" sUftfy' " &tt'Wilwfyjr'rirVi-'tn t .f" v "i j't1 rl "Wffir.'W, lwriftcnr.f.jwev. ! i"i"t-ifca! ' , THE SORANTOiV T1UB UNE- SAT URD A V, AMUJL t 1001. IX fMy-irtCT, p-&t -Bir.J tH f , j&T v ii I! i h Religious.;.. MISS STIILIiA KKYMOt'lt isnVc1 u 'Ucllslittul tnlU before the Wo man's Foreign Missionary society of the Firm l'lcsbylci-liin church yes ti'iilny. J!1.k Seymour's triiRleul ex perience In South Africa, her la-en ob RGi'Viitloii and devotion to lellgimis In tcrcHtH kIvc cxcoptlotnil vnlue to itnv tliliiK she nmy .uy. N'atmnlly enough, hIiq feels nn Intense sympathy with the Knllsh ciuiM?, hi which her brother. altlniiiRh u lmirlnllo American, fought ami tllml. Natuially. too, she ban a vivid lutore.it In anything iiei'tiiliilnir to South Afrlen. the laud made wiciutl to her by the blood thus hed, She spoke ye.Mteidayoli "Fcuelgll Mis sions and the Work In South Africa," Mls-a fseyiuour ban u wonilcitfiil lfl of lanRUHRc and Hie clicilccst vocabulary. Her descriptions wore Inilultely beauti ful and clear. The veldt, the splendid dome of the southern sky. the bril liance and Klory of It all were rarely portrayed. She told of Johannesburg', as It was before the war. with Its tiO.OQO white people made up of many pre-einlnentlyf-'reat In their chosen spheres, endowed with noble Intellect and line abilities From them she passed to the Katllrs, Will kuvo In detail the Intluenco of the Wlpslonai les among them, speaking- of It as the quiet foice ceaselessly, gently, niarvelously at woilc in every little hut in the comigaled iron houses, chilly and dreary thieo months In the year, and wbeie It is blistering hot during the remainder. She particularly emphasized the value of the Industrial si liools, ami said that In them lay the civilization of the blacks In South Alrlc.i. She spoke of Miss Hose Inness, n sister of a prominent member of par liament, who was giving up her time and fortune to such service, and to Mr. IJciker. a suqnr manufaetuier of Natal, wild supported thliteen missionary families. She then nsked the ipipstlou: "Is it all wuith while?-' And In impassioned words gave the arguments In answer to this ipieslion, summoning up with the declaration that "if we believe in the uuthoilty of the words, 'iio ye into all th" win id and preach the gospel to eveiy eieituie,' the answer must be found In all our hearts," 0 0 I lev. Holieit F. V, Pierce has issued a neatly piloted caid, inviting the Knights Templar of the city to attend the Master services at the Penn Ave- iiue 1'aptlst I'lmieh on Sunday "veil ing, when he will pleach an app.'opii oie sermon on "Modern t'rusaders and Their liolden Deeds." The grand chorus choir under Hie direction of Prof. Haydn h:.ins. will lender special music At the Young Men's (iuistlan asso ciation meeting on Sunday at 3.15, II. '. Shii for. pii'sldent of the association, will make ili- aldross. Kil-ini; music for Krister will lie rendered by the Young MenV I'hiisiian association male chorus, lately oiganized by Assistant Secretary Main. .Men nv ,veleome to this service, which will lie in the Young Men's Chiistian association loom. The sessions of the Wyoming Metho llsl coufci'eiice will open Wednesday morning, it Is likely to be the most iuteiesllng in the history of this great and Important I'onfeience. Many ques tions of weight will come up, and much comment will lie beard regarding the li'-st year's expeiiment with the limit 1 moved. Many changes aie expected, ainl as Itlshop Fowler is a piesidlng ollicor of gieat decision and acute lu ll i. Millions, no sale piedietloiis can lie ni'ide. He is one ol thegieatesl lilshops in Ibis viij.t ileiiiiiiiination. and one of iilleiM1 luli'lleet, m.iloiy and pelMMinl i'y Ills church is pi mid, People in this nd of the toiiieieiiee have had little "ppi'itunlty to hear this famous digni tary In the pulpit, and his piesenee will add much to the interest of the ses sions. The Scraiiioii-WilKes-liuiie J.uther an I'istoiiil association will hold its lni'iithl. ii'.ietlnr, lii the laisonage of St. Peter'., lalllier'in rlitMe h. ISev. John Kandolim, pcslor, mom Monday. The topic for discus. Ion will he "The In spliatlon ol the tllhle." Itev. John uundulpa will present a paper nn "The 'oiifnt and Mode m' Im-piratlon." Itev. O F. KUwein, of Plttston, will read a paper on "The Sourie and Nec essity of Inspiration," o -5 Tonioi iow nioi nhig at lO.Sn a sol iiiii ponllilcal hl'4h mass will he cele biatid in St. iviei's calliedial. The ellicers of tin, nias-i will he: I'elebrant, lit. Itev. M. J. Ilolj.ni: arch pi iest, Itev. J A. O'lteiily; deacons of honor, Hev. P l-av.llo, Itev. I Van lice- doacnu of the mas.-, Ue. I'etci (iough: ,-uh- leucun oi the nui-i, Itev, m McManus: Pleacher, lit v. h'ather lilmsvmi, S, J.; nms-kr of I'-ieiuoiile.s itev. John J. ilil'liu, 1 v ItiV. It. A. McAiidlf ws, pasioi of St. Mltr.v'n t'.nholie cbuicli of Wilkes Marie, has relumed fiom his trip to t'alifornia much ImpioVcd In health, Itev. A. Spauldlng will icad a paper a' the Ilnptlrd pastoi's confer- m CHIN IN To keep tht chin In, nicaus to keep it well drawn buck licnlzoiitally. That rumo.s, what pbyslenl euititilsts cull, "a lilted chest," A lifted chest In-fuiiji-. deep noil full breathing, uud. henre. p-ttie blood nnd perfect ehcula tion, TltY keeping yom chin in, and see how your lIicsi will stand out. giving to a woman u mipnrb figure, niHi to u put 1 1 a military bearing. Moat Colds are ciuiboil by checked circulation, known by a chill or shiver. Dr. lluniplucys' ;; stints tho blood coursing thioiigh tho veins until H leached the exin'iniiies, whop the tuot wuiiii up and the, fold or Orlp In bioken, while its tonicity sustains tho Hugging energies. .t all Diug Stoics, 3i. or mulled. ltTocket Manuul mailed free. llllll,l)lil'.H,' CllllOi4tiU ll!,killP I ) , (l. W'llljm ami liOiu his , V.v Yurk, COLDS dice, Monday at 10, Su, on "The De cline, of Pastoral Visitation." fiospel serv'lees at the Young Wo iiimi'h ciiHstinn association Sunday affeinomrnt .Mr;, All woiifii and gills web onie. Tomorrow's Services Methodist Episcopal. Klin I'.nk Clinuli-l'icJililiiB by tlie Mlui' .Hid iei i.il miBle ill 1U.:I0 ,i, in.: Kii'lci i-oiih mi iv .il ".Ml. ,n iiiiiHinlly fnii' tunKiiiivnip ti,n Ihtii iiii.uiu-i'il. Pi.ijrr nmrpi W mlu ill 10 SO ii in.: tl.i inrcfliiK nltiT Hie ninriili.K fonki1; Snnila.i Htlinol at i ri'ilnrh; lliminlli Leslie nt ","ii i. in. Ilvcr.iljoily imilcil. Adiury MotlioilW i:irciiul llinn.li, Collier Mcnwy avi'inie anil )cId.iip ultoA Itc. W, l. SIiiiiom, Ii, p., ji.