J. AV. Smith, J. Evntis.
The camp's oftlcera are: Manager, W.
K. Klrchhoff: president, V. 13. .Tones!
vice-president, S AV. lllcc! recordliiff
sooretary, C. W. Snyder; financial flcu
retury, 1 C. Dleslng; treasurer, AVill
latn K. Klrchhoff; trustees, William
Molster, A. Ij. Huhr, II. Klefer.
Ir ainl All. Iblpnt left for Ncx- otl, c.
Ifnl.iy utttmoon (or a fevr days' llt,
William Coiifflilln, the well l.nonn ball plj.xof,
loft fterd.iy for Washington, 11. C, ti jiilii
tho lull twin whlcli rptdscnt that illy
tlil fci-on.
Mr. Kathrilne Claik nnJ clilMrcn, I'loijnre
and Wdltof, of f20 Ailjnn ocimc, left lot ,lar!s
tomlllo, ria,, last night lo nl trail the fimcul
of i;. 1'. CIjiI;.
SIi plmi I'. IViuirr, foi jwn n pioMU.fnt
l)twlnci iri.iii of Not I h Sri inter, will this ed;
inoia lo ttocltotpi , N V., whpro lie (nopovi
to reside hi lutnic,
rolnnfl Ii. A. V.itifi and Adjntant T). It. .Mh
lton, ot the Thirteenth trchwnt, left the city
ielctiliiy alltrno.iri for lLntoii, wline they
nlitlit JtUnd'il the military bill ghon by f'oin.
pmj I
A Considerable Amount of Business
Was Transacted at Last Night's
Meeting Pay Holl Passed.
School Controller Jennings, of the
Fourteenth ward, created u mild sen
sation at last night's meeting of the
board of control when he made a,
statement In which ho chatgeil that all
school property in every ward In the
city had been assessed this year by
the ubsu&sors.
He moved that It bo lul'erred to the
finance committee for Investigation,
with Instructions to leport at the next
meeting, and the motion was unani
mously adopted.
Mr. Jayne brought up the case of P.
K. Potter, the carpenter who was re
cently discharged by Superintendent or
Pcpairs Pavis, and moved that he be
lelnstated. This was done.
Secretary Fellows, hi pursuance of
Instructions received at the last meet
ing, presented a statement showing
that the estimated deficiencies in tho
several accounts at the end of the
present fiscal year will amount to
about !.51S.SD. This statement was ie.
fcrred to the finance committee for the
members' guidance in formulating tho
budget for the coming year.
The resignation of Miss Gertrude
Kennedy as instructor of the commer
cial department of the High school to
take effect at once was accepted, and
upon recommendation of the high and
training committee, C. II. Powell was
unanimously appointed to fill the va
cancy. Miss Kennedy returns to tho
Hillside Coal and Iron company by
which she was employed before going
to tho High school.
The Economy Light, Heat and Power
company locently notified the board
that If a new five-year contract for
the heating of the high school was to
bo entered into there would have to be
an Increase of ten per cent, over the
price now charged. On motion of Mr.
Jennings a resolution was unanimously
adopted last night notifying the com
pany that if it would not agree to a
lcnewal of the contract at the old fig
ure the board would proceed to install
a plant of its own.
Th-' Lackawanna Telephone com
pany, on recommendation of the high
and training committee, was given
permission to extend Its cables over
the High school property. On recom
mendation of the same committee tho
Young Women's Christian association
was given permission to use tho High
school auditorium for tho purpose of
giving a gymnastic exhibition.
On motion of Mr. Jennings) the sec
retary was instructed to subscribe for
r copy of the State Kducational Jour
nal for each member of the board. The
teachers' pay roll for the month' end
ing April S was passed.
They Held Their Monthly Conference
in This City.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Scrantou and AVilkes-Barro Pastoral
association of the Lutheran churches
was held yesterday in the study of Rev.
John Randolph, pastor of St. Peter's
Lutheran church. Those ptesent were:
Rev, AVillium L. Hunton Ph.D., AVilkes
Rajro; Hew 11. P. J. Seneker, AVilkes
Harre: Rev. O. V. Ktvtveln, Pittston:
Rev. AV. ( L. Lauer and Rev. A. L.
