wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!m.tK"mjjJLLtJ.' .J,wwLS, v,',',m:,,mm 'fm ' r thy 4- u . i 2i 8- THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1001. NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD CARPENTERS STRIKE IS NOT AT AN END. That Is the Statement Made by Business Agent Luta, Who Takes Issue with Mr. Laudlg Central Labor Union Is to Make an Effott to Bring the Silk Strike to an End. Present Status of the Anthiactte Coal Trade The Boaid for Today. Other Offices Moved. Although Secretary H. K Vanillic, uf thr BulldctA' Exchange, Satuiduy gave cult a statement to the effeot that the loiiR-sluiidliitr clinicultles between the nxrhtuiKP and Journeymen cuipcntprs liad bfeii tulJu.Mted. and accompanied tliin with Hip impels of Heltlenicnt, lgned hy "the .Journeymen Ciitpen tfia' CoiiK-ienco committee," Jltialms AroiiL P. H. Uilz, of the Hti Iking car vcntcrH. yesterday nnplutically stated to a Tribune man that the HlilUe It nut settled. Ho dcclnied that the npieemcnt pub HMied by Landlp was made a Itli nu'in lii of what was formally known as the "Good .Mechanic"-' club." ronnhtlns; entirely of ox-mumbeiH uf Hip faipen tniH1 union wlm returned to wnik. The (.cale decided upon, he stated, wa ob no.sloua to t lie cuipcutois at large, oh it piovldrs for a nine-hour day, with dally waRi-x utiiBliiK fiom .'.-'" up. The union hah dnmumied an piphl-houi ihtv, w 1 1 li a minimum mtr- of thlity cpiiIr an hour. .Mr. I.ulz, continuing, raid: "While lmvp touched no fiKiee inciit with the HuildpiK' pxchaiiffc. ' liavc Hlftned cuntructs with nimieripin individual builders durhiR the pal week, limiting teiniH with no Ipmx limn II -p laigp contraclots and bulldeiH, winch makes a total or nboul thlrl.N live individual spulcuiciif-. We Imvp ipcelved Rimianleei nr an eight-hour day .mil our other dein.iniN have aKo Ijrcii alnioit enlliely aranled. We have frllKhtly niodlllcd our oiiRlnul jsi'ov nnce.s and by meeting- thp hulldeis lialf-wny, Ruined our point." Anthracite Coal Tiade. The niiBlne?ililB and Mhilns.lomii.il k.i.vh this about the antluacllp ujal Undo: Willi feir- if li 4ti Ac ill-pollMl jihI " ulhrr noi nr distant. Hip .intlnuiitp ("M tiule i!ios a iiiluul decline In liming, llmngli 1iii-i-r,( it icpoitnl to lm liill.i up in Itio cim?P lot tin-, 'oi-oii ot tho jcn. 'I Mile "III linl'imc with tlic upeiiins r,f like n.ii;.itln. Supplier on I he iloUs .it I he IipiiI of Uki Nipinm Imp i.iiiiIiciI: novor in ici'nt cn linn Hi" JocV. licrn swept "ii ti in. 'Ilio in1 on tin- lal.es I lliid. liuurwi, .iml liiMKition i? not cspcotnl in open licfoie .May I l ( hii.ico tr.nle ti.i 1k n quiet. .Ml i.ul icil mnitcli iv to he li.nl to Mipply .ill neeil". Alonj; the lower Mkis buy ing Icll oil Willi the DiW" of no strike tins h.iin. riiile.it -nliond poinu. li fJii. lift ill tui.iiiir li.ti bcin "linniljteil In iuw, winily w C.I till I. Illire b.i" b-en im h Ih.iii the ii-nil amount .t W.ill -nut till, .ib'iiit anthr.nite loid- tins seel.. It his hin .is-tileil Hut the I chmli Vol . ,is In le irlilnl lo the lte.nbn? .mil tint the X.iiniirhllls weir to I i,e over l)el.iw.ire .mil lli.il 'on Iieubt)i-s Mr. J. I'. Moiin bis not be.n :i pise to .tii talk lint would kicp up n bull ii.rkcl. ha ii a miller of tut, Mr. MorJn lis hid i lu,i' inteir-t in I..li!i;li Xolley t"o i.a-, and tluie i-. notbins to Mion- that lie ir tind to til. lie the piopeilj Willi Itoadin;,'. Tne Vonk.