(i,i, pi'iotlon.d iiioithiK pf till' llintluiliiHKl ol M, l'.iul ill !'.:10 a, in. '. Irr inilile uml Kjtoi tlicnipi lnr.irlilliff lit MM .1. in,: Milijrtl, "liiitnort.dll.v of riiil.itlau Jn tlncncp;" Sunijjy sclioul ;il iSO p. in. A pi clnt ll.ntci' (.culrc will lie irniltinl by Hip Pun il.iy fiilioal, .MiiIcj1 vIcitloiH ( tln lilglicl merit. KpAorlli I.iMsiip at fl,!,ii p. in. : pren-li-liiK t "."' p. in.: Milipjccl. 'Pcm.itld of tlie Soul (or 1'o.irp .nut Ooil." l'liiyer moclliitf, Wpi1iicwI.iv, ut 7,uil p. in. Hii.ltieM iiioctliiR nt Hip llrotlicr liooil of st. l'.iul on tin- H'uiiul anil fourth Tup". il.i. of o.iili moiitli, jl T.IK) p, in, Seals lrpp ami .ill .iru nplcomr. PimliliMirp .MotlioilM l')i-t ofi.lt clmicli Itov. C.iorgp A Curo, pasioi-. '1 lie llrotlierliooil of St, 1'niil iinoti at 10 ,i. in. Sultfpct of morning ser mon, al 10. 'JO, "Tho KcMiiicctlou of Christ": Sirici.v fi-liool at 2 p. m. ; Kpnortli Ipiirup St l' I", topic, "bead to Sin, Alive to Christ," Austin WhltPLjr, Iciiler. 'flip pl.ilfuiiii ami tloi.il ilecoi.itidH kimiirpiI for the cjiiUIh Thurailav rtoiilng lll ho loft In place anil the sIhrpih ho so iIpIIkIiIciI Hip auilipiu'p on tlmt occjslon will lead the nni-lc of Hib day. The ccnitigr .iirilre lll he lawlj one of sons, short jiUlieH hcliifr sicii I'.v tho p,itor. Ali Mutt Methodibt Upiieop.il tliuicli Koi. I. It. Auslin, pastoi-. Morrlnc prcarhinif scnleo at iniiO ntlock; Mibjoit, "Ihe l!eurlettloll;" ilj iniHitinir at J1..TO ,i, in.: '.. K. M.ntef, lead er: Suntl.iy iliool at ii p. m. ; K. W. btone, ,u lu'ilnuiiileiit; .limioi l.eigur .it :', p. in,; MKi K-le ll.iiliii.ui, suniMinldidiiit; DpHoith l.e.isu.: at ll.i'i p. m.i I'elei ll.irlm.in, 1,'oilrr; CMiiliif I ai liinqr ,;ulce at T..'0; suhjccl. "The Hand of l.od in the Affalis of Men." A coiilial wet Lome to .ill. X.iy Any .McthoiINt Kpiscopal rlmuU Sunday school .it U.SO p. in.; Kiank Kdwanls. auperhilend cnt; pieachim? senicc al .1,"0 p. m. All wrl-c-iiiie. 1 1. minion Street Metlmilisl l.'pi'copal niuirh ,laiue) lli'iiiilnsei, pistor. I'ir.icliiii; at lb.W a. in.: Milijcct of sernion, "The HeMirrcclcd liody;" Surday rcliool at 2 p. ni.; llpwoilli I.eauie at ii.30 p. in." leader, W. Jl, I'rottt ood , pii.Hliiitc; servioc :.t 7."0 p. in.: nibjeel of T iimn, 'The Walk to ICnnu.ius." A niii-ic.it pro gi.unmu by Ike rhoir .it each Miikc. 1'iee bcaK ,ind a roidial ,dconie. Coiiit Street Jlethodist Kpiscopal eliureh Rev. n. r. I,,mii.iii, pastor. Claw, 0.1.1 a. in.. O. P. PeW'ill, leader; 10.30, faster senico by the Sun d.iv whool and baptism of children. A collec tion will be I iken; Junior Lp.utiio, :t.00, to which parents and all fi lends of Junior league are in ituil; li.'SO, Kpuurtli IciKiie, Peiey Morris le.id- I : T.HO, Kn-Ur inuic by ihoir and ,i short talk h. fii-loi. 'Iho last bciwco befoie eonfcienee. All are Molconie. Jtonday, T.00, official boaid inuliiijr. All meniber-; ftlmuld be pic-int. (Vdir AieiiiiD MetliodLsl KpUeopat church llev. 1'. P. Doty, pastor. Meeting Hiothorhood of (-1. Paul, !. 15 a. in.; Easter Jllsdonaiy con ceit senice, 10.00 a. in.; Sunday school al noon; Junior npwoitli leasue, .".30 p. in.; Kpworlli league, 0.80 p. in. Pennon by the pastor, 7.30 p. m. A coulial welcome to all. rhl (ieiinan JIotlioclM Kpiscopal Church, AdiiiM nii,ue and Vire t-tieet G. Dobbin, pastor. Pleaching .seniles, 10 a, in. and 7,i0 p. m 'llieie will he Communion -eniee in the moni iug and in the ev-nlns: " tpecial Kaster wiviec will be held, led I y the Kpwoi tli Leitie Sunday Ml.ool. i:,i-ter fcitii.ll .it noon, and at 2 p. m. al the Tailor Aieuue ih.ipel. 1'iajer mooting mi Tlun.-day eieninir. Airkan JlclhodHt CpUcopal Chincli, llowaid 1'l.irc- Dr. P. S. Bcntlei, pastor. Pleaching, ln::o a. in.; ,-ubecl, "Onist the first fiuiU." At 2..".(1 p. in. the Sunday mIiooI will lendei i-ie-i i.il faster piOKiamme. At (1,1 p, m., Chris tian Knclc.irnr nieeting; 7. II p. in., Iho Twenti eth (Vntin-i inl-sinniry mass meeting, Baptist. lViui uime lliplist eliuirli. IVliii auiuie be tiieen Spline and Unden ftieets Pleaching in moininc at lft.:lO and eicnfng at 7.30 by the pa-tor, Ilei. Itobert f. Y. I'leice, 11. P. Mom. ins piaiers in the lower temple at 0.". Spe ciil Diistir eeni.-es .nnl rhoiie music at all of i lie seniei- of iho dii. Theme of the mornins -Pinion, "Clones of the Piesetil lle.suriection," liceeplloii ot new incnibeis and communion fol lowlnc the seiinon. Special piOKiamme of i,er iires at the Ameiniau ini inn, on Piescott ave. line, at .'l.::o, and at the Ppiiii Aieuue Sunday sihuol al 2 o'clock. The pislor will giic an oiii.'inil ribjeet leson and administer the oulin .inee of bapll-ui durliiR Hie Sunday school for-ilee-. In the eienlni; Hip Knights Templar com lnaiidciies of the city will participate in the ser ikes .ii id llr. Pierce wilj pleach an appiopilale seiinon on Iheuip, "Modem Crnsadeio and Their (olden Deed.." Stianueis cordially welcomed to all i-eriicc-, fii-t llapll-t ehuieh, -oulh Miln au-mic llev, S, I'. Jlithewf, pi-ior, faster penUcs and thcuie-, SilihaMi inoiiilnp; and eienlng, 11,30 a. in, and 7.:,D p. in, in the basement ot the Welsh llipllst i him Ii; Sundiy school, 2.30 p, in,, Ply mouth chinch, llr, Ikildoe, siipeihitendciit; II, V. P. I . senlee, ii.:.0 p. in. at lioilte hall. Weekly plain luivtini;, 7.80 Wedne-diy cieniiig:, to be followed al Win p. in. by the monthly business inn liu,:. Ml aie Imitul. .I,ii Itsiiii Sneet Hiptlst Chuieh--f.islei- senicis, .p.il.il iiiu-ie ami uiiiipie ilecoiatlon-'. Seriiecs all ill). Morning pia)er ineellni; at P.S0; llio tlicr Wlllt.iui Pinllieioe, leadei : e-InoIl at 10.30; tuple, "Mny and Her I end," by the pastoi, ltd. Thoina do (iimhy, 1). 