m tit vttrr " Sqj-i-f "ijoi ,V I'' K-". - ' t 'A V'l THE SCRANTON T1UBUNE-8ATURDAV, AP1UL G, JD01 0, ..' NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA '"'If".! MBniMHtttBBBBannninkci k. MONTROSE. rectal (s the Scranton Tnbtin. Montrose, Aptll B The news of tlio appointment of n former townsman, K. n. W. Hearle, rsr-., to be rleik of the new United States court, vvhm to .clved hero with trenetnl Fallsfiiotlon. The rctilnr monthly union set vires will be held In the Mcthodlt Kilwcnial rhurch on Sunday evening. An Muster sermon will bn preached by Pa slot Benedict and special raster music will be rendered, The Montrose Daliy 1 inn pnny clls Its skimmed milk to the Standimt Hut ter company, of Ovvofro, obtaining 10 to 15 cents a can for It. The nnnual gentlemen's supper li being very largelv attended nl the Methodist Episcopal chinch this even lnf. John M. Kellv. esq.. 1mt been 10 clcoted chairman of Ihc mtint.v Demo cratle committee. Kimik n. Allen vvus elected secictaiy and I'dvnn S. Warner Measurer. J. M. Kellv. I!. H. lltiffuni. n. S. Searle and ,T. 1 Aekeinidn vvciv named ns delegates to the slate con vention, and the chairman, seuietsiry pnd treasurer of t lie tounty fomiiilttcc ivoip empowered to lis the date for holding the (otiuty convention. P n. Alnev h is been ihosnn dele gate and W. II. .les-.up alternate, to repieisnt the Monti oe Presbytcilin chuieli at tl-.p slated mtetlng of thp I.ckawanna PiP3U'-tery, to be held In Scranton, April IS Ofllceis of the I'tesbyU "in Sabbath m heol for the eiisiilni- . nave le"ti Hinj-en as follows- .... Her be. stipci lntinrinf II. I. nolcv, ns&lstrtnt mi ppilntendrnt: Oi.tip I'.imp. s-ecietai v. Mei-slf. IJrynolds. assNtant sec 1 Ptni'.v : S. .1. .Tcnckes, treasurer: 1. rt. Lyons, librarian, II. V. t'e.uh. assNtant li biarlan: C. ' Il.iNev. I1IM01I1111, Mis. .Tames AV. Chapman has ip tuined fiom Yllks-Rnrie where Un spent Hip "inter with h"r daughter. Mis. S. I.. Iiiow n. Charles .1. Kogpi". of the United Stales t.ithMiy postal rivlce. tunning between Ttuff.ilo and New Y01 Is, has le n spending ,1 few days with fi lends In this pIjkp and it Intt . Mis. Cornelia Timet is lsitlng at the home of hei lister. M11. C. M. Crnndnll. .H AWivoily. N. V. Norman Stew ait. of Wilkes-R.uie, h-s been In town foi .1 few days. The regular monthly meetings of the Montrce the companies, .lie being held this evening. Dtalrlct Attnrm;' U.ilpli V.. Little was at Susquehanna on business jes terclay. H. B. Thtashei. vlw Is emplojed at raclotyville. is at home foi a few da . Hobei t Kiynsfotd, of Cornell univer sity, is .spending 111 t:.itcr vacation at his home in tills place. fjussell Hpiout celebi.iled Ills thir teenth blrthddv on Wednesday by en tertaining ,1 numbci of fi tends at a party given at the home of his parent-", Mr. and Mr-. Ij. II. Spioul. Special and el.ibotate Waiter pro Kt amnios will be lcndered in each of the Montrose churches on Sunday. At the Presbyterian, TUptiM. llplscopal and Tlomnn Catholic chuiches, thn Kastor services vvill take place in the morning; at the Methodist llpiscopal chinch anil at Zlon Afilcan Methodist T'piscopal ihurch. the Caster exeielxcs will occur In the evening. 