The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 06, 1901, Page 2, Image 2
V"f!, jc-v "JsM '- 'ixit'lw?';'" """".if.,-- '". rv":jrVjtfE. r"-T v "Iff t-T -' 'Tf Mf-VHW' (WJSfTr 'T'XfVSf . V: . '$ &- t- THE SCR ANTON T1UBUNI3-SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1901. Office: BURKE -BBILDING EASTER ATTHE CHURCHES All tho Chutchcs of the City Will Have Special Services. The chiirclius of Curboiidulo have till Dct'ii preparng for sonic weeks l cole utntc Raster Sunday with Hpcclul ser vices and special music. Tho following no some of the programmes for to nionow: I'lrat Methodist t luircli Hcv. A. I-'. LiMllcr, pa.lor. MOitxiNC! si'itviei:. Oigan I'liltul" 'lom Mi. He-orge 11 inn No. '--. (.'reed. Antliim, "Ihr.v II iu- lakui Aw.i M Lord," .1. Stabler I'M rr. Po'thiile, Maith fiom 'Naaniau " (he Dead?" W. IJ. brown IVilm. Ilespoielvily. (iloili I'.itrl i. Nolle ct. OlTertcry--"Serin nl'-," "r.ui 'luior Solo aii'I li"iii, "Hosanua" I. "Junior W. 1), Kians. Ilvnm No. '.Ml. suinon !. tl' 1'a'lor Ilrv. A. I'. Chillcc lljmn N. -'". Il.-ll. rllrlii.n. Aiillirm, "Why Jseek ic the Llilnir Among Mis. Achiitnan i;i;mm; m'.kvici:. Uigiu Aohiulaiy 4 Vdifoid Ml. Ai-kiriuaii. 11 inn No. "i'j. ( II III. I'l i.ver. Anthem, "Why S"k Ye IIm- LMinr Ainmu; l lie Dead!" W. I Uruwn i.toiia. VllllCS. Olleitui ".Melud" ILillia III lull .V'. -'- Liiiion by the I'.iilur Hcv. A. I'. Chaltco lantata, "riic Loiil" I'. A. Mlimikii liiti'idurti'iii. 1 Iiviii-, "Ibis Is tin' I'i.v Which the l.oid It ith M.ule. Till: S'lOKY. (horns ol Men, "Aa It llogan to" Jriu, Women's Voliis, "Willi Loving Ileal U iniJ Lchn" Koeitatlvr, Mm, "lint W hi li They C.nnc I'nto the Si'piilcliun'." hnrus, "I he Is Itifrn." L'icltativc, Mm, ' inrn Went 'Ihey cut Quick ly iiml fled." ( linrix, "Weeping for Him." Attn Solo, "Hii IIjp 'Liken Away My Loul." Kccitativt, Men ami Women, "Ami When Mil! 'llnis Said." I hoin.-, "Oh, (.'lave, Where Is Thy Yletoiy." TlNALi:. I horn-, "1'iitn llim Who Loved l'." 11 inn No. -I '. Hem-dii tion. I'ostludc rJfla Mrs. 15. AiUeinuii. Wcl'h ."Pthodist ltcv. W. 1. Jenkins, of Wilkcs-Ilirio, will picieh sit the Welsh Methudut chmcli at 10.:w .i. in. and 0 p. m. tonioiiow. St, Paul's Lutluiati thiiuh Itcv. ).. Khiligci, p.iolor. fJ.'SO J. in., Sunday school. Musing, page i) ill Sunday Scnool II.up. Heading loll call ami Ui.-tiihution of lkialcr ITS', singing, . o. ol, suncliy hihool Harp. Miming NA. W, f-unil.iv SUuol ll.ii p. 1U.IJU A. M. OiK.m prelude. ocal nilo, with lilicr jciuiiip.imuii'iil, Piof. (.'. 1'. Crowcll. OpeniliK li.inin, No. 2"., Sunday ?hool llaip. 11 inn l.s'i. Si i moil. l!ev. 1'. Klilngci. Ollerloi.i lljnin 1W. rurtlllllc 1'icf. .1. l'lJIlklill ClUttCll Baptist. Ilcieau ll.ipti-l ( llev. II. .1. Whaleii, IJ. ).. pislor. The clmrrli will he elahoialely ilico isltil with llnncii. In the nioiniiif; theie will he M-eial anthems lendeied hy an ausiiicntril ilioir, nndci the diieiliim of Miss U-t.ilnouk. Theie will ..Uo he :Ki.oiiipiiitnKn(s liv an ol ihittra mn-IMiiis; of .Me-.-i. 1!. .1. Dly. Leon lily and 11. L'lcu-llint,'. In the r(iiui!r the inn ii .il fe.itiiii's will he upeiU-il. 111. Wluhn will piuili at lioth i-eniei-i. - Episcopal. Tiinity PioK-tJiit Cpl!(opal chinch Ui. It. A. Mer, uetor. A piogianime ot Kap ler muMu will he rindeieil under the dlrrelion ot T. tlriffm .Smith. The lioui-. fur tiniifs will hr' B.I.n a. in.. Holy ( imuiuiu'oii in Iho clnpd; T .jii a. in., Holy t ommuuion in tho ihuuh: I0..IU .1. In., liioiuniK pia.xei and M-rmon; tliri i will liu no iclchi.itiim at this Mriiei-, ,t ,',;,3 p m; eenlns pi.i.irr and sermon. Presbyterian. I MJt I'lt-thikiian eliuicli I!i, ( liulm l.ce, pat-of; -iwi lal inn-ieal tonnes ami an l.asUr ciiiimi liy tho iMalnr. secorul l'rcrli.vtirlau rhnrrh llev. W. llolleu Kind, pi.-loi ot l'orett Illy I'le.-h.Merian Iiiiic.Ii, will preach in Ihla iliimh (Mmp-uii nil--ioii) rry Mimlay .it I p. in. Ile'ldes an ll.i-.ter r inoii .1 me-miuuto olijei t seimoii to ililldrrn will lie ildhdcil loniomm. A lonliil inllJlioii i-, esteiided to all to .iv.i-1 in the inmil work. Roman Catholic. ihuuh i'l St. liive ili- l.lni.i i-iy l!e. T. I', loifij, V. IS., lectoi; Itrv, John Ili.on and lle(. Walter (iniiiiiti, a(Mtljitr. M.ii-sea al ", h and li a, in. At o.:;o .1. in., tiiiUmu liluli mi;-., with I l..i Iluclie'.-i in.i Mlli'i In- tho ihoii. M thN . tlie flist tiled r itli the new uicin, tlu-ie will iiiiiiiiipjuliiitul. At t.'M, sulcinn ) r.-pi-n with Minion itv 11k. r.ithu I'liiian, of I i:-t Wllkca-IUne. I , Congregational. I list (niigii'inllOiMl iliurih -llev. M. I'. 1,1 Holt, pastor, I'lalioiali! Mnleri will ln held liolli innrnlnif .mil neiiuifr. Tho uniilly excellent diolr will he pi-ally htrniKlhsneil h.i wifulliUs fieni Siiaiiton and l'oic.