Y MhVVf w.w i r'j .'? -Wv. f v.- Jt .? THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1001. ID Kr (Je cranfon $ri6utte IMMMihI Dally, Ktcfpl Smlr. liy The Trill, tine Publishing Company, l Kllljr Cento Month. I.IVY S. IIICIIAIIII, Hilltor. 0. K. nVXIIIX, fltulncu Manager. New Votk OBhcl ISO ,SMu St. S. 8. VltEKUNO. Hole Acrnl lor foreign AdieilMng. hnlercri at llio I'ontnfllre at Scranfon, t'a., ScuuhMJUw Mull Matter. When imi will permit. The Tribune Is lw' clad to print short Icllcis Irom IU friends hear lux nn . niierit tnpli, hut Ito tulo I that llee limit ho flgmil, tor publication, hy the writer trl names and the mndlllon precedent ."' ciptaiuc N (hat .ill lontrltmtloiis ahall be sulje.i In i-illlutlal revision. 'i in: ii.at nvri: ion advurtihiku. 'lhe following table show the price per Inch taili Ihscrllon, spate to lie incd within one jeart Villi Petition Tr.o .21 .1'J M'i .IS IHM'MV, I.i I Inn SWl Inclin Vfl Inil.es ... LIU " wi " for iarrt of thanks, resolutions of eondoleneo and slmllir contribution In th" natuip of uu H'llMnR The Tribune makes a chaigc ol 0 cents a line. Ralr fnr Clavlflnl Adicrllslng furnished on application. TWELVE PAGES. SCRANTON. APRIL fi. 1001. When the Cubans evinco a desire to take advice from (.ieiionil Wood, It Is niie of the most convlnciiiR Indications that the situation Is being simplified. A Word Upon School Boards H OW STRANG K It Is." said it suicessful Scran ton florist a tluy or two u ago, "that we never ac these plants and flowers liiallv see grow." closely a plant Although one watches ever so mil recognizes every day how lias grown sometimes In the space of a moment flint a blossom is unfolded or a leaf bud has opened the actual life movement of the bud, the blossom, the plant, has subtly escaped the human vision. It is tliu same willi the unfolding of character in the child, the growth in wisdom or culture, altliougb the mind of parent, teacher or other observer may note, at exceedingly brief Inter vals sometimes, that the actual growth of unfolding is a thing not only exist ent but of the most marked degree. But as the giowth and natural un folding of vegetable life depends upon llie nourishment nnd care it leceives, whether from nature only or from na ture aided by human cultivation, so again is It with the child: the immortal spirit, the folded mind, committed to Hie caie and training of others. Thete fore It Is that so much depends on the trainer the paienl and teacher and upon the methods tliey use, consciously and liucou'-elously. The parent is com paratively free In choice ir methods wholly so except n fettered by his or her own untitle and development. But it is licit thus with the teacher who H so constantly fVtlered by meth ods prescribed by ollieis; often, ns the public knows, proscribed by persons unite unfitted by miy experience, train ing or natural ability to make the pos itive rules i oinnianded by tliein. It is time, nnd far moie than time, that politics should be forced out by the enlightened sense of the American nation from the influence it now ty rnnnously exei Is in the choice of school directors and cuntrollcis, and the consentient evil influence it is per mitted to have alsq on thpir selection of teachers and superintendents. By lio law of riKlit whatever is politics allowed to enter the domain of school control nnd school legislation. The per capita circulation of money at present is f2s.M. the highest nRure on iccord. in addition, the United States treasury holds more gold than ever before. Imagine the difference had Bryan been elected. Organizing the Militia. I& TUB Kansas City Star Is to be believed, the ictil significance In the recent appointment of Colonel Sanger as assistant secretary of war, consists of the fact that lie is expected to frame a measure for the reorganiza tion of the mllltlu. For years he has made a special study of volunteer sys tems. Long nn officer of the National Guard of New York, ho recently com pleted a tour of Europe for the pur pose of collecting information as to the lf.lultvo advantages nnd defects of the American plan. Says the Star: "The inefficiency of the present method of nillltla organisation in the United States wns strikingly shown at the outbreak of the Spanish war. The ir.cn were nrmed with the obsolete Hprinnileld rifle, their equipage was de llclent, and their lack of field train ing appeared In th'i violent epidemics that broke out in the camps. A I'mv slates had provided adequately for their trcops. Jn most the men were ttt v condition for nctlvo service, It Is understood that Secretary Root 1ms n comprehensive plan to remedy thee defects, which ho hopes to cany out -with Colonel Sanger's aid, In the ie organisation of the army the arlllloiy was livrpase'l eighty per cjnt, the cavalry fifty per cent., nnd the infan try twenty per cent. This readjust ment was planned with the expecta tion that In tho ovent of war infantry fould be r.ilhed und equipped with niUctli niorv ease than cavulry, nnd cav alry than nitlllory, The fuither de tails of ,r. Root's plan have n beep ipade publlo nfllclally. It might 