The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 08, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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iiii fc1
Signs of SpdriR A Few News Notes.
Porsonnl on.1 Other Driftwood.
Concerning the Erie Boilermakers.
A Consistent Stnrruccnn.
Jrfclsl to tits Fa.inton Tribune.
SiiMiucli;.niui. April 0. A i.-n Sun
days ago u Montrose mliitatcr preached
a "eimon on tho evils of mendacity, to
a larso I'uiisregutlon. In the courwo of
hla remnrks he nlluded to the tragic
duiith of Amtnlns. At the close of the
.sermon an old deacon took the minis
ter aside, and Informed the luveiond
Kfiulcnian thut he had made n mis
tithe In repaid to Annidas.
"How fn'.'" united the awtonlfhud dl
Mnc. "Vli. , by telling the congregation
that Ananias Is dead," paid the deacon.
"I-I don't understand." wild the
lnlnlbter. in sonic confusion, "flense
"Dunn H!" said the deacon, "nearly
every nam In the conRregatlon Is an
oflico-secUcr, and vvIumi they learn that
Ananias is dead the whole durned
ciowil will want to illl his place!"
.vnws ctritnnxT.
It is piuUible that the striking Kric
iwlli'i makers and their helpers will re
tumi; work next Monday.
James Mack, of llartfoid, I'onn..
manager of Tim Hurley, the Susque
hanna init,'lllst, wants to tun his man
ui apraliist "any mlddlew eight in New
"Uooil Friday" services weto today
hold In the local Catholic and Kplscu churches and largely attended,
Tlii.-t borough's indebtedness is only
Tliu "Old Arkansaw" company will
appear In Jlogan opera house, April 1-.
't'lie (.'.iiiiivvneta Water Supply com
pany will piobably add several large
springs to Its plant during the .sum
mer. .lfST BUTWKBX L'.S.
Th 7 good that some men do may be
lntcri.'d with their bones, but the cof
lins of some men aie not ciowded.
A female lecturer on woman's rights
says tin women want "stable hus
bands." Perhaps that explains thir
weakness for coachmen.
IJy a premature explosion near For
est Oily a miner was fatally Inlured.
The local papers that that a "similar
a, eident" happened to a man some
yarn ago.
The illlfeieuie between a washer
woman and a ballet girl Is the former
gtts her living with her aims.
After the man has finished putting
up the stove-pipe the family parrot has
to be kept out of the room when the
minister calls.
It Is a singular phase of human na
ture that when a man gives his wife a
dime to buy a paper of hair pins or a
gum ring fur the baby it looks about
twice as big as when he planks it down
for r 'd rum.
The eraeious and astute SlarruciM.
correspondent of the Forest City News
begins Ills batch of news with this:
"The late Cieneral Ilairison and Mr.
Whitney, tlie conespoiuleat, hav used
considerable space 111 the newspapers
on account of their 'lying in state."
Air. Whitney may not have 'lied' in
the state Mr. Harrison did, but It is
tafi to say li has lied in all the
states lie was ever in, and when the
time comes to 'lie in state' he will prob
ably be able to make himself believe
it is nothing but an old-fashioned lite
jdaie." And it ends with this: "Un
cle Pan Wrighter iim-i1 to be a crack
shot, niton lie killed a deer at such
a ili-tnu. that he was compelled to
nil.. b ' '"i IiN ammunition to pre
seiM i until he lould got to it."
Con i ily nec?ssary.
i " UN Till-; WINC.
The KiU e'igitiiets do not ccp'it
that tliey will ho compelled to pay
for the Chicago history of Up.i Krie en
gineers. A whole raft of Chicago pub
llsheis appear to be engaged in skin
games now ailays.
Colonii Charles C. Pratt and f.unlly,
who have spent the winter In Hlr.g
h, mitim, aie reluming houiu to Now
William .1, Pike, of Hallstcad. Con-grcf-Mimn
litcnv's able and popular
i-ecroiaiy, has nearly regained his
health, which, for n time, has Iv-on
The ih-lo will, during the spring and
summer, make great impiovements all
along tlie line.
Tlie liclawiiie and lluihon Is still ini
pioWng its Nlnevah branch. Vho
Ever on the- Alert AHvo to Every
Form of Oppression Kept on
EdgeBurdened Boyonrt Endur
ance Nerves Give Out.
Tim machinery of a mill that gtluds
day and night lias to shut down now
and then for rcpalis. It Is the saine
way wltli your nerves. Overwoik,
clum application, our wu of living
hi Ins about ueno waste that sets up
symptoms of vailous kinds, it may
bo falling strength, weakness, languor,
headache, slceplc.ssne&s, etc, Whntover
It is, urrve force Is lacking and the
means of lestotlnff tests with Ur, A,
W. Chase's Nerve Pills. A great many
peoplo In Kcr.iiuon vouch for this.
Among them Is Mrs. Joseph .Mitchell,
nf No, SUA Unden sttcet, West Scran
ton, 1M who says: "Dr, A, W, Chase's
Neryo Pills am Hue. I wib all out of
order, nervous, and rounl not sleen,
weak and mlhoiaule. The kidneys were
sluggish and the hack lame. Nothing
seemed to help mu until I got a bos of
tlie nervo pills m Matthews Bros.' drutjr
Htore, temporary licatlitmrters cor
ner Washington and Lackawanna.