1 idoymcul In UlngliHiulou and Its Im mediate environment In the near fu line. The Sun,uehanmi County Sunday School association vlll hold Its annual convention ol Hnllstcnd, prll JO anil May I. II. H, .'ames, pf Laneshoio. has ie tinned home from a visit with Hones dole fiends. W. (1. Atkinson has leltnned home fiom J visit wllh relative In Caibon dr.le. Krlwarcl Mrote. of Reiwlck. Is the f:i.est of Mi. and Mis. .1. II, Unollttle, of nrand street. William Hull, of Mtooklv.1. N. Y In the guest of his purenls, Mr. and Mis. V. J. tltitl. of Ot and street. THOMPSON. Spedal lo tlip Scranlon Trilnlnr Thompson, Aptll 5. II. M. Cole mid family, of Seianton, visited his father, Itov. Leonard Cole this week, who Is as well as at any time since his pros tint Inn. The goods and family of N. J. Mon roe nirlvrd In town Tuesday, so that the bultermaker at thp new ereamoiy Is now at home In N. S. Foster's house, leientlv vacated by him. Calls will be In order after this week. It seems quite natural lo see Mr. and Mn X. S. Koster In their block on the coiner onec moie. They nrc busy gelling settled and ready for business. The entertainment given on Tuesday evening by the eighth grade of our school was a creditable affair and very enjoyable. The gtailuating 1 la holds a box and Ice ric.ini social in Cfiand Anuy of the Republic hall tomorrow evening. Mr. 11 ud Mis. Samuel Tuesdnll, who have spent the winter with their dailghterat Sidne.v. N. V.. letuined to tills place .veMorday and this morning finds them In their own pleasant homo on the Hast side for the "-oason. Their fi lends will be glad to welcome them home. S. T. Raines has received n large in voice of lumber wagons this week This has b"en a notable week Mr maple ugai makers, and for muddy ioad". and for changing homos. c. C. -Wilmaith. of the Ann of Pick et Inc. Wilmarth & Co., vvill do business In Xcw York tomoirovv. He vvill leave here thiT evening, iccompanled by his wile. Mr. and Mis. n. I. Clark relumed last evening from his brother's wad ding at Giecn Ciiove Wednesday. Mrs. M. Lewis lemains for a little time with her patents, Mr. and Mri. C. L Olnlk. Mrs. X. S. I'VvUcrsnd Mi. K. Huning vvill take the cxemslon to Xcw Yotk ton 01 1 ov, SUSQUEHANNA. Cpciial lo Hie Scrantcn Triliune. Susquehanna, April ". Sunilsf priv ei service vvill be held in the Piesbv tcilan chutcli on Kastet Sunday at U 30. The Susquehanna Micnnciehor will bold a masquciade ball In Us Oak land Sldo Music hall on Monduy even ing. Appropriate services of the holy com munion were held in the Grace Lpls copal church, Oakland, this evening. Oood Friday services will bo held in the church on Filday nioinlng. The Young Ladles' auxiltatv of the Avenue Methodist church will hold a "guakcr Social" at the residence of fluy Morton, in Otkl:nd, fi Filday evening. Mrs. X. W. !. of Oakland, is the guest of lelalives at 'tipntiy. X. Y. George Hewitt. .1 ntudent at the Stale Xomial school at Cortland. Is pending thf. Kastcr vacation ut his homo on the Oakland Side. Richard Moss and Mr. and Mis. Clinton Baldwin, of Xtwaik, X. J., who were called heie by the setlouf. illness of Mrs,. Moss, have tetuincd home. A large ft.jntity of ftone is being pn pared and shipped Hum Lauesboio to bj used In the now shoe tactoiy at Hndloott. A number of Htle ufllclals wet,.- In town on Wednesday af lei noon. The VJpwoilh league of Ihe Metho. dlst church last evening held a supper In the Urevver building. Main stieet. The Century club held .1 'lal ho In Hoo-an Opera house this, evening. Music by Professor Pleico, or IIIiir. hamton, Yestetday, belns Holy Thuisday, np luoprl.ilp rei vices vutc held In Si. John's Catholic church and vveie luig' ly attended. The altar d eo'utlons wotp most bcautlf'jl. A number of iion-utiicn i.upciiteis noni tins vicinity e.peet to secure em UNIONDALE. Sore Lungs mean weakened lungs all caused by a cold and cough Weak lungs sooner or later mean consumption. Shiloh's Consumption Cure will heal and strengthen the lungs, cure cold and stop the cough. "1 coh(d for Mri-h,d kiMortb.iM. PocttnulJ I wti to Uit lltit of contump on. 