Ramer. Ph.D., Serauton.
The session wns presided over by
Rev. Seneker, and Dr, Ramer ronduct-
ed the devotional exercises. After the '
minutes were read by Rev. Ettweln,
the study of the gospel for nest Sun
day in Greek, as recorded in St. John,
xx;ia-3l, was taken up, Tho different
pastors outlined the sermon skeletons
they had In mind and exchanged
thoughts along that line.
The topic for general discussion was
"Inspiration of the Bible." Rev. Ktt
wclu tend an able paper on "The
Source and Necessity of Inspiration."
and Rev. Randolph presented a well
prepared paper on "The Content and
.Mode of inspiration." Uoth papers
were generally discussed by all pres
ent, Questions regarding the accessions ot
membership and the observation ot
special holy week services woro also
asked and answered to the satisfac
tion of all. The next meeting will bo
held at -N'oxen. Pa., at the home of
Rev. ,l. I. Miller, D. P., on the first
Monday In May,
Mrs. Randolph entertained the pas
tern with u dainty luncheon. Several
of thu members were unavoidably de
tained from tho meeting on account of
other engagements. Rov. C, o, Spieker
was called to ofticiate at tho funeral of
the late Newton Croft.
A departmental examination will he Ik Id at
tho munlclivil building "rdueda , Slslftii
applicant for petitions, si ulluay mall cleiLs,
one fcr tlnator conductor ami thu'v ns sMIltd
laboicra will bo examined,
'I he attention of thu local pulolrc authorities
has been ilhcetcd to u inlliitf in the January
petal Kulde, which states that It ti not p?r
inMble to write upon thiid or fourth c!ui
mattt'is or Its wupper, or to print or vrilo
upon second clus matter or wrapper uer.cral
illicctiom f uch ai "J'o Druggist," '"j-o Poetor,"
etc.. All aildresci of UiW nature vlll be hence,
forth l.'iioicd.
An order rccrhdl at the postoftice from Su
perintendent of Railway Mall SV'nlce V. 1,
llradley, ,nnounces that after midnight, Apii)
0, thu practice of weighing mall will ba dis
continued. 1 lie null has been weighed icni.
larly time l'cbruaiy -J. ihU bcliitf tho quid,
rcnnial year In uhlih a. (jttematlc weigldug al.
wax ciur in older to fit a otatus for the
contracts with the mail can; lug cenipinle.
Superintendent Robllng and Some of
the Patrolmen Are Tied Up in
Criminal Court and the Reorganise
ing Kay in Consequence Se Put
off for a Couple of Weekn Tour of
the Fire Department Houses Also
Postponed Solicitor Watson Dellv
eis His First Opinion,
Beeautse Superintendent of Police
Robilng unit a number of other mem
bers oC the force are tied up In crimi
nal court, It Is likely the reotganlzlng
of tho police force will not tiiho place
for two weeks yet. Director Hitch
cock said'' yesterday It would be a
week at least. AVhen he figured on
having the affair take place tomorrow
he had not taken Into consideration
the fact that criminal court would
be on.
The director also failed lo make a
tour of tho fire department houses
yesterday, us was announced he would.
He decided to postpone his visit until
some future cloy, and further he has
decided that when he does make tho
inspection he will not herald Ills com
ing. Tho fire companies had every
thing spick and span yesterday, in
expectation of the visit of the now
director, and they woto much disap
pointed that he did not come.
The director and Chief Zlalomann
spent a good portion of tho day pre
paring a new sot of rule and regula
tions for the government of the de
partment, This ii made, necessary by
Its coming transition from a volunteer
to a paid department. The tegulatlona
obtaining in various cities where the
bunk and call-men auxiliary system
prevails have been seemed hy Chief
Zlzkmunn and are heinc made use of
In dtafting the rules for the Scrantou
Chief SCizlemann has been notified by
the Lacakawunnn. Iron and Steel com
pany that the blast furnace is to be
moved to P.uffalo and that with It will
go the big gong that has for so many
years sounded the firv alarms. The
chief will endeavor to make an ar
rangement with the Dickson Manufac
turing company to have a city gong
stationed at either the Ponn avenue
works or the ClifC works.
