$ '' "?j K v-i,' 1f'itT.if;w' jff , tf v " 'ftft t 'f ", 2. i.. ''I,..,i... i, .,.,,', i .. i, . , EASTER MUSIC. A FEW PROGRAMMES RENDER ED IN CITY CHURCHES. The Bcicnn Baptist Chmch Easily Led All Others in an Elnboiato Flornl Display The Sci vices nt the riist Congregational in Detail. Other Notcvvoithy Ftoginmmcs. raster Sunday In tlilt! city was far finiii being mi Iiluul day. Although It ilid not mln hurJi Ihn skies weir; so tliieatoiilng dining the bonis given over to cliiii'cli worship that few had tin- teinoilty to M'lilnio mrtli In their newest ami most btlllliint raiment, and nil III'' plans ami hopes of milliners, dicssmuker.s and customers wont for naught. Tin chinches weio mpII attend ed, however. All had lloinl decoiu t ions pat tknlaily nppiopilnlc to the day. TIip finest anil moil lavish display of blooming lluwers was at tin? Hei can Baptist chtii i'h. wheto tin altar, pulpit and even the window ledges weio cm -cud with btautcoii" buds anil bios solus lending an atmosphoi 3 redolent with fiugi-anro. Following will I"' fiiitnil Homo of tin? pingrammes of tin I 'astir music: At Fiist Congiegational Church. 'I lie eungieg.it Ions thnt woishlpped at the Flint Congn Rational chinch .Vislellla. anticipated illlCUstillg ..- prcKcs and wcic not disappointed. Th piogianime as .innonniPd was c.uiicd out without anv .iltciatlons and tin choir Mistiilin (1 jts icput.illun i.s a mu sical niganiratlou tint iouIiI rIm pleasing i"sult-. The torni "f ovulscs iciontly adopted hv the pastoi weie deeply linpic-sho, rIIiir.i mutinpoli tan tone and dlRiilty to the sei vice. A l the moinliiR wot ship the notes ot thn IpIr oir'Iii pealed loith Salonlo's olleitoiy under tin niaMeily touch ot Mr. Naylor and not until the begin nhiR of the st'imon did the last note lade away. The chantliiR of the psalms bv a quai tctte ot olies. followed with the "tilmla" bv the ilioius. was In spliing. Dudlcv Iiuek's ' i 'In 1st our Passover" was admhablv lenrlcied. the choi us l ally .sustaining Mls Hen son in Ihi solo paits Miss Kim cm o Tnlur in a i.i'it miIic saiiR "The Man ol Soiiows," b Adam'!. The evening sjivice tipeueil with i pi elude fioni t?eethoen's Fifth Sym iiliony, by Whitney liottschalk. Then the huge audience listened with almost breahtless Intel est to Shelley's "Hail;' ll.nk! -My Soul." Mis. Land! in a rich Mike rallied the. solos, while Ik r si--lor. Miss Benson, swelled the obllK.itu. This number Is conskleird one ot Shel ley's bst and last iiIrIU Its meiits wcic nk ely donionstiatod. 'J'he rholr as a second number sang "Awake Thou Thai Slccpest," by Spence, whkh was ilei Irledlv Intoist Iiir. Miss UtlvtU Benson, who has lte loie sliown hei ability to sing, was siomlnglv at her best as In a ilear nce she sang Buck's "Fear Ve Not, oh Isinel." Many lompliment.s .u heaul at tin close ot the seivke at the exquisite ,stle in which this number was icndcied. As an otleitoiy Ilnboi t L Ciardner plavcd a plasng violin solo ciititkd "The I'l.ullo Song," by Ilauscr. The most dlllleult anthcin of the sei -a lie was the last one. "Sing Alleluia Forth," by Dudley Muck, In whkh D. .1. Jones saiiR a bass miIo, and the tnor soln was icndcied adinhably by Mr. O J",. Km. The i hull Wat equal to it and sang it with as inin.li ease as any number on the iiroRiamme. Mis. Nich olas Hennctl was the ccel ut alto that Lame In for a shaie ot the pi.ilsu rIcii the nieinbei.s ut the i hoir. Ke. M. C. i:ilioit iklUeinl tin ser mon ot the ia, his inninliiR theme lieliiR "Why AVeepcst Thou," and the owning tlieme. ".'In I' L the First Pi Hits." ltuth "-eimoll :-lio d (aufiil pieparatlou and study ami wen ,ip pmpiiaii' tu the si asou. The music showed the i.iietul diilliiiRol Mr. Nav loi. the diivcloi, ho also plu.voil the oiR.in at both smkes. Following is the inst.'r of the i hoii : hupi alios Miss IMjth Huisou, Ml.ss Flol ente Tavlor, Miss Maigmct Maule, Mis. P. H. liaulliei. . C'ontialtos Mis. Siu.ih Dennett, Mis II. I.andt. Tenuis Mr. H. O. Hoe. Mr, William 'Ople. ttassos Mi. iakl J. .lone'-, Mr. I'J waul Owen, Mr. It, U. limilii'i'. OiRanlsl Mr. John Xajloi. Assistant OiRanlst Miss MaiRaiet Maule. Violinist Mr. it. i:, Cianliicr, At the Fhst Pjesbyteilan. MintMNi; m:iiu :. O11.111 I'lrlmk, "Itoiiniuo" Lojlmli Poli(V'J. Iiak uion, lliinii. OM I isi mit ill I c--1.11 IiiiIumi, "Hi. SdK c (lie l.Miv," W. i:. llio 11 S(v l(l.nnrnt I.ON'mi, Hint, "fliu-t Ii lli'in" i.ilnkl Mr;. I . I.. Dun mil Mi I'M'ir. I.iulc ll.nkoilv, boiuiiM solo, "llic Item 1 ret Inn" Nil-, I.ikIo II kIi jlK. Olic rk ry. Altlirui, "tonic .-fc the t'liie"... .Nullrie MilUul Aiu hml lliinii. 'i 1 uion. l'iair. iillirin, j pin e tl.c Lord o( tiloi,i I.ji, ' I. U. Ilaitlctt Willi Violin l-Mi.'ito hi Win, l,intt. Ildinlutkn. 