Since took them I bleep well, don't
jet It and talk. My nerves arc steady,
1 fee) stious, and the kidneys me
working well again. 1 am more than
pleased, and glad to recommend the
Dr, A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills arc
sold at 50i a box at dealers, or Dr. A.
W. I'hase Medicine, Co., llulfalo, N, Y.
Sec that portrait and signature of A.
V. Chdtc, M. Jj., uie on every package.
gieat work has continued for fl year,
night nnd day.
This kind of weather would give n
frog rheumatism.
hot us hope that the cuily robin
has not shed his flannels.
"One hand In the dough is worth
two In tho dance"
Don't hit a man when he Is down,
unlcs you are sine that he will nevrr
set up.
If lovply woman wants to mnko homo
atttnctlvo to her husband, she ought
to study tho free lunch lay-out In n
first-class saloon,
When asking a man to "have some
thing," the Interrogation point Is a
The modern devil in full dress suit
may be no better than the fellow in
tall and hoofs, but he's n, mighty sight
(rattler to look at.
Few of us ever discover bigots among
those who agree with uk In our own
religious convictions.
Woik upon the now Congregational
church In Oakland has been resumed.
MIfs Isnbelle I,. Solomon, contralto
soloist of St. JInrk's Kpivcopal church
in Syracuse, will sing In Christ church
on .Sunday evening.
The striking Krlc holler makers
and their helpers held an Important
meeting last evening.
Tlie Crescent club will hold a social
hop at the Starrucca House on Mon
day evening, April IS.
Today, being a legal holiday, the
banks nre closed.
The common council Is taking action
In the matter of holding n special elec
tion to vote on the proposition to
build a (ire hall.
Detectives are hot-footed after the
burglars who broke Into the powtolllce
at Dtandt on Friday evening lasc.
"The signs of spring most often seen
About the close of Lent,
Are rather black and white than green,
And read: "This Fiat to Itent."
Joe Muiphy purchased a new wheel
barrow one dny last week. Crawfords
ville Inquirer.
Pedestrians were obliged to go on
horseback for a time at least. Clinton
Dave Dawson lias had his sugar
hush on tap for over a week, and the
sap runs every warm day. Who says
spring Isn't coming? West .Union Ua
zette. Tale of a fat preacher: "(lev. Piatt
tilled the pulpit or the Congregational
church at Atwood last Sunday. Mine
ola News.
In Starrucca. a preacher asked:
"What is it, my hearers, that drives
men to drink?" A voice from the back
scat replied: "Salt mackerel."
The esteemed editor of the Forest
City News asks: "If women are really
angels, ivhy don't they fly over tho
fence, instead of making such a fear
fully awkward job of climbing?"
And "AVInter lingers in the lap of
spring." Winter has no shame.
The county court convenes Apill 15.
The funeral of Mrs. C. McLeod, ot
I.awsville. took place on Wednesday.
Itev. and Mrs. A. F. Harding, aged
lesidents of Gieat Pond, are quite III.
A number of Hallstcad young men
have this week gone west, to engage
In business.
A young son or County Superintend
ent of Schools Moxley. of Hallstead, on
.Monday narrowly escaped death by
drinking carbolic acid. Medical aiil
saved the little fellow's lire.
Delawaie, Lackawnnna and Western
railroad callers at Hallstead have re
ceived orders that they need not go
over one mile fioni the station to call
men for duty.
The stock of the Hallstcad Chair
company is selling at par. A ten per
cent, dividend Is anticipated for the
coming year. Whitney.
Special In the Siiaiiton Tribune
Tunkhannoek, April . The .Monday
club will meet at the home of Jlrs.
Aaron Hi own this afternoon at 'J
o'clock, Programm? as follows: "Wil
liam Hlnck. His Famous Pen Pictures
of Scottish Highlands," Mrs. Moss
Horrick: Selections from Barrle, Mrs.
I), Hillings; "Thomas," Mrs. Ueynolds;
music, by the club; "LlUo Talks. Pennv
Weddings," Miss Kclfer; "Nick Sticks,"
Mrs. lirenville; "Konnet Lairds," Mrs.
Hi own; "Old Mortality," Mrs. Meed.
Mrs, Arthur Sterling, of Meshoppen,
was the guest of Mrs. .1. L. Carlln on
Mrs. Peter It. Uoideu visited friends
at Wllkes.JJaiio on Tluusday and Fri
day. Frank D. Miller Is home rroni Prlnce
Icn loilcgc.
Miss Daisy Chllds. of Olean, N, Y
Is spending her Easter vacation with
h.M' mothei.
Mr. nnd .Mis. Joseph Wood Piatt
and daughter, Jtutli, spent Faster with
Mrs. Piatt's mother. .Mrs. J. K. Peck,
at Kingston,
.Miss Helen Lewis and Marlon Met
ealf visited n Wllkes-Hane on Fri
day. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Kram and family,
of Wynluslng, spent Kaster with Mrs,
Krum's parents,
District Attorney O. Smith Khmer
was hi Wilkes. rtnrre on Saturday.
