;wWW: -r ' .!-- fVt ' IW THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, APRIL 0, 1901. tptf'it??!X -:w fwt WEST SCRANTON SPITTERS ARE ANUISANCE PROTESTS HAVE BEEN OFTEN MADE AGAINST THEM. At Noith Mnhi Avenue nmt Jnckaon Sheet They Ao iv Great Nuts nnce The Making of Necessaiy Bcpniis on Pettebone Street De serves Eruly Attention Bnvlne Between Howell nnd Pettebtme Stieot Being Pilled Many April Movings. Now tlliiL Police MnKNliiilo .Miller lms ii'-ioi Ud UltliHell' lelutlve to the Rlrlcwiill: vpiH'toiiitnrs, It huliomns the tccorder to ncillioi'lzc the p.ittolmuii to intent till onendeiH iiIiiiik Uil1 Ihif. In every pin t of the i lly, lor the lieiielll of heiilth mill public ileeeue. TIiIm mil of thliiK Iiiik been n prying iiiiIpiuilc nloiiK Main uvenne for n iiiunbcr of years, otpcelnlly In the vicinity of Jackson stiuot, ami iepe.it id wiuningi fi din lnilness men and police oIlkeiH have beun titmviiilillg. Fettebone Sticet Bepnlis. With the opening ol ii Ihk come Hie iirRent need of icpiiltlitf; I't'tlolmne Mtieet iioni Main avenue to the etiil or Uuil thoioiiKhf.il e. At the piespnt time Iheie Is neither cms, walk nor sidewalk on the stieot. except In flout ol one or two in opci ties, and these ate useless when the leinalnder of the Mirel Is unimpioVL'd. At the Intel .section of .Main avenue ami Pcttcbone. .stieet theie is no oioss hiK. and the same conditions clnt at Jlyde Park, l!iomlc. Sumner, .Lincoln aenue and the other inteiseclliiK fiticets. At Humner avenue there Is an nhiupt diop in the Riade of ne.irlv ten Jeet, and Keaieely a day passes, but (hat tdim.stei.s li.ivc dlllkulty In nukinif the passes. Sumner avenue i a dlieet louto for f uncials fiom St. p.itilck's Cntholle liurr h to the Cathedral cemetery, but on account of the lucak in the lond Any at T'ettebone stieet. the drlveis aie compelled to fro many blocks out ol the way to icach the binial riouikI. Manv new bouses aie being; elected in AVest l'.tiK, and the Condition of J'cttebono stieet is a cjieul (lis.ulv.in-t.-IKC. Filling Up a Culveit. Poi sewral months the opeiatois of the jrt. Pleas-ant colllciy hap diteeted tl.dlr altejitlon to flllinir up the lavinc ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT FOR ( COUGHS 1 and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. It's Many a Year Since Ladies' Neckwear Playee buch an important part in correct fashions as it does today. Unless you have studied the question out thoroughly, you cannot imagine the diversity of styles and unlimited range of ideas that now crowd the market each and all claiming to be right, We do not profess to be able to tell just wlut is right. The rivalry among the artists who have lent their genius to the new fad has reached such a point, that the real tiuth is, it's a question of which you like best. And all the prettiest things aie here for your se lection. Black and White Honilon Braided Collars Batiste and Km broidery Turn-Overs Chiffon Ties with Applique Ends The Latest Pan-American Collars Persian Stocks, with Panels, .Etc. Mecklin Lace Ties, and Taney Silk Stocks with Full Trimmed Ends Only begin to hint at the styles we cany. You can find these things in any good store mostly, but there are a score of other styles here, only to be found at the GLOBE WAREHOUSE. Easter Ribbons A great big case full of novelties, and new season's beauties right at the main entrance. Stripes, Plaids, Embroidered Effects, Gold Inlaid, etc,, according to your . fancy, for they are all fashionable, and so small in price that you can well afford to give your fancy full rein, MiIIineryGIobe Warehouse Millinery The best that Paris, London and New York has pro duced this season, is ready for your inspection, but there's ability enough at the head of this department to suggest ideas