1),; Sunday school .a 2; LIiuIp- l(opy, Miprrlnlendnit; evenhii; miiIcv at 7 "hop. faster lonceit by tho eliolr, special inu-lc at tills senile. Addres-, "Tliy lliollur Mull l.he," Yon aie all cordially in liled in all the priiileges our eliuiiii attoids. Ciciii llidgp Pjpli.t church Mowing prayer meeting at jil o'clock; church .-dikes at 10.30 and 7.30. Nibkct in the iiiinhicr, "lie Pure," and In tho eieulnir, "'Die ltekurrcctlou Life." The font's Suppei will tollnw the morning cer inon. Special l..itcr iiuide at both K'nlces. I.M'tiUes of the Sunday M'hool at 13 in.; meet (ni: of the Junior society at 3.S0 p. in,; roll call o( tho enlor i-oeiely at .S0. Illikclv Itaptbt Cliuicli-p.uid Spcmer, P. P., pjiioi, special Pastel nvuaie, 10.30 a, in.; ser inon, ''ll.e ltli.pii I'liibl;" wclcciine to new ilea. com; I.ouIji Supper, I p. ill.; inreting nt Boys' llrlgaile, Coiupaiilei. A. I! and C, o be addim-nl b) Hon. Janiet Jloir, (uordcr ol eSeuiilons 7.30 p." m., Million, I lie final Victory," fid). body weliome to all tho iril(it. Presbyterian. I'li.t Pi eb) I ei la n Church fasle-r rilii(, lo.u a, in. ami 7,30 p. in. Pi, Mol.eud u picdili, 'the laeiauioiit of baptUm mil be ad. inlid-li'ied to rhlldreii Jl the luoiiihu; kCiilic, 'Hie e hoi il i.lioii, under lh diicetioii of Mr, -lohu T, Walklns u pit-pared flitter miisle (or both moniiug and tie plus eiiiee, Siecnid Pie-b)teilan f liuieli Beilices, 10.30 a, in. ai.d 7,li p. in. Ill', Robinson will pieaih in (he inioiiiii:,' on "fhe ItUui I.oul's ('.ill for a Xciv file," 'I hero will bo III the eifpiug an fi.Ui pi.il-o niilee, partii lulr in by llu.e oicauUIti and nn-heslia, qiiaitclle eliolr and great cl.ciiH. All aie loulially Imiled to altend. Cics.it llidgc I'li'.bylciUn church llci, I. J. bau-liiK, patoi; Itev. b. II, 1'Oatei', aiiltlaiil, 10.3U, uouhlp, wllh KCimou by the pastor, sub ject, "l'ieli Testimony to ClirUt'c lteurrectIon"j U in., Illblc Mhoul. special anuiii'uary esenlios in all deiuilmenU; U.30, Cliilstlau fudeaior; 7.30, uouhlp, wltli sermon by (ho pastor, tub jcit. "Ilic Life to Which We Ulse.M Special muiic at all erUci, All welcome. Washburn Sheet I'ieebyterlju Church Ket, John P. Jlolbi, 11. 0, paitor. SjrvUei at 10 30 a n "id 7,:t0 p. in , Dtble sibool, with pecljl Sunday School Lesson for April t The l.NTH01lt'GTIO.V,-Onr ln-on li.n teferemr to tho meat c Inn. Ii festival (AeU llt 4) which Is nbseiied by liiinilieiU of inlllloiu of lielleici. It Is .1 (omfoilliip; lelleclloii tint Orlcnlal, Citlni, lie, fullirran, Anglican and Itefornieel, dlihlrd on in my mat Ipm of need, crnveiliuieiit ulnl nor hip, i.pveillifless unite In cnmnicnioratlin: the risuttcitliili of Jcmk .Minimi the ulobe liny be lieaul the Jo)iun Holes nf the I!.iIpi aiilhein, proof of that sphllual unity wldcti Is In Him, iciplirey of lliat khitfitoni whleli lie eatne to estiMlsfi, Al ejrli Micceidlns; aniilicri.iiy new lutncst ! .lwiikriinl in the narrallip, liecMiuc fi'oln a thnus.iiiil Kuute... Iiuie.islmr iluhl ban been l.ed upnu It, until Its eery Incident Is ie spletiilenl wllh iiucirlhly lu-lre. All uud liter. Jliili' omtiii.ril line enlisted llie blithest Renins of nit I he t rutin IP In iciidci ibid Iho relies ut the -ppiilfhiiie ot Josppli of Aiamatheii. And )et Hie skny whleli his to In-plird painlcr ami nciilplor, (uli.ler our imislil.in, may be luM, riuldeil by (he oulllne n l.tike. and we nine; in the utleiatices of Ihp othei fviamilbls, we slinll cicupy but lillle vpalt, fVI'.M'S,- Jesus was nticltled cm I'lldai atler noon. The S'abhaih of Ihe ,lew, lienliiiilna; nt 0 o'clock on the same clay, ended .it 0 o'clock on Sitiirda). liming all this time while the iltu.ll cerilres ncie -being: lendereil hi .feiii'.deiu coidlng; lo law the body of Jeaiu lested 111 the embrace of cciitli. The iiluht of S.ituidiy ranic on, reckoned by the Jews as the bec'liinlnij of the il.tl day of their wrck, and the ltoiuaii iiibllcis continued their watch oicr the sepub chiiiT. Finally, the tumult of the bio.H nietiopn lti ceased, and Its Inhiliit.ints tank Into luinlier. So f.i t.is moll, 1 1 could judge the Na7,irene mnl His pause hid perished and Ills enemies had Uiuinphid. Hut the events of that niaht iluiiucd thi! piasped. The leiord has been made by a dilute band, jtiilde.il by iiLsplratlou (Matt. nmI.H: 2-I). and that the hand of the publican aposltc. 'llieie was un carthqii.ikp. The angel of the I. old dese ended tiom heaicii. Ills countenjiice was like llghtnlne', tils ralnmenl white as snow, for fear of Him the keepeis of the 'cpuli'i.nc tiembled and bcpame as dead in 'ii. The unsel lolled back the stone and sat upon It Ihinuidi tint open door Jesus walked, beheld by no liuinin eje, the mighty eoiiqiieior of dcnlli (P-iIni lwlii: 20). lmdlS, 'I he precise hour in whli Ii the fore goiii',' eicntu ciecmied is unknown, but it is lecou'ed that the i-oldieis, recoieting" from their flight, lied to the city uml icported (Matt, .vwlli: II). After they had left a lompany of ii omen came to the sepulchuip. Among- them weio Jf.u;' .Mjudaleue, Joanna, Jlary, the mother ot James, and olhpi8 (Vep 12). 'Ihey were moved by a commendable purpose to annolnt Hie body of their loicd Master, whosv death they supposed to be absolute and llrul. They brought swiet niice.-, whili had been pmclia-4'd (l.li. lll: 5-fi) probably on Friday eicning after the burial. They were ignoianl ot the natch and muI which had been i-et alter their de parture ironi the -ppuleliiiir (Matt. :,.iii: 0"i), also of the occuriences just described. They, theieforp, only knew one hindrance to the easy perfoimance of their service of love, namely, th! great Mono which Joseph and his senants bid placed al the mouth of the .ppulehurp. They ,drcw near in the early morning, while it w.u jet quite d.nk, just as the hint rai.s of the aim began to appear in tile east. Xaturally they quelled among thcm.elies concerning the stone, libetho.' their combined Micngth was sufliclviit for its rcmoial, whether assistance could be had, whethir, po.-ibli, the gardener himself might be found at that hour, a miller which, in their haste, they bad oierlooked. PfltPI.KXITV. On coming neaier the women chscoicreil that the lont was already remoicd. One of the apostles (John .: 1-2) informs us that Jlaiy Jlagdalene, when ber e.ies icsted on the open sepuleluire, inferied that it had been lobbed and hastened into the city to report to the disciples. It was the impulse of aident lovo that led her to turn without knowing, to break the tidings and seek sympathy and help, .in in teiestirg instance in which the lieait contiolled the bead. The othe.