-lulli hold -nine Heliw.iie anil llinliui Un ami the loid li n eoiiiui tions with the Nw ik Itiitiul, but Iheie h nothlnir to Miow lb.it X.nnkibilt Inleie-N in the ioul .lie .m lnsi'i Hi in lliev line luen. (in a hull nuiktt abnoU mi kind of bull talk "tem. In ko. I In. mills bi" anuouiiie.! then "prin;: piuos 1 1 jo auuoum (Hunt ii a now I ine in thai it ioi. I mus (lie winter "tbeilnle, but ulieis a ilieo,iiil ii ju (iniN pei ton toi all coil bought in April, in (int-. for tli it bouulit in .May, .'0 (ents loi J. in, -."i i nils loi ,li'l- and 10 fents foi unu-t, Willi tin' lull wniiei -tliedule .iRain on epl. 1, 'llii-. -ilii 'no if a Miyli plice with ."peei.il m id id ilifotu ts hi-, nun been tiinl befoie, at aiti rot ('ii ju-i llic pn int plur. II srciiis euiinent'j I Ir nnd bone"t. In the nun who huj, in Apiil i Miv lii'. a fiil'-t.iulijl di.(oiirit ofleied him. and the picmit 1 1. . nnlrol oi tie .u ions iniiN i" assurance lint .luh pun'" will not be lowei I on piil pi lie-, as In- Ion often been the ci-e. ( iii-ii. ners in iv not like lull ,idaut.li;i' of the dl-iouuts thi .Mil, waitilin' to Me how pneis will be iiiiiutalui'il. If upheld, huweici. the new pi in "liouhl d imiib In iM-iiibute bill Ins oiei Ike Jen incur eienlj linn liw been the ia-e, thii' in-tiiiue "leadiir l.u-ii f .,i tlic loinpinie- and inoie uulai iiiiploiuuni til Ihe mi n in Hie I iime. ilin- to thr fill in ii, in Hid inii.l oi Hie (id in lies aie now woikinir -.1 time 'lie piil pilces loi iicr-b'iiiiiii;. nliilt -,.i iod I o li iw ..ik Harbor pull me: I'.iok. n, .' ,'Oi iK TJ.T'i; stun and mil, l Today's D., L. & W. Board. The make-up ot today's D,, L. and V. boat (I Is as follows: M l., M'ISIt 7 wild iat Hi-t-s p. in., r iiiiiet. MUMMY, Al'llll. . wiM r.iu r.i't l.'.ai .1. ., r, u iiogenj s in., K. M. Ilallit; Id a, in., I). Cue; t p. 1 1 , . (aitnui l.'u p. in,, 1 1. Wallace; .1 p, m., W, fi. Wmf, i; I, p. i I. Iln.li, Mininiits, i:tr. -in ,i in., we-t, ll. rinisnfcll.ri . o p. in., (ait, .1, llenuliMii; 7 p. m , west from Ijuiim, lime inline", Jkl.iue. I'ullii-r, i:. srioi. IMMlirii S a. in., Ilnii-.i: 11) i. in., S, '. ncriy; II oil a. in, Moian; 7 p. m., ilmpli.i; y p. in., I.aiupiiiy; 10 p. in., Wpluei. PaKsoiiu'i r I iiKiliio " j. in, (lulneyj 7 .i, in., Sillier! : .f,...ll li Ml.. Slinlo... 7 ,. ... tir...A... - . , ".. . i ., '.,,, v, , Wild L'alu H'i.t-0 , in., T. J. 'lhoniiniin; II . in., J, II, Masteu; 1 W. W. Uillair; S p. in., P. Walli a p. in., .I. II, Jlcfann; 4 p. m llatfunn; d p. in., Mills with Jf, Cituiodj's men, .NOT1CI1. loiiduitoi W. W, W'.ufel jnd new, Loiitluclou T. ntypatiitk. II, lllstiln,', If. J, Ijtkin, A. I", Mullln and llukoncn .lo-cph ,1, Cullcn, June-) ll(ile., tieorce IUi;i;crly Jnd Jolin C.'jlluglipr will ii-p.il t nl supi'iiiileiiJciils office 0 a. in,, Monthy, April S. Ilrakeiuiii P. Coicoian rrpoits for duty with lloiidit'Jn, Rrukrnun George Colfiiuii repoitj for ilillv with T. .McCatllij. Department Transfewecl. Those connected with the mechanical engineering department .of tho Penn ylvanla Coal company received notice Saturday that their services could be dispensed with in tho future, their work being tranbfciictl to Xow "Voik city. Those afCected by the change are Chief Engineer William Forsyth, C. .S, Farrar and Ernest Close. Attempt to mediate. At a meeting of tho Central Labor anion held yesterday afternoon In Economy hall, a number of represen tatives of the striking bilk mill ghls wero present and pleaded their cause In Mich effective terms that tho union decided to attempt to secure a con feienco with Superintendent AV. H. Davis, of the Sauiiuoit mill, with u view to settling the .strike. Superintendent D.iyis was selected as being the representative of tho larg est and most lepresentatlvo mill, and President Jones appointed tho tollov.'r ing committee to wait upon him: (icoige 11. Clothier, sccictary of the union, John 11. Devlne, of the Clerki O. S. MHz, of the Carpenters! Hum phrey Campbell, ot thp Machinist, and