v $ Trj "-fv; , ST-Vf! r i. " i r J THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY, APRIL 8, lOOf. G - j t t r T- WEST SCRANTON OBSERVANCE OF EASTER SPECIAL SERVICES IN ALL OF THE CHUIICHES. Music Was a Strong Ecntme of the Exercises Meeting of Boys Em ployed About the Mines Cnlled for This Evening Fourth Anuiver stuy of Moses Taylor Sister Lodge. Meeting of tho West Side Board of Trade Will Be Held Tomonow Night Peisonnl Notes. The usual liasler advices vote held In nil of the West Scianton churches yesterday, and while the weather wis Jimrc like the middle or February than - ni'll huge a.sscnibluBO.s turned out both morning and evening to praise the iNen King and sing hongs to the Gieat Jehovah. The members of the Young Women's Christian association held their iiahter services in the 100111s Saturday even ing, under tin- direction of Miss Ijisssdu I i Ice. Special music wan rendered by Mr, ntirdlek. MKses Louise Flynn and Jlminu Frank. Math's eommunon. ser vice was rendered at St. David's Kpls topHl chuich at 10.:!0 a. in., and the min-lcal programme was .selected from i he host composers. A special offering wa taken tt) during the lay, which will 'he devoted to cm rout expenses. Children's vespers weie suns at ;! p. 111. and evening at 7.K0 o'clock. A. sunrise prayer service was (he lit si assembly of the ln al the Washbutn Stioet Piesbyteilan church. This was mllnwed by the usual morning service at 10.::o o'clock, at which I Jr. Moffat pieachcd a special l.asler sermon. The music was especially ananged by TMor. '. H. Dcrmun, and was up to the usual standaicl of excellence. -A choral ser vice was hold in the evening, with or chestral accompaniment. Prof. Plumley occupied tho pulpit of the Sumner Avenue I'rPsbyteilan (lunch last evening and spoke to a laigo assemblage. Chorister William Phillips and Oiganist Miss Kdna D. Kvans wet e la ehaige of the music at thn Plymouth Congregational chuich. The soloists were Mrs. A. B. Kynon, Miss Agnes Joseph, Miss Ueilrude Hughci and P.lchaid Phillips. nev. Boyl pteached at both tho moinlng and evening seivlre. The exercises a I the Sherman avenue ml.ss.oir were of an interesting natute. At the Hampton Stieet Methodist Tpiscopal chuich. Itcv. llenninger spoke in the morning on "The Kesur- ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT FOB J COUGHS 1 ana colds TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. The Silk Department At the Globe Warehouse Is one of the recognized features of this city, because it has not a duplicate for huudred miles around. It is a complete department in every sense of the word, aud the marvel of every stranger visiting us, i3 that a city like Scranton can maintain a silk department of such generous proportions. But vrhen you consider the fact that we have been building it up aud educating the people to the fact that we carry everything that any silk buyer can want, there is no mystery about it. We have the stock, the outlet for it and as keen a grip on the market as any house in the trade possesses. Silk buyers will find this department exceptionally interest esting just now, as it is bountiful of the season's new est and best productions. This Week There Is a Special Bargain Sale of Fine Silks Every yard of which is guaranteed, aud as the values are exceptional, we suggest the advisability of our pat rons taking advantage of this money saving opportunity. ,-Black Taffeta Silks i; Full 22 inches wide, firm, solid jcloth, from the looms of reputable truakeis. The dye and finish is perfect and every yard guaranteed just as though we had charged you the actual value, in place ot the Jtowest bargain figures quoted this season. ir,75C black Talfeta Silk, 22 inches wide, for ,8"7jc Black Taffeta Silk, 32 inches wide, for $l,oo Black Taffeta Silk, 22 inches wide, lor 59c 69c 79c The Sale Is Now T t 0-, Globe Warehouse rected Body," nnd the choir rendered a splendid piogranuuo of F.atcr mtlsle. Uev. It. C. lllnman olllelated