'properly Include the drilling of stnto troops on government leserva tlons with tho regulars. In this way tin: militia would (earn from experi enced men liow to take care of them solves In camp, nnd would pin lit by the discipline of tho piofesstonal soldlois. The statu cannot be depended on to supply their troops with the money necessary for equipment and drill. If tho mllltln is ever organized into a ical National Guard congress will jiave to vote (he funds. It will doubtless be it difficult task to secure the needed legis lation. In their efforts to this end Sec retary jtoot and Colonel Sanger-will have the support of those who huye the Ilim cf Sldlngon Paper Heading .ft'i" "".275 . ir, ,i; .ir.i .ir .15 .1CS hesl Intercuts of the National Guard at licait." Army leorBanlaatlon beltiB otil of the wit.v, tlila reform nnturntly comes next. Upon It (lcprntlo our nitlltitty cftlclenoy In llic next Rrent war, which Is likely, If history off eta tiny ctltcilon, to come when least expected. Tom ,loliu3on. the tliroecentfiirc mayor of Cleveland, Is nn Interesting Illustration of the business ninn nml ilootrlnulre. In theory ho H opposed to iihonl everything that exists, but In ptitrtlee hr nccepts the world hs II Is nml squeezes nil he can out of It. In theory he Is fornlnsl tfirlffs, taxes nnd monopotlcH, but In practice he works the three for nil they're worth. As mayor he will preach beautiful doc trines fitted for Utopia and likewise fix the boys so his machine will stand the pressure. Ho hns money to burn and loves the smell of the smoke. Conse quently he vlll bear watching. Forest Health Camps. H OW TO CVHK consumption In Its incipient stages, be fore It has taken deep hold of the system how to pro long life, with n fair degree of comfort In existence, for those In whom the dreaded disease has made greater pro gress, are questions that have taken on more profound interest, everywhere, since physicians began to proclaim the disease contagious. Tlie railtynf teller by medical means, together with known cases wherein dep seated lung troubles had been stayed, sometimes cured, 'by outdoor life in favorable climates, led long ngo to the search by thousands of people for such climates. It Is needless to call the loll of Southern European health lesorts. or to do more than to name the Adirondack forests, the North Caro lina mountains, Florida. Southern Cali fornia, Minnesota, Colorado, each of which in turn, and now all of them, have their multitude of seekers for the cure of consumption; or, at least, of comfort In longer life. Colorado last year oiganized the Rocky Mountain Hon, to conduct colony situated from Denver. Jt Industrial Oignnlza an industrial health about twenty miles has been started be cause the majority of those who go to Coloiado In search of health have not the means to secure such conditions of living as make their pilgrimage of the slightest avail. The intention Is to make the organization national in seooe, to secure the co-operation of every state in the Union, through Its physicians, and by means of brunch or ganizations of Its Young Women's Sanatorium Auxiliary which has set before itself the raising of "cottage endowments." The labor of patients "whom the industilal natuie of the col ony will enable to avail themselves of a change of climate while the disease is In its inciplency" Is expected to go a great way in the support of the plan. The Colorado enterprise is a prac tical and sensible one that mitfct com mend Itself. Hut it is to one close at home that we desire especially to call the attention of a northeastern Penn sylvania constituency of readers. Con sumptives and people threatened with consumption ought not to be obliged to go to distant places when the best con ditions can be as well secured for them or by them nearer home, particularly when the seeker after health has but small financial means. There is no siiter or better known lellef from lung troubles than outdoor life under the balsamic influence of the pines and the health-giving air of the woodlands in general. There Is no suier Ionic and curative for those -ti icii oni, run down, whose worn nervous nnd physical condition invites disease. Eveiyone interested In the foiestiy ciuestion and who has followed even approximately the hard work, and the results so far won by It, of Pennsyl vania's commissioner of forestry. Dr. Joseph t. Rothrock, has In memory that when he began his campaign for state forest reservations he set forth their value as sanatorlums. as well, as protectors of the sources of the water supply of the commonwealth. AVI tli this first summer of the new century the forest possessions of the state in our neighboring county of Pike, and those over in Clinton county, are to become available as health re sorts. The state will supply (he tents for forest camps, and the needful wood for fuel, it nlso will see to the en forcement of strict sanitary rules so that there shall be no contamination of springs or streams. Each camper out will supply his own outfit, except the tent, and his provisions, so that none can feel themselves pauperized