rfs!flEbJ&saaE"vS4a"- 'mm" !;"!A 'i -JVJV":' ..."T""".1 i' tf-'"- swTTT.riRr TXTffiT ' ' '' J''r51 wnr7F" s' m Rfir-Wf "'!' 'jlfl. - SW3...ii 'rA 'HJJ-'v ...' -sv- cM-w-oitp.) irjryr!1!iTT.. , -1 w w. '.'. ' - -- - , . - - v- ,."-i .'.- -i" "y - T",.-- r, , s v 4 v, i, jrirp J,,' I , r i- i,- nv TMU SCRANTON TmBCNE-SATURDAY, APRIL 0, 1001. ,... IS NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD EXECUTIVE .COMMITTEE OF STA TIONARY TIREMEN. Held an Important Confeience Vcb teulay in the St. Cloud Hotel In This City Will Not Become Mem bers of the United Mine Workers of America Establishing of Air Brake Plants Along the Line of the Lackawanna Iinpiovements at the Cliff Works. Tlie osofiitlvt' board nl" ilu- liili'iiwi tlotiul Itinthcrhnoil ol' Stitlloiiiiry Kite lnett nf I'l'iiiifylviitilu. Iiclil a iwctlni: jcHteiday In the Hi. Omul 1IoM. for tin- piniiosf ol' fi'UlliiK tho rnii'silnn ol' tli Jurisdiction In roKard In tin- rnlldl Jtlnu Worhors of Atnei ku HiilinlliK llic mine IlieniHi. The follnwliiir iiflletiil I C'POI I ill' lilt' I'dlll'l'l OIICC WHS kIvoii out ot Its clnin: 1 tic IlllMlllill i'f III'' liimil pirvnl W.H'! '. . Ilivlii, I.'jimI S. ."a. .saiiiiIhiis '. I". Mull.ilJ. Wal u. lit, I'lMiimitli; ,1. . ili'irll.v, l.mnl X. iw. I'lll'loii! .t, 1 1. VVjiIc, I'uiI Nii. .'ill. Sci.mtim; M. A. I'.nii'll. Irfir.il Nil Tl. Mitlilt: I'. .1. II" tr.l. Imtiil .Vi. T.I. Hi.imolilli; II. l.iiisaii, ln.il J.i. III. I'l.Mlldlllll. Mlor Uiillltitf ii iP-ii.nii.iMc' I'lcaili r'l Ini- Ii"' Minn ini; Irllti- 11 .Mm Ut-Imll I" '. ' Mi, imp. u.K ir.ul: nliiuh.l.l. 111.. M it Ti ::. 1'nt. t. I,. Slump. "Viitl.iij.'lir.uiri'r liitun.ilii.nil llrntliirlionil of l illiinii.c I'lirim 11, ""Ilium l.i- llun. Knii'j-. I'ily. Km-it-. Di'.ir Mr .mil IliiMlm: I .mi i" r.-ruil "1 jnnr finer n( 1'ilc. i'l, wliii.li .i IiiimmIiIcJ lo uio .it SiMlnfloM. III. In rrpl.i "III fn.. llul imdir loricn of cnir nllillitlnn !Hi III" Aimrii.ni 1'iiloi.Uioii nf lali.ir. nr jrr coinioltrl l nily .in.pl .i nic inline jiiIwh ami mini" I.iIioht. .end in.iMmicli .h .vnur if.Mnl7.Ulon I .il-o .illlii.ilr'il, I .mi nl oplnl-m ill it llrriiiiii dimilil lii'Inns to ymn c.rinlMllnn. nml I -li.ill lake Mcp. nt mire to di.nv tin- .Htm lion of mir ilUlrln iilllu'H In llin in illor mm nl lined of li.v jmi. Inistlnir tli.U j mi will fii ii-'1 t It I In i'f l.'tlcr, a- I nin ri.v 1mi, I .mi. Vo'it tuili. l-'laneil) .! Mlt.lirll. Pi.'ti.lnit V. M. . of A iliirl.ili'il l'i M. .1. II. i Mlor Hie K.ullni; ol llif teller 'lie fi.llimiiu n-oliitioiH eie lin.mlnion'.ly mloplr! v tin ee(utlle lnj.Mil (if III.' I. II. ol S. 1". of IViin t.ili.inii: Mlinerf'. It li.i- mine to .,m l.ii..I Jlt lli.il -t it.- fnitcil Mine Woihcri ol Anietiu .ire inliini it Mine i-onie nf our iiicmlicH tliloiiuliont Hie M.lle. fl.litiirtii III1PH.