-t f lly, mid one ill tho Iwt Kas.lei piosranunes i-er piejenl rd In this (luirili will lv muleiiil. THE LOCKOUT. No Now Developments nt tho Dela ware and Hudson Shops. Hvcrytliltisr was cjulet in tho UeU w'Hfo ami Hudson locomotlvo llop.s yfhterday. No now devolopmrntH nroso over the dlachaige of u largo number of men on Thursday night for refusing in work extra time without extra pay, Forty-two men were laid off. Tho dls-i'liurseil-mcn held u meeting yesterday inorpliiB, It wiih deeldi'd to remain Ih ii, The iet.t of tho nmohlululH em- THE 25 ct. FAMILY DOCTOR. CEDAR SPRINQS, MICH, fjM.'lsiaoPunham, a well-known lady of tlmt lace, writes ; ' I eouuot praise Dr, A. w. C'liase'H Kiduoy.l.lfer Tills too much. They did for mo what doctors and other medicines could not do. I as troubled with :ocio disorders of tho kidneys aud rnlorBcnieiit of tho liter. My luuilly doctor treated ma the whole of last w Inter, but did not help vie very much, so I gave lilni up and begun using I)r, A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Tlio result wa elmply wonderful. nut now strong and healthy attain, thanks lo Dr. Chase's Kidney Liter Pills." son. A.W.CHASE'S KIDJVEYLIVER PILLS. Carfeondale Department. ployed In the .shop derided to remain nt work iiiiIckh united out by the na tional ontrcr.". An ofllcnr of the Mu t'hlnlslH1 union wiih cxpeelrd to reach this city lute last night or eaily Mils niornlntr, when u wtrlku may be ordot-t'd of tho machinists of the road ftoin t'arboiidalo to Otieonln. Only a few of tho llrsl-cltiss nincliliilnts nre left In tho works. Thesi' have not been asked to work nights, Theie Is a belief tlmt tin attempt may be made lo get men front other wotks to come hole, and tumble might then arise. The loi'ked-out men will pi obably es tablish hcudiiuarteis In the npiu'a house block. Public sympathy seems lo favor the men, and tho general wish Is that ii settlement may be reached at once. HULL, BAKEB, STILES. A Trio Sent to tho County Jail to Await Trial on Serious Charge. Alderman S. P. Jones had a trio be fore hhn yesterday morning on charges prclcrred against them by IJowley K. Wells, of Clifford. Scenting something unsavory from the reputation tho Stiles girl has, a crowd of hangers-on lllleil every seal In the alderman's court, but Mr. Jones handled the cases In such a manner that these spectators were dis appointed In their piceoiicclvcd notions of what was to take place. The lirst of the batch of prisoners, who were arrested by Chief of Police McAndrew and spent the night In the city Jail, to face the alderman was Winaiis Hull. He was charged with Impersonating an olllcer by How ley Wells on Sunday, March -) Wells charged that while he was with the Stiles woman, Hull had placed him under arrest and made him believe that Carrie Stiles was l.yninn linker's wife, and that the only way to escape being locked up on a set ions charge was to give him (Hull) ?. The pie tended olllcer nt last accepted ?" ft om Wells and let him go. Ambrose Pidgcon was called on to corroborate Wells, as he wus one of the parly, but he seemed to have dillleulty with his memory and his testimony did not amount to much, except that It cor roborated Wells' story in some p.uticu lars. Alderman Jones tasked Hull with having been concerned in a like imper sonation a year ago, which Hull ad mitted. He bad on a nickel bailee, which it is alleged he used to deceive Wells. The alderman took it 1'op evi dence, and then held him In $30U ball for trial, this being the second offense. Then l.ymnn H.iker was ariaigued for being an aecess-ory and for pass ing Carrie. Stiles off for his wife. He was held in M!00 bail for trial. Carrie Stiles was the next of the trio to take the witness chair. She hiis charged with falsely, maliciously mid wilfully charging H. K. Wells with committing a felony. The evidence brought out clearly Indicated a con spiracy between her and Baker to L'et Wells in tiouble because he had had her arrested on a charge of stealing a watch. She was also charged with con spiring with linker and Hull in trying to pass herself off as the wife of tho former in an endeavor to extort money from Wells. She was held in SOO on each charge. Chief McAndrew took the nio to tho county jail In the afternoon. Nora BryUen, who was arrested with them, was discharged. COMMITTEE MEETING. Semi-Centeninal Celebration to Bo Pushed with Activity. On Monday cvo'iing the executive committee of the semi-centennial cele bration will meet. livery member should be present, as iinpoi tunt mat ters will be put under way Unit will bring the coming big demonstration once inoio actively before the public notice. The matter of llnance-, is to be considered, and some energetic young man who has i knowledge of the advertising Is to be placed at this work for the next month or two. Plans for inviting former lesldent'j to the celebration will be- ai rived at and the fi rmation of tho working com mittees needed at. this time decided upon. This will start th- movement nt u Ihtly pace which will bo continued until September. DON'T CREDIT IT. Local D. & H. Officials Say tho Rond Has Not Changed Hands. 