as they avail themselves of the health resort thus made possible and secured In Its sanitary conditions by the state. Already, says Mr. Oeorge Nox Mc Cain, writing from TIarrlsburg to the Philadelphia Press, there have been ninny applications entered for admis sion to the camps In the course of the coming .summer. This Is only one lino of the great good that the finest leser vatlons. with the scientific r.uo of tnem, will bring to Pennsylvania. Hut It Is in itself one of Incalculable, enor mous value to the poplr. Tin prospective rally settlement of lhe Filipino Insurrection may free the American army to keep uu eye on nus Bla'a attempt to break faith concern ing China, certain written promises have been mode by Uusshi to the United States nnd wo have n right to expect that these, shall be Uept, No body wants another war, but better that than uurebuhed pcrlldy, A firm stnnd will doubtless gain otin ends without war, That's what the admin istration will bo expected to take, New York's police pay roll for a year Is J10,000,000. No wonder decent Now Yorkers nre asking whether they are getting tho work of their money. m i The right kind of government at the City JIall would soon put a stop to the Scrnnton Hallway company's laying down. ' Tho announcetntnt that the govern ment has no Intention of furnishing Agulnaldo with a brass band and a li cense to tour the country Just yet shows that the admlnltrtln ! pre pared to view the exploits of the Idol of the anti-Imperialists In a proper tight. Agulnaldo will probably have to content himself with a magazine arti cle this season, The announcement that A'op AVnl dcrsec wishes to get the foreign troops out of Pcklu to keep them from fight ing each other may be taken ns proof that the stock of Chinese in condition to be killed has been exhausted. TOLD BY THE BTAKS. Dally Horoicope Drawn by AJacchui, The Trlbunn Astrologer. Astrolabe cut: 2.n a, m., IDOf for Saturday, April A child horn on litis daj illl rejoice In hflne nhle to nil net a tittle attention before the ar rival of (he Eater bonnet. In politics all thing come lo him who kicks. There l little attraction in the office that doea not (the tho holder an opportunity to oc ralon.ilty ulctd the liolo. Theories a lo the heft nunncr of IMna; on $.'.60 u urrW are generally aaianird by nrltcra ulio spend about ten time that amount. The ability to write poetry and the ambition to pllt kindling wood for the patient wife do not iwially exlt In the same man. A friendly "tip" will sometimes upset mn'a financial vehicle. Ajacchus' Advice. It I jfer to plate confidence In the Mock (litter than lo bet on politics these dais. Weekly Letter on Municipal Affairs XLIXZ. LONDON'S GIGANTIC HOUSING SCHEME. THK AUTHOntTIKS or Undon hae expended millions of pounds up to date in an en dcaor to jllcilalr the wretched oondltlont of the poor in the densely crowded tene n.tnt di-drk'ts, but they hare just adopted a plan whh h i.ills for tho building of a city for the housing of ,i poor, at an Ckpensc, when com pleted, of millions morr. It Is a scheme of gigantic propoi t Ions, the liKe of which has ncier been undei taking hy any other municipality in the woild. An old estute, williln .sit miles r( London, at Tottenham, consisting of '-ii'i acre?, has been iui cIhshI at 2.XX per atte, or JtM.OOO for ihc bre land. The trad of land is divided into two porftlon, lhe laiger containing 17!) acres, the other being some little distance away. Both will be titlllrfil for lhe housing scheme, and ac commodations will he provided for about GS.O00 pu'sons when it is completed. On the larger poition ,i city with loom for housing more than 40,000 people will be constructed with all possi ble haste. It has been estimated that this municipal pro ject will lequiie the election of 5,779 two-stnry cottages, S.'xi (.toics, (lunches, a free libraiy, public buildings, roads, gardens and parta, sew ers and various public utilities, the first rest of which will be, it is slid. ft'.G.IViilO. This sum does not include the construction of the water, gas and electric lighting plants whicli are pic s.idcd for in the general scheme. The library has already been donated, and will cost the Lon don County Council nothing. The !.ning out of the city wilt lie in ron fnimitj with modern Ideas, the general plan of I'jris being the model. The public schools, the flee libraiy and oilier public buildings, beside the Moies, will be located in the lenler, from which the aienucs will i.tdiate in various diiec tions. 'I lie avenues will be fifty feet w'de and the streels folly. I'nlike many .imil.n scheme, curled out in this tonnliy and e!