The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 06, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Gaster Vlusic in th? (hurches.
HUIIE WILL, bo h wealth of
M fine muHlcal programmes ren
fyj tiered In the church of the
city tomorrow. Choirs and
choristers have been hard at
work for weolis and tomorrow the re
sults will be apparent. From year to
year the praises of the risen Christ are
sung with greater fervor and Increased
elaboration. The programmes given
on this page Indicate the treat In
store for the church goers of Scrnnton
Elm Park M. E. Church.
Below aie given the programmes of
the Knstor services at Elm Park
church tomorrow, the musical portions
to be under the direction of Mr. J.
Alfred Pennington. In the evening the
Master service will consist almost en
tirely of music. Mr. Pennington and
I he Elm Park quartette, consisting of
Misses Thomas and Schramm and
Messrs. Woolor and Warren, will be
assisted by II. T. Huffmaster, pianist:
V. II. Widmayer, violinist, and a
chorus of girls. The programmes:
hinie o( Rolls Ka-lri' Carols,
Ml. Alfred Woolor
Oman Prelude, Alligrn In F Gulliuant
H)tnn Choir and Congregation
i'mycr litor
Anthem, "Christ, the Lord, Is Risen,"
Dudley Bud;
Elm Park Quartette,
scripture Reading.
Offertory In A Flat (Organ) Batiste
Mr. Pennington,
'lenor Solo Mr. Wooler
l'ater Sermon Ily the Pa-tor
Bai Solo, "The Resurrection," ...' Ilolden
Mr, Warren.
Iljmn Choir and Congiegation
Organ Postlucle, Coronation Match ..Bartschmld
Mr. Pennington.
Chime o( Pells, Hinging and Cliance of
Bells, Faster Caiols Mr. Wooler
Oigan Prelude, Grand Choi us Salome
Mr. Pennington.
II) mn, "Christ, the Lord la Risen,"
Choir and Congiegation
Pra.ver rty tlie Pastor
Anthem, "Christ Our Passovc"... .Dudley Ruck
Kim Tark Quartette, with Organ and Piano.
Katcr Carol, "Come Clilldren Let lis Sing."
Girls' Chorus, with Organ and Piano.
Contralto Polo, "Evermore and Kvcrnioio,"
Mi Schramm, with Organ, Piano and Violin.
Responsive Reading b) pastor and longiegation.
Tenor Solo, "Rise, Glorious Conepiernr,". Wooler
Mr. Wooler, with Piano, Organ and Violin.
Anthem. "The Choir Angelie." Ilan-cnm
Kim Park Quarette, with Oigan and Piano.
Carol, "Faster Pells" Girls' Chorus
With Organ and Piano.
11 mn, " I Know My Redeemer Lives."
Choir and Congregation
Offerings from all the People.
OITeilory (Organ) Iinpioinptu Ilollinin
Mr. Pennington.
Duo for Violin and Piano, Allegio fiom
Sonata in D Moart
Messrs. Widma.vcr ami Pennington.
Anthem, "A Hong for Ka-ter," Mien
Quartette, with Organ and Piino.
('and, "Sweetly Sing Yc Happy Childien,"
Gills' C'lioins
Sopiaiiu Solo, "Oh Light That Bleaks fnuu
Vonder Tomb," Dicsslcr
Miss Thomas, with Piano, Organ and Violin.
Address Ily (lie Pa-tot
Pass Solo, "The Lord Is Risen," Uison
Mr. Wairen, with Organ, Piano and Violin.
Anthem, "Why Seek Ye the Living Among
the Dead," Waiien
Qiuiletle, with Oigan and Piano.
( anil. "Kasttr Morning," (fills' ( hums
Oigan Postlucle, Kaster Marcl MciUcl
Mi. Pennington.
Perm Avenue Baptist Church.
This programme will be rendered
Sunday at the Penn Avenue Baptist
Oigan pi elude Andante Beethoven
Anthem "Cliiist the Lord Is Risen Tod.i)".l!iiek
Offertory Hosanna Granicr
Mrs. Prank niundagc.
Anthem "Now Is Christ Risen" Niched
Pustlude Whitncv
Oigan pielude Ruck
Anthem " "Tin Night" 'I inn bridge
OITorior) "The l.oid Is Risen" Lan-lug
Mrs. Flank Rrundagc.
Anthem "Awake Thou That Sliopcsl".,Spcnco
PuMludc March Salome
( Imir membcis Mis, L. II. Biundage, Wm. F.
Jones, A. Long. Misses Dora Haag, Louise Opper,
Clara III owning, Elizabeth Siiyilam, Lulu Itiee,
Mary Ilurham, Nettie Stone, .lenuie Rums, Emma
Fr)c, Maj me Nyman, Lilly Miller, Kate Bin
ham, Mae Hughes, Laura llighfleld, Heulali
(lines, KIM M. Moore; Messis. Jay Aircc, .1.
B. Burns, F. L. Carpentpr, L. MeKenny, Darwin
I'limming. William J. Jones, J. G. Murphy, Ren
Thomas Wm, E. Evans, .1. B. Myers Win.
Hughe!!, Hugh Williams, llobait Barnes, .1, is.
JmM, II, I). Plate. Soloist, Mrs. 1'iank Bum
riagej violinist, Mr. Frank Dovle; organist ami
director, lla)dn Evans.
St Peter's Cathedral.
At SI. Peter's cathedral tomorrow
morning at lO,:io o'clock Bauer's or
chestra of eighteen pieces will assist
the choir In the rendition of the music
which will bo sung during the celebra
tion of the pontifical high mass by Kt.
Itev, Bishop Hobau. Following is the
Finccssional March I.', Kiester
K)rie 'Ihceiiloio Lalhicbe
Oloiia ,, .....Thcodoio Lallaile
Ciedo , 'Ibtodoic Lullcilie
... '; Choir..
RcgqifctCpeli, , I'lolo r.Uia
W?JiTJ ,', Clwli,
Saiiclm ,.'. ,', A, Dlalirlll
t i . a"3"'
IJtncdRlift-.vv' ;, SihlMing
i w t Choir.
Agnus: Dti' -,,, '.' , Mo. .nt
Tr Ileum i . (ici, n.iii
'' Choir, Onliestu and Oimii,
W. It, Biadliury Jt,
W, P Schilling, ilhrctui,
All the olo pails are mug by iiiembeii of the
rhoir. The following is .i Ut of the ineiiiln ss
l.luir Kane, Belle Phllbin, B. Agues Luelle,
Margaret Murphy, Uaie O'BojIc, Mary lluike,
Anna ford,', Mrs. Thoniaa (,', Walsh; Mrs. X, .1,
l.rcuard,, LUlo S'now, Laura, Halter, Joslo Rafter,
Kitty Wah, Mary K. Keefe, Margaret Kane, Co.