for the individual who prefers becoming headgear to the fixed decrees or extreme fashion, Special Easter Offerings Today, Saturday Globe Warehouse on the eastcily side, of IMiiln avenue, between Unwell nnd t'ettcbone Mtieet. nnd now' the flllliif: has 1 cached a height ipiltc near the mufitrc. The ".iIiik" hauled out of the mines Is being ttied ill Hie filling and also the ashen from the hollci.s. A tcnipot niy track Iuih hoen elected In the cul vert, nnd the filling Is hauled out by the cat load, It would bo a wise plan If n fence was erected on the bunk nwilnolsliif.' (he culvert. April Movings. A number of changes liae oecuiied In business places on Main nvenn during the past week, and n number of prominent r"sldentM have nlo changed thole places of nhodo. Hut-i-fheir.s clgnr lactory Unn been mm oil fiom the CoKgrovn building to tlii IMiipoiiU' hnll building, to make wuv fot nn cnliiigeinent In "CrnkV" hotel btiilnis", anil Shoe Dealer Moigitn Iris lotlird from business. Albeit Hemic now conducts a "tein peianc" .siloon nnd eating bouse." Me Andiewfl' hotel has been closed, and a number of other saloons lmvc also been c Insed on account of the high license fees. Dr. l.anib has uioed iioni the cor ner of .laekhon .slicet and Stunner ave nue, to the house on South Stnln ave nue vacated by Colonel Kecse Phillips and 1'niiilH. The latter has taken po-ses-sion of their Imiulsome new home on North Alain avenue, in West I'm If. Jlnnv new homos aie in coin-n of election, paiileulaily on the Round "Woods jilol and In West I'.uk. and in dications point to ninny improve ments dmliig the (oinlng join. Kx oawitions have been resumed on the gi minds for the new spike mill. Removing an Old Lnndmaik. AVoikmen are now engaged In tear ing down the Sc.inlon piopeily, at the coiner of Main avenue and Lafay ette stieet. At one time this building was a popular hostehy. It is said tint a handsome in w build ing will lophioe the one being toin down, and tliul it will be 01 eiipled bv the Atlantic and Pacific 'IVa i om any. Ttouble at the Continental. The bleaker boys ut the Continental collleiy. operated bv the "Delawnie, Lackawannu and WestiM n company. emit woik ye.steiday uioinlng just after starting time, and in ennsequenco the collleiy was lillc during the da. It seems that there aie two non-union boys employed in the brenkei, and one of the union boys went to the boss and demanded that the non-union bos Join the union. The boss sent the union boy huine, and Allien the othei.s k-.uned what had happened all the othei.s quit woik. The collleiy was then shut down, and will piobably lemnin idle today als-u, as it Is pay-day at the Continental. Two Funeials Tomonow. The Id to David I-. Items, who died at his home, 101 Ht.ikely stieet. Uun moi e, on Thursday, foimeily conducted a maikct where the postoltlce now is on Jackson stieet. The fumial sei vl(es will be held at the house tomor- DYSPEPSIA. Few diseases in flict upon their victims renter ,M. ferine; than docs ch.spcpsin. Ifjoit hao dyspepsia or indigestion in any form do not ruin your .stomach with dniM, Use Duffy's Pure Alnlt Whlfl key iw directed, it will cum nny form of indigestion nnd will tcstorcthc-stomucliloiNnurihalcondition. TACOMV, Ptt. nuflyMltVhMceCo! s VtJr&trs; ImcalrMily used luo hotttn of onr Duflv'a Turc Mnll Vhlkot. I took It In tnc way, of nn us iior r cry morning.' I had txen truiihlrd u llli n huriiing sonsnlloti niter mcah foi a lone time, but u.n comptctcU cured. ISAAC T. ORKF.NWOOD. 1 The onlj W hUUy UteJ Ij the Cat 'rrtmclit 11 a me.liclne. 