-1 upon Hirni Hie fait III II tliey liKlilfiilly belong to their u.ifl. wi- fiel ai tiiousli our muiihrrs tlionl'l lie piotectcl. .iine lime nso we ileen.ed II .ulvUjI'le lo miiIi. mil tin- iiie,tii.ii of liuWIIctluii to tlie piceliluiU rf Hie A. I'. of I... flic f. M. W. of A. .iml Hie vtjle nfllou of llic I. II. of S. I ni'l ' ilieil .i mtrtinp for Hie (niipo-e to 1 lieM in ilie St. Cloud liotel, Simnloii, l'.i.. on Apiil ." .n U i-. lock .i. Hi., wlileli nierlinc tliey Uiled to .il leml oi wild iii.v r pie-mtatlie, in con-criiniie it wliiili we hoc fr.umd the lollowini; for pub lie.ilioii: "i:e,olied. Tli n we in-timt .ill peuoiii l.uown mid -tiled n- st.itioniry liieinon tlut they rigM lully Iji loner to the lntrriution.il lliolherliood of -litionny I'iieinrii, mid 1li.it vie t.il.e -Cis in ee tint tliey ne enrolled. He'lml, 'lli.i't we oittlioriyi our .-I itr piei il.nl .ind oift.iniei. lo - pl.ios wline our .ntl-imn .ne c iifr.it-.til ami iii-lmcl them to Hut rilm. in.) lli.il. nniM Hull' lie no locil ol tho t. It, nf . I'. in .iid pl.u e. he -hall .it nni e piouid lo nigJiilp the in jnd Me thai they Kit Ulollld. fle-olird, 'lint we infoim .ill -t.ilioniiy firciiien wlui .in now ni'ilil'Cl- of any oilier liljor nritaii iition tli.it Hie.i -hould at ome i-eei- Hit If ton jiiitliiii with the sann; 1$ witluli.iliinc .mil "-el: .idinivioii I" the ne.net loeal nf the I. 11. of S. I'., wheie they will he icieived liy prpscntini; th.-ir nni-, piovidins: Hi"" aie pjiil up in full. I.'r-xlidl, 'lliH .1 iepy of the-e ir.-olutions he Kuw.ii.li'd In Pie-idtnt (iompi'if. ol the A. V. of I... lor hi- inti-lilei uion .'ind .ippiui.il. ami ii lie ha. any ltjn ti.-n. we ak him lo notify in and we -hill meet him lit lOiiieunm lo di-ui the -line. Ile-i.lird. 'I Ini a i.ipv of tlie-e ie-ulution he forn.inled lo Ihe en utile liuaiih of lli-triit' Ni.-. 7, fi and 1 it the I'. M. V. ol A., and pub-li-hcd in ill diilv and weel.ly papeis of Ihe Male. r. V. llaMer. .-. I'. Mullily. .1. 1'. Wade. il. A. 1 ai loll, .1. . t.ftili, I'. .1. Hirlon, H. l.ind&n. Aiound the Cliff Wotks. The Dickson Manufacturing company iito bulldlnR a new s-ntltli and hummer, shop to be used in connection with their locomotive works. The structure Mill be built of btlek, with an Iron roof, and will be one-story high. The dimensions are Itn.xlT". feet. Conrad Schroeder lias tho contract for the work. It is expected that the shop will be leady for occupancy by the first of May. Hue of Hie pivttleni and inot-t com pact little locomotives ever hullt at the cliff works will he shipped today to Hawaii. Tt will make the trip mound tho Hot n, and will be used by the Ha waii llailrond company on a short line of railway In tho Islands, It Is named the "Myrtle." No. !!. N'os. M and S2 of tho Lackawanna switch engines weio tinned out of the i-hop yesteiday, and will lie worked into fcrvloo today. Xo, s:l, the last of tho .setles of fourteen ordered from tins Dickson company, will bo turned out of the shop the middle of next week, CONSUMPTiON is like the constrictor which drops Us roils around its victim and slowly light ens them until life is extinguished. unce the colls are drawn tight there tllila rtltr tilts if . - in lime " . wfc escape. The one nope oi baiety is to break loose at llic beginning of the attack. Those who are showing symp toms of lung dis ease should in stantly begin the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It will cure obstinate coughs, bronchitis and bleeding of the lungs, It in creases the nutri tion of the body, ami so restores the emaciated 'form to health