Ha O'BqyJe, L Francis Mellon, Daniel Ilurkley,
John imter, Jamea la)cs, Mathcw Snow, W,
B. Bradbury, John b'toebcr, Mr, AVakcly,
Mrs. Thomas K. Walsh tings the soprano solo
in "Ittgina Cocll,"
Hoy Trinity lutheran Church,
The, v customary preparations havo
been .tmido by tho Kvangellcal luth
erau jihurch of tho Holy Trinity,
Adams avenue and Mulberry Rtreut for
tt right celebration of the joyous fes
tival qf Easter, At the chief service,
10.S0 a. in., thu hly sacrament of the
Lord's supper will be administered.
The Vesper service, 7.30 p. in., will con
tlst of tho usuul exercises by the Sun
d.iy school, assisted by the full choir.
The choir under the direction of Prof.
!. H, Protheroe has been rehearsing
for'the jinst few weeks, and will render
whit piomlKes to bo the choicest and
ujo?i tJubwute nm:;Iv'Sl prugi'mnnie
ever heard In this church. The pro
gramme for the chief service, 10.30 a.
m., will Include the following numbers:
Organ Postlmle ,.,, .....0. Arthur
Professor K. It. Protheroe.
Chora", "The Shout of Victory,"
S. 11. Campbell and Choir
dim in In Kcclsl;.
Alto eolo, "The Angcl'd Message"., I!. Ii. Ashford
Miss Vlcotrla Oreuncr.
Chorus, "Thanks Be to Clod".. J. F, Tiowbrldg
Agnus Dei.
Duct, "ChrlU Is Risen" Stalnc
Mlses Kmm.1 Yost and Lillian Rlaschke.
Xuno Dlmltls.
At the cspcr serflee, ",.' p. m., In addition
to the elaborate progiamme to be icndercd by
the Sunday school, the choir will render the
Chorus, "Our Sunning Loid" I!. S. Ioien?
Mcwo Soprano solo, "The llc.uoiily Dieam,"
ll, Trehainc
Miss llessle Sihlvc.
Clioius, "I'nto Him Who Losed l',"
.I. W. Hughes
Tenor solo, "As sleep Takes Its Flight,"
It. II. Shelley
David J, Davis.
First Presbyterian Church.
The Easter Music at the First Pres
byterian church will be tho most ela
borate and ambitious over attempted
at this edifice, and will equal, if not
surpass, anything of the kind produced
In our city. A large chorus well se
lected and thoroughly trained will ren
der two cantatas never before heard
In a Scranton church, one for the
morning and one for the evening ser
vice, both abounding with beautiful
solos, strong recitatives and thrilling,
choruses. "Easter Eve and Morn," by
Frederick Stevenson, will be the can
tata given at tho morning service.
"The Resurrection," by Charles Fon
teyn Manney, will be sung at the even
ing services with special solos by Miss
Martha Matthews and Mr. David Ste
phens and Will W. Watkins. The com
plete programme for the day will bo
as follows:
"Ka-ter Kve and Morn.
"At the Sepulchre" Quartette and ( lioius
"At the Court of Pilate.".. llass Iter il and Chorus
"At the Sepiiklue" (Meditation),
Quartette and Choius
Contialto solo, "Vet Tho I Walk,"
Mi-s Kditli Fimlir and Chin us
Sopiano solo, "Forsake Me Not,"
Miw Martha Matthews and Choius
Kasler Morn.
Insliumental, "The Procession to the Sepulclue."
R.ifS solo and trio, "Very K.nly in the Morning,"
J. T. Watkins and tiio of Women's Voices,
lenor folo, "Re Not AITrighted,"
Pivid Stephens and trio of Women's Voice-.
Has, solo. "And Then Bethlehem"..!. T. W.itklns
firand Finale, chorus, "I'nto llim 'I
Loved I's."
"the Resurreition."
Introduction, prelude and choius, "He Is
P.nt 1 "'I he Knipfy Tomb.
Iteeit. Itaiitone, "L'pon the Fust Da),"
Will W.itkms
'Irio Women's Voices, "Who Shall Roll t lie
Stone Away';"
Mivs IW.I.V, Sliichl.ind, llughis, Hiinler,
Bristly, Fowler, Watkins and .lames.
Recil. Baritone, "Hut When They Came to
the Plate."
Tenor solo, "Why Seik Ve the "Living
Among Hie Dead?" Divid Stephens
Choius "Angels, Roll the Rock Avvav."
Part 2 "Muiy Magdalene,"
Recil. Btrltoiic, "And They Went Out
Quicklv" Will Watkins
( brn us, unaccompanied, "Blessed Ale They."
(bonis, "Blessing and Honor."
Sopranos Mi.s. D. M. Brundage, Mis. Jessie
Smith, Mi-a Martha Matthews, MKs Anna strick
lind. Mis Teiesa M. llanavvay, Miss Jessie II,
Contraltos Mis. J. R. James, Mrs. (i. W. Hunt,
er, Mrs,, Mis. .1. T. Watkins, Miss Margaret
Hughes, Mi-s Kditli Fowler.
Tenors David Stephens, John II. Kv.ins, Wil
liam Davis, Beit Thayer, Thomas R. Thomas. .lames Dickson, David Jenkins, Harold
Biltin, James K. Watkins, Will W. Watkins. J.
T. Watkins, diiector. In addition to the above
cantata. Mis.-, Matthews will sing "Cmne Sec the
Place Whole Jesu-, Lay," by Homer llanetl. Da.
ld Stephens will sing "Kvery Flower That Blos
soms," by P, A. Schnetker, mid ,i new anthem,
"As II Regan to D.ivvn," b) William Reed, will
be sung bv the choius.
Second Presbyterian Church.
The following programme will be ob
served at the Second Presbyterian
church tomorrow:
Oigan Pielude, Cinnd Choius in 1' Silouie
Anthem, "See Now the Altar" Faure
Mice's Black and Caugaii, Mr. Moigan .indChoii,
Oflerloiy duel, "Our l.oid Iti-en" Loud
Mi-ses Black .Hid Caiag.iu. Postlmle ( h.iuvet
Ka-tcr pi.ii-e soivice given by the cluuili ipin
Ictte, choir, choral sneiet) of thllly voices,
.lecoiupinliil liy ouhestia and oigan. J. M,
I Mine, oigaul-t and ilncctoi; I'hailes Doci
sam and Ml-s Mabel Itenuie, assistant oigan.
isl; Sabbath -diool orche-ti.i .nuiiu nlnl by
It iiipi'i nrehi'str.i, snlnUts, Ml Bl.nk, mi.
piano; Miss tiaragan, alio; Mi, (,'Ippi I, h noi ;
Mr, Moigan, ln-o. ,nnl Ri'ph William.,
lone, Oigan Puliicle, Allcgi", Vo.ulo. Filth
Sonata i.iilliiuut
Mi-s Miliel lleniilo.