'ltd lifca up ill hope. fiallr tried Shroh aad ll cured rat completely. Am toitf ia pcrfret hcUh." MRS- rLORENCE DREW, Et OtkUsd, U1. Mlak'0tDtapU4aOar li iId brail (roMUU'at lo, ate. !. botU. A rim4BOrmt.o boh with vvrjrbottU. irieaarnotfUCd 10 U your drunUt d(t yoar rauaxbacB, Writ (or illustrated b3l roniummlnn s -..a . ... . .. f! .-. .. I. . .r -.1- . vwf .w 9u. s. v.. 11 ruicr 1.0 , l,Koy, fi.rf. 6pecial to the Sirmiton Tnbunf. rniondale, April 5 TIastci ser ices vvill be held ut 11 o'clock in tiro Metho dht church Sunday morning. Tuesday was the busiest day of the season in the sugar bushes. All the single-handed sap gathereis wished they had competent assistance. It vvus a genuine sptlng day. Wednesday was a different kind of a duy. It hi ought with it an east snow stotnr and gave us on a level eiht inches of bnovv. We would have been tecoiifiled to such a fieak on Api il 1st, but com ing on April Ud. as it did, we weie wondPi fully Miocked. William Leek, of Koscoe, X. Y was a callei in town Monday evening. George Cook Danow and Miss Ki ankle Vansteinbeig vveie nranied at Hancock last Frldav. Shubael Cat pouter has moved bai k on his faun on the east side of the tow n. Miss Anna Burdlck. of Seianton, vis ited at the home of 'Sciulro and Mis. Ulijuh Carpenter List Wednesday. Miss Daisy Bionon has tetutned home ufter u visit with some 11 lends in Wilkes-Hatre. Prof. Hockenbeny. 01 Carboudule, was u caller at the graded school one day this week. Mi. and Mis. Ldgar liuidlck enter tained as guests at dinner Thursday ltev. D. D. Jenkins, IXev. A. Kastmnn and family and Mrs. Huitiet Boswell. , Iia IJ. Thomas was a visitor in For est City Wednesday. We&ton Lockwood, of Deposit. X. Y., was a caller in town Thursday. Lust Thursday ut dinner the Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyterian church and their filends were .io.v ally enter tained by Mrs. Kd. Morgan. Ry the quilt and sugar sooial hold lately In the Methodist paisonuge tltn indebtedness on the church ptoperty war. 1 educed more than ?100. The quilt was cheerfully donated by the good people occupv Ing the parsonage to whose enigellc efforts much of the success of the enterprise Is due, A Spring Tonic, i:eiybody needs a tonic In the spiIhr; at this time the s.vstem ciaves a, tonic It Is house-cleaning time for your body. Llchty's Celery Nerve Compound will tone up our nerves,, blood, khlne.v.s und liver, uud till you wllh health and oneigy. Sold by Jiat thews lliothcis, HONESDALE. peiiil to h Siranton Tilbure llonobdule. Apill 5. The snow that fell to tap dtpth of eight Inches In borne puna of the county on Wednes. day, has not all dlsappeuied fiom the hillsides. Mr. and Mi.s. t.'oe Dm land lntuined last evening fiom Klotlda, wheie the,y spent the winter, This Satin day night Mi, ri. J, Nam vvill retire from the management of the AVuyne County Heiald, He Q, A. Tlace will leave for the Wyomins; conference, at West PIttbton, on Monday morning, Mrs, n. B. Hardenbergh and daugh ter, Miss O, Louisa, mn returned to their home. They spent the winter In Philadelphia upd Atlantic City, Misses Floience L. Suyduni nnd Oioce Ham aio vlsltlner friends in Now York city, I'aterson and Oiange, N, J, All the churches In Ucnesdale will observe i:aster with bpeclal pro BTammes, Iho chunge In management of tho Horcsdalo Citizen to the stalwart rto publlcans, and thut of the Wayne County Herald to tho slulwart Demo crats, and the Wayne Independent as a mouthpiece for the Insurgents from both parties, give promlto of some lively newspaper work. Both the Citi zen and Herald will be managed by young men. backed by tha solid and In fluential men of the fumiv, and win no doubt, filinlsh the citizens of Wayne county with np-to dale papeis. The papers ate lo be controlled by titork uonipniiles. The charier appli cants aie