The Wyoming conference will meet
in West Plttstoii pest week, commenc
ing Wednesday. April 10. and closing
Tuesday. Apill 1G, Rev. H. H, Wilbur,
of the Methodist Kplseopal church of
this place, will bs In attendance,
Hon. Martin Urungess, of North
nioi'elaud, an ox-mcniber of tho legis
lature, wus looking after business mat
ters in town on Saturday,
Cpcilil la, tlie ScrJtitoa Tribune,
Hawley, Apill 7 Among those
spending Kuster here were Messrs.
Marcus and Thomas Tuttle, Mlsc
Klla Palmer and Mabel Hodgors, of
Wyoming seminary, and Messrs,
George Lobb and Grant Kellini, of
the Scranton Business college
Asa Ihyant, or Honesdale, spent
part of the last week at the homo of
his uncle, James Stevenson, on Church
Pi of. fieasy Is about again, a.'ter a.
week's Illness.
Jtev, J. J. Rankin and bon, Kail, of
Elmhurst, called on friends here last
w rek.
Minn Mary Muriay, u student at St.
Cecelia's Acudem, of Scranton, is
k-pendlns F.aster with her parents here
Miss Alice Crane left Thursday for
oneontn, Ni Y whoro she will (flUe
h position In u millinery store
Mrs. Lot Atkinson Is spending the
wrek with her daughter, Mis, A. H.
Stllger, In Hrooklyn, N. Y.
L t. Sehlnser Is In New York city.
The many friends of Mis. Nettle
Schnncki of White Mills, were shocked
to hear of the midden death of her
daughter Myrtle, who died Snturdny,
Mrs. Catherine Cohan died nt her
homo on the ICnst Side Tuesday nt
8.110 a. in. The funeral was held from
St. Phllomenas church Thurndiiy nt
B.RO o'clock.
' " '
Sptclil to tlie Scranton Tribune
Duryea, April 7. Division 27, An
cient Order of Hibernians, will present
to the public this (Kuster Monday)
evening one ot the grandest cnteualn
mout held In this vicinity for it num
ber ot yonts, to be followed by danc
ing. A complete success Is anticipated
and u crowded hall expected. F.xcr
clses will be hold In Melcalf's hall at
8.30 p. in. The programme to ho ren
dered Is as follows: Solo, John Uoyle;
Instrumental duet. Irish nlrs. Austin
Gavin and Miss Thornton; "A Leaf
from Life's History," M. J. Kearney;
solo, Mary Burns; address. K. ,r.
Moore: solo. William A. Lynott; Jig
and reel, Nicholas Owen: rectfillon,
Agnes Murphy: solo, Richard Hurley:
buck and wing dance. Martin Hart;
solo, M. J. Ryan: piano sol, Nettie
Dougher; juggling, Benjamin J. Ca
vanaugh: "Mabel Song." M. J. Kear
ney: solo, Mary Uatchford: duel, J.
McIIale: Kdward Kearney: club swing
ing, E. J. Routt: solo, Leroy Hull:
solo. John Rntchfoid: dance, Michael
Carr; Intermission; buck and wins
dance, Frank Price; and several others.
K. J. Moore, of Wllkes-Barie county
president of tlie Ancient Order of Hi
bernians, will attend and give an ad
drers. George Anunermnn, of Giove street,
attended the session of the Golden
F.agle lodge, of Pittston, Friday even-
"& , i..
Joseph Cox, who was so dangerous
ill of meusles, is slowly recovering.
The Delawnre, Lackawanna and
Western company paid Its employes at
the Hallstead colliery Friday.
.Mr. and Mrs. S. Anderson visited tho
former's brother. Mr. Charles Ander
son, of Parsons, Sundey.
Special to the Scranton Tiibtine.
XiilioNon, li,, Aptil u. A i-pedd iivlim ol
the C.iatxi Lodge ot PennvhAiiia, Independent
Onler of Odd Fellows, comened the third day ol
Apill, 1901, In the I. O. O. 1'. hall. Nicholson. Pa.
tiiand Jla.-ter Deputy 1'i.incei II. Ti ansae, o(
Ainclii Iteheeoa. lodfie. No. ", of Uiceyiille,
with the a.--istJ!irr ol the past noble grand' of
I'aulovwia ltebccea lodge, Xo. 35, ot t-'actoryiillc,
Instituted Juanll.i Rrhetra lodge of Nif.linNnn
with the follow Ins oftkcM for the en-ulns tetm:
Noble gund, Jlii. Clara Decker; ire grand, Jli.
Julio, Davis; secretary, Mlis Julia W'jincr; finan
cial f-ecrctary, -MUs Mabel Stephen',; tieatttier,
Mia. Lillian 1'iopcr: chaplain, Mi.. llaniet John
con; light support to noble gland. Mm. Angle
Cohin: left -ippoit to noble gland. MUs V.iy
MiC'onnell; right Mipport lo ;Ue noble grand.