1. in al Peluwaic i.nd Hudson appiar to give no credence lo the it ported puichase of tho road by Hie New York Central. One of them said estciday that the mad muld noi be absoibed thiougli the purchase if stock until the next regular meeting of I lie olilceis, and tli-u the lisc in the stock was due in ii titi t coins blnatlons, which hid noiliing to do with the Muni absorption nf the road by any other. It was n;Id, however, I hat the collieries will woik mi je ducecl time for u while, Ihuiigb it may not lull as low as half time, A Base Ball Team. A meeting of the baso ball enthus iasts of this city will be held this evening, at which lliu piellmiiiary steps for forming a base ball afcsuilu tlon will be laken, it Is ptoposed lo issue stock at one dollar per share, and the stockholders are In elect tlio oilleers for tunning the team, An elfort will bo made to get the best players in the ely this ear, so thf.t Carlioiidale will lmvo n repiescn tatl o team. Theie is abundant ma terial lor a strong team, and If hiilll eleul backing can be secured, an mr- EATON RAPIDS, A1ICH, 5Irs. lloso Chaffee, a business woman of Eaton Itaplds, writes ; " For a long tlma my isystem was in a terribly weakened state. Biliousness, suieio Indigestion and kidney troubles made me so miserable that I was haidly nblo to work. A friend told mo of Dr. Chase's Kidney-.her Pills, and I found them just as represented. They restored my heulth to me, aud 1 think they are a wonderful medicine." The marked success of Pr, AAV. Chaso's Kidney. uver nils wan uuckaclie, Kidney Tioublo, Con- stlpatlou, Hendacho and Stom ach Weakness inuUo theui family icqulsito. S3 rts. a box. 'Phone t NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 gregntlon can be nrgnnlzid that will tnlte the lead In tills section. WAITING FOR THE BRIDGE. Tho Engineer Is Ready, tho Contrac tor Is Here, but Bridge Is Lost. Contractor Klrkbaum hns arrived In town prepaid! to eonsttvet the new iileel bridge over Packet Itrook. City Knrrincer Kllpp Is also ready to pio ceed with tho construction, mid the Mono for the foundation Is lying tiround proinlbcuously. The bridge It sell", however, which wus shipped front Pittsburg1 nearly three weeks ago, has boon lest sight of entirely. The last trace of It wns In ISoehostor. It start ed by wuy of the Krlo road, and It men have been hard ut woik trying to locate It, but without success. Election of Officers. 'I he Iniflnejs ineetliii,' of the lleiein lliptlt elutuli Mai held on Thurfiliy cienitiR ill lliu close of the coictiant meeting;. The piiti(.lp:il biiiiieM was tlio election of nlHuii, which trstillid .11 follows: Superintendent, Ai llnir LcttMoyi .i.'slsl.iut, II. .1, III: ueciutary, (.coifre Aier! ticaurer, A. W. (Icily: pianist, MIm ( Hall, l'ollowliiff the eleelloii le pi'iti wen; read fiom the s-eirelary and tieac tiler. They showid the silmol to he In a healthy ami floiiriihliiK- condition. Yesterday's Funeral. 'Hie fmiiial of Ita.Miiotid P. .In-lije. late of I.oiust sjieet, win held estenliy afternoon. Il.i.imotiil w.h but U euifl of .-irc. Hip leunliH were biuuitlit to St. Hose cliurili lor the hlejsim .mil wele then taken to St. Ito-e ii-meUi, The pill i(,iini wrie .ill hois, pl.ijnntei of Itai iiiniiil. 'Ihey weie: Jlii hael Mnri.i, .lames Oil- hool, .laiuis f.tiflu, jiiri S'rott, .lolinti Motlltt. Ildille Sintl. 'Iho tlowcr-lipater- were Janiri .IihIl'C mid ,loeph C'lieeers. Italians Strike. I hue l( tioitli.e in one of the sectiuii r.iii;s on the IIoiumI.iIo hi. null, 'the .iii-jt U t om-posi-il of HaliaiK and for fului! time they woiked tmilir an Italian liu-d. lie was lately lemoied and in IlnslisIi-.-peakiti!; ouroeer put In his pine. '1 lie Itallam nlijii-tcd and ih'in.inded Hi it their fin mi r lios ho leinstatetl. Not set tiiij; Iheii- ih mauds the Itallam unit woik and thioarin ItmiMu if otlieis take their plan's. Their senilis will ptolubly he ili.-pen-ed with. To Organize T. A. B. Society. Ile. r.lthei-ClllMIl, of Wilkea-U.llle, will he ill this i il .omotiow- lu addiONs tho ion M'ntioii of tlie KiiiBtitit of I'ather Mathew. In the (Milium lie will dilier a M-rtuon at St. l'o-e iliiinli. Aflu- the cxrium; seniles lie will oipanii'e a bianeli of the St. Alu.ialus Total AljstiiHinc fou'tly, to whirh all oiiiik nun over Pi iais of .iko will be imiteil lo bee nine ehaitir meinbet.-. Meetings Tomorrow. KuiKhls ul I'.tlhei- Mil hew. i:. i:. Ill mil ilk loiiKC, o. til. liiiiihtilioud 'Lai'imen. t i lit i jI'oi- union. ( iiraiiiiakeis' iinioii. No. I..1' S. II. Iinttciei- loilpje, No. HA Illulliillioiid of I.oioiuolhi- I.'niueei-. A New Grocery. II. .1 Killmlleii, who for the past littuti ean was saleMiiau for the late James llairett, will inter the jiioeery lm-iiio 4 in the Mollitt hiiildine;, loiuer sc-unlh .nenue and Soutli Main street. 'I In- sloie will bo llttnl up cspi-i UII for Ml. KilhulleiiV n-e. He will i.uiy a hleli jjiadc i;( -toik. Is Now an Entertainer. Mi-. S.ilsbin-y, a oiuier ('.iiliond.ill.iii, is miking an i M i-llcnt leputation at liei home In Teu.illy, N. .1., .is an ri i-lniy teller anil inti itainmiut. she lias f;ieu many siiieea.fiil i-utirlaiiiiiiiiits for i-hurihi-, litir.ny and di.n li able -ooi, tie. Cleaners at Work. 