at the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church In the absence of Dr. Sweet, who was detained at home on account of slow ness. The tegular choir was augmented by additional voices, and un elaborate progi attune was rendered. A number of new members were re ceived into the St. Mark's Lutheran chuich at the morning service, and a programme of lecltntlon and song given nt both services. The mitslo at St. Pat rick's Catholic church was up to tiro usual standard of excellence, and was rendered at the different nusses lit a faultless manner, under the direction of Miss Mary Johnson. Bnttmnn'M mass in IJ flat was sung at St. Lucia's Italian Catholic church, on Chestnut stieot. and Miss Hose AU gonl sang Millard's Ave Mnrla in F for an ofi'eitory. Tho Flote orchestra as sisted In the services. At the First Uaplit church services an elaboiato programme; was given, and the even ing seivlces at the Tabernacle Congre gational chuich weie given to Faster selections. Pi of. Lewis DaK the chorister of the Jackson Street Baptist church, pre sented an excellent programme, and the Welsh churches also observed the day In a tilting manner. The altar decorations In all the churches were superb and elicited much itdmliallnn fiom the chuich attendants. To Instruct the Boys. Walter Jones, secretary of Local No. rtlT. ('lilted Mine Workers of America, has forwarded a communication to The Tiibune, announcing that thera will be a special meeting of the union In Co-operative hull this evening. Cor the purpose of instructing the breaker boys, rtilver boys and door lenders employed at tho Continental mines "in the wisdom of complying with (he i tiles of the organization." The bleaker bnyi tan away fiom the colliety on Fiid.iy' last. be.:.uis tl.e boss would not discharge non-union help, musing tin- shutting down of operations al the mines for the day. Secretary Jones snjs: "Wo aio anx ious (hat thpy be Informed as to their duty toward the organization and also our employers." Moses Taylor Sister Lodge. The lorrrth anniversary of the Moses Taylor Sister lodge -a HI b- celebrated with an entertainment and social at Mears' hall Wednesday evening, 'ibe progiamme "w III Include piano selec tions by Miss Maiy Beegan, Mlss-s Cusick and Lavelle: vocal solos by Sid ney Hughes, AVnlter Ueckelnlck. Miss Kate Connor, John Washburn, P. Connois, Mis. II. Logan and James MoHugh. Ilecitatious -v 111 be c,icn by Miss T.oietta May. TJei tha Fiancls. Willie nnd liene Francis. The instrumental selections will be i endured by 0. H. Gibbs'and Ralph Ilanison, and Mr. and .Mrs. Blossom Bud will give a cake walk. Miss Xellie, Curran will furnish the dance music. Events of This Evening. Regular meeting of the Columbia Colored Taffeta Silks 32 different shades to select from, and guaranteed worth at least 6oc a yard. Special . ' sale price this week 49C Silk Remnants Mostly waist lengths, but some are larger. All kinds of fancy weaves and colors included in this lot. These silks are worth 75c, 87 c, $1,00 a yard, etc. . Choice now 49 C New Foulard Silks Beautiful range of new goods worth 65c a yard, . lor 49C in Full Swing Hose nnd Chemical company nl their qiinr'tcra on Division street. Vfrolce Boclnl at the Garfield A Venue mission of the AVoIgh Baptist clrurclr. Kntertnlnrnent nrut soolnl nt tire First "Welsh Corrgrcgtillonnl thru eh, t-oulli Mtiln nvemtc. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Antltow llllflnlplil nml Knitik Ilniir et, two tncls tosldlng on Hcnintoir street, engnged In nn altercation on Friday lust, nnd the former Mrtick the latter with n poker, nfter Hirshet hml painfully sritteeiMil him. tluslnlskl was in rested for assault and bnttory nnd held In ball by Alderman Kelly to await tire result of n.iBlit'l's In juries. A regular meeting of tho "West Side board of trnile will be lreld lir the looms, over the bank, tomorrow even ing:, commencing nt S o'clock. Chief unions the mirttfil to be brought up will be 1 lie annual