Hon. K. B. Ilntdenbergh, W. V. Itcirtcr, .1, li. Dotniimcr, W. W. Wood nnd V. II. Wilson for the Cltl ypii, mid Pony A. L'laik, Hon. C. A. Pill dy, tf. ti, nnbcrlHon, Thomas Med land nnd Joel Hill for lire Herald. HALLSTEAD. pcll l the StMnton Trlbimr. Hatlslead, Aptll 5. Vacant houes ate becoming scarce In Hallstcad, and a general return of prosperous tlmP3 la ni riving with the Incoming spring. Mr. Cordess. one of the popular young men here, nnd employed as n rniver In the chrtlr faetnty, was mart led In Blng haniion on Wednesday afternoon. Mis. (leorpe Ward and Walter Coon uttrnd cd fiom llallstead, After a short Inldal tour, Sir. and Mrs. Cordcs will reslds In Hallslcnl. X. T. Mitchell, owner of the Mltehell house and a rcslrlent of llallstead for many veais. Is dungetously sick. The cate of tiespa'-s In Tuvlor vs. Florence, which attracted much atten tion In Justice com t last week, was de cided against Mrs. Taylor. .The case has been appealed. The schools here have closed for the tiual Unler vacation, and the children aie thoroughly etiJo.vltiK It. Sli. Hnttle Hni'he and riiinll.v. oT Xew Pull. X. Y.. will nnlve here 111" llri of Slav and reopen their summer home on iniBols mountain. Local sportsmen are now Vlalloned along the hanks of the .Suse.iiehnun.i. Xo large catches have been icportcd to date, Hon. James T. DiiRois. rolled Tliui.s day from Ihrgland, homeward bound. Tho oullg son of County Superin tendent C. K. Moxlej. who swallowed catholic acid, is iccoverlng again. F0RESTj:iTY. Bprrlal to the Jrranton Tribune. Forest Clt.v, Aptll 4. The entertain ment given Wednesday evening under the uiti-plecs of the Junior Lndeavor society was a. peiloiniance almost hc jond criticism. In defiance of the in clement weather a large audience Kiceted Cora Jlordot k and BII.11 belli Sfovles Sherman well known cloi'tl tlnnlst of Scranlon. vho presented oinc vety dlflli-ult selections, exeepi ionally well, and epei hilly should iiedit he given t lie children who .sang n sweetly. Kveiy number on the pro gram wan well lcndered and niuuh ap preciated, Class Xo. S. of the Methodist tCpisco pal Sutidav school met plea-antly and successfully surprised their teacher, Mrs. O P. C'o.vie on Tuesday evening. Supper was seived at sl o'clock and games and ntusli to gratify. All the April fieaks weie Indulged and a iiwt enlnyable evenin!: was voted by all nrcsent. AVOCA. Slieehan's oreliestia. will assist SI. Mary's choir toniotrow at 10 30 o'clock ma.ss. Thomas, tho three-year-old ion of Mr. and Mis Richard Searle, of the IVcii Side, died yesteiday attoinonn, after suft'cilng -evetni (ajS of spinal meningitis. The luneial will take place on Sunday afternoon. Interment will b In Langeliffe eometeiy. The annual ball given by the Sais field club on raster Monda evening is one of the pleasant events looked foi after Lent. .V mil oiche.stta will dis couise music on Monday evening. Tickets, 50 cents. The tiustees of the Ptlmitive Metho dist chinch has given the following statement nf the tair leecntlv held In the silk mill: D001, JlSL'.Sfi; trustc booth. JIS1.00: homo mission, $147.10: Sunday school, M40S0; league, 147.03: supper, ius ;:; canu.v, ?;7.o.': pto Kiamme. US. 10: total, $01.7; expenses, J121.41: ret. $S0r.Sti. tteteived fiom con testants: Ftank Caiey. Slti.I.": Oeoige Guppy. $17.15: HWe Moigan, $31,3.": Jennie Atwell, $jr,- B. O'Bo.vle. $S.,"0; Edvvatd Lampmnn, $8 30, C01.1 Hindi cllft'e, $ai.:!3: Kdlth Watklns, $is,03: .Millie Deeble. Slfi.lO: Xcllk" P.lchens $9 SO; Mis Alger. 