and btreugth. There is no al cohol in "Goldeu Medical Discov ery," and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine, anrj all other narcotics, ij feel it iuv duly to give my testimonial iu behalf of jour great medicine," writes Mr, loliu T, Kced, ofjcftersoii, Jefltrtou Co.. Art, "When I commenced taking Doctor Pterce'i C.olde n Medical Discovery I wan very low wild n rouijli, and would .it that unit Mood. I was not able tu do liny wort at all, was wrat anil inv head was ilizy. The tint bottle I toot did me so much good that I had faith inllsudcou tinned until 1 lud taken twelve bottle. Now I do uot loot like nor feel like the same man as I v,-.i a year ago. People were astonished and udil they did nut think that I could liic. 1 cau thankfully jay that I una entirely cured of a dis rate from which had it not been for jourwou dernd ' PUcovery I would have died." Dr, I'ierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, sent free on receipt of 2i one-cent stamps to pay ripenkt of mailing only. Address Dr, .. V. l'ierce, Buffalo, N. Y, Mi t Ix ,. "-- ii m I tjttmi ill W r rrv jM P CjJWtijlSEv mL a'H 1 The IJIct(.on rompany has received nil miler from the 9t. Louis and Bun Iriinclseo Itullroud company for ten frclKht and live passonger cnBltioM, which will he hullt during tho Riimmcr. The Deltiwalc .and Hudson company hod hIpo placed mi order with the com pany for twelve t'telfihl tmtl four swltoli cnBlne.'', Shuttinp Down Collieries. Thus far no definite orders have been trailed p.l titer by the Delaware, Lacka wanna, anil Western company or tho Delaware nml Hudson company rela tive lo shuUIti"; down tho coIIIciIch lioroalioiiu the last two days of tho week. Inanities tit both Superintend ent l.noinlH and Huperlnti'iident Hose's olllt'c revealed nothluir of that natute. and If any ordeis to that eri'ect liad been Insiied theso si'titlemen et'i'talnly woiild know Miint'lhlnK about them. Jl Is true that several of tin1 collieries hereabouts operated by these coui pinilt's are shut tlown temporarily now and then to permit of leimtts. or on iicroiinl of ii shortage or fiirs. but as far iik wot lhisr them nti two-lltlrds time N foiieeilied, thai Is a mailer for future revelation, A prominent olllrlul or tho Dela waie, I.ueltiiwantia and Weslern eoniiaiiy stated yesteiduy lo Tho Trlbuiii.' tiian that it may not be nceess.irv to Issue sucli an order, as the lepalr woili thai Is usually dune at tills time of the year may necessitate leniponir suspension at ni.ii.y of llir' t'ollicries. In that event, only about half lime will be wotked. it Is a fact that the demand for an thracite foal has somewhat subtitled, and Inasmuch as there Is an apparent demand for ear.", the opoiMtots may tuko advantage of It and pioseetite the repair woilc needed mote vigorously, t'p to the present time there has been no eii'ori made by Hie Lackawanna company to stoic their over-production of coal at the new coal storage plant erected last fall near tile Hampton breaker. Aside from a small amount of wnlieiy coal there, there is "nothing doing" at Unit point. Lackawanna Air Brake Plants. P. J, Lungiiu, superintendent of air brakes on the Lticlcuwiinna railroad, is one of the