nomlnntlon of offl en? The matter ot better street ear her vice will also receive attention, nnd other matters of equnl Importnnee. The Tribune 1b requer.teU to 1111 irouui"! that the atntenicnt published In this department on Saturdny, to the effect that the rirent Atlantic and Pnelllo Tea company Is to take tlf building tlrat tho Seunlon estate Is about to nreet, Is not so. The children ot St. Patrick's or plmmurp have been hrvlted to a matt nee contort by TJaiior's band at the Lyceum next Thursday afternoon. The T.adles' Arrxlllory committee of the Simpson Methodist Kplseop.il chinch lecenlly presented Mew and Mis. .f. Si. Sweet with an easy chair, and Inter ero entertained at the homo of Mr. anil Mrs. "William Brun InK", on North Tlydo Park avenu:. Born To Mr. arid Mrs. John Wll llelin, of North Lincoln aveirue, n daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. John It. Thomas, of South Lincoln avenue, a ton. Thomas Skonltt, of North Garfield avenue, lias been appointed engineer of the breaker eimino at the Mt. Pleas ant colliery. The position amis former ly held by AVllllanr Oi r, who has taken a position at A"llkes-l"!nrie. The Sunday closing of the saloons, nccotdin? to the order Issued by Direc tor of Public Safety Hitchcock, was religiously observed throughout West Scranton yesterday, ns far as could be learned, and the patrolmen had little trouble In carrying out the order. The alarm of lire sounded nt 12.30 o'clock yesterday noon was occasioned by the overturning of an old stove in the Carluccl block on Ninth street. Tho stove was carried into tiro street before any serious damage resulted. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. KleppiriQor, of Tnuuuiu.i, is vis iting hi1 daughter, Mis. George Fieh lir, of North Sumner avenue. Miss Delia Davis, of North llromley avenue, has accepted a position with P. B. Finley. Mis. Arthur 'Williaiii, of South Main avnue, is entertaining Miss Mar g.net DaK oC Nantlcoke. Mis. Abi.iham "Widenor. of North Garfield avenue, is a victim of pneu monia. Mis. Fred Davis, of North Sumner nvmie, is reported to be quite ill at her home. Fiank Detrleli, of Tunkhnnnock. is a suest nt the home of Arthur Krosge, on North Sumner avenue. Mrs. P.obert Kldied, of North Hyde Park aenue. Is recovering fiom an attack of tonsilltls. Mis. Helen Kilmer, of South Main avnue, is ill at her home. Miss Margaret Moigan, of North Filmore avenue, has returned home fiom a two months' visit villi her sister at State College. Pa. Mis. M. 1!. Avery, of Avery Station. "Wyoming county, spent Sunday with Mis. Kllzabeth Ki loser, of North Hyde Park avenue. .lenkln T. Hee.se and family liae taken l.oses.sion of tho residence for rneily occupied by the Jute B. Hushes, on Washburn stieet. Mr. and Mr", John B. Fish and baby, of New Ldndnn, Conn., an- the guests of Ttev. David .Tones, of South .Lin coln avenue. AVllllanr .lone-- and AVilllnui O'Conpell .sjh nt Sunday In New York. Mi. .lolin Jones, of South Main ave nue, mother of Druggi-t David M. Jones, is 111 at her home. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Tile fair which Is to be held by tho members of the Church of Peace, will operr this evening at Hchlmpffs hnll. which lias been beautltully decorated tor the occasion. A special musical programme will be rendered llrls even ing, aud refre.siunents nnd Ice cieam vlll be .served every evening. Henry Armbrust, of itemlngton ave nue, Is seriously ill. August .Mo.ser, of New Jeisey, Is vis iting bis parents, at their home on Prospect avenue. The Sciantou Saengeiiunde met In monthly .session ye.steulay afternoon in Athletic hall. Seven members weie Initialed at the meeting of Columbus council, Young .Men's institute, yesterday afternoon in Phurmacy hull. Camp ISO, Patilotle Order Sous of Amcrleu, will meet in llaitinun's hall this nvenlng, The nienibeis ot" the Piiental base ball club held a regular mooting yes-li-tdiiy afternoon at their rooms on Jlirch street, and elected