Snthiiu, "Hide llu. Ride On ill .Majest)",.l'.iuncr
Qiiaitfttr mid Choir, Oigan, Hoin Quailetle and
Telioi uii, "'Ihu Resurrection" Shelley
Mr, (ilppc'l (iolln ohllgatn It. J, Riuei,)
Aiilliem, "liloiious Is Thv Xanie" Mo.ut
I'lmli, Oigm and OnhcMta,
Soprano solo, "'Hie Ite-uiieetlon Morn".. Rodney
MUs Black.
Iiistiumcntal selection, Hoin iii.ntctte,
Messrs, Miles, Stanton, Mooie and Wjliln
Harltono solo, llosiiuu" (iranier
Ralph Willi mi..
Olfcrtory, Festival Mauli Mtiidelssohu
Orehestu and Organ.
Attn solo, "The Loid Is Kluu" Lansing
Miss tiaragan (Violin obligato 11, .1, Bauer,)
Anlhuil, "I'nfohl Ve PoitaN" (fiom Oounod's
uutorio "Redemption").
Iholr and Orehestu
Organ Posllude, "Alleluia" Dubois
Miss Mabel Ittiiuic,
Calvary Reformed Church,
At tho Calvary Iteformed church, ut
Moproe avenue and aibson street, or
which Nov. Marlon h. Flror Is pastor,
there will bo special muElo at tho 10,13
a, m. and 7 p. in. services. Tho pro
gi amnio follows:
Invocation. Confession. Psalm 10. Cieed,
II) mn, "'Ihu Lord o! I.lle Is Risen."
Siilpturo, St. Julu,N: M0,
(ilnria Patrl,
Itcception nl Membeis Into thuiili- ') ! n
of Infant; CJ) CoiilUnutiou; (:!) t: i.e.. .it u(
profession; (I) Lcllcis of Dismissal.
ll)iiiu, "All Hall the Pnwei of .lesu' Xume."
Siinion. Si . ' Ii '.old Kept His Wend."
Mlc j I'e I.I Id.lllll
lif.'i W Jj.viii! . r. '. " (ilorlouj Hour,
mo I.) 11' ,'i !i DiBjIii.
i. ,i.. a l lio I 111 j Cuniiuunlon.
HciltJlluii, "Low 'ii llu (,'irdcn They Laid Him,"
Mbel ricnijii-r
Carol, "Kastcr Bells."
Prayer. Scripture.
Carol, "Easter Chimes,'
Address by President of Christian Hndetvor,
Citwatel Welsscnllnh
Itymn, "The Day of lleunectlon."
Retltatlon. "The First Ones at the Sepulchre"
Stella Stiirdcunt, I'nmm IvVllciinin, Ruth Firor
II) mn, "Christ tho Lord Is Risen Today."
Recitation Margaret Young
Recitation, "Victory" Miss Lilian Du Hols
Holy Communion.
Offertory, "lie t.lvelh,"
Solo by MM IMItli DuBols
Announcement of Faster Offerings and of amount
of elebts paid since Jan. 1, 1WXI.
ll.Miin. Dotology and Benediction.
St. Luke's Episcopal Church.
The Easter services at St. Luke's
church will be sung by the regular
vested 'choir of twenty-five men nml
boys. J. Willis Conant, organist and
I'rni esslonal, "The Day of Resurrection". ..Martin
Anthem Anglican
Hollas Conant
'le Ileum In (i Calkin
Jubil.itc In II Parker
Inlrolt, "Love Divine" (Duet) Stalner
K.trie Somcrvllle
(llori.1 'lilil Woodward
II) inn 11-', "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today,"
oiToitory, "vvake, Tliou That Slcepcst".. Maker
Presentation .... Conant
Sanctus Somervell
Agnus Dei (quirtette) King Hall
Olorla in Kscelsis Somervell
Recessional 1111, "Come Ve Faithful" Lls-ard
Prneessional 111, "Cliiist the Ird Is Risen,"
Oloiia Conant
?.!.ignlllcat, Nunc Diriittls Roberts
ll)iiiu 114 Wirtemburg
Offertory Maker
Recessional 125 Dykes
Green Ridge Presbyterian Church.
The musical portion of tomorrow's
Easter services at the Green Rldgc
Presbyterian church, of which Bev. I.
J. Lansing, D. .. Is pastor, will bo
rendered by an augmented choir. The
programme follows:
Anthem, "Angel, Roll the Rock Away,"
.1. W, Lei man
Miss Polhiinus and Choir.
Anthi'iu. " I lie Palms" Fame
Miss Mai (In, Mrs. I ilmmi, Mr. Pilling and
Solo and Choi us, "I he Daughtcis of Zion,"
.Mi l.eod
Ml-s Mai tin and Choir,
lla-s solo, "Ihe Coining of the King". .Wilkinson
W. A. Roberts.
Anthem, "Ihe L.ght of Life" F. N. Schakley
Miss Yost, Mr, e' Mi. Winke.
KVKNINC, 7.::n.
iitlicm. "Come See the".. P. A. Siliueiker
Mks Kl-ie Powell, Miss M u tin, Mi. Roberts and
Aiitliein, "Christ the Lord Is Risen Todav,"
T. D. Williams
Solo for Tenor, "livery Flower Tint Blos
soms" I. ('. Winkc
Aiitliein, "And the Angel Said Cnto tlie
Women" II. P, D.mks
Mrs. (i. B. I'thmaii, Mr. Pilling Hnd Choii.
Sopiano solo, "A Pilgrim Penitent,"
Miss Jessie Pothimus
The choir will be assisted by tlie Bible Si hool
oiihcstra, Miss IMm Car.vl, Mis I.idi llouser,
Mi-s lima Walters, Mis. Leistet, Miss McPeake,
Julius Rodiigtic7. and a laige auillaiv choii.
IVl-onuel of the c hoil :
Sopiauns ii Kditli Martin, Mi.-. ( . .!.
Winke, Ml Ruby Y'ost, Miss Jessie I'olliaiiuis,
Mr-. A. Pilling. Miss If. Rubi-ou, -Miss l.lia
beth Parke, Hiss Clara Van Clef.
Altos-Mrs. :. II. Fthnian, Ml-s (ln.i Ni,..
inevei, Ml Minnie Peck, Miss F.lsle Powell.