V, A. Stanton. This committee will first confer with the strikers' ex ecutive committee and discuss the sit uation with them. There weie no other new develop ments In the strike either rialuidoy or e8tetday. New Baggage Check System. During: the past week a now bueffaRe check H.Vftem was Installed at all points on the Lackawanna railroad, dolus; away with the use ot nil checks wllh brass duplicates. In place ot Ihe latter numbered caul checks aic now" employed, Those pan only be twed but once, as after thcbtiBKUge Is dellveied thp checks ai o cancelled. This system has been adopted by the Kcnnral passenger association ot tall roads, and is already In general lice on nearly all of the leading railroads In tho United States. It is a vast im provement on the old system, and pie ctutlcs the possibility ot any biigftuKc .being claimed by others than the legiti mate holders of duplicate cheek. This and That. The Sdanloii, or Xo. I, dlstilct of the United Mine AVorkeis, being twice as lame as cither one of the other dlslileu in Ihe anthracite Hold, a movement has been slatted for Its illusion and the formation ot a new district, which would make four In the ha id coal lpglou. A well attended meellng of the Cen lial Labor union was held jesterday afternoon at Economy hall, and an amount, of Important Iiip-Iiipss tran sacted. Action was taken ltgaidlng thp hIIIc strike situation, as told In another column, and vat Ions other questions c.iiiic up for discussion. A communication received fiom AV. K. (tllhool. was lPforred to the "Wagon "Woikprs. It contained tho statement that .Mr. Ilhotil was willing to union ize his shops, and received favoiable comment fiom the labor union as a body. This moinlng will mark the opening of the riuartPily convention of District Xo. J, TnitPil Mine "Workers of Ameri ca, at Olypbanl. Fully Hire? hundieil ilelenatps are expected to attend, and business of vital Impoitance v 111 be transacted. The .session will bo called lo otdcr in Father Mathev ball at 10 o'clock by President T. D. Xicholls, ot Xantlcoke. Much interest Is rife as to what disposition the convention will make of the matter of dividing tho dlstilct. which lias been much dis cussed. The general opinion Is that a division will take place. HAS SECURED THE PLANT Spring Brook Wftter Company Gets Distributing Facilities of Penn sylvania Coal Company. "Within a few days a deal will b-i consummated by which the Spiing Biook "Water Supply company will purchase (be water system at Plttston formerly owned by Hip Pennsylvania Coal company, but now the ptoperty of the Kne Uailroad company. The system Is not a largo one, and was used entirely for furnishing with water the company's collleiie'!. and also a few of the dwelling house's of its employes. Negotiations have been under way for some time, they recently being con ducted between General Jlanager W. A. May, of tho TJiie. and Hon. L. A. Wanes, of tho waler company. The Hpring Brook lesprvolrs have supplied the eollleiips with water since last sum mer's drought, the drought which caused the water lamirte in Dunmoio boiough and resulted In the Dunmore Gas and "Water company being event ually absorbed by the Scranton com pany. The old Pennsylvania Coal company built a vety complete water system at Plttston. but their icservoiis wpip un ablp to stand last summers thought and thp Spiing Biook company has controlled the system ever since. The den! is alieady practically closed. The consideration is not known, but one oi the inteiested pailies yesteiday 10 marked lhat the ptice was so small as to He uuwoithy repetition. In con nection with the matter the samo per son gave out tho following statement: It is runioud that the Spiinu Drool; Water Nippl) coiiipiny bis pnicbasoil the I'enn-jU.inia toil compiny water hjnteni .it l'ittton. Tlic w.uer Jtrni of the toal cotnpauv ufeircd to i nmpri-r but a few inllcrf of pipe and lu been ueil ecluiM'ly for their own colllerli", willi the exieptiuii that II alio suppliul a few of their ieiionicnlsi occupied hy their rmplo)e. 