Itobert AVat klns as captain. Alter ihe meeting a smoker was held, GREEN RIDGE. People living along the lino of the Clreeu ttldge People's, trucks complain of tho noise of the flat-wheeled ears on that line. Thoio were three of these cars in use yesterday and their nolso disturbed tho comfort of those who were forced to listen to It. The sacrament of baptism was ad ministered to ono candluto at tho Green Itldge Baptist chut eh last even lug by the pastor, rtev. V, a. Ford. .Miss Sarah Fordlruni, of Capousa avenue, spent l.'astor lit Huston and rlll go fiom there to New York today and spend the week In New Yoik and Newark, Miss Jennie Okoll, of .Madison ave. line, la spending her ICnster vacation In Philadelphia. Miss Amanda Carr, of Dickson ave nue, Is contlned to her home by a so voro atluck of grip, Mr. and Mrs. It. M, Scranton, of North Paik, are at Atlantic City. THE HOMLIEST MAN IN SCRANTON well as the luiujjoinot, and otlicu no iiolicd to call on an.r iliusiiUt anil pec dru a trial Initio cl Kemp's llaljjiii for the 'IliiuJt ami Liiufc's, a ivincJy that U cuiuntrcij to iuio and ulictc all Clnuiilc ami Acute Coughs, Akthmi, DioiKliitil ami Coiuumtition. 1'riie -vf. and 60i,v NORTHSCRANTON FINE KUStOAL SERVICE AT M. , E. CHURCH. A Repetition of the Sacred Cantata, "The Great Light," Was Last Night Given Rev. Mr. Smith Assumes Pastorate of North Main Avenue Baptist Church "Because She Loved Him So" Will Be Presented Tonight at Audltoilum Other News Notes nnd Peisonals. The service at tho Providence Metho dist F.plscopnl church last evening was almost wholly ot song under the direc tion of Prof. J. H. Cousins, the choris ter, nrrd nn augmented nholr of fifty voices. A shott addrestr was made by the pastor, Rev. G. A. Cure, touch ing on the ISuster Benson. The feature of the song service was tho repetition of n laige portion of the sacted carrtata, "The Great Light," which was so acceptably given on lust Thrusdny evening. The solos were taken by Mrs. J. U. Cousins, soprano; .Alls. Susie Bnines-Stoler, contralto; Jonathan Broadbenl and David AA'at klns, baritone; Mr. Thomas, basso, and Joshua John, tenor. Others who were prominent Irr the numbers wore Prof. Martin, Mrs. Shook, Mrs. AVoatherby, Misses Fnddon, Service. Alice AVll llarns and Harrison. The different numbers ere sung in splendid man ner. Concert Tuesday. The following is the programme to be given Tuesday evening, April 9, at tiro North Main Avenue Baptist church by the Junior pupils of Miss Elizabeth Owens, assisted by Joshua Johns, the talented tenor singer of Scranton. It tII1 In all probability be the last ap pearance Air. John will make In Scran ton. as he will leave the end of tho week for Washington. D. C: Piano duet, Danodill No. '! Orth Mioses Nellie Thonus irnl Jlay .lone. iteloily SlieabboB Mi-i Iltlirl JJ.uK ll.iilc I'arlf. "Belli al raentlde" Kropnanti Aithur Dojit. "Guaul M.inli" StrcaMiog Miss Jcs-Ee Wells. "Buglit Kjm" Ttead Jli- Until I'ollir, tljile l'.irk. "Iho Bioolilet" li.wlei JII- Jtiy Joiim. "Bi.ic l.ittlc W.irtior" Kiojsimnn Clinics Itjinr. "Away to the Woods," Moiley Miss i;thel Robert", Iljile l'.nl.. "In the Uij" tli'hr MUi Illt.ibptli I,owK Oljplunt. A ocal Sole, "the lleaicnly ions" . llimilton Ciioy Mr. .lothui'.Iolin. "In a OunUol.i" Carl Itoii)7. Mi-s Itliea Simpson, iriaUrly. Mclotly from ".Miiric l'luto" MoirL Ati? Alice Kaine. "l.ittlc Lifclilfoot" Read r,icino .Janics, IIjilc IMtfc. "Mcir.v Ilonis" Renter MNs Uelcn l.hrsoocl. "Pre. ana ot A out 1 1 Sartoiio 311- Kdlth Lewis. (a) "-pihu" clmlz (b) "llappv I'CHfiant" Selmmin MNs neitrude Ilcihcrinston. "Hand in Hand" Orth Misi Canio Jtorpian, Olyphant. "Keho A'nUc" Sticabbog 3Iis Glidj5 Ketcluun, H j tie Par. "Doll's Dream" Ocslin 3IKi .Minnie Ketcluun, lljilc Pari.. Voi-il f-olo, "llnnc" llolnu Jlr. John. "Kilflwctv." A'andcibeck Mi-5 Nellie Keatherby. "Boat Song" Millinud 3IK Mite Hlllcr. "J"aii. Piiicc." Rathbinn AU, Nellie Tlionu Cal "ftlad to Sic A'ou" Kjrts (b) "liood Niirht Lone" Spauow 31m llciiiice Leonard. "( aiol nt the ShcphculesV Legion Aichie Ate, Hjdc l'.uk. New' Pastor in Charge. liev. Air. Smith, formerly of Ber v, iek, Aho was recently called to the pastorate of the North Alain Avenue Baptist church, occupied that pulpit yesterday morning and evening. At both services he spoke on thoughts suggested by "The Itesui lec tion." and huge audiences were pies ent to hear him. The choir rendered s-peeUil music. Rev. Air. Smith and family are at present guests .'iL the home or Dr. AV. H. Jenkins, but In a fpv days will take possesion of the new parsonage, on Oak .street. 'Because She Loved Him So." "Because She Loved Him So." a four-act comedy iliunia, which has been loheaihed for seveuil weeks by tho Keystone Literary and Dramatis dub, will be pt minced this evening at the Auditor hurt by the above-mentioned club Tonight's play will show people what homo talent is made ot. The t-eenoiy for 'the play in lived Saturday morn ing, and consists of a gulden scene, a house scene, a fnnn scene and an otllce seen'1. Tomorrow's Basket Ball. Owing lo the large expenses of the North Knd Stars in bringing tho Bloomsburg Normal School team heio tomorrow night, the price of ndml.sslun has been changed from 13 cents to 2S cents for gentlemen, and 10 cents for ladles. Th Normal School teurrr Is one of the most prominent and well known teams In tho country, atrd for seveuil years held the championship of this state. The K.iiuo starts promptly at 7."0 o'clock, NUBS OF NEWS. At the second meeting of tho Mac cabees of this section Saturday even ing, it was ngieed lo change tho meet ing night from Saturday to tho ilrst and third Mondays of every month, making It a better and more conven ient night for tho business men who are members, At a meeting of the Father AVlrltty society yesterday afternoon In the iconrs In St. Mary's hall, tho follow ing officers were elected for the, cn Milng years President, John Mot ley; vice president, Charles O'Boyle; molding secretary. Oeoigo Lottus; tinanclal secretary, Martin Coleman; treasurer, Alartlu C'avauaugh; .ser geant at arms. John Heuley. A benefit ball will bo given Wednes day overling In O'Malloy's hall for the benefit of John Tlgue, who was Injured u shoit time ago In tho lirisbln mine. John AVolf. of Itliacu, N. V., is spend ing u few days at tho homo of Airs. Lewis, on North Alain avenue. .Mr. nnd Airs, A. 11, Van AInrk, of this section, spent yesterdny ulth friends In Cnrbondalc. Clonrer Alorgarrs Avas again before Aldermun l-'ldler yesterday, charged with street loallng and committing a nuifcf.nco. After begging with tho nN dot man to be lot off nnd promising to go to work, ho Aas discharged, . 'i'lre II. A, Mace lodge, of Kailtoad Trainmen will hold their first annual ball tomorrow evening nt tho Audi torium. Itev. AV, V. Davlcs was called lo Hd wutdsdalo .Saturday to nillclatc nt ti funeral and to preach there yesterdny. Two lavge electric tights have been placed lit front of the St. Joseph Lithuanian church, on North Main avenue. The lights stand on tall brass standards and throw n. bright light. The standards are based up otr Ihe bot tom of tho stone steps at tho eirtiairco' to the church. Airs. George Archbald, of WW AVayno avenue, Is very seriously III. The Kaster-tlde services lir the Prov idence Presbyterian church will con clude this evening with a sacred con cert participated In by tho full strength of the choir, assisted by AV. A. Itoberts, Airs. D. M. Brundage, Air. nnd Airs. AV. A. Whitman nnd others who have as sisted In ninny of the festal occasions at this church. The music will bo of a Christmas and Master character, blending the gieat themes of the Na tivity and tho Resurrection. SATURDAY NIGHT'S RECITAL. Professor Bovard's Piano Playing Delights Dunmoro Music Lovers. Professor Krrrcst Bovard, the talent ed pianist nnd teacher of this borough, of whom so much has been said re garding his wonderful piano playing, gave