Mi-'. Lhtlc ltouglit; left suppoit to vice noble
gtnnd, Mis. Lottie Docket ; lotuhicloi'. Until
.lolimon; warden. Mi,-. Liny .laiquc: lighl altar
suppoiler. Mrs. CJertiudc Dtigg; left altar nip
potter, Mr. Ituldah Steele; inside guatdlan, Mm
Maty VVerKhrUcr; outside guardian, Mr. Phoebe
I.oid; tttwtees. Mm. Ilantet. Jolition, Mis. Get
trudc Drips'-. Mis. May MiConncll. All the past
noble grand of I'.iulowna Hebetca lodge, Xo, 3S,
of rartoiytllle, wete picvcnt esiept one, (irand
Ma-tor Deputy Fiances K. Tiausue was assisted
by the following officer: fast Xoble Ciand Sara
S'tantoti. gland inu-tcr deputy; 1'ast Xoble Grand
I'.uilowna Brown, giand rectoi; Vast Xoble Grand
I'mnia Itiiode-', grand warden; Past Xoble Annul
Xellic Citeene, grand conductor; IM'.t Xoble Grand
Xeltie Gardner, (J. I. G.: 1'ast Xoble Gtand Fan
ni.i Ueynolds, grand chaplain; 1'ast Xoble Riaml
Ida Iliitton, grand inside gnatd; Past Xoble
Giand Atrlbella Carr, giand inaiMiall; 1'ast Xoble
Gtand lara Paiinitcr, grand out-idc guard.
Thoe pte-ent from fnctoryvillc weie: Mi. and
Mi. G. W. Stinlnn, Mr. and Mis. X. A. Gaul
hit, Mr. and Mr-. A. A. Uioun, Mr, and Mis. M..
It, Ilhodos, Mis. J. A. Iliitton. Mis It. II. Uey
nolds, .Mrs. George Carr. Mis Nellie Gieene, MNa
Angle lthodcf, Miss Hattie Cltri-man. Mrs. Clan
Paiinitcr, Mrs. Chaiies Knapp, Mis Klnora. Mrs
Me-engei. Mr. Ray Potter, .Mis It. II. Holgate,
.Mr. A. Woodruff, Mr. n. J. Clirisntaii.
Tlie Ladles' auslliary of the l. II. iliuirh
will meet with Mis A. W Stephens Wednesday
alteinoon, Apiil 1". frnpper will be cneil from
," to 7 o'elorK.
Mr. Italph 1). Williams, of Si union, W.llcd
Mr. and Mis 1'. A. Pakei, i'liday.
Mr. Iloiare .loncs and family hale moved intu
S. s. Yeigei'-. hou'c on Cooper street.
Daniel Gaidncr, of the I nlverslty of Penn-jl-ania,
and Aitlmr Gaidncr, of W'.ioniing ccminary,
.pent their Ua-tcr .leation with tlteir patents.
Jit. and Mis Y. P. Gardner.
Jllsi Nettie Klngood, of New Yoik city, is hdt
ing her father, U. Khrgood.
A minilier of joung people fiom this placo
attended a piity tor Claude Alms, at Yotllle,
last 'l'iieilay evening.
Mi. and Mis J, 11. Loieland and son, Henry,
icimncd home 'Ihursday fioni the south, wlicic
tliey liaie been hpendlng some time.
Tin- Woman's ltelief corps held a 10-cent sup
pr at the liotne of Mr. and Mrs. George Doittee
I'lMay evening.
Mt.s Ik W. Davis and daughter, l'lotcnce, of
l'.hnhmst. t-pent 'I'liuroday night vvltli the lor
inei'i, inother. Mis, Chailcs Noack, who Is ill.
II. G. Filsehkoin and family have moved to
Poily Foil.
Ml-s Until nidunond was called lo Mooslc
I'llday liv the ileatli of her mother.
Charles' 1 low d and family, of Palrville, have
moved on II. G. rrischkoin'K faun.
Ml' Gturc noitin and Mini Maud Daly, ot Sian.
ton, vblttd tiicnds in town.
The Name of It Is Often Mis-Printed
in the Books.
J'loin tho New Voik Sun.
For many years our school Geograph
ies have Blven the mipposcd pronun
ciation of the name Popocatepetl as
tlie name of the famous volcano of
Mexico has been spelled. Children have
been tmiKlit that the last syllable was
pronounced ns thoue'h It wero spelled
"pel" and they have pronounced the
whole name with the accent on the
"eat." According to V, P. lloeolt & Co.
of tho City of Mexico, who have writ
ten to tho Board on Geographic Names,
WashltiKton. In leference to the pro
nunciation nf the name, the old usage
encouraged by tho geographies Is in
correct. The name consists ot two words. The
first word, Popoca, Is accented on the
second syllable po, The second word,
tepetl, Is accepted on tho first .syllable
and is pronounced as tunugh it were
spelled "taypel." The pame of the
volcano Is thus pronounced very dif
ferently from the common usaire In
this country. In the Inn rtpoit of tln
Board of Geographical Names the
spelling Popocn-tepetl has been uq.
for Children. Mother Guy, lot )cais a nurfc in
the C'hildren'a Home in New Yuk, treated li11
hen kuu.-fffully vtlth a irincdv, now pirpared
and placed In the diu utorit, called Mother
Clay's bvveet Powdeie (or Children. 'I hey are
harmlnm at milk, phaunt to take and never fall,
, certain cure for leveiUhnew. i-ontlpjllon.
headache, teething and rtomach ditoiden aud
liniovc woiiiu. At all dnigiflstj, '.'jc. bample
tent Fm'.F.. Adlitt4 Allen is. Olmsted. I.efloy,
N. V.
It Is Near at Hand for Many
Scranton Readers,
Don't neglect itn aching back.