- women, perhaps, disponed tj wait for her letuin, or, it may bo, sharing: Jlaiy's fears and quite overcome thereby, tarried at the scpnlchurp. As the incieislng light of the morning mtlk iently di-elosed the bituatiou, calm cr thoughts possessed the minds of the women, and they entered into the sepulchuie. Hut the body w .11 not found. Conflicting opinions were tunned by the little gioup. Can it be, as Jlaiy thought, that enemies bale invaded the resting place ot the dead? After the ignominious tie.it ment at the tiial and on the cross, could the Jews bo so wicked? Or have trieniK, Jo.-eph, the owner of tho sepulehuip, or omc other, ie uioiril the body to another place for Mle-kecp-ing? Theic was much pciplexily in con-cquenie. ANCIffS. While the-e questions ueic agitat ing the minds of the women, the scene suddenly changed. Jtesscngers Ironi the heavenly world, two men, l.uke calls them (Ver-p I), angels In human foini ".stood by them in dazzling ap paied" (Mark Mi: fi). In this passage no find that Jlaik i-a)s theie was a young man on the light .side of the tomb. This agiees substantial ly with JIatthcw'fi statement (Ch. rlii; 5). The two evangelists do not contradict the think f.iideutly they lcfer lo the oio angel who had been seated on the stone. The different accounts haiiuonie. If wp Mippo.se that he icmoicd to the inteiior of the fropulcbine; that he concealed him-eli as the women enleicd, aflcr being seen by one orlwo of them; that with another angel lie ie-appeaiecl when the women were con.ultiug. The supei natural features of the go-pel nairative aie iciy iiunieiou. and slntllng. Theie aie many accnuntn of i.tiange pliriiomiui and of ;he appeaiama of hoaienly beings related, lioncier, itAAAitfciliilliAiH4titliiAIHtIACmfcleAAA - - - - A - - - faster nmgiauuiip, at li in.; Young People's Christian fndeavur seicitty will hold .i meeting at fi.?0 a. ni.; biib:it, "Dead lo Mii; Aliio to CInM;" leadei, Miss I.ucy Itcitin.iuer. Xo il cuing jeiilio of the Christian fndeaioi. All bocleties are cuidlally Iniited to atlrnd the d.'-'O a. in. senicc. Pra)cr meet Ing, Weduesda), 7.::o p. in. fkiboiate llaslcr music .it each twice In the church on Sabbath, faster senium In the morning. A delightful choral aenlce, assisted by Ihe full oieheti.i ill tho cienlng, fitter ottcrlugs lor fcieign missions at all the -eititcj. All welcome, fumner Aicr.ue Piesb.itcilju Chinch, couur Sumner avenue and Pi Ice street Morning -eivice at lO.iU a, in., to be conducted by Mr. He. Iliowu; piddling at b p. in. ley I'iofcsoi- plum. Icy; Kniiilay school at 2 p. in.; Young- People's Society of Christian fndeaior after the evening rervlir, Hand of Hope. Tuesday and 'lliuiisday evenings, 7.11 o'doek, to lio conducted by Itev. I'l auk J, Milnian. A (oidial welcome to all Ad.iun Avc-nup ( hapel, New Yoik sliect faster services: Moniing, 10.:i0; Itiii. James Hughes will driller n short addiea,!, The ilioli will ting two aiithcms and Mr. Itankiii will .sing a solo. Ilvfilliig, ".SO, A Ijikc choir of Hie Sunday wliool Kholars will ting several suita ble pieces and sonm excellent iccltatlmis will be giicn. The chapel choir will sing an anthem or two. both the choir 'ami the ihlldieu ham been nuking apcrltl picparatlons, and it U ex pected that tho rich piogranmie will be rAlcirut, ly irndeicd. The Hoi, Jaiuc. Ihijhei wl speak for n few minute?. A coulial imitation Is glirii to the geneial public. He in i,oui tune In mder lo secure seats, lijilscopal. S IJ.iuu's I'Jildi Uei. fdiiaid Jaines Me. Ilciuy, lector, faster sen Ice-, ii, 7.:.ci and J0.:;0 a, in,, IU0 and 7,'M p. m. U lD.cO the comniun. ion mvlcii by W, II, Jlaik will be icndercd. )inii "Weleeeii.e, Happy Moiiiing," A, II. Sub llvaii; ''At Ihe LaiiibS Hlgli Mas We Sing," (,'. J. I'.in.l ' "ugels, Itcll Ilee Hock Away," C, I". Uwirri "Ih I. Ill-cu! Hu l Itlieu" J, Jlin. oei: jiiHuiu "Ji.us Live.," T, llcibert Spinney. Liu hi' (Inn eh, collier Washington aieuue ami I'alk tliritltev. I'- S. Ualbnlliie, lector. .Sinhfii, 10.80 a. in., i.SU p. in., 7.K0 p in. All seats hie. All weliome. Reformed Episcopal. (,iaec llefonncij fplseopal cbuich, W.vumlns ainiiie, below Mulbepy stieet Itev. Ceoigc L. Ahlcli, pjstor. I'ia)cr and prahe eiihe, O.SO a. in.; divine uer.hlp and eoniiininloii at 10.30 a. in. Subjeet, "fhu V'lut lte.iiireclloii," Itev. W: 5 U; evtniiiR ivpulilp at 7.30. Studies In MaUclil, "Ihe iplilt cf the Ace," Mai. !;'; sabbath school at 12 m.i V. P. S. C U. Jt 0.SO p. m. I.c.son Dtudi, WeJiidsda) cienlng at 7.S0 Resurrection of Jesus. Luke xxiv: 1-12. with null simplicity nnd ethical lncerlly as lo awaken tin) tuiiflclciiru nl llie uverage. leader (1, Tim. Ill: fil). 'Iho two lUtlurfl ilfTilghleil the iioiniii, who, hi Midi it (dace, would be moie tli.ni fciidthe, slid nflrr tin- culom nt Oilenlul. ids hi the p'e'enip of supcilms (tlen. Mill! '.')i they bowed llulr facts In the p.irlli In (nl.en of liumllhllloii and leieieiipe. !llS.tll!, Ibe inigcls did not i nine hi iiwakili leal, nrlllirr tu ipcpIip woihlp. When sulTeied to IpiHC Hip ulnry world lor Ibis It le.is tl'Pir biisine.s lo In Ing i mine; mpss,igp of good rlhb. I.il), It they eniiip nnl now .H I hen (hey riitiie, It If becnusp nil neceled light has been glim to guide linn In the light way (i Pt. I:lll-a)), lle-hles, when .leu, Ihe Lord of Iho Hoi hi ,ibiiie, lain in ii led In Ihe lloili. and men failed tu nudeisliind Illni, It was puqei' (hat Ills sell. Hits .should .lltctnl lllm, te-llty cf llllli, ami ptipam fin llllll. Ilrticp llic-c lln III thai chamber nf dealli u-ohed Ihe doubts and lev lied Ihe hopi.i of Ihe women. "Vr.if not )e" (Mall, .v;illl: ,i) said Hip ppoi;eniiiii. he who had lolled llie stone away (Mink Nil: S). "Why ,eek ;c Ihe living mucins Ihe ileailc" Sliangp que.