1 lri.aii 'u-tlmlc, "Cjslrr JUnh' ,..,l. V, UjsIit 1.VI.MM! SUIHICU. or;.jri I'uludc "Mcloilii." soutxm r lain I nwi.il Ion, I0ii. . ri.'i.til-- ' ii lotdiiirnt l.fkn 11. Milium, "Wliy feck i the l.biii-," W. V,. rtioi.li i 'liilamrnt Irwon, Put, "lliill 14 Illsen" (ulnicl )h I', II. Ilmr .mil Jhs, i.ittlc llaiUciK. I'ujir, biiijiio Sulu, "ii HcMiiioituiii" Mia. I.uiic IIjiIhhI. illlutory. ' li.lliiin. ''Cuiiitt Pec the I'Ijic"... .5H1IJI.I .Mm tied ulliia. I s(imn. I'rajcr. Ai them, "Ohio the l.oid ol GIoij 1 jv," I. L'. lUllttt tli;VIolln Obliu-jto ly m. Ljiiolt, PiTicdlcJJoiu Organ i'ottludc "Minhe" stem 'At Trinity Chuich. The faster senlcds ut'Tiluity'i hatch uiiu espvehilly clubuuitu. The 6.iiii!.tu- "I. .1 Olllcc: I . I burke Carbondale Department. : BUILDING I , , J -1 L J ' ZU: nry was dcroi tiled Willi hauler flowcia iiiul the Kiii'hnilHt cantllcs wen iihpiI In the iiiornliiR anil the vesper HrIiIh In the cvpiiIhr. Tlicio ucie live seivleec. At ti St) a, m, holy counminloti was said plain In the clttipcl. At 7.30 a. in, theio wan a full ehotiil colebtatlnii of the holy eitehmlst In the Hunch. At 10.30 a. in., siM moil : at 3 :;o v. iu chlldn'ii'H Hur lcc, mitt at 7.30 p. in., lespeif. 7,30 A. M. COMMUNION. I'rui.(li iuI lis Lutil'x 1'riMi, lolkit', Kuli'i ( illicit ami 1 pl'tlc. (.lorli Tll'l nml l.'o.'pcl, Minio I'rccil: llflriloiy Aiilliun, 1'irmit illim ( llini't nml Wlnr, 1'nicr for llniuli MllltJiii, IMiorlatlim mill imifiulnii (ilinitcil), Mi mIiiIIkii Shi u i n I 'mil i nml 'In' Mmiu,, I'l.nir fftr l oihh I illim. Hmiiii Jlfij ' nui ll.i; Iiriii .sclcitlun l.nril'rt I'rn.iu (cliiulul). lilnii.i In i;ul'ii; M'HlIKi ltci"flmij II p. Hi J) A. M. t.t II i:n I'n irilnn il 110 r.inlilon riuntrit ami .Mi'uliilinn kunl's I'ri.Ki iti'l I'uklfi (ilioitul), l lnkt Our l',inri. I'mIiih Ttifl Uliirln. I lij-l l.rnn: 1r Iltiiiii. Si nml l.rtMiii: .lulillilc l. n. iollrV LioH .mil i villus iImiiIimI, l iillofts fi Intitcill. II; inn IJI. Siinion ki llu Ituloi. iiffirtnn Aiitliriu I ollrr I .mil lllolni! Ittuvsluiiil 1 l.i urn Nil III TuO VLsl'l Its I'rncc-i.niii 111, linli-l'.ii oh mil ill mil ,.-i Inllnn. l.mOi 1'iuiri ,mr cwlilrs ( liiiilnt), I'-illoi. lint Irwnn. Mmnllieil suiiinl Ircmi: .Niiik Iiiinltl". M'.tlis" I frnl ((liiulp.li. Il'imi llil. -irttniii In tin. 1,'ri tm. Ulliitim .liilliftn t ellri t mil Uli -ni: l(((Hnllll III lull ll.' At the Beiean Bnptist Chinch. Notwltlistamllii the unpleasant weather, an unusually Iiurc loiifiie Ratlon asseinbk'd lor the moinliiR ser vile. The dNplav of Jim. inn fioni the pilvate lonscivatoiies of Hon. " j:. Hendilck was the laigesl and hand somest uf many .cais, and wcic all most tastetully anaiiRed under the dl icctlou ot Mis. n.i Smith. The music was especlall. satislai tety, the choir, under the dlnction ol .Miss t'oia IJita biook, ieiideiin:r the IoIIowIiir an thems: "Alleluia," by D inks "flu 1st the Lotil Is Itlseu Today," by T. D. Williams, and "The Palms," b l'.iuip. 'J'he liistiiiiucnt.il .in omp inlmeiits wcic by Mf.-s I'liic. oiR.inisl. Jlr. U. i'icmI iiiR ami Mr. i.eon lily, violinists, and Mr. i:. J. lily, clailonctist. The pastoi was as.sistcd bv IIpv. V. Jl. liinu. ''hp theme of the nioinliiR seiniou was '"I he I'onii.il K.nl ol I'hii.sllinitv" anil the text was J (Vu.. ir.Ml. I'ollou Iiir the mm mon, the i.istur bantl.eil ijiKc ounR ppiijilp. A.t the i wiiiiiR scivice the usual iiiiiRicRntioii was piesent, the iiuuiiiiir- music behiR le peated, with the ilellRhtful aildltion oC a. solo. "Jeiiis.ilem," linely iinilen.il by Jllss Anna Duust.in. At the Tiist Methodist the pio Ri.inime.is pi luted in S.itunlav's Tilb uni was uillv can led out. Jn the cmmi Iiir the beuutllul r;.iHtcr i.uitata, "Ttie Klsen Luid." was leiidi'ieil bv Hie laiRe choir, under the diieaion ol W. 1. Ki.ins. At the Human t'atholie ('huiih of St. Uo.se do Unia, the imincs.sive and hai nionlous solemn IiIrIi mass ot l.,i Iloihc. whkli was used at the th dila tion of the lim t ii two nioiitbs airo. was suiiR bv the dioir. K.ilher John DKon was the iclebiaiit: Kather Wal tei Ooi man, deacon, and k'atlier t'ulle., mb-ileaion. In theeenliiR Uev.l'athei ..,,...., ... ...in ...... . iii.is-ij.iiic, iieiiMMcii a d niiei am c sei num. Botter Mail Soivice for Simpson. Ileieafter thcic will be two mall- daily bctwuMi this , ity .,1Ki siuiii(.,.n, the postal dep.iitment bavins estab lished .1 niessi nper sen ice. The loute is uumbeieil 2I0,l'i(i, and bids lor i.iny illl,' the malls twilo times a week each way will be iceiUed bv ro.stiuuster Thomas until Apill 1. A chuilar de-seilbhm- the woiK and spci illcallou.s !