Uncknchc Is the kidneys crying for
Neglect hurrying to their aid
Means that urinary troubles follow
Dire disaster, diabetes, HiiRhts' Dis
ease. Prollt by u citizen's experience.
Air. Bryan Flynn, of 2JS Grant ave
nue, Hyde Park, employed nt Bi legs'
breaker, says: "There was a dull,
gnawing pain Just over my kidneys for
two years. If I took cold it always
settled In my back and mode me lame
nnd sore for days. I read much about
Donn's Kidney Pills In our papers nnd
heard others speak of them so highly
that I decided to try them and Rot a
box nt Matthews Brothers' drug; store.
They straightened my back nnd com
pletely rellevad the other weakness. I
have taken lots ot medicine and doc
tored, but I never had anything do me
so mucin good as Doan's Kidney Pills.
I have had one or two slight returns
of the pain in my back, hut a dose of
Doan's Kidney Pills never failed to
quickly banish It."
For sale by till dealers. Price, 150
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N.
Y.. sole agents for the United Stntes.
Remember ths name, Doan's, and
take no substitute.
O Military
8 Gossip-
It is planned to devote a portion of
the money whicli will be realized from
tlie sale of tickets for tlie coming mili
tary ball to the purchase of a complete
and up-to-date equipment for the large
and splendid room in the basement ot
the new armory, which is intended to
ba used as it gymnasium. While the
room is not quite as large as Ulie pro
posed gymnasium in the new Young
Men's Christlnn association building, it
is being planned to equip it just as
thoroughly. Its use, of course, will be
strictly limited to the members of the
regiment, as will the use of all the
other features which will make tlie
basement of the new armory the most
sought-after place In the whole build
ing. These include the larg? swimming
pool, ThxHO feet in size, which is now
being constructed and which will be
jeady for use as soon as the armory
Is opened. In conjunction wlth this
there will be a ssries of shower baths.
The one hundred yard rifle range, run
ning in a tunnel underneath the wliole
length of the Ui 111 hall, will be an
other attractive feature. Tt was origi
nally intended to combine the rlllc
range and the two bowling- alleys
which are to lie constructed, but the
latest plan is to erect the alleys In a
separate frame building adjoining the
armory on tlie .northerly side. This
will probably be catried out, as It is
not considered feasible to combine tlie
tw o.
Three of tlie companies of the regi
ment. D, F and 1j. have established
officers' schools for the instruction of
the thirteen non-commissioned ofllccni
attached to each. Company V and V
schools are conducted on Mondny night
and an in charge of Captain A. It.
Footo and First Lieutenant Franklin
Henshaw, respectively. Company I.'s
school is conducted 'half an hour be
fore nnd half an hour after drill and
Is in charge of Captain William A.
Raub. Instruction Is given in tlie
manual and In guard duty and in Com
panies D and I. is verbal. In Company
F, Lieutenant Henshaw prepares it
series ot questions for encli session
and has every odleer give written an
swers to them. This plan Is consid
ered the best and will probably be
adopted by the other companies.
Major W. S. Millar, founeily Inspec
tor of the Third brigade, has received
ills commission as assistant adjutant
general of the Third brigade. Tlie
commission Is for a period of five years
and Is signed by Governor William A.
Captain D. U. Athcrtuu, adjutant,
lias been ordered by Colonel Wat res
to conduct an election In Honesdale
on Thursday night, April IS, to Illl the
vacancy In Company K caused by the
resignation of First Lieutenant Ed
ward K. Walsh. He Is instructed to
lill any vacancy which may be occa
sioned by the election.
It is currently reported that Cap
tain Caspar, of company M, Ninth
regiment, located at West Pittston, will
soon resign, and that Fremont Stokes,
formerly captain of Company F, Thir
teenth regiment, who has lately moved
to Pittston, will bo elected In his place,
Seven poor unfortunates who had
been absont from drill during the past
two weeks without a good e.Neusc were
court-martialed Friday night by Lieu
tenant Colonel Stlllwell and were lined
various sums ranging from $2 to $10.
Six of those arraigned were members
of Company D.
m w
C.iptatn W. A, Haul), of Company L,
has promoted Corporal Wilson Bailey
to thu rank of sargennt and 'has up
pointed Privates Stanley Miller and
Garfield Williams to be corporals.
In nu order Issued ColonsI L. A,
Wutres has appointed Corporal Lewis
U, Carter, of Company A, regimental
Inspector of rille practice.
Attendance at drills is being rapidly
enforced by the various company com
manders on account of tho annual In
spection, which begins on May I. It la
felt that every etfort should be made
to put the regiment back in Its od
place at the head of the guard, where
It stood for so many years, and Colonel
Watres lius Instructed his captains to
bend every energy to attain this result.
All hope of conducting tlie Inspection
in the new armory has now been prac
llcully given up.
AGADUMY lictie Mvrrs romp my, Matinee and
flAMITV Din.iilivay niirlequclii-Miitlnee and
Bauci's Band Concert.
In .iiMltlnn tn the tvenlna; ioikpii on 'llmi
day next, lUiier' hand will Rive a tutitlnee at
the Ljeruni nt iTO lor the heneflt nf ihllilien
ntnl others who nre inniMe In ntlend the euiv
Ingr performance. 'I he linnalm of of the
rlbiril utile ItiMllullum of lite illy have liirti
Invited In .".ttend the mnlluee ftee of iluue.