'I In- I'ciinijhania Coil company weio ihoit of w.ilcr ilnrlnsf the late m-mtb diought, and the S-priiiAT Urook Water Supply company, willi t lirne new n-Mnoir on bprlng Hrnuk, lioldliiB iboiit two billion ('J.OOO.WW.noO) gilloni will be .ihlc lliroiich tills purch.i-e to heuue to the I'eiitKihanh Coil compiny an abundiiit Mipply of w.itei. DONATIONS TOR MAKCH. Aie Acknowledged by Dliectois of Florence Mission. The diiectors of Florence Slls-slon Krntcfully acknowledge tho following donations In March: Meilx.il si nice. Pi Anna ( iJlk. Dr. tl. 1!. Dliii; dental herUce. 1)1. I'li'deild: meat from Mr. Iiifhl. Miw. Marberi?cr, Cmr, W'oimser, south fl(ie flore. AjIpsuocUi; take from Young I, idles" C'lirUtian band of the Feconil 1'ieshy. tcilau church; cakes from Women's cchinso; medicines, I), J. Thomas annual icports, KKIW, ijIIkoii llrotlieu; fumlisatiiit; aflcr i-rar-lalln.1, Siranlon PrihllnR coinpan.i ; bicad and cakr, .'eliller and Lindner; lumber, Seian ton Wood Woililns companj: cuilaiin. Miss Sin. dfioon; whole plore nnhleatlied Rhectlnc, 1', II. 1'inleyi tlothins, Mrs. Pr. llunui wiapptr aivl cash, 60 cents, Mrs. Uencdict; literature, Mli Puck; cah, $1.50, Mli I'.iam: mill: dally, Pcian. Ion Dairy company; inillc dally ami Ice ercain once a montli, Lackawanna Palry companj. An Kaster offering Is earnestly hollc- Itcd, - Cheap Rates to California. Parties desiring to make tiip to Call fomla, Arizona or New Mexico, either for business or ploasutc, can do so now at almost half price. Every Tuebday, until April lioth, in elusive, tickets inaiked "Colonist" may b? pm chased via Southern Railway for $44,00 from Washineton, ?16 50 fiom Philadelphia, and coneapondlngly low prices from other points. Tho Southern Railway and Southern Pacific company operate thiough ex cursion sleepers fiom Washineton, leaving Mondays, Tuesdays and Fil days, the Tuesday sleeper being avail able for "Colonist" tickets. Tho beith rate In these sleepers Is only $7.00, two nconle being allowed to occupy one berth If desired. Personal conduclom and Pullman porters go thiough with each sleeper, Theio are other new, convenient and economical fea tines connected Willi these excursions which may be ascertained from Charles L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, Southern Hallway, S2S Chestnut street, Philadelphia. I MENTION OF MEN OP HOUR COMMON COUNCIL HAS TWO LAWYERS AS MEMBERS. 0. R. Faitrldgc Succeeded H. E. Talne In the Regular Body from tho Ninth Wntd W. F. Jones' Work as mi Advertising: Man and Window Diesser Lieutenant J?. A. Murphy Has Been. Tiansf erred from This City The Delinquent Tax Collector. The common council now iiiiinbeis among its members two lawycis. The llrst to take his seat was II. S. Ahvorth, of the Second ward, and when council rc-ornnnlzed last Monday the second, Attorney O. U. Paitildge, was sworn In as tho regular common cdunollinan from tho N'lnth ward. Mr. Partridge has practiced law in tho courts of hackawamiR county for a number of years with honor to himself, and Is associated with .Senator .1. C. Vnitghan. llo was nominated by tlic TtepubllcatiH ot the waul at the same tlmo that IT. K. Paine- was chosen as a. candidate. At the prlniailes Mr. Paine had a con siderable lead over Sir. Partridge and so confident, was he that he would poll more votes than the latter that he placed himself In the hands ot ills f i lends and made no active canvass. AVIth