CSeorgc M. AA'atson's first opinion as
city solicitor is appended. It is In re
sponse to an inquiry from City Clerk
Lavelle as to what should be done with
the assessment books that were In the
custody of the city clerk as clerk of tho
board of revision and appeals. This
board went out of existence March 7.
but did not know this officially until
March 27. In the interim It corrected
and revised the assessment books of
sixteen of the twenty-one wards. City
Clerk Lavelle was In doubt as to
whether or not these alterations should
be erased before turning over the
books to the new board of assessors,
and sought advice from the city solic
itor. The following is tho advice:
Scranton, l'a., April S, 1901.
Mr. Maitin T. l.aiello, City Cleik of the City of
Dear Sir: hi response to your Inquiry as to
your duty in iclation to the custody of thp
assessment books of the city of Scranton, for the
jear 1001, I mal.c the follouing reply:
lly the terms of Ankle VI of the act of
Match 7, 1901, (lie unssnrs were to he appointed
by the recorder, ttpon the 't beeomins: opera,
(lie, lo wit, on the first Monday tn April fol
lowing. The ae-.'.ors appointed hy virtue of -aid act
beraino tho bn.nd of iciNioit and appeal, and It
becomes their duty to toiife and hear appeals
upon said assessment.
It was clearly the intention of the act that
the assessors, so appointed, should have the cus
tody of the aeM-ment book, in Older to cany
out these provisions.
The act bavins' become .i law of this com
monwealth on the seicnth of March, 1001, tho
lightx of tho board of revision and appeal under
the thiid class city charter wetc suporwded hy
the a-sctsors appointed under the ad of March 7,
It is my opinion that the old board of revision
and appeal could not proceed lawfully after the
act of March 7, 1001, became a law, and that
jou, as their clerk, have no authority to amend,
correct or in any wise change the assessment,
that duty beinr? In teims delegated by the act
of March 7, 1001, to the bosrd of flic assessor.
I brllcie it to be your duty to deliver to tho
custody of tho assessois appointed by the recor
der, by lituc of said act, the books containing
the assvmcnt of the year 1001, as soon as they
arc appointed and qualified. I am,
Very truly ouri,
G, M. Watson, City Solicitor.
The new assessors will at once enter
upon the task of revising the assess
ment, taking advantage of such alter
ations and corrections made by tho
board of revision and appeals as tlioy
may see fit.
Appeal days have been fixed as fol
lows: April 10, Ninth ward; April it,
Eighth ward: April 12, Seventeenth
ward: April 15, Sixteenth ward; April
1, Thirteenth ward; April 17, First
ward; April IS, Eleventh ward.
Solicitor AVatson has drafted a bill,
to be presented to the legislature by
Senator Vnughnn, which will meet tho
difficulty disclosed by the city clerk's
inquiry. U provides that tho boards of
assessors In second class cities .shall
take the 1001 assessment, made by its
predecessors, as the basla of assess
ment for that year; the now board
to coirect, aller, modify or classify
it as the law may direct
Mr. AVatson is very anxious to avoid
any of tho entanglements that might
lesult front an Invalid assessment and
because of the supreme Importance of
tho matter proposes to take no half
way measures to meet It. Because of
the fact that the hill proposed by
Soliultor Watson Is a very necessary
one and wholly free from anything
savoring of "snake," the legislature
can be counted upon to put It through
before the end of tlte session.
The estimates committee will hold
its first meeting tomorrow night. Un
less a snag Is encountered In dealing
with tho snatters on which tho je
corder and the councils are ct variance
the committee Miould lie able In frame
its report In one sitting, the old esti
mates committee having attended to
all the routine work and left an or
dinance behind It which is practically
Recoider Moir wms not about his
office yesterday, having gone to New
York In company wth City Treasurer
Robinson to deliver tho sewer bonds
to Day & Co. They will teturn today
with the money.
The sinking fund commissioners met
yesterday morning at 11 o'clock and
elected ex-Mayor AV. L. Connell, chatr
man, and J. A. Lansing, secretary,
Another meetlnjf will be held ut the
call of the chair, when the commis
sioners have Investigated and tearntd
what their duties are.