(.evhne on a more limited scale, a laige vaiiely of collagen will be con stituted, Ino hloiics in height, many of which will be semi-detached, while otheis will be i lose together in a low in tho city stjle. Kieiy efloit, is lo lie made to bleak up the uniformity and monotony in .ippeaiame. Iljch cottage wilt have .1 ,v.nd in flout and a mall plot of ground ill the tear for a garden. The looms over the Holes air to be fitted up for the use of the Inchelor inemhris ot the community, to the ev (ml of 2,000. in number. Owing to the fact th.ll the liver Idossclc wind- tlunuRh a cential portion of the laiger Uact of land, the pnk which Is lo be pioiided will be one of its mot xliiking tcjturis. Tho loundj. linn, so to fiieik, of the paik system will be m doi taken at the expense of the London juthori tics, but tin addition of swings, pavilions, sand pits, band stands jml the like, for (he rcricallon (if men, women and thlldien. rue to lie donaled by various persons, tome of whom have alieady put up the cash for the purpose. 'lhe beauty of the afreets will he gieatly enhanced by single ions of trees, which aie to be planted on cither side on all avenues and streets. 'lhe pivements will be of neluiaii block, wood and macadam, bur befoici the pavements are laid a complete sjslrm of sanitaiy sewers will be constructed, the sewage of which will be put I ficd by a modern pin ideation plant befnie it U turned into the liver. Theie is to he included, also in the general outfit of this model housing scheme a desliuetor plant, which will not only dlpoe of the eli.v''. wae in a Mnitary maimer, bin also provide Mi'Sclent power to operate lhe lighting plant lo light the streets. Provision is to bo nude for lighting crtain houses with clectuc ity", for which an extia unfal will be charged, lively modern device for economizing the udmlnls liallon of chic afTalrs will be brought into repo sition in the conduct of this city, and at the same time nothing will be sparrd In the way of e. per.se lo make the conditions surrounding the lives of the people comfortable and healthful, 'I he next largest scheme ever undertaken by a inunleipallly for the belter housing of lhe hi boilng classes was that which wai completed only a few- months ago by the County Council of nelhnal (Jrcen. Here fifteen acres of slums were cleared, at a cost of $l, tt l.:U.". There vveic .1,71') people unhoused, and the new buildings con slniclcd on the old site provided accommodations for i,:ist). In place of the old. linievrorn, unsanltaiy tene. inenls there are modern buildings, fitted with sail- llaiy plumbing throughout. Resides tills, a smill gulden, raided in lernces, uccuplis the center n f the area, and wide, handsome streets radiate fiom this cential point, The a if. I contains two schools, and for gcneial ue baths and laundrl"s In a M'paialo building hive been piovlded. shops have been circled on the pilnclpal sheet, and in the i ear of some of I lie blocks workshops hive been elected. Vi better lioues tan lie found In Loudon, as leg.nds comlnirlloii, than lhe-e irtlsans' dwellings, The buildings go he.iond lhe li'ipilicmenls of the picecnt building act, und m tlclpate Impiovcmcnts and condltloni which will soon h liKorpoiatrd In .imeiidnieiils, 'these schemes, although the laigest ever nu clei Uken by an munlilpality, and costing mil. linns of dollars, are only a drop in the bucket, when compared with the work .vet to be done, fur the amount of suffenug and the number of crime and illifjtp-liirrilli.tr rilsiiitW In London aie not diminished to any appreciable extent, Hut the County Council does not pinpose Id slop shoil of the achievement of a complete lrniv.i- I Inn of eveiy disease and i rime-Infected portion In the city, until the physical condition, at leist. will not be diifclly cliaigeable with the lause of a laige per cent, of the r rimes (onimif. ted aniiiullv and the heavy annual dealli-iale. White (he Hist plan Is the largest scheme which lias been developed sufficiently (o tieinill of pub. lie announcement, the County Council has oilier and larger piojcils foi the wine benevolent pur. po'cs In ciubi.vo, vvlili li will be given out later, II Is confidently opened, jccoidlng to a recent statement of Lord Avcbury, that within the nut decade the diseased alum, of London will be cflcclually wiped out. THE EXPOSITION HABIT. liiUn U'illcls In Collier's Weeklj. An cspojltlon is due In this country every other car for lhe ne.xt ten jearj. Lliaricston his one on paper, lo materialize in 1P0J; St, Louis has 5,uo0.000 lo her credit in Hie national IrcaJiuy, for a liow In 1001; Sejllle, Los An geles ami Kama? City .how symptoms of break ing out in IP07-0-1I. Buffalo, meantime, presents the exposition for 1(01, to be opened May day by president McKlnley. Chicago' noble attempt wi calamitous, the World's Fair In Paris last summer was ponderous, Wbal f hall we write of BufaVr TALKS BY THE PUBLISHER A Discussion of Various Topics. When to Stop Advertising. WHEN the population ceases to multiply, and the generations thnt crowd on after you nnd never heard of you stop coming on. When you have convinced everybody whose life will touch yours that you have better goods and lower prices thnn they can get anywhere else. When younger nnd fresher houses In your line cease storting up and lining the newspnpers In telling the people how much better they can do for them than you can, o Uniform Treatment. The publishers ot New York city dally newspapers recently adopted the following: nesolved, That we will make no rate to any advertiser which we will