'I In- stn-it ilipiilineiit'.s lone has luen haul .11 work liu past two dijs xrttlns (he- ( itj-'.s tlu.i. oiiKhfaii-s in hist i l,is.s ctindltioti for Kasttt Sunday. 'l'ie priutipil slteels of the lowu now look tdiil; and iliau and the liiuil aud ilht Ins all I'd n called awa. Meetings Tonight. Iambi 1 1 lod'e. No. .is, I. O. U. 1'. iisiuii Nil. I'l, Amii'il Unlei ol lliheiniaus. Cniiil lloliUu Kiale, No. II, I'oicslcis ol Aim-ika. Diamond loike. No. ;n, shield of llonoi. A Better Positon. 'IIioiiijs, of Swift & Company, Ii.ii been piomolii! liuni thU city to a more luctalbe position in lliilfalo, N. V. He Ins many niends lieu-, all uf wliniu will bo pleased lo luar of hlj Konil fultlllu. A Good Position. I. (.'. While, ol Paicnpurt, N. V a liiothrr of Mix. I). .1. Mcllile, and a toiiuir le.shleut of (aibonilale, has m-cuicI .1 pnilinn Willi the Huston and .Miiuo. laihoad a.-, v.iulin i.-ler in spi luetic Id, Nm. Putting' Down Mains. avenue ook.s nther dilapidated just iioiv ,'iIiom- Tdi.ue sired. 'Ihe lie- lislu Wihr lompiiiv his the lipped ii and is exliiidliiir lis water miiu up the aw line. Three Hours Service. liev, 1', s. UalKiillne, re! I or of ( hiut ihuuh, Su'.iiitoii, olllciatnl at the tlii.e hour sen lie in Ti hilly ihiiiili ((.sleiday fiom IJ lo .'!. Has a Sprained Wrist. A. . I'idiim Is louliiicd lo his lioine with a liidlv spi lined wilt, the result ul tailing fiuui hi hio.iilo a day or so Jgc At the Opera House. Apnl II "IVo ,Muy Tramps." AMI I.I "When We, Weio 'Iwiiity-onc." The Passing Throng. 'i .ul' Dneilor ,1. T. Is in ,Ne- oU illy. ll Noi.i O'lliaiu la iu New York lu sp.Mi'1 Latter. Mr, Hii-au I'lhe, fcl Spritii; sliicl, is ciitiial ly III. .1. lloul, of Hobait, N. Y., is Illlns filimU iu tins illy for a few dj, Mr. I). li. Ilaahleili and her daughter, Mlw Aliie, spent .Mslerilay in Soiuuloii. Pr. A, It. li.iiider,.of Kciist lily, was among tlio iailuis in this city i i-slcrilj , Miss Sadie llauell, of Ateli'iald, U Hie cuest ot Miss Iniliude MeAuduw, oil Collage, slltet. Mils, .lennie Aole, of 0ph.nil, will spend Sin day with her iter, Ml'. I'rank Oidiaul, of liber stiu l. ( I.. Hi no, of I.Jil"ii, fo mi lly general man agir of the l.'aibondale. Tiaetlon coiiipiuy, la here lu spend Kaater. Misses Lois and llliueho Suor inn tH'iidlut' tlivlr ai-aliini with their aunt, Mrs, James Lind say, of Ca.iboiid.ilv. Wajnu liidepemleiit, (. W. Witt, superintendent of motive powci on the Ontario and Western laihoad, was In the illy Ihuisda. IIU iHailcpui tn aie al Mid dlelown, N. . Miss IMU IIoIkjIc went to C.nlio.idalo jelcrdj to U'liiain bOiae two monllw with lelalius. Mr.'. Janiea MauiliUllc i. liltliii,- lier daughter In I'aibondalc, Mr. I'luilea liiililulit, lloirsdale l.'llU.'ii. PR1CEBURG, Primitive MethodUt church, Uev. W. Pentley, pastor. Sunday morning ser vice at Jiwu; cuiifjoei, "Tlie llesurrec- tinn rr .Ihhiis." Jiveuluc service at 7 I o'clock: subject, "The Soul's Refuge." Tho choir will render a number of boflUtlful unthems at both services. An open-nlr mission at 6 o'clock. Every body Is cordially Invited to attend. Mrs.- George Cooper hnn returned home, after spending several Weeks with her son al ilroen Itldgc. Mlsa Green, of Pcckvllle, spent yes terday with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Miles, of Albert street. Mrs. Hobhs and son, Arthur, nf Provi dence, spent Thursday with friends In town. Misses Sarah Trehnrne, of t-'netoty-vlllo, and Sarah Ellleutt, of Heiatitou. spent Friday at the homo of Mr. D.iwe. George A. Eppley and Miss Florence Harvey were united lu marriage on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock by ltov. W". IJcntley, at the Primitive Methodist church. Tho ceremony was witnessed by r Inrgo number of people, ufter which tho young couple vnl to the homo of the bride's pnrents, where a wedding supper wns served. Mr. and Mrs. O'Mallcy, of New York, have come to reside here, after an nb soncc of several nioutht. Mies Sarah Plotirlght has returned home, after visiting friends at Seinn ton for several months. PECKVILLE. Thea home of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Ttodda, on Second street, above Co lumbus avenue, lllakely. was yester day morning the scpiio of a very pleas ant wedding. In the presence of rel atives and friends. Rev. David Spencer, D. 1, united John K. Ungemach. of Hobble, find Miss Minnie, daughter ot the late Rlclmrd Malsey. of Providence. An enjoyable wedding dinner wns served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Cn gemach started on their wedding tour, bearing with them tho heartiest good wishes. They will take up their home in Scranlon. on the A Vest Side, wheie the groom Is engaged in biislnct. This programme will be rendered In the Presbyterian church Sunday: Moinlng service Doxology, Invitation, anthem, "The Lord Is Risen Today," C. D. Kose: responsive reading, hymn No. 7l'. Scripture, lespcnse, "Holy, Holy Holy;" solo, "The Angel's Easter Song," H. W. Peek: prayer, offertory, solo, n. Nerston: sermon, Pr. Moon: anthem. "We Declare I'nto You Glad Tidings," II. P. Dunks: solo. Mls-s Robertson. Even Ins service Volun tary, anthem, "Hhe Loveth." H. r. Danks: Invocation, hymn No. 2SG, ladies' Fextette, "Jesus Lives." F. .1, Harrett: solo, "Ho Is Risen." 