A meeting of common council !s to
be held Thursday night, at which an
other effort will ho mnde lo have tho
certificates of the Bcvcntcen "extras"
accepted. The seven Democrats among
these seventeen aro Importuning their
seated brethren to let them In, and rti
there Is nothing much to be gained by
keeping them on!, there Is h. disposition
on the purl of several of tho majority
to grant the prayer of the rejected ones
and penult rjcrnnlon to have an ex
panded common council such as Its
charter calls for.
Recorder Brown, of Pittsburg, Not
Anxious for the Honor.
A. M. Brown, tite newly appointed
l reorder of Plttsbutg, Is the father of
AV, .T. itrown, of thl city, whoso wire
Is tho only child of Mr. and Alts. W. JI.
Recorder Brown, although nearly sev
enty years old, is still vigorous and lr,
one of the most eminent lawyers In the
state of Pennsylvania. One of Ills sons
Is a Judge of common pleas in Pitts
bittg, while the recorder himself would
have been on the Supreme court bench
had It not been for a local factional
tight a few years ago. which, while he
was not connected with It In any way,
yet made him a victim. Ho has never
sought political ofllce, and while ho has
always been u strong Republican and
has contributed much financially and
hy means of speeches to the party suc
cess, has noL been drawn Into factional
lie has three sons, who have been
prominent lawyers in Pittsburg. Ills
sou AV. J. Brown, of this city, is of Hie
opinion that his father will not accept
the appointment of recorder of Pltls
burg. unless great pressure Is brought
to bear, ns it will bo a lots to him In
more ways than one.
West Pittston Will Be the Center of
Interest for Methodists for Seven
Days to Come.
The fiftieth session of the AVyoming
conference begins today in AArest Pitts
ton, to continue one week. The con
ference will be presided over by the
eminent Bishop C. 11. Fowler, of Buf
falo, who Is recognized as one of the
most brilliant men In the Methodist
The official visitors at tills year's
conference will be: Rov. A. B. Leon
ard. New York, mission society; Rev.
Manley s. Hard, Chicago, Church Ex
tension society: Rev. C. M. B. Mason,
Cincinnati, Freedmen's society; Rev.
AV. F. McDowell, New York, Education
society; Rev. E. M. Mills, New York,
Twentieth Century movement; Rev. i.
AV. AVilson, Providence, R. T., evangel
ist; Rev. Frank Heart, Chicago,
Church Mission society: John C. Oak
ley, Tarrytown, N. A'., Charles A.
Crane, Boston, temperance speaker;
John F. Voveher, Baltimore.
The first event of the conference, ex
aminations, will take place this morn
ing at f o'clock. Tonight the Grand
Army of the Republic association will
be addressed by J. O. Oakley. The
business sessions will open tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock.
Unusual attention attaches to the
appointments, this year, because the
conference is the first to bo held In
this district since the abolition of the
five years' limit to the term of a min
ister in one charge.
Two of the most important matters
to come before the conference are tho
proposed now constitution of tho
church at large, and proposition for re
districting of the conference into four
or five instead of six districts, as at
Held Last Night in St. John's
Hall on Capouse Avenue.
St. John's Total Abstinence and
Benevolent society, of Capouse avenue,
held its fifteenth annual ball last night
in tho society's hall. There wore 150
couples in attendance. Tho hall and
parlors were tastefully decorated with
flowers and greens and fuither em
bellished with brilliant illuminations.
Musio was furnished by tho Star or
chestra. The grand march was led by M. J.
Rafferty. of the committee of arrange
ments, accompanied by Miss Elizabeth
Joyce. The other members of tlfe com
mittee were M. F. Campbell, John
Joyce, Joseph McCann, Anthony Roche
and John Ratchford. The master of
ceremonies was T. J. Kelly.