All ot'ier children under Hllcen c.irt l me
will be admllteil upon 1 tent ticket. Admis
sion for adulM 23 cenH to nit putt of the home.
Not nnd lose eat i.0 ient. llegittar prkci will
prevail nt tlie evening romeil.
Irene Myers Company.
The bene JIjcm company opens a week' en
gagement nt the Aiiideiny of Mulc today, pie
nentlng nt the matinee the celebrated Sew Voik
and London niecav, "Puder Two Vlag," with
Utile Irene Jljef In the dltllcult lole of "Ctc
aietle." Tonight the gient scmalloital melo
ihama, "The Stowaway," will be presented, every
neieKll,v' imaginable for a flr(. cIjm ptodnc
tlon of liiN pleie U milled by the company.
'Ihe 'jfe clacking cue, In tho second ait. I
one of the most icalijillp jtigc effeett iver pro
duced. During Hit week oilier bis productions
will be pieeulnl. T.lltle bene appeirlng In
Broadway Burlesquers.
Hatty l.cLtalr. the popular and well known
haunter comedian nnd leulesqiter. U the head
liner IliU ieii?nii for" the nto.idvv.iy burlrtquer.
who me In piny a letutn engagement at the new
(ialcly theater the first half ot thh week. TiiU
aitIM l one of the lew who Impiovel with use,
and who hu endeared himself to the ammement
loving public by hit cniefut and conscientious
vvnik. Xo lip.liod half conceived or badly
ilreswd, of any iliauitvi aie given
tn an audiciue by Mr. I.cCl.ilt, 'lhi li vvh.v
lie retains their innlldenie nnd Is aiw.iv. given
such a hearty wehome.
The company svlildi uiioimdv Mr. beCkilr tbii
scinoti Is an all-star one. They give vou u gieat
hugb and an ruiHe's ili.iin of tun mid novelty
for your money. The two builesque. aie "tan
and Tan," and a liiniiolo.K saliie. on "Woman
and Wine." 'Mils gieat pindintiou wa Ihe niot
notable one In New Yotk last .caon. 'I lie in
gagament begins with lodai't matinee.
Bowery Burlesquers.
llulnr A: -r.iivon'i. Iloweiy Huileiiiets will be
tin- alttaclii.n at the new- Oaielv theatei the la.i
half of tliis weik. the luruit ftuggest at nix r
the iiim,ili.t illvei-lt.v and htruilh of tlie how,
which is hesded by pet haps mine of ll.e best
anu iuo-1 ravorcu ouiie-i'iue aiioii.
The entile cotnpanv will be seen In two lrw
and .ilgitial builesqnes enllllrd "( hop s.iuv"
r.nd "Hie Miiek M.i'-c." m whhh no pains m
expense lave icni -pnied in make tlieut Ihe
be-t hurlclt.ts ever olieied.
Mr. Aitlnn D.i'.iald-Mi, who is meeting will.
mu li eiiiphiillc vuiess In Ihe ttllc lole ot "(.ill
Cmlsuii." I'3, sinie nis adoption of Aineiiia .ij
UU pi'iiuamnt home, and (he Ameiiean slage as
his field rf endeavoi, npptared in a divciilv .
loles tanging trom comie opeia lo cniued.v diaini.
'it his bet friend- toiuede that in tlie I'eliue.i
(Ion ' (he Swedish thaiacleis he ha- found his
icatesl tiiitmpii. Mmh of this is peihaps ti.te
to the fn, t thai Mi. Dotiahbnn is httuself a
Scaridinav'au, lie having noen bom in tin- vill,
of N'oiJioliil. SiViilen
i'la.vgoti-, will meet wilh Ri.ililli .ilioii Hie a i
nouuccmeiit that David ISehsio'.s famous and
nee rhsfnl play, "Tlie Heart of Matylitnl," is lo
b.- piciculfd at Hie l.vieum soon, lid intetLso
anil cnmul.itive lieail inteiest, the heruii- hliug
glcR of its hcioine, Mat.vhitid C'alvetl, In iisuie
hi-i' lover fritu the ignominious death of a s,iy,
and ber triumph; tlie typical individuilll
of the uuinctrus baraelere, the louuntff ism f
tlie sloiy and tie teallslie and piiluiesipte bi-aiil
.if its t-icuir illiLsliatious all i oiubiiicil, have
made it a inaiiilt.ii Itiumph of (he diamatit'
'Ihe iem.ilk.ible u . ess tlil atlendul I). II.
Soilit'tu and Vttgitui llanied in (heir piodiutiou
of "Hamlet" at lb Xew Yoik C'atdeu tliealer
has been icpeated iu eveiy (ilj they have visited
since leaving New York. At Ihe Hollls sttei
theater, no-Ion, fei Hie last len ptifnnii.iiii.i.s
it wan found,v to put Ihe nuheslta iniilir
Ihe nlage to give mole loom for the eiiointous
atidlenies. A levlvil of "Hamlet" has tint met
with such tavor sime Ihe clj.vs m' Uooth; it
has aiou-ed ;i petferl linor wherever picsented,
:i:ul Mt. Sotltern has decided In make no new
pioduction for awhile at le.i-l, a., lie will frul
it impossible dining the pie-enl season lo till
all the engagements ofleiecl for "llainlit." Mr.