not quote to any other advertiser of the same class on the same terms. This action was taken to prevent the practice of discriminating between In dividual advertisers. There had been much complaint on this score, and the publishers decided to nut nn end b.v adopting the sweeping resolution quoted. A Decided' Opinion on the Flat Bate. General Information, an advertising journal, has positive views concerning flat rates for advertising, ns notice the following expression from Its columns: "Any publisher that will take less for his space than his ndvertlsed rates proves conclusively that he Is a shark and Is out for what he can get. The people that get the concession ns a rule are just foolish enough to brag about it and In some Instances they use It as a lever to try to Induce other papers to lower their rates." o Scranton's Representative Paper. Printer's Ink recently published the following: "S. S. Vreeland, 150 Nassau street. New York, is gradually building up a list of representative papers, the latest addition being the Lowell (Mass.) Sunday Telegram. He now represents in the east the Nashville (Tenn.) Ban ner, Manchester (N. II.) Union, Albany Journal.Worcester Tost, Scranton Trib une, and each paper will be recognized 'by advertisers as being the representa tive paper of Its community." o "Value Heceived." How much you pay a medium is a trilling matter. It's what you get for what you pay that counts. o A Good Test. Quality of circulation can usually be Judged by the reading matter. Growing Us? of the Sugar Beef Special Conespondence of 'Ihc Tiibunc. Washington, Apill 3. THE RAPIDLY indexing shaie of the woiids sugar beds !, pointed out b.v a piimk.itinn in the monthly Mimnuiy ot Commerce and I'm nice, ju-t issued by Ihc tsea-itiry bureau of statistics. Urdu- the head of "The World's Sugar flop of 1P0O," il shows that t lie total lvcl sugat produc tion of that .veir was 5,!,50,(V) ton sand the cine sugai ciop 2,S30,uiiO tons moie ihati Iwo tlilids of the world's sugai supply bein- lliu; piodiiced fioin biet.s. This atateincnl i-. fol lowed by a table nhowing (lie cane and tieet sugar piodiKtion in each decennial jcar begin ning vv-ith 1S10 and the peiccnlage which tlice lival sugar plants have in supplying tho aug.u-con-umption of the woild. This table shows that in tyiO beets supplied Ics thin 3 per cent, of the woild'.s sugar coiuuinption; by ISVO they .sup plied over 14 per tun,, by ls70, :il per cent.; by 1610, ovci bi pu cent., ind in I'lOO, nT.71 per cent. o -'lb eaiow'th of sugar uiieaimtition is also shown in n striking minner by this table. In 1M0 the total sugar crop of the wniM was only l.laO.uOi) ton; in 1S70, -.MtO.tlOO inns; in IS', ri.iOJ.OuO toiiN, and in liOi). S,I0,000 tons. The wmld'a pcp.dation has no moie llian doubled dining Ihn Mxty .vi-ars, piobahlv not so much; .vet its con sumption of Migir is lodav. lully eight times as much as in 1SI0. n The aitiile in cpiestion begins with a stale, nirnt fiom the London M.itNl to the eflctt that lint a single faciei,!- in all llie fulled Kingdom now retlnes cane sugai, all lhe other being e clrsively occupied ill picp.iiing lor the market tin1 raw product of the heel tarms of C'ciniiny, Uarncc, Austiia and Russia, t o The following is the rstiiuate of the heel-sugar crop for the jear ending hcplcnihrr t, 1MJ, sup plied by Mr. Lie lit: Reel-sugar ciop for jcar ending Sept. 1. IfiOfl. Countries. Tons. Ceimany l'anice Aiistiia-Ilungary, Russia Belgium Holland Other countries , l.tivi.mw l.l.'i,noi) 1,(173.000 fw.noo :ii).co 170,000 400,000 Total beet f.,0V).0O) The iane-ciig.ii crop is otimaltil a? follows: Countries. Tons. Java 070,000 Cuba .IOO.OOi) Louisiana , Hawaii .... Mainillus ,, lliarll Pirn Dcmi'UlJ ,, Egjpt Antilles .... Poitn Itltci Philippines Tiinidad ,, Barbados ,, Jamaica .., Martinique , Guadeloupe Reunion ,., nio.ooo 2.:o,a)o ISO.Ocki 130,000 1JO.0OII IHI.OH HO,0I S3,(H! 70,(i00 30.OM 43.0O0 10,000 AO.Ooo Ml.UX) ;:o,ooo ."0,000 Total cane ,,,, O.b'u.iui lhe world's (onsumptiou of sugar in ltsli) was 8,200,001) tons. n Tlie following table shows the vvoildU pioduc, lion of beel and cane tugar at decennial pe riods from 140 to 100O and the percentage vvhlih beet suppliid ol the woild's pioduct at each pe riod named; Supplied ''' Cane Beef Total Reel. su?ai. kug.ii. sugar, Per Yeais. Tons. Ton,. Tons cent. isiu ,,..1,100,000 3o,frti i.i3n,non t,33 lfa) ,,,.,'i00,0i "00,000 l,4i,000 ll.-il ISfJ) ,,,.1,510,000 ilSO.OiJO 1,81)0,000 -0 4T 1S70 ,,,.l,SS3,00d S.),000 'i,ln,() ;n,tu issii ,.,.i,&Vi.ood i.ioj.ono a.-iit.ooo 4 1,0s isoo ,,,,'i,OGo,ooo 3,iu.i,mij .i,70-,inn 1.1,70 iwm ,..,'i,S30,ooo o,ii."o,ocx s.siyi.nm 67.71 COUNTRY ROADSIDE TREES. From the Plilladclphia Press. The liouso at llarrisburg" his rcccnlly passed to third reading two bills designed to lelicte the country lilghwajs of the tatc .from their prevent repellant barrrnnese. One bill author itci borough authorities to require properly owner on the public tflect to plant trees Sn front of their property. If boiough authori ties have not had this authcuity heretofore they ccrttlnly should be given it forthwith, md ue ooooooooooooooooo The PeopJe's e A POPUf.An C'.EARINO nOUSP. for the ' c Rsfieflt. nl lit UhA tl.v. rlMKsa in . ner.t, rtett Esltte or Other Property to Sell er Eehin(t, or Who Want Sitiutloni or ' Ifeln Theie Kmtll Arlverl Isemen's Cmt , , On Cent a Word, Six Insertion! for Fltn I.