Tenors W. C. Comad, .1. C. Winke, J, L.
Rowlsnn, (. F. Iliickman, (I, F. Whittenioie.
Bassos W. A. Robeits. . Pilling, C. Klik
Patrick, il. Roberts, C. S. Sn.vdei.
OrgmisY Mis Salome Beckei.
Choirniastei (!. Freel Whittemoie.
Simpson M. E. Church.
At the Simpson Methodist Episcopal
church the programme for tomoiiow
will be as follows:
Ill inn.
Anthem, "'the Loid ts Ri-en" V, . F. Mudds
Mi-.- Helen ' anil Choii.
Ofleiiiig. '
.Mule epiiiletto, "Awake 'Ihou Thai .--leepi-t,"
.Messis, Tims Abi.iiu, W. W, Jones, II. A.
Wiiglev, II. Atkci.
Scimoii )i, J, B. Mvcct
Aiitliein, ".Novc I- Chii-t Risen" I. K, lesi
Mi. Ilaii.v Acker .mil Choir.
Aiilliem, "I Know 'Hut Mv Redciiuei l.iielh,"
Mis Helen 'Ihoniis .mil (hoir,
Tuiiir solo, "I ho I. mil I. Ri-en Indeed,"
Ml, 'llioinn Abiaui.
Siiipiuie iciilim:.
Anthem, "As It Buan tn Pawn". Miles B. I'o-ler
Daily Wiigley ami Choii,
I'oius, "For Your Dear Sil.e",,.., Jack-on
Clillilien's dmii,
Anthem, "Fill the Fount with Roses,"
Ceo, Win, W.iricn,
Child-en .iml Choir,
.Male i)tiailct!c, "( hll-t Aio-e" (bv leepiivtl
It. Low I),
slminoii Male Qiiailille,
Tilei, "Cliiist Our" Mania Wilson
Misses Kva Kittle, Amu .lone,, M.ny Jones,
Authini, "Tlie Resiiueitlon" ,
N,pianos-Mis, J, , Sweet, Nils Win, Shoe
maker, Mrs. 'Ihos, Abiams, Kv.i Kittle,
Hell u llinnus Dolly Thomas, Rhod.i Clark,
Rachel Jones,
Altos Misses Anna Jones, Jessie Wilgle), Mai)
Jones, Maud Thomas, Floience Wit man!
'lenors 'lliomas Ahrani, Tlios. Thomas, James
llarlman, A, B, Jtidgwa), W, W, Jones,
Bissos II, Wrlgley, II. Aekei, W, Sullen, A.
Chase, Thos. W, Jones, W, Long, r.i Davies,
Dun tor, W, W, Jones: oigaulst, Walter Davis,
Washburn Street Church.
Tho following programme has been'
arranged for tho services tomorrow In
tho Washburn Street Presbyterian
church by C. B. Dernuin, the musical
Prdi'slo H, Men
"An It Began to Pawn",,,, .....Vlncent
Responstvo Beading.
ll)inii No. 210... .,. ,,,Palcstrinn
Scripturo Lesson.
Solo, "lhc Lord Is Ittscn" Lansing
"Ilo Is Risen"., ,.,., ,.,. Herbert
Offertory , , Mendelssohn
".Now Is Christ Risen" West
"(hrlst Our Passover" Tour
ll.Miin s, . , Smart
I'emlucliu , Mendelssohn
Preluelej Orchestra
Choral Intioit, '"'n Alleluia." Monk
luvocativu and I.'jiJ's Prayer.
Response, "Father, 0 Hear L',"..., Howe
"Itosanna, Ttle the Pealing lljtnn",.,... Tucker
Scripture Ileadlng (leader.)
"My Hong Is Love Unknown" Calkin
Rtrlpture Heading (response.)
"There la a (Ireen Hill Far Away" Webhe
Serlptuic Reading (leader.)
"Christ the Lord h Risen Today" Davldlca
Scripture Reading (responsive!)'.)
"Awake, fllad Soul, Awake" Smith
Scripture neadlng (reeponsbety.)
"Our Blest Redeemer",,. , ,D)Lc9
Creed Gloria. Patrl,
Offertory, "'Ihe Itav Is Done".... Oichclm
"The Light of Life" Schubrrt
"Alt Thou Wear)" Baker
"Christ Our Passo)cr" Silmeeker
"O Mother Dear Jerusalem" Ward
Silent Prayer.
Benedictory Sentence (leader).
Choral Benediction Woodman
Recessional, "Fcstmareh" Orchcst I a
St. Mark's Lutheran Church.
Following are the announcements for
St. 'Mark's Lutheran church, of West
On Faster morning at 0 o'clock Matin service
will bo conducted. At 10 a. in., pieparalory
srivlec, 'lhc Holy Communion will he teleluiitid
at 10.30.
At this "crvlce. will he reception of new mem
beis. The Sunday school will lelebralo Hie Fas
ter festival at the Vesper service, 7,30 . tn.
The report of tlie Lenten self-denial offerings of
the school will he given at this seivlce. A pio
giamme of leeitatlnn and song will be lendeieil.
Miss Clara Sandeis, who lias ehaige of the
mu-ir, has prepared, in addition to (he l.itli service, special Faster selections, which
will be rendered on Sunday by the church choir.
The following selections will be rendered at
the Communion service at 10.30 a. in.:
The Vcisicle.
(iioiia Patria.
Tlie K.vrle.
Gloria in Krelis.
Ihe Easter Hallelujah.
Alto solo, "Ine RcMiiicclion" Shelley
Mks Nellie Markwiek.
1 he Oflertory.
Anthem, "Hallelujah, Christ Is Risen". T. R. 'loins
Church Choir.
Sanctus Bach
Agnus Dei Crotch
Nunc Dlmllis Tallis
VKSPKR skrvici:.
hiilpture Lessons.
Faster Responsory.
"'rin First Appearance" s-elnta Johnson
Aiitliein, "Christ the Lord Is Risen Toiliv."
( hoir
"Firth's Hesiniee lion,"
(liailcs Laiou, lleiinan BkIiiiiiii. Chaiiei
"Faster K el ) hei c" Iviietn
"An Faster Prayer" Dora DeikiulUer
Duet. "Rock of Ages."
Mrs. Albert Lewis, Miss Klla Cod-h.ilL
"llu ist in (ialilee,"
lllanelip W.ifrotis, Diuell.i Michael, Lm-y Wallhci
Solo and choius, "Aftei Tince Dav-,"
Florene-c Watrous, solo; Lillian Mickietli, Bei
tha Mctz, Kmily Met?.