Iris second recital In the Metho dist Episcopal church Saturday night. Never before have Dunmoie people heard In their town such an exposition of piano playing. The nudlenco ex pected great things, but were not ex pecting to hear a finished artist. From the tlrst ringing chord at the opening through tho long programme of six teen numbers which Avero played by Professor Bovnrd, entirely from mem ory, it was clearly demonstrated tlrat the report of his clear-cut playing and brilliant tcchnlc were not evaggeratcd one bit. Perhaps the numbeis which caused the most surprise were the difficult "Scherzo," by Edward Norn; the "Ala zurka, No. 2," by Barowskl. and Pro fessor Bovard's own composition . Miss Mae Van Cleft l-ecltcd to good advantage three pretty numbers. She shows careful work as an elocutionist and that training is essential to a good reciter. Miss Lena flundnll, one of Professor Bovard's advanced pupils, show excellent ability nndJ training In her rendition of the second piano parts, TRAMPS WERE CAPTURED. A gang of four tramps was rounded up last night by the police- and taken to the central station. The quartette were captured at tho Pine Brook col lory by Sergeant Ilidgwny and Patrol men Addyman, Potter and Conner y. OBITUARY. NP.tt ION' AltriIKU CllOrr. Venton Atelier Cioft died at the residence or hi fithcr, 1-tu1 Croft, at UMI Satnidiy morning, for more thin eighteen nniilhs he luul luen a bii'.fcrrr villi pulmonary lubeuiiln,i. All thlonsh hU lone lines.? he. cUnccd that Mipnli quality ot his nature uhirli bad .ilwajs cndtaied him to liU many frkwU. perfect clieeriniv. Hi death conuw as a gieat la to all with whom he hai oer tome In contait, tor be a ono o those raic men to whom one lietomes .attached thioiiRh mere association. Mr. Holt became well Knoh-n in musical circles through Mi abillly as j tenor, hawnff fiintr in the ebons ot the Second iliimb, the Yonnc Men's Christian association in Sir.in ton and llinshainton, the Trinity INotcataiiL Ipu copal and other chui ehe. Ihe funeral - ill be hold toil,, pmalely, at the comenience ot the fa-uilj. .10UN It. MUION. At the home ot hit mother, Ml 'third stlcct, .John Jt. Mibou, died jcsterdiy afternoon (it J.SO after an jllncvt of two month, lie was one i,f tho best kno.ui joune men ot the city .and was imperially prominent in biiai nesi ciicle-. At different times lie held inipoi tant portions an bookkeeper with Goldsmith's Iti'ani rnrl the lukiw.inna Uieuinir conipiny ami at th" time of his death was in the employ of Itjhbins A. bpencci, of Kiitlith sticct. lie was a ton of the late Aifhcw Jlilion, who was foi yeais ono of tho bet known mcubaiits uf Ihe Uellevue section of the city. I'lic moiillu .iso Ml. Jlahon's wile died anil Miuc then with liis three jounpr clnldicii lie hn nude his home with his mother on Hind -tiect. 'Ihe children .no Andiew, ifeuedes and Mai carol. Two buithcis, J.eo and James, and three sisteii!, .Mis. .John .loico, Mis. Patrick O'Mal ley jml Acnes, also unie him. 'the fi'ncial will lie held Wurncday mom int. at 0 o'clock fiom .111 Third stieet. A hiirh in I-.-, of rcniiirm will he iclebuted ill Holy Pios-s r.ilholio rliiuili and liiteiniciit will be madij in the Cath.di.il eennteiy. Mllil.UM llCXNISf!. William Ibiiiilns, aed .11 ears, died at Ilia hnino on pple aenuc, nn saliiidiy inoinin alter an illmv.-, of mcnl inoiitht' iluiation. lie was a well Known iillren Iumii',' icsidrd brio nearly all bis life. He is Miiviuil li" a wife and nine chlldien and the lollowinj; bio.heis anil tister-: Thoina, Ildinlmr and .Mi-.. John Dawes, ot" I'linidcnie; .Mic. A. C Sijil-T, Mi-. Ilucl Dexter and .Mis Allan ItolniiMin, of Dinmiuie. The tnnenl wliiih will lie piiv.lli', ociuio lioni drcciscd's lalo ie ileiice this aiternooii at .1 o'clock, Jtei. V. I. Ollibons, otllclitin,-. Inleiment mil lie nude in Dnmnoic ccmeui), MH-.. ItirilAItl) -M (.UU W W the Lome ot her dimrhlir, .Mis. Anihui.y Mcllile, oi limb hin Miccl, Mn Itlchaid JLfiO'an ditd f-itnrdiy. Mie is Mirwuil by tlneo diudien: 'jiioiiik, o West JI..iLit street, Mti. John Conner' and MiJ Anthony Mellilc. 