-MIH worci-Kucenl Sltuttloni Wanted. Which Are laserted fre. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Help Wanted Hale, WANTIID-A TKAMaWK AT 18 0 CT.DAP. AVK- nue, WANTMj-niiitjiir. i.sti:i.moi;nt rtov to no office work! must have sonic knowledge of books and write good hand. Vldrcw, "Prompt," Tribune of (lie. WAVTED-KinaT CUSS STKNOOItAPIIER AND Itenilngton operator; igood salary lo the rlht man. Address Manufacturer, care Tribune. Help Wanted Female. WANTED-LAHV OHADUATES Of A IllfJII school fo do work on the Scranton City Dliectory. Answer by letter only and addre-s W. I', Smjlhe, Commonwealth building. Agents Wanted. AGENTS WAXTKD "AOUINAl.nO AND IIEPO ruiislon," by Murat llalstcad, Philippine Ills torlin. Swiff, Mite seller. Write today for ruos. Iivtus and territory. Vlic Ilalsteatl I'l'MNbliu Co., Cinelnrati, Ohio. Situations Wanted. yv- WANTED-MAN OF ADIMTV WOULD Lllvi: position of respcnibllity. Hood salesman. Competent to manage business or ((tend to ad vertising ,and concspoiidciice. Address li. I , Tribune office. WANTED-PCsl'ttON' Ab SALKSMAN OR M NA ger of piano store. Address Piano, Tribune office. SITI'ATIO.V WAXTTJl-nV MAN TO WORK OX faim; can give good reference. Address Fred L. W.iman, 2! Ulakclv- street, in rear of Lauicl Hill IMrk House. BOOKKEEPER AND COItltEsl'ONDENT WOULD like position, competent and reliable. Ad dress Bookkeeper, 1114 Fairfield street, Scranton. SITUATION WANTED-YOUNG MAN. 21 YEAR, wants position in electrical works or on civil engineer corps; satisfaction guaranteed. B03 Washington avenue. SITUATION WAMEO-DV A YOUNO MAN, AS grocery clerk, diy goods or shoe salesman, or any clerical position; has fifteen years' ex perience; best of references. Address A. H. C, lYibunc office. YOUXG LADY DESIRES A POSITION AS A- histanf bookkeeper; can furnish best of ref erences and Is ex-peiicnced. Address "llvpeii ence," Tribune ofricc. Found. PURSE FOUVD THURSDAY, CORNER KLM trect. 1'rospecl avenue, South Side." Oaner call (!S (Juincy avenue. hope tliey will avail themselves of il to give their borough a setting of green. Another bill which promises Mill greater results lightens Hie roact, tax of every landowner along the coun try road by remitting one dollar for eveiy two trees set out by him. He Is peimltted to selcel his own trees and tliey lnsy be any kind of fiuit, shade or foie.-t Itres of suitable sie. Tliey must be piotccted and if they die be replaced. Penalties aie imposed on Ibose who inline lhcy trees oi allow them to he injuied. NUBS OF KNOWLEDGE. Iii connection with the illness and death nf the queen lh telegraphic woik ai Cow-es was cxtiaordinarily heavy, upwaid of 370.000 words ot pies-s and thousands of ordinary telegrams having been successfully dealt with duiing the peiiod ot pic.v.iic. In addition to this a large number of fnicign incslges vvcie dealt with, besides, a. considerable amount of piess woik for Germany, Holland, Belgium, Fiance and Aineiica, A detective was recently employed by one of London's West End clubs to d'seover a tei tain pilleiei who lud cau.ed much annoyance to fin- members b.v helping himself lo ligjis and other irllcles fiom their overcoat pickets, 'lhe di.ieiple of shsilock Holmes suiejied a number of cigars with aniline dyes, plated them in the pocket of sevei.il overcoats, and next morning caifliilly hcruiinlscd (lie mouths of the club "i- vant, with 1 lie lesult that the culpnt wa tunnel and peisuadcd to icnfcss. Hi? Celtic steam-hip. In be finished and lam.ihrd this summer, will he the largest ves sel on ttie mean. Il "ill luve a displacement if ;i.!,0nO tons, neai Iv 3,000 tons greater 'Inn the I ii jest steamship now afloat: a half docn long railwey traini can be envied by her, and .-he will be able to pinvide for nearly '.3i paHcngci. almost an aiipy biicade, Mid ap lain Ismay ctpects to sec an even greater hlp than Ihc Celtic built within a tear oi two. MISS ANN. Prim Mi-r Ann, witli her straight black gown, With her to Utile antique curls. Walks down the streel of the straggling town By the lacing ho.vs and gills. School is over nnd urchins me out, MlMhlef and fun arc oung, And prim MUs Ann iuni sharp about To hear lhe cltoius sung; "Ann Ann! Can't (,'et a man! Hurry and catch him As soon as you tan!" "run MUs Ami. with her str.ilglu black gown, HiLsteiis her eir.it.d lale, There's a poor, sh k pain in her e.ves of brown And 11 queer little halt In her gait, But she holds up her head to the curious crowd That tinlles at her pa-sing by, Willi 11 geidmo that once was icckoned proud A) she heals tin wiveilng civ; "Ann nn! an't gel a in in! Iluiiv iind L.ilct him As soon is ,vou tan!" I'llin v Ann, (Iui Mvalght black gown Bides a lender old he.nt, I know; Ele why dots that vvoin (ace go cast ilnvvn And two tears trickle IiaV Do .von