"For Me" Irene Kricgcr, Floicncc Dcikiuiller
II) mn .No. 13.!, "The Stnfo Is O'ci, Ihe
Battle Done" Sdioul
"sec the Morn of Joy Is Ilieakiug,"
Alfred Werkineistci
Rei itations
Willie Scaling. Willie Kieinbug, Carl
"in Hi.s Name,"
Mary Ilopp, Oueita Tiielze. Anna,
Madge W'atious. Ctai.i Cailsou, nlga Kull
beig, Kelitli Serantcs, Nellie Steinman.
"Christ Is Risen" Kditli Steinman
Solo, "'the Song of Tiiitinph," ...lo-rph Plu ips
"Hail the Ite-uiiei lion Mom."
William Micha-l. Flank llctlcs
"lhc K.i-tci Song,"
Mabel Singei, Katie Billies, I'ledi Woilile
"(luistmas, Faster Now ic Blrmled,"
William Vll-p.mgli
Il.iiiiu No. lis, "Christ Is Ri-cii, llilleliijali!"
si hool
Itcpoit of Lenten sei(-)enlal Offerings,
Collection of Offerings.
Anthem, "O! Sing I'nto the Lord" ( Imlr
Closing Ve-per serviie, Vitsicle. Nune Dnnllis,
St. Patrick's Catholic Chuich.
At the 10.30 o'clock maps In St. Pat
rick's church. West Scranton, this pro
gramme will be given:
Mill Aipniui I.iegoriaii
Kvile (St(ciclia) Coiiuod
dloiia (ioimoil
( I cilll I ieiimeid
llflertoiv Regina Ccsdo ( hcniis
sinclus Cotiiiod
Bciicelie Ills Coulioil
Agnus Del Counoil
Po-tlmle, Alleduli Ilaiuhl
Soloists Margaict Kell), l.illini McDeiiimlt,
John Conua.v, John Sihaimcvsv. B. Johti-ou.
The following .lie ui'iiiln'is of Hu choii:
sopiano- Fiance, Mi Ceo, Lillian MoPoiniott, Kelly , Anna Me Faihleu, Kiltie Rogim,
Muiy llaggeilv, L.luri Ne.ilon,
Mlos (iilibnis. Kittle Han, hate
Johii-on, !olly rfotil.tii,
Telioi. -lolui Co.iwn.v, Joliii N h.iiii.iss.v, Mr.
i.'iii. M, ii, ,..;,. I., i i.-ii.. 'it........ i i'i .. .
....... '... .'IIIMII....... . III!., .,,1,1,,. , , , .,i-
ngaii, Mailln .Ionian, Lauglillx Mi lliigh.
Bios John t'otiuoll), Frank Ciecgan, Mann
Mi Faililrn, Birt John-oii. James lleguiii. John
llii;.ini-l and liisliiii tin. Mar) Johnson.
Hampton Street M. E. Church.
The Easier progiamme thin year at
the Hampton Street Methodist ICplsco
pal church will be the most elaborate
of any In previous years. Following Is
tho programme for the day:
Voluntary , Mis, l. T, sloiii
Scriptuie lesson, O, 'I'., Job, xiv.
Anthem, "Behold 1 show You a M)slcr,,"
lliiet.,,,Mis. Stella Stone, Mbs Lima Stiihhlchlnc
I'laiiu p.ut, Miss un.i Beiiiiett,
Scrilituii' le-son, N, T,, I Cor,, w,
ll.viuu No, U.l'i, llvniD.ll , Mini-el
P'.ever P.istur
ll)liin No. 'il.'i, II Kelly
AiiiiouiiccnienOi and nfleiing.
nt'icni, 'Break Km Hi in hlngiri" Herbert
Soprano part, Mrs. ,1, Warren,
Sermon, "The Resurrected Hod)."
Anthem, "Victory Over Death" .,, Hcrhrit
Full i horns.
Voluntary , , -,,,.Mn, It. T, Siuuo
Anthem, "Angels Roll Away the Stone", .Herbert
Soprano parts. Miss Laura stubblehine
and Mrs. J, Warren.
Scripture lesson, Luke, W,
lljnin No, 227, II) nmat ,,,,,,,, ...Wore
Pra)cr ,,,, ,,.,..,. , Pastor
lljiiin No, l'j.j, lljninal , Noel
Announcements and offering.
Anthem, "Hallelujah" , Heibert
Duet Mrs. J. Wanen and Mls Luna
Stubbleblne, Bass eolo, B, T. Stone.
Soprano part, Mrs. J, Watren.
Sermon, "Tho Walk to Kmnuus."
Anthem, "O Saced Civary"
Duet, Miss Anna Bennett, Mis. Stella Stone.
Zlon Evangelical Luthenui Chuich.
At the Zlon Evangelical Lutheran
church of Mifflin avenue, Ilov. Ph. F.
Zizcliiiann, pastor, the following pro
gramme will bo rendered tomorrow;
Prcludo (Organ) Communion In (I (Op. I No.
1 Fd. Batiste
Choir, For II tin! Dead Rise Not,
Cbailcs II. (lubriel
Choir, Hallelujah ,.,.,.W, llumhii.n
Oiiertolre (Oig.u) lcjprovlsJtli.ii In O,
Jra-solin Eddy
Choir, Lift Your Cllad Voices Chas. M. Davis
I'flstliulc, Fanfare ,., ,t, l.emmens
Siiiiiiiios.MIsi Ph. Ilrelner, Mis F. .1. Wld.
maycr, Mls Maggie Zeldler.
Altos-Mrs. J. Diem, Miss Anna Rchlolletbeck.
Tenors John Rrunner, Charles Schwald,
Itassc-s John tlahn, Ficd J. Wlttmajer.
AHdn Kern, Organist and Diitclor.
Jackson Street Baptist Church.
Special Easter music will bo ren
dered at each service at the Jackson
Street Baptist church by the choir,
under the leadership of Prof Lewis
Davis, The programme:
Oigan u elude.
Congregational livmn.
Lord's prajer.
Anthem, "Our SufTeting Lord" I.oicn
Psalm 33-21.
II) nm W, "Chrlt (he l.oid Is Risen Today."
Kse .
Scripture lesson, John, .s.
Octette, "Behold There Was a (licit Kaitli.
quake" Ilelbeit
Mrs Tlios, Mnthlas, Mis. Albert Davis. Mls Kdlth
Beddoe, Misa Mattle Thomas, Will Davis liny
Williams, Fclvvaid Watkins J. S. lluirls
Pra) e i .
Solo. "Resiirieelloii loin" ..,, .Pioihetoe
Miss (IIpii'Mi.
Siinion, "Maiy .iml Her Risen l.oiel" Pasinr
ll.inni 13ft. "Welcome, Thou Victor In the
Strife," In unl'on.