'Mrs. Rob erts: anthem. "Christ Is r.lsen," W. II. Ooiite; offertory, piano, organ, violin and cornet; solo, "The Resurrection, ' Holden: anthem, "Come in the Place Where Jesus Lay," P. A. Scheueker: set mon, double riuurtutte. "The Lord Is Risen," J. W. Leiinan; anthem. "Christ the Lord Is Rlye.ii." Adams: benediction, pr.stlude, "Triumphal March." Sopranos Ml 5. Roberts, Mis. Dr. Van Porn, Mls-s Carrie Best, Mlsi Uertha Peck, Miss Alice Moon, Miss Ktta Peck, Miss Zlna Eaton. Tenor H. Y. Peck. Stanford Recre, Frank William.;. AltosMiss May Tsrundage. Miss Maggie Eaton, Mrs. Rook. R.isfo.i Howard Urundage. George Peck. Cboiislcr. II. AV. Peck; violinist. How ard Brundage: cornetlst. W. Widow Hell : organist. V. R. Penianiin; pian ist, Miss Myrtle Peck. Mrs. S. H. Briggs is very ill at the home of her son, Mrs. II. I!. Briggs, ot Cnrbondale. Albert Chapman, who Is taking a course at Wyoming seminary, is spend ing Easter vacation with Is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman, of Hickory street. The rummage sale that is being car ried on this week in the Brundage building by the ladleii of the Baptist church, still continues to draw large crowds. Joseph R. Bell has been acting in the capacity of a juror this week. R. J. Taylor is improving very slowly from his recent severe illness. The double quartette of the Meth odist Episcopal church, under the di rection of Mr. Shay, assisted by a chorus of Hfty voices, will render some very fine Faster music at the services on Sunday. Among tho numbers is a foIo entitled "Peace, Troubled Heart." and another selection, "Death Is Hal lowed Into Sleep," by a quartette com posed of -. ladles nnd gentlemen's voices. The church will be. decorated very beautifully as a 'urge number of lilies and other plants "ave been pro cured. Miss Lena Gendall will go to Dunmoro tonight to participate in a recital given by Professor Krnest Re vo rd. Peckvllte Rnptlst church Rev. J. S. Thomas, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10.30 a. in, and 7 p. m. At the morning service the Lord's supper will be ob served. Evening subject, "What the Resurrection of Christ Has Done for the World." The Wilson Hose company at a meet ing held Thursday evening decided to attend in a body the fair of the Par sons Hose compuiiy, No. L, at Par sons, on Tuesday evening, April !t. OLYPHAINT. Dr. W. L. Van Ruskirk has gone to Philadelphia to spend Easter. Edward Henry, of llawley, Is visit ing relatives In town, Mrs, Andrew Shields and tamlly, of Blakely, lett last night for New York, trom where they will sail today for Birmingham England, to make their future home. The funeral of the late Thomas Gill was held from the homo of his sou, Robert Gill, on Dunmore tttroot, yester day afternoon at :i o'clock. Services wer conducted in lliu Prlmltve Method ist church by Rev, James Iley, the pas tor. The remains weie Interred in 1'iuspect cemetery. Pcckvllle. A new flru company was organized at Grassy Islund on Thursday evening. Tlio nicotine; was held at Connor's hotel and was largely attended by eltlnens of that section of the boruogh. Jo seph MitMalnes was elected president, M. J, Gaughaii secretary, Patrick Lan gau treasurer, John Cawley foreman. Tho new company sturtw out with about twonty-llvo members. A commit te consisting of Thomas Lenahan, Thomas Curran, Peter Fllzslmnums and James Leniion was appointed to await on council at Monday night's meeting and ask them to furnish fipo ,ieet of new hose, erect a suitable build ing and provide n hose currlage. Tho regular monthly meeting of council will bo held on Monday night. It Is expected that the Lnckuwunmi Telephone ordinance will come up for consideration us tho company Is very desirous of entering' tills borough ut an early date. Special Easter services wll be held In the different churches tomorrow. At the Susiiuehuuna Street Baptist church Iho folow lug programme will bo ren dered: Voluntary, Mis. 'JA. W. Wut Klna; hymn, school; PsulinT Florence I'liestj Lord's prayer, school; prayer, W. T. Evans; hymn, school; recitation, Mary-A. Lewis; solo, Maggie Thomus; recitation, Myrtlo Owens; paper, Ivor It. Jones; hyn li, school; recitation, Helen Jones; solo Mary A, Kvuns; Scranton's Business Houses THE GILHOOL WAGONS ARE A LWAY3 LEA DERS neMOMBER THB NAME AND BTffCET, 3IO TO 32B N. SEVENTH tST. CLEAN SHOP. x CLEAN TOWELS. CLEAN BARBERS. Dl ME "BANK BARBER SHOP WITH BATH ATTACHED, SBC. SCRANTON. PA, FURNITURE. Huy It of linDINOTON. lln will trust j mi. ( heupi-st ot them all, for cash: easiest of them nil, for time. 'J.'it I'rmi .nenue. G'R E E AT S The OM reliable Pawn Pioker. 107 Lackiwanni avenue. Money loaned on illaiuninK watches. Jewelry, mualeal Instrument, petsutial piopcrly. Private entrancn and I usliiess (onflilenlhil. CIGARS Tor rcltll and box trade. All brandi at popular pike?. ALBERT WITT E, Comer bpiuec slrcct and Washington avenue. THE LINDEN OUICK LUNCH. OP. WINDSOR HOTEL, Sells the bent Steaks, Chops and Lunches' in the elt. Tiy us and be convinced. M F. WYMBS. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, HI.' Jackson sheet, 2i! W.vnniuic Sve, Calls hv Telephone Receive l'lompt Atlinlion PETER STIPP. l.'ontiactor, builder and U.-uler In niiilellng Stone. Cc-nieiithii; of eellais a spc. chill. Telephone '.'SW. OIHie, r.27 Washington avenue. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTED COFFEES. E. JOSEPH KUl-TTEL, rear .111 Liekaw-ann.i avenue, lnanufactiiiei- of Wire S'irecns of all kinds: fully piepared tor the sprint: season. We make all kinds of screens, etc OL'lt (J0U1JS 1JMII DAILY. GOLDS' V GiTE CAfH STORE. ,1, ('. I)oct. Prcpilelor, dealer iu lino (lioiei its and Pros Hons. Fine Ulnars sold by the bo. 20." Washington avenue THE NEW WALL PAPER CO. Has no old iroodj to woik oil. I'.veiy style l new and up-ln-dttr. Om pikes an- lower than any otheii-. 303 SPRUCE STREET. NEAR PENN AVE recitation, Esther Morris; solo, Annie Jones; address, Rev. George Hague; recitation, Lizzie Parry: recitation, Blanche Harris; recitation, Vina Da vis; recitation, Blanche Hawk; recita tion, Viola Nicholas; hymn, school: benediction. The service will begin at 2 p. m. Special music has been prepared by the choir of the Presbyterian church. Rev. B. F. Hnnimud w ill ccupy the pulpit. In addition to the Easter sermons and decorations In the Blakely Baptist church, David Spencer, D. D., pastor, the choir under the leadership of JC. D. Edwards, will render special music: Anthem, "He Is Risen," Herbert; duet, Miss Emily L. Williams and Mrs. M. J. Lloyd; "Christ the Lord Is Risen," Gabriel: anthem, "Christ Is Risen," Lyon; duet, Messrs. '.. D. Edwards and D. M. Davis; "In the Cross of Christ I Glory." Donizetti. At -I p.- m. the Blakely Boys' brigade, companies A. B and C. will hold a special service In the church to be addressed by Hon. James Moir, recorder of Scranlon, Mrs. A. W. Benscoter, of C.tibon dale, spent yesterday witli her parents in Blakely. TAYLOR. The auditorium of the Welsh Con gie'gational church would scaieely con tain the large concourse of friends and relatives who 'had gathered to listen to the services over the remains nf the late Mrs. Soth Griffiths yesterduy. The funeral wns very large and most im piessivo. The respect in which the de ceased young woman was held was fully manifested in the huge number of lloral ofterlngs. tender expressions of the deep sympathy of the many sor rowing friends. Tlio services al ihe church were sad and very impressive iu their deep solemnity, and all pres ent ivero visibly affected as the con soling words weie spoken by the pas tor. Rev, .1. C. Evans, and Rev, Mr, Reese, of Piovldenco, who In their ie inarks paid a glowing- tribute to the memory of the depaited one. The Con gri'gatlnuiil church choir, led by Sam uel Evans, chorister, s-ang beautiful se lections at the church and trrave. At the clo-so of thu services tho reipalus were borne to the Forest Home ceme tery, where Interment was made. Tho pall-bearers wore Samuel J. Phillips, James Evans, AVIIIIam II. Thomas, Jo seph Coombs, Elmer T. Daniels and Reese AVllllams; liower-bcarers were Mrs. John Evans. Mrs. James Evans. Mrs. Annie Powell and Mrs. Joseph Coombs. Tho Ladies' Aid society of the AA'elsli Congregational church will conduct I heir usual pay night social this even ing In the church basement, where all the dellciicies or tho season will be served. Easter Sunday will bo apprnpi'i.itcly observed hi the various churches hero tomorrow, Musical program men havo been nirailgod to be ivndeied. At the Calvary Baptist church the choir of thirty well-trained voices, under tint efficient dliectlon of Chorister Prof. D, E. Davis, will lender un excellent pro gramme. At the evening service the pastor, ltov. Dr. H. H. Harris, will de liver a special Easter sei vice. At tho Methodist Episcopal church the members of the Sunday school aud choir will render a special musical pro gramme for the occasion, The pastor, Rev, c, B, Henry, will deliver an ap propriate Easter sermon, The following musical piogrummc has been arranged to bu lendeied at the Church of Immaculate Conception at tomorrow's services: Vldl Aqiiuni (Gregorian); Kyrle (Rosuwig): Georgle; Credo; oifeuory.lleglna Coella, chorus; benediction; Agnes Del. Giganlst, An' lile Burns; director, AVIIIIam Murphy. Tho members of Loeul, No, "JOo, com prised of the employes of the Rennurd silk mill, are lcquusted to meet iu Jones' hull this ufternoon at 3.30 o'clock. All those emp.loyed at tho above mill who do not belong to the union are requested to join at once, as the mill will resume work on Monday. The following Is the programme to THBSd, ENTERPRISING DEAUaRS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEtXOS OF EVERY OHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. SCOUrtTr BUILDINQ A SAVINQ3 UNION, Home nlllce. KK-OTlJ Meatd Hultillmr, ll.lii'iiels a Kcnri.d building- nnd tout business thiouahotil Ihe stall1 of lVnnsliiinl i. FARRELL'S TRANSFER , Movrs l'rcljilil, Purnllme nnd ll,iirgaa,r, Safes, I'l.inos and .Machlneiy. SSB LACKAWANNA AVE. M. A. FRIEDLANUER c6 CO. antininrc their ujiiiiiil Laslci' tnllllneiy open Ire lod.iy, lu theli' Hue show room, 'M Adams avenue, opposite t-oml liuii'c. All ale Invito,!. James i. quick. Ilanlttnre, Sloven nnd furnace. I'luinblnir, (hs-lllllnit Mnd lloolltnf. Telephone, old tteiJ. "'"'J L.iikavviitin.i avr. WILLIAM JANKO, MERCHANT TAILOR. 