think of a KOinethlrg iiuiled deep Where the dear loM longings are -Of 11 something that still mu,l tin n md vvcp As the chant comes faint ana f.u ; " nn -Ann! Can't gel a man! Ilsriy aid t-aUh him As seou as vnu can!" Povl Wheiler, In New Voil Piess. "A HOUSE TO RENT. "A Iluiie to Rent!" Would vnu enter lhcr? 1!,e caul Is iqi! But a blind detpalr. Like the fact of an unieltiiling fate Has wilheicd llie loses 'round the gate! Yc, Hut ate fain of lhe woild's content, Theic' a house lo lent! Thole's a home to icnl! 1 Them's a houve In lent Don't you e lhe i?nr Theie was once, al ilt lullis, 4 clinging vine; And one, seeing ihlldmi at loved, sweet play, Klsatd llirr.i, and went In his toll each diy, thankful, and dreaming of glad content But now, theic'a a house there's t house lo rem! 'f line's a houc In a heart I Who will enter and keep The trnublcthe trials of life asleep? Who will stand from a wearisome world apart, With A light that leads to a faithful heart? I nrep a I say, while a life is spent "There's a beautiful house in a heart to rent!" -Frank l btanlou in Atlanta Coutttutien, For Bent. FOR RENT FROM MAY 1. Store in The Tribune building, now occupied by the Times. In cluding Desks, Steam Heat nnd Electric Light. Also 1200 feet of lloor space on 4th floor of the Tribune building, su'table for light maufacturing. In cluding hciit, light and power. Enquire at ollice of THE TRIBUNE. 927 OtlEKV IIIPCIi: srilKKT. ELEVEN' ROOMS: modem Improvements; steam beat; furnished; very desirable. rou Mi:vr-i,RuK run.visiinn iioom, ct.v. tral city; hot oaid cold running water, balh, steam lieu. Inquire Attoine.ts Loomls k Dean, Wahlni;lon avenue. FOR RENT-HALF DOt'RLi: HOUSE, MS If Alt rison avenue; o rooms, ?I8; alio IGiH Pine street, tl looms. ti'., P.OTII SIDES NEH' MODERN' DOUPLE IIOUSK, J2S8,!() Noith .Main avenue. O. .1. Reese, HI South Flltnorc avenue. StORE, 223 l,.rKAWAN.VA AVENUE; POSSES slon given May 1st. Apply 1331 Sanderson avenue. ONE SIDE nOL'llt.i: HOUSE; MODERN ISt. provements. Apply S12 ltarrfson avenue. f2' tl'llKEN lilDOE SIREl-.T. TEN ROOMS, modern Improvements; steam heat furnished; desirable; $23.00. For Sale. THE FIRM 01' PltOWN?N(! fc IIROWNINoT'oF Toledo, O , having purchased Finn k Phillips' entire stock cf Piano, Organs, etc., now- OfTcr the same at extremely low prices if sold within three days. Conic iunk and secure .1 great liar gain. . v. Drowning, Ms Wyoming avenue. FOR SAI.E-DLTK AND GOOSE EGGS Block's Market, 2S.1 U'.voming avenue. AT BLACK WALNUT COMBINATION ROLL TOP desk and book (.is-; suitable for llbiary or eft'ec. Apply IWI (Jay avenue. Money to Xioan. BIONEV TO LOAN OX IMPROVED CITY REAL estate. HENRY BELIN, JR. CHAM. It. WELLES. THOMAS SPRACiUE. MONEY TO LOAN OX BOND AXD MORTOAOE, ny amount. M. II. Holgatc, Commonwealth building. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-'JUICK, straight leans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to fi per cent. Call on X. V. Walker, 311-313 Connell building. Business Opportunity. A YOUNG MAN UNIll.l.'STANIHNG BOOKKEEP ing mat, by intestine; live ot ten thousa-'d dollars in a well established, dividend paving company, sectue a Hue position at a good salary. Address A". Y. '.., Tiihune. a A MAX OF BUSINESS EXPERIENCE WISHES to invest from ',000 to $3,000 in a suitable business. Address Investment, Tribune office. Wanted. WANTED SECOND 1INI) VFE: JUST BE In good older: state particulars as lo make, sire and price, Addre- M. J., Bene 203, Jcssiip, Pa. Wanted To Buy. WANT ED-SECOND-H AMI SLOT MACHINES;' must be in good order; state particulars as to make and price. Address L. 11., gencial de livery, Scranton, fa. Rooms and Board. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen. 110 Adams avenue. LEGAL.. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. -IV RE: EsTATJJ OF ED tniind F. Boyle, dctea-ed It. the Orphans' Com I of Lackawanna Counts. IVimsv lvuiiLi. No. Mi. Serie, "II." 'the undersigned, an auditor appointed bv I hi Oiphans' CotuL cd said Count.v, to make dislii buiioti in the fund In llie hands of the executer, T .1. Kellv, .is tdiown by the second pallia! .mount of the executor heiebv gives notice that l.e will attend to the duties of his ap pointment on Wednesday, the fiist day nf Muy, A. P.. Hill, .'t 'I o'clock- a. in., at his ollice, No. "HI Mears building. City of Siianton, in slid ount.t, at xv lilt li lime and place all persons lux -ing claims against -aid estate .ue uipiircd to an pear and piesent lhe same, or otherwise be Iui cor di haired from comi"g in on said fund. CI I MILES E. HxNIELS, Audltoi. 