Pi a) er.
f.vknim: si:rvici:.
Crnnd cone erf by (he choir.
Ri'siitrection lijmn CongicKallon
Scriptuie lesson.
Anthem, "lie Is Ri-en" (Heiheil) Choii
"Low in tlie Crave He Lay."
Jackson Street Biptist Cliinih Olee dub.
.i-sl-tcd by Mrs. Pavjs, Mrs Mithias.'MI's
K. Beddoe, Miss Mattle Thomas.
Anthem. "The hotit of v ic lor)".. II. L. Aslifonl
Ohligatn solo by Mi. Mathhis.
Arlihev, "Thy Brotber Shall Live Again". .Pa-tnr
(ilei'ciiib, "King of Kings" I, mm
sls(ed by Miss K. Beddoe.
Pi a) er.
1'nllnwtng an- (lie nionibns of the c huh :
Sopranrei Mrs. Thos Mithias, Mrs. J. llar
ils, .Misses Kdlth Beddoe, l.iigari-t l.iidwig, Jen
nie (Reason, Klhel lavvls, Peoria Jones, l.iyie
Morgan, Ida Wncsl iff. Maicmct (irlffltli..
Allos-Mis A. Davis Mi-. Ro.v Williams
Mi-es Mut ti 'Ihoiiiii-, Mar) '1, llessie-Wng-iaff,
MIIHc Tliorna-, M.i) James.
Tenors -1 bonus Kv.uis, Roy Williams, W. !
Davis Thos Malhias
Ba.-os Kd. Walkln.s. J, s Hauls J. I.lovcl,
111. Ilce-c, Ceo. Rolands D. igust.
First Baptist Church.
Easier service in the inclining. .Sub
ject. "The Risen Cliiist:"
iilh"iii, "King of Cloiv" I'.nkci
."biii'.ii; .
Anthem. "'Hie shout f Viiliii.v" Vdi'md
Aiilhim, "(lui Sutli'iing Loid" Ljiens
I la.vrr.
ntiie". "Aii-cu v. lilt (hii-l" Pen lei
Noi u ' s
"lei ii-.
Off, I till) vol Il.'l.'. 1 1
Aiithcin, "Fntn Itim Who Lined I's". ...Hughs
Scinion, subject "The ite-iiirec tie n I'nto Life."
" m Coiigugation
Beiieilii tioii
Providence Presbyterian Church.
An Easier festival concert mi Mon
thly evening next in addition to tomor
row's Easter music Indicates the ela
borateness of the lO.istcr musical fen
turcc in the providence Presbyterian
church. Hew Dr. (Julld will preach
Easter discourses tomorrow, and at the
morning hour of worship there will bo
Inptlsm of infants. The church will
be decorated for the day.
The choir will be assisted by .Mrs.
D. M. Brundage, W. a. Roberts and
Mrs. v, A. Whitman and a large num
ber of friends who have at times been
members of the choir, and havo assist
ed on special occasions. Tho music
will bo of the Inspiring and ele
vating character, thoroughly in har
mony with this festal occasion. The
programme of mucle for the services
P.flmle, nig in and lulln, "Lis Remains,"
(Aruiiged li) Rittei),
Ml-. W. C, McDonilel, ML-s Cl.iia Long
tutluui, "Why Seek Ye the l,ivingf"....nuivvii
Mi. Plioelie K. Smith ami Choii,
Olliiloi.v, oigan and violin, "Meditation,"
sopiano solo, "lie is Risen" Schneekci
Mi.s Phoebe K. Smith.
(Mnllii oliligalii by Mbs Long.)
Po.tlude oigai ..Mrs, W, C. Mi Donald
I'u bull', oigan and violin, "."-piingS Avvak-
cuing" Bacli'Sihaab
rs. McDonald, Mi-s Lung. '
l'lheni, "(hilsl Dm p.issovu" Sehllliiig
Mi-s Miiilh, Ml, John, Fnisoii Alio solos and
Full Choiu..
1'enor solo, "Ihe llisuiii'etion"
Jo-Inn John.
(Mollll eddlg.iln I iy Mi-s Long.)
Oflrittiiy, oigan .mil violin, "La Seiniil.t".Fin.t
Mis. McDonilel, Ml-, Long. solo, "Ye Bells of Kasti'i",,,.,.Dicsslcr
Miss Plioebe F. Smith.
(Violin obligate) by Miss Long.)
Anihcni. "This Is the D.i.v."
(fund Chorale in D for Full Choir
Posllude oigan Mrs. W. (', McDonald
Oigan "llalleliijah" choius (Handel) Dubois
Mrs. W. ('. McDonald,
Tenor solo, "Tlie CluUI Child" Cooinhs
Joshua John.
(Violin idjlgato b) Mi.s Long,)
Anilieni, "11 Little Town of Bethlehem". AshmaU
Mrs. Frank llorton and Chnli,
(Violin obligato by Miss Long.)
Anthem, "Cautiquo de Noel" el,uns
Miss Smith and Choir.
Organ and violin, "Cavatina" ,.,Bolm
Mis, W, C, McDonald, .Miss Clara Lung.
Bass solo, "Behold a King" Wilkinson
W, A, Roberts,
Anthem, "As 11 Began to Dihii,"
Sir Cicoige C, Mai tin
Joshua John and ( hoir,
Tenor solo, "The Lord Is Risen" Limine
Joshua John,
Anthem, "Christ Is Risen". ,,W, Illomflcld Oojlo
Hownrd Place A. M. E. Chuich,
Theio will be Interesting exercises
Sunday nt 2.30 and 7,4n ji, m. In tho
Howard Place African Methodist Epis
copal church. Following is the pro
gramme: Singing ............ , School
Oigan Prelude ,.,..,.,.. ...,,,. ...Miss Howard
Remarks .Superintendent
(ilnria. School
Recitation ,.,.,, Master Clarence Slocum
Iteiitatlon Masters Joseph and Stanley Scott
singing. "Hall Mighty Victor" ., School
Kssay, 'The; Risen Lord" Mamie Plater
Recitation Walter Plater
Anthem, "llosaniuh, Christ Is Risen."
Recitation Master Thurlow W, Brown
Solo, "Fvery Flower That Blossoms,"
JIUs Mabel Nelson.
Recitation, "Faster" Roy Smith
Faster Gemi ,,..., CIjss No. 3
Recitation, "Beautiful l)jwu ot Faster", .Gilbert,
Closing remarks ,,,,.,'ailor
7.13 P. M.
Pra) er,
Organ Prelude.
Selection .,,,,,, Choir
Responsive reading.