-llon! Hebiike to Hip lack of faith llie dead llie llilng! (llev. I:ISI. The wIioIp Itocpel' Was In those words. Crucl fliil, il-eii! (Itoui. Ii: 'J"i). An angel li.nl coin piCMceil and aniiotiuicd (ntiicmlng Jems what a, ivoild of sinful mortals needs to know, T'lip speaker then reminded the women tint thti eleelaiatlon was hi haimouy with the many u. leianecs of Je-ius (Vei.se 7), and wllh III, pioni-i-e to meet the dl-elpb's in Cdllee (Malt, xvl: ill). I'llfAUIIIMi. Thus the tli-l Intelligeiiie nl the nsinieellcii was dellieied tu u eompjiiy of women, .standing In the vciy place wheie (lie body of Jesus hud been laid. The wool- weio leeeived with atonishnient (Maik wl: h), and ultti great jnytMatt. ,s;ili: S). They leinei-i-lieipd what Jpstis had safil and became the tlrsl bellciei-s In the risen LTul-t, They liuleiicd they inn into the city. They sought thp rlpien dl-eiplcv, peihap- a einbled In their in.ul place nf luei'tlng (Acta 1:13), or more like!), M.itteicd their diffcient lodgings about the city. They all told one sloiy, eipanding Ihe ansel's Inc. age, "lie i- llsen," dnelllng with eull.ti sIjmu upon the detail-, of their vilt, leheai-lng ii. many lline.s, un-weilng eiiestlon-, rrnioiing' doubts, eloquent with fallb and ladiaut with bepe. Tho-e women pi cube is weio not o ihind. He, the .stout angel who had opened the (.epulclue, i ciiiii.i .-InneJl them, and that was I'linugli. Up .jlil: "(in quirkly and till" (Vail. Willi 7). and the) obeyed." The news was loo woiul'i(ul to be Hue. It -ei liled BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS. By- Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D. IItohi Aiithur'h Notes in "The Sunday School Lesson Illustrator," Published bv !'. II. Kevell & Co., Chicago, 111. J IbBRIHI KaaiKiaKi umxmmmix JJAJ11 The plan of redemption euibiaees. 1. The incarnation of the Sin ot Cod. '. His (io-pel of pardon and peace. f. Ilis atonement for sin. i, Ilis lcsiurcctiin finm ihe dead, as the divine- seal tc Hie mi. Ion and ministry, the piuposo and the power of Jesus Chiist. . His ascen-ifiii to the tluone of Clod as our lulei ccssor ami Jfcdiatoi. The lesuirecllon oi Jesus is as impoitent in the pmpose of flocl as III inclination and Ilis death on the cio-s. The rc-unection ot Je-us Christ is A llistniical fact; A Spiritual Tiiitli; A foundation of Chii.-ti.m Hope I'l the le-uneetioii of ( l,ii-t we bale Ihe giiMteat picof of His dnlnity. Heie lie bail power not only oier nature, but over deith uud the giaie. That Je-us lo-e is of gicatcr intetest to us Hun all III-' wonderful miracle-. Xo eient in lii-lory is nieire cleaily autlientl tatcd than His iem reel ion. There are many icstoratloiia lo life in H,.- Srilptures. These did again, but Jcsu3 io.-e lo die no moie. "lie oier fuelli to make Irleice-oinn" for them that loip Him. As Jesus lo-e, eien so shall all rise who believe in Him. As Jesus liies; we shall llie nl-o. At faster the C!ui-tiin woild stands reier cntly al the emply tomb of Jo-ils of Xa?arclh: bul wllh fallhS laiger vl-iou we behold lllm n-j aboin llie giaie, aboie Jeiusalem, above tho clouds, above the state', to tho Huoiio i.biiij 'lie tier liveth to make inteieesoion foi us" fiom llie open tomb of Jesus Chll-t tleio lisc the religion of ihe cm--, lining a ron,c for euiy loiee, a pe.u foi eieiy heart, ,i hope for eveiy Hie. X.itiue and grace Impicv, the le on- ut the li'sin lection. The di.ilueak, the .-pihiglirie, the bni.-ting bid, the opening egg, ihe ie decnied life, aie pen- ol liiloi) tor life fiom ci'dnik. followed by pia.iei lueellng at S n'c loe k, Seals free. All welcome. Evangelical Lutlmnn. fi-ler Suiidai ; Gospel, Mail: xvi, Pb; fpi-tle, I Coi. v, U-N St, Jl.nk'.s, Wa-hbuiii and I'oiuleeulh -tieel- Itev. A. 1 1. Ilamer, Ph. I., p..sloi. ."eiileen, lO.uil a, in, and 7..'ltl p. m. : I.ulher league, II...U p. in.; Sunday school, U in.: Weduevlay s,eiice, 7.'i0 p. in.; Mission band, Satutday, S.30 p, m, Jlornlng -ubjeit, "The Joy of faster to the He. Ileier," Holy coiiimiiiilun uud iceeptlem of new menibeis at moinlng senlec. The Sunday school will innler an fa-tcr piorauunc at evening sei vice, .Matin .seniic faster luoinlng, II o'clock. Holy Tilnlly, Adiins avenue unci Jlulbeiry sheet Rv, ('. C. Spuker, pastor, seriicf-, 10, 'ill a, in. .ni'l 7..IH p. m. I.uther League, ik'Hl p. in,; Sunday school, U m.; ('ateihellcal hi' stinctloii, Jlondiy, 7 p. m. Illble .study, Wed ii(sda), 7,t" p. m. Ml-sloii Hand, Saliuday, 10 a, in, Jlathi teiilce al ti.ia) a, m. Holy loin. Ii union at Iho niuriong sciviee. The Siindiv school will lender an fastei scnlie at Hie men. Int. seivlee, st, Paul's Shorl aieuue Hei, W. ('. I., bailor, p..stor. Services, 10..:i) n, in ni.d 7.IM p. in.; Sunday school, i.'M , in ; ratec helical iusliu. lion, J.tl p. in. I.ullier League, Wednesday, U.'.iO p, pi, Mai ill senile at II a. 111. ihe Ii"') Coiuiuuiilou will ln cdcbinlrd at inoiutug ser vice. ZiouS. Jlltlliu .iieiiui Hoi, I' I'. V.U luui.ii, p.'slor. ,-eniees, o,:ti ,i. in.; sii.da.i school, ' p. in. I'll'.' Holy Communion will be eeloln.ili-il, thibt Chinch, C'edir nicneie and llliiii sti-ct-Hcv. James Willie, pa.lor, neTiiii', Hk-Jei .1, in, Ji.el ,M p. m.; -'unday s.bool, 'i p. lie. II' ly ('o.ninimiou will be crlebialcd at morning: .i vice. Pirp.uatoiy .-in leu at 10 a, pi, SI, Pctei',, J'ecseott inenue Itev, John fan dolpli, pastor Scribe, 10.ai a, in, and 7.0 p. in., Sunday school, J p. ni, IVr..r.'.lory nei.iu at ;0 a, in. Tlie Holy C'omiiiuuiuii will be ido biated al inoiiilug ten Ice. I.iuuumiel (leini ui-l'i lish Lnlbeuu (Tiuiih, Uccsii stieet ll"V. rwdhuud Salnluieler, paslor. i'le.idilng in the Ceiuuie ami I'oll-h language al p a. in.; Miieday school .it i p. m. I'lie Holy I'liiumunloii will be Mdebiatcd (ilaee fuglidi Lulhiian ihuiih (1'i'ciii'ial Sjnod) couur Mjilbeui aieuue and Mulberry ttieet llev. Lutlivr lle-s WarlniTf pastor, u.:ifl a. in., Sunday mhuol; pi.r.u a, in., elliiiia wor.lilp, sub jett of sermon, "faster Joy and Pionilsc." Ad ministration of Ihe Holy Communion; till p. m., Y. 1. s. V. f.; 7.;i0 p. m., the Sunday school will render an faster and church c.ten.Ioii ser vice. The public ii eoidlally invited, Miscellaneous. vll CoiiU' l'nhralltt Cburih, I'm .tiret, be BY J. E. Gilbert, b.D Secretary ol AmetlMti Soilctv of Religion i Kdiuation. ici ll.e apostles to be but lille lull;. And )Jt the wonieii who loo good lo be miltullifnl, tun tiinuil lo be lejectcd, I'BTlllt. Mlillc nil IIiIa wae Ir.nopiiiiij Willi her iu-0"lule.s Maiy .Magdalene -oughl mil uiitl found Hip Impetuous Peter uml Inlcl tier etnty (John xt'.i). Ami I.e. with John. Hip lielmvil, Jniinger and lletler nl foot, Went tenth out of tlu city Ulnl r.imo to Hip vp'lletiei. P.lsdlig along sonip oilier ionic, ih V uib'sed Ihe women on their jo) fid ledum, ulm llifouns us of llicir ltt with ccnsl.leilble detail (ell. jVlldO). They flit isliioiiil ilciwn iimt looked III, and nftetwuid enleieil the sepulcliif. 