1S.01: P.e.Uilce Pierce, 11."3. Mis. William Mucklow will leave next week to ioln her husliand In Diego. West Vliglnla. On Wednesday evening the membcis of Pegiee of Naomi, Ancient Order Knights of the Mjstle chain, presented her with un emblematic pin of the older. DUNMORE DOINGS. To the College Boys While visiting your home for the Easter vacation, we would call your attention to the importance of Clothes. We say importance, because the stylish appearance of our young men of today is fast becoming a potent factor in their chances of success. Our showing for this spring season comprises every new " Fad " and 4i Fancy " introduced by Dame Fashion. ' Quality," Webster defines it as " That which helps to make a thing what it is." This definition, however, hardly covers our meaning in Ready-to-Wear Clothes. We expand the academic definition make it wide enough to picture the full commercial idea of this elusive property called ''Quality." Our Young Men's Ready-to-Wear Suits embody Qual ity, Style, Fit and Finish. Everything That Fashion Demands in Furnishings and Hats SAMTER B ROTHERS Scranton's Leading Outfitters. EBEaaMfcs Piano Recital Will Be (liven in E. Church Tomorrow Night. Services at Chuiches. M. Pirii. in tlie iliurdi I ni(M irntaid i.lu-s tin- puhn niil.i! jurlltonum of t lie Mcllirullu l.pl.i o,n tomorrow nislit. ami troni tlie inlciPjt bchij ukru in tlie cicni, .1 lose nuinbti will (.njni this iiihskjI 1ip.iI. Ihr icdtjl 1 untrr I lie amplir "f lh( till tffs of tli iliincli .mil ,1 Mo ndcilliR, Id gn ta the iliurdi, will bo taken at the door Hi- iiilluwln',' iiiaguntme lll be shmi iwur 1. (j )"l.i.u.k" I) niijoi , ,,1'i.itt lb) "Nilii'ia" (I injjoi IMu, llnni (j) "liiipimbutlon" , Il.ivahl (10 "TjranUlU" II nilno , Ilrwnl t'rnol lltnuiil, IbMilluiM VIKs Mjc .iii (,lt 'I mi stiiilli-..(.0 ' tnijni! (b) I' nuii I 11 r..t IIovjiiI Com lIihi ulriUtii pin lj, I. I' ui'j"! '-'. I) Hal hi 1 Jul, .1. J nujoi I, (j tlal liuoi 1'iof ilnidul dm) tuipll. Miss licliillll. I'MIT II. (t) "Wjiit piilu" Slcnnoii" I nlimililni .... I.mit lloianl, In cnla'' iHluslillii'" ,, SlaiurU Sn i" lini-l Movaiil, ItciiliiiRi. ....Mlsi un ( bit (a) "liil intolli" V Hal ,.,.,,,, Ilcllir (b) "Manh 'I'liiinipliale" , .MmUl Hnnsl llovjld. In the Churches. U llir iilpp Vmiiiip ( hrUtiau ihiiuli tlic entile dit uill he cm n up to Kastcr mite1' Morning, Siuiilaj uliool at 10 o'llocK, (olloncil by Kastcr exeniws l," the Sunday school pupils; ciciiln icrilic, .erinoii hy the pistor, "lic RcniriKtlon " fm ial Kaslcr minlt. ha-i b.- 11 prcparcil foi, Ihr etrnliii;, McnV mcctlns at 6 10 p. 111. Kici.il'od.i ulll he made to (if I cl cone, Duniuoro rrclylcilni ihuicli Iter. V, fjlb hers, pastoi. Kaslct Mjinlaj wrvjics! )0S0 , m., mbjeit, "Life Out ol IXatl..' At T.W p. 111. the Mas) an of fhioo-i and Tklnllj hnjtlinir to the 1'resbjlirlan doi trine will be organized Into an awoilate rhurili Kit. b. ('. Ixigan, i). l). t-pttial I jstei music vxill be iindciod at the mom 1 iff 1-crui.f. Diimnoic Mtthndl.t 1'piscopal rluucli- l!n. V .1 Van (left, pasloi. 'II11' inoinuiq; puln will bi in iIuiko of (111 Sil.lutli si I cut, when .in cv (client programme Mill In iPndeicd The pa-tor ill iieiih ,111 r,i?tcr ciinun In the innlii!,. and llev. rutins llaiuhcrsLi nlll bo pu-ini. 'II1I1 will bo the I i-L h,iu liefoie tin mm-iod of the iunfeieni.e Hoses Given Away On -ilindj) Willi even pnuba-c 11 1 n "Sl.Wi we nlll alio a licjiitilul I'lslei I! Vlt:II. , IIVI.I.N nunc; to Boiough Brevities. Il nieiiih(i nf Ihe V oiitti, Mon'i. Iii'lilulo iiiihro 1 r-1111 will meet Ihe tcim of Ihe I'lul Mniilm iiiiinill .11 llieh rooms ,11 I nr-.il is ownine, Vpill M VI iho iom.liiion 01 the ir.unc 1 danre will l iiird In Wa-hhiBloii bill. Miiiit will be niriiiilicil In Walil, r m ( h(stra. Ihe 1 "11 1 nmrliiR da.s will 1 nndin I 1 mull 11 Vl.inloi's lull on i:.i,tu Vloudn nllil. I in. reme's full ori-hcstia will bo in iticndiiKe The emplojrs it )lmr.i', and p mei's mines weie pild jistcirli.i, poooooooooooooooo 0 0 LAST NIGHT'S BOWLING. Blnck Dinmonds Forget! Ahead and Aie Now Entrenched in Thiid Plnce The Detail Scoics. Ah .1 lOMlll Of l.ts,t lllRllt'K IiowHiir: In Hie lc.iKiic's tntiiiianirut, the lllni-k lJiiniontls furse ahead of tin dull" 1, So L'. .ind aro now In puteil thiid iiliiL'i?, The Icasue ins is as follows: s West llle.li lo clllll llJllvUH I llll Ill k K IMimond-i 1 uv.i 1 mi No. : Wesi I nil Hhrchuin I Iks VV on. in 1. 