( 011 lcw at the postoflUe. The ariaiiKe ment will be a ki-m! iuiimmiIciko to the people of Simpson and a -..tillable ad junct to It business lite. Mi. Thomas has been the miplont ol many tompll meuts lur Ida tal.lns the initiative in this Inipiovpment, A New Tenipoiance Society. Uev. Kather I'uiian, ot 1'ust Wilkes Uaue, oiff.inUod a biamh of the St. Alo sins. Total Abstinence soeletv in St. IJose chuich last evening:. The rev eicnd Kcnilcnian. who was toinieily. cm. uc hen, occupied the pulpit uf st. Itoso last nvenliK,' and pi cached a IokI eal ami Htiuii'-r tenipeiniuii seiinon, alter which, at the icipieiit ol the lee tor, Veiy lie,. T. V, l'of, ,, . (i he .'ikhiii.'u .i siions blanch of the abine-naiued ,-m lety, It lonipilsc.s a nuinlier of yount? men over sKtcen enm ot ape. A Social In Jeimyn, A soi lal will bo held In the Asscmblv hall. Jeimyn, this evenlnfr, nnd. r the auspices or llio St. Aloyslus T. A. IS. society, Ancliew ,1, Haves, 11 well known nusk'iiln fioni Scrautiin, will fuinlsh tlio music for the 1 voiilin-, A number of Invitations lme. been sent out and a mKC' number of pcisoiis fioni f'jinouilale and adjacent towns me ppectril to attend. Meetings Tonight, i.'oinmon co'incll, Select iiiunell, OIIc f.ear lodge, .No. l.-tf, I. (J, Keiloinl union, No, 7201, ". J' Palilotlc Older Sops ot Anieilci, r'arbondalu cnuiu'll, Xo, ;tj'i, KuIrIiIh ot Columbus. Piof. Bible Lectures. 1'iof. OeoiKe T, Hlble, ol tlio Stiouds. billK Noiinul s'hool, ilellcii a lee tun In the Vanillin? .Methodist lOpls cop.il chinch on Satin day evenlnfr. Ills theme was "I'iubicss ot the Nineteenth i-Yntuiy." Installed Officers. nifjliict Deputy ntotgo V. UuKhetj nnd htaff, of ('aiboiiddle, vlnltid Htibh biook loilge, No. MO, Independent Ol der of Odd Ioub, of Jeimyn, mid Installed the leeently ilected ollkcis. "Kacte and Mating." Kei. Chmles I.eo will deliwr a lee tun for the benefit of the Sons ut Tein peiance In their J';U on Wednesday cnculiiGT. The ihciiio will be "Mutes and .Matins:." THE SCRANTON 'Phone j NEW, 286 010,0423 COUNCILS MEET TONIOHT. Conunoncis Will Tiy to Effect Re orgnntzatlonVoto to Bo Taken for City Solicitor. Another attempt will hi nitiilo this cveiiliiR to Rut the liewly-clecleil coin mon council In runnliiR onter. Al though all or last 2tonduy and part of lanl Thtiisilay cvenliiR was Miistetl In ti vain etnlcavor to icoiriiiiIzij the (.'niniiKiii council roe the next year, with out U'HUlt, It Is believed that ninie piiiRiesM Mill be mailo at to iiIrIU'k icsslon. The election of N. T. Moon to the city I'leikshlp on TIhiih- diiy nlRht was n nut prise, by tcasoii of the iiuaiilmlty of the oto east for li 1 ii l. and it Is thought by soino of the loniinotiers that tonight's hIiurrIc to elect a chaliinaii for that body. If theio Is n struggle, will he ot nhort dttiatlou. Although both sides fiercely iiialulalncd ut the lust iiiccIIiir that theio 110111(1 he no backdowns on their part?, It Is known that pcaccmakeis have been nt wotk since to liidiite a more common sense view of the. matter to be taken, pointing out the extreme necessities of having Important city legislation to be looked after. I lie select council will also be on hand tonlcht, In order to hold n Joint session. The vole for the city solid tor Is to be taken. Ill view of (solicitor Stumt's decision of Thinsilay night that a loint sslon may be held for the puip(i.M of ,otliiR for city officials, there will be nothing to pietnt this nti tinm boliiR taken. Then ai p tin p candidates for this nfllie. Stiiail, the ptescnt Incumbent. who Is soiving his t lilt rl ti-mr, CN-Mayor o Nclll. who has als held the olllce of attoinev for the i It. v. and .T. B, Joi ilan, who ha.s leientlv come to this ll fi om Sciaiilou, and who l.s a biothfi-ln-liiw of M.oor Kllpatikk Just hou inueh sti 'iigth the latter can mustei Is !i piohlem as yet. althoiiRli It Is whlspeicd mound that he will pi me a big snip! No. Which ot the two laiidldales, O'Neill and Stunt t, he will pull oles luim. Is also a pioblem. Kepoits lime been ciieulated the past wide that Mr. O'Neill is out of the i.ue and will w Ithdi.iw. One of Mr. O'Neill's fiiends said ,e teidav niteinoon that Hie e-mayor Is still a iiiiiilklate and would tcniaiu ''o until the ote Is taken. Mi. .Ionian Is piaeliiallv unknown heic and it Is haul to see wheie lie will get his sup pint Horn, it both Slu.irl and O'Neill me candidates, for the roimer is popu lai with the UvpublKans, and the lat lei is don moie so with the Di mo n.itf. The tip has gone out, however, to louk out loi .Ionian, as lie will poll a laige oto. It the vote for the city solkitor had been taken last Thursday, it Is said thai it would have hfen a tie b"lwcun riturut and O'Neill, each hi Ing nine eoiini ilmeli pledged at the meeting uf the councils then. Now It is an open question and the lcsult c. mint be pii'ludlced. MACHINISTS OPEN QUARTERS. No New Developments as Yet Na tional Oificer to Be Heic Today. On S.iluid.iy nioininK the loity odd machlnisis who were dlsehaiKed tiom the cinploye on the Deluwaie and Hud son Ituilioad company on Thursday nilit Huns their banner to the biecte. They seemed a laise luoni In the J. V. AV.itl