'they uiw ll.e lllu-li ilolhs whleli bad been uiappeil about tlie boely, nnd the napkin width bid been wound mound the head, unseen of iiniueiilloiieil by toe women, uml thai wn' all, I low tine It la thil men Hud whit they oeck! (hiike l:!0. Xo Jpmis was theie. No angel appealed. Xo lobe was heiinl. The told, empty Innili was piofiiiinilly silent, "liange, Hint Ihe women should In! f.ii ol I'd aboie men! tie, tho Hint to dpi II thp word at Pellleccisl (rls 11:11), uliel be ivhii Jciiied on the Sailoui's bieasl and icceliccl (ho cl.titig M.isin's lommaiiit (Jotiii K: 27), HiPi!e eleuied n pilillegi' giatetcel only to wu men! Whit means this method of Pioiblenee? It Is Cod's way of nctumulatliiff evidence, of niiukenlng filth, ami ot pieparlng men mi Iheh tiiN-ion. (JOXPM'.-IO.N',-Is this New Testament recoiel worthy of our faith? Did Jcus il-e nom the dead? With the nn-iver lo that question Christianity stands nr falls, and human hopes Ihe or polish (I Cor. si! II). Notice Hip aiguiiic'tit: He Hied. He was put. to death lb- was inlombed. The apcwllcs believed tb.it Ills death was hrctrleiable. The women be lieved Ihe same. The latter etl.spla)ed their be lief by Ihe attempt to embalm Ills liody, while the (oimcr doubted alter the lesurreetion ii.'d been announced. Noun of them hnc'V tlm Sriiptme, "that lie inul I be again," or mi-dei-loiKl Ills own pieeliitioti-. (John .:'i), ( all this early ti"dliiinny went lor naught iinlll crnllilued by sub-equent cienls. Anil Ibis e run-id near the elly where lie wa- iiueifl'il, Yet ll.eec, a shoit lime ai'ieiwaicl, thc-p doubt Ing disciples weie liansfoitned into bold wit-ne--es, preaching to enemies and tcofleii5, anil gi.iu'i.g tie in to faith in the le-uneetioii, and out of Hum fm mine the tins) (lul-llan chinch. And Iho-e sJine apo-lle--, going out fiom the renter, pioelaltncd (lulsl and the lo-uncetion in the leiiions beyond, sealing their tc-Hiuoni Willi Iheh blood. Oier all Ihe pnilals of all Mine (italics and in neiy pious he.nt lei Ihe.e words of (mill be eiijuicd: Ihe tomb. How ve -had Hip again up nice Mil knnw, bul wc do not, doubt Cod's mum proni!-c.s "is I live, )o "ball Hie al-o.' We do not gin-it ion the cmMcihp ot the bultcilly 1'cciiu.e wo c.innol undcist.itid the tiaii-leuuu-tioii fiom wen m life (o wing life, nor -houbl wa doubt our biiilled ei-lcnce beiond the gr.no bcc.iu-e no cannot iiiiderslau I bow Cod can liaiisfonn us into His image. It is not so stiange that we .-hill Hie again as that we now live. In clpveloping the bla'kbo.inl Ie on tli.-t nuke a sketch nl a lilv, and on cub petal write i thought suggested ly the ltsuuiclion. The: Illy is the queen of the flowers fm' faster lime. Hack of the flower chaw the outline of His L'los-, Iciiing the wolds, "ill: IS IHfX." HE5dJHW:CTIOX. Cloiious (bought! ble-ee'e assuraiieel Speak il, foilb til! all the ivmld shall hear that "Je-us is li.eii." Let iiatuie aid in teaehim; liulh. Speak it foilb from Miinmer laindiop to iiiidcsccnl bow; fiom eitpiing ivoini to gilded bulterhy; fiom carbon coal to sparkling diamond; fiom silent egg lo sinking bird; fiom flower seed to flower bloom. As v.e study Ihe plant life fiom the lily bulb fo Ihe Illy in bloom, may we not behold the po-,i-bilitiis of our gluiious ! uiieitlon, when the W5m& ffi&i&S&mlSsSSEilFn bodies ot our hu'.iiili.iHon shall be r lunged Into the likeness tf (luisl's glorious body" l!le-scd thought, tint Jesus is the le-uneetioii and 'lii; Iho, and il wo aie in (lui-l wc shall Ihe cler mill with Him. "Tho empty ii.ue, Ihe languished diaih, f.'.eh tombstone lolled awa), f. mil's nigh', all pad. Ilenen'- nioiuii.g daw n-', He hold oui- f i.ler JJiy." A - AelflfitS - - - A - AiaiH4Alita tvien Adam? and Jellei-on .neiiue- Out) niic --I-ihe will be held on l.'a-tpr Sunda.i Itev, h. I,, Lewis will picaili at I u'doek p, m., on ihe subject, "Crnunds for a Hcllef in liiinioitalll)." Spidal nin-iu will be lendcicd. Cahaiy ChuiebSei vices at the usuil bonis in. luoiimv. Himniner fvangcdlst Wlllln.i-. will piciih at the moinlng neiilie on "Ihe .Vnung .Man and His Company, faster eeiel-es will bo belli he Hie ('celling liuelei the dhcclinu of Piolessor I), f. Jones Thn Wel-h P.i-lm-' Con. leicl'.ee will be held on Tuesday, llev. II, f, Williams will read a paper hi Ihe aflunooii. llev. .lame- llughe will pieadi In fnglish, an I llev. V, i". Puis lu Welsh at the evening sei vlep. fust Pu'niitiie Methodist ihuiih, fiieeu ltldge Itev, i, Lees, pastor. Jtornlug subject, "lllfll eultlcs Itenioved." Holy Communion Immediate ly after seiniou; ncning; eervlce, Itev. W, II, Williams, the drummer evangelist. Come and hear this noted pieacher. A welcome to all, ltalhoael Y. 51, C. A. Mr, C, fi, Hanboin, superintendent uf the Itr.-iue MU, Ion, will ad-eliev-s the men's meeting Sunday at 3.41 p, in. The Simpson Jlalc quailelte will lender a pin gramme of special luudc. A cuidial wedeomc Is tMended to all nieii, Capou-o chapilPiejihhig, I0...0 and 7..o by Hie p.iftor, llev, L. it. I'o-lei; Miiulay school, , p. in,; senior iiuitcaior, u.ini; .luiiloi fiidcavor d tinging piicllee, Jlonday evening; pujer c ng, 7.S0 Tliur-day evening. All wdcoine, '.ton l.'n I ted fvaugdleal church, 1(0 Capoiisc rime Pleaching at 10..'.0 uud 7,"0 by the pis. V IISV .1. VI'. Ml CkSII'TI.I -.nltlsl "Daeum ,. ami iiugiu: me yidll 1 lltll'H rvMtlt'PlilV ll clllir,1, I i'lll e'mnii. avenue Pleaching at 10..'.0 uud 7,"0 by tho pis. lor, nrv .i, c, .iese,ugei', -uniecis, "itemiie Iluu o the Hod)" and ".Moie Than Conqueior," Sunday school, O.flO; Junior fudeavni, II p. in.; Seuloi' f uileavor, U.ililj prayer Hireling, 7,:w Wed, li -d IV ei llllll Ihcryhndy wclcnine. Mats fice. DALTON. 