320 NORTH WASHINGTON AVE. l'epilrlni: nnd pies- Ins done al shott notice. L A OPP. O.L. ctlV. DEPOT. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT, C D K I R A N W I O O A N M N G N A H. L. GLEASON, LADIES' TAILOR, RECENTLY WITH QILBERTS, HAS OPENED AT 5JO SPRUCE ST. Ladles, ymi can get a perfect fit hero without eight or ten llttlngs, and the workmanship Is the best lo be had, also the prices aie niudeiate. YOUNG'S HATS. LOUIS H. ISAACS. A2 SPRUCE ST. MANHATTAN SHItTS. FRED H. WINTER. 824 CAPOUSE AVENUE, Staple Cioieile.s and l'lovisions. A full Hue of Vegelahles, elt., I revived diili Kellar & Harris. Mnnufiitmeis of llani'ss, and dealers in Hoisu Fuml.-lillii; Hoods, Tiunks and Tiavclinir lla's. Kepaiting piomptly attei-ded to. TeUphuiie l-Vi. 117 t'ciiu Hvenue, Siiaiilou, I'a. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I find I'm nits fW Kmpty Ilonsi, Kinptv Honors for Tcn.iiitf (ulN'rt l!o:itst Look After ami Injure l'hipoily jml nulMings, WILLIAM G. LOOM IS, llooiiH I aud ,", llurr lliiihling. COMMERCIAL QUICK LUNCH PARLORS. ( leanlini.-s, pine Pooil, I'olile Atliiitiou, Ilia- ionable 11 ii es Open day and iilht. .'.Ul and :I0i! Spline sheet, Siiaiiton, I'a be rcndeicd each eveniiur of the Cen tury Hose company's fair next week. First night: Recitation, .Mabel Davis; solo, AVilliam Jones; recitation, Delia Davis; soId, Olwen Howells. AVedncH day night: AV. 11. Thomas Glee club will give a number of selections. Thursday night: AVatkins family; duet, David Davis and Lizzie James; recitation, Urania Tubbs. FUday night: Solo, William Washburn: recitation, Sallie Price; solo, Arthur Morgan. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. District Deputy George AV. Hughes and stalf, of Caiimndale, visited Rush brook lodge, No. S.10, Independent Order of Odd Follows, on Thursday evening and Installed the following officers: Noble grand, Joseph Temby; vice grand, G. D. Lewis; recouling sccie tary, AVlllinin J. Toman; right sup porter to noble grand, AVilliam Ben nett; left supporter to noble grand, J. (!. Avery; warden, Chailes Baker; con ductor, Richard Hughes; chaplain, William Sniallaeiimb: It. S. S John son Bennett, jr.: L. S. S., Edward Stuart: inside guard, William Cudllp: outside guard, AVilliam Langman, jr.; left support to vice-grand, Alfred Gilf lllhs: left support tn vice-gland. Price Davis. The Ladies' Magazine club met last evening and were entertained at tlie home of Mrs. H. A. AVllliimii, of South Main street. Special Easter music will be sung iu most of the local churches tonionow. Al P.ieied Heart church Ihe Moral dec orations will suipass anything at tempted on similar occasions. Then; will be four services at St. .lames church, the (list being at 7 o'clock lu the morning, when holy communion will be adniinlsleied. At the Cnugie gational church Rev, JO. H. Jenkins, uf Connecticut, will pieach In Euglkh at the morning and evening services. Fred and Fliuence Nicholson, of Si'i'iintou, aie visiting friends iu town. Thomas Nichols, of Cemetery sticet, was quite painfully squeezed yester day, whlli at his woik iu the Dela ware and Hudson mine. Thomas Douthwalte. of A Vest Jlay lUid, the Mozart's crack tionvboue player, has iccelved an oifer lo play for one month at tho P.tii-Anicilcan exposition. He will pi nimbly accept Iho proposition. The oll'er Is from lliu Elgin baud. An ICnstcr service, entitled "Jesus Lives," will be given al Iho Primitive Methodist church mxt Sunday after noon and evening. This Is Ihe same as was given last Easier, and Is given this year by request. ELMHURST. Mr. Thompson aud family look pos session of ".Suunyslde villa" Thiti-Mlay. Miss Schluiiciliug litl on Thursday eveninu' for her home al Thoi nliurst, wheie she will spend her Easter vaca tion. .Allss Mlldicd Shofiiunk-T, of IJi ystono iii'iideiny, Is sneiiillii.i i'io week at tier home here. Piof. Rogers will spuvl Easier at his home in Haiionl, i'a. Loien KIkoi- was the micst of bis cousin, O. I'l. Kk'.er, en Tuesday light. The Ladles' Aid socleiy of the Pies hytciiuu chinch r.iei iiiuisduy after noon wRh Miss Mary Ruhr, at thu hoino of Iter sister, Mrs, -! C. Ro. Henry f'niry and family left uu Tuesday for Scrauton, wheie thoy will spend a lew days with .Mis. Curry's parems, befoiu going op in their new home at AVateitown, X. A'. A- R- AVllllams Is conllned to iho house by Millet's. Mis. l J. J. Stanton, who has been sorlously ill I'm some time, Is able to be mil again, anil is now visiting her sister, Mis. Hairy Race, at Lake Ariel. Colonel Schoonniaker Is spclidlug a few days at Atlantic City. Miss Fuller and Miss Lucy Fuller aio visiting trlciids in Scranlon. A. II. Clay inude a business trip to Danville, Thursday. The social, held at the home of I!. D. FRANK M. MOYER, Contractor and builder. 