busiest men in the country, and when he Is through with his pres ent task of installing air brake plants at (iniildslioro, Flinghaniton and Oath's Summit, anticiimtes that the intuitu. wanna lailroad will have an air brake equipment second to none in the I'nlted States. Plants have, already been intalled in Huffalo. Kltulra, Jlallsteail, Hcranton, IfnbokeiT, ("Ilea. Syracuse and Kings ton, which are terminal points of tin several divisions. The plants ate used for cleaning and testing triple valves and brake i-ylinileis. The company now uses twelve-Inch air Jacks instead of the old hydraulic Jacks. At terminal stations all twins me charged at seventy-pounds pres sure, the leaks in the train line are Jill taken up and the piston travel adjusted before leaving. Today's D., L. & W. Board. The malce-up of today's D., L. and W. board is as follows: rrtiPAV. APUib 5 Wild C.iH. Ka-l to ji. in., II. I'iniieit.v. SAU'ItPAV. Al'nili (i. Wild (,il, Jlael l'l.f.0 J. in.. 11. niliiii;r: :'. i. in. i;. Hurl; JO J. in., M. I.onghni'y; 11 ,i. in., (.'. T. Staph"-; 1 p. ni.. Latlmci, with KrlLlinn'i ini'ir, .r p. in., II. .1. I.irhln: f. p. in., II (illli- f? Sinninit Kiev 0a. in., oa-l, .f. llt'iimgaii I'uller-10 a. in., I". U. Sccor. 1'inlier S a. in., Ilouur; 10 a. in., S. Tin nerly; ll.Si) a. in., Moran; 7 p. ui Miiiphy; 9 p." in,, Ijiupliiu; 10 p. in., Wiflnor. P.Nicnurr Knginc 7 a. ni.. Gafiney; 7 a. in., Mm,cr: i.M p. in., SUnlon; 7 p. in., Magon'in. Wild Cat--. WVI 3 a. in.. W. W. I.illar. ; 7 a. in., I'. Wall; m a, m., .1. 11. .UK.inn; I p. in., 1). IliRKiily; !! p. in.. .Mill-, with M. t'.iiinoili', nun; 3 p. in., .1, K. .M.i-m-,; p. in., K. lie. Alli.-tei. .NOIICi:. Hi.i1:i'iii.iii Ullli.iiii ll.iiin.iii on iith II .1 I..H'. kill rojioit lf.nly tor wotl.. This and That. Tltu employes of the Iaekawanna car shops will 'be paid loday, commencing at 2 p. m. Thirty men have been laid off at the shops of the Central Railroad of Xuw Jersey at Ashley. I. W. Morrison, .supeiintendent of Pullman car service on the Lackawan na, railroad, was in the city yesterday. Merry" Walker, of Uangor, and "Rob" Walker, of Rlnghamton, super intendents of brldRo construction work oiiSjie Lackawanna railroad, were in the cjty yesterday. Iioth were former residents of Soranton, and the first named is an ex-chief ot the .Scranton llro department and an ex-common councilman of the Fifth waul. W. H. Harvey, of Hcranton, lias been appointed general toreman of the ma chinery department of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western shops nt Kingston. Mi. Harvey is a practical mechanic with years of experience, lie is mi old and trusted employe of thr company and Is already doing1 excel lent work about the shops. Willies Hatte Hecord. Within the next week, .lames Me ninley, yard superintendent of the Delaware and Hudson company, will iuive one of tho most modern uillioad yards in the city. For some lime past a force of eighty men has ben nrraiij? intf tlie tracks, placing spiltiK switches a ml construct liif; now branches. rt will lie remembered that the tracks at llle upper end of the ynitl. opposite the Hollcnback breaker, weie curved. This retarded the work of the hIiIUIiip