Mr. Partridge it 'was different, lip made a -vigorous and aggressive fight and Mr. Palno was the most sur prised man In tho city when after election he discovered that his oppon ent had polled two more votes than he and was therefore the regular com mon councilman, lenving him with a law suit ahead ot him before he hada chance of taking a scat. Mr. Part ildge, by reason ot his legal tiaining and sound practical common sense, will undoubtedly make n splendid coun cilman as soon as he "gets on to the ropes." The up-to-dute and progressive mer chant of today recognizes good news paper advei Using and artistic window di easing as two of the most Important factois In carrying on a successful business. The firm of Samter Broth ers wore among the first In this city to establish a .sepan.ie department In their Immense store- lor this work, placing it under the charge ot "W. F. Jones, who Is undoubtedly one of the best men In the business. We do not hesitate to say that both the window and newspaper advertising done by Mr. Jones for the Samter stores will stand eompaiison with the work done in the same departments of the lead ing stores of the United States. Mr. Jones has had a most Intel eat ing career in advertising anil window decorating for the retail clothing trade in some nf tho laigcst stores in the country. Ho was born In London. Eng land, Nov. IS, JSC9, and is, a tailor by trade, having served his apprenticeship with the well known firm of Samuel Brothers, of London. Tie came to New York to accept a position with Mac Stadler & Company, Broadway, and since that time has had chaige of the publicity departments of such promi nent houses as .T. M. Guskey's, Pitts burg, Pa., the Sterling Clothing com pany, of Chicago, and J. Tj. Hudson, of Cleveland, Detroit and Buffalo. Mr. Jones is also a vocalist of much ability and is a member ot the Penn Avenue Baptist chinch choir. Lieutenant P. A. Murphy, ot the Sev enth cavalry, w ho succeeded Lieuten ant Rollins in charge of the local re cruiting station of the United States army, has received transfer orders, and the many friends ho gained duriils his short stay here aie giieved by te knowledge that he is soon to leave for other fields. Lieutenant Mutphy, like his predecessor, is a "West Point man, and graduated fiom the great military college with the class of '97. He stood well in his class, and Ins ability as a btudent or affairs military is evidenced by the fact that after serving out West for' a short term, after leaving the academy, he was called back to take charge of a class, as assistant In Mtuctor. "While at West Point he also took a lively Intoiest in lnter-colleglato- ath letics, and was particularly fond of base ball. Kveiy man at tho academy is naturally fitted for athletics, as to pass the l Igorous entrance examina tions a man must bo well-nigh physic ally perfect, and it is therefore no .sinecuie for any ambitious embryo Miles or Fltzhugh Lee to make the representative teams, Lieutenant Mur phy, however, succeeded, and now bears the piouil distinction of having played shoitstop on West Point's nine, No stronger argument again t tho glaring accounts of caddlshuess and uiiinaullness pievalllng at West Point can bo found than In tho peisous of the stuluait icpief-entatlves of the greatest military institution of its kind in the woild who come to this city. 4 Oenige AV. Jenkins, tho recently ap pointed collector of delinquent taxes, has been a resident of "West Scranton for many yoais, and has always taken uu active interest in the political af fairs of the national, slato and city government. Ho is a close personal friend of Recorder Molr, and It has been said that no appointment.1) ot West Side applicants have ever