Solo ami chorus. , ....Klla. Ret and class
Kmiy, "The Significance of Faster,"
Mamie Plaler,
Recitation ..,,,,,.,., Master Leon A. Patterson
Fass.v, "The Risen Lord" (Mont). .Junior Smith
Soprano solo, "The sntlnlng Light,"
Mrs Sadie J, Morion.
Recitation, "The Story of Calvarv,"
Klla X. Tillman.
The Ten Commandment,
Albert Tinker at.d class N'o. A
Duel, "Sweet Hour of I'rajer,"
Misses Lee and Scott,
Missionary remarks Pastor
OITertory and benediction.
Green Ridge Baptist Church.
In the Green Illdge Baptist church
tomorrow the following programme
will be rendered:
Oigan Voluntary.
Responsive Reading.
Hytrin. "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today."
Scripture Lesson.
Anthem, "I'nto Him Who Hath Saved LV
Pr.i) er,
Solo. "Faster Motn," Mis W. A. Harvey
Sermon, "The Pure," , Pastor
II) inn, "He Lives! The Oieat Redeemer Lives."
Oignn Voluntary.
Il.vnin, "Angels Roll the Rock Away."
Silpture Reading.
Anthem, "The Shout of Victory," Asllferd
Il.vnin. "In the Ctoss of Christ I lllory."
Sermon, "Tlie Resurrection Lite,"
Aiitliein, "Blessed Be the Lord," Herbert
Benedict Ion.
Choir Leadei, Mr. Hall. Oiganist. Miss Watkins.
North. Main Avenue Baptist.
The music at the North Main Ave
nue Baptist church for Raster Sunday
will 'bo rendered In the evening by the
choir, which has been augmented for
ihe special music. The sermons of the
day will be delivered by the newlj
called pastor. Itev. Albert Smith, ot
Berwick, Pa, The following programme
will be rendered:
Organ Pielude, Allegio Couriod
.Miss Owen.
II) mn.
Heading Pastor
Soprano Solo, "Hail to the Risen King,"
.Mis- Maltha Huntsman.
Pii.v cr Pastor
( iiiiImIIii jsohi, "( hoir Celestial," 1icvcl)an
Ml-, John Slopfnid.
iiuotun cntciits
(illeitoi.e. Violin and Oigan, "Hearts and
Flower-," Tobani
Mr. stopford and Miss Owen.
Anthem, "Christ Is Risen," Owst
Seriuoii Pastor
Sopnno sgi,,. "Rcsuiiei tlou Mom," ....Rodney
Mis. It. L. Smith.
lb nediclioii
Organ Po-tludc, "C.loria," Miss Owen
Capouse Chapel.
The following Kaster programme will
be rendered at Capouse chapel Kaster
Pi elude.
Dosology .mil invocation. ! leading,
llvinn. Piajei,
ntheiu ley tlie ihoii.
Snipttirp lesson.
Announcements and oflctiug. Sulo,
Sermon, "Paul's Initiative Tiutli"....ltev. Foster
Easter in an English Cathedral.
Faster means mnie to an Kngli-h Piotelant
than to an American Protestant. Ileie in Amer
ic.i It is ono April Sunday, marked by beautiful
dotal decorations, and the elaboiate efforts of the
Lhfllr, There it a four ela.vs' season, Good Frieliy
being the most solemn of lellgious niiulvcisailc-,
F,i-ter Suiid.i) the mo-t liliimphaut festival and
Fi.stcr Monday line nf the most of the
lour national bank holidays of tho )car,
Tn spend tlu'.-e ela.vs in the cathedral town of
Wills was in itself .c heightening of inteirst.
Ileie is a town in whiili the cathedral absolutely
ilomin lies. The eelllice is so truly satisf.vlng
tint habitual i.itheihal pilgiims piouoitliee It one
of Hip most piecious an Intel luial Jewels in Kng
land, 'I hey do not seek II because a. Mint was lined line, nor a king burled line, nor I'e
cii:e nf fantastic cie.ilions of stone In its stluc
tine. Its attractiveness Is more liitrlnic. The
style is su pcrfcet as to seem devoid of sl.vle,
and the enelicllng cloi-teis and classes anil gite
u.i.vs and staiiwa.vs, the deanV lieiuse, and tho
bishop',, palace, with actual nmat and draw
bliilge, help In make It a classic in stone,
Good Friday amioiiwrs Itself as a holiday, 'Ihe
schools are closed, the shops remain open only so
long as until the woishipping people ran order
their dally supplies. Among these supplies lint.
cross Runs are conspicuous, 'lliey .ue inund,
fmlly buns of rals. dough, cut by two slashes
on tlie top, not so much for a lellgious kviubol,
I am convinced, as a simple iiiciins nf allowing
the gas to pass out In baking, unci relates! closely
in this fein leaf patterns prhkecl by a fork on
an nriliodos. apple pie. With the'e bulls there
were sold laiie Hat uiy thin .iml my
sweet, known .is Faster Cookie, which divided
Ileal popular!!) with the buns of wider leputa.
Motiiing pia.vcr was i in tlie, of
ccurse, but that was of minor inteiest tonipaicd
tn the llui'c Hour Sen ice, which began at noon
ami lommeinoratecl tlie period during which
Christ hung cm tlie tioss. This senile was
held in the np.n Lad) Chapel back of the altar,
and was intended by huiidiecls of people at n,
time. All weie at lllieily to come and go as
I hey wished, their footsteps being hushed on
the smooth, marble floois of Ihe aisles thus
causing no lutciiiiptloii nor disturbiuce,
Tho solemnity of Hie hour can never bo foi
gotlin, It was duo In tho occasion, the place
ami the leader, Rev, Ml, Chaiasse, now bishop
of ,berxol, Iheu principal of Wlclif Hall, On.
ford, .Never, in pic line or pinorani.i or story,
lias the suffering Savior been biought inoie
clearly hefoic Hie vision than He utile
that da) In us, when Ibis leverent man of God
described Gur Illiticd Loid's last hours on eailh,
Mr, Clurasse spoke on the seven utterances fiom
tho tioss;
"Father, forglvo Ihciu, for they know not what
tl.ey do."
"Verily, I say unto thee, ledjy thou shall be
willi mo in Paradise,"
"Woman, behold thy son; son, behold thy
"My God! My God! Why hast 'Ihou forsaken
"I lliirsl,"
"It is finished,"
"Father, Into Ihy hand I (onimend my spirit,"
After each biel addresj (here ai silent and
audible prajer and an appropriate I'um. Tlie
sermon did inoro than picture) Christ to tho
imagination; it brought to the heart Him who
died( on tho tree for our sins, and by whose
agony we are) redeemed. One shudders to think
"Sweet the Moment"...,.....,.. .Male quartetta
Prajer, hymn and benediction.