1st. I'l, lb) (a) (b) ... .hiliikii ....IK-l.lli.ii- Ili-inlrl ,,.llOOUak 0 0 0 ooooooooooooooooo s THEATRICAL. Many School Children Ad Sickly Mother Grav'j bwcet I'ondrri for Children, uej by Motbei Cray, 1 nurse in l hlldrcn'a Home, (lv York, llrrak up I0I1I3 in 21 hours,, cure Fe erlliinj, Ileadadic. btomai h Iroublcs, Tctthini Dbordera. move and teiruUte the Donds, and Destroy VVoriim. Mrs. l.iuilv Blaronn, Muidjn, l.t., a)j: "It U the beat medicine In Ihc world (or children when leicrish and roniplalnin.'" Sold by all drucsiiU or by mail, Sie. harnple rt IIIKF, ildns VMmi N D'nuted. l,cllo, ATTRACTIONS TODAY. AL'ADfVIY OP ML'SIC-Iion Ton Stock com pjii.i . Mailiuc and night, Leyburne Company. Ihe j-t iwo i"ifomiauce of Hie linlimni ioiiii.in, who hae been at llin Vi-adeini of Musk for the past week, will r j;ien luilii, for ii 111 it In peifoiiniiii-e this iftcinoon, "He TiluieM of Patches" will lie ulren, and tou'i-hl, Ihe ureal semillnnal melodrama, "On the 'It'u tiiande," will be Iho ainaitlon "The Stowaway." Piobahlv nno of the most Knsitinnal fiMtuin, that has been introduced in tin- modern ill 1 N that of tho safe rraeksmen al work in "Ihe Mnwaway," which will ho offered ai th opi-nlnr; phi; f Ihe I.lttlo Inno Vljcr companv at He Acadeni Vfonday eieniiis, pair of duiuK burglars boldly effect an enlraneo tin ouch the window cf 11 fashionable residence, drill the iboi of a ical safe, explosiua aro applied, the me li'iiileil ami Iho door is hurled from lis hmco rhi rvplocloii alarum tho household, a sIiiibkIo insues between Ihe hem and the nililnUlu mai aiiders, In which the master il shot ami killed supposedly by Ihe hero. Circuriistanies point to Ibe hem as the murdeicr until ( huck.s Con noni (Ijiltle Insne) who, frightened by iho up. prosch of tho burglars, eoncea.li hlnisc-lf In 11 lititre clock and is an eje witness to (ho whole allalr, proclaims hU iunorcner, 'Broadway Burlesquets." Mmager llcrrlngton srill hav anotlur Mc; bill ol burlesque nnd vaudeville for hla pjlrous nest week. The- Hioadway Ilurlesquers tonimenio (heir return riuttgrmrnt with 4 Mondiv inilinee. Tho flist part of the programme opens with .1 bl.it showlnu tho Dru.idwaa at the Glldul l-age. They are a Joll), rollicking set, tho trlrU aro very shapely, hic good voices and aro beau. Ilfully costumed. The comedians do lots of good work and give jou plenty lo lan-li at. The music ia bright, tuneful and original. Tho olio U made up ot a number of cleier per former, who, present i-ome novelties and mir. prises. Iho cloning number of tho programme, the burlejque, Is n,uitc extraordinary, and covers the whole field. Like wine, "Woman and Soug" leaves nothing to be wished for that ran c hllsralc, entertain and amuse. Iho mbjeit Is "Woman and Wine," that had 1,0 aucicsjful run at lhi Manhattan theater last season. Un.-cut-'ag-ment is for three daij only ... 1. 1. ill ... .'1 7 .117 ... : ii ..:: . .1 ( .'jD Un the i:ilv nllevs tho laiine t'.ini pl.ijed In their beht toim of the sea son. Captain Wnltor Htislum (.eoreil -10 by heavy 1 oiling- In tho iccond eTttnicunrl Itoli curried away the night's .ivetapro lionots by mnUIng 170 L'-o. The rlutallod .scoics follow: I!..hl ,g lloll ., Bird , 1 1, islam l.l.ls-. .. IV, .. 