James Scutt Fined $3 by Alderman
The promised crusade against side
walk spitting was begun yesterday by
Police Magistrate Millar, but though
ho had several of his officers out only
one arrest was made. This was
James Scutt, who was taken Into cus
tody on Lackawanna avenue by Spe
cial Officer Dyers. Ho was very much
angered nt being arrested, but was
fined $3, which ho paid,
Alderman John T. Howe, of tlte Sev
enteenth ward, said yesterday that ha
would also take the matter in hand
and would Instruct his officers to ar
rest all persons seen spitting on tlte
Was Walking on the Lackawanna
Ttacks Last Night.
Joseph Klernus, a Polander, Ilvlns on
Lloyd stieet, was instantly killed last
night, about 8 o'clock, hy a south
bound Lackawanna freight train on
the Lackawanna ttacks, between
Thompson and Court streets.
He was walking towards town, and
though he attempted to set out of the
way was not quick enough. Ills body
was thrown to one side of tho track
and was badly mangled, It was taken
to Jones' undertaking establishment.
Scranton Business College.
Students filling positions are con
tinually being chunsod to others pay
ing better salaries. Oraduatea secure
good positions ns soon as they pass
their examination. Many undergrad
uates are sent out, The demand for
bookkeepers and stenographers is still
greater than the supply, Students are
now enrolling for tho spring and sum
mer terms.
Local diU for April S, 1001 s
Highest temperature ti dogietj
Lowest temperatuic ,. M degree
Ktlaliio humidity:
6 a. in 83 pr tout.
tp. in ,.. ia per cent,
ltalufall, 31 hours ended t p. in (J.03 Inch
It Was the First Thus They Were
Called Upon to Do It, There Was
No Telling When They Would Be
Called Upon to Dp It Again, and
While They Were Doing It They
Determined to Do It Well.
Language of the Verdict Wot thy
of Careful Study.
It isn't every day a country Justice
of the peace Is called upon to assume
the lcsponsiblUtips, dignities and other
things that utlach to being coroner of
Lackawanna county, but when it so
happens that this distinguished honor
dors come tn ono of them, you ran rely
upon It that he will make the most
of it.
Ordinarily when a man meets u vio
lent death In the city and the cotoner,
with tlte aid of three or four news
paper men, his coachman unrt tho
policeman on the 'beat, discovers how
It all happened, they -will lgn a verdict
written by one of the newspaper men,
which will iead something like this:
We, the undesigned jurors, einpundlcd to In
quite into the deatlt nf John frnllh, do hud
that tho deceased came In his death on .tunc II.
1901. by lianglnrr himself .
They think this Is doing pretty well
by tho commonwealth and collect their
fees Just as If the thing had been done
properly. But It will be dllTerent hpre
ufter. A new foim of verdict, has
come lo pass.
Thornhurs't, Lackawanna county, Is
so far from any direct line of travel
from Scranton that fishermen and hun
ters ftom hereabouts wiio have occa
sion to go there generally go down
to Canton and back in.
Recently a man named AVcikheisor
hung himself In a wagon shed at A few days thereafter
news of the affair was brought lo
Scranton by some Thornhurster who
came up to serve on a Jury. Coroner
Roberts couldn't afford to take a week
off, and sent wotd back with the Jur
or to have the local squire hold the
Inquest and make tho return. Tho
local squire evidently held the Inquest,
for tile return came in yesterday. It
Is that same return that marks an
epoch in the formulating of finding of
coroner's Juries. Here It is. Just as it
Is writ on a sheet of foolscap, occupy
ing a place In the- archives of Lacka
wanna county, s.s.:
Commonwealth of lVi.n.-yli.tuia, l..ic'an.iiina
Counti, ss. :
An inquli-iticn indented and taken at 'Ihoiu
Iiiust, in the county of f-.icl.a'.vauna, lue lith
day of Mairh, in the .iiar ( out I.' rr! on?
thousand titna hundred find ope, before inn. tjli.i
ten Heller, justhp of the peace n" Iho county
.ll'cic-.lid, upon tho view of the hotly of Kuntirl, then and tl.cte ljins- dead, npci
the oaths of John L. Smith, M. II. Reiki, .1. X.