biilldlliK', 1 inner ol Jl.ilu stuet and Salem lueiiue, and immediately a laiRc i.uiMis sIkii w ith the winds "Ma chinists' IleailqiMt teis" was lucked 011 the hulhtliiK- The dlseli.tiKCd men h.iu theli head nu.utcis on the till 1 il llooi A number nt chaiis and .l lew tables bin been installed and alt day .itiuday and into the cciilns Knots of men lolled about, lalkincr "I the situation, cpiessliiR their hopfh and tiais, and occasionally taklus a hand in a game ol i.iids. No mci'tliiKs ei held on S.iluid.iy. Yestcida. the hull was tilled iIiiiIiik the aftciiioon, many of the employes nt the 1 ompau besides the locked-out men isoitliiK thou-, No caul sanies weio pei milted and the men rat.uound ilisciisshifr the events which hae taken place. The loom was thick with tobacco smoke, the solace of the aptl tatd minds, and the nuijoilty ot the ciowd that talked In low tonei had set lulls eNpiesslons, It bceills to be the illlplesslon of the men that a stiike is impi nimble. Methods of settling the coutiocisy with th" company In a peaietul man ner and without rcsoitliifr to extiemc nicasiucs seenic'd to be the pievailln? topic. The Kieat nuijoilty of the men who wci'3 so suddenly deprived of their situations own homes and pi uppity In this 1 Ity, and the wish to servo the best iiiteiests 01 tin community as well its their own enters luiirely Into their calculations. Tin se propeity uwnei.s, some of whom nic nlso city olllelals, win oiisIder veiy cmefully their t nt tu o actions, The peculailty of the situation is that all, or nemly all, of the discharged nit 11 haw ben einployeil by the com pany eer since they were able to woik. One of them said lie had bean Ant King lu the loioniotivo shops fop twenty eight yeais and had never been "called down," much less discharged. Anoth er, who has the s.unpathy of all, Is Kll nhs, 11 gi ay-bearded patiiaich, who has been with thu coinpauy over two scoic yens, and who has seen nearly all his hi other workmen suiw up tiom babies. Mr, lie mile, th muster mechanic, donned ovcinlls and jailu't and nip tin Satuul.ty and went into tlio shop. He did a good day's work and demon stiatid his ability to handle a hummer and chisel Wuid was icii'ived iioni tlio machin ists' national lieadiiiartc'i.s In Wash ington M'sleulay that an oflher la on his way heio to look into matters. Hit Is c.pected to iirilxo hem this morn ing and nothing will he done until ho has had an nppoi Utility to study Ihn situation. A in 'cling of Ihn loiked-out men was held in tlu'lr headiiiarteiH .esteiduy ntti'inooii behind closed dooirf. Last of the Course, That the tiustces or the Uaptlwt chinch huui icseivcd "the best of the wine for the lust of the feast" Is uvl dent, hluio for the closing number, whkh occuis 011 Wednesday night, they Intioduco 1lo. llruest Melville, thu lector of St, James Episcopal chuich. of Foil Udwurd, N. V. The most llattcilug notices huc uppemed hi Hie picss conctiiilng Mr. Melville's biipeiior gift as an elocutionist. In "An Uenlng with Tennjson" he ap pear ut his best. Helug an IJngllHh mau, hid national appieclatioii of Hug- fir TRIBUNE - MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1001. L a: land's grealesL laureate lnplre him to tlio noblest use of IiIm arl. Thnt bo l-aro n. treat aa this Is put on the silver offering plftn, demonstrates the genu ine Inlcrcst of the ofllccrs of the Bcrcan church to place the best within the leach of all. Let the church he, Illicit. I QUARTERLY CONVENTION. Knights of Fnther Mathew Assem bled lit St. Rose Hall Yesterday. The quarterly convention of the to- lal abstinence associations of the Mist dlstilet of the Scranton dlorese, met yesterday afternoon in St. Hose hall. In this city, under the auspices of the Knlghis of Father Muthcw. There worn dolcgntcH piesent fioni this city, ForeRt City, Jotinyn, Archbaltl, Oly phant, 1'ecltvlllo and Jessnp. Father Cuiian. of 1'ust -Wllkes-UariP. mailo an addicsM to the delegates. The meeting (.onvoiieil nt 3 o'clock. A committee, consisting ot James Phl Reoti, J. J. Duel and James Ulley, mot Father r'tuuin nt the depot mid es corted him to the hall. President Peel leported that all the lodges In the district were lncrcislng In nipinboishlp cxcccptlng In t.'aibondale. The next convention Mill be held In Jcssup. un der the auspices of St. James T. A. B. society. A number ot the delegates ie malned In the city to hear Father Cur imi dellxer a temperance sermon In Ht. Hose chin rh In the evening. OBITUARY. Mrs. Sophia Xinback. Mis. Sophia Klnback, wife of WII llatn Klnback, of Pike street, died yes tenlay afternoon nt "i o'clock of a com plication of diseases. She had been an Invalid for more than a "decade, sut feilng pilncipally with her lungs. Sophia .Smith was horn In Slatlng ton, Lehigh county, on June 22. 