1VI .. 1 1-0 l Welchel ut 'lotaN 7..II Ulsl KM). Iliinler .. IUis. ... .lone-. ..., Carr Vvickrssei I ulals III pin n; 1 VI r'i ii T'V 170 Jin 111 17V 1 lis iss IJ 1 7iil l"i MI I si- .11 17(1 .Viil I si SM b'P IVJ S7t-JtM) i-' is, Nl oil I Is I- II1 171- .-i7 III III s.,i)-Jll TEE MARKETS. Scranton Boat (I of Trnde Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Hist Xatloial Bank ljul) biranton sain6s Hani J60 Third f.atlonal lianu Dime DipoMt and Di-coiuit Bank.. Lconom) Litfht, II. & I'. Co Lsxka Trust safe DeiKbll Co Claik & Snoicr Co, l'r Scranton iron I'oncc & Mfg. Co. ... hcramon Anle Works l.aUaeaniM Diiiy Co, l'r County t-aiings Hank A. 'lrust Co.. first National Bink (Carbondalc),. Mandaid Urilllii!; Co Traders' Nationl Bank Mrnnten Unit and Nut Co BONDS. Scrantcn Pass'ngir Hallway, Drat Moitgage, due IVJu People'i. btrcel Hallway, first mort gage, due 11)18 People's itnel llailwa), Qcneral mortgage, duo 1WI Dickson Manufacturing Co l.jika 'tonmhlp hchool 5 per cent. ... City of bcranton bt. Imp. S per cent bcranlon 1 Taction 6 per cent 115 1SU 27o loO 1J5 ,00 in 100 II j 115 115 Asked. ii 100 03 iii 30 100 10J 103 At the niryi'le club both tlu llaeltus team and Hie llliirk Di.iiiiiinds lollod vvretrhedly. Hnilth rinrniiin, nf tho Diamonds, luul hlsh .tveuiKe, liij 2-:i, and SInyiM, nf tho sumo team, made tho hlsh hciiro nf tlio nklit, 1S6, The wcotes were as follows II vi KI S t f.l n Hopkins 117 HI I Jit-441 linker Ill' 6.s 15 1 1st I'alirriiliult 114 IJJ H0--.165 Mfisti-r W, US 111- 457 Hwii' .. Us IIS UI-410 Totri cm sno rivr-jiM BLACK DIUOMis. Ibairr HI bVI 13C 430 Iva.M II'J ni IJI-0 (nriuan I VI Km 178407 Mir.vrr isn ui f,7 473 Settling,,,, ii 111 150 4o0 Total' 773 7il 703 2231 The Tlloyi'lcs dull pilleis, loaders in tho Mtv, won finm the WIlKes-Harto Wlieelmcn In thio hotly contested K.iines, hy a total of '.'173 to 2J3S. UK MIX (f.l n. Ilnnld'l , Ill sin M - .ill MIKIilll 7IIJ l'rj 117-471 au Hornier ISJ 177 170-5?S fl'per 150 lni 1S4 ;.ti) Wardell ,,., ,,. no i;7 liu-ji? lolals , ,.,.. 753 WW fclO "J-lTa MKSril.M) VM1EEI.HKV. K. W, UivU 157 17S 147- 45.J ost RO D7 101- 4i7 tircen ISO IT( 117 to InnU , )V) IH IJU-4JI Welcand ...., 11 J Vi 15a 4S9 Scranton Wholesale Maiket. (.nrieLtuI hj II. I! Pile, 27 t.iekananna ve.) Ilutlrr r icat'l'iy. old, enijli.j trtsli, SJaUJe.; dalrj. fresh, 2'jJ..; old. 15alSc. t'h-oc -1 nil cieim. UalJc. I s -Wcsicrn freeh, II to 14'iC; nearby nine, H'. in j':i. IIcjiij- I'm bu choiie marrow, $J5JaJC0. I'ei r.cus-I'ci bu., 3 45a2.50 Vlcdiuiii Beins I'-r Iiii., $2 40aJ 45. lirein Peas-I'll bu., $l.40al 45. Onious-Pii I111.. l,40vt 50 1 lour lle.t patent, per bbl $l.r,5. Bed KMncj Be ins-Per bu , .ljaJ.50. Chicago Idve Stock Maiket. I bli io, Virll 5 -C.itlle Heielils, 'J.fliOj sii ol j ,i ml tn pilme .(eiiii, i'li'l, pooi to nieiliniii, ... j I fi. Miuki-io and fecdei,, $J.7" al 7.1. nvs mil In In is, SJ to., 1 1 aimers, sjij;,: InilN, s.j7,-,j 51); calve., si 75iilj fevjs fid ttcirs, M 0i1.ldi 'cas Krxss stceis, 03 40 al; 'hM-. bull.!, : 71 il. Il"i-. lleiiiils todaj, JOlXMj tomorrow, 34, (100 left 11 er, estimated 4.OH0; stowj mixed and biitilin-, 51i(,10i eood in choicer heavy, i0a(..l3; rmiKli Irivj. .. .1a 1.0-1 ; lifht, $5- liOJ'-; bulk of tales. ?5u.ia'1.10, iii0i llr(ilits II.OiiO; Heidi; choice, flnn; sooil tn iliolic wethirs. $1 SVi.l.lO; export, $.12.1; fair tn clinlm inlvi-d, J4 Wa4 W) u intern sheep, Jl.hlaSs with expivit, 's.l.j.l; jearlini;!., l MaS.'J.lj riatlvi limbs, $,"sil 1; western lambs', 1af,.l5, FINANCIAL. pencsrTrask&Go BANKERS 2X & 29 Pine St., New York: Transact a general banking business; Act ns Piscal Agents for Corporations, and negotiate