1htl n guarantee. He iutc) on ,;t Ihe K'niilne. KedMa ttitiMliutrv All.lruffirt.Kann'crocefs, orillrediji Maboult. Vftilt lollft DltlllCll I'OOkltt. ' DUFFY MALT WMISKKY CO. Ttoctieittr, N. Y. row iii'tcinnnii. liitctincnt will he made In the Cinnhrin rcmctury. Wlltmil, the Inffint child of Sir. nnd .MiM. C. 12. "U'lilcuer, of 32S Mouth Deek pr'n t'oillt, died yoMtenlny. Tile rc inalns will ho Inleirod hi the "Vnnh I111111 Htieet cuinetciy tnmnnnw ufter- 1III0M Bcfoie the Police Mnglbtiate. Owen ('.'illahaii, ot l-uzurno street, wu the firm victim to encounter th" new iniiui'ituiti1 In iiollce court yoster dnv 1110111I11K. "Ouney" hecaine Intoxl enteil, tlircntened to IcIH lilt wife with ,1 raor. and paid a fine ol' $'J for his tudlieicllniiM. .Michael U.ilv. of Ta.lor. was the .second victim. Jlc, loo, was ditlilk, hut he didn't make any tin cut". His fine was SJ. IJoth .settled up. Thiee Operations Yesteiday. Dr. .M. J. Williams assisted hy Dr. Hill n, oiiciated nn a .son of Ulchaid Tliomas, nl Division and Fnuitee nth streets, .esteiduy for aipcildleitls. Jl.ss Maiv iinblis, ot ISrointoy ave nue, wim ojiei.ited on yesterday by Dr. flail, ut tin Seianton olivine hnspltal. lor an nrieetlon of the neck. Mis. ('hallos Conner, of Klooinhhui1;, s-lstci-ln-l.iw of Alt-. A. W. Jliifrsrnve, was npeiatul 1111 tsteid.iv .it Mo-es T.iyloi hospital. Plymouth Congieeational Chinch. 'rile following; pi ogi. inline of j:.islcr music will he lendeicd at the J'lynioulli CoiiKie'fntion.il ihuieh tomonow, in teipci.sed wlili two appiopiiate aur 111011s liy Uu. K. A. l!o.l: Si,irOlf -o,. s(( (, I .. .M,, ., t. I Miuj, lonliilin .11I11 nil nullum, "dm SifleuiiK I "111" 1 s. 1 ,, Ml-,1 UIIS IllM.p'l ml (llllll oiini uni Iuih uilim mi 1 iiilluni, "Mir MioU rt Vuloi" K. U .Wnlori, Mi l.iiliuil. Ilii!ii., Hull ml I'lullii4 iikI kluiii, Jluit. iUin-llc mil iiitln.ni, "1 nn, im W, If 1. luiril t V I, Wist lei lliiglui Mi.-. II l.iiiuu. I .I'M 1 HiilIun Atnn li-tpli. iiitul Jli.liis Mm l'liilli., itul clmi,. Sheiman Avenue Mission. Tlii piosiamni" of the Khei iiiiin A'.onue Mission Sabti.itli i huol will he as iollons- I"1'"- . . It Oir -,i,,ol linn ill. hi "Hi, ltl.(n hint " Jl" . . leiimo i,li isoii "! ... Inliii I'lnllip, "I'll' Vim -ilicml Hull itluii "Hun M111-" Iut .. . . luuili' (Hi'iion, I 1711 Muilunt (-limn-. lv it,,, vtimoi 1 Mill"- ... It n-,' I 1 IJIII I" . . ...(iivcimn llnikiii Hull iliiiti, ' lli, I . 1 1 ! 1 1 r.imli " ""I" .. .. . .Pniil llulii, liom- . .Hi ,c I h ,ii "Un . . . ..Ili Hie vlui! Roses Given Away On .'.miiilax. with pmiv iniiilia-e auiouniliii; in ti ui) we will t,ii .1 In 111 1 1 1 ill I'.tstci Jtose. Me,n-. ll.meii "' NOTES AND PERSONALS. Aitliin- fhlllips, of I'tliiieiiiii. Tu doi Williams and Kugciie I'Mlow.s, or t-'oinell and t'liiules Sweet, of Sj j .1 euse iiiilcist., ,11 0 home to ieud J2sti.i'. I!c. I"! 1. i:aii-, nf Soiilh "Main ae-1111-, will ollieiati' at the funeial of the hue Mi, .lohn .lfiilcln. In Tny loi, ut '.::n iiMoik this afternoon. Dj-ct.isi-ii a the wile ol lltv. .Inhn ..en kins, pasloi or the Uendll.im KiiRlish oiih'ii'satlonal t huic.li. I!e. 12vani will, ill 1 opseii'llt e. lie un llile to of. filiate at the 1 111101.il of the lule Mis, U.inM Dwell'-, In AV'ilkes-l'aiie, at ',J0 o'i'Imi 1; hls iiiti'inoon. The Clnlhtlan l.'mleavoi smlety will (undue t :i .suiiiie piayer iiiiellut. In the Washburn St 1 col Pn'Sh teiian chinch, ioinuieneliitr at fi.L'ii o'clock. In the oenlr.K:, the lllhle school olllioif will have h.MKe of the sei vice. Speclul 2.iKler imi.ii will he he.ud at holh .soi vices. Special otieiiiiKs will he inade In 1 molnpos, .Nathan 13ans, m foi niei l, 1011 dueted u kioki.v s-toie ut the uniier of South .Main avenue and WaMihum stieet lius in 1 opted ti position with Mm mm Thomas', the Jaiksnu stieet Kiour. Willald A. HieiM, of Allhlliii, X. V., a .soil of I' I.. Itet'iH, of Meiillluld Slieet, lias consii noted .1 woikliiK model of a mliihituie coal mine and breaker, and Intends to exhibit It at the I'lin-Amei-lean