MeaVcr. Joseph Mont, Ileniy Duller and Otto
ScuM", acod and lawful irui nf the county
afoic-nhl; who being sworn to inquire, on t'i2
part of the crmmomvcalth, vhen, hcte, how
and after what manner the said Stmuel Wetk
hdoci' lame to his death, dn eav. upon their
nath. that Samuel Weikheiscr, late of Thorn
bust aforesaid, not bavin? the fear of God b.
fore his ec, but beimr seduced and moved by
the instigation of the drill, ul 'lliornlmut afotc--aid,
in the loft "of John Smith's wajton shed,
at Thornhurst afoi c?.dd, standing and bring, the
said Samuel WcrMicis'cr, being: then and Iheic
alone, with a certain hempen rope, of the .ilue
of five cents which he then and time had and
held in h!.s hand', and one end lliereot then
and there put about hi-, neck, and the other end
theicof tied about a rafter of the wagon shed
nfoievaiil, hinnelt then and there, with the iope
aforesaid, lolunlarily and feloniously and ot hU
malice aforethought, hanged and suflocated: and
:o tin; jurnn afoirsald, upon their .oath- .iforc
Mid, psy that the said Sampel Weikheiscr then
and ihcre, in manner and fcim afotcaid, us a
felon of himself, feloniously, voluntarily, and of
hit mall-p aforethought, himself killed, strangled
anil murdered, against the peace and dignity of
the commonweal! Ii of Pennsylvania.
In nitiiesa whereof, as well tho aforc-iaid jus
tice of tho pace, a the iuioiis aforesaid, hive
to thi.H inquisition put their hands and,
on the day and jear and at the place firit ahoio
Clinton Heller. J. P. setl.i
As stated above, the decedent hung
Clerk of tho Courts Daniels is think
ing seriously of sending it back with
Instructions to tlte squiro that he must
give tho color of tho rope, as well as
Its value; also tho color of the dece
dant's socks aforesaid, and the age, oc
cupation and prospects of the Jurors,
aforesaid. Good advisers, however,
Intervened and the return stands,
It would be cruelty, they figured,
to send tho return back and thereby
make tho squire and other savants of
the village spend another week or tm
days rummuglng through "How to Bo
Your Own Lawyer," and tho unbound
copy of of the fish and game laws sent
by Dr. Maekey when ho was In the
legislature to tho local flsh and gatno
warden, and which constitute the law
library of the village.
Organs for Sale Cheap.
You can buy a good second hand Or
gan as low ns $10.00 at Guernsey Hall,
J. AV. Guernsey, Prop.. 314 Washing
ton avenue, Scranton, Pa.
May Patterns and Doslgueis ready
today. Revans, 113 Wyoming avenue.
Ask for Kelly's union crackers.
All Hats
Look alike to most people
'polish covets a multitude of
Take the same block made
from three widely differing
qualities the chances are you'll
choose the inferior.
How will you knowP Go to
a reliable dealer and believe
what he &ays.
Easter hats Jieie in abunl-ance.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave.
Andi'W MelVmahl and I. l'afUah f Hun.
turn", i'te nricttd joterddy nt the liildiici ot
Mt. I.iuy Apcwtollco. who reside nl the i inner
of Sew VoiW fctreet and Adams aicnue, on the
(Ii.iilc of breaking; In her hoiKe and Ihieatemux
M llll lhcy iveie held in "dJO halt eacli
for Iheli appearand1 at tnuil,
All" miller I'dlteisnu, a eolnicd epiennn,
a.11 utieted .leiteidny al the lii.l.inte nf Itie
1,ml.'.inanua (vinpaity, tl-aigcd tilth ttfp,-,'ithit?
iipnn the company' piopriy at ll. i-tatton ami
"Hilling (iiftntii, 'tin! alderman le-iru-d Iik
iliil-doti and paroled the ptli-iie-r In Hie ciwl-nly
of Ms attorney, S. P. 1'ihi.
Hr. llriUpet Walsh, of ('invwi aienii", i.n ir
refted .lotciday -it tin lulanre nf Mh. Cath
erine McKeiina, nf I'hr ultccl, who rli.iiRe her
ultii (lie laitetiy of miiiio cupel. Mh- ui- held
in I-..I1 :t hearing this ufhtnnnn.
fianl: fli ir,. Michael Itiacet. -hum VA
irut James -i.c.i, the four I'agiaiilrf uiicl'd in
I'ir. Innot on -iindiy nln'it, lieu .lo-le.Miy
ciMnm'tli"! tn the lounfv jail (or three tueinl'w
lie I'lOlee- Mighti.tle Ihme m iiWuill nf !i)
Ask for Kelly's union crackers.