920 PENN AVENUE, Jobbing ot nil kinds promptly ntlendcd to. i'stimati'm ritnniu't'LbV MmMirtm THE HOME SUPPLY CO. Ilel.ills finnlliire, licshlitia: and floor covcrlnas lor rah at wholesale pikes ut 724 W. LACKAWANNA AVE., SCRANTON. WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY lini'AIIIINH A St'LCIAl.TY. F' GROSS, AS2 SPRUCE. JAMES J. MURRAY, Successor In (be Hunt .V Couiell Co., In tin nnd sheet inotnl vvntk and venlllnllon, Carton fuiii.iies, irp.tii-M Mini pelieial III. wink a spei hilly. Nn. I.U Liekavvauna avenue. I'A 1 1. WI'NIVT, iuj Ailll.V(!TOS' AVKNOK. STEAM DYE WORKS. aud I'ninii Dri Clranlnt: ami llefitilshlna;. floods called lor and dellveied. Telephone c-onnectton. MOWEr- TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S. RADfV'S 123 PENN AVE. ALEX. HAY. HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTER AND PAPER HANQER, 321 MULBERRY S-r. WOLF A MCLANE, 222 Adams Ave, Easter Millinery WENZEL I'liictical Plumbers, Tinners and (lifil ters. 1'iiriuees a Spe c la 1 1. Repairing pioinptly done, 'J It) Adams avo., Pcian ton, I'a. WILSON A COMPANY. I'a-hionahh' Tailors (Until llnil'llns') :tJJ Spiueo sheet, Seiautoii, Pa, Suits pieis.ed, il'i c-ciiln: pants pirsned, 10 cents. ClutUltiu; ie, palled, called for and dellveied. New Phone, iooj H. A. RIEFENBERG. I'lmnbiner, Tiiinlntr and Ileatlujj. Sole ,-inent for llowaid rurnai e. Telephone tlll-2. .117 Linden sheet. THE CHEAPEST llet and quickest place iu Ihe e il y lo hive .votir shoes tiM-d: we Use uuthine; bill Oil. 'Jail Leather nnd flt class wnikui.iiijlilp. 4'J7 Linden sheet, opposite' postoilke. OR. E. V. BEARDSLEY; DENTIST. l'oiinnly with llr. IIIII. 321 SPRUCE ST. MRS. SARA ALLYN, MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT will remove s.pril 1 from Council HiilldniR lu iWi and ."fll. Mean lluildin;. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. i;. c. spAL'Luixo, 'j:o iiiioaiiwaa , ni:w Yoik. Architects 1'llWAHP If. DAVIS, .Mil linTCT, CONNKI.Ii IniilililiK. i'iii:ni:iticiv l. iiiiown. .uiciiimT. I'lucv. huilditiKV l-'i Washington avenue, bciantou. Dentists. 1)11. C. K. I'll.l'.Ntii'miKR, PAUL! BUILP1MS Spriiie street, Scrantnu. Pit. 0. O. lAUIlACil, 11.'. WYOMING AVIINL'I. Lawyers. FIIANIv II. 1IOV1.K. ATTOKNLV. T LAW. Koonis 1.', J I, JO and IS lliur buihluu'. P. K. TIIArY.A'n",(OUMONWi:.LTH lll.Hli. D. It. l!i:i'L(IRI,i:, ATI'OIIMIV LOWS Nliilll Haled on leal i-late seiuiily. .Mens buihliiu, loiner Washington avenue and S'piuco slie. I, WILLAHD, WAItltllV fc KNAPP. TORi:s and i-onnsollors-al-l.iw. Ilipuhlie.ui bulldini., Wa.-hingtoii avenue. .ILSsli' ,t .ILSSli'. .VHOItNLYS ANi I Ol sellors-at-lavv. C'ummoiivveallh building, lluuiii Hi, 'JO and Jl. LDWAItll W. Til VA Ml!. .VITOnNHY. HODMs l0! '.ml, nth llool, .Meats liuildiiii.', L. A. WAT-HI'S. AT'l(IItiA-A'l'-liW, HO Mil) of fiadu liuildiiii, Siiaiilun, I'a. I'A'ITLUsOX fr WILt O.Y, 'lllADIIIiy NATIOXAI Hank buildup'. C. COMIX.'VS ' I.'l IILPHIILICAX IH'll.llLMi, A. W. IIKH'IIIOI.!', OlT'K'i: MOVLI) TO NO, Jl I Woniin? avenue. Physicians and Sugeons. III!, "V. V.. AI.ILN, 31.1 MIIIHI AsIXfl'IO a vi line, nit. s. w. i,'AMOi!i:ii.'. oitht; :;.j'i m sh IukIoii aveluie, lluidinic, litis Mnlbuii ( Inoiiio ih-i.isc, 1 line,-, brail, kidui.v.s and (,'iuitci-uiinaiy oisaiis a rpeciall, lloui-, I lo I p. m. Hotels nnd Rcsturants. ilii: i:lk'ait;, ir. wo ui ntAXKi.iv avenue. Itates ie.i-en.ible. P. ZKUSt.Ut, Piopiirtoi. SCHAN'lllV IlllUsi:. NLAit !).. L. fi W. PA4 unger depot. Conducted on llm plan. VILTOII KOCH. 1'iopin-toi. Seeds. uTTF,7"b iITZ( nt. . si:i :ps m ln no m ii- rivmen, slmc iOI W'a?blnKtoii avemiei; groin li'liiM'.s, 11)50 Nuilli Main avenue; sloin tcb phone, 7fr'. Wire Screens, ,IOs;pil Ivt'LITI'.L, 1IKAU fill I.A('K. Wl!., Sii.iuIoii, Pa., liiiuulaeliuei uf Wile Siiein. Miscellaneous. IMILssMAKIXfi I'Ofv (HII.PIILX 'H OIUILJt al-u ladies' w.iits, Louis sliociiuki r, -IJ Adams avenue. A. II, llllll, IIS ( I.K..WS. I'HIW VM'LTS Ml ii-,.. puoN; iu I'llor. Iiupiovrd piimpa usnl A. II. Ililgga, piopiielor, l.ejve oidep IICO S'oilh .Main aveim.-, oi Miike' dine ttoie, ioi lu-i Adania aud Mulbruy. 'Iiltphupo (l Mi:ii.ii(ii;i: ihios., piuntimiv s-rpini:s, i; wlopi'M, pipir baits, twine, Waitl.oiioC, 1.0 W'aihlliRlim uvi'liiie, Seranlon, Pa. ilii: wiii:.sniiiii: itciouii c.w nn iih III ,-c-i jlilon ,it die heua atamls ol ltd on m Puis., in, spimi' and io-l LliuUu; M. Noilo'i. ..'. LJikiwniui i.venue; I. s, ac.liutrei, ill Spline shed. Cooper, on Tuesday evening, was well intended. Beginning April Vi, the Piesbyteiiau Sunday school will open at 0.15 a. lit. Instead of 1 '.'o'clock, us hcretot'oic. Dr. ICnedlei' spent Thursday after noon In Scuintiju. .Mrs. Davis Is visiting her patents ir Moscow. To Prevent Pneumonia and Grip Lj.illU' llioino (iiliiinv iktJii'iVi the ca ue.