oiiRlnes somewhat, but all this has been temoved and now they ate so constructed that there will be very llttel lutereferenco with the nialu Hue Larue, heavy rails have been substi tuted for tho old ones, which make rldlns on the passenger conches more comfot table, WilUes-Ban 0 Xews, Cheap Rates to California. Parties desiring to make tiip to Cali fornia, Arizona or Xow Mexico, either for business or pleasure, can do so now at almost half price, Kvery Tuesday, until April Hath, In clusive, tickets marked "Colonial" may lie. purchased via Southern Hallwa for $4 1.00 from Washington, Jts.riO from Philadelphia, and correspondlnisly low prices front other points. Tho Sou them Railway and Southern Pacille company operate- through e. eurslon sleepers from Washington, leaving Mondays, Tues-days and Fri duys, the Tuesday sleeper being avail able for "Colonist" tickets. The berth rate lit these sleepers Is only $7,00, two people being allowed to occupy one berth If desired. Personal conductors and I'ullman porters go through with caclt bleepor, There aro other new, convenient and economical features connected with these excursions which may bo ascertained from Cliailes L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, Southern Hallway, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. F. & M. T. HowIey,831 Wyoming ave. Ast; for Kelly's union craoktra. mimmmmxymmmm a 3 '3 a TODAY TOMORROW Warner's For a Quarter - 1rt Judge T.A.McMahon, ,f ciiIcjro wdtut I aiirtccn years' lher cnniplalnt orloul,v Ititrrfeinl with my olhiiul ilnlli't. I i.n limed with pllli nml nmil(is unlit I ln-l hi ,11 1 unit iinn.n."'. At lit I tilnl Unrnoi's S.i f c Ctin. I ilu not Wniilir rMi.ilinil.v ispr.il.s Mrll nf II. I'.lulil bottlci li'.itidl mi' 1 1 cm In' nl In hint, .iml I nni a will nun. V3 Dr. C. F. P. Burchmore, h;$ llimiliinlnii Aii-mi.-, Ilnun. ViliumiM iiiiiliiii(l, pii'niM. I prurrlhi' WaniiiV 'ifi' t'uii'. ftml I ban il tn hm n pallinl ill aliilinl Willi tliir ri'itillK whi'io a ill .i-e nl the Millii')" nr Jl'llllll i IK J ni cslloil. Henry Hill, ca-lilir Mjiulnnl (Ml Co.. IiIiuko. III-. I KiifTcrcil with Mdnv.i ami llwr tionbli' for tIrIiI inonthi. It np'et my rut ii c Vlini and in nlc tne unlit tm' wink. The doituiH flnilly ailil-iil me to take W u net's Safe Ciih'. Wilhlii one week iillnr liralimliiK Ilu uk, Hip linrnlni; Hcnttioii hail initially ill-appciii'il, In twr. weiU iiuri' I cuiiNMciril tnyM-lf cini'il, and t haw In i-ii In pcifect lioallli eirr (.lure. Could there be stronger testimony or from mote reputable menP Do not longer delay, but begin today the use of Wnr ner's Safe Cure, and thus secure the greatest of all blessings good health. "mil .linn name ami aililtfs In W.ninr Safe Cine (, llocln"lor, S". V., and liu'lv 1 1.1 return pol a liei' .ample of Wamcr'j Safe Cure. NEW YORK HOTELS. VAA'iWW'VySAAA' X "iX MW WESTBUXSTfiK HOTEL (nr isliinlli St and In in-' Plan', NEW YORK. Aini'iiiaii I'hti, i.'M P. r Hay and t'pn.lld'. KutnpiMii Plan. 