'he fuueial of Woseolt Sniltll was held hi llie llaplbt i loin li on Wcilue-day inoiiilug al II o'clock. Itev. Kuhcit, II, Tlioiupsoii hid iluige of Ihe seivlic. A lJIge milubei' uf filcudj and nijlhi'.s weie picseid. Two edeitiuiis weie uuj by a eliolr coiiipil.-ed el Mis. (laieme .stone, Mrs. II, 1). Snarl, .Mrs. ITaul, luvln, Mi i Lena Tlflony, llaiiy I'lnu, Ceoign DeiLtir, . P. Jen kins and u Kii'scic', Jin. , p Jenkins pic sided al the nigau. A chut was aUo suiig by Mis. Jenkins and Ml'. I 'oh In. I'udeilaker stjn. Ion, of factoi)ie, had ehaije f. the body, and hitciment was In Sboeiuaki'i'a ceiiietiiy. Miss May Smilh ciiteitalncd a luiiuber of her fijenebi on Tue-djy eicning wllh ,i warm sugar iroeial. A vciy Jolly patty ol jouiig people met at Ihe hom: of Ml-s ilabel IVskcr last Pi I Jay cirnlug In honor of MUs llattlc Jaiktou. The eienliig ai spent iciy pleasauil) in niacin;, THE FAME OF MME. RUPPERT 1IAB NliVKR BKEN KQUALLKD BV ANV OTHItR ' COMPLKXtON SI'KCIAI.IST. The most imttatcd woman in the world Tin Discovi.r.KR MME. A. ace oleach Da Removes Permanently PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES, ECZEMA, MOTH PATCHES, SALLOW NESS, and WRINKLES NOT CAUSED BY FACIAL EXPRESSION. : : : : : Does not cover up but removes the blemish. RaceT3leach BRIGHTENS, CLEARS and BEAUTIFIES the COMPLEXION It Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders with a Bid One. ITS MERITS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER. USED AND RECOMMENDED BY REFINED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. clbsolately Harmless and cAkuays Successful, Drop In and slciohive Mrae. Ruprcri's Face Bleach ihown lo you and have its merits, manner nf using and wonderful remilli eiplalned, so ou mill be satisfied it is nhat ou need for your completion. We ill ways carry a full line of Mine. A. Ruppert's dray Hair Restorative, Egyptian Balm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap and Hair Tonic. Cull Mini lmvo tleclr liifi'lts explained lo you. Ahk foi Mmc. Kiipperfr. book, HOW T0 "E BEAUTIFUL." FREE. Jonas Long's Sons SOLE AGENTS. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In I'.irecl Mjnh fl. JM1. Vcr I'liiljele'lplii.i .mi! Xen Voil; lii I'. II. li. II.. al C.l.-i line) 11. V, .i. in., cicl '-M. I '. (Ill id. llidiiiiiml i:ipicv), jr.el ll.lllt i in. "'in cjjis, II. k II. 11. II.. 1.5S, S'27 p. lei I'm WliKo 11.11,11, IlcU'tnn anil pilih-ipil pi'in'. in tho lcuI lesions, i.i 1). & II. I!. 1!., n ". L'.IR :iiicl 4.27 p. i.i. It 1'oltMilli', Vll p. m. l'oi HhIIiIpIicii, i:r,trn, llcecline. lUuli'iurj iincj principal iiiti'iniicll.itc. M. ilium lin II. x II. II. It., il.li, ll.Ti j. in.; 2.13. 1.27 dlliieU lli.i ii'Olid lJprp), ll.tiil p. in. hiinil.ii , II. & II. II. II., I ."8. .-!' e. in. Tor TiiriKliatinciLl:, T.nvjiiila, l'.linii.i. lllm J. (cum anel piintip.il inluiniicllilp l.clioin. iti I.. I., ii W. II. I!., s.M J. in.: l.itt uml ' I" I. in. Tor C'ciioia, Ito'liv-l.'i', ilnlTiiI.i. Xlis.n.1 r.ilN, C'liiiafro .mil nil point" ul, via I). A; II. It. II. , ll.fij a. in.. .'I.TI (lll.il I. IliJinoml i:pu-H). ' I". 10.11, ll.Mi p. in. SuihIjji., II. i II. I!. I! . ll.."j, H.-17 ). in 1'illlniail iulcn .mil Meepini; nr I.clilk'li .ill p.'.rlcns nr'. mi all it.iins IipIuppii WilUfc-IInn' niiel Xe;ii- Veil!., l'liilailcl,ilii:i, lli.ll.iln ami .-'i- priHion liiiuuc- 1IOI.I.IN" II. WIl.lll It, (Sen. -Mipt , hlicct. NViv Yciil;. cjiaiii.i's s i,i:i:, ecu. i:n. Am.. Ml eel, Neu" VoiK. A. V. NOXXi:IA('lll'lt, Dii I'a- :e; c oi 1 1. nnl Jl. ( Ollllll'l V-;l , - nil Bullilelicni, I'a. I'm licKcl nnd I'lilli'i.m iieri'illuli- appl.i in "O'l I..K Kji.mn.e. nicine. S-.i anluii. I'.i. Delaware, Lackawanna ami Western III Klleel Dim-, l', TWO. Smith I.r.iu' Sinintoii lor New Vnik :il I. U), S.( "e.30, soa ami ln.d) a. in.; 12. Ti, ::.: I ,e. in. l'nr Tliilaclelpliia .a S.OO anil in.il" a, in.; I'.Vi niul :;.'!.l p. in. I'or .Slinii'Mnn al d.iu p. in. Mill; accomiiinii.il lull al ".in p in. Aniie ,u Hobol.en al C, :til. T.K 10.'. 12.IK. .'I.i:.. I I-, 7.1ft p. in. Aniie; .u Tii!kilollil.i al l.n. :.'J !, (, anil ?.-- p. in Anne Ii.'iii Neu uik ,il l.lii, I...12 iii,il M.2i i. in.; l.i'in. I..'-'. ."i.ili. ,;. li llllcl ll.lill p. 111. Tlfhll Mleillil-lilllK ai'icir, .1 111. .Vnilli leale I- lanimi lor llullalo ainl i.ilei liicdiatp M.illieii't at I.I"'. '''!"' aim IX"! a. 11 . 1..11, ."l.lS .11. ll ll..!" P. Ml l'oi II-HIKU Mill hyiaciiac al it V .1 in. aii'l I., p. in I m I'llc.t ill 1.10 a. 111. iii.il I..'", p. 111. I'm- Vim. Iiom' nl D.nS ;i in; l.n'i anil ".l p. in I'm N'iilmNoi' nt I IKi ami li.l'e p. 111. I'.u lll'ij. Iifniiton at H'.20 a. ni, Ail ice in Scianton Iioi.i llnll.it.i at l.'J'i, '2 Vi. '.li ami liimi a. 111.; H.MI anil O.OD p. in. 1'io.n 0hco mil ).iiaiu-i' at 2..V1 a. in.; 12."- ainl S-.tn 1'. ni I'limi I !' 1 al 2."i a. in ! IH."- .'ml !.( p. 111. I mm Vldinl-nii nl 7.H a. m. ami ll (f p. in. 1'ioin .Miii'tlii.c .ll in.'1'' a. i.; :--" ami .'-l I', ni. Illciinn-l'ini: leliMm.- I.i'.ne f-cianion im Xiiitliimilicilaii'l, at 'I. I". Hl.'" a. 111.: 1."" 1-.1.I ti.ZQ p. in. I'm I'l'iii'inlli at l.tl'i, a. ID, s'll p. 111. I'm' l'iiiu-li'ti al Mil a. in. uiie ei Ncntliiniilirilaml al ',"1 a. 111.; Mil, inn ami i.; p. 111. Aniie al lilnj-lciii al R..-.2 a, in nlti at I'ltiiiejiitli in Mi". 4,:,-2. ti.11 p, in 111e ill .-'iiaiilcm I'l c'in Xuilliiuiilieilaiiil al !).(. a, pi : J.;;.1, '..'ill uml i H I'. '. I'ioiii KliiMiInn al ll.iM a. i'l. I'ioiii I'l.ui.milli at 7. .11 a. in,; ;:."o anil .1.111 p. in. l XIIAV '111 MM8. S'litV- T..aie c-iiviiini al I. ID, .'.'nn. ,1 .10, phi, p. m.; .1..:.l ami !i.l I'. ' ' Xmtl - I.c.H'.' 'ni led 11 at 1.1.1, ti.11 a. 10 1..11. Mi anil ll.l'-l I', in Itliitiiil.liinf.' llill.iot. 1.1U1C Niaiilun at lu.ill a. 111, and &.SU V. m. . Erie and Wyoming' Valley. Time Tdtile 111 lllteet l"'pt. 17, llinn, Tiaitn for llaulc-y and loi.il iininN, ionium I Ing al llawlev ullli lliie lailicid for Xew ni., Xm liiui' auel iiitiiineill.ilo pcilnti, leave 4, 1.111 Ion ,tt 7,0.1 a, in. ami -2.'2.1 p. in. 