exposition, Tin Slluiian IoiIkc of Ochl I'VIIowh belli a well iitleuded liieetlui,' In 12 vims' hall hiHlevenliiK', ut which hevotal mat tortc pel tiilnlii," to the lodne weie acted upon. Do mil lull 10 nlteitd tile enleitiilll nieni and Mirlal, which will bo (,'lvtn en Moud i evenlnj,', Afull S. I1WI, at the 1'Mihl WeNh Conciesatlnnal chinch, on South Main avenue A veiy Inlei esiliifj pi out amine bin been piepaietf, and ut lilt close of the enlct taleiuont c.kt and coffee will he ceived. The adiills-hlon leo is only 15 cent!?, lcn tie am will ho hold o.strn. The doors will open at 7 p. in, and tho entettaln nient will conunenco ill .V ohuip. The Loyal Ciiu-iulei'-, u lecuntly oi KauUrd ti'inpetimi o t-oetet,, held a mcetlui,' in Co-opeiatlve hall last teu luir, and outlined the plan of their cainpulKii iib'alin-t the liciuor tralllc, The Columlila Uoso and Chemical loinpany will hold a regular meeting on Monday ovnliur in ihelr rpiurteis on Uisoi ntieel. Mis. Wlhey, of Ohestnut stieet. en tii tallied tho mcinheis of tlio l'"orelKn .Mlblsonary socioty of the .Simpson Mcttiodist Hplscopal oliuieh nl her honie last ou'iilncr. A GREAT SURPRISE li in f,toio fur Jll w bo u.-o Iuiiii'h lljltani fi-r tliu 'Iluojt Jiul I uiijfis, llic ijir.it Kuaranltoil liuitJy. oulil i hilleie tlui It i $uld on lt intiit uml jii ilniKui! I .uitliuilml ly I ho priiltlor n( lliLc iiuniltrful 10111111,1 to pile joii 4 iiiplc Kltle fin'? It ucicr (alb to cure jculu or iliiuuio cou;li. All ilru0-gUl3 tell Kc'tiiij" UaUaiu. Vilie 25e. aii'4 Wc; NORTHSGRANTON APRIL ASSEMBLY OF SCRANTON MEN'S SOCIETY. Recoitler Moir nnd ExClty Solicitor Vosburg to Speak Next Tuesday Night Concerto to Be Given In the Providence Presbyterian and North Main Avenue Baptist Churches Next Week Interesting News of tho Y. W. C. A. Other News Notes nnd a Bunch of Personals. The Apt II Assomlilv of the Seianton Men'H Society, North Knd, Will ho hold on Tuesday evening not. In the Piovl denco Iheshylcilnn social ioom. The commlttco lake pleastiie In announcing Recorder JamcH Moir and cx-Sollcllor A. A. Voslitirrus tins Bticats and spcak 01 h of tho evening. They will speak on subjects pertalnlnpr to municipal provernineut, and they will doubtless bo greeted by 0 full attendance ot members. Eaeli member Is also xnlv lleged to Invito a. gentleman friend. The Assembly oil Tuesday evening will conclude the monthly meeting nl tho oiganlzatlon for thl season. The callio series of assemblies has been 10 plcte with piollt nnd pleasiue. Able speakers on Interesting topics have been the jjucsts nf the society nt vm I 011s times through the winter, and the social nnd entertainment featuics have been gieatly ouJoed by tho members and their fi lends. Easter Festival Conceit. Musical Dhector r. F. Whlttemnie anil choir announce 11 ginnd Master Festival conceit on Monday evening net In tho Piovldenee ehnich. Tho choir has hit upon a somewhat unique and novel Idea In the nature of a pto Kianime In that tho selections of that evening Includes n blending of the thought of the Xathity with the Resurrection or TCaster t-entlment, and hence theie will be three Chilstnias selections pieeedlng the elaboiale 12aster minibois. all of which will be in addtioii to the K.ister pieces of 12.ister Sabbath. Tho choir If, one ol the best In our f lly. and a r.uo musical treat by local talenl Is assuied. It's ciulte possible that It will be the last opportunity to hear Joshua John of tli.it choir as he contemplates lealtig the city In the near futiiie. Mis Long, violinist, Mm. D. M. Biundoge, "V. A. rtobeits will assist In the conceit. A silver offering wll be leeelved at the door. Y. W. C. A. Notes. "wiiil -1 IrhiI -- itiirij.i- '(Irrnonn u ic lis I.. l.o-p.'l luipliiic Silnicliv puiiiiij it 1 l"i I.. Ml .lie well nine tn Ihi, iiieetiner. .Illinois' iiiFPling Sitiilii dfternoon it 1) 1 .0 o'oliiik. Suliieit, "thriit l- ltt-ou." loil In tin- pit-ident. Amu'-, Muki.i, inn .lie luiuoil t .it tcit'l lie- liif-etmir MiiiIji nuiiiii" ilj-es in .emu;, lutlbiuii nil eiiitnuiileu. Ml 1I10 lu-li to jin llu-c il --! my ilii mi at thk time. 7"u oMock Km f!roi'o b Allah's llibli hluilj lue-iliy iliriliooti it I ti'ilmK. sniijui, ii,,. I'liipln'. tics ul Dmiicl " I ho sttiili In tho -i-roml rhiptu hi 'lno-iliv '11- 1111.1t iulcrc-lliij niiil pinlit ihi. riio-c pic-inl rpif.