'M.OO Pci 11 i.v and I pivanK spiei.il llatis tn l'.imilio-. T. THOMPSON, Prop. Hotel VICTORIA 27th Street, Broadway and 5th Ave., New York European jggfl9fo Absotutety Plan pgpjy Fireproof In the centre of tne shopping and theatre district A Mihlcrn !'lntd3i Hot-!, Complete It! all It aj point. mpiits I urnlslilnsanii decoration neu thiotijjliout. A -com-tn.nlatloiii for jfw ifuetj; 151 suites vlth btlib, Jlut auJ .did water &rtil telephone in eC"y room. Cuiilncunc-LclleJ. GEORGE V. SWEENEY, Prop."! -f-t- -t'-t--t--f-t--t"t"t--f -f For Business Men In the heart of ths wholesale district. For Shoppers minutes' -walk to Wannmnlcorv. S minutes to Siegel Coopd'a Bis Btore. U-abv of access to the great Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseers One block from B'vrajr Cars, giv ing easy transportation to all points ot Interest. I HOTEL ALBERT t AlfiW IUIU1. f 4. Cor. lltli ST. A UNIVERSITY P y 4. Only one Block from Broadway. ROODIS, $1 Up. Prices Rcasonabls 4. Miirv tup nmtimiBD hui iiuimyum BELLAVITA Arsenic Beauty Tablet? and Pills. A por. I'BCtly safe and RiiaranteciltreatiiiBnt fo-nll tlsla disorders. Restores the bloom ol youth to laded faces. 10 dr.ys" treatmout Mc; 30 dajs' fcl.00, by lmiU i-onrt for circular. Adilre, . i'-PVITA MEDICAL CO.. Clinioi & Jscksoo SI.,ChlcC? Bold by McGarrah & Thomas, Drug gists,, 203 Lackawanna ave., Scranton. Pa. A GREAT EASTER SALE OF Stylish Tailor-Made Suits for Women Ladies' New Spring Dress Skirts New Easter Effects Three Spec ial Lots for Today. .niliV All-Wmil V.lacU CIlKVIOT SKI I ITS. lull llaro, nrettlly triuiliK'tl with titffom straps. lined In elewut ciuallty iieicailno. IteKular prlro, fii.7.). Spec lal , nii'ii lot f fine itinck iinoAncr.oTU KIvUlTS, luli llitii) anil ilouuro, proltlly tilninieil with bands; (if taffi'tu,- flo Knntly lined, stltehoil In, tine iwrct lliic. Ili'ctulur lnice. $7.ri0. Siiccial l.ndio.s" now Pprlwr Tufti-Wi Silk Skirt?, tiliout a rtoson illffer.-nt styles, rich IdPitB, full lluunc and ilarlnR effoet. finely tailoreil. Uesular pi Ice, $15 to ji.'.r.o. Srcciui Box Coats. ?VLl: LADIICS' .UT." STYLISH IIOX COATS. ni.ACK CHKVIOT and tan overt cloth Hox fonts, wldo douhlo breasted fronts; full satin lined, ele. Biintly talloied. l'OIt L.ADIBS1 Sir. VJNK TA,' COV UltT BOX COATS, handsomely nuido; scry latest. 4.98 6.98 Walking and Rainy-Day Skirts. Special for Today. AVo offer about 1M s-tyllsh RAINV DAV hKIHTS, made of Fhio Melton cloth, elegantly trimmed; regular ptlce, 57.00. Today , I t t f 1 1 Receive protection, insurance and actual benefit from the process employed. Repairs skillfully, economically made. Furs called for and delivered free. Free storage when repairing is done, BRESCHEL, 124 THERE IS UtCaHT FOR VOU1 MAY BE DARKNESS. Safe Cure of a Century , , A BEACON LIGHT TO HEALTH. ". & w New Headgear, Gloves, Neckwear Are as essential to your Easter outfit aa your new Spring Suit. Our Neckwear Stock is up to its usual standard. Hundreds of beautiful pat terns in all the popular shapes are here. The Yoling's $3.00 flat Is equal to the best. We sell them. Sefe the Sew MflNHflTf m SHIRTS 412 Spruce Street. The Dickson Manuraoturin? Co. fccranton aud WliUevHarre, tt, Manufacturers ot LOCOMOTIVES. STATIONARY ENGINES Boller.i. llolstinirandPum pins Machinery General Office. Scranton. Pa. Prof.G.F.THEEL,527s?,?hr!th. I'blMflphla, To. Oalj (lermaa Hprritllit a Ameriit. tiuaranttfi lo rure aUo bj mall Prlutf IUfiiit.rrebra4t4toI0dat)KirHea,ilufft.l nioml I'-Un. artni Uclilllir. I it noou, nrlrorfl & Slrklortt (a tutting- rmleiflop.i Tm-l-hranktnOraan.KadrorS-oraTtHmonU!,l!Aijl 3 Tripflilnfftfrrjr nrdlrfll aai rlettrkal fraud.. Hf ntlun paper. 