1SG0. Her girlhood was spent there. When about twenty yenrs of age she took up her ipsklcnco with her sister InSeian ton, with whom she remained for about two yens, in ISS2 she was muriicd by the 15cv. David Spencer to William Klnback, of this city, and has resided hero since. Mis. Klnback is suivlved by her hus band, a son. Ilailey, and bv three sls teis, Mis. Annie Strauss, of Sctanton; Mis. Sarah Kraus, of Sliiicrsville, and Mis. Ida Jones, of Sciantou; also by thtco brothers, Amandus, Joseph nnd Vlysscs, all of Slatlngton. The body will bo taken to Slatlngton for the f uncial services and Interment. It will leave this city on the 10.10 tialn tomorrow morning. The Horse Case Heard. Iletoie Alderman S. S. Jones on Snt uiday afternoon the ease of 15. J. Neary against I. 11. Benjamin for the pay ment of u reward of ?.'5 for Noaiy's te tovcry of a stolen hoise belonging to Benjamin, was heard. Both of the parties weie lepiesented by counsel and each had an an ay of witnesses. Aldcimaii Jones tooh the case under advisement and will lender a decision next Fiklay. At the Opera House. Thuisdiiy nltjht "Two Tiamps." Saluidav night "When Wo Twenty-one " Meuy Wei e Boin. .Mr. and Mrs. John L.anuou, of stieet, a duughtei. To Mi. and I'aliick Mooie. ol Sand stieet, .1 To I'lke Mis. Hill. The Passing Thiong. Miss Veina Home, of Blughaniton, is the guest of Mis. A. W. Ilaslam. Charles Oicbfiul, of Pittsbuig, is vis iling his mother, on John street. Miss Kate Motan. of South Main stieet, Is i.lsitliig' Mends- in I'ottsille. Miss l.ois Vcny. of Darte nwrnue, is spending a few days- with fiiends in Windsoi. Jlis. Ales, c'liine, who has been eiy ill at her home on Canaan stieet, is slowly inipuniug. Miss Wiiso McUonoiigh. of IIiooMmi stieet. siient Uaster Sunday with ti lends In Iloncs'liili. Miss Lam. 1 e'liupiuan. ot Jefney sticrt. is (.pending n few days, with lelathcs in Ilonesd.ilc. Miss Jnnrt BIrc'Icim. Miss Adelaidi. Dodge and Nelson Blgcknv spent Sun day with niprids In this city. "Will Uennelt, ot Clifroid, is spending a lew das with his cousin, Cliatlei Seveianeo, on CeniPtciy stieet. Miss V01 1111. Bigelow and hi other ciiiier.ee, ol Xiugaia, ,110 the guests of Mis. Ki ,111k Wells, ot Pike stieel. Mis, John ("!. 1'ppsp, ot Eighth ave nue, is conviileseenl, alter a eiy so veie att.uk of typhold-pneunionln. Misses Sadie and Annie llauett, of An h bald, mo the guests ot their cousin, Miss Kate Hadgins, on Pow derly ioad. Miss Luella Watson, of Coventiy, N. Y is spending a. tow days at the homo of her sister. Mis. XX. S. Johnson, of Canaan stieet, SIIss Anna Arnold, ot Deposit. N. V,. who ha.s been spending it few days with her cousin. Miss Nettle Haley, 011 Jeffrey street, has gone to Honesdale for a visit. JERiMYN AND MAYF1ELD. Although the weather est9iday wan most dlhugrceahle. the services at the different ehmches worn attended by larga congregations. The floral dei il lations weio ciy piotty and the music wiih In keeping with the gieut raster icstlval. The third lectin n of the popular coure being given In the Baptist chinch will ho dolleied at 7,13 o'clock this evening by Rev, Ernest Melville, rector of St, Jumes Episcopal chuich, Koit l.'duaid, N. Y., on "Kathur Tay lor, the Boston Methodist .Sailor Proaclier." riithPt Taylor was a won deiful man of tlio past century, 0110 nunc cieentrlo than Chailes II. Spui geon and well nigh as popular. Mr. Melville is it very pleasing speaker and those coming to hear him may espect to be amused, Instiuctcd and stimu lated to higher and nobler stand.iids of life. The pipvkms lectures of the couue have been hugely puimnUeil and tlio.se- who iiuvo the matter hi chaigi expect i lutgo audlciicc pteseut tonight, Claude p, Stockor, Chail's Walker, W. T. Osboino nnd Ficd Illtihnieyer me .iinoug those who aie .spending the Uastcr holidays heio, Nlihnlas Bennett and John Clink will icpieseut the Jermyn local of I'nlled .Mine Woikeis at tlio quarterly con veutioii which meets at Olyph.int to day. 1.. A. Clreon Is confined to his home 011 South Main stieet with an attack of neuralgia. Mls Grace Will, of Third street, has. been spending the past two daja as the guest of Mis. Teodoie Townsend, of fillbert stieet, Carbonddle. The inembeitt of the St. Aloyslus so. clety will hold their annual social and entertainment In Assembly hall this Scranton Business Guernsey Hall IS THE BEST PLACE IN SCRANTON TO BUY A PIANO OR ORGAN Don't fall to come an J sec as great barwltis are waiting for you. J.W.GUERNSEY, PROP. 314-316 WASHINGTON AVE. SCRANTON. PA, In New Guernsey Hulldlng. Davis steam dye Co. 3id penn ave. Oooih cjllcil for nml dolbcrnl. ( lulling, D'cing nml rrcsins. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PHONE 373B Golden Gate Dininq Rooms, tfC't 23 cent meal In the city. The Meal riekctn. tl.Ofl. Sunday dinner 1 .pei.l.itl. Heme mule Paatr.i. 244 ADAMS AVE. W.J. Barriscale. I ?'