been made by the ex-mayor without the ap proval of Mr. Jenkins. At tho present time ho Is the chair man of the First Legislative district committee, and was an Important fac tor In the election of T. Jefferson Rey nolds to a seat In the state legislature. He Is a druggist by profession, and Is a resident of the Firth ward. 4 V llezaleel Davies, the new police mag istrate fop West Scranton, Is a icsident of tho Fifth ward, wheie he has re Hided for many years. Prior to his election asj, an alderman lie conducted a grocery stoie on South Main avenuo for fourteen years. He has. been active in ward pontics., but has never been beyond that spheres He practically owes his appointment to his son, Walter Davies, who was one of tho secretaries of the county com mittee for a time, and Is really better known In politics than his father, Maglstrato Davies has his office on the becond floor at 10S South Main avenue, which is a shoit distance fiom the pollco station. The Dickson Mnuiiracturlug Co. tcranton and WUUovlt.irra. I'., Manufacturer of LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY GNOMES Boiler, tlolitlnsaud Pumping Machinery, general Office, Be ran ton. Pa, IF Wheat Is Worth $1.00 A bushel you can't buy it for 38c. Neither can you buy a pair of shoes worth ?.oo, for $1.98 or $2.f)8, A great many stores endeavor to make you believe you can, but you can't, Many shoe buyers know by sad ex perience that it can't be done. We have shoes for .00 and they are worth $5.00 and we sell them for $5.00. They are fine shoes. They are the best shoes made. We have only one fault to find with our $2,50 and 3,00 shoes they often spoil a sale on our $5.00 shoes they are so swell. This Week We are showing the best line of Union-Hade (Union Stamp) Shoes in the world at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Step in and see them. Look in our windows for good shoes (up-to-date.) Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy 330 Lackawanna Ave. New Headgear, Gloves, Neckwear Are as essential to your Easter outfit as your new Spring Suit. Our Neckwear Stock is up to its usual standard. Hundreds of beautiful pat terns in all the popular shapes are here. The You-ng's $3.00 Haf Is equal to the best. We sell them. See the New MANHATTAN SHIRTS 412 Spruce Street. HISTORIC Places in Virginia Can be comfortably and easily reached by the OLD DOMINION LINE Steamers (til diiljr except Sunday (ram Tier S3, Korlb niter, foot of Ueich street, Xew York, for Old Point Contforl Norfolk Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C, Connectlnc for All Points South and West. Through Tickets returning from Washington by rail or water, for full intonsatlon apply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81-85 Beech St., New York. II B.WALKEn,Traf.Mgr. J.J.BROWN.a.P.A. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS tmdLam Connoflj!lDallac GORANTON'3 SHOPPINQ CENTER. Handkerchiefs At the Top Today You may couut that day lost that fails to ,liow some new merchandise interest U public attention at this store. Handkerchiefs lead today. Some advertisers might want to inform you as to the uses and purposes of Handkerchiefs but then many advertisements are stupid. Our aim is to tell you something of the value, quali ties and prices of the Handkerchie offered in this sale. 25,000 Handkerchiefs Lot 1 in 4, 4 and 1 inch hems, and are unquestionably the best bargain in All Linen Handkerchiefs ever offered the people of Scranton. 