security issues of railroads nnd other compa nies. Execute commission orders and deal in ui PILLS SO CTS. Tolilj SH 793 748-23i5 New York Live Stock. en ork, April S Ilco'CJ -Ssteora, flim to i fiarilmi highini bulls, strong; cone:, slow, to 10c. lower; ttccm, isbOa53i ''K, 51.50, bulls'. Va4 J5; cows. $J. 15a 1 10. Calu, inirlrt birely steady; vcaU, Ma7,2ii choice di , $7. V), fiheen .steady; Rood handy Iambi,, llrmj oil,. crs, steady but slow; shtep. ?4a5j no ri illy primo heie; rulll, $-a.t 50; clipped rjieen, if.l.,1; lambs, $3!0aS.23; Kentucky spring: lamb?, $150 per held. llosrs-JIaiket quoted higher nt $G33a0 5O, Enst liberty Cattle. 1 ut Liberty. April "Catllo-Stcsdv ; evln. fiMUlVi; primr, ?5.J0a5 40; common, lj.1 Jj a 1 10. Iloss Slcad.v ; p. lino medlims and 'hcarr jorkcM, Sd.21ail30; h iv.v hoEs, fi Ji; I llebt vorkeis, ?l3a0 20j plgj, l?3.90aU; lou.'lis, MM aj.70. Wieci-rl Inn; choice welbrrs, $1 21i3."1; rpm. lion, fJ.lOilSO; choke lamb, fTi Tu1l, 10111. mini lo good, iflilOi; seal i.ilu-s, $oail.10. Buffalo Live Stock. Hullalo. April 0. RecclptJ! faille, ft) cars; sheep and UniLj. 60 cars; hoes, :ij cars. .Ship, mints: Cattle, 70 van; shu-n ami lamb, 23 carj; boja, 23 cars. Cattle lalrlv Mrady; calve, rholee to elra, 10.i0j6 71: clipped lambs, fj.8Ja9.tV; mUcil khecp. $1 75a 1. llojs-llcavj, fO.30a6.O; 'I;, fO.lOaO.: INVESTHENT SECURITIES Descriptive list of bond offering) furnished on application. Members Now York Stock Exchange Branch Offices: 65 Stats St., Albany NERVITA PILL Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor aad Manhood Curelmpotency, Night Emissions, L034 of Mora cirsr. tin sviiHiinv inPHhCs, nil otToctH nf relf.nbiiFn nr excess nnd tndiscrotinn. A norva tonlo and blood builder. Brines tho pink Blow to pnln cheeks nua restores thn tiro of youth. By mnil fiOansr nnx. 6 nninn fnr $2.60, with our bankable gaurantoe to eura or refand tho money paid, hend for circular uuu copy 01 our uuiiKuuiu Kuuranieo Don J, NemaTahes"Z,' (tem-owiiAbcl) Immedlfltc Results Posltivoly BiiarnnteocI enro for Loss of Powor, vnricocelo, Undovolopeil or blirunlrpri Orwins, Paroils, Locomotor Ataxia, Norvmis I'rostrn tlou, Hystorlu, Fits, Insunlly. VarnbuU mill thi ItBsuIts of Kxcrsslvo Uonf Tnlincio.'Optuni or Liquor, By mall In plain pnckiiRn, $1.00 it box, 6 for 86.00 with our banUablo ffuar svntee bond to cure in (iO days or refund money paid. Addresu NERVITA MED.OAL CO. Clinton & Jackson sts., CHICAGO, II.I. Sold by McOarrah i Tlioma-, IJrusiUts, 209 Lackawanna aicnue, Scranton, I'a, FACTORYVILLE. Bpedal to the Scranton Tribune. Factory vllle, Apill C.TI10 fniioiul oC tho lata Jlr.i. Mury Aim iiololuu ulll bo coniluutoil finm tho 1 chidoiui'i tills nftcrnoon at '1 o'clock, liitoiiiiont will bo inado In Old Depot comoli'iy, Hum fclsK and itoniion ijaniuor mo lioinn spoiidlns tlio KuhIoi v.u'.itlon, Ci. rt. MiiUlmiVMiii, of WiiHliliiKiuii, 1 1. i' Is homo on iircnuiil ol" tlm IUuphs of lliH Wifo. Tlio lioioiisli loinii'll mot laht TliiiiK day ovoiiIiikt uud (llspobcil of what liusi ncsrt hud iiiiiiuiilutpd dining llif i.mt month. lli.stiMd of plin-lliit; u Mtprt loniinlr-MoiiPi- it vv.m ii-clikd tn lei tlio vvorKliiR of tho hlippta liv iiiiiti.ict, in tho lovvebt iusioiihIIi1u lilddoi'. . , about tvvonty-llvu inpinhoi of VM lovvuu lclicKiili li'ilh'i. liidpppiiilciit cm. tier of Odd IVllnvvhii ul this jil.nr, t-t-toiided Iho iinsllttilloii of ti IImIjoUhU lodgi at NhhoIiJiiii lam Wcdiii'.sd.iy m. tpfiioon uud pvciiIiik, mid iiinNleil tbo Kiand ni.istpi in the nk. Tlio Mp Kico htiia .unfoucU tho dvsico In tlm evening r!icc-iul H.iHlPi- hPivlcpH will ho i-nii-dui'ti'd ul tlm (liutiln-i not Suiiil.iv, uUp bouic ciy. Jlitu juujit, wll bo buua-. i