9 -! - " - - - - 12.75 14.75 16.50 3.95 4.95 g fk ff qnrt 1 U.UU allU - I 4.7S a - Ladies' 4 6, .95 95 3.49 9.98 The MulffJanrJi if a WYOMING AVENUE. ConnoHjallac SCRANTON'S SHOPPtNQ CENTER. Jlllllll.ltmMttWtlllHMHHitlHHHHIIIKIWIIHIlilMlllim Easter Specialties . The Day of Little Things E I ASTER, thoughts, Haster tcr symbols everywhere store, and Master sunshine, this last day ol busier preparation. I his will naturally be a day of little things.Iike Gloves and Hosiery and Neckwear. Yet, if tlie Gown or Skirt is not yet prepared, there is still time. Huge preparations on our part have resulted in immense favor at your hands. And this is but the beginning. The mercantile importance of Raster lies only in the fact that it (ixes the open ing of a season. With the p.issing ol Raster our usefulness to you is only begun. "American Girl" Kid Gloves for Women and Misses the best Dollar Glove made. "Jouvin" Gloves for Women the acme of perfection "Jouvin" Street Gloves tor Wo men, in suede and glace. One pearl button Fovvnes and Adler's Gloves for Men, in all shades; dressed and un dressed, pair Men's Neckutear Raster Neckwear. The new shapes and colors from abroad, and the very latest effects from the makers at home. 25c to $1.25. With large assortments at between prices. iiiiiiioiiniJiiiuiiiiHiHHiiiisiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiimiininHtiHUHiiiH-iiiiiinMiiwiHiBiHMrf CONNOLLY & WALLACE, HENRY BEL1N, JR., General Agent for tha Wyomlnj District for DUPONTS POWDER. Mining, nitstlnb'. Sporting, Sraoktlosi and th Rcpauno Chcmkal Company's High Explosives. Safety Tusc, Caps and Exploder. Ttoom 401 Con ncll Building, Scranton. aokncii:s: TI10S. FOIID Pitlston JOHN D. SMITH & SON Pljmouth W. !. MULLIGAN ...'. WilkcsBarro i:ASTKU SUITS, lltw hoi-ko, cheviot, Venetian cloth, homespun and broad cloth: in nil the newest and pretty shapes- tin en dill event flyles in i:ionn. plain tailored- ttiffutn strapped and hruidod: full HarltiK and llouneo skirt, made over lino peicfillne. UuBitl.tr value, 31S.f.0. An exceptionally line lot of stylish SI -ITS, mode, of routrh elievlotf, home spuns, Vtnellrms iind broadcloths. In black, blue, tan and irtay; In now hlttiiw Kton inoket: vest front, lmndsoiiiely trimmed IIiiiIiir skirt. Also a line lot plain tiilloied. tlisht-tUtlllfr suits, ltefr ular value, $!:.'.."'). No.v effects In Kton. tl?lil-lllllii3 suits; beautifully lilmiiiod and plain talloied: pei feet hanaiiiK skirts mil after tho latest models; full llutlm? nntl llniince: prettily trimmed to match jaeiiet Theso suits arc nuuie of all tlin veiy linest niiiterials; stylish ioubIi chevlolfi, fine YticllaiiH, homespuns and broad cloth in black, blue, tall, castor ami Stay. llCKUlnr value, fci'J.OO. New Spring Capes, llousht from n piomiiiv-ul ISro.ulw.iy capo houso. at u bit: discount. VOIl ItKlTULAU LAWKS' $7.T." KINU I'AI'ICS in clay diagonal nnd hroad cIothH and srm Kialu silli, sprliit, style, full