9c each or $1.00 per dozen. f yf- y 350 dozen Ladies' Hemstitched Embroidered Lawn Handkerchiefs our -"l' """"usual i2jc, ic and 20c numbers choose among the lot at 9c each or $1.00 a dozen. ,Some of them are slightly soiled they were the top, open, boxes for display, at the importers where we bought them, thus they were bought cheap the little they are soiled does not harm them in the least and there is a great saving in the price. I yf. -3 joo dozen Men's All Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiets, in LUl O inch hems, at 12c each or $1.40 per dozen. r I .4- A ;oo dozen Men's tt.11 .uiuen nemscucneu nanaKercmeis m y, v3 LyJV T inch hems, of a price, 15c each or $1.75 CONNOLLY & WALLACE, THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SORANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus $500,000. United States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday evenings from 8 to 9 o'clock. W.m. Connm.1, President Henry Bf.i.in, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. H. Phck, Cashier. HENRY BELIN, JR., Central Agent for th: Wyoming District for DUPONTS POWDER. Ulnlnr, Ellaatlntr, Sporting, Smokeless and tli Rcpauno Chemical Company's High Explosives. Safety ruse, Cans and Eaplodcra. lioom 401 Con ceit Building, Scranton. AUK.NGUSt TI103. lOni) rittstnn JOHN B. SltlTll & SON riymoutti W. II. MULLIGAN Wilkes Barro Strong Nerves are the true source of good, healthy appearance, Persons with half.starved nerves at. ways loolc worried and, "ilragged-out," Vou cannot be happy without nerve vigor; you cannot he natural without all the powers which nature meant you to have. produce a healthful glow which art cauuot imitate, They invigoraleevery organ, put new force to the nerves, elasticity to the btep and round out the face aud form to Hues of health and beauty. $1 00 per box, 6 bes (with written Siaruntee), $-'X. Hook free. 1'KAl. EDlWNb Co , Clevelaud, Ohio. ror laic ry uunii m "vni n-iv -.- Wjomlntf aumic and Spruce street. - i. i -- t.i. it nl.ali.a 1ll.Atmiitct rnrnir SS TProf.Q.F.THEEL,527K,:l id thIUiUlpbU, I'. Oil fceraia bprW.IM lot J fJJ Awrrlc. fiurlttmall7 wiJU'rlutfj IkMill fegs 5fc Drblllljr,! ot JUoboixM wlfcrU .fchfrlf turriiof 9HBlUae).ldeiltfiBal & tttrnnkra Ors.f r f are4 4 t 10 (Ujt. U Jtkn pr llnl 6 l'"r tl f iprrlrsr Is Urn My. H4 tor bk "Trulk"i'l r 91 m B4If14 lirlfI rrU. illn lb I pptr.I .. i - -4 Undoubtedly Plain Linen to Scranton. 800 dozen Ladies' All Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs of a fine, smooth quality, usually sold at 15c each, at 9c each or $1.00 per dozen. These . .1 T TT i?i1.J TT special fine "quality, regularly sold at 25c each. Sale per dozen. ! NEW STOCK. 5 t We arc now prepared to show you an entire NEW stock of l Carpets, I 5 Wall Papers and Draperies I Every item is this season's good. - you promptly and at our WILLIAflS & flcANULTY ; Temporary Store, 126 Washington Avenue- mis m Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer ir OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 485 N. Ninth Street, ,PA Telephono Call, 2333. Dlt. DENHTK.V, .111 Spnue ktnet, S-rauton, la. Alt Aiute and Ctiroulu Ditfasra ol M?n, tVuiarn and Thlldren. ()n3nllatioa and oi linlnatlon fret. Olilc. Ucxit. liily and Sunday I a. w. to V p. in. iBsBiiiiSS SV( '" 4-4 - the largest purchase of Handkerchiefs ever brought , i and 1 J1 1 '- I ' a and r 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE , and we arc prepared to serve well-known low prices. Said the bait to the fish. Or next thing you knotv you'll garnish a dish. I came from the store of Florey & Brooks, And I'm dangerous. W I BUS 211 Washington Ave. THB MOOSIC POWDER CO, Boons 1 and2, Com'KM B'r' SORANTON, VA lining and Blasting POWDER Ma at Mooalo and UuaadaU Worki, LAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANGE GUN POWDER leetrla Uattarlea, KleatrleKzploiItri, plodluz blit)ti, Safety Put an ! Ropauno Ghanlcal Co.'s w"Tm t lnii Fly -r 'i V4