-(i tliiin-ilii- .1. hrinj n lib hi nchldl in, uplhldl. lli tin- n-o nl ilutl- Mb no 0111I1I01I lu -co ih'iili c.nil' llimiL,hl fu it- 111 thl- puilioii ol His notil Wo nnili" mini lo pnu 11- 111 1 In-, -ttnli Mi-s Wo-Kiilt'-. ilitluiiiihi.i ill Inr-iln run iiu ".I V o'iIoi'.. Ml nlm mi-Ii (11 join ibis cli-s uni iln -n .it tin- 111110. 'Ihi .lltlllOl-' Hill, ill-., mil liuot WOlllii-lIll 1flc111u1.11 .it I ,11 u'lluik. Ml voiin lil- .110 illlllOll III l)ltl till- ill Kliiiloiifiilrii 'lliuietliv iltrrtiioii jt I n'lKik Ihui-iln iifiiin lltl.Io -ttnli il 7. ) i.VIihI, piumpl. -uinI i -clnol 1,-,-on itul l". 1. soiii ,!, lotii-ponihiiii' (. iiii-o no t'to -litilli- of tho iiriiiiiir. Ml who i-h 1,1 pun ili 1- 111 I uh-i, piititlns-, piiiiD. -en 1111,. iiiiliiuiil tj in 1111II111 ii.i uui 1 ill nn -lontJij .it 100111-, job Ninth Mini .i 1 tine Hi noiihl lil.o ill 11101111101-, i-pulilh tho lomiuer liieiiiiiu nt tin iv,n i itnm, in n ill Ihetnsilii- n tho 1 million ptinlour-, li-itnu' Iho inu'ii., airptitliui diwi", 010. Ml mhtu li mi-Ii tn join Ihi 1 hi 1- mi mill irinini. until- "itli .ec 1 1 Ui.. nv K'niil hijh ill-' lifer idiic 1,111 In hfi it Iho inliii-, mi Mliidi 'ii will ho 101 IhniKttil. Roses Given Away ill '-it'.tilji Mlh 01011 pinihi-o iitinumiuj; lo slim lit will ,tn.' 1 In Jiilim' I'j-ttt l!n-i Ml Mi- .. lli,IA Told in Biief. 0. I'.iliin'i, ul Ninth M 1 i 11 in inn , i , ill.il In WiniUur. N, V, win ic hi- lino 1- -nlluiii,-fmni ,111 atitul, ,.f iliphlhoiij. Ml, I'llinct 11.1s liininpjtiloil In Hi ,1, I, I, nl, in-. Mill. IIjII.Ii hi. nt -hunnMii, is -tli,lilii; llll 1 i-lor 1 inlluu nllh hi- pjnnl- en Oik .-tlrol llu MI1101-' .nn I lliitris' liu il 1111I1111, No. I :'i7, will inn a iliuit Mnwl.n oiouint, in N. Miri's lull. " Mi. tiil lt- (huh- Hi, if Nmili Mun annuo, jio njuiiitiK uui (he .111it.1l nt l lulu till. Mi- Williiini Wolf, nt (hutch iiiniuo, h t leliuiirU lii.iin fiom I'l.Miiomh, nhoir ho wn il-ilitU ii'litfif, 'Iho ,Nnilh M llu ileum u)i w,t lolh ul of its mil' I ii -tml u hy tho -IiilI tli uui-, 'Iho It. 1. I), .1. WIIII.1111-, 11 I'likiillo, niil pu ih .it llu Milimilil Ihpll-l 1 hun h Intiioiiuw, W1M1 In Iho iiK'inliw .uni I.njjll-H in mnin,.. Illljli' -ilioi'il ,il 2 p. 111, P .ul, I Di.iii,, -up. llu tomloiil, uiuii; l'll'll'h -.Kill! mi I III i I i,v LUIllllK' 111" lllo.iiiiiluiii; N'ouiul -ihnnl In-kll hill It am lull pli.i Iho Nnilh lliul M,tlx ut"it luos tlai iiruliiE it tho Viiillturiuin The 1 llliu Whllli fniitt will ilut iillicon tiiuinirow iiioinonii fu iho iii-utui; ,1011, ll.un, tn Mi iiu.l Ml- .l.'lili Mcliitiii. of Itm K mil slut I, a I j j b , lioj, SOUTH SCRANJON NOTES. I'ilir sonlics nl -t Aji' ( itl'i'lli itiiiuli lniiimiuw' it III ln in full, in-, I lrt nn , ut 7 ,1) 1, m,, will ho 11 lilu.iti.l bv lie,, pitri ( luist, pi. I or of the thiuili, ki.ui.I 1111, ul P. l"i, will lie 1 olobr.it til by llu, 1' striuh, the uluiin hlk'li man nl 10.:,.' hi llu. IVtoi ( liil-t im tho seruion will In prf.tehoil In' Itev. Sti mli. t St. .Inlin'a ( ithiilie rliiuch the liif nun. will be celihutnl by Itei. i: .1 Mello it 7, !'l ,1, m. J i-ccoihI 111.1-4 at l 10 liv Hoi. M. .1, I'loni. hiK, anil hlsh iiij y Itci, I'll mini.', wlm will .1I-0 projeh the i-crm.ui, wliltli will he taken fiom tha Ro-fiel of Iho thy, ,"-io(iil inn-.li, Ili.iiuli .So. 41. linlRhts of ht. Upiiikp. 