satin lined, elepuntly nuuie. Fiin HROl'LAlt LMiIlCS" ?0 STYL ISH CAPKS, in city diagonal .iih1hm Einln silk piettlly niailo, el-antly llnt'd, Stylish Raglans. lOU LAWKS' ?i)00 KILL LK.N'l.TIl liAHLANS, mado of lino invert cloth In Oxford, gray an I tun. rulily tuil- nli'il. Reliable and Up-to-Date Furrier decorations, Uas- through the we hope, for $1.50 $2.00 $1.50 Be Prepared unheard-of low NEW STOCK. We arc now prepared to tliow you an entire NEW slock of Carpets, Wall Papers and Draperies Every item is tin's season's goods., and we are prepared to serve you promptly and at our well-known low prices. WILLIAflS&ricANULTY j Temporary Store, 126 Washington Avenue- i is is Lager Beer Brewery Mnuufiicturors or OLD STOCK PILSNER 4SD to 455 . SCRANTON. PA N. Ninth Street Telephone Call. 2.13 J. I'lijiiclan and Sjrsron ;tli Spruce st, Ti tuple Oj'"' nullditnf, SCRANTON, PA. Ml acute ami ilironlc dlscjits of uion. iw. in. -ii and iKililivn, I IIIIONK Ni:itOUS. hums wn wasi'imi uisnsi: sii:i. IM.'IT. Ml dUca-i'i ol llic Liver, Mdni)--, Mtlii. Illnoil, Ni-I'(, Wiimli, Kc, lUr, lil.ul.ter. Ni'sc, Throjt, aril l.llliKS, laildri, Illinois, l'i:n, Kuiiliife, (loll 1 1'. IllituiiijlUni. Asllimi,, .C.iUitIi, Vailioci'lp, l.ci.t Mjiilimul, Nightly l.inlst-loiid. all IVnuli' l)UMe,'l.i'iicuiTbnra, eli , (lonnoihca, SMliillii, llluvil I'oiton, Imli.crc llun ami joutlilnl lubllx olilili'intnl. Mirk'ir.i, 1'iln. Klilepi, Tape anil blum.irli Viriu. I A TAI1UIIO.ONR, Spccille for fattrrli. 'thrfi montlis' trpatindit only V"i.(k). 'Iilal ttne in iillnr. Contulmtlnn ami iwatiiiii.ltlon lice. Ol Hie liours daily and Sunrlay, i a. ni. to '' V- nt. dr. densten. Men's and Women's Hosiery Good Hosiery. Always worthy, dependable goods in this store, however little the price. A hosof regular patrons indorse this claim. Rach new patron makes a new indorser. Tailor-Made Sails New ones again, as a talc of every day. Seicres. HomesDuns. Tweeds, Venetian Cloths as and Broadcloths, in all the colorings you can think of, and in others that you would never think of unless you had studied the matter from this Spring's viewpoint. Almost all the styles are rigidly confined to this store. The Neu) Silk Waists A great lot of elegant Silk Waists black and the new Spring colors is waiting your in spection, Many new styles and ideas are shown in this collection styles which, we feel very sure, you'll like. All at our well-known low prices Next week to witness the greatest sale of Men's and Women's AIU Linen Handkerchiefs you have ever heard of. Wc have made what Is unquestionably the largest purchase of Linen Handkerchiefs ever brought to Scranton and the various lots will go on sale Monday morning at prices. Washington 'Ivenue -T,rTVT--,rT-,r-T,'-T Ill i 1 1 Said the bait to the fish. Or next thing you know you'll garnish a dish. I came from the store of Florey & Brooks, And I'm dangerous. M 1 1 211 Washington Ave. THE IGSIC POWDER CO. Ilooms l and 2, Com'lth BTd'f. CORANTON, A. Hining and Blasting POWDER !? t,t Mooslo and KuabikU WoUl. LAPLIN RANU HOWDBR CO.'S ORANQE QUN POWDER Jtl;otrlo llatlerlei. liloofrlo KxploJtrv txpludlu. bUHa, aiifety Kuuuul pauno Ghelcai Co.'s xi"Hve. ii Hi1 r r ....-.y .