'Ihe funeral teniccn will be held 'Inesihy nioininr, at 9 o'cloK, in the Holy llcisiiy tlniiih. Inicriiiint In tho Cillu ,li.i cime leiy, JOHN li:i,N Jiiliii ilei ot Jlonioe ato mic, Dunmoie, cllocl last cieiiuiff. Ho was IT jeaiii of aue and n miner by occupation, 'Ibe funeral will be held on 'lne-diy morning at U..'.0 o'cloik fiom t Paul's ilnnch, (iicm ltiiljc, Eunernls. 'I he nn.ri.il of SIMiatI f!. Colden will lake place this morning at 0.U1 o'clock fiom Iho fun ily residence, 518 P.'lin street. A lequlom ma's will be telcbiatcd at HI. Jolin'.s chuich and in teinient will b? undo in tho Cathedral cemetcty. The funeral of 1'loiencc, the Infant daughter Jlr, ami Mis. ML hail Mcllale, uf Klin Mrcel, occinu today at ,'i o'clock. Iiiti'imeut will be inado in 01 pliant. m ' COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. A lr,o week' term of oilmiiial lonrt will open today with Judgo J, I', Kcilv oil tiie bench in the main eouit loonrt Jiulco If, M. .MoChne, of Lewisbunr, in No. '., and Judge 0. S. 1'uidy In No, J. Tho llcWl.ionic iiiuuior cjso Leads the it. Jnuzc Kelly (n batuniay refused an iii)Uiicliou in tho cao of A. I,, t-penccr against I inl llni. riy and Thoma.s IUuliei, his luitners, in tic I'mcry blato Picker MjimfaclnrinK Company. llildget Jcnnlne, by her attomey, 11, C. Nct comb, began an acllon In ticpJM Satnrdiy afc-ilnsl the Pdauau, Lackawanna and Wtstcin llallroad cempan. Mis. Jcnningr tues for dam. ages for innrles nbtaincd ino a wietk near Uith, N. V i atiout bis weekj ago. Mi.. llctlhi 1). Hamilton bewail an action Sat. unlay to tecuro a dborio irom l'. P, Hamilton, to whom the was nwnlcd in June, 1611. She allegu that Ler husband dcsoitrd lier In July, 150,". Mis', Mil' M)(is alo necks a divorce ficin Sicih(ii A, Jljim, to whom the was married In Noumber, ism. she had to lean him In July, liO'J, becatiso of ciucl and baibaroiu treatmrul. SUICIDE WITH AOID. Mary Rivers Ends Hor Life by Poison. By Hxclmbc riic fiom 'the Aksoclated I'leu- New Vork, April 7. Miuy, Rivers, IS rinny Stores Jonas Long's Sons Combined We SoldThousands Duriiur the first four davs the quantity was large, and the nssorttnciit extensive, and so to day you will have an opportunity to lay in a season's supply ' of the best grades of ribbon at from a thud lo a HaJI oil lormcr prices. In addition to this great value giving opportunity in Rib bons, you will find in the following best kinds of merchandise, at prices that will last. For One Day, Domestics, etc. Linens. Two eases of new sprlnpr Calicoes, A tine quality of blenclicrl Table in llRlit. rnwlltrin and durk 'grounds, jOnnm-dc, 58 Inches vide. Con.ild- nll the latest colorings. 'KoRUlar ored Rood value at Do cents. Mon- vnlttc, 6 cents. iMonday, day, 3C. 25c. One case Orrteora Standard A full Mxe 20-20 llnek Towel, wd rrlnt-j. Percale patterns, warranted ' white border, londay, fast color. IteKtilnr vnlun, 7 cents'. ZUC. Monday, Wlslj naR! nliulc of ne Tr,n 5C. TowcllnR! rcRitlnr value, 5 cents, Monday, Fine Drr-a-i fiiriRliaiii!', In stripes". -ir checks and virrlotiH color blondlnss. ' Ttegulirr value, 10 cents. Monday, Canton Toweling, while with red (c border; regular value, R cents. U4W Monday. Batiste, In fancy stripes and scroll -y T patterns: forty Inches wide, lies- -!-- nlar value, 12' cotrts. Monday, Good Blue Striped Tleklns. Mon- White vJOOQS. day, "C A fine quality oC lawn, SO Inches Pillow fl.ises. rnnde of bleached wide; reirulni' value. 