11 111 meet tomorrow afleiuoou .it s, Mii'i. lull Scuiilon SaniKirmulo nil) ntoet tmuoirow a. In no in jt Mhlotle lull, In st, .lolm's t'atliolli) t liun.li. nn J'ii; Hieil, tpoiial ninth iiill he tiling: by the clmh, uniier Iho direction of MIm Kite lloaulou, jl the lu..S hum luiiwiroM inornlnir, At i! p. 111, lo-piu will bo Mint; Iho piosraiiune which will lie rcu.lcrnl !' th ihuuli choir tomonow moinlug at 10.10, under tho direction of Profej-or II. AKrnn inn, at ht. Mjij'k Citltolic chun lii South Siranton, ii as follom: Mill Aquam (l'lei'inleckrr)l Urdu's hoconil Mji; Vt-ni frratoi (lie Monti), llaco iir (V, liainerrl) At .1 p m. icm uill ho tuinliuteil b Itei, IVIci Clui.t, at whlib the rltolr will roii'lcr: 'Vckpci" (I l't), "ll.uo lllo" (Kapp) "Magultlciit (Wi'M "UikIih rotli" (l.jiiljotte( '0 SJliitoiU" (Mjltfii-ld) "iJiituui I'nto" d'. Hcit); 'l Dcuni. 'lime will he a peciil U.ilei enli at the South t-l.le Villus Women's CluUlUn as.-ncijtion looiiij, toil (rdar airn.io, (.1111110' afternoon it J Ii n'elock, win 11 a suhject jppropil'to b II1.1 occanioii will be Ulkeil on jnd thiio will he tome fpuljl l'3tu mtijlc, Hoses Given Away Oil Vilurdi)) with oifii pini.lu.f aiuouiiting to 91 do e will ghe a leaulltul Kasler ltoe. ' ilL'AHS & llACIIiN't GREEN RIDGE. .Aehnr.i' .Mollioilbt I'pliiopil Sttnili stlmol Mill render a inot Itilciestinit l.acler iiniKMiiime "un claj nl 2 W p. tn, llxinbn 11 III coudil, in pill, of fpeilil intulo y the uiclieitri, rctllitlim, sntmt anil tliouie, ntnl seltillom by lite, mile i)itnrtttlOi At Hit' fUitnnl rlccllnii of ollkrii" tn bo lirlil Tnwiliv cuiilllu; licit nl (he tluli liouw of lit' tlrreti lllittte Whoobnelii flic folluwltipr'nindlilili will lie Inlloleil fori t'rodilittl, 0. S. Sninlini vice picildciit. (I, It. Dluiliilik, ,l. I). Ulllhins; IrniMtiir, O. V, l'.i.Mio! irioitlliiff srtrtlnri, A. M. flue, It. l llltihco. I,! loiro-pondlta fccrohr, II. W, lleian, II It, hltiKstt ! Illun. rliii, ,1, ii. lin ipp, Miurlio M. union; illrcolot', W. t fair. It. II, IIiiIiImiii, llmiitril Dail, I. !. l'ow lor, Jr., .1. W. (I.irnr.i. II. M. (Iieen, T. II. Hone, ?. I'. Hull, II. b. Mrrrlmm, I. ti. I'lillllp., r. II, Pond, II P. I'nKt, I, b. ltonlon, 0. Selirooiler, t'. II. Miocmil.rr, P. I, Smith, A, (I. II10111.1.011, It, A, Van limn, .I, M, Walker nnd l. II. Siitrftleh. lllstrlrt Depuly llrand Master 0 b. Cnltln U ftciloml.i' 111 at his homo, Kill I'euii atcinii, tlireitiued with (iplmld pnciiiuoiili. A Hop.' Alklns, nf rlictn lildtio lodite. Is ntfloldtliii; as ill'lrlct rfopul' ilurhir the Illness nf Mi, Colvlii. llilpli .stiotvdcn, of Cornell iittlierill, Is upend. Intt his l'n.er laeallon mIHi lilt) piienlii, Mr. nnd Mis. T, .1. Fnowilvn, of M'l Sun-et aunuo, Koses Qiyen Away On S it ut tt iv with even' ptirilnso finnunlltij; to l.tl wo Mill trlie n bcaulilut Kister Itu'o. Mi:.ns ,v iiAncN. FOOD INSPECTOR WKATHY. Wants Fish DenJcis to Keep Off Side walk on Lackawanna Avenue. Food Inspector "Wlrtinnyer Cs up lu tiinis iiRalnst the maikct men on lower liu'kuwaniui avenue, who persist in dl.spla.xlnt: their lltdi anil oil) tiir It on tho sidewalk, lie has called the at tention of Stipeilnlctidetil Allen, of the uiiicitu 01 ueaiiu. 111 me uuiiiei, ana tnc latter win soon mime a tour of 111 vcMtiKiitlou of the niiittei. The food Inspcctoi holds that these nieichantH have no iIrIi! lo use the hldcwalk to sell their (.roods and s.iyi Unit the public health Is lucnated bv their f-o ilolnrs. The Kic.isy writer which dtalns fiom the fish bands tuns aeio.