Solliem and Mi-a llanied will be seen bete with
the New Yoik pioduction of '-Hamlet" khortl.i.
'the nuoimcriuent of the mining or Miss Yioia
Allen and hit- gieal coiupaiiy is good news in
deed. Miss Allen ionics hen- al Ihe ilo-e of
her cnoinioitsly hiinemiul season of .several
months nt the 'I heater llepubllc, l-vv Yoik,
wheic (-lie hioke all previous leeords. Tlie dale
of her appeaiaucc In Serantou has been aiiangrd
for eatly in May at the f.ucmn. It is sjid thai
l.orlincr Moddaid lias, exceeded ';iect.i tinre of
the most enetlug iu his diamatlatlon of .Mr.
Crawford's! thrilling tomautii- love Mory of old
Midrid. He lias provided Miss Allen with a ihat
oeler in DokiCH de Mend.iza, in whiih she is
given a splendid oppoitunliy to display tn tlie
best advantage her exceptional pnweis a mi eiuo. atltexs. Doloicb was a lovublc wuiiiau,
sweet and unliable; but ilie had a gtcal vvtnui;
to civetiome and puulsli, and i-lii- dues It with
all the power of hei uatiue. (tloty )ua.vle
had lipr .loliu Stotiu, but Holmes had her Don
John. Misa Allen' Mippnrting company is one
nf evcelleme, comprising mult well
known pla.veia as Dbct, riymptoiu, William ",'.
ris Ilobert T, llainea, Marcia Yan lltessu, Clar
ence Ilaud,v.s!de,' I;. Pavinporl, drilrude
Norman and (', Leslie Allen. In all Ml.s Allru'd
rompany nuiuhers over kImj- people.
'Ihe all-star piogiauniie fiom the tentluioulal
benefit In be tendeied Madame .lanaiiseltelj by
tlie women of the Ameiiean lage on I'rid.iv,
Apill I'.', al Wallaek'a theater, will Include;
.lulu Marlowe and company In the fhl act
of "Whm Knighthood was in Flower"! Ulanche
Pates and Campbell C'ollan In "The Queen's
Messengei"; Lillian Itussell and He Yoi Hop.
per in the opriatlo duet from "I'lddle-dee-Dce'';
.lamex T. Powem iu an nilglual monologue;
Amelia Plnghaui; William Culller Iu the rcnud
act of "On tlie Quiet"; do.sepli Weber, I.cvv
Fields and llavid Waiflchl; .1, II. MndihHt and
Maude llairl'on In "One Tom It of Nature."; .1,
K. podsou, Annie and Ilobert Kdeaou in
"nkliellcu'si Miategcm"; Annie nnd Jennie Yea
mans in a character i-kclcli, and YloU Allen
and company, including K. ,1, Morgan, i:. I,.
Paveupoit, i:dvard Kmciy, Mjion Callce, Pcidlta
lliidsbclh. Helen bovvell and othcts In Ihe thltd
ait of "rho riuistiaii."
Many managen deillue to have au.v thing tn
do with the pieseulatloii of a pjy pioduccd
from a bonk, because of the lguals of dUtieM
whicli liave been hovvn as the iretilt of the
ttaglng of "Manou beseaut" and "To Have and
to Hold," 1'iiL it is i-jld thai Ihe dtailh of new
plavs is likely to force maiugeH to fait back
upon the novelists for themes for nest teason.
Tlie White Hats have oiganied .1 oeial adjunct
of (heir organization and call it Hie "Pipe
Club." Anient; Ihe officers who launched it aie
well known pU)cia, who am itjleil "fias I'lpe,"
"Ptaln Pipe," "iteani I'lpe," ".ead Pipe," etc
'the Stjr tliealer, at Hioadway and 'fiibteenlli
slii'ct, I the nest of Pie old plJ.v lioii.ea t.i
give away to the inarch of tall loft buildings up
town, Woikmrrj aie already hoveling liuuinlnjly
about the old pile, which aiv Walljek, liviu;,
Pooth and Lawrence Ilanclt.
PlilUdelphla is to have a home .1 (,'eimau
.lock company. Alexander Wuuter hai seemed
the Aicli .Stieet theater for that purpose.
Cluiles rivhnian ineireclually tiled lo utop Ihe
peifowuauie of "Justice" at lluflalo' ilalming
that it was an infringement on "A Tilp to
Failuirs of dramatUations nude fioni novels
will not intcrfeicncc with the pioduction of
Maurice Hewlett's "'Ihe l'oiest Lovcr," which
will be put 011 nest iravm with lleitha Galland
a the star.
There Is
Which You Will Find
, -
Every Five Yards
On the Selvedge
Ask for the Genuine
And Insist
On Seeing the Perforation
1 wlllll& JllllllfcSBIIP' 'llllllllL'.LSiM
li; 1 kiin
iwfMfi' OS. liUEi
Tlie AV. Tl. Krei't
move.s all pressure
abdomen. Tluows
lntn .-1. 1I110 miltarv
onlv model for the new stralglit-fiont style i-ostiuiics. It In hygienic and
beautiful. It does away with all the ills of tight lupins. least of which arc
short breathing- and Indigestion. Kvciy dialer In Si-ianton lias them on sale.
If yours hasn't send to us direct and vt will see that your are supplied.