The Scranton Qns and Water Com
pany and the Hyde Park Gas Com
pany. In tccordant'e wllli the polity o! these loin
panics lo rcriuip tales from time tn time ui
may he warranted hy increased ronMiuipll-m,
tiollre U heiehy given that, on and alter Aplll
1 next, the price, of cat- n ill he ana dollar per
one, thousand cubic feet consumed, tubject to
the' following discount: rive per cent, on all
bllU vrheie the consumption for the month
amounts to leai than twenty-five dollais; fen per
tent, on all hills where the. consumption for the
month amounts to twenty-five dollara and up
ard. Proiided the hill U paid on or before the
20th day (if the month in uhteli the bill is
rendered. Py urder of the board.
O. n. HAND, Secietaiy.
Hyde I'aik Has compart) fn order to encoui
ge the use of (fas for fuel puiposes, notice is
hereby Riven that on and after April t next the
price of ga.s so ucd will be one dollar per one
thousand feet consumed, tubject to the following
special discounts: Ten per cent, on all billsiihcre
the consumption for the month amounts to less than
twenty-tlvc d liars; twenty per cent, on all bills
wheie the consumption for tnc month amounts
to tnenty-flre dollars and upwaid.
Provided the bill is paid on or befoic the Cufh
day of the month in which the bill Is rendered.
A separate meter, fnrnl-lied by the company, is
necessary. Hy order of the hoaid.
G. B. HAND, Secietaiy.
The greatest commercial
economist in the world today.
Compared to any necessary
investment in business,
theprofitfrom aTELEPHONE
is incalculable.
Residence and Commercial
rates at a moderate cost.
Manager's office, 117 Adams avenue.
At the recent International Ex
port Exposition held in Philadel
phia, 1899, the Mason & Hamlin
Pianofortes were awarded highest
distinction over all others, and
were the only pianos to ba
recommended to the Franklin Insti
tute as worthy ol a special distinc
tion ap.d extra medal.
A full stock of these superb in
struments may be seen at the
warerooms of
L. B. Powell & Co.
For Sale
Or Rent
Best Resident .Section in City.
FiiriiisliiMl or Unfurnished.
Modern, up-to-date house,
large commodious rooms:
three opeu fire places; barn;
fruit; two lots, 80 ft, frout,
i-io ft, deep.' Apply
A. N. Kerr,
126 Washington Avenue,
Or 605 Clay Avenue.
to me stout
cannot (Upend upon an oidinai) tailor to mate a
sracciutly 1iji,i;Iiir Mill. If you third; c-ttu M!
J. . .1 I I n, l.. . l. .. .... . I .I ,A u, .
If ll'tuiiiii 111 ui4ui a J4iucb vi rmib i it. jvu
propel ly jou thouM cciUlnty ionic to uj.
King Miller, Merchant Tailor,
435 Spruce St., Scranton, Fa,
Of the weather this time of
year makes one appreciate a
certainty, Your pocketbook
Autl fancy will be satisfied to
certainty with our
Green Valley Rye
Cold type caunot do justice
to it.
Is what the baggageman
says, then away goes you
trunlc slam bang across the
If it was bought here it
will stand the strain. Suit
cases, grips and hand satchels
of all kinds.
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
A Second-Class
City with a
First Class Stock
Gut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
MercereaU 5 Connell.
132 Wyoming Avenue.
325-32T Penn Avenue,
It's Off
Your Hind
When you place your order
for repairing with us. No
watching us like a hawk" to
see your work is delivered.
Our by-laws provide abso-
lutely for the prompt delivery
of all finished work.
Perhaps we're a bit "cianky"
on this point, but our patrons
aio pleabecl, and that is what
we ae heie for.
Our line of Coverings is new
and complete all the latest
hi I Forsy
Ek-tmktt-SitSs -ffr n A "
. tA a 3