10 WHOM II' MAY I MM Ell V ON MONDAY. I Apul 8, ItiOl, nt 10 01 link a, 111, at the aibitialinn r,mii in the Cnutl House, in lb" 1 ity of Su'arton, we sjull expn'o t public j.a'e, to'the. hlghol and best lildder, cttiluate No, .M, for twenty thousand shut's ot the Victor ill Metallic Gold Mining companj, bsueil to Dr. II, if. Thioop, tho same being now held b.v us as his execulois, as collateral to a eeitaln note given b.v -I. Jf, Maishj i-.iid note maturing .li.ne I, IW, and not having been paid, nor anv part theirof. THEODORE G. WOLF, K'i:ni:rr warren. Surviving Execulois fclato B. II, Throop, ilo ceased. TO WHOM IT MAY CO.NCKRN-OX MONDAY. Apill l, 10OI, at 10 otlotk a. in., nt the arbitration room in the tnuii llou-e, In tin City of Scranton. County c,( Lackawanna, and State of Pennsvlvanla, we shall expose lo public sale to the highest and best bidder, twcnl.v live hundred CiM) -diaies of the capital .stud, ol Itu Niagara Mining and Smelting company and tueu l.v-flve hundred (iiOO) shairs of the capital slock of the New Tintic Mining and Smelting com pany, the same being now held by us as exec u tors ot Doctor II. II. Thioop. as collateral to 11 certain mile, made by P. A, II. 1 i.inklin, at (liter months attet date. I01 the Mini of tw-euli-five hundred -!,."(W) dollars, datcsl May 8, lS'l.;, and maturing Aug. S. ISfti, and 1101 having been paid noi any part ilicieuf. IIIEOflOIIE (I. WOLF, EVEIIKIT W MIIIEV. Surviving Execulois of B. If. Thump, deceased, AN UllllIN N( I! .UTIIOHIINI. Till: BFIKIESS nf tin- lliumigh ni Tavlm in eveiiili- a inntiact wllh I In- "lulng II1110I, Water supplv Couipan.t, lessee, lot water lor flic put poses. "I'clinn I He il iiidaliied, eti that the 'ml gess of lhe lliiiciugh nt Ta.vbu be and Is heich.t iiuthotlcd end diircted In execute .1 miitr.it I will, the spilng Bniok Walei Siiiplv I iiiupiliv. l,cssce, lor a suppiv ni tracer mi s.uu noiiiiraii 101 flic ptupo-c, which raid 1 0111 r.11 1 shall ie.ul .15 I'idllV'a: Meiuniandiini of Vmeeuicnl, uiade and eule,ei intu t!il I'levcnlh da.v ot IVIilii.nv, , D,, pall, between Hie Spring liinok Walei supplv Com- i.iiiv,a lorpoMlltiu clul) incoinaieil miner lie liws of the ComiMOiivvc.illli of Pentisvlvanli. parly -l Hie lirsi put, and lhe lloinugh of Ta.vhn, Lackawanna Couiitv, I'enii-.vlvania, parti of the set mid put, Witncv-clh, Tint the pail. of the Cist p.ul, fr lte)f, lis MiicniMUs und assigns, heiebv agieca, '11 consideration of ine toveiianls nf the pailv ot (he M-tcnl par! herein contained Ik lug kepi and peiforuieil, to fionidi natei for flic purpose 111 aicoiilanii' with lis lules und usnlitlons no In force m heirifur lo lie adopted, In lhe kr nugli nf Tu.vlm, for fnurlrrit (111 lire h.diant; the aid hvcirai'is lo be as now located upon 111 lines of pipe of the Jiail.t of lhe 111, I pail. lhe patlj nf the sec nnd pall heiebv inveiiiiti .'til agiees lo pay foi the water supplied as htieiii provided .it Hie rail of Twrntv ($'0) Pol his pei li.vdiant per aniiiim, pavable quailcrlv in advance, it being iindeisjinod ami agieed tint should the paity of the Kiicmd put desire an nddltli'tial nunibrr cf b.vdiails, the nater lor the s.n u .lull be Mippllcil upi'.n llie s.inirs terms and conditions as ahote s.-'t foi III. This conti-ait lo he ami leirain in fmce for the term of Ave .veais fiom lie date of the ap proval of the ordinance aulhniliiiig this agic ii'int. All repairs, nf fire hjdiants under lid -itneo-n.ciil me to bo nude at the e.xpere of lhe waii'r cuinpanv. Passed liv the Itmnugli Council on the eleventh day of I'ebruaiy, lfJl. JOHN" It. JOHNS, Attest; Prcrldent of lb? Council. ..OHN G. OWENS. Borough Secictary. Approved this cljhleenlh da.v of Februaty, psll, wi. p. RRirnms Burgess. NLEf'S k Easter Qlovef Corset aod Umbrella An nouncement Should be of unusual in terest to every lady reader of this paper. It comes oppor tunely at the season when ladies should dress in har mony with the, beautiful sur roundings of this festive holi. day, It would be very inap propriate to appear improp erly gloved on this occasion, therefore see that you get the up-to-date styles. This im plies the necessity of patron izing a reliable dealer in making your selection of Easter Gloves. By purchas ing from us you derive tho benefit of our experience, as we Handle only reliable makes of acknowledged Good Wearing Qualities. Perfect Fitting, Correct Shades, Proper Finish. CORSETS. A full line of new corsets in all the popular makes, and colors. UMBRELLAS. Complete assortment of Ladies' and Men's Umbrellas, unique and nobby handles in great variety. Initials en graved free on all umbrellas. See our window display at 510-512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Flemish Oak Our assortment of furniture takes in all woods, but we wish now to call special attention to the large line of goods we carry in FLEMISH OAK, of most artis tic and unique de signs, suitable for or "The Den." Hill&Connell Washington Avenue. EASTER NOVELTlEi Ve are displaying an unusunl pretty line of Enster goods in Booklets, Cards, Hangers, and Hand painted Sachets all of which serve as a suitable easter remem brance. This year we have added an imported line of chickens, ducks, and rabbits, which will interest all easter buyers. Reynolds Bros Miscellaneous. ruiiiovini.t: i)rkvmaki.vo, bii oub nt. MKIIWICS, i:V1ISKt.R. H.EnRIOIVM, I'liriurii, I'lc, new JO-page puiipMn ton,ln. Ii.i; iU0bi Iuim .ilil by r.viinliiliig- board of nu iiocm. cnl fir. tu. A. Zelltr, lublUhar, St, l.cuis Ho. nwi iii:iisv, vi kd-wiu, pay oaih rotj iilil gr- IrathetbrUi. Adirwa M. H. iih ards, (imcnl Uclher), city,