3 P. M.
There has been ft special musical programme
prepared for this service,
Tills service will be a young people'n service,
full of Faster thoughts. Colonel F. L. Hitch
cock will preside. Tlie paator will be present,
There will lie a service of aong.
Anthem. "The Light of the World" Choir
Solo, "Holy City" Paul Bright
Mill Palmer In nallvo Chinese dress will apeak.
Solo Miss Marquette Wilson
Green Bidge Presbyterian.
The following programme will be
rendered In the Green Ridge Presby
tcrlan Sunday school on Easter Bun
day morning by the primary depart
ment, under the training of Miss Bay
ley and Mrs. Purselh
Kong, "At Faster Time" .School
Prayer. '
Hooka nf the Bible School
Song. "Birthday" ...........School'
"Kaster" 8lx hoya
Robert Harris, William McMlllen, Robert
Shoemaker, Everltt Jacobs, Rimell 9eely,
Charlie Harris.
Violin solo Floyd Fuller
llnilUllon, "Faster" Margaret Ives
S'eeietary's repot t,
Song, "Pretty Flowers" School
"Faster Lilies" Six srlrla
Mildred Horlon. Annie Straub. Nellie
Iteieharil, Mary Kavs Margaret Comegys,
Mildred Mitchell.
Solo, selected Miss Pothemiu
Recitation, "Easter Chime".. ..France Bellamy
Song, "Good B)c" School
Dunmore Iff. E. Sunday Sohool.
The following programme will be
rendered by the Dunmore Methodist
Episcopal Sunday school tomorrow:
Organ Voluntary.
Singing- School
Rcsponsivs Reading, John 20: 1-18.
Invocation Pialor
Anthem Choir
Baptismal Service.
Recitation , Item Spencer
Recitation Margaret Tressler
Recitation Helen Sansenbaugh
Recitation Clayton Webber
Exercise Mrs. Van Houten'a Class
Singing School
Recitation Irena Burns
Recitation Sarah Tressler
Solo Helen Powell
Recitation v Kate Richards
Recitation Lillian Webber
Recitation Miss Montgomery's Class
Duet Bessie Powell, Ethel Litchman
Kxertise Misa Jackson's Clas.s
Fxercisc Harry Spencer's Class
Anthem Choir
Singing Schoo
Benedict inr.
Asbury M. E. Church.
In the Asbury Methodist Episcopal
church, Green Ridge, this programme
will bo rendered tomorrow:
MORNING, 10.30.
Pielude (Faster Maich) Albert W. Beig
Iljmn, "Rise, Glorious Coneueror, 'Rise."
Anthem, "Roll the Rock Away".. J. W. Lcaman
Alio solo, "Hail! to the Risen King", .Browne
JIis. MeCalkln.
ll)iun, "Awake, Clad Soul Awake!"
Postlmle Renelckt
Prelude (March) ....Mendelssohn
Anthem, "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today,"
v Choir.
Il.vnin, "Jesus, Thy Rlood and Righteousness."
Male ciurtettc, "Christ Arose"
Robert Lowry, P. D.
Mei-n. Johnson, T, Leonard, W. Leonard,
Duct. "He Did Not Die in Vain"
G. Colfer Tuller.
Miss Scluch and Mr. Leonard,
Anthem, "He Is Risen" G. W. Lemon
Postlude M. Bartholomew
what a mockery this seivice might be in the
hands of a Icks godly minister.
As we left the cathedral wc could begin to
realirr- Hie foilorn hopelessness and helplessness
of Christ's friend' on that first Good Frldav.
Tlie revelation of Faster Sunday seemed outside
human possibility. But the real Easter, thank
God, was not outside divine possibility. There
was a note in Gospel and Collect, not like Hie
gladness of Christmas, hut as much greater as Is
eternal life gieater than earthly life. 'I Kno.v
That My Redeemer Llvetli" and the 'Hallelujah
Chorus" never .sounded moie victorious.
The bishop of Wells pleached, and I confess
to noting Ids full, white lawn !cces confined
nt Ihe wrists with bliek ribbon, and (he peculiar
form of the bishop's chair while listening to his
evangelical deliverances. In a cathedral there
is much In the leredos and vaulted mof to at
rial t attention. Then Faster suggests its on
train of thought, Evidently the preacher anti
cipated these causes nf mental distraction and did
not attempt to compete with them.
'Ihe dean'H house, with the Tudor roses in Hio
main columns and window- facings (it was built
by Edward IV), and ita walnscotings of oak (it
was restored by Sir Christopher Wren), secured
a part of tlie cathedral unci the day. In my
Lbamber were engravings of many of the Masters
of Rugby school, Including the hainted Arnold,
who said: "It is not necessary that this should
ho a largo school, but it Is necessary that it
should bn a school of Christian gcntlsmen."
Ilm last in tills gallery was the portrait of my
host, the present dean of Wells, who preached at
evening pra)cr a rather more stimulating sermon
than we heard in the morning, After tea the
sun camn nut, It shone on the yellow primrosea
iu the garden borders, and on tho stono foses In
the walls and seemed to set all the Easter sol.
enmity into the past, as easily aa the butler
had changed an ecclesiastical dignitary into a
cordial English host by lifting the dean'a gown
and hood from or! Ids masters' shoulders, The
serious pait of Kaster was over. And Mondayl
'Ihe railroads felt the holiday tide. All regular
trains in the Unlled Kingdom were converted
Into excursion trains, and carried 'Arry and
Arriet out ol the towns Into the country,
Motheia of large families led their floclui Into
the: cathedral as they would hare done into a
merry-go-round. This was tho largest (ree thotr
In the s trinity. The dean had lent mo tha
tilfornlm, and I cllmbcsj up tho narrow
stairs and tlood looking down on the man ot
peoplo below, wondering what It all meant to
tin iu, especially to 6leepy little creatures who
must have been aroused at 3 o'clock that morn.
The dreaiiidlkc beauty of the palace gardens
va Invaded by )oiiiigsters who clambered on the
mips, climbed the trees and threw paper Into
tho shrubbery and arboia. They frightened tlie
duels In the moat and left tho cathedral pre
cincts only when there were no more vandalisms
to bo committed. The streets were full of happy
lovers bu)lng souvenirs marked "A Present from
Wells." In tho afternoon a football game gained
their attention and their shillings.
Tho nest day the town was quiet. The !
Iters bad gone back to shop or kitchen in Daih.
or Bristol, the local places ot business were open
and life had returned to its normal routine. Good
Friday and Easter seemed to have been'forgottcn.
But tho meuioiy ol the Three Hour-Service and
ol the Easter anthems remain like a benediction,
which is today an inspiration.
Elizabeth Wilson.