10 tents. Mon- iriusUii. with plain hem; size, l,"-u6. day, Monday, gg 7lr -" Apr nil Lawn. 10 Inches ile; ooli- Slieets. Unbleached, kooiI iiuiillly sldered good value at 12',i cents, of muslin, standard make; size, Monday, Sl-Oli. Monday, QC 44C. AVliltc Oliecked Xalnsook In a va- Suiiinier Blankets, In white and ilety of pntterni; good valuo at 10 gicy; 10-4 size. Monday, cents. Monday, 49c 7c L-IIMIIVJ Best quality Cam bric Linings. Reg ular sc value. Monday, 3jsC. Standard quality of Sclesici,in black and staple colors. Reg ular I2jc value. Monday, 8?4C. Jonas Longs Sons Sixth Anniversary ORIENTAL PERSIAN TURKISH FINE ANTIQUE HEAVY SILKY MATS CARPETS RUNNERS PRICES GREATLY REDUCED MIGHAEUAN BROS. & GO. tt-t-M-M-f f't-H-t-t-t-t- -r f Our New Store -)V We would lie pleased to lu.e ou piv . lis a -.i-.it In o-ir now Hoic and m-c our tc of wli.it (onslitiitc-, j iiiu'iein, ! 4. tu J ill! ttOk nt J FURNITURE X Out miuy yrais' i-xpcilriKr In i-i-nins -f tin1 iicopli- nf ClJl'toll uulili-. 'i I" 4- 4. Know tliolr 'lantf, jml mir iwist inl'j . . IjiiiwIiiK bu-inti ino'Oj our . t Prices Right. : f ; Remsmbsr Our New Location, X 513 Lackawanna Avenus. X f t M.L.BARRETT: years old, iliniKlrter or Jlr. antl 'Jlrs. Charles Y. Ttlvers. uvangeliBts, of Jer cy City, roiniirlttcd sulcido torlny by tnl.luj,- eni'liollc nclil. Tiro parents) say they I.now ot no roabon why .she slionUI have ernlfd liur lllo. Tlny wnro r.wny from Iroinn in an adjoining town when tho slrl took Urn poison, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hlvers huvlntr Bono to pi ay tor a pomon whom tlroy hay rrceded pr.iyois-, iiird Old not Unow of' tliolr daughter's uot uiilll they 10 triniod lutor In tho day. JOHN GULIOK IN JAIL. The Murdeier of His Mother and Brother Found iu Spring House, Py i:lusl U tie from 'I lie AiwelateJ IT"'. Sinihury, I'a , April ". Iteinoisofnl. hagganl atrd worn, John Oullck, who last Tuesday murdored hh mother and brother at their home near this city, was lodged In jail hero this niornlnir. lie was dlstovorcd In the sprlnn- lrouso on tlio aullcl; faun. In this place ho sukUi'pil his drat r-lreltur blnce comnilt tlntr thft I'llnie. lie said ho uas tired arrd hod come IwoU liomn Intendinfj to elvo himself up Jlonday, Slnoo tho day ot tho crime ho had roamed IrimiKli tho mountains during the day arrd ut jrlpht went to neaihy towns and begged food from baelt doors. Ho positively rufu&ed lo speak about tho crime, merely saying ho was very sorry. To rhief of I'olli'O Mulzlor he staled that he wltiioss-cd the liinoial of his victims from a noaiby hill. When fcoarched, the lovolvor with which In committed the crime was found In his coat pocket, Ainny i Stores Combined, of Yards of Ribbon of our Great Ribbon Sale. Hut , list sonic of the newest and, Today, Monday: Shrunk Dress ' Canvas, in black and ' grey. 32 inches wide. ' Regular iSc value. Monday, l2yC. AMERICAN WILTON ARLINGTON ORIENTAL DESIGNS RICH COLORS IT ALL SIZES 124 Washington Avenue AMUSEMENTS. ACADEHY OF HUSIC, REIS&BUKUUNDBR HARRY A. BROWl Mmaceri and LtsJtr. Local Manjger. .Ui iiii. ui:i:k. 'Hie 1'ocilr.d l'AVonli, Liltlf Irene Meyers Mippc itt'tl I"- Iifr own 'lict sOiiipjn 111 ifpir- loin, I'lOsiiiilnK .Momhv Miliiui' "fluid Two 1'l.iss'' .MoiuliJ Xlsht "H'C Mowaway" .MjUii-i- prlirs-W nml '-0 iciiIk i:ciilii',- piUf-s- 1U, 'JD ami M ceuH. NewGaietyTheater ALf. . lillltltlMrlOX, Jlaiiaser. Three Days Conrmerrclng Monday, April 8. BROADWAY BURLESQUERS Matinees Daily, WHEN VISITING NEW YORK SEE FLORODORA Now In the Sixth Month at the Merriest and. Brightest of nil Musical Comedies. Th Musical Hit of The Season. CASINO Broadway and 30th Street, New Vork City. Orders for seats by telephone or 'telegraph promptly attended to. Telephone No. 3084 38th Street. Seats selling' four ieeks in advance. NOTE FLORODORA WILL NOT BE PRODUCED iWtfw,. outside (Sew York this iciton PECKVILLE, air. C. J. Onnzeniiillor, book-keeper for Dolplr Kobortson, had tho rnls fortuno to badly sprain his unkln while luuning to tho lire which eonMimid tha linn's stoio on Saturday evening. Theio lll ho a meeting of thi Mod ern Woodmen at I.edyard's hall this evening. Mr. Ira Jenkins nnd family, Mr. Charles Hoger and Ml.ss Oarrjo Walton .spent yesterday with Mr. uutl Mifc. Corny Jenkins, of Moohlc. Mr. William Hirmles nrrd family spenl Sunday, sith NatrtleoUc relatives.