'lulu, .niiie al S. union al l'i Lii a. 111 ami n.I'i p. ni. game, ami ntlior jnm-i'iucui, H a l.iti' teuin ,1 Immunol Mipply of ttiir lunent mii! -uud alter iildch .-onte Mj.IiIIbIiI pliline uoie tiKeii 'Hum' pt(eiil ncre; Mles llaltlc .licl.-mi, J-alllu Wcln'i, Mal'd Pinel.v, llniina sliamp, lli.un I'niely, llt'iilali llallf.i, nn.i HiwUin, Jliln'l Ili'tl.er. .Moil II.1111 I'lnu, limy Tilluny, Mel loll I'lllill, ITo.lel I'illll, .Illllll WVlir, le'li'lS"1 i-iuitli, licnien llllllnii, nf l.'i-t Lunion, and Walter lllddlein-ii, in l'.liol. 1 ill;'. llieie 'lltl.eei le.ii. ni.i'lititl a lin.lllilll il a 11I10I0.1I11 gtoctiy liou-o al .Sii.inUii. II.. C.kr.l I, 'ril..,,1..., Vl.flt lO ll'l ,.1,11,1,. ii... ,.um, . . , e",,,. ',, ...,.v ... .. .... , .lol.ieljy let imidiKl a Inniial of nne ol liU ' ......... .. ... .it.i ...... j . ,,'.111,1 lrt,'IttV'.ir.. )lt, mid Ml,. Jnlin It. Ceilciiian linn irlimicil Ileum1, .llll'l' t.it'lld!ll,' roulil time III Ml.lllloll. . "., llaser, ulin lia for .eieial jeai lille-d Ilee p"-lli"li a lalt'ii auclil nl tlie llilawne, IiIcLjujiiiii and Wi'Mtiii lallioad at Uei. plate, l.ieiitcil lil poieillon Aplll 1. Ml. Ilaii IMlncil Idgli ii"peil ni lii" iniliy pJliulii eil 1I1W I'Uel jl tlil place for hi- actuinni'idjliiiir ill-io,iiloii In In, mfiual tap'11.1. Hi' llean.i fllemN nin lllm Kiejl .niee.s In nlijiiin vml. lie tna.i 01 (he litlnii1 pui-iii1. Ml. I'r eiielen, nf Monlicw, lias I1e1.11 uppuliiliil aijenl. in tlicj jilau1 of Mr IUrci. i:.i?lrr mil liu ajiiopilauli nk-eru'd ai ilic HaptM l linn. li i'n vnielai, bitle nioiiiiHK and urtilit?. In llio muiiiins a i-indal IU-Iit ' nun will lie (mac lied and Ca-ler niule iilll be Mini;. In Un" i'lcnins i liMiulful ClM ptu Biaiiiine will In? micloccl Uj llie Sunday vliool ami chblr fiilillt-il, '"Allic CoicHMinoie." It l fxprctvcj evi'ial tlnijci. (tone tectJiitun ami WilKcu-Ilnie iiill lie piffCUl Jitd altt in llie Mnsli'tf t I'oUi Kiilce?. llie ihuuh 'illl bt d.ooiatcl villi il iuiii ami potUd pUm. ,-j JUt- For thirty years a successful career op 1'ack tt,tnt RUPPERT'S RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule in Effect March 17, 1901. Trains leave Scrnnton: 6.40 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg. Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Pitta burg and the West. 9.38 a. m., week days, for Hazleton and for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. in., wee days, (Sundays 1.58 p. m) for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, week days only. '4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury. Hazleton, Pottsville. Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. I II HIT! IIIXSOX. Gen. IIki. .1. It. V.OOI), Cm. IM,-!. Agt. Delaware and Hudson. In lTiecl Nov. '2o, lOOn.' 'Ii.ilii toi ( mliiiiidalr leaie Sci.iiiIoh nl ci.VO, 7.1.:. j...vi, in. I.: in.: V'.no, 1.20. '2.41, :l.,l;, :,.'.', ill-'. 7..17, 'Ml, II.M p. 111.; 1.1(1 a. ill. I'm- lloiic".ilalc'-i:.'2ii MM:, a. m.; 2.11 and o.'.'n 'Vm WllUmlSa '''.!'. 7.-li. S.I.!. t).:SS, 10 (.1, 11.:. a. in.; I---. -'' "'" -"' ('-10.7.4S. mil, 11, :n p. 111. r.n I.. . It. II- piint'.-i'.l '. 11.1.1a. in.; ..', t..'7 and II. " I'- "' Tor Pi in -".ill 111I11 It. II. poii,l--il Jl, US') 1. 111,: '2.I-. ami l.'27 p. m. I'm- MIijiij iml all poinis imttli -ll 2(1 1. in, ami ::..1i p. ni I'MUI 'HtAISS I'm I .nlii.11el.1le -'i.ihi, ll.:;1 a. 111.; 2.11, :!.,14, .1.17, lii.-"2 p. 111. I'm MIILiH-Haiie ''.. . II."'"' a. 111,; 1..1V, ; -j-, 11.27, s.2r p. in I'm- Alliain and l"lnl- 11011I1 2..12 p. in. Tor 1111111-11.111''."" a. ill. anil :'..1'2 p. in. I.mii-I 1 a In I" til '"inl In I'lillcd Malfi anil ('.inula. .1. II. III'IIIHCIi. II. P. V,. MiJii.v. N. V. II. W. ( l!l;", II, I'. .. V1.111I011, I'J Central Hailroad of New Jersey. St .tin):-, in Ne Veil.-Tool nt liilirit) 9liel, N. It., and innili Tern. 'iimi: taiim: in i:rn:ci' vov. 2.1, nwo. 'Iiaiio. lfaie Mianloii tm Veu- "mil, Neudii,, l'lialielli. Plill.i'li'll'liia. i:..luii. Ilellileliini, M li'nliiiui, Mamli I liinil. and Ulnle II.ii.mi at rv'n .1, 111.; espie , l.ln; I'lpic-, -'.'A j. in. n iliii, '.',M p. in i'm- PIIKIon and II..r-IIJlii'. ."" a. in,; I. PI mid .l.ln p. in Mlluli.l-. 2.11 p. in. Ten- Hiliiiui'li' ni'l tta-lilnslim and pnlnik M111II1 nnl W.M in Hi'lliliiieni. a.1.0 .1. in,; l.ln and .l..m p. in, Nind.ijii.. 2.11 p. m. I 01 l.oi.s H1.1111I1. Oee.111 limit1, oil,, at 5.S0 a 111. aid 1.10 P. ni. I'm lleaillin;. I.ilianoii and ll.illNlnni;-, clj ,, lenleiMii, S ;:' a in. and 1.10 p. 111, n'einiiav, 2.1.1 p. nn I'm- I'nllMllle. I " ". in. and I. in p. 111. 'Ilnniisli tie UeH lo all poinl ea-l, t.ouli jn iceet at Ifeiii'-I laic a' tit" .latlotl, II P. llM.lt'WV. lien. Pa. Act. ,1 ll. 01.11 VUMIX, (.'en. Nipt. Time Card n fjfet tier. 30th, 1900, SCRANTON DIVISION. ,an -c-,wi a'lrfK ', 1' M' I 7.10AI-. nri'pjo , ...lull loSAr. . tu in im " . ion 5 is " . . .10111 3 81 " .. miii tu " ...lOim I 111 " ., , w.'i) 1 111 " ... vmi i " . . USlllCe i.'iiua" fm iiii:i " (10 tllclll Jel wi il an tt'fri" !.... 00 tr.iTios's ,r;.v..W(jimi.i,T, ,, ("Riloiia Ml .lUllcnel., . . .situ I kI,i. , .1'iie.tim Talk .IVInivucxl., . .I'oyiileil?,, .. .Onon..., I'liucaiut Ml I'tilondtlu, .I'm. it (Iti. (.'llloiiillltYii " . 1 cuoitiiiiio . .niiiiu itiuifi-. Mkllldld Vcl. Mnnrlil, Aietlliliil , .Wliiton . IViLoelW . .lll)('Ulll.l... Peeti'btltt;., ILreJOi. . .1 loiioetien1 TinLl'lace ....iisi. do; . ,,,,681 IIU.III 11 ,. (j SUI 90ll II ... 8 H9.il 34 11 CD ,. .8 IU 01 II III ,, an ttiviii 01 ateieu 1,, 8 . 8 aiilDM 10 III Mi SJJIOIS n.nni r. Hsiniir 11 HI 10 ID .l IV 111 ..603 . 6 IX bciutiton i"tl 1M PM I PJi I AiMillo nl trtli iLjvt t'jrtuuJtla for llijOtld Ytict 5." ",'M V B,u"i? '" 7 Ml'in uoiidiy ooly, ulilg, Ulliilill 1 nil 701 1'tn undilX ptu. I'laillceujiltiiiltis It tie fruutou I7 (tipm Soodccr cqv I'.i.poiintulltUil.iin in crl"nifi, miitlsi t 711 ti. ni irslie Iriici MiinrlJ ut for crbsc)I till) in oill, rllTiiK tt LtrOoncltle t I.M iui. Jtates t) venti per wilt, I.onoit Kate tu itll I'olutt W(l J. c. CNotnjON, 4 . fNottiJON. Oi'U'xi'r.liol, Auw VdiVViI WIIIH, 'Ir.f. Iiqk ttwiua. r im 1 pi elt 1; " ' oj:,"i.. , ;; .;mi jiiii " 1: 3i wlf:' ', " ; n iliii,. ni to aiu ..-.J, Xi- a.