-s the Mdewulk into the Rtitter. j'ir.diicliK' an almost unbearable odor and lendoilni" wiiIUIdk cxtieniely dls nijiee.il'le. LITTIE NOW PROSECUTES. Had Warrants Issued for Fred Dil cher nnd M. D. Flaheity. Ulchaid T.lttle, editor of the Sei.in tonlan, yesteiday had waii.int.s issued for the nne.st of Fied Dileher, nieni ber of the national bo.iid of the railed Mine "W'oikois of Atactica, ,ind M. 1". Flaheity. pi evident of the C'ciiti.tl li.ibfli union. The wananls vteie issued hy Alder man A". S-. 3Illl.il' and will be s-ened today. A liemlnc; will piobablv be ar 1111 Bed foi .some day ne.Nl week. Y. W. C. A. NOTES. Iho .-'i.l" 110 hud .it 1101U with Iho "luluit fund-" in I t tru it mint fiuitii tipuitmt- in iptinectlon with tin util.ini' of caiidi, ipron-. oh nils, rtt., ire told Ihi t.ilont -mill I il.os pint- iho I i-t of tin- month in. I tic .tntiupilc a 1110-t delightful tune. Uno of Iho most cnthuii i-liu loikiutr th-sos nt tin -oi-ou mil i-tudit ifletnonii, whin ll-s Mnitli sue the (,. I t' .III- .1 It utt 111 llu lull, 11 - nf 111 hl-CIIlt 'I In iniii eiiiiit pupils 111 h'lkiiic loniu.l In Iho 1 liibillnii wlii.li will like pi 100 tho tuml -ith ol tin- 111011II1 'Ihi- will ho 1 fin -honliii of tho uoil. il'iio lu Ilut ihpnluiiiit V 1 1 it-- 111 -hilt w ll-l linking t- hiititr tntuiid I hot cpci L In hiin tttlk next I in -d 11 Lit 11 intj n 7.1" ni ,-iiI 1- wcliome tn pilu this ill--. 'I hlnk how umtli tnu rut -an if tun 1 111 do tin? put nt tout own -owinr OBITUARY. MIlllM.I, I. 1.01.1)1 N Mnhitl I l.nidtii, of MS P dm -titfl, .iRid to e.u-, dnd .n-tiuli noon, jiiu 1 itttk'- illue wllh pit iltri- D.ioi-td ii-iihd tu --.mill v.i.inlnii t"i i ntmi ' lu nt nirs .mil w.i- tn lit 111 lu'li i-ti(tn ht 1 lato tiinnlii.1 nt itquiint uici - Mr 1- -urti 1 I b, ,1 wuluv nnd tin t Iiit.li t Willi 1111 I , I"-. 'li Kitio, Mi; .111.I ll.nmi-. Iho luii.ul -till I iki pi no Mnuili, uintiih'4 .it ' u 1 lm k wllh .1 i (plll'lll lllt'l.ll s, .Mill'- Citlmlii ihuuli. 111. 1 in liiintut at the C.illi.'ll il . ini'Jcl.i. 1 HE CELEBRATED GORDON PIANO Befoie buying, send for catalogue. H.S.GORDON, fi&VISU. vc. City. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality. Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of V- "i & I faMm By mail SUBRw wifli Glirs m refund tite f5R0ney paid. Send for circular and copy of our Bankable Guarantee Bond. NeritIablets S33 Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Un developed or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor, By mail in plain package, $1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our Bank able Guarantee Bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid, Nervita Medical Co,, Clinton and Jackson sts Chicago, I!!, SOLD BY McGAHHAU THOMAS, UUUGUISTe-, 209 LACKAWANNA AVL'NUE," SCHANTON, i'A. Special Diseases of Men IS MV SPECIALTY. Do SJP Cente r Not $KmmL.,,,,. Them'' Scatter jSPIH. on " Facu Iti es IflfKBm Specialty If you nn ufferlnit from anf dlpsc or condition peculUr to men,, or If. you hv Vn nl'ippolnteil in not eelltnc; a porminent euro. I want vnti lo romc and liaie a toriit enat wllh me. I will expliln tn ou MY SHT);t OP TIIHVTMKNI', whlrh I hiv originated anil dcieloped after my whole life's experience In trcallntr fpcchil dlseaseft of men. I lia fj" liflta, upeelflcs, free lumplev trhl treatmonta or electro medical comhlnitlona or almllar deileen vthieli do not and cinnot cure dl-eaaea peculiar to men. My education, my expctl nice, my conscience, my icputatlon condemna nil sueli quickcry, lf'ou will pay ino ' tf'lt I will ijlie you ntl.K OK ClIAItOH n thuroucli personal rxainlnillon and an honest opinion of our'cae. If )ou are linuralile I will tell ou no, and uclil-e ou qn that ou Mill not lie humbugged by unerupulointpraotltlimers who clilni to euro ill. It ifter exam n nr you, I find you curable, I will Ini'irc? ou of a pmiiaiu nt cute, Innsnruch a I will Bbe ou n writlon RUirititcc to