ERECT FORK Stvle 701
Heavy front steel. Of white and
drab Jpan. Hip goied.... $1.00
ERECT EORM Style 702.
Hip gored. Heavy front steel. Of
imported Diamond Sateen in
white and drab $1.60
ERECT FORM Style 963.
Of imported Coutil. Full koivi1,
bias t-ut. For small, slender fig
hips $1.75
CAUTION.-Look for the lettering W. B.
every p 1. wEINQARfEN BROS.,
Open- High- Low. Chit-
WHEAT. lug. ' !?
May .14 TU'e V1P1 '
lill'v 72 't 7!' 7I:, 7I
av il "' " 41'-
duly II II'. ' i-''i
May - ''' -'' -''1a
l jv -i.-JU 15 Ti ll.W. II.?",
Julv I5.W IhltJ lt.S 11,3a
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Baaed
on Far of 100.
STOCKS. Did, Aaktd.
First National Bank K'uU
Scranton Savins f'"t JW
Third National Pank t')
Dine Pepohlt and Discount l!inU. S75
Kvonomy Light, II. & I'.Co. .. .ii
Lack). Truit Hale Pepoalt Co ISO
Clark S fcnover Co., I'r. l.'J
Scranton Iron' Fcnco X Mfg. Co. 100
Scranton Axle Works J5
Lackawaur.a Daily Co., I'r. :')
County Savins Hank k '1 Ml Co,. 310 ...
First National Dank (Carboudale) IM
SUndaict Drilllnc Co 30
Traders' National Pank 145 ...
Suanton Itolt and Nut Co 100 ...
Scrantcn paiunser Hallway, Orat
UoitBafie, due ll0 113 ...
People's Miect Ilallvvay, first mort-
Ba-e. due 1018 ..,..,,...... IU ...
People's Street Hallway, Oeueral
mortEace, due IWt 113 ...
liikscn JlaiiuliitiitliiB Co ,, n0
I.acka. Township School 5 per cent, ,,, 1W
City ol Scranton St, Imp, 9 per
cent, ,,..,, ,,,,,,. 1W
Scranton Tiaclluu 0 per cent 1 IP ...
Semiiton Wholesale Market.
((oik-uiciI h 11, li. Dale, C7 Laikawaiuia t )
ltullir--(ie.ui'i.. old. J''aiL.i fiekh, sjail'c- ;
daltv, fie.h, 21'i.u'Ji i old,!i-.
I'll-est Pull cicani, liil'ic-.
i:ss-.Vr-tiiu, II to llH'i nuiby
ttaie, ll"a In LI!!,-.
Ileaiu Per l' , ilioiie iiuirovv, s,,3jji,,o,
I'ea lloai. Per hu., W.I5aJ..W.
tlcdltim lieam-l'.-r bit,, $3.;0a'..O.
liicen IVa-l'cr bu., L10at.l5.
Dnioiii-l'er hu M.IOit.tW.
I'loiu Pet patent, pet lihl., $t.C)
Hcd Klduey Heam-tVr bu., i.l5a.',W.
Buffalo Live Stock,
Kast lluflalo. April 7.-ltccelpt.-Caule. IIJ
iJi! slurp and laiuhj, -J") eai; li'.t. C cai.
Shlpni'-iitii-Caltle, II.! eai; licep and lambs,
cji; liojn, $ ui'.s; ..1 1 lie, im dcuiaud; i.ihcs.
e-holie Iu clra.'$').5ciai..73; uood to choice wool
lamb, i'l.Mi'iM. sheep, tleilte lo etia. i -ia
SO". Hobs, heavy, v,-"''l,."" pis. "a').0i.
Only One
-v -
Form CorsPt te-
from tlie bu-sl nml
tlie slioiililt-rs imi-lc
altltiiile. It Is tlie
ERECT FORM Stvle 959.
Improved. Of French C'oulll, In white
and drab. Full gored, bias out, $3.00
ERECT FORM Style 962.
Of extra heavy French Coutil, In
white and diab and black Sateen.
Full gored, bins cut $3.50
ERECT FORM Style 960.
Of Imported Coutil. Full gored, blnn
cut Heavily boned. For full de
veloped figures $2. CO
Erect l-'orni" Mumped on the lnnlde. of
377 Broadway, New York
United Railways of
St. Loais, Mo.,
4 Per Cent.
Yielding Investor 4.60
Rudolph, Kleybolt & Co.
1 Nassau St., New York.
Trade Marks
AUTone sendlnK a nketrh and denerlpllon mar
nulclily iijcerliiln nur opinion tree iruether an
Invention Is probnblv' tmtentablo. I'nniniunlo.i-
lions trlctirconadeiitlal. Handbook on Patents
sent frco. Oldest aaenesTforaeourluB patents.
I'utents taken throush tluuii A to. recelTI
iptttal nottct, withiiut chargo, iu tho -
Scientific American
a imniisnmnitf lltnftirfltpit YTecVlr. T.nreest eir.
nilutloii uf any cloniltlo Journal. Terms. f.l a
tear; four months, ft. SoMbyull newsdealei .
MIINN K Cn 361Broadway,
Urancli Uince, ili Y St, Wasbluvtou, 1),
irXUTB Till. XAMK.
wfckyiirf. 50 YEARS' .