? MANTELS. I 0fsES Tire r'ee tilmiuliiR. llllng foi fluui. 31S WASHINGTON AVE. TELEPHONE. W. A. HARVEY. Kleitile Urlni; and I Klurc. Llcctrlc Hell and Tclcplioiic Woik. 3Q9 COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. J. B. WOOLSEY & CO coV7"?icrOr?s AND BUILDERS. Dealers in Plate Glass and Lumber O" ALL KINDS. Kingsbury & Scranton. Manutaiturers' A(,cnM MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES, Diktnct Aitent-, for John . Itocblinfj'-i Son, ( o '-. Wbc Itope a'u) Ueitrical Mire. C.utta Pcieln and ltiihlin Mfj; Co. '3 Ileltlnr, I'ad.hiK, HoiP and Mechanical Ilubbcr (Jood- Kiionllou Pirkiinr, faitei's Oil flothlng. Itooin 110 Paul! Bids. W. H. GORDON & SON. Horfe Shoeing and Ouicial DlackMiiitl In; Wagon and Lanugo lluililin- and liulni lire-inff- 339 ADAMS AVNUE evening. For the cntii talnment an e 1 client pi ori ammo has b"oii piepaied and the affair gives piomlse of being veiy enjoyable. Ilogaitn's baud ,11. busy leheaislng for a giand conceit vvlikb they Intend giving in Asemblv- hall on May I foi the bcnellt ot the widow ot the late Henry Mayne, a loi mei member of the oiganizatlon. Theie Is a slight improvement 10 poi ted In the condition of Jllss lA.Ao filles. who Ik a patient at Dr. Wheclc'i's hospital at Caiboiidale, and hei fiiends .111 hopeful for her reioveiv. Mr. and Mrs. James Allen and laniily expert about the middle ol the piesent week to take up their iesldnce in Cai boiidale. Mr. and Mis. C. I. Bell ami f.uullv will spend the summer, at Oic.m Cliovo, wheic In bus 1 en ted .1 cottage. OLYPHANT. Seivhc-s in 'umiiiPiiiuitillou of Cluist's lestiiici lion tiom the dcul weio held In th dlii'oieut churches heie J"teidjy. At the Piesbylmian church, laige 1 ongiegalkms wcic in atteiidaiiie A d 'llghtful pi ogi amine ol music vi is lendcii'd by the ihoir Special Bister seimons vmmc dellveml at both sei v lies by the pastoi, 11 v. B. 1'. Hamnioiid. At the 11101 ning sei vl ' in the Bkikely Baptist 1 hutch. In. Spencer dellveied .1 seiniou 011 "The Bitcn ' 'hi ist." The music by the choir, unr.cr the dliection ot Mi, ti. D. i:d v.uds, vvas gieatly eiijoved by th" eou Bieg.ition. Ilolv coninninlon vas eekbrateil at the inoiniiicr d vk e. Hon. James Molt' leconkr of Scran ton. .I'ldicssed tlio Bkikely ios' bt I p,ade, at .1 special -eivke, held In ilie atteinoon. In tlu cvenhirr. th" pastor gave a dlscntii.se on "The Final Vic tory." The chinch was tastefully decorated with lloweis nnd potted plants, Von Wcbbets mass in il was sung in a sitpeib niannei lu St. Pat rick's chuich at the late mass, by thu large choir, under the leadeishlp of P101, T. W. Watklns. The services at the Susquehanna Street Baptist 1 lunch weie held lu the afti'tnoon at 2 o'clock, when an oM'i'lleut pingruinino vmis given by the Sunday school si hol.ii.s, School Dliector Swlgeit, of C'mbon dalo, was a cillci lu town Saturlay. All of the collloih'.s In this vhlulty will be Idli today, to penult the men to paitlclpatc in tlic monster pat.nle of mine woiknis, which will be held heio this moi ulug. About r,000 men 1110 c pected to bo in line, whkh will in clude locals fioni Jcssup, Pickvllle, Pi Icoburg and Throop, besides the lo cal oidcis. President T, V. Niello's, of Nantlcokc, will be grand marshal Ills aides will be Htephen Heap, John Kor mnia, I j. H. Pavh. and Daniel l'.uiy. Bonn's baud will ead the piocesslon The opening social of the Jiiwuln Dancing class will be held on 'J'huis day evening, with the Law-run" 01 chertia, of Hniauton, lu attend nice. Deputy Protlmnotary I. F. Cum lnings Is laid up with an attack ol the Blip. Miss Nellie Mojis spent .vestenlay at her home lu Taylor. The boioiigh council will incut In U'gular session this uvciilng. WAVERLY. Mis. Thunnus Watts gave a t.'ipper to her Sabbath school class last I'll day evening, at thu Methodist chuich pailois, wlileli was largely attcndo.f and a veiy enjoyable affiilr. Theio was no sei vice at the Hip. list chursli last Kabbath, 011 ace nil. t of the abseiico ottthii pastor, who v as In Philadelphia, Mr, Johnson, foimeily ot D.ilton, has stinted a burner shop 011 Main stieet Mr, Ciiahani. a son of Judge liiahani, ot Denver, col., U visltlnsr A. B. Win chell. John I.pp, of Fails. Pa., has taken potstssiou of the hotel. He conies well recommended and Intends to make some needed. Improvements. To Cute a Cold in One Say 'fake I.JVJlhc II101119 Qululiii labkti. JOi. " THESE ENTERPRISING) DEALERS OAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OP EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISPACTORILY, BROTHERHOOD Wine CO.'S I'lni l)il l'oit, IliirnunillM, nml Miilcmn. I'amll) limb only. P. W. FRENCH, 40B CONNKLL BlDQ, CSrESCHEL'S Great Fire Sale 124 WYOMING AVENUE. Sii (Inlns On, I'iiu mil all Mmh of N'cikwcir. BRESCHEL cC CO. I'lnc Scranton Laundry, 32S WASHINGTON AVENUE. Calk by telephone reecho prompt nltciitlon. WILSON A WASBERS. Spectacles. MADE AND REPAIRED. "That's all " S. H. TWINING. 