rifund lou eiery cent .1011 liaie pild me in cane t fall to effect a ittre. I mako nn charge lor inodiclne-i, ai they ate ibvi.ta Ineluded In the nominal fie, aakeil, and ion know to Iho cent, bed ro you ttart what our whole treatment Is going; fo ro.t, and f'will make nn fal-e proma it to tho time for the 5lltcQt KOltln'i ou at a pitlint, ut 1 promle only wlnt I oan do, and do at f promise. I'VN VTl'llAli ni'THAltllKs ttopped In 6 to 10 da. OIssto.NS and Drnlnt stopped in i to 15 tlijt t'f ClIHS I cue not of hotv long atandlnu, f will dry them up at ones .STUICTt'ltt: cured without tutting or dilating. IIYDHOCn.K or nn.t aiu'lUngt or mhrgcmoitt reilured it otne. IMPOTKNTY b 111 ntcm of treatm.nt It curable lrre-pittltc of the lime ttandjng or your age. Ill, MlDr.tt M) KinNKV derangcmenlt by my ss(em of trelment sliow nignt 0! im prnvenunt frini the iry liegiiinlntr ItllllUMATI.sM, being eauvd hy Impure condition of Mood, It ctued perinnnently by me, SPrcn'10 niOOD l'Ol'-OMNt., permanently rured without the ui of Iodide of Polanh or Men ury. WniTI'. If ou cannot call. All corrctpondeneo strictly confidential .ind all repliea tent in pliin emelopes Inclose 2 cent stamp to Insure npl. OlKICi: UOtJltS, ti a. m to f. p m jnd 6 to 8 p m ; Sundaja, 10 a. m to t p. m. , DR. MACKENZIE'S . bb . mm ak 1 1 Permanently Located at Rooms 208-209-210 Pauli Building 426-428 Sprnce St., TAKE ELEVATOR. New York Announcement. Horner's Furniture. Wo bid for Pyour patronago on the following grounds: I. Our stock ropiescntb tho fno fluvlion.s or the BEST lAKI'.KS OX FA", in addition to good-- ot our own lniiuiifttotuie. ii. Our nv-ioitmeiit- nro a- com )loto in tlio pluin jind inepen-ivo goods faiiited to tho modest homo, ns in tlio 111010 oluboratc and aitihtiu linos lcqiiiied tor tho nioto lucton-lious- homu or nitmsion. II. Our piicos mo tlio lowest nt which fuinltuio of s-tandnid quality, itiid bcitring tho sttunp of style nnd nieiil in It.siipiH'ainnco, c'un lie inunu fnctuicd and sold. All Ibe litest ilo-'isit'i and IliiWIu'S in cuib and eiciy lino, iiiiliitliui; tliu msli!on,iblu lislit wood-, unci clVcts foi suiumut runiUliIiiK R.J. Horner & Co., riirnlluro Makrn nnd Import. ra, 01-05 VV. 3cl St., New Fork lAclJolnlDB Eden IMuser.l A Tint tu the entahllaUini.ut of tt J. Horner ( o liriiiKu Jim iu touch with oierj-thlnc that In non anil mirth bioIdk in the lurnitnro wotltl Ncufipapci I'omineot TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS wmEWxmtWitiWM. tf'iiir! un'Mwm fjThcHi' ttnjr t'npunlcs ar- 1rcii. Ill IT DOUIS VVIIIltllJI. jni'oiivHiilciiee.iilIcc'tloiiK in which Copaiba. J'n WIDY DcUh and Inlcciion. ton. (C) diseases, all effects or selr-abuse or excess and indiscretion. A fove 1mm m& Mmi Builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. SI per Ita, 8 boxes ur iiankalPid yuarantoe III H I SCRANTON, PA. AMUSEMENTS. I YCEUH THEATRE - nEIS A. nilRGtlVDUH, LtSJCH. A. J. nUlTV. JUtuKcr. THUKSDAY, APRIL 11. I. tenuis I'crforinjuco at S.1.1 Mitinee I'ufoiinaiice it -39. loriiTir ANMiAf. ciici.nr. Bauer's 13th Regiment Band Of 15 lieic. lou-ti: Mr. Prank Eaton, Baiitone, Xcw York City. Mr. Thomas Miles, Coineti3t, lltuei'i Iiitul. i'iic -, 'Ji tints to I.0O. ( hililn u'-. inatlnrA l"i, , ri , VK.. sells mi ulc 'nit-il iy at i c. ni ACADEHY OF HU51C, REIS& BUI'aUNDEU IIARRV A. BROWN Manager and Lessee. Local Manager. iiw.am.1: or mis wi i.k. ilalinii, lMili, CHARLES LEYBURNE AND CO in miTiiroiKi: IIiuimIii inmii' Wlif- of Vow Voili I'rnhi I'lituiu Monte Cri-W Mluiiliv nonlni,- On Urn Kio Oraiula ALL M'A I' Will K. 'Hit llilhl Aiti-I, IRENE MEYERS AND COMPANY. NewGaietyTheatre AM', fi. HKIimSt.lO.V, MmuKir. Thiee Bnys Commencing Monday, Apiil 8. BROADWAY BURLESQUERS Matinees Daily. Memory, all wasting 60 PILLS SO CENTS for $2.609 mm w