131 PENN AVE. DIAMOND SHOE SHINING PARLORS I'or ! ndlri nml (icnli. ALL&HINES.BC 433-SPRUCE-433 Hanley's Bakery, 420 SPRUCE ST, Succrttoi to HUNTINGTON Wu make a pechlli ot flue brciil tnffi. Ordin tur haladn, 0,ilits, Ciuqiicltcf, etc., piumpllj llllid. A nil line of Lie Cu.1111 and lict. Eureka Plating Works. Silver, (told, Mi I el, l" pprr and lliasi. ChinilcllcM Rcfiiil-lied 3ZI DIK COURT. REAR SO. TRADE, REISMAN BROTHERS, We min .1 ininpldi' lin.U of niHp.ipcrs puioilli l-, 111 iciini-i and luniks 4QS SPRUCE STREET. OORINA qitl:i:n- of ki:y wi:st ciuaus. DEAN, 408CONNELL BLDG. Two Phones GOODMAN'S shoe store. o it ll l.ukinaniu an. SOUVENIRS GIVN OUR CUSTOMERS. the scranton vitrified brick and tile Manufacturing Company MikTfi "I P .11 in," Hilik. eli. M II. Pile, (ill oral Mies Agenl, Olluc ''-') W.i'hnulon i.e. Moils .it Nil u.-. Pa.. I.. Ic M'. V. It. I! DUNMORE DOINGS. Magyais. of Thioop, ncccivecl Into Picsbytciian Chinch Sermon by Eov. A. J. Van Cleft. T.ast nighl at the I'lesbylei Ian church the Mugvnis ol Thioop weie iccelved Into membeishlp, and then given per mission lo oiganiye a mission among theii own pi ople, under the leadeishlp ot the mission, ti y of Ibe picsbyteiy, Itev. Julius H.imboi.skl.vvho was among tbos-e piesent. Di. S. C. l.ogan, Colonel H. M. Boies and A. W. Dickson weio also uiesent and look pal t in the sei v lies, which weie veiy iuipies.sivc. The legular choli was augmented by David N. Da vis and John Lewis, of Sci anion, whose wo! It was much appi eclated by those piesent. Rev. Van Cloft's Seinion. Ucv. A. J. Van Cleft preached his lost sei 111011 befou Hip session of conference last night, taking Ills tet fiom Luke, r'1 :J-7: "Thus it is wiitten. Thus il behoiivcs t "In 1st to stiller ami die, and tu 1 se fioni the dead on the llllid du." lie dievv a b .ititilul plctllie of the value ol the III o and death and gloil- oii'i lesiii icctlon of Chi 1st, as a means nf example id what Chi Istianily should In ami meant to his follow ots today. lb lelilinded Ills heal cis lll.it the llfo of the S.ivloi was the only peilect life, and the onlv one tiom which wc should take puttci 11. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Owing to the illness .vesteidav of s'eveial of tlio pai llclpaiits, the special Haster music at the Tilpp Avenue ciulstlan lim 1 li was postponed until iut Sunda, The AVounn's Clnlstlau, Teiupeiauee union will meet in the Sunday school loom at the Methodist I'pkscopal eliiiich on Thuisiltiy atteinoon at 3 o'clock. John I'. M.iule.v has been appointed manager ot the business of tlio Mnivel .Milling iumpan. loi Hie ten itoiy 1 0111 piiscil In Lai kawanim, LiiKeiuc, Sus iiueliauila, Pike mid Woiuingcouillles, Mr. and Mis, A. D Blacklliloii, John Oalplu and Miss foiiiflla (.hilpln ie tlliueil on Satmduv fiom 1111 extended tilp tluiiugh tin Soulhi'iii slates. "Mr. and Mis c. i; I'uiii", of Wilkes Bane, .11 a Isltlug at the liniuc ol Pi of. It. N Davis, of Blahcly stieet. Mis, Helen Spun or Is sick at her Inuiie on "We hslei avi inn. Cli.nii's P Savage spent oslonl.iv with his tainllv lieie, lemming to Now "ioik this niiiiuln7. J, 1" Swilt has ii'tiiiiicil ti mil a busi ness nip to New Yoih 1 Ity. P. J, lloian Is at M Illkinispoi t, whcio ho was called by busluchs uliaiis, David Chauibeilaiu, of Pliil.nle)ihi,i, is visiting his lathei. Dr P. .1 Cliam heilaln, 01 Uliikcly stieet L'. K. Vh Kcr it tinned on Saluidav fiom l'latt-buig and Is spending a tew days witli his lainlly on Dudley stieet. TAYLOR. Tho L.istei miislo iciiileied at the V ill lolls 1 him lies in tills lioiouglt s tu day was must clabouito and appio jn luti. At the Clival y Baptist ihuicli ,1 lim uuislial ptogimumo was leudei cd at tlio evening sen Ice, consisting of Derail tit ill solos, duels, uios. etc. Pi of. D. H Joue". dlicctor and ilioilster, did hlmscir ciedll. At the Methodls Bplsiopal churih, Uaster celebiatlon was held In the luoiiilug at 10 30 o'lloik, when ,m e u'llent musical piogimiinit os i;a-.tir pialses was sung mid 1 celled, assisted b the Walklus f.null of nuislciaus. The platfiom of Ihn edlliic w.ib beauti fully dee orated with potted plants and v ai lous other lloweis, which piocnlcd a bovver of Icauty. An B.ister musical piogi.iuime vvas leudcied lu uu intitule in. inner by tlu Houses. if -t"fr THINK! Ale j 011 fnlty liMutcil It not, tall upon F. L. Hitchcock cS Son, FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS, fiUO ami f.07 Cflinmounrallli lliilliling, M SC11AMO.V, P,. Only flMt.(ls conipmlcs reprcsenlcil. Utilmi iruiiitty paid. O. S. BLOSS ROOM I ARCADE THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. ITLEADS THEM ALL. L. SOMMAR, nnlldlng Contractoi. riHploj.11 union mm. IMInuitra cbccrtully Blun. ItciiioilclliiR iiiul lopilrlne a tpeclnlly. 3SB WASHINGTON AVE. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE inn sen an uirii miiiiIii ol line Imported Mull i ShlrM lur men nt l.'V. ; wntlh s $,M Cl'd'l Medal Photographer r Vv FOR SALE lltinr.lK.s and r.ci. ONS of ill Ktndv, lo llou'C and Hulldlng Lots it liirimltH. HOltSK. CMPPUll and r.ltOOMCD at 'Z ('lillrlieii'a Aitlst. ALL DISEASES OP WOMEN. sio(hl(. Pr. 'lieverlni, lloimi I, mei Clhilie slnn. IIoiiik: I to ," Ml p 111 CoihiiII illon fife. 'Plume (KM. M. T, Keller's l.icl iwannaCarrlise M orks. I HAVE YOUR WATCH FIXED RIGHT WE ARE SATISFIED WITH A SMALL', PROFIT. BERNHARD, jeweler. HI'i lyACKAW'ANXA AVLNIM: EDWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR. BUILDER ROOM 2SCOAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON. PA. THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANUFACTURING COMPANY M'c cairy the lusest Mnik of Umbiellis, Pai asoh and Handler; we also RKCOVI'll umluellu nnd pira9ols mid make, tin-in up rqiully m good as new and gu irantee 0111 piket 1o tie lower tliin liny houe in the i.i... Me up ill" all our coodi foi one leir nn.U OP ClIAltOi:. 313 SPRUCE STREET. choir of the Chinch ot the Immaculate Conception yesterday. Sei vices under the dliection of Choir Director "William Murphy and the oignnist was Miss Anna Bums. In the Welsh Baptist and "Welsh Congregational churches, appropriate sei vices In observance ot Kastei- were held. The choir lcndered special sing ing for the occasion. Funeinl services over the lemains ot the late Mis. Jenkins, wife of Itev. J. J. Jenkins, took place on Satutdav afternoon fiom the home of her son, K T. Jenkins, of Bnllroad street, and weie largelv attended by members of the Nebo Congregational church, of which the deceased was a devout mem ber. Sei vices weie conducted by the Itev. B. 1. lvans, of "West Scranton. Itev. Hvnns gave a synopsis of the life of the departed one, who was a woman of many noble Christian tiaits, and was much icspected by all who knew her. At the close of the services, the lemains were conveyed to the Del.i wme, Lackawanna and "Western sta tion, whcio they lett on the ri.2.1 train for Biookvlile, Ohio, where Interment was made. The pall bearers were "Wil liam Moyos, IMmonel Thomns, Joseph Davis-, John Green, James Tibbs and James Boss ir, Distilot Deputy O. L. Colvin and stall", of Sciantou, installed tlio nevvly eleilPil otliccis of the Taylorvllle lodge. Nil 6fiJ., Independent Older of Odd Fel lows, on Saturday evening, as follows: Noble giand. Price Ilarils: vice grand, Thomas Owens; lecoidlng becictaiy. John D. Fiancis: financial secietaiy, W. 15. Howclls; tieasuicr. D. J. Thom as; tiustce. Thomas Jenkins; icpicson tativo to giand lodge, Talllc W. Jones. The laggot social held in the Welsh Congiegational chinch on Satiudiy night, under the auspices of the La dii 1' Aid society, was well patron ieil. Ileniy Negli r. the well known holol kecper, has moved fioni Union to Main stieet, wheie he will occupy thu "William Tell House, whkli place ho will open to the puollc this evening, The emplojcH ot the Ileum d & Son silk mill will ii'sunie opeiatlons this? inclining, after an Idleness of over two mouths dm.ition. Lackawanna loinpnny dlsli United llio sciul-monthly eauiiiigs to the cm ploc'H of tlio Taylor, Pyne and Aieh bald niines hem on Kuluiday. John Hvaus. who was injured somo time no at the Tavlor colliery and af leiwaid lakcn to the Moses Taylor hospital, wheie he had his leg ampu tated, is homo liuii) Unit Institution. Mr. inn Mis. John H. Hv.nis, of Main all col, mo hoiiiu fioni their visit to Now Yoik city. Ihiibleiu division, Sons of Temper ance, will meet this evening lu icgu hti tcssioii. IMitor ami Mis. L'liioisnii I"). Owens, of Now Yoik, ato tlio guestrt of thft lonuei'ti paiculs, k'uiviiian and Mrs. W. II. Ow uis, ut oak stieel. JESSJJP. Tlio bazaar of the St. James emigre gallon will open at tlio .St, James hall this afternoon. This evening a grand entertainment will bo given by well known talent fioni up and down Him valley and It In hoped that a largo tiu ilkiino will Im piesent to gieel them, owlllgtotlie illli'ssot one ot the lend ing ihaiaeteis or tho Noupaiell Dl.i iiiutlc company tin piodin Hup of the "Sh.inuoik and llio Hose" has been postponed lioui Apiil 10 to Tuesday, Apill 2.1 If you wn in to spend 11 few pleasant hours nflor the bazaar this evening go to tho social which is to bo con ducted at Billings' hall lor, the bench t of .luim Sweeney, who Is a mitiestant lu the St. James ba.aar. Miss Helva Taylor, ol South Ciibsuu, Is visiting tih'iids In town. The Young M v's Institute met at Ciiuuulngs' hall Sunday morning and pa fade to the St. Jmnes